Lap Dance (2014) Movie Script

Sometimes when I wake up,
I just feel so high
I feel like walking on top
of a rainbow sky
Where the grass don't grow
and women know
Time flies by
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I move my hips down low
You'll notice where I go
And when the lights
are low, low, low
You're gonna pick me up
and never let me go
Brandy. Hey, girl.
Hey, girl. Where you at?
Yeah, hey. We're, uh...
we're still about
eight hours outside Houston.
Are y'all driving
straight through?
Yeah, we're going to stop,
maybe grab a bite,
clean up a bit and then,
you know, we'll see my dad,
we'll spend a night or two
and then we'll be in L.A.
by the end of the week.
Just in time for that CSI
Babe, can you put that out?
You guys find a place yet?
Sandra got us a cute
little studio.
I know.
Um, but, you know, we're still
on a really tight budget.
I have a couple thousand saved
from my student loans,
and what Kevin saved up
this past
year while I was
finishing school.
You're happy?
Yeah, we are.
And Kevin?
He's helping me with my lines.
He's the best
boyfriend ever.
Okay, yeah.
We're really excited
to see you too.
Okay. Bye, chica.
Bye, girl.
To sing a song
To sing a song
We're gonna pick me up
And never let me go
Because the day
Is long gone
And yesterday
Will never come again
There is no right...
You're killing me.
What do you think
about the script?
Is that bad?
It's wonderful.
I thought so too.
What's this?
A box...
made for rings.
Oh, my...
I wanted to ask
your dad first,
but I couldn't wait.
I can't wait to spend the rest
of my life with you.
You're gonna pick me up
and never let me go
You're gonna pick me up
and never let me go
You're gonna pick me up
And never let me go
All right, go tell them.
I'll get the luggage.
Daddy? Dad.
It's Mo and Kevin.
His car's still
in the garage.
Call Billie.
Aunt Billie?
Where's Daddy?
I should have been here
with you.
I'm sorry.
I was planning on telling you
when you got here.
And I was coping just fine
till last night.
Billie should have
called me.
This isn't her fault.
This was my decision,
and mine alone.
Well, I could have, you know,
been here with you...
What could you have done?
I would have made you
do the chemo.
Sweetheart, I taught you never
to give up on your dreams
because you feel obligated
to a man.
And that includes me.
We should have at least
discussed it.
There's nothing
they could do.
Hey, what's this?
Kevin, come here.
I'm really sorry, sir.
I wanted to wait
to ask you first.
Enough of that "sir" stuff.
From now on...
Oh, my God. Dad!
Come on.
I'm okay, honey.
Sit down. I'm okay.
Her mama
really liked you, son.
Thank you.
We can't leave.
I know.
How long do you think
they'll hold our apartment?
I mean, they have our deposit,
so, uh, you know,
maybe a month.
What about
your fellowship?
It's unpaid anyway.
You should go.
That's the perfect
I'm not leaving.
But you saved up
all last year
so you could take
that opportunity.
With you.
That's our money.
It's for our future.
I love you.
I love you, babe.
Miss Moore?
Hi, I'm Dr. Jones, your father's
attending physician.
I missed you
the other day.
Um, Dr. Cook,
the hospital administrator,
needs to see you
right away.
Is there a problem?
Well, Monica,
your father's benefits have run
out for his hospital coverage.
It would only cover
hospice care.
I... I don't understand.
This is an itemized sheet,
showing that he's exhausted
his acute care coverage
in the hospital.
But we have an excellent
hospice program here.
Of course, it could be costly
for patients
who don't have outside coverage
or assistance, you understand.
How much are we talking?
Well, it's a considerable
You know,
it depends on factors
like how long he'll be here,
which could be several months.
There's also
home hospice care.
We could have someone
take care of him at the house.
No. If my dad
is dying this way,
we are getting him the very best
care until the end.
Until the end, Kevin.
I have some money saved.
We have some
money saved.
We have to come up with...
which has to be paid at once.
And then, of course,
there's next month's billing.
It's all right there, Monica.
And I wish I could pay
half of it.
Not a fun part
of my job.
But the facts
are the facts,
so we have
to figure it out.
Okay. Uh, not a problem.
We'll have the cheque for you
in the morning.
Let's go.
You said...
It's our money. I know.
That's half
of our savings.
It's okay.
I'm selling my car.
I'm paying you back.
I promise.
Well, who's that
handsome fella?
Is that my Kevin?
Hey, Billie.
How you holding up?
It that your famous
tuna casserole?
You know it.
Well, then I'd say things
just got considerably better.
Let me bring you to Monica.
I'm going to go
check on Dad.
The tuna casserole
was terrific.
Thanks, darling.
Be there in a bit.
This is going to take
everything we have.
And then some.
We need to get him
the best treatment there is.
I don't care
what I have to do.
Don't you think
I love my brother enough
to make that happen?
You were in junior high
when your mother got sick.
I was the one there,
helping your dad
make all the hard decisions.
In his first bout
with cancer,
I was the one that was
cleaning bedpans
and helping raise you.
So don't come around here
spending money you know
you don't have,
like you're the only one
that gives a damn.
You've got Kevin
to think of too.
I mean, he has put
his entire life on hold
to stay in Tallahassee
so that you can finish school.
And he is doing it again.
For you and your father.
That is a good man.
As hard as you're fighting
for your father,
you need to protect
your relationship too.
Monica Moore?
Mwah. Oh!
You look amazing.
I hardly recognize you.
I mean, I'd ask how you are,
but obviously you're doing well.
I am.
Okay, so tell me,
what is new
with HSPDAs favourite
Ophelia, huh?
You still at FSU?
I was.
I just graduated.
Big part?
Oh, this.
My fianc, Kevin,
he... It's one of his scripts.
He's a screenwriter.
Cool. The dynamic duo
or something?
Okay, so why y'all
in Houston?
Ah, ah, ah, ah. Monica.
Stop talking.
Get back to work.
You work here?
Mani or pedi?
This ain't right.
Come on, tell me, girl.
What's going on?
Dad's sick.
Kevin and I actually thought
we were on our way to L.A.
and just passing through.
Oh, my... He's been sick
since high school, huh?
I'm so sorry.
I mean, you know,
it's a rough time for sure.
There aren't many gigs
in Houston
for a highly educated actress.
I mean, Aunt Billie
got me this job here,
but it barely scratches
the surface of Daddy's bills.
You ever thought
about dancing?
I've been working
over at Hidden Treasures
for a while now.
I could talk to my boss
for you.
Uh, I don't know that Kevin
would ever let me strip.
Why not? Y'all can make
quick money?
Take care of you
and your dad's medical bills.
I don't know.
It sounds kind of dirty,
showing my vajayjay
to a bunch of perverts.
No offence.
Your vajayjay.
It's a topless bar only, okay?
The clientele,
they're not some hood rats.
They're businessmen.
They're executives.
it pays the bills.
Takes care of my rent,
my tuition.
Fills my refrigerator.
Doesn't even include
the perks.
It's not for everyone.
Think about it.
Thank you.
See you, girl!
Girl, see what
hard work does?
Pays off well.
Hard work, good tips.
What am I thinking?
Monica Moore.
Hey, girl.
What's going on?
Change your mind?
No, I stopped by
to return the tip.
It was too much.
Come on,
it's not pity money.
Just helping
a girlfriend out.
Seriously, want to come in?
I got a bus to catch.
Come on, I'll give you
a ride home. Check it out.
I usually work nights,
but I just have to pick
something up.
You want a drink?
Okay, give me just a minute.
Two for one drinks till Friday night now.
Take it to the ground
Show me that you know how
If you're ready
Let's be out
Take you straight
to the house
Let me open up that
brown, brown...
Up on the main stage...
What's my name again?
Only a thousand
this time?
Just kidding, sweetie.
Don't forget now, I'm only
working nights next week.
Okay, you ready to go?
What's wrong?
I hate the smell
of nail polish.
Is it hard,
dancing for those strange men?
Maybe the first time.
But that's it.
I mean, after that it's,
you know...
What is wrong
with you?
My daddy's latest bill
just came in the mail yesterday.
You really make all that money
by dancing on stage?
Sort of.
Brandy booked
that CSI pilot.
I know I would
have gotten that gig.
You would have.
Sandra said Brandy
screwed the casting director.
I mean, at least if you're
going to have sex,
you might as well get something
out of it, right?
Where is this coming from?
God, I just miss performing.
I mean, at least you can
still write,
even in the midst
of all this.
Why are you being
like this?
I'm just thinking
about Daddy's bills.
Well, when I sell my script,
we're going to have
all the money we ever needed.
But we need money now.
I think I could
make money dancing.
With a dance company?
Tasha showed me around
the club that she works at.
You know...
I mean, at first
it seemed strange.
I was like,
Can this be legal?
after a few minutes, I mean,
it all seemed pretty normal.
You went to a strip club?
I saw a guy just give a chick
And Tasha said
on the night shift
that you can make
up to $700 or more a night.
I mean, I figure if I danced
every day,
I could make back our 30 grand
in less than two months,
and pay Daddy's bills,
and then maybe even
swing a few flights out to L.A.
for auditions.
Or for you to take
Just until things get settled
with Daddy.
And then we'll move out,
you know, as planned.
Drinking muddy water
And sweet, sweet wine
Why would you put it
to the test?
You're going to whip up
such a mess
What in God's green world
were you thinking?
What kind of poison
is your pretty mind drinking?
Well, anything you want
Anything you want
Is yours
All you've got to be
All you've got to be
is sure
What the fuck
is this?
Light are off.
I've been thinking
about the club.
I mean, it's not that much
different than acting.
It's just playing a role.
I went topless in two
of your student films, remember?
Besides, it's quick money.
I know this guy at work.
He sells weed on the side.
Quick legal money.
I'm about to lose
my Dad.
What would I do
if you got shot
or landed in jail?
It's not going to happen.
It's just weed.
No. Dancing is the only way
to make money fast.
And you know it.
This isn't just about Daddy.
This is about us.
If we get stuck here,
we'll never leave.
We can try it
for a week.
I promised your dad
I wouldn't let you
give up on your dreams
and while I'm making progress,
you're saving.
And besides, I always wanted
sexy lap dance from my baby.
There's got to be
some rules now.
There's no dancing at that club
if I'm not there.
What if you're at work?
We'll figure it out.
I'll be there to walk you
to and from the car,
otherwise it's just not safe.
And as soon as I've made
enough money, we're out.
Number two, there's no drinking
at that club, all right?
Stay sharp. It's just work.
Number three:
No outside parties,
- VIP.
- Ew.
You think I want some creep
to finger-bang me?
No, just...
just stage
and lap dances only.
Number four: We don't see
anybody from the club
outside the club.
And number five:
No drugs.
You are the one
that smokes weed.
I do smoke weed.
And lastly...
no turning me down
when I want some good loving.
And that last rule
starts right now.
Thank you for being
so open-minded
and wanting to try this.
And I promise
you'll get plenty
of good love-making.
I better get that.
W-W-W-W-Work it, girl
Work it, girl
Your body perfect, girl
Ooh, you a working girl
Twerk it, girl
twerk it, girl
Your body perfect, girl
Ooh, you a working girl
Work it, girl
work it, girl
Your body perfect, girl
Ooh, you a working girl
Twerk it, girl
twerk it, girl
Your body perfect, girl
Ooh, you a working girl
You want to get that?
Uh, no, no. I'm good.
We're good. Sorry.
Still no answer?
So, what? If he doesn't show
you're just not going to dance?
I promised him I wouldn't.
Hmm. Good luck with that.
What does that mean?
Girl, having your man sit
in the club while you dancing?
That's going to throw you
off your game.
Going to put you
on Matt E.'s bad list.
Cost you a high roller.
High roller?
We got a regular client,
well off.
You know,
they're a high score.
You see my girl out there
on stage, Lexus?
She is a top moneymaker.
She got Chicago, girl.
The finest man in the city.
Baby Girl,
you're up in 10.
And you'd better tip out
when you dance here.
What's her problem?
She just mad
because she can't work
that pole no more.
So, you going on?
I... I apologize.
You know,
I need 30 seconds.
Go ahead.
Uh, hey, babe.
Babe, where are you?
The meeting just started
20 minutes ago.
Did you get the job?
Um, I don't know.
He's just looking
at the storyboards.
Well, I'm on in 10 minutes.
What do you want me to do?
we've been working up for this
the past two weeks.
If I chicken out,
they'll fire me.
you know, just...
Just do it.
I'll get there when I can.
Are you sure?
Okay. I got to go.
I love you.
Okay, bye.
Monica Moore?
Sherry. My name is Sherry.
How long you been
dancing here, Sherry?
Since tonight.
That's crazy. You look exactly
like this girl
I went to junior high with.
I had a huge crush on her.
I want five songs.
They're 20 each.
That's like $100.
I know how much they are.
Wait. You can't do that.
What the fuck are you doing?
What's going on?
I want my money back.
What are you doing?
He had his hands all over me.
Can he do that?
Uh, can I just steal her away
for a second, boo-boo?
Yeah, yeah.
Thanks, baby.
What are you doing?
He had his hands
all over me.
Okay, well, Matt E. let's them
touch anything but the na-na.
Okay? So when you're
on the floor, that fine.
In the VIP...
I don't remember
you telling me that.
Well, I did tell you that.
Okay, dancing on the main stage
is okay,
but walking the floor
is hustling for lap dances?
Monica, calm down, okay?
I can't do it.
Okay, well,
you're going to have to, okay?
First time, it's the hardest.
After that it's fine.
I told you, okay? Drink this.
What is it?
It something
to make you relax.
Drink it. I promise.
Close your eyes.
I don't know.
Look and think
that he's like Brad Pitt
or something.
I'll pretend he's Kevin.
Girl, what your man
done for you lately?
Yeah, I know you like the way
I rap over break beats
Somebody come beside me
I'm grinding with a girl
And she be having
my baby
Yeah, did I forget
to mention
If you wanted to give her
All you had to do...
It's got that cut, colour,
clarity and karat
Every rich in here
is trying to inherit
In the pages to the rule book
I'm gonna tear it out
Your pussy
like my favourite jeans
I'm gonna wear it out
Big-ass titties
You all that and then some
Fat booty
You got all of that
and then some
You got all of that,
it add up to a big sum
Let's practice making
a little girl a big sun
Ooh, emphasis
on the "practice"
I'm like General Custer
with bedroom battle tactics
Eating up the pussy,
no resting for rematches
Ripping off
the surgeon general warning
On the mattress
I ain't playing
till your man game over, man
And you see-see
done-done this thang again
It's only right
that I be fit with a queen
'Cause I'm
the California king
Wanna Cali-fornicate
Put your back up, baby
Drop it to the ground,
make them squares go crazy
Girl, what your man
done for you lately?
Yeah, I know you like the way
I rap over break beats
Somebody come beside me
I'm grinding with a girl
And she be having
my baby
Did I forget to mention
If you wanted to give her
All you had to do...
You know, your body
like a snake
There's venom in your denim
Don't know how much
I can take
Before I'm standing
at attention
I see you work it, baby
The main perk, baby
You got my grown ass
drooling like the Gerber baby
Turn around with it,
show me your La Perla, baby
To the ground with it,
drive a nigga stir-crazy
Apply a little pressure
and get it right back
You got your girls,
and what you tell them
You'll be right back
Building up steam, girl
God as my witness,
what you got in them britches
Should be labelled
'Cause I ain't never seen
half the things
That you do in them jeans
Do you bang with it?
I'm gonna just lay,
you can rock with it
I'll take you to the crib,
do a whop in it
Go ahead, make them drop,
I'mma watch
And it's not that
I can't dance
It's what you ought
to lean to
That ain't a pistol
in my pants
I'm just happy to see you
How much money
did you make tonight?
About 700.
What's wrong?
Just going to...
here on the lip.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
No. No kissing.
I got all that stuff
from the club on me.
Men and smoke.
I got to shower.
Besides, I'm sore
from all that walking...
and grinding.
Yeah, sure.
Can't we just
do it in the morning?
Make sure you wash up
real good.
I don't know where
that money's been.
What's that supposed
to mean?
Look, I'm in control.
If you want me to quit,
I'll quit.
Just cruise
Let me ask you
a question.
Humour me with this.
How is it that
y'all over here
just drinking
my fine liquor
and just having a big time,
but ain't one of you
out on the floor making a dime?
How is that possible?
Matt, don't I always
tip out?
Yes, ma'am. Yes, you do.
That is... That is a good answer.
That is a good answer.
But like y'all,
I have a J-O-B too, don't I?
Just like you,
to stay on top of you
to make sure
you're doing yours.
Oh, you know I always
tip out.
I am the club.
You know that.
Say it. Say it.
All right.
All right, Lexus.
You are the club.
But the B-F-L is the eagle
shits every night.
That means you're tipping out
to me.
Ain't no joking
about that.
That's just how it is.
Tip your waitresses.
They're working hard
for you guys.
What up, Matt E.?
Chicago! My man.
Good to see you.
Roscoe! Roscoe!
Good to see you.
How are you, sir?
Listen, I got the VIP room
perfectly set up for you.
Of course, of course.
All right?
You got your friends with you.
Hi, ladies.
There goes my luxury ride.
I got the VIP all set up for you now.
Thanks, baby.
What's up?
So, uh...
when are you going to let me
taste some of that sweet stuff?
Oh, it's like that?
I got diabetes anyway.
That's why you only get a 50.
Mmm, Jade Lee,
my favourite jewel.
What's up, baby?
Mm-hmm. Say hey.
How are you?
Better now.
Mmm. Look at you.
That's what I'm talking about.
You ready?
Watch yourself
around those guys.
Tasha to the main stage.
Who's the newbie?
That's Monica.
She goes by Baby Girl.
Yeah, she's sexy as hell, too.
Get her up here.
I want to meet her.
She don't work the VIP.
Someone in VIP
wants to meet you.
He's a movie director.
Told him you wanted
to be an actress.
Babe, you can show him
your screenplays.
Oh, no. Just...
Just you.
I'll keep him company.
It's okay.
I know we said no VIP.
This could be your big break.
Whatever gets us
out of here faster.
You sure?
Meet Monica.
You need anything, boss man?
Yeah. Uh, tell Lexus
to bring me a bottle
of Dom Prignon.
You heard the man.
Sugar. Sugar to the main stage.
And after that, Baby Girl.
Sorry about that.
She's crazy.
Uh, Jade Lee told me that
you're in the movie business?
You could say I dabble
a little bit.
I'm an actress.
How come you're not
in Hollywood?
I was actually driving
to Los Angeles,
until we discovered
that my dad's cancer relapsed.
Trying to make money
to care for him.
Sorry to hear that.
You should let me
help you out with that.
That's $1,000.
Thank you.
You're Chicago?
You're a director?
Not unless you're talking
about a couple
of horror movies, boo-boo.
Give me a minute.
Wait, I just gave you $1,000.
Come on, gentlemen.
Tip your waitresses.
Chicago is trying to give me
$1,000 to dance for him.
Isn't he with Lexus?
No, everybody's dancing
with Chicago.
Come on, nobody's been offered
that much money, though.
Take it.
Are you sure?
I mean, I can't be making
any enemies.
No. Get the money.
Take it. Go.
Tasha to the main stage.
So, Monica tells me
you're a writer.
I am.
So, where were we?
you want that dance?
So this is your first time
in VIP, huh?
Anything goes up here.
Even sex.
you'll have to get Lexus
if that's what you want.
Oh, really?
You think that's what
I want?
$1,000 is a lot
of money
just for a dance.
I don't want a dance,
I just want to talk.
I think we got off
on the wrong foot.
Let me reintroduce myself
to you.
Hi, my name is Jorge.
My friends like to call me
My friends call me Mo.
You've been drinking.
I'm pretty sure you just broke
rule number one.
You broke a lot
of rules tonight.
I think we need to re-establish
some guidelines.
So how'd you like your first
night stripping in the VIP?
I didn't actually strip.
I just talked.
Something you and I
aren't doing a lot of lately.
That's all
I'm doing now.
Just talking.
You like what you do?
You look like you were eating up
all the attention up there.
It's just acting to me.
So those guys touching
your breasts and your ass,
that's just
method acting, huh?
I look like I enjoy it.
The client is happy.
They buy more dances,
and we make more money.
Tonight that's all
the client wanted, was talking.
That's all.
So, who's your new BFF?
Well, Jorge, actually.
He wasn't a director,
but I think he owns
a record label.
He gave me $3,000
to help us out.
Just for talking?
Sounds like bullshit.
Bullshit? I'm just trying
to make money for my dad and us.
Don't let the money
change you.
Decided to plummet
into a bottomless hole
Where we gonna end up,
don't nobody know
Up and down we go
Back and forth,
round and round
Take a ride on an emotional
roller coaster
Up and down we go
Back and forth,
round and round
Taking a ride on an emotional
roller coaster
On an emotional
roller coaster
Popcorn, cotton candy
Funnel cakes,
what you want?
I'll spin this, baby
I'll get it baby,
all for you
your silly prize
You won't explore
any doubt tonight
You can win it, baby
Win it for the love
of you
Win it for the love
of you
Anything you want
But that ain't good enough,
is it?
Up and down we go
Back and forth,
round and round
Take a ride on an emotional
roller coaster
Up and down we go
Back and forth,
round and round
Taking a ride on an emotional
roller coaster
On an emotional
roller coaster
- How much longer you here for?
- Uh, we're not sure.
We're waiting to find out
what happens with Monica's dad,
and then we're going
to head out to L.A.
How about you two?
Ahem, so, um,
what do you write?
I picked up some freelance
And I'm currently working
on a feature,
tentatively titled A Man's Guide
to Understanding Women.
That sounds intriguing.
I told him it's going to take
more than one movie
to understand women.
You need at least
two sequels.
Thanks for inviting us over.
You guys ever roll before?
Roll what?
You're so sweet and innocent.
Uh, never taken X before?
I don't really
do any drugs.
Um, I mean,
I've heard of it.
It's harmless, actually.
Just takes your sense of touch
to a whole nother level.
Feels like magic.
You have to try it.
It's so cool.
Oh, but I get it
if you're scared.
I'm not scared.
You want to try it?
If you want to.
Let's do it.
Okay, Lexus,
truth or dare?
I dare you...
to kiss Monica on the lips.
Which set of lips?
The mouth, you nasty whore.
Your hands glide
down my skin
You breathe out,
I breathe you in
See? That wasn't
all so bad, right?
Okay, Jade Lee.
Truth or dare?
I dare you...
to give Kevin
a VIP lap dance.
How do you feel?
Don't worry, girl.
It's just a game.
I work you
Control you
I got you
where I want you
Love until the sunrise
We're going deep
into the end
I'm calling out
your name
A shadow's dance
against her
You're holding on
to me so tight
Don't let me go
'Cause here I come
Mmm, mmm, mmm
It's just a game.
Two for one dances
on Thursday night.
Two for one dances
on Thursday night.
Come back to Hidden Treasures,
where you get two for one dances
on Thursday night.
Hope to see you then.
Don't forget to tip
your waitresses.
Tip them.
So, listen, listen.
When you get off work,
I want you to come over
to my house tonight.
You know I don't
do that.
What? Relax.
It's not even like that.
I'm having a little
get-together at my place,
and I want
all of my friends there.
Just as a party.
But I get your hat.
It looks nice on you.
Handsome cash.
You're just taking
all of my money.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where are you going, baby?
Just going to the VIP, man.
No, no, no.
This is for VIP, not BAP.
That stands
for Broke-Ass People.
You want to go upstairs,
you got to have a bottle.
Okay, how much is a bottle?
Roscoe, I don't have
500 fucking bucks, man.
I know. That's why it's for VIP,
not BAP.
Roscoe, that's my fucking
fiance, okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know. I know.
Hey, easy.
Kev, you got to go.
I ain't saying
you got to go home,
but you should go home.
For what? What do I have
to go home for?
Causing problems
in my club.
I'm not causing
any problems in your club, man.
Look, I like you,
and I tell
a lot of people that,
but I really like you,
and we talked about this before,
but dancers that bring
their boyfriends into the club,
it just doesn't mix.
It's bad for business.
What's that I always say,
It's fun visiting Disney Land,
but it sure ain't fun
working there.
Your mouth
to God's ears.
Now, look, Kevin,
in all my years
in this business,
I've seen everything.
Hell, Roscoe and I
we've done half of them.
But there's one thing,
one thing that never changes.
And that is...
it's the money
that brings the girls in,
but it's the attention
that keeps them coming back.
Now your little baby doll,
your sweet Monica,
she's upstairs right now,
and she's had a taste
of this life.
And she ain't coming back.
That's cute,
but you're wrong.
She's not like that.
Well, either you're leaving...
or she is.
It's your choice.
Last call for alcohol.
Last call.
And she didn't even have my money.
Where's Chicago, girl?
Oh, over there.
Looking good, ladies.
Hi. Good to see you.
Don't hurt nobody.
He's been waiting
for you.
Hey, beautiful.
Glad you could make it.
Of course.
Your place is fabulous.
Thank you, thank you.
Come on. Come and meet
some of my friends. Let's go.
What's up?
Oh, man. I'm good, I'm good.
Good to see you, brother.
Meet a good friend of mine.
Monica, meet Wesley Jonathan.
Wesley Jonathan,
Monica Moore.
Nice to meet you.
I own all
of your movies.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, Chicago says, uh,
great things about you.
He does?
And you know the mayor, right?
Mayor Williamson,
meet Monica.
The pleasure's all mine.
Thank you.
A friend of mine.
I am so jealous.
Give me a little bit.
A little bit.
Ooh, yeah.
And Scipio.
Rap star.
Nice to meet you.
And you know Pauly.
A good friend of mine.
Keith Robinson.
How are you?
I'm good, how are you?
I'm great. Pleasure to meet you.
Pleasure to meet you
as well.
I love your music.
Oh, well,
thank you so much.
Good to finally meet you.
Give me one second.
Hey, girl,
you look good.
So do you.
Excuse me one second.
Uh, ladies and gentlemen,
can I have your attention,
please, just for one second.
I have a special request
from the host,
the master of ceremony.
He wanted to do a special song
for the lady in his life.
It goes a little something
like this.
They say that love
is contagious
It ain't a thing
or no one that can save you
When you've been touched
it takes over, amazing
And 24/7
That person,
you're craving
Baby, that's you, yeah
Baby, all of this love
I want to give to you
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Salud, salud.
Y'all party tonight, man.
All right?
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Where the hell
you been?
It's 6:00 in the fucking
Me and the girls
got a bite to eat.
Must have lost track
of time.
I was worried.
Sorry, babe.
Next time, call.
Almost made enough money
to cover Dad's next bill.
Good night.
Hey, beautiful.
You still got those dreams
of being a Hollywood actress?
How'd you get this number?
Come on. You know I know
everybody in the city.
A good friend of mine,
a big movie producer,
is throwing a wrap party
for his latest film.
He invited me out.
I want you to come with me.
Um, where?
No, it's in Los Angeles.
I can't.
I'm at the hospital with my dad.
You sure? I mean, we could take
the red-eye out right after.
I can't.
I mean, I was going
to compensate you for your time,
but I'll just check you
when I get back in town.
No, wait.
I'll go.
Okay, cool.
Meet me at the club
in two hours.
All right, bye.
I see how
you look at her.
I know something's
going on.
Are you fucking her?
I'm watching the game.
What about me?
My music?
Answer me.
you don't ask me questions.
You answer them.
Am I fucking clear?
There's my Baby Girl.
I didn't wake you, did I?
People wonder why we don't
have photos of us together.
Where are you going,
And you need to rest.
I slept enough today.
You remember that time
I was visiting you at FSU,
and I caught you in that car
with some boy?
Dad, he's just a friend.
I've told you that
a million times.
I just needed a ride
across campus.
I know. I shouldn't take a ride
if I can walk myself.
Because if you do...
You'll owe him a favour.
And you never want
to owe anybody
for something
you can do yourself.
Take this.
A hundred bucks?
What about
my field trip money?
Look, just get something to eat
for you and your brothers,
and pay the rent
up at the motel.
I'll take care of it tomorrow,
okay, Auri?
Okay, Mom.
Hey, Mr. Roscoe
will get you a cab.
I love you.
I love you too, Mom.
What time are you coming?
Okay, I'll meet you in the
parking lot like I did before.
Okay, bye.
I think you need
to slow it down.
You and Chicago
are getting closer.
And maybe that's not
my business,
but you have a good thing
with Kevin.
It's rare. Special.
You're right.
It's not your business.
Just don't get sucked up
in the bullshit.
Chicago's just trying to
help me with my acting career.
He's never asked me for sex.
I've never even given him
a lap dance.
Yeah. So far.
So far? Sugar, I ain't you,
I'm not going to be living
in a motel with my three kids.
I got a plan.
I know what I'm doing.
Did you read my script?
I think it's time
to take a break from writing,
and focus on us making the money
we need to get out of here.
Can't do it all myself.
What, are you kidding?
What do you think I'm doing?
I'm busting my ass at Kinkos
for minimum wage.
I'm whoring myself,
begging to sell copy
for spark plugs.
And let's not forget
about the year
I fucked my life away
in Tallahassee for you.
I'll get you the rest
as soon as I can,
that way you can stop holding
all your little sacrifices
over my head.
What'd you have to do
for this kind of money?
I sucked a big,
black dick.
Watch your fucking mouth,
Watch your
fucking mouth, Monica.
I didn't do anything,
I called you all night
last night.
Why didn't you pick up?
My battery died.
It's tired, just like I am.
Yeah, tired, okay?
I'm sick of all your put-downs
and your neediness.
Your jabs.
I'm sick of it.
Your dad's bills
are almost paid up.
When's enough money enough?
Our goal is 30.
Is that okay?
Is that our goal?
Our goal?
When was the last time you talked to Kevin?
Not since that night.
You haven't
fucked him again?
I'm not trying to move in
on Monica's man.
Plus, I didn't think
you'd want me to anyway.
She wouldn't even notice.
That dirty bitch is too busy
jocking Chicago.
I mean,
what did Kevin say?
He doesn't trust her.
He said he goes through
her purse every now and then.
Besides, you and Chicago have
that off-and-on relationship.
She's just a new piece of ass,
and once he gets tired
of looking at it,
he's going to be right back
to you anyway.
So, what do you care?
I just do.
What about us?
I mean, you said we were
going to start a family
once the move.
We will.
Just let me get through
this thing with Chicago, okay?
All right.
I love the way
You put on a show
You're so electric
Do you ever feel anything?
I feel the beat
of the music.
And I think about how many 20s
I'm owed.
The look I see
on Monica's face
when she's giving a guy
a lap dance.
It's like she likes it.
She always tell me
when the guys are touching her
and kissing on her breasts,
grabbing her ass.
It's like she feels nothing.
It's like someone's
touching her elbow.
I just want some truth.
Two for one drinks here,
Friday nights
at Hidden Treasures.
Just hold on to me
if you're drowning
Now, does that feel like someone
trying to touch your elbow?
So, what else do you do?
Besides producing music,
what are your other businesses?
I work in sales
and distribution.
I got to go out of town
for a couple of weeks on Sunday.
I would like to spend some time
with you before I leave,
if that's okay?
I don't know.
Kevin and I are going through
some stuff.
Can I be frank with you?
If you were my girl, I would
never share you with strangers.
Kevin wouldn't either,
if we had a choice.
Come on.
You don't really
believe that, do you?
I mean, that's the difference
between a boy like Kevin
and a man like me.
I'll find a way to get you
out of that club.
My dad says
be careful of men
who give you something
for nothing.
I say what I mean,
and I mean what I say.
Hey, babe.
Babe, I'm tired.
Just get off.
I'm trying.
Wait, just back off.
When was the last time
you visited your dad
at the hospital?
Why are you bringing him
into this?
I'll give you some
this weekend.
I promise.
I love you.
I love you, too?
Come spend tomorrow
with me, yeah
She was so yesterday
Spend tomorrow with me, yeah
She was so yesterday
Come spend tomorrow
with me, yeah
So, what did you think?
I liked it.
You're not lying
to me, now.
You know you can tell me
the truth.
You know strippers
never tell the truth.
You ever think about
that night?
What night?
The night we took the X.
That's crossed my mind
a few times.
Well, it's crossed my mind
like nine or ten times.
Tell me something true
about you that no one knows.
My name is Julie.
And one day,
I want to have a kid.
And I'm going to name him
just like my father
that I love so much.
Matt said my take
was to be 50/50
in the VIP room last week.
No, hell, no.
No, he wouldn't say that.
Nobody would say that
to you.
So now I'm a liar?
You're calling me a liar?
There's no call
for that, Momma.
She's going to pay me
what she owes me!
Listen, you know what?
First off,
it's not your money.
Secondly, he's not your man.
You are delusional.
Oh, you calling me crazy?
I don't know.
If the shoe fits, then wear it.
So if you can't handle
what's going on in here,
I'm saying you're the one
who's leaving, not me.
You're fired.
What the hell is going on
in here?
Huh? Look here, Pearl,
I can hear you
all the way downstairs.
Roscoe, she's fired!
Who's fired?
Momma, you ain't got
to be like that.
Are you on medication?
You need to be quiet,
because you ain't no better than
nobody else, not tipping out.
I think all y'all bitches
are stealing.
Kelly, Pearl, I can't have
this confusion back here.
Now, Momma Pearl,
look here.
You ain't got authority
to fire nobody.
Okay? And at least not her.
She been here so long
she got tenure.
Forget it, Roscoe. You know
what? I'm tired of this.
You want your little
thousand dollars?
You take your
little thousand dollars.
I'm going to go out there
and strut my ass,
and make twice that amount.
All right, look,
that's enough of this bullshit.
I want all y'all
back on the floor. Now!
Oh, oh, oh.
And you best mind
your business, Baby Girl.
Up next on the main stage...
I don't like that girl,
thinking she's better than
everybody else, try to be me.
Yeah. She's trying to steal
all our money.
All up in Chicago's face, man.
Mm-hmm. I know.
I see everything that goes on
around here.
She's fucking up our
chances of getting out of here.
You want her out?
Most definitely.
I'm going to block her.
What are you going to do?
Don't even worry
about that.
Billie came by
the hospital today.
Oh, yeah?
Did you give her the money
for Daddy's new specialist?
I did.
Oh, and, um, Brandy called.
We had a really nice talk.
She wanted to know
if those were Jimmy Choo's
or Louboutins
that you wore to the wrap party
last weekend.
Uh... how...?
How did...?
What did you tell her?
What did I tell her?
That's what you're going
to ask me,
is what did I tell her?
When were you going
to tell me you went to L.A.
with one of your johns,
or were... Were you ever
going to tell me?
Is that that fucking
Chicago guy?
Kevin, lower your voice.
No, I'm not going to lower
my fucking voice.
Kevin, lower your voice.
I refuse to have
this conversation
in the middle of a diner.
You refuse a lot of things
these days.
You already refused
to read my script,
and you refused
to have sex with me.
Why don't you go and have your
boyfriend pick you up tonight.
Kevin, you know
nothing happened.
Kevin, stop.
You know nothing happened.
I swear to you.
I did it for the money.
Got a text
on the cell phone
There you at the door
Look through the peephole
Rain dripping
down your face
Unbutton your trench coat
Sweat dripping off
your chest
Seven hours to the altar
I ain't get
no invitation
You whispering in my ear
Here's your invitation
to me
Tonight, for us
Drank wine last time
Glass of wine, last time
Glass of wine,
last time
Glass of wine, last time
Glass of wine,
last time
Glass of wine, last time
Glass of wine,
glass of wine
Glass of wine, glass of wine
Glass of wine,
glass of wine
Welcome to your
bachelorette party
Oh no, oh no
Thank you
for picking me up.
Yeah, girl. Of course.
What's going on?
Kevin found out
Chicago took me to L.A.
and really blowing up
my phone.
I mean, Kevin was so pissed.
He just left me here.
Monica, don't do this
to yourself.
You know, I thought
I was in control.
I wasn't.
I thought there would be
no consequences
with all this money.
Sure was right.
Just got sucked in.
I haven't seen my dad
in over a week.
I barely look him
in the eye.
Why does it always end
so fucked up?
Here's a question.
You still love Kevin?
I never stopped.
Well, there you go.
Got your answer.
Girl, I need to find him.
We got to work this out.
Well, hello, lovebirds.
Lexus, it's not what
it looks like.
You see, Jade Lee and I
have an open relationship.
Just like you and Monica.
You see,
you got a certain thing
that I can't give Jade Lee.
Although I'm not sure
what Chicago could give Monica
that you can't,
by the looks of things.
He doesn't
give her that.
Whores only love money.
Everything else is just an act.
Where have you been?
I was worried.
Welcome to my world,
you fucking whore.
Excuse me.
Why are you going
through my things?
What are you doing?
What the fuck is this?
Those aren't mine.
Those aren't mine!
What the fuck is this?
Stupid bitch.
All the surprises
you got?
That's not mine either.
Kevin, the only time
I've ever done X
was that one time with you.
What are you doing?
What does it look like
I'm doing?
I can't believe
I was walking around guilty.
For what?
I fucked Jade Lee.
I fucked the shit
out of Jade Lee last night.
We both
got jungle fever.
I never cheated on you,
you asshole.
At least I can admit
what I did.
If you're going to have sex,
you might as well
get something out of it.
Ain't that right?
You really don't know me at all,
do you?
The woman that I loved
was a good girl.
She loved her family
and she loved herself.
You're just a cheap trick.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
What the fuck is wrong
with you?!
I'm gone.
Good. Leave.
I'll tell you right now,
Chicago's twice the man
you'll ever be.
You're never
going to do anything
with those shitty stories.
It's probably for the best.
Acting, stripping.
You were always
just an attention whore.
Monica, you're late.
I was starting to think
you quit.
What's wrong
with you?
Bitch, what the fuck?
You're planting shit in my purse
and in Kevin's head?
What the fuck are you
talking about, bitch?
Get off me!
Yeah, we'll accept
the charges.
It's Monica.
Where are you?
All right.
What happened?
Fucking bitches, man.
Fighting in the club.
Going to go get her?
Hell, no.
Let her ass sit in there
for a minute.
Let me tell you something,
The minute you go running
after a woman
is the minute you lose
all your power.
Oh, man, I know that.
Everything I do,
every move I make
is situated so I don't have
to jump when people want me to.
It's about outsmarting
the man or woman
next to you.
Making them think they got
a choice when they really don't.
My feet always hurt
at the end of the day.
Trudy, is Monica here?
She went to jail
for fighting.
She went to jail
for fighting?
Goddamn. Thank you, Trudy.
Good luck!
Thank you, Trudy.
I can't stand him.
He always orders water.
Thanks for getting me out.
No problem.
I'm sorry.
So, what are you
going to do?
About what?
Monica, I like you.
I really do.
But I can't
keep sitting around
while you chasing
some broke fool all around town.
I'm laying it
on the line here.
But you got
to make a choice.
It's either him or me.
He's gone. He left.
I got to go to L.A.
on business.
My birthday
is in three days.
Come with me.
How did we get here?
Eyes wide shut
I got my eyes
Wide shut
I got my eyes
Wide shut
I got my eyes
Wide shut
I'm totally blind
How about...
a VIP lap dance?
I'm ready.
Dreams are made of love
You sacrificed your life,
having a family of your own,
to be there
for Monica and me.
you'll never get back.
Thank you.
I'm okay.
I'm so afraid.
No. Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid.
You're not alone.
I'm right here.
I'm so tired.
I'm so goddamn tired.
You just need to rest.
Just rest.
Just close your eyes.
This little
light of mine
I'm gonna
let it shine
Let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine
Everywhere I go
I'm gonna
let it shine
I'm taking you shopping
I need to get a new phone.
I want you to start looking
for us a place out here.
I'm going to be spending
a lot more time here.
And I hate staying in hotels.
I need to stay close to my dad
for a little while longer.
What side of town
do you want to live on?
Beverly Hills
or Bel Air is fine.
And I'm going to start you out
on an allowance
of $5,000 a month.
And we got tickets
to the opera tonight.
The opera? Oh, you know what?
We should go to a Lakers game.
I spent $6,000
on three tickets to the opera.
Now I got to run out
and take care of some business,
but I'll be back at 7:00.
Please be ready.
You're leaving?
Come on, we just got here.
Look at me.
You don't ask
any questions.
You answer them.
Be ready at 7:00.
Hey. What are you
doing here?
Is Lexus here?
No. Why?
It's about Monica's dad.
I need to reach her.
I... I can't help you.
I'm sorry.
this is serious.
Do you see what she did
to my face?
Yes. I get it.
I'm sorry.
Things got so screwed up.
did I do something?
I just thought
you were here for me.
Where is Chicago?
I've been here for hours
waiting for him.
MB. MB...
My Bitches.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no.
Aunt Billie?
How's Daddy?
She is silent
Quiet and thinking about
what she thinks of everyone
Can see it in her eyes
Hoping that she will
Baby girl. Monica.
But she shuts her out
and hides
And the meadow
Never leaving...
Chicago, I'm done.
I'm going home.
I just found out
my father died
while I was here
wasting my time with you.
I know about
the other girls.
I saw your pictures
and videos.
Don't worry.
Now you have one less bitch
asking you questions.
I'm out of here.
I'll be goddamned.
I've been asleep
for so long
I can't remember
when I wasn't dreaming
Must be one of those
The angels are keeping
Sometimes I feel so sad
You really feel
that it's yours for the taking
Joseph wandered in
That winter
When I was waking
Playing the piano
In the painted sky
We were laughing
Hey said,
You've been here before
And so have I
Those same blue chords
Playing a melody
Oh, whoa, Joseph,
with your eyes of many colours
Sometimes I really feel
it will come true
Everyone will take a slice
Understand the sacrifice
For what we do
I think we need to talk.
Oh, and the baby's
not Kevin's.
My time is money,
so if you want my time...
A manicure is $60.
But the sign says...
I don't give a damn
what the sign says.
Look, I just want
to apologize.
You did what you did.
And it's over.
How'd you find me?
I ran into Tasha.
Look, I just want you to know
it wasn't me.
I don't know what you mean.
It was Lexus
who put the condoms
and the ecstasy in your purse.
I didn't even know
anything about it.
Where is she now?
She's in Vegas.
Chicago promised her
some lounge act.
But we all know
how that goes.
I just, um...
I just thought
you should know.
None of it really matters
It does matter.
You loved him once.
Girl, and I know
that he still loves you.
Have you talked to him?
No, not since that night.
You know where he is?
No. And why do you
want to know?
Because I know
where he's at.
Do you?
You know what? You're done.
Same old Monica.
And what about my other hand?
You're done.
Jade Lee,
whose baby is it?
The truth.
Don't you know strippers
never tell the truth?
Hey, were you telling
the truth
when you told Kevin
that you never feel anything
during a lap dance?
Or how about that his writing
is shitty?
Were you telling the truth
when you told him
that Chicago is twice the man
he was?
The truth is,
you still need him.
And I know he still
needs you.
You should call him.
Those lights are
Still waiting ahead for me
Kevin, hey.
It's Monica.
It's been a long time.
Um, I know you probably
hate me,
but I realized
I never told you
about your script.
The one you thought
I never read.
Well, I did.
I've been thinking about it
a lot lately.
And about you.
I guess when you're alone,
you get perspective, you know?
Well, I... I just wanted to say
I hope you're doing okay.
I'm back at the nail salon,
working part-time.
I booked a small role
in an indie film.
Go figure, they're actually
shooting decent stuff
here in Texas.
I'm still hoping
to get out to L.A.,
but I'm just taking it
a day at a time.
Well, I guess I'm rambling,
but no matter what happens,
I just want you
to have a good life.
Be happy.
I love you.
Mani or pedi?
I know you got
about three hours.
I missed you.
But I thought
you were in L.A.
I'm finally making a movie.
You're in Houston?
Just told the producers,
"Tax incentives."
It's an interesting
Raw, undiscovered talent.
I'm so sorry
about everything.
We both made mistakes.
Do you think we can
put it back together?
We never really needed it...
except each other.
Someone heard that I, uh...
sold my script.
Oh, my God.
This is your script?
That is the best news.
The best.
That's great.
I am so happy for you.
How could I forget?
'Cause she got me
in the heat of the moment
Oh-oh, oh-oh
She got me in the heat of it,
I can't lie
I'm just a little bit
Taken back
How she caught me
in the heat of the moment
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Yeah, she caught me
in the heat of it, I can't lie
I'm just a little bit
Taken back by it
The light that shines
inside you
Can be found in any
box of chocolates
Or inside of any case
of wine
But I can state my case
for hours
And pretend I hate
your flowers one more time
One more time
The light that shines
inside you
Can be found
in any box of chocolates
Or inside of any case
of wine
But I can state my case
for hours
And pretend I hate
your flowers
But the truth
is that I love
When we talk on the phone
for hours
How come, how come
I still believe in love?
After so many years
After so many tears
I've shed
Tick-tock is the clock
that talks
When I sing all night,
'cause it makes me happy
It makes my hunger
seem longer
But it makes my spirit
get stronger
So I cry for the world
that cries for me
Pray for the world
that prays for me
And I don't care
how you do your hair
As long as you love me
Just love me, love me
Love me
The light that shines
inside you
Can be found
in any box of chocolates
Or inside of any case
of wine
But I can state my case
for hours
And pretend I hate
your flowers one more time
One more time
The light that shines
inside you
Can be found in any
box of chocolates
Or inside of any case
of wine
But I can state my case
for hours
And pretend I hate
your flowers
But the truth
is that I love
When we talk on the phone
for hours
How come, how come
I still believe in love?
After so many years
After so many tears
After so many years,
after so many tears
I've shed
I can stare at the sun
But only for a moment
It looks just like
she's going
What I see in my view
Is wonderfully created
Oh, she's such a lady
All the stars are aligned
The universal chemistry
And ain't no place
I'd rather be
And ain't no place
I'd rather be
'Cause this time is different
than it was before
Ah, ah, ah
'Cause this time is different
than it was before
Ah, ah, ah
'Cause this time
is different
Hold out
Backing over, baby
Backing over, baby
Backing over, baby
You are
Every day I'm alive
I see your lady shining
Everybody's dying
And with you
I know I could move
inside the galaxies
I know you'd do
the same for me
When it's any beacon
of beautiful life
In my eyes
I'd do anything for you
But, baby,
I'd do better
Baby, I'd do better
'Cause this time is different
than it was before
Ah, ah, ah
'Cause this time is different
than it was before
Ah, ah, ah
'Cause this time
is different than before
Backing over, baby
Backing over, baby
Backing over, baby
You are