Last Caress (2010) Movie Script

oh,you're awake.
who are you?
- and what happened to me?
- i'm sorry..
excuse me.
my name's clara.
we met tonight at your show..
i'm michele marcocci's assistant.
when you felt ill, i took you home.
miss ventura?
do you want me to call a doctor?
no, thank you, that won't be necessary..
are you sure?
do you want me to stay a little longer?
that's nice of you but, no.
what time is it?
oh dear, that late?
did you stay all this time?
i was to watch over you.
as per michele's orders.
you should go home now.,
your boyfriend will be worried.
he probablywould be if i had one.
- may i ask you a question?
- of course.
what did you see earlier?
at the gallery.?
it's... it's embarrassing.
most people don't believe
i have a real gift.
they think i'm...
an original.
an artist.
do you believe it?
i don't know..
but i have to admit i'm curious.
what i'm about to say
will seem ridiculous, then.
it's the first time that...
...that i feel something instead of
just seeing. do you understand?
it felt like somebody
hitting me multiple times.
as if a blade had pierced my flesh.
and i felt...
at that moment, i felt it was the end.
you mentioned the portrait of gabrielle.
but i'm ok now..
i don't want to talk about it.
don't worry.. just go home
and drive carefully.
dirty little bitch.
the least i can say is that
you've ruined every thing for me
just as you've ruined it all for my mom.
well. now. that we're finally alone...
will you tell me where
you've hidden the painting?
i've heard it's worth millions.
i have all my time to look for it.
you're not going to stop me.
what? is there a problem?
since when is that painting yours?
Iet me remind you
that she was also my ancestor.
what's it to you, anyway?
you live here on your own...
you're so selfish that
you could never keep any man.
i have all the time i need
to search the house.
what are you looking at?
all the way...
all the way..
all the way to the end,
you'll be fucking me over!
i'm going for a walk.
it stinks in here.
and when i come back,
i'll find that damn painting.
it's me.
the fake painting has been destroyed.
the real painting...
is here in the manor.
i overheard that when i arrived.
i'll bring it to you
straight away once i get back.
no, i'm sure about this.
don't worry. about anything.
no witnesses!
i gotta go!
what a house!
would your cousin be a little disturbed?
i don't know..
she was supposed to meet us and, well...
as you can see...
if she's anything like you,
she'll be nursing a hangover
in the wine cellar.
who's that?
the girl who stole her boyfriend?
disturbed and emotional.
- you fool! that's my ancestor.
- excuse me?
yes, my great-great...
you know , an ancestor.
i find that ancestor pretty good looking.
a touch too light-haired
for my taste but a looker.
ok. so, what do we do?
i don't know. what happened here
but your cousin's missing.
she lives alone and the door is broken.
maybe we should call the cops.
the cops? are you out of your mind?
no, we can't call the cops.
Iook! nothing's missing.
and my cousin is a little weird...
so she definitely wouldn't want
the cops all over the place.
I think...
she just got herself into some kind of mess
and she'll probably show up soon.
well, then we'll just stay here
in the meantime.
I second that!
we can have sex, we can smoke,
and what else?
that's a good question.
i think we all need to chill.
what do you suggest?
where were you?
we've been here for three hours.
you ok? we were worried, well, I was.
so? how did it go?
it's good to see you, too. come on.
what do we do?
kat's got an idea but...
you'll find it corny.
this is so damn corny!
i refuse to be a part of it,
this place gives off bad vibes.
it's ok, we're just having a little fun.
don't you want to get
to know. kat's ancestor?
yeah, relax a bit,
you're acting like
an individualist capitalist.
i want to know about kat's ancestor.
- we don't want your bourgeois attitude.
- fuck!
you're the one who gives off bad vibes.
we don't know anything about this chick,
except that she's hot
and has a streak of white hair.
I don't know, maybe she's eva braun
or some other kind of psycho.
yeah, sweet...
I don't mean to be a bitch about this
but you haven't told us
the first thing about her.
we were supposed to spend
a nice little weekend,
and here we are in a wrecked house.
and all we do is invoke the spirit of a woman
whose portrait has been ripped to shreds.
you have to admit that's unusual behaviour.
so, are you going to fill us in?
all i can say is that we're about to invoke
the spirit of a woman
who was thought to be...
a witch.
her name was...
gabrielle vajda.
- gabrielle what?
- vajda.
she was run out
of a convent in chekoslovakia.
- she ended up on a stake.
- whoa, nice!
do you want to share this with me?
come on!
what's up?
she's asleep like a baby..
she just needs a little rest.
rest, my ass!
she needs to get the hell out of here
like all of us.
I told you this place gave off bad vibes.
come on, greg, wouldn't you
be losing, right now.?
you saw what she did.
her eyes, that ghostlike thing
in the flames.
this whole place is creepy..
- what do you want to do?
- get the fuck out.
come on, scaredy pants,
don't you think it's complicated enough?
we saw a ghost, didn't we,
something in the dark, a vision, if you like.
you saw it too, right?
your turn.
call a doctor?
with what we smoked last night,
we might as well call the cops.
and have you seen the state the house is in?
she's fine, she just freaked out.
we all know that.
ok. I vote for waiting
until her cousin shows up...
or at least until she wakes up.
what a fucked up plan.
no, really, great week end!
what do we do?
- what's she saying?
- she's going to take a bath.
- that's great!
- alone.
I'm almost done.
maybe you want me to scrub your back?
where's the corkscrew?
hey, artist girl.
what're you creating?
I'm drawing something beautiful.
have a look at this.
how do you like this model?
a small-scale model.
what do you want me to draw?
- there's nothing to see.
- whatever's going on between you...
and the young lady behind me.
I'm not even counting the fat rolls.
what's your problem?
big belly, small dick.
am I the first to tell you?
I see. you're into fashion model types
with six-packs and all, right?
we're all like that, it's just our nature.
I thought artist chicks
wanted something else,
someone a little more special,
I don't know, anything but an action figure?
that's just a load of bull.
not even an artist like you?
they drink...
they stink...
they're poor...
and they die in attics.
nothing to get worked up about.
fuck! did you do this?
we haven't left each other's sight
for a second!
probably someone
who doesn't like your load of bull.
very funny, fatso.
I'll just go over to the bathroom
see if i can rub
my little fishtail
against our beautiful mermaid.
at the very Ieast, i'll get to watch
since she can't hear anything.
are you just going to leave me here alone
with an asshole who fucked up my drawing?
you're the only asshole here.
you're a pain in the ass,
you're dumb and you're agressive. ok?
and since I'm not a masochist,
i'll go look elsewhere.
my dad always told me I lacked ambition.
that'll teach me to hit on a "not-so-bad".
- not-so-bad?
- yeah.
you don't know the theory.
about not-so-bads and hotties?
it's simple.
you have this chick, not so bad but not hot.
you try your luck because
you think she'll be more accessible.
but since she's not very beautiful,
she'll feel the need to be a pain in the ass
and be dumb and be agressive.
go on.
a hottie has nothing to prove.
if she likes you, she'll sayyes.
if she doesn't, she'll say a polite no.
but she doesn't feel
the need to piss you off.
selene is a hottie.
you're just a not-so-bad.
would you repeat that?
I said, selene is a hot-
hey, stupid, that hurt!
you're so hard!
i never felt anything that hard.
am i turning you on like that?
thank you, girls, you rock.
gabrielle vajda.
you have been denounced
by your peers as a courtesan to satan.
the change of colour in your hair is evident
proof of your devilish frequentations.
today, as a man, I cast you out.
as a brother, I deny you.
as a servant of god,
I condemn you.
vade retro, satana!
you dare to call yourself a brother?
all of you.
you judge only by appearances.
you act only through violence!
and you call yourself my peers!
I deny you!
I deny and condemn all of you!
I will fight with all my might
to torture your souls all the way to hell!
you hear me?
all the way to hell!
may the sentence be applied.