Last Weekend (2014) Movie Script

- Thank you.
- I'll take care of it.
- Talk to you later.
- Okay.
You should have called.
I didn't know
you had even landed.
I thought...
You're here.
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
Why is your hair so sticky?
You have to meet Luke.
Where is he?
He's the boyfriend, right?
No, no.
He is not my boyfriend.
Okay, okay.
Just lover?
Celia, it's been so long.
Oh, oh.
- Mwah.
- Okay.
How continental we are
these days.
I guess that's how it is
in Hollywood.
Celia, this is Sean Oakes.
Hi. Great to meet you.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Hey, I-I'm Luke.
Oh, Mom, this is Luke Caswell.
Yes, I-I know.
I suppose I could say
I've heard so much about you,
except that I haven't
because Theo never
tells his parents anything.
I've been busy.
Thank you so much for having us.
The weather is perfect.
Yeah, you have
a really beautiful home here.
Well, you all must be exhausted.
Do you get service here now?
I just need to check in
with my assistant.
We still don't get cell service
on the property.
No one does in the bay.
Sometimes you can get
a text message.
Everyone thinks it's charming.
It's goddamn annoying.
You'll have to call from inside.
Come on.
Roger and Vanessa are bringing
all the food I ordered
from Ikeda's.
Hope they get here soon,
or we might have to start eating
our limbs like the Donner party.
Who wants iced tea?
"Welcome to our cabin."
That's cute.
Is that what we're calling
Tahoe lake houses these days?
Theo, stop it.
I bought it from that lady
at the farmers' market
who sells local folk art.
"Made in China."
Well, why don't you show
everyone where they're sleeping?
Nora, you'll be
in the front guest room.
Theo, you and Luke
will be in your old room.
Whoa, why aren't we staying
in the guest house
or in the Stone Room?
Your brother and Vanessa
will be in the guest house.
I thought you'd want to be
in your old room.
I'm almost 30, and I want
to stay in my childhood bedroom.
It doesn't even have
a double bed.
Well, put the beds together.
No, we're sleeping
in the Stone Room.
I don't care.
Put your friend...
What's her name, the actress?
Put Blake and her guest
in your room,
though the Stone Room gets cold,
and I don't want you leaving
the electric heater on at night.
You'll burn the place down.
And that enormous car...
Is it going to stay
in the driveway?
Where did it come from?
Did you rent it?
What does it matter?
I just don't like you driving.
Mom, why do you care?
You have never been completely
comfortable behind the wheel,
and you live in New York.
No one ever drives in New York.
We're going up.
Come on.
I only want you to be safe.
Ah, and here we are,
the Stone Room.
- It's beautiful.
- Yeah.
I thought you said
that your mom was crazy.
She is crazy.
No, she's not.
Okay, most people
have trains of thought.
My mom has, like, 15,000 Post-it
notes flapping around.
She seems fun,
more fun than my family.
I mean...
Is that the guest house?
No, that is
where the caretaker lives.
That is the guest house.
It used to belong to this couple
from Nob Hill.
They drank a lot.
Hey, how come you don't live
in San Francisco?
Oh, my parents.
I love them, but it...
We just shouldn't spend
too much time
very close together, you know?
Is this your old room?
It is so cute.
Guess so.
Oh, uh, don't...
don't touch those.
It's okay.
God damn it!
Don't you have to hit pound
at the end?
Babe, I just think that...
You need to tell your parents
at some point.
It's not like
they won't find out.
Right, I should just walk
in the door and announce it.
Maybe this happened
for a reason.
Why does there have to be
a reason?
You said it yourself.
You hated working at Watkins.
It was a stupid,
dipshit mistake, okay?
Nothing more than that.
What happened?
- Nothing.
- Don't I get a hello?
Vanessa, what happened?
I don't know.
I just...
He always takes everything
so personally.
I'll get the cart and help you
unload the car.
Thank you so much.
It's nice to see you.
Of course.
I brought you this just as,
you know, a thank-you
for having us and everything.
You don't need to do that.
You don't need to do anything.
We'll open this later.
The produce looks...
- Doesn't it?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, you brought us
some of your water.
Such a cute name...
How are things going with that?
Um, we just introduced
two new flavors,
and we're going to be
in Whole Foods next month.
Yeah, I just...
you know,
I thought it would be fun.
I totally understand
if nobody wants any of it.
Don't be absurd.
Of course people will drink it.
It's water.
Go ahead and get yourself
settled in the guest house.
It looks like Roger
might need you.
And try to find out
what he's so upset about.
We brought you this.
Oh, thank you.
This is perfect.
You know I hate getting things.
I mean, where would I put them?
This place is completely full.
I mean, this is wonderful...
mandarin pumpkin butter.
Oh, ginger Asian pear.
We can eat this all up,
throw this away,
and it'll be
like it was never here.
- I'm so glad.
- Mm.
What in the world?
- Hey!
- Whoo!
That was great.
- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
What are you guys doing?
Dropping by?
I love it.
Nobody drops by anymore.
- Mwah.
- Mwah.
- It was nothing.
- We were in the neighborhood.
Oh, look at you two, swimming.
Oh, my God,
every time I come up here,
I think I'm gonna go in,
and then the whole time passes,
and I forget to do it.
This is...
- Ooh, that feels good.
- Whoo-hoo!
So are you going
to the "Save the Lake" benefit
on Sunday?
I think we have to.
Did you want to join my table?
Oh, we already have our tickets.
Veronika asked us
if we wanted to be her guests.
Bring this down.
That's great.
- Really?
- Mm.
Oh, did you hear that she's, um,
going to do more construction?
You're kidding me.
After everything that we went
through while she rebuilt that?
I thought you were gonna do
something more on your house.
Malcolm and I, uh,
have talked about selling
and doing something simple.
- No.
- No.
Please don't tell anybody.
We're still not sure
if it's gonna happen.
- You're not.
- You can't.
I mean, we probably won't.
The kids should get the house
I mean, God knows they don't
even appreciate it,
but maybe a younger family
would enjoy it more.
I wish I could be one of those
people who can just let go.
Sweetie, you can't let go
of anything.
Why not just keep the house
as an investment?
Ah, the market...
It seems decadent to own two...
vacation houses.
Celia Green.
You have more money
than entire ZIP codes
in San Francisco.
You can afford
to keep both houses.
I know.
It's just...
You reach an age...
I'm... I'm so tired of my life
being safe.
But this house...
They don't make houses
like this anymore.
I-I don't know who else
deserves to live here.
Remind me why we're here again?
What were we going to do...
Spend the weekend in Westwood?
Oh, you...
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
Oh, okay.
I get it.
Theo Green.
So high school friend
wants a movie deal.
Is it any good?
Have you even read it yet?
Don't be a brat.
Theo just sent it to me
a few weeks ago.
I mean, what do you do
when you're staying
at someone's house,
eating their food, and you have
to critique their work?
Well, what do you tell all
the other wannabe screenwriters?
Usually, I just say,
"It's good. It's great.
I'll get back to you
with notes,"
and then I just...
Well, at least wait
until the end of the weekend
to tell him how you feel.
Everything's gonna be all right.
I know.
Does Mom need any help?
Uh, don't worry about it.
You work hard.
You deserve to relax.
I guess that's the thing now,
Fridays off.
All the young people
take Fridays off in the summer.
It's Labor Day weekend, Dad.
I didn't take a Friday off
until I turned 50.
Does she need any help?
No, she said she had it
under control.
Where's everyone else?
Don't you have another, uh,
friend coming?
Blake and her guest
are arriving later.
I can't believe that you're
friends with Blake Curtis.
Why would she want to be friends
with a writer on her show?
Oh, shut up, Roger.
Isn't that like hanging out
with the help?
She likes the lines
that I write for her.
you certainly decided
to bring an entourage with you.
You used to bring your frat
buddies up here all the time.
- They were my brothers.
- Uh, actually, no.
I'm your brother.
Well, at least I don't bring
B-list TV actresses
whose ass I'm kissing.
I love Blake Curtis.
We watch The Boardroom
every Sunday.
You watch The Boardroom
every Sunday.
See, I have the unconditional
support of my family.
Should we try the lake?
Thought you said
it was freezing.
It'll turn your balls
into popcorn kernels.
- That's so funny.
- Mm-hmm-hmm.
Yeah, 'cause you already have
popcorn kernel balls.
Ow! Ow!
Stay away from my balls.
How'd you like it
if I did that to you?
Oh, he's so sensitive.
You gonna run and call Mom?
Theo, Vanessa.
- How are you?
- Good, thank you.
Good, good, good.
Hector, this is Luke.
Oh, hey.
Is everything
all right in there?
Yeah, it's great.
Um, you been having
a good summer?
Just shout if you need anything.
Thanks, Hector.
- See you.
- Nice to meet you.
I always feel like such a prick
for relaxing while he's on duty.
Roger, his job
is to take care of the house.
Why shouldn't you be allowed
to relax while he's working?
Thank you.
That's nice.
Hey, what's up with the floor
in our bathroom?
I thought you said you were
gonna redo it in bamboo.
What floor?
I don't... I don't know
what you're talking about.
The bathroom floor
in the guest house,
the one with that nasty 1970s
linoleum you never replaced.
Oh, that.
Roger, bamboo is expensive.
I know it's sustainable,
but it didn't make sense
to spend the money when, uh...
When what?
Just when you're hardly
ever here.
We use the house all the time.
Oh, come on.
How many times did you
drive up here this summer?
The three holiday weekends,
It was more than that.
It was
the three holiday weekends.
would you like a glass of wine?
Eh, just a splash.
I mean, you don't use the house
as much as you used to,
and you...
Thank you...
And your... your brother
is always in New York.
Do you want the guest house
to look like it's stuck
in some crappy, cheapo
time warp, or do you really...
Roger, that's enough.
I think you have
more important things
to concern yourself with
than renovating a bathroom.
What does that mean?
What she means
is that you and your brother
should be more concerned
with making money
than our spending it.
Do not bring me into this one.
I have to get dinner
on the table.
Oh, God.
I hope I got enough salmon.
It was on sale
at the supermarket,
but I only got five pounds.
You got fish on sale?
Why do you do that?
Roger, someday when you've
made enough money of your own,
you'll understand what it means
not to waste it.
Now, just start grilling,
- Mmm.
- Mmm.
- Theo?
- Mm?
Where are Blake and her guest?
I set ten place settings.
Um, her friend got called in
on a last-minute shoot,
so it's just gonna be her.
I still think it's crazy that
Blake Curtis wouldn't have
somewhere better
to spend the holiday.
Get over it, Roger.
She likes hanging out with me.
Next we're gonna see you
in one of those magazines
as the unidentified friend
that she's having coffee with
while the paparazzi
snaps her photo.
Seriously, no peppering her
with questions
about what it's like
to be famous,
okay, Mom?
Oh, come on.
Give us a little credit, Theo.
We have celebrities
in San Francisco.
Celia, this table
looks really beautiful.
Does anybody want some of this?
I brought a FreshWater
variety pack.
It's fine.
We'll drink it tomorrow.
Uh, how is the salmon?
Did Roger overcook it?
- No.
- No, it's...
- No, hey...
- No, it's really good.
It's good.
Oh, I almost forgot.
This meal was designed
according to a special diet
I just read about,
and you don't count calories
or fat or cholesterol or...
- This is good.
- What do you count?
Carbon emissions.
It's not funny.
It's all about CO2 emissions.
Every food item
has a number of points
depending on where it came from,
how it was transported,
whether it was local
or from South America or...
Yeah, they started doing that
at our food co-op.
- Oh.
- Thank you, Sean.
- See?
- Sure.
Food co-op.
Um, so, what's the point count
for this meal?
I don't actually remember.
I think...
Maria, what was it?
It was 345,
unless you count the bread.
Oh, you know, it's...
it's tricky.
The bread is from a bakery
in town,
but they wouldn't tell me
if their flour
was local or from farther away,
and the other ingredients,
they didn't know about those,
which is really quite shocking,
so if you don't eat the bread,
you're at 345.
And, um, is 345 good or bad?
What does it matter?
It's somewhere in the middle...
I think.
Another crusade
fought theoretically.
What would the world do
without women like your mother?
happy Labor Day weekend.
- Cheers.
- Cheers. Cheers.
Thank you for having us.
We're so pleased
to have you here.
- Yeah.
- Absolutely.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Glad to have you here.
Hey, guys.
Everyone, everyone.
Blake doesn't drink alcohol,
so don't offer her any wine.
She doesn't like to drink?
No, Dad, she is a recovering
alcoholic and an addict.
She can't drink.
Not even one glass?
What a shame.
Oh, a drug addict?
- Imagine.
- Okay, Mom.
You don't have to make
a big deal out of it.
Jesus Christ.
Does everyone have enough wine?
Drink up while you can.
Oh, hey!
Oh, my goodness.
I made it.
I survived.
Oh, my God.
You have no idea.
What, did she ride a donkey
from New York or something?
Thank you so much.
Sorry I'm late.
- It's okay.
- I'm so sorry.
Thank you so much
for having me, Mrs. Green.
- Thank you.
- Oh, uh, Celia, please.
Let me introduce everyone.
This is Malcolm, my husband.
- Nora, Sean, Luke...
- Mm-hmm.
Roger, my other son,
and Vanessa.
- And you know Maria, of course.
- I do, yes.
I'll bring the bags
up to your room.
Thank you.
Thanks so much.
Um, oh, and I have, uh,
a little bit of something.
- Oh.
- Thank you.
- Oh.
- Look at that smile.
She's such a dirty star fucker.
Um, I would love a shower
if that's okay?
- Yeah, sure. I'll...
- Yeah?
- I'll take you up to your room.
- Great.
- Okay, all right.
- Come on.
- Ooh.
- She's sweet and...
She is so much smaller
than I thought she would be.
Oh, actors always are.
I thought she'd be
more top-heavy.
That's not what I meant.
You know, I had
the most incredible breasts
when I was 23.
I-I didn't even have
to wear a bra.
- Eh.
- It's true.
Now she's gonna show you
pictures of your honeymoon
in Saint-Tropez.
I think I have
some of those pictures.
I know I do.
You okay?
You all right?
I'm sorry,
I just... I can't...
No, I can't breathe.
- Give him some water.
- He's choking.
Does anybody know the Heimlich?
- Jesus.
- Here, take... take some water.
You want some water?
Oh, my God,
his neck is all... is all red.
Is he allergic to the salmon?
Uh, we need... we need that...
that allergy thing,
that thing you bought...
I don't know if I still have it.
- I don't remember.
- Well, did you use it?
- I'm not sure. I don't know.
- Well, let... let's look for it.
- All right.
- Here.
- Get him some water.
- Drink some water.
- Have you used it?
- Of course not.
I didn't use it.
I just don't know where it is.
It's so messy under here.
I keep meaning to reorgan...
Roger, please don't make
such a mess.
- Well, at least help me.
- All right, all right.
What are these doing here?
Oh, Mom, come on.
You have to find it.
Well, it could be anywhere.
I mean, does he really need it?
That needle is expensive.
I mean, what if someone gets
a bee sting this weekend?
Would you like him
to die instead?
No, of course not.
Oh, here it is.
Take it.
Whoa, what...
what are you doing?
Luke's having an allergic
reaction to something.
- I've got to give him this.
- What?
Wait, well, do you know
what you're doing?
Allergic to what?
Local discount salmon, I guess!
Roger's coming.
You're gonna be fine.
He's got the medicine, okay?
Oh, oh, my God.
- Okay.
- Mm.
- Count to 15.
- Ten seconds.
It says to rub the puncture
area after.
On three, two, one.
Be careful with that.
Someone could get hurt.
Are you okay?
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, can you breathe?
- You feeling better?
- You poor thing.
Have you ever eaten salmon
No, I haven't had it that much.
See, there you go.
Okay, Mom, what does it
matter, okay?
- All right.
- Come on, let's go inside.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Okay, come on.
Can you walk?
Ah, I'm sorry, everybody.
That's okay.
Oh, my God.
Come with me.
Do not speak to me.
- Come with me now.
- Take your hand...
- Take your hands off me.
- Then walk by yourself.
- What is your problem?
- Into the house.
Roger, do not speak to me
that way.
Now what?
What's wrong?
- Want some water?
- Okay.
He couldn't breathe
from your meal.
Are you out
of your fucking mind?
Oh, you are so rude.
You know nothing
about these sorts of things.
Do you know how many bee stings
happen up here?
He... he didn't have
a bee sting, Mom!
- And I might need this.
- He was suffocating!
Theo, she wasn't gonna look
for the medicine.
She said that it was
too expensive to use.
Roger is misrepresenting
the situation.
You're joking.
I go inside for five minutes,
and my boyfriend almost dies.
- Theo, darling, please.
- Shh.
We'll talk about this later.
I don't want the kid
to find out.
It's just in the middle
of this dinner
I've prepared for you,
my mind is in a thousand places.
Mom, this isn't for us.
It's for you.
That's not true.
It's not.
Malcolm, can you believe this?
I think what everyone needs
to do is just calm down.
I'm gonna go back
and finish dinner.
I...honestly, Mom,
you're embarrassing.
They're boyfriends now.
That's nice.
Why don't you go back outside?
I want to have dessert
by the fire.
But I've always wanted
to redecorate this house.
We... we never really decorated
in the first place.
Our life was much simpler
back then.
We bought some furniture
from a shop in town.
It was already upholstered.
Now it's six-month lead time
and custom everything.
You can't buy a chair
for under $10,000.
Christ, Mom.
You sound like Veronika Goss.
Decorating is the single thing
I have in common
with that woman,
though I can't stand
her ridiculous taste.
Who are we talking about?
Oh, the people
who live next door,
the Gosses.
They moved into this beautiful
gem of a house.
And then they tore it down
and built that thing
they're living in now.
We had to put up
with construction next door
for two summers in a row.
Who needs 3 bedrooms when
you can have 16 bedrooms?
Forgive me for asking,
but how do the Gosses
make their money?
- Hmm.
- Yes, I know.
No more less genteel than us.
We make exercise equipment.
They make air-conditioning.
The funny thing, of course,
is that they bought
a vacation house
in the one part of the country
that you don't need
It's typical, this sort
of nouveau riche thing.
Mom, aren't we
kind of nouveau riche?
Your father has been successful
since before you were born.
He didn't make his money
yesterday, inventing,
I don't know,
some website or something.
It's those types of people
who are our neighbors now.
This area's crawling
with venture capitalists
and dot-commers all building
their mega mansions.
That must be good
for the local economy.
No, it's immigrants that
provide most of the workforce...
mainly Hispanics.
Drives up the crime rate.
I read it in the paper.
Burglaries, rapes, even murders.
I certainly don't want
to be raped.
Does anybody want another drink?
Yes, please.
What about Hector and Maria?
Hector and Maria
are not like the others.
Remember the crew
that worked on the boathouse?
They cleaned us right out.
First it was a case of beer.
Then it was the tools.
I'm gonna go help Maria.
I should go.
Oh, no, save that piece.
Can I do anything here?
We've got it covered.
Hi, Celia.
Hector, did Malcolm talk to you
about the light on the dock?
- Hello.
- Hi.
I'm Celia's neighbor, Veronika.
- Oh.
- She's probably mentioned me.
She did.
I had no idea.
I had heard
you were staying there,
but I didn't believe it.
I love your show.
Thank you.
Are you coming to the benefit
Um, you know, I don't know.
I'm not really sure.
Oh, well, if Celia
didn't buy you a ticket,
you come as my guest, okay?
Oh, I really couldn't.
But thank you.
That's so nice.
Um, I'm sorry.
I just have to keep running.
It was really nice to meet you,
Nice to meet you.
I feel good about my life.
I release the need
for self-criticism.
Do we make our beds?
Uh, Maria will do it.
Don't you think it seems rude
or sloppy or something not to?
What are you doing?
I don't like the mint flavor.
I don't know why
you opened it for me.
Well, you don't have to pour
it out.
Jesus, what is wrong with you?
I'm just trying to clean up
a little bit
before Maria does her thing.
Wait a minute.
Is this why
you won't talk to your dad
about getting the waters
in the gyms...
because you hate them?
No, no.
But you hate this flavor.
It tastes like toothpaste
It's supposed to.
A little bit.
It freshens your breath.
People like it.
It's one of our top sellers.
I'll... I'll talk to him.
I will talk to him.
Just not...
this weekend.
Why are you always so, like,
making things happen?
Why can't you ever
just let things be?
I doubt your father
built his business
on just letting things be.
I will talk to him, but...
You know,
there are a ton of people
who would have to approve
something like this.
It's not like he can just snap
his fingers and make it happen.
I get it.
Do your parents
get the paper here?
I can't get a signal.
Yeah, they get it delivered.
I know.
I want to go
to the farmers' market
before everything good is gone.
Theo, you'll come with me?
Don't worry, Luke.
- You don't have to go.
- Okay.
Are you feeling okay?
I'm so sorry you had to go
through all that last night.
No, I'm feeling so much better.
- No, thank you.
- Eggs?
- Oh, he can't have any.
- Oh.
I had a heart attack
22 years ago.
Actually, it's what motivated me
to start Green Machines.
- Really?
- Morning. Hi.
- Hello.
- Hey, how are you?
How are you?
- Good morning.
- Oh, hi.
Um, I had a strange encounter
with your neighbor.
That's Veronika.
Don't talk to her.
Where's the business section?
- You're asking me?
- Yes.
Does anyone want more coffee?
- Oh, yes, please.
- Roger.
- Oh, I'll have some coffee.
- I'll have some.
Maybe Maria...
- Hold on.
- Oh, yeah.
I would take some of that.
- Hurry!
- Can you pass me a muffin?
Yes, but we have to find
I want to find
the perfect sunflowers
for the table tonight.
Well, go to the flower stand.
This stuff is always
so beautiful.
How much is this?
It's $20.
And that's all fair trade.
- I'll take these two.
- Great.
And this.
Oh, this bowl is stunning.
And it was made locally.
Oh, that's great.
I'll take that.
How much?
It's $180 altogether.
Um, Theo, can you help me
with everything, please?
Mom, why are you buying
all this stuff?
Where are you gonna put it?
Even the garage is full.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I should probably stop.
Who knows how long
we're gonna be here anyway?
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
What do you mean by that?
Well, it's your house,
but you and Roger
are hardly ever here.
When you were children,
it was wonderful, but now...
You can't sell the house.
We grew up here.
You'll never do it.
Besides, what about Hector
and Maria?
- What'll happen to them?
- Hector and Maria will be fine.
You know we'll always
take care of them.
The lake used to be such
a simple place, no pretensions.
It just...
I mean, so many of our friends
have... have left.
It's difficult to see things
Oh, shit.
Hold on.
There's something in my contact.
Darling, why don't you and Luke
stay past Monday?
We could spend the week
Mom, you know I can't do that.
I have a job.
There are people
who expect me to show up.
They would understand.
They know you don't need
the money.
Mom, why the fuck
would you say that?
You know how hard I work.
Oh, Theo, of course.
Don't get hysterical.
I'm so proud of you.
How about you come next year
for more than a weekend?
Oh, my God.
How about for two weeks?
Remember how you used to love
the antique boat show
and the Fourth of July
You really think I plan
my summers a year in advance?
Ask Roger.
He's closer.
This is all you ever do.
You two just brush me aside.
I get one weekend
with my two sons together
for the first time in years,
but that's all you'll give me.
Is that how it's gonna be
from now on?
Next you'll forget
my birthday too.
Calm down.
Everyone remembered
your birthday.
Does your brother just hate me?
Of course he doesn't hate you.
He is so difficult with me
all the time.
I still can't stand the idea
of Vanessa.
What if he gets her pregnant?
Okay, you could be
a little nicer to her.
Oh, cherries.
We need dried cherries.
For the salad.
You know, you could care
a little bit more
about who I date.
What do you want me to say?
The boy seems perfectly nice.
You scrutinize everyone
Roger dates,
picking apart every little flaw,
which I know
is completely annoying,
but at least it means you care.
I get treated like I...
I brought home
the boyfriend version
of a Christmas fruitcake.
"Oh, he's perfectly nice."
- What?
- That's funny.
That's not what I meant.
Well, it's a... it's a joke.
Mom, I'm going back to the car.
Have fun picking out more crap
that you don't need.
There's your stupid sunflowers.
Don't take everything
so seriously.
What is Hector doing?
I think he's fixing the light.
How do you read that shit?
Oh, come on.
Blake is in this issue.
That's so weird.
- Oh, my God.
- Hector?
- Hector!
- Wait. Hold on.
No, no, no, no, no, Roger.
It's not safe.
Turn off the power.
Hold on, Hector!
You're okay, man.
You're okay.
What happened?
He got... he got electrocuted...
- What?
- Fixing that... the light.
He fell in the water.
Oh, my God.
He's unconscious?
Get on the left.
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Be careful, guys.
Well, what do we do now?
Well, I have to tell Maria.
I mean, she should be back
any minute from the market.
Oh, God.
We have to go to the hospital.
- All of us?
- No, not everyone.
- Well, you need to go.
- Right.
And Theo and I should go.
Roger, we can't all go.
We have guests.
Is that really important
right now?
We can't just leave
everyone here.
Don't worry about us.
We'll be fine.
Theo, you know, he's right.
- You stay.
- Thank you.
I'm... I'm...
Malcolm, let's get the car.
I'm gonna call Maria
from the car.
- Okay, I'm gonna come.
- We'll call you.
- All right.
- I'm gonna get changed!
- Come on, Roger.
- Yeah.
Come on, Malcolm.
What are we supposed to do
the rest of the day?
I don't know.
It seems inappropriate
to, like, enjoy ourselves.
I still can't believe
that just happened.
It's water with just a hint
of flavor, no calories.
There are four main styles...
Fresh Mint, Plain, Power Punch,
and Berry Me.
"Berry Me"?
Yeah, like,
like berry, like strawberry,
Oh, I-I get it.
Do you guys think
these are still good?
They expired a week ago.
Of course they're still good.
They're pickled.
Nurses' station.
Where did Maria go?
To the chapel to pray.
Why do you have to make fun
of that?
Maybe her faith
is important to her.
I...I am not making fun of it.
- You are.
- I am not.
Sit down.
It just seems pointless.
Why does she need to go to some
crappy little chapel to pray?
Why can't she pray
just right here?
I'm sure
that you would find a way
to complain about that too.
I hate this kind of water.
That's what they have.
I hate it.
You couldn't get a paper?
They were all out.
I need some air.
It seems like she has a meal
planned for tonight,
but I can't make out
her handwriting.
Does this say
that these vegetables
are supposed to be grilled
or broiled?
I can't tell.
Maybe broiled?
I mean, I guess it doesn't
really matter.
Well, what should we do?
Should we eat
on the stone table again?
It just seems so unlike Celia
to do the same thing
two nights in a row.
Why do you care?
She's not gonna be here.
- I just... you know.
- It's not worth trying.
She's a total perfectionist.
No one will ever be good enough.
Good enough for what?
I've known Celia
since Theo and I were friends
in high school.
She can smell fear.
You can use that one.
Just grab...
Yeah, grab that edge
and spin it.
And get lower.
That was good.
I bet you wish you were still
in New York.
No, I'm...
I'm having a really fun time.
Why, do you...
do you wish I wasn't here or...
No, I'm glad you're here.
Me too.
I appreciate the ticket.
Oh, it was nothing.
I use miles,
so it's like Monopoly money.
It doesn't count.
Does anybody need anything?
There's... there's more chicken
and salad.
Celia, we're here!
- Hi!
- Oh, gosh.
The traffic was a nightmare,
and then Richard dragged us
to this awful cocktail party.
I didn't ask if he and Howard
could stay, so it's just us.
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
I hope that's okay.
That's fine.
- What are we... what are we doing?
- Oh, we're here for dinner.
Where are your parents?
- Your mom asked us to dinner.
- Oh.
Oh, my God, guys,
there's been an accident.
What? No!
- What happened?
- Oh, no, it was nothing.
Well, ugh, it wasn't...
I mean, it wasn't nothing.
It was terrible.
It was Hector.
It was our caretaker.
- Oh.
- Oh, oh, okay.
My parents are on their way
back from the hospital.
Oh, that's so sweet of them.
So these are for you.
- Okay. Sure.
- Would you care to join us?
We can get you some chairs or...
- Yeah. That would be...
- Do you want...
- Thank you.
- Want some wine?
- Red or white?
- Yes.
Your parents love you boys
so much.
Do you know how much
your parents love you?
- Do you?
- Yeah.
Oh, my God.
- If my kid...
- Oh.
If our kids ever came
to visit us.
I only see them
when they need money.
You and Roger are so good
to your parents.
They said that?
You are.
Your mom...
Oh, my God.
You mean everything to her.
It's real.
Damn it.
I missed the sunset.
Oh, my... oh.
- Theo?
- Mm. Mm?
Why are you down here?
Get up.
You scared me half to death.
- Oh, for fuck's sake.
- What are you doing?
Get up.
- How did I get down here?
- What?
Is Luke up?
How many sleeping pills
did you have before bed?
I'm an insomniac.
It's... I can't help it.
I really like him.
Only been three weeks.
And I don't know if it'll last.
It never seems to last.
Why are you saying that?
I was bombed when I met him.
I thought it was gonna be
a one-night stand and...
Do you ever think it's not gonna
get any better than this?
Yeah, Theo.
You know, we all make choices.
And at some point,
that becomes your life,
and you can't postpone it,
and you can't wait for something
better to come along.
Will you just please promise me
you'll be careful
with the pills
because I need you in my life.
Do you want to come running
with me tomorrow?
Yes, I would.
I would rather sit in a dumpy
hospital waiting room
than go to some party
where everyone
wants to know
what I'm up to these days.
And Theo is
showing off
his TV star plaything
like she's so great.
Who cares?
That's not why he brought her.
They're friends.
They have become friends,
but it's very convenient.
He might as well be
carrying around an Emmy.
You know, every single thing
we've ever done,
every project, every job,
the questions
our parents ask are,
"How much are you being paid?"
and "Can you really support
yourself on that?"
And so now that Theo finally can
support himself,
he needs to rub
everyone's face in it.
Roger, you need to tell
your parents.
But what am I gonna say?
a fucking idiot,
and I made a typo on a trade
that cost my company
$30 million.
I just hate all those people,
all those fucking people
who are gonna be judging me.
You made a mistake.
It happens.
You should take off that makeup.
People don't wear makeup
to breakfast in Lake Tahoe.
You have to go.
We can't just leave the table
It's so rude.
It's not appropriate.
Hector almost died yesterday,
and we still don't know
how he's doing.
He should be fine.
You don't know that.
You say these things,
"He should be fine,"
without any basis of truth
in them.
Roger, if you don't go,
it makes too big a deal
of the accident.
People will start talking.
And that's all that you
care about, isn't it?
Of course...
no, of course not.
Your father and I will go to
the hospital and wait with him.
Why do you get to go
to the hospital
while the rest of us have to be
trotted out at a benefit
like show ponies?
Well, we need to be there.
Hector is like family to us.
I thought you always said
the staff wasn't like family.
I said they're not family,
but that doesn't mean
they're not like family.
There's a difference.
Are you okay?
What time is it?
Did breakfast happen already?
Calm down.
You're fine.
God damn it.
Fucking Nora.
She hasn't said anything to me
about my screenplay yet.
I sent it to her three weeks
ago, and...
And just...
It's been a long time since I've
written one, so I'm nervous.
I thought if I invited her
for the weekend,
she would have finished it
by now.
Well, you're looking at me
like I'm an asshole.
No, I'm not. I...
No, it's your work.
Of course you care about it.
I care about it.
Is everyone set for the benefit?
Did everybody
get enough breakfast?
I-I think everybody's okay.
I mean, people have just been
and there's plenty of fruit
and bagels and things, so...
I really wanted to make
waffles this morning.
I guess one can't do everything.
We're leaving!
I have to ask her what does
she want me to do?
Love your dress.
This is all such bullshit.
You know what?
I'm so sick of you
judging everything.
I mean, have you ever thought
it's people like this
who have paid your way
through graduate school?
Honey, who do you think
endows scholarships
and research centers?
People who actually care about
making the world a better place.
See, they're trying to curb
environmental erosion
and stop people from
building docks and stuff.
These people who have a dock.
Oh, my God.
He is so negative.
You don't say a thing...
Are you having a great time?
- Mm-hmm.
- But where are your parents?
Oh, how is your caretaker?
That sweet man.
He's fine.
Oh, hold on.
- Thank you.
- Aw.
How fun.
Now, Vivian tells me your
parents are selling their house.
- Is that true?
- No.
They would never do that.
Gorgeous party.
Oh, thank you.
I'm, uh, Veronika, by the way.
Oh, hi.
- Hello, Luke.
- Hi, how are you?
So are you guys...
Oh, um, sure.
So cute.
Are you from New York?
What do your parents do?
Uh, food service and janitorial.
That's terrific.
There's a lot of money in that.
No, there's not.
Do you want your bags?
- No, I don't want it.
- Ugh, my feet.
Look at all this stuff.
We can probably give
the T-shirts to Maria
if we don't want them.
Might take these shampoos too.
Yeah, like, "Sorry your
husband got electrocuted."
"Here's a free T-shirt
from some benefit
you can't afford to go to."
She always appreciates it
when Mom gives them to her.
She uses them as cleaning rags.
Well, I'm keeping mine.
I think it's cute.
Look at this.
This should have been my water
in there.
Is he here yet?
Is who here?
The curator
from the Indian Museum.
He was gonna look
at my basket collection.
No, no.
I haven't seen anyone.
We rushed all the way
from the hospital.
I had completely forgotten
I had made the appointment.
What are you doing
with your baskets?
Why are you doing this today?
It was the only time
they could see me.
I-I want to donate
some of my baskets and pots
to the little museum in town.
I don't want it all to be
auctioned off at Bonhams
or whatever when I'm...
So you're giving away
a bunch of stuff?
Well, it's not like you and
your brother want any of it.
This way, I'll know it's safe.
I might want them.
What, are you gonna sell
the house too?
Is that what's next?
I have to get ready
for the curator.
How was the party?
- Sorry.
- Wonderful.
Thank you.
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.
- One second.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
Just tell me
when it's okay to look.
- Okay.
- Hmm.
It's okay?
Yeah, you're all right.
Yeah? Okay.
Uh, do you want to take her
out for a spin?
She's almost ready to go.
Yeah, I mean, are you sure?
I mean, don't you want to go
with Vanessa or something?
I don't know where she is.
- Yeah, let's go.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Come in.
- Okay.
- All right.
- All right.
So, this weekend's been
kind of...
I got fired
on Thursday.
I've only told Vanessa.
I'm really sorry.
I won't tell anybody.
Don't worry about it.
I'll probably never see you
Oh, you don't know that.
Wait. What are you doing?
Come on.
Last day of summer.
Okay, I could do that
for a few minutes.
So can I ask you something?
Um, why don't you...
Why don't you just go and work
for your dad?
It's exactly that word...
I mean, even the way
you asked it implies...
Oh, no, no, no.
I didn't mean it like that.
No, it's fine,
but it just implies
it would somehow be easier.
You're right.
No, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it like that.
I don't want to ride
my family's coattails.
Theo and I are already so lucky,
I've got to do something
on my own before I...
well, if I ever do
go work for...
Yeah, I just...
You know, I don't think I see
anything wrong with that.
Maybe not.
I can't do this.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.
- No, I didn't mean to.
- No, no, no, no.
- That's... that's...
- I shouldn't have...
It's okay.
I finally should just go.
I should just go.
Food service.
Jesus Christ.
No, I-I didn't...
I didn't mean that...
I mean...
Yeah, I lied
about what they did.
They're not, uh, professors.
My dad is a janitor, and my mom
works in the food-service line.
- So...
- Luke, I don't care.
- I don't.
- Right.
I don't care what they do.
You could have told me.
Yeah, maybe I could have.
It's just that, um...
You have this whole fancy life
with your...
your job and your parents
and their parties
and vacations and houses, and,
I mean, do you think I want
a lecture from your mom
about how noble it is to work
in the service industry?
I'm not my mom.
Did you even want me here
this weekend or did you just...
I don't know...
invite me like some sort of
buffer against your family?
You just grabbed
the nearest warm body.
Did I do something?
Don't you get it?
Every day I feel
like I have to be...
like, good enough,
clever enough,
successful enough.
"Oh, what do you do?
What do your parents do?"
"Oh, oh, we love the opera.
Have we seen you in anything?"
It's exhausting.
Well, fuck 'em.
Fuck them.
Who cares
what other people think?
Okay, Theo, you're the last
person to say that.
Excuse me?
you have this life, Theo,
that is so totally just foreign
to me, and, I mean, you love it.
It consumes you.
What whole life?
You... you own a loft.
You pay for everything
with a platinum card.
You... you put on a $75
moisturizer every morning,
and then you get your hair cut
by a guy
that styles celebrities.
Okay, last Saturday,
you spent the entire afternoon
picking out
a $4,000 dining room table.
You take cabs everywhere.
Hey, that's not true.
Theo, you don't even own
a MetroCard.
It's expired.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize my life
was such...
such an affront to you.
Okay, Jesus,
it's not an affront to me.
It's just...
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna go inside the house.
Take care.
Where is everybody?
What are you doing here
in the dark?
I was watching the sunset.
See, it's framed
by the picture window.
These are beautiful.
Oh, thank you.
Do you know the museum
wants them all?
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
I started buying them
when Theo was born.
It was like each one marked
a year in our life,
in the lives of the boys.
This one...
It was the summer Roger
lost his first tooth.
He insisted on carrying it
around all day long...
this bloody little thing.
It's hard to let go of things.
Isn't it?
I almost left Malcolm once.
He was working all the time.
Theo was...
a year old.
Malcolm never had time for us.
I had awful postpartum.
I felt like a '50s housewife.
I was so boxed in by our life,
by the bills, by everything,
and this...
this little creature...
he wasn't... he wasn't speaking,
not exactly...
he was my only friend.
He was the easiest baby.
He was so clever.
I didn't know how I could
I thought...
my only friend
is my one-year-old son.
What did you do?
I went to see a lawyer.
There was no one to look after
Theo, so I brought him along.
And I walked out
of that meeting,
and I realized
it wasn't his fault.
So I stayed, and I got out
of the house more.
And then I had Roger.
And I think sometimes
what a terrible thing
it would have been to leave.
my whole life would have been
Please don't tell Roger.
He... his father...
No one knows.
No, of course not.
30 years ago...
I could never have imagined
my life turning out like this.
I'm gonna go.
I'm, uh...
I'm gonna go dress for dinner.
What are you doing?
It's just...
He sings.
He said he was a singer.
And I...
I never thought to ask him
to sing.
I am so stupid sometimes.
I'm fine.
I've got to go dress
and then start dinner.
Some woman told me they raised
half a million dollars today.
- Really?
- Wow.
Are you sure?
Theo, can you put that
in a bowl, please?
I guess it doesn't matter.
Hey, Mom,
why aren't we eating this?
There's a whole casserole
in here.
Roger, please don't touch that.
That's for Maria.
You made this?
That's why we're eating
That might be Maria.
Oh, that's good.
Well, that's wonderful.
Yes, I suppose you can thank God
for that.
You too.
How did it go?
Well, he was very lucky.
His heart is beating normally
and it sounds
like he's gonna be just fine.
Just fine?
I mean, one never knows
anything for certain, of course.
That's good.
Oh. Veronika.
One of your guests left this.
Let me just put this down.
I-I made this casserole
for Maria.
Will the bears eat it
if I leave it out?
I think I should probably
put it in their kitchen.
- Oh, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm sure you've heard.
It's such a beautiful property.
Marty and I, when we were first
looking at houses,
it was your house
that caught my eye.
When the realtor drove us
to this area,
I was so excited because
I thought it was
this house that was for sale.
They delivered the sign
You've decided already.
No, not yet.
I just...
I wanted to see
what it looked like.
Is that crazy?
Why do I care what the...
real estate sign looks like?
I mean, really.
Uh, what are you going to do
with it?
I don't exactly know.
Didn't realize
you'd gone up already.
I'm still here.
Look, Theo, um,
this is all my own...
my own stuff that I'm going
through, okay?
I have to figure it out
on my own.
It's just that most guys
are total dicks,
and I sort of assumed that
maybe you would be one too.
Well, don't worry.
I can be a total dick.
Well, not to me,
you better not be.
I'm sorry.
So did you finally find out
about your screenplay?
Oh, uh, yeah.
She said it was good.
Okay, well,
I mean, is that good?
No, it's...
I don't know.
What does "good" mean?
Well, show it to your agent.
Isn't that what really counts?
I guess so.
I hope that this weekend
wasn't a bad idea.
Me too.
Are we doing the right thing...
if we give all this up?
Things have always worked out
for us, haven't they?
would you say
that we're good people?
If you looked at us
from a distance, would you say,
"Those are good people.
Those two
are really good people"?
I think someone would say that.
That's good.
You know something?
Motherhood is a shitty deal.
You change your whole life;
You mold your whole personality
around these little creatures.
And then after 18, 20,
25 years...
they leave you.
They just leave you.
And you become some kind of...
some kind of pathetic symbol
of everything...
they don't want in their lives.
It will never be the same
as when they were ten years old.
People change.
I don't want to change.
Why do I have to change?
You know what it is?
I wanted to believe
that it would go on forever.
I never wanted to think...
that it might end, and then...
it just does.
I know.
I don't...
I don't want to be alone.
Hey. Look at me.
Come here.
Look at me.
You will never, never be alone.
So, you know, what do you do?
I'm gonna meet with a headhunter
this week.
It's just everywhere I go,
I see this sign that says,
You need to tell your mother.
That's it?
We all fail.
Did you see the light outside?
I-I stood there for ten minutes.
I couldn't move.
Do you want to help me
with breakfast?
Thank you.
The more I remember.
But what about you?
Are you going back to work
after this?
Mom, you know we can't do that.
I just wish you could stay
It's just...
I, uh...
I keep hoping...
Mom, if we don't go now,
we're not gonna make
our flights.
I know, but I feel like
you just got here.
I mean, there's so much
we didn't talk about.
Call me.
I love you.
Thank you for everything.
Happy to meet you all.
Luke, where's your carry-on?
I have it right here.
You too...
You guys are leaving?
Got to get back to the city
before traffic gets too crazy.
So let's talk about your waters.
I'd like to start carrying them
in our gyms.
Uh, I would love that, yeah.
- Big bro.
- Thank you.
- Don't be a stranger, okay?
- Yeah.
I didn't want to tell them.
Why not?
They could've handled it.
I don't have to share
everything with my children,
do I?
They'll find out soon enough.
I wanted their memory
of this place...
their last summer weekend
I wanted it to be like
every other summer we've had.
It's Labor Day today.
I almost forgot.
That's right.
I guess it's just us now.
It seems like every story
told about us
Isn't meant to be
Well, you fly
your wings of gold
All the way back home to me
But what I'm thinking of
Just this time
Why don't you
Lay your head
down in my arms?
In my arms
Lay your head down
in my arms
In my arms
You know, my love
This was no dream of mine
But the way you ride
those waves
Makes me want to follow you
And what I'm thinking of
Just this time
Why don't you
Lay your head down
in my arms?
In my arms
Lay your head down
In my arms
Lay your head down
in my arms
In my arms
Lay your head down
In my arms