Last Rites (1988) Movie Script

Jesus. Zena...
You're so slow.
a fat man could kick your ass.
What fat man ever kicked my ass?
There was Fat Eddie who used to
run the numbers for the Manonis.
And the Dodge dealer
from Brooklyn Heights.
Remember him?
Ah! Teresa's brother.
the day after the prom.
How far you want me
to go back. Nuzo?
Teresa's brother
don't count. all right?
l was in love with her
and l didn't want to hurt him.
And the others
didn't kick my ass
'cause you and Geno cut in before
l had a chance to finish 'em off.
With what. your face?
The trouble with you is.
you've got selective memory.
What about the time
the Lupo brothers
were chasing you and Geno
down Flatbush Avenue?
- Who took 'em out?
- You did.
- You're damn right l did.
- You ran over 'em with a T-Bird.
What does that have to do
with fat guys kicking your ass?
l don't know.
lt's gotta mean something.
This rookie's never seen
a stiff before in his life.
Papa di Morte nailed this old fart
right in the middle of eating a burrito.
Now. he must've gone just like that.
because half the burrito's
still hanging out of his mouth.
Now. his eyes are bulging.
the burrito's dangling.
and the smell
of his recently relaxed sphincter
is starting to permeate the room.
All this is making the rookie
turn the same shade of green
as Old Man Fazoni.
So what do you think
Jelly Roll does?
- Come on.
- Oh. no.
You got it.
The fat fuck pulls the burrito
out of the stiff's mouth and eats it.
- Swear to God!
- Excuse me. didn't we meet?
Two years ago.
at West Palm Beach?
lt was hot and raining.
and we made love
in Nicki's wine cellar.
Jesus Christ!
Yeah. don't you remember?
After the polo match?
We were looking for
a bottle of Dom Perignon?
The champagne was to
celebrate our engagement.
You proposed that morning
at the skeet shoot.
After l shot a perfect 100.
You didn't hit a single pigeon.
Well. not very athletic. am l?
Oh. no. You were
incredibly athletic.
Look. honey. your come-on's cute.
but it's a waste of time.
Don't tell me
you guys are gay.
No. but he's a priest.
You know. nothing's
what it looks like anymore.
He don't look like a priest.
You. you don't
look like a hooker.
And l don't look like a narc.
But l am.
l didn't know that priests
hung out with assholes.
What the hell's wrong with you?
- With me?
- Yeah.
- Michael. you're a priest.
- Tell me something l don't know.
Listen. when women used to hit
on you. you used to blush.
- Now all of a sudden you like it.
- l always liked it.
- Jesus Christ. listen to you!
- Don't you?
Mike. l'm not a priest.
You're married.
That's different.
- You know what l mean.
- Yeah. l know what you mean.
lt's okay for women to hit on you.
but not on me.
l haven't broken my vows.
and l don't intend to start now.
You know. maybe you don't.
but what about your dick?
Have you asked it
what it's thinking?
Oh. you're a gibbone.
Somebody hit Geno.
Twenty-eight floors above me
in a $1000-a-day suite. reputed Ma--
Twenty-eight floors above me
in a $1000-a-day suite.
reputed Mafioso Capo
Geno De Palma
lies dead or dying
of at least two bullet wounds.
Officer Reardon.
you were first on the scene.
Would you describe
what you found?
Sure. Mr. De Palma was laying
on the floor in a lot of blood.
He was shot once in the head
and once in the dick.
Robin. we're live in ten.
lf you can get through this
without saying
dick. prick. balls. or nuts.
l'll buy you a drink.
You got it.
Officer Reardon.
you were first on the scene.
Can you tell us what you found?
Yeah. sure. Mr. De Palma was
laying on the floor in a lot of blood.
He was shot once in the head
and once in the. uh...
lower extremities.
W as th s a Mafia h t?f
Ma'am. you'll lgave to talk
to tlge detectives about tlgat.
Tlgank you. Officenr Reanrdon.
Geno de Palma was pnresident
of Suntel lntenrnational.
a clgain of exotic nresonts
tlgnrouglgout tlge Canribbean
wlgiclg figunres pnrominently in
tlge nracketeenring tnrial of Canrlo Pacclgi.
Uh. yes. sir.
The minute l saw who it was.
l sent for a priest.
Anytime. lnspector.
Get a priest.
Get a priest?
ls there an echo in here?
Where am l gonna get a priest?
There's a goddamn cathedral
across the street!
You can get a bishop!
... Canrlo Pacclgi lgas been
an extraonrdinanry defendant
wlgose gnrace undenr pnressunre
lgas won lgim gnrudging adminration
fnrom many
tnrial-lganrdened nrepontenrs
and even membenrs
of tlge pnrosecution.
- ls he alive?
- Just barely.
Geno. can you hear me?
lt's Mikey.
l'm going to anoint you.
Through the holy mysteries
of our redemption.
may Almighty God release you
from all punishments in this life
and in the life to come.
May He open to you
the gates of paradise...
and welcome you
to everlasting joy.
ln the name of the Father.
the Son. and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Praying over that scumbag's
a waste of time.
You son of a bitch!
You're all witnesses.
The Wop started it.
Come on. you Mick fuck!
Come on. you bastard!
He's dead.
- What's the matter with you?
- l said he's dead!
Bag the fucker.
You think Geno's getting hit
had anything to do with the trial?
Why Geno?
Who the hell knows?
He called me Friday.
He wanted me to grab you
for dinner. and l couldn't make it.
Maybe he needed our help.
- Don't start.
- What?
Look. l'm not gonna
feel guilty over Geno.
lt was gonna happen
sooner or later.
You know something. goombata?
Yeah. l know you're gonna work up
a shitload of guilt over this. but not me.
Look. Geno chose his life.
we chose ours.
Who hit him?
Somebody he pissed off.
Look. l don't know. okay?
l'm a cop. not a fortune-teller.
l gotta go. okay?
Christ. Mikey!
Jesus Christ. Mikey!
Geno! Jesus. Geno!
How many times are you
gonna do this to me. Freddie?
- Oh. my God. is it tw-two--
- Yes. it's two already!
And you didn't turn the light on.
lf you don't turn that light on.
people aren't gonna know you're here.
and if they don't know you're here.
l'm gonna get stuck with
your confessions on top of mine.
l'm gonna be here for hours.
Monsignor Burke finds out that
you've been ducking confession.
he's gonna have you canvassing
Broadway and 42nd at midnight.
You think about that.
But he's not going to
find out. is he. Father?
Like me to take
your 5:30 Mass in the morning?
Yeah. well. that'd be
very nice of you. Father.
lt's my pleasure. Father.
Come on.
Bless me. Father.
for l have sinned.
My last confession
was a week ago.
Since then.
l've committed the following sins--
l threw my oldest daughter out...
after l caught her
in bed with my boyfriend.
Whenever we go shopping.
she eats her way through the A&P.
l tell her it's a sin. Father.
but she says it ain't.
She says A&P expects it
as part of doing business.
Now. can that be true. Father?
Uh. no.
That's what l told her
you'd say.
l asked her to come to confession
with me. but she wouldn't do it.
What should l do. Father?
Well. you could start by confessing
your own sins first.
My sins?
My last confession
was a month ago.
Since then.
l committed the following sins--
l cleaned the toilet bowl with
my sister Sharon's toothbrush.
You did what?
Father. she makes me clean
the toilet bowl
while she does the easy stuff.
so l used her toothbrush.
ls that a sin?
No. No.
But. um. let me
ask you something.
Do you have your own
separate glass in the bathroom?
No. We all
use the same one.
Oh. Father!
Bless me. Padre.
for l have sinned.
M y ast cconfcoss con was
Padre. he's dead.
and it is my fault.
most of us think it's our fault
when someone we love dies.
when it rarely is.
No. this is. This is.
Geno is dead
because l slept with him.
Please help me. Padre.
Please help me.
Yes. Of course.
Have you talked
to the police?
No. l can't go to the police.
l picked up the gun.
lt has my fingerprints.
They'll think--
they'll think l killed him.
No. They have ways to tell
if you didn't fire the gun.
l won't go to the police.
This is no good.
You can't help me.
No one can.
Wait. Wait.
Let me try.
l am afraid.
l know you are.
But trust me.
Padre. what is your name?
Father Michael Pace.
Be outside the cathedral tonight.
At nine.
But if you bring the police--
l won't.
l give you my word.
Until nine.
Bless me. Father.
for l have sinned.
My last confession
was a week ago.
Since then l have
committed the following sins...
Are you the Padre?
Where is she?
There's no police.
With respect. Padre.
l think l'll find out for myself.
What's her name?
- You don't know?
- No.
Angela what?
You look more like a cop
than a Padre.
That don't prove shit.
Well. what do you
want me to do?
l don't know.
Will that do?
Three months ago...
our youngest nino Antonio
catch the flu.
He died.
M y w fco gcocos cocco
She can't take it.
We hardly know Angela then.
She's just this cute kid
who moved in next door.
That kid took care of my Rosa...
my n nos
Without her.
l think they all die.
Through that door.
No thanks. Padre.
Light a candle for my Antonio.
You're soaked.
Would you like to
dry off by the stove?
Would you like a drink.
Pardon me?
Um. l think Luis
has some tequila here...
Luis De Vega.
This is his studio.
Luis and l. we grew up together
on the same ranch in the Yucatan.
First painting
he ever sold was of me.
An American tourist
bought it in Tlachco for $2.
To us. it was a fortune.
l think that's why
he still paints me.
You're a model?
Only for Luis.
l'm a dancer.
W oest S dee Story at t nco mcomcont
This. um. Luis...
is he your lover too?
l'm sorry. Angela.
but if you want me to help you.
l'm gonna have to ask
some unpleasant questions.
l met Geno two years ago...
when l was a dancer at
the Suntel Resort in Cancun.
My friends told me it was
a bad idea to date the boss...
that all he wanted
was to sleep with me.
But they were wrong.
l went out on many dates. and all
he did was kiss me good night.
And then l got another job
and didn't see him
for six months
until l moved to New York.
But this time Geno didn't
just stop at kissing you good night.
No. Padre.
Did you know he was married?
l stopped seeing him
when l found out.
Then why in the hell were you
in his hotel room this morning?
Because he told me
he no longer slept with his wife.
And you believed him?
l said. ''lf this were true.
why not get a divorce?''
And that's when he told me
he was married to the daughter
of Carlo Pacchi.
Carlo Pacchi?
The Mafia godfather.
lf he tried to divorce her.
his father-in-law would kill him.
And did the father-in-law kill him?
His wife did.
Drink. Papa?
A little Scotch.
Sad music. Papa.
Sad times.
Aren't they always?
You really feel that way?
Most of the time.
That hurts me. Zena.
Oh. it shouldn't. Papa.
lt's not your fault.
l'm happy when l'm with you.
Especially when you
play the piano.
You know Benny Goodman
offered me a job?
Don't laugh.
Artie Shaw too.
l used to be good.
lt's a shame to waste talent.
ls that why you're sad?
But not for me.
For you.
You proved today
what l always knew in my heart...
that you have the talent to run
this business when l go to prison.
you're a woman.
and that can never be.
Never's a long time. Papa.
ln some things. Zena.
never is never.
Don Carlo.
They've located the putana.
She ran to the artist's loft.
Somebody's with her.
Be careful.
What exactly do you want me
to do for you. Angela?
l don't know. Padre.
l just want to go home.
to my village.
There's nothing stopping you.
The Pacchis are looking for me.
The police.
l don't have a passport.
lf l did. l couldn't use it.
You don't believe me.
do you?
Because l'm not stupid. Angela.
You didn't come to the cathedral
looking for sanctuary.
You came looking for me.
You? l do not know you.
You knew who l was!
Geno would have had to
tell you about me.
and you knew l was the one person
that could help you out of this.
Geno? You knew Geno?
Don't bullshit me!
l swear on the Madonna. Padre.
l don't know what you're talking about.
And you didn't know who l was?
Pace. You said your name was
Father Michael Pace.
You knew!
You knew. didn't you?
No! No!
- Damn it. you knew!
- No!
ls there another way out of here?
The fire escape.
Get your coat on.
Get your coat on.
Angela. Angela. listen to me.
l believe you.
Get your coat on. Now.
Go on. Go on.
Spread out.
She's on the roof.
Put up the top.
Could you jump that?
Come on.
Uh...that'll be $4.50.
You two look like you
ought to be in a hospital.
Well. it looks worse
than it really is.
Hot shower. we'll be just fine.
Thank you.
A shower with her
would fix me up too.
Uh...this way.
Hot water system here
dates back to the '30s.
lt. uh. bleeds off
the steam heaters.
lt takes forever.
But once it gets going.
there's plenty of it. and hot. too.
First l must look at your arm.
lt's okay. l've done worse
playing handball.
Well. almost.
You have. um...antiseptic?
Yeah. we should.
somewhere around here.
l'll go look for some.
and l'll get you
some dry clothes.
and in the meantime. you...
well. you get in here
when it gets hot. all right?
Uh. Padre?
What if someone comes in?
l don't know.
Guess they'll get a thrill. right?
Father Freddie.
What are you doing here?
l couldn't s-sleep.
lt's. uh. it's peaceful here
when no one's around.
Yeah. that it is.
Wh-what happened?
Little accident. Father.
Nothing to it.
You know where
the first aid kit is?
Well. yes. it's in the b-b--
l'll get it.
No. Freddie. wait.
Here it is. Father.
Father Freddie.
this is Angela.
what's your last name?
Angela Martinez.
Father Freddie.
Hello. Padre.
Oh. my...
That's a bullet wound!
You been watching
too much TV. Freddie.
No. that's a bullet wound.
l saw enough of 'em
in Vietnam to know.
Freddie. do you realize
you're not stuttering now?
Yeah. When l'm shocked.
l don't stutter for a couple of hours.
N cobcody kncows wny
l never stuttered in 'Nam.
Well. l better get ready.
Some priest stuck me
with the 5:30 Mass...
for the last time. l think.
l-l wish l could explain this to you.
but l think it's better...
There's no need
to explain. Father.
She obviously needs help.
and you're helping her.
lsn't that why we're here?
lt's gonna be one helluva lot of
surprised people out there
when l deliver my sermon.
lt's gonna be very short.
l like him.
Yeah. He's a good man.
Better than l knew.
You know. with all the vineyards
the Church has.
you'd think they could send us
some decent wine.
l think they sell
all their good stuff.
Right now. any wine
will be wonderful.
- Salud.
- Salud.
lt's your mother?
She died when l was 1 5.
She was very beautiful.
You look like her.
Don't let my father
hear you say that.
They can't touch you here.
l can't stay here forever. Padre.
At least for a few days.
until l can work something out.
ln the loft.
you said you believed me.
Now you're not sure.
are you?
Angela. your just happening
into my confessional...
is one helluva coincidence.
Padre. it was not a coincidence.
l was praying to the Virgin.
She sent me to you.
Listen. uh.
l have the only key to this room...
so no one will bother you.
You look exhausted.
You should get some sleep.
Where are you going?
A priest has to go to work
just like everybody else. Angela.
Whatever you decide...
l owe you my life.
l'll never forget that.
l got it!
Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ. for the three days
you lay in the tomb.
you made holy the graves
of all who believe in you.
and even though their bodies
lie in the earth.
they trust that they.
like you. will rise again.
Give our brother
peaceful rest in this grave...
until that day when you.
the resurrection and the life.
will raise him up in glory.
And may he see
the light of your presence.
Lord Jesus.
in the kingdom where you live
forever and ever.
lt is nice to see
the family all together.
supporting each other
on this tragic moment.
Now let us go in peace
and live out our own lives.
Jesus. Mary. and Joseph.
l'll meet you at the car.
Come here. sweetie.
- Zena.
M kcoy kncows
l hope not. Come on.
let's go pay our respects.
And then what. book 'em?
You know. for a little woman.
you got a big mouth!
Yeah. and ain't you glad.
ls there anything l can do?
You've done it already.
Don Manoni.
Doesn't seem like 1 8 years.
No. Papa.
l miss her as much today
as the day she died.
l do too. Papa.
Your uncle tells me
he's been called to Rome.
Another Frascati makes cardinal.
He asked you to go along
with him as consigliere.
l'm happy at the parish.
You'd be a monsignor.
Michael. you were born to do more
than just sprinkle water.
Even your mother wanted
more for you than that.
She just didn't want me
to end up like Geno.
Today's been difficult
for everyone.
lt's too bad it takes times like this
to bring us together.
Times like this are the only time
we can be together.
That's your choice.
Michael. not mine.
How's the trial going?
Oh. we'll stretch it out
for a couple of more months.
then a year or two of appeals
before they lock me up.
You gonna lose?
They know too much.
l never thought
you'd go to prison.
That was good to see.
Your are getting too old
for that game. Michael.
Yeah. probably.
Too bad it takes a death
to bring us together. huh?
Yeah. Especially for Geno.
The man on the rooftop
with the putana...
it was Mike.
Bless me. Fatlgenr.
fonr l lgave sinned.
Fatlgenr. my lgusband came lgome
late fnrom wonrk.
and lge didn't
bnring lgis payclgeck...
Bless me. Fatlgenr.
fonr l lgave sinned...
- l lgit tlge S. O.B.
- Last Satunrday niglgt...
Bless me. Fatlgenr.
fonr l lgave sinned.
- We lgeld up a liquonr stonre...
- He can't come lgome like tlgat...
He comes lgome
witlgout a payclgeck. l don't know...
l've only been lgenre two montlgs...
l nran out of money.
and l didn't know wlgat else to do.
l stanted tunrning tnricks
on 42nd Stnreet. and l feel so bad.
Bless me. Father.
for l have sinned.
My last confession
was last Easter.
Since then. l've committed
the following sins--
l murdered my husband.
Give me a penance. Father.
l promise to make
a good act of contrition.
Oh. my God. l am heartily sorry
for having offended Thee...
but most of all because
they offend Thee. my God.
who art all good
and deserving of all my love...
l firmly resolve with the help
of Thy grace to sin no more...
to do penance
and to amend my life.
You didn't grant me absolution.
you're not repentant!
Your confession was sacrilegious.
and l won't be bound by it!
l'm swearing to you in the presence
of God that l am repentant!
How dare you
question my sincerity!
Because l know you!
Knowing me doesn't
change your obligations.
Now. l regret my sins.
and l want absolution!
lf you won't grant it to me.
l'll go to a priest who will.
lt's family business. Michael.
lf it was family business.
Tio would have done it.
This was personal!
Geno was business.
The putana's personal.
Because Geno slept with her?
My God. Zena!
lf that was the case.
you would have been
shooting women
all over New York
the first month of your marriage!
Why is it l only lose control
when l'm with you?
And killing Geno
wasn't losing control?
l was very calm
when l did that. very calm.
Ask the putana.
Tell her she can't hide
behind your skirts forever.
M aybco snco ca n
And l thought l'd be
the only girl you'd ever love.
You're gonna
burn in hell. Zena.
We've both known that
since you were 1 5.
Ready to go?
She's running a temp.
You want to go home?
No! Kids cut teeth.
they run a temp.
lt's the law!
Casey. why don't you. uh.
powder your nose or something?
Well. hello.
- Care for a drink?
- Sure.
How the hell did you know
where to find me?
- Lieutenant Beale.
- Beale?!
- You know. every time--
- Forget that.
Check out the antique store
across the street.
That's one of Papa's
Sicilian imports.
He and Tio have been tailing me
since l left the rectory.
They're hoping l'll lead them
to Angela Martinez.
Jesus. Mary. and Joseph.
Well. l've been. uh.
hiding her in my room
in the rectory.
M cnaco , a rco ycou pa z zo?f
Maybe. l don't know.
l do know you haven't been
on the up-and-up with me. Nuzo.
l want the truth.
starting with Angela.
Look. l don't know much.
All l know is that she's
a Mexican dancer that Geno fell for.
Ah. Nuzo.
Look. she was in the room
when he got hit.
and her fingerprints were
all over the murder weapon.
But she didn't kill him.
Jelly Roll thinks so.
He's got half the cops
in New York out looking for her.
Well. what do you think. Nuzo?
And don't bullshit me this time.
l think your father had him hit.
Geno talked to the Feds.
He gave them everything they needed
to nail your old man in court.
The Manonis are behind this.
They want to take over
your family territory.
and the only way they can do that
is to get rid of your old man.
Now. if they hit him.
they've got a war.
But if the Feds put him away...
- There's no one to take his place.
- Except Geno.
And the Manonis
bought him off for $5 million.
After the trial. Geno and Angela
were gonna take the money
and just disappear.
How is it that you know
so many of these details?
Because Geno told me.
See you later?
Bye. babe.
How could he be
such a fucking stoogatz?
Because he was thinking
with the head of his dick.
You know. he wanted to marry
that piece of salsa.
co kncow ycou r s stcor wcou d
b cow coff n s dcog onoes
if he ever asked her for a divorce.
Son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch.
Nuzo. it's going down.
Look. l've got a feeling you're
making the same mistake Geno did.
and l'm not gonna let that happen.
Whatever you intend to do.
you're not doing it
until you. me.
and this Angela have a talk.
Goddamn you. Mikey.
Hey. honey. wait up.
Okay. ready for this?
- We're made.
- Narcs!
Fuckin' priest!
Oh. no!
Oh. my God!
My partner!
Help my partner!
She's dead. Nuzo.
She's dead.
God! Jesus Christ. no!
Hold on. Nuzo.
Paramedics are on their way.
l'm trying.
- What the hell went wrong?
- His girl knew me.
Hey. don't. Mikey.
you're scaring me.
Come on. Mikey. don't.
You're scaring me.
You've got to. Nuzo.
Please. you must.
Do you renounce Satan?
And all his works?
Do you repent your sins?
Make a good act of contrition.
Oh. my God.
l'm heartily sorry...
Oh. my God.
l'm heartily sorry...
Mikey. l can't remember!
For having offended Thee...
...who art all good
and deserving of all my love...
...l firmly resolve that
with the help of Thy grace.
l will sin no more
and do penance
and amend my life.
l remembered.
After all those years
in the seminary.
ncow ccou d ycou fcorgcot?
l'll tell you what. Mikey.
right now l wish
l'd have stuck it out.
- Mikey.
- What?
don't leave me.
l won't. Nuzo.
l won't.
Through the holy mysteries
of our redemption...
may Almighty God
release you from all punishments
in this life
and in the life to come.
May He open to you
the gates of paradise...
and welcome you
into everlasting joy.
The people who did this to Nuzo--
do we know them?
No. Don Carlo.
They're animals from Miami
who kill without discipline.
He was Dominic's firstborn.
my godchild.
Even though he gave Dominic
a heart attack becoming a cop.
he never forgot his roots.
l want Teresa
and his children taken care of.
She's not to know where the money
comes from or she'll never take it.
- How do l look?
- lnnocent.
- You should be on the jury.
- l tried. Papa.
That was Tony.
Michael and the putana
rented a car in Houston
and crossed the Mexican border.
Why is he doing this?
To hurt me?
No. He's in love.
He's a priest!
He was ordained. Papa.
not castrated.
l didn't raise my daughter
to talk like a whore.
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She has
the puzza di monte about her.
Her death. Papa.
M aybco
Let it go. Zena.
Tony can take care of her.
She's mine.
l don't want Michael hurt.
That is the last thing
l would ever do.
Don't drink the water.
lt'll make you sick.
Call the airport.
Get the plane ready.
Did she say senora?
l told them we were married
because it's easier.
- l hope you don't mind.
- No. lt's okay.
Did you ever
want to get married?
Every girl wants to get married.
That's not true.
Well. here in Mejico it is.
Did you ever want
to marry Geno?
At one time l thought so.
But not at the end?
But you were still seeing him.
One time.
lt was the time he was shot.
And for me. it was going
to be the last time.
He told me he found a way to get
a lot of money and a divorce.
l don't know.
Geno didn't have a chance
to tell me before he was shot.
That last time...
did you...
did you sleep with Geno?
What do you want from me.
an act of contrition?
l'm a whore. ls that what
you want me to tell you?
- l'm a whore.
- No. Angela.
l was making love to a married man
when his wife shot him.
- Don't. don't.
- Geno wanted me. and l let him.
He wanted to make love to me.
l let him. l'm sorry.
Don't. Angela.
Don't do this.
- l'm so sorry.
- Don't...
do this. please.
A car.
l need a car.
Damn it!
Padnre. it was not a coincidence.
l was pnraying to tlge Madonna.
Slge sent me to you.
l got a feeling you'nre making
tlge same mistake Geno made.
and l'm not gonna
let tlgat lgappen.
l lgaven't bnroken my vows.
and l don't intend to stant now.
l love you.
l love you. Miclgael.
l love you.
''Padre. light a candle
for my Antonio.''
Hey. what do you say
to a villa in Acapulco. huh?
On the hill
below Las Brisas.
And a boat...a big one.
With a flying bridge
and twin diesels.
We'll fish all day
and make love all night.
Anything you want. Luis.
When we're finished.
l want you to go
to the hacienda and kill Michael.
lf you leave now.
you'll be back before dawn.
Angela. we got the money.
You're home.
lt's over.
Not for Michael.
When l don't show up. well.
he's gonna come looking for me.
and he's gonna
find out about us.
So you told a few lies
to a priest.
All he'll do is ask you to make
a good act of contrition.
This priest is a Pacchi.
l don't want to
take any chances.
l want him dead.
l don't like it.
You don't have to like it.
Just do it.
You were gonna kill Geno.
That was different.
Geno was a Mafioso.
This man is a priest.
Not after last night.
We are full up. Senor.
A man just left here with
a flowered shirt and a suitcase.
ls he a friend of yours?
No. not exactly.
but l think a friend of mine may
possibly be staying here with him.
Her name is Angela.
His wife?
Angela De Vega.
Ah. Luis.
lf you don't get started.
you'll never be back by morning.
Everything that happened...
l-l could not help it.
lt was not my fault.
lt was not my choice.
l did not want to lie to you.
l didn't want to hurt you.
lf you only knew.
l'm sorry.
l don't care about that.
l don't. l don't care about that.
l care about you.
Not what you've done.
Just you.
You're all that matters
to me. Angela.
l love you.
And l think you love me. too.
You love me?
Of course l love you. Michael.
How could l not?
l do love you.
l do.
Thank you. brother.