Last Hours in Suburbia (2012) Movie Script

My stubborn skin
Is wearing thin
I bared my soul
You waltzed right in
I gave you everything
And you just made me
Feel so very naked
And I don't remember
How I let myself become
So unraveled
I spilled my guts
On your best shoes
You keep it in
I let it loose
It's only love
That makes me
feel like getting
So completely naked
And I don't remember
How I let myself become
So unraveled
I'm naked
Pretty as a heartache
Waiting for my second skin
To settle in
Your hardened heart
Can't hide you now
It loves as much
As you allow
And in the end
The eyeball army
Will just take you down
And you'll be naked
Grace, sweetie?
- Grace!
- What?
My God, don't...
do that to me, OK?
Not today.
So, I was thinking maybe I could make
you something special for breakfast.
Would you like that? Anything you want.
You want chocolate chip pancakes?
No, no thanks. Um, I'm gonna
go meet up with some friends.
That's good.
That's good, that's...
that's about a million
times better than pancakes.
Well, don't forget
we have lunch with Grammy.
She really wants to see you
before you go away.
Yeah, Mom, I know.
I'll be back in time.
I promise.
Hey, Kit.
I know it's early,
but I just wanted to make sure
that everybody was still getting
together for coffee this morning.
So... call me back.
Or I guess I'll
just see you later.
OK. Bye.
Damn, that is quite a haul.
Why can't you
just leave me alone?
Praise the Lord Almighty,
she speaks.
It's about time you
acknowledged my presence.
You're not supposed to be here.
You think?
What are you doing?
Let's see here...
"Beloved daughter and friend.
She was the wind
beneath our..."
Really, Mom? Bette Midler?
Gonna send me off to the pearly
gates to the soundtrack of Beaches?
- Why don't you go haunt her?
- I'm not a ghost, Gracie.
I'm the manifestation
of your guilt.
Um, Grace, why is there
a pumpkin on my headstone?
Gourds are a symbol of
deliverance from grief.
This is your legacy,
in stone, forever.
I mean, look, we got, what?
"Brother." "Soldier." I mean,
I don't even know him, I respect him.
What are people gonna think a hundred
years from now when they look at mine?
- "Jennifer Bateman, pumpkin freak.
She loved her pumpkins." - And Beaches.
God, this must be the purgatory
I've heard so much about.
See, now, this...
this is something
I could get behind.
It's basic granite.
No muss, no fuss...
It is a little big and douchey,
but I guess it's too late now.
That's the problem with
these untimely deaths.
You're not making
this any easier.
I'm sorry, was I supposed to be?
What? Dead girl's prerogative.
All right. So...
what'd you get me?
Ooh, my necklace.
It's broken.
Right, 50 mile-per-hour
collision. I forgot.
- You should keep this.
- It belongs to you.
The afterlife is kind of a
"leave your personal effects
at the door" kind of place.
So is prison.
Look, Gracie,
I'm a rotting corpse.
- What's on the agenda?
- I made a list.
Of course you did. Give it.
Lame, lame, super lame...
The final item on your last day
of freedom is to eat some cake?
I asked my mom to make one.
Who knows if she'll
actually do it.
Well, unless there is a file
in that bad boy,
I just don't think it's
gonna be very satisfying.
It's my list.
OK? I don't need your approval.
Good, 'cause you're
not gonna get it.
I don't care what you think.
I'll do what I want.
Well, that much is apparent.
- You're not welcome here.
- I'll leave.
Actually, I won't.
Excuse me?
You know, I've held
my tongue this entire time
while everyone used me as
their own personal punching bag.
I knew my place in this mess.
But I am sick and tired
of pretending
that I didn't lose anything too.
She was my best friend.
Let me ask you a question,
What was my daughter doing
when she died?
What were her final words?
- I don't remember.
- What was that?
I said I don't...
I did not believe that
in that police station
and I do not believe it now.
Get off my daughter's grave
right now.
As Jesus said in John...
Pretty lame turnout.
Hope mine was bigger.
Right, you wouldn't know
because you weren't there.
- I wasn't invited. - It's a funeral,
Grace, you don't RSVP chicken or fish.
You know what I mean.
I'll try not to
take it personally.
Dang, Mama got you good.
You know, I think she's been watching
too many of those soap operas.
Wait. No, because she'd probably be
more likely to believe that whole...
- what was it? That amnesia line?
- It's not a line.
So you're saying that
you don't remember
anything from that night?
The doctor said
it was post-traumatic.
Yeah, but don't you
get those memories back?
People can.
So why don't you
try something new, like...
hypnosis or Ginkgo biloba?
Nothing worked.
Can we just drop it, please?
Fine. Touchy.
What's next?
I'm not going anywhere.
Can I get you anything?
She's crazy.
My God.
So Kit was a no-show.
I never liked her.
It's not her fault.
It's the situation.
Just makes people uncomfortable.
No. She's just a bitch.
- What are you doing?
- I just remembered,
I need to take some books
back to the library.
Give me that.
Let me see it.
- Your list is stupid.
- Excuse me?
In less than ten hours, you're gonna be
locked away in some crappy state prison,
and what are you doing?
This is your final day of freedom.
You should be living it up.
- Getting laid.
- This isn't my bachelorette party, OK?
Time is precious.
Take it from me, the dead girl.
You spend today tidying up your life
and bending over backwards for people,
it's gonna be a giant waste.
I don't want a day
to be selfish.
- I don't deserve it. - How do you know?
You don't even remember that night.
They found me behind the wheel
with a blood alcohol level of .18.
It's enough for the prosecutor
and it's enough for me.
- Is it really?
- Why are you doing this to me?
Do you really think it was my final wish
to watch my best friend self destruct?
Just leave me alone!
Look, I'm going home, I'm eating
lunch with Grammy J,
I'm finishing my list and I'm
not thinking about you anymore.
- You can't do that.
- Why not?
You say you have my
best interests at heart,
but can't you see
you're making me miserable?
Having you here
is making me miserable.
Grace, do you really think that
you're gonna find peace in lockdown?
You need this.
I'll be fine.
You have spent
the last four months
blocking out the six most
significant hours of your life.
- Why do you think that is?
- I tried to remember.
Did you really?
What if it really was
all my fault?
You're not OK, Gracie.
You're broken.
And I'm gonna fix you.
Yeah, I was just on my way home.
How did it go? Did you
get to say your goodbyes?
Well, hop in.
You know how Grammy gets
when we run late.
Take a deep breath.
I was talking to myself.
You're not really
going in there.
Hey, I am not giving up on you.
Deal with it.
One, two... one, two, three,
I'm Henry the Eighth I am!
Henry the Eighth I am, I am
Grace, are you OK?
- What? -I got married
to the woman next door
- She's been married seven times before
- You barely touched your lunch.
- And every one's a Henry, Henry!
- - I'm not hungry.
Something, something,
something, something No sir!
- Nonsense. You need a good meal in you
before... -I'm the one and only Henry
And my Henry's really long
- My Henry's really long - You
didn't eat before you came here?
Did she eat, Ann?
I have to go to the bathroom.
She's struggling.
Wouldn't you be?
You're her mother.
Your job is to protect her.
I did protect her, Mom.
The DA said that...
The DA didn't see the accident.
He's not sure
what happened that night.
Neither is Grace.
Do you want me to risk
putting her through a trial?
Do you want me to put her
under that scrutiny?
Two years is better than 20.
For that young girl...
two years may as well be 20.
This is why I
didn't want to come here.
- It's the same every time.
- Sounds like Grams has a point.
This is a serious time suck.
If we're gonna retrieve those
elusive memories of yours,
we need to get
the hell out of here.
I just don't think
it's a good idea.
Well, I think you need to start
putting your trust in me.
- Why?
- Because I'm your Jiminy Cricket.
Except with bigger boobs.
Come on, you can't say that this
isn't killing you not knowing.
Fine. Go rejoin
the wet blanket brigade.
At least your last few hours of
freedom will feel like an eternity.
Even if I wanted to,
I mean, there's no way my mom's
gonna let me skip out now.
- You're good. Drop down.
- I don't know.
It's like two feet, tops,
Grace. You're golden.
Just drop.
Look, the next time we encounter
a word problem, I'll defer to you,
but in matters of general badassery,
I am not to be questioned.
Now, drop.
There you go.
Not so hard, right?
Mom has the tendency
to lock herself out.
Might as well be gift-wrapped.
Grace Flynn, boosting a car.
You know, I never thought
I'd live to see the day.
And I didn't.
You know, you could
still make a break for it,
drive down to Mexico.
Couple of well-spent pesos,
you could be
Juanita Suarez by morning.
Weren't you the one encouraging me
to confront the events of that night?
Well, yeah, but who says
you can't confront them
with a margarita and
a couple of tequila shots?
Fine. Just thought
I'd throw it out there.
Canada? OK, OK. You're no fun.
All right, what's the
last thing you remember?
The castle.
Ring any bells?
Not really.
You know, usually in the
cartoons it takes like a
conk to the head
to get your memory back.
Hey... a penny.
Hey, a penny.
Now don't say
I never gave you anything.
OK, pick it up, Donna.
Ready? Go!
- Hey!
- What? I'm making a wish.
Will you remind me again why I haven't
been dating the "of age" all along?!
You know,
I'm really not OK with this.
Grace, they're 21.
We're not aiding and abetting.
We're... chauffeuring.
OK, and if our parents find out
we've been chauffeuring
a couple of college guys to the liquor store,
we're gonna be grounded into oblivion.
Come on, Grace, this whole night
is supposed to be about you
- and breaking out of that shell.
- Really?
I thought it was
about you getting laid.
Missions rarely have
just one objective.
Jackson thinks you're cute.
All right, fine. I guess it's just gonna
be me and two older guys I barely know
at some random college party with
tons of liquor and GHB and...
Fine! Fine, fine, OK?
- Come on! The party's waiting!
- Hello.
Wow, we really
looked good that night.
You bet your ass we did.
You better hold on to this one.
And you were worried
this wouldn't work.
I predict total recall
by suppertime.
Why are we parked so far away?
I'm not even supposed
to be on the road.
There's no way I'm
parking at the liquor store.
That was quick.
I knew we should've
left the shower running.
- Did he ever call you?
- - Who?
- Jackson.
- What do you think?
Did you like him?
Not really, no.
So is Pete dating anyone?
'Cause it'd be
pretty tactless if he was.
You know,
there's a mourning period.
Like a real one, not just the
kind you hear about in Cosmo.
So what do you think
prison's gonna be like?
I don't know, I haven't
really thought about it.
Liar. Ooh, do you think you're
gonna have to become a LUR?
- A what?
- - Lesbian until release.
- I saw it on Lockup.
- Please.
- Anything?
- Nope.
Well, maybe you're not doing it right.
Here, close your eyes.
Or, wait a minute,
maybe I gotta bend down again.
Look, we're not
gonna find anything.
Is that Pete?
Wait, he didn't look like that
when we went out, right?
- Look, we should go.
- No way, we should follow him.
What? He could give us a clue.
My God,
he is taking this really bad.
Hey, where is
your downward spiral?
Why aren't you drowning
your sorrows in cheap booze?
It's all about levels, man.
This whole repressed memory
thing is great and all, but...
All right. Talking to myself.
Hey, wait up. What's the plan?
Look, I'm done wasting time
on this wild goose chase, OK?
This was a mistake.
Let's just forget it.
I'm sorry, I know you have an
exciting day of book returns planned.
I'm just trying
to save your soul.
I'm not remembering anything.
- It's pointless.
- What is this about? Pete?
Look, if it makes you feel any better,
I heard his dad is an alcoholic.
These things are genetic.
It was...
Can't you take a hint?
I don't want you here!
should be a good party.
Brooke's parents have a pool.
I didn't bring a swimsuit.
That's all right.
Don't need one.
No, no, no.
No, what I mean is that Brooke
probably has an extra swimsuit
that she could loan you
because... chicks have those.
Who the hell was that?
I don't know.
What do you mean,
you don't know?
It's kind of my policy to get the first
and last of someone trying to kick my ass.
I mean, I don't know. Aah...
Do you?
I didn't get a good look.
Wait, wait, wait.
Well, whoever she is,
she's after my man.
Where are you going?
I'm just, gonna
catch up with you guys later.
Um, yeah.
My God. Your mom totally
narc'd you out.
- Hey, what are you doing?
- Ending this.
Whoa! Whoa, whoa. Let's not
make any rash decisions here.
We're making progress.
What are you doing?!
Stop it!
How are you doing this?
You aren't even real!
Haven't you ever
seen Fight Club?
Listen to me, OK?
I don't want you here.
Do you understand?
So leave me alone!
I can't do that.
I thought that was you.
Are you OK?
Would you hold up a second?
- No. - He probably thinks
you're a sure-fire lay.
Like in the 1940s, you're gonna
be shipped off in the morning.
Listen, I know I should've come to you
sooner, but I didn't know what to say.
Hey, did anyone see you
at that liquor store?
Is that a threat?
- I guess that depends on your answer.
- Knee him in the balls.
Not that it's any of your business,
but I'm retracing my steps.
Trying to piece together
what happened leading up to...
Look, are you satisfied or do
you want to check my bag, too?
You don't remember
what happened that night?
Bits and pieces.
But, I heard that you
pled guilty to the accident.
Yeah, my mom thought
it would be easier.
No messy trial.
What? Is there something
I need to know?
I don't know. We went to a house party
at a friend's in Chesterfield that night.
Yeah, so you remember.
Bits and pieces.
All right. Well, um...
I don't know, we were all just
drinking and having a good time.
Just like a normal night. And then eventually
you and Jennifer wanted to go home.
But you were really wasted, so Jennifer
and Pete helped you out to the car.
- Doesn't bring back anything?
- No, and... no.
And what?
Pete was driving.
How could you not tell me?
I wasn't there, you know?
I didn't want to speculate.
You mean you didn't want
the police to speculate.
I'm sorry.
No one ever talks
about that night.
Where did we go
after the liquor store?
- Do you know what this means?
- That you value the opinions of others
- over your dead best friend? - No, that
there's a chance that I didn't kill you.
- Wait, what?
- Don't you get it?
If Pete was the one driving, then he's
the one that got into the crash. Not me.
OK, but they only found
two of us in the car
and you were behind the wheel.
Well, maybe he swapped us out.
Maybe he booked it for the woods
before the police came.
I mean, the drinking, the
downward spiral, it all adds up.
Those aren't the actions of a
guiltless person, they're just not.
- OK, no, but...
- We need to get moving.
I mean, if I can get my memories
back, then maybe I can clear my name.
God, all this time...
- Grace, maybe you should just...
- Just what?
What are we waiting for?
If we came in here,
I know I got one of these.
Been on this weird binge
this year.
Grace, you have been manhandling
that Twinkie for ten minutes now.
You're skeeving out
the guy behind the counter.
Shh! I need to concentrate.
Be the Twinkie.
Be the Twinkie.
Be the Twinkie.
It's not working.
Well, don't force it.
Just let it be.
I didn't know Zen was
so popular amongst the dead.
Yeah, we're all
about the parables.
Look, we are
running out of time.
I mean, at this rate, I'm never
gonna get my memories back.
I wasn't the one dragging my feet
the first leg of the journey.
Red Laces!
You can't find these anywhere.
I'm beginning to think
this party's a bad idea.
Of course you are. You're you.
I mean, what do we know
about this person?
Brooke Daniels?
Apparently, she's a pool owner.
Look, I mean, we're not even there
yet and Pete's already drinking.
Yeah, it's called pre-gaming.
Who wants to waste valuable
socializing time getting a buzz on?
What do you even know
about this guy?
You mean, besides what I read
in his police file?
You know, when I'm
gone in September,
you're not gonna have anyone
to look out for you anymore.
I think I'll survive.
OK, so there were like, one, two,
three things wrong with that.
- What? - Well, first off,
my hair wasn't in a ponytail.
- Why would it be in a ponytail?
- What are you talking about?
OK, do you remember those
puzzles from Highlights for kids?
Where they put those seemingly identical
pictures side by side and you had to
circle what was
wrong with one of them?
- Yeah.
- Well, that last memory was full of wrong,
my hair being circle number one.
OK, it's like this...
- Red Laces!
- Circle number one.
- You can't find these anywhere.
- My hair.
I spent a lot of
time on it that night.
Secondly, the employee was not
the same one working today.
He was a tall guy with
squinty eyes and a goatee.
Or is a Van Dyke?
I always get those mixed up.
And Pete wasn't drinking.
And there you have it,
an accurate memory in three easy steps.
- What do you mean, Pete wasn't drinking?
- He wasn't.
- I just remembered he was. - Right.
Incorrectly, like my hair and the clerk.
How do you know that?
I know what you know.
You didn't say anything
about the other memories,
like the liquor store
or the castle.
'Cause those weren't wrong.
- So why now?
- I told you not to force it.
Grace. Hi.
I'm sorry about earlier.
I only just got
your message and I was...
Yeah, it's OK.
I guess we could
get that coffee now.
If you want.
Tell her to stick
that coffee up her...
Thanks, but I'm kind of
in the middle of something.
Maybe some other time?
I mean... when you get back.
Sounds good.
Hey, Kit?
Do you know
who Brooke Daniels is?
No. Should I?
No, I guess not.
- She's lying.
- I know.
So where to next?
There are five listings
in Chesterfield for "Daniels."
Let's find one with a pool.
Detective, did you find her?
No, but we found your car.
Would you like a ride
to the impound lot?
I'm gonna get my keys.
Ann, I meant it when I said I will
call you as soon as we find her.
I know.
I made the right choice... didn't I?
Taking the plea bargain?
- Ann... - I mean,
it's just that I know that teenagers
are supposed to test
their limits. I know that.
But the thing about
Grace is she never did.
I mean, it's literally
like she just skipped a step.
She made a mistake.
She's not above making mistakes,
none of us are.
Of course not.
It's just she wouldn't...
Somebody spiked her drink.
Somebody gave her that alcohol.
We talked to all her friends.
Nobody saw them that night.
And if they did,
they're not talking.
Is it likely that someone bought
the alcohol for them? Yeah.
But that doesn't
change anything.
Grace got a lousy deal.
And for the DA to pick
this case to make a statement...
But... there was more than
enough evidence at the scene
to ensure a conviction.
I understand.
I do. I'm sorry. It's just...
today's the day.
Man, this really
opens the floodgates?
Not really.
Then pump harder.
Look, Jen, I appreciate the
sentimentality, I really do,
but we never used to
spend time at the park.
- Yep.
- No.
- Tons of misadventures.
- Such as?
OK, when you had your
first kiss in the sandbox.
Or when I fell off the jungle gym and
broke my arm in, like, three places.
Ooh, or when we caught your brother
smoking cigarettes underneath the bridge.
What? That didn't happen.
God, I am trying to
recapture our youth here.
Why are you fighting me on this?
OK, shouldn't a trip down memory lane
involve events that actually happened?
Excuse me for trying to
give us our Beaches moment.
I knew you liked that movie
more than you let on.
No, I don't.
My God.
That totally makes sense now.
No, it doesn't.
In middle school,
when you got sick
and I brought your homework by,
you were bawling on the couch
as the credits rolled.
- OK, that did not happen.
- Yes. And you blamed it on your "fever."
Hey, I was highly medicated
at that point, OK?
- Just admit it.
- No.
- Come on, just admit it.
- No. No.
I'm taking that one
to the grave.
Hey, what was that all about?
I just think
we need to keep moving.
God, I am gonna miss
dweebing out with you.
That and Thai food.
You're practically invisible.
So how long before your mom has
police dogs sniffing your sweaters?
I recognize this place.
Is it Brooke's?
I don't think so.
- Come on, man, you gotta... - Maybe we should
invite someone else. You know, like Kit?
That bitch? Grace, loosen up.
We are going to a party,
not an execution.
Just going by our track record.
You get us into trouble,
I get us out.
Well, what is the alternative?
A good book?
Listen, my mom got me this
necklace on my 16th birthday.
And when she gave it to me, she
put it on my neck and she said,
"I hope this brings you all the
blessings the world has to offer."
And since then,
I have been blessed.
With a 95 percent
success rate in fornication.
What? The Almighty would
totally want me to get some.
He is a benevolent dude.
And now, it is your turn.
I told you, I'm not interested.
Nope. Two things wrong.
Let's try that one again.
He's a benevolent dude.
And now it's your turn.
He really thinks I'm cute?
- Pool?
- Nope.
All right.
Two down, three to go.
You know,
maybe it won't be so bad.
- What?
- Jail.
It gives you a hell of a lot
of time to think,
you can pick up a trade,
like magic.
- Magic? - Yeah. You know,
coin tricks, nothing up the sleeve.
Ooh, doves when
you walk into a room.
It's a real great
icebreaker with people,
which, you know, is an area of life
that you could vastly improve in.
I wonder if the food's any good.
I hear they have pie, like, every day.
Which is awesome. It's like
Thanksgiving behind bars.
Can we just... can we stop
talking about this, please?
I don't know if you remember me.
We met at Brooke's party.
It's not exactly the
clearest of nights.
Look, I'm really sorry about
what happened to your friend.
- She seemed really fun.
- Holla!
How are you doing,
I mean, in all this?
- Coping.
- Well, if there's anything I can do...
You know, actually there is.
Damn. A place like this
would be hard to forget.
Come on.
Don't you want to go inside?
I'm thinking we
play hooky for a bit.
You know, being spontaneous
isn't such a bad thing.
That's what Jen always says.
That I'm too guarded.
Last month, she dared me to spend the entire
day doing anything anyone told me to do.
The billboards, infomercials,
strangers, friends...
- No thinking, just acting.
- How'd that work out?
It lasted 15 minutes
until I chickened out.
Well, it sounds
like a valuable exercise.
So why not start tonight?
You mean, like, right now?
I think...
that you...
should jump in the pool
with all your clothes on.
Not exactly.
Well, it sounds
like a valuable exercise.
So why not start tonight?
You mean, like, right now?
Yeah. Yeah.
I think...
Not a word.
So how do we get in?
What do you mean? I taught you
how to pick a lock last year.
There's a car in the driveway!
That doesn't necessarily
mean anything.
Somebody's home.
- We could take her.
- Be serious.
- How are we supposed to get in now?
- I don't know.
- Talk your way in.
- How?
Do you know any passages
from the Book of Mormon?
- No.
- Well, there's gotta be something.
Hi, ma'am.
I was wondering if you'd
like to buy some candy
to support the
local school band?
So, all you have to sell is
that one package of Red Laces?
Yeah, they're going like crazy.
You can't find them anywhere.
Well, I can't say I'm a big fan,
but maybe my daughter would want them.
You said this is to
support the school band?
Yeah, it's... it's a great way
to show school spirit.
Because of the red.
I thought Chesterfield's colors
were blue and yellow?
It's so it doesn't clash.
Would you excuse me?
I have to take this.
I can't believe she bought that.
Well, you do look like
you got jumped in a parking lot,
so of course she
believes you're in band.
This is a nice place.
It's got this whole
rustic chic thing going on.
God, except for this.
Why is it that rich people
insist on furnishing their homes
with paintings that my kid
brother could have painted?
I mean, this one looks like monster
eyeballs covered in black vomit.
It's gross.
You recognize anything?
What's up?
Brooke Daniels.
Yeah, this is not good.
Pete said you weren't
even going to be here.
I changed my mind.
The keg's too heavy.
We need extra manpower.
Well, we'll probably have to
get someone from inside, then.
My God.
Fine. I got it.
Hey, yo, Chris.
Would you help me with this?
And Grace, I'll catch up
with you inside, all right?
Is that the ex?
These are starting to hurt.
OK, yeah, but there's...
Where'd the band girl go?
Is this really necessary?
Are you kidding?
She's unhinged!
Come on, G!
Holy balls, that was close.
Did you see enough?
I saw everything.
Yeah, yeah, we're on fire
And it's burning me so...
Yeah, yeah, we're on fire
And it's taken
control of me
Desperate much?
Is that the ex?
Looks like you could use this.
It's not like
I was with him anyway.
Did you like him?
Well then, you should
do something about it.
Lost cause.
She's got him by the balls.
Grace, do you want to leave?
We just got here.
- this'll help.
- No, thanks.
- Are you serious?
- It's called self-restraint.
How's that working out for you?
OK, I'll see you in a second.
Grace, I meant what I said.
If you like Jackson,
then go stake a claim.
- I can't.
- Why?
- It's her party.
- So what?
What is she gonna do? Slug you?
I... Can we just
let it go, please?
Fine. But you are gonna man up
one of these days, my friend.
I'm gonna personally see to it.
It's on my bucket list.
Yeah, yeah, we're on fire
And it's taken
control of me
You know
we're on fire
Yeah yeah
We're on fire
And it's burning me slow
Pete told me to take care of ya.
Tha... thanks.
You said Jen was a done deal.
But I can't get her alone. How hard is
it to babysit the friend for one night?
I don't know.
She didn't seem into it.
I've had people
funneling her drinks all night.
Just take her back to the
castle, show her a good time.
You know, or not. She won't
remember a damn thing.
- Whatever dude, I have other prospects.
- I just need 20 minutes.
Watch it!
This dress is new!
- Hey! Having fun?
- No.
Can we...? Just...
We need to go.
And not be here anymore, OK?
Holy hell.
Seventeen years
of vigilant sobriety
and here you stand
completely sauced.
This is a banner day.
OK, say "overcompensating."
No, look...
Look, I just heard Pete. He
wants... He wants sex with you.
God, I hope so.
No, look, he's an asshole.
OK, can we please just go?
And I had such
high hopes for the alcohol.
Look, Gracie, just... relax, OK?
Ride out the remainder
of your buzz.
Make it worth the hangover.
Hey, Jenny, we're up next.
Me and you, baby.
Please, can we just please go?
You can't leave now.
Winner goes to the finals.
OK, OK, look, um...
Go to the kitchen
and get some water
and I'll be
in there in a minute.
And then we can leave, OK?
OK. Wow.
OK, Grace.
In! That was in.
No, thank you.
It's water.
I was asked to come in here
and sober you up.
Please don't vomit on my shoes.
I think...
I think I'm mad
at my best friend.
Sleep with her boyfriend,
take pictures.
I can't do that.
You can do whatever you want.
Alcohol comes with
a built-in alibi.
Hey. I just advanced in my
bracket. Are you coming?
What? OK, hold on.
You're good, right? Just drink your
water and remember tile's your friend.
Steer clear of upholstery.
What's up! What's up.
You see that? Drink up.
Let's see what you got.
Nothin'. You ain't got nothin'.
Wanna taste the heat?
Damn it.
- Let's go.
- But if I win, I advance in my bracket.
- You said we could go...
- My God! I just made another one.
You said we could go
after I drank the water.
Well, what did you do, chug it?
- Counts! That counts.
- Hey! What the hell?
I pulled a lot of strings to
get you into this college party
- and what do you do, you chuck my balls.
- Look, we don't belong here.
No, Grace,
you don't belong here.
With your holier-than-thou,
patron saint of fun-suck,
Ivy League attitude.
You're right. I don't.
OK, that came out wrong.
I didn't mean it...
No! I know what you meant.
Hey, can I get a re-rack?
Are you serious?
- Hey...
- Hi.
Come on.
Don't you get a little tired
of just being the good girl?
I do
It makes you want to cut
loose and go a little wild now
Yeah it's true
For all the times in my life
that I felt like this
All the boys
I've wanted to kiss
If you're gonna do it,
better do it right
I did a bad, bad thing
last night
Snuck out and partied
all night with my best friend
Had a little rendezvous
with someone's boyfriend
Got a little crazy
Woke up a little hazy
You know we did it right
And people always
call me uptight
I did a bad, bad thing
last night
Have you ever gone and taken
everybody by surprise?
I have
Did you ever take a chance
And go for that one guy?
I did
For all the times when I
laughed that I felt like this
All the boys
I've wanted to kiss
If you're gonna do it,
better do it right
I did a bad, bad thing
last night
Then I'm finding...
Hell no!
The bedrooms are off-limits,
didn't you read the Evite?
Listen, Goldilocks, you can't
just bed down wherever you please.
Serious party-foul.
Are you OK?
I think I'm gonna be sick.
Whoa, what happened?
I don't feel so hot.
You look like hell. And I say
this because I love you.
Are you OK?
You left me alone.
I think you should get her home.
- Did something happen?
- No.
Why did you leave me alone?
OK, Pete? Pete, it's time to go.
- Already?
- Yeah, grab her keys.
Come on. Come on now, sunshine,
here we go. Here we go.
Want some water or something?
I dumped bleach on your clothes.
- My God.
- Whoa! Whoa.
It's all right.
You are a mean drunk.
All right.
There we go.
There we go.
Ooh, watch your head.
Here, grab that.
All right,
think you can hang on there?
There we go.
You drive.
All right.
You OK?
Hang in there, pookie.
- You good, Pete?
- Yeah, yeah.
We'll be home soon, Pookie.
All this time...
OK, I know that
this isn't the best time,
but there's three things...
You left me alone!
There's things that...
There's things that
you're not remembering.
- Where are you going?
- To see Pete.
OK, you can't do that. We need
to talk about that memory.
- Listen to me.
- No! OK?
I'm done with you
and your cryptic messages
and your general badassery.
I'm just done!
Grace, just...
What are you scared of?
Why don't you
want me to see Pete?
I'm dead. What do I
have left to be scared of?
They'll find out
that I didn't kill you.
And you'll have nothing to lord
over me the rest of my life.
They'll finally find out.
I don't owe you a goddamn thing.
Fine. You know what? Make a jackass
out of yourself, 'cause I'm through.
Mom, pick up.
Grace, your mother
is looking for you.
I'm going home now.
- Why don't I give you a ride?
- I can walk.
Grace, get in the car.
Come on. Come on.
Come with me.
Come on.
Gracie. What happened to your
eye? What happened to your hand?
You should have someone take a look
at that. It's a pretty bad gash.
Thank you.
You stole my car.
How could you possibly
think that's a good idea?
Answer me.
- Answer me!
- Or what?
Are you gonna
call the cops on me again?
What the hell did you
expect me to do?
You barely speak to me anymore,
and you run off
to go to God knows where
hours before I'm
supposed to take you to...
Prison, Mom.
You're taking
your little girl to prison.
Don't worry.
I'm sure in a few months,
it'll roll right off the tongue.
I wanted a day with you.
That's all.
I even started to make
that ridiculous cake...
It's not ridiculous!
And I don't need
anything from you.
No, Grace, please don't shut me out.
I'm just trying to help you.
- How could you accept that plea bargain?
- What?
- You don't even know what happened
that night. - Neither do you.
I said I didn't remember!
I meant that.
I just took it because I
was trying to protect you.
I don't know what to do.
Gracie, I don't know.
Tell me what you want me to do!
Just stick with what you know.
Hey, I need your help.
Wait, wait, wait a second.
I did some stuff at the party
that I'm not exactly proud of.
Yeah, well,
in the grand scheme of things,
it's not exactly
the end of the world.
Right. It's just that...
I really did like you.
- I gotta go.
- Grace?
Hey, are you OK?
It's Brooke.
Why are you...?
What do you want?
A lot of things, actually.
Could you narrow it down a bit?
Well, for starters, you could tell
me how long you were planning on
letting me
waste away in that cell.
Or possibly how you could live
with yourself after what you did.
Or maybe who the hell
do you think you are?
What are you talking about?
I know you were
the one driving that night.
Must've been a godsend when you
found out I didn't remember anything.
The one loose end tied up
in a neat little bow.
You are way out of line.
Get the hell out!
Not until you
admit what you did.
I want to hear it.
With my own ears.
Before I call the cops...
I want to hear you say it to me.
I remember that night now.
I remember getting
in that car with you.
You were the one driving.
Not me. You.
Do you remember me pulling over to the
side of the road when you had to puke?
Do you remember yelling at me when
all I was doing was trying to help?
The two of you just
ditching me on some back road?
That's not true. It's not!
You're lying.
I messed up, you know?
The whole night.
Are you OK?
Are you OK?
Don't touch me!
Red Laces!
Hey, are you all right?
Hey! Hey! Gracie! Grace, hey.
Could you listen next time?
I don't know what
to think anymore.
There's only one place
you can find the answers.
I need a favor.
I need to borrow your car.
- I'll drive.
- No.
I need to do this alone.
Is this going to be bad?
You've come this far.
Are you OK?
Pull over!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Here, let me get your hair.
OK, there you go. Um, I'm gonna clear
out the back so she can lay down.
- Can you just bring her over
when she's done? - Yeah, yeah.
- You OK?
- Don't touch me!
I was just trying to...
Stay away!
Whoa! Hey!
What happened?
Where's Pete?
Grace, are you cool to drive?
'Cause, admittedly,
I'm pretty wrecked right now.
Maybe you should just pull over.
Is this about Jackson?
It's about you, Jennifer!
You're selfish!
Always have been.
Left field much?
You know, I'm not the one snapping
people's lucky sex accessories.
You can't be serious
for a second, can you?
Not even when it counts.
OK, I didn't realize
that I was such a burden.
I guess September can't
roll around fast enough?
OK, Grace, this is where you're
supposed to say, "That's not true, Jen.
You'll always
be my best friend."
OK, I get it. You're mad. I am sorry.
But come on, we're friends.
One night can't
change everything.
Well, maybe we aren't anymore.
Maybe that's how it should be.
that's not it.
Something about that was wrong.
Just tell me what was wrong.
Grace, no.
I don't understand.
That's what this was about?
Just showing me my
final words to you were...
horrible and cruel?
OK, no.
Grace, you...
you've always been there for me
and then the one time that I
could've done something, I didn't.
I killed you!
It is not that simple.
I spent the entire day trying
to remember something that...
I would have been
better off having never known.
But Grace, you knew.
Deep down, you always knew.
It was so much worse
than I thought it would be.
Was that our goodbye?
What would you have said?
For a goodbye?
What does it matter?
Well, I'm here now.
It's not the same.
I guess I would say...
that you're my best friend.
And I'd never had a
best friend until I met you.
And... I know it's not enough...
and it'll never be enough...
but I'm sorry.
This was all my fault.
- No. No...
- I did this. I took you away.
No, Grace,
we all screwed up that night.
- But I'm not supposed to!
- Says who?
I don't want you to be gone.
I miss you so much.
I know.
I know.
But... you made it out
for a reason, you know?
And I need you to believe that,
Because I am counting on you
to do all those things
that I won't get to do.
To go out there
and kick ass for me.
Starting out with that
tattoo I've always wanted.
No. I don't think I can.
Grace, you are so much stronger
than you think you are.
I mean, I couldn't have done
half of what you did today.
But you're... you're... you.
General Badassery.
Come on.
That wasn't so hard, right?
I don't know, were you serious
about that tattoo thing?
Hell, yeah. You know the one
I'm talking about, right?
Arm band, two unicorns
doing it on a cloud.
So what now?
Well, I guess you're gonna have
time for that cake after all.
I mean, what happens to you?
I think you
know the answer to that.
Yeah, but... not now, right?
I'm not ready for you to...
Whether it's assumption
Whether it's the rain
Doesn't make a difference
Till you complain
Whether it's the water
Coming in from the roof
Does it piss you off
That you're not waterproof?
Whether you fall
Means nothing at all
- It's whether you get up
- Hey, Mom.
Yeah, I'm fine.
- It's whether you get up
- I'll be home soon.
Maybe all eyes are on ya
As you finish the race
And the world
sees you struggling
For last place
Whether you fall
Means nothing at all
It's whether you get up
It's whether you get up
"One night can't change
that's what she said.
The last thing.
We were fighting...
and I got upset.
But I never...
One night did change everything,
though, didn't it?
I know.
And I'm sorry.
Da da da da da
Da da da da da
Da da da da da
Da da da da da
There's not too many people
That I really
call my friends
And every path I take
Comes to an end
Well I might draw near
Before I slip out
like a thief
The only reason I arrive
Is to leave
I will find desperation
In the middle of this peace
And I will be your friend
But friend I wouldn't
count on me
For I will sell your trust
that I didn't even earn
And I won't
be happy with this bridge
'Til I can sit
and watch it burn
You are the fisherman
I am the storm
You become a baby
when I hold you in my arms
You are a vessel floating
Upon my sea
And my waves are crashing
And I cannot
hear you scream
I know that you have given
Everything you could
To a brain that willed
But a heart that never
ever would
For it is lost unsure
Afraid and it is blind
And it will claim you
were never
On its side
You are the fisherman
I am the storm
You become a baby
when I hold you in my arms
You are a vessel floating
Upon my sea
And my waves are crashing
And I cannot
hear you scream
I am a cold front
You are a rosebud
I am a salt mine
and you are a deep cut
I am a flood wave
You are a nutshell
You are an ice patch
and I am the sun
I am a sharp nail
You are a bare foot
I am a thumb tack
and you are a tire
I am a fire
I am a tall cliff...