Lat sau san taam (Hard Boiled) (1992) Movie Script

- So, is your wife worried about you?
- There's nothing to be worried about.
She prays for me
whenever I'm on a job.
Hold onto a woman like that.
- Good morning! Up so early?
- Yes.
- How many Playboys have you read?
- Read? I just look at the centerfold.
Chung! Are the ''Birds'' here yet?
Three are,
but the ''King Bird'' hasn't shown.
Keep watching!
- Lionheart, are you receiving me?
- Go ahead!
- What's happening?
- The invasion is about to begin!
Okay. Let's get real.
We're not here to fool around.
- Have you ever considered emigrating?
- No. This is my home.
If I'm going to die,
I want to be buried here.
I couldn't get used to living abroad.
To have early tea time--
- There are Chinese restaurants abroad.
- But we got the original.
- How old is your son?
- Seven. Here's his picture, look.
- Got some great birds.
- No shit.
Of course,
or I wouldn't buy them.
Chinese-made guns, brilliant.
The pigs won't know what hit them.
- I like that.
- Very good price...
'cause they're made in China.
But they can bust through two oil drums,
come out and kill a guy.
- Yeah, yeah, you selling us shit?
- We don't sell no shit!
This'll make us all rich.
- My treat.
- Here.
- Police! Freeze!
- Nobody move!
- Are you all right?
- Yeah. Go.
Get out of the way, asshole.
Watch out! Get down!
Get down!
Get down!
Don't come in!
Are you hurt bad?
Get out!
Oh, well done.
You're such an asset.
Give the guy a gun and he's Superman.
Give him two and he's God.
Do you know who you've
just killed there?
One of my key witnesses.
I've hunted this jerk for a long time!
But I wanted him alive.
And I nearly had him!
Now, thanks to you,
I'll never have him.
- It's a shame. A pity.
- What is?
That we didn't nail these jerks.
You've changed, Tequila.
You were so sensitive in cadet college.
You're so hard now.
- Too hard now?
- They're even harder.
Had a good friend in him.
We can't have everything in life.
Alan, I...
Mr. Hui wants to know
why you betrayed him.
- Listen, I didn't betray him, honestly.
- Yeah, you did.
- Do you remember what happened?
- It was all so fast.
It was more like a dream.
- What's the story?
- Dead for about two hours.
Shot at close range,
no resistance.
- Anyone find the gun?
- Not yet.
You know, this guy looks familiar. I've
seen him on the Wanted list, I think.
- Give it to me in half an hour.
- Right.
The dead guy was Malay Chinese.
Terrorist history:
arms dealing between '78 and '81
in Asia and North Africa.
Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore--
they all want to get hold of him.
Came to Hong Kong in '85
to smuggle arms.
He used to work for Hui, but that ended
when Johnny Wong bought him out.
We know the murder weapon
was a Davis .32 according to the files.
We have no one on record
that would use one.
Afraid that's all I have here.
What a drag this is,
I can't even afford a pigsty.
There's no way I can.
How can I get hitched without
a decent place for the boss to live?
Just because I'm single,
I can't get Government housing.
I'll take to the streets.
You can stay at the YMCA,
Why not try it?
Jazz bar, I'll stay there!
Least you'll get
plenty of ''sax'' there.
Who's sending your woman
these exquisite flowers?
- She's had a lot of them lately.
- Is that illegal?
Ma'am, more flowers for you.
I need help.
My love life's falling apart.
My lady and I aren't getting along
these days. So, please, try and help.
Thank you. I'd really
appreciate a new pad too.
What's with all these?
You sick or something?
I'm sick, all right.
Is it a broken heart? Play your cards
right, and I'll come back.
Wonderful! I can hang around a few more
years hoping you'll grow up.
- I didn't know you liked white roses.
- Well, you wouldn't.
You never told me.
I never told him either, but he's
more interested in me than you are.
Listen to him.
He asks if you're lonely
and do you need a man for anything?
I can read.
I just want the tune. Thanks.
- Anything else?
- Nothing.
I've got the things you left behind.
Want them?
Your underwear.
She seems pretty happy
with the flowers.
Didn't know she liked roses.
- You'd better send some of your own.
- If she's good, I will.
What is it?
Tone deaf and dumb.
''Lion near trap
stop the investigation.''
Superintendent, what's up?
What's going on
with that arms case?
At this moment,
not very much at all.
Well, keep at it.
- Hulk! Come here.
- Coming!
- Yes, what is it?
- I'm full already.
Hungry guys don't work well.
Beef jerky.
- Smart work you did in the library.
- It's my job.
Hey, Alan, don't forget
who left the gun there.
Good guy.
That's why he needs to eat, right?
Mr. Hui treats us like kids,
always at us to eat more.
I'm an old-timer. And I know
that respect and face are vital.
- I'm old-fashioned.
- It works, though. We respect you.
Alan, if I did something bad,
how would you treat me?
There's worse guys than you around.
It's just an idea.
Why not go and check out Hawaii?
You might like it.
Perhaps you could stay?
You could have a new home, maybe.
I was born in this place,
and I'll die here.
Alan, I've got responsibilities.
I can't just pack up and leave.
I thought you might like it.
Keep an eye on this little eel.
You can never trust him.
My apologies.
Here, nothing in my hands.
Mine are full.
What? What's up?
Johnny says he wants a word.
South America wants its arms.
We don't have them. What can we do?
Use another supplier.
If we can't get it together, who can?
I don't want to make a scene.
Let the teahouse incident die down.
This way, please.
Johnny, can you trust Alan?
Got to risk it. Jimmy needs replacing.
Life's about taking chances.
How's it going?
Sorry we're late, Johnny.
This is Alan. No need
for introductions, is there?
Funny we've never met.
I've known about you for ages.
- I'm antisocial.
- Too busy for the high life? Sit.
Right. I'll be frank,
I like your style.
- Are you happy with old Hui?
- Yes, I am.
Alan, you should set
your sights higher.
With your talents,
you should be making big bucks.
My arms business is real money.
It's worldwide.
Wherever there's war,
there's Johnny.
Most things go in and out of fashion--
except war, my friend.
When I say real money,
I mean it.
Everyone knows you have
the Midas touch.
Will I have you as well?
If Mr. Hui's alive,
I'm loyal to him.
Good. I like loyalty.
I paid out a fortune to get
that Jimmy working on my side.
And he brought a lot of
potential business with him.
You wasted him with one bullet.
Ability like that is rare.
I forgive you.
Well, I respect honesty.
But I came here today
to get to know you.
I'm not here to discuss business.
You got it.
I still like your style.
Who the fuck did that?
Wait till I get them! Bastards!
Stop! Stop!
Pissant! Listen up punk. You murdered
a cop, a guy in the teahouse.
He was my friend. Your thugs also
killed a lot of innocent customers.
I'm on your case, scum.
If I find anything, I bust you.
A souvenir.
Hi there, pal. A souvenir.
I don't think it's
the best place to kill him.
Leave it.
Don't want it?
Or too small for you?
What a waste!
- I'm waiting for the big one.
- Real smart, guy. It'll cost you.
- How much do you think?
- Hundred grand.
The police wouldn't cough it up.
I go through bloody hell for you.
I even get a gun held to my head.
Spare me the tears.
My first offer or forget it.
My mom warned me
to stay away from cops.
Johnny'll do over
Hui's arms cache tonight.
This is the spot. Be careful
with that jerk, Tequila.
He's not quite sane.
I'll see you after the fireworks
at the jazz bar.
I fixed up your ma
at the old folks home.
- Thanks.
- See her when you can.
I'll see her when I'm big-time.
No problem.
Money's in the bucket.
Ma'am, more roses have come.
Call the armory right now and
get us all kitted out for tonight.
- Don't we need Pang's say-so?
- I say so.
Hello? Armory?
Lionheart here.
My boss wants heavy-duty
issue for tonight.
Yeah, I'll get them later.
Don't ask, tell you later.
''Don't ever bite
your own tail again.''
- Will we need more back-up?
- No, it's not a war, we can handle it.
- All right, you two. Out, out, out!
- Yes sir.
Two cops had their guns stolen.
Check it out.
And lay off the gun-running job.
I've spent God knows how many hours
working on this bloody case.
- And you tell me to lay off?
- You shut up!
Just get on with it, right?
Maybe you'd like to do an encore.
Enjoying the performance?
This is my office.
Show me some respect.
This may be your goddamn
office, Tequila.
But the whole station's mine.
You know, you're really full of shit.
The toilet's over there.
Hello? Hold on a second. Alan.
I'll need your help tonight.
I'm sure I can count on you.
Right. What can I say but yes?
I'll send someone to pick you up.
We're moving the guns tonight.
- Raid my own boss's arsenal?
- Got it. And kill him as well.
I can't force you. I just want to know
if we can be partners.
You'd be one hell of an asset.
Either we conquer the world,
or you kill me tonight with this.
No regrets, either.
I have my own.
Mr. Hui, it's a raid!
All right, come here.
Load up the stuff.
Move it.
Over here.
Alan, I've done my part.
You get in there.
You've already destroyed him.
No need to kill him.
You think he'd let me live
if he was here with a gun?
Not a chance. In this world,
the man who holds the gun wins.
The real fact is he's in my way,
and he's got to die.
He doesn't want big bucks,
but I sure as hell do.
His low prices are killing my market.
I'm losing out.
So don't blame me. It's what you've got,
not how you made it. All right?
Okay, load her up.
Everything else
depends on you now, Alan.
If you can't do it
when he gets here, I can.
You know where
your bread's buttered.
Alan, you stinking traitor.
Fuck you. You goddamn little shit.
Lonny, drop that gun.
Drop it!
And the rest of you, drop them!
Drop your guns!
Alan, I see this
is where I check out.
Mr. Hui, what are your weapons
doing down there?
Maybe surrendering?
Or scared to death?
- Bastard!
- Stop! Stop it, idiot, cool it.
Put your effing guns down.
Johnny, if I die-- that's fine...
but surely you don't
have to kill all my boys?
Johnny, he's right.
Why waste any bullets on shit?
It's up to you this time.
Whatever you want, that choice is yours.
Johnny, you're a smart guy.
I'd like to talk to Alan alone.
Yes or no?
Mr. Hui, you'll need
more than words.
Now, everything changes.
It isn't always pleasant either,
and there isn't always a choice.
Like Hawaii. I didn't go
because I knew this day would come.
Someone had to sell me out to him.
But I read you all wrong.
An error of judgment.
One of those things.
Please, release the guys.
Look, I'm happy to die, but not by the
hands of that bunch of rotten goat shit.
- I want you to shoot me, Alan.
- Shoot you?
Shoot me.
Go on, do it.
Finish the job.
There's no way out.
Either you kill me, or I kill you.
- Mr. Hui!
- Don't move! Hold it!
Boss! Mr. Hui!
Kill him! Kill that guy!
- Forget it, you get out.
- Bullshit, I'll kill him.
It isn't worth it.
Cool, dude.
- Go for it.
- Yep.
Who is he?
We both know him.
How come he didn't shoot me?
Yuen, I told you already
to lay off the case.
Tell me who he is!
- A triad.
- Triad?
I wish he were.
Somehow I don't think he is.
If I see him, he's a dead duck.
Just thought I'd tell you.
Sergeant Yuen, get back here!
I don't have to tell you the reasons.
- Remember that.
- It'd be a smart move, nonetheless.
If I'd had slugs the other night,
I'd have killed a cop.
Aren't we self-righteous.
As a matter of fact,
back at the teahouse, you did.
Yeah, it's not the first time.
Accidents happen.
Please, Tequila. Sacrifices.
On duty, a police officer
bravely sacrifices his life!
Is that what you call it?
You'd better tell us who are
the cops and who are the thieves...
and why you want us
to kill each other?
Better buckle down to the job
and forget all the questions.
Let me say this, you're under my
command, not the other way around.
You want to ask why?
There's a hundred questions
you ain't gonna get answered.
Like why do cops need search
warrants and not thieves?
Why do cops have to write reports
when they use a gun and robbers don't?
Why are known murderers considered
innocent until proven guilty...
and why does the burden of proof
lie on us, not on them?
If I knew the answer to that,
I'd be the superintendent.
All right?
What I say is this.
I lost a good friend back there
when Ah-Lung checked out in the teashop.
I don't give a shit what
happens to me, all right...
but I'll get that human garbage
and burn him.
God help anybody
who tries to stop me.
If you step out of line again,
you'll be out of a job.
- It'll be one more problem.
- I'm shaking.
That's what being
a cop is all about.
Can't beat the system
even if you're right.
Don't fit, don't play.
I thought there would be justice.
Every time a bastard got off,
I lost more faith.
But at the end of the day,
I got over it.
- And if you couldn't crack a case?
- Suicide.
- C'mon. Worse than that.
- Sometimes, yes.
What a shitty likeness!
It took me two days to see it.
In fact, I know him.
He lives at Clearwater Bay.
Foxy, what a winner, right?
It could have been easier.
- So?
- Pang says he's a triad.
Beware, he's an undercover.
Be very careful.
If you speak to him,
tell him there's no need...
to kill or be killed
to crack a case.
There are better ways.
- You got a guy called Vodka?
- Vodka? Tequila.
- A heavy-duty cop.
- I don't give a shit who he is.
Tell him to back off.
I don't want no hassles.
That man will wreck everything. You
want another funeral in the department?
Point taken. I'll stop him.
And get that export license.
Johnny doesn't do that shipment...
I don't find out where
his depot is located.
Give me a day, okay?
Customs are a snap.
- Be cool. You'll get what you want.
- What about my Swiss bank account?
- Buttoned up.
- And what about the house in Guam?
- Does it have a walled garden?
- I'm not playing this game, Tony.
If you don't want to do this job,
you're free to quit.
And live where?
Just stay real.
What's up?
Don't trust me?
You know I always deliver the goods,
It's your birthday.
You forgot?
A present.
I had forgotten.
So busy being a gangster,
I don't know which me is real.
And you're the only guy
that remembered it anyhow.
Don't forget that.
What is it? You still upset.
Looking for a little revenge?
What should I call you?
Not really a criminal.
But not exactly a cop.
What's your rank? Sergeant?
Inspector? Joker?
- Should I salute you?
- If you like.
To you I'm a thief.
To my mother, a son.
To the triads, I'm a hero.
- Could we ever be friends?
- You've got the gun.
You can tell me to go out
and milk a cow, and I'll do it.
I'm sorry, I don't like milk.
What's with all
these paper cranes?
You bored?
Maybe you feel lonely here?
You know, I've always
hated making cranes.
I make one each time
I kill somebody.
How about it?
Shall I make you one?
No, thanks.
And if you get killed,
who'll make yours?
Why don't you and I work together?
Make a paper vulture for Johnny Wong?
Because I don't have time.
You make it for him. I've got to go.
I hate in-house funerals.
I write all the music each time.
A cop dies, and I have
to play a tune for him.
I really don't want
to do that for you.
Get out!
Johnny Wong's here.
- How do we keep in touch?
- I'll send you a crane.
Be good.
You're on your own.
You two-faced bastard.
Damn you, you called the cops.
Check the place.
Alan, I've been after this
bastard for a long time.
You know, you're my guy now.
I'll look after you.
- Hospital!
- Right.
You'll get round-the-clock
guards, so don't worry.
- I don't need it. I'll be all right.
- Don't be silly. You do need it.
Please, nurse,
over here a minute.
I don't want this patient's
records left here.
Nobody must know he's
in this room, understand?
We know the Fox double-crossed you.
He told Hui's leftovers
where you were hanging out.
- He'll pay for that.
- Forget about it. I'll handle it.
Maybe you should get better first.
I'll do it.
- Is the Fox really a traitor?
- The Fox has two masters.
He works for the cops and us.
He told me about Hui's warehouse.
He can tell about yours as well.
It wasn't smart to tell him.
I'll kill him.
I'll kill that little dickhead.
Let me take care of him.
What have you told
our friends the cops?
I've told them nothing.
This is pointless.
Little fucker, playing dumb!
If you didn't rat on us,
how come the cops knew about the raid?
I wonder about that.
There's more rats in this gang
than members. You know what?
Mr. Woo, he's a true friend.
Right or wrong,
it doesn't matter.
He and I are both
in serious danger right now.
In my position,
what would you do?
If he really was my friend,
I wouldn't hesitate...
whether he was right or wrong.
Even if I was still a cop,
yes, I'd still help him.
Such character.
Not me, old buddy.
It's the guy up there.
Foxy, Foxy, what happened to you?
Foxy, what is it?
Johnny Wong's arsenal,
it's over at--
- Where is it?
- Maple, Maple Hospital.
Mr. Woo, call my girlfriend for me.
Have her meet me at the hospital.
- Who brought him in?
- It's all right nurse. I did.
Inspector Yuen, CI D.
I'll register him formally later.
I'm responsible.
Hold it right there.
I'm sorry.
- Nurse, blood pressure.
- It's low, 80 over 50.
And his pupils?
- Somewhat dilated.
- Nurse, give him oxygen.
Boss, that cop took Foxy
to Maple Hospital. He's alive.
- So what's going on?
- It's about Foxy.
- Somehow he's still alive.
- I'll bet he ratted on us.
- Let me take care of it.
- You?
- I won't miss this time.
- Kill that cop too.
I'm not convinced.
Send extra guys with him,
just in case.
The guy was my informer,
so tell me how he's doing.
Luckily, he had a lighter in his
breast pocket, or he'd be dead.
- When can he talk?
- Not yet. He needs rest.
- Are you all right?
- Cig--
- What?
- Ciga--
It'll blow up your oxygen.
Turn it off then, turn it off.
You're half dead.
Give yourself a break.
I'm all dead.
But before I go, I want
to prove I was the best.
You've already proven it.
Someone guessed?
Johnny's gun cache is in the basement
of the goddamn hospital.
Am I smart or what?
I won't live to see it.
It's up to you.
The show's all yours.
You're full of it.
Give me that, come on.
Now rest.
Who's smoking?
Don't you know it's dangerous?
- That's why I put it out.
- Don't do it again.
Time for medication.
Please, no injections, buddy.
They might try to kill me.
Relax, that's the reason
I'm here with you.
The gentleman outside
sent this for you.
- Where are you taking me?
- Somewhere safe.
One of my men's
guarding a witness.
- Which room is he in?
- Room 301 .
White roses again.
Can't you be more original?
What's wrong with them?
From an undercover cop?
That's irrelevant.
It's just my taste.
Roses are so obvious,
anyone would suspect them.
- Where's Foxy?
- I put him there.
- And where's Johnny's arsenal?
- I'm not sure I can say.
No time to waste.
I don't like being bullied.
Tell me where the arsenal is.
I went through a lot of hassle
to let Foxy escape.
Things ain't been easy for me.
When I'm triad, the cops try to kill me.
And when I'm a cop,
everyone tries to kill me.
I'm one scared guy.
I just want to get this clear
and close the case.
- Why are you giving me this shit?
- You're not being realistic.
Okay, you bust these bastards,
and then what?
The government gives you money
and a new passport.
What are you going to do
with your life?
Where do you think you're going?
You've got to have an operation.
After all you've done for them,
the police will never thank you, Tony.
- I've known that all along.
- So, then wise up. Come on.
- What's happened?
- Nothing. Just move on.
- Watch out for strangers, okay?
- Okay.
Watch out.
We should go on up.
I've got a rendezvous to keep.
- Tequila!
- Been here long? Let's go inside.
Any news?
Big steel reinforcements
were used in the morgue.
They spent almost
four months building it.
- That's what Foxy said before he died.
- He's dead?
We were a little late.
I forgot to introduce you.
My girlfriend, Theresa.
Aren't you the one who
sent her all the flowers?
- Your flowers are beautiful.
- Thanks.
I just picked them at random.
- My girlfriend hates white roses.
- I hate people who don't send them.
- Lover's quarrel?
- Little one.
Everyone disagrees once in a while.
We'll be all right!
Call Mr. Pang at once.
Ask him to come over. Wait for me here.
And when you get my signal,
get the patients out.
- What'll the signal be?
- Send her flowers!
You'll send me flowers?
He got that from me.
I just picked it up.
Guess I should say thank you.
You'll get my flowers
in half an hour.
You're so smart,
you'll know what to do.
Can we go now?
Mr. Pang, I'm at Maple Hospital.
Can you get here straight away?
- Are you new here? What's your name?
- Geoff Yuen.
- I'd like to see a specialist.
- What's the problem?
Fever, I think.
Who have you got there, then?
Let's take a look.
You don't want to.
He's a mess, eyes hanging out.
Guts all around his neck,
naughty bits missing.
Wasn't my timing perfect?
Theirs was better.
Theresa Chang, your turn!
There's so many patients.
Let them go first.
I'm all right.
I don't need a doctor!
Miss, if you're ill,
you must see a doctor.
I said I don't want to!
Stay calm.
Remember we're cops.
- Where are Tony and Tequila?
- They're in the morgue.
See this? These are all empty.
J 1 2 3 4.
Are you crazy?
How do you suggest we get out?
We're not leaving yet.
How's Tony doing?
Is his cover blown yet?
The whole operation
depends entirely on him.
I hope that mortuary's got good
''Feng Shui.'' May God keep him safe.
And Tequila's there!
Why don't you care about him?
He's in danger too!
That's favoritism!
You're always on his case!
It's obvious you don't
understand him one bit!
I didn't realize you still cared.
- What's the arrangement?
- I wait for his signal.
When I receive some roses,
we evacuate the patients.
Great idea, throw a tantrum.
Always opens doors.
You do it. Go on!
Why are you such a dickhead?
This isn't even your case.
I don't agree.
In my opinion, at this stage
it has everything to do with me.
If every cop was as self-important
as you, Hong Kong would be dead.
Why not stop trying to pin the blame?
Let me open the door.
Which year did you graduate?
Did you graduate?
Good. It would be interesting
to find out...
who trained you to be
this jackass you've become.
Pang said you don't waste slugs.
I don't waste them.
What the hell.
We killed Foxy, but Alan
and that cop disappeared.
I want to get all units
here right away.
Mr. Pang, it's time
to get everyone out.
I've just found
the rose here in my pocket.
Get the team.
They're in the basement.
Sorry Mr. Wong. It's all our fault.
You know what I hate?
Two groups of people:
fucking cops and creeps
who betray their old bosses.
You bastard.
and many patients
could get hurt in the rush.
- Who's responsible?
- The police.
You're responsible for law and order.
You hunt people.
But I'm a doctor.
I heal them.
I can't risk their lives just
because of some wild rumor.
What's going on?
False alarm!
Everyone back to their rooms!
By law you're obliged to evacuate
everyone if there's a fire alarm.
You told me it was safe.
- Turn the coolant on.
- Yes.
There's no room for failure now.
The innocent must die.
Time is not on our side.
Insist they move the patients.
That shit cop.
I've got all the aces.
I'll play every last one.
Nobody challenges Johnny.
They won't succeed.
- What's happening?
- I'm a cop. Get everyone out.
Fast as you can.
It's only a fire drill.
Keep calm and keep moving.
I'm in charge, everyone! This is
a false alarm. Go back to your beds.
Are you crazy?
I'll arrest you if you keep on.
And I'll sue you for abuse of power.
There are more than
If you obstruct me again,
I'll castrate you.
Take it easy.
Be careful.
- Who's taking the babies out of here?
- There's only us. What can we do?
Bring help, and take her.
All right, all the guys have come.
- You must leave immediately.
- Continue.
The cops are making it worse.
- Cut the mains. Stop them.
- Right.
Get these babies out.
- Mr. Pang, they're firing at us!
- I hear you.
- You're causing wholesale slaughter.
-Just don't kill the patients.
Doctor, doctor!
Nobody move, or you're all dead.
Get back up. Upstairs.
Get out of here!
Are you deaf?
- It's all right, CI D.
- Come back up.
Drop your gun! Police!
The cops have got us surrounded.
They've pushed me too far.
Take the patients hostage.
A cop's just a human being with a gun.
He's not immortal.
They've got guns. So have we.
They just have .38s.
Get down, on the floor.
Down, I said, asshole.
Get out! You get out
and leave the babies here. Go.
Didn't you hear? Get out!
Are you deaf?
I'd like you to shut up.
You're scaring the babies to death.
There, there.
It's all right now.
The bastard's a nut.
Now he wants to blow us up.
- How will you send the flowers?
- I did it 20 minutes ago.
- Telepathy?
- Guy goes through hell for a girl...
but she doesn't realize it.
You believe you can get
away from me?
Alan, I admired the hell
out of you.
I actually thought you were my friend,
but you betrayed me.
- And that makes me angry.
- Well, it won't get any better.
I'll kill you whenever I can.
I've been after you for ages.
Why did you choose a hospital?
You like killing innocent people?
I use them. I've got more hostages
than you've had hot dinners.
I've got a serious
arms cache down there.
If you make me cross, boy,
I'll detonate it, up it will go.
- Try it.
- I will. I can't wait to do it.
The next arsenal I have
will be in a police station.
That should be fun.
Hundreds of patients and staff
are being held prisoner here.
So far, the police
have not been able to--
- Don't do it.
- Shut up, bitch!
Unit number 3, tell them
to stop filming, no pictures.
The walls are like ice.
Must be the morgue in there.
Good. That's handy.
If we die,
they can just chuck us in.
It's just the two of us here.
Up there are hundreds of people
in trouble, so drop the self-pity.
I started in this to help end crime.
But I end up killing the innocent.
I only wanted to be a regular cop.
When I started,
there was only one job:
undercover and triad brother.
It's all right.
Just keep calm.
- Don't you have any dreams?
- Yeah.
I want to move down to Antarctica.
It's freezing there.
You enjoy the cold?
It's got a lot going for it.
It's always light.
I'd like that,
after all this darkness.
Dreams are supposed
to be attainable, like mine.
I always wanted to be a musician,
but I became a cop.
Life should be about fun.
Come on.
Don't move.
The guy's a cop.
Johnny, you're winning.
Why not let the patients go?
- You only hate the damn cops.
- You scared?
I'm not scared.
I've been around.
But some things in life are out of line.
What's this about out of line?
Hold it!
Get down! No one move!
Look, we caught a cop.
- Okay, bring him on up.
- Move!
Get down!
Get out!
Get going!
Protect the patients!
- I'll get the babies.
- I'll come with you.
- Ready. There's hundreds of them.
- Quiet, you'll scare them.
- Let's put cotton balls in their ears.
- Do we have to?
Not me! I'm a cop.
You don't want this
many kids, do you?
Yeah, sure. Why not?
Stick that in your ear.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
Inspector Yuen, CI D.
Assist the lady. Get the babies out.
- Yes sir.
- They're over there.
Be gentle with them.
I'm going to help Tony.
You're in charge here. Be careful.
The exit's on fire!
He's ours, he's ours!
- There are more babies inside.
- Go in and help.
- Take the curtains down.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Take it over there.
- Get those babies to a safe place.
Are you all right?
- Can you make it?
- Easy.
Get in there.
I killed one of our own.
- I saw his I.D. He was.
- Bullshit!
I saw his I.D.!
You're hallucinating!
How many times do I have to say it?
You didn't kill a cop!
You're your own worst enemy.
If you can't conquer your own fears...
how can you conquer anyone else?
Take this.
I shot a cop, you know.
In the teahouse incident.
Yeah, Pang told me.
I didn't know he was
a cop till afterwards.
- How did you feel?
- Worse than you do now.
- Was the guy I shot really a cop?
- Yeah.
- Keep those babies moving.
- Yes, sir.
Situation with babies bad.
Need assistance.
Do you read me?
- I'll go help save the babies.
- I'll go fix Mad Dog.
Take care.
Be very careful.
Theresa, you go.
Right. I missed one of the babies.
- I'll get it. Look after her.
- Take care.
Fill the hospital with them.
Ma'am, hold on tightly.
Be quiet, be quiet.
How about a little nursery rap?
I know I can't sing,
so stop pretending, little Willy Wing.
X-rated action.
excuse me.
Give me a smile.
Sister, take the patients out.
Are you crazy?
- You didn't have to kill them.
- I kill whoever's in my way.
Don't question me!
Bastard. Go on.
- Put that down.
- Pull the trigger.
I'll blow the whole hospital up.
You coward.
Why don't we all go up together?
You're just shit!
You can't get me.
Wait here.
It's much too dangerous.
- Make sure he's safe.
- You won't make it. Get out of here.
I need to do this.
Get the injured out of here.
Don't waste any time.
Willy, your ticket to ride.
You saved the day there,
you little pisspot. Thanks a lot.
Tequila, any babies left?
- Please! Is this mine?
- Yes, it is.
- Are you all right?
- Now, where's Tony?
In there.
One of ours is still up there.
You're dead. Stand up.
Get back.
All drop your guns.
- Everybody. Obey him.
- Drop your guns.
Drop them!
The hard-boiled cop.
You made it.
Each side's lost some guys.
We're about even so far.
But when I kill this one, I win.
Do it.
Go ahead, watch me
blow his head off.
Don't shoot.
It's like you're impotent.
I thought you were a supercop.
But you're just a man, like the rest.
Slap yourself.
Now the other cheek,
like Jesus said.
Say you're impotent.
I'm impotent.
On your knees.
Put your gun down.
How often do you get a chance
to fuck around like this?
A .38.
- Take your pants off, cop.
- You bastard, eat shit.
- A present.
- I had forgotten.
So busy being a gangster...
I don't know which me is real.
You're the only guy
that remembered my birthday.
Don't forget it.
- Don't you have any dreams?
- Yeah.
I want to move to Antarctica.
Freezing there.
You enjoy the cold?
It's got a lot going for it.
It's always light.
I'd like that,
after all this darkness.