Last Samurai, The (2003) Movie Script

They say Japan was made
by a sword.
They say the old gods dipped
a coral blade into the ocean...
...and when they pulled it out,
four perfect drops fell back into the sea...
...and those drops became
the islands of Japan.
I say Japan was made
by a handful of brave men...
...warriors willing to give their lives...
...for what seems to have become
a forgotten word:
Ladies and gentlemen:
America's leader in all forms of armament
used by the United States Army...
...celebrates our nation's centennial
by bringing you a true American hero.
One of the most decorated warriors
this country has ever known.
Winner of the Medal of Honor...
...for his gallantry
on the hallowed ground of Gettysburg.
He is late of the 7th Cavalry...
...and their triumphant campaign against
the most savage of the lndian nations.
Ladies and gentlemen,
l present to you:
Captain Nathan Algren!
Captain Nathan Algren!
One moment,
ladies and gentlemen.
Goddamn you, Algren,
get out there!
This is your last performance!
You're fired! Now get out there!
Come on! l'm sick of this!
Come on!
My thanks, Mr. McCabe,
you are too kind.
This, ladies and gents... the gun that's winning the West.
Why, many's the time l've found myself...
...surrounded by a swarm of...
...angry hostiles...
...with nothing but this rifle...
...between me and a certain
and gruesome death.
And let me tell you, folks,
the red man... a fearsome enemy.
And if he'd had his way...
...why, this scalp of mine
would be long gone...
...and there'd be a balder man
standing before you today.
Like those poor bastards out there...
...on the Little Bighorn.
Bodies stripped bare...
Left to rot in the sun.
This, ladies and gentlemen,
the 73 lever-action...
lt's got a seven-shot capacity.
Accurate 400 yards, one round per second.
Son, have you ever seen
what this could do to a man?
This would blow a hole
in your daddy six inches wide.
That's right, missy.
This beauty.
You could kill yourself five, six, seven
braves without ever having to reload.
Note the patented loading port
and the smooth cocking action.
My thanks on behalf
of those who died... the name of better
mechanical amusements...
...and commercial opportunities.
Mr. McCabe here will take your orders.
God bless you all.
l must say, captain, you have a flair
for the old melodrama.
-You're alive.
-l am, indeed.
Your man Custer says to me,
''We're going to the Little Bighorn.''
Says l, ''What's this 'we' stuff?''
lt's the walking ticket for me.
Nine lives l have.
But l'll tell you what else l have.
l have a good job for the both of us.
God knows it looks
as if you'll need one real soon.
What kind of a job?
The only job you're fit for, boyo.
A man's job.
Unless, of course, you got your heart
set on a career in the theater.
Just listen to what
your man has to say.
Been a while.
lt's good to see you.
l'd like you to meet
Mr. Omura from Japan...
...and his associate, whose name
l've given up trying to pronounce.
Sit down, please.
Now, Japan's got it in mind
to become a civilized country.
And Mr. Omura here is willing
to spend what it takes... hire white experts
to train their army.
And if we play our cards right...
...the Emperor grants the U.S.
exclusive rights to supply arms.
Well, l have an agreement
with Winchester Company.
l'm certain Mr. Omura has some concept
of what an agreement is.
Your performances for the Winchester
Company bring you $25 a week.
We will pay you $400 a month.
Five. For each.
And another 500
when we get the job done.
How many other genuine heroes
you got lined up?
So who will we be training
your boys to fight?
His name is Katsumoto Moritsugu.
He was once the Emperor's teacher.
-He's Samurai.
The word you might use is ''warrior.''
Mr. Omura is familiar with our experiences
dealing with renegades.
ls he?
He's even read your book.
Captain Algren's study of the tribes...
...was a crucial factor
in our defeat of the Cheyenne.
Please excuse. What is funny?
The corps back together again.
lt's just so...
Excuse me.
l need to use the necessities.
This isn't a problem.
l'll just talk to him for a minute.
Colonel Bagley.
We contacted you because you are
Captain Algren's superior officer...
...and you assured us
of his participation.
He'll do it.
l just need a minute.
l did what l was ordered
to do out there.
And l have no remorse.
So, what do you say we
put the past behind us?
-You want me to kill Jappos, l'll kill them.
-l'm not asking you to kill anybody.
You want me to kill the enemies of Jappos,
l'll kill their enemies.
Rebs or Sioux or Cheyenne....
For 500 bucks a month,
l'll kill whoever you want.
But keep one thing in mind...
...l'd happily kill you for free.
July 1 2th, 1 87 6.
There is some comfort
in the emptiness of the sea.
No past, no future.
And then at once, I am confronted
by the hard truth of present circumstances.
I have been hired to help suppress
the rebellion of yet another tribal leader.
Apparently, this is the only job
for which I am suited.
I am beset by the ironies of my life.
-Captain Algren, l presume?
Jolly good. How do you do?
Simon Graham.
Twenty years ago,
this was a sleepy little town.
Now look at it.
You see, the Emperor is mad
for all things Western...
...and the Samurai believe
it's changing too fast.
The ancient and the modern
are at war for the soul of Japan.
So your new employer, Mr. Omura,
is bringing in...
...every Western expert he can get.
Lawyers from France, engineers from
Germany, architects from Holland...
...and now, of course,
warriors from America.
l came over with the British
trade mission, oh, years ago.
l was soon relieved of my position.
l had an unfortunate tendency
to tell the truth... a country where no one ever
says what they mean.
So now, l very accurately translate
other people's lies.
For 2000 years, no emperor
was even seen by a commoner.
You have to realize what an honor this is.
lt's all highly ritualized, of course.
You may look at him,
but do not speak unless spoken to.
lf he stands, you must bow.
lf he bows, you must bow lower.
Do l look presentable?
l haven't worn this in a decade.
Rather snug around the midriff.
And bow.
The divine Emperor Meiji
bids you welcome.
He is grateful for the assistance
your country offers.
We hope to accomplish the same national
harmony you enjoy in your homeland.
The Emperor is most interested
in your American lndians...
...if you have fought
against them in battle.
We have, Your Highness.
The red man is a brutal adversary.
The Emperor wishes
to ask Captain Algren...
...if it is true they wear eagle feathers...
...and paint their faces
before going into battle...
...and that they have no fear.
They are very brave.
Thank you very much.
And step back.
Step back, step back and turn.
Right, you little bastards!
You will stand up straight
or l will personally shit-kick...
...every Far Eastern buttock
that appears before my eyes!
Well done, sergeant.
When you understand the language,
everything falls into place.
The first rank will kneel,
rifles at the ready.
The second rank....
July 22nd, 1 87 6.
For six months' work, I am to receive
three years of captain's pay...
...teaching Orientals to soldier.
They are an army of conscripts.
Most of them are peasants
who have never even seen a gun.
They are led by General Hasegawa,
a man of small stature...
...who nonetheless commands
enormous respect.
What can the general tell me about
this man, this Samurai, Katsumoto?
He seems to have great knowledge
of Katsumoto and his rebellion.
I will count on his help
when facing the Samurai.
Who supplies their weapons?
Katsumoto no longer dishonors himself
by using firearms, you see.
He uses no firearms?
To those who honor the old ways,
Katsumoto is a hero.
How well does he know him?
The general and Katsumoto
fought together for the Emperor.
He fought with the Samurai?
He is Samurai.
You must understand. Katsumoto pledged
his sword to defend the Emperor.
They say that a Samurai's sword
is his soul.
Samurai are paradoxical. l've tried to write
about them, but they keep to themselves.
The bastards are still wearing armor.
When the lrish were comporting
themselves in loincloths...
...these chaps were the most
sophisticated warriors on Earth.
l need information
on their battle tactics.
l have several more books
just waiting to be translated.
He'll be speaking the lingo in no time.
You should hear him blather on in Blackfoot.
A fellow linguist? Oh, capital!
Come on, sir.
A word or two in the savage tongue.
Just ''hello'' or ''goodbye'' or--
No, no, no!
''Cut his tongue out
and boil him in oil.''
Early day tomorrow, captain.
-lt's about bedtime, isn't it?
-l always had a fascination with scalping.
l never quite understood
its technique.
lmagine someone who hates you
with the utmost intensity...
...grabbing a handful of your hair
while you're lying prostrate and helpless...
...and scraping a dull blade
of a rusty knife around your scalp...
...with a saw-like motion.
And let your imagination grasp, if you can,
the effect of a strong, quick jerk...
...on the turf of your hair
to release any clinging particles...
...would have on your nervous system.
And you'll have some idea
of how it feels to be scalped...
...Mr. Graham.
How soon can you
translate those books?
Right away.
l'm just delighted you're taking
such an interest in Samurai.
l don't give a damn about the Samurai.
l want to know my enemy.
l shall not sleep until it is done.
l bid you good night.
Can l get you anything?
This is a punitive expedition, captain.
Col. Bagley, these people had
nothing to do with the raids!
-Good night, sir.
-Quietly now, boys.
We should be grateful they're all firing
in the same direction.
Couldn't have put it better myself, sir.
Rifle butt, against the shoulder.
Eye, down the sight.
Now, slowly....
Well done.
Katsumoto's attacked a railroad
at the border of his province.
We cannot govern a country
in which we cannot travel freely.
He must be stopped now.
My railroad is a priority
for this country.
They're not ready.
The rebels don't have any rifles.
They're savages with bows and arrows.
Whose sole occupation for the last
thousand years has been war.
You have superior firepower
and a larger force.
l am ordering the regiment
to move against Katsumoto.
You will track him down
and engage him.
Mr. Graham!
Tell this man to fire at me!
-l beg your pardon?
-Tell this man...
...if he does not shoot me,
l will kill him!
-Captain, if l might have a word.
-Tell him!
Tell him!
Shoot me, damn it.
They're not ready.
The regiment leaves at 6 a.m.!
A thousand miles of rail track laid
in less than two years.
lt's astonishing.
And Omura owns all of it?
As soon as he can get rid
of the Samurai, he will, yes.
How do you intend
to find Katsumoto?
Don't worry, Mr. Graham.
l assure you, he'll find us.
Move into position!
form a battle line on me!
Pay attention,
it will save your life!
form on 1 st Company.
form up behind.
Fill in on command!
-Where's Hasegawa?
-He refuses to fight against Katsumoto.
-Cover down!
-Captain Algren.
We are not here as combatants.
-Then who's gonna lead them?
-Their own officers.
-Let's move to the rear.
-We'll be there presently.
Fix bayonets!
-Mr. Graham, accompany me to the rear.
-Yes, of course.
Sergeant Gant, report to the rear and see
to the disposition of the supply trains.
-Did you hear my order?
-l did indeed, sir!
Then you will obey it. Now!
No disrespect intended, sir,
but shove it up your ass.
Samurai come.
You'll be fine, son.
-Assume firing positions!
-Assume firing positions!
Fire on my order only!
Hold your fire!
Hold your fire!
Hold the line!
Fire at will!
Lieutenant, fall back!
What is your name?
This is my son's village.
We are deep in the mountains
and winter is coming. You cannot escape.
Jolly good.
l told you!
Go. You, go.
What's your name?
You got a name, don't you?
You don't know what l'm saying, do you?
l know why you don't talk.
You're angry.
You're angry because
they make you wear a dress.
Son of a bitch.
This temple was built by my family
a thousand years ago.
My name is Katsumoto.
What is your name?
Are my words not correct?
l will practice my English with you...
...if you would honor me.
You kept me alive just to speak English?
Then what do you want?
To know my enemy.
l've seen what you do to your enemies.
Warriors in your country do not kill?
They don't cut the heads off defeated,
kneeling men.
General Hasegawa asked me
to help him end his life.
A Samurai cannot stand
the shame of defeat.
l was honored to cut off his head.
Many of our customs seem strange to you.
The same is true of yours.
For example...
...not to introduce yourself is considered
extremely rude, even among enemies.
Nathan Algren.
l am honored to meet you.
-l have enjoyed this conversation in English.
-l have questions.
l have introduced myself.
You have introduced yourself.
This is a very good conversation.
-l have questions.
-They come later.
Who was the warrior in the red armor?
-My brother-in-law, Hirotaro.
-And the woman who cares for me?
My sister, Hirotaro's wife.
Her name is Taka.
l killed her husband?
lt was a good death.
Thank you.
Nicely done.
You try.
l just realized, l've been remiss.
Forgive me.
l have yet to thank you
for looking out for me yesterday.
That is your job, correct?
Protecting me?
Well done, Bob.
You don't mind if l call you ''Bob,'' do you?
l knew a Bob once.
God, he was ugly as a mule.
You a ladies' man, Bob?
Ujio is teaching you the way
of the Japanese sword.
Yes, indeed.
You fought against your Red lndians?
Tell me of your part in this war.
-l wish to learn.
-Read a book.
-l would rather have a good conversation.
...we are both students of war.
So... were the general of your army?
l was a captain.
This is a low rank?
A middle rank.
And who was your general?
Don't you have a rebellion to lead?
People in your country
do not like conversation?
He was a lieutenant colonel.
His name was Custer.
l know this name.
He killed many warriors.
Oh, yes. Many warriors.
So he was a good general.
No. No, he wasn't a good general.
He was arrogant and foolhardy.
He got massacred because he took a single
battalion against 2000 angry lndians.
Two thousand lndians?
How many men for Custer?
Two hundred and eleven.
l like this General Custer.
He was a murderer who fell in love
with his own legend.
And his troopers died for it.
l think this is a very good death.
Maybe you can have one
like it someday.
lf it is in my destiny.
-What do you want from me?
-What do you want for yourself?
What are you doing?
Why are we having these conversations?
What the hell am l doing here?
ln spring...
...the snows will melt
and the passes will open.
Until that time, you are here.
Good day, captain.
Day unknown. Month unknown.
I continue to live among
these unusual people.
I am their captive,
in that I cannot escape.
Mostly, I'm treated with
a kind of a mild neglect... if I were a stray dog
or an unwelcome guest.
Everyone is polite.
Everyone smiles and bows.
But beneath their courtesy,
I detect a deep reservoir of feeling.
They are an intriguing people.
From the moment they wake...
...they devote themselves to
the perfection of whatever they pursue.
I have never seen such discipline.
I am surprised to learn that the word
''Samurai'' means ''to serve''...
...and that Katsumoto believes his rebellion
to be in the service of the Emperor.
Please forgive. Too many mind.
Too many mind?
Mind sword, mind people watch,
mind enemy.
Too many mind.
No mind.
No mind.
Not so fast. What are these?
No, no. Not so fast.
l'm Algren.
She's been very kind to me.
She's honored to have
my guest in her house.
Winter, 1 87 7.
What does it mean to be Samurai?
To devote yourself utterly
to a set of moral principles... seek a stillness of your mind...
...and to master the way of the sword.
Also. Also cold.
To burn.
l'm sorry.
For your husband, Hirotaro.
Spring, 1 87 7.
This marks the longest I have stayed
in one place since I left the farm at 1 7.
There is so much here
that I'll never understand.
I have never been a church-going man...
...and what I've seen on the field of battle
has led me to question God's purpose.
But there is, indeed, something...
...spiritual in this place.
And though it may forever
be obscure to me...
...I cannot but be aware of its power.
I do know it is here that I have known
my first untroubled sleep in many years.
No, you gotta get the ball!
Go and get it.
No, not me!
You gotta get the ball! The ball!
No mind.
The perfect blossom is a rare thing.
You could spend your life looking for one,
and it would not be a wasted life.
Who sent those men to kill you?
l'm writing a poem about a dream l had.
The tiger's eyes are like my own
But he comes from across
A deep and troubled sea
Was it the Emperor?
lf the Emperor wishes my death,
he has but to ask.
So it was Omura.
l'm having trouble finishing the poem.
-Can you suggest a last line?
-l'm not a writer.
Yet you have written many pages
since you came here.
What else has she told you?
You have nightmares.
Every soldier has nightmares.
Only one who is ashamed
of what he has done.
You have no idea what l have done.
You have seen many things.
l have.
And you do not fear death,
but sometimes you wish for it.
ls this not so?
-l, also.
lt happens to men who have seen
what we have seen.
And then l come to this place
of my ancestors...
...and l remember.
Like these blossoms...
...we are all dying.
To know life in every breath...
...every cup of tea...
...every life we take.
The way of the warrior.
Life in every breath.
That is Bushido.
The Emperor has granted
a safe passage to Tokyo.
We leave tomorrow.
When l took these, you were... enemy.
Algren-san! Algren-san.
Algren, my God, you are alive.
Well, you never cease to astonish.
-Yes, indeed.
As soon as the Emperor signs
the trade agreement...
...he gets the whole package.
lncluding this particular item.
Two hundred rounds a minute.
And the new cartridges
cut down on jamming.
l need a bath.
After living with those savages,
l can only imagine.
Welcome back, captain.
Gentlemen, come in.
Captain Algren, it seems you have
endured your captivity with little ill effect.
l was not ill-treated, sir.
Mr. Omura, l have here
a draft of the arms agreement.
l'm eager to know how many Samurai
have joined Katsumoto.
l'm afraid l don't know.
-You spent the winter at his encampment.
-As his prisoner.
Has he fortified his position?
Acquired firearms? Tell us what you saw.
As you said, colonel,
they're savages with bows and arrows.
-Sir, about the--
-l'm sure your documents are in order.
Thank you. Leave them on my desk.
l'll address them at the appropriate time.
With all due respect, sir,
our president's patience is wearing thin.
Perhaps there is someone else
we should speak to.
With all due respect, ambassador...
...perhaps there is someone else
we should speak to.
For instance, the French
or the English.
Or any of the legations
waiting in the next room.
We should be looking forward
to hearing from you.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Captain Algren.
Perhaps you and l might have
a word in private. Please, sit down.
-May l offer you whiskey?
-No, thank you.
Katsumoto is an extraordinary man,
is he not?
He's a tribal leader.
l've known many of them.
But none who are Samurai.
Their ways have great appeal.
-l don't see how this concerns me.
-But it does.
You see, you were right. Last year,
we were not prepared to go to battle.
You were right,
and Colonel Bagley was wrong.
But now, we are ready.
lf Katsumoto is allowed to attract
other Samurai to his cause...
...we will have 1 0 years of rebellion.
This is something l will not allow.
Either l'll stop him at the council today,
or you'll lead my army against him.
And with these new weapons,
you will crush him.
-l appreciate the offer.
-lt is not an offer.
Mr. Omura, my contract with you
was to train your army.
Then we will make a new contract... that will recognize the extraordinary
contribution you've made to the Emperor.
Do we understand each other?
-Yes, we understand each other perfectly.
-Then l am pleased.
Captain Algren!
What in heaven's name is going on?
The diplomatic community is abuzz.
Omura has passed laws
against the Samurai.
l need a drink.
ls your friend Katsumoto really planning
to go up against the council this afternoon?
My God, it's started.
Captain Algren!
Jolly good.
l heard you were leaving.
Omura offers you my job,
and you run away.
l suppose l should thank you.
$500 a month, including
back pay for time spent... captivity.
Enough to climb back inside a bottle
for the rest of your life.
You're welcome.
Well, it is pretty much over.
Katsumoto's under arrest.
Omura won't let him last the night.
With him dead, we should have
little trouble handling the rebellion...
...even without you.
Especially without you.
Just tell me one thing.
What is it about your own people
that you hate so much?
Don't stop.
Whatever you do, don't stop.
-President of the United States?
l think l'm going to be sick.
How's your poem coming?
The end is proving difficult.
This is Mr. Simon Graham. He'd like
very much to take your photograph.
l thought you returned to America.
l decided to stay.
See if l could convince you to escape.
How do you plan to do that?
Mr. Graham, perhaps you would care
to take pictures of my village.
l would be greatly honored.
The Emperor could not hear my words.
His army will come.
lt is the end.
For 900 years, my ancestors
have protected our people.
...l have failed them.
So you will take your own life... shame?
Shame for a life of service?
Discipline? Compassion?
The way of the Samurai
is not necessary anymore.
What could be more necessary?
l will die by the sword.
My own...
...or my enemy's.
Then let it be your enemy's.
Together, we will make
the Emperor hear you.
l'd say two full regiments.
They'll come in waves of a thousand.
And they have the howitzers.
lt makes no difference. They will come,
and we will make our stand.
-How many men will we have?
-Maybe 500.
Like General Custer, huh?
There was once a battle
at a place called Thermopylae.
Three hundred brave Greeks held off
a Persian army of a million men.
A million. You understand this number?
l understand this number.
For two days the Greeks
made them pay so dearly...
...the Persian army lost all taste
for battle and were defeated soon after.
-What do you have in mind?
-Take away the advantage of their guns.
They're overconfident. We'll use that.
Lure them close.
Close enough for a sword.
You believe...
...a man can change his destiny?
l think a man does what he can...
...until his destiny is revealed to him.
May 25th, 1 87 7.
This will be the last entry
in this journal.
I've tried to give a true accounting
of what I have seen, what I have done.
I do not presume to understand
the course of my life.
I know I am grateful
to have partaken of all this...
...even if for a moment.
You will need this.
What does it say?
''l belong to the warrior in whom
the old ways have joined the new.''
Good God.
Sir, the lmperial Army of Japan
demands your surrender.
lf you lay down your arms,
you will not be harmed.
This is not possible,
as Mr. Omura knows.
Captain Algren.
We will show you no quarter.
You ride against us,
and you are the same as them.
l'll look for you on the field.
Captain Algren.
Mr. Graham.
Perhaps you can use these
for your book.
Yes, l will. Captain.
Mr. Graham.
Commence firing!
-They're covering their retreat.
-You see?
Even the mighty Samurai
cannot stand up to the howitzers.
-Signal the attack.
-l advise sending in skirmishers first.
Nonsense! Full attack!
They're coming.
Wait for the volley.
Second volley.
-What on earth?
-What is happening?
-The attack has been stopped.
-Send in the rest of the regiment.
What happened to the warriors
at Thermopylae?
Dead to the last man.
Son of a bitch thinks he can win.
They'll bring two more regiments
up here soon.
We won't be able to stop them again.
You do not have to die here.
l should have died
so many times before.
Now, you live again.
lt was not your time.
lt's not over.
What is this?
-This is madness. He's going to attack?
He's defeated!
He must accept his shame!
Kill him. All of them.
My horse!
Fire at will!
You have your honor again.
Let me die with mine.
Help me up.
Are you ready?
l will miss our conversations.
They are all...
On behalf of the United States of America...
...the signing of this treaty will usher in
an era of unprecedented prosperity...
...and cooperation between
our two great nations.
On behalf of the Emperor...
...we are pleased to have
successfully concluded this...
This is Katsumoto's sword.
He would have wanted you to have it...
...that the strength of the Samurai
be with you always.
He hoped...
...with his last breath...
...that you would remember the ancestors
who held this sword...
...and what they died for.
You were with him... the end?
Emperor, this man fought against you!
Your Highness...
...if you believe me to be your enemy,
command me...
...and l will gladly take my life.
l have dreamed of a unified Japan...
...of a country strong
and independent and modern.
And now we have railroads
and cannon, Western clothing.
...we cannot forget who we are...
...or where we come from.
Ambassador Swanbeck...
...l have concluded that your treaty... not in the best interest of my people.
-Sir, if l may--
-So sorry...
...but you may not.
This is an outrage!
Tell me how he died.
l will tell you how he lived.
And so the days
of the Samurai had ended.
Nations, like men, it is sometimes said,
have their own destiny.
As for the American captain... one knows what became of him.
Some say that he died of his wounds...
...others, that he returned
to his own country.
But I like to think...
...he may have at last found
some small measure of peace...
...that we all seek...
...and few of us ever find.