Last House On The Left, The (2009) Movie Script

MORTON: So the next week,
he's even hornier,
but this time he's got
He goes back
to the whorehouse,
he slaps down a 20, tells
the madam he needs to get off
but he ain't gonna screw
no damn chicken this time.
She says it still ain't
much, but she can help.
She tells him to go to the
room at the top of the stairs.
This time, it's just a
bunch of guys jerking off.
But one of the jerk-off guys assures
him. You know, "It's cool, it's cool,"
and he waves him over
to this hole in the floor
that they're all
looking through.
Can we stop, please?
I really gotta take a piss.
Fuck you.
So anyway, there's these two hot
lesbians and they're going at it.
What, are you praying now?
Oh, Lord, won't you grant me an
empty mayonnaise jar to piss in?
You know, Krug,
considering the rather notorious
nature of the prison you're headed to,
I think I'd pray for something
a little bit more substantial.
Come on.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Did I do good?
Tell me I did good!
Hit us a little harder next
time, Francis. Where's my kid?
He's fine.
I can't understand you!
I think he's saying,
"Take my money".
Take the money, huh?
I think he's dying now.
What do you think
he's seeing?
he'll never see again.
What's my time?
It's perfect, awesome.
Come on.
Hand it over.
Come on.
Let me see it.
It's great.
Mom, let me see.
Sweetheart, your time is perfect,
okay. It's time for vacation.
JOHN: Tell the OR that
the compound fracture
to the left femur
is on its way up.
We're transfusing two units of O-Neg.
I want them to have plenty more on hand.
FEMALE NURSE: Yes, Doctor.
- So, Mr. Hadley,
can you just
follow my finger?
Just like that. Excellent.
You're gonna be fine, okay?
We'll get you back on your
bike in no time. Let's go, guys.
I love that shirt,
by the way.
The color alone must've taken
a few minutes of your time.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey, Mary-Anne.
WOMAN: Yeah?
Where's that head CTI ordered?
It's been half an hour.
EMMA: He got a B-minus for the
semester, which is fantastic,
and I will be happy to write
him a letter of recommendation.
Yeah, if you need to get in touch
with me this summer, you have my cell.
Okay, have a great summer.
All right. Bye-bye.
That woman drives me nuts.
Okay, so are you on vacation
now or should I just make a U-ey?
- Dad?
- Honey!
Yo, yo.
What's up, what's up?
Are we there yet?
We are making
the turn now.
Geez, you think somebody
would change that sign.
I kinda like it. It tells me
the turn's coming up.
My hydrangea
came back.
Place looks good.
Yeah. I'm sure inside
is a different story, but...
- Why?
- Yeah, why?
I didn't tell you?
Dan was up fishing last week.
No, Em, you didn't.
You let your brother stay here?
EMMA: Yeah.
- Unsupervised?
Honey, don't worry. I made him promise
to sleep in the guest house. It's fine.
(SIGHS) So he and whoever he was with
trashed not one house but two, right?
Would you mind if...
I stayed in the guest house?
I promise
I won't trash it.
"Hey, kids,
have a drink on me.
"Thanks for letting me fish
the lake out. Love, Dan".
This is 4 dollar champagne.
Be nice.
Oh, shit.
JOHN: Jesus.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- What the...
Microwave is broken?
I don't know
how he did it.
Oh, no. Honey, my brother
did not break the microwave.
You have
no evidence of that.
Hey, do you guys
need the car today?
'Cause I was thinking maybe
I could meet up with Paige.
She said
she'd be working today.
Okay. But we just got here. I was
gonna cook supper and hangout and...
Well, maybe you guys could have
a nice dinner alone tonight?
Here you go.
Mom, are you sure?
No, I'm not sure, but... Dad
seems awfully sure about it.
I know that you haven't
seen Paige in a while. So...
Here. Have fun.
Whoa. Thanks, Dad.
All right.
Just promise, promise that you will
call me. Okay? That's all I'm asking.
- Okay, I will.
- All right?
- Love you.
- I love you.
Bye, babe.
- Bye, Dad. I'll see you guys later.
- Okay.
Please be careful.
PAIGE: I don't know if you're
gonna be able to keep up...
with the fast pace of the town, but
we just got a new yogurt stand, so...
- Whoa, you think you can get us a table?
- Yeah.
You know, I got connections.
I could probably pull some strings.
- MAN: How much do I owe you for this?
That is five twenty-five.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Listen, Mari, I...
I couldn't believe it
when I heard about Ben.
I know.
I know I should have called you.
- I just figured...
- Paige, you're fine. It's...
- Okay, new subject.
- Yeah, yeah.
So, what do you feel
like doing tonight?
Do you...
Do you still smoke pot?
No, I don't really do
that stuff anymore.
Yeah, you're like
a big athlete now, or...
Yeah, do you need
a basket for all that?
I don't think we've met.
What's your name?
It's Justin.
Justin, I'm Paige.
And this is Mari.
Mari, this is Justin.
Justin, this is Mari.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Is that all for you?
Can I get
a pack of cigarettes?
Can I get some I D?
Can you just
give me a pass?
Justin, I would
if I ruled the world, but...
What if you help me
and I help you?
And how are you
gonna help me?
Look, you know, I've got some premium
grade-A shit back at the motel.
Yeah, I mean, you can
see it for yourself.
I mean, I overheard you guys
talking a second ago, so...
That's... uh,
thirteen twenty, right?
- Okay, from twenty. Here you go.
- Thanks.
Your turn.
PAIGE: Here we are.
Very fancy, Justin.
- Left or right?
So, Mari, I'll just run in and grab it,
and then we can go back to my place.
My dad's not gonna be home
all night.
Okay, five minutes.
All right,
I'll be two minutes.
MAN ON RADIO: Now it's weather and
traffic, and there's going to be...
big clusters of storms developing,
going into night time hours as well...
- Sorry, so sorry, ma'am.
- It's, uh...
This belong you?
No. No, sorry.
What the hell,
you guys?
Mari, Justin was not kidding.
This is really good shit.
So how long were you gonna
let me sit out there?
Here. Have some.
Paige, we just had
this conversation.
Come on.
She's a little outta practice.
Take it.
- I'm just sitting on the bed.
- One joint won't hurt you. Take it.
Hold on.
Hello, Mom?
Hey, Mari, you were supposed
to call me an hour ago.
I know. I'm sorry.
There's a storm coming in.
What time are you coming home?
I was thinking maybe I could
just spend the night with Paige.
No, no, no.
That is not a good idea.
Listen to me.
You're 17 years old...
Hello? Mom? You're breaking up.
I can't hear you.
Hello? Honey?
Hello? Are you there?
Mom, if you can hear me, I'll be
back first thing in the morning, okay?
- I love you.
- (GASPS) Oh, my...
- Who was that?
- That was your daughter.
Now she's spending
the night with Paige.
This is ridiculous.
I knew this was gonna happen.
I should have never
let her leave.
There isn't much
we can do about it.
She does have the car.
So, Justin, my new found friend,
are you from a really big city?
No, you know,
I'm kinda from all over.
All over.
My dad and uncle have us
moving around a lot, so...
What do they do?
All sorts of things. You know,
I'm kinda out of the loop.
Well, where's your mom?
She's dead.
I'm sorry.
That's all right.
When did she die?
- It was a while ago.
- So...
that's probably enough
death talk.
Do you wanna move on
to a happier subject?
Someone died?
My brother.
About a year ago.
A year ago?
- What was his name?
- Ben.
You know what, Mari?
I think Justin here
could be kinda cute
if he lost his whole,
like, creepy, hooded,
Unabomber kinda vib
he's got going on.
- Don't you think?
- Yeah.
- Look at this face he's got.
Here, put this on.
No, actually that's...
You know, that's my uncle's.
Well, he's not here.
Just put it on. Come on.
- Model it. Go on.
- Put it on.
- Not bad.
- Yeah,
but the hair doesn't match
the shirt anymore.
What could we do?
Come on, sit down.
- All right.
- I need some water.
You're gonna love it.
Trust us.
(CHUCKLES) Okay. Do you think
the collar should go up or down?
Put it up.
- Collar up. No, collar up.
- I think collar down.
I love it. It's a big
improvement, Justin.
You're gonna get
all the ladies.
Oh, yeah.
I... I thought you guys
weren't coming back...
Well, our timeline's
gotten sped up, so...
Why? What's going on?
For Christ's sake, nephew,
are you gonna introduce us?
Yeah, Frank.
This is Mari. That's Paige.
That's my Uncle Frank,
That's my dad.
These are two
lovely girls, Justin.
Smells like you three have
been having some fun in here.
Yeah, it's like a regular
party. Who else you invite?
JUSTIN: Nobody.
It's just us.
Dad, look, I was just
trying to liquidate some...
Liquidate, oh?
Is that my word or yours?
Mine. But...
Am I wrong? Is that...
No, Justin,
you're not wrong.
Is that my shirt?
- Yeah, Frank, I'm sorry...
- No, no. Hey, hey, hey.
Keep it on.
Looks good on you.
JUSTIN: You know, we were just...
- Playing dress up?
(CHUCKLES) Well, I mean, we just
sorta gave him a bit of a makeover.
- A makeover, really?
- No.
PAIGE: Yeah.
Well, I think that's the
greatest thing I've ever heard.
FRANCIS: Wow. We'll just
get outta your way, Justin.
- How much do we owe you?
- I love your sweatshirt, Mari.
That your sport utility
out there, Mari?
- Yeah.
- Nice.
Yeah, we could use a vehicle
like that right about now.
Yeah, 'cause ours
is pretty well fucked.
Like we are.
- Thanks to you, pumpkin.
- Fuck you!
Later maybe.
Dad, what is going on...
We made the front page.
That's what's going on!
We figured they'd have my
face on there sooner or later,
but now they got
Sadie's to boot.
Can you believe it,
Paige, Mari?
Listen, mister... Sir...
This is none of our
business. We won't...
You won't what?
This is none
of our business.
It's a private matter.
Right. Right, and we won't
say anything to anybody.
Well, I don't know.
Frank, you believe them?
Yeah. You know,
I think maybe I could.
Yeah, well, I don't.
(PANTING) Well, you should.
'Cause we really don't...
We really don't give a shit.
Hey, Paige, calm down.
I swear... I mean, we swear that
we won't... We won't tell any...
- Paige.
- Oh, my God!
- We have thin walls, okay.
- (SOBBING) Oh, my...
- Please, don't...
- Please, just...
Please, just put the knife down.
You can have my keys.
- I don't care. Just don't hurt her.
- Thanks, Mari.
Just don't...
(SOBBING) Okay, sir,
can we please just go now?
- Oh, Paige...
- Please...
Do you not
like us, Paige?
I'm sorry, ladies.
We just can't risk it.
PAIGE: What?
No! No, please...
Why can't you just...
Please, just let us go!
- Paige, stay calm.
- Hey...
- God damn it!
- Paige.
Somebody... Oh, God.
Please... Fuck!
PAIGE: Somebody,
please! No!
Don't fucking move.
Somebody help!
Somebody! Help me!
Somebody help me!
Help! Somebody!
- Hey!
- What...
- Anything?
- No. No, we're still okay.
Francis! What's going on?
She's taking a nap.
But she'll come around.
I hate cell phones.
Everywhere you turn, nothing but
texting and yakking and texting.
I hate them.
Load up.
I'm sorry. They weren't
supposed to be back.
That's your excuse?
Yes, sir.
You gotta start putting other
people's needs ahead of your own.
You knew not to bring anybody
back here, but you did it anyway.
- Didn't you?
- Because I thought...
Because we weren't
supposed to be here.
Well, you did it.
It can't be undone.
Now you're gonna take
responsibility for that action.
It's as simple as that.
You know how we do that?
Look at her.
- Just look at her. God.
- Would you just let them...
Look at her!
That's a good start.
Put your seatbelt on.
We're okay.
You're okay.
Now I go left, right?
Looks like that road that's
over the mountain is left.
Right takes you
back to the lake.
Go left.
I've been coming here for years.
You're looking for Highway 43,
the two-lane that goes
over the mountains. Right?
I guess that's
the one, Mari.
Then you need to go left.
Thanks for the clarity, Mari.
Thanks for being
so cooperative, Mari.
What good would it do me
not to be?
I always took your kind to be
whiny little fucking bitches...
born with silver spoons
up their asses, but you,
I think maybe there's
hope for you, Mari.
I don't know, Krug. I think Mari here
has some potential you should consider.
Krug, what do you think?
I think she's been a cool
customer ever since the motel.
He agrees.
SADIE: Oh, my God!
Come on!
You get the fuck...
Handle it!
Dad, watch out!
You bitch.
Sadie, you okay?
Do I look O-fucking-kay? Fuck!
Oh, no. No, no, no.
This is gonna scar.
It's gonna scar forever!
Well, then you should let her
know how you feel about that.
You bitch!
SADIE: Fuck you!
Fucking bitch, you burned
my fucking face!
Why the fuck did you do that?
SADIE: Oh, my God!
PAIGE: Mari!
KRUG: Damn it! Fuck!
- Mari!
MARi: Paige, run!
KRUG: Come here!
Bring her back!
Help me! Help!
Get back here,
you stupid cunt!
Come on back, Paige!
Hey, Paige!
SADIE: Paige!
Help! Somebody!
Help me!
Somebody help me! Help me!
Please help me! No!
Krug says he wants us
to bring her back.
FRANCIS: Get up!
Now what?
You ready to be a man?
Pick one.
Or both.
What're you doing?
No, no, no.
- Come on.
- Grab her.
Hold on!
- I'm teaching you a lesson, son!
- Just let them go...
Oh... Come on.
KRUG: Jesus, just like that.
FRANCIS: Look at that.
Come here.
Yeah. See?
Let's get him all worked up.
Get him all worked up
and tingling.
What's the matter
with you!
Never gonna get
easier than this!
You're pathetic!
What'd you say, Paige?
Where did that come
from all of a sudden?
My goodness.
Come here.
Are you gonna hit me now?
No, honey, not hit.
No! No! No!
- Paige!
You think I'm pathetic, Paige?
Look at my fucking kid here!
Well, Mari, looks like
she's in a lotta pain.
Get that hair
out of her mouth.
Tell her everything's gonna be
okay. Tell her help's on the way.
Tell her it's not
as bad as it looks.
Do it. She needs you!
I won't!
KRUG: God damn it!
MARI: Leave me alone!
Don't! Don't do this!
(SHOUTING) You think you can
fuck with me whenever you want?
She doesn't
think so, see.
Come on.
She's a liar.
Look around.
Look what she did.
No! No! No! No!
- No!
KRUG: You hear that?
No, please! Please...
Jesus Christ!
Justin, please.
You stay right there, Justin.
(CRYING) Please!
Please, please, please...
What is that?
You want that?
Is that what you want?
You missed out.
I swim.
What, sweetie?
We can't hear you.
I love to swim.
We're happy for you.
I can do it one more...
One more time for what?
You got her.
Come on!
Thanks for cooking, honey.
It's good.
It's a team effort.
Sit down.
Stay with me.
Okay. Sorry.
KRUG: Hello!
There's been an accident.
JOHN: This is gonna hurt. One, two...
- Go ahead.
- Do it!
Okay. The worst part's over.
- Just try and breathe normally, okay?
- Deep breath.
Deep breath, deep breath.
I was just saying that despite everything,
we're having a pretty lucky day.
Seeing your house...
It's so beautiful. This kitchen
is just so squeaky clean.
And you being a doctor,
of course.
Yeah, an ill-equipped one. You guys
should still go to the hospital.
Well, we don't really have the
best health coverage right now.
Well, they still
have to treat you.
Well, in that case,
can we bum a ride?
there's only one problem.
Our daughter won't have the car
back till tomorrow morning. So...
Thank you,
Mrs... Collingwood.
SADIE: Thank you, Emma.
- You're welcome.
Justin, sweetie, would you like
some hot chocolate?
Well, if he doesn't, it'll be a
first. What do you say, Justin?
- Yes, please.
- Okay.
JOHN: Hold on to this.
Keep the pressure on.
Say, you think I could
use your landline?
- Sure.
- Yeah, no problem.
- It's right there on the wall.
JOHN: Here you go.
I gotta call us a tow truck and
maybe a cab to take us into town.
Are you sure
that's a good idea, Krug?
I mean, do they even
have taxis here?
Yeah, they do.
Good luck getting one to come
out here in this weather.
EMMA: Well, they might, honey.
You never know.
Yeah, you never know,
do you?
Yellow Pages are in
this drawer over here.
Okay, Francis,
here we go.
One second.
Hold still.
Shit, you gotta be
fucking kidding me.
Hey, Doc. Doc,
where's the needle?
Don't move, okay?
Don't move.
Yeah, don't worry.
That phone's dead, too.
JOHN: Yeah, it happens every time.
I'll just turn the generator on.
Sit tight, everyone.
So, you guys
live here permanently?
Oh, no, no, no.
We actually live in the city.
How many houses
do you have?
So, what're you guys
doing out here anyway?
I mean, this is kinda
in the middle of nowhere.
Are you on
a family vacation or...
Well, it's kinda
embarrassing actually.
My dad used to take Francis and
me to this lake every summer.
Do some fishing,
a little camping...
But now that he's gone,
those memories are all that
I really have left of him,
and, basically, I'm just trying to
do the same thing for Justin here.
I think that's important.
It's nice, making memories.
Don't know if I wanna
remember today.
You might. You never know. I mean,
you're all safe. You're together.
That's what counts.
Amen, Emma. Amen.
Well, okay.
Would you mind holding this
for me? Just hold it on his face.
JOHN: You all right?
All right, here we go.
JOHN: Okay, just hold still.
That fucking hurts!
Man up, Frank.
Fuck you. God.
Here you go, sweetheart.
Thank you.
And we're done.
You better not
be lying, Doc.
I just have to
clean it off first.
Hey, Em, would you get the antiseptic
cream out of the drawer over there?
- It's gonna sting.
- What?
- Jesus, okay!
- I know. It's okay.
You're doing good. Okay.
That's it.
You're done.
That's good.
Thank you, Emma.
EMMA: I'll... I'll
get you a coffee, too.
Got anything stronger?
Yeah, I figured.
Looks like we're
still stuck here.
Justin, are you okay?
I've just never seen him
like this before.
maybe you should lie down.
You know, you should probably
just sleep here tonight.
Well, no,
we couldn't do that.
I don't think
you have much choice.
We just
don't wanna impose, is all.
Well, it's really not a problem.
We have a guest house. So...
Whatever you think.
Whatever's easiest.
Yeah, we're very easy.
Where's the bathroom?
It's the last door
on the right. Down the hall.
Kitchen counter's fine.
That's our daughter, Mari.
The car thief.
Sorry... I'm...
Justin, honey?
Justin, honey...
- Are you okay? What's wrong?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
KRUG: Hey, Justin, Dr. Collingwood
wants to know if you're doing okay.
Yeah, tell him I'm fine.
You keep your mouth shut, do you
hear me? Don't you fuck up again.
Hurry up.
The neighborhood boys would try to jump
over our fence and steal our fruit...
The dog would chase them out,
but my mom was scared of the dog.
She took him to the pound.
We're being shown
to our room.
So, the bathroom
is in there.
And there should be some stuff
n the medicine cabinet...
in case Justin starts
to feel sick again.
But other than that, I think
we're pretty well-covered.
So, unless you guys can think of
anything else, then I'll let you...
Let you get your rest.
Emma, please. You've
done more than enough.
Go. Get some sleep
for goodness sakes.
Well, if you decide that you do need
anything, please don't hesitate to...
Well, you can't really call,
but I guess just come over.
Will do.
Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night, Emma.
I think she likes me.
You get them all
squared away down there?
Yeah. Yeah.
They're just so... weird.
- Did you lock the front door?
- No.
I got it. Why don't you pour
us the rest of that wine?
- Em?
- Yeah?
Did you hear that?
Where's it coming from?
Sounds like it's coming
from the porch.
Oh, my God!
Okay, baby.
I got you. Sweetie.
(SOBBING) Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. John.
(CRYING) She's been shot!
We gotta get her inside.
Hold her head. Hold her head. Give
me some room. Give me some room.
John, is she breathing? Baby?
Come on, girl, let's go.
John, come on!
- Fuck!
- Oh, my God!
No, no, no.
That's it. All right.
Come on, Mari. Can you hear me?
Mommy and Daddy are with you, okay?
You're gonna be okay.
I gotta stop this bleeding.
Go get me a knife.
- John, what about the bullet?
- Stopping the bleeding...
is more important than fishing for a
fucking bullet! Get me a knife now!
John. John!
And lots of towels, all right?
Whatever alcohol we have in there.
Okay, sweet pea.
This isn't gonna feel good,
but it's gotta be done. Okay?
That's it, that's it, baby girl.
I know, baby, I know.
Almost done.
Almost done. Okay.
That's it, that's it.
Brave girl.
Okay, all done.
That's it.
(SOBBING) Oh, God.
You fucker.
Mari? What's that?
What's that?
- I can't breathe
- Okay, okay. I'm gonna fix it, alright?
That's easy, honey, all right.
Okay, I'm just gonna turn you over.
That's my baby.
Just one second.
I need a glass of water, quick!
JOHN: There we go. Okay.
EMMA: Just for a minute.
Mama's right here, honey.
- That's it.
- Mama's here, honey.
John, be careful. Okay.
Alright, sweet pea, now this is
gonna hurt a little bit, okay?
But I promise you,
you're gonna breathe better.
All right, here we go. Ready?
One... It's okay, baby. It's okay.
...two, three.
JOHN: I know. I know, sweetie,
you're almost there.
I just need to
let a little air out.
That's it.
That's my girl. Okay.
Okay, sweetheart.
Okay, that's it, baby.
Hang on one sec. Just gotta
equalize the pressure.
Okay, all right. That's it.
It's okay, honey.
Just breathe.
Okay, there we go.
That's it, there you go.
That's it, baby.
There you go. Okay.
Is that better? Now you can
breathe. That's all better now.
That's my girl. There you go. Yeah.
(WHISPERING) It's okay, baby.
Can you tell me
who did this to you, huh?
Did you see him, sweetie?
She's doing okay. She's stable.
I don't know how long it's gonna be,
but we gotta get her
to a hospital.
- John.
- What?
This was in the kitchen.
- Okay. Why?
- The kid.
That kid put it there.
John, Mari was wearing
this when she left.
She was wearing this
when she left today.
Em, she was raped.
- No!
- There's blood...
- No! Mm'mm...
I'm so sorry.
John, John,
I've should've seen it.
I should have realized.
He was just standing there
looking at her.
He looked like a goddamn ghost,
he just was staring at her picture
on the fridge. Fucking knew it!
We are going to get her to a hospital,
okay? We are going to do this.
They're still here.
- What if they come over here...
- You're right. I know, I know.
You're right.
Which means
we gotta be ready. For anything.
We have to be ready
to do anything. You hear me?
We don't have...
We don't have a car.
I mean, the nearest house
is six miles from here.
- How are we...
- By land.
Six miles by land, okay?
We're gonna do this.
I need you with me.
We are going to do it.
- Okay.
- Okay. Let's go.
Come on, sweetie.
All right, I need some tape.
I gotta tape...
I gotta secure
this tube. Okay.
You awake in there?
Come here, baby. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
(SHUSHING) It's gonna be okay.
We're leaving very soon, I promise.
Em, where are the boat keys?
Sorry, I thought
you'd be asleep by now.
John's asleep.
I'm the...
I'm the night owl.
Yeah, that last
lightning bolt woke me up.
Thought maybe a cold beer
might help. Knock me back out.
- Do you mind?
- No, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
I don't think a beer's
gonna cut it, you know.
Not on a night
like this anyway.
Well, what's gonna cut it,
Mrs. Collingwood?
Well, I was thinking
of maybe a more...
A more adult beverage.
We fall into that category?
Yeah, I think so.
All right, bartender. I guess I'll
have another hit of that whiskey then.
John just polished that off.
That's impressive.
- So, he must be...
- He's passed out upstairs.
You a wine drinker?
I guess I am tonight.
Here, let me go find one.
So, is that rain
letting up any?
No, not much. I think the
storm's gonna be here awhile.
So, you not finding
a good bottle?
No, I... No, actually,
I have one open in the fridge.
Let me just go get it.
Here you go.
Should I just... chug it?
God, I'm sorry.
Glasses, right.
- Here, let me just pour it for you.
- All right.
You know, I can't thank you
enough for your... hospitality.
Well, you know, it's...
It's the least we could do.
So, I noticed you...
had a hot tub.
You get to use
that much?
No. Not too much lately.
Of course, there's a fire.
It could use some stoking.
Now that sounds like a fine idea.
(WHISPERING) I'll get the wine.
I'll meet you in there.
Son of a bitch!
You fucking bitch!
Who the fuck are you?
Krug! Sadie!
Get off me!
JOHN: Shit!
Jesus Christ!
Who are you crazy fucks?
Fuck me, Francis.
Hang on
sweetheart, okay?
We might have to do this
a different way, all right?
Come on out,
you piece of shit!
KRUG: What are
the odds, man?
Of course, your little girl
had a lot to do with it.
You should be proud.
How'd you make us anyway?
Did my fucking kid
rat us out?
That's it, isn't it?
My fucking kid!
He figured out who you were
and blabbered his brains.
Hey, by the way, you all did
a bang-up job on my brother.
He is really fucking
dead down there.
Well, well.
What's this?
This Emma down here
by the lake?
You two planning a
daring escape at sea, huh?
No! Emma!
Did you find them?
That hurt?
Give you a hand!
You should have
seen yourself.
Come on,
is that all you got for me?
I was expecting a lot
more fight outta you, John.
Mari and her little friend
sure gave me a lotta fight.
You wanna hear
what I did to Mari?
I bet you do, pervert.
You wanna hear how tight
your little homecoming queen was?
No, I want to hear you
beg for your fucking life.
I don't feel
like begging today.
What are you doing?
Ending this.
Well, you sure picked a hell
of a time to grow some balls.
Glad to see you, too.
Look, I'm not mad, all right?
Just don't do anything stupid.
My son.
I loved you.
I took care of you!
You don't get to talk now!
Fuck you!
What is this?
I can't move.
You're paralyzed
from the neck down.
I didn't have
any rope or duct tape.
What are you doing?
What the fuck
are you doing?
You're gonna be fine.