Lapualaismorsian (Girl of Finland) (1967) Movie Script

- Did you take your shoes off?
- Of course I took them off.
- I'm going to keep my socks on.
- What do you want to do that for?
- Shall I put my shirt on?
- What do you want to do that for?
- Where the hell is your pillow?
- It's the wrong way round.
Hello? Who?
Tenu here. Lulu's not at home.
No idea when she's coming.
No. Bye.
Hi. Somebody just rang for you.
- Did you remember the tea?
- Yes.
You don't usually
remember anything.
"All the sick lined up,
woken up at six o'clock."
"Unnecessary running about,
time wasted queuing, poor service."
I can't find a clean cup. Wash a cup
for me, would you? And a spoon.
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
"Countless people
in hospital beds..."
- Hi!
- Hi.
You didn't miss anything
by not going to that lecture.
Have you heard
anything from my uncle?
No. Now he's ringing.
Alatalo. Yes, just a minute.
Tenu! It's for you.
I know, it's Hessu.
Hi, how are you?
No money?
I don't have any either,
no more than two or three marks.
Hang on, I'll ask Liisa.
- Liisa, got any money you can lend?
- No.
Lulu, can you lend me some money?
"Country people queuing,
feudal rights of head doctor."
There you are.
She doesn't want to help a friend.
Could you ring a bit later?
I'll try and persuade them.
Yes... Well, all right.
Bye, try and manage.
"The Central Party conservatives
have unified their ranks"-
- "but will they succeed in preventing
the modernization of their party?"
Where from? Just a minute.
Hello? Thanks.
Quiet, please! Hey, quiet there!
Tell everyone to come out of the
backroom here. Quiet, everyone!
Now let's concentrate for a minute.
Quiet, friends.
We've finally got the manuscript
we've been waiting for all this time.
I can promise you, we've got
an interesting time ahead of us.
We've already studied this
with certain people.
Some of the roles
have already been cast.
The purpose of this meeting is-
- to study
the role of the chorus in the play.
The chorus plays an important role.
All right. Let's have the girls
on the right and the boys on the left.
Come on, let's get moving.
Let's see how the chorus divides up.
Can I have a little group of
say four people up in front?
Kaj, you play something,
and I want to hear some singing, too.
O Lord bless our sovereign
- Grant him the bounty of thy grace
- Thanks.
Over there. A real fascist.
Thanks, that'll do.
I know how this one sings.
O Lord bless the Finnish nation
- Grant it the bounty of thy grace
- That'll do.
Let's take "My father was a soldier".
- Oh!
- Powerful song.
My father was a soldier
And handsome in his youth
when only...
- Thanks, that's enough.
- I'll sing the same one.
That's enough.
- Same one, please.
- I know you and how you sing.
O Lord bless the Finnish nation
Grant it the bounty of thy grace
So that at all times
As thy chosen people
Wave, red flag, wave
Rave, red priest, rave
Rage, red spleen, rage
Wave, red flag, wave
The worst of all is not to talk
about sexual matters at all.
That's what those teachers say-
- theology students
that never finished their studies.
I reckon those are
the sort of school things-
- where Little Kalle's school
is a lot better.
Little Kalle was once asked:
"What's the capital of Finland?"
Little Kalle answered: "Capital F."
- You're kidding.
- Not me.
And then
to the summer house we went
Where Cupid sits
with his thing all bent
And then the Charleston we would
dance if we only had a chance
And then a kiss of two
darling I love you
- Give me a beer.
- Get in the queue there!
Hello, it's only me.
Hello. I'm Alpo.
I'm 21 years old.
My time has not yet come.
That was Corry...
Corinthinians 2:400.
It's so typical.
They didn't make the Wall just so
they could tell jokes about it.
There's no point in
me trying to look like him.
It's those attitudes.
You've got a big cap.
- No need to get drunk tonight.
- It's the May Day Carnival.
But you could come
to our place for the night.
Paasikivi says
that Finland is a country-
- where if you bow to the west
you show your arse to the east.
- That's Chydenius's music.
- Yes.
- You were in the play, weren't you?
- Yes.
That's a big hat you've got.
When I took my final exams,
my head got fatter.
- Then it shrank again.
- They always get fatter.
Render unto Caesar
that which is Caesar's-
- and unto Alpo
that which Alpo desires.
Look, I'm just a mess.
I've had my time. Now I want
something real, something...
You've got a nice dress,
nice lace here.
- Don't, please, don't.
- Don't go yet.
It's the last bottle. Don't take it!
What's the number I'm calling from?
Give me Pablo, Paris.
- Is Hessu coming?
- Doesn't look like it.
Is that Pablo?
Have you done any drawing lately?
You haven't?
Things going badly with you, too.
This is...
Liisa, where are my tapes?
Where's my jacket?
Hey Nipa, I'm going to the whatsit.
- Are my tapes here?
- Yes.
They left, not that I should care.
- Not you.
- Is there still someone there?
All sorts I have to put up with.
Have I done something wrong?
It wasn't the first time
I've seen you there.
I'm just bitter because
you're the only one I've let do it.
"Rich is Life" by Miss Europe
nineteen hundred and something.
Workers forward march
Sceptres, crowns
to pieces we'll break
Slavery's chains from our limbs
we will take
Terrible sometimes
our purging must be
But this we must do
to make people happy
Hey! That's why we fight
without pity for you
Still we know the workers
will one day win through
Bourgeoisie, butchers,
to hell with them all
Mercy for all the others
Hey! Our one ideal alone...
We're just practising
a song for a play.
No, I'm not going.
The weather's so bad.
- Are you going out?
- In weather like this?
- Aren't you going to march?
- No, I'm certainly not.
...a type of society
governed by industry... faith we accept this word...
Coming along nicely, 85.
- Here are the ones.
- Thanks.
Y is equal to
plus n square root of two-
- plus x squared divided by two.
The function is thus
small f and y as mentioned before.
Hey, Petteri!
The former Miss Europe
has written a new book-
- "Childhood's Environment".
With May Day we experience
the awakening of spring.
- I dropped off during the lecture.
- I nearly dropped a test tube.
- How did your May Day go?
- I was visiting relatives.
Are you coming
to the biology class tomorrow?
Of course,
they're the only lectures I attend.
Every time I wake up...
The book's called
"Bread or rockets" or something.
- Has it got anything to do with?
- Indirectly. If the seed is treated...
This result was reached-
- because it was considered
that the most burning questions-
- are biological in essence
and that biology can solve them.
to some conceited people-
- there is no such thing
as a population explosion-
- because the world population
is increasing by only 2% annually.
Then the rodent eats the seed...
Excuse me, would
the gentleman there like to continue?
- I'm sorry. Please go on, sir.
- Thank you.
In the past thousand years,
the number of people has increased-
- 20,000 times more quickly
than previously.
If a substance burns 20,000 times
more quickly than another one-
- we should certainly call it
an explosive substance.
And it wouldn't be gunpowder,
it would be a hydrogen bomb.
As a solution, the biologists
have offered two methods:
One of them is
to increase the production of food-
- and the second solution
is birth control.
In this connection,
biological research certainly offers-
- more pleasant methods
than for instance mechanics.
Still, biological means are granted
about a millionth part of the funds-
- that are devoted to the more
traditional method, that is war.
The morality of our society
is based on theses-
- according to which
birth control is immoral.
Is it morally right that the human
race should become the cancer-
- that will take our planet
back to the ancient virgin state-
- with the only difference
that in this new situation-
- no new kind of life
will be possible? Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Tenu! Let's go along the shore.
A Swedish professor says that if you
eat six pheasants in a row, you die.
Our children and grandchildren
will stand side by side on Earth-
- eating algae
off each other's shoulders-
- and making love to whoever
happens to be standing next to them.
I only hope my son happens to be
next to a really nice-Iooking woman.
I don't see
it's got to get as bad as that.
The straight line leading to
over-population will start bending.
I bet they'll think up something
before that.
They'll think up some new wars
to thin the population out a bit.
In my opinion
the pill is the easiest way.
- We go this way.
- Bye.
- Love to Lulu.
- I'll tell her.
I read in some paper about a Swiss
couple adopting an Indian kid.
It's one way the individual can help.
Yes. Still I think most people want
to have their own babies-
- even if it's only to see
what they'll look like.
Why does there have to be
all these frontiers?
Why do Indians have to be crowded
into a too small bit of land?
Why can't the Chinese and the
Japanese walk over their frontiers?
Statesmen talk about population
policy for developing countries-
- and breed like rabbits themselves-
- without ever thinking
they could adopt a child from India.
Yes, that's true I suppose.
But all the same...
Are they going to use
all those pictures in the play?
She just asked do you mean to use
all those pictures in the play.
I don't think it's so important
whether we use the pictures or not.
What is important is what relation
and contact we ourselves have-
- with this Finnish fascist movement.
These pictures
help us to find that out.
By Christ and by this hand
No one blasphemes here
Against our God and Fatherland
Our Fatherland so dear
- Next line, please.
- We cannot wait till law is sent
We cannot wait till law is sent
To bring the reds in line
The government
We cannot trust
The Lord God
Only be our sign
And the Lord's chosen leader
Together we'll bring order
to this land
And the Lord give power
to this hand
If in revenge I trust
You're sure to suffer from that too
For more revenge to come
and come it must
I revenge, you revenge,
we revenge anew
Forgiveness is wiser and better
He'll be forgiven
that learns to forgive
Forgiveness can't make
a man less clever
Learn to forgive
and you'll learn how to live
God is truly strong but man is weak.
I don't understand it at all...
Does it have to be done this way...
I can't use any old mannerisms.
But when I think of what has
happened in the past few days-
- I feel the weakness...
This is going all to hell.
Man is weak but God is strong.
All right,
I can do that any way you like.
- I feel weakness...
- Listen, Petteri.
Now if you make that caricature
so bloody strong-
- we'll be running into farce
and our reviews will suffer.
Isn't this a comedy after all?
It's not the same thing to do comedy
and make farcical types.
Let's try a song. If we can get the
song going as simply as possible-
- you'll find you can do the lines too.
Let's try it.
The earth is pressing,
pressing on the beam
The earth is pressing
Earth is pressing on the beam
And the dead one's pressed
Into the earth
Yes, now it's coming.
I thought so too. The colourless
aspect is the main thing.
All right, let's try it like that.
So it's... tomorrow then.
My uncle is a pastor
and he's a very nice man.
I see.
The way you do
that fascist priest in the play-
- is that your idea of the clergy?
No, it's my idea of the fascist priest
in this play "The Lapua Opera".
The pastors and bishops of that time
distorted the image of the church.
How do you know?
Were you living then?
clear documentary evidence about-
- how the clergy helped in acts of
violence by giving their blessing-
- and by choosing
"the God's chosen leader".
They even went so far as
giving their blessing to murder.
Have you ever thought
about the private motives-
- that the priest might have had
that made him act that way?
They don't really interest me. You
talk too much about the individual.
I'm interested in how what he did
affected the nation as a whole-
- what he achieved
by giving his blessing.
You don't seem to
think much about individual.
If we try to have an effect
on some whole, on a herd-
- it's got to be intensified.
You can't handle big masses
with feather-light stuff.
If they come
and it has a terrific effect on them-
- and they're shocked
when they see the play-
- what will they do then?
There you go talking
about individuals again.
If we can affect the general opinion,
then we should do it.
It's much better to do that
than if we don't do anything.
The motives of
the Finnish movement-
- were pure, patriotic and unselfish.
Communism was a national threat.
It threatened
the recently-achieved independence.
The Communist Party
was forbidden.
Nevertheless Communists operated
publicly, openly, communistically.
The Government could not ensure
that its decisions were carried out.
The independence of the country
was in danger.
Independent action
was an ancient tradition-
- independent action
to the point of taking up arms.
And then they made
widows and orphans.
How can you ever justify
killing other people?
Still, it must be true-
- when there's evidence
of kidnapping and murder.
Why didn't they tell me
all about that?
Who can I trust now?
- Is Kari here?
- Yes.
- Juhamatti?
- Yes.
- Karipekka?
- Here.
Anni? Heidi?
Juhapekka? Kalle?
In the water
do what you've been told.
Put your head in the water-
- and slide along flat and kick.
If conditions are ideal, a child
will learn to swim in three days.
- What will we do then?
- There are various examinations.
The public is again requested-
- not to spoil the view
by hanging clothes on the trees.
Grown-ups have wicked eyes
They spy and they frighten
Grown-ups have ugly mouths
They spit and they sneer
But children have happy eyes,
happy eyes, happy eyes
And pretty mouths with little teeth,
little teeth, little teeth
Grown-ups have hard hands
They hit and beat and whip
Grown-ups have such big feet
Feet that stamp and kick
But children have little hands,
little hands, little hands
And white slippers on their feet,
and white slippers on their feet
- Hi, you here already?
- I've got something to tell you.
Can you wait a minute? I'll just see
those children are all right there.
Let me turn you like that.
- The baby's not supposed to sit.
- Just a little bit.
Oh dear, dear.
There you go. Don't cry.
I've already started
looking for a new apartment.
I'll just go and get my things.
Then if Hessu's mother would
look after it every now and then.
Let's make our little nest here.
Our first task should perhaps be
to find a cool cove by the sea.
Mimmi splashed among the waves
but I began to tire
Mimmi's little brassiere
set my heart on fire
when are you going to tell Hessu?
- We'll see.
- Hi!
- Are the boys here yet?
- They're there somewhere.
That's enough.
- He's biassed.
- Who?
The referee.
Have you seen Petteri? He was
supposed to be coming today.
- Has he gone to the wrong beach?
- Probably to the Munkkiniemi beach.
- Hungry.
- Have you got food?
- Hessu, want some juice?
- Juice? No.
Not juice.
How about if I go and fetch
some nice seawater?
I know just the place, good clean
water from the polluted sea.
- Hi there!
- Hello.
- I missed the bus.
- We noticed.
- Anyone been swimming?
- I dived in right from the top.
It's really warm and clean water.
Look, a couple of hot numbers.
Yes, I saw them
when they were undressing.
Well, maybe one ought
to leap in once again.
- Anyone else coming?
- I've been in the water all day.
- Me neither.
- I'm going to have a go, anyway.
Here I go.
- This is Nipa and Hessu Limited.
- Incorporated.
- Friendship.
- Free intercourse.
Turn with confidence on your backs.
- I could have both of them together.
- It might be a bit tiring.
- Specially if they are demanding.
- They are nowadays.
What if one woman
had two men at the same time?
There are women
who can take seven men all at once.
And there are chaps who can
manage several women in one night.
- All at the same time.
- What a man of steel!
- Where do you find one like that?
- I can give you the address.
Don't give her mine!
If you had
seven women in one night...
- What would it be in a year?
- A lot of alimony, at least.
I see. This one is much quieter.
In India they sterilize
all the fathers after three kids.
They get
a transistor radio as a reward.
I know one case
you should give a TV.
Wife of a Finnish farmer
who was pregnant for the 26th time.
Her doctor said: "I've told you
how you can avoid getting pregnant."
The poor woman replied:
"But our pastor says that is a sin."
They should sterilize
the pastor's mouth.
How can there be such ignorant
people nowadays? Or are they lazy?
it's the work of the Holy Ghost.
Women nowadays ought to know
what they're up to.
Science has gone so far.
They've invented all sorts of
pills and coils and what have you.
Besides, you couldn't get a modern
woman pregnant even if you tried.
You bloody pig!
I'd never marry a bastard like you.
- And it's your sort become fathers!
- Don't!
This is
the landlord's old sewing machine.
I bet you can see
a long way from here on a clear day.
You see all sorts of things from here.
Once there was a big ship-
- that got burnt before it was
finished. They repaired it.
One day there was a man
dressed all in black standing there-
- as if he was waiting for something,
as if he had something bad in mind.
And girls go on the ships,
quite young ones.
Tenu must have known about it
already when there was that lecture.
The man with the yellow beard
is David Massahide.
The woman is Countess von Leueth.
It's summer.
This is winter here up in the top
corner, children and their sledges.
They love each other
so passionately-
- that butterflies flutter around them
and animals roar.
- What about that one up there?
- That one?
That's Krethen and Jacob,
exchanging hearts.
I see.
What's that one down there then?
There's a man and a woman
in the shade of a lilac bush.
- And that one in the middle?
- That's just another version.
Is that some sort of halo?
There are butterflies.
- No, those are lilacs.
- Oh, they're lilacs...
- And there up high?
- They're in the shade of the tree.
- Same couple?
- No, she's got blond hair.
Should we get going?
- Are they all Art School types?
- No, it's a school picture from 1906.
That's my grandfather,
a head taller than the rest.
Liisa's uncle doesn't like
it being there, but there it is.
I'm sorry but I have to go to bed now.
I think Nipa's gone already.
Don't think Petteri's gone yet.
Why should I?
- Are you still here?
- Just a few minutes.
- Now you're going home.
- All right, all right.
I'm serious.
I'm going to sleep.
I've got to get up early tomorrow.
- You can't come to bed!
- Just to sleep.
- Go away.
- Why can't I just be here?
Because you can't. I suppose
I can sleep in peace in my own bed.
Chasing round
all the time like a hyena.
- I'll be here quite quiet and small.
- You can't stay here!
- People are running through here.
- It's the middle of the night.
- Liisa's uncle could turn up any time.
- He's abroad.
- He might turn up any time.
- Petteri is still here.
- Try to understand, people always...
- It's quite quiet here.
Tenu is pregnant and everything.
What does Hessu think he's up to?
Despite all the big talk,
he seems to know nothing.
Why didn't he use them?
I've always got...
Get out! Don't try anything.
Why can't we? No-one's coming.
There you see.
- Do you believe me now?
- No. They've gone already.
Look, you can't stay here!
- Come on, why can't we?
- You're hopeless.
- No-one will come anymore now.
- Listen...
Now I'm getting out of here.
Why the hell should I feel ashamed?
They were in my pocket...
Why aren't you in your own bed?
I'm not staying here another minute.
Won't catch me riding bareback,
that's for certain.
Stop hissing!
Excuse me, miss.
Nipa, come here in the bathroom!
Alpo is quite impossible!
Nipa dear, I'll run you a bath.
That's just what I needed.
Bloody Nipa! Why do I always fall
in love with the wrong women?
I was much happier as a child.
Nipa dear, let me wash your back.
Nipa! Hey, Nipa.
It's time to go home.
Don't feel much like
drowning myself.
Take it in your hand.
Get up, I'll help you.
The door is this way.
What are you clowning about for?
It's not me who's clowning, it's Lulu.
Bit raw this morning.
You messed up a good start.
What do you mean? I was just
sleeping there on the balcony.
A soft female hand comes
and wakes me up tenderly-
- and tells me to get the hell
out of there. And here we are.
What are we lacking?
And what have they got too much of?
When one shouts no,
another shouts yes
How can we believe them?
Where can we get the truth?
Autumn gets it, I don't.
I've just got to go over there.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- When can you get away?
- Soon.
But I can't go anywhere because
Mummy is coming to Helsinki.
- But ring me later, will you?
- All right.
- I must get back now. Bye.
- Bye.
Mummy! What the hell's
brought her here?
- Draught.
- Bottled.
- Draught.
- Bottled.
- Draught.
- Bottled.
- Draught.
- Draught.
- Draught.
- Bottled.
- Draught.
- Draught.
- Bottled.
- Bottled.
- Draught.
- Bottled.
- I must go and phone. What?
- Nothing.
- Bottled.
- Draught.
- Draught.
- I must go and phone.
She's coming to our place.
- Draught.
- Bottled.
Give me some matches.
What kind of matches?
These aren't matches.
More foam, less kids.
That was funny, Nipa.
I forgot...
- Draught.
- Porter.
- Brandy.
- Yes, brandy.
- Bottled.
- I'll have the same.
- No, not the menu.
- Brandy.
- One more.
- Porter.
Do something
For Johanna
She's tried a hot bath
She's tried a cold bath
She's tried one after the other
She's heard it's one way
Do something
For Johanna
Look at the poor girl's tummy
Her baby's six inches long already.
You're four months late. You're late
thirty thousand times a year.
You're late again
- What's that cabaret called?
- "Women and people."
Oh, dear.
Only a certain kind of man says no.
What the hell are
these women studying for?
They just get married
and have children.
Don't you think men have anything
to do with having children?
I suppose I'm old-fashioned-
- but I believe
a woman's place is at home.
Let's just watch the show.
You're studying art history, right?
Let's hear what you think
about modern architecture.
See, you got nothing to say.
All that art history rubbish has got
nothing to do with architecture.
Can't you keep quiet?
I'd never marry a woman-
- who has some silly notions
about having a career.
No-one like that would want you.
That got her. Never mind.
Why do they keep making
such a fuss about women's rights?
It's clear that a woman should stay
home with her children.
- You're quite right there.
- What do you think?
- Are you leaving?
- Yes. Bye.
Why did you leave like that?
I couldn't stand that man.
Then you started to tell me off.
The chap was so drunk you
shouldn't have answered him at all.
I know but he kept
pushing his ugly mug into my face.
- What shall we call it?
- How about Jussi?
No, not Jussi.
There are plenty of
other good names besides Jussi.
In this country there is
unemployment, hunger, want.
We have had to become accustomed
to many high-handed methods.
But when men of darkness
destroy the freedom of speech-
- then a dagger, or rather
a Finnish knife, has been sunk-
- deep into the heart of
our civil rights.
Marxism must be destroyed
right down to its last remnant!
And it will be, even if we first
have to destroy the government.
The government should show that
we live in a constitutional state.
Do we have freedom of speech,
freedom of press?
The newspaper in question almost
outdid the reds who shared its ideals.
The only proper measure to take
- to destroy the printing press
and render the paper harmless.
- Freedom of speech is for everyone.
- Not for socialists.
The protection of the law
is for everyone.
Into the car with him!
A man like that
talking about law and rights.
Lawyer! Judge!
Got no balls. Where
did you lose your balls, mate?
A pig ate them when he was little,
as you can see and hear.
- Put him in the car!
- Send him all the way to Asia!
- Shall we take him far?
- Not this time.
This dirty bastard can take himself.
We'll make him
take the Lapua Oath-
- so he won't interfere with the
affairs of patriotic citizens again.
Men! If necessary,
he will confirm his oath with blood.
The Lapua Oath!
Through the dark woods
you hear the drumming wheels
Of the black cars
that clear away the Reds
Bold are their tasks
and bold are their ideals
Bold are the patriots
who proudly hold their heads high
Our driver's never stopped
by the weather
Nor by the fear of
any stranger's gaze
Destination unknown,
driving hell for leather
Only the task
and the order he obeys
If it should happen
that the police came
And ended the journey
before the task was done
Our driver never would
tell even his name
His tongue is silent
always as the dumb
If all goes well,
with no-one interfering
And the car reaches
the Russian frontier
No fear
of awkward witnesses appearing
No fear
the mystery ever will be clear
The black car boldly drives on
It's not sure that about man
Anything good will be said
after the bomb
If the journey goes on to the grave
Man's behaviour will earn no praise
But must it go there?
If the command is senseless
And against humanity
It cannot bind us
If we really understand
this language
Then our heritance will be the land
Not the grave
I cannot burn my military passport.
I don't have any other papers.
I can't get into a bar without it.
What was it all about,
the burning of military passports?
It may seem
a bit emotional at first sight-
- but all the same it emphasizes
the common sense...
Yes, I agree-
- that from their personal
point of view it was ethically right-
- but it didn't end any wars and
it won't stop the next one starting.
All of us have to stop and think-
- about our personal attitude
to these matters.
The passport burning was a kind of
self-realization of this reflection.
Yes, but when war breaks out,
what are they going to do then?
Then it will be too late.
This is kind of a preventive measure.
They should get women in the army,
for service jobs, for instance.
The prettiest ones
could become entertainers.
There has been plans
for a women's army here, too.
Women can be just
as cold-blooded as men.
First they give birth, then kill.
We would probably be
reserve lieutenants, Liisa.
- Tenu would be a second lieutenant.
- Let's talk about something else.
Everyone goes on about developing
countries and black children.
What about
the poor backwoods of Finland?
That's just
the wrong sort of patriotism-
- thinking that Finns should
only care about Finns.
Hessu just means that
there's no reason to go there yet-
- but of course you've got
to take a universal view.
We've got to help everyone.
Anyway, that's what both of us
think about the matter.
Forest Finn.
What's the use of all this talking
and burning passports?
Do something
so people can see how you think.
At least people talk
about these things.
Talking is
better than keeping silent.
While we're chattering away,
children are dying in Vietnam.
They become
blind or crippled or burned.
Mothers are being shot
and their children starve to death.
Why are they born at all?
Why don't you do something
for the children born today-
- instead of talking
and thinking that you'll persuade-
- people all over the world
to become pacifists?
I don't know
what to think anymore.
I've been told the world
can be changed. Let's do it then.
I feel tired. The world is such a huge
machine people can't control it.
It just goes on and on. Everything
is so complicated and mixed up.
I don't even know
what to do with my own life.
I used to sit and plan my future
for hours on end.
But I can't anymore. I'm frightened.
You said the world's so huge
that people can't affect it.
But the world is in people. That's
how the world can be affected-
- somebody else's world
you're in love with.
You don't need to think
about India or Vietnam.
You don't need
to think about that all the time.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
If the pomegranate's in bloom.
Come my love to the countryside.
In the village we'll spend our night.
In the morning
we'll see in the vineyard.
If the vine is budding.
If the buds are open yet.
If the pomegranate's in bloom.
There I will give my love to you.
Hasten my love like a gazelle.
Like a mountain deer
on a balsam hill.
There I will give you my love.
Come my love to the countryside.
In the village we'll spend our night.
The berries of love are fragrant.
And before our door fruits grow.
Costly fruits, fruits new and old.
For you my love I have saved them.
Hasten my love like a gazelle.
Like a mountain deer
on a balsam hill.
There I will give you my love.