Last Man Standing (2011) Movie Script

That's definitely our girl.
We found her.
She's at the
Go, go, go.
Clear left.
Clear right.
- One up.
- Two up.
- Three clear.
- Room clear.
Put your gun on the counter.
- Clear left.
- Clear right.
Right. Call your boss.
Watch your right!
We got her!
Hold, hold, hold, hold.
Back off.
Back off!
No more throwing
your magic wand, princess.
I was just putting
a spell on that house...
for not having its lights on.
Yes, while that might
make purr-fect sense,
Mommy just doesn't
want to have to...
climb through
the bushes again
But Daddy says cats love...
climbing through bushes.
I'll climb in the bushes.
No, you won't,
'Mean' Joe Greene.
Now, which one of you
witches, goblins,
midgets, and ghouls
can tell me...
why penguins waddle?
Is that Nick?
Yes, that would
be my husband.
Because their legs are set
very far back on their body.
That's not that interesting,
though, huh?
I guess you guys want
some candy around now?
Okay, hold on.
Here we go, kids. Ready?
Open your bags.
Here we go.
All right.
You guys be good.
And stay out of politics.
All right,
my little linebacker.
Time for us to go home.
We have a long walk
all the way across the street.
Good night, Char.
See you tomorrow, Abby.
Nice costume, Nick.
What costume, Charlotte?
Hi, Daddy.
Hi, honey.
Look at all my candy!
Wow, you're gonna be up for,
like, days, huh?
Come on.
Let's go inside, guys.
So, then the princess
turned into a dragon...
that could breathe fire.
A princess
turned into a dragon?
Yeah, that's my part
of the story, Mommy.
Tomorrow night,
we can change it back.
But tonight,
the princess is a dragon.
So, then you know
what happened?
The next thing
that happened...
Will you tell me a story?
There once was
a handsome prince...
I like it already.
...Who was madly in love...
with a beautiful,
dark-haired knight.
You know, it was
a very progressive realm.
The knight was a woman.
Come on, Turbo!
Okay, Mommy, I'm ready!
Okay, good!
Come on.
Okay. All right.
Have a good day.
Have fun.
Haley, don't run.
She's all right.
Brian's out of town
for three weeks.
So you know what they say
when the cat's away?
The mouse misses him.
Why don't you come
over this weekend?
Board games, barbecue.
I thought you'd never ask.
- Hey, honey.
- Help!
Our computers are down, honey.
We're dead in the water.
Well, did you try to reboot?
I won't even touch that thing.
Okay. Do you want me
to come by?
Yeah. Would you, please?
All right.
I'll be right there.
You see this?
Now, this microchip
goes under Gatsby's fur.
So if he ever runs away again,
we can find him right away.
Now, the number on the side
here is his tracking number.
I'm gonna type this number
into our computer...
so we can see where
Gatsby is at all times.
And he'll never
get lost again?
Never again.
Okay. It's a deal,
then, right?
So, I'll see you and
Gatsby on Thursday.
All right.
All right, pal.
Thank you.
My savior.
Hey, baby.
Come on.
So I got this blue screen,
and then every computer in the
place just froze up, honey.
Oh, that's not good.
But my computer-genius wife
can fix it, right?
How did we ever function
before computers?
Remember the pencil?
Suddenly, I feel
so completely inept.
You should never feel inept.
You're the most
'ept' man I know.
Is 'ept' a word?
Are we gonna finish fixing
my computer or what?
I already fixed it.
That fast, huh?
Why the military ever let
a tech whiz like you go,
I'll never know.
I love you.
I love you, too, honey.
What's it called again?
A microchip.
And it doesn't hurt
when you put it in a cat?
Not a bit.
And we can find them
if they get lost.
Is that me or you, honey?
That's me.
Abby? It's Davis.
Wow. It's been a long time.
Look, Sam Pratt died.
What? How?
That's the rough part.
You there?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here.
Funeral's the day
after tomorrow,
Lakeside Cemetery.
Thanks for letting me know.
I'll see you if I see you.
What is it?
You all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
I guess I better eat
my ice cream. Come on.
And then the dragon
turned back into a princess...
and went back to the castle.
Sweet dreams, angel.
Hey, you want to see my son?
Your son?
But, Sam, I thought your
wife wasn't due till April.
That's my boy.
I thought you were
gonna wait to find out.
I told Pauline I want to know,
you know, just in case.
Well, you know what?
He looks like you.
LM-13, LM-13.
Mongoose is a go.
I repeat, Mongoose is a go
Mongoose is a go.
Yo! We've got our orders,
Jeremy. Follow us.
Copy that. Go! Go! Go!
Who called earlier, babe?
His name is Jeremy Davis.
He was one of
the guys in my unit.
He called to tell me
someone died.
Well, who was it?
A member of our unit
Samuel Pratt.
I'm sorry, babe.
There were only
three of us in the unit,
so we got close.
He was killed in Afghanistan?
He was home.
He committed suicide.
Why? Any idea why?
Jeremy wants me
to go to the funeral,
day after tomorrow.
You should go.
You ever gonna tell me what
happened back then, honey?
It's nothing we need
to talk about.
Maybe it is.
Good night, baby.
We come here today to...
honor the life
of Samuel Pratt,
soldier, husband,
father, friend.
Samuel was all these things
and much more.
The soldier Samuel
served his country...
with dignity, honor,
and bravery.
Twice decorated,
he represented
the best of the best.
Samuel the husband
was kind and thoughtful.
His wife, Pauline, tells me
he was a man of few words...
who spoke volumes
with his loving gestures.
The father, never was a man
so proud to be a father.
Although their time
together was cut short
Nice to see you again.
Man. You, too. his father.
You're Abby.
I recognize you
from your picture.
He talked about you.
I'm Pauline.
Hey. You're handsome,
just like your dad.
I'm so sorry, Pauline.
I understand
you live in Alexandria.
I'm sorry
we never had you over.
Hey, if you need anything,
anything at all,
just call me,
all right? Anytime.
Thank you, Abby.
Come on.
Walk with me?
Why would he kill himself
eight years after the fact?
Well, Pratt never got over...
getting kicked
out of the military.
They didn't kick us out.
All right, we were
honorably discharged,
but I don't care
what they call it.
The military
was Pratt's life.
He had a child.
Man, I should have called him
once or twice over the years.
I should have done something.
I see you're still blaming
yourself for everything.
Look, Abby, let it go, okay?
Look at you now.
You're a regular soccer mom.
You got the hubby.
You got the kid.
You got it all.
Are you happy?
He must be one hell of a guy.
He is. Yeah.
You both are.
God, every day I'm reminded
of how lucky I am.
I'm in the PTA.
You're in the PTA?
And I love it.
All right,
the girl's going rogue.
Well, speaking of family,
I got to get going.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I understand.
Well, look,
if you want to talk,
I'll be in town
until tomorrow night.
I'm staying at
the Alexandria Hotel.
Let's not keep the wall up.
It's good to see you.
You, too.
All right.
you've reached my cell phone.
Please leave a message.
Hey, baby.
I just wanted to tell you...
that I love you and
I'm sorry about last night.
Let's talk tonight
about everything.
Hi, Heather.
Is my husband there?
I'm sorry, Mrs. Collins.
He left early today.
What time did he leave?
I guess it was around noon.
I was at lunch,
so I'm not exactly sure.
Okay. Thanks, Heather.
you've reached my cell phone.
Please leave a message.
Nick, please call me
when you get this.
Daddy's gonna miss
pancakes for dinner.
We should wait for him.
I'm sure he'll be home soon.
Hey, Abby,
what you doing?
Is everything okay?
You sound stressed.
No, I'm fine.
I just haven't heard
from Nick in awhile,
and I'm starting to
get a little worried.
That's probably him now.
Okay, bye.
If you
want your husband to live,
you'll do exactly
what we tell you.
You tell anyone,
and he dies.
We are watching
your every move.
Instructions will follow.
When's Daddy gonna be home?
He's working late
tonight, honey.
But what about our pancakes?
Maybe we should
bring them to his work.
I don't think so.
We should just save them
till tomorrow night.
You know what, honey?
I think I better go down
and help Daddy at work.
How'd you like
to go play with Haley...
for a little while, huh?
Maybe even spend the night?
Can't I go with you?
Mommy's got to do
computer work.
Besides, you're gonna have
more fun with Haley.
Come on.
Hi. I need a big favor.
Sure, honey. What is it?
Can you watch Penny
for the night?
I know
it's last minute, but...
Yes, of course.
It's no problem.
I brought her pj's,
and some of her things
I'm not sure how late I'll be.
Is everything all right?
Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.
Come on, we can play!
Honey, why don't you take
Penny to your room?
I want to go with you.
Sweetheart, I promise
I'll be back soon, all right?
Go with Haley, have some fun.
All right.
We were making pancakes,
and something came up.
So I brought this.
I got pancake batter
and syrup.
If you wouldn't mind?
I promised her pancakes.
Abby, what's going on?
Where's Nick?
Can we talk later?
Is there something
I can do to help?
You are. This is helping.
I'm here if you
feel like talking.
Thank you, Charlotte.
Oh, God. What am I doing?
They probably
tapped the phones.
You have reached
a department...
within the
National Security Agency.
Please enter your access code.
Signals Analysis.
Lincoln, it's Abby.
Lieutenant Spencer.
First Lieutenant Spencer?
Yeah. It's been a long time.
Yeah, it has.
Look, I need
to trace a transmission.
I have the IP address.
Can you get me access
to server records... I can run a search?
Sure. Give me three minutes.
Sam was so distracted
the last few weeks.
He spent so much
time downstairs...
locked up in his office.
Was he working on
something down there?
I don't know
what he was doing.
I mean, we talked
about everything.
Well, almost everything.
He didn't talk about the past.
What happened back there?
People are starting to leave.
Excuse me.
All right,
let's move out.
Mr. Taraki's in
U.S. custody now.
Come on.
Come on, let's go.
Come on.
You'll ride with us.
You'll meet with your wife
and daughter in Kabul later.
Come on. Get in.
What is it?
I don't know.
Something feels funky.
He's just waiting
for us to leave.
Yeah, I don't like the way
he's still standing there.
You know what they say.
'Never trust the
last man standing.'
Come on.
What are you doing in here?
What's going on?
I'm so sorry, Pauline.
I can't explain
everything right now.
I want
you to watch what happens...
when you don't
follow our instructions.
The next time you disobey us,
your husband will die.
Now go to the
Concord train station.
are in locker 214.
You have 10 minutes.
Two minutes.
How are you doing?
That's sweet.
Excuse me.
I was wondering if
you could tell me...
where the security
office is located?
It'll be just right there,
up the hallway.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
It's okay.
Officer Halverson.
Sorry to interrupt
your dinner.
I need to review the security
footage for the last 48 hours.
I only need the footage
from camera five,
the locker area.
Can you speed it up?
What are you looking for?
Just speed it up.
Advance it frame by frame.
Come on, come on.
Turn around,
so I can see your face.
What took you so long?
There were a lot
of people around.
I thought it best to find
a more discreet area.
Don't let it happen again.
We're under
a very strict timeline.
I'd like to talk
to my husband.
From now on,
you'll use this phone only.
There's one number
programmed into the phone.
Ours. Do you understand?
Yes. I'd like to talk to...
Do you understand?
Yes. What do you
want from me?
The timer on your phone
is counting down...
from three-and-a-half hours.
If you haven't completed
the task we set out...
by the time it reaches zero,
your husband will die.
Just tell me what
you want from me.
I want you to go
to 401 Commerce Circle.
Call when you arrive.
Have you arrived
at the location?
What is this place?
By 8:00 p.m., all
personnel will...
have left for the evening.
That's when you go in.
Go in?
You then have 20 minutes
to get into the main building.
Get to the fourth
floor and enter...
the private office of the CEO.
What are you
sending me to get?
There was a key card
taped to the phone.
Bring it.
Hello? Jeremy, can we meet?
I need your help.
Nick's been kidnapped.
They must have
known his schedule...
and taken him from work.
Jeremy, I think Pratt is
connected to this somehow.
Why do you say that?
It's the only clue I have.
Well, that's not
much to go on.
I need to find out
who took my husband...
as much as I need
to know why.
Look, I have
an important call.
I'll see you in 10.
Charlotte, hi.
Abby. I've been worried.
No, no, I'm doing okay.
Can you put Penny
on the phone?
I promised I'd call her
before she went to sleep.
Okay. Hang on.
Hi, Mommy.
Hey, snickerdoodle.
See, I didn't forget.
Are we going
to finish Daddy's story?
Right, where
did we leave off?
With the dragon
and the princess.
That's right.
The dragon turned
back into a princess.
I hacked into the
city-planning database...
and downloaded the blueprints
for the building.
This building has
two access points.
Now, each entry
has two guards.
You got to secure
the outside guards fast...
in order to get inside
and take out the floater.
Less exposure on
the outside, the better.
You know you don't
have to do this alone.
Yes, I do.
How long have
you been married?
Seven years.
So you must have met him
as soon as we got out.
Yeah. I told him
I was a technical analyst.
Well, that's half true.
Why not the whole truth?
I guess I just
wanted to start fresh.
I shouldn't have lied to him.
You were just trying to
protect the one you love
They will kill my family.
Please, they just
want me, okay?
Let me go.
I can't do that.
You don't have
a family yet, do you?
Someday, you will
understand that...
there is nothing you would not
do to keep them from harm.
And at that moment,
you'll regret this decision.
Hey, Abby.
Abby! Hey!
What happened to Omar Taraki
after we got out?
I don't know.
He disappeared.
Why are you asking
me about Taraki?
He told me I would regret
my decision someday.
What are you talking
about, Abby?
What time is it?
I need the security protocol.
this is Pratt's company.
First his house,
and now this?
What if they
went to him first?
It's his company
I'm breaking into.
Obviously, what
they want is in there.
He refuses to play ball,
they kill him and make
it look like a suicide.
Oh, come on, Abby.
What? It's just
all a coincidence?
Look, they know how Pratt
and I are connected,
which means that they
must know about you, too.
All right, you need
to watch your back.
Yeah, well,
if that were true,
then I would be next, not you.
You know, no offense
to you, okay,
but I was the one who knocked
down doors, remember?
Yeah, well, I have something
that you don't have, family.
All right, we're gonna have
to call some friends.
We need some help on this.
No, there's no 'we.'
It's me. It's all me.
I did this.
I made the decision.
What decision?
Abby, what decision?
I have to go.
I have two hours and 47
minutes to figure this out...
before they kill my husband.
want you to watch something.
What is this?
I'm not gonna read anything.
There's a file hidden
on the company network.
Locate it, then call.
The file name is 'Mongoose.'
Hurry up, Abby.
Your husband doesn't
have much time.
Mongoose is a go.
I repeat, Mongoose is go
Mongoose is a go.
LM-13, LM-13.
LM-13, LM-13.
What do you do...
when you arrive
at a locked door?
You go through the window.
Binary adapter.
System input.
What's on the screen?
'Royal Bank of Antigua.'
It's asking for a password.
The password and
everything you'll need...
is in the Mongoose file
that you just located.
Need for what?
You're going to access
Samuel Pratt's bank account,
then transfer the entire
balance to another account.
In 30 seconds,
check your phone.
You'll find the
account and routing...
number of the second bank.
That's where you'll
transfer the money.
Do you understand
your instructions?
Get me Agent Tyler.
The Feds.
I'm running the trace
protocol now, sir.
Yes, sir. I'm getting
the location now.
Somebody just shut us down.
But I think
I got their location.
What's the delay?
How do I know you
won't kill my husband...
the minute I transfer
the money?
You want a guarantee?
If you don't transfer the
money, Nick will be killed.
That's a guarantee.
I don't think you
fully appreciate...
the seriousness
of the situation.
It's time to make a decision.
All right. All right.
Look, I'm almost done.
It's asking for the account...
password to confirm
the transfer.
I already gave you
the account numbers.
No, I need the password.
When the account was set up,
you created a password.
It's asking for that
to complete the transaction
If you're lying to me,
your husband's going
to pay the price.
You can change it
the second I'm done.
Fine. I'll send you a text
with the password.
Come on. Come on.
The building is surrounded.
Exit slowly with
your hands in the air.
I repeat, exit slowly
with your hands in the air.
Keep your hands up.
Drop the bag!
Drop the bag!
Come on! Let's go!
Charlotte, is
everything all right?
Well, Penny's
having trouble sleeping.
Okay. Can you put
her on the phone?
Sure. Hold on.
Hi, honey.
Charlotte said
you couldn't sleep.
Haley is using the whole bed.
Well, just ask
Haley to move...
over a little and
share the bed.
Are you coming back soon?
Yes, I'll be there soon.
Pinkie promise.
All right, just try to get
some sleep, okay?
I love you.
I love you, too, Mommy.
Are you all right?
This whole thing
is about money.
They had me
transfer $2 million...
to an offshore account
in Antigua,
and then they set me
up to be arrested.
What do you mean,
'They set you up'?
The FBI was
watching the account.
They had to know that.
What the hell was Pratt into?
I don't know.
They have their money.
Now what?
They don't have
their money yet.
I changed the pass code
on the account,
and I put everything
on a flash drive.
I needed something to bargain
with to keep Nick alive.
They can't access the account
without the flash drive.
Look, Jeremy, I need a favor.
Name it.
I need a car.
My plates are hot.
All right, you can
have my rental.
Where are you?
About a half-mile
from your hotel.
Meet me on level 2B
of the parking structure.
Space 128.
Okay, great.
All right, follow me.
All you, sir.
Do not touch anything!
My name is Agent Tyler.
I want everyone out of here
except my tech agent.
Come on. Time is our enemy.
Lay it out for me, Kowalski.
We can't access this system.
It's defense-grade security.
All we know is that
the account...
was accessed from
this computer.
It belongs to the recently
deceased CEO, Samuel Pratt.
Someone logged on
to the company network,
accessed this system,
and then somehow got
all the banking information...
and executed a
blind transfer...
to an offshore bank account
somewhere here.
Really? That's all you got?
With all the security
we had in place,
how was that possible?
This guy shut down our trace.
He knew our protocols.
He's not your ordinary hacker.
It's a woman.
What's that?
We just got done
taking statements...
from in-house security.
The suspect is a woman.
Where did your guy
learn to fight?
I guess you feel pretty...
clever creating
that flash drive.
Not very clever getting
your friend killed, though.
What was his name?
Jeremy Davis?
You should have
kept him out of this.
I suggest we stop wasting time
and get down to business.
You're gonna
bring me the flash drive.
There's an overpass
not far from your home.
No, you're not
getting the flash drive...
until I see my husband alive.
You're not in a position
to make demands.
Well, I am if you
want your$2 million.
Send me a video file of my
husband showing he's alive.
And I want a live feed,
nothing recorded.
You're playing with
your husband's life, Abby.
Have him tell me
he's all right.
You got 10 minutes,
or I destroy the flash drive.
No, they ambushed the caravan.
We secured Taraki, but they
got his wife and child.
Please, turn me over to them.
Look, we can't do that.
They will kill my family.
No, we won't let that happen.
Please, they just
want me, okay?
Let me go.
There's a door in the back.
Just turn your head
for a moment.
I can't do that.
It is my wife and child!
If I let you go,
there's a good chance...
they will kill you
and your family.
Do you really want
to take that risk?
You don't have
a family yet, do you?
Someday, God willing,
you will.
Then you will
understand that...
there is nothing
you would not...
do to keep them
from harm, okay?
And at that moment,
you'll regret this decision.
You have reached
a department...
within the
National Security Agency.
Please enter your access code.
Signals Analysis.
Lincoln, it's Abby.
I need your help
with something else.
Abby, I can't keep
running these traces for you.
They're gonna kill my husband.
What are you talking about,
someone's gonna
kill your husband?
He was taken this morning.
You mean he's been kidnapped?
Look, if I don't find him,
they will kill him.
Can you triangulate
a cell phone for me?
Of course, Abby.
I can do that for you
I need the location
of a cell phone...
that's about to send
a live video file to mine.
Okay, I'll run a trace signal
through a local phone carrier.
And I need it now,
right now.
All right, give me
your cell phone number.
I don't know it.
Abby, you don't know
your own cell phone number?
I don't know the number.
How did I not remember that?
Abby, you know I
can't triangulate...
anything without that number.
You can use the
phone's serial number...
and my location
to triangulate it.
That'll probably work.
What's the serial number?
Why not kill the guard?
I want an identity on this
woman within the hour.
Yes, sir.
I'm okay, Abby.
I know I don't look
so hot right...
now, but I'm
fine. Don't worry.
Can you hear me?
Abby? Abby?
Honey, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, sweetheart.
I'm so sorry, Nick.
I'm so sorry.
Baby, this isn't your fault.
I love you.
I love you, too, honey.
Don't worry about me.
All right, that's enough.
Take him away.
Wait! Abby!
Don't forget to feed Gatsby!
Don't forget to feed
Gatsby, honey!
We'll give you 10
minutes to make your decision.
Please tell me
you got something.
The signal's coming
from a cargo warehouse...
about four miles from
where you are right now.
Be careful, Abby.
Thank you, Lincoln.
You're not
taking this seriously, Abby.
In fact, I hear trucks
in the background.
You're not out looking
for Nick now, are you?
Who are you?
Just tell me who you are.
It doesn't matter who I am.
You've got your proof of life.
That is the last concession
you will get from me.
Now, I want you to go
to the 3rd Street overpass
That's where you'll hand
over the flash drive.
I want an even trade.
Nick for the flash drive
at the same time.
You already got your
concession. No more.
And I'm telling you,
if Nick isn't there,
you can kiss your
money goodbye.
What do you got?
The car. Local PD
found it abandoned.
It's registered
to Abby Collins,
lives in Old Village.
She's married
to Nicholas Collins.
They have
a 5-year-old daughter.
Nicholas Collins owns a...
veterinary clinic.
Let's get cars
to both locations.
And Abby Collins
has a military background,
served in Afghanistan
with a black ops outfit.
Just like our departed
CEO, Samuel Pratt.
Where are the girls?
Where are they?
In my room. I told them they
could sleep with me tonight.
We got to get them
out of here right now.
Abby, what's going on?
I know I owe
you an explanation...
for everything.
I just can't right now.
I am not yanking
my child out of...
bed in the middle
of the night...
unless you tell me why.
Nick was kidnapped
earlier today,
and whoever took
him has this address
Oh, my God.
I didn't think. I
should have known...
that they could
find this address.
I'm so sorry.
I need to call Brian.
You can call him
from the motel room.
Are we going home now, Mommy?
Hi, honey.
No, no, no. No lights.
All right, we're going
out the back.
Just follow me.
Hey, sweetie, you want
to play a little game?
You and Haley?
It's called 'hide
from the dragon.'
And the way we win
is to stay real quiet...
so that the dragon
doesn't hear you.
Does that sound like fun?
Okay. I know you didn't
learn that in Pilates.
Hand them to me.
All right. Let's go.
Come with me.
Okay, come on.
Go get it.
All units, all units.
Suspect is 42-year-old
female Abigail Collins,
wanted in connection
with assault on...
security personnel at
Geographic Logistics.
Suspect evaded and
disabled local...
law enforcement personnel...
during a high-speed chase.
Collins possesses
military training...
and should be considered armed
and extremely dangerous.
Use of preemptive
deadly force is authorized.
One night?
only for one night.
Here you go.
Come on, guys.
Watch your step.
Hold the railing.
Can we have the TV on?
Just for a little while.
You two need some rest.
I'm going to go and get them
some juice from the machine.
Abby, why don't
you come with me?
Okay, be right back.
Abby, why haven't you
called the police about this?
They'll kill him if I do.
I don't mean to be callous,
but what about our kids?
They're threatening
our children.
We need to call the police.
I want you to call them
when I leave,
but the kids are safe
here for now.
Leave? Where are you going?
What do these people
want from you?
Is it money?
Do you need money?
Brian and I can help.
Charlotte, I'll never be
able to thank you...
for what you've
already done for me...
and for us, and I'm so sorry
I put you through this.
Abby, what are you gonna do?
I don't know yet.
The lion cub has
wandered away from its mother.
You two having fun?
They have our favorite movies
on this TV, Mommy.
I know.
That's pretty neat.
Just a little more TV,
and then some sleep.
Because, otherwise,
the sandman is gonna get you.
The female lion goes
in search of her lost cub.
If my daddy were here,
he could find him.
He puts a microchip
in the cat,
and then he knows
where they are.
Don't forget to feed Gatsby!
This microchip
goes under Gatsby's fur.
And then we can see where
Gatsby is at all times.
Don't forget to feed Gatsby!
He was telling me
how to find him.
Wait 45 minutes,
and then call the police.
That's definitely our girl.
We found her.
She's at the
Owner's name.
I need the owner's name.
Owner's name, Harris.
Where are you, Nick?
You three, in the front.
We're taking the rear.
Stay low.
Move quickly,
gentlemen. Move, move, move.
Go, go, go.
Clear left.
Clear right.
- One up.
- Two up.
- Three clear.
- Room clear.
Go, go, go, go.
Clear left.
Clear right.
Clear right.
Room clear.
Watch your left side.
Watch your left side.
Put your gun on the counter.
Room clear!
Right. Call your boss.
Watch your right!
We got her!
Hold, hold, hold, hold.
Back off.
Back off!
Give her some room.
Are you in charge here?
Yes, I am.
My name is Agent Tyler.
Everyone clear out
but Agent Tyler.
I think they're waiting
to hear from you.
Everyone out.
All right. Tyler, over here,
nice and slow.
Cuff Agent Tyler's hands
behind his back.
All right, out the back.
Close the door behind you.
What's your plan?
You don't have one, do you?
I can help you.
We can help each other.
Don't you want to see your
husband and daughter again?
Nick and Penny, right?
Yes, I know all about you.
Marine Corps, Special Forces,
then there was that black ops
assignment, Omar Taraki,
the Afghan chemist
who was going...
to testify against al-Qaeda.
You were supposed to be
protecting him, right?
Him and his family?
Whose idea was it
to sell him out?
Yours or Samuel Pratt's?
What are you talking about?
We've been watching
that bank account...
for two years, waiting for
someone to access it.
I'm curious. Why now?
Was it because Sam
was out of the picture...
and you wanted
his share of the payoff?
Or maybe he never cut you in.
What payoff?
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about
someone getting very rich...
making sure
Omar Taraki didn't testify.
And you think Sam?
No, no, no, no.
I was with him.
Sam... No. There's no way.
All right.
Let's pretend
you weren't involved...
and that Pratt
was working alone.
How did you know
about the money, then?
I didn't.
You broke into
his private office,
accessed his bank account,
and stole money you
didn't know about.
Would you buy that story?
Everything you need
to get the money...
is on this flash drive.
It's my husband.
He was kidnapped
this morning...
by someone
who wanted that money.
And in 18 minutes,
they're gonna kill him
unless I can stop them.
Why give that to me, then?
We both know
they'll kill him either way.
Who is 'they'?
Who knew about the money?
This is ketamine.
It won't hurt you,
but it'll put you to sleep
for about 20 minutes.
All right, in two
minutes, your...
men will make a hard entry.
They'll assume you're dead.
They'll try to
resuscitate you.
When you wake up,
go to 127 Junction Road.
That's where you'll find me.
One problem with your plan.
We don't make hard entries
when we've got a man inside.
Except when shots are fired.
You were supposed to...
protect Taraki's
family, right?
Whose idea was it
to sell him out?
Yours or Samuel Pratt's?
What's the situation
on the ground, Captain Pratt?
We tracked
Taraki's wife and daughter...
to a building about
four clicks from town.
Abby, you got eyes?
Yeah, Sam.
The mother and
daughter are alive.
I got three hostiles
inside with them.
Let's do this.
We're clear.
Abby, no!
Don't go in there!
Get back!
You knew the wire was there.
I'm at the drop site,
but our lady hasn't shown up.
She's got two minutes.
Damn it!
That's it. Kill him.
Time's up.
Wifey didn't show.
Set down the weapon.
Set down the weapon.
That's the last time
I'm gonna ask.
Nick, I'm here.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
Did he hurt you?
I'm fine.
I'm all right, okay?
Damn it. I got to find
something to cut with.
Abby, listen to me.
Just leave.
Call the police when
you leave here.
I'll be safe till then, honey.
There's no way I'm gonna
leave you, Nick.
Hey, what's
going on in there?
Hey, where's
your blindfold at?
It's rubber buckshot.
He'll be all right.
You were shot?
It's okay. I'm all right.
I'm fine.
I'm all right. Okay.
I only remember one
other op that I've been on...
that's gone this pear-shaped.
Don't move.
Now, toss the knife.
Toss the shotgun.
Now turn around, slowly.
'Why?' That is what
you want to ask, right?
'Why? Why? Why, Davis?'
Well, it's real simple really.
$10 million. That's why.
You see, Pratt and I,
we got an offer...
that we just couldn't refuse.
$5 million each if we stopped
Taraki from testifying.
But you'd be amazed
at how fast $5 million can go.
But, you see, Pratt,
he still had half of his cut.
But he wouldn't
return my phone calls.
You killed Pratt.
Yeah, well,
you know, if Pratt
had just let you die...
with Taraki's
wife and daughter,
it would have saved me
a lot of trouble tonight.
Never trust the
last man standing.
What was that?
You're the last man standing.
That's what Pratt
was trying to tell me.
That's true.
So this last man's
gonna make you a deal.
You give me the flash drive,
I'll walk out of here,
leave you two lovebirds alone.
You want the flash drive?
Come and get it.
Give him what he wants,
and he'll leave.
How about I just shoot you
and take the flash drive?
You know, you really
disappoint me, Abby.
There in the back!
Go! Go! Go!
- Freeze!
- Don't move!
I need paramedics
to the northwest...
quadrant of the warehouse.
We need you to come in
and help us sort all this out.
How about tomorrow, sir?
All right.
Let's go home.
Let's go home.
Story time.
You all right, honey?
I wrote him a letter.
Who? The Afghan guy?
Yeah, Omar Taraki.
I don't know if
he'll ever get it, but...
What did you say?
Told him about us, our family,
and how sorry I am...
about what happened
to his wife and child.
Glad you did that.
Yeah, me, too.
Meet me in there?
Daddy, don't forget.
Tonight, you have to tell me
two parts of the story...
since you missed last night.
I didn't forget, honey.
I actually have a surprise
twist to that story.
What is it?
Well, it's about how
the beautiful princess...
had to rescue
the handsome prince.
That's a good twist.
Yes, it is.
And the best part
of the story is...
they lived happily ever after.
But I'm getting
ahead of myself.
So, once upon a time,
in a land far, far away,
lived a fair-haired prince.
So, one day, an evil dragon
captured the prince...
and took him deep
inside a mountain.
The beautiful
dark-haired princess...
searched high and low,
and finally found
the dragon's lair.