Las Vegas Serial Killer (1986) Movie Script

- Put your foot up on the stool.
How about the real thing, honey?
Is this what you want, honey?
- Garbage! Die, garbage!
WQXQ has just learned
that the Nevada Parole Board has approved
the release of
self-proclaimed serial killer,
Johnathan Klick, from
the state prison at Jean.
Klick has served only
six years behind bars
after claiming to have
killed seven young women
in a murderous five day rampage
in California and Nevada.
Noting that the body of only
one of his alleged victims
was ever found,
the parole board granted
Klick's release from a life sentence
after two court-appointed
said they believed his lurid
claims of multiple murders
were part of a misguided
attempt to achieve notoriety.
Klick was convicted of
second-degree murder
in the strangulation
slaying of Mary Jean Arbor,
whose partially nude body was found
in a waste container near
his Las Vegas hotel room.
In granting Klick's release,
the parole board ignored impassioned pleas
from the parents of Klick's
other alleged victims.
Let's go to Vegas, Jack.
The parole
board granted Klick's release
from a life sentence after two
court-appointed psychiatrists said
they believed his lurid
claims of multiple murders
were part of a misguided
attempt to achieve notoriety.
Klick was convicted of
second-degree murder
in the strangulation
slaying of Mary Jean Arbor,
whose partially nude body was
found in a waste container
near his Las Vegas hotel room.
In granting Klick's release,
the parole board ignored
impassioned pleas
from the parents of Klick's
other alleged victims,
all of whom have been missing
for six and a half years.
We'll have more on this
surprising development
in our 11 o'clock news wrap up.
This is WQXQ.
And now,
Ms. Toni Alexandrini,
Miss World Burlesque.
- Here's one on the house.
- What do you think of her?
- She's number one with me.
- Oh, yeah.
- Waitress has got a good set of legs.
- Yeah, I like that.
- Yes, all right.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, you, hey, come here,
come here! Want a coupon?
Here, come here.
- Get lost, baby.
- Hey, come here. Here,
we have free coupons.
- What's this?
- Come on in, come on in.
- Oh, jeez.
- They actually pay you
to hand this junk out?
Let's go find
some broads, huh, Clarence?
- All right.
- Here you go, guys.
Come on in, and have fun tonight.
No, those legs aren't for me.
- Mm-hmm.
- There's the legs for me.
- Uh, blondes have more fun.
- Mm-hmm, mm, mm-hmm.
- So how'd it go last night?
- Eh,
you know that guy I was with?
Turned out to be a real jerk.
Yeah, he even stiffed me.
- You got anything lined up?
Well, these guys don't look like
they're gonna give us
much action here.
Uh, I think I got a couple
guys from Arizona lined up.
They might even
- Ooh.
- Have some money, you know?
- Mm.
- Ah, fuck.
- Yeah, fuck, Dorothy.
What'd you ever do to
get a cute guy like that?
Did you see what
happened to Mary yesterday?
She was in
a tragic car accident...
- Got any more of this clip?
- Where's the beer?
- This dip over here
is fantastic.
Try some of this.
- Las Vegas.
Mm, yeah, I love you.
All she does
is complain about it.
- Give me a vodka.
So what's new?
- Could you get me a drink,
baby? Please?
- Sure, if you give me
something later, baby.
- Aww, yeah.
Can I get a drink?
- Stay right there.
Can't you feel your
world outside these walls
- Whoo! Hey, baby!
All right, let's have a good time!
All right! Whoo, honey, yeah!
- He's so gross. I mean...
Hey, I'd like
to take you out and
have a nice time.
- Nah, man, you're a jerk.
- Don't worry about it.
- No, he's not, not here.
I expected him to show
up, but as usual, he's...
- Say, baby, why didn't you
show up?
- I'm sorry?
- You know,
you don't stand me up
like that, you know?
You don't do that to me.
And, okay, if it comes to me,
I'm, you know, really serious.
Get some better dip.
Yeah, see what happens.
Come here.
- Whoa!
Okay, guys,
come on, let's go!
Come on!
- Yeah!
You are garbage.
Oh, fuck.
- Hey, all right! Get in!
Oh, the horses are
always a favorite of mine.
Yeah, there's a
lot of 'em out here today.
Where'd Mom go?
- Look at that pretty dress.
- Mexico!
- Is that pretty?
- You're gonna wanna put on
your Western wear and
take your kids on down
to this year's annual
Hellderado Parade.
It's happening right now.
There's gonna be horses,
floats and clowns,
and a whole lot of fun for all
your kids, so don't miss it.
That's today down on
Las Vegas Boulevard.
Get down there right now.
- Wave, you see her coming.
-All right, all right.
- Wave to the lady!
You can wave more.
Look at the horsies. Look
at those, they're beautiful.
Yes, she waved to you.
Oh God, look at his shoes.
Look at the hat on that guy there.
Look at that old car.
Look at the little Boy Scouts,
Cub Scouts.
Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts?
I don't know.
Look at the flag.
Salute the flag.
The highly
publicized birthday party
for Las Vegas film star,
Cash Flagg,
came to an abrupt halt late last night
when celebrants discovered
the body of a young woman
in the backyard of Flagg's home.
The name of the murder victim,
who had been strangled with the
top of her own bathing suit,
hasn't been released.
But Metro police said the woman
disappeared from the party
at Flagg's home shortly before her body
was discovered in a grass covered field
less than 50 feet from
the celebration.
Mr. Cash Flagg was not
available for comment.
Look out!
- Hit the road, Jack!
- Did you see that pizza they had?
- Oh, I had some.
- Ooh.
- It was terrible.
- I know, it was like...
- Hey.
- Oh.
- Yeah, what do you say,
baby, huh?
- What are they doing?
- What'd that guy say to you?
- God, do you believe him?
Look at that car!
The Confederate Air Force
is having an air show
at McCarran Field today,
where you can see
historic combat aircrafts
that have been restored and
preserved in flying condition.
These are the same planes
that defended our nations
and won the skies more than
So go on out and give your support
to help keep these flying
monuments in the skies
and preserved for future
generations to see in action
as they were flown to
defend our country.
Oh, oh, jeez. All right.
- Okay.
Hey, look at those props.
- Look at the size of that!
Let's go over there.
- "Devil Dog."
- All right.
Yep, World War II.
- Oh, look at those guns.
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, what's that one?
"Daisy Mae."
Where's Lil' Abner?
- I don't know. Mm.
I'd like to shoot them guns.
- "The Yellow Rose." Is that the
way they grow 'em in Texas?
- Everything's big in Texas.
- What's that one?
- 1928 Cummings.
- Cummings?
I never, never heard of it.
- Yeah.
There you go. Spirit
of Wacko, Wacko, Waco.
- They're all wacko.
- Come on.
- Okay. Aw, I bet that plane
flies sideways.
- What's this one?
- I don't know.
Anything we can take?
The highly
publicized birthday party
for Las Vegas film star Cash Flagg,
came to an abrupt halt late last night,
when celebrants discovered
the body of a young woman
in the backyard of Flagg's home.
The name of the murder victim,
who had been strangled with
the top of her own bathing suit,
hasn't been released.
But Metro Police said
the woman disappeared
from the party at Flagg's
home shortly before
her body was discovered
in a grass-covered field
less than 50 feet from the celebration.
- I like to take some
pictures of her. Huh?
What's that?
- Look at that long hair.
Not bad.
- Mm-hmm.
Bad legs, bad legs.
Definitely too old.
They waddle like a duck.
Quack, quack!
Model T?
- Mm-hmm.
- All right, ladies and gentlemen,
let's give a big hand to
Miss Kat Carson.
Come on.
Let's hear it for Miss Kat Carson.
- Hey, honey, looking for
some action? Come here.
That's $20.
Close the door!
Help! Help!
Somebody help! Help!
Come back here, you freaks! Oh!
- Hey, Cash Flagg!
All right.
This just
in, police are investigating
the murder of a young woman
whose body
was found last night in
a downtown parking lot
near Fremont street.
Metro Homicide Lieutenant
George Harper
said the victim had
apparently been strangled
less than an hour before
her body was discovered
by a city hall employee
who had been working late.
An autopsy is scheduled
for Thursday morning.
It is the second strangulation
death of a young woman
in Las Vegas over the
past 48 hours.
- Hi, pizza man.
Come on.
the local news at this hour,
Metro Police--
- Right there.
have identified the second
strangulation victim found
in Las Vegas
this week as Joanne Marley,
a 25 year old woman--
- Do you wanna swim?
an extensive arrest record
for prostitution.
Marley and real estate sales
woman Dorothy Genevese,
were slain within days of
the release from prison
of confessed serial killer
Johnathan Klick.
Metro Homicide Investigator
George Harper
said police are interested
in questioning Klick
about his whereabouts at
the time of the murders,
but declined to describe
the paroled killer
as a primary suspect in
the two recent cases.
Where's the pizza?
- Listened to your miserable
story for long enough.
I've had it. I'm up to here with it.
You're telling me the same
thing year in and year out,
and not finishing.
I'm not gonna listen to it anymore.
I'm fed up.
I, I just can't stand it anymore.
You tell me how much
you can't stand her,
but yet you stay with
this woman.
It doesn't make any sense
to me. I'm tired of her.
Are you gonna divorce her?
Are you gonna leave her?
No, you're not.
You're not gonna leave
her because you're afraid
you're gonna lose some money on that.
You're afraid to divorce her.
Well, I've had it with you.
I've had it. I just
can't stand it anymore.
You can keep your wife.
You can keep her, and you
know what you can do with her,
because I'm taking the Mercedes.
That's it. Finished.
I've had enough.
I can't stand it.
He just, he's got, he's
got the wrong lady here.
Come on.
Jack, you got her keys?
Pop the trunk open.
- Let go of me!
What are you doing?
- Jack, hurry up!
- Oh my God!
Joe! Joe!
Joe, help me!
Get me out, Joe!
Where are you?
Get back, get back!
- Sorry, buddy.
- Gotta be something.
Come on,
let's go through there.
Hold it.
- Okay.
Come on!
Let's get outta here!
- Move it, Jack,
move it!
- Where are you?
- Where did you go?
I'm inside the trunk!
Help, please!
Where are you?
Hey, somebody, get me out of here!
Help, help, help, help!
Help, help, help,
help, help!
Help, help, help!
Somebody, help!
God, it's dark in here!
I can't stand this!
Somebody get me
outta here!
Will ya, please?
Come on!
Help, somebody!
Please! Oh my God!
Come on, hurry up!
This is a sick, sick joke!
When I get my hands on you,
you, ooh!
Thank goodness!
I could have died in here.
Did Joe put you up
to this? Huh.
Where, where is Joe?
Is he around?
Well, uh, thanks. Thanks
for letting me out.
I really appreciate it.
Uh, Joe did put you up
to this, didn't he?
He did, didn't he?
As you listeners
probably already know,
it's Helldorado Time,
and what's a Helldorado
without a rodeo?
This year should prove
to be one of the best,
with top-ranking bronc busters
competing for big bucks.
It's happening over at
Sam's Town all this week.
So don't miss out.
Come on, cowboy!
Ride 'em, cowboy!
Ride 'em, ride 'em, oh!
Oh, damn! That guy looks like
Cash Flagg.
Two suspects,
one of whom was described
as bearded,
wearing a black T-shirt,
and carrying
a silver plated .357 Magnum,
savagely beat the Safe
Storage Warehouse manager,
before stealing his cash-filled briefcase.
Police theorize the two men
were spotted
by the manager's secretary
when she left the office,
and that they strangled her
to keep her from identifying them.
All right,
ladies and gentlemen,
let's give a big hand to
Miss Kat Carson.
Come on, let's hear it
for Miss Kat Carson.
Police theorize
the two men were spotted
by the manager's secretary
when she left the office,
and that they strangled her
to keep her from identifying them.
The woman's body was
found in the trunk
of the manager's Mercedes.
The warehouse owner has
offered a $5,000 reward
for conviction of the killers.
Police are urging anyone
who may have information
about the two men to call
the secret witness hotline
at 555- 6791.
The identity of all callers
will of course
be kept confidential.
Okay, you let
that beautiful sunlight in your hair.
Run your fingers through
your hair now.
Yeah, beautiful. Okay.
Really think about it.
Okay, give me that little tilt.
- Jerry?
- Can I help you?
- The Nikon.
- Thank you very much.
I'd like you to lay down.
That's good. Hold it,
hold it, hold it there.
Beautiful smile.
Lift your shoulder a little bit.
Yeah, give me a little
more cool look, cool look.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Beautiful, Laurie.
Take it down a little bit.
Close your eyes for a second.
Yeah, enjoy it some.
Lean back, lean back.
Stretch out, stretch out.
You're really soaking up
that sun there.
That's it.
Hold it there.
Look at me.
Big smile.
There, that's nice, isn't it?
- No, it's...
Yeah, that's it, that's great.
Fantastic. Okay,
hold it there.
Okay, that's great, yeah.
Yeah, lift your shoulder
a little bit. Come on.
Yeah, yeah, that's beautiful.
Smile. Once again now.
That's it, beautiful.
That's it. Yeah, that's a pleasure.
Lean back, come on, lean
back. Yeah, that's it.
- Like this?
- Yeah, yeah.
Nice and simple.
Now lean back all the way.
Look at me.
Close your eyes.
Enjoy that sun.
That's it.
There you go.
All right.
Okay. I think we've got
enough of this outfit.
Why don't you go change
and we'll go on? All right?
All right.
We're gonna do something
with just the chair
and you, Maria.
Maria, move your hand up there.
And turn around a little
bit. Yeah, that's it.
That's great, fantastic.
Okay, you girls. Now, I want
you to look at each other.
Yeah, look at her, Joanie.
Look at her. That's cool.
All right? Cool, look at each other.
Okay. Look at each other.
Great, okay, very good.
Lift your shoulder a little bit, Maria.
Yeah, gimme that,
that's it, that's it.
Beverly, where is Suzie?
- I don't know.
- What's, what's keeping her so long?
Can you go and have a
look where she is?
- Sure.
- Inside.
Give me smile. That's it, yeah.
Oh, my God!
Lean back, lean back all
the way and look at her.
That's beautiful.
Look at her.
Okay, turn your butt towards me.
Here we go.
That's what I wanna see.
That's great. Joanie,
a little more butt.
Yeah, great, great.
Look at each other.
- Why?
- Okay.
- Well, that looks cool,
looks cool.
Look at her, Joanie.
Close your eyes, Joanie.
Yeah, that, that's what I want.
Okay, take this down.
- What are you doing?
- Well, I just wanna
see a little bit more.
- Well that's all you getting.
- Tiny little bit.
Take your shoulders back.
Can you lift up the dress
a little more?
- Oh, just a little.
Give me, give me a
reverse a little, Joanie.
Turn around a little bit.
- This way?
- Nope, other way around.
There you go, that's awesome.
- You wanna see her butt?
Butt, that's right.
Butt time.
Lift, lift your head, too,
Joanie, yeah.
Give me a profile.
Put that leg down, down.
Okay, there you go.
Stretch. Give me a profile, profile.
I can't see with...
I don't believe this.
What the he takes them so long?
I'm running out of light.
Do me a favor.
I want them here right now.
Will you please go and
get them for me?
- Strange, okay.
- I hate this Hollywood attitude.
Maria, give me that
arrogant, mundane look.
Come on, yeah, that's right.
What the hell is that?
Oh, my God!
- Hey, come here!
- Hey, guys, give me
that bag back!
Give me that! It's got
my clothes in it!
Oh man!
Hey, my first Las Vegas mugging.
Oh, wow.
Thanks, guys.
Appreciate that.
- Look at my map.
And just completely be mindful
about the men in my life.
And I told him about it, you know,
because I had an interview down there.
- There.
Turn around now.
How's this?
- Yeah, looking good now.
Yeah. Right.
That side. Yeah.
Don't move now.
Take off your sweater now.
- What?
- Take off your sweater now.
- Okay.
How's this?
And now more information
on the two models found slain
during a photo session
for a local magazine.
Despite the apparent
similarities in the method
used by paroled serial killer
Johnathan Klick,
police say the prime
suspects in the five murders
remain the two gunman
sought in the recent murder
and robbery at the
Safe Storage Warehouse
on Industrial Road.
Authorities showed
Klick's photograph
to the warehouse manager,
but he said the paroled
murderer was not
one of the two men who
accosted him.
While police have been unable
to locate Klick for questioning,
it is believed he stayed
in the Las Vegas area
following his release on parole.
Meanwhile, grief stricken
photographer, George Morgan,
added $2,000 to the
Secret Witness Program.
The reward for capture of
the Slayers now total $7,000.
Update on the latest in a
series of brutal strangulations
that has terrorized Las Vegas.
Gun shop owners report
record sales of handguns,
and Metro Police have initiated
a series of training sessions
especially designed for women
seeking ways to protect themselves.
Police have withheld identification
of the sixth victim pending
notification of her family.
But WQXQ has learned
that she worked for a
photographic model agency
that advertised in a
local giveaway magazine.
- Well, sweetheart, let's
see what we can find around.
Check out this clown
taking pictures over here.
- Oh, so the street's kinda
dead tonight.
Let's go the other way.
- Sure.
- Let's see.
- Hey, baby. What's up?
- Oh, what do we have here?
- You two sure look good tonight.
- Ooh, sweetie, hey.
- Yeah.
- You're good looking, let's go.
- Mm-hmm.
- It'll cost ya.
All right.
I'm ready to party.
- All right, so let's go.
- Yeah.
- See you later.
- All right.
- Hey, baby, you got any deals
for the shy type?
- Oh, shy type, huh?
Uh, hmm.
- Let's go.
What did I tell you?
Ah, I just made 50 bucks.
- All right.
- Let's go party.
- Oh, you sweet little things.
You sweet, beautiful blossoms.
Mmm. I would like to take
out my income for you.
-All right, mm.
- Mm, let's go.
- Hi, there.
- Hey, you.
I'm gonna show a good time.
Come with me.
- Okay.
Die, garbage.
Let's have a big hand.
For Miss Kat Carson.
- Well, I'm awfully glad
you decided to call me.
Okay, well, come on by.
- Uh-huh.
- Okay, huh-bye.
Oh, you're a little early.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, you look great.
- Ooh, want me to keep
this ribbon in my hair?
- Oh, sure, keep it there.
- Oh.
- It looks nice.
- I don't know if I'm
dressed all right.
- Oh, yes.
Now you, you just lie down there.
- Oh, down, just there?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- Put your,
put your legs up.
-All right.
Just lean back?
- Yeah, lean back
like that, yeah.
- Uh.
- That's great.
- Why are you putting
the camera there?
- Oh, don't worry
about the camera.
- But...
Get off of me!
- Die, garbage!
- Get, what's...
Oh, God!
- Die, garbage!
Oh, no, please!
Oh, no!