Last Moment of Clarity. (2020) Movie Script


[breathing hard]

[distant siren wailing]

And please, don't cut it up.
I'd like it to last
all day long.

[horse whinnying on screen]
- [hooves clomping]
- [wheels turning]
- [distant honking]
- [indistinct chatter]

- [grunts]
- How did you find me?
How did you freakin' find me?
- [speaking French]
- [grunting]
Why are you
following me?
Wife. I just got...
to see wife.
[breathing hard]

[indistinct chatter in French]

Am I a good actress?
you're great.
Yeah, but you have
to say that.
What if I suck
and no one tells me,
and I just never
get a real part?
Well, you'll stop acting and
you'll pursue a career as a voyeur.
I'm good with that.
Doesn't pay much,
- I'll support you.
- Sucker.
Better start laying off
those cards, then.
So you'll still love me
even if I'm a failure?
- Babe, you are a failure.
- Mean!
[chuckles] And I still
love you.
- The question is...
- Yeah?
Will you still love me
if you're a success?
Of course!
Will you still love
me if I'm a success?
And rich,
and powerful,
and a bitch
with no feelings?
Will you still send me
naked pictures?
Then I will
always love you.

Sam, you must get out there
and do something.
I work two jobs
[scoffs] I'm not
talking about work,
- you work far too much.
- [quietly] Okay.
And you waste all your time
on that Internet, you know,
cutting up those newspapers
and putting them together.
It's no good.
It's strange.
And why are you wasting your
life washing dishes for me?
I mean, why am I
hiring you?
You know, I should sell this
place and go back to Scotland.
But no, no, no,
I have to look out for you.
What about
your French kids?
[sighs] Look.
Do me a favor.
Try something new, mm?
Meet a girl.
I know what it's like
to be between two countries.
And believe me,
you can only live in one.
Whatever it was,
it's been over for a long time.
[exhales sharply]
[Georgia] You keep doing this
and I'm gone.
[Sam] I promise this is
the last time. Don't leave.
[siren wailing]
- [fire crackling and blazing]
- [fire truck honking]
[Georgia] Hey, Sam?

[exhales sharply]
[shutter clicking]
Did I catch you
spying again?
[Georgia] You should try it
sometime, you might like it.

Ca va?

[Georgia] Hey, Sam?
Can I talk to you for a sec?
Gilles! What's this crap
in the back?
I don't know!
What is it?
Bunch of boxes
we never opened.
Those must've been there
since the divorce.
- Toss them out.
- You don't wanna see what's in 'em?
No! Then I might be
tempted to keep 'em.
If I haven't opened them in years,
they don't mean anything to me.
Get rid of them.

[Georgia] Tuesday,
you will fall...
head over heels in love
with me on Pont Neuf,
the most romantic bridge
in all of the world.

[Gilles] When I sell this place,
I shall move to Bali.
- Bali?
- Mm.
Somewhere warm,
not like here.
This country is full of Frenchmen.
It's unbearable.
It's a possibility.
A dream. My dream.
[Gilles] Everyone
needs dreams.

- [bird cawing]
- [bell tolling]
Mrs. Jenkins
sends her regards.

- [Gilles] Sam.
- [gasps]
Who's this girl?
Gilles, let me
ask you something.
Is this
the same person?
I don't know.
Let me see.
[glasses clicking]
- No.
- If she wasn't making that face...
Sam, what's this
all about?
You know, when I said
"find a girl,"
I meant a real girl,
not some crazy fantasy.
I'm not crazy.
[footsteps depart]
[line ringing]
- [woman] Hello?
- Jean?
Yes. Who is this,
I'm an old friend
of Georgia's.
Do you know
how I can reach her?
I'm sorry?
- Is Georgia there?
- What?
- Who is this?
- Do you know where she is?
Sam. Is this Sam?
- Yes.
- She's dead, Sam.
Your fault.
You killed her.
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
[Jean] Is this
Detective Bill Rice?
- Could be. Who's this?
- Jean Outerbridge.
I'm Georgia's mother.
We met three years ago.
You told me to call you if
I ever spoke to Sam Pivnic.
Well, I just did.
You get any information
on him?
I got a phone number.

Mrs. Jenkins
sends her regards.

Mrs. Jenkins
sends her regards.
Mrs. Jenkins
sends her regards.

[indistinct chatter]
[Gilles] Ahem.
For my best customer.
I have to find out.
- Find out what?
- If they're the same person.
They're not.
Now you know.
I'm going
to L.A., Gilles.
Sam... you're not
thinking clearly.
It's a waste!
[footsteps approaching]
[Gilles sighs]
[speaking French]
It's an old saying.
Rough translation...
"Logic will fail to talk
someone out of something
logic cannot
talk him into."
You're gonna need some money
when you get there, no?
Thank you.
We won't see each other
again, will we?
[speaks French]

[car honking]

- [keys jingling]
- [Rice] So the guy left in a real hurry, huh?
[Gilles] Mm.
I've had not a chance to clean it out.
[Rice] Oh. I promise I
won't judge the messiness.
- [groans]
- So, here we are.
It's, uh, it's nice,
and, uh, cozy.
What's behind there?

[Rice] Who was this guy?
I guess...
I don't really know.
Any idea where he went?

[shutter clicking]
[woman] Hey!
You gotta check in
or give me your ticket.
- Right, sorry.
- Don't I know you?
Please, I have
to get in there.
- So do a lot of people.
- I'm just looking for someone.
Stop. I've heard them all
before, okay? Go.
[indistinct chatter]

Georgia! Georgia!

[Georgia] I had to borrow
money from my Mom.
- [Sam] I'm sorry.
- No, you keep doing this and I'm gone.
[Sam] I promise this is
the last time. Don't leave.
- Hey. Is your name Sam?
- Shit.
Sam Pivnic?
How do you know that?
Who told you my name?
You did.
In high school.
- It's Kat.
- What?
- Josh's little sister?
- Josh?
Josh Zaro, your friend
from Franklin High?
You came to my house, like,
once a week to play videogames
and never let me play?
- Katherine?
- Oh, it's Kat now.
Your hair!
Yeah, it was...
red back then.
Screamed for attention.
This is my natural color.
I'm fine.
Thanks for asking.
But you're not.
What's up?
Nothing's up.
Now you're lying to me.
I've got, like...
25 minutes before I have
to meet someone.
Wanna grab a cup of coffee
across the street?
Come on. I wanna
hear your story.
Jesus, Sam.
I'm so sorry.
Couldn't protect her.
It was a gas leak.
That was a freak
accident, not your fault.
I'm so sorry.
I've been talking this whole time,
- I didn't mean to unload.
- Oh.
Aren't you
really late?
Oh, no, I was just...
building in a hard out in
case I wanted to escape.
- And you don't.
- Not yet.
So what brought you
to L.A.?
I think Georgia
is alive.
Wait, I thought you...
- just said Georgia died in the fire.
- I know.
All right, this is gonna
sound absolutely insane.
But... I think she changed
her look completely.
Dyed her hair,
removed her tattoos,
and she goes by
Lauren Clerk now.
Jimmy's client?
Like, the 8th lead
of the movie?
I think so.
[chuckles] How is that
even possible?
Have you ever tried to look up
Lauren Clerk's background?
All right, where
she went to high school,
who her parents were,
where she was born.
Turns out I have not.
absolutely nothing.
Sam, Lauren
is not Georgia.

[car door closes]
[engine revs]
I'm not crazy.
Tsk. I mean, don't worry,
I like a little crazy, but...
Okay, so you have some hardcore
infatuation with some actress.
No! It's not
about Lauren Clerk.
It's about Georgia.
I don't know
what I was thinking,
I just... I wanted
to look her in the eyes.
It's stupid.
Fuck it. Okay,
but you gotta be cool.

I don't see her.
We'll find her.
Could she have skipped
the party?
Relax, okay?
She'll be here.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [music playing]
There, okay?
You see her?
[Kat] Go talk to her.
Okay, I'll go.

[inaudible conversation]
What'd she say?
- She doesn't know you.
- Are you sure?
I mean, yeah, I pointed you
out and she took a good look.
Why don't we just
get out of here?
- It's her.
- It's not. She doesn't know you.
- It has to be.
- It's not, okay? Let's just go.
- Hi.
- [brightly] Hi!

- [laughs] Hello.
- Hey, luv.
- Who's this?
- Oh, sorry. This is my fianc, Vince.
Uh... what was
your name again?
- Sam.
- Nice to meet you, man.
Um, Jose wanted
to talk to you
- about the details for next weekend.
- Okay.
Hey, listen, I just have to steal
her away for just a second, man.
- Okay? Cheers.
- Yes.
[Vince] That was weird!
Who is he?
[Lauren] I don't know.
[footsteps echoing]
I just couldn't tell
what she was thinking.
She was thinking,
"Who's this fucking guy?"
No. It was her.
Okay, I'm trying to give you
the benefit of the doubt,
but were you not
at the party I was at?
Why on earth would you
think that was her?
It was the necklace.
She was wearing the
necklace that I gave her.
It's a single diamond
on a chain.
Oh, my God!
A million girls have that necklace.
I had that necklace
when I was 16.
If it was her,
why wouldn't she acknowledge you?
I don't know.
Maybe it's because
Lauren is not Georgia,
and you are
just batshit.
[car door closes]
[sighs] I wasn't
expecting this.
What were you
Answers. Love.
I don't know.
Definitely not this.
- You know what I always say?
- What's that?
Fuck it.
- [chuckles]
- [keys jingle]
- [engine starts]
- Let's go, crazy.
[car honking]
[locks door]
A little paranoid?
Think of it as careful.
Well you say potato.
Make yourself at home.
- [light beep]
- [music playing on stereo]
[door closes]
[door opens]
Put your weapon back.
I know I shouldn't be snooping.
My Dad insisted on it
when I moved here.
He thinks L.A.
is dangerous.
Should I be
- Very.
- [shoe thuds]
He also got me this
for my birthday.
[Taser crackles]
He's a great Dad.
Kat, look, I'm not gonna be
very good company tonight.
Okay, quiet.
You're staying because I
do not feel like driving.
Do you want something to drink?
I have tequila or tequila.
Were you this nice
in high school?
You don't
remember me.
Maybe that's
a good thing.
- [sets down glass]
- You were into music.
Yeah. That's why
I came to L.A.
I was in a band.
We actually got a record deal.
Couldn't handle
success. Broke up.
- Why?
- It was a whole like Behind the Music thing.
One of us got
a drug problem,
one of us was
in a psycho relationship,
one of us
got arrogant.
Which one of those
were you?
Which one
do you think?
All of them.
You do remember me.
[Kat groans]
Why weren't we better
friends back then?
Um, I had a red
and you were
a Golden Retriever...
really sweet,
not that interesting.
And what about now?
Oh, now you're
a street mutt.
I like that.
- Now my life's a disaster.
- I know.
Sometimes you have
to become a new person.
You can be reborn.
Easy on the religion.
[chuckles] I don't mean it like
that, I just mean...
You know, it's okay
if things change.
You're not just the sum
of your previous parts.
Start over. I did.
I don't wanna
start over.
I just want
my life back.
Well, what you need is...
a good night's sleep.
I can just crash
on the couch.
Okay, the bed
might not be the biggest,
but it will definitely
fit two.
Don't really sleep
much anyway.

You want another drink?
[wind blowing]

[Georgia] Do you think
you can love another woman?
When, now?
No, ever.
No, not if I
have you.
You're one
in a million.
Sam, there are three billion
other women out there.
That means that there are
three thousand other women
you could potentially
fall in love with.
That's a lot
of competition.
How would I
find them?
You'll just start wandering
around, looking.
- [chuckles]
- No, I won't, because I have you.
- Why me?
- I like your eyes.
[Georgia] What if I
were dead?
Can't say "fuck it,"
can you?
[door closes]
[door opens]
What the fuck
are you doing?
I gotta find her.
How are you
gonna do that?
I don't know.
Ugh, okay.
Hold on.
[Kat] Hey, Misha.
Hey, Katie.
Who's your friend?
- Oh, he's my new boyfriend.
- Oh!
Well, not yet,
but I'm working on it.
It's nice to meet you.
Um, did Janet by chance leave
a check for the premiere?
- Yes, she did.
- Thank you. Um...
I'm just gonna leave her
a quick note in her office.
- Is that cool?
- Of course.
[mouse clicking]
Here she is.
Lauren... Clerk.
It shows Vince MacDonald,
I guess they live
You know, if this was
so easy,
why didn't we look her
up when we first met?
I thought you were
a psychopath.
No, after that.
Stalker, but still
probably true.
So why are you
helping me now?
Because you rejected me
and I'm just sick enough
to be attracted by that.
You wanna know my opinion,
personal interest aside?
Probably not.
Love exists in a
time and a place.
I mean, everybody
thinks it's about fate,
but it's not.
It's about timing.
Even if she is your Georgia,
it's been three years.
You're a different person.
In case you haven't noticed,
she is literally a different person.
Sam, you can only go forward.
Can't go back.
[car door opens]

[engine idling]
[car stops]
- Where are you going?
- In.
We're stalking,
not breaking and entering.
- So we're just gonna wait.
- No.
We're staking out
the place. It's different.
You've done this before.
You're not the only one who's
been through fucked up shit.
[paper rustling]
[groans] Turkey
or pastrami?

[engine turns over]

Speed up.
You're losing them.
I'm not losing him.
He's right there.
Make the light.
Make the light!
Oh, my God, just let me
drive, okay?
[engine stops]
- [indistinct chatter]
- ["Portals" by Creux Lies playing]
- Sam.
- What?
You just look intense,
Try to be subtle.
I'll be at the bar.
[Vince] You're being ridiculous.
You're gonna have
your birthday dinner
at our house and that's it.
- [woman] It's too much work.
- How is it too much?
You can come to our house
for dinner.
- Lauren loves to cook.
- I do. I really do.
[woman] Honey, she
is amazing...
- And I set a mean table.
- You sure do, baby.
- [Lauren] I don't want you to leave tonight.
- [Vince] Oh, no.
Um, I have to shoot off to San
Francisco for a commercial.
And you can't live without
me, can you, baby?
[Lauren] Mm-mm.
["Georgia On My Mind" by Willie
Nelson playing on jukebox]
[giggles] Excuse me
just a second.
- Want another drink, babe?
- Yes, please.
[song playing distantly]
Oh, I'm sorry.
This is the ladies' room.
No, I know. It's just
you look like someone.
Are you Georgia?
Uh, no,
I'm not Georgia.
If you don't leave,
I'll scream,
and my fianc will come beat the
living shit out of you, so...
Just give me
one minute, okay?
I flew all the way
over here from Paris.
I'm staying at the shitty
La Cienega Hotel.
I just have to know
if it's you.
[laughs] I don't know
who you're talking about...
You're wearing
the necklace I gave you.
Georgia, it's me.
It's Sam.
I-I gave me the
necklace I'm wearing.
No. You're lying.
I gave it to you four years
ago on our anniversary.
If you really don't know me,
why aren't you leaving?
- Georgia, just give me a minute...
- All right!
I don't know
who the fuck you are.
I'm gonna walk out of
that door and leave,
and if I ever see you again,
I'm calling the cops.
Do you understand me?
Oh, my God!

[exhales sharply]
[music playing, indistinct]
[Lauren] Hey, sorry
to interrupt the party,
but do you mind if we head home?
I'm just not feeling very well.
- [Vince] Yeah, baby.
- I don't know.
[chair drags across floor]

[bar stool drags across floor]
It's not her.
I know.
Do you wanna
get out of here?
Just give me a
minute, all right?
Okay. I'll wait
for you outside.

[thick Slavic accent]
I need to close my tab.
Do I know you?
[distant siren wailing]
I don't think so.
No. I know you.
You're the guy.
I'm the guy.
- [commotion]
- Oh, shit!
[grunting and groaning]
[Taser crackles]
Now we know
who you are, fucker!
- [groaning]
- Come here, come here.
- [siren wailing]
- [Sam coughs]
[engine starts]
[tires squeal]
- Is he coming?
- No, I don't see him.
My God, what the fuck
did you do?!
- I didn't do anything.
- [scoffs]
Fuck, Sam! I just
electrocuted someone.
[Kat breathing hard]
Let me see the wallet.
- What?
- Oh, shit.
Okay, you need to tell me
what the fuck is going on.
[Kat breathing hard]
- I mean, Jesus Christ, Sam!
- What was I gonna say?
I'm accused of murder?
I'm on a mob hit list?
I already sound crazy.
- How do you think they found you?
- I have no clue.
I just know it's over.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
- Why?
- I scared the shit
out of some random girl
in a bathroom.
Now they've found me...
Where are you
gonna go?
Not Paris.
I don't know,
somewhere warm?
Mexico, maybe?
Let's do it.
What? I need a vacation.
Especially after this shit.
- Just like that.
- Just like that.
Fuck it.
[smacks lips]
I'll... get us tickets
and pick you up
first thing in the morning.
Oh! [sniffs]
Keep the stunner.
Okay? I've my gun at home.
[exhales sharply]
Fuck it.
How the fuck
did you lose him?
[Fyodor] Some girl appeared out
of nowhere and tasered Mikhail.
- A girl?
- Yes.
Tasered Mikhail?
- I know it sounds...
- I don't wanna know.
Karl, we can
handle this.
[scoffs] Yeah. Obviously.
I'm coming out.
To the borough
airport. Now! Fast!

[knocking on door]
[sets taser down]
You're a fuckin' asshole!
You just reappear
in the middle of my life
and follow me around
like some kind of lunatic.
- Georgia, I...
- No, that's not my name anymore.
I had to change everything!
I disappeared!
I was terrified
they'd find me,
I was terrified of you!
- [stammers]
- Yeah, and then I realized
your "friends" weren't
looking for me, were they?
They were looking for you!
- How much did you owe?
- What? I didn't owe anything.
Don't fucking lie to me!
Don't give me that bullshit!
How could you start
gambling again?
- You promised me!
- What? I didn't!
[dry chuckle] Who were those guys that
showed up in our fuckin' apartment?
We're very sorry to intrude.
Do you mind if we have a little chat?
- Eastern European mafia.
- You were involved in the Mafia? Christ!
I picked up your camera
once, okay?
And I saw the old guy
across the way, that's it.
[Georgia] What are you
talking about?
I saw something that I
wasn't supposed to see.
And they sent those two guys
over to our apartment.
I've been hiding in Paris
ever since.
And you never thought
to tell me this?
I saw him shoot you.
I killed him.
I thought you were dead.
- [gunshots]
- [glass breaking]
I was trying
to protect you.
I don't know
what to say.
I blamed you every day.
I missed you.
Sam, I have a fianc.
Why do you still
wear the necklace?
I don't know.
I love him.
I never stopped
thinking about you.
Sam, I got past you.
I've moved on.
I came for you.
Sam, I don't even
know you anymore.
- Georgia...
- It's not my name.
- I'm Lauren.
- That's not true.
Look, do you need, uh...
money or something?
I'm fine.
When I was in Paris, I would go to
Pont Neuf every week and think of you.

[Georgia] I wish we could stay
like this forever.
I don't even need
to feel you,
touch you, smell you.
As long as you feel
the way you do about me.
[heavy breathing]
I can't believe
you came back for me.
It was all really fast.
[gas hissing]
[Georgia groans]
[grunting, breathing hard]

I didn't have my phone,
so the only number I knew
was my Mom's.
I was freaked out,
so I took a train to Ohio.
When I got there,
I tried to reach you,
but your phone and Facebook
and email were all deactivated.
I figured you owed a lot.
And I had seen
those guys' faces.
But the newspapers said there
were unidentifiable bodies.
[flames crackling]
[distant siren wailing]
I figured I could
be one...
so I dropped
who I was and vanished.
Only my Mom knows.

I'm gonna
make it up to you.
For what?
For all the time...
for everything you lost,
for blaming you.
It wasn't your fault.
What's up with this?
What, you don't like?
- [Georgia laughing]
- What?
I never take it off.
It's the only thing
I have left from those days.
Happy memories.
[Sam sighs]
Why are you covering up?
You used to love to show off.
I'm cold.
[laughing] I haven't been
this way in a long time.

- [door unlocks]
- [bellhop] Thanks, sir. Enjoy your stay.
[door closes]
Jumpy. I recommend
A nice anti-anxiety pill
would go a long way with you.
If I ever want
your advice, Bill,
I will definitely
call you.
You fuckin' weirdo!
How did you know
I was coming, eh?
What do you want?
We need to get
our procedure straight.
I was just about
to cure the patient
when your nurses
came stumbling in the way.
Back off.
The guy murdered my brother.
You've taken way too long.
Your uninformed opinion
is duly noted.
However, your nurses wouldn't
even have a starting point
if I hadn't found
his Lauren Clerk obsession.
A good surgeon
cuts out the bad
and leaves everything
else unharmed.
No mess, no infection.
No dead brothers
to clean up.
- Ivan said...
- I don't care what Ivan said.
But when I'm in surgery,
your place is
in the waiting room.
Will you please...
cut the fake doctor shit
and fake cop shit?
You wanna take care
of the job?
Please, Bill.
Take care of it.
Just so we understand.
I only take assignments
from the head physician.
Uh-huh. And just
so you understand,
Ivan is not gonna be
around much longer.
So finish the job.
Collect the check.
And I never want
to see you again.
And hey, Bill.
If you ever talk shit
about my brother again...
I'll feed you
your own balls.
[door opens and closes]

Alex! Alex!
[cell phone buzzing]
[speaking Bulgarian]
Hey, what are you doing?
Go back to sleep.
I wanna be packed and out of
the house before he gets back.
I know it's wrong,
but I really...
- I can't do it in person.
- Okay.
Meet me at the house
at 7:00?
- I left the address on the table.
- Okay.
I'm really happy
we're back.
- Me too.
- [chuckles]
- Get some sleep, okay?
- All right.
- [keys jingling]
- [door opens]
[door closes]
- Got you a coffee.
- Thanks.
Kat, there's been
a change.
I know, I saw her.
You weren't crazy.
No, I wasn't.
I've one more favor
to ask.
[Kat] This is the one time
when you don't say "fuck it."
She was safe,
and now she's not.
- And that's because of me.
- So just take her and run.
If they found me here,
they'll find us anywhere.
[scoffs] This is
so fucking dumb!
Sam, don't be
an idiot.

[woman speaking over P.A.,
[elevator dings]

[P.A., indistinct]
I'm here to see
Mr. Demisovski
I don't have you
on the schedule, Dr...?
Dr. Randall.
Dr. Sanjay, he asked me
if I would look in for him.
I'm early. It's the only time
I could fit him in today.
- [door opens and closes]
- [machine beeping]
No more bad news,
Do you know
who I am?
- A new doctor?
- No.
New York?
Three years ago?
I saw you
in an apartment.
And you sent the Ristani
brothers to kill me.
[machine beeping]

That woman I killed...
I strangled her
with my bare hands...
till she couldn't
breathe anymore.
Because she had
an affair.
- [shutter clicks]
- Because...
I thought she was mine.
Hm. And now
it means nothing.
Nothing at all.
You haven't seen or heard
from me in three years.
I just want
my life back.
I cannot
turn back the time.
[distant P.A., indistinct]
Call this thing off.
- You threatening me?
- [cocks gun]
- I have cancer.
- Call it off.
Or I'll make it
my life's mission
to kill every person
you have ever loved.
I haven't loved anyone
since I was 20 years old.
They took me from Yuliana,
sent me to the gulag.
- [uncocks gun]
- The first night I was in there,
someone tried
to steal my food.
So I killed him
with a rock.
Me, an accountant.
Love is a luxury.
In the end,
it doesn't mean anything.
In the end,
you are with God.
Why is He so clearly
important to me
- when He wasn't there?
- Because you're fucking dying!
What do you know
about death?
You're too young,
even to smell it.
I haven't been alive since the
day I saw you out that window.
Then we're the same.
In Purgatory.
No. This is
on your shoulders.
You killed
Karl's brother.
- That's between Karl and you.
- I was defending myself.
You sent them.
His brother's death is on your soul.
And mine will be too.
[exhales sharply]
We're good.
[engine turns over]

[hair trimmer buzzing]

[indistinct chatter]
Holy shit!
[Kat breathing hard]
[cell phone buzzing]
- Surgery.
- [Ivan] Bill? Call it off.
But I was just about to operate
on one of your patients.
No surgery.
Let them go.
- Understood.
- [Karl] Is that my brother's killer?
Karl, if you are
where I am...
Bill! Bill!
Finish the job.
- I work for Ivan.
- Bill! Bill...
You have
Ivan's blessings.
- [breathing hard]
- [door opens and closes]
What the fuck?
[machine beeping]
You can't take this
from me.
You don't tell me
what to do.
You do what I say!
Fuck that!
I paid my dues.
- You owe me!
- I owe you nothing.
I brought you in.
You owe me and that's the end of it.
[Vince] Surprise!
- Hey, baby. Look how cute I am.
- Hi.
Well! Oh!
- [groans]
- What's wrong?
Oh, nothing! I just wasn't
expecting, um, flowers.
- You're back early.
- Yeah, yeah. They pushed the commercial.
What's all this?
Wait a minute, did you get it?
Did you get the movie?
- Babe, clink, clink! This is awesome!
- Oh!
- [both laughing]
- Well done!
- Thanks.
- Wait, you're not excited?
No, no, I am, I'm just
a little... nervous.
Alright, well don't worry about it.
I'll be there with you.
Oh, no, you've gotta
shoot next week.
Well, so what? I'll cancel that.
Babe, you're more important.
This is a big deal.
No, you can't. Um...
I didn't get the part.
[breathes deeply]
It's okay. There'll be others.
All right?
I have to leave.
You have to leave?
What do you mean?
There's so much about me
that you don't know.
All right, you...
You're freaking me out a little bit.
What's... what are you talking about?
I can't explain it.
Lauren, talk to me.
My name isn't Lauren.
What are you
talking about?
I was involved...
in something... terrible...
before I met you.
Okay. Um...
Okay. Well, I...
I don't care.
And whatever it is,
we'll work it out together,
because that's what we do, right?
We'll work it out together.
Please, just let me go.
I don't wanna hurt you.
The only way you can hurt me is
by not telling me what's going on.
Vince, you're wonderful.
You're the perfect guy for me.
But I'm in love
with someone else.
[crickets chirping]
Think this is where
three becomes a crowd.
- Kat...
- You don't need to say anything.
If we've met
at a different point...
Yeah, it would've
been great. [chuckles]
See you.
[engine turns over]
[Vince sighs]
- Wait, um...
- I'll get it.
Please, I just...
You must be Sam.
I just need to grab
one thing.
[music playing on stereo]

Where the fuck are we?
[Karl] Fuck that!
You owe me.
[monitor flatlining]
Just, um...
Just be what she's
hoping you'll be.
'Cause she's great.
Now, if you don't mind,
I'm gonna...
I'm gonna go drink myself
into an unhealthy stupor.
- [thud]
- [glass breaking]
What the fuck is that?
Who the fuck are you and what
are you doing in my house?
Shut up and listen.
They're coming.
- Shit! You're bleeding!
- Who-who's coming?
The guy from the bar. I saw them.
They're on their way.
Can someone please tell me
what the fuck is going on?
[doorbell rings]
- [Georgia] I'll get it!
- Don't let her open the door.
Hey, get in the closet.

[breathing heavily]

Hey! Hey, hey!
Look at me, look at me.
Look at me. I'm not gonna
let anything happen to you.
Listen to me. I'm not gonna
let anything happen to you.
- We're gonna be okay. Okay?
- [whimpers]
- Okay?
- [shuddering breaths]
- Hmm.
- All right. Hold my hand.
We're gonna run.
[door opens]
[door closes]

[Sam exhales sharply]
Are you okay?
Come close to me.
[Kat screams]
Go! Go!
You are the girl.
You didn't die.
- [blow landing]
- [grunting]
[Vince groans]
[Georgia screams]
[Karl grunting]
[casing rattling]
[distant dog barking]
[Sam] Oh, my God.

[Sam] "Gilles,
it's been a while.
Never made it to Bali,
Mexico's just as warm.
If you happen to get out
of Paris, come visit me.
There's no Frenchmen here.
I found the girl
I was looking for.
Had to travel across the world
to realize
I'm not the same person I was.
Neither is she.
And we never will be.
And that's okay.
Because New Year's is coming,
and like you once told me,
'It's a good time
to start over.'
Ton frre, Sam."