Last Exorcism Part II, The (2013) Movie Script

There's a bunch
of people out there
who are convinced
they are possessed.
Ivanwood, Louisiana.
I think that the very gate to hell
is over there, right off of Bush Drive.
Cult in this area.
It's a real mix of superstition
and folklore down here. You've got
voodoo, you've got Roman Catholics.
I need you to do an exorcism
for the soul of my daughter.
- I like your shoes.
- Want to try them on?
They look good on you.
They're yours.
Who are you?
Jesus Christ, Nell,
can expel the demon from you!
Go! Go! Go!
You awake?
Jesus, you're freezing.
You still pissed at me?
What's the matter? You're trembling.
- Son of a mother!
- What the hell is it?
What do we do?
Just wait right here.
Did you escape from a cult?
Do you know who did this to you
or what happened in those woods?
Do you even know your name?
Call Frank at Devereux House.
See if he's got room for another girl.
Nell. Nell, can you hear me?
Good Lord, child!
He'll kill us all!
Am I dead?
No. You're in a hospital
in New Orleans.
There was a fire.
They're still sorting through
the remains, but it appears
you're the only one left.
He's still out there.
Who is?
Who's still out there?
The demon.
I know you're nervous.
Devereux is a safe transitional house
for girls who have been through a lot
and are looking for a fresh start.
It'll help you put the past behind you.
I think you'll like it.
Thank you, sir.
Wait here just a moment,
I'll make sure your room is ready.
This product has been endorsed
by professors
at some of the nation's
leading universities.
Nice boots.
Call now to share the experience
that so many others
have described in recent months
as the greatest at-home
self-improvement program...
I don't believe in demons, Nell.
But I do believe in evil.
It's done by people,
not by ghosts and whatnot.
Whatever you're running from
won't find you here.
This way.
Here you go.
Before you put that back on,
would you take the time to decide
whether that faith
is something you want?
It's your life.
You get to decide who you are.
Dinner's at 6:00.
Thank you.
- Hi, I'm...
- Freak.
So are you from a cult
in the woods or something?
Come here.
Just sit.
Oh, I don't know.
Are you sure?
I mean, better than anything
you've heard in the backwoods.
Trust me.
What is it?
We all have pasts.
Like it or not.
It's just a part of who we are.
You can't change it or run from it.
But you can own it.
So as an exercise,
I want each of you to write a letter
to someone who's hurt you
and confront them.
You can say whatever you like.
Just be honest.
Just own it.
You're doing much better
the past two months.
The new job all right?
We're spraying 222 for bugs.
So let the plastic be. If anybody asks,
we're redoing the paint.
Pretty good. It's taking me
a while to get the hang of it.
But I like being productive,
I like having something to do.
And you're getting along
with the other girls?
I'd like to think so.
Okay, play it again.
- No more nightmares, right?
- No.
I had good dreams last night.
No one's tried to contact you?
No, sir.
You can tell me, Nell.
No, it...
There was a darkness,
but now it's gone.
Like you said.
None of it was real.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You working tomorrow?
- Yeah.
Okay, maybe I'll see you then.
Yeah, I'll see you then.
Bye, Chris.
What? Stop it!
Wait. So that's why
you're wiggy over Chris?
He's nice.
He is!
Well, he sure ain't no supermodel.
Never mind them, they're just jealous.
Not unless the boy's
got shit down to here!
- Wha...?
- You are too cute, for real.
What are you talking about?
- Hey, guys!
- Hey!
Oh, my goodness!
Did you see that?
Well, do something already.
Forget this guy.
Tin fool.
You're very good.
You've been missed.
What did you just say?
Hey. Are you okay?
It's nothing.
I think he likes you.
Want some?
They stayed three days but left
on Saturday. How'd they do it?
I don't know.
- Okay. What the...?
- I'm really bad at riddles.
Okay, the horse's name is Friday.
What's with you?
Help her! Help her!
What did she take?
- Call an ambulance!
- Get back to your rooms!
Girls, get back to your rooms!
Shush, you!
Don't you stop.
- You're late.
- I know.
It's no worries.
I told Bev you were running
an errand for me.
Thank you.
After work, I have a surprise
for you, okay?
Just can't seem to run no more.
Seem like the hell hound is
I don't know which way to go.
Hey. Don't be peeking in doors.
You'll find something freaky.
You best be knocking three, four,
five times before entering in.
- All right, kiddo?
- I'm sorry, Miss Bev.
Nell, can you hear me now?
I'll bring her to you.
He knows where you are.
Am I pretty?
Together we can do such
wonderful, terrible things.
Good Lord, child,
you going deaf or what?
I'm so sorry, Miss Bev. The ra...
I'm sorry.
After you.
Thank you.
She's beautiful.
- All right, thank you very much.
- Thank you.
What is it?
It's sugar and cavities,
everything good.
Is it true that...'ve never had a boyfriend?
Who's been saying that?
No, I...
It's none of anyone's business.
I just... I think you're really pretty.
No. No boys.
I was pregnant though.
But I think they took it away.
Well, at least I thought I was.
See, I told you I was nuts.
I should probably go.
...On the second date?
He went down on me on our first.
Nell! Telephone!
What is wrong with you?
You're a slut.
It's a boy!
- What?
- Dirty girl.
It's probably nothing.
- Yeah.
- Sure.
Oh, my God.
She has no idea what that is.
Chris, are you there?
Chris, are you there?
I want to be inside you.
He's coming for you.
If he can seduce you, he'll be free.
Turn off the fricking light.
Shut up!
I called last night
but you never picked up.
Hey, what happened?
Everything's wrong with me.
What do you even like about me?
I don't know.
You're just...
I'm not good at this either.
I miss you too.
No. I can't.
Come on.
One sec. Yeah, one sec.
Chris, come on.
We're not Chris.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's all right. It's all right.
It's all right.
Don't be scared. Don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
Don't be scared, baby.
It's me, honey.
You died.
No. I just had to find you.
Before they did.
Before he did.
If he seduces you, all hope is lost.
Just know...
Just know that
the good Lord forgives you,
and you can be saved, Nell.
- He's told me. You can be saved.
- Yes.
- You can be saved.
- Yes.
I never should've trusted that preacher
to do what had to be done.
The fate of the world
hangs in the balance.
I have to stop him.
I'd do anything for you,
my precious darling.
- No, Daddy, no. Please!
- Baby...
Forgive me, Nell. Forgive me, Nell.
- No... No.
- Forgive me. I failed you.
- No, Daddy, don't!
- Baby, this is the only way.
It's the only way to protect you.
Please, Daddy, no!
May God forgive me!
No one can have you but him.
Leave him alone!
Stop it! Please!
Stop it!
- What's going on?
- It's him.
It's all right.
It happened.
What happened?
They won't be as kind
in a psychiatric hospital.
I am not crazy.
- Nell...
- I know what I saw.
Come on, don't let this set you back!
No, just listen to me! Please!
Gwen wasn't Gwen!
It was him! Just like in Ivanwood!
If you keep this up,
I'll be left with no choice.
I'm sorry.
In a week,
you're gonna look back at this
with a little perspective, okay?
Stop touching me!
In a week, we'll probably all be dead.
And I say,
put on the whole armor of God
that he may be able to stand
the wiles of the devil.
For while we wrestle
not against flesh...
What are you watching?
We're watching you.
I don't understand. What is that?
I don't know.
That's not me.
Obviously that's not me.
Oh, it's you, all right.
I saw a picture.
- You look just like your mother.
- Really?
Yeah, I saw the painting.
Oh, thank you so much. That's such
a compliment. She's so beautiful.
Were you very close?
She was my best friend.
Yeah. That's safe to say.
She was my best friend.
Where did you...?
Where did you find this?
Your girlfriend found it online
while looking up the freaky shit.
I don't know.
If you keep quiet...
Just found it.
...for 10 seconds,
I'll let the girl go! One!
' No!
' Stop it!
- Three!
- We're done! Stop it.
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
- Stop!
- What the hell is going on?
- Girl's got a demon in her!
- Screw you!
She does.
We all have pasts
we wish we could undo, kiddo.
But I hope you know, in your heart,
that that video is not you.
It ain't real.
Those people, that cult,
what they did,
that doesn't define you.
Only your actions do.
You gonna be okay?
I'll be fine.
Please, Lord. Please.
Please show me the way.
I'm sorry, sir. I was just...
It never hurts to ask for help.
Yes, sir.
And it's lonely, isn't it?
Fighting a losing battle.
Day after day.
When you know you can't win.
You're just putting off the inevitable.
And for what?
For what?
What good comes from resistance?
When all you have to do
is ask for his love.
Let him into your heart. Yes.
See, all that fighting and resistance
just seems so wasteful now,
doesn't it?
It's all right, child. He's patient.
And you can't run from him.
Sorry, sir, can you please let me go?
There's no place you can go.
There's no place he won't follow you.
After the fall,
comes the rise.
And he has great plans for you.
He will set you free.
Please, let me go! Let me...
Let him into your heart.
He will set you free!
Believe in him!
Hey! Hey!
Hey, hey, lady!
That's unbelievable!
I'm sorry, do you need something?
The video.
The way you bend your body
all around like that.
That's amazing!
That shit's amazing!
- I gotta get a picture with you, okay?
- No. I'm sorry.
Come on, it'll only take a second,
please. Just...
Real fast.
I don't know why...
You know, my friend
thinks all of this shit is really real.
That is gonna blow his mind.
If I could just get a picture with you.
- Please, lady. One little picture.
- No, I'm sorry. No. Please.
- Come on, just one little picture.
- Just fuck off!
Help him.
Somebody help!
- Help him!
- Nell. Nell.
You need to come with me.
Please. Trust me.
I've been keeping watch
over you since the hospital.
The Order of the Right Hand,
they've been trying to protect you
from a dark presence.
They have an old prophecy
about the end time.
They will be brought about
when a demon takes an innocent.
Not by force,
but by her own free will.
And our destruction will follow.
I saw your devil.
And he's planning something.
For you.
Miss Cecile,
I know I can't do this on my own.
But I don't have any money.
Child, I ain't asked you
for one red cent.
Have a seat.
Relax. You're safe here.
Darkness is not the only power
in this world.
There are also forces for protection.
Place your hands
on the table like this.
Nell Margaret Sweetzer,
you will listen to the sound
of my voice
as I call on Baron Samedi
to protect you.
I need you to relax.
You will take five breaths,
and on the fifth,
the clouds behind your eyes will part.
And now you can see.
Nell Margaret Sweetzer,
on the count of five,
you will let me see with your eyes
and take me back
to the day you first felt his touch.
...let me see what you see.
It's all right.
You don't need to hold back.
It's not safe.
No harm will come to you.
It's not safe for you.
What do you mean?
Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
- What is it, child?
Stop! Make it stop!
What's happening?
What do you see?
No! He's here.
What do you see?
By the divine in all, on the count
of five, you will release her!
One, two, three, four...
The prophecy is coming true.
And we have less time
than I thought.
That demon that was in you,
it wants you.
But not like before.
I think it...
...loves you.
And it's powerless without you.
But there are people that can help.
The Order of the Right Hand Path.
You can't help me?
Not alone. He's too powerful.
He knows everything about you.
Speaking of...
Who's Chris?
Am I pretty? " And he said, "Yes.
He said, "I think you're so pretty..."
Oh, my goodness, Chris.
I was so worried.
What's wrong?
He loves you so much.
I could never really love you.
Not like that.
You deserve so much.
He loves you so much.
Hey, Nell, it's Chris.
I have a friend
who really wants to meet you.
I'm gonna kill you.
They'll be here any minute.
And then what?
We put an end to it.
Devil's root. It'll help prepare you.
They're here.
Hi, Cecile.
You must be Nell.
Thank you for letting us come.
John Calder.
We're gonna make you better.
I promise.
- Is the upstairs clear now?
- Yes.
Very good.
Let's begin.
Okay. Come in.
I have to place these on your back
and on your chest.
May...? May I?
If you'll follow me.
A piece of him is still inside you.
We need to break it.
Would you sit up here for me,
Don't worry,
I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for readying this so quickly.
Anything I can do.
She's ready.
Would you lie down for me, please?
In case of seizure.
Salt the floor.
O miraculous mother
within the sacred circle,
I call upon thee
to extend the merciful,
loving kindness so that the powers
of perpetual help will protect us.
I don't like needles.
It's just saltwater
that's been blessed.
O miraculous mother, within this...
It'll help release his hold on you.
Just a quick stick.
so that the powers of perpetual help
will protect us and assist us.
Please, grant us our desire...
No matter what happens,
focus on the sound of my voice.
He will do and say anything
to complete the bond with you.
So that the powers
of perpetual help will protect us
and assist us.
Please grant us our desire.
O miraculous mother...
In a moment, we will summon him.
We'll sever his hold on you
and bind him to that animal.
As we kill it, we'll free you.
Don't worry.
Chicken won't feel a thing.
Thank you.
Wait. I'm scared.
I know. I know, child.
But a few minutes of bravery
and this'll all be done, okay?
On the count of five, Nell.
We will summon him and trap him.
- It's here!
- But I haven't finished yet.
Cecile! Cecile! Cecile!
It's right there!
- Are you certain?
- Yes! It's right there!
- Cecile! Cecile! Cecile!
- Where is it?
It's definitely here.
You need to bind it.
John. John!
The ritual, it's not working.
- Be calm!
- John!
You're a tiger raised by lambs.
You were born to be magnificent.
You are the vessel of a god.
Oh, my God.
Mr. Calder, make it stop!
Unto this animal, we thee bind.
It's breaking through.
Unto this animal, we thee bind!
- It's not working!
- Give it time!
- It's gotten through it! It's too strong!
- It's not possible!
Dear God!
We have to stop it.
It'll kill us all!
- John!
- You got it, right?
God forgive me.
You did the right thing.
You fight so hard, but why?
I just wanted you to see
how beautiful you really are.
They've injected your IV
with a lethal dose of morphine.
They're killing us.
You're lying.
Your arm is already numb.
In a few moments,
it'll be your shoulder.
Then your heart.
And then nothing. Ever again.
If you don't believe me,
just ask them.
Cecile, Mr. Calder, I think something...
I can feel it coming up my arm.
Forgive me, child.
It's too strong. They had no choice.
Help me!
Somebody, help!
Everyone lets you down but me.
I'm always there for you.
Truth is,
I never really left.
- We've always been inside you.
- Stop it!
We've been waiting for you
to love us back, Nell.
Love us back.
We can help you.
We can love you.
We're one.
We always have been.
Since Ivanwood.
Since the day you were born,
we were meant to be.
You just need to take my hand.
Embrace who you are.
- Please.
- Nell.
Love me.
Embrace who you are.
Love us back.
- Is it over?
- It's done.
No, no, no, no!
I've been on hold. This is ridiculous.
I'm not being obtuse. It's important.
She's 17.
Likely needs medical attention.
What would be an emergency
in your opinion?
For Christ's sake, Nell,
you've had me worried sick.
What happened to you?
It's okay.
I wanted to thank you
for your help, Frank.
You're a kind man.
I know who I am now.
And I know who I was meant to be.
What do you mean?
No! Nell! No!