Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989) Movie Script

Don't bullshit me, you bastard.
I know you scored,
now give me half a buck.
You know something.
You're worse than a leech.
A leech you can get rid of.
You don't go for nothing.
I don't even got
a pack of cigarettes.
Don't tell me, I ain't your
father. Hey, we're home...
- You cheap motherfucker. - Look,
go tell your troubles to Jesus
- and stop breaking my balls.
- I'll break your balls.
Go get her, little boy.
Hey. Don't y'all know you're
not to fuck girls on the street.
Hey! Go fuck your mother.
I hear she's a good hump.
Cotton picking doggies.
We'll cut your nigger
loving heart out.
Hey, why don't we just get
ourselves back to the base?
Let's get the bastards.
Go! Go!
Run motherfuckers!
Yeah, let's kick their asses.
No! No!
Please, please,
I don't wanna fight!
Hey, Al, hold him.
Get up!
What are you looking at?
Yeah, hold it right there.
Come on, up against the car.
Oh, my God!
- Don't look too good.
Everybody shut up!
Now, what's going on?
I asked you what's going on here.
Those goddamn yankees like
to kill our buddy here.
There's nothing wrong with him.
He's only fooling.
If he's fooling, he's
one hell of an actor.
Shut up! Now what the
hell is this all about?
They insulted my wife.
What wife?
Right over there.
Tralala, come here.
See, we were standing
on the corner talking,
when these three army creeps started
making obscene remarks to my wife.
I told them to shut up,
to defend her honor.
Then they attacked me.
Ain't that right?
Yeah, they insulted me.
God damn drunks.
You dirty whore! How
could you be insulted?
Take it easy. And you better
watch your mouth, soldier.
All you goddamn yankees
are the same.
Bunch a no-good nigger-loving
bastards. That's all you are.
If you don't shut up right now, I'll lock
you up and your friends along with you.
Anyone here see anything?
Yeah, yeah, I did.
I'm in charge of the strike
office right up the street.
- Yeah.
- Oh yeah, it's what he said.
They started it.
They insulted his wife.
- They came over started up the
fight. - Okay, okay. Shut up!
Get back to the base and have
someone look after your friend.
And you beat it!
If I see any of you punks in a fight
again, I'll personally split your skulls!
- Get outta here.
- You're ugly, Tony.
Harry, why have you got
all this beer here?
'Cause I ordered it, that's why.
Big shot, huh?
Hey! Whatever I want, I order it
and the union pays for it.
We're a big union,
you know what I mean.
Look at this, we're
in the paper every day.
Hey, Harry, is the union planning
on playing a little baseball here, eh?
Hey, show Harry your clipping.
Oh, Christ, again?
I run the whole
show around here.
I'm on the payroll and I got
an expense sheet, too...
Harry, take a look at this.
You know I'm making more now,
than when we was working.
And it's tax free and the wife
don't know nothing about it, eh?
Eh, the three guys that got shot
sticking up that store?
Vin did time with
them up at the EI.
This guy right here,
the one the cops killed.
He was my boy.
We just got out together last week
and he already made the front page.
Hey, what about that half buck?
Hey, go fuck yourself.
I defended your honor, didn't I?
- I'll have one.
- Yeah, me too.
Hey, hey, don't fuck around here.
That's union property.
Think fast!
Come on, drink up, eh!
The brewery needs the barrels.
I'll have one.
Yeah, me too.
So, bring your glasses over here.
Excuse me.
Do you know where Vincent is?
You were saying?
Vinnie and the other guys,
they left a little while ago.
If you see him, would you tell him,
Georgette is looking for him.
Thank you.
Anything new with
the strike today?
Why don't we go
to bed Harry, huh?
No, you go on,
I wanna watch this.
You asleep?
Donna, open the door, right now.
What are you yelling about?
I gotta piss so bad
my teeth are floating!
Will you quit yelling?
Come on, come on, this is
killing me. Killing me!
Joe, stop yelling, the neighbors
are gonna complain, huh?
Knock it off, Joe, come on.
Eddie, hey, hey, hey,
stop playing with that food.
Why? I like it.
Hey, you've got to eat that.
Put the meat down,
Eddie. Put it down.
Oh! That's good.
The pause that refreshes.
Momma. Momma, look
what Daddy is doing.
Come on, you're giving me a
headache. Will you please now...
Come on, let's go. Go sit down.
Be quiet, all right.
What the hell's
going on up there?
You see, you see! I told you,
they'd start complaining.
What's the idea of throwing
water out the window?
It splashed all over my kids!
What? What water?
You threw water down,
now my goddamn kids are soaked!
What are you talking about?
Nobody's throwing no water outta here!
You got a lot of goddamn...
Crazy neighbors.
Oh, what you doing
in there all day, hey?
- Hey, hey! Don't you hit her in
her condition. - What condition?
What are you talking
about condition?
- What the hell is going on here?
- There...
There! Now you know.
- Know what?
- What does it look like?
What, you think,
she is just fat?
What are you saying here?
What are you saying?
What, are you stupid?
But she is fat!
- She is fat and she's a virgin.
- Not no more she ain't.
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, God!
O Mary, mother of God.
- Eddie, go to your room.
- I don't wanna.
- I said go to your room.
Come on, or I'll break your arm.
Come on, get in there.
Donna, Donna,
who did this to you?
Leave her alone.
It happened, it happened.
Donna, I know you had nothing
to do with this, baby.
All we wanna know is who did it?
- Who did it? Who!
Stop it.
Stop it now!
Was it Tommy with the bike?
Now, who the hell is
"Tommy with the bike"?
Hey, Tom.
Men, you have my word.
It won't be much longer now.
We don't believe you, city-boy.
We're sick of all this bullshit!
My family is starving!
God damn it! I had to sell my home!
You'll buy it back.
I guarantee you.
Now look, we know for a fact
that they got a shipment due
that our picketing has cut off,
and it's killing them.
It's killing us, too!
Management can't
hold out much longer.
You've been saying the same
thing for six goddamn months!
You wanna give in now?
Is that what you want?
No, we wanna work!
That's what we want!
You wanna go back
to your wife and kids
and tell them that this whole six
months has been for nothing?
No way, never.
Because if you give in now, you know
what those bastards are gonna do?
They're gonna grind
your faces in it.
Fucking right!
Now look, listen to me.
They're trying to break our backs.
But we can't cave in now.
We gotta be out there
24 hours a day,
seven days a week
and make sure that not one truck
goes in or out of that factory!
And if those bastards try to shove some
belly robbing contract down our throats
or try to push one of their trucks
past our lines,
there is only one thing we can do.
We stand up, look them in the eye
and we tell them right
to their fat faces,
"Fuck you!"
All right.
Listen, that's enough
for this week.
But there is a big bag
of union groceries
waiting for each and every one of
you waiting in the back. All right.
Boyce, that was fuckin' powerful.
Hey, Spook. Get your bike yet?
My father's looking for you.
Yeah, I don't think
I ever met your old man.
- You "Tommy with the bike"?
- Yeah.
I'm Donna's father.
Hey, it's good to meet you, sir.
Come on, come on, come on.
- You raped my virgin daughter!
Come on, Joe.
- Donna wasn't no virgin
and I didn't rape her.
She practically raped me.
I'll murder you, you old bum!
Jesus Christ. What the hell
is wrong with that guy?
Donna's gonna have a baby, Tommy.
Yeah, that's terrific.
What's everybody
looking at me for?
I was only with Donna
a couple of times.
I haven't even seen her
in six, seven months.
- Exactly.
- Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
I'm Paulie, see, I'm Joe's brother.
I'm Donna's uncle.
So what you're gonna do, kid?
I mean, Donna's not
some slut, you know.
Yeah, I know. I know.
- She's a nice girl.
- That's right. She's a nice girl.
She comes from a good family.
You get your bike yet?
I'm still saving up for it.
Yeah, you've been saying that
as long as I known you.
I really do almost have
the loot to get it.
Yeah, sure.
Get up you bum!
Can't you see he's sleeping?
Two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Did I pick them, did I pick them?
Even called the round.
Pay up!
Hey, Willie.
- Ya.
- Count to ten...
- What's that?
- Like in the fight, count to ten.
- Nine.
- How about a drink?
Sure I'll have a drink. Why not?
Come on.
So, you really like bikes, huh?
When you gonna give me a ride?
Ah, as soon as I get it,
you got the first ride.
I'm thinking about
getting a Harley,
like Tommy has, or maybe an Indian.
Hey, slow down, will you?
I left half of my leg in Korea.
Where we going, anyway?
It's not far.
I don't feel like walking
all over hell, you know.
If you want people to watch, we
can stay right here on the street.
In here?
Behind the car.
Hey, don't do that!
You're gonna like this.
So am I.
We're gonna bust their
balls. I guarantee it.
Now, grab a beer, Frankie.
Come on, what do you say.
I gotta go home to the wife.
Hey, come on now, fuck the wife.
Ah, here is a beer.
Harry, Harry, stamp the books,
so we can go home, please.
What? Oh, yeah.
Alex, some fucking coffee
down here? Come on.
What do I gotta do, beg?
You fucking Greek punk!
About fucking time.
Oh, Vin. I think the love of
your life just walked in
and sat at the counter.
Why, Vincent, what a surprise.
When did you get out from
your incarceration?
Whoa, wait a minute,
what's he saying?
Don't you worry, Sal. If I
should choose to address you,
you can be sure it will
be in monosyllables.
May I join you
over there, Vincent?
Sure, Georgie boy.
Come on over here.
You getting comfortable
there, Georgie?
Oh, Vincent, you've
gotten so much bigger
and harder since
I last saw you.
Yeah, it's too bad I didn't
have you upstate with me.
I had a couple of sweet kids up there
but they didn't have chips like this.
You gorgeous man!
- You got my libido twitching.
- Twitching, huh?
May I please have a cup of coffee,
Alex, you big Greek fairy?
- Would you like some coffee, Vincent?
- What are you kidding me?
The coffee here tastes worse
than the dishwater they had upstate.
Huh, what? Now, wait a minute,
what, no, no coffee for me, Georgie?
I'm sure you have
your own money, Sal.
These bums never have any money.
Hey, who are you calling bums?
All the time fuck around. Someday
you boys gonna get in trouble.
Ah, jeez, you talk like that,
Alex, you make us feel bad.
Hey, Alex, you hurt our feelings.
Oh, you need a light
there, Georgie?
What do you say you and me go
for a walk, huh, Vinnie?
Yeah, there's plenty of time
for that, sweetheart.
Maybe later.
Let me do you, Vinnie,
please let me do you.
Costs loot to do me, sweetchips.
Vincent, be romantic.
Okay. Okay.
I'll tell you what, Georgie boy.
How about if I only
charge you a fin.
I won't charge
you nothing, Georgie.
Don't touch me, Sal,
you big freak!
I'm not about
to have sex with you.
Oh, Come on, Georgie...
Let me make a real woman
out of you, huh?
Come on, Georgie, huh?
You don't want that big sausage
getting in your way.
Let me cut it off.
It's not big, Miss Pinkie.
Get away from me.
Yeah, think fast.
Come on, Georgie. Dance.
Hey, Georgie, catch.
Stop it. Cut it out.
Don't do it. Vince!
Stay there, stay there!
That's Forbinate?
Don't worry about it, Georgie boy.
I'll fix it up for you.
Atta girl, Georgie boy.
You take it all.
This is gonna make it feel
much better.
You brought me down,
you rotten freaks,
you brought me down!
- Can I have a handkerchief for
my leg? Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.
What are you crazy? I don't want
to get my handkerchief all dirty.
Give me that.
Hold on, there you go, Georgie boy.
Hey, Freddy, you wanna give Georgie
a ride home in your car.
Are you outta your mind? There'll
be blood all over my upholstery.
Your upholstery's shit anyway.
Now, wait a minute. Are you
saying my upholstery is shit?
I'm sorry.
Now, my upholstery is shit?
I'm sorry, okay!
Hey, Georgie, give me
some loot, would you?
- What, Vinnie?
- Give me some loot.
- So that I can get you a cab home.
- I can't go home, my brother's home.
So what?
Please, Vinnie, he can't
see me like this.
I don't give a flying fuck about
your brother. Come on, give!
All right, be a good boy,
and get in there!
Get inside!
Come on, go on!
Before Christmas, Georgie!
Why does he have to be here?
Why couldn't he have been out?
Lie back, George.
The doctor will be here soon.
Everything will be all right.
Doctor said to take the pants
off and put something on it.
No! No!
Go away, you rotten fairy.
You queer son of a bitch!
Stop. Mother, don't let him!
Be careful, Arthur.
In front of my mother...
In front of my mother you have the
nerve to lay here with this thing on?
Leave him alone, Arthur!
What do you hold him like this for?
He's nothing but a filthy degenerate!
Why don't you throw him out on the street!
- He's your brother!
- My brother!
That's a good one.
Look at what my brother has here!
- No! My silks.
- Look at this, Mother.
- Look at what my brother has.
- No!
Look at this, Mother.
Look what my brother has here.
- Look.
- Stop!
And this. Look at this.
Look at these disgusting pictures!
Look at them!
Look at them! Filth!
That's what they are. Filth!
- Please. Please!
- Shut up!
Shut up or I swear to God,
I'll kill you. I'll kill you!
Always crying, "Mommy this"
and "Mommy that."
Why don't you just die, Georgie?
Why don't you go away and die!
- Why are you torturing me?
- Oh, God, Arthur, stop!
Why me?
I can't stand him, Momma,
I can't stand him. I can't stand him.
Baby, baby.
Jesus loves you.
- Hey, Spook, how is it going?
- Fine. Fine.
You're not bullshitting me
about that bike, are you?
No, no, no. I'm getting it.
'Cause I'm really lookin' forward
to getting a ride on lt.
How come you know her?
She's around. You know,
from the neighborhood.
Yeah, well, I don't like you
knowing girls like that. Come on.
- Ow.
- Come on.
You understand?
For Christ's sake, Ella,
put some clothes on her.
Don't listen to your crazy
father, Donna. Stand still.
- Okay. You go to your room.
- I've seen her bush before.
I'm fixin' up my old dress, so
she can wear it for her wedding.
- It ain't gonna work.
- It's gonna work. It's gonna work.
I'm gonna add a little extra
material and it'll work.
It ain't gonna work.
Not with a gut like that.
She's so big, Ringling Brothers
have been circling around.
Hey, Joe, shut up,
will you shut up?
- Mamma. - You see, you're
upsettin' her and the baby.
How can I be upsettin' the baby
when the baby ain't even born yet?
Oh, yeah? How would you like to be
up there, listening to you yell?
I wouldn't be up there
in the first place,
because I have nothin' to do
with that stinky Tommy.
- Mamma!
- What do you got against Tommy?
He's a nice boy.
No kid that hits me over the goddamn
head with a chair is a nice boy.
He's marrying her, ain't he?
He's a nice boy.
Look what you made her do.
- Oh, Jesus! What the hell is that?
What are you stupid or something?
She broke her water. Now
she's going to have the baby!
She can't have the baby yet. It is
too soon.She ain't even married yet!
Okay, come on.
Wait a minute.
Vin, this guy ain't gonna wait
no minute for his blow job.
You fuck.
What are you waiting for?
What's the matter with you?
- I don't like guys pushing
my head! - Come on, goddamn it!
- Where the fuck were you?
- What are you talkin' about?
Oh, you knew I had him over there.
Why didn't you konk him?
What, that guy? Jeez, we thought
it was your new boyfriend.
- You thought it was funny, you bastards?
- "I don't like guys pushing my head!"
Fuck all of you.
- All right, come on, give.
- Fuck your mother.
- Give me the bread. - You didn't
do nothing. I keep the money.
- Christ, you work cheap.
- Give me my money.
Fuck whose mother?
You cheap thieving bastards!
Give me a drink, Willie.
Oh, we're closer, give us one first.
- Yeah, give us one here. - Give me
mine first. You girls screw yourself.
Hey, you shouldn't talk
to my girlfriend like that.
- That douchebag? - Douchebag?
Who you calling a douchebag?
Soldier, you should be able
to do better than that.
Hey, now you keep your shitty
mouth shut, you hear me?
Shove it up your ass, you...
Quit squawking here.
Who needs a drink?
You want a drink?
I'll buy you a drink.
- Sure, you can buy me a drink.
Nothing to do with her.
- But not in this crummy dump.
- She don't need nothing.
- See, he ain't going nowhere.
- Oh, yeah?
Hey, where are you going?
Hey, we could go to this bar
I heard about in Manhattan.
Look at that.
- A lot of officers go there.
- Manhattan, huh?
- Yeah.
Yeah, okay.
Hey, go that way first.
What's she doin'? How we
supposed to lump him in a cab?
Don't worry about it,
she'll give us a signal.
Hey, Tralala, where are you going?
- What the hell kind of signal
is that? - Oh, that was cute.
Where are you going?
Hey, Tralala, where are you going?
- Hey, what's bugging her?
- Who knows? Who cares?
Look, let's just get high, all right?
Who's springing for a cab?
Don't look at me.
- Tony?
- No fuckin' chance.
Hey. What about our boy Harry?
Come on, fellas.
- Here, keep the change.
Give me a receipt. - Okay.
No, no, I'll fill it in. Thanks.
Take it easy.
- Sure.
God, I'm dying for a drink.
Hey, somebody's coming down.
Hey, is this
where the party's at?
You sure we got
the right party here?
Sweetheart, I'm Vin,
what's your name?
What's the matter with
that broad, don't she talk?
- Hey, sweetchips. How's the leg?
- Oh, fine. Thank you.
Yeah? Well, you know Sal and Tony.
- And this is Harry from the union.
- Hi, Harry.
Everyone, this is Miss Camille.
And this is our hostess
Miss Goldie.
Christ, that faggot
looks like a showgirl.
And over here is Regina.
Hey, Vin, You didn't tell us
this was Georgie's party.
Everybody, sit down and relax.
- Give them the booze, Harry.
- Huh?
- The booze.
- What?
- Give them the booze.
- How marvelous, more libations.
- Hey, hey, watch your language.
Hey, you know, Harry buys
whatever he wants, booze, food,
anything he wants and
the union pays for it.
You must be quite a big man
in the union, Harold.
Yeah, I'm in charge of the strike.
Are you on strike
against sitting down?
Rosie, be a dear,
and refill the ice bowl.
- Mmm-mmm.
- Do as I say at once,
or you'll be out on the street with
the other freaks, Miss Cocksucker.
Hey, don't worry, chippy.
Nobody's gonna hurt you.
Maybe just fuck you a little.
- What a weirdie she is. - At least
we got one real one here, huh?
You should have asked us
to show you how, Harold.
There's no sense in wasting
good pot on amateurs.
I didn't realize your
friends were so square.
Let me show you
how to do it, Harold.
It ain't that hard, Harry. All you gotta
do is put it in your mouth and suck.
You know somethin'?
You're good looking.
And I'm gonna show you a good time.
Yeah, sure, I'll show
you the time of your life.
Yeah, sure.
Second Looey, huh?
- I just got out of OCS. - And
they're already shippin' you out?
I got my orders today.
So are you buying me a drink?
Yeah. What would you like?
This dump is dyin'. Maybe we ought
to go somewhere else to drink.
- It's okay with me. - Wait here,
I gotta tell my brother I'm leaving.
I thought you were gonna show me
a good time.
You bet.
The waiter's here. He wants
to know if you have any money.
- Show him your money so I
don't have to pay. - You bet.
There, you see,
I told you he had money!
- So, where are you from?
- Idaho.
Have you ever been there?
- To Idaho?
- Yeah.
I'm from Brooklyn, man.
I don't even know around here.
I don't understand.
If you're from here...
This is Manhattan. I don't
go out of the neighborhood.
New York is a lot different
than I thought it'd be.
The whole time I've been here, it seems
like all I've done is walk around by myself.
I was startin' to think I wasn't
gonna meet a single soul here.
You got anything to drink
at your hotel?
A sack of whiskey
I brought from home.
I was saving it for
my last night here,
but we could drink it
if you like.
Is it far from here?
No, it's just a couple
of blocks. We could walk.
Thank you, Rosie. Be a good
girl, scoop up the empties.
What's the matter, Rosie?
Afraid of my lob?
Come here, Rosie. I got a nice,
fat stratnyanka for you.
- Look at what that bitch did to me.
- What's the matter, Sal, you got a boo-boo?
Don't worry,
I won't let him hurt you.
You're not to touch her,
do you understand me?
- Where is that crazy bitch? - You
leave her alone, she's just a girl.
Stop, stop! Vinnie, do something.
Sal's mad now.
This is getting rather sordid.
Why don't we go?
I'll show you who's a fairy.
You wanna look like a broad, huh?
You gonna get fucked like one.
Hey, Vin, you want a piece of this?
One for Vinnie, one for me,
one for Vinnie, one for me,
one for Vinnie.
How come you're dressed?
I was gonna go out for cigarettes.
- There are some left there
on the dresser. - Oh.
You know, I only have a couple
of days left before I ship out.
I was thinking that maybe
we could spend them together.
What do you mean,
"Spend them together"?
We could go
to the movies, shopping,
I'll buy you a dress.
Do things that couples do.
Man, you must've
really liked it, huh?
Come here.
Not too small for you?
I think they're the best
in the Western world, Tral.
But that's not
what I'm talking about.
I'm not gonna have the chance to be like
this with someone again for a long time.
Maybe never!
- You understand?
- Yeah!
I like that. The best tits
in the Western world.
Vinnie, Vinnie?
Where are you?
I was having the most
delightful dream.
- Vinnie!
- Vinnie's gone, dear.
You seemed to be having
such a lovely sleep.
He didn't want to wake
you to say "Goodbye."
Where are you?
Oh God, did you see that?
Oh, my God.
What do they think they're doing?
What the hell is going on here?
Hey, hey. No truck here!
No trucks here!
Hey, hey!
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Shut up.
Oh, Christ.
Oh, fuck.
Let me through, let me through.
Where the hell you been, Harry?
You on the gate, that's
factory property. Get off there.
- Fuck you, goon!
- Tell them, Harry!
I'm warning you, fellow, you
better get the hell off there!
Yeah, or what?
Eat shit, goon!
Yeah, stay back there
where you belong.
That's right, you too, Wilson,
you four-eyed fuck!
Yeah, you too, you scabs, you punks.
Maybe you came in here, but you
sure as fuck ain't gonna get out!
No truck's gonna get out of here,
you hear me?
No trucks out! No trucks out!
No trucks out!
This thing's gonna get out of hand
here. We're gonna need some back up.
And I don't mean just a few men.
Send everything you've got.
Send men, send gas, send horses.
Hey baby, how would you
like a little spanking?
Tral! Over here at ringside.
Hey, Tralala!
- Come here.
We don't want any trouble.
Everybody stay calm
and let the horses in.
Just move back.
Stay calm, move back.
Where you been?
Yeah, we was real worried
about you, Tral.
You look pretty sharp there.
New rags, huh?
Yeah, you bet your
sweet ass I look sharp.
I got me an officer in Manhattan.
He's loaded! Takes me out
places, he buys me things.
And when he ships out,
he's gonna drop a bundle on me.
Yeah, sure.
Scabby whores like her can have
the bums and the two-bit doggies.
From now on, it's gonna be
only officers for me.
Yeah, right, here comes
your officer now.
Go and get him, Sal.
Give it to me, give it to me.
Jesus Christ, you ought to
wash that thing once in a while.
Don't mind them bastards.
Guys, the kid's got fleas.
Hey, who the fuck you
think you are?
Ham and cheese?
Hey, Joe. Joe, Tommy's here.
I hate that goddamn kid.
C'mon, what are you talking about?
He's gonna be family now, huh?
You don't understand, Paulie?
He took my daughter.
Joe, Donna had the baby.
She had a boy, Joe.
- That's wonderful, congratulations.
- Congratulations, kid.
Jesus, Joe, that makes
you a grandfather.
Here, have one of mine.
First, I want the kid baptized,
and then I want... I want to
have a big party for him.
Paulie, I want you and Theresa to
be godfather and godmother to him.
- We'd be honored, Joe. But uh,
you know... - But, but what?
Don't you think
that's up to Donna and Tommy, huh?
Hey, Paulie, it's okay with me.
What's the matter with you?
You didn't hear what I said?
I want you to be godparents.
They're coming out.
Those sons of bitches
are coming out.
Those sons of bitches
are coming out!
We need help here. Let's go!
Get back! Get off there! Get back!
Okay, let them have it!
Tear gas ready?
Yes, sir.
We gotta stop them.
Come on!
Stay back!
Hey, listen, if you're all
tapped out, I just got paid,
and I can lend you
a five until Friday.
Hold on.
- What is it?
- Wait.
I like that. That's nice. In case
you want to give me something else...
I like it too.
You're the one from
the other night.
You got the wrong girl, pal.
What's your name?
Dolores! Now get lost.
You stole my money.
Excuse me.
Look, I got no beef with you. All I
want is my money back from the whore.
Now, if she says you have the wrong
girl, then you have the wrong girl.
Now, you apologize to her.
I thought you were someone else.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Let's go then.
Don't worry. I'll put Dowland on it.
He'll make a full report.
Harry, I need a new set of picket
signs down here by 8:00 tomorrow.
Don't worry about it, Boyce.
I'll take care of it.
He's right here. Okay.
You all right?
What do you say, Harry?
I heard about your little rumble.
Yeah, Harry, you're not gonna let
them get away with that shit, are you?
Hey! There ain't nobody
gonna get away with nothing!
Yeah? So, what are you planning
on doing about it, Harry?
Who're they?
They're friends of mine
from the neighborhood.
This is Boyce, one of
my best friends.
And he happens to be
the head of this local.
What do you say, Boyce.
Heard about your little problem.
Oh yeah? What problem's that?
We happen to know
who the scab trucks belong to.
Yeah, the Bulaggi Brothers.
So what?
We also happen to know where
they park the rest of their trucks.
You boys got something
on your minds?
Is it worth 200 bucks to you to teach
them a lesson they'll never forget?
Keep an eye on things. I'm gonna
step outside for a minute.
Yeah sure, Boyce.
Hey, take your time.
And take care of yourself, too.
We need you around here.
What do you mean? This?
Boyce, this is nothing.
I don't wanna know anything.
- And don't spend it all
in one place. - Okay.
And get the fuck off my car.
Hey, 200 fucking clams.
Hey, give that back, you...
Give it back.
Paulie, I can't ride with you
in the ambulance, okay.
You think I need somebody
to hold my hand?
I'll see you later.
Come here, Theresa.
Joe... Joe, how's he doing?
Is he gonna be alright?
- Looks good.
- Yeah, there's nothing out there.
Man, this is gonna be a fucking
slope out. Let's go.
It's open.
My, aren't we looking
handsome tonight?
I got you some of that
champagne that you liked. Huh?
You're so sweet.
What happened to your hand?
I'll tell you all about it.
Let's crack that champagne.
You won't believe this story.
Hey! Tough luck,
What is that, darling?
That's teaching people
not to fuck with Harry Black.
Hey, what the fuck are you
doing here this early?
- You know Secretary Dowland?
- Yeah, sure, Jack, how are you, eh?
What do you say, beer?
A little hair of the dog, huh?
Dowland's in charge of investigating
what happened at the riot.
Where were you in the morning
when the trucks came in?
'Cause nobody got to me
for almost two hours.
And, by that time, company security
was there and the cops were there
and where the fuck were you?
But nothing, nothing happened
till later that night.
Now, people have been asking me,
how come I wasn't there.
Now, you think I'm gonna take
the heat because you fucked up.
Hold on, Boyce. For Christ sake,
I mean, what about my hand, huh?
Na, that's it. We can't let
you run the office anymore,
and you're stepping down
as shop steward.
I was late one fucking time.
Dowland also found out about the
other shit that's been going on here.
What're you talking about?
Your expenses!
No, no, no. You told me, Boyce.
You said that as long...
I could buy anything if I got receipts
and look, I got them, I got receipts here.
What are you giving me
this shit for?
Champagne from "Bernie's Liquors,"
cab rides all over hell,
a new... A new tie?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Frank Sinatra?
Boyce, you can't do this to me.
- Take out your wallet.
- What?
Your wallet. Take it out!
That's all the money I got.
You're gonna put back every dime
you took out of here, you hear me?
I don't have the money, Boyce.
Boyce, please.
Don't beg, Harry.
And don't slam the door.
Hey, Harry.
Harry, Harry, how's the hand?
That was something the way you
busted up that scab yesterday.
Let's go. We got
another load coming.
You know, you've awaken me
from a simply delightful sleep?
- I don't know why you had to call
so early. - I got to talk to you, Regina.
Since I'm up I suppose
I'll wash up and put a face on,
we can go out for a
nice brunch somewhere,
and after that you can take me to the cinema
if I should happen to be in the mood.
- I just came from the strike office.
- Oh, you and that strike.
- I'm not in charge of the office no more.
- I can't hear a word you're saying.
I know what, you can take me
to this adorable little new place
that has the most divine
champagne brunch.
I don't... I don't know if I can.
Regina, I don't have enough money.
What do you mean, you don't have
enough money? Go and get some.
No, I can't get anymore.
I don't get expenses now.
Don't be silly, Harry.
Of course you can get some more.
Don't be such a bore.
Look, can't we stay here?
I'll go out. I'll get some beer.
What are you talking about?
We don't have to go anywhere,
we could stay here.
Oh, Harry, sometimes
you are just too much.
I have no intention of staying
here like some fishwife.
Now, will you please
leave me alone?
I don't, I don't have
enough money to go out.
I'd like to stay here.
See, we have a few beers
and nobody's gonna bother us.
I ain't even hungry. Or else,
we could get some sandwiches.
Oh, for God's sake. Will you
please stop babbling like a baby?
I am not staying home.
Now, if you have any money,
you can meet me later at Stewart's,
and if not, please do not
annoy me any further.
Really, Harry,
you are getting hysterical.
We don't have to go.
As if I care.
- Regina!
- Oh, are you still here?
Tell me, Harry, how long you gonna
sit there jerking that glass off?
It's really a terrible habit.
I'll see you downtown
later? I love your hat.
Hope I didn't leave anything.
No. Just your jacket.
It's okay, I'm gonna wear that.
I'm having trouble getting
this thing closed.
Here, this will help you.
Is that enough?
God, I wish I didn't have to leave.
- Well, I guess this is it.
- Yeah.
I'm gonna miss New York.
I'm really, really glad
that I met you, Tral.
Come on, move it, soldier!
- Bye, Tral.
- Come on, move it!
Yeah, so long.
Tral, Tral.
I almost forgot.
Wait till I'm gone
before you open it, okay?
Dear Tral,
I wish there was some way
for you to know
how much the time we spent
together has meant to me.
I know that nothing
in this world is sure,
but I hope and pray that
I will live through this war
and that someday you and I
will see each other again.
Give me a whiskey!
- Hey, doll, have a drink with us.
- Oh, yeah, both of us.
Those stupid punks couldn't
kiss my ass.
Count to ten.
Watch this...
One, two, three
four, five, six
seven, eight, nine, ten. So what?
Who's paying for the drink?
- C'mon, doll, have a drink with us.
- Yeah, come on.
Yeah, give me a double.
Please don't hang up the phone,
Regina. I got to talk to you.
Harold, stop being so ridiculous.
You see, Regina,
you don't understand. I...
Hey, motherfucker!
You're drunk, Mr. Black.
It's me, Bobby, you know.
My dad owns the grocery store.
Jeez, you're really drunk,
ain't you?
Where are you going?
Hey, you're hurting my neck.
Hey, where are you going?
What's back here?
What are you doing?
Hey, cut it out!
- Stop.
- Let me go!
- Please, please, please.
Over there.
In the back? Where, Bobby, where?
There he is.
You tried to blow a little kid,
you fucking freak!
Freak. Freak.
Bobby, come here, take a shot.
- Go on, Bobby, take a shot.
Get him, Bobby.
Atta boy, Bobby.
Okay. Get him up. Get him up.
Lift him up,
put his arms around me.
Here, like this.
Let me give you a hand.
Here we go.
Oh, shit!
Here, my turn.
Get out of here, wait.
Yeah, me too! I can go
for somethin' to drink.
How about you, Bobby, you thirsty?
- Yeah.
Hey, that was the first real kick
we had in a while.
Get out of here.
Fuck you, you're just jealous.
Oh God.
Joseph, I baptize you
in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
May almighty God, Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has given you a new birth
through the water and the Holy Spirit
and forgiven all your sins,
anoint you with the chrism of salvation
in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord,
- for life everlasting.
- Amen.
Receive this burning light
and keep the grace of your baptism
throughout your blameless life.
Observe the commandments of God.
Then, when the Lord comes
to the heavenly wedding feast,
you will be able to meet him with
all the saints in the halls of heaven
and live forever and ever.
Joseph, go in peace,
and the Lord be with you.
Hey, Willie, give me a drink here.
I haven't seen you
around here in a while.
You got any money?
That's none of your goddamn business.
My friend here is gonna pay for it.
- Won't you, honey?
- Hey, he's with me!
If you try cutting my throat,
I'll dump your guts on the floor.
Hey, here drink up.
Hey, don't bother with her, we'll
get him out of here soon enough.
I hope you burn like hell
when he leaves here with me.
How about another one?
This one's on me, huh?
Hey, how do you like my tits?
I guess they're real.
C'mon, Jack,
let's get out of here.
Norma, let's stay a while.
We're having fun here.
Hey Willie, give me
another drink here.
Have you been taking
dancing lessons, Joe?
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
Tommy, you should've seen Donna
when she was born,
she was such a
beautiful little baby.
Look at her now all grown up and
married and with a baby of her own.
- What are you showing us here?
- C'mon, c'mon.
It's a little beat up now,
but just you wait.
That's it?
Eh, shut up.
I'll fix it up a little. It will be as sharp
as any bike on the road, right, Tommy?
Oh, absolutely.
Besides, watch this.
- I get the first ride.
- Not you.
What the hell are
you doing out there?
The party's in here.
The best tits
in the Western world.
What is this?
All tits and no cunt?
C'mon. I'll show you.
All of you.
Hey, I was first.
Get out of here.
Spook, you're missing my party.
Come back up here.
I'll fix that for you tomorrow.
It's a nice party, Joe.
All I can say is that without that chair,
you would have been in trouble that day.
What's that?
The goddamn chair you hit me with.
Without that, I would've
kicked your ass.
- Oh, you mean at the union hall?
- Yeah.
That was really something,
wasn't it?
C'mon, this is supposed
to be a party, huh?
My baby! My baby!
Something happened to the baby.
What? What happened to the baby?
Oh, Jesus, what the hell is he
doing on the floor?
Donna, Donna, he's just a baby.
You got to keep an eye
on him all the time.
C'mon you bastards,
I'll fuck you blind.
Let's get some beer!
Make a fucking line.
Oh, and we'd like to thank my
brother Paulie and his wife Theresa
for the wonderful,
delicious sandwiches.
Oh, oh, oh, I see the head
of our union coming in, Boyce,
and we'd like to thank him
for helping us with a union
loan, especially for the party.
First I wanna congratulate
Joe and his family.
Tommy and Donna are good kids
and I wish them the very best,
and may they have many little ones.
Hear, hear! Hear, hear!
Thanks, Boyce.
And now, I see a lot of union men
here tonight,
and I want you guys
to be the first to know.
At tonight's meeting with management
those SOB's finally gave in.
You hear me? We beat them. We're
going back to work Monday morning!
The strike is over!
Hey! What's the matter with you,
riding your bike in here?
- You seen Tral around?
- Get that thing out of here!
Go on! Get it out!
Get it out of here! Go on!
- Is anyone keepin' score here?
- Who the fuck can count that far?
Dear Tral,
I wish there was some way
for you to know
how much the time we spent
together has meant to me.
I hope and pray that I will
live through this war
and that someday you and I
will see each other again.
Until then, I'll dream about the day
when I come back and see your face
and we can once again be together
like we were these last few days.
Love, Steve.
Good, now I'm not last in line.
Get away from her.
Get away!
Get away from her!
- Get away, leave her alone.
- What's wrong with you? Take it easy.
All of you, leave her alone.
Leave her alone!
Don't cry.
Listen, any problems with Donna,
problems with the marriage...
What do you say, Joe?
You come to me, understand?
I've been with Ella 26 years,
never had a single problem.
So I know what I'm
talking about here.
How's the baby doing?
Cries all day, shits
all over the place.
He's real good.