Last Chance Charlene (2022) Movie Script

[light music]
[typewriter clacking]
[bell rings, typewriter slides]
-[woman sighs]
-Since '92, all I ever wanted
To do
-[woman] Whoo-hoo!
-Was be with you, yeah
-Baby, baby
Can I get this chance?
-Let me get this one dance
-[text dings]
-[text whooshes]
-I said
Since '92...
-[message dings]
Was be with you, yeah
[message dings]
-[phone ringing]
-Oh, shit, shit, shit!
[water shuts off]
-[video call answer tone]
-Veronica. Hey. Hi.
-[touch tones clicking]
Did you get your mom
to sign off?
-Veronica, sorry!
-Hold on. Hold on!
-[random dialing]
-I just needed the--
stupid Wi-Fi
in here gets all twitchy and--
[sighs, clears throat]
-What'd they say?
-Where are you?
-Home. I'm home.
-Are you on your phone
in the shower again?
[Charlene] I was listening
to a podcast.
-Damn it, Charlene.
-What did they say?
-Did they like it?
-They passed.
-For now.
-Take a guess.
-[both] They didn't connect
with the material.
-Seriously? Of course.
-You know how this goes.
They have notes.
You rewrite. We try again.
Meanwhile, we move forward.
I submit you all over town.
I'll get you a pitch meeting
this week or next.
I'll let you know.
And good news.
I got you a go-see
this afternoon.
-Check your inbox.
We got this.
It's just part of the process
of being a multi-hyphenate.
It's been a 20-year process.
And Charlene,
don't ever answer your phone
in the shower again.
I'm your girl,
but it's unprofessional.
Sending notes now.
Get me a rewrite in two weeks
and get your mom to sign off--
-[video call end tone]
[texts whoosh]
["Since '92" continues]
[woman] It's too dark
and disturbing.
Don't you have anything funny?
Have you considered
turning the funeral into
a scavenger hunt?
[man] Yeah, sorry.
We're looking
for family-friendly topics.
Oh, we're buying up
sports movies like crazy.
Do you have any
basketball themed ideas?
Oh, and dogs.
If you pitched a basketball
team of dogs
on their way to the finals...
[laughing] we'd buy that pitch
sight unseen!
Especially if it was set
in space or underwater.
[woman 2] Stories about death
don't appeal to me.
Do you have
any pandemic, quarantine,
zombie love stories?
[hairdryer whirring]
Okay, even back then
Though I was just a kid
I swear to God
I was full of passion...
[man] Char, you need space.
I'll take the kids.
We'll go to my sister's
for a while.
As long as it takes.
Baby, baby
This is really hard
on the kids.
On all of us.
-Since '92
All I ever wanted to do
Was be with you, yeah
Baby, baby
Can I get this chance?
Let me get this one dance
I said
Since '92
All I ever wanted to do
-Was be with you, yeah
Baby, baby
I'll get that chance
Let me get this one dance
-[man] Char.
Are you still in denial?
[house music]
[camera shutter clicking]
Again. Forty-five degrees.
Too much, half that.
Oh, I'm vaccinated.
Just sayin'.
It's not about you.
Are your measurements
up to date?
COVID kind of messed things up.
Gyms closed, you know?
-[photographer] All right,
let's take five.
Is there coffee today?
Yeah, crafty got it right
this time.
[indistinct chatter]
Is there a restroom I could use?
[music continues]
[man] Hey, this is Raul,
my personal cell.
If you know me,
leave a message.
Clients, please use
my office line.
[Charlene] Hey, uh, can I
come by your sister's house?
I wanna see the girls.
I could bring Froyo.
Uh, I'll text you. Um...
I haven't seen you
in like so many minutes.
I'm sorry, I don't--
Oh, I got my nose done
and now no one recognizes me.
Ugh. Cleopatra?
We had acting class
for years together.
I see you in auditions.
Oh, Cleo, oh, my God! Hi.
It's Cleopatra now.
It's on my headshot
like all my socials, so...
-I thought you were in New York.
-I was.
Well, I am.
I'm just like taking a break.
It's, like, the pandemic hit
and it was, like, so dead.
Like, New York died again.
But I'll go back.
You know, when it bounces back.
But L.A., Vancouver, Atlanta
is really poppin' right now.
Oh, yeah. Totally.
Did you just go in for this gig?
How'd it go?
Um, good. Um...
Well, my manager
said I was like a shoo-in.
I'm gonna get back
to my phone call.
-Oh, okay.
[whispers] I'll wait.
-Do you smell that?
It's like someone's
lactating in here.
Sorry about that.
I ran into an old
acting classmate.
[Cleo] You got dinner plans?
I'm gonna meet up
with Neo and Dino.
-Remember those guys from class?
-Oh, mm-hmm. Yep.
-Uh, I'm still
on the phone, so, yeah.
We're gonna get drinks, chips
and dips. It's gonna be so fun!
I'm on my way, ASAP.
I don't know. Um...
Uh, okay.
No worries if you're busy.
Cool, cool, cool.
Well, uh...
I heard they needed
a size 2, so...
-I better get in there.
Oh, and hey, I...
I'm sorry about your loss.
I heard about Dominick. Okay?
I'm sorry I couldn't
make it to the memorial.
-Oh. Well, thank you.
-I just-- [scoffs]
I got booked
this amazing pilot
at the same time as
his Zoom funeral thingy, and--
God, I was, like, filming
in Vancouver-- a sci-fi show.
Had me in the chair
for three hours every morning.
Thank God because
my nose was still healing.
But, God, those COVID tests
were a bitch.
Anyway, so,
it got picked up for a series!
Can you believe it?
W-- I hadn't--
Wow, congratulations!
-You didn't audition?
-I hadn't heard-- uh...
I did, yeah.
Well, you know, it's like
I auditioned once
and then I got a callback
and booked at the same time.
Okay, I'm gonna go
find a bathroom, so...
Oh. Well--
okay, well, who's on the-- uh?
But I'll see you tonight, then.
So adorable.
[indistinct chatter]
[keyboard clacking]
[woman] Charlene? [scoffs]
Charlene Tushy? [scoffs]
It's me, Joan.
[Joan] Oh. I never say it right.
I haven't seen you
at church lately.
Haven't been in years.
You okay? Poor thing.
I've been praying
for you and your mother.
How is Lorenna?
I miss her working
at the church office.
Joan, you'll have to excuse me.
I have an emergency.
It must have been so awful.
I don't know what I'd do if
a loved one committed suicide.
-God forbid.
-He didn't commit a crime.
I dropped off a grief basket
with cookies to your mom.
-Do you know if she got them?
-Not sure.
Oh, she didn't send
a thank-you note or anything.
She hasn't been to women's
group in a while
and the ladies are talking.
She may have had other
things on her mind, Joan.
Since my brother died.
So, yeah.
I'm gonna go before I urinate
all over this parking lot.
Unless you'd like to talk
in a puddle of my pee?
-Oh. I'll pray for you!
-Don't bother!
-[engine starts]
-[Joan] Oh!
-[horn honks]
-[Joan] Oh!
-Oh, oh, oh!
-[honking continues]
[jazzy music]
[Joan] God works out all
things for good--
Go to hell, Joan.
[Dominick] Admit it.
You enjoyed that.
[Charlene] Not as much
as I thought it would.
[Dominick] Huh. Hmm.
You think you're depressed?
[birds chirping]
["Tightrope Walking"
playing through earphones]
[message dings]
-I don't give up
On what I believe in
-[texts whoosh]
-Even if it's seen
Better days
-[text whooshes]
-I don't forget
When I feel magic
-[text whooshes]
I still remember the way
Ugh! [screams]
[indistinct chatter]
[kids laughing]
[text whooshes]
[phone ringing]
-[video call answer tone]
-[Veronica] What the hell,
This industry is so messed up.
-They sent your go-see shots.
-They passed on you.
And I quote,
"Your saggy side friends.
AKA your love handles."
What the f-- ah.
-I've been in a funk, Veronica.
-I know.
And you'll get healed
by going to counseling,
not a drive thru.
But damn, why can't Hollywood
normalize all body types?
Means we need to work harder.
Hey, what's your mantra?
Say it.
The story lies within me.
Come on.
Those are your words.
The story lies within me. Mm.
[sighs] Go find that story,
If you're gonna be
an actor/writer,
you need to hustle!
Get some sleep or your eyes
will be as saggy as your abs.
So low. Jeez.
Oh, and I got you
a pitch meeting in person.
Deets in your inbox
and don't be late.
-No more of those--
-[video call end tone]
[phone buzzes]
[text whooshes]
[indistinct chatter]
-[text whooshes]
-[kids shouting]
[man] I would say
working on that film was,
I don't know,
cathartic for my soul.
All right, so we're
at the wrap party, right,
and Alex, the producer,
comes up to me and says, uh,
"If you don't get an Emmy
nomination for this
or at least
one of these MTV award thingies,
I will personally,
personally protest."
I've worked with him twice
-He's solid.
-Mm, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Alex's pronouns
are actually she/her/hers.
-All right.
-So... my turn.
Big news.
-Neo, we rehearsed this.
Oh! Sorry, babe.
[metal clanking rhythmically]
-It's a drum roll.
[Neo clears throat]
Hand it out, babe.
My fingers are hurting.
I sold my second pilot
this week.
Oh! What?
Yo, that's amazing!
[Cleo] Thank you!
Cleo, are you in need
of a good-looking actor,
late 20s, early 30s,
who can also play a teenager
once, you know, clean-shaven?
-That's not all.
-[Cleo] Mm-hmm.
We just...
[both] Bought a house!
[Cleo] Three bedrooms...
[Neo] Two and a half baths.
All right, my parents helped
with the down payment,
so it wasn't all us.
I'm not rocking
seven figures yet. [chuckles]
Yeah, my parents
wanted to help, but--
-You'll hold your own end, bae.
-They're poor.
Must feel so good to get out
of the rental market.
Oh, no! You still rent?
Oh, and with the kids?
No bueno.
Just... [imitates gunshot,
brains exploding]
Ugh, what a shame,
Charlene. Boo!
Shirt designing
is not making ends meet?
My brother designed them,
I do marketing and comms.
[man] Hey, what about a condo?
Can you afford one of those,
you know, studio/condo things?
I wish.
But it's too small for us.
Yeah, yeah, no,
I meant, like, just for fun.
You know, my condo's
for while I'm filming
in Canada.
Yeah, yeah. I have a house here.
And you're acting and writing?
The hustle is all too real.
And she's marketing, and a mom?
Too much. [chuckles]
Way too much.
My therapist said,
"Focus on one thing at a time
and that's what brings you joy."
But you act and write, too.
-[Cleo] Hmm?
-Oh, and...
she's an influencer.
-A real "thumb-stopper"
this one.
-Oh, okay.
Everyone who's anyone
in this industry is
an influencer.
Hey, blue check mark, baby.
All right? We're talking
brand deals, and next stop?
-A podcast!
-[man] Oh!
I'm just saying, thank God
I'm not still waiting on tables.
Can I get a re--
Oh, Charlene,
I saw your, uh,
lipstick commercial.
-It was kind of hot.
-Oh, God.
-Hmm. Oh, my God, I missed it.
Nice! Was it national?
Like public access? Non-union?
-Pays the bills.
Hey, Char, what's going on
with, uh, with your film?
Still shoppin' it.
-You know, uh,
looking for a producer...
...getting notes, rewriting...
-It's your first feature, right?
-Yeah, uh, Thoughts
That Kill Us.
-Things That Kill Us.
-Things That Kill Us.
Sounds like slashery and gory.
Lot of oozy blood, huh?
-I'm in.
-Ah, it's a drama.
That title's
not gonna work at all.
Ooh, do you need a good-looking,
who can play a sexy,
dramatic serial killer?
Do you have funding yet?
Not yet.
Apparently, suicide
is more palpable when...
intertwined with
a scavenger hunt,
according to the execs.
What about an animated
scavenger hunt suicide musical?
I would watch that movie.
-[Neo] Right?
-I-I wouldn't, so...
Like a Dear Evan Hanson
meets Finding Nemo
mixed with Jungle Cruise.
-Like a threesome.
-Yes! And toss in some sci-fi.
You know, some of that Star Wars
meets Ma Rainey's Black Bottom.
-Yes! Just total genre orgy.
Just throw it all in.
Hm! I booked a gig today.
-I need to use the restroom.
-Damn! You on fire.
-Damn! Pinch it.
-[man] What's this for?
Okay, so this is organic,
cruelty-free boutique
in San Francisco.
-[Charlene whining]
-[whining continues]
[whining continues]
Excuse me. You okay?
I'm not okay.
You need help?
I'll call for help.
No, no, no. Please no.
[woman] Oh, bitch.
Is it cramps? 'Cause damn.
I have edibles if you want.
I'm just really tired, and...
traumatized and sometimes
peeing triggers me.
-No big deal.
A chocolate high might help.
[toilet flushing]
Why not?
That'll be 25 bucks.
Uh, how about a twofer?
[scoffs] Mm-mm.
I take cash or Venmo.
["Feel Free" playing]
-Eat it. Eat it!
-Why? 'Cause it's a carb?
-Oh, you're so annoying.
-Or 'cause it's corn?
La, la, la
La, la, la, la
Oh, oh
And darling
Are we blocking my way?
Fuck out my way
Need to fix my feng shui
[song continues]
Aren't we all human beings?
The color of my energy
Feeling me
I don't need nobody else
You guys are cute together.
Uh, I don't need
Nobody else
I feel good all by myself
Most people can't stand
To be alone
I don't mind
No, no, I don't mind
[song fades]
Damn it! Come on!
-[man] Do you need some help?
-Nope. No, I'm fine. Bye.
You left
without saying goodbye.
Okay, can you help me?
I can't get this--
-Whoa there, muscles.
Oh, shit.
[whispers] This isn't my car.
What's up with you?
[key fob beeping]
A wee bit high, I think.
-All right, I'll, um,
leave a note.
-Got it!
-Dominick, are you in there?
-Whoa, whoa, whoa now, hey.
Hey, you sure
this one's your car?
but I'm gonna give it a shot.
-Okay. Hey, how about--
-[car alarm blares]
-Oh! Well, it opened.
-You know,
how about I take those?
-There you go. [chuckles]
-[key fob beeps]
Let me drive you home. Come on.
Get in.
-All right.
That's the responsible
thing to do here!
Cool. If you can
just keep it down.
-[horn honks]
-Oh, I gotta make a pit stop.
-Okay! All right!
-Just keep it down, Charlene.
-[Charlene] Okay. All right.
-Thank you. Just put your--
Hey, there! Hey, ma'am,
how are you doing?
-[Charlene] Ow! Oh.
-[man] Taking care of a friend.
All right now.
All right, you have
a good night! Don't you--
Don't you call the cops on me.
-[chuckles] Oh, boy.
-[Charlene sighs]
-You get--
Oh, that's a lot of feet in--
Oh, you--
you just need to--
Okay, I'ma touch you.
-Okay. All right. Okay.
That's... hoo!
-Seat belt!
-Yeah, seat belt. Awesome.
-Safety first.
-Mm-hmm. Definitely.
-[seat belt clicks]
I've never been over here.
It's just-- okay.
-Makes it go click.
-Got it. Oh.
-All right. Awesome.
You're not getting in my pants.
-Just so you know.
My God. Uh, no.
-What, am I too old for you?
Aren't you, like,
what, 30-something?
Don't remind me.
When a woman turns 40
in this business, she's done.
Mmm. SAG rules, yo.
I live by them on set
and in real life.
You know just-- Just keep it
a playable age range.
Besides, you can--
You can lie about it on IMDb
anyway, so don't worry.
[laughing] And, uh...
No, I am not at all interested
in getting in your pants.
[scoffs] If I was, ooh!
-Oh, you would know it.
You could've
at least pretended!
-You know,
use your actory skills...
...and blew smoke up my ass,
and then let me down gently.
-All right, okay, w-wait.
That's not... [chuckles]
what I meant at all.
It's just, you know,
And I'm all about consent.
One hundo P!
Besides, aren't you--
Aren't you married?
I'm not about to holler
at somebody else's lady, so...
So you're a gentleman?
-[text whooshes]
-[man sniffs]
["Simi" playing]
-Three left.
Two for me, one for you?
How many have you had?
Mm, three? Four?
Seven? Don't know.
That's a lot of chocolate.
I'm floating.
Feels good.
Everyone deserves to feel good.
I haven't felt...
anything in a long time.
-'Cause of your brother?
Can I ask what happened?
He died.
Yeah, I mean, I-I know.
And you know, I am so sorry.
So am I.
But, like, what happened,
you know?
Did your parents name you after
the dog from The Flintstones?
-Your name.
It always makes me
hear that dog's bark
in my head.
[imitates barking]
I... I have no idea
what you're talking about.
[message dings]
Oh, my God.
Can you hurry? I have to pee.
Oh, are you that blazed?
I can't believe you don't know.
-Fred. Wilma. Pebbles?
-Who are you talking about?
-How old are you?
-Come on!
-It's my little secret.
They're, like,
a prehistoric family.
Like Jurassic Park
but a cartoon.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
You know, my--
My mom loved that old-timey
animated show, yeah!
You know, she said--
She said if they do
like a live show of it,
I should play Barney or, uh,
Those were the other names
on her list for me.
Elizabeth Banks is doing,
producing, an adult cartoon.
Yeah! You--
Do you do voice-overs?
Oh, one hundo P!
-You're welcome!
Yeah, I should call my manager,
see if they're auditioning
for that.
[message dings]
-Your mom named you
after a brontosaurus.
-[scoffs] Oh, my...
-A little, purple
yappy dinosaur dog.
What does it sound like again?
-[imitates barking]
-Like that. Just like that.
-Oh, that's great.
-You sure you don't want one?
-Mm, no. You should have
all of them.
Uh. [grunts]
-I can do this.
-Um, no, no, no, no, n-no!
What is wrong with you?
Want me to come in?
No, no. You stay here.
-Stay right here, okay?
And don't eat my brownies!
-Oh! Yo. Oh, my God!
Are you okay?
I'm good!
I think I broke a couple toes
and I peed a little,
but I'm fine.
It's cool.
Popped two kids out of this vag.
Oh! 'Kay. Didn't need
that visual, Charlene.
-[Charlene] Got it!
-[whimsical music]
Got it.
All right.
[doorbell rings]
[knocking on door]
[dog barking]
[imitates Gollum] My precious.
[normal voice] Yes!
Ayla, it's me!
Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
-I have to pee.
-What the hell, Charlene?
Sorry, sorry. I...
Pee is dribbling down my leg.
-Gross, Charlene.
[door closes]
Thanks for the leggings.
-[Charlene] Hmm?
-[tree grunting]
That tree is giving me
dirty looks.
What's happening with you?
-Do you hate me?
-Are you pregnant?
No. No!
-God, no.
-You need to see a specialist
about those bladder issues.
and I'm really high.
Excuse me, what? You?
If I wasn't with child,
I'd join you.
-I think I ate 'em all anyway.
Is that bad? Could that kill me?
That'll get you good. [chuckles]
Um, are you okay?
-You're not?
I mean, I don't
expect you to be, but I...
I wanna talk. I've been weird.
You have been
weirder than usual, Char.
-I miss you.
Haven't been in a good place.
Who is, Charlene?
It's been hell.
I don't believe in hell
like I used to.
Like, it's not a place
we go when we die.
It's life on Earth.
We're all just living
different versions of hell.
Am I a heretic now?
Mom would say so.
I sprained my toe.
Should we go to the ER?
Could I get some... [yawns]
[softly] Oh, my God.
[Ayla grunts softly]
Girl, you better not piddle
on my couch.
[doorbell rings]
[knocking on door]
-What the hell? Who is it?
-[man] Dino.
[Dino] Dino. Like the, uh,
little brontosaurus dog
from the Jurassic Park
-[imitates barking]
I'm, uh, I'm Charlene's
old friend from acting class.
W-What do you want?
Um... Is Charlene
coming back out, or...
[indistinct chatter]
[Dino] Okay, so-- So what
you're telling me is that
the female duck, she has a--
she has a maze in her uterus?
-[Ayla] Yeah.
-[Dino] Wait, do ducks
have uteruses, or--
-[Ayla] I don't know,
I work with humans!
-[Dino laughs]
[Dino] Wow! That's just...
It's all business, then,
down there, huh?
-[Ayla] All business.
-[Ayla] With a spur on it.
-[Dino] Oh! What?
-[Ayla laughing] Mm-hmm!
-[Dino] Mm-mm.
-Just business, no pleasure.
-All business, no pleasure.
[Dino laughing]
I have delivered a baby once.
As a doctor, of course,
on that streaming show
Hot DRs.
You mean Hot Doctors?
Oh, is that how you say it?
-I never knew.
Mm, so you've watched?
-Is it like-- [sniffs]
is it like real life?
-[phone buzzes]
[Ayla] No! There's not much time
for sex in the closet
in the ER.
-[Dino] Hmm.
-[texts whoosh]
-[Dino] No.
I try to eat clean
as much as I can.
Gotta take my shirt off
a lot on camera, so, you know.
-[Dino clears throat]
Oh, hey!
Good morning,
you little ray o' sunshine, you!
[Ayla] Hungry?
Dino made breakfast.
[Dino] Mm. English muffins,
wheat toast.
Butter or dry?
-Coffee's in the pot.
-[chuckles] Pot.
How are you feeling?
-[Dino] How's your toesies?
Fine. Uh, why are you here?
'Cause you left him
out in the car last night.
-Sorry. Oh, you slept over?
-We didn't sleep.
We were up talking all night.
Why are you wearing
my brother's shirt?
Oh, yeah!
Yeah, I got the jeans on too.
His stuff is really cool.
What? No.
-Okay, this is weird.
-Charlene. It's fine.
He needed some fresh clothes.
I, uh, have an audition
this afternoon.
I-- I have a headache.
I need some aspirin.
You know where it's at.
Help yourself.
[Ayla] Grab a toothbrush
while you're at it.
This ain't Costco,
brownie breath.
-[Dino laughs]
-That girl.
-She'll be taking
all the toothbrushes.
-All my toothbrushes.
-You know they're in the bag.
-She's about to fill it up.
Hey, buddy!
[kissing noises]
[Dominick's voice] I can't make
my way, these straits so dire.
Mud and mire.
Put through the fire.
Life is like a tightrope wire.
[somber music]
I'll do my best, liar.
You are a mess.
-[door opens]
-[Ayla] Char?
What's going on here?
Just purging, organizing things
before the baby comes.
Are you moving?
I've asked you to come
get this stuff for months.
-So you're moving on.
-Moving forward.
There's a difference.
Sure. Split hairs.
You're the words person.
You know they matter.
You've been AWOL.
We were in a pandemic.
Your mother, Raul, the kids,
they all made time.
I'm not gonna apologize
for working.
-That's not what I'm saying.
-Well, what are you saying?
I just thought that we'd watch
The Notebook
and cry and...
eat Froyo.
So you watched it without me?
It's so sad but so good.
I didn't have a lot to give.
After the funeral, I was done.
Which was a damn video call.
You can't possibly be okay.
I'm not okay.
And I'm trying to run TBD,
trying to write this thing,
trying to keep
my acting career afloat,
my marriage from dying,
and my kids
from being totally screwed up.
-I don't know.
-I'm sorry.
For what?
I can't expect you to grieve
the same way I do.
I shouldn't have.
Well, how are you grieving?
You really are something,
I'm asking because
I don't know if I am...
or how to.
I can't tell you how.
Everyone does it different.
You just have to...
to make time to do it.
Get a grief journal.
my dad died,
you know, we had
the whole church funeral
and my mom did all the things.
-It was a big deal.
And my mom acted like
his death was a blessing.
"He's in a better place."
Like Earth is bad
and we should be happy
he left us.
"It's God's plan,"
and all that Bible bullshit.
I was supposed to rejoice
because "death is great,"
blah, blah.
You didn't have permission
to be sad.
[sighs] You sound like Raul.
I watched that TED Talk he sent.
You have no idea what it's like
being married to a therapist.
I could imagine
it'd be a little annoying.
My mom's different now
about Dom.
I know.
And maybe it's a good thing.
I think she's angry
but won't admit it.
So am I.
[grunts, sniffles]
Sometimes I talk to him...
his ashes; sleep with them.
I don't know.
Sometimes it helps me.
You talk to the urn?
[scoffs] Back off.
My therapist says it's normal.
Is it normal to sleep with it?
I-I'm not judging. Okay?
I sleep with my laptop, so--
Oh, mm-hmm.
Um, do you talk
to a therapist in person
or is it one of those weird,
like, online text-to-help
sort of things?
-Ugh, come on, Charlene.
-All I'd be able to think about
is it is some weird dude,
naked in his mom's basement,
like texting while
he's touching himself, like,
[deep voice]
"How do you feel about that?"
[normal voice] That would make
such a good scene.
-Where are my notebooks?
-Knock, knock, knock!
Y chromosome approaching.
You know, 'cause I'm a guy.
-[Dino clears throat]
Anyway, um,
should I Uber
or can you take me?
-I can.
-Ooh, can I take
some of those shirts too?
-[Charlene scoffs]
-Help yourself.
-Fo' sho'!
[Charlene] Oh, God, I--
Ugh, I just ate.
Really? Oh! Rude.
What's, uh--
What's up with the guinea pig?
[Ayla] His name is Orzo.
-It's pasta.
-Oh. Orzo.
[Charlene] My brother
was obsessed with Italy.
[Dino grunts]
Does he, uh, does he have
a buddy?
[Ayla] Pesto.
-He died a few months back.
-[Charlene] Aw.
Damn. That's hella sad.
As if I didn't have
enough depressing things
in my life.
You're gonna get him
another to bond with?
They can die of loneliness,
you know. Hey.
I used to host an animal show
for kids.
["Doubt" playing]
Okay. [gasps] Ooh, okay!
Idea. So I know
that a lot of screenwriters
will bring a prop to make
their pitch more memorable.
You know, stand out?
[clicks tongue]
Well... I can come.
You know,
act stuff out as you talk.
I, uh, I used to mime
in the park before I broke in,
and I always win at charades,
so, you know...
-Yeah, nobody does that.
Hey, are those your kids?
Oh, they're cute.
Thanks for last night.
You and me didn't hook up,
you know that, right?
Yeah, I know that!
Gah! [scoffs]
-I wasn't that high!
-Psh. Those brownies? Please.
Just... thanks for what you did.
Aw! You're welcome!
[Charlene] Ugh.
[Dino chuckles]
Ayla and I
didn't hook up either.
-Gross. Stop!
-Okay, fine. Cool.
[clears throat] Cool.
But Ayla, though,
yeah, she's-- She's badass.
[Charlene] Ew, no!
-Don't even think about it. Ugh!
-What am I thinking?
-Okay, I'm just saying.
...but I'll do my best
to protest this mess,
with the few ounces
of dignity I have left.
Hey! Are you a screenwriter?
-[Charlene] You can't change me.
And I can't change you.
-[phone ringing]
But I'll do my best
to pick up this mess
-with the few ounces
of dignity I have left.
-[elevator dings]
[blows raspberries]
[Charlene sighs]
I'd tear through the city
Call out for you
At midnight in pouring rain
It's cold and gritty
Did you believe
-I could brave through
This certain pain
I'm out here
Tightrope walking
-[line ringing]
-[Veronica] Charlene?
Hey, I've been waiting here
for almost an hour.
Are you sure they're
expecting me?
I confirmed it, yes.
Just breathe
and practice the pitch.
Do you have an updated
version of the script?
[sighs] Okay, okay.
Uh, on a thumb drive
I'm sure,
uh, yes.
I'm still waiting
on your mom to sign off.
And don't get too dark,
keep it positive.
-Don't be weird.
-Do you want to sell it?
-I wanna find the right
You might not have a choice.
-I'll call you when I'm done.
-You never call when
you're done. I'll call you.
[touch tones click]
-[sighs] The story lies in you.
-[phone ringing]
-Are you ready?
-No, I'm freaking out.
-[Dominick] Did you go pee?
-Shit! Ugh.
-[mystical music]
-[elevator dings]
[camera shutter clicks]
Hi. Again.
What are you doing here?
Oh, you know, just trying
to break into Hollywood.
Well, don't get your hopes up.
You know the odds are
stacked against you, right?
-Those damn odds, yep.
So you just left last night?
I had to see my sister-in-law.
She's really needy
and I'm her backbone.
Oh, well, when you can,
Venmo me. We all split the bill;
$75 dollars each. Includes tip.
Oh, I didn't even eat anything.
You drank the water, didn't you?
-Seventy-five dollars for water?
-[woman] Cleopatra Donovan?
-I got a pitch meeting.
-[Charlene] You too?
Girl, this is amazing.
-You're looking hot!
-Thank you!
[indistinct chatter]
I have been waiting here
for, like, ever!
[woman] Charlene?
Charlene Two-Key? Touch-y?
[Charlene] Tucci.
Yep. That's me.
So sorry. Mr. Winters has
been on calls all morning.
Barely had a chance
to eat lunch,
so he's gonna eat
while you pitch.
Great. Great.
[Mr. Winters muffled]
What's with all the poetry?
The main character is a poet.
Cut it. It's too artsy-fartsy.
It's a style thing.
Why does it have to be so dark?
It's based on a true story.
Hmm. And this is for you
to star in?
I wrote it to also act in, yes.
Won't work.
You're a nobody.
I suggest a better
"save the cat" moment
in the first ten pages.
We need to like him more.
You can really lighten it up
and have him trip down
the stairs a couple times.
Think Steve Martin.
Maybe set it over the holidays.
Hmm. Mm. Have you seen
The Family Stone?
That's one of my favorites.
Finally we agree on something.
It's a holiday movie
where somebody dies
but we never see a dead body.
Nobody wants to see movies
about dead people.
But there's lot of great movies
about dead people.
M. Night Shyamalan's
"I see dead people--"
Diane Keaton was standing
at the top of the stairs
smiling, then...
[finger snap] ...a year later,
"Where are the stockings?"
People loved it.
They made 92 mil
on a budget of 18.
And we never had to see
an embalmed body,
an open casket,
or a funeral scene. Yuck.
-[clicks tongue]
What are your recommendations?
-Make it a rom-com.
Streamers love those nowadays.
And toss in a few minorities.
You need some gays,
people of color,
disabled people!
That's hot right now.
Then get back to me.
I'll talk with my team
right away.
[elevator dings]
-"Make it a rom-com."
-Ms-- Ms. Tucci. Ms. Tucci.
-I'm Trisha,
Mr. Winter's assistant.
-I am sorry to hear that. Hmm!
-Exactly. [sighs]
I don't plan
on assisting him forever.
-What are you, an actor?
-I wanna produce.
[Charlene] Huh.
Well, we need more of us.
I liked your script.
You read it?
All of it?
You like... everything?
I... have some notes.
But I got what you were
going for.
It's different.
W-- I wish you were
green-lighting it.
-[Mr. Winters] Terry, T-Trisha,
can you, uh, order me a fla--
-a flan, a "flanne,"
You know, that custard
that the Mexicans make.
[phone ringing]
[video call answer tone]
I said I'd call you!
-[Veronica] So it went well?
He's a windbag slob
who doesn't understand
my vision.
You have to be willing
to make edits.
And I will when I find
the right partner,
who wants to work with me.
Not some crotchety,
old douchebag who leeches
off people.
Charlene. Don't be ageist.
Look, we need to get a spa day.
-Or a yoga class.
-Sorry, I can't hear. Bye.
-[video call end tone]
[Charlene huffs]
Hey, Charlene! Hey.
-It's me.
Did you see Cleo up there?
She has a friend
whose sister is married
to one of the execs, so...
[grunts softly] Hey, we're going
wine tasting in Napa later.
Do you wanna join?
Probably not, but thanks.
You know,
we've just been so stressed
what with the house
and all her work.
It's just like...
[imitates gunshot]
Neo, could you not do that?
Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry.
I am so lame. Come here.
-Oh. Oh! Oh, it's okay.
Thank you. Oh.
-You're okay.
-Okay, that's enough.
-You're enough.
You're enough.
[chuckles] Thank you.
Bae, hi!
What's going on here?
Did you get my coffees?
I texted.
Oh, no. I didn't see it.
I'll be right back.
Can I get you anything?
Triple espresso?
-A mocha java something?
-I'm good. I still owe you
for water, so.
That's right, yeah. Venmo her.
You need help.
-Let me.
-Excuse me?
[Cleo] Charlene.
I see you floundering like
a dead dolphin in the waves.
And I'm out here
hanging ten in the surf,
and I wanna pull you in.
-You certainly
have a way with words.
-I know.
So, first,
I can punch up your script.
Second, I can get it
to the right people.
-I appreciate that--
This business is against us.
You agree, huh?
You know how many times
I've been asked by some slimy
dude into his hotel room?
And you don't deal
with stuff like me.
[in Spanish accent] I have to
talk like this for a commercial.
[normal voice] How many times
I've had a producer tell me
to make
my character more Mexican.
I'm not even Latina!
Like, I'm Middle Eastern.
Well, ethnically ambiguous.
Whatever. Anyway.
All I'm saying is that I had
to grab that bull by the balls
and become the captain
of my own ship.
And you, you're just, um,
you're like a broken bird
with broken wings--
Okay, enough with the metaphors.
Did you get any bites
on your pitch?
-Ah, bites? That's interesting--
-Look, can I be blunt?
-You kind of always are.
-Who's your manager?
-Veronica Ja--
Jackson. Mm.
That little actor
from our acting class?
She was an actor.
We were friends--
Well, you need more
than friends in this industry.
-You need partners.
-What are you suggesting?
Your reps, your brand,
your whole ethos,
i-it needs some help.
So cut to me coming in,
adding my magic.
This feels like Pretty Woman.
If you identify as a sex worker,
more power to you.
All I'm saying is that
I can offer my connections,
my luck, my influence.
Do you have an attorney?
-Bing Bang
-That online contract
generator thingy?
-Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
-Budget's tight.
Who cares? We'll figure it out.
Just give me your script
and I'll work my magic
Wonder Woman-style.
-All right.
-[whimsical music]
[Cleo clicks tongue]
Oh, my God.
-Okay, um-- [grunts]
-My people
will call your people.
-Okay, well, I-I'll text you.
-Here you go, babe.
I wanted one iced and one hot.
Babe! [scoffs] Oh, my God,
this is unacceptable. Lord.
I could get ice.
Oh, bye, Charlene!
"I had no choice to be brought
into this mud and mire,
put through the fire."
[both] "Maybe it seems
I'm better for it."
[birds chirping]
How are you?
Scale of one to ten, uh,
how deep do you want
my response to be?
Well, Sophie's having
Your mom gave her this, like,
[chuckles] televangelist scarf.
Said it had prayer power.
Super weird,
but of course she loves it.
And, uh, Izzy's just...
really stressed.
She had a meltdown
the other day
while I was counseling
on a video call, so...
-Wait, you're still doing that?
People still, uh...
prefer that to meeting
in person.
-[children shouting]
-[woman] No! No!
[Raul sighs] Take a walk?
[indistinct shouting]
-How are you feeling?
Scale of one to ten.
-Stop with the techniques.
-[Raul sighs]
-[emotional music]
[Raul] Char. Char!
Look, I'm trying to help you.
-Feels like
you're pushing me away.
Pushing you?
You stopped talking to me.
Even when you were in the room,
you weren't present.
Or you were gone or...
you were sleeping and the kids
were late for school.
My brother put
a gun to his head, Raul.
You asked me to leave.
-I needed space. I--
-That's fine.
But I wasn't gonna
leave the kids with you.
-'Cause I'm a bad mom?
-I didn't say that.
-We had to do what's best.
-What's best is to not have
their flailing mother
around them.
-That is not what this is.
-What is it?
Do you want a divorce?
Do you?
Look, I've supported you...
while you pursued
your dreams for ten years.
-[Raul continues muffled]
-[music continues]
You think I like living
in the most expensive place
in the planet
when we could've gotten
a house close to my parents?
I just want you to acknowledge
the toll that it's taking on us.
[normal volume]
Are you listening to me? Char?
I feel like a shitty person
for wanting to pursue
my dreams.
I don't know.
Somehow it seems like
I'm sacrificing you
and the kids for it,
but that's not it.
Look, you lost your brother.
And nothing in the world
is gonna fix that pain.
You don't get to do that.
-Make this about Dom.
Oh, but you do?
I mean, can't you see that--
that that's a part of this?
Of what? Our marriage problems?
-My failures? My--
-Trauma! It's connected.
You can't run away from this.
You know me. You know I'm...
I'm just trying to help you.
Sometimes your help...
[voice breaks]
makes me feel bad about myself.
I didn't realize that.
It seems
you're always right
and I'm always wrong.
-That's the story
you tell yourself.
You're gonna use
his T-shirt slogans on me?
I just wanna go back
to the way it was before.
You can't!
You have to work
your way through it.
I don't know how.
Be patient with yourself.
I don't even know myself.
I feel like
a thousand shattered pieces.
It takes time to put
those pieces back together.
-What if I get it wrong?
-What if you get it right? Huh?
I already screwed it up.
Nobody's saying you only get
one chance at this, Charlene.
[inhales shakily]
[text whooshes]
[texts whooshing]
[Charlene] "Mud and mire...
put through the fire.
Maybe it seems
I'm better for it.
But I'll be damned
I'm ashamed to admit
sometimes I wonder...
if it'd be better
if I was never born."
[emotional music]
What do you think you could've
done differently?
[Charlene] Mom?
Oh, Charlene,
what are you doing here?
I've been trying to call.
I have no idea
where my phone is.
It's so dark.
What are you, a vampire?
Remember how you'd always
bust my chops
when you and Dom were kids?
[Charlene] Oh, my God!
You traumatized us.
-You called us vampires.
"What do you want from me now?
My blood?"
"Get out of my hair,
you little vampires.
I've got nothing left."
Yeah, yeah, parents always
scar their children somehow.
Seems like even when you're
trying your best, you fail.
Okay, I didn't come over here
for another "poor you" talk.
Just wait 'til
Izzy and Sophie grow up.
They're gonna hate you too.
We never hated you.
You just ruined our lives,
so we resented you a little.
How are the girls?
Raul's supposed to
bring them over this weekend.
Sophie's okay, I think.
Izzy, maybe not so much.
You hungry?
I made Nonna's pasta.
-I got tea, water.
So long as you can
control your bladder.
-[Charlene laughs mockingly]
-How are the auditions coming?
You know, I keep seeing
that lip gloss commercial.
Your lips look pretty good
in that.
-Your skin looks dry, honey.
-[clicks tongue]
-Is that a whitehead?
-Stop, Mom!
Look, I need you to sign off
so I can use you in my script.
Oh, your film? Fancy.
Standard practice. No big deal.
I haven't even read it.
I emailed that to you
over a month ago.
I don't do the email, Char.
I need paper.
-[pats cushion]
I have an old version,
but you'll get the gist.
Did you print it
on toilet paper?
Enough with the bathroom jokes!
Remember the time
we were in traffic
'cause dad took us to see
the holiday lights
in that really nice
Yeah. It was right after
your Christmas dance recital,
And we were stuck
for like an hour
and you kept wailing in the car
-because you had to--
-Mom, I was nine!
And I drank that big thermos
of hot chocolate.
I kept telling you
I couldn't hold it.
I always told you, Charlene,
right before we left the house,
[both] "It's now or never,
"I'm not stopping
so get it all out."
What? Honey.
Ugh, oh, God. I am a bad mother.
I am so sorry, honey.
I didn't think--
-[scoffs] I just-- I hated
public bathrooms and--
-It's stupid, I know.
It was always in some
horrible gas station
or supermarket or something.
Mom, it's fine.
-[Lorenna sighs]
-[emotional music]
Oh, yeah, hand me
my rosary beads.
-In the basket.
[Lorenna sighs]
you've been carrying this--
this pee story...
all these years?
I've been carrying a lot, Mom.
Your dad...
was, you know,
the big adventurer guy.
The Mr. Go-with-the-flow.
And I just--
I've never been good...
at spontaneity.
He was always
the "you never know
when you need--"
"An extra roll of TP."
Did you ever regret having kids?
Wait a minute, what...?
-What-- What kind
of question is that?
-Answer it.
I-- I...
Kids are hard.
They're expensive.
But I loved you!
Gifts from God.
-Grandparenting is a lot easier.
it's kinda normal for a parent
to resent their kids sometimes.
Just a little bit.
I always thought you loved
Dominick more than me.
-Always praising him.
The entrepreneur, socialite...
-...the extrovert.
-No, Charlene. No.
-He could do no wrong.
Dom was...
special, you know?
But so are you.
Just both in your own ways.
-Same shit every parent says.
-Shh, watch your mouth.
-Jesus is right there.
-I mean, is that necessary, Mom?
Ayla fights me on it
every time she's here.
I love it. Charlene...
I loved you, same as Dom.
I tried. I did.
Screwed you both up, huh?
[inhales, sighs]
He always seemed so happy.
[voice breaks]
Even when I knew he wasn't.
-What if I could've
done something?
-Don't do that.
You can't do that.
"What-ifs" won't help.
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's not your fault.
It's not my fault.
Nobody's fault.
Dom just...
He did what he did.
We will never ever
understand why.
Nobody's to blame here.
Are you Good Will Hunting
me right now?
[laughing] What does
that even mean?
Everything is always
a movie scene to you.
-[chuckles, sniffles]
-You need help.
I thought when you married Raul,
-maybe you'd get free therapy.
[Lorenna chuckles]
[inhales, exhales]
What's with the beads?
Oh. My own little
church service.
Wait, so you're Catholic now?
I thought you were
Christian non-denom--
I'm what works for me.
I saw the pastor's wife. Joan?
Screw that witch.
Sorry, Jesus.
They brought me
a little sad kit.
Oh, yeah! Grief basket.
-[Lorenna] Yeah.
-I see.
[Lorenna] They keep
calling and...
bringing over casseroles...
Made from a can!
Don't eat anything!
-It's been there for months.
Well, it was
kind of nice of them.
Ugh. Yeah.
Pastor told me...
He couldn't lie and say
that Dom was in heaven.
At his memorial.
I worked there for 23 years.
Supposed to be my friends.
[Charlene] I'm sorry, Mom.
Dad died,
he gave me three days off.
Secretary in a church.
And I get three days.
They're dead to me.
Is that why you had
me read Dominick's Eulogy?
You read his eulogy
because you wrote it.
And you wrote it good, baby.
-Wrote it well.
-Ow. So violent with your god.
Will you make me some more,
uh, tea?
Pack some of that pasta up.
I'm gonna read this.
-As long as you sign
the contract.
-Yeah, yeah.
I miss your brother like crazy.
But I didn't love him
more than you, Charlene!
You're above average, Mom.
You're a pain in my butt.
Jesus is here.
When's the last time
you visited his grave?
Do we say plot?
Grave? Tombstone? [sniffles]
I never know.
Not since we put it in.
Ayla's got his ashes,
and she does her thing.
[inhales, sighs]
I just sit here with God,
talk to Dom whenever I want.
so how does that work?
You send Dom messages
through Jesus?
Like Holy Spirit texting?
[emotional music]
Oh, my God. No! Mom!
-[both scream]
-Oh, my God!
Charlene, what the heck?
I'm sorry.
I thought you were dead.
[kettle whistling]
You watch too many movies,
-[Charlene sighs]
[light music]
[Dominick] Charlene,
so are you bargaining now?
Mm. Hmm. Okay. Hmm.
-[horn honking]
[gear shifts]
[music continues]
[phone buzzes]
[text whooshes]
[text whooshes]
[message dings]
[texts whoosh]
[indistinct chatter]
Could you follow me
on Instagram?
[mellow music]
-[doorbell ringing]
Hey! What you doing here?
I could ask you
the same question.
-Where's Ayla?
-She's, uh, getting ready
for work.
-Ooh. Smile.
-[camera shutter clicks]
-This feels like
an episode of Black Mirror.
-Oh, yeah, yeah, check that out.
-Hmm? [mumbles]
-Ugh, get out of my way.
Eat up. It's National
Donut Day somewhere.
-Oh, you know, I, uh...
-[message dings]
-...played a chef
in that Food Trucks series.
-Of course you did, whatever.
[Dino sniffs, clears throat]
So you, uh...
slept over here again?
No. No, no, no.
I left my clothes here
the other night,
so, you know, I just thought
I would come by and, uh...
I asked him to come over
and make breakfast.
Dj vu, huh?
-I need you
to sign off on the script.
-What if I don't want to?
-I'll just change
all the character names.
-Oh, you should totally do that!
Yeah, and what if--
what if you changed
the main character's ethnicity?
It's about your bro, right?
A white guy?
[Ayla] Go on.
Dino has good ideas.
You should listen.
Okay, so check it.
You're writing this story
about your real life
and, you know,
trying to heat it up, right?
Change it up.
You know,
people are always saying,
"Representation matters,
Hollywood needs more diversity."
So what if Dominick
was Deandre?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And-- And Ayla was, well--
-well, A-Ayla.
Or-- Or Dominick--
plot twist-- Deanna.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-She and Ayla,
you know-- As do I.
-I like where this is going.
And, you know,
instead of trying to sell it
and have some other person,
most likely an old white dude,
direct it...
You do it.
A female director! Ah! [kisses]
Yeah, I've never directed, so...
Yeah, well, you know,
what if this is your time?
You've been acting forever.
I'm sure you know exactly
what it takes to be
a good director.
The same way that I know
what it takes to be
a good doctor
-after being around
some of the bad ones.
As I could tell you
what makes a good actor
playing a good doctor.
Does this mean you'll sign off?
Well, I gotta go to work.
Gotta squeeze out
a few more days
before I squeeze out
this little human.
[Dino] Hey. Psst!
How about we stay
and give birth to a baby, too?
"Charlene's baby."
-That's-- That's your script.
-Yeah, I got that.
-Okay. [clears throat]
You know, I could stay
and, you know, pitch ideas.
-I'm open.
Ugh, fo' sho'! Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's do this.
You know,
Cleo said she'd help, too.
[Ayla] Can you feed Orzo?
I'll be home by 9.
Lock up if you leave.
If? No!
-[mouths words]
-That face.
Charlie Kaufman.
Christopher Nolan.
Royal Tenenbaums,
Wes Anderson.
Mm. Never heard of 'em.
You're an actor.
You may wanna
watch some movies.
Aren't you supposed to, like,
I don't know, "show, not tell"?
Isn't voice-over considered
like really clich?
Some people say that,
but if it's right for the story,
-then it's right.
I can't think of any.
Fight Club?
Oh! Okay! [chuckles]
Yeah. Hell yeah! All right.
We could write another
Fight Club. You know
the first rule, right?
Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Wait. What did I say?
I can't do this with you.
And not in that shirt.
-I really like this shirt.
-I'm going for a walk.
[sighs] Like around the block
or off a bridge?
-Should I be worried, Charlene?
-Feed the damn guinea pig!
-[door slams]
[Charlene] Ooh! F... You--!
-God! Are you kidding me?
-[dog barking]
"Oh, yeah, let's do Fight Club.
Yeah." [sighs]
Shit, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Okay, okay, okay.
[clears throat]
Right. Okay. [whines, pants]
Hey. Are you okay?
-[emotional music]
Because that age-ambiguous,
muscley, dumbass
is moving in on your wife.
He's wearing your clothes.
And he thinks he knows
how to tell me how to do my job.
Typical man.
And you,
in the driver's seat now,
this is all your fault.
So you're angry?
I can label my own feelings,
thank you very much.
What do you want?
I am sick of explaining
to people how you died!
I don't want everyone's
shame and judgment.
I don't want any more clich...
clever slogans
or Bible catchphrases.
[music continues]
I'm tired...
of failing
at every part of my life.
I wanna do something
satisfying, you know?
Make a difference
in this stupid world
without sacrificing me
or my family for it.
What do you need?
I need to feel safe and free.
[voice breaks]
I need to feel like I can do
what I love
without feeling like
it's not good enough.
I need to know I can do it.
And I need to know if I fail
that I'll be okay.
Why do you think you don't
deserve those things, Charlene?
[whimpers, sniffles]
[music continues]
[clears throat] Number one,
it's my story and my script.
I write the cards.
You can pitch ideas,
but I get the final say
and you're not getting
your name on it.
Really? That easy?
-Can I have a role?
-The lead?
Number two.
Don't make jokes
about killing yourself.
It's rude,
offensive, and triggering.
And people should stop
saying "commit suicide."
Say "died by suicide."
-It's death.
-Yeah. You're totally right.
You know, t-that's my bad.
Number three.
Keep your shirt on at all times.
Done. One hundo P.
-Thank you.
-Can they be Tutto Bene shirts?
I'd prefer you didn't,
but I'm not gonna get
all wound up about it.
I mean, you do need
to wind down just a little.
Number four.
Don't tell me what I need
or what I should
or shouldn't do, ever.
Jeez. She's a fun one,
isn't she, buddy?
And number five... [sighs]
-We need more brownies.
-Ooh, can Orzo come?
Leave the pig!
Oh, man! Sorry, buddy.
[Dino sighs]
Write what you know.
Isn't that what
you screenwriting people say?
-["I'd Say Sorry" playing]
-Yeah. I guess.
That why you're writing
about depressing stuff?
-You're nosy.
-I'm just asking.
You know how many people
ask me how Dominick died?
Like, they want details.
Like it's any of their business.
And then when I tell them,
they get...
quiet or worse, say stupid shit.
That's partly why
I'm writing the film.
Give people
a way to talk about this
because they suck at it.
Write what you wanna see.
What would you write about
if you could actually form
adult sentences?
[chuckles] Spicy!
[sighs] Um...
-I got a lot of stories.
I'm brown. Take a guess.
[music continues]
Hey, question.
-Have you ever been high before?
-Never before the brownie drugs.
Yeah, they were weak
in my opinion, but whatevs.
They did something for me.
I needed it.
I-- I need something.
[Dino] Something for...
Shut up and stop asking
so many questions.
All right. Cool.
I'll, um,
I'll stop asking questions
when you use a trash can!
Damn, Charlene!
[upbeat music playing]
-Good to see you again.
-Thank you. Take care.
[Charlene] Hey, hey, hi!
Hey, hey, hi, hi!
-Excuse me, Ms. Brownie Lady?
-Excuse me.
I need to talk to that waitress.
-Whatever her name is.
Because I need to!
It's personal.
-Boo, you better back up!
-Whoa, whoa, okay. Hey, hey.
Uh, let's play it cool.
Because you're about to go viral
for all the wrong reasons.
-[woman] You do that.
-[Dino] Hey there.
Look, I don't want
any Karen trouble, okay?
What? I'm Charlene.
What? You want to expose me
on social media?
Get me arrested?
Great. I'll be another
Black person in the news.
-No. What?
-You deserve it.
Please don't get me fired.
-It's just been
a shitty year enough.
-No! What are you talking about?
I'll Venmo your money back,
-No, I just want more
of the "stuff."
You want more?
Yeah! Brownies with the,
you know...
-The pot.
-[Janay laughs]
-You don't know?
-Know what?
Oh, shit.
Let me spill some tea for you.
[record scratches]
I punked yo' ass.
-Excuse me?
-They were fake.
Oh, my... How could you do that?
You and your perfect,
little L.A. friends
were giving me bad juju vibes.
And the perfect, beautiful one?
She never tips.
She means Cleo.
[Janay] My girlfriend
just broke up with me,
and I saw you
go in the bathroom,
and heard whatever
you were doing...
And it just snowballed
from there.
And instantly,
you were on the wrong end
of the revenge plot
that I concocted in my head.
I'm in improv,
so I'm just always
"yes and-ing" in my head.
Yeah. One hundo P.
Wha-- Maybe they were just
like a little bit real?
They were regular ol' brownies
made from a box.
[Charlene] Wow.
-So many empty calories.
-[Dino whispers] Yeah.
I mean, I called it.
-[clicks tongue] St--
Want some to go? On the house.
-I can't even get high right.
It's not funny.
-I failed at doing drugs.
Uh, yeah. One hundo P.
You're a loser when it comes
to being a druggie, Charlene.
[light music]
I wasn't even high. [chuckles]
What's up?
-[sniffles, sobs]
-[sighs, sniffles]
-Can I try?
-Sure. Okay.
-Yeah? Okay.
You gonna do it with me?
[both screaming]
Ooh, that was nice.
-What's that? Um...
When you're ready. Uh...
Okay. Whenever you're ready--
[laughing hysterically]
-[phone thuds]
-[both laughing]
-Oh, my God.
Okay, okay.
Whenever you're done doing
whatever it is
that you're doing,
we need to chat about Cleo.
[chuckles] Phone.
Come on. Sit-- Sit with me.
Yeah, come on. [grunts]
-What about her?
-Okay, hear me out.
If I was you, I-- I would get
my script back from her.
I mean,
she's been more successful
than I ever have, so--
She's a hot actress who, uh...
who loves Instagram likes
more than doing real work.
Wait, how do you know
how hard she's worked,
you know, or what
she's been through as a woman?
As a Persian woman
who people think is Latina?
-No, yeah. You're--
-That's right.
-You're right.
That's-- That's facts.
My bad.
[Dino sighs]
I need a cannoli.
A what?
[mellow music]
-Are you kidding me?
First the Flintstones...
-How old are you?
You tell me now.
-[scoffs] SAG rules, yo.
-God, I have to
teach you everything?
-What is the cannoli?
-I don't know
what you just said.
-I'm gonna show you, man-child.
Okay, that was unneeded.
That's not a cannoli,
that's a toilet paper roll.
Grab that, I gotta pee.
Let's go.
You hit my lip! I don't know
where that toilet paper's been.
I do not know, though,
how anyone can like these
phallic-shaped creations.
Leave the sarcasm.
[both laughing]
-Take the cannoli.
-Or you're dead to me.
-Ooh, nice.
-That's well delivered.
-I like it.
-[Charlene] It's terrible.
-[Dino] Hey.
To eating our emotions.
-And brownies.
-Ah, yes.
-Oh, stop it.
-We can't forget that.
It's so embarrassing.
-[all chuckling]
Our bodies have a way
of speaking to us.
It's scientific.
What, so you're saying
my body just wanted to get high?
I'm saying you've
been carrying a lot lately,
just holding it together.
Your mind just had a reason
to let it all out.
I played a corpse once
on that Mystery L.A. show.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. You know,
and one of the episodes
dealt with
how we can sweat blood
when we're so anxious
or incite traumatic amnesia.
Yeah. You know, the body
is a complex, mysterious thing.
-All right, simmer down,
"Hot D R."
Hey, uh, do you ever
do anything just for you?
My career. My writing.
That's for me.
Ah, no.
I mean, like, video games,
you know, ultimate frisbee,
goat yoga.
-You do that, don't you?
-Yeah, definitely.
-Why am I not surprised?
-She used to dance.
"Used to." Didn't go anywhere.
Okay, so--
So is that a white people thing?
You know, like-- like
raisins in the potato salad?
Why does it have
to go somewhere?
Why can't it just be
because you like it?
Uh, I don't do that.
That's gross.
Okay, so...
I guess I have to A,
check my white ignorance,
-B, watch more scientific TV...
-...and C, loosen up.
-[both] Get high.
Oh, yes.
-Well-- All right, yeah. Mm-hmm.
-Should I? [chuckles]
[Ayla] For real this time.
-For real, for real--
Yeah, not those brownies. Uh...
Well, my body is telling me...
-I need to go to sleep.
-You can crash on the couch
if you want to.
[clicks tongue]
Oh, one hundo P!
-[Ayla] You don't have
to keep running TBD.
-Oh, and what, you will?
We'll be okay.
You were never
that in to it, were you?
-It was never my dream.
-It wasn't mine either.
I can't quit.
-I want to, but I can't.
'Cause it would be like
letting him go.
"The story lies in you."
Oh, my God, can I be honest?
I never really liked
that tagline.
The double meaning of "lies,"
I couldn't get past it.
[emotional music]
I just went his way, you know.
His ideas.
He was so... complicated.
No one will ever be able
to make me laugh like him.
Depressed as hell,
but the biggest smile.
I hate it.
Meds, therapy.
It helped a little bit, but...
Not enough.
I'm sorry.
Did you ever blame me?
I blamed everyone.
In some way.
[music continues]
Come on.
[chuckles] Shut the door.
Hey, you're not into Dino,
are you?
He got me a new guinea pig.
We named him Mac.
-No, he didn't.
But, oh, it's so cute!
[clicks tongue]
I'll take some joy
however I can get it.
Even if it comes
in the form of a...
random boy and smelly rodents.
I thought you were a feminist.
Feminism means
I can live however I want.
Nothing wrong with a little
Dino-shaped surprise.
This is getting weird.
We're way past weird. [chuckles]
When did Dom get the gun?
I never knew he owned one.
During the protests
'cause of the break-ins. Uh...
The corner store was--
was trashed.
It's Black-owned.
I felt so disconnected
with quarantine.
We never talk about this stuff.
-What stuff?
That's not fair.
Have you ever asked me what
it's like to be a Black woman,
a Black woman in a family of
Christians with a white Jesus
on the shelf?
-Yeah. Okay.
Dom was always Mr. Woke, huh?
Do you think I'm racist, Ayla?
I'm not a racist.
You know it's more
than just saying it.
I have brown children.
Damn it.
I knew as soon as it came
out of my mouth. That was...
It's work.
We all have to do it.
I don't need another reason
to feel shitty.
Sometimes you gotta
feel shitty to change.
Okay, so Dom got the gun...
[Ayla sighs]
For protection.
He was scared.
We-- We both were.
Three miscarriages
in five years.
Riots. Pandemic.
His depression.
-Your father's cancer.
-[whispers] God.
This baby's my miracle.
My hope.
Can I talk to it?
Want to feel it move?
Touch my belly
when I say you can
-but never my hair.
-I know... that.
Here. Yep.
Hey, little one.
It's your Auntie Char.
How are you doing in there?
Rashida if it's a girl
and Little Dom if it's a boy.
Oh, it could be nonbinary.
Oh, look who's woke now.
[Ayla sighs]
Hey, you.
I'm sorry you have to be
born into this quirky family,
but we will do...
everything we can
to be worthy of you
and to make this world
better for you.
[shaky breath]
You are loved, okay?
Don't forget it.
Most of your life will--
will feel like that's not true,
but we're gonna be here...
[voice breaks]
to help you believe it.
Your daddy...
missed out on you. [sighs]
But we're gonna
tell you about him.
All the stories.
["The Exception" playing]
Could someone love
The way I love?
Or how my hair
Falls past my shoulders?
Or how I think
About too much
And then I let it
Eat me up?
Could you love that?
'Cause I'm just longing
To feel something
'Cause I've done this
And it didn't work out well
But I'm hopin'
You could help
Oh, I've been here before
And each time
I fell through
But I'm thinkin' that you
Would be the exception
The exception
If I practiced my smile
In the mirror
Or if I laid out
All of my greatest fears
Would you think
I care too much
Or maybe just enough?
Could you love that?
'Cause I'm so close
To feelin' something
'Cause I've done this
And it didn't work out well
But I'm hopin'
You could help
-Oh, I've been here before
-[phone buzzes]
And each time
It fell through
But I'm thinkin' that you
Would be the exception
The exception
[Charlene sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
[keyboard clacking]
[man] How's the screenplay
Good, I think.
I'm a screenwriter too.
Not just a barista.
So what's yours about?
So, I'm currently
writing this pilot
about these teens
with mystical powers
living in a dystopian society.
I'm thinking of--
[playful music]
-So, uh, what's with the...
-[Lorenna laughs]
From Ayla. [chuckles]
-I like a chocolate Jesus.
-Is it okay to say that?
-I read your script.
It's good.
It's okay.
-Needs work.
Well, gee, Mom. Thanks.
Just keep working on it, honey.
I've been.
For forever it feels like.
I will.
Did you really believe
what you said?
That there was nothing
we could've done to help Dom?
No. [chuckles, sniffles]
Most of the time, I don't.
But I'll never know, right?
So why even...
Honey, you...
Why did you quit dancing?
-You were so good.
-Was I, though?
Honey, you loved it.
It was fun.
I wasn't winning any medals.
After Dad died,
it seemed like all you wanted
was to go, go, go, and do, do.
So driven.
It was like you didn't have
any time to just be you anymore.
I don't see it like that.
All right, I'll, uh,
I'll sign off on your film
or whatever it is
you want me to do.
One condition, though.
Meryl Streep plays me.
Well, I'm thinking of changing
your character's gender
and ethnicity.
-Ayla put you up to that?
All right.
Denzel Washington, then.
Oh, no. Michael B. Jordan.
-He is hot.
-He is.
Do you still cry?
About Dom?
Every day. [sighs]
I miss him so much.
[inhales, sighs]
-I miss our text threads.
-Oh, God. He never called.
He'd only send those stupid
moving glitchy things.
-It's a gif. Graphic interface
exchange format.
-I hated them.
But I would do anything
to get another one.
Maybe we should start
a new thread.
[clicks tongue]
all I wanna do is sleep.
Other times scream.
[soft piano music]
It's like a--
an endless acid trip.
[sighs] Ain't it? [sucks teeth]
Grief cycles.
God. Do you know about those?
Raul's given me every book
ever written.
-Yeah, but you're
not reading 'em.
Pastor, jerk-face that he is--
sorry, Black Jesus--
wrote inside the cover
of one of them books,
"Death, where is your sting?
Praise be to God."
Like he has any clue. [scoffs]
You know, sometimes
the way people use the Bible
really just burns my hide.
-Five cycles of grief.
-No, six.
Sometimes seven.
-Yeah. Says so in one
of those books.
Denial, anger, bargaining,
depression, acceptance.
And finding meaning.
Then... living with hope.
So you spent some time...
In-- In the sad kit, yeah.
-I did.
-"Grief basket."
Who knows? [sniffles]
Maybe it'll help.
Maybe it already is.
You're a beautiful person,
A child of God.
[voice breaks]
I am blessed to be your mom.
[emotional music]
If you want, I'll do one
of those text threads with you.
If I can ever find my phone.
Check the cushions.
[gasps] Oh, cut it out,
-Just checkin'.
-[horn honks]
-Go, Izzy. It's okay.
-[Sophie] Mommy! Mommy!
-[Izzy] Do I have to? She isn't
even in our life.
Ooh! I missed you so much.
[whispers] Hi.
-Tia Angela's farts
smell worse than Dad's.
[chuckles] Ooh!
Dad doesn't give me
much screen time as you do.
-And he's strugglin'
with my hair.
Little bit.
When can we live together again?
Soon, I hope.
Oh, look!
-For you.
-Thanks, Mom.
You're welcome.
Bye, Iz.
Love you.
Daddy said
you're getting better.
-I'm trying.
Sometimes mommies and daddies
need a little more than
Band-Aids and hugs.
Maybe Grandma's prayer scarf
could help you, too.
[soft piano music]
-Well, what was it what
Uncle Dominick always says?
The story is you?
"The story lies..."
Yeah, something like that.
Hey, go find your sister.
[Sophie] Izzy!
[music continues]
[Raul sighs]
[door opens, closes]
Where's my Froyo?
Kinda stress ate yours
on my way.
Like old times.
-Izzy's not--
-She's not herself.
She misses you.
I know I've hurt you
and the girls--
-Charlene, it's--
-No, let me finish. Please.
need to change.
I'd like that.
I don't know what
or how or when.
-It's okay.
It's not.
I'm not okay, Raul.
[inhales, sighs]
Neither am I. [chuckles]
But, uh...
Maybe we can be not okay
[music continues]
Oh, um...
who's Janay?
And why did you, uh,
Venmo her $250 for...
...plant fudge?
Story for another day.
I'm still waiting
on the refund, so...
"There's not much I expect you
to do
but to love and accept
I am me and you are you.
Lies wrangle?
No. Lies rile within.
We fight to live, to rise up
in messy glory day by day."
[voice breaks]
"We learn to be the story."
[Dominick sighs]
You're accepting things?
["Whole Heart" playing]
Here's my version
Of a broken heart
Give it up for yours
Please let's go
From the start
At first we were flyin'
Living our days
In the night
Loved you
In the only way I knew
Loved you in the ways
I thought I should
Loved with my whole heart
So many miles away
-[text whooshes]
-Loved with my whole heart
So many miles away
-[text whooshes]
-Loved with my whole heart
So many miles away
Loved with my whole heart
So many miles away
-[text whooshes]
-[touch tones clicking]
[text whooshes]
By day we were living out
Our dreams
[Charlene] So you don't hate me?
I didn't take it personally.
I'm sorry. I...
-I've been going through a lot.
-You are a lot.
That's why I wanted to help you
and work with you.
I know a talent when I see it.
You saw it as helping me?
Hell yeah. And helping myself.
You think I wanna stay in that
deadbeat acting class forever?
But we're friends, too? Right?
I thought we were.
Good. [sighs] I want that.
Yeah, it's okay.
Okay, I need to hear the words
"you forgive me."
That's deep.
I forgive you.
Thank you. I'll be better.
I'll be a better friend
and client.
And in order for me to be
a better manager,
you gotta make cool shit.
Or we don't make money.
One hundo P.
-It's a...
Oh, and I wanna try directing.
Well, that's a new one.
-Okay, so no more auditions
for now.
Just got the casting breakdown
for a dandruff commercial.
SAG national.
Shit. Submit me.
-[Joan] Charlene!
-God, you scared the sh--
Poop out of me.
You certainly have an affinity
for bodily functions.
Don't you?
Your mother finally sent a note.
It was sweet. Short, but sweet.
God works
in mysterious ways, Joan.
I've been praying.
I know you told me not to,
but you can't stop
a prayer warrior.
-Don't give up on us, Joan.
-What shall I pray for?
Whatever God
or the good Lord Black Jesus
tells you to.
Who's that?
Just another person
trying to help.
You want me to run her over?
Let me pray on that.
-Black Jesus?
Girl, we do need to talk more.
[Charlene] So my mom's trying
to make chocolate Jesus a thing.
-Is that a--
[Charlene] I knew it!
I told her.
[Veronica] Absolutely not. No.
[birds chirping]
["Tightrope Walking"
playing through earphones]
I don't give up
On what I believe in
Even if it's seen
Better days
I don't forget
When I feel magic
I still remember the way
We laughed about it
Maybe we should've
Been cryin'
I'd tear through the city
Call out for you
At midnight in pouring rain
It's cold and gritty
Did you believe
I could brave through
The certain pain?
I'm out here
Tightrope walking
Tightrope walking
I'm out here
Tightrope walking
Tightrope walking
I'm out here
Tightrope walking...
[song stops abruptly]
[song resumes]
I'm out here
Tightrope walking
Tightrope walking
You don't give up...
-[song fades]
You play for keeps and
Start some fires
When you have to
We cried about it
Maybe we should've
Been laughin'
I'd tear through the city
Call out for you
At midnight in pouring rain
[song fades]
-[phone buzzes]
-[message dings]
[phone buzzing]
[texts whooshing]
[touch tones clicking]
[text chimes]
[Raul] Charlene!
Breakfast with us or are you
eating in the car like usual?
[Sophie] Yeah, hurry up, Mom!
[Izzy] Mom. Mom!
[Charlene] Okay, okay!
I just have to do a quick
[text whooshes]
-Pour my cereal!
-[touch tones clicking]
We're eating
on the way to the hospital!
[excited screaming]
["Do You!" playing]
[texts whoosh]
I just paid my rent
It's the 5th
I still got me
Lot of dollars
I could kick it
With my friends
[song continues]
With the girl
All these fools
Love to eat, party
And bullshit
But we always
On some cool shit
-Do you
-Make time
-Do you
-Make time
For what you love
Do you, do you, do you?
-Do you
-Make time
-Do you
-Make time
For what you love
Do, you, do you, do you?
Ooh, baby
Live your life
You might be makin' tonight
The night
There's times we laugh
And times we cry
I got a feelin'
That we'll be fine
Fine, fine
All that time we spent
Was ignorant
Worry about
What I ain't got yet
Like the world fit
In my pocket
Got to know the silent show
Got it all and some mo'
We don't need
No extra bullshit
Gonna keep on
With the cool shit
-Do you
-Make time
-Do you
-Make time
For what you love
Do you, do you, do you?
-Do you
-Make time
-Do you
-Make time
For what you love
Do you, do you, do you?
Ooh, baby
Live your life
You might even
Make it tonight
The night
There's times we laugh
And times we cry
-I got a feelin'
That we'll be fine
-[texts whooshing]
Fine, fine
-[music stops]
You're still here?
[music continues]
[texts whooshing]
[keyboard clacking]