Last Airbender, The (2010) Movie Script

A hundred years ago all
was right with our world.
Prosperity and peace filled our days.
The Four Nations: Water, Earth, Fire and Air
Nomads lived amongst each other in harmony.
Great respect was afforded to all those
who could bend their natural element.
The Avatar was the only person
born amongst all the nations
who could master all four elements.
He was the only one who could
communicate with the Spirit World.
With the Spirits' guidance the
Avatar kept balance in the world.
And then a hundred years
ago, he just disappeared...
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Sorry! Sorry!
It would better with time
I thought about mum. Isn't it strange?
Yeah. I guess so.
Stop doing that stuff
around me. I always get wet.
My brother and I live
in the southern water tribe.
Which was once a big city.
Our father was fighting in a war.
My mother was taken prisoner
and killed when I was young.
In this time of the war food is scarce.
My brother and I often go
hunting for food, but...
unfortunately my brother isn't
the best hunter in the world.
- Tiger seal.
- Are you sure?
I did everything dad said to do.
I watch beside the finger tracks, and
that shows in what direction you'd going.
I saw how long the tracks skid,
which shows how fast they are going.
Something's under there.
It's caving! Come back our tracks!
Katara, don't go in there. It's
probably some Fire Nation's trick.
Just back away. Very slow.
Katara, do not hit that sphere!
Uncle, look!
Is he breathing?
Did you see the light
shot through the sky?
What's your name? And
how did you get here?
How did you get in the ice?
He's exhausted.
We need to get him back to the village.
What is this thing?
It tries to eat me!
- How did you get all the way out here?
- I ran away from home.
We're caught in the storm. We are forced
to go under the water in the ocean.
- Oh, I see.
- It wasn't very smart.
I was just upset.
Thanks for saving me.
- Lucky.
- I probably should get home.
- You're not so upset?
- Not as much as I was.
- Fire nation's here.
- What?
And they brought their machines.
Don't come out till
I'll tell you it's safe.
- Something is wrong?
- No, please wait here.
What a coincidence, we
break him out of the ice,
light fly into the sky, and the
fire nation shows with the machines.
Sokka, don't.
I'm Prince Zuko.
Son of fire lord Ozai
and heir to the throne.
Bring me all your elderly!
Come on!
Katara, don't.
You're scaring these people.
Who are you? What's your name?
- I don't need to tell you anything.
- Firebenders!
I'll take you into my ship.
If you don't come, I'll
burn down this village.
I'll go with you. Don't hurt anyone.
They are looking for someone older, and
with the same marks as the boy had.
They dragged Mom away, in the
same way when we were babies.
Should we just stood and watch him
taken away, we should have fought!
We found that boy. He's our
responsibility. We should fight.
What would you do if
they tried take me away?
- I'll kill them all.
- Why?
Because you're my sister.
Because dad told me to
protect you with my life.
Because I'm your responsibility,
and this boy is our responsibility.
What you want us to do, Katara?
How are we supposed to save him?
They're on their ship, we
need miracle to catch them.
I know you think everything's
going to work out. But I don't.
The ice creatures didn't float.
What do you want with me?
My nephew wants me to
perform a little test on you.
- What kind of test?
- I assure you it will not hurt.
I have performed it
hundreds of times, and...
it only takes a few moments
and then you're free to go.
Would you mind if I'll put a few
things in front of you at the table?
It will only take a moment.
- It's all you want?
- My name is Iroh and you have my word.
Grandma, I know you'll try to stop us,
- but this is something that I need...
- Sit down.
I knew from the first we
discovered you were a bender
that one day I would
realize your destiny.
There hasn't been no water bender
in the Southern Water tribe,
since my friend Hama was taken away
Today, I found out that destiny.
Did you see that boy's tattoos?
Tattoos like that haven't
been seen an over a century.
I believe they are airbending tattoos.
How can that be?
I believe that little
boy might be the Avatar.
Once, a long time ago, the
spirit world kept balance over us.
What is the spirit world grandma?
Oh, that's not a place made
out of things you can touch.
But it exists nonetheless.
Just filled with the most amazing forms,
dazzling creatures, that exists
the most exotic valleys,
mountains, forests.
Each of this creatures is a spirit.
They have watched over us since
the beginning. They have guided us.
And only the Avatar
can go speak to them.
Are there spirits here?
Yes, there are some spirits
that live hidden among us.
Sure, they're watching
us with great sadness.
The fire nation doesn't
wish to live by the spirits.
That's why they're so frightened
by the existence of the Avatar.
- What can he do?
- With his mastery of the four elements
he will begin to change hearts.
And it is in heart
that all wars are won.
Now, go help this boy.
He will need you two.
And we all need him.
You... are my prisoner.
I'm taking you back to the fire nation.
- You said I...
- I apologize, I should have explain better.
If you failed the test, like all the
others did, you will be free to leave.
But as it turns out you're the only one
in the entire world
who passed this test...
It is truly an honor
to be in your presence.
Do not even try to
escape. This is a warship!
Stop! Do not let him...
Don't move. You have no way to run.
Thanks for bringing Appa to me.
The Fire nation is up to something.
I have to go back now.
- We'll come with you.
- I can take you back to the village.
We're going with you.
You've found the Avatar.
For a moment, I had my honor back.
Your destiny are tied,
Zuko. That, you can be sure.
Aang flew us to his home.
He told us that he left
in the storm with Appa,
and get forced into the
ocean, where he almost drowned.
Aang airbend the sphere
around them in ice form
and he cannot remember
anything after that.
Hey, Chindo, Momo, I'm back!
Hey guys! I want you to meet someone!
This is where you live?
They must be planning
some trick or something.
Monk Gyatso is gonna try and jump
out and scare me at any moment.
He is the teacher responsible for me.
He's like my father.
- Is it okay for you to tell me your name?
- The monks named me Aang.
OK guys, enough!
Flying rat, it's
poisonous, keep behind me!.
It's a flying lemur-bat,
we keep them as pets.
Weren't they extinct a long time ago?
Extinct. No! There must be
thousands on this mountain.
Your friends were monks?
I know where they are right
now. The tree of the player field.
Aang, wait. I have to talk to you.
I think you are in that
ice for almost a hundred years.
Fire benders started a war.
I left a few days ago!
Aang, the Fire Nation knew the avatar
will be born into the Air Nomads.
So they exterminated all the Air Nomads.
You're lying!
This is monk Gyanzo's.
I made it for him.
Katara, stay away from him!
Katara, stay away from him!
Your friends were the monks?
The Avatar, where have you been?
Don't give up, we can do this together!
The banished prince!
Let's offer him lunch.
I wanted to thank the
great general Iroh,
and the young prince
Zuko for dining with us.
As you know, the fire lord has
banished his son the Prince.
He renounced his love for him and would
not allow him to return to the throne
unless he finds the avatar.
The Fire Lord believes
that his son is too soft.
By doing this he will become strong,
and become a worthy heir to the throne.
I commend the Fire Lord discipline
For example, It seems that
I need to remind Prince Zuko
that during his banishment he
is an enemy of the Fire Nation
and he was not allowed to
wear the Fire Nation's uniform.
But we will let him wear it today
like a child wearing a costume.
One day my father will take me
back, and you'll bow before me.
Are you okay?
I'll be fine.
You know, my grandma thinks because you are
an airbender, that you could be the Avatar.
How much does the Fire Nation control?
A lot of villages in the Earth
kingdom, like around here.
They haven't been able to conquer
the big cities like Ba Sing Se.
but they are making plans, I'm sure.
So, are you the Avatar, Aang?
What is this?
Stay hidden.
- That child is being arrested.
- For what?
He was bending tiny stones
at us from behind a tree
- It really hurt.
- He can bend earth?
Earthbending is
forbidden in this village
Leave him alone. You are
not taking him anywhere.
No one is taking anybody away.
She's a bender
Move! And you too.
- This is my father.
- Hello.
The Fire Nation's plan is
suppress all other bending.
How did this happen to your village?
The Fire Nation sent soldiers.
We fought and defeated them.
Then they sent their machines.
Huge machines, made of metal.
There was nothing we could do.
Those who could not bend
were allowed to live in peace
if we were imprisoned.
Why are you acting this way? You
are powerful! And amazing people!
You don't need to live like this.
There is earth right beneath your feet.
The ground is an
extension of who you are!
If the Avatar had returned,
would that mean anything to you?
The Avatar is dead!, if he
was here, he would protect us!
My name is Aang.
And I'm the Avatar.
I ran away, but I'm back now.
It's time for you to stop doing this!
The Avatar would have been an Airbender
Are you an Airbender, boy?
Leave him alone!
- What are you doing, boy?
- I do not want to hurt anyone.
All the airbenders
should be dead, kill him!
Firebenders, prepare!
OK!. Everybody can help us now!
Don't be afraid!
Go back!
They took away any
stuff related to bending.
The Fire Nation took this scroll
from one member of your Water tribe.
Waterbending Scrolls!
This is rare, my Mom told me about this
This was you when you were born
an Earthbender two lifetimes ago.
You came to our village.
Avatar Kyoshi loved games.
I do too. I mean, I still do.
A lot of the villages in
this part of your kingdom
are occupied by the Fire
Nation. As this village was.
They prey the weakest
towns and villages.
We should go visit some
of these towns Aang.
- I need to say you something.
- What is it Aang?
I ran away before they
trained me to be the Avatar.
I don't know how to
bend the other elements.
Why did you run away?
The day they told me I was the Avatar,
they said I can never
have a normal life.
That I can't never have a family.
They said it can't work with the
responsibilities of the Avatar
Why can't the Avatar have a family?
I ask that!
They said that's the sacrifice
the Avatar always has to make
Okay, so what if we find you teachers,
teachers to teach you bending?
- Which element would you've to learn first?
- Water.
Water comes after
the air in the cycle.
Air, Water, Earth, Fire
But there are pretty powerful
benders in the Northern Water Tribe
My dad told me about it before he left.
Its led by a princess,
because her father died.
There will be teachers there for sure, but
they're all the way on the other side of the world.
- We can get there on Appa.
- That's what I was thinking.
And maybe we can stop
in villages on the way,
start a change in the war
in these small villages.
- Should we try it?
- Yes, we should.
The scroll we had, is
proven to be helpful.
Aang was practicing,
but for some reason he was
having problem with water bending.
We moved from town to
town in the Earth Kingdom.
We tried to stay out of sight, but
Sokka became concerned
that we're being followed.
Sire, I have good news.
You know I conducted a
raid on the great library
- which most said didn't even exists
- Get on words.
I found scrolls in the library.
We are deciphering them, but I
believe they might contain information
as to where the ocean and
moon spirits live in this world
With this information,
we can bring down the
Northern water tribe city.
We could show the world
the true strength of fire.
I am pleased.
Commander Zhao, are
the rumors true or not?
Our spies have discover someone
claiming to be the Avatar.
They describe him just as a boy.
We should set a trap for that person.
We have many earth kingdom
people under our control.
I can leave soldiers
hidden in certain locations.
- And my son?
- He had his chance, and missed it.
And so, for your sake,
my son doesn't find this person
first, and he turn out to be the Avatar
He will returned as a hero,
and be your superior.
Well, I suppose it is a race then.
Fire Nation Colony Fifteen
We are close, uncle. They've been
moving farther and farther north.
We're catching them.
There are a lot of pretty
girls in this town, Zuko,
You could fall in love here.
We could both settle down here
and you could have a pleased life.
You don't have to continue this, Zuko.
I'll show you why I'm moving most, uncle.
Hey! Hey little one, come here.
You look like a very smart boy.
Tell me what you know about
the prince, the Fire Lord's son.
- He did something wrong.
- He spoke out of turn to a general,
in defense of some of his friends who
were going to be sacrificed in a battle.
Then Prince Zuko was
sentenced to an Agni-Ki duel.
But when he showed up, it was
his father he was to fight.
- That's right.
- he would not fight his father
Then his father mocked him and said...
I should bring your
sister up here to beat you.
Then the father burned his
son to teach him a lesson,
That's why we must
catch him first, Uncle
then we can think about pretty girls.
Aang, Try to keep your wrists
bent, like in the drawing.
What's wrong? You've really
been distracted today.
I saw Sokka's maps.
We're near the Northern Air Temple.
Do you think it would be okay if
I just visited there and came back?
- I'd be back in less than a day.
- Why?
He had a vision at the Southern
Air Temple prayer field.
He talked to a dragon spirit
who he thinks can help us.
he thinks if you go to another spiritual
place, he can get back to de spirits world.
I don't think that's a good
idea We started a rebellion.
Try to talk him out of it.
I can't do this, I need help.
- I guess your talk didn't work.
- He'll be back in a day.
Fire Nation's is following us,
if we make a wrong
move, they'll catch him.
And who are you?
Are you...? It cannot be...
I've heard stories, are you?
My name is Aang.
I cannot believe I have
lived to see your return
I am Earth villager, but I
visit this temple remains often.
Fire nation has destroyed this temple.
- They have ruined everything.
- No, not everything.
There is a hidden chamber of statues
I think you, of all people, should see.
These are all the Avatars.
These are the reincarnations
of you over the years.
The Avatar Roku was your last life.
And how did the Airbenders know
you were the Avatar, little boy?
They gave me a test
They put a thousand toys in front
of me and asked me to choose four.
They said I chose the same four objects
that belong to the previous Avatars.
Then they told me I
could have no family.
They told me my responsibility
to the four nations...
In the ceremony when
everybody bows to me...
I my role as the avatar.
But when everybody went bown...
I didn't bow back!
You seem like a nice young man,
You really do.
You will forgive me, won't you?
- For what?
- For luring you down here.
I lived in poverty because
of your absence, Avatar.
So, you'll understand my actions today.
I lived in poverty because
of your absence, Avatar.
I have seen a vision
of the moon turning red.
The Fire Nation have stolen knowledge
of us from the Great Library.
They're planning to
misuse this knowledge.
-I will stop them.
- You must go to the Northern Water tribe.
If they take that city,
world will suffer and die,
as you're airbenders have.
- You must go now.
- How I stop them?
Wake up man.
My name is Commander Zhao,
I set this trap for you.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you.
Besides, you just be reborn again,
then the search would continue.
So, where have you been all this time?
And how is that you're still a boy?
I understand when you freed that handful
of towns you were quite impressive, but
You only used airbending
against my soldiers.
Now why is that?
Fire Lord and I have a plan.
to ensure our reign and
downfall of our enemies.
I'm sending a personal
message to the Fire Lord,
informing him that the one's
feared Avatar, is our prisoner!
And no fight our might!
Who are you?
Wait, no!
Close the inner gates!
The Avatar has escaped!
Close all those gates!
This is no practice area.
Do not kill the Avatar! He
will just be reborn again.
Why are you doing this? Who are you?
Open the gates!
Let them out.
- Is it some kind of spirit Commander?
- Not at all.
Do it.
What is this?
And how did he escape?
I fear that your son is not only
incompetent, but also a traitor.
Of course, I cannot prove this, sir.
You think... my son...
is this person the soldiers
are calling the Blue Spirit?
Zhao's man were searching
the coast looking for you.
They also searched the ship.
I told them you were on
the vacation with the girl.
Where were you for the past four days?
We have to keep moving.
The Avatar is traveling again.
Take a rest first.
You looks like you went
through a great deal, ha?
When you wake, we'll have tea
together, before we start engines, ha?
Do not harm my son.
Leave him to his isolation.
You have my word, Sire.
I will not harm him.
And what of the Avatar?
We assume that he has
rejoin with his followers .
It has been confirmed
that he's traveling north.
It is my strong belief that he is
travelling to the Northern Water Tribe
I believe this child Avatar has
knowledge of only his birth element, Air.
I believe he is trying to
lean the discipline of Water.
He has gone to seek out someone
in the Northern Water Tribe,
where they have lived beyond our reach
and openly practiced Waterbending.
We arrived at the Northern Water Tribe.
We presented ourselves the royal court.
My brother and the Princess
became friends right away.
Aang showed them that
he was The Last Airbender
and was accepted to
train with the masters.
The city knew that our arrival
would bring a great danger.
And they prepared for a war, they
knew what coming in the weeks.
The city was designed
to withstand any assault.
If we keep them in the card
yard and the market place
till the night falls when we have
the advantage, we will succeed.
If we let too many in the city,
their ship number
wouldn't to overwhelm us.
These many fires in this city
should put out as possible
when the alarms sounds.
We want to minimize
their bender sources.
I must to assign a guard to be
with you all the time, princess.
Your presence is our inspiration.
I'll do, let's me to be her
guard, nothing will happen to her.
I had the feeling that
you may be volunteer.
I have not heard about
my son for some time.
- Do you know where he is?
- I have not heard anything, Sire.
I'm sure it will come soon.
The Northern Water Tribe benders
are given their strength by
the moon and the ocean spirits.
They will be difficult to defeat.
Now if for some reason, these
spirits were not involved...
That would be different.
What have you learned
from the stolen scrolls?
We have deciphered the location
of the moon and ocean spirits.
It is our destiny to found
this information Zhao.
Eliminate the spirits, take this city
and we'll the avatar in the process.
Water is what?
The flowing element.
The element of change,
To master water, you
must release your emotions
wherever they may lead you.
Water teaches us acceptance.
Let your emotions flow like Water.
Aang, would you like to spar?
You haven't sparred in a few days
Now use offense, Aang.
General Iroh, I'm glad
you accepted my invitation
to join us at this historic event.
- Your invitation was very gracious,
- You are a gifted strategist,
No one can argue that.
Your failure in the Hundred Day Siege
of Ba Sing Se won't be held against you.
Your son died in that siege, didn't he?
Yes, he did.
Again, I offer my condolences
on your nephew burning to
death in that terrible accident.
Thank you.
I've loved spending these
weeks with you, Sokka.
Me too.
Should we see what the
ocean is doing today?
When there is some safety for all of us,
I will come visit our sister
city in the Southern Water Tribe
- and spend some time in your home
- That would be great.
But I warn you, my grandmother
will ask you a lot of questions.
What might she ask me?
She'll say, Why is your hair
white, young lady? You look very odd.
I would say to your grandmother, my
hair is white because when I was born
I was not awake.
My mother and father could not
get me to make a sound or move.
They prayed for days to
the Moon Spirit, and...
then they dipped me
in the sacred waters.
My parents said that my hair turned
white down, and life poured into me.
- You didn't tell me that.
- You didn't ask me.
Only your grandmother did.
I am sure that Zhao was the one
who ordered to attack on you.
Any problems?
We have arrived at the
Northern Water Tribe stronghold.
They believe the boy is there.
Why do you seem upset, Uncle?
Zhao has no sacredness.
Are you sure you want to be here?
I will not be allowed to live in peace
until I bring the Avatar to my father.
Is that not clear to you?
What is this?
The Fire Nation is here.
Now, be sure to keep your
uniform closed up to your neck,
And remember, your Chi can warm you.
I know, Uncle
Be safe!
Aang needs to ask you something,
I have to talk to the Dragon Spirit,
He can help me defeat the Fire Nation.
Is there a spiritual
place where I can meditate?
There is a very spiritual place
The city was built around this place.
But we must hurry.
Momo be nice.
To get airbending tattoos
You have to meditate for a long
period of time, without losing focus.
Some of the great monks
can meditate for four days.
- I have to get back.
- I'll take you.
I'll stay with him.
Aang can you hear me?
I knew you were real.
I always knew you'd return.
Me too.
The Fire Lord's son!
You took him from our village.
Who are you?
My name is Katara
and I'm the only waterbender
left in the Southern Water tribe.
I'm not allowed to go home without him.
The waterbenders get power from the moon
They will get stronger as
the day comes to an end.
General Iroh, I've
been keeping a secret.
And what is that?
In my raid on the Great Library
earlier this year, I found the scroll.
It was the location of the
Ocean and Moon Spirits.
To meet a Spirit would be a great honor.
Well, I hope I can give you that honor
What happened? What happened?
Prince Zuko's here in the
city, he took Aang again.
We just wait till
everyone's fighting everyone.
Then the night we'll slip out us.
Aang, can you hear me?
I knew you were real.
I always knew you'd return.
Please, tell me how to
beat the Fire nation.
You are not dealing with
the loss of your people
and your responsibility
for their deaths.
You are stopping yourself
from grieving, you're angry.
You must let this go.
As the Avatar you are
not meant to hurt others.
Use the ocean.
Show them the power of water.
Go, do this now.
My sister Azul always been special.
She was a firebender
prodigy. My father loves her.
He can't even look at me sometimes.
She doesn't like my mother.
I advise that you call
back your man soon.
They will be trapped in the city
when the moon's power comes out.
Do not worry about the
moon's power, General Iroh.
Why should you not be worried
about the moon's power?
Because your brother Fire Lord Ozai and I,
have decided that it's in our best interests
- to kill the Moon Spirits.
- What?
Calm down, we'll find him.
Are you okay? Did this
spirits tell you anything?
Yes, the dragon's spirit
talk to me. I know what I do.
Aang, we have to go.
You won't be killed by waterbenders
if you stay hidden here.
We could be friends, you know.
They're getting stronger.
This is a scroll from the
Great Library. This is our map.
Our world is going to
change soon, gentlemen.
See where they're going.
They called many names.
Yin and Yang, Push and Pull.
May I introduce you to the
mysterious Ocean and Moon's Spirits.
Why do Spirits take the
form of such benign things,
leaves them so vulnerable?
To teach man kindness and humility.
Commander Zhao, there're certain things
humankind should not be playing with.
The Spirits and spirit
world is one of them.
- What are you doing here?
- Stop, Zhao!
The world will gone out of
balance, everyone will be hurt.
The Fire Nation is too powerful
to worry about children's
superstitions, General Iroh.
Commander Zhao, don't.
We are now the gods!
You're too soft, General Iroh.
He's making fire out of nothing!
As the Avatar you are not
meant to hurt others.
You must show them the power of water.
All is lost.
You have been anointed
by the Moon Spirit.
- He gave me life when I was a child.
- Then there is still a chance.
You can give your life
back for the Spirits.
Don't listen to him, he
is from the Fire Nation.
Nothing is ever truly lost.
Is it might to give back if I choose?
There are reasons each of us are born.
We have to find those reasons.
This was the reason I was born.
Yue, please.
- There is no love without sacrifice.
- What are you doing?
You don't know what will happen.
I believe that my life will force will
leave my body and return to the Moon Spirit.
And then what?
My soul will no longer
exist in this form.
Please, don't do this.
There must be another way.
I can't let you do this,
I suppose to protect you.
My people are dying, Sokka.
Those who are in charge of
others have a responsibility.
It is just time we show the Fire Nation
that we believe in our beliefs
much than they believe in their own.
- But, you will--
- I'm scared,
don't make me anymore scare.
I'll miss you more than you know.
I killed you.
Come away from him, nephew.
There are too many soldiers now, they
would never let you take the Avatar.
We must leave immediately.
He wants to fight you so
we can capture you, Zuko.
Walk away.
You stand alone, and that has
always been your great mistake.
Water teaches us acceptance.
Let your emotions flow, like water.
They want you to be their Avatar, Aang.
We all do.
Our forces in the Northern Water
tribe failed to take the city.
General Zhao was killed in battle,
my brother's become a traitor, my
son has proving himself as traitor.
Ah, Sozin's Comet is
returning in three years.
It will give all firebenders the
ability of the highest firebenders.
The ability to use their
own Chi to create fire.
That is the day we will win this war
and prove that Fire Nations don't lose.
And we must stop the Avatar
from mastering earth and fire.
You must give us the
time to get to that day.
Do you accept this unspeakably
important task that I put in your hands?
I'll do, father.