Lava (2019) Movie Script

(upbeat music)
- I like the design.
Who did it?
- Me.
- Wow, you draw very well.
- Yes, drawing is my life.
I also make comics.
- Comics?
That's good.
I thought they were
only made in Japan now.
- There are still some.
- [Female] Tattoos, do
they pay well for you?
- I can't complain.
At first, it was difficult.
Then I started having clients.
You know, I'm not
on Park Avenue,
but business is going well.
I also make designs
and sell them.
(speaks in foreign language)
(man grunting)
- Ouch.
- Sorry, it's gonna hurt a
little more, almost done.
Well, that's good for now.
We can continue tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
Same time?
(dramatic music)
- [Nadia VO] It must
be that guy's design.
Yeah, it has to be.
Or he stole it from
here and lied to me.
- How much is this?
- Five bucks.
(sings in foreign language)
- Hey, Nadia, what's up?
Why are you cooking?
- I'm making baked potatoes.
Lzaro's coming over
in a little bit.
- What's the pot for?
- For the sauce, duh.
- You're not going out?
- No, that's why you
see me cooking, silly.
Season finale, "Gain of Clones."
Samuel's coming too.
- So there's nothing going
on with me and Samuel.
- Oh no, we'll see about that.
- I'm not ready.
Don't be a bitch.
- Oh, shut up.
You're so pretty,
and it's time to meet
some nice people.
No egotistical psychopaths
that suck your energy.
- Okay, okay, I get it.
- They manipulate you and
lower your self-esteem.
- Yes, Nadia, we talked
about this before.
I'm not seeing him anymore.
- You're much more valuable.
(phone rings)
Ah, it's them.
They came so early.
Debby, can you open
the door, hurry.
- I thought true
punks didn't watch TV.
- Everybody on the
planet watches Netflix.
- [Dbora] Oh yeah, well
we're old school here.
We download streams illegally,
and read books heavy.
- Hi, about this time.
- Debby, please meet Samuel.
He works with the
last in the shops.
Sam, meet Debby, she is amazing.
- Yes, we've
actually met before.
It's ready.
- Here we go, guys.
- Shut up, Debby.
(metal clanking)
(TV buzzing)
- Holy shit, what happened?
- Debby, check
cables at the back.
(TV buzzing)
- Where's the remote control?
- What the fuck!
The TV broke.
- Hey Debby, restart
the computer.
(TV buzzing)
- I'm gonna cut the power.
Is it all right
with you, my love?
- Yeah, yeah.
Go, go.
- Honestly, I have no
idea what's going on.
(suspenseful music)
- Guys.
(suspenseful music)
- Holy shit!
- No service.
- The radio, the radio.
(radio buzzing)
(Samuel screams)
- Listen.
(radio buzzing)
- You see?
- The phone sounds like the TV.
- Nadia, wake up.
Nadia, Nadia, please
help me with her.
Turn off the TV.
- Dbora, turn off the radio.
- Nadia.
(bomb blasting)
- What's going on?
- Oh my gosh.
- I'll get her some water.
- Nadia, you have
to wake up, wake up.
- What happened?
- You were hypnotized.
It's those images.
There's just something
awful is happening.
- Guys, look.
- The internet is back up.
- Did my mom text you?
(police siren blaring)
- [Radio] We interrupt
this broadcast
'cause a very strange
event has just occurred.
But my operator and I,
have no memory of
the last two minutes.
We are very concerned.
(keyboard clacking)
- Guys, should we keep watching?
- [All] Yeah.
(metal clanking)
- Well folks, I gotta go.
- Did you have fun?
- Yes, let's do this again.
- Debby, can you help him?
- Yeah, oh yeah.
- What (indistinct) series, huh?
This must be the third
time we've met, right?
- Yeah.
- Hey, did you tattoo Lzaro?
- That horrendous
tattoo on his arm?
No way.
I even told him I'd
fix it for free.
- Oh Dbora.
- How are you getting home?
- I live 10 blocks
over that way, not far.
- Oh, that is close.
You know, you can walk.
- Yes.
- Come by the shop sometimes
so I can show you my designs.
I'd love to see what you think.
- All right, maybe I'll go
with Nadia next time she goes.
- All right, bye.
- Bye.
- [Dbora VO] If
he turns around,
it means he wants something.
- It's cold.
(door thuds)
- You are a great
artist, Dbora.
It's perfect, skin-fit.
- What exactly is this design?
What does it mean?
- If I tell you, I'll ruin
the end of the Dbora comic.
You have to read it from
the first to the last page.
It is important.
- Oh right, the comic.
I have it.
I brought it to read.
Snake, it's weird.
- The snake of chaos.
Have you ever read
the Nordic mythology?
- I don't think so.
It moves, the tattoo,
it's curling up.
- Was a gigantic snake,
and it grew bigger
and bigger everyday.
One day, (indistinct)
fuck the snake
and threw it into the sea.
But the snake had grown so big.
It could bite its own tail
and embrace the world.
- It's so fascinating.
It's alive.
(suspenseful music)
(police siren blaring)
What are they looking at?
What happened?
- They're all staring
up at the rooftop.
- Why?
Let's go find out.
(suspenseful music)
Oh my God.
What is that?
- No one knows what they
are, but they are everywhere.
There are two more
around the block.
- Oh those are like statues.
- I know but it's a cat.
- Look at that!
- Mum, what's happening?
I don't understand.
- I don't know, my son.
I don't know, go inside.
Hurry up, hurry up!
- Snakes and cats running
around their cities.
Though the cats seem they
just wanna observe the people,
but the snakes (indistinct)
- It wasn't a nightmare.
Those things are still there.
- How can you sleep like that?
I envy you.
It could be the
end of the world,
and you're still calm.
- What did the news say?
- Invasion.
(gun fires)
A mysterious satellite
and stationary orbit
could be responsible
for the invading signal.
Its origin is unknown.
- To back you and
help protect you.
So don't worry, just stay aside.
We're building walls,
we're protecting the people
as much as we can.
- Experts suggest
it's extraterrestrial.
Big cats are invading us.
It's terrible, and no
one has a clue, why?
No one went to work today.
The government said to stay calm
but they've sent armies
into the streets.
It's the same all
over the entire world.
- Have you seen a fanzine?
- A fanzine?
(car engine roaring)
- [Dbora VO] So it's true.
We're being invaded.
Why are there no signs of
violence or destruction?
What if it's not an invasion?
- Don't shoot it.
We don't know what it wants yet.
- Affirmative, fire!
(gun fires)
(suspenseful music)
- Today could be my last.
I have to see him,
just one more time.
- So that's her.
- God, she's pretty.
You need anything?
I'm closing.
- No, no, okay.
- [Dbora VO] Dbora,
you're so stupid.
You're such an idiot.
This time is really over.
Next time he calls,
I'm gonna tell him.
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say it.
We're done.
(dramatic music)
(phone ringing)
- [Edgar] Debby,
you came by today?
You didn't tell me.
- It's over Edgar.
We are through.
I came to say that we shouldn't
see each other anymore.
- [Edgar] I agree
with you, Dbora.
I respect your decision.
I'm calling you about else.
- What?
- [Edgar] Everything
will work out, Dbora.
You are far more
special than you think.
Tattoo artists are
the chosen one.
Nothing will happen to us.
You are not ready
to understand yet,
but something big is going
to happen, something good.
- What are you saying?
You lost your mind?
- [Edgar] Something
fantastic is about
to happen, something amazing.
It will change the world.
You have to be with me.
- Be with you.
- [Edgar] Soon you will
understand better than anyone.
- I have to be with you.
Did you say I have
to be with you?
(car honking)
Hello, hello!
(tire screeches)
(man screaming)
Hello guys!
Excuse me.
Excuse me, excuse me.
Sorry, sorry.
Pardon me, sorry.
Excuse me.
- Oh, he was just standing
in the middle of the street.
What happened?
- Hello.
Oh wow.
Wait, don't do
look at your phone.
Don't look at your phone.
Don't look at your phone.
(tire screeches)
(bomb blasting)
(police siren blaring)
(cars honking)
- [Nadia] Yes, it was all
(indistinct) the world.
I feel that those images
want to tell us something,
as if there were a mystery,
a message to decipher.
It's fascinating.
I don't feel scared
when I'm paralyzed.
I don't feel anything.
Nothing at all.
Did anything happen to you?
- Well, I was at home,
making a meal for myself
and then the water boiled.
- Okay, I think you
should stay off the phone
and don't look at those images.
- You think?
- And how's Lzaro?
- He's fine too.
The images don't
affect him either.
He called me from work today.
- [Dbora] He's good,
he's good.
- He's fine.
- And your dad?
Is your dad okay?
Has he recovered from the fall?
- I think I'm going to
stay with him today.
- Okay, good.
- Listen, the fanzine
you mentioned before
it came in today.
- Good.
- No, no.
Look at it.
It's all there.
- All what's there.
- [Dbora VO] What
the hell is going on?
- [Lzaro VO] Welcome
to the survival manual,
created by Lava.
This comic is a practical guide
to help humanity survive the
many threats they'll face
in the days following
the publication
of this special edition.
Lava has anticipated the problem
and created this
easy-to-read comics
so you can know how to
react to the danger ahead.
Why a comic?
The enemy knows our modern
communication systems
and how we use them.
Understand this, our
screens now belong to them.
The fanzine comic has proven
to be a very useful medium,
due to its limited distribution
and non-existing
quality controls.
At a certain time,
the statues on top of your
houses will come to light life.
Like old cats, they can
be repelled with water,
although we recommend
the use of cable rifles.
By filling out this coupon,
you can receive a free
M16 light defensive weapon
with five iodine
tablets ideal for those
who cannot resist
image-induced paralysis.
You must avoid any
audio-visual contact.
It is the enemy's main weapon.
They understood the
importance of mass media
in this culture,
and they are using them to
spread their (indistinct)
The use of these weapons for
the resistance is essential.
- Incredible.
I never thought you could
make a gun with a toaster,
a hairdryer and a barbie.
- They sent in different pieces
so that nobody would
notice, very clever.
- We should tell Nadia.
Let's tell Nadia.
- No, don't tell.
- Why?
- We have to tell Nadia.
- It's better this way.
- Well, I think it's
best if we tell her.
Why would we leave her out?
- Nadia is so fragile.
She's going through
a tough time,
(indistinct) stress
her out a lot more.
Now, let's see if this rifle
works on that giant weird cat.
- Yeah.
- Shoot the cat?
- With our gun.
- It didn't hurt us.
- We bought guns.
- No, no, no.
We got the guns for free.
- Same, same.
- The fanzine said, "We
could throw water at it."
Let's just try that first.
- Fine.
What a stupid idea that was!
- Hey, it was your idea.
- Hey, hey, my loves.
What were you three doing?
Deb, did you read the fanzine?
Did you tell them about it?
- You stay here,
we'll be back very soon.
Okay bye, bye.
(door thuds)
- Here, take it.
- Wow.
Are we ready?
Samuel, turn it on.
(water burbling)
- Nope.
(water burbling)
- Oh wow, it didn't work at all.
And what's that noise?
(helicopter blades whirring)
(helicopter blasts)
- I think it's starting again.
- No, no, no.
- Run, run, get outta here!
Thank God, we are animated.
- Get back here!
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.
There's more cats coming.
(fist thuds)
No, I'm not perplexed.
(water burbling)
- Back it up, boy, back it up.
Back, back, back it up.
- They look pissed.
We should turn around
and leave, like now.
- I am absolutely not
prepared for this, run!
Run, run, run, run,
run, run, run, run, run.
Hurry, hurry,
hurry, hurry, hurry.
- Well, well, it seems
that your friends were not
that far away off
the road, right?
- This weapon is amazing.
It turns them into good kittens.
Oh, but not for long.
- My love, daddy, I met
this old man on the street.
He's a really good guy.
Get over here.
I also met this bus driver too.
He's a really good
friend to have right now.
Come on guys, get in, get in.
- Can I go too?
- Yeah sure.
Sorry, Sam, I didn't see you.
Yeah, yeah, come on, come on.
- Yeah all right, here we go.
- Please, come in.
- No, no, no.
(tire screeches)
- Come on.
- Hurry up.
- Come on girl,
help me outta here.
- Could you save anyone else?
- No, it wasn't possible.
- Wow that's the bus driver.
- I gotta get outta here.
- Well, is no one gonna save me?
- You stay here, we got this.
(snake hisses)
At least it was quick.
How much we could have done.
- They're coming, this way!
- Run, get inside.
- We have to pretend we
hit the diced, right?
- Get in the cinema.
(birds chipping)
- Debby.
We're going in the
water, it's too hot.
You wanna come with us?
- No, no, I'm kinda cold.
- Hey, come on.
Come with us, hey.
- Get in, Dbora,
it's beautiful.
You'll see.
- [Edgar] Dbora, can
you picture a skin
that reinterprets your designs.
- Edgar?
- And intelligent skin.
It gives life to your work but
gives it a whole new meaning.
There is a creature
with skin like this.
The most beautiful
creature in the universe.
It's beauty hurts.
I have tattooed
on its skin before
but when I did the images moved.
My defects disappeared and
my virtues were enhanced.
Its skin came
alive, it's amazing.
It will revolutionize
the way we make art.
Come Dbora, it's beautiful.
You'll see.
The canvas grows, it stretches,
it will be the longest
comic strip in the world,
the book that grows
in volume everyday,
a cartoon that breeze,
a mural whose wall thinks and
walks the definitive arts,
no one can resist its beauty.
- What if I don't like it?
What if I'm not interested?
- Then you are dead, Dbora.
Like Lava, dead with envy.
Another frustrated artist,
full of hatred for
the ultimate beauty.
- Debby.
Oh, I'm naked.
What do I do here?
What do I have to do?
Dbora, Dbora.
Dbora, Dbora!
- I--
- What happened?
Did you get hypnotized?
- I don't know.
I fell asleep.
- I thought it didn't affect us.
- Nadia, Nadia.
Are you all right?
Did you get hypnotized?
You found the pills we ordered?
How did you get on the bus?
- Yeah, no, thanks to you.
- I wanted to tell you, I wanted
to tell you about the guns.
I wanted to tell
you about the pills
but Lzaro said not to.
- I went into your room and
searched through your stuff.
I saw that you had sent
in the coupon for the guns
and the pills.
I got them just in time.
I went to look for you,
and Mr. Gutierrez
called me from the bus.
He saved me.
- Wait, not so much longer.
- A resistance,
are they organized?
- Obviously, some people
are not affected by images.
That's why I found it strange
that you went on your own.
Now, Lzaro is dead.
Had you stayed with me, all of
this would've been different.
- But Nadia is also asleep
and Lzaro like Dbora.
They didn't want me to call.
- I'm crying for Lzaro.
Turns out he's just a moron,
and you are a lousy friend.
- What did I do?
I didn't know.
- Yes, you knew.
He told you when we
climbed the stairs.
He grabbed you and he told
you, and you said nothing.
- I didn't say
anything because--
- Can't you see that Lzaro
wanted to fuck Dbora?
- You really are such a tramp.
- A tramp.
What about Lzaro?
- Oh, so you're gonna
fuck Samuel too.
- A tramp.
Oh, don't give me that.
Don't mess with me.
Choose your partners
better asshole.
I wouldn't Samuel because he's
just unfuckable, no offense.
I want to fuck Edgar.
- Edgar with the tattoos?
He's married.
I guess any dick
will do for you.
You lied to me.
You told me you were over him.
You are so stupid.
- I wanted to make
you jealous, duh.
- Very funny.
Really, huh?
- Oh God don't, no.
- Dbora, I love you.
- I'm sorry, Nadia.
I don't know what
I'm talking about.
I'm so sorry for Lzaro.
I don't know what's
wrong with me.
All this is
affecting me so much.
I'm scared and I don't
know what we're gonna do.
- Let's not fight.
- Oh, I can't fight.
I can't even take
care of myself.
- Calm down, Deb.
The old man said,
"Lava could help us."
- What is Lava?
What is Lava?
I don't like this.
- Lava is what just saved us.
- It did?
- Let's stick together.
- Yes, everybody together,
together, altogether,
or both of you together
with me, me too?
No, you guys together, fine,
or how about all of us together.
Wouldn't that be fun?
I'll be back.
(snake hissing)
(wings flapping)
- Welcome everyone.
If you are here, it's
because you are a chosen one.
At first, I didn't
understand anything.
A voice spoke to me
and told me the most important
things one needs to know.
This place is for the people
who don't fit into the world,
the weirdos, the freaks,
but the wait is over.
A new world is upon us and
we will be the leaders of it.
Narcissus has chosen us.
You will have the greatest
honor an artists can have.
Tattoo the Narcissus, enter
through the door on your left,
and you will find tools
and other stuff to
express yourselves.
Has anyone seen Dbora,
a girl with glasses?
Has anybody seen her?
Anybody know Dbora?
(suspenseful music)
- All right everyone, let's
take this nice and slow,
camera one and camera two.
(suspenseful music)
- You like it?
- Do you know that girl?
- We dated for a while.
Had a good time.
She's an excellent
tattoo artist.
She'll be here soon.
The Narcissus is eager
to work with her--
- [Female] Silence.
Don't mention Dbora.
- Are you--
- [Female] They cannot hear me.
- Thanks, it's a good tattoo.
- [Female] They can't hear me.
I'm only in your mind.
- Or you--
- [Female] Don't speak, get up.
Come to me.
- Lave is the enemy of
(indistinct) an enemy
with an undeclared
war, a cold war.
And it gives us the
weapons to fight.
It can't intervene, so it
must teach us how to fight.
I met Lava a long time ago.
It taught me many things.
It taught me not to
flout my intelligence.
- And what are we gonna do?
Are we gonna do
whatever Lava wants?
Are we gonna be its soldiers?
- Not to attract attention.
- No choice.
I'm a tattoo artist,
I'm ordinary.
I'm not trained.
I can't win a war.
This is nuts.
- We have a no choice.
They came to look for us.
The few who want to
consume their garbage
but you know what you can do,
watch the movie.
- I can't watch.
All I can think about is
what happened to Lzaro.
- Dbora, did you like Lzaro?
- What?
- I don't know.
It just seemed like--
- Seemed like what?
- I don't know.
I mean, I get that you're
stressed about him.
I'm stressed too, very stressed.
But it just seemed
like maybe, you know--
- No, not even close.
- Okay, okay.
It was just a thought.
- Okay.
- I don't know why
I'm telling you this.
I could be telling you anything.
Like maybe you have a
question on me or something,
who knows, I'm just saying,
did you hear what I said?
And I said, maybe
you have a crush.
- Yes, I heard you.
- Yeah, I heard you.
- Would you guess wrong?
- About a little--
- Stop!
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, I misunderstood.
I thought you said
you would like us all,
but now you're interested in me.
- Stop, you're
stupid, selfish child.
Can you take one second to think
about what's going on here?
- What are you doing here?
- The woman must be treated
like the petals of a rose.
I know, I am expert.
- So you can also teach me
how to do what to women.
- No, just giving my opinion.
Thank you.
- But I didn't ask
for your opinion.
- Hey, you have to learn
how to accept the criticism.
- The Chinese girl
got into tank.
(metal clanks)
- Oh I can't drop the tank.
- Excuse me.
- Oh, guys they
killed (indistinct)
- All right, (indistinct)
(gun fires)
- The true enemy is
rarely seen in combat
but if they show up, you
must avoid physical contact.
The (indistinct) lack of
central nervous system for pain.
Long ago, they abandoned
their true skin.
- Check it out.
- Let me see it, what is here?
Let me see it.
It's right over here, come on.
- As soon as a (indistinct)
don't make many friends.
Don't wanna learn everything
they can about skin culture.
They will contact
dermatologist, cosmetologist
and tattoo artist.
Tattoo artists are
the most important.
- Are you Lava?
- Lava is your friend and
it is here to help you.
Do not grow or seek.
For security matters, Lava can
not trust its collaborators.
Inform your friends and family
that with all your health,
the (indistinct)
can be destroyed.
- No, you see, take this.
(gun fires)
okay, let me try again.
(gun fires)
Son of a bitch.
I might know how to go on
(indistinct) this time.
(gun fires)
It seems like we got it.
I think we got it.
Yes, we got it.
It's a beautiful thing.
It's a machine.
It's starting to move.
Let's go.
No, it's jammed.
He must have a technical
problem, of course.
But (indistinct)
(car engine roaring)
- Do not try to find me.
Do not try to find me.
(witch expectorates)
- Good, he's not following us.
- Oh shit.
- Oh no.
- Don't stop, I'm fine.
Son of a bitch.
- Oh the way.
(Lzaro crying)
(dramatic music)
- Sorry, am I in Buenos Aires?
- No, this is rather
(indistinct) central station
in (indistinct)
To go to Buenos Aires,
you must enter again.
Walk three steps to the left
and then two to the right.
- Okay, thanks.
(witch expectorates)
- I know what's going on.
Don't think about the witch.
(witch expectorates)
Don't pay any attention
to her, whatever you do.
She can hear her thoughts.
(witch expectorates)
- What'd you say?
- Hey, you like her?
- What.
- What.
What's wrong with this girl?
- Is everyone gender-fluid now?
- You like her, I can tell.
You've been floating
this entire time.
Can you just admit it already?
- I do not think that we've
been flirting this entire time,
but okay, maybe she's referring
to what you said in the cinema
that wanted to make
me jealous with Edgar.
I don't know,
something like that.
- Something like what?
- Are you flirting with me?
I wouldn't mind if you are.
- I wasn't serious.
You're not, are you serious?
- I mean, I think
you're really cute,
but I don't know if it's
the right time, I guess.
I don't know if I'm ready
for a commitment right now.
It's just a weird time.
- I don't know.
I've never thought about
you like that before.
Well, you are flirting
with me a little bit.
Yes, I do find you attractive.
And I'm curious to see
what it would be like to be
with a woman.
For me, you know,
I'm open to trying.
- Whoa, this is the adult part.
This is the moment when we
depart from cinematic formula
and we talk about topics
that are not usually
discussed in animation.
Let's be honest, that's what
makes this movie so special,
in addition to being
science fiction
and having a giant
witch chasing after us.
(witch expectorates)
- Everything would be different
if Lzaro was here with me.
- Lzaro is a dick.
- You don't know him.
- I've heard some stuff.
(phone vibrating)
- [Man] Congratulations.
Lava wishes to thank you for
your excellent performance.
You have survived the attack.
You figured out on your own,
the ultimate secret
of (indistinct)
They feed off of our attention.
They needed to exist.
- Ah, so she was right.
- Yeah.
- Hello, who are you?
Who is it?
(cars honking)
- No.
- Don't leave.
- Hey, let's stick together.
- Yeah, no thanks.
Check you later, suckers.
- [Man] Lava is your friend,
and it is here to help you.
Very soon, Lava will provide
you with the necessary means
for your liberation.
It only asks for
one thing in return,
you must remain anonymous.
- Ah.
- Wow.
- Hey, you guys.
I'm glad you guys are cool.
Nadia, let's toast of our love.
(fist thuds)
- Well, I'm truly shocked.
I'm astonished at your
immature behavior.
- Not like us.
We just had an adult
conversation about bisexuality
- Come on, guys,
we have to get serious here.
- Sure, now you
want to get serious,
after you've screwed
everything up,
after you left me completely
alone to fend for myself.
You didn't even
care if I was alive.
You just wanted to fuck Dbora.
- That is just half-true.
- You know what?
I was heartbroken when I
thought you had died back there.
Now, I don't care.
You are a jerk.
Dbora is far more
interesting than you.
I wish you had died
instead of Mr. Gutierrez.
- You're so, so I guess.
- Don't mess with Mr. Gutierrez.
Now that he's dead, the whole
resistance is crumbling.
- Not at all.
That's what I've been
trying to tell you.
Right now, Lava is
infiltrating the very heart
of the invasion.
Only Lava can defeat
the (indistinct).
Guys, we must act now.
- Act how?
What we avoid being killed?
Because I'll tell you, that's
what we've been doing all day.
So if that's the
plan, count me out.
- Escaping, conquer, Dbora.
That's what we've been
doing since the beginning.
- Weren't you taller?
Anyway, I have self-respect.
Your true colors came out.
Thanks to that.
I was able to learn
much more about myself.
And now, Debby and I,
are much closer than
you think, right Debby?
- Like I said before, I'm
open to exploring this
as long as it feels
right for both of us.
- Nadia and Dbora are
lesbians with each other.
- Really?
- Crazy, huh?
Debby admitted she had a crush
on me.
- No.
I said, I might like you,
and I'm not flirting with you.
- That's what you
said five minutes ago.
But I get it, you're
still confused.
Look, maybe I'm
still confused too.
- Well, other
(indistinct) experiences.
- So is true about,
Dbora, do you like her
and Dbora likes you?
- Are you jealous?
- What, of Dbora?
- No, I don't know.
What, ah, go to hell!
- Dbora is your friend.
- And she's also your friend.
- Okay, I admit it, I've
never heard such thing.
(upbeat music)
- Is this a grid,
like a TV guide?
- Or a comic book
would be better.
- Lava just gave us the
most important information.
Here are the invasion
days and times.
- The days and times,
when the invader will
carry out his broadcast.
- We have to get this
information out to everyone.
- So everyone will know
what their schedule is.
- The next one is the day
after tomorrow at 3:00 PM,
lasting six hours.
- Okay, everybody
turn off their phones
and screens one minute before.
In fact destroy all screens.
- Debby, you're
such an extremist.
Maybe it's enough for everyone
to just turn off
their phones and TVs
and stay safe in their
homes with their loved ones.
- What?
Nadia be honest.
Did you find your tablet
and destroy the screen?
- We destroyed all the screens.
Let me at least have the tablet.
- But it defeats the purpose.
People can still see the images.
You can't expect people to
destroy all their technology.
How would we survive without it?
- Lzaro, didn't Lava say
a big invasion was coming.
Look at this ad.
- Yes, but Nadia
is not all wrong.
Maybe, it's okay to watch
a series once in a while.
Especially now that
winter is coming,
cuddling would be nice.
- You little nincompoop.
- Cuddling is a good idea.
Don't you think, Dbora?
- Well, I guess, I don't know.
- Lava summons us, lets go.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Come on, Dbora.
Come on, cheer up
a little please.
- Okay, let's go.
(doorbell rings)
- Hello guys.
Hello Dbora.
- Oh, hi.
- I'm glad you all came.
We need you.
Come in, leave your
folders on the table.
- All right.
- We need the best artists.
Our comics must reach the world.
It's the only way to
fight the (indistinct)
- All these people
for one fanzine?
- Samuel and Lzaro, your
designs are very good.
We need you in the
art department.
Here are your boards.
Nadia, I've read your CV.
It is impeccable.
Do you think you can
handle the layout?
- I'm perfect for
the job, hire me.
- Excellent.
You'll be part of
the design team then.
- Thank you, so, so much
for this opportunity.
Thank you.
- And you Dbora.
- Yeah.
- I don't know, honestly.
You might not be ready.
I do like your art, but you
need to develop it further.
- Hello, I'm the one
who tattooed the back
of your neck, bro.
- I know, but this is different.
This demands perfection.
- Why does it have
to be perfect?
Why are you so many people?
If you want to spread an
idea, just write a manifesto.
- Dbora, please.
- You just need some
training, maybe that's all.
Come with me.
(pencil scratching)
You can practice.
Try to reproduce these images.
- Wow, very pretty.
Yeah, I'm not sure I can but,
oh, thanks.
(pencil scratching)
- What's up?
(suspenseful music)
Keep on trying, Dbora.
- What does this mean?
What is this?
- Books can also get
people's attention.
- I don't care.
I don't care, this is crazy.
- Wake up, open your eyes.
- Why do you need me?
- They use the screens.
We use the books.
You see, we need you
to defeat the invader.
- You are, you're an invader.
- Wait!
- We have to get out of here.
They're invaders.
They are all invaders.
- Debby, wait.
- It's a trap.
They're both the same.
- Debby, please stop.
You're sabotaging me.
- Lava loves humans.
They're helping us.
They gave us weapons, a grid.
They helped me escape.
- It's a lie.
You are being lied to.
- There are no time for
thing you can do (indistinct)
and then ignore it.
- Hey, look.
This is my hero.
- You are free to go.
You always have been.
I know you'll come back.
We share the same enemy.
- It's not my fight.
- Maybe you are right.
If not, you are fucked.
Hey, Dbora, Edgar was
looking all over for you.
(upbeat music)
- [Female] Testing,
testing, one, two, three.
Testing, mind communication.
That's it Debra.
It's over.
- [Dbora VO] Why
are you doing this?
Why did you invade us?
- [Female] It's too late now.
We can't go back.
You'll have to accept it.
- [Dbora VO] I wanna meet you.
I wanna meet you in person.
I wanna know who you are.
Why us?
Why here?
- That'll be five bucks.
- [Female] We love your art.
Let's work together.
(suspenseful music)
From this moment on,
planet Earth has been
conquered by civilization VS25.
It now belongs to
the (indistinct)
(sings in foreign language)
- So I don't get it,
the director kills her?
- Yes.
- Wait, is the girl dead?
- Shut up and watch the movie.
- But it's a lie that she
died because it's a movie
and she just is acting
and it's not real.
- She's for real.
She's dead.
- But it's a--
- Dead.
- So the girl is dead.
- I can't watch movies with you.
You're such a dumbass.
- So you're just okay with that.
Oh, so this is my fault.
Shut up, whatever, stupid.
I'll just watch the
show and figure it out.
Oh, okay, maybe
this was a bad idea.
Now things are really
starting to get off me.
Oh my God, I can't watch.
This is terrible.
I don't wanna see this.
I don't want to see this.
Nope, I can't watch.
I won't watch.
See, my eyes are covered.
God, please save her.
I can't believe
this is happening.
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
- What's going on in here?
- Nothing.
- Good to see you again, Louis.
- Thanks again, Bugs Bunny.
- Thanks again,
see you later, bye.
- Have a good day.
I'll see you soon.
I'll be here.
Bunny seems to have
his own life together.
That's how I wish
my son would act.
- Hey dad, I've got
(indistinct) behind this.
Getting this done and
shit, I'll see you later.
- You came hanging out.
- Hey, look, I've found
the key of the nation.
Now, we can do
whatever we wanna do.
See, okay.
Who's with me?
- Oh no, my poor son.
- Look at that,
they look so good.
But guys, you can remember.
I don't mean to interrupt
but well, I have to tell you,
you did use my arrows.
So I'm entitled to a
percentage of the interest
of that bird.
My arrows, well, interest
rates, inflation,
it might even go up,
maybe it's so mine.
But do you remember, I
lend you guys arrows?
Unfortunately, you get
that back those arrows
in really bad condition.
And because they were
in such bad condition,
and apart from this,
the lack of respect
that you're giving me,
it implies or raising the tariff
and raising the percentage.
So that barbecue
is not even enough,
you owe me more than that.
Those are my arrows,
those are my (indistinct)
Oh please guys, I want some.
You're not listening.
I deserve something.
I really can't stand
this from you anymore.
You know, the arrow are mine.
You're not even listening to me.
Oh that looks so good.
You're not giving me any.
Oh please, how about just
giving me a leg or a tail?
Oh God, (indistinct) interest.
(upbeat music)
- Once you brought
Mr. (indistinct)
animation really faster.
- Oh no, you were
just an animation.
We didn't make you.
- Well, that's really cool.
Can you just do that?
Can you make up
whatever you want?
- No, I don't walk like that.
My legs are ruining and
I'm moving super fast,
but I am not.
Anyway, we'll talk later, bye.
- Well, bye, Superman.
Oh my God.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- But who was hard at
work making the best code
with the best algorithm
ever known to mankind.
It was so beautiful that
they had to admire it
or showing the world.
- Yeah, already (indistinct)
- One morning, on my way to
the bank with my friends,
my dog, (indistinct)
I thought to myself,
today is (indistinct)
Today is the day that
I confront the bank
to make money back.
- Now, give me that dog.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- We have drugs.
- Don't you wanna
get some drugs, kid.
- Hey, you think
that dog (murmurs)
Hey look at our
friend with his dog.
- What?
No, my dog doesn't
have any drugs.
- 'Cause your dog
wants some drugs.
He wants some drugs.
(upbeat music)
- Well, it has this asshole.
Well, where were you
at, where were you at?
- I was just taking
the dog out for a walk.
(sings in foreign language)