Last Resort (2022) Movie Script

[gentle music]

[crow cawing]
[birds chirping]

[car door opening]
-[Tina] Here. Let me help you.
-I got it, Tina.
All right, just bring--
Can you bring the-- the bag in?
I'll see you in there.
[wheels rumbling]
[soft piano music]
[Cutting] You can have up to
five people in your room.
If you want to have
any more than that,
you'll go into the common
area of the lobby.
We'll give you a menu card
each day for you to decide
what you would like to eat
the following day.
The following day?
That's correct.
Continental breakfast set up in
the dining room every morning.
Your lunch and dinner
can be delivered
to your room if you request.
But otherwise, all meals
are served in the dining room.
[Carl wailing]
[Dan] Do you want to take
a second and just deal with him?
Don't let Carl fool you,
he will be just fine.
He thinks everyone
is his son, Tony.
He's always moaning
about something.
It sounds like he's in pain.
We will get to him.
His next pain treatment
isn't until 9:00 a.m.
and it's only 8:37 right now.
[Carl moaning]
Your TV channels
are on the table there,
and I'm going to need you
to decide soon
what you might want to have
to eat for tomorrow.
I'll leave you to it.
[Carl wailing]
20 more minutes. Okay, Carl?
[Carl] Okay.
[Tina] This room
is even nicer than the one
we looked at before.
[Dan] Yeah, it's as good a place
to die as anywhere else,
I guess.
Probably not a whole
lot of repeat guests, though.
[Tina crying]
[Tina] I feel like
I'm abandoning you.
Appreciate the strings that
you pulled to get me in here.
I don't want you
at the hospital every day.
Just to come home,
just pull me up off the floor.
We both agreed to this.
It's pain management.
I still hate the thought
of leaving you here.
Oh, I got Nurse Cutting.
-She-- she seems nice.
Yeah, she's a real ray
of sunshine.
-[Carl wailing]
-There's Carl.
My new bestie.
This was my idea, babe.
I just want to make it
to Christmas.
Everyday after that's
going to be a bonus.
I love you.
I love you.
[car engine starts]
[Tina cries]
[clock ticking,
unsettling music]
[breathing deeply]
[Carl] Tony, it's me.
You have my son.
Morning, Carl.
[Dan, speech distorted]
[Cutting] Where do you think
you are going?
-[Dan] On a walk.
-A walk?
[Cutting] Not today, sir.
How are we feeling now?
I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry.
My head hurts.
Okay, I'll be getting
your medication at 8:30.
It's 8:17. Can I just get
it now? My head is killing me.
I'll be back at 8:30
with your meds.
I suggest you eat something.
Well, that Nurse Cutting
really runs a tight ship, huh?
Oh, yeah. I think she's sweet
on you, though. [chuckles]
You okay for now?
Maybe-- Maybe some toast.
You got it.
Toast and morphine coming up.
Breakfast of champions.
There you go, bro.
See you in a bit.
One mild, one spicy.
[birds chirping]
Oh, you're just beautiful.
-That's all.
-Oh, you're so sweet.
No, I'm just...
You're gorgeous. I bet you
everybody at the hospital
has their eyes on you.
Oh, come on!
Seriously, like you're
even more beautiful today
than on our wedding day.
You're like this stunning woman.
Thanks, babe.
Now, I'm high as fuck
right now but...
But you're beautiful.
I wish we had met, like,
in high school or something.
You know, we would just have
a lot more time together.
No, we met exactly
when we should have.
I want you to be happy
with somebody when I'm gone.
Dan, I don't want to have
this conversation right now.
You're not even 40, okay?
You could still have kids.
We haven't even
thought that far.
Listen, I'm just saying.
There's still time for you.
You could be happy
with somebody.
You could be happy
with someone who deserves
and appreciates you.
Somebody who has a much
smaller penis than I do.
[Tina laughs]
I knew there was a catch.
[Carl] Tony, it's me.
I knew that was you.
Come in, come in.
[Dan] Hey, how are you doing?
-[Carl] Can't complain.
-Oh, that's good.
You know, I always
liked that picture.
Oh, your mum was such
a beautiful bride.
The Hague, Holland.
November the 30th, 1945.
Hey, you remember the date.
Of course, I remember the date.
You know, we were quite
popular with the Dutch
when we liberated
them from the Nazis.
Yeah, I remember you
telling me those stories.
God, I had never seen
so many beautiful women.
The Germans
were trying to keep
her little town Amersfoort.
Yeah, we chased them out quickly
and then moved on to Amsterdam.
And I saw her standing
by the side of the road
with her little brother,
your uncle Perry,
waving as we marched by.
And she smiled at me
and blew me a kiss.
I knew from that moment
that I had to get back
and find her.
And you went back?
I was like a salmon
swimming upstream,
but I ran and walked
about 30 miles
to Amersfoort, to find her.
My Yana.
That's a long way.
When you want
something bad enough,
you can always keep going.
The heart wants
what it wants, Tony.
All right, I'm tired.
Do you mind if I lie down?
I have to
go take my meds anyway so
you rest up
and we'll talk to you in a bit.
Thank you.
[people chattering]
I think he had a small box
of things down in storage.
Get the rest of his things
from storage and load them up.
Was that Carl?
[upbeat music playing]
[music stops]
[TV announcer] ...for one time
a week, get six years--
We walk out
of that building house--
...any more the--
...need a dog which is
the reason why she doesn't-- just use your credit card.
[Jeff] You want me to leave
the door open?
Yeah, leave it open for now.
Okay, I'll be back tomorrow.
-I love you.
-[Robyn] I love you too, baby.
[woman on TV] ...have a faulty
item that you get
or there's some
other problem with the item
that you purchased.
[Jeff crying]
[Woman on TV] Well, you know,
there may be a lot of items
that you see on social media
or you may get an email...
-[Cutting] Morning.
Don't forget to eat a little
something with your pills.
There's more food in
the dining room if you want.
[Robyn] Excuse me,
can you help me figure out
what's wrong with my TV?
[Cutting] Can't right now.
It's breakfast time.
[Robyn speaks indistinctly]
[TV playing] ...verify that
website and look for an S.
What I mean by that,
when you see HTTP...
[Robyn] Can I get
an extra remote?
[Robyn speaking indistinctly]
[woman on TV] do not want
to put any card information,
any-- make any purchases.
[knocks on door]
Hey, hi.
[Dan] Hi, you have to choose
the input that you want.
-Pardon me.
-Do you want me to just come in?
-I can show you.
-[Robyn] Sure. Sure. Yes.
I think this has same problem.
I think that the default
is actually connected to the--
This is a little complicated but
once you get that there,
it should be good to go.
Look at that.
-[Robyn] Thank you so much.
-All set.
Thank you so much.
I'm Robyn, by the way.
Oh, Dan.
-Nice to meet you.
-[Dan] Good to meet you.
What happened to your hand?
Oh, I fell.
Well, that happens sometimes.
[TV playing]
Sorry about the music earlier.
Well, that's okay.
Mornings are just
a little bit hard for me.
It's stage four.
-Stage four.
Enjoy your stay.
Thank you.
[TV playing]
[gentle music]
[water babbling]
[water splashes]
Dan, I was wondering
if you could go for a walk
with me outside.
-Oh, I don't know.
You're the only person here
who's not 100 years old.
I fall down a lot.
And if I fell down outside...
I'll carry you back myself.
They say I need to stay active.
We don't have to go far.
My wife's going to be here
for lunch in like 37 minutes.
-Plenty of time.
I'll get my coat.
So what's with the lake
this morning?
Well, the theory is
if you subject yourself
to extremes like the cold,
your body will respond by using
its natural dormant toughness
to fight off sickness
and disease.
So we all have
this toughness inside of us?
That's the theory.
You're stronger than you think.
I just want to make it
to Christmas.
It's my goal anyway.
It's a good goal.
How about you?
Oh, well, my birthday
is February 2nd,
so it would be nice
to make it there.
It's Groundhog Day.
Maybe I'll see my shadow
and get six more weeks of life.

[knock on door]
Come in.
[knock on door]
It's open.
[knock on door]
Jesus Christ.
[knock on door]
-[Robyn laughs]
Trick or treat.
You're giving me treats?
Okay, reversed trick or treat.
-You want to come?
I'm giving out candy to people.
I don't have a costume.
I got this.
Look at you two!
[Robyn] Happy Halloween, Flo.
Would you like some candy?
-Take as much as you want.
-Thank you.
[Robyn] Is that all you want?
-Take some more.
-Am I allowed to take more?
Yes, sweetie, take some more.
I love chocolate.
-Thank you so, so much.
-You're so welcome.
Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween, Dolores.
-Take some candy.
You have black liquorice!
Oh, take as much as you want.
Thank you. You've made my day.
Oh, you're so welcome, love.
-Enjoy, okay?
-[Dolores] Thank you.
[Dan] All right,
next one's mine.
[knock on door]
Come in.
-Happy Halloween, Eddie.
-What the fuck? Fuck off.
No, it's Halloween.
Like, you trick or treat, see?
I'm not giving you shit.
Get the fuck out of my room.
Now we're here
to give you candy.
-Like if you want it.
-I don't want nothing.
-Sorry, Edward.
We were just giving
out some candy.
-We'll leave you alone.
-What have we here?
I didn't know
it was the both of you.
Come in and let me get
a good look at you.
Not you, shithead.
Just this pretty witch.
What do you got for me, sweetie?
-Some candy.
-This is very kind of you.
-What's your name?
-I'm Robyn.
When did you start
working here, Robyn?
I haven't seen you before.
I'm a resident here, Edward,
just like you are.
No shit.
Is the rest of you green too,
or just your face?
Wouldn't you like to know?
God damn right I would.
Would you like to see
a little chocolate?
Oh, yes, please.
You are trouble.
Here's a little chocolate
to tide you over.
Thank you, beautiful.
[Dan] Happy Halloween, Eddie.
Go fuck yourself.
Bye, Edward.
[Edward] Bye, sweetie.
What are you two doing?
Reverse trick or treating.
Residents here can't eat
whatever they want,
whenever they want.
We need to keep
their routine structured.
It's just a little candy.
And what if they were diabetics
or allergic to peanuts?
They would've told us, I guess.
Let us handle
feeding those in our care.
Thank you.
What a buzz-kill!
Thanks though. This was fun.
Simple pleasures.
Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween.
Oh Jesus, Cheryl!
The kids thought it would be fun
to give candy to the geezers.
Oh, come on, Cheryl.
Let them have some fun.
It's probably
their last Halloween.
We don't make the rules, okay?
It's our job to enforce them.
Reversed trick or treat!
Almost gave Edward
a heart attack.
[Robyn] Morning.
Oh, and no lake this morning?
No, I'm feeling a little tired.
-What happened to your eye?
-I fell.
It looks a lot worse
than it is though.
But I get
this off today, finally.
Hi, I'm Tina.
Oh, I'm sorry. Robyn, this is--
This is my wife, Tina.
-[Robyn] Nice to meet you.
-I love your accent.
-Thank you.
-Do you want to join us?
No. I think I'm going to eat
in my room today.
But I should be up
for a walk later Dan, you free?
Yeah, sure.
I should be back after lunch.
-Cool. Nice meeting you.
-And you too.
She seems nice.
Yeah, she's All right.
So, is there anything else you
want to do today when we're out?
-Happy now?
And this feels okay?
Yeah, it feels good.
Hey, thanks
for doing this today.
-I know you're busy.
Just some paperwork and then
I'll be back at 6:30, okay?
See you later.
[knock on door]
[Dan] Hey, Robyn?
[clock ticking]
[high-pitched ringing]
Whoa, Dan, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I got you, bro.
You good?
I'm okay.
Can you stand all the way up?
[Dan] I'm okay.
[Ronny] Let me
take you back to your room?
[Dan] I'm going to
go eat in the dining room.
You sure? I can get it for you.
I'm okay. I got it.
Okay, cool. It's all you, Dan.
Hey, look at that.
No brace?
Oh, yeah, it's good as new.
Dan, this is my husband, Jeff.
-Hey, Jeff.
-Hey, nice to meet you.
And thank you for taking Robyn
on the walks. Appreciate it.
Oh, no worries. I actually look
forward to doing those now.
Oh, you're so sweet.
Jeff's boss changed his plan
so he doesn't have to fly today.
-Are you a pilot?
-Yeah, just one client.
So I'm always on call.
Oh, who's your client?
He's not allowed to say it.
Anyway, we'll let you
enjoy your lunch.
Nice to meet you, Dan.
You sure, you are okay?
Yeah, I'm actually
really good now.
Enjoy the burger.
Simple pleasures.
So you think Eddie left me
anything in the will?
Huh! Edward!
May he rest in peace.
Oh, I don't know.
Seemed to like you a lot.
You know, I bet he was
thinking about you
when he was jerking the gherkin.
Gave him a heart attack
in the end.
You are a terrible person!
So what did you do
before you got to this place?
I was in charge
of the regional office
of the Jamaican Tourism Board.
Oh, that's cool.
Yeah. How about you?
-Yeah, I know, nothing exciting
but I just like to have
everything in order, you know?
All the numbers in place.
-I liked it.
Was there anything you wanted
to do before you got sick?
Oh, before I started
falling down all the time,
I signed up
for my first marathon.
That would have been
quite an accomplishment.
Yeah, I guess.
What about you?
I was slowly getting Jeff
to come around to the idea
of moving to Jamaica
for at least half the year.
[clears throat]
You miss it, eh?
Well, you always miss home.
Family, the food, the culture.
-What's ting?
It's the most delicious soda
you'll ever have.
It's made with real grapefruit
and a dash of glorious
Jamaican sunshine.
Oh, you should do
marketing for them.
[Robyn chuckles]
So Jeff seems great.
Hmm. He's amazing.
He really surprised me
when he turned out
to be such a great caregiver.
I think he thought he failed me
when the cancer came back.
Tina couldn't blame me
or the cancer
so she blamed herself when
the cancer became inoperable.
She's also a nurse so that
made things even more hard.
We're pretty lucky to have them.
Maybe we should just
get them together when we...
I shouldn't have said that.
I know what
you're trying to say.
Let's head back, okay?
[clock ticking]

The what?
[Robyn] The Death Doula.
She's coming tomorrow.
She's supposed to help us
ease into our transition.
Maybe you could invite Tina.
It sounds kind of morbid.
[Robyn] Come on.
I think she could
really help us.
Okay, sure. We'll be there.
Look, I really wanted to
apologize for earlier because--
[Robyn] I want to try.
Try what?
Getting Jeff and Tina together.
Let's do it.
Hey, woah, woah, woah, so--
I admit, I was mad earlier
when you suggested it.
It made me feel like I had
nothing to look forward to.
I have nothing to hope for.
[breathes deeply]
Now I do.
Okay, Robyn,
that was just a passing thought.
All right? Don't listen to me.
I have brain cancer.
I'm literally losing my mind.
They could be a good match.
She's smart and sexy
and seems very nice.
Jeff, oh,
he's well-educated, kind,
healthy, handsome.
Plus, he's always
wanted to have children.
Okay, this is crazy.
I'm sorry, I got mad at you
for suggesting this.
I was--
I wasn't suggesting anything.
We're going to make it
until Christmas, right?
Yeah, of course we are.
So let's focus on trying to make
them happy when we're gone.
It can be
our final gift to them.
-I just don't think I could--
-Just think about it.
They don't have
to be together forever.
Could just be nice for them
to have someone else
going through the same thing
as they are.
Someone to talk to.
Someone to be with.
I'll think about it.
You're such a good man.
[Death Doula]
Preparing for your death
isn't just about
signing over the house,
making sure your daughter
gets the good china
or that your son
gets the vintage Mustang
in the garage.
That's the easy part.
What's difficult is ending
your story without a heart
full of regrets.
Let's try a little exercise
and share some energy.
close your eyes, please.
We are going
to visit your deathbed.
Where are you?
What do you hear?
What are the smells?
How does the fabric
feel on your skin?
Are you surrounded
by your loved ones?
[fire crackling]
Is there any unfinished
business between you and them?
Anything you've left unsaid?
[Jeff crying] Oh, God.
[Death Doula]
No more bucket list now.
You won't be going
to Machu Picchu
or surfing the Great Barrier
Reef in this lifetime,
but you can ask yourself
this one last question.
What must I do
to exist as boldly
and honestly as I can
so that I may
live in the present
and die with dignity?
Now is the time for you
to bridge the gap between
who you are right now,
today, and the person
or the version of yourself
that you meet on your deathbed.
So be bold
and be brave today,
because none of us knows
how many tomorrows
we might have left.
-[Robyn] Hey.
How's your morning?
This was hard.
I got 11 things, though.
I should be good.
You could only think
of 11 things your wife enjoys?
Yeah, how many did you get?
119 as of now.
Wow, I suck.
I got meatballs for Robyn.
Thanks, honey.
I got honey garlic
chicken wings for Dan.
-Hey, Ronny.
I got you.
-Thank you.
-And Dan, you don't suck.
Oh, thanks, Ronny.
Okay, listen. It's quality,
not quantity, right?
Let's hear them.
Okay, Thai food.
Loves Thai food.
Likes Seinfeld,
Jon Bon Jovi, but not his music.
Gardening, loves to garden.
Foot massages,
grocery shopping, driving fast,
crocheting, crocheting.
Stephen King,
loves Stephen King.
And of course, Jeopardy.
Big Jeopardy fan.
-Okay. Oh, it's not bad.
I'm getting
a good picture of her.
-Give me yours. Give me yours.
Well, so, Jeff,
he loves skipping rocks on any
body of water that he passes.
He loves dogs.
Any dog that comes up to him,
he'll just pet the dog.
He's a big cereal buff.
When he's browsing
through the cereal aisles,
he always ends up
choosing the same things.
He loves the band Queen.
despite it being his job.
Horror movies, video games,
black jelly beans.
Adam Sandler, Sudoku,
ping pong, blackjack.
Neil deGrasse Tyson,
Dave Chappelle.
-Oh, and spicy guacamole.
Is that it?
For now. I mean,
I just thought of the guacamole.
Eat your lunch.
-Oh, let's go look.
It doesn't look safe.
I don't think we should go in.
Come on, scaredy cat.
I have a surprise for you.
[Dan] For me?
Well... [clears throat]
-For both of us.
-You're bad.
Hey, it's legal now.
Jeff's client sent it for me.
It's a special high grain mix.
You should feel privileged
to partake.
I'm honoured. It still feels...
Well, I don't know,
have you tried this treatment?
I've tried everything.
How about you?
I haven't smoked a joint
since high school.
Well, here you go.
All right, but...
This stuff never
really did much for me.
[gentle music]
-Come on.
No, I can't.
No, like-- Like, okay.
Okay. Is this person on TV?
I can't say,
I don't know what you want.
Don't be a dickhead.
-Don't be a dickhead, okay?
-Is this person a musician?
Okay, fine.
Yes, he is a musician.
Don't say a thing.
-It's a he.
It's a he.
It's a he.
And we will never
Be conquered again
And good must
Overcome the evils
Don't you have somebody
to do this for you?
Only I do my laundry right.
How are you feeling?
I feel good.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Let it be done
-You want to dance?
-Oh, no, no, that's--
That's not my jam,
as the kids say.
Come on, Dan.
-I can't.
-Come on.
-I'm horrible.
-[Robyn laughs]
Just move like this, Okay? See?
Happy don't come from vanity
Don't you see nuff
Okay, now I want you
to move your hips like this.
Its such a tragedy, Don't?
We glad to see when...
-[Dan] Yeah, right.
-[Robyn laughs] Try.
[Dan] Uh-huh.
Come on. Come on.
Here, follow me.
Right here.
Selah, let it be,
Let it be done
Okay, Dan. See?
You have some moves.
[Dan laughs]
You let it be
[music stops]
As a courtesy
to our other residents,
please don't play the music
so loudly with the door open.
-Sorry, I was just--
-It was my fault.
That was my fault
because I left--
-I left the door open.
-Here are your meds.
[both laugh]
[TV playing] So much
of that coming from that left
wing-back position.
I think I'm going to go, babe.
Early day tomorrow.
[TV playing] Peter's in.
[commentary continues]
Do you have to go?
[commentary continues]
Tina hates tinsel.
[Tina] I don't hate it.
I just think it makes
the tree look a little,
I don't know, junkie.
Tina, you have to add Tinsel.
It gives the tree
a shimmer, right?
Shimmer? What's shimmer?
A shimmer?
Oh, yes, a shimmer. Okay.
Yeah. Well, see,
I could take tinsel
and just throw a tree,
let it cascade down.
Look at that. Looks good.
-You see what I mean, Robyn?
-[Robyn] Dan.
You have to place them
individually like this.
Make it look even.
[Dan] Well, that's great,
if you want it to take forever.
Oh, you have some place to be?
Funny. Funny. Okay.
Let's see,
All right, well, yeah.
A shimmer. Shimmer.
I like Dan's technique better.
Looks a lot more fun.
-[Robyn] Baby!
I thought you were
flying out tonight.
I am on my way to airport now.
I just wanted to say bye.
-Oh, you're so sweet.
-[Jeff] Hey, Tina.
-How's it going?
So, Dan, I heard you
and Robyn have been naughty.
What do you mean?
Oh, I thought you'd like
what my boss sent over.
Oh, really? Cheech and Chong?
Yeah, I mean,
we tried it a little bit.
I think it's helping.
Well, I'm glad.
You want to dance with me, baby?

I'm not feeling very good,
I'm going to--
I'm just going to sit down.
Tina, could you come and cut in?
Oh, no, I'm okay.
Come on, girl. You've had
just as much wine as I have.
Jeff, dance with Tina.
Sure, if it's okay with Dan.
Yeah, sure. Yeah.
I mean, if you want to dance.

Hey, Merry Christmas.
I mean, you did it.
You made it to Christmas.
That's right.
I'm so happy for you.
Next milestone
is February 2nd, right?
If I'm alive, I'll be here.
If I'm lying, I'm dying.
[TV playing]
[knock on door]
[Robyn] I heard the TV.
Two more minutes?
Come, sit. Come, sit.
Where's Tina?
-Oh, hospital. Night shift.
She did leave
some of this, though.
-You want some?
-Yes, please.
Sorry, no champagne
for us tonight.
-That's okay.
-Here you go.
Where's Jeff?
[sighs] Vegas, last minute.
His boss is ringing
in the new year.
He'll be back tomorrow.
Well, cheers.
-Happy New Year.
-Happy New Year.
Mm, we made it.
We both did.
Let's do one more.
the diehards.
The diehards.
Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five,
four, three, two, one.
[people cheering]
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Oh, sorry. Did I hurt you?
I'm not going to break.
[phone vibrates]
[clock ticking]
[Robyn] It's so nice
to feel sexy again.
Smoke show.
You should have seen me
when I was younger.
Miss Jamaica Runner Up, 2003.
I love your skin.
Am I the first black women
you've ever been with?
You might be the first
brunette I've ever been with.
[Robyn laughs]
Okay, so how was it?
It was all right.
[upbeat music from other room]
[talking indistinctly]
-Yeah, that's true.
-But you were there.
[talking indistinctly]
What are you up to?
What do you mean?
You didn't need
your medication this morning?
Oh, yeah, thank you.
We said 8:30 every morning,
Happy New Year.
Jesus, never lights up.
You feeling good this morning?
Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, you didn't have
to take your medication.
I don't know,
I just feel very...
I like that.
What are your plans today?
Um... [clears throat]
Uh, Jeff is coming
for dinner.
He's flying back
from Vegas right now.
Maybe the four of us
could get together
for a New Year's dinner?
You are determined
to play Cupid on this one.
like I said, it gives us
something to feel useful.
I can pick us all up
whatever we want.
Are we good?
Yeah, we're good.
Should we tell them?
Well, I mean,
if we were going to tell them,
it would just be to relieve
our own guilt, right?
Well, I try to do the right
thing one way or another.
what if I said I didn't feel
that guilty about it?
Then I would say
that you're not
alone in that feeling.
I-- What if everything
happens for a reason?
Maybe fate or
serendipity, destiny
brought us together
at the end of our lives.
Like a gift or something.
You know,
that's the way I see it.
[footsteps approaching]
That's Flo's son.
She loved her chocolate.
Well, she made it
to the new year.
Life is short, yeah.
Too short.
-Oops, sorry.
-Watch it.
-Cheryl, I, um--
I forgot my phone
in the other room.
So what's that then?
Oh, yeah, sorry about that.
Excuse me, please.
She can't say anything, right?
Like it's against the,
you know, that oath. The-- The--
-The Hippocratic oath?
-She's not a doctor.
-You're right.
We should definitely be looking
for a place to bury her.
Right now.
Anywhere here. Anywhere here.
Ah, you know,
maybe this is a sign.
We should stop doing
what we're doing.
We're supposed
to be dead, Robyn.
There's no time for regrets.
Besides, I'm not going to feel
bad for acting on my feelings.
Strong words, Dan.
I feel strongly about you.
Feel like a teenager,
you know, unhealthy teenager.
You're a crazy man.
-Love this woman!
-[Robyn laughs]
Jeff, I have to say,
I'm impressed.
You really hooked us up here.
You're giving me too
much credit, big guy.
This is a one stop shop
in a mega store.
What a time we live in.
Here, let me try.
I did a little shopping too.
-Let me try.
-Ooh, nice.
I also have apple cider
in case anyone is on medication.
Oh, not me.
I'm med-free tonight.
I haven't taken a pill
since this morning,
I've been looking forward
to this all day.
-Let's drink.
-Are you in pain?
Not for long. Red, please.
I'm sorry, they're plastic.
[Jeff] Oh, no. No worries.
-Thank you.
-That was good, babe.
I have to make a toast.
To your friendships,
to the surprises
that still await us in life.
To getting through another year.
Happy New Year.
-Happy New Year.
-Happy New Year.
So you really haven't had
any meds all day today?
-No, why?
-You look good.
-You look healthy.
-[Dan] Yeah?
That must be the candle light.
Or the walks you're taking.
Robyn, you look so beautiful.
Oh, now I know
it must be the candle light.
Well, whatever it is
you guys are doing,
keep it up.
-[Jeff] Mmm, so...
-[clears throat]
I was flying to Kabul
yesterday with my boss, right?
Now this boss,
what's his name again?
-I can't tell you.
-One of these days.
-One of these days.
I'm shutting it down,
he's going to slip.
I know you,
you have some wine in you.
Why don't we talk about
the chickens that we found?
You got to hear this.
The chickens?
It was last Wednesday
when we were taking the walk.
It had to be Tuesday because it
was right after meatloaf night
and Wednesday's spaghetti night.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
You're right about meatloaf.
You're right. You're right.
Anyway, we found these chickens,
and I was so amazed.
I didn't know
had wild chickens here.
We have them in Jamaica.
You saw that one
and you ended up naming him.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, I had--
See I had named him
after my grandfather.
So we named him Peter.
There's no such thing as a
chicken who looks like a person.
This one did.
I wanted to take them back
but you wouldn't let me
because you thought
we'd be caught.
But I'm telling you,
we could have got away with it.
We could've kept it
in your room.
We could've kept it in
your room. It's big enough.
Anyway, maybe we'll see them
again, I'm not sure, but, yeah.
This is really nice. I'm really
glad we're doing this.
Thank you.
You sure had a good
appetite tonight.
Yeah, I guess
I was actually hungry.
[Dan] What's wrong?
You sure?
You do look good tonight, Dan.
Tonight, I saw the man
who wasn't sick.
The man I fell in love with.
That's a good thing, right?
It should be.
You're in love with Robyn.
-What are you talking about?
-[Tina] Don't. Just don't.
There is no one
who knows you like I do.
There is no one
who has been through more
with every version
of you than I have.
Yeah, I guess, I am.
It's not like we even--
Do you know that during
your last round of treatment,
my sister told me that
Jerry was having an affair?
She wanted to leave him.
It was all I could do,
not to tell her
how childish she was being.
An affair! Who fucking cares?
I would have given anything
for my biggest concern about you
to have been an affair
instead of inoperable
brain cancer.
But now I have both.
So there's that.
Do you feel better?
I haven't had any kind of pain
or seizures
in the last few weeks.
Yeah, I do.
Let's see how you feel
over the next couple of days.
Maybe we can go get another
scan and hope for the best.
Let's count today
as a win, All right?
You've made it through
Christmas to the new year.
We should be grateful.
I'm sorry.
[Tina] I'll get over it.
But not today.
Dan, fuck you.
[footsteps leaving]

[Cutting] Good morning.
The pills on the table.
Make sure you
take them with food.
[Dan] Morning.
Oh, hey. Morning.
No reggae music this morning?
No. She's still sleeping.
Oh, thanks for last night.
It was a lot of fun.
Please, it's the least I can do.
You've helped out
Robyn a lot, you know?
With your friendship
and the walks.
I mean,
she's still with us, right?
Yeah, she's helped me a lot too.
You look great, Dan.
It looks like you could walk
out of here any day now.
Yeah, wouldn't
that be something?
[Dan] Tina knows.
You told her.
I didn't have too.
Women just
know these things, dude.
Even if they don't know
that they know, they know.
How did she take it?
Well, she's pretty happy
about me being okay
but the rest of the stuff,
well, we'll see how it goes.
I do have to say, Dan,
you've been looking pretty good.
How's your vision been?
No blurriness, no puking.
I'm feeling great.
That's awesome.
Tina says that
if I keep feeling better,
we can book another a scan.
Easy there. Hey.
Just give me a few seconds.
Dan, if you fall...
They'll fire me.
[Dan clears throat]
We're gonna have
to kick you out of this place.
Has anybody actually
left the hospice?
Sometimes they go right to
the hospital for more treatment
or sometimes they leave just
because they're feeling better.
Getting their meds on time
or socializing with people.
How long does that last?
Usually not very long.
But they do leave
with more dignity.
Their lives end
on their own terms.

So when are you getting
your results back?
I mean, technician sends
the scans the doctors,
so I don't know,
maybe tomorrow.
Going to pray for good news.
Will you just stay
with me tonight?
I'm not going anywhere.
[phone vibrates]
Dan, this is Dr. Shaler.
How are you doing?
You tell me. How am I doing?
[Shaler] Well, I have heard
about these things,
but I've never
actually seen it, Dan.
Never seen what?
[Shaler] You're in remission.
The tumours are shrinking.
A few of them have
almost disappeared.
I still need you to come
in for some blood reports
and we want to run
a few more tests.
But it looks really good, Dan.
Are you there? Hello?
Oh, he...
What does he think he's doing?
-Oh, he's in. He's in the water.
-Blankets, quick.
-Oh, okay. Yeah.
-I gonna fucking live.
I'm gonna live.
[shouting indistinctly]
Oh, fuck this is cold.
Holy fuck, this is cold.
I don't think cold plunge is
going to be my thing any more.
You didn't.
I did.
You got good news.
I'm in remission.
[speaking indistinctly]
I couldn't have done
this without you.
Oh, nonsense, crazy man.
I told you, you are stronger
than you think.
Oh God, you made me stronger.
You need to leave now.
Are you going-- I mean,
do you want to eat lunch?
I mean, I can go and I can get
you something, bring it back.
I mean, you need
to leave Serenity.
This place
isn't for you any more.
Besides, someone
would be needing your bed.
What's the rush?
That means I can't
see you any more.
I don't want
to see you any more, Dan.
I wish you well.
Don't come back.
Can I at least come visit.
I want to see you.
If you love me
the way I think you do,
you will check out today
and never come back.
I do love you.
I love you.
Go tell Tina the good news.
[phone ringing]
[Tina] Hey.
Hey, Tina.
[Tina] Yeah?
I'm going to need a ride home.
[Tina] Really?
Yeah, the doctor
says I'm in remission.
[Tina] Okay.
I'm on my way.
[train passing]
-You All right?
Well, it's great
to have you back, man.
Thank you.
You sure you're okay?
I'm going to get some air.
All right.
[somber piano music]
[Tina] I'm sorry. What?
A marathon. Tomorrow.
I'm out of the whole thing
at work, I'm good to go.
I mean, Dan, I know that
you're feeling pretty
high on life right now,
and I think that's wonderful,
but don't you think you should
train before you run that far?
I got it all figured out.
I'm gonna pack up some food.
There's no certain time
I want to finish.
-I just want to finish.
-It's February.
It's freezing outside.
That just means I'm not going
to need as much water.
What? Why tomorrow? Why not
wait a few weeks for spring?
Because spring's too late.
It needs to be tomorrow.
I thought she didn't
want to see you.
There's something I want
to bring her for her birthday.
-What are you bringing her?
-A ting.
What's a Ting?
It's just this kind
of pop that she likes.
So you want to put yourself
through all of that
after recovering from brain
cancer to bring her a pop?
Well, when you put it that way,
it sounds pretty silly.
Dan, I'm serious.
I just got you back.
Don't put yourself
in more danger.
I made her a promise.
-I owe her, Tina.
-You owe me!
Look, I know that you think
that she was some kind of angel
who was sent to cure you.
And I can't hate her.
Because at the end of it,
you're here.
But that doesn't mean
that it's easy for me
to watch you go run to her.
And what if you start running
and you don't want to come back?
Yeah, you're right.
I owe you.
I owe you for being my nurse,
after coming home every day
from being a nurse.
You were putting your life
completely on hold for me,
help me find a battle
I was never supposed to win.
I owe you my life.
I have to do this.
I have to do this run.
But I need you to know
that you are my finish line.

Oh, Dan.
Wow. You look so good.
Oh, Dan. Dan!
Hey, Dan.
Dan, if you've come to visit,
you have to go back and sign in,
and I'll let you know--
Why don't you sit
your ass down, Cheryl?
Dan. Yo Dan.
She's not doing so well.
Just be prepared for that, okay?
I thought I banned you
from coming back here.
[Dan] Well, I must be
still having brain issues
because I don't remember that.
You naughty boy.
Happy birthday.
You made it.
I guess, I did.
Where's Jeff?
He's getting me
a birthday lunch.
Curry chicken?
I don't have much
of an appetite but I'll try.
You feeling okay?
Why are you sweating?
[Dan] I ran all the way here.
Yeah, I ran and I walked.
Crazy man!
There's something I had
to give you for your birthday.
[Robyn] Hmm?
It might be a little bit
frozen though.
Can't believe you remembered.
The simple pleasures.
Simple pleasures.
I'll have it
with my birthday lunch.
I have something
for you as well.
It's... [clears throat]
It's in the night-stand.
It has Kate's name on it
but it's for you.
I wanted to give it
to you after.
No, put it in your pocket,
don't read it now.
I'll be too embarrassed.
How are you feeling?
Not too good, I'm afraid.
Any pain?
How about meds?
You know Nurse Cutting.
Stronger doses but
only at the prescribed times.
I think I'm all
out after tomorrow's.
Do you still have,
you know, just in case?
Crush it up
if you want it.
I've been closer a few times but
I wanted to make it to today.
It gave me something.
A purpose.
You got it.
I don't think
I could do it anyway.
What about Jeff?
You think he would?
I couldn't ask him to do that.
He wouldn't be able
to live with himself.
How's Tina doing?
She's pretty pissed right now.
Because of the run thing but
I think we're going to be okay.
You have a good wife, Dan.
Hold on to her.
Yeah, she's great.
How far are you running today?
Crap. I am on a marathon here.
Only half a way.
You crazy man.
I know you can do it.
I wish I was this confident.
Can't stop now.
You have to keep going.
Are you sure?
You're stronger than you think.
[bottle pops open]
Wait. I want a sip first.
You okay?
You okay?
It's worth it.
One more.
I'll have the rest
with my lunch.
Thank you.
-I love you.
-[Robyn] Hmm.
I love you.
Enjoy the rest of your journey.
[Robyn] "My dearest Dan.
Well, if you are reading this,
that means you outlasted me.
As unhappy as I am to be dying,
the thought of you living
brings me great joy.
What has happened is a miracle.
And I don't just mean
how you went into remission.
I mean how we were
able to connect.
Maybe we both felt lost
and alone and we clung
to each other the way
we wanted to cling to life.
But I think our souls
have known each other
for thousands of years,
and every now and then
they meet up.
I know it sounds silly,
but I want to believe
there is more waiting
for me on the other side.
And I hope that you
or some form of you will
be on the other side someday
and we will see
each other again.
you can't waste this second
chance that you've been given.
Now is the time to do
all the things
you've always wanted do.
Believe me, I am not regretting
any chances I've taken
in my life right now.
Just the things
that I didn't do.
You are a kind,
sexy, funny, caring,
and a surprisingly
passionate lover.
You deserve
every bit of happiness
that will come your way
for many, many years.
I just wanted to tell you
that you are wonderful
and that you are loved.
[wind howling]