Lathe of Heaven, The (1980) Movie Script

Hey, George! Not a bad day?
- Better than most. - Going around to your therapy?
- Yeh, I'm gonna see an neirologist. - An o what neirologist?
Can I see?
What'll they think up next?
Excuse me, do you know where Willamette East Tower is?
Dr. Haber.
First floor, second elevator, please.
Hold it!
- Hello! - Yes?
I have an appointment with Dr. Haber.
- Name, please. - George Orr.
Dr. Haber's expecting you. It's the last office on your right.
You can hang your raincoat over there.
Thank you.
Doctor, see overdose.
- Dr. Haber? - Oh! Mr. Orr!
It's a pleasure to meet you. Come in.
Would you have a sit?
Do you smoke? The brown filters are tranks, the white are denicks.
Oh, no, thank you. I don't smoke.
Good. It's tough enough in here already.
Damn electric heating system on a freeze again, I'm afraid.
Well, it's ok!
Don't be nervous, Mr. Orr.
Your punishment is no worse than a few sessions with me.
That's better. Do you have your VT card?
Oh. Yes, here.
So, mixing Phenobarbital and Dexedrine?
Quite a dangerous concoction, won't you say?
Mr. Orr?
You have a dream problem, don't you?
- How did you know? - No great wit,
I'm an oneirologist, Mr. Orr, a dream specialist.
They always send the dreamers to me.
- Well, all I want is to stop dreaming. - May I call you George?
Yeh, I guess
- Call me Bill, if you like. - Oh, well that's ok!
However you would feel comfortable.
Dr. Haber, what are we supposed to do here?
We are going to work together. We are going to build good relationship.
You're gonna let me inside, to poke around, find out what's causing those bad dreams of yours.
I assume that's what the problem is, bad dreams.
A sort of.
Why don't you tell me about it?
- You'd think I was insane. - I make no judgments, George.
I'm here to help you and that's all. Give it a try.
Suppose I dream, that there's no Dr. Haber.
Now, tomorrow, when I wake up, not only are you gone, but you never existed.
Pretty revealing, wouldn't you say?
- Oh, no, I didn't mean that, personally. - Perfectly ok.
You can tell me to go to hell, if you like. It's a part of building our trust.
- I didn't mean that. - I'd like you to lie down now, George.
It's all right, go on.
It's all right, George, just relax. Lie back.
Now, I want you to take deep breath and close your eyes.
Patient George Orr. Age 32, voluntary therapeutic treatment, drug abuse.
Recently good health, slightly undernourished, passive, repressed,
maybe in intelligence confining.
- You're relaxed, yes? - Yes. - Good.
I'd like you to tell me more about these dreams that change reality.
Think back to the first one. How old were you?
I was still living at home. Aunt Ethel,
my mother's sister was living with us, she was getting a divorce.
She'd been there about six weeks.
And she was always in the way,
she drove everybody crazy.
She kept making a joking play for me.
She was 30, kind of sexy,
she got me up tight. And she was always trying to turn me on.
And one night while we were watching television,
something happened.
How can I have done it! She was my aunt, for God's sake!
I used to have these dreams about her.
And that night I had a really vivid dream.
And then, when I woke up in the morning, aunt Ethel wasn't living with us,
she never had lived with us.
A telegram that had come from Los Angeles, my mother was crying.
Aunt Ethel had been killed in car crash.
And that was it.
It was my first effective dream.
And nobody else noticed that aunt Ethel had suddenly vanished?
My dreams change everything that comes before them. And nobody knows it was me.
I killed her.
George, I want you to understand something;
there is a difference between what you dream and what you do.
But not for me! It's the same thing.
And I can't control what I
What you can control is all of this guilt and anxiety.
That's exactly what we'll be working on together in the next few sessions.
- Dr. Haber, you can't help me. - George,
if I thought you're about to lose your balance,
I wouldn't let you out of here so quickly, believe me.
What I will do is give you a prescription for Meprobamate.
That will keep your dreams low-keyed without repressing the dream state entirely.
But it's only temporary. I expect to see you back here, same time next week.
I don't mean to kill her.
Mr. Orr.
Infraction of Federal regulations controlling dispensation of medications at autodrugstores.
- It says here, you've begun voluntary treatment with Dr. Haber, correct? - Yes.
You've surrendered your pharmacy card to authorities?
I've only have a prescription from Dr. Haber.
Here it is.
All right, I'll have to issue you a temporary pharmacy card.
But don't abuse it. And as is your right, if you have any complaints
here's an HEW approved list of public investigators.
Any other complaints?
- Just with my dreams. - Not my jurisdiction. Next!
- You gonna use that on me? - Correct!
This is what happens.
First, I'm going to hypnotize you and put you to sleep.
And you'll go through several stages of sleep,
the final one being the dream state or REM sleep.
And the Augmentor here will pass you quickly through those first stages and lock you into ram sleep.
You will allow me to hold you there and watch your brain at work.
- My brain? - Yes.
then I'll suggest a dream to you.
In your case, an effective dream.
Oh, that's dangerous!
For the Augmentor changes nothing, George.
Miss Crouch, could you bring Mr. Orr the Consent to Hypnosis form, please. Thank you!
Do you trust me, George?
Good, now I'd like you to lye back and get comfortable.
Now, is this comfortable?
Look what a nice healthy signal from your brain.
So at the top screen here, those are your theta rhythms,
nice healthy thetas.
And only a three on susceptibility scale, we could be here all afternoon.
I'm gonna to perform the V-C induction.
I'll see you are not disturbed.
Now, George. I'd like you to relax.
I'd like you to look up at the ceiling.
You don't have a simple brain, my friend, nor a crazy one.
Now, you're beginning to get sleepy, George,
very relaxed, so relaxed, you can't move a muscle.
Your eyelids are very heavy.
You're going to go to sleep now, George.
And while you're sleepy, you'll have no trouble hearing my voice.
And you will wake up, when you hear me call your name three times.
You're going to sleep now.
Can you hear my voice, George?
No sigmoid jags usually prevalent and certain in schizoid personality types.
Sleep patterns normal.
Uh, you're beginning to dream now, George.
REM patterns unusual.
Something very unusual in the whole pointing area.
When I say the word Antwerp
you are going to have a dream I suggest to you.
It will be a pleasant, vivid dream about a horse in a meadow,
beautiful set. It will be a good dream, George.
An effective dream about a horse. Antwerp!
<i>George! George!</i>
Feel ok?
Well, you did dream, my friend! That much I can tell you.
What was it about?
A horse. It was about a horse.
That one.
What about it?
Don't you notice anything unusual about that picture?
Oh, some people find it a bit overwhelming.
You know what's Freud said about horses, staircases and cigars?
- Was it here an hour ago? - An hour ago?
Yes, wasn't that a picture of Mount Hood when I came in?
Mount Hood?
Yeh, I remember it, don't you?
George, that is Tammany Hall, the triple crown-winner.
Oh, I'm insane!
No, I'm not insane!
I'm not insane. I know I'm not insane!
- So not to drive me insane! - Back up, George!
Dreams are not harmful, for instance, day dreams can be wonderful.
I have them all withy. I dream heroics.
I save the girl, the whole damn planet.
Haber saves the world!
Yeh, I daydream sometimes, that I have a cabin
- by the ocean. - Eh,
that's nice. What does that tell you about yourself?
That I am a massacre; nobody can afford a cabin by the ocean anymore.
You know, what I'd like to see, George?
I'd like to see you learn to use your dreams.
Doesn't that strike you as a nice idea?
<i>I don't know.</i>
Well, we'll work on it.
You're feeling very sleepy, George. Very relaxed.
You're going to sleep in a moment.
Now sleep George.
In a moment I'm going to suggest a dream to you.
And you will dream that dream.
You are going to have a very good dream, George.
Beautiful sunshine, no smog,
no rain.
What a hell is he doing?
The Augmentor is not doing, ah.
- Penny - Is something wrong?
No. No, nothing at all!
Doctor, are you all right?
Yes, yes of course!
- Get me a report on weather on the line. - Yes, Doctor!
George! George! George!
What did you dream, George?
It was an effective dream, I can tell you that.
Can you recall it?
I was having a picnic on Mount Hood
in the rain with Genghis Khan
And his umbrella lit.
And then the sun came out.
I have weather on line 2, Doctor.
That's good.
Schedule for Mr. Orr for noon tomorrow. Can you make it, George?
- Yes, but why should? - Good.
It's actually stopped raining.
All right, George, go on now. I'll see you tomorrow.
This is the weather report for Portland, the Sunshine city.
The temperature is 105 degrees Fahrenheit, 40 degrees Celsius.
Humidity is 8%, the barometer is 29.80
You see, it's because of all this sunshine!
- We were better off when it rained all the time. - Yes, that's the truth!
He knows!
He knows!
Son of a bitch knows!
<i>- I'm not insane, am I? - Oh, no, of course not!</i>
<i>Why didn't you tell me back in the office?</i>
George, I thought we had a very good session this afternoon, extraordinary really.
But don't you think we can continue this tomorrow?
But, wait a minute, you're acting like nothing happened.
Oh, a great deal happened, but let's not make more of it than it is!
We have a long way to go.
My dream stopped the rain.
George, it hasn't rained in Portland since two years ago last Easter.
Why are you doing this to me?
One cardinal rule of this therapy,
never hand the answers for the patient on a silver platter.
- Now you must work for them otherwise they are meaningless. - The sun is out!
- It stopped raining. - Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it?
You told me to dream a sunny day and I did, now you admit it.
It's impossible to correct a defective reality or intension of it over night.
But we are making the real progress. I'll see you tomorrow.
- But - Tomorrow!
- Orr? - Yes.
Heather Lelache. Please, be sitted.
Was this an accident?
- What? - Your overdose.
No. Yes!
My legal advice is agree to the psychiatric treatment
and you won't be prosecuted, or prosecuted for that matter.
But the therapy scares me.
Come on, Mr. Orr.
I don't mean to cause Dr. Haber any trouble.
I'm sure he means well.
- I'd just like another psychiatrist. - Oh, not without real cause.
I mean, theyre no gonna take a patient's word against a doctor's.
Not in this kind of case.
- You mean a mental case. - Exactly.
Thank you very much, Miss Lelache.
- Sorry to have bothered you. - Wait a moment.
I didn't say you didn't have a case. It's just a
Well you haven't told me anything yet.
If I told you what was really going on you'd think I was crazy.
I'm a Civil liberties lawyer, Mr. Orr.
If you have something to say you'd better say it.
He's not an evil man and he means well.
It's just a
I'm in a position to be used by him, like an instrument.
He can't do that even if he aims at good.
Nobody can play God.
But he doesn't realize that.
That's why I tried taking drugs to suppress my dreams.
- I just wanna get cured. - Of drugs?
Of dreaming!
What a hell are you talking about?
Well, Miss Crouch, I'd like you to do some research for me.
Use a computer linked up to the Library of Congress in the lobby. Do you think the others will mind?
- No, I don't think so, I was definitely got allowed. - Good.
I'd like you to get me as much information is possible
on the effective dreams symbology in pre-Columbian culture.
- I may be a while. - Take as much time as you need.
- Be very thorough, Miss Crouch. - Yes, Doctor.
Listen carefully, George.
You and I are about to embark upon a magnificent collaboration.
We are going to make history today.
Using your gift I'm going to do what no politician,
no scientist, no philosopher has ever done.
I'm going to make the whole world... right!
We need an institute, William Haber Institute of Oneirology.
<i>George! George!</i>
Take it easy, don't sit up so fast.
Oh, no!
- Something wrong, George? <i>- Doctor?</i>
- Oh, Miss Crouch! - I have that research information you wanted, Doctor Haber.
That didn't take you any time at all, did it? Amazing what computers can do.
- Is there anything else, Dr. Haber? - Yes, I'd like you to schedule Mr. Orr for noon tomorrow.
- I can't make it! - Yes, Doctor!
- But I can't make it! - Why not?
Because I have a job! Now I can't keep coming here, they will fire me!
Your therapy is more important than your job!
In any case the institute will clear you.
Don't tell me that institute stuff, I know what's going on here!
Aha! End in active resistance; it's a good sign, George. Let it out!
Look! You don't know what you're doing!
- When you change one thing, you would - You see, you're not really resisting me,
you're resisting your own self examination.
- It happens in every therapeutic situation. - Look, I'm not gonna do this anymore!
George, I had hoped that your motivation for being here would be better by now.
What about getting well?
- Yeh, what about it? You tell me! - I am going to cure you, George.
You have my word on that. You must believe me.
I would like to believe you, Dr. Haber. I really would.
Good. Then we have something in common.
Why doesn't this Dr. Haber just come right out and say that he knows you have` effective dreams?
I think he's waiting to find out more before he lets me know what's going on.
Can't stand that I blame him.
The thing that bothers me is what he will do next.
What do you mean?
Unlimited power means unlimited danger.
Well, according to you is only change one penny in the weather.
Not to mention small improvements to his office.
- Then there's the cabin. - What cabin?
I have a ten-year lease on the cabin overlooking the ocean.
You do?
I won it in the Government lottery. Can I buy you a lunch?
I'd really like to help you, Mr. Orr. What am I supposed to do if you keep
changing the reality all the way back to the Stone Age and then destroying the evidence?
- I wouldn't expect you to believe me with that evidence. - Oh, well, thank God!
What I'd like is for you to come to a session.
Doubtful without good cause.
But what am I supposed to do?
Let this guy keep treating me like an experimental animal
- while he goes around tinkering? - Did you say experimental?
What do you mean?
Haber says he's still working on it.
Have you signed anything,
any releases, anything beyond the VT forms and Consent to hypnosis?
- I don't think so. - You've got a case!
- I do? - Mh - Great!
Let's just keep one thing straight. This doesn't mean I believe a word of your story.
All it means is if I can prove this thing is experimental, and then maybe
just maybe I can get you switched to another shrink.
- Then you will come to a session? - But not as your lawyer.
I'll arrange to come as an HEW impartial observer
on investigation of that thingummy in general, ok?
- Dr. Haber. - Yes, Penny. - This has just arrived, the population report you wanted.
- Yes. - Dr. Murgin called on a consultation.
- Tell him I'm too busy. - And this notice is from HEW,
they are sending an observer this morning to look at the Augmentor.
Damn bureaucrats.
- Why don't they mind their own business. - Oh, and Mr. Orr is here, Doctor.
Well, George. You're early today.
- Something like a breakthrough, I'd say, with your usual 15 minutes late. - I am?
- So, how are you feeling today? - So-so.
How can anyone feel so-so on a magnificent day like this?
Well, you know the Greek say, Moderation in all things.
So, what would you like to talk about today?
I don't care.
Do you have somewhere to go, George?
Oh, no. I'm just anxious to get started.
Well, another breakthrough.
Two in one session. Shall we try for three?
- Yes, what is it? - Miss Lelache from HEW is here.
All right, send her.
Seems that my fame has brought me to the attention of HEW.
They are sending an observer to make sure my work with the Augmentor is on the up and up.
Isn't that ridiculous?
Dr. Haber, this is Heather Lelache.
Pleasure to meet you, Miss Lelache. Won't you have a sit right here?
I assume you were informed I'll be recording the proceedings.
Perhaps, you'd better ask the patient's permission.
Mr. Orr! This is Miss Lelache of HEW.
- Do you mind, Mr. Orr? - No, go ahead.
Very well. Dr. Haber is the patient diagnosed as neurotic or psychotic?
The patient's diagnosis is not for public record, Miss Lelache. I'm surprised at you.
Besides it's my Augmentor that interests you, right?
Well, anyway you know what they say?
Neurotics build castles in the sky, psychotics live in them.
And psychiatrists collect the rent.
Hm, very good.
Very good, Miss Lelache.
Well, have you any questions before we start?
Can you explain the role of your device?
Yes, of course. My Augmentor here merely insures that my patient will dream
by instigating and reinforcing his own dream-state activity.
What would you say, George?
- Shall we run off a dream? - Ok.
Incidentally, Miss Lelache,
this will constitute a record to your people that my Augmentor does not loosen toenails, or harden arteries,
or blow your mind, or have any ill effects whatsoever.
Standard hypnotic procedure, Miss Lelache.
It will be a little bit disconcerting to the patient, I will admit.
Please, turn your recorder off. The therapy session is not for public record.
Notice the accelerated pulse and the rapid eye movements.
He is ready to accept the suggested dream.
Now, George,
the last time you were here,
you were telling me about something that bothered you very much.
You said you felt restricted, closed in
on the subway, in your office, in the streets.
Do you remember the word you used?
- What does he say? - Overpopulation, that's what he said.
Now, George, when I say the word Antwerp
you are going to have an effective dream about this thing that bothers you, this overpopulation.
You're going to dream about space, about all the elbow room in the world.
You feel uncrowded, unsqueezed.
And this overpopulation thing will not be a problem anymore.
My God!
What has he done?
Six billion people!
All the people
the people
You had a bad one, George!
Where are they?
- Where are the people? - You've dreamt about the plague.
- Plague? - That's all over now.
All of us who survived are genetic clue resistant.
- What plague? - Oh, my God!
I just killed six billion people.
I'm afraid, it's the first time Mr. Orr has handled anxiety in the dream.
- It's not always pleasant. - I don't understand what's happening.
- Don't you remember the plague? - Of course, we do!
I lost my parents, my two sisters,
I watch them die. None of us could ever forget it.
But it's over now, George.
The plague ended five years ago and we are the survivors.
Life must go on.
You remember the plague, don't you?
Don't you remember that you've never heard of the plague until just now?
But there wasn't any plague until an hour ago.
- You remember, don't you? Remember! - George,
Miss Lelache isn't highly qualified to comment on your session.
She is only an observer.
I'm afraid he is a bit agitated. He has been at difficult times.
- Perhaps you'd better return. - Yes.
I shall send you a full report on the Augmentor's operation and current uses
that you'd take care of it.
I'm sorry you've found this distressing, Miss Lelache.
But that was a real crisis session. Good bye.
Thank you.
Well, we really did it this time, didn't we?
- Come away from the window, George. - You saw it?
She saw it?
Six billion people wiped off the face of the Earth.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to be straight with me.
Why don't you go home, George?
Admit! Take responsibility for it!
Oh, I see,
you're trying to transfer it all to me.
You want me to take responsibility for your problem. Well, I can't do that, George. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you had a bad dream, George.
But it was your dream, it came from you, from inside of you!
I'm cracked up.
Surely, you can see that! You're a psychiatrist.
I'm gone to peaces here.
You'll ask me to dream again and what kind of world we're gonna get?
Maybe totally insane one,
full of monsters,
daemons or witches,
dragons, all the things that we carry round in psychics, all the nightmares,
the fears? What's gonna happen when night gets loose on the world?
Are you quite finished? Your negative approach to our
It's your positive approach, that's the danger!
Solve the population problem!
See what happens!
Don't you see that these things aren't problems?
They don't have answers that you can find in your arithmetic book.
Defeatism. We were put here to make the world a better place.
Your attempts to use my dreams
that make the world a better place can destroy it!
It's not so hard to destroy the world, Dr. Haber.
We did it
four years ago, April.
I don't know what you are talking about.
Don't think that you can outthink God.
You're worn out, George.
You'd better go home, get some rest, the session is over.
- You - Go home, George.
I don't know where home is anymore.
<i>You're acting like nothing happened. My dream stopped the rain.</i>
<i>George, it doesn't rain in Portland since two years ago last Easter.</i>
<i>Oh, my God!</i>
<i>I've just wiped up three quarters of the world's population.</i>
<i>- What do you want me to say? - I want you to be straight with me.</i>
<i>Why don't you go home now, George?</i>
<i>Oh, my God! Why are you doing this to me?</i>
George? What are you doing here?
I want the truth.
- Well, come up to my office, we'll discuss it. - We'll discuss it right here!
All right. If you insist.
I suppose I should have told you earlier, George.
I just wanted time to sort things out.
Yes, I know about your dreams. I've known for quite some time.
Thank you.
Thank you, Dr. Haber for being honest.
You have a great gift, George. Together we can learn to use it.
You can't use my dreams to change this, haven't you learnt that yet?
Isn't that the purpose of man on Earth?
To act. To change things. To run things. To build a better world.
- No. - What then?
I don't know.
I don't know. Things don't have purposes.
I don't know if life has a purpose.
I can't say that it matters. It IS. We ARE.
I wanna stop.
George I know that I can learn to harness your power
- but you must give me time. - That's no use.
- We haven't got the right. - We have a duty!
Why do you exist? Why do you feel your own power?
Because it doesn't work.
You change one thing and everything changes.
The plague didn't solve anything.
We're closer to the war now than we have been.
I can't let you use me anymore.
you need me, George. You know that.
Without me you're out of control.
I want you to dream peace on Earth.
No more war,
no more mass killings of humans by other humans,
no more fighting in Asia, Africa,
the Middle East or anywhere in the world.
<i>George! George! George!</i>
- Stop of it! What are you doing? - What?
I told you to dream peace on Earth.
I didn't dream that.
I dreamt about the Moon.
A battle.
A battle in space.
Alien force is attacking the Earth colony on the Moon.
I don't believe it.
I told you to dream away man is humanity to man. And what did you do?
You united the world against of the alien invasion.
What a stupid wasteful way to get peace on Earth!
Oh, my God!
What kind of monster have you extricated down of my unconscious?
I don't know what I dreamed on.
And all of it I could drag out of your unconscious.
This is incredible! Aliens on the Moon.
You must go back on them, George! Dream them away right now!
I told you something like this is gonna happen.
- What are you doing? - I'm not gonna dream for you anymore!
- Oh, that's absurd, you can't leave things like this. - I did what you told me to do,
I did what the doctors told, the lawyers. Nothing works!
- George! - No, forget it!
You'll be back, George.
Without me you have no hope.
- I'm looking for George Orr, have you seen him? - No, he is gone.
Gone? Where?
I don't know. I've already dreamed a few hours ago. Who are you?
Heather Lelache. I'm his lawyer, I've got to talk to him.
Do you have any idea where he might be?
- You got some ID? - Yes,
HEW public investigator.
All right where he might be is in his cab. Why don't you drive there?
Well, a phone number, do you have a phone number?
Oh, he got no phone. Say,
- what's so important anyway? Do you do some? - Yes.
Please, do you have an address?
Oh, I don't know, it's somewhere up on the Coast Range Beach, where those
Government lotteries came. You won't find it yourself.
Now you know it's true, my dreams change everything.
And you see why I have to get away from Haber.
- I know. I understand. - He's making me dream. You saw what happened.
I can't let him make me dream anymore.
What happened with the aliens on the Moon.
You don't mean that you
If you only knew how really scared I'm right now.
I wish I could sleep without dreaming.
Maybe you can! Maybe I could suggest a dream.
- No. - Sure. It could be a dream about nothing.
- What do you mean? - Nothing more happens, nothing more changes.
No, it's too risky.
It'll work, I know it will. I've seen it done before. I'll just hypnotize you.
I don't know.
We have no choice.
Listen to the sound of my voice.
Take yourself down.
You feel relaxed and easy.
That's it. You're floating.
I'm going to tell you that you're going to sleep. And you will, but not until I say it.
Everything is heavy.
You try to lift your hand but you can't. It's heavy.
Oh, I think it's working, George.
Now, you're gonna do some dreaming. You are going to have one effective dream.
And it's going to be about
oh, my God!
I can't tell him to dream about nothing!
In this dream you will dream, everything is Ok,
dream the aliens off the Moon.
Tomorrow, when you're awaken, you will feel rested and well.
go to sleep.
<i>This is an invasion alert. An invasion alert!</i>
<i>Aliens are invading! Invasion alert! Invasion alert!</i>
- George, wake up! Something's wrong! - What's a matter?
Don't you hear that?
What did you tell me to dream of?
That everything is ok, the aliens are off the Moon.
That's it. They're off the Moon. They are here.
Come on! We've got to get back for Haber.
- Not we were trying to get away from him? - Yeh, but now we have no choice.
Turn on the radio!
<i>A new retaliation. 8 Anti-Alien Ballistic Missiles have been dispatched</i>
<i>from our underground installations in Walla Walla, Washington,</i>
<i>and Round Valley, California</i>
<i>And this just in,</i>
<i>the alien ships appeared to be carrying a device that has taken control of our Missile Guidance systems.</i>
- Where a hell have you been? - It's not important, we're back.
This is your doing, isn't it?
You had a dream without me, didn't you. I told you that this would happened, didn't I, I told you!
It's up to us now.
Look, go down to the basement, find the main generator,
put your finger to the on/off button. And if the power fails you push it. Now go on!
I'll be all right, George.
Go ahead it, Haber.
George, something new.
I want you to stop the invasion, George.
Dream peace.
Dream that we are at peace with everyone.
Everyone! Antwerp!
Come on. Come on!
<i>Pardon me.</i>
<i>Do not do to others what you wish others not to do to you.</i>
Of course not. Of course not!
We are attempting to make peaceful arrival, we do not have weapons.
We are nonaggressive, infighting species. Please, tell others.
I can't control the air force. George! George!
Is this a military installation?
No. George! George!
Please, excuse us for the accidental intrusion. Thank you very much.
that wasn't so bad, was it?
Don't play games with me!
You look scared to death.
I'm just about having it with you, Orr.
This is no joke. I could have been killed!
Were you sure to have thought of that before.
Oh, God damn subconscious twists around everything I say.
He's just an alien. Nice guy, you were talking with him.
Well, I feel good.
I'm starving, I'm gonna get something to eat and find Heather. You want a sandwich?
- What about the invasion? - You've heard him, they are friendly.
Weren't you supposed to make a phone call or something?
Yes, of course!
But to whom?
Well, you know the people in Washington. Tell them to stop shooting at the aliens.
- I'll call Tchaikovsky in HEW. - All right! See you!
Secretary Tchaikovsky, please. Bill Haber calling.
Hello, Nat! Bill Haber here. Fine. Fine.
Listen, Nat, about this alien thing.
I think I've got that figured out.
I hate terrible fish.
How do you feeling?
- I was fine till I ate this. - Aha! There you are!
Well, you get everything straight right now?
- Oh, I'd say so. - Good.
Mmm, dreadful.
Well, we've eliminated war and hunger, but we still can't come up with a decent cup of coffee.
You know, George.
Before all of this alien business I had some good news for you.
Oh, really?
You remember of course, that I gave you my word that I would cure you.
Yeh, he did say that. He did.
I know it's been a very distressing time for you.
But as soon as my Augmentor program is complete you'll be cured.
What would you say, you'll come along with me now and we'll get to work on it.
I don't think so. Not today.
But, George, you can be cured!
- Hey, wait a minute! - Not today...
I have a big surprise for you, George. Just follow me.
You know what I was wrong all of these months was that I was searching for an entity.
An omega-wave. Well there isn't any.
The pattern is formed by a combination of other waves.
Now, over the past few days before hell broke loose I worked it out.
The cycle is 12 seconds. Can you imagine, 12 seconds?
I don't know why I didn't think of that before.
Well, your dream pattern is a complexly synchronized set of emissions
that take exactly 12 seconds to complete their cycle and start again.
It's to an ordinary dream state what a Bach fugue is to a Mary had a little lamb.
I didn't know this was here.
Let me out of here!
- Mh? - My apologies, George.
The greatest good for the greatest number.
All right, George, Now we're going to run a little test.
Only one more access and my Augmentor programming will be complete.
One more. Then you will be superfluous.
And I can get on with the job.
<i>Jor Jor.</i>
<i>Jor Jor.</i>
To reprogram his whole last quarter.
Stupid chicken brain of his!
Take him down again, all away!
<i>If help wanted, inquire within.</i>
Power may be controlled only at source.
I'd hate to lose you, George.
But you leave me no choice.
<i>Those whom heaven helps we call the sons of heaven.</i>
<i>They do not reason by using reason.</i>
<i>To let understanding stop at what cannot be understood</i>
<i>is a higher attainment.</i>
<i>Those who cannot do it will be destroyed on the lathe of heaven.</i>
<i>The lathe of heaven.</i>
<i>Jor Jor.</i>
<i>Jor Jor.</i>
All right, George. We are going to take on a really big one this time.
Something that's been wasting a lot of the world's valuable time.
When I say Antwerp
I want you to dream me a world in which there is no color problem.
Where everyone is completely integrated. Antwerp!
You did it, George! You did it the rational way for once you really did!
Your primary purpose was thinking right to the heart of the problem
and made the change biological at absolute!
It was the perfect solution, George!
You were to be congratulated.
All right, back to work.
Now, it's time for our big moment. George.
You're about to have your last effective dream.
Our partnership is almost at an end.
I'm going to give you something you've always wanted -
to be cured.
Dream that you've lost the ability to dream effectively.
Dream me my ultimate Augmentor. Antwerp!
Welcome to Dr. Haber's Palace of dreams.
Congratulations, George. You're the man of the hour. How do you feel today?
- I haven't felt anything for days. - You may go.
Take it easy, George. Take it easy.
I know, I've been working with you very hard.
But I think you agree that was worth the effort.
Besides, today is a momentous occasion.
Well, I don't think that I can take another big day.
George, today I've cured you.
- Don't you have anything to say? - Words fail me.
It's quite simple. You have had your last effective dream.
- Wonderful. - In it...
you dreamed you've lost the ability to dream effectively.
- It's that simple? - It's simple. But not that simple.
My Augmentor here is now complete.
The last piece of the puzzle is in.
- By the way where is he? - Who?
The alien.
There are no aliens here, George.
They are not permitted in this part of the building. They are unnatural.
In fact,
when I begin to dream they are the first thing I'm going to get rid of.
Is that what you've been up to all this time?
That's right, George. The burden is now off your shoulders.
And it on to yours!
You're out of your mind!
Now you listen to me, George Orr!
You come into my office with the greatest power the mankind has ever known
and all you want to do is to be cured of it.
The dreams don't work you tell me. They go wrong you tell me.
Well, there's nothing wrong with the dreams, my friend. The problem lies with the dreamer.
Well, now, George,
you must be tired.
I think you should go home now to get some rest. I'll come down with you.
You are an imperfect instrument, George. You're not a man of vision.
- And you are? - I know what I'm doing.
Scientifically and morally.
After all, I've been controlling your dreams for the past few weeks.
You can't be entirely blind when I've accomplished already.
Since we've begun working together, George,
we've eliminated overpopulation.
We installed the quality of urban life, the ecological balance
of the planet, eliminated cancer as a major killer,
eliminated racial hatred, the color problem, eliminated war,
eliminated the risk of species to deterioration so inferior its genetic stock.
no, say, in the process of eliminating poverty,
economic inequality, the class war all over the world.
Progress, George, progress.
You're right, George. The greatest good for the greatest number.
Progress, George, progress.
We've made more progress in six weeks
than humanity has made in the past six thousand years.
While you think about all of this progress you can help me to find Heather.
- Heather Lelache, the lawyer from HEW. - Oh, yes. What happened to her?
I don't know, she's gone.
Oh, she's out there somewhere.
I doubt it. She was brown not gray.
our time has come to an end, George.
The symbiotic relationship is over. But a new era begins.
Good bye, George.
Hey, Haber!
I was just thinking
wouldn't it be funny if I wasn't the only one who could dream effectively.
What if everybody could do it? And reality was being
pulled up from under us all the time. And we didn't even know it.
Well, it's just a thought.
I'll sleep on it.
<i>Good day, Jor Jor.</i>
Jor Jor?
- You, Jor Jor. - Me?
- No, my name is George Orr. - Right, Jor Jor.
Ok, Jor Jor. How did you know my name?
Gift of perception is mutual. Do you wish an object?
- No, I'm just looking. - Please. Continue this activity.
I don't suppose you know a woman named Lelache?
- Do you seek Lelache? - Yes, I've lost her.
Person sought can be found.
Help is available.
Is it acceptable?
Yes, I mean thank you very much.
Clarity is pleasurable.
With a little help from my friends?
<i>What would you think if i sang out of tune,</i>
<i>Would you stand up and walk out on me.</i>
<i>Lend me your ears and i'll sing you a song,</i>
<i>And i'll try not to sing out of key.</i>
I get by with a little help from my friends,
I get high with a little help from my friends,
Going to try with a little help from my friends.
What do i do when my love is away?
(does it worry you to be alone)
How do i feel by the end of the day?
(are you sad because you're on your own)
No i get by with a little help from my friends,
Do you need anybody,
I need somebody to love.
I get by with a little help from my friends.
Hi, sleepyhead!
All right, and just who were you expecting?
My little wonderful wife!
- Yeh. - You're brown!
Oh, I'm sorry, this mud only comes of one colour.
What's wrong?
Oh, I slept so well.
Yeh, you needed that do.
You came home half dead last night.
That stupid shrink Haber sent you home that way and said you're cured.
Forget him, George, you're free now. We are together and,
well, we can be happy.
- What is it? - I don't know.
What is it, George?
Let's get out of here.
George, I'm scared.
I've never felt anything like this before.
I have.
What's going on?
- Oh, God, it's happening again! - What's happening?
Don't you remember? Nobody does except me.
- What happened 4 years ago? - It's when everything started
or it ended.
<i>George! George!</i>
What a hell is this, George?
What did you mean, 4 years ago in April? What happened?
There was a war.
They set the bomb dropped right down by the river.
I was trying to get out of the city.
Guess I had radiation sickness already.
I guess I was dying.
And I had this dream that I was alive.
Ever since then I've tried to tell myself that was a dream.
But it wasn't.
This is the dream.
I can't! I can't do it!
<i>Jor Jor!</i>
<i>Jor Jor!</i>
<i>Jor Jor!</i>
<i>Fatigue is evident.</i>
<i>I did a lot today.</i>
<i>At least I did something.</i>
Probably the only thing I ever did.
<i>You have lived well.</i>
<i>May I see that egg whisk, please?</i>
Do I know you?
We've met a long time ago.
- You're a lawyer, right? - Yes.
- How did you know? - You want that?
No. Thank you.
You were very good to me.
I was wondering if I could return a favor.
Can I take you to lunch?
- Well thank you, but - I mean if you have the time.
Ok. Why not.
I'll be back in an hour, E'nememen Asfah.
- <i>Take afternoon, there is time.</i> - Thanks!
<i>To go is to return.</i>
Dr. Haber?
Dr. Haber?
I don't think he can hear you.
- What happened to him? - Nobody seems to know exactly.
He was on the verge of an enormous discovery.
And now?
A breakdown. Ever since that night that everything fell apart, you know?
You've seen that, haven't you?
The world after April.
- Who was that? - Someone I knew once.
I'm starving. Let's go and have that lunch.
Lead the way.