Las 13 Rosas (13 Roses) (2007) Movie Script

Now is the time to fight!
You know what's happening in Europe?
The war will spread to London,
Paris, Berlin!
- Bigger than in 1914!
- And this time, comrades,
this time the European powers
will join us in the fight
against international fascism.
Sure they will.
After all the fighting
they've already done...
All we want
is for this to end.
We want peace!
What good is peace without freedom?
Without dignity?
Don't be misled by those who spread
defeatist rhetoric.
We're one step away from victory.
The international situation has never
been this favorable to us.
Our comrade is right.
the blood shed by your brothers,
by your children.
What use will it be if we give up?
We must fight to the end.
The Moors!
They're coming!
I saw them from the bell tower!
Stay and fight, comrades!
We have to fight!
- Can we go with you?
- Get on.
- Carmen.
- I'm staying.
- Let's go.
- Get on.
I'm staying!
- You want to get us all killed?
- Get on right now.
- Drive.
- Come on.
Wait for me!
Is there any room, comrade?
Just one more person?
Please, comrade.
It's full.
Let me go with you.
You can't do this to me!
Who wants some?
- Me, me!
- Please, me!
- Teo!
- Hi, Julia.
- You look beautiful.
- Don't be silly.
- How are things here?
- Fine.
Well, same old story.
- Who wants soup?
- Adelina.
I'm so glad to see you.
- How are you?
- Fine, fine.
Soup again?
Yesterday you said
it was your favorite dish.
- I did?
- Yes, you did.
What is this doing here?
Are things that bad?
It must be destroyed.
Any news from the front?
What front?
There's no more front.
They all ran away like chickens.
Not a single one stayed.
Who's the soup lover?
Here, Jos.
To the shelter, quickly!
Let's go!
Leave that, come on.
Bernab? Where's Bernab?
Over there.
Get down!
Gather bread.
Don't eat it.
Don't pick it up!
It's fascist bread!
The radio said it's poisoned!
Don't pick it up!
It's such a beautiful song.
Pretty, isn't it?
Something must be done.
But what?
- We have to organize, find comrades...
- Many have left.
- Or are about to.
- Exactly.
Things are going to change.
We must be prepared.
We don't know what it's like
to work underground.
What are they saying
at your dad's base?
That's the problem.
Nobody's saying anything.
My dear friends,
hard times have fallen upon us.
Who knows what will become of us
tomorrow or the day after?
Things are going to change
very quickly.
Many of us may never
see each other again.
A simple goodbye might not be enough.
Let us therefore bid each other...
More bombs!
I think it's the last time.
I hope we don't end up missing them.
Don't say that.
We have nothing to fear,
but you have to leave Madrid.
I know, I know.
If you need money,
I can try to help you.
My name is Blanca.
This is my son Quique.
Adelina. Hello.
Strange way to meet people.
Maybe over there.
There must be food around.
I said stop!
Afraid, huh?
- Chicken.
- I'm leaving.
Chicken, chicken!
If I hit it, we leave.
You promise?
You too, dummy!
Long live Franco!
Long live Spain!
Long live Franco!
Long live Spain!
I'm a nobody, nothing
will happen to me. But you...
Well, I'm no revolutionary...
I think I'll get a job as a servant.
In a Falangist home.
The more the better.
You, serving Falangists?
To get information out of them.
Thanks for bringing us.
Can we help you unload?
No, I'll wait a bit.
Long live Spain!
What about you?
Can't you salute?
No, sing it!
Is that all?
- Keep singing!
- That's all I know.
Learn it, you're going to need it.
Your face when you sleep...
It's like you're still a baby.
You'll always be my baby.
Come on, get up.
We have a lot to do.
We'll put them in their place.
The war is over for them too.
Pretty, isn't she?
She looks like you.
Seen my violin?
I don't understand.
Isn't it late to be playing?
Maybe he wants to celebrate
the end of the war.
Where did I put my violin?
"Generalissimo Franco's Headquarters
to all barracks of the Civil Guard:
It is hereby mandated
to be applied immediately
the following order
requiring you to report
to all aforementioned offices
in order to open relevant
personal files
for the cleansing of
political responsibilities."
Is that clear?
Sergeant, sir.
Yes, Romero?
What does that mean?
It means we're not
Civil Guards anymore,
or soldiers or anything else.
Is that clear?
Sergeant, sir.
Yes, Romero?
All we did was follow orders.
Then you've nothing to fear.
Is that clear now?
Let me try.
Come on, let me.
I'm getting pissed off.
I can't see anything, son.
Let me try.
Go ahead.
Incredible, incredible!
On your first try!
What a clever son I have!
You're a real champ.
Keep going.
You see?
We were right to hide the money.
I knew it'd be worth something,
no matter who won.
Is that all of it?
After all, it's a musician's salary.
How much will Juan need?
I'd better take it to him.
- Why?
- You shouldn't be seen together.
We've done nothing wrong.
We're just musicians.
Juan joined the Communist Party
and he was important in the union.
No, Blanca.
I don't want you carrying
that much money around.
Don't be silly.
What will happen to me?
What's wrong?
You're going back to the village
until all this is over with.
And you, father?
I'll be discharged. Or demoted.
Or maybe put on trial.
Why? You've done nothing.
That's the problem, according to them.
I did nothing.
Don't worry about me.
I can take care of myself.
Stay with your grandparents.
You're not safe here.
Get down from there!
You're going to get hurt!
Go play with your mother!
Go on!
I can only give you change
in stamps or coupons.
Coupons! Who do you think you are?
I'm sorry, sir.
This red takes us for idiots!
Fucking red collectors!
You should have stayed home!
Your boyfriends wouldn't have left
their posts to go out and kill patriots!
Move to Russia
if you like it so much.
I know her. She's a red
but she's a good person.
Thank you.
Can you tell me when we stop
at Goya? I'm new here.
Second stop.
I'll let you know.
Thanks, gorgeous.
And you owe me a kiss.
They needed something to identify us.
Lots of the girls are wearing them.
Even just this makes you feel
like you're doing something.
Wait till you try on your uniform.
You'll feel like
a revolutionary nanny!
How long since you saw Valentin?
Too long.
You think he left without me?
Who knows?
You really think so?
Don't turn around.
The boyfriend visiting the nanny
in the park.
We shouldn't all be meeting here.
Three's a crowd.
Come on, Mario.
Whose idea was the ribbon?
- Don't turn around.
- I didn't.
Where were you?
Around here, losing the war.
But you're okay.
It's been a long time.
You've had a busy last few months.
Two kids already!
And one is grown up.
You're silly.
I love you.
I'll give them my last name
if I have to.
The ribbons help us recognize
each other in the street and get news.
He won't squeal, will he?
- Not me.
- What did we say?
Franco, Franco and Franco.
Long live Spain!
Spaniards be alert!
Not all the enemies of Spain
have escaped.
It is the duty of every Spaniard
to report where they're hiding.
Only a bad Spaniard,
that is to say
a non-Spaniard, would keep quiet
and protect these vermin
with his or her silence.
Those who do should know
that some day
they will also face justice...
Juan has to leave.
He can't stay here.
Hello. Is Juan here?
No, I'm sorry.
We don't know where he is.
It's okay, we're friends.
I'm Blanca, Enrique Garcia's wife.
Are you deaf? Close the door.
Come in, Blanca.
My sister-in-law, Manuela
and her mother.
What are you doing here?
It's all we can give you.
It's fine.
Where will you be? Enrique says
it's dangerous for you to stay here.
It's dangerous!
Even your friends say it.
I'll leave as soon as I can.
But you can't throw me out.
This place is mine too.
My wife's.
Unlucky you two met.
You put all those ideas in her head.
You should go.
Yes, go.
Go with your Bolshevik friends!
Go and never come back!
One last favor.
I need more money to leave.
Can you pawn it?
I'll be at Tomas's.
You know where it is.
But it's your living.
What will you do without it?
Who can think of music right now?
It's not much,
but more than you'll get for it.
I can't accept.
Take it.
You'll need it more than we will.
For Quique.
No, for the pawnshop.
I don't know what will happen to me,
but watch yourselves.
Act like before the war.
Just be musicians.
Remember I voted for the Right.
We need more right-wingers
like you.
What a coincidence!
A coincidence I've been waiting
over two hours for.
Thanks for the other day.
You don't look too happy to see me.
I'm not feeling very happy.
We all just got fired.
I'm sorry. What for?
For asking to get paid.
How about that?
Careful at your barracks.
I have no barracks.
- You're from the Basque Country?
- Sure.
The one in Madrid.
Where do you live?
I'll walk you.
A bit forward, aren't you?
Madrid must look its best for
the victory parade next Friday!
People of Madrid, testing...
Franco! Franco! Testing...
How considerate. What about me?
You smoke?
No, silly.
Good. If these people saw you,
they might shave your head.
"These people"?
What about you?
You don't think I'm like them...
Wait, I'll get a light.
Where are you from?
I'm from Chamartin.
You are?
I'm from Chamberi.
You're a true red after all.
No need to walk me home.
I know the way.
Stay out of trouble.
- You'll report me?
- No. I'm only warning you.
You don't know how things are.
- These little games can cost you.
- Let me go.
Believe me.
What do you want to do?
See a movie?
Sorry, wrong apartment.
I'm looking for Juana.
- Who are you?
- Her nephew.
It's the next floor.
- Anybody see you?
- No.
- You're crazy to come here.
- Who was that officer?
They're everywhere.
They've come for the parade.
- Staying wherever they can.
- And my folks?
The police took them.
The neighbor
reported them.
You have to leave.
And don't come back.
If you do,
I'll call the police myself.
That way!
That way!
He went that way!
How are you, Teo?
Captain Fontenla.
I hope you're glad to see me.
It's always nice
running into old friends.
Do you remember Gaspar?
That must really hurt.
You were in better shape
when you were coming to the gym.
Is putting that in the window
really necessary?
If your husband were
in a concentration camp...
They wouldn't let him go anyway...
What's the matter?
She thinks they're going to hurt us.
Four women!
They'd have to be monsters.
You'd better get rid of
all your pamphlets.
If someone ever found them...
You promised you would.
I will.
This struck me as childish propaganda
and suddenly now it's so dangerous...
There, there. It's okay.
Hold her.
There, there.
Julia, Julia!
A soldier is asking for you.
In the street.
- It's Perico.
- Perico who?
Here's the last one.
I'll put them in the meat locker.
- What a considerate young man.
- And so handsome.
And now for the best part:
We're going to the movies!
I'm really not in the mood.
You can't do this to me.
Why can't you loosen up?
You told me next time.
I'll be right out.
Sew my buttons.
Carlist militia one day,
a soldier the next.
- Tomorrow you'll dress like a bishop!
- If I have to...
- Where did all that food come from?
- Don't ask.
That uniform looks good on you.
Nowadays you're nobody
without one.
- Is it a major's?
- A captain's.
Yes, sir, Captain, sir!
Due homage was paid to Spain's
unbeaten savior,
on the balcony at City Hall,
accompanied by
a German Condor Legion
responding to the praise
of the crowd.
Afterwards our Caudillo addressed
film cameras from Germany,
our beloved ally,
to put forth his political ideology.
A totalitarian state
will bring order
to operations in Spain
maximizing the country's
capacity and energy
in a nation brought together by
viewing the value of hard work
as the most essential responsibility,
the greatest indicator
of popular unity,
and thanks to which
the true spirit of the Spanish nation
will manifest itself
through natural organs
like the family,
organizations and corporations,
making the supreme ideal a reality.
They're sewn shut!
No wonder you were letting me.
We must offer our greatest assets to
the grandiose altar of the fatherland.
- Sir.
- At ease.
And open the door.
- Stop, somebody could see us.
- At this hour?
My mother must be worried.
Stop. You have to go.
Who is that soldier?
What are you doing here?
Who is he?
He's not a soldier.
He's my boyfriend.
Is that why you stopped coming?
We thought something
had happened to you.
I lost my job.
You know my situation at home.
Getting arrested
would be a disaster.
Don't take this wrong...
but you should give it up too, kid.
All that risk and sacrifice.
Will anything come of it?
Don't call me "kid."
We're full, there are no rooms.
Is Valentin there?
Come in, Teo.
What happened to you?
The Cuban, she's one of us.
The hostel is just a cover.
- Hello.
- I choose my clients carefully.
- What happened?
- Fascists.
Damn, Teo. You're a mess.
A fascist from his village.
Look, Teo.
You'll overthrow the regime
- with this?
- Don't start.
- We're not starting anything.
- You like making pamphlets?
Go ahead. But what we really need
is something else.
- This.
- Look.
What do you say, Teo?
I've been searching the sewers
for guns.
We're here to...
We want to talk to the police chief.
Where were the meetings held?
- Certainly not in my home.
- Do you know or not?
Well, we're not sure.
He's very reserved. We didn't listen
to all his conversations.
- Did he mention the parade?
- Like I said,
we weren't always listening.
But it's likely.
Did he have visitors?
Not very many.
The other day.
A lady came the other day.
The wife of a musician
he played with.
What did they talk about?
Have you ever
heard him mention guns?
Or explosives?
And to that woman,
did he mention guns?
She brought him a lot of money.
I hope our information is correct.
Go take a stroll.
Mario, let's go.
What do you want?
We're full.
Is Valentin there?
I'm his girlfriend.
Come in.
Thank you.
Our friends in prison
need our help.
But we need money.
We have to do something.
Rob a store, a tobacconist's...
An easy job.
I've already picked out a place.
It's unlike you to be so reckless,
Teo. The only thing
we'll achieve with guns
is more reprisals.
What about you?
- Say something.
- I told them to count me out.
- That's all?
- What more do you want?
What more do I want?
Come back.
- Leave me alone.
- Virtudes, please.
Where did you find
those two lunatics?
Come here, sweetie!
Sweetie this and sweetie that,
but you forgot all about me
on your birthday.
Very nice.
And with my initials!
Ask the others. You might not wear it
if they don't like hats.
What's wrong?
You know we can't see each other
like before.
I know, it's not that.
I have a bad feeling about this.
What happened to Virtudes,
our tireless leader?
This will all be settled as soon as
war breaks out in Europe.
What a solution.
Another war.
My God.
Happy birthday.
Come here, time to celebrate.
You don't want to undress?
You first.
The other way.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Come here.
Where are Satur and Damian?
- I don't know who you mean.
- Stop acting like we've never met.
I'm alone.
All the guests have left.
Where are they?
They got away.
It's the police.
They've come for me.
What are you two doing?
- The police are here.
- What do we do?
I don't know.
- Who is it?
- Police. Open the door.
- Does Julia Conesa live here?
- She's my sister. She's not here.
Is she okay?
We need to question her.
Where might she be?
We haven't heard from her in days.
You two come with us,
until she shows up.
You can't do that!
You have five minutes
to get dressed.
I'll go.
But she can't, she's ill.
Both of you.
Three men to arrest me.
I must be very dangerous.
What can you tell me about this?
You've nothing to say?
What about the Aida Lafuente Society?
Nothing either?
You could at least say
what the others say.
That you signed up for gymnastics
or dance classes.
It's a way to break the ice,
isn't it?
Take off your clothes.
Didn't you hear me?
Get undressed.
Keep going.
You had better start talking.
I'd hate to ruin such a pretty face
and such a pretty body.
You'll tell me everything,
won't you?
Tell me about the other girls
in the society.
Tell me about Adelina.
- You're not very chatty.
- I don't know her.
- Stop lying.
- I don't know who she is.
I said stop lying.
She's your friend, right?
Very cute.
Cheer up,
you'll be seeing her soon.
What must they be thinking?
Dancing with the same girl twice
means she's your girlfriend.
We've been at it all night.
So there you have it.
What do you mean, leaving tomorrow?
My father wrote me.
The police want to question me.
Can't he fix it?
He's a Civil Guard.
He was. We don't know
what he is anymore.
All he did was follow orders.
The sense of duty.
My father always put duty
before love.
He's never told me he loves me,
not even when I was little.
There's nothing I'd rather do.
- Than what?
- Say those words.
Tell you I love you.
I love you.
My parents will adore you.
Life is good in the village.
Much better than in Madrid.
There's food here.
You'll be well provided for.
I know, but...
I wanted to be a secretary.
No, way. My wife won't have to be
anyone's secretary.
Please, let go of me.
All right.
If you're so crazy about typing...
But tomorrow you're staying.
You're not going anywhere.
I didn't defend Franco's regime
for nothing.
- What do you want?
- She's not going.
Get out of the way.
You're not taking her.
I won't say it again.
Out of the way.
Stay with me, I'll protect you.
Nothing will happen to you.
Eutimio, please.
Let's go, father.
We've always been good Catholics.
Not Catholics, saints.
Mr. Garcia will have to come with us.
What for?
It's okay, I'll be back in no time.
- Ask them if I can go with you.
- Blanca, relax.
It can't be anything serious.
A simple verification,
or even an error.
See you soon.
Go on, clean things up.
Come on, Quique.
Go with your mother.
Come on, sweetheart.
For Julia Conesa.
Can we see her?
Just five minutes
and we'll leave.
Ask the police chief
to let us see her.
What if they don't let you out after?
Go on.
Good morning.
You promised you only had
a few questions for her.
We're only going to question her.
Take her away.
remember we had a deal.
I promised to bring her
and you gave me your word
you'd leave her alone.
Your duty was to bring her.
You've done your duty.
Now please go away.
They're swatting us like flies.
What do we do, Teo?
What happened?
They picked up Julia at her house.
It's like they know
everything about us.
Like someone's telling them...
We have to stick together.
What about the others?
What about Satur and Damian?
Satur and Damian.
Do you know how to find Virtudes?
What was his name again?
Julia's boyfriend.
He might be able to help us.
How could you, Teo?
Relax, Carmen.
Don't touch me.
Get your hands off me.
You're a pig!
- Stop it, Carmen.
- Let go of me!
Stop her!
Let go of me!
Long live the Republic!
It's okay, kid.
As long as I'm here, you're safe.
I can see that.
They let you play good cop now.
So you're Carmen.
What could we do with you?
Carmen, what's wrong?
Look, Virtudes, it's Carmen.
Hi, Carmen!
Who's that?
I don't know her.
Yes, you do. It's Virtudes.
Come with me.
Excuse me...
I'm only bringing my husband
clean clothes.
Follow me.
I voted for the Catholic parties
before the uprising.
So did my husband.
- I hear you're quite religious.
- Yes, sir.
Did you know Juan Canepa?
Hardly. I know who he is, but...
I have testimony to the contrary.
No need to read it, is there?
You gave him money.
For what?
Was it the Communist Party's money?
No, sir. It was ours.
We saved it during the war.
But you knew he was
a Communist Party member.
Why would a Catholic woman
want to help him?
Your husband isn't a Communist?
- No, sir.
- Just to make sure...
Canepa is this one here.
Is this other one your husband?
You're wrong about Enrique.
We know there was a plan to kill Franco
during the victory parade.
Tell me everything you know.
This one's scared to death.
Tell me who your accomplices were.
I swear I have no idea...
Stop swearing! You weren't going
to carry out the attack yourself.
- What attack?
- You had a gun.
Who were you going to shoot?
I'll say it again.
I was given the gun with my uniform
when I became an engineer.
What a fool.
Thinks he can hide something
from us...
Adelina, poor Gaspar is exhausted
from all this exercise.
Let's give him a rest.
If you sign the statement,
I'll release you.
You'll spend tonight in my home
and return to the village
Let's let him think it over.
Come on.
We pray for the eternal rest
of our sister Angeles.
My baby!
What have they done to you?
No, I'm okay.
Are you all related to the deceased?
Why, is crying against the law?
Where's Perico?
He couldn't make it.
They won't take any more of my girls.
I'll get you out.
Come on, get out.
Catholic from birth.
Sure, like all the rest.
Warden, ma'am,
there must be some mistake.
There's a mistake.
- Let me explain.
- There's nothing to explain.
Leave your personal objects on the
table and take off your clothes.
But somebody will have to...
Didn't you hear me?
Your clothes, here.
- First and last name.
- Julia Conesa.
Place of birth.
Turn around.
Raise your hands.
Get dressed.
Catholic. Back over there.
Where do we put them?
There's no room.
There's space with the mothers.
And in a cell with the minors.
I'll take Blanca with the mothers.
Take care of the other one.
Get back.
Make way.
Move over!
Coming through!
Make room.
Come on.
- Here.
- Sorry.
Wake up Adelina,
she sleeps like a log.
I didn't know you were here.
Yeah, since last week.
How are you?
There, there. It's over.
They beat you.
It's okay.
They can't keep us down.
What was that?
There's a firing squad every night
nearby in the cemetery.
Let's go.
Rise and shine, minors!
Get up, I said!
Get up, you lazy bones!
You're a bunch of lazy bones!
Let's go!
The same ones, always playing around!
Let's go!
Go get cleaned up!
Quickly, go on!
Come on, time is valuable!
What the?
Carmen, you, too!
Bedrolls against the wall.
- Hurry!
- I bet there's no water again.
Here's some for you!
Stop playing around,
it's time for roll call.
What's going on here?
Knock it off!
Two missing. But don't worry,
it's the two extras from the 2nd block.
There's no way.
We can't go on like this.
- Spain!
- One!
Long live Spain!
Stop giggling back there,
I can hear you.
Let's go.
Move it.
The mail.
Go on, get inside.
I have the mail here.
- Get inside.
- Thank you.
The mail.
- Let's see... Martina.
- That's me.
- Conchita.
- I'm here.
Another one for Martina.
How many boyfriends has she got?
Leave some for the rest of us.
Grab it!
And Teresa.
Ventas Prison, wonderful hotel.
The food and service are the best,
no beds or time to rest.
We'd be better off in hell.
Long lines even for the toilets,
tasty cement instead of bread.
For lunch they give you lentils,
one bowl a day you're fed.
Fancy floor tiles for a mattress,
sore backs every morningl
- How are they treating you in Minors?
- Fine, but I'd rather be with you.
Don't worry, we're not going anywhere.
Dioni is our official
- delouser.
- Sure.
- She gets them all.
- Keep your head
away from the wall when you sleep.
The tics prefer
the corners.
Weren't you two learning tap dancing?
Is it from him?
It's his handwriting.
- I don't understand.
- What?
"I love French music,
but I prefer mariachi bands,
which I hope to be hearing soon."
You get it? He's in France
and he's leaving soon for Mexico.
Carmen, ma'am...
This is for you.
Thank you.
Have you ever worked, Blanca?
Since I was 16
I've done nothing else.
Yeah? What can you do?
Play piano.
What about typing?
I can sew.
Okay, we'll see.
Carmen, ma'am...
- I wanted to say...
- I know, you're in here by mistake.
Things will work out.
Have faith in the Lord.
With so many inmates,
mistakes are normal. Don't you think?
And don't be afraid of me.
I don't bite.
I'm not afraid of you.
Hello, Father.
It's good to see you.
How are you?
Fine. How are you, darling?
I'm doing just fine.
I brought you...
some clothes. I thought...
I don't know.
Tell me what you need.
Mother is very upset.
Seeing you in here
wouldn't have helped.
The doctor told her to rest.
To rest!
But you know her.
She's asking neighbors for signatures
saying you were never political.
Will any of them sign?
How could they?
You've been concierges for years
without any complaints.
It's because of me, right?
They would never employ
the parents of a Red.
How is Carmen?
They arrested her father.
- And her mother...
- What?
Her mother went into hiding.
Don't tell me, it doesn't matter.
Don't worry, she's okay.
Poor Mother.
I have the best parents
in the world.
Have you seen Perico?
Were you two serious?
I'm very sorry, Julia.
- Time's up.
- Here.
Thank you, Mother.
Keep your head high.
Tell Father to be strong.
Tell him I'm doing all right.
Of course.
I love you.
Goodbye, Lola.
Goodbye, Carmen.
- Take care, Mother.
- You too.
If there's anything special
I can bring,
fruit, perfume...
Didn't you hear me?
Time's up!
Me too.
Very much.
Would you please settle down?
You, yes, you!
Show a little respect!
Who asked for me?
What was so important
that you needed to tell me?
Another child has died.
One dies every day.
And not of a disease, of hunger.
You think people on the outside
are much better off?
You have to do something.
You're the warden.
If the children aren't given milk,
we won't...
We won't sing during roll call.
Who won't?
Me too.
You, Blanca?
What's happening to them
isn't fair, ma'am.
Put them in solitary!
Ventas Prison, wonderful hotel.
The food and service are the best,
no beds or time to rest.
We'd be better off in hell.
Long lines even for the toilets,
tasty cement instead of bread.
They won't shut up.
For lunch they give you lentils,
one bowl a day, you're fed.
Fancy floor tiles for a mattress,
sore backs every morning!
Is that them?
Need any help?
Give me your gun!
Get out with your hands up!
Everybody out!
Pilar, sweetie...
Hold it, hold it!
Your gun.
- Pilar! Come on.
- You, bastard!
Please let me go,
I didn't do anything. Father!
Do whatever you want to me,
but let her go.
She's only a child.
Don't kill her.
Let her go.
She's a child.
You'll be sorry for this.
Think of your girlfriends,
your sisters...
You bastards!
- What about this one?
- Don't do it.
Please, don't.
I'm one of you.
I'm a worker, too.
To court.
- To court?
- Yes, to court.
You can't go dressed like that.
Go change clothes.
Let's get dressed up, girls.
Can we wash up first?
We want to smell nice, don't we?
How can you joke about this?
- Why can't I go with them?
- Don't complain, stupid.
You're the lucky one.
Why can't I go?
I don't understand!
Have you heard?
They killed a Civil Guard commander.
And his daughter and driver.
- What's that got to do with us?
- Nothing.
But they'll ask for the death penalty.
They always do, but later
the judge lessens the penalty.
Not the best time for a military court.
They need a scapegoat.
Look, it's Retiro Park!
Sit down!
Sit down!
Come on!
Didn't you hear me?
Sit down!
- Wearing anything borrowed?
- Not me.
Me neither.
They say it brings luck.
It brings luck?
Shall we change?
- Somebody trade with me.
- Can I have your shirt?
Who wants a scarf?
A new dress and a stroll
through the park.
I'd give anything
to trade places with them.
I want to see!
Everybody out.
Mommy, Mommy!
Where are you going?
I have to talk to my mother.
I haven't seen her
in three months.
- She one of them?
- Yes, sir.
Kid's got balls.
Which one is she?
That one.
Two minutes.
How you've grown...
You're so handsome!
Are you behaving yourself?
You'd better!
How's your French?
Don't stop studying.
Keep learning French.
- Mom...
- The kid's right.
Who needs French anyway?
The goal was to bring down
the new government.
The statements made by these 56
individuals leave no doubt:
The plan was to reorganize
the Socialist Youth,
the clandestine,
Marxist-inspired organization
whose aim was to provoke disorder
and sabotage initiatives contributing
to the greater glory of the nation
through infamy, lies
terrorist attacks,
class struggle...
basically, Communism
and Free Masonry.
Thanks to their arrest,
we thwarted a terrorist attack
planned for
the day of the Victory Parade,
for which they had gathered
in the previous days
all sorts of weaponry
abandoned in trenches
and sewers.
The accused are guilty
of supporting the rebellion
as penalized by articles 237
and 238 in the second paragraph
of the Code of Military Justice,
with the aggravating circumstance
of withholding evidence
and endangerment,
cited in article 173
of the legal code.
on behalf of the Head of State,
the prosecution asks that each
and every one of them be given
the death penalty.
The defense may now speak.
Given the late hour
and the time we've spent
taking preliminary statements,
please be brief and concise.
With your permission.
Given the abundance
of obvious evidence,
the defense can do little more
than ask the court for leniency.
That's our lawyer?
The aggravating circumstances
cited by the prosecution
are not relevant in all cases,
Naturally each case
will be studied individually.
The accused shall rise.
This court is adjourned
for sentencing.
A secret session shall be convened.
"With the utmost humility
I write to Your Excellency
to plea for mercy,
trusting the strict justice
the glorious Caudillo promised
to the Spanish people."
Very good, sign it.
"...undefeated Generalissimo
of the Spanish Armed Forces...
Army, Navy and Air Force..."
You think we'll be shot?
They can't shoot us
for trying to feed people.
You'll end up getting pardoned,
you'll see.
I'll add a favorable report
about you.
And your husband.
And the others?
Leave them.
Don't ever forget what matters most.
What's that?
That we're right.
We're fighting for a just cause.
I don't know what's just anymore.
Yes, you do.
Of course you do.
You also know that when this is over
someone will have to remember it.
How could I ever forget?
It would be like forgetting you.
Exactly, Carmen.
Don't forget me.
We mustn't be afraid.
Promise me you won't be afraid.
I promise.
We have to be brave.
Very brave.
Because they're not going
to pardon us, kid.
I can't stop thinking
about my mother.
Poor thing.
This must be so hard for her.
We can rest at ease now.
They won't come for us tonight.
Sleep easy.
Let's go!
Get back!
Move over!
Let's go!
Move it!
Move it!
My God, it can't be...
Blanca Brisac Vazquez.
You have to look pretty.
You're going to see Valentin.
Come on, hurry up!
You're in such a hurry to kill us?
Go on, wash up.
This can't be happening.
Franco hasn't answered yet.
You're thirsty for blood!
Get moving!
Where's Victoria?
Tell my mother I'm innocent.
I don't want to die, ma'am!
Let's go!
If you don't confess,
you can't send a letter.
It's up to you.
That goes for everybody.
If you want your letters to reach
your families, you must confess.
Do you want to go first?
Hail Mary full of grace.
Conceived without sin.
Go on, child.
I have nothing to confess, sir.
I've done nothing wrong.
What do I tell them?
I don't know what to say.
"Dear parents, brothers
and sisters..."
Father, never let go
of your strength and peace of mind
until the very end.
Do not be overwhelmed by tears.
My hand does not tremble
as I write this...
My dear,
most darling boy.
In these last instants,
your mother is thinking of you.
I shall die with my head high,
only for doing good.
They're not killing me
because I'm a criminal.
They're killing me
for an idea I consider just
and worth dying for.
I say farewell in hopes that
you will always remember me.
Your daughter, with love...
I die as any innocent person should.
Goodbye, Mother.
Goodbye forever.
Your daughter will never again
be able to kiss or hug you.
Let my name go down in History.
Come on, hurry up.
Get in.
Go on.
Julia, darling!
- Julia!
- Mother!
Let her go!
Let her go!
Kill me in her place!
Kill me in her place!
We're the Young Guard,
forging the future.
Tempered by suffering,
we shall prevail or die.
Noble is our cause
to free man from slavery.
We'll spill the blood of the young
along the way if we have to.
the bourgeois,
the greedy and the warmongers.
Young Guard,
Young Guard,
give no quarter!
Firing squad!
Line up in two rows!
Everybody out!
Single file!
Hurry up!
- Let's go!
- Attention!
Right turn!
First row, left knee!
You're not men!
You have no hearts!
You have no souls!
Otherwise you wouldn't be here!
Stop moving!
Keep still!
Hold on!
Keep aiming at them!
My dear, most darling boy.
In these last instants,
your mother is thinking of you.
I shall die with my head high,
only for doing good.
You know that better than anyone,
All I ask is be good.
He's still moving!
Love everyone and never hold a grudge
against those who killed
your parents.
Good people never hold grudges.
You have to be a good man,
never let them erase
the memory of your parents.
Make sure you take your first
Communion properly.
Let religion guide you as it did me.
I'd keep writing you until the end,
but I have to say goodbye to the others.
My boy,
my child...
for all eternity.
Yours with love that shall never end,
an eternal kiss from your mother.
On August 5th, 1939,
in the East Cemetery in Madrid,
43 men and 13 women
were executed by firing squad.
Almost all minors, the women
are known as "THE 13 ROSES."
The documents and letters cited
in this film are completely authentic.