Largo Winch 2: The Burma Conspiracy (2011) Movie Script

I've found him, Mr. Winch.
In the heart of the Burmese jungle.
In a Karen village.
Largo has been living
there for three months.
He met her,
when illegally crossing
the Thai-Burmese border.
She took him to her village,
wounded, and he never left.
Go back there.
And keep your eye on him.
What if he never came home?
Don't be absurd, Freddy.
He'll have to come
out of hiding one day.
Whether he likes it or
not, Largo is my heir.
It's been secrecy for almost 30 years,
the adopted son of Nario Winch,
is in the spotlight today following
the violent death of his father,
the heir of a multinational group with
almost 400 thousand employees worldwide.
Today, Largo Winch is one of the
most powerful men on the planet.
But does Largo Winch have what
it takes to run an empire of that size?
- All I know is we know nothing about him.
- We can only judge on his action.
Calling Cochrane back
was an excellent decision.
Dwight Cochrane is a
brilliant manager with,
a long-standing reputation
of his cool-headedness.
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Find airport.
You humiliated Nazatchov
before the press!
He'll never forgive you.
Find that son-of-a-bitch
Winch for me!
And the journalist bitch, too!
Why did you need to save her?
Would you rather I'd been killed?
"Find the airport!"
Forgive me, my Cyrillic is rusty!
I'll do it.
I don't want to die here!
I have a wife! Four children! A career!
I went to Harvard! I'm a
practicing Presbyterian!
GPS calculating route.
Turn left.
I think you're right,
Nazatchov is a bit cross.
It's your fault! You baited
Nazatchov with your questions!
I was doing my job as a journalist!
- GPS re-calculating route.
- I have a job too, missy!
I manage a group with 392,000 employees!
Nazatchov exploits and traffics!
Either we sign with
Nazatchov or we lay off...
Keep to the left.
Turn right in 600 feet.
- Holy shit!
- Hang on tight.
- Make U-turn in 300 feet.
- What are you doing?
Make U-turn when possible.
Your jet is surrounded by police.
Forget the airport.
Nazatchov will never let us leave alive.
He runs the entire country!
- And that's alright with you?
- Shut up, would you!
I know a mercenary, he'll save us.
Lazarevic. An expert
in crisis situations.
Very costly but highly efficient...
- Hey!
- Let me do my job!
I'm the one paying for your job.
You do what I say.
Customer's always right.
You Bosnians are too sentimental!
Beware of clichs, they
sometimes end in massacres!
Today, this young man who's appeared from
out of nowhere wield considerable power.
But how will he use it, only he...
can say for sure.
- Hello.
- Good day, sir.
- I'm here for Mr. Jung.
- He's waiting for you.
Tell him to come in.
Thank you for receiving me.
At last I meet you.
- Mr. Jung, it's time for your shot.
- Later.
Later, I said.
She's always on my back.
You'd think she was in love! Come here.
Look at this. This photo was taken here.
Handsome, weren't we?
You were my father's only friend...
His oldest, there's no doubt.
This photo dates back to October 1947.
He was fresh from
Yugoslavia with his mother.
They lived here, in the attic rooms.
Your grandmother worked for
my parents until she died.
My grandmother?
Nerio's mother.
Your grandmother, Largo!
I was one of the only people
who knew of your existence.
Nerio often complained to
me about you running away.
About your lack of
gratitude towards him...
It's true,
father and son relations are complex.
Nerio didn't want a
son. He wanted an heir.
He left me no choice.
But the fortune he left
me... I'll use it my way.
I read your letter.
Your project is fabulous.
As former Red Cross President,
- I can only encourage you, but...
- But?
The men who run this world all
have humanitarian foundations.
That's nothing new.
The rich give to the poor,
but only a little.
Very little.
Putting your entire fortune at
the service of humanitarian causes,
- will upset the established order.
- Good.
And you will create many
enemies. Very many enemies.
And very powerful ones.
"A man with no enemies
is no man at all. "
Bosnian proverb.
Don't make light of my words.
Mr. Jung?
The needle... The needle!
I'm happy to have met you.
You'll be all right.
My wife died of cancer ten years ago.
My only son died in an accident
when he'd just turned thirty.
No one needs me anymore.
I need you.
- I'm waiting outside.
- Just give me two seconds. Come in.
- See you later, Steve.
- Brian.
Don't start.
Hong Kong was without a doubt
the place to be today.
Largo Winch had a big surprise
for journalists at this press conference.
I have decided to sell the W Group.
The money from this sell will be entirely
re-invested in a Nario Winch Foundation.
It will be dedicated to
humanitarian projects,
- scientific research...
- He's sexy.
...and any good ideas we could come up.
- I think he's gonna be a tough one.
So... if you've got any ideas,
we're listening.
The financial world has been rocked!
Nario Winch's heir will...
...the Nario Winch Foundation now has
a president, the esteemed Alexander Jung,
former president of the International
Committee of the Red Cross.
He shows a frankly youthful enthusiasm
when he speaks of the
foundation and its project...
You've given me a reason to live.
The captain informs us that
we've left territorial waters.
Thank you, Gauthier.
I'll open the champagne, sir!
For the occasion, I've chilled
a bottle of Grand Sicle 1981,
which was given to your father
by Mikhail Gorbachev at the
opening of the Minsk paper factory.
Of course, in this overcast weather,
Ros Champagne might be more appropriate.
- I have a Laurent Perrier 2003...
- Gauthier! Anything you want.
Very well, sir.
Shall we?
Have a seat.
No regrets, Largo?
This agreement is irrevocable.
Your access to W Group accounts
will be frozen as soon as you sign.
Prior to the final sale,
you'll be a poor man again.
It's a classic contract.
Kromberg Partners guarantees
you a buyer within two months.
Moreover, the sales price is indexed
on your stock value,
on the day of the sale.
If the sale took place today,
that would come to approximately
That's all?
Should your value rise,
- you could hope for a bit more...
- I jest, Mr. Beaumont.
Please initial the pages and sign.
Why are we signing the contract at sea?
It allows us to sign the agreement
as if we were in the Swiss
offices of Kromberg Partners.
With full Swiss tax advantages.
And a signature...
Hong Kong Marine Police,
stop immediately!
I repeat, Hong Kong Marine Police,
stop immediately!
Back off!
- This is an act of piracy.
- Return to your craft.
We're going to carry out
a search of the boat.
You're in international waters.
We have all the required authorizations.
- Go!
- Who're these people?
- Who are you?
- We're with the International Criminal Court.
Deputy Prosecutor Francken
wishes to question you Mr. Winch.
She could've called my
office for an appointment.
Knowing her, she's in
your office right now.
If you're looking for an eraser,
it's in the upper left hand drawer.
A sense of humor on top of it.
Only when someone searches my office.
Pandora, that name means
anything to you?
A Greek goddess. If my memory's right
she possessed the box
which contained all the evils of mankind.
I have another version,
more contemporary.
It's about a secret bank account
used to
pay off a corrupt Burmese general.
I like my version better.
Mine's not a legend, unfortunately.
In southern Burma, a small minority has
been oppressed for years by military junta.
The Karen People.
Three years ago, General Kyaw Min
and his men destroyed
the village of Kay Pu.
The villagers were massacred,
raped and deported.
Few lucky ones fled into the jungle.
The general led the operation personally.
The village was located on a
nickel deposit, which is
why a multinational corporation pays
millions of dollars to General Kyaw Min
to clear the village of its inhabitants.
The money for this operation...
came from the Pandora account,
which I suspect your father
Nario Winch of owning.
My father was no saint,
but he wasn't a bastard.
You were in Burma.
How long did you spend there?
- Five months.
- That's right. You left three years ago,
right after the Kay Pu massacre.
I suspect you of going there
on your father's order.
I also suspect you of being an
accomplice of this massacre.
The last contact I had with my father
was more than three years before he died.
- Someone has informed you.
- And your being there was a mere coincidence.
The very day I announce the
creation of my foundation
a prosecutor shows up and accuses
me of crimes against humanity.
- Do you think that's a coincidence?
- A conspiracy theory?
I'm coming.
So that's a door that you have no key.
Is that correct?
Open this door, Mr. Winch.
It's Freddy Kaplan's
cabin. Only he has the key.
- I told him.
- Must I break in?
Do what you want, only do it fast.
Oh my God!
Death by strangulation. It
occurred at least 12 hours ago.
No wonder you wouldn't open the door.
Are you accusing me of murder as well?
Calm down, Mr. Winch!
Inform the Hong Kong Police.
I hated Freddy for many years.
Whenever I ran away, he'd find me.
- Every time.
- He was watching over you.
He was spying on me.
Freddy knew exactly what
I was doing in Burma.
He knew I'd no contact with
Nerio. He'd have cleared my name.
Do you think that's why he was killed?
Many very powerful enemies...
You were so right.
I only wish I could help you.
Was Nerio capable of
doing something like that?
That massacre?
No. Of course not.
He was my friend. I want
to believe he wasn't.
Kay Pu is 30 miles to the north.
They said there is nothing left
after we left.
The resistance fighters brought
them here.
Kadjang is from here.
We grew up together.
Largo is my friend.
Come on, I'll introduce
you to my comrades.
Ko Sin, Som Sak, this is Maluna.
Come on!
Thank you, thank you!
You are an angel.
You're welcome.
I picked them up on the road.
Was only a small potato for me.
Hot around here.
Isn't it?
Could I have something to drink
before I hit the road?
Oh, thank you!
This is a Burmese Army pass
signed by General Kyaw Min.
What the hell are you doing here?
- I just bring them... these people.
- Ay, what is your business here?
- Do you know General Kyaw Min?
- I got nothing to do with all that.
I'm just a driver.
Some guy hired me to drive him
around the region for a week.
He's the one who know the general.
- I didn't do anything. It's true!
- Shit!
Stop it! Stop it!
You stay out of this!
You want to help him, do you?
You stand out for him
'cos you are just like him.
He has a chance of making it.
But he will never forget.
No one will ever forget.
You can't stay here.
You want me to leave?
What about you?
I'm going to join the resistance.
I want to fight.
Kadjang will be proud of you.
Go away, Largo.
You have to leave.
- Says who?
- Me.
I'm telling you this because I don't...
Then come with me...
if you love me.
I don't love you, Largo.
I don't anything about you.
I don't know who you are,
where you come from.
I don't know what you're running from,
but I don't want to run with you.
I know who I am,
and I know I belong here.
I don't want to see you anymore.
Get out of my home!
You're god of a liar.
Did AAA send you?
Let's just say "yes".
They sure are on the ball.
We have to get going.
My name's Simon.
Simon Ovronnaz.
So one day, I come home from work
and Eleanor says: "I got a job
at the French School of Bangkok. "
For me, Asia meant
Chinese take-out joints.
But it didn't take me
long, I decided to come.
She took the post and I found a job too.
'Cause, you know, I'm
totally lost without Eleanor!
Shit, I can't see a thing.
She might not be a
babe, but she's sweet.
We've been together since
we were twelve years old.
She's my mother's
best friend's daughter.
We're supposed to get married next year!
She's got everything all planned...
I'm sorry, sir. I just can't get off
of this assassination.
Freddy'd been working
for your father for years.
Miss Pennywinckle,
did my father ever mention a certain
Pandora account to you?
Not as I recall.
- But I can check my files.
- Yes, please.
Sir, I have nothing about that name.
Thank you.
Three years ago, these massacres
took place in eastern Burma,
some 20 miles from the Thai border.
The Karen people living in this area
had been oppressed
for years by the military junta in Burma.
It is important to know
that this region's south shore
- is particularly rich in various nickels...
- I've just spoken to the judge
- in charge of Freddy's case.
- Any chances?
This investigation is not
going to be an easy one.
Ever, the economic sanctions
imposed by the UN
limit commercial dealings with Burma.
Do we have operations
in this country, yes or no?
We have no holdings in Burma.
Any projects?
Difficult to say, in any case
none to have been denied.
There is no Pandora account.
The accusation is based on nothing at all.
Absolutely ridiculous.
What? Thank you.
Dan Khongpipat is on
the line from Bangkok.
Dan is in charge of the
group's interests in the region.
- Hello, everyone.
- What news do you have there?
According to my information,
Prosecutor Francken wants to organize
a face-to-face meeting with Mr. Winch
and an eyewitness in Thailand.
Looks like our little prosecutor
has a hidden trump card.
- Did you hear anything about this, John?
- Let me see.
- Who's the witness?
- No idea.
Upon Francken's request,
an elite Thai police unit
is keeping watch on the witness
day and night in a secret place.
We've received the summons to meet
tomorrow at the United Nations
headquarters in Bangkok.
- You are not going to comply, are you?
- Why not?
Well as your lawyer, I strongly
advise you against it.
I want to know who this witness is.
Thai authorities are behind Francken.
In Bangkok, you'll be at her mercy.
Largo, let your lawyers do their job,
What do we have on the prosecutor?
Well, when she started up at the finance team
in the Public Prosecutor's Office in...
Florida, she landed a number
of CEOs in jail.
Half that was a flash of lightning.
Her enemies say she has personal
scores to settle
because she comes from a
wealthy East Coast industrial family.
What... what would work about her?
Hello. What is your password, please?
Thank you.
What type of transaction
do you wish to make?
I'd like to know my balance.
One moment, please.
The credit balance of your
account is 65,824,127 dollars.
Miss Pen... Miss Pennywinckle,
do stop crying, and please book
two tickets for me to Bangkok.
What about your private jet?
No one but you must know
about this trip.
And... and the second ticket
is for who?
I'm not sure I'm the proper
person for your mission.
I suffer horribly from motion sickness.
I must take these in order
to survive on your yacht, sir.
Quinoa mixed with dried
cassava and bamboo shoots.
It's miraculous.
It acts upon the neuron-transmitters
that regulate nausea.
A dear friend in Peru whom I met
when I was with the
MacMullans sends it to me...
This is Dwight Cochrane, please leave
your message after the beep.
I just saw your pal
Lazarevic in Bangkok.
I know he's efficient,
but I need no protection.
You can call off your watchdog.
It certainly is hot! Humid too, no?
Welcome to Bangkok.
Customs informed us of your arrival.
I'm counting on you, Gauthier.
Of course, sir.
It's a pleasure to see you again,
Mr. Winch.
The witness is on the way.
You're not very talkative today.
You haven't asked me anything.
Don't worry, I will.
Good afternoon, Miss Ang,
please take a seat.
Kay Pu case, fact-finding meeting between
Miss Maluna Ang and Mr. Largo Winch.
Miss Ang, do you know this man?
Would you explain your
relationship with him?
We lived together for a few months.
I only knew his first name-
Can you repeat what you've told me
about Mr. Largo Winch's
involvement in the dramatic events at Kay Pu?
Mr. Winch pretended to be a tourist-
a backpacker. But in reality,
he was working for his father.
He acted as a go-between for
General Kyaw Min
and Nerio Winch.
He told me everything after the massacre.
He wanted me to leave with him.
- Maluna, look at me, Maluna.
- I refused.
- Look at me, Maluna.
- You are trying to intimidate the witness,
- Look at me, Maluna! Look at me!
- Mr. Winch.
Mr. Winch!
I remained silent for too long.
I owe to them,
to all those who disappeared.
I owe them the truth about you and
your father's gifts,
the harm you did.
I must speak.
What do you want? What
is that you want exactly?
You want Money?
Who's paid you for your lie?
What is this fuckin' crap?
- I told you, you're a goddamn liar!
- Don't say that!
Don't say that!
Who do you really work for,
Miss Francken?
I work for people like that
young woman
so that people like you and groups
like your's
can't exploit them and slaughter them
for pocket change.
I loved that woman. I lived with
these people for months.
They are the most beautiful
months of my life.
I'm incapable of doing any harm
whatsoever to them.
Come on, you're being played, Miss Francken.
The question is by whom.
I have the authority to hold you in custody.
I'll give you time to think it over.
It's me again, sir. I
desperately need to speak to you
so I've decided to leave
yet another message.
As requested, I am looking
for a certain Simon Ovronnaz...
I met his fiance-
or rather ex-fiance-
who was not very cooperative.
Apparently Mr. Ovronnaz left
her abruptly three years ago.
She still holds a grudge.
But rest assured,
I pursued my investigation
by questioning the caretaker.
The man- who incidentally
had appalling bad breath-
indicated the address of Mr. Orvonnaz's
new lady friend...
Well, his ex-lady friend now.
Charming by the way.
From what I gather, Mr. Ovronnaz
has moved south,
to Ko Sukon, to live
with another friend...
If you see what I mean.
Since I've had no news from
you, sir, I shall travel...
It cut off.
I'd hoped Lazarevic would organize
a commando operation to free me.
I got your message.
I've had no contact with Lazarevic
since the Nazatchov episode.
He flew into Bangkok on a Winch Air jet.
As it happens, half his
fees- which were quite steep-
were paid in Winch Air flight time.
He goes where he wants, when he wants.
He's a mercenary who works
for the highest bidder.
As for you, Largo,
the Thai Justice Minister
arranged everything.
I had nothing to do with it.
Someone informed him
that you were in jail...
The Thai government wants
no trouble with the W Group.
Did he convince
Francken of my innocence?
- Francken has no proof.
- She has a witness.
She had a witness.
I told you, the Thai
authorities arranged everything.
- Largo!
- Where is she? What did you do with the girl?
- Where is she?
- We deported her back to Burma.
Do you know what that means?
She's part of the Karen resistance.
She will be executed.
- We did this to help you!
- Cancel the order.
It's too late, Mr. Winch.
I don't see...
Sorry about it.
How much did the minister get for this?
How much?
With no witnesses and no proof,
there's nothing I can do.
Well, I may have some news
that'll cheer you up.
My friends over at the CIA gave me
something interesting.
The phones of inners network
picked up a call yesterday
from the W Group Building
to a bank in Switzerland,
in the conversation during which
the word "Pandora" was overheard.
Drive through!
Move it!
- Hello, Mr. Cochrane.
- Hello.
Mr. Winch isn't here?
What powers of observation!
I hear he might have...
Mr. Winch signed a contract with you.
Just find us a buyer.
I told you, we have a serious offer.
Perfect. Where is it?
Follow me, Mr. Cochrane.
Excuse me. I'm so sorry to
bother you, but...
we have an appointment with Mr. Nazatchov.
I'm here, I'm here.
Good to see you again, Mr. "Cocaine".
Winch isn't here.
What a shame!
- Awful lover.
- Ah, really?
And what is this...
candid camera?
What made you think this stocky...
If I were you, I wouldn't talk that way
about my future employer.
Mr. Nazatchov. As of yesterday's closing,
the value of the Winch Group was estimated
at approximately 53 billion dollars.
How do you intend to pay such a sum?
Well, actually, Mr. Cochrane,
Mr. Nazatchov already agreed
to pay the 10% guarantee.
Did you really?
Then enjoy your meal gentlemen.
See you soon.
Give my regards to Largo...
- ... when you see him.
- Excuse me, Mr. Nazatchov.
Mr. Cochrane!
have it, baby.
Vladimir Podolsky, Private Secretary.
- Did you have a good trip?
- Thank you.
- This is my assistant.
- Hello.
Sorry we're late. Is he here?
The Swiss are punctual,
so imagine Swiss judges...
Do you know what the expression
"bank secrecy" means, madam?
Do you know what the expression
"crimes against humanity"
means, your honor?
You don't want Switzerland
to lose its status
as the world's leading
tax haven, do you?
Protecting war criminals?
What exactly do you want?
Leave us alone.
Put this on.
I want to dine with a real woman.
And there aren't many in this rat hole.
Put it on!
You did a good job.
Winch went to great lengths to find you.
He contacted me.
Really magnificent.
Sit down.
With the money Winch
will pay me to free you,
I'm going to leave this jungle.
And this shitty country.
I'm going to become a new man.
I'm going to start a new life.
You could come with me.
I'll take good care of you.
I'll treat you like a princess.
Have you forgotten?
You can't say no to me!
Have you forgotten already?
Send a jeep for Winch tomorrow.
As soon as he transfers
the money, we kill them.
Both of them.
It's me again, sir.
I am still discreetly searching
for Simon Ovronnaz
but despite my efforts
I'm unable to locate him.
The mission you gave
me is difficult indeed.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Scoffing every conceivable
danger, I have pursued my quest,
traveling to the innermost
regions of Thailand,
which one could call picturesque.
My experience as a Scout
has helped me survive
in this foreign-though-not-hostile
land and mix with the locals,
who sometimes even prove to be warm.
As for Simon Ovronnaz,
he's no longer in Ko Sukon.
Financial difficulties,
if I correctly understood
his recent ex-lady friend.
Thank goodness, I have a new trail...
in Bangkok.
That's all, sir, I hope
you're well. I worry about you.
Where are you?
Call me as soon as...
It cut off.
Stay behind the car!
I have waited four years for this moment.
If I knew I meant that much to you.
You'll kill me another day.
Maluna first.
I don't need you to save her.
I only need this.
There're three of you.
There're 800 of them.
I arranged that you would know
I was taking this road.
I have a plan, Kadjang.
So you haven't seen her for three years?
She disappeared several weeks
after you.
I thought she joined you.
Then why did she leave?
I have no idea.
The general is expecting us.
He wants to see this man.
I've received the orders.
Get moving!
Want us to go up in flames?
What's going on here?
Who are they?
What are you doing here?
I've got a prisoner for you.
What's this bullshit? Answer me!
Where'd you come from?
Run for the jungle! In small groups!
Come on! Hurry up!
- No!
- Maluna?
My son is in there!
Why did you think I did all that?
They took my child away from me!
I'm going to tell you a story,
Mr. Winch.
Three years ago, your father's group
hired me to do a job.
And I did the job as agreed.
But the second payment that had been
promised never came.
Your father refused to pay me.
Do you think that is honest,
Mr. Winch?
I think my father should never
have paid you a single dollar.
If the three of you want to
leave this room alive, you're gonna
have to pay me 25 million dollars.
But I've sold the group. I don't have
access to the accounts anymore.
Your must have some money
tucked away somewhere...
for when time gets rough.
That's my account number.
Hello. Your password, please?
Hurry up!
Come on!
Yes, I confirm the transfer.
I will wait for the confirmation.
As soon as I have it,
I'll let you go.
Don't move!
Don't be afraid. Mommy is here.
Mommy will come and get
you. Don't be afraid.
Hmn, okay.
He can leave. You stay!
Largo! Largo!
We're leaving now!
Hold on tight.
General Kyaw Min speaking.
I'll be at the rendezvous.
Your internal channel is perfect.
Winch paid.
But... he got away,
with the girl and the kid.
We've to take care of Winch ourselves.
That's why you leave the village?
He has your eyes.
But he has his father's smile.
How old are you?
Two and a half.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- Tell you?
How? Where?
Your first name Largo.
That all I knew.
I've raised him alone.
And I'll continue to do it.
You don't need to worry.
I'm not worried.
What's your name?
His name is Noom.
Come here.
Come on, come here.
Let's see how you steer a boat.
What if I have an arrangement.
Look, I pay you in DVDs.
I've got 500. That include the Transformers.
Among civilized people,
there is always...
Eh, eh, slow down...
There is no need to hurt your guest.
Good afternoon, Miss.
Excuse me for disturbing you.
You're here for the DVDs?
Eh, no. I'm looking for a
Mr. Simon Ovronnaz.
Simon, come in.
That's not gonna be okay, Mmn?
Will it be possible for me to
settle the gentleman's debt?
You are indeed Simon Ovronnaz?
A little holiday will do us good.
Sir, excuse me sir,
this is a private property, sir.
Do you have any rooms left?
Yes, we have one free left.
The price is 3,200 US dollars a night.
May I ask how you'll be paying?
The old-fashion way.
Follow me please.
I was tied up to a rope!
I was this close to dying.
Believe me, it changes a guy.
When I got back to Bangkok,
my life with Eleanor was over.
I wanted to live!
Your boss saved my life!
I think I've understood.
You've told me eleven times to be exact.
Eleven times!
I'm so fucking indebted to him!
Hello? Sir?
It's you!
I'm with Simon Ovronnaz.
I found him, sir!
I found him!
Is it him?
Hold on, sir!
You've waited three years, you
can wait another three minutes.
Yes, sir, everything's fine.
And you, where are you?
Not next door, Gauthier.
You'll have to travel a ways.
He seems well-behaved.
- Not always.
- It's good.
I told him about you often.
You know?
But you don't know anything about me.
Only my first name- Largo.
I know the color of your eyes.
The sound of your voice.
The scent of your skin.
Your teasing leader's smile.
I know that too.
And I know...
Well, I hope you didn't
tell your son that...
How's the water?
Now how is the water?
I was a pretty naughty son.
I'm hoping I'll be a better father.
It seems you were right
consistently taping their phones.
Do you confirm the transfer
of 25 million dollars
from your Pandora account,
to account No. 634 TX 49?
This account belongs to Kyaw Min.
Yes, I confirm the transfer.
This time we've got him.
- My savior!
- AAA at your service.
You know he saved my life?
I need to understand Nerio
Winch's relation with Kyaw Min.
How can I find the guy you
drove around? He should know.
That won't be easy.
He's dead.
Excuse me,
do you have any pancakes?
- Yes, we do.
- Thank you.
But I might be able to help you.
I think I know why your father
didn't pay the general...
The guy hired me for a week.
He had to go to Burma.
A business trip, he said.
We stayed in a military
camp there for a few days.
He hung out a lot with the army general.
He said nothing to me,
but I knew something was up.
Then one day, the
soldiers left on a mission.
They returned with dozens of prisoners.
Women, children, wounded persons...
The soldiers had burned
down their village.
Totally destroyed it.
Apparently that was their plan.
But then things went wrong...
I still have not received anything.
It should have been transferred two days ago.
It will come. Don't worry.
You are the one to be worried.
You have 4 hours.
Mr. Winch, if you don't
transfer the money...
Yes, I know!
Think how big those mines will pay off.
I couldn't!
I figured your dad
had greased a few palms
to get the mining concession.
But what he didn't know,
was that civilians would
be massacred in exchange.
Hello. It's me.
I talked to Nerio
Winch. He refuses to pay.
You've got to talk to him.
Go see him.
Then he said we had to escape. Fast.
- Where are you going?
- To find the girl.
I was free to move about,
so I left the camp to wait for him.
Let go of me, shit!
Let go of me!
Let me go!
- Give me time! Give me time!
- No, you've already had your time.
- Give me time! No. Give me time!
- Why're you running away from here?
- Where the hell is your money?
- No I have it.
Where is your money?
Where's the money?
Go to hell!
An hour later, I hit the road.
I picked up some wounded.
You know the rest.
Your father wasn't
responsible for the massacre.
What was the guy's name?
Thomas. Yeah, Thomas.
You don't remember his last name?
I never knew it.
Why would I have?
The pretty young woman staff of you?
We will meet her soon.
When I arrived in Bangkok,
I'll wire you a million dollars.
You don't want the money?
I don't want your money.
And why? It was your idea!
Blackmail, the girl,
and you are here as planned.
Someone is going to pay me, general.
Some who doesn't like you very much.
My father is innocent.
I don't care, Largo.
All that counts is you.
What's that?
When they kidnapped us
two months ago,
they gave me a shot,
with a sort of syringe,
a very big syringe.
Who kidnapped you?
Kyaw Min's men?
- No, they were westerners.
- Was a woman with them
Yes, I think so.
- It's too deep.
- What is this?
They put something under your skin.
Get it out!
It's a GPS tag.
Whoever put it there
knows exactly where we are.
Gauthier? Meet me downstairs.
Our jobs done.
Mommy, where are you?
Where are you, Mommy?
Come on, let's get dressed.
I want Mommy to dress me.
We have to leave.
Mommy had to go.
General Kyaw Min is
the man responsible for
dozens of deaths of innocent civilians
during the massacres at Kay Pu.
We now have unequivocable proof of the
Pandora account which belongs to Mr. Winch.
I have decided therefore to charge
Mr. Largo Winch
in complicity with crimes against humanity.
This latest turn of events
comes on the back
of rumors that the Winch Group will be
bought out by magnate Virgil Nazatchov.
The highly controversial
businessman seems to have
found the funds necessary
for the operation.
You've never seen a kid?
Let's go.
- I want this son of the bitch.
- I'll find the tapes of the security cameras.
He came in with his bodyguards.
I couldn't do anything.
What the hell are you doing here?
...that Winch's decision to sell the group
was made prior to his legal troubles.
Shares have fallen 27% since
the charge against Winch,
and it's just the beginning.
Seems Nazatchov is making a fabulous deal
beyond anyone's expectations.
I've paid the 5 billion dollar down payment.
The final sale takes place Monday at noon
in the Geneva office of Kronberg Partners.
We'll need to re-decorate.
My name is Nazatchov.
Where's Mommy?
Mommy isn't coming back, Noom.
Mommy is dead.
She's gone forever.
But she's watching over you.
And she'll always love you.
What'll you do now?
You can't let that
scoundrel Nazatchov win.
That swine!
- I beg your pardon.
- I don't care about Nazatchov.
Hang on, isn't it his
fault the kid's mother died?
You can't leave your group in his hands.
Think of what he'd do with such power.
You have a responsibility.
He won, Gauthier.
I signed a sales agreement, he
paid. There's no turning back.
Do you know the legend of Pandora?
Zeus gave Epimetheus a gift:
Pandora, the first woman on Earth.
She possessed a box, which
Zeus forbade her to open,
but one day, her curiosity
got the best of her.
And she opened the lid.
The evils of humanity
escaped and flooded the Earth:
old age, disease, deceit and insanity...
Terrified, Pandora quickly shut the box.
for it was not entirely empty.
One precious little thing
remained at the bottom of the box:
And from that day onward,
though Man might be
stricken by great misfortune,
deep inside, there always
remains a glimmer of hope.
You cannot lose hope, sir.
Not as long as you're alive.
- What is your password?
- Pandora.
I would like to make
a 7-dollar transfer.
Seven dollars? Four plus three?
That's correct.
What is the destination account?
Mr. Winch, I have the information
your requested.
A Winch Air jet is standing by
at the Bangkok Airport.
The crew have rooms at the airport hotel.
Your miracle works as usual.
I love you.
Me... Goodbye, Mr. Winch.
Yes, Winch?
I'm leaving for Geneva,
I'll be there for the sale.
- Yes.
- Nazatchov.
- I got something.
- Me too. Winch is on his way to Geneva.
You fucked up. Considering
the money I'm paying you
I'm counting on you to solve the
problem as soon as possible.
So, Dwight? I hope you've
put your sweater on.
It can get quite chilly
in Switzerland too long.
So what exactly is your plan?
You have the sign?
What do you mean you "didn't
finish pilot training"?
My teacher died suddenly.
An accident?
Strangled by that guy there.
Welcome aboard Winch Air,
Anything I can do?
Stop fidgeting.
You have to eat.
You're not hungry?
Shit, they're scary
even when they're asleep.
Shit, you scare me too.
I hope you don't have stock
in the Winch Company.
Not yet. But I was planning on getting
some not out of my price range.
We found the guy who received the
- Not my type.
- Dragan Lazarevic,
former member of the Serb special forces
during the Balkan war,
after the war went into private security,
quite successfully judging from his reputation.
Nice credentials.
I wanna know everything he's done
in the last month.
I don't know about the last month,
but as we speak he's on his way to Geneva.
He'll be landing in one hour.
Thank you.
The pilots were found in their hotel room.
Tied up.
Geneva tower, Winch Air Quebec Zulu.
Radar guidance on Runway 3G.
We're beginning our descent.
If you only knew how
happy this makes me.
Nazatchov has transferred more than
to Dragan Lazarevic
over the past three months.
Looks like Lazarevic is working
for Nazatchov.
But why did Winch
send the guy 7 dollars?
To get our attention.
I'll kill you,
you son-of-a-bitch!
Take over the plane.
Stop it!
They just made all men dead.
Not in the airplane.
Very dangerous.
Let's see.
Hang on tight!
You alright?
No problem.
Where are you?
Yes, of course.
I'll send my driver.
Where exactly are you?
Hello. Passports, please.
You always travel armed like this?
Those are all his men, alright?
But Dragan Lazarevic is not here.
- I'll accompany the police for questioning.
- Keep me posted.
The nurse will be right down.
Alexandre Jung. Welcome.
Simon Ovronnaz.
- Mr. Winch refused to come with us.
- He wanted to see the prosecutor.
And you let him?
That's insane!
You don't realize,
the woman is dangerous.
- Hello.
- You work at night.
- Winch.
- I hope it's all on my account.
I know you're in Geneva.
My Lord.
The 7-dollar bank transfer to Lazarevic
is very clever.
Clever? I was expecting your attention
for detail. But I'm wrong.
In any case, you are right
about one thing.
You got a lot of enemies.
In our country there is a saying
that goes
"A man with no enemy is
no man at all. "
How's that coffee?
I have something important to ask you.
Will you see me?
Third floor. Ring the bell.
Get in!
I was worried.
No need. I'll explain
everything to Francken.
Nazatchov is a fool. How could
he mastermind such a scheme?
Even fools have strokes of genius.
But how did he know
what happened in Burma
three years ago?
He had an informer,
someone inside the group.
I'll come with you.
You're an angel. My leg
barely hurts anymore.
One last drop?
What if Nazatchov were simply
the financier of the operation?
What if someone else
were hiding behind him?
To dream up a plot like that,
you need motivation that
goes beyond the lure of gain.
You need a raging desire to humiliate,
to utterly destroy and
bring down a reputation,
a name,
an empire...
Money alone cannot be the driving force.
This was...
My son was a lobbyist for Nerio.
Thomas Jung.
He used my personal contacts
to help the W Group win new markets
and concessions.
Nerio never balked at paying bribes.
That's what "Pandora" was for.
Each time he won a contract,
Nerio paid my son Thomas a commission.
But all that money went to his head.
He wanted more and more.
When I saw you for the first time,
so young, so handsome and rich,
so completely alive...
I was approaching death,
but you gave me a reason to live...
Nazatchov is an idiot.
He merely obeys and pays.
you shall kill Prosecutor Francken.
The only person who can
prove your innocence.
Give him another shot.
There are more vials in the car.
Do what I tell you!
Call the police, fast!
- Don't do it!
- I did the same!
I begged Nerio to save my son.
All he had to do was pay.
I swear to you, Largo,
I begged him on my knees.
My oldest friend! My brother!
On my knees!
Stop! Don't come any closer!
Your son had become a piece of shit
and you know it.
He ordered the massacre in Burma.
He was my child!
Still have to arrest me?
I'd rather invite you for dinner.
My treat. I heard you have tapped out.
Maybe not.
Depend upon you.
In light of these circumstances,
there could be no doubt
that Mr. Largo Winch is innocent.
I immediately withdraw all charges
against him
for complicity in crimes against humanity.
Within minutes the W Group shares
soared back up to their previous levels.
As a direct impact, rumor has it that
Virgil Nazatchov will no longer be able
to buy out the Winch Group.
Today Nazatchov was a ruined man,
in addition, no doubt proceedings
will soon be brought against him.
Forgive me for shedding no tears.
But Mr. Cochrane, what
would become of
the 5-billion-dollar deposit
that Nazatchov has paid.
Largo Winch has decided to turn
this money over in full to his foundation.
That like is there any need
to sell the group?
You have to ask Largo Winch.
Well, do you know where
Largo Winch is right now?
He is right where he is about to be,
trust him.
Are the chicks pretty in Hong Kong?
I beg your pardon?
The girls...
Hong Kong...
Largo invited me to
spend some time there.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Want some Phat Thai?
You and I are gonna make a great team.
- What do you say, pal?
- I'm not your pal!
You will be soon.
Ready to go?
We'll come back whenever you like.
I live on a big boat, you know.
No, I don't know.
It's surrounded by tall
houses that touch the sky.
And my office is at the very
top of the tallest house.
Are you all alone up there?
Not anymore.