Last Ride (2009) Movie Script

Hello. Have you got a bathroom?
Yeah, it's just out the back.
I'd like a burger and a coffee.
Get what you like.
You look weird.
Oh, for fuck's...
Jesus! Fuckin' hell.
Why do you have to
fuckin' do that?
Yeah, go and wash your face.
And get in the car, right?
Yeah, that one.
Stay there.
Righto. We're off.
What's that say?
It says, "Koori rulz.
The only bet is on black".
Well, that's yours.
Who are you fighting?
They steal people,
especially from parks.
I don't want to sleep here.
So, what do they look like,
these aliens?
Like us, but...
...skinny, and they've got one eye
and they come from the stars.
It's a clear night. It's beautiful.
Do you know how to reckon dead south
by the Southern Cross?
- What about those?
- Mm.
Oh, you like them, do you?
No, those are plastic, mate.
Whatever you do, don't say
nothin' about Max, understand?
Oh, Chook!
Hey! Look at you!
Oh, he's alright. He won't bite.
Hello. What's your name?
Come in.
We're on our way to Adelaide
and, uh, we thought you might
be good for breakfast.
How'd you get my address?
Old Max.
How is the old darling?
Oh, he's fine.
- You can't stay.
- No, no.
No, we don't want to.
Hey, the boy's hungry.
Fuckin' get out of it.
You had enough?
Full as a goog.
Come here.
What's this on you?
Um, why don't you go outside
and play with the mutt, yeah,
while me and Maryanne have a chat.
He'll play with that ball all day.
Come on, Mr Right. Attaboy!
Mr Right!
So, what's going on this time?
What... can't a man do
a bit of travelling?
No, I thought I'd show Chook
a bit of the country.
You know, he needs to learn
a thing or two.
He needs school and a good home.
What... like this one?
It's a start.
Must be costing.
Only for materials.
Oh, yeah.
What... you got yourself a handyman?
What I've got is a regular job.
You should try it.
You're nesting, aren't ya?
Sort of... preparing for a brood.
What if I am?
Yeah, but does the handyman know
what he's in for?
Keen as.
Did you tell him how you paid
your way through teacher's college?
Yeah. He loves it.
Fuck, I missed you.
- Bullshit.
- No, honest.
I haven't looked at another woman
since you left.
Just fucked a few?
No, you've got a nice set-up here.
We might just have to move in.
Chooky would love that.
You're not gonna fuck up
my life again.
No, it's alright.
But how about one last one for old
time's sake and then we'll be off?
Promise you'll leave?
Yeah, yeah. Scout's honour.
What's up?
What you up to?
- Are you Dad's girlfriend again?
- No.
Can I stay with you?
You're going to Adelaide,
aren't you?
You'll like Adelaide.
What you been up to?
Tell me about
when you first met Dad.
You know that story.
Come on.
It was in jail.
I was teaching maths.
And your dad was in my class.
And, um, when he got out,
we hooked up
and... I met you...
...which was the best bit.
And then we all lobbed on Max.
We had a lot of fun
there for a while, remember?
And then, um... know the rest.
Dad reckons he really didn't mean
to hit you. He just lost his temper.
Does he hit you?
You know there are lots of people
who love you.
Me, for one...
...and Max.
And Dad?
And Dad.
How you going
with your maths, anyway?
Are you still the world's best
number rememberer?
Hey, do you remember
my old Sigma's rego number?
I hated that car.
What about...
It's funny,
the numbers you remember.
You're really good with numbers.
And what about Max's phone number?
Oh, come on. You remember that.
Do you remember it?
Yeah, course.
Maybe you could ring him
just to see if he's alright.
Why wouldn't he be alright?
Outta there, mate! It's time to go.
- Do we have to go?
- Thanks for breakfast.
And you won't be telling anyone
we've been here, eh?
Who'll be asking?
See ya.
Are we really
going to Adelaide?
Just slide your body back, mate.
Ow! Hey, Dad!
Here. Take those.
What is this place?
Sort of like a museum, I guess.
It's spooky.
Do you reckon Max will be alright?
Yeah, Jimmy would have found him.
Why'd you hit him?
Mate, I didn't have no choice.
- Why?
- I just didn't.
He'll be alright, though?
Yeah. I reckon.
There's Shamrozi Khan and his camels.
They were Afghans
and they had these camels.
That's what they used
before they had trains.
Your great-great-grandfather
was one of them.
Wasn't he a blackfella?
No, mate, that was his missus.
So are we "Afghagans'?
Oh, yeah, a bit, I s'pose,
but not really.
We're blackfellas, then.
No, we're mongrels, us.
We're whatever we wanna be.
I'm gonna get us something to eat.
You stay here.
But I don't want to
be here by myself.
Just stay here.
Don't make any noise, alright?
Don't go outside.
But, Dad...
Won't be long.
Here, chook, chook, chook.
Haven't seen you before.
Well, I haven't seen you before.
What's for tea?
The fuckin' usual. Beans.
Do you want to join me?
I don't like beans.
Oh, I've got spaghetti.
You right, mate?
I'm good, brother.
All good, bro?
Oi, come here!
Get the fuck away!
Oh, fuck.
Allahu akbar.
Allahu akbar.
Allahu akbar.
Allahu Akbar.
What are you doing here?
Are you here by yourself?
Are you an Afghan?
My family are from India.
Do you live here?
In town? Yes. I work with
the Flying Doctor Service.
Do you fly planes?
No. I'm a doctor.
Do you think you could
fly somewhere to help someone?
This little chap was a bit worried
about someone who's hurt.
Max, is it?
Are you Max?
Where's the keys?
Where's the fuckin' keys?!
Unlock the car and put
our stuff in. And get that shit off!
Fuckin' do it!
I'm hungry.
Yeah, well, there's a store
somewhere along here.
Me and my dad used to come out here.
Except he left me out here
on me own once -
you know, to teach me a lesson.
And I had to walk all night and day
before I found someone.
Didn't he want you?
No. I was just a nuisance to him.
Right. That'll do it.
Oh, come on, lady.
It can't be that much.
Well, I've only got 90.
You little bugger.
I need to go to the toilet.
No, not here, mate.
Oh, 'cause we're Butch and Sundance.
Hey, give us a hand, mate.
Get some firewood.
Look. It's gravity
that holds the tea in.
No, it's wind.
What do you mean "wind'?
Well, when it goes across,
the wind goes like that
and you make wind.
I think you're just makin' that up.
Well, it's not wind but it makes
a sort of a lid made out of wind
to keep the water in.
What you doing with that?
Playing Snake.
Doesn't work out here, does it?
Come on in, mate.
Oh, come on, you wuss.
Come on, mate.
Are you sure you don't wanna?
No? Not even for me?
Don't! Stop, Dad!
- Ready to swim?
- Aaagh! Aaagh! Don't!
- I can't swim!
- What's that?
I can't swim!
- Best way to learn...
- Aaagh!
Come on! Swim, mate!
Swim, swim! Swim!
There you go.
Your first swimming lesson.
Oh, fuck.
G'day, there.
Hey, go get some more wood
for the fire, mate.
That's why we're here.
You can't have a fire, mate.
And you can't camp here either.
Oh, sorry, bro.
Like, I didn't realise.
I've been coming out here since
I was a little kid, you know, and..., we need to cook and keep warm.
It's a national park now, mate.
Yeah, I know. Good thing.
If you was in a camping area,
then you could have a fire.
Yeah, but, well, I...
I hate wakin' up and seeing
other people's fuckin' washing.
You know what I mean?
And, um, I want him to have,
like, a real bush experience.
One night, OK?
Yeah? That'd be great.
How about a brew...
cup of tea, before you go?
Yeah. Why not?
Unc? Cup of tea?
No, you gotta go, "Bzzz!"
And... together.
You go...
Can't he speak?
Yeah. Course he can.
Just chooses not to.
Too much jibber-jabber
humbug, eh, Uncle?
I'm a blackfella too, sort of.
My great-grandmother,
she was a full-blood.
Yeah, course you are.
You must have been born
in the middle of the day. See?
You got that fair skin
and blue eyes.
I was born
in the middle of the night,
so I've got brown skin
and brown eyes.
Koori rulz. The only bet
is on black.
Hey! You really are a blackfella!
Anyone home?
Anyone home?
I'll sleep well tonight.
This bloke went to a fancy dress party
with a woman on his shoulders.
And, uh, the people
at the party said,
"Well, what have you come as?"
And he says,
"Oh, I've come as a tortoise".
And they said, "Well, why have you
got a woman on your shoulders?"
And he said, "Oh, that's Michelle".
Why is that funny?
Michelle, mate. Michelle.
Michelle... my shell. Get it?
Why won't a cannibal eat a clown?
'Cause he thinks it tastes funny.
Hey, where would you find
a dog with no legs?
I don't know.
Where you fuckin' left him.
Oh. Hang on.
Come on!
Oh! Good-lookin' bastard, eh?
- You just press that button there.
- Press that. Righto.
- And then press OK.
- Right. Get back.
Are you ready?
- Who's that ugly shit?
- Hey!
- Do you want a look?
- OK.
Hey, do you see those six
bright stars up there, all together?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, the blackfellas reckon
there uused to be seven of them.
They were called the Seven Sisters.
What happened to the other sister?
Uh, well, she came down to earth.
Like an alien.
No, mate. No.
Um, she was more like a mother.
Well, that's what
the blackfellas reckon anyway.
How come my mum left me?
I dunno.
Did you hit her too?
Nah, that wasn't the reason.
I dunno, some women just aren't
meant to be mothers, I s'pose.
Sheep don't leave their lambs.
Well, sometimes they do.
No, they don't.
Ah, shut up and go to sleep,
you little bum.
I'm not a bum.
No, you're the underpants.
# I heard
it also rained in Tallahassee
# But not a drop fell
on little old me
# 'Cause I was in shu-shu-shu
# Shu-shu-shu
# Shu-shu-shu-shu-shu-shu
# Sugar Town
# If I had a million dollars or ten
# I'd give it to you, world,
and then
# You'd go away
and let me spend my life
# In shu-shu-shu
# Shu-shu-shu
# Shu-shu-shu-shu-shu-shu
Sugar Town. #
What the fuck?
What you doin'? Hey?
- Ugh!
- What's all this?
Aaagh! Aaagh! Aaagh!
Aaagh! Aaaagh!
Get that shit off!
Don't you fuckin' kick me!
Aaagh! Aaagh!
Fuckin' little girl!
Aaagh! Aaagh! Ow!
Aaagh! Aaagh!
Go and wash that fuckin' shit
off your face!
Give us a look.
Oh, there's some cauliflowers.
Winner! And the crowd goes wild.
You didn't do much of a job
washing your face.
You still look like a girl.
You want some breakfast?
We've got all that good stuff.
Come on, you must be hungry.
My face hurts.
Ow! Ow!
Hey, keep still.
You nick that vest?
It's magic protection.
How did you get those scars?
Well, all sorts of shit
goes on in prison, mate.
Like what?
Oh, well, I was young... easy prey.
People take advantage -
do bad things to ya.
Know what I mean?
Come on. Come on in.
I can't swim. You know that.
No, you can't swim yet.
Come on.
Hey? It'll be fine, right?
I got ya.
You're not too cold?
- Uh-uh.
- No?
Right. Now, take a deep breath.
Relax, relax. Relax.
- You right?
- Mm.
OK. Put your head back.
Straighten your back. That's it.
Righto. Put your arms out wide.
N ow
I'm gonna let you go.
You right? You're right.
You're right, you're right,
you're right. I've got ya. I've got ya.
I've got ya. Try again.
Keep your back straight.
There you go.
There you go. See?
Now, you get into trouble, you can
always roll onto your back and float.
Come on, mate.
Fuckin' black bastards
must have dobbed us in.
You stay there.
Are we bogged?
Go see if you can find us some water.
Nah, it's alright.
What are we gonna eat?
We could boil up those sheep's bones.
Maybe catch a dingo.
We can get the car out
in the morning.
Can you eat a dog?
- How about that?
- Yep! A bit more!
Is that good enough?
- Ah!
- Yes!
Good driving!
It's about 300 or 400 k's around...
...or 30 across,
then there's a roadhouse.
How do you know?
I've been here before.
It's a lake.
Yeah, sorta.
- Where'd you learn to count?
- Same place as you.
Mate, 14 and 8 makes 22,
not fuckin' 21.
My game.
Finish up, mate.
I'm off for a quick drink.
- See you in the morning.
- See you, Dad.
What you doin', eh?
You fuckin' dog!
You didn't have to.
Didn't have to what?
Hurt Max.
He wasn't hurting me.
He was just lonely.
Hey, don't you say that,
you little poofter.
Yeah, well, it doesn't matter now
anyway, 'cause he's dead.
He's fuckin' dead. Right? He's dead.
I hate you!
Fuckin' cut that out!
Listen, mate. Fuck it.
He was still breathing
when we left, yeah?
You saw me check on him.
I hate you.
Mate, there are just some things
you're too young to understand.
I'm supposed to protect ya.
He was like a proper dad.
He looked after me, not like you!
You f...
Proper dad?
I'll show you a fuckin' proper dad.
Hey, get in.
Alright, I'm sorry, yeah?
But you needed to learn a lesson.
Come on, mate.
You right there?
Out of there, boy.
You deaf?
Hey, behave yourself.
You cheeky little shit.
- Wait on.
- You wanna take care.
Get in the car.
What the fuck are you doing, mate?
And just squeeze the trigger.
Shot! Up and back.
Up and back.
I camped here with your mum...
...just after we met.
We stole a Monaro
and dumped it up in Queensland.
This was the key.
She gave it to me
to remember the fun we'd had.
She was alright, you know, your mum.
It was like a...
like a travelling circus sometimes.
You might have even been made here.
Eh? Who knows?
Why don't you go see
if you can bag us some dinner, eh?
Did you get a rabbit?
I wouldn't mind some of that.
This is better than a TV.
You can make up your own program.
Why'd you go to jail?
Oh, what... the last time?
Oh, that was just a couple of months.
That was just a sleep.
You know, me and...
Me and Max got pulled over
in a stolen car
and the cop started hammering us
so I laid into him.
Yeah, but I get caught for this one,
I do... I don't know, 15 years.
If you told them
you didn't mean to kill Max,
it was just an accident...
What's gonna happen to us?
Hey, we'll be fine.
But what if we're not?
Do you trust me?
What you doin'?
Getting some wood.
Ah, you're getting to be
quite the little bushie now.
You can look after yourself.
Hey, Chook, what are you doin'?
Hey, we gotta leave, mate.
Oh, fuck!
You stupid little bugger!
What do you think you're doin'?
Ah, fuck!
Hey, give us a hand.
I've busted my fuckin' ankle!
Chook, what the fuck are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?!
Oh, fuck!
I know you can hear me.
Look, mate, whatever
I've done, I'm sorry.
Come on, mate, I'm your dad!
Give us the rifle.
Give us the rifle, mate.
Oh, come on, will you?!
OK, it's alright,
it's alright. It's OK.
I've got a plan.
Come over here and I'll tell ya.
Come on, mate.
It's gonna be fine.
Come on.
Now, here's what we do.
What I need is
for you to go over there
and you tell 'em... tell 'em you want to
talk to Maryanne.
I want to stay with you.
No, mate. No, no. I need you
to do this exactly how I tell ya.
Yeah? Can you do that for me?
Yeah, well, that's good.
I did it.
You did what, mate?
I told the cops we're here.
Well, that's OK.
That's fine.
You done the right thing.
Come here, mate.
I love you.
I love you, Dad.
Yeah, off you go, eh?
You got your magic vest on.
Well, you'll be right, then.
# Hear the bell
# Deep and bright
# Ringing through the night
# All those words
# Talkin' slow
# Only you will know
# Is there anyone?
# Is there anyone home?
# Boilin' blood
# Deep and red
# Words that go unsaid
# You find yourself
# Alone this time
# How do you feel inside?
# Is there anyone?
# Is there anyone home?
# Is there anyone home?
# Take a coin
# Roll the dice
# Never slowing down
# You're safer to
# Stay in your room
# Never go outside
# Is there anyone?
# Is there anyone home?
# Is there anyone home?
# Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
# Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh. #