Last Sentinel (2023) Movie Script

(gentle music)
- [Cassidy] Darkness and light.
Evil and good.
War and peace.
Them and us.
Everyone knows that one could
not exist without the other.
And between the two,
there is a balance.
Some say that before
the lands disappeared,
birds were able to migrate
between the continents.
They used a wind called uplift.
You don't have to flap
your wings to stay up,
but you also don't fall.
You stay in the middle
effortlessly resting in the air.
But there are no
uplift winds anymore
(anxious music)
because we ruined the balance.
(waves thundering)
(thunder rumbling)
The dinghy.
- Here.
- Hold on.
Got it.
Baines, up top.
(waves crashing)
- [Sullivan] Woo, look at 'em.
(Sullivan laughing)
(wind whistling)
(rain splattering)
(thunder rumbling)
(walls rumbling)
(chains clattering)
(winch whirring)
(wave rumbling)
(rain splattering)
- Status, Baines?
- [Baines] On winch.
- It's a nine.
20 minutes to impact.
Secure the genny.
(rain splattering)
- Finishing on platform.
- Did he say nine?
- Hook it.
Come on, Sully.
Hook it.
(wave crashing)
The net, the net.
(tense music)
God damn it, Sully.
- I got it.
Get on the winch.
(items clattering)
(tense music)
(winch clicking)
(pipes rattling)
(water splattering)
(Baines sighing)
- [Hendrichs] Five
minutes to impact.
Secure the doors.
- [Cassidy] Come
on, Sully, leave it.
(Sullivan groaning)
(waves crashing)
(tense music)
- Fuck.
(Baines groaning)
- [Cassidy] Sullivan, lets go.
(tense music)
(Baines groaning)
(rain splattering)
(Sullivan grunting)
(winch whirring)
(winch thudding)
(Sullivan groaning)
(Baines groaning)
(tense music)
(Baines coughing)
(wave crashing)
(items rattling)
(tense music)
(water booming)
(winch clicking)
- We're fucked.
(waves gently lapping)
(generator churning)
(generator chugging)
(fist thumping)
(metre crackling)
(lever creaking)
(door creaking)
(door thudding)
(tap creaking)
(hand thudding)
(hand thudding)
- Thieving bastard.
- [Hendrichs] It took two hours
five from horizon to impact.
- Doesn't leave much
time to scavenge.
If it gets any faster then-
- If it gets faster,
we get faster.
- How about the fact that
the storm was two days early?
Any earlier and the relief
boat won't have time
to get out and back.
- Assuming they see
fit to send one.
- We use the outboard.
- We can't spare the diesel.
Unless we cut our genny usage.
Also, radiation levels are up
so I suggest weekly
iodine baths from today.
- We're on our last barrel.
If we go weekly, we'll be
out of iodine in a month.
(plate clattering)
What's that?
Where's the fish?
- We lost the catch.
- It was right there
on the platform.
- Yeah, and then it wasn't.
- You mean we have to
eat this crap all month?
- The good news is the storm
cycle is getting shorter.
- What happened, Sullivan?
- I take full responsibility.
- And that makes it better how?
- Calm down, Baines.
- We get one chance
to get fresh food,
real fucking food once a month,
all he has to do
is pull up a net.
The storm pushes the
fish into the net.
There's no fishing required.
I mean is it too much to ask?
- You fucked my kitchen.
All right?
So how about you do your
job before giving it all-
- Do my job?
Without my job you'd
have no running water.
I make the fucking water.
Thank you, Baines.
- You make the water.
- Oh, what is it you do again?
- Calm down, Baines.
- I do my job, don't I?
I row that deathtrap
into a force nine
to scavenge what I can to keep
this shitcan from collapsing.
- Enough.
I'm still waiting on
that damage report.
- Ah, let me see.
The desalinator?
That's just blew.
The genny is a crock.
Erm, everything
is rusted to shit.
In other words, we're fucked.
Do you want it in French?
I don't know it in Spanish.
- I have every confidence
you can fix it all, Baines.
- Ah, okay, I'll
put it this way.
In case you haven't noticed,
we're leaning at a
3.4 degree incline.
And a massive chunk of
the level one walkway
is completely missing.
How do you suggest I fix that?
- Tape it off.
- Tape it off.
A warning ribbon, yes.
Why didn't I think of that.
- You have a better idea?
- Yeah.
We get the fuck out of here.
When are we going to ask the
Hub when the relief is coming?
- The satellite-
- Is for reporting events only.
Yes, we get that.
- They will inform us
when they're ready.
We all volunteered to be here.
- [Baines] For two years.
Our shift was over
three months ago.
(worrisome music)
- [Computer]
Establishing connection.
(wind funnel flapping)
(computer beeping)
Connection fully established.
(radio static)
(morse code beeping)
(lever tapping)
(worrisome music)
(door clicking)
(door thudding)
- So now, we're not even
allowed to mention it?
Thanks for sticking
by me in the canteen.
- Did I have a choice?
- Oh, I fixed your mug.
- Thanks.
(door creaking)
(door thudding)
(barrel rattling)
(children's music)
(door creaking)
- What are they like, Sarge?
I mean, you've been
behind their lines, right?
Before the great fuck up.
- What's this?
- Oh that?
That's Peter.
- Well, I don't like Peter.
So whoever put him
up can take him down.
- Have a heart, Sarge,
he was lost at sea.
- It's a military outpost
not a damn circus.
- Yeah, once you
get to know him-
- Down.
- He'll be on your conscience.
If he has a conscience.
Yo, Sarge.
Right there.
(anxious music)
You see it?
- Comms, check radar.
Baines, to the roof.
(radio squelching)
Cassidy, do you read?
- I have it.
Solid contact.
Small, slow and steady.
1.9 Ks.
- Yo, it's the boat.
It's the relief.
- Man the gun, Sullivan.
(radio squelching)
- The gun?
Sarge, that's the relief.
- We don't know that.
The gun.
Baines, where are you?
(alarm blaring)
And on that farm
he had a dog
- Sentinel calling vessel.
Identify yourself.
(alarm blaring)
(shell clattering)
(alarm blaring)
Sentinel to vessel.
Identify yourself.
- What's going on?
- It's our boat.
- [Baines] Fuck, finally.
So what are we doing?
- His stupid protocol.
(shell clanging)
- Contact.
Radar bearing East
86, 1,800 metres.
East 85.
No engine reading.
Still steady and slow.
1650 and closing.
Sentinel calling.
(tense music)
Sentinel to vessel,
identify yourself.
Sentinel to vessel.
(tense music)
- Sullivan, get the dinghy.
Go see.
Use the outboard.
- Alone?
(tense music)
(engine revving)
- If I say the word,
don't you hesitate.
He'll be as good as ready.
(tense music)
(engine revving)
(waves lapping)
(eerie music)
- Hello.
(uneasy music)
(gun clicking)
(radio squelching)
On deck.
No sign of life.
(radio squelching)
(radio static)
(switch clicking)
(waves lapping)
(uneasy music)
(tense music)
- Sullivan, what's the score?
Sullivan, report.
(radio squelching)
(door creaking)
- Ahoy.
(uneasy music)
(Peter flapping)
- Sullivan, status, come in?
(radio squelching)
(uneasy music)
(door clicking)
(tense music)
(uneasy music)
(buttons clicking)
(key jingling)
- Isn't that a bit premature?
- Sullivan's not responding.
- Sarge.
- Key.
(key jingling)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(key clicking)
(computer beeping)
(tense music)
- Oh brother.
(tense music)
(door creaking)
(canister rattling)
(uneasy music)
(computer beeping)
(bomb whirring)
(buttons beeping)
- Stand easy, Corporal.
(computer beeping)
(bomb whirring)
(radio squelching)
(tense music)
Sullivan, imperative
you respond.
(radio squelching)
(wrapper crackling)
Sullivan, we've gone live.
Repeat, we've gone live.
- No one here.
All clear.
(radio squelching)
(Hendrichs sighing)
- Tow her back.
(radio squelching)
(boat creaking)
(engine revving)
(buttons beeping)
(bomb whirring)
(keys clicking)
(keys jingling)
- Sarge.
My key.
- Upon sighting unknown craft,
the device will be armed.
The protocol is
explicit, Corporal.
Hesitation not permissible.
(uneasy music)
- What the hell's he
thinking, waking Martha?
- What do you expect?
You stopped answering.
- Fucking lunatic.
(fan thudding)
(gentle music)
(door clicking)
(gentle music)
(items clattering)
- [Baines] That
engine's dead, kaput.
- Okay.
What about four kitbags,
two years' supplies
and five barrels of
iodine, it's the relief.
- Well I'm telling you,
that engine hasn't
worked in months.
- What does that mean, huh?
It's just been drifting?
Is that even possible?
And what about the crew?
- Maybe it broke moorings
before they boarded.
- [Sullivan] I guess we'll
find out when we report it.
- There'll be no report
without more information.
(water splattering)
- What kind of information?
- More.
- More?
(chuckles) We know nothing.
Multiply that by 10
and it's still nothing.
Other than blowing
ourselves to kingdom come,
our sole purpose is to
report events, right?
An empty boat turns up
that's meant to be our relief
is that not a fucking event?
And if that's not
a fucking event-
- I'll let you know if there's
a fucking event, Sullivan.
After I've inspected the
vessel and made my assessment.
(keys jingling)
Baines, the boat.
See if you can get some
lights working on her.
- What's he doing
with both keys?
How did that happen?
(uneasy music)
(tense music)
(book cover thudding)
(poster ripping)
You planning a trip?
(computer beeping)
- Establishing connection.
- Going to take that down?
- Yeah, wouldn't
want to miss that.
(computer beeping)
- [Computer] Connection
fully established.
(morse code beeping)
(lever tapping)
Would not wanna miss that.
(uneasy music)
(computer beeping)
- [Computer]
Dropping connection.
(uneasy music)
(metronome ticking)
(tense music)
(metronome ticking)
(tense music)
- [Cassidy] What is it?
- [Sullivan] Beats me.
- Well.
Thanks for the mystery.
(door creaking)
- You ever think about
the world down there?
- [Cassidy] What about it?
- How it was.
People, cities, life.
Before the world was fucked up.
- [Cassidy] It's gone.
Why lose sleep over it?
- [Sullivan] I don't
know, to learn or-
- Learn what?
It's been one fuck
up after another.
One side fucked the climate,
the other side fucked the sea.
When there was nothing
left to fuck up,
we fucked each
other up by fighting
over the nothing that was left.
And then, we inherit this shit.
And what we do?
Keep on fucking up.
- There you go, you
learn something.
- [Cassidy] The only
way to unfuck the world
is to wipe out the humans.
(door creaking)
The watch?
- When we get back, you ever
think about what you'll do?
I was thinking that
when we do get home-
- Sully, (chuckles) come on.
We don't even know when
we're actually going.
You know?
(uneasy music)
- I did it.
I sent a message.
We'll find out tomorrow.
(Peter flapping)
(uneasy music)
(tense music)
(Peter flapping)
- You angling to send a message?
(computer beeping)
- [Computer]
Establishing connection.
- You did it
already, didn't you?
You did.
- [Hendrichs] Why is
it still up there?
What is this?
A convention?
You taken root, Baines?
- Sullivan sent an
inquiry about the relief.
- Really?
- He would've found out
when the answer comes.
- I told you I wanted
more information first.
- This is the only
information that counts.
(computer beeping)
- [Computer] Connection
fully established.
(morse code beeping)
- That can't be all.
Hold on.
- You sure you sent it?
- Yeah, I'm sure, I'm
not a fucking idiot.
(worrisome music)
- Get to your posts.
I'll deal with you all later.
(morse code beeping)
- Vessel arrived.
Relief missing.
Why are they telling us?
Advise action.
(worrisome music)
Isn't that what you asked them?
- That's exactly
what I asked them.
That's my signal.
(computer beeping)
- [Computer]
Dropping connection.
- [Sullivan] How
is that possible?
- No one downloads it,
so it comes back round.
But why would no
one download it?
- [Computer] Connection dropped.
(uneasy music)
- It could be months, years
since we lost contact.
I mean what genius came
up with this system?
- It must be a faulty
receiver at base.
Maybe it went down yesterday
and tomorrow they'll fix it.
- How do we know
there's been no attack?
- You do know why this
place was built here?
Right here?
- Yeah.
Because back then it was the
only place anyone could cross
in time between the storms.
But that shit was 40 years ago.
I mean, you do realise
that everything's changed?
Tides, currents, jet streams.
That boat just
survived three months.
If the boat can make
it, maybe the enemy can.
And who's to say they haven't?
- Because they haven't.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sure they're fine.
(door creaking)
You're right, it
went down yesterday
and tomorrow they'll fix it.
(uneasy music)
(waves lapping)
(anxious music)
(hatch creaking)
(hatch thudding)
(door creaking)
Yo, Baines?
- [Radio Narrator] Out jumped
a strange grinning creature
with a concertina body
and round bald head.
Tin soldier.
The tin soldier
pretended not to hear
but he blushed as
red as his uniform
Staring at our princess. Just
you wait till tomorrow. Haaaaa
And the jack disappeared
back into his box
with a squawking laugh.
The next morning, the little
boy set out his soldiers....
(uneasy music)
(door thudding)
(door creaking)
(door thudding)
(tense music)
- Where've you been?
- Taking a walk.
- With your tools?
- Well if I had a
dog, I'd walk the dog.
(tool bag thudding)
- [Sullivan] Any plans
to fix the galley sink?
- Then I wouldn't get to
watch you carrying buckets.
- Fuck you.
With bows on.
- [Baines] Sullivan.
- [Sullivan] Okay, but what
does your Elizabeth say?
- The same.
She never believed
in all that stuff.
About an enemy waiting to cross.
It doesn't make much sense
when you think about it.
I mean we haven't
seen them in 40 years.
They're probably all gone.
- Well why would
they send us here
if there's no one out there?
- It's the threat, Liz
says they use the threat
of danger to keep us in line.
- They used to be there.
- Yeah, they did.
She says we wiped
them out years ago.
Or the sea done it for us.
- She says a lot your old lady.
- (chuckles) Yeah.
She's pretty smart.
- What if they
think we detonated?
- They don't.
- No, if the satellite is bust
and they aint
getting our messages-
- Martha is 20 megatons.
The tsunami she kicks up
would hit both continents.
More than hit.
- Wait, wait.
Martha's tiny compared
to the first two-
- It doesn't need to be big.
The earth's a
different place now.
The axis has shifted,
the sea's risen.
It wouldn't take much.
- So it could
actually destroy us
and horses, and dogs-
- And cats.
- Cats.
And swallows?
- Sully.
- I mean,
sweet swooping swallows.
- Listen.
- Man they don't deserve that.
I mean haven't we screwed
up enough already?
- Sully.
- And he got both keys.
- Can we just stop
talking about this now.
- To the last
device in the world.
- Sully, listen to me.
Listen to me.
What if, hypothetically,
that boat could work?
- (gasps) Jesus, Sully.
- Ever heard of Mornington?
- Who?
- No, no, a place.
They've still got
electrics, running water,
even a sewage plant.
- Mornington.
- Yeah.
- Great.
Let's talk about
it in the morning.
I need sleep.
- What if I told you
that the boat worked?
I mean, the boat
could still work.
- Baines is fixing it?
- Well, if he asks, I
ain't tell you shit.
- Has he done it or not?
- I mean, it's a
work in progress.
We have to leave within
the next three days.
That'll give us 14
days to get home
before the next storm hits.
So all we need to do
is convince Hendrichs.
I mean we're going home, Cass.
- Hendrichs will
never go for this.
- Hendrichs can come
or stay, his call.
But we are going.
I mean, a couple
of weeks from now
we'll be sat in that
great stinking port,
eating goat steak.
I mean, what do you say to that?
(waves lapping)
- On my signal, not
before, not after.
Or you'll have my
hand off, okay?
You ready?
(engine splatting)
(engine rumbling)
(Sullivan cheering)
- You just leave
the talking to me.
(Sullivan laughing)
- Excellent work.
- Well, what can we say.
- Now, break it up.
I want everything
stripped by sundown.
Electrics, engine, nuts
and bolts, decking.
Everything that's not hull.
Start with the engine.
- No fucking way.
- Look, it's a
working boat, Sarge.
- We need the parts.
- Sarge, that fuel
injector is held together
by quarter mil copper wire,
if it's moved one inch-
- The engine is not the point.
We only have one chance.
If we leave by tomorrow,
we beat the storm.
If not, then we lose
the boat for good.
- That's why we're
dismantling her.
- I vote we go.
- You don't get
to vote, Sullivan.
- Baines?
(tense music)
We're not dying for you.
Not like the others.
- New orders.
Cassidy, Comms.
Sullivan, winch.
Baines, stow the salvage.
- Or what?
(anxious music)
- Fuck.
- You have the amazing ability
of saying the wrong
thing at the wrong time.
What do you expect?
- Fuck him, we'll
take it anyway.
- [Hendrichs] Sullivan,
where are you?
Man the winch.
- That's our boat and
we're not losing it.
Not to that power-crazy-
- It's not about power.
- He took both keys.
- [Hendrichs] What's
taking so long?
- I'll deal with it.
(tense music)
(door thudding)
- Did you know?
- Hypothetically.
- Your duty is to
inform me of mutiny.
- Come on, Sarge,
it's not a mutiny.
They need to understand
their orders.
Can you honestly say you stopped
them for the right reason?
- Our job is to protect the
device, not run like rats.
Right reason enough for you?
Make yourself useful.
Clear out the wheelhouse.
- I'm sorry you lost
your squad, Sergeant.
- What's that got
to do with anything?
- Those other men
aren't ever coming back.
Don't lose two more.
- [Sullivan] We're
not killing anyone.
- Did I say kill?
We jump.
We jump him.
We need to leave
here by tomorrow.
So unless you have something
better to do, like talk
or vote, he could just
walk in here and shoot us.
- Would you be able
to disable Martha?
- (chuckles) Jesus,
he's not going to-
- There's no telling what
crazy shit he might do.
- I don't know.
It would take...
What are we even talking about?
Are you listening to me?
We need to be out
of here tomorrow.
If we don't leave
by tomorrow he...
- Drinking on duty, Baines?
- No, it's not even open.
- In that case, at
least you could share.
Get some glasses.
Corporal Cassidy
deems it imperative
to send a report home.
By boat.
I am minded to agree.
That said, it goes
without saying we
can't abandon our post.
So, we split up.
Two go and one stays with me.
- Who?
- The boat will deliver
our report to the Hub
and send back the
relief or else return
with information and supplies.
- Yeah, who?
Who goes, who stays with you?
- Corporal Cassidy
volunteered to remain.
You pack two weeks' supplies.
You leave tomorrow if
there's no new signal.
(worrisome music)
- [Sullivan] What was that?
You said you'd talk to him.
- I did.
You got what you wanted.
Take the boat, go home.
- You can't stay
here alone with him.
- The rig needs at least
two to keep it running.
- I'm not leaving without you.
What is it?
You've been on edge for months.
- We're soldiers.
- Stop being a fucking
soldier for one minute.
- (sighs) Why are
you here, Sullivan?
- [Sullivan] What?
- Here, on this post.
You volunteered.
- Oh come on.
Don't make like this is
some heroic national duty.
Truth, loyalty, sacrifice.
That shit belongs
on the toilet wall.
We didn't come here to die.
We came for the cash.
And we signed up to put our
lives on the line for two years.
And we kept our side.
I'll stay.
You go.
- You don't get a say.
- [Sullivan] I'm not
leaving you here.
- Sully, whatever
you think you feel-
- Whatever I think I feel?
I won't let you-
- Go pack.
- Don't you wanna go home?
Don't you wanna see them?
I know you wanna go back.
You must.
(gentle music)
Then let's both stay.
- I don't love you, Sullivan.
If that's what you wanna hear.
You were a human necessity.
An easy lay.
(tender music)
(hand thudding)
(door creaking)
(hand thudding)
(Cassidy sobbing)
- They're like us.
You asked me what they are like.
They have families and
children, they eat and shit,
and they pray one day
all this will end.
The only difference
between us and them
is they're trying to kill us
and we're trying to kill them.
And that's not
even a difference.
- We could all go, Sarge.
No one's coming.
Not ours or theirs.
- We can't know that.
We have something
they don't, Sullivan.
Our duty is to keep it that way.
I'm sorry you have
to leave Cassidy.
- [Sullivan] You knew?
- I know everything, Sullivan.
Rest up, both of you.
(tense music)
(tense music)
- Is everything okay, Sarge?
(anxious music)
(alarm blaring)
- Oh sweet Jesus.
(radar beeping)
(tense music)
- Action stations.
(alarm blaring)
(door thudding)
Man the gun.
- How far are they?
Maybe we can outrun
them in the boat.
- [Hendrichs] Left four degrees,
600 metres, bearing 186.
- 600.
Shit, I can't see a thing.
Cass, what you got?
- Sentinel calling vessel.
(radar beeping)
(tense music)
- [Baines] How'd it get so
near with no-one picking it up?
- [Hendrichs] Right
one, hold elevation.
(shell clattering)
Elevation three.
- Should we find out who they
are before firing, Sarge?
- Not this time.
(cannon booming)
- Fuck.
- Repeat.
Sentinel calling vessel.
(radar beeping)
(tense music)
- [Hendrichs] Left two, up one.
- Up?
It's heading away?
- Fuck.
(tense music)
It's our boat.
- Fire.
- It's our boat.
- Take your post.
Fire, Baines, fire.
- Our boat?
Quick, grab the tender.
(tense music)
Hendrichs, are you
fucking insane?
(fist thumping)
(Baines grunting)
- Sarge, the boat.
- Time to choose
sides, corporal.
(tense music)
Right one, hold elevation.
(tense music)
- Do it, Baines.
(gun booming)
(tense music)
- Don't you touch that, Sully.
- Move away, Sullivan.
Baines, take your post.
Fire on my command.
(gun booming)
Step back.
Last chance, Baines.
Fire now, or I will.
(tense music)
(cannon booming)
(anxious music)
(fire hydrant thumping)
(tense music)
(keys jingling)
(downhearted music)
(keys jingling)
- Are you all right?
- Where is he?
- Store room.
- I'm gonna kill him.
- Wait, stop.
No, hey, Baines, no no no.
(body thumping)
Hey, no.
- Hey, hey.
(fist thumping)
(downhearted music)
- You're okay, you're fine.
(sorrowful music)
(Baines sobbing)
(downhearted music)
(radio static)
- [Computer]
Dropping connection.
(computer beeping)
Connection dropped.
- And we need to move from
staggered six hour shifts
to eight hours, with
two on and one off.
Until Hendrichs is-
- We're not letting him out.
- [Cassidy] He needs
the iodine bath.
- We are not letting him out.
- Okay.
- And I quit.
(bottle thudding)
- I guess that means 12 hour
shifts with one on and one off.
We try to contact home.
Maybe it's only
625 that's blocked.
We'll give the
other channels a go.
One a day, starting at 001.
- There's a thousand channels,
we'll be at it three years.
- We're not exactly
going anywhere.
- Sully, those things I said,
I really wanted you
to go on the boat.
To get home safe.
Don't punish me for that.
(fork clattering)
(plate clattering)
- Why?
Why change your
mind about us going?
- I'm here for the same
reasons you are, Sullivan.
- Cash?
- We both know you won't
be seeing any money.
You traded four years in the can
for two years in this place.
That was your deal.
And I'm here because
it's the only command
they would give me.
We're both here to atone our
sins, and earn a second chance.
- Enjoy your meal.
- The boat was here
three months ago.
I recreated the
route from the e-log.
They got to 10 miles due east,
changed course, away from us.
The engine stopped
five miles north.
After that, they were drifting.
(anxious music)
There are two questions now.
Why didn't we see it, and why
did the boat change course
if all they had to do
was follow our beacon.
(tense music)
- What the fuck are
you talking about?
- Here we are, and
here they come.
4.38 they start to change course
and half an hour
later they stop here.
It's a curve.
A curve, you understand?
- No.
- It means they didn't
change course once,
they kept changing.
And then they stopped here.
Why stop?
Unless they thought
they'd arrived.
(tense music)
- Why didn't you
tell us last night?
Why blow up the boat?
Why didn't you tell us?
Unless this is what you wanted?
To keep us here.
(knife clicking)
Because you think one of us
has something to do with it?
- Whatever happens Sullivan
we have to make sure
that they won't get their
hands on the device.
You have to get me out, Sully.
- That was a hell of a blow
you took to the head, Sarge.
(tense music)
- Sully, you have to get me out.
(door thudding)
(beacon buzzing)
(morse code beeping)
(lever tapping)
(computer beeping)
- [Computer]
Dropping connection.
(bottles clinking)
Connection dropped.
(computer beeping)
(children's music)
(tense music)
(fist thumping)
(tense music)
(gentle music)
- You look happy.
- That's not me.
I'm the grumpy girl there.
That's my brother and
those are my parents.
One day a photographer was
coming to our local pier.
Taking photos for
cash or exchange.
It was raining.
I wanted the bigger
umbrella that my brother had
and those little blue boots.
So, here I am protesting
the unfairness of it all.
And this is the only
photo of us ever taken.
The next year I was
sent away to school.
And there was an enemy raid.
And they were all killed.
(gentle music)
- [Sullivan] All I
remember from my childhood
was the constant heat.
Never rain.
There are a lot of
things I don't remember.
(anxious music)
(waves lapping)
(switch clicking)
(rain splattering)
(door thudding)
(generator chugging)
(radar beeping)
- Jesus.
(rain pattering)
Are you okay?
(tense music)
- Together we seek better
and more sustainable
ways forward.
- What?
How much have you had to drink?
- This is a promise
we give to our future.
- Baines, what are you...
(Cassidy thudding)
(Cassidy groaning)
- Get off me.
Get off.
(elbow thumping)
(Baines groaning)
What the fuck.
What the fuck, Baines.
Sober up.
(anxious music)
(door thudding)
Sully, it's Baines,
he's lost it.
- You all right?
- [Baines] We reach towards
the summit of possibility
to make the best for the
most using the least.
- He just needs
to sober up, okay?
- [Baines] With purity of
form and clarity of purpose
being constant in our ideals
and trustful in our mission.
- No.
- Were making elegance
meet innovation
and simplicity from
this day until the last.
(tense music)
This is our vision.
Simple, stylish, comfortable,
elegant, innovative.
(button beeping)
Teamwork is the essence
of the BORG culture.
Together, creative, hopeful,
we share a common goal.
- This is not a
common goal, buddy.
- Can you imagine how many
shades of fabric they have?
Do you know who started it?
In Estonia.
It was a country.
A small country.
There were a lot of them.
- Yeah.
- [Baines] Big and small.
- That's good to know, pal.
- Baines.
- You don't care about history.
- I do, Baines.
Me and Cass, we were just
talking about that earlier.
But let's not make
history today, hmm?
(button beeping)
Wait, wait wait.
Listen, listen Baines.
This is no way to go.
What about Liz, hmm?
Of all the dumb ways to go,
what would Liz say to this?
Let's leave Martha alone.
Hey man, we all deserve better.
(Baines laughing)
(tense music)
- Baines.
- Okay, man.
Hey, it's okay.
(Baines sobbing)
Hey, hey, Baines,
man, it's all right.
It's okay.
(buttons clicking)
(keys jingling)
- (chuckles) I forgot
the last number.
(Baines laughing)
(bomb whirring)
- It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm letting Hendrichs out.
- [Baines] He's gone.
(tense music)
- What do you mean?
- I wanted to kill him,
but he was already gone.
Did it to himself.
(tense music)
(rain splattering)
(tense music)
(Baines chuckling)
(Peter flapping)
(computer beeping)
- [Computer]
Establishing connection.
(morse code beeping)
(door rattling)
(metronome clicking)
(pages rustling)
- [Cassidy] Storm
front incoming.
ETA three hours to full contact.
- [Sullivan] It's
two days early.
- That's what it does.
It changes.
Possible salvage,
due north west.
- Alone?
- We need the material.
(door creaking)
(chain rattling)
- You seen this?
- He's back.
Fixing things.
(door creaking)
- I'll drive.
- It may do him some good.
(Baines sighing)
- She was pregnant.
She was six months
in when I left.
I don't even know if
it's a boy or a girl.
Sully, I wanted to-
- No, save it.
Go salvage some useful
shit before I blow you up.
(Baines chuckling)
And look after her, hmm?
(Sullivan chuckling)
Oh, yeah.
It's okay.
Bring me something nice.
- Sully, I did it.
- You fixed the sink?
- Sink?
Fixed that a week ago.
- Mother fucker.
- Cats, horses, swallows.
(door thudding)
(chain rattling)
- [Sullivan] Just in case.
(tender music)
(water rippling)
(waves bobbing)
(wheel creaking)
(tense music)
(winch tattering)
(waves lapping)
(tense music)
(Sullivan groaning)
(Sullivan groaning)
(tense music)
(waves lapping)
(uneasy music)
(drawers thudding)
(tense music)
(thunder rumbling)
(rain splattering)
(tense music)
(rain splattering)
(beacon humming)
(tense music)
(uneasy music)
(items clattering)
- I don't like it, Sarge,
it should be right here.
It must have gone.
- If it'd gone,
there'd be no signal.
(rain splattering)
(tense music)
(waves crashing)
(items clattering)
(tense music)
- Sarge.
(waves crashing)
(rain splattering)
(tense music)
- Hello?
Are you okay?
(radar beeping)
(waves crashing)
(tense music)
Are you okay?
(gun booming)
(uneasy music)
- Sully.
I begged him.
He climbed off
across the plastic
and he wouldn't come back.
I'm sorry.
(Cassidy sobbing)
(uneasy music)
(Cassidy gasping)
(radio squelching)
(radio squelching)
Sully, I'm sorry I slept in.
Come in, are you there?
(radio squelching)
That thing you gave me.
The metal globe.
I think I figured
out what it is.
It's funny, you'll like it.
(radio squelching)
(uneasy music)
(radio squelching)
(door creaking)
(radio squelching)
- I'm here.
It was his third tour out here.
He wanted to stay.
Put that in his report.
Asking for another shift.
He didn't want to leave.
(radio squelching)
- Sully, his mental state
was so unpredictable.
You saw what happened to him.
- [Sullivan] What
did happen to him?
He didn't kill himself.
But you know that.
Don't you?
And the relief crew?
(uneasy music)
I know it was you.
I know why you're here.
(uneasy music)
(radio squelching)
- Sullivan.
Sullivan, what do you mean?
I don't understand.
(radio squelching)
- [Sullivan] I can't
let you have it.
(radio squelching)
- Let me have what?
(bomb whirring)
(worrisome music)
(bomb whirring)
(computer beeping)
(buttons beeping)
What are you doing?
I don't understand.
- Just stop.
- Stop what?
- It's over.
You really played me.
- Sully.
- Hooked me like
a big dumb fish.
- No.
- It never rained on our side.
(sorrowful music)
- I hated lying to you (sobs).
(computer beeping)
Sully, listen to me.
- Don't.
- My homeland is sinking.
My people will perish if I
didn't get hold of that thing.
All I want is to
end their suffering.
- So that someone else
would suffer instead?
No one should have it.
Not your people, not mine.
No one.
(computer beeping)
- Sully.
- Like you said, Cass.
We just keep on fucking up.
(Cassidy sobbing)
- That's how it is.
- It doesn't have to be.
(uplifting music)
(computer beeping)
(tense music)
(Cassidy gasping)
(waves lapping)
(computer beeping)
- What?
(computer beeping)
(bomb whirring)
- Baines.
(bomb whirring)
We're not leaning anymore.
- No.
And we're still here.
- So what now?
- Now it's up to us.
- And if someone comes?
- Yours?
- Or yours.
(tender music)
- Then we protect the swallows.
And with everything we have.
- So, what is it?
(tender music)
(bird tweeting)
(birds tweeting)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)