Last Straw (2023) Movie Script

911. State your emergency.
my friend-- my friend's hurt.
My friend, Nancy, she's--
she's covered in blood.
Take a deep breath.
Can you tell me your location?
I'm at the Fat Bottom
Bistro off Route 9G.
I just came in.
There's just blood everywhere.
There's blood on the floor.
Um, I think my friend is dying.
I understand, sir.
Emergency services
are on their way.
Who am I speaking with?
My name is Jake Collins.
Shit's sake.
What the f...
I literally think about
that tweet every single day.
You are one of a kind, Tabs.
Thank you
What is that?
Fucking pregs.
There's a creature
growing up inside me.
You're pregnant?
So, who's the daddy?
You slut.
- You don't know?
- No!
It's either the lacrosse player
with the unibrow...
it's the drunk guy with the big
arms and the baby dick.
Or it's the whisper man.
Who's the whisper man?
He had this, like, super deep
voice the whole party.
As soon as we started doing it,
he was all like...
"Oh, yeah, beat it up.
Oh, yeah."
"Oh, beat it..."
Okay, stop, stop. Give me that.
So, like, what are you
gonna do about it?
It sucks.
Kill it?
For real, Nancy?
I don't know.
-Did you tell your dad?
-Ew, no.
He'd kill me before I kill it.
Well, like, congrats.
You're kidding.
Oh, thank God, Bobby.
Could you give me a lift?
I'm so late.
It's quarter to 9:00.
We're right on time.
The managers get there earlier.
Well, shit. Have fun.
Oh, you think...
You're so cute, Bobby.
Oh God, I'm so tired.
He'll kill me.
Bag. Thanks, Bobby!
Because we know that we've paid,
I just...
I can't find it.
I'm gonna find it.
I'm gonna call you back,
all right?
Hey, you're late. Again.
I know. I know.
You're a manager now.
Co-workers need
to look up to you.
How are you gonna
put them in their place
if you don't know what place
you're supposed to be in
or time you're supposed
to be in it?
I got it.
Why are you so sweaty?
Because I had to walk here.
The monster's shot.
Mom's old car?
-The fucker died on me.
-How? What happened?
Was it transmission?
What did it sound like?
You think I know?
I'm sure it's gonna cost me
another two grand
to fix this piece of shit.
You think maybe it's time we...
You're not gonna need it
tonight anyway,
because you are working
late shift.
What? No. Dad, I can't.
I don't want to hear it.
I was gonna go to a graduation
party with Tabs.
You realize you graduated
like over a year ago.
Why you still hang out with
high schoolers is beyond me.
This is so not fair.
Well, sorry,
there's a bug going around.
So, it is down to you and Jake.
So, you're leaving me
with the freak.
Can you at least let Bobby stay?
No. I do not feel comfortable
leaving you and Bobby
alone together.
But you feel comfortable
leaving me and Jake together?
-Are you for real?
-Hey, can you help me out here?
I'm up to my neck in bills.
I cannot pay overtime
to Bobby or anyone else.
And Jake is-- he's trusted here.
Probably gonna be dead anyway,
but even if we had
two customers,
it'll be worth it,
so it is happening.
Where are you gonna be? Hmm?
I've got plans.
Can you take the onions upstairs
and, you know,
just grow some balls
and be a manager?
I don't want balls.
Why do I need balls
to run this place?
I meant the figurative balls.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm working
the late shift with Jake.
I can stay, you know,
even if you don't pay me
or whatever.
Heard there's a party tonight.
I think it's at Max's.
-You know, that's actually...
-I was blackout drunk.
Don't remember a thing.
Just a minute.
-What the fuck you eat, girl?
-Jesus! Jake.
Go away.
You don't look good.
You never look good.
Are you pregnant?
Nancy out here?
- What the fuck?
- Uh, just-just bad meat.
Just made her sick.
That's my bad.
I should have dumped it
properly, I'm sorry.
Okay, wait, is the freezer
on the fritz again?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Okay, I'm gonna go
take a look at that.
Grab a hose and make this
go away, and then I'm gonna go.
So, just you know,
if you need me, text me, okay?
Good luck on your big date,
Big date, huh?
Your father has needs, too.
God, I'm gonna be sick again.
Thank you.
Sorry, sir. I'm sorry.
Hey, could you whip me up
one of your slamming sammies
before I leave?
My honor.
I'll be right in.
Jake's gonna be here tonight.
- But in case it gets busy--
- It won't.
In case it does.
In here you got your cold cuts,
stuff for sandwiches, burgers.
Anyone want something sloppy,
you got the blender thing here,
chef's knives.
You know, ah!
Once this deep fryer gets going,
things will get really wild.
All right, thanks.
You know what?
Do me a favor tonight.
Just make sure...
Bobby, I don't care
about any of this.
Well, what about
the meat hammers?
So, you can beat the meat.
Yeah, I bet you love
beating the meat.
Uh, I heard you were
feeling shitty.
So, you're actually sick?
Or, like, you know...
Order 13, you're up.
Thank you.
And make sure to bring
that fat bottom
back to Fat Bottom Bistro
again soon.
Yep. Have a good one.
"Make sure to bring
that fat bottom
back to Fat Bottom Bistro
Your dad is, like,
the top five scariest people
I've ever met.
Yeah, he's all talk.
-Deep down he's just a big old--
-Teddy bear?
- I was gonna say pussy.
- Miss Nancy Osborne!
You got a potty mouth on you.
You should wash that out
with soap.
Thanks, but no thanks, Jake.
I'd rather not star
in your weird fetish fantasies.
Don't worry, we got all night
to play together.
-You and I are working--
-The overnight, yes.
And please don't ever
say "play" again.
Don't look so excited.
I'd rather rip out all my hair
than work the night with you.
You're breaking my heart.
Oh my God, I'm--
I'm so sorry, Nancy.
-Don't worry, Pete.
-I'll clean up now, Nancy.
It's cool, it was an accident.
I got it. Fuck.
It's fine. Just fucking stay.
Hey, what are you
douchebags doing?
Playing with our new friend.
- Did you kill that?
- We found him like that.
He's lying. I killed it.
Can you guys get the fuck
out of here with that?
Yo, aren't you
that college chick
who hangs
with Max and his crew?
- I didn't know you worked here.
- Mm.
Yeah, she owns the place.
Is it named after you?
-Get it? Because Fat Bottom?
-Suck my dick, get it?
That's not how a lady
should be talking.
Go play in traffic,
- needle dick.
- Whoa.
-She gave us the finger.
-Everything okay?
-I handled it, Captain America.
Damn it.
There's a spill, Nancy.
Thank you.
Do you mind
cleaning it up finally?
Don't be riding
on my brother like that.
- Not now, Jake.
- I'm serious. Leave him alone.
- He's a spaz.
- Oh.
Really? I didn't know Petey
was a fucking spaz, thank you.
I'll go explain that one to him.
I told them to leave.
It's fine. I got it.
I want fries!
- Listen up, jerkoffs--
- Who? Us?
-No, we're not the jerkoffs.
-Can you cut it out, assholes?
Wait, I thought
we were jerkoffs.
Are we jerkoffs or assholes?
-Can you just fucking stop it?
-It's a simple question.
Would you rather we jerk off
or stick something
up your asshole?
You are disgusting.
Get the fuck out.
I'm serious, leave.
We're paying customers.
We're not gonna serve you!
I guess we'll serve ourselves.
I'm calling the cops.
Fuck the cops!
What's going on?
They're giving us a hard time.
Oh, shit.
They bring that shit in here?
Are you seriously gonna laugh?
-What are you doing?
-Hi, yes.
I need you to send over
a cop now, please.
You're not seriously calling the
cops on them right now, are you?
Yes, Fat Bottom Bistro on 9.
I got a bunch of imbeciles.
They're being abusive
and they won't leave.
See you in 10 minutes.
Thank you so much.
Well, I called them.
They're on their way.
Why don't you wait and see?
I would leave if I were you.
I ordered fries.
You know what?
Hold them for me.
I'll be back later.
That's a fucking promise.
Everyone, kitchen, now!
I know that I may be younger
than most of you,
but I am the manager.
And so, when I do something,
when I make a decision,
I don't want to hear it
from anyone.
Come on, Nancy.
Come on what?
-Am I not the manager?
Because your dad
owns the place.
That's the only reason
you're standing there
rather than any of us.
-Except Petey.
- Shut up, Jake.
- No, I'm serious.
You act like
you're all high and mighty
but you're from the same
Podunk town as us, okay?
Your shit smells
just as much as mine.
- I seriously doubt that.
- I'm sick of you.
-Your dad leaves five seconds--
-Dude, cut it out.
Just let your girlfriend speak
for herself, little boy.
She's not my girlfriend.
Okay, that's it.
I've had enough.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna defend her honor?
You're fired!
You, Jake.
You're fired.
But I'm a legacy.
A what?
You know my mom
was your folks' first hire
when they opened this place?
Okay? Your dad, he did right
by me and Petey
-by bringing us in--
-This is why we're losing money.
We've got more employees
than customers.
Well, you can't fire me.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Because I think I already did.
This is fucking horseshit.
Who's gonna work the late shift?
I don't know yet.
I'll do it myself.
That's not the point, Bobby.
And you're still here.
Petey's my ride.
Then go wait
in the fucking parking lot.
What do you want, Bobby?
I-I was just trying
to see if you were okay.
And if you wanted me to work
the late shift with you?
Oh my God, you don't get it
either, do you?
I don't want you here.
Yeah, y-you're right. Of course.
Look, Bobby, you're a nice guy.
You are. But you're never
gonna get with me.
- Well, technically--
- Got it?
Got it.
Do I need to be more clear?
Great. Now, fuck off.
Oh, God.
Sorry, buddy.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Hey, what's going on?
I'm not interrupting anything,
am I?
No, no, just cleaning up.
What's happening?
Dad, you don't have to hide
anything from me.
Well, I just, uh, don't want
to make you uncomfortable
with my dating life.
Yeah, well,
maybe don't call it that.
You know I'll always
love your mother, right?
I fired Jake.
Excuse me?
Yeah, I had to, okay?
You told me to take charge,
and so I did.
-I had to do what I had to do.
-That's not what I--
-Was that really necessary?
You weren't there.
You wouldn't understand.
Okay, I'm gonna
deal with this later.
But what the fuck, Nancy?
Come on.
I'm working here alone.
Yeah, you--
you can handle that, right?
-Yeah, of course.
Is that even a question?
You don't sound
very confident to me.
You probably
won't get anyone anyway.
-So why do I have to be here?
-You know why?
Because the lights
are on a timer.
The sign, the outdoor lights,
they're on a timer.
They go off at sunrise.
I had this system put in
last week.
So, somebody has to be there
while the lights are on.
And so, that's why
I'm stuck here?
And if somebody shows up,
you need to be there.
You're a manager now,
so act like one.
All right, well,
you enjoy your whatever.
I love you.
Sorry about that.
Listen up, assholes.
I'm not messing around, okay?
I called the cops once.
I will call them again.
911. What is your emergency?
I'm at the Fat Bottom Bistro
on 9.
I got these kids harassing me.
Okay, ma'am,
I've got your location.
-Who am I speaking with?
-This is Nancy.
My dad is Edward Osborne.
We own the place.
I got these kids
and they're fucking banging
on the fucking windows and shit.
And they were here earlier.
I know they're trying
to scare me.
Are they armed
or have they physically
made contact with you
or hurt you in any way?
No. But it wouldn't hurt to send
somebody to help, right?
-I'm all alone here.
-Ma'am, I can send someone out,
but all the units are tied up
at the moment.
I can't give you an exact PTA,
but I can send someone
-as soon as they're available.
-Are you fucking kidding me?
Ma'am, I can stay
on the phone with you
until someone can get
out there. Can you--
Fuck this.
What the fuck is going on?
What do you want from me?
Disgusting fucking freaks.
Why are you doing this to me?
Where is my phone?
How is this happening?
Oh, thank God.
Help me!
-Missy, back away from the door!
-Get in here!
Back away!
-Unlock the door.
-Why didn't you just say that?
All right, you just calm down.
Take it easy now.
They're out there
and they're messing with me.
-Why are your lights off?
-I don't know.
I think they fucking
cut the power or something.
Oh. I didn't realize
they fucking--
That was easy.
What seems to be the problem?
There's a bunch
of fucking teenagers,
and they're scaring
the shit out of me.
You here all alone?
Why are you all by yourself?
Does that really matter
right now?
Did you hear anything
I just said?
Yup. A bunch of kids.
Do you feel like
you're in danger?
Enough that I called you guys.
Yeah, right.
You have no idea the business
you just took me from,
little lady.
I don't.
Can I have...
a cup of coffee?
Are you fucking serious?
Hey, there,
this is Sheriff Brooks
down at the Fat Bottom Bistro.
Go ahead, Sheriff.
Yeah, I think it might have been
some kids messing around.
Kind of worried
that it might be a bunch
that we were looking for.
But as soon as I got here,
they jetted away.
Ten-four. Are you going clear?
I could use a breather.
I'm gonna stick around here
for a bit.
Make sure she's okay.
Let me know when they need me
back there, okay?
Copy that, Sheriff.
How about that coffee?
That's a little bitter.
I'm talking about the kids
that are terrorizing me
at every fucking moment,
and I can't get rid of them.
There's nobody out there.
At least not right now, anyway.
They were here earlier.
I can tell you
what they look like.
What I want to do
is take a statement,
see what you can give me.
Then I'll hang for a bit.
Can I get some milk and sugar?
You got no idea how nice it is
to sit for a sec.
Can you please not?
-Not what?
-Rape me with your fucking eyes.
-Excuse me?
-Instead of sitting there,
staring at my ass,
why don't you get off yours
and actually go do something?
You listen here, little lady.
I already told you like 10 times
that they were here earlier
and they were
banging on the windows.
They stole my phone
and they were driving
these stupid fucking mopeds.
-They were wearing these masks.
-Hold on a second.
Did you say mopeds?
Yeah, and?
Come with me. Let's go outside
to the squad car.
Please tell me what is going on.
Seriously, you're scaring me.
Listen, I don't mean
to scare you,
but I'm gonna be honest
with you right now, okay?
-I just came
from one of the most
horrific murders
I've ever witnessed,
and whoever did it,
they got away on some kind
of dirt bikes or mopeds.
-Wait, are you serious?
They're here?
Go, go, go!
No! No!
Oh, Bobby.
Bobby, what the fuck
are you doing here?
I'm sorry about
what happened earlier.
- Are you okay?
- Give me your phone.
-Who are you calling?
-My dad.
Hey, it's Edward.
-I'm not here. Leave a message.
-Fuck. Damn it.
Let's call the cops.
Hey! Over here!
Get the fuck off me!
This is-- this isn't happening--
What the fuck do you want?
Fuck off!
No! Please don't!
You don't have to do this.
What the fuck.
What the fuck, Petey!
What did you do?
Why are you here?
Fuck, Pete!
What the fuck?
What the fuck did you guys do?
What the fuck is going on?
You! No, you--
you knew this?
You did this?
How could you?
What the fuck!
What is wrong with you?
And you're still here.
Petey's my ride.
Then go wait
in the fucking parking lot.
Look, Nancy, I--
I really need this job, okay?
I got bills,
and I got insurance,
and my prescription, and shit.
You should have thought
of that before you mouthed off.
I'm really sorry.
I won't do it again.
You're not getting it.
You're done.
- What if--
- Leave.
The rest of you,
get back to your shift.
I just need a refill.
Yeah, I do, I have at least
two refills left for this month.
Okay, well, how about we talk to
someone else that could help me?
They told me I should
talk to you guys.
I need a refill.
When is she coming in?
Because she's the one I usually
deal with over there
and I don't really
deal with anybody else.
I just called my insurance!
I know that's not how it works.
I know how it works.
I know
I've never paid you back,
but I'm gonna pay you back
this time.
I just need it for, like,
three weeks.
I'm talking like 50 bucks,
Uncle Greg.
Like, this is nothing.
So, what are we doing?
Going home.
You still mad at me, Bobby?
Do you have to be
such a dickhead all the time?
I do. it's in my nature.
- That's theft.
- No, it ain't.
I saved up two months
out of pocket for this
-as an investment in this place.
-Sure. I believe you.
Jesus Christ.
Will you guys shut up
so we can go get drunk already?
Yeah, as long as I can bitch
about you know who.
You ever do anything else?
-You in, Petey?
-Are you in, Jake?
-Yeah, I'm in, buddy.
-Okay then, I'm in as well.
I really don't feel like it.
What are you gonna do?
What, you gonna go home
and choke yourself
to pics of Nancy?
You gonna go tickle that pickle?
Why, you want to watch?
Not tonight.
Yeah, whatever.
I'll, uh, see you there.
Okay, he'll see us there.
Grab that, Petey.
-How was your shift, bud?
-It was good.
Good, I need you to make a left
out of here today.
How's it hanging, Jake?
A little to the left, you know,
but I ain't complaining.
-You got the stuff?
-You got the money?
-Show me.
Show me yours,
I'll show you mine.
Give it to Petey.
Where's the money?
Hey, Pete,
you get any tips today?
I didn't get any
from the front of house.
You know, man,
I only got a dime to my name,
but I need some medicine.
So, how's about I just get you
next time?
Sound good?
Drive, Petey. Go.
That feels good, Petey.
You know, drugs,
they get a bad rap,
but drugs ain't done nothing
but help me.
People talking
about gateway drugs
don't tell you
what the biggest...
Biggest gateway drug there is.
That's motherfucking trauma.
I mean, you fucking know it,
You come home and find our mom
just dead on the floor.
The woman who raised you,
made you feel whole.
They think they're gonna do
the business they do without me?
Nobody makes the slamming
sammies like I do.
That's mama's recipe.
I was gonna help run that place.
I know it.
I've just been
trying to find a time
to talk to Mr. Osborne about it.
He's just a hard man
to pin down.
I mean, I got ideas, you know.
I'm a man with a plan.
I'm a man with a plan.
And she fucking
just dumped me like that?
She can't just
fucking dump me like that.
No, sir.
She cannot
just fire me like that.
She can't just
fire me like that.
You can't just fucking fire me
like that.
You remember that little brat
running up and down that diner?
And now she finds herself
just fucking running that place!
Pete, pull over.
Oh! Oh! Pete, Pete, pull--
Pull the truck over!
-Chug it.
-Here we go.
Don't choke, don't choke.
Empty it.
That's not it.
This is my beer, baby.
First beer.
What are you all doing?
You guys remember us?
You're the guy who works
at the fat pussy place.
Oh, yeah! The fat pussycat!
- Yeah, not anymore.
- What the...
You want to smoke some crack?
Uh, no.
Shit's for losers, man.
What the fuck?
You little shits are funny.
Motor around
doing comedy acts
like the one you did earlier
is fucking hilarious.
-Funny. I'm funny, right?
-Sure are.
Yeah, funny to a Mongoloid.
What'd you call my brother?
Y'all want to hear a joke?
Go ahead, bro. Tell us a joke.
What did the farmer say
when he lost his tractor?
I don't know. What'd he say?
"Where's my tractor?"
Oh, it's so...
stupid it's actually kind of
funny if you think about it.
I know, right? It's like
the farmer lost his tractor
like I lost my job.
Because of you little twats.
What'd you call us?
I said you twats
got me fired today...
because of your shenanigans.
Who the fuck says--
Yo, Jackson.
- Yo!
- Get the fuck back!
-Get back, motherfucker!
-Whoa! Okay!
-Get back!
-You fucking stabbed him!
Get back!
He'll be fine.
-He's not fucking fine!
-Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
Get on your knees!
Get on your fucking knees!
Petey, hey, hold this.
You shoot them if they move,
all right?
All right, all right,
you little mother...
No, no, no!
Fucking die already!
You stay here, okay?
You keep your gun on them, okay?
You want to stand up?
Okay, you two stand.
You're good. You stay there.
I want you to dance.
- How?
- How?
I don't know.
Just feel the music, brother.
Come on.
Dance, come on.
Come on, you can dance.
Good, good. Now dance together.
Dance with each other.
Dance with each other, yeah.
Good. Good.
Get close, get close.
That's good, yeah. Good.
You guys are fucking
terrible dancers, come on.
Fuck you, you lame fuck!
If you're gonna shoot us,
just shoot us!
Shut the fuck up!
Petey, come here. Come here.
Petey, get the fuck over here.
Come here.
Shoot him.
No, no, no, no. No, Jake. No.
It's okay. Be a good brother.
Do it for me, okay? Shoot him.
-Hey! You got a dick?
-Yes, I--
-Look at me. Look at me.
-Do you have a dick?
-Yes, I do.
Yeah? You do?
Okay, so you're a man, right?
-So you're a man? Okay, good.
So be a man with a plan like me,
and shoot him
in the fucking head.
Stand up for yourself, Petey!
Look at me.
Come on, stand up for yourself.
He called you
a fucking Mongoloid.
- I didn't mean it!
- Shut the fuck up!
He called you
a fucking Mongoloid!
Go, you motherfucker!
Fuck! God! Motherfucker!
Oh! Fuck!
Fucking bitch!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Stop crying, you little idiot.
Get out.
What's that, Jake?
Get out of the car, okay?
This is your fault.
All right, look at me.
Look at me, all right?
I'm driving. Get out.
- Get out!
- All right.
Hey, take this, okay?
All right, take this.
Wait for me at the diner.
The whole night at Max's,
she was just touching my arm
and, like, laughing
at all my jokes.
It... It's dumb. She was...
Dude, if I have to listen
to you talk about Nancy
for one more second,
I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.
I'm just saying it's like...
we just had this really
good night, I guess.
She's only a chick man.
You try to make her jealous?
Just fuck one of her friends.
I'm not gonna have sex
with one of her friends.
-Fuck her mom then.
-Her mom's dead, asshole.
That's fucked up.
-Yeah, okay, get off me.
-You need to see your face.
It looks like your brother
shit some puppies.
-Go fuck yourself, Jake.
-Where you been?
Playing with some new toys.
Where'd you get these?
Me and Petey jacked them
from those dimwit teens.
Oh, hell yeah.
Let's ride, baby.
-No way.
-Oh, shut the fuck up, Bobby.
-Come on, we've been drinking.
-Come on, Bobby.
They're just mopeds.
Just don't be a pussy.
Look, just hop in, all right?
We'll ride them, then we'll
just-- just dump them.
You don't sound
very confident to me.
So, uh, where are we gonna go?
I got an idea.
Famous last words, boys.
What are these for?
Petey. Petey, come here.
Come here. Come here.
Get the fuck over here.
Come on.
You okay?
Hey, you all right?
Hey, did she see you?
-You sure?
-I'm sure. Yes.
-Are you sure?
Okay. All right, come here.
-I don't want to do this.
-Okay, it's okay.
-It's okay, buddy. Come here.
-No. No!
Okay, we're just gonna freak
her out a little bit, yeah?
Just can't wait to see her
shit some puppies.
Hey, you guys ready?
All right, stay cool. Stay cool.
Come on. Put this on.
Come on, just put it on.
Put it on. Come on.
Good. All right, go around this.
Come on, come on.
-She's really scared.
-Put your mask on.
I think that's enough.
No, it's enough
when I say it's enough.
Jake, look,
she's calling the cops.
Go to the mopeds.
Get in the fucking car.
She faked it before.
She'll fake it again.
You don't even know.
I can hear her.
Oh, fuck this.
Get the fuck back! Get back!
I'm fucking done.
Turn the light switch off!
Turn all the lights out!
I don't want
to get in trouble, guys.
Shut the fuck up.
All right, Coop,
I want you to go,
take these mopeds and go around
to the other side of the diner
and wait for my signal, okay?
I want you to take
the fucking mopeds
and go around to the other side
of the diner
and wait for my signal,
you fucking idiot.
Okay? And take Petey with you.
Okay, go, go, go, go.
Petey, go.
We got this.
All right.
I'm not gonna lose.
Come with me,
let's go outside
to the squad car.
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.
They're coming after us.
I don't like this, Jake.
She just fucking
told them it was me.
And she knows how Petey walks.
Oh, fuck, fuck.
I'm not gonna fucking die
for this, I'm not.
I'm gonna fucking handle this.
Can you please tell me
what is going on?
Seriously, you're scaring me.
Listen, I don't mean
to scare you, but...
- What the fuck is that?
- Please!
-Is that blood on your face?
I'm sorry.
Sorry for what, Petey?
What the fuck did you two do?
- ...mopeds.
- Are you serious?
Go, go, go!
No, no!
Bobby, what the fuck
are you doing here?
I'm sorry about what happened
earlier, I--
What's he doing?
Look what he's doing right now.
What? What are you doing?
You just killed a fucking cop!
I did it for you!
Motherfucker, your fingerprints
are on everything.
Don't you understand,
you fucking idiot?
You are going to fry
along with me and Petey.
Okay? So unless you want
to burn,
I need you to go in there
and find both of them!
Get away. Stay with her!
Bobby, help me get his legs,
Help me get his fucking legs!
I can't fucking
leave him out here.
Come on!
All right, one, two...
All right, bud, come on!
Wait, okay.
She's fucking gone.
If you don't want to go
to prison the rest of your life,
go fucking find her!
You're a good boy.
You're a good boy.
Hey, Bobby, how about you?
I want to know how she was
in the sack before I fucking...
Hey, Jake, it's Edward.
Sorry I'm calling so late.
I can't get a hold of Nancy.
I'm getting kind of concerned.
And, look, I know you guys had
some kind of an issue earlier,
but I hope you know
you always have a job with us.
So, yeah, just give me a call
if you hear from her, would you?
Still not picking up?
Well, she can take care
of herself.
That's my daughter.
Coop, wake up.
Where are you?
Now where are you?
Fuck! Fuck!
Just turn off!
Fuck this! Fuck this!
I'm out of here!
Where are you?
And you be sure to bring that...
fat bottom back again soon.
Okay, Nancy?
I'm at Fat Bottom Bistro
off Route 9G.
I just came in, there's--
there's blood everywhere.
There's blood on the floor.
Um, I think my friend is dying.
What the...
Bobby, can you hear me?
I remember...
that night at Max's.
I know we did.
What did the farmer say...
when he--
"Where's my tractor?"
Kill it.
- You tell your dad?
- Ew. No.
He'd kill me before I kill it.
Well, congrats.
You ever feel like you're living
somebody else's life?
Keep smoking enough of this shit
and I'll believe anything.
I'm serious, though.
It's like you have it all
figured out how it should be.
And then you wake up one day
and you're like...
almost 20.
Shit's nothing like you thought.
Twenty is still really young.
I wouldn't trip.
I feel like I'm stuck.
Like everyone's doing
their own thing...
and my dad is moving on.
And me...
Community college.
Manager at Fat Bottom Bistro.
Okay, at the very least,
you can take over the diner
and then change
that shitty-ass name.
What's the point?
What do you mean?
What's the point of it all?
What's the point in going on?
You know my mom was the same age
I am now when she had me?
I miss her so fucking much.
Oh, my God. Baby.
What the fuck happened?
Come on.
Hey. Hey, Nancy.
It's all right, kid.
Help is on the way.
You're okay.
Nancy, what is it?
My baby.