Last Shift (2014) Movie Script

- Yes, mother?
- Jess, honey, why are you doing this?
- I've been through enough...
- Mom, seriously?
We've been through this
like a thousand times.
Do we really have to do this now?
I'm literally about to start my first shift.
Yeah, that's exactly why
we have to do this right now.
Mom, I told you I am going
to be fine, all right?
Most cops go their entire career
without seeing any action.
Yeah, well, tell that to your father.
Look, Jess, for me, don't do this.
Hey, do you know what? I got a nice...
Mom, I'm gonna be really late, so I gotta...
Can we talk about this later?
Look, I need to talk about this right now.
I can't take this anymore.
No, because I'm gonna be late
and I'm going to be fired
before I even get through my first day
of work. But I love you. I love you.
Goodbye. Goodbye.
Anybody in here?
Goddamn son of a bitch!
Fucking! Fucking cop!
How long have you been there?
- I just walked in. I'm Officer...
- Turn around!
- My order said to report...
- I said, turn around.
Stop! I said, turn around,
not walk away.
- I'm Sergeant Cohen.
- Officer Loren.
- Loren?
- Yes, sir.
I... I was told to report here.
It might have been a mistake.
I thought the new station
is up and running already.
Yes, it is. And she's a fucking beauty!
Saint Michael himself
would be impressed.
And tomorrow when you see it you will
fall down upon its steps and weep.
But tonight you're here.
I guess I don't understand
what I am doing here.
The real question is what the hell
am I still doing here?
But to answer yours,
you are the lucky rookie to work
the very last shift in this mausoleum.
All 911 calls have been rerouted
to the new station, so it should be quiet.
Okay, you may have some walk-ups,
but just send them up the street.
The address and my number
are on the wall.
If there's an emergency,
call the station.
Here's the kitchen, and the waiting room
down the hall if you get bored.
That's holding, you don't have
to go down there.
- Sarge, can I speak frankly?
- Sure.
Why am I here and not a security guard?
- Let's go, rookie!
- Yes, sir.
This room contains
enough hazardous material
to make Chernobyl look like
fucking bird shit on a windowsill.
Tonight, every hardened
criminal in this area
will do everything
in their power to get to this.
And you will be the only one standing
between them and the total annihilation
of this fucking city.
- I'm messing with you, rookie.
- Oh... I know.
It's not in the department's policy to hire
outside security when we have a whole fleet
- of blue boys on the payroll.
- Right.
The only things left in these cabins
are some needles,
some bloodstained, shit-stained clothes.
Basically all the vile crap that we collect
from perps and crime scenes
that have made their way through evidence
and we can't throw in the trash.
The material was supposed
to be disposed of yesterday
but for whatever reason it wasn't.
So, Hazmat's gonna be here sometime
between 10 PM and 4 AM.
Do not leave.
I repeat, do not leave the premises.
- Understood?
- Yes, sir.
I'll be back to relieve you
when your shift is over.
- Any questions?
- No, sir.
Sanford Police Department.
Help me.
I am trapped.
Miss... I am sorry,
you're... Are you injured?
The scream sound won't stop now.
Okay, ma'am, just stay calm.
What's your address?
I think they might all be dead.
All right, ma'am, just...
just give me your address
and I'll dispatch a unit
to your location.
- Sanford Police Department.
- Yeah, this is Officer Loren.
I just received a distress call
at the old station.
It was a possible 10-54. I was told
all emergency calls were rerouted, so...
- All calls were rerouted.
- They weren't because I just received one.
Is the line still active?
Were you able to obtain
any of the vic's information?
No, sir. The line was disconnected.
I've documented the call
and I'll confirm on my end
that the lines have been
properly rerouted.
If there any issues, I'll let you know.
All right. All right, thank you.
Sergeant Cohen?
Sergeant Cohen is that you, sir?
Sir, you have to leave
the station is closed.
Sir, if you don't leave the station now
I'm gonna be forced to ta...
Son of a bitch.
Sir, you know where you are?
Sir, you're in a police station.
- Shut up!
- Jesus Christ!
Move. Move!
Get out. Get out!
- Sanford Police Department.
- Please. I need to get out.
Hey, you called earlier, right?
What's your name?
- Monica.
- Monica, okay. Monica, where are you?
I was brought to a ranch.
A ranch, all right.
Do you know the address?
They're coming back.
Tell me quickly, is there anything around
that you can help me locate you?
- Anything that you see, what's near you?
- I don't know. I think...
I think I hear pigs.
Pigs? All right. Is there anything else?
I have to go.
Damn it!
I think I may have the wrong number.
This is Joe from Bioclean Waste Removal.
Oh, no, no, no. I am sorry. This is
Officer Loren. I was expecting you.
I just wanna give you a heads-up.
We're running a little behind, you know?
I thought we'd be there sooner
but we're dealing with quite a mess here.
Okay, so, what is it going
to be more like... four?
Yeah, you know, I'm not sure.
Maybe sooner but... I'll tell you what,
- I'll call you back if things change.
- All right, that's fine. Thank you, Joe.
- Sanford Police Department.
- Yeah, this is Officer Loren.
I'm calling again from the old station.
I keep receiving 911 calls.
- All calls have been rerouted.
- Yeah...
I know, I called earlier
to report the same issue.
- Are you receiving a high volume of calls?
- No, it's not a high volume of calls.
She's called twice. It's the same girl,
her name is Monica.
She's definitely in some kind of danger.
I can't get much information.
- Did you get her last name?
- Shit! No, I didn't.
But she said that she is on a ranch or some
kind of farm or something, there's pigs.
Okay, she's not dialing 911. So she has
to be dialing your station directly.
Okay. Well, can I trace
her calls from here?
Yeah, I'm afraid I can't trace
a call from that line
but I can start looking into the pigs.
- Alright, what do I do if she calls again?
- Tell her to call 911.
Got it. Thanks.
This is Officer Loren
at the old station.
I'm investigating a B and E.
Possible Code Nine.
Come again?
I repeat possible Code Nine.
"As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental
duty is to safeguard lives and property,
to protect the innocent
against deception,
the peaceful against violence,
or disorder,
and to respect the constitutional rights
of all to liberty, equality and justice."
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands. Do it now!
Sir, you can't be in here.
This is a police station.
Take it easy.
Stay on the ground.
Move it.
Get in.
Get off your knees. Get off your knees!
What the fuck?
If there's somebody out there
you need to open the door now.
You are interfering
with the duties of an officer.
You let me out now
and I'll only give you a warning.
Sir, get back down on the ground.
Sir, give me my flashlight
and get back down on the ground.
Let me remind you I am armed.
- Who is in here?
- I'm not ready to go.
- Who is in here?
- Please. Let me out of here.
Answer me.
Let me out.
Please open the door.
Don't be scared.
Do you want to get out of here alive?
- Who are you?
- I'm gonna hurt you.
Give me my flashlight.
"I will maintain courageous calm
in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule.
I'll develop self-restraint and...
and I'll develop self-restraint
and be constantly mindful
of the welfare of others.
I will be exemplary in obeying
the laws of the land
and the regulations of my department."
Screw it.
You've reached Sergeant Cohen.
Please leave a message.
Sergeant Cohen, this is Officer Loren
down at the old station.
There was a... I'm...
I am calling...
because I am...
I am calling because...
I am happy to be on the force, sir.
Thank you.
Ma'am, can I help you with something?
No, I'm all right.
Well, you can't hang out back here.
This is a police station.
No, it's not. Police station's
on 14th and Anderson.
- Ma'am?
- You can call me Marigold.
No, ma'am, I will not.
My mama gave me that name.
She picked it out herself, swear to God.
Can you please remove yourself
from the premises and...
go about your business?
Look... do you mind if I finish
my cigarette? It feels safer here.
All right, just don't leave
your butt on the step.
You're new, right?
- Yeah.
- I thought so.
I can pick a rookie
out of a whole room full of pigs.
Well, you've still got that look
on your face like you give a damn.
Have a good night.
I was here, you know.
Well, the cell next door
but I heard the scream,
when they found him the next morning.
what are you referring to?
When they brought them in that night
three of them,
this wannabe Manson family.
I think they were called the Paymons.
Kidnapped and slaughtered
those poor girls.
Yes, they did.
They also killed the Paymon family
on the scene of the crime, the officers.
I should know,
my father was one of them.
That's what they wanted you to believe.
But they brought 'em in alive.
Bragging about what they'd done and all.
I can see you don't believe me
but I am willing to bet my tits
and a pack of cigarettes, it's the truth.
Well, they kept me up all night...
singing this eerie song.
Then it just stopped.
Those crazy bastards hung themselves
with their own bed sheets.
And the commotion the next morning...
I got a glimpse into their cell.
And the bodies were gone.
pure evil covered those walls.
You okay?
Yeah. No, I'm good.
Well, time to make the doughnuts.
And don't worry
I'm taking my butt with me.
I'm not ashamed of what I do.
You ashamed of paying your taxes,
taking care of your kids, loving your wife?
I do what I do, because it's right.
You ever hit the girl right in the face
with a baseball bat?
We dress ourselves
in the cloak of ignorance...
She didn't even look
like people anymore.
Face swollen,
teeth knocked up inside her forehead.
It got me excited.
She fell to her knees
and bowed to the king.
Are you suggesting
we are devil worshippers?
Devil's just another bitch of the Lord.
Rebel angel that was cast out.
I am not ashamed.
But he is downstairs doing the Lord's
work just like the rest of them.
Punishing the damned for their sins.
That sounds like the Lord's work to me.
But the answer is no.
We don't pray to him.
Devil's been around long before that
clipped-wing cock-sucker got down there.
Who do you think was there before him?
He just took a break for a while.
Searching the world for pretty faces.
- Like me.
- Dead people are always so messy.
There's so much blood
splashing around in there.
Make a couple of holes and it just...
pours out.
I once stabbed a girl
who sounded like a pig.
I once stabbed a girl
who sounded like a pig.
She fell to her knees
and bowed to the king.
That's what Paymon means, you know?
It was destined.
The king of hell.
There was a family back at the ranch.
But not at night...
not yet.
Paymon needs soldiers.
That's why we are heading home...
with guns blazing so he can take
his rightful place...
I am the dancing flame,
a lightning strike,
crippling away.
I'll destroy your homes.
The ones alive within your heart,
the ones you pray for.
I will rape your humanity...
until forgiveness
is what you seek from me.
I like you.
I will come back for you
and all you love.
Mark my words.
I like you.
I will come back for you
and all you love.
Mark my words. I like you.
This is Officer Loren.
- Monica?
- They're dead.
- Monica, is that you?
- They killed them.
Who is dead, honey? Who is dead?
The other girls.
What other girls?
- You've got to help me.
- Okay, Monica...
I can't do anything for you over here.
I need you to hang up and dial 911. Okay?
Can you do that for me?
They won't stop singing.
They keep singing that song.
- Hello?
- I'm here.
I'm here. Monica, what's your last name?
- Young.
- Young? How old are you?
- Seventeen.
- Seventeen, okay.
Monica, I'm at a station that does not
have the ability to track your call.
- So I need you to hang up and call 911.
- Wait!
- They're coming.
- Okay. Okay.
Be very quiet and be very still and listen
to my voice. Are you listening to my voice?
I need you to go somewhere safe.
I need you to find somewhere,
- where you can call 911... 9...
- I can't.
Re-dial is all that's working.
Okay. Then you listen to me, Monica.
Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me.
You need to get yourself to safety.
You need to find an opportunity to run
and you need to take it. You need to run.
- You need to run as soon as you can.
- Killing...
Okay. Listen. Listen. Listen.
I have a question for you.
Has anybody there mentioned the name,
John Michael Paymon?
Have you heard that name? Can you think
and tell me that? Has anybody asked you
- or have you heard the name,
- I don't know.
John Michael Paymon?
- I think so.
- You think so?
- Please help me!
- I'm gonna help you. I promise you.
Stay on the phone with me.
I'm gonna help you.
- Sanford Police Department.
- This is Officer Loren at the old station.
- Yup, we spoke earlier.
- Yeah, we did. I got her last name.
It's Young. Monica Young
and she is 17 years old.
Great. Anything else?
She is not able to dial 911
from her phone.
Also, she said that
there are other girls there,
she thinks they're dead and she said
her captors are singing a song.
Okay. A song? Is that it?
I think the remaining members
of the Paymon family might have her.
- Hello?
- Oh, I'm sorry, you're serious?
- I recognized the song.
- Okay, slow down, rookie.
Look, the Paymon family, they scattered
and they are under constant surveillance.
- Do you have a pen?
- Yes.
Write this down...
You get any more information you reference
that report number when you call back.
Oh, my God!
You guys are fucking with me.
All right, enough you guys. You got me,
all right? The joke is on the rookie.
Real fucking funny.
Yeah, it's real fucking funny.
Come out, shit heads!
You guys are a bunch of fucking cowards.
You got me pretty good. I got to say,
you got me pretty, pretty good.
- What?
- Is it just you or are there others?
- No, it's just me.
- Well, that's real fucking mature.
I am... I'm not following you.
Is this like your thing?
Is this what you do with your friends?
You put every rookie
through this little fun house?
Well... I don't think
that we are on the same page.
I came over here to check on you.
I'm Officer Ryan Price.
You're not...
you are not fucking with me?
No. I swear on my life.
Can I come in?
- Yeah. I guess.
- Okay.
So, first night?
Yeah. How do you know?
Just the blinding gleam of your uniform
is kind of a dead giveaway.
Well, you came to check on me
and you've checked on me,
so now if you don't mind,
I actually have a lot of work to do.
Yeah. You seem super busy.
Wait... was that,
was that like a frown smile?
Was that, like, a fr-ile?
All right. So what's your story?
You got the short end of the straw
or you just got really unlucky?
Excuse me?
Well, someone made you come here
and check on me, right?
No. I don't... If you ask me,
I'm feeling pretty lucky.
Well, to be honest,
I don't completely mind the company.
- Rough night, I take it?
- Yeah, yeah. You could say that.
- That sounds terrible. What happened?
- Well, let's see.
There is a crazy, homeless man
in holding as we speak.
He pissed all over my lobby.
It's not really funny.
- It's... it's kind of funny.
- Actually, it was pretty gross.
Gross? I once had a perp shit
all over the back seat of my squad car.
Well... you win.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
honestly, when I found out
you were working this shift,
I snuck away to come and see you.
I knew your father.
- Were you with him that night?
- Yeah.
I was there when that Paymon fuck sh...
- It's okay.
- No, I'm sorry.
No, it's okay. I wanna know.
They never disclosed the details.
He and I arrived early
on the scene and...
we were ordered to wait for backup.
But we could hear these poor girls
just begging for their lives.
So we went in.
And they opened fire.
And I was able to pull out four girls
while your dad held them off.
They killed six more girls
and two officers,
including your father.
He was a good cop.
And he'd be so proud of you.
Listen, I... I really have to go.
You... you really don't have to go.
I didn't mean what I said,
I'm sorry if I was rude. You can stay.
No, I...
Trust me, I'd love to but...
If you need anything at all
just give me a call,
and I can pop right over
and check on you.
- Do you remember my name?
- Officer Price.
I'll see you around.
Officer Price?
It's so dark in here. It's cold.
Get down! Fuckin' get down right now.
No, please!
Help! Help!
Help me! Help!
Help! Get me out!
Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!
Calm down! Calm down! What's wrong?
Get me out! Come on!
- I need to get out of here.
- This isn't real. This isn't real.
- Get me out!
- This isn't real.
Don't leave me in here!
From the kingdom of our father
The truth will be free
Through the mountains I'll be guided
Until I do see
I am safe in the arms
Of my master, my king
On the last day I will follow
My soul I will bring
From the kingdom of our father
The truth will be free
Through the mountains I'll be guided
Until I do see
I am safe in the arms
Of my master, my king
On the last day I will follow
My soul I will bring
From the kingdom of our father
The truth will be free
Through the mountains I'll be guided
Until I do see
I am safe in the arms
Of my master, my king
On the last day I will follow
My soul I will bring...
- Yeah?
- Sir, this is Officer Loren.
- Is the place on fire?
- No, sir.
- Are you dying?
- No, sir.
Then why the fuck are you calling me?
I don't know.
I am seeing things, I think.
I just don't know if I can finish
the end of the shift, sir.
Missy, if you can't handle one night alone
in an empty police station
then I think you picked
the wrong line of work.
Apparently, the apple fell pretty far
from the fucking tree.
So, should I inform the Captain
of your resignation
or should I expect to see you
at the end of the shift?
You'll see me at the end
of the shift, sir.
And don't call me again.
This is Joe.
Hey Joe, this is Officer Loren. What time
you guys are gonna be down here?
I'm knee deep in shit right now. I told you,
I'd call you back if things change.
All right, I'm going to be waiting for you
outside in my squad car, okay?
- Yeah, whatever lady.
- Thanks, Joe.
- Hello.
- I escaped.
- You escaped?
- I'm running.
Okay. Okay. This is good.
This is good. What's around you?
- Woods.
- Okay. What else?
- Wait. There's a sign.
- Okay, what does it say?
Carmichael Road.
Perfect. All right, is anybody
following you right now?
I don't... I don't know. I think so.
- Okay. Just hang tight, okay?
- Don't go.
No, I'm not going. I'll just gonna call
the dispatch on my cell phone
and we're gonna get a unit
over to your location ASAP.
You there?
They're getting close.
I'm gonna die, I know it.
You're not... you're not gonna die.
- I don't wanna die.
- You're not gonna die.
Monica, is there anything around you
you can use it as a weapon.
They are right next to me.
I'm here.
Police Department.
- Hello?
- Sanford Police Department.
Yeah, this is Officer Loren.
Please reference John-Victor-Ida-
Please hold.
- Officer Loren?
- Yes.
- We spoke earlier regarding Monica Young.
- Yes, I have her location.
- I got in touch with her.
- Officer, she's dead.
What? No, no, no. I literally
just got off the phone with her.
No, she's been dead for a year.
Officer Loren?
She was the last victim
of the Paymon Family Massacre.
Her body was found in the woods,
beaten to death with a baseball bat.
I don't understand.
I was just speaking to her. I was...
Look... there were only three
family members linked to the murders
but there were over a dozen more
living in the commune.
Maybe you were right.
There's a chance that the calls are coming
from one of them. Playing a sick joke.
Or what?
This is just between
the two of us, okay?
Nobody likes to talk
about it in the department,
but it was more than just rusty pipes
that got us out of that building.
The Paymon family wasn't killed
on the scene like the news said.
They committed suicide in holding,
and after that, well...
things started happening.
At first it was small,
like the lights turning on and off.
Missing evidence. Abnormal sightings.
Soon we couldn't house perps in our
own cells without them freaking out.
The captain had enough
and he pleaded with the county...
I gotta go.
- Hello?
- Look, I'm sorry about earlier.
- Mom.
- I was wrong to bring up your father.
- Oh, shit!
- Is everything all right?
- Jess?
- I gotta call you back.
- I just don't like how you say good-bye.
- I gotta call you back, all right?
I love...
Hey! Hey!
I don't think you've realized just how lucky
you are to be a part of all this.
How do I know
this is even really happening?
Do you see this gun in my hand?
Maybe that gun is still in my belt.
Maybe I'm talking to a wall.
Maybe I have gone as bat-shit-crazy
as I think you are.
I could pull the trigger
and we could find out.
If crazy is being devoted
to something you love,
then I'm as crazy
as a slimy snail in a tin can.
I would do anything for him.
I'm a little jealous that he took
those two bitches with him that night.
Should have been me.
I forgive him.
I can never stay mad at John Michael.
You need to give me
my fucking weapon back.
- You need to shut the fuck up!
- Okay.
Have you seen him here tonight?
You have. I knew it. I felt him.
Tonight is the one-year anniversary
of his death.
And I'm here to celebrate it. So...
They know where I am.
- Who the fuck is this?
- Monica.
Monica is dead.
I don't wanna die.
Fuck! What the fuck?
Cuddle Bug.
I missed you.
This isn't... this isn't real.
It is baby.
I'm so proud of you.
You're just like your old man, you know?
Strong, dedicated.
Loyal to the job.
I did it for you.
Then why were you trying to leave?
I laid down my life for this job.
I expect you to do the same.
I'm sorry, Dad. I'm really sorry.
I just got really scared.
But I won't leave. Okay?
That's my Cuddle Bug.
Now, the man that took your father's life
is still in this building.
I want you to do something about it.
Hey, how did you get out?
Get on your knees.
All the way down. Come on.
Hands behind your back.
Fucking killing me man.
This is Jessica Loren at the old station.
I'm in need of assistance.
I repeat, officer in need
of fucking assistance.
Come on. I swear on my life.
I'm not fucking with you.
"I recognize this badge as a symbol
of fearlessness and faith
to be held so long as I am true
to the ethics of the police service.
I will constantly strive to achieve
these objectives and ideals,
dedicating myself before God
to my chosen profession,
law enforcement."
- Daddy?
- Jessica.
They're coming, baby.
You have to stop them.
Whatever it takes.
Who is coming?
Don't move!
You're gonna die, pretty little bitch.
Come on and find us.
Father Paymon's ghost belongs to us.
- Come here, bitch!
- You're gonna die, you fucking bitch!
You're gonna die, bitch!
...he is more powerful than you.
He is righteous, he is the way.
You will die.
Don't move!
The blood of his children
will resurrect as flesh.
And all who oppose him will perish.
- Don't move, hands behind your head.
- Help me! Somebody help me!
Lady, what you're doing?
It's me, I'm Joe, from Bioclean.
- I talked to you earlier today.
- Drop the weapon.
- No! Please don't do this.
- Drop!
No, it's not...
It wasn't him. It wasn't him.
Dispatch, this is Sergeant Cohen,
I have an officer down
and in need of immediate assistance.
I have...
Through the mountains I'll be guided
Until I do see...