Law of Attraction (2020) Movie Script

Everybody's talking
No matter what the weather
Everyone is talking
Wanna be connected
I think it's time
for us to say hello
Hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
Tell me about what
you're thinking
Your favorite book
What you like drinking
I'd like to know just where
you've been all my life
Now, we're drinking ice tea
Hand-in-hand we're talking
Sit under the bow tree
Oh, what a day this has been
This all began
Because we said hello
Hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
Hey, Sarah.
I don't care who I'm up against,
I've worked way too hard
for the chance to be
lead on this case.
Look, I know no case is a
slam dunk ever, I get it,
but this could put me on
the track for partnership.
You know no one is
gonna outwork me, Sarah.
You know that.
I understand that, but...
Oh, hold on.
Hi, can I have a
non-fat, no whip mocha,
with an added shot of espresso?
- It's right here.
- Thanks.
That's quite the order.
I'm expecting a challenging day.
Hey, no judgment.
- Keep the change.
- Oh, thank you,
it'll be right out.
Yeah, I'm still here.
Large black coffee, please.
Oh, boy.
I'm in the coffee shop, why?
- Thank you.
- What?
The meeting was supposed
to be this afternoon?
I can't believe this.
Thank you.
Ladies first.
Of course I have all the stuff,
but I was hoping for
more time to prepare.
Is there any way you can
hold them off...
Hey, lady, get out of the way.
This day's off to a great start.
Here, take these.
Sarah, are you kidding?
They don't even match.
They're already in there,
you got a better idea?
Come on.
When did you get so bossy?
I'm not bossy, I'm assertive.
Now, get in there.
No doubt, when I turn on
the old signature charm,
the plaintiff's not gonna
be able to do anything,
but agree to the settlement.
So no, I don't worry about it...
Nice of you to join us, Allison.
Okay, Max, why don't
you wind this up?
Sure thing, mum.
So quick summary, for those
of you just tuning in,
I'm gonna win.
Okay, you're up next, Allison.
Sorry, I was really hoping
to troubleshoot this
before the meeting,
but I just found out it got
moved up 15 minutes ago.
You're wasting
precious time, Allison.
Okay, we'll just
work from my laptop.
Okay, nevermind.
All right, so after
reviewing the case,
I saw that Kyle had filed a
temporary restraining order
and a preliminary injunction
against Dr. Jones,
but it was denied.
Then we tried to appeal,
but failed to
overturn the decision,
so I've reviewed the doctor's
deposition and affidavit,
but I feel like it
will be difficult
to get a ruling in our favor,
since 4.2 in the
contract states,
a private practice exclusion
to the non-compete.
So I think if we go to trial,
we might have a problem
with the jury being
sympathetic to Dr. Jones,
just based on his
reputation in the community.
Let me just stop you
right there, Allison.
We appreciate your efforts
and taking over this case.
However, sometimes it's
not how hard you work,
it's how smart you work.
It's not about whether we're
going to get a judgment
or not on this case,
it's about filing one
thing after another,
until this doctor can no longer
afford to defend himself.
As we represent the hospital,
which has endless funds,
if you stretch this
out, we win in the end.
The only thing
that's concerning me
is the defendant's
attorney, Derrick Walker,
comes from a strong
line of attorneys
and he's one of the best.
You, young lady, are
gonna have to dominate.
No excuses.
Yeah, I had a whole
minute to get myself ready,
and it sounds
like this Derrick Walker's
gonna be real problem.
Judging by his
pre-trial communications,
the guy's a real shark,
he definitely goes
for the jugular.
He just keeps filing
motions to move things up,
so I don't have time
to depose everybody.
Seriously, Sonni, are you
gonna be ready for this?
I have to be.
This is my chance to get on
the radar with the partners.
I just wish I didn't have
so much extra work lately.
You mean so much of Max's work.
You do everything for him
and he takes all the credit.
We're a team, it's an
investment in the relationship.
Ah, you call that
a relationship?
You two can't even be
seen together in public.
Well, he said
that if his parents knew
we were seeing each other,
it might derail my chances
of becoming a junior partner,
that they might think I
was mooching off their son.
You mooching off of him?
He's the one that
doesn't do anything...
Hey, babe.
Speak of the devil.
All right, go make yourself
busy, "Stranger Thing".
"American Psycho".
Not really sure
that's appropriate
office behavior, Max.
Oh, no, you're right,
she shouldn't be putting her
shoes up on the desk like that.
No, and you shouldn't be
talking to her like that,
just because she's an assistant.
Well, considering it's my name
on the side of the building,
I'm pretty sure I get to
decide what's acceptable, hmm?
I'm pretty sure that's
not how it works at all.
So we still on for tonight?
Not after you threw me
under the bus in the meeting.
Oh, come on.
You know I've got
to throw up a little smoke
screen every now and then,
so nobody finds out about us.
That was a fortress,
not just a smoke screen.
You know how I
feel about you, hmm?
Actually, sometimes
it's very vague.
Babe, look, I totally need you.
Speaking of which, if
we're not on for tonight,
any chance I can get you
to have a little look
through these files for me?
You were just in the meeting,
your parents were grilling me,
I have to work on
this Walker case.
Ah, come on, please?
Pretty please?
I'll tell you what,
do this for me,
help me out and I swear
I'll make it up to you.
Maybe take you
somewhere special, hmm?
I don't know.
Maybe we could talk
about our long-term plans
for the future, hmm?
You'd like that, right?
Well, it would be nice
to know where we stood.
Then, it's a date.
Thanks, babe.
10:00a.m., okay,
plenty of time.
No, I'm telling you,
get the motion to
expedite discovery
filed by this afternoon.
I want this thing
wrapped up ASAP.
I don't care when
this Allison Williams
thinks it should
happen, she's a newbie.
Look, just get it done.
Hey, hey.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
You fell asleep while working,
you've now entered cliche
workaholic territory.
You've got to get
home and cleaned up,
they can't see like this.
It's all part of my
plan for world domination.
Ah, go home, shower and
pull yourself together, woman.
I'll cover for you.
But I've have so
much more work to do.
No, not looking
like that, you don't.
Oh my gosh,
I look like a raccoon.
Worse, roadkill.
Now, sneak out and don't
let any suits see you, go.
Looks like someone
had a rough night.
Sonni, you know I
love your work ethic,
but can you please
focus on something else
for, like, two minutes?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Now, what do you
think about this?
Ooh, I love this.
That was a test.
This one would be
horrible for you.
Your decision-making
privileges have been revoked.
Ooh, what about this one?
Is this another test?
No way, that is way
out of my pay grade.
You said this was
gonna be for a big night,
something memorable.
Plus, you could totally
wear this one again.
You have to think of it
in terms of cost per wear.
It's not the cost of the item.
It's the cost,
divided by how many
times you can wear it.
I think you can get three
to five wears out of this.
That's like getting it 70% off.
That's right.
Now, can you please tell me
what the special occasion is?
It's Max and my first time
out in public as a couple,
since we've been together.
He's been acting weird lately,
so I think he has something
really big planned.
By lately, do you
mean his entire life?
I bet he was a weird
little kid, too.
I just hope this dress goes
with any other accessories
I might be getting.
No, no, no.
Do you really think
he's gonna propose?
We'll see.
I'm now an accomplice
to this crime.
Sarah, what did you do?
I can hear you.
Oh, cute.
mostly sunny skies today,
no rain is expected
for two or three days,
but it'll be clear tonight.
And tomorrow, more sunshine.
Hey, babe.
So sorry I'm late.
Client drinks thing ran
late, couldn't get out.
You're way past late, Max.
You could've at least called.
What can I say,
I can't just leave,
that'll make the Murphy and
Murphy Law Firm look real bad,
and that'll mean we look bad.
Well, if we hurry, we can
probably still get a table.
Oh, babe, it's been a rough day.
I'm so tired, let's just chill.
Oh, yeah, I ordered
on the way over.
I'm starving.
Ah, babe, you know what?
I think I left my
wallet down in the car.
Can you grab this one?
Oh, these guys.
Don't judge me.
Oh, yeah, and after we eat,
can you have a little
look through the notes
from the files in
my bag, I am toast.
I just need to, like,
zone out for a bit.
Maxwell Murphy, you
cannot be serious?
I mean, if I'm gonna
be your plus one
for this wedding next weekend,
I can't leave with a
bunch of work undone.
You know as well as I,
we can work this out
so that your client
doesn't have their personal
and professional life exposed.
The hospital has unlimited funds
and they are not gonna stop
until your client is
forced out of the state.
And how much longer can
you afford your legal fees?
Well, I'm sorry to hear
that you see it that way.
I'll see you in court.
Sounds like that went well.
He just filed another
motion to move things up.
This guy is just so smug,
I already can't stand him.
How's it going, girls?
Well, I have something
that'll cheer you up,
I scheduled a wine
tasting tonight.
Sample wines for the
wedding and Rob can't go,
so can you two come with?
I have so much work
I need to do today...
Come on, the wedding
is this weekend
and I have so much to
do between now and then.
I made a list of things I
need you guys to help me with,
so we can go over them
while we're sampling wines.
Girl, you had me at
unlimited free alcohol.
Oh, I never said
unlimited free alcohol.
Sonni and I would be
honored to join you.
Great, so it's settled.
I'll see you guys at
the wine shop at six.
Don't be late.
Ta-ta, darlings.
I love Becca,
but I don't think she realizes
how important this
case is to my career,
and now we have a list of
things we have to work on?
Watch out, the wild
bridezilla has appeared, ah!
I mean, I've known
Becca since college,
but I had no idea what
I was signing up for
when I became a bridesmaid.
Just remember, we get
to stay at a nice resort,
sun, sand, oceans, drinks.
You're starting
to sound like Max.
He stayed at the same resort
when he was there for
spring break a few years ago
and he's really excited,
it's kind of cute.
Did you just compare me to Max?
Okay, we're officially
not on speaking terms
until the wine tasting.
Oh, not the silent treatment.
Mm, mm-mm.
Sarah, come on.
Max isn't that bad.
I love you.
See any wines you recognize?
With Becca's country club
taste, what do you think?
And only Becca could
be so ultra organized
that she'd give us a study
guide before the wine tasting.
Oh, no, bridezilla, ah!
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
Wait, you.
From the coffee shop.
Oh, hi.
I'm so sorry, I was in the way.
No, I wasn't paying attention.
It's almost as much my fault.
Well, actually...
Well, I'll let you ladies
get on with your night,
it looks like you have
a wine tasting to go to.
Nice running into you.
What, too soon?
Too cheesy.
Too late, actually.
Well, you ladies
have a good night.
So how do you know
that piece of man candy?
I don't know, we just keep
seeing each other around.
I don't even know his name,
but he seems like a nice guy.
Mm-hmm, hmm.
Mm, magnificent.
- Try some, won't you?
- Oh, thanks.
I said, don't be late.
You guys don't realize
how much precision
goes into planning a wedding,
every minute matters.
Sorry, we got a
little caught up,
but let's get to work.
Right, work.
Now, does this come in a large?
Ladies, welcome.
I've laid out a number of
samples here for you to try.
Just please make
yourself at home
and if you have any questions
at all, don't hesitate to ask.
Great, thanks.
So Sarah, what'd you decide,
you bringing a
date to my big day?
First of all, it
is not just a day,
it is a very long a weekend
that we're also happy to be
sharing with you, of course.
But no, I will not
be bringing a date.
Statistics show that weddings
are the number one place
to meet a partner.
I don't need a plus one
cramping my style, you know?
Fair enough.
And Sonni, you're bringing Max.
Don't worry, I know
it's hush, hush.
It's just, there's going
to be a lot of lawyers
with your friends and
Robs and word travels.
I mean, it's got
to come out sooner
or later though, right?
I can't imagine
meeting my soulmate
and not being able to
shout it from the rooftops.
It was love at first
sight, you know?
At that coffee shop,
he was wearing that cute vest,
the barista called for Rolo
when she misread
Rob's name on the cup.
When you find that
special person,
you know it's just meant to be.
But seriously, Sonni,
you have such high standards
for everything
else in your life.
Why settle for a leech like Max?
He's not a leech, he
treats me just fine.
Okay, there aren't
a lot of good guys
that fit the lawyer lifestyle.
Girl, tell me about it.
That's why I have cats.
No, no, no, no cats.
Max is a great catch for
Sonni, a real power couple,
and besides, you can
train him to do better.
Oh, so cats are a no,
but you apparently
can have a dog.
Well, praise and
rewards do work.
- Check, please.
- Check, please.
Ms. Williams, you are late.
Late by, like,
maybe two minutes,
I'm still one of the
first people here.
Well, not everybody's
working the Walker case.
He's probably done more
in the past two minutes
than, like, Kyle does in a day,
which is why I took him off
the case and put you on it.
Morning, Henry.
Another great day to be alive.
Isn't it, though?
He is so stupid.
Look, I don't want you
to think I'm not
putting the work in,
I am, I've barely taken a break.
But you did have time
for this wine tasting.
Blended oak, nice wine here.
Speaking of that,
I hope you're not thinking
of making this weekend
into kind of a getaway,
because Walker
is trying to push up the
timeline on this case.
So I'll need you to have
your case built by Monday.
Monday, I'm not getting
back until Monday?
Look, I know you're
working very hard
to make junior partner,
and winning this case could
put you in line for that.
But don't take this lightly,
when it comes to the Walkers,
just when you think
you've won, you've lost.
Let's get to work.
Ooh, nice.
Where'd you get your
hands like that, man?
I have never seen anyone
make their catches this way.
It's a gift, what can I say?
You've either got
it or you don't.
Oh, I played football in high
school, thank you very much,
I just haven't had a
lot of time to practice.
Matter of fact, I haven't had
a lot of time to do anything.
Man, what's wrong with you?
You need a girlfriend
or something.
No, that'll just
take up more time.
Maybe you can
get a dog or a cat,
even a fish, you know?
A gateway commitment-level pet.
Nah, I'm holding out
for the real deal, man.
Right now, I'm just happy
staying busy with work
and getting my weekly bro
time in with my homie.
Hey, I know that girl.
Hey, I think she wants the ball.
Throw her the ball.
Oh, no, are you okay?
I'm so sorry.
I think I'm still in tact,
it just caught me off guard.
I thought you were
calling for the ball.
Oh, no.
I mean, I realize
you don't know me,
but I can assure you, I would
never be calling for the ball.
Well, you're out for a run,
so you must have some
sort of athletic ability.
Running is more of a
stress reliever for me,
but it looks like you guys
were having fun, I'm jealous.
I think introductions
are in order this time.
I'm Sonni.
Oh, hi, I'm Sonni.
I'm his mentor for
the Big Brother program.
Oh, what an amazing thing to do?
Is he a worthy mentor, Marlin?
DJ's a good dude.
Although, sometimes it feels
like I'm mentoring him.
That's true, he is wise
beyond his years, this one.
Very wise.
Well, Sonni,
I think we could be
considered acquaintances now.
I think that's a
fair classification.
Well, I'm gonna let you get
back to your stress relief.
I've got to get Marlin home,
so he can hit the books.
Oh, well, it was nice
to officially meet you,
since we keep running into each.
Oh, yeah, I just moved
into the neighborhood.
I guess we'll be seeing
more each other, then.
Or we will tragically
never see each other again.
It could go either way.
I guess we'll have
to take our chances.
Well, have a good day, guys.
She's pretty great, yeah.
I know, pretty good.
I don't know why I
have to do everything.
We have a code red
Come and take my hand,
we can both beat about
It's like a dream now
you're looking in my eyes
You get lots
At the cost of
love, of course
Guaranteed to prove
an overturn of remorse
We now stand a chance
And now, you're
like almost labeled
But give me that red
And he won't
ever go out able
It's like we're faded in
the moonlight again though
If I had my wish
It would be a forever halo
Hey, babe.
Max, turn your music
down, it's 7:30a.m.,
people are still sleeping.
Hey, look, I'm just trying
to get the party
started a little early.
Well, this isn't a
party, it's a wedding,
and if anything, it's
someone else's party.
Okay, well, you've clearly
never been to Myrtle Beach.
I ran that show last
time I was there.
Are you sure your parents
don't know we're going together?
Nah, I mean they're
too busy focused
on their little luxury cruise
to be worried about
anything else.
Yeah, except the Walker case.
Allison, can you, like,
try and have a little fun maybe.
This is gonna be a special
weekend for us, too.
Yeah, yeah, I can.
Okay, I'll be right out.
This is gorgeous.
Just as I remember her.
Please don't ruin
this for me, Max.
Oh, there you are.
Hey, be careful, there's
alligators in there.
Yeah, I know,
I'm trying to see one.
So I guess you got my text?
Yeah, about that,
my thighs are
allergic to running,
so maybe we just walk.
Yeah, we can go for a walk.
Where's golden boy?
Oh, he made an
important phone call
that he has to finish and
I should be working too,
but I just needed
some fresh air.
Yeah, girl, you need a break,
but I am surprised that
Max isn't out here.
Well, we're gonna go for
a walk on the beach later.
Yeah, no, I'm surprised
that you're out here
and he's actually
inside working for once.
Sarah, I know you
don't like Max...
But he was so sweet in college
and he got me
through law school.
I just think he's really
stressed out right now.
He's being a bit
of a jerk, I know,
but this weekend
will be good for us.
I'm only being protective,
but I will try to
lay off of him.
Thank you.
Ooh, hey, do me a favor?
Let me do your makeup tonight?
That, plus your dress,
and every pair of
eyes will be on you.
I don't know.
Trust me.
Just come by my room around six.
Okay, fine.
Right, where is this bar?
How many drinks are
you gonna have tonight?
Well, remember,
we're gonna have a
really long day tomorrow.
Hey, this is for Becca and Rob,
- so please behave.
- Yeah, yeah, Becca and Rob.
- Oh-
- There they are, come on.
I'm so happy you're here.
We made it, you look so cute.
Thank you.
Hey, Allison.
Hey, Rolo.
How have we let it be so long?
I mean, we're all so busy,
but it's great to have a
weekend away from it all.
Yeah, hopefully.
No, Allison, no
working this weekend.
That's a demand from the
bride to her bridesmaid.
Welcome to my world.
It won't interfere,
Becca, I promise.
Oh my gosh, there's Darlene,
my best friend from high school.
I'll catch up with
you later, though.
Love you, mean it.
My dudes.
It was so great seeing
you, Allison, Max,
I got to go catch
up with my boys.
That's what you get when you
let them dogs run wild.
Aren't they the cutest couple?
I hope people
think that we're...
I told you look like $1
million in that dress.
Now, where is your date?
He's at the bar,
determined to make
spring break happen.
My bad.
Oh, geez.
Now, who's looking at the menu?
Your girl's hungry.
I got a lead on an
eligible bachelor.
Becca's pretty sure
we'll get along,
so I think I'm gonna,
accidentally end
up at his table.
Well, you are a force of nature,
so good luck on your man quest.
Hey, stranger.
Long time, no see.
Oh, hey babe.
Are you having fun?
Well, you know, considering
I don't really know anybody,
it's all right.
But hey, there's free
booze, so cheers to that.
- Well, you know me.
- Mm-hmm.
Ah, no way, babe,
this is my jam.
- All right.
- Oh, no, Max, please don't.
Tell 'em, star
Tell 'em, star
Tell 'em, star
We have a code red
You can say what you want
I grind all day
Better give me that man,
not a boy, that can pay
Don't take that
eye candy away
Not a fake or a flake
Gonna keep him wide awake
Say ah, ah
Are you stalking me?
We have a code red
DJ Throws A Lot.
Sonni Stress Runner.
Hmm, what are you doing here?
I'm an old friend of the groom.
Apparently, it's customary
for one of the groomsmen
to have known the groom
since middle school, so...
Why are you here?
Apparently, it's mandatory
for one of the bridesmaids
to have gone to
college with the bride.
Small world.
And don't take
this the wrong way,
but you look fantastic
in that dress.
Thank you.
You clean up pretty
well yourself.
Oh, thank you.
So are you here
with anyone, or...
Actually, I'm here
with my boyfriend.
Oh, oh, that's awesome.
Yeah, he's great.
He wondered off, I
actually don't know where.
We have a code red
You can say what you want
I grind all day
Uh, is that him?
Don't take that
eye candy away
Not a fake or a flake
Gonna keep him wide awake
Say ah, ah, ah
Yeah, he's had a
little too much to drink.
He was really excited
about this weekend.
Well, he's got moves for days.
I can make it extra hot
Know that once you get taste
Listen, you can never stop
I keep it on lock
Wait, is that Max Murphy?
Yeah, yeah.
I don't really know what
he's doing right now,
but yes, that is Max Murphy.
Do you know him?
Well, we have some
mutual acquaintances,
but, like I said, small world.
He with his boys
Grills and the chains
He can keep it moving
- It's so bad.
- Horrible.
Oh, I need a drink.
Me too.
I don't even know any of
Rob's college friends.
Sonni, sweetheart.
What are you doing?
Bartending, what's it look like?
This is Denny, he's
the father of the bride.
Oh, DJ, I'm one
of the groomsmen.
Oh, childhood friend, huh?
Yes, sir.
So why are you bartending?
You should be
relaxing and mingling.
To be honest with you, Sonni,
I got the bill for this place.
I didn't realize weddings
were so expensive,
now I'm saving every penny.
Anything for my sweetheart.
What are you drinking?
I'm not really
much of a drinker,
I can't stand the
taste of liquor.
How about lemon drop?
The signature
drink of the night.
I got a sweet deal
on this, limonchello,
sweeter than candy,
you're gonna love it.
That's delicious.
I would take it easy on
those things, they have a kick.
No way, it doesn't
taste like liquor.
That's how they get you.
But I've seen what
they can do to a person
and it is not pretty,
let me tell you.
Then, what do you suggest?
Honestly, water.
It's late, we have a long
couple of days ahead of us
and no one ever regretted
getting hydrated, right?
Smart man right there.
Well, I'll let
you guys catch up.
I should at least
try to make friends
with the other groomsmen, so...
Yeah, I'm gonna
sit this one out.
Well, I guess
we'll be seeing a lot
of each other this
weekend, so...
Better than the
rest, the best
Say yes
He's with his boys
Grills and the chains
We can keep it moving
I'm a good judge of character.
Between me and you, good man.
Denny, I already
have a boyfriend.
Oh, yeah, the golden boy.
But when we get
closer it was go, go
That code red
And you're gonna
know that it was real
He gonna have the swig
of the champion, yeah
You can feel the heat
Ain't no fronting
So all my ladies screaming
Code red, code red
Yeah, all my
ladies screaming
Code red, code red, code red
Do, do, ba, do,
ba, do, ba, do, boop,
ba, do, ba, doop, flip, flop-
Where's your shirt?
I know I said the
brunch was casual,
but not that casual.
Yeah, so about that,
babe, I'm ditching.
This vacation includes
free board rentals, right?
I mean, you've got to take
advantage of those perks.
It's not a vacation,
it's a wedding,
and I have to go because
I'm a bridesmaid,
but you're one of
Becca's friends too.
Yeah, but babe, all
this, like, wedding crap,
it's kind of boring for me.
You're my date.
Look, you'll be fine, okay?
Sarah's gonna be there
and you're way better at
meeting new people than I am.
Go meet yourselves some
new friends, all right?
Seriously, Max,
this is supposed to be a
romantic weekend, you, me, us.
Come on, babe,
don't pressure me.
I don't think it's unreasonable
to ask you to go to a couple
of these things with me.
Okay, look, I'll be
here when you get back,
and then we'll hang, hmm?
Drink up, people,
this stuff's expensive.
Allison, hi.
Is this seat taken?
No, it's all yours.
Sonni, I got you
a tiara as well.
Aren't these so fun?
Oh, yeah.
Don't say a word.
Got it.
Where's Max?
He had some work
he needed to do.
So how did you
two meet each other?
So for a little fun,
we're gonna play
bridal party trivia,
so you can get to know
the bride and groom,
and get to know each other.
So you're gonna need
to find the person
that you're walking
down the aisle with.
Sonni, I see you
already found DJ.
- Darlene, you're with Andy.
- Hi.
- Austin, you're with Erica.
- I'd like to see you.
So it looks like we'll be
walking down the aisle together.
Oh, I mean, yeah, we're
gonna be paired up.
At least I'll know someone
in this dog and pony show.
I mean, I love a good wedding,
but all the lead up
is a little much.
Right, it's
everything that happens
after you say I do
that matters, right?
Thank you.
Okay, first question.
How did Rob and I first meet?
Oh, I actually known this one.
Good thing Sarah's not
here, she would hate this.
Oh, she's around here somewhere,
she's probably scoping out guys.
Hey, what's up, brother?
How's that yellow
board been treating you?
Rad man.
I just need you to sign here.
Trying to impress the
ladies, are we, Max?
I'll give
you a quick run through
on how we do this.
- Nah, I'm good, I've got it.
- You got it?
Yeah, it'll work.
All right, man, rock and roll?
You have a good time, all right.
This aught to be good.
What aught to be good?
Oh, hey.
The... paddleboarding.
The wedding party
gets free rentals,
so I was thinking
about using one later.
Well, hopefully you're
better than that guy.
Whoa, geez.
Oh, yeah, I totally
wasn't even watching him.
Oh, I take it you're not
going to the brunch either?
No, I just really don't
know many people there.
- Yeah.
- Figured I'd come hang out
at the beach,
but now I am starving.
Why don't me and you
go get something
to eat not at the brunch?
Whoa, oh, ah.
Yeah, I think I have
some time to kill.
Let's do it.
I can't believe you can't
stand the feel of chalk,
how did you get through school?
Well, when whiteboards
became popular,
I was good to go.
Oh, and I'm so with
on open mouth eaters.
It should be literally illegal,
unless medically necessary.
And you chose Beatles
over Rolling Stones,
no way, come on.
And I can't believe you
would pick "Star Trek"
over "Star Wars".
I've actually never
seen "Star Wars", so...
You've never seen "Star Wars"?
You've never seen "Star Wars"?
Wait, you're an only child?
What was that like?
It was fine, you
know, at the time.
But, you know,
now I really wish I had
somebody to roll my eyes with
when my dad tells the same
story for the 100th time.
But you have five
sisters, how was that?
It can be hard to get
a word in sometimes,
but they taught me a
lot about women, so...
Yeah, I mean,
that's probably why you're
so considerate, you know?
Opening doors, pulling out
chairs, very gentlemanly.
Well, growing up, my
father insisted on it.
Actually, growing up,
if you didn't do that,
my dad would just whack you
in the back of the head, so...
is it really that unusual?
You have no idea.
So now you've had a
chance to get to know us
and to get to know each other,
but I've saved the
biggest surprise for last.
This afternoon, we're
gonna learn a special dance
that we're all gonna do together
at the reception,
isn't that amazing?
So check your itineraries and
we'll meet up in a few hours.
Don't be late.
Now, we have to learn one
of those embarrassing dances.
I knew those dance classes
would come in handy some day.
I've never taken
dancing classes.
Don't worry, we're
in this together,
I'll make you look good.
Thank you.
So how are you planning on
killing the next few hours?
I was gonna probably go
for a walk on the beach.
I should probably go find
Max, if you wanna join?
Hey, I'm looking for someone.
He was in gray trunks, with
orange palm leaves on it.
British guy.
Oh, yeah, that guy.
Tense dude.
Do you know when he's due back?
Oh, man, he was due
back, like, two hours ago.
Not cool.
How could he be
gone for so long?
He's never even been
on a paddleboard.
Do you think he's okay, or...
You have to go look for him.
No can do, I got to
stay with the stand.
He's probably all right.
Does this look like
the kind of place
where anything bad happens?
I mean, the wedding party
rides for free, right?
Why don't we just
go look for him?
Yeah, that's a good idea.
I only got one board left,
you guys have to share it.
Oh, that's fine.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
All right, you wanna do
a run through on dry land?
Right here.
All right, have you
ever done this before?
All right,
so you just wanna distribute
your weight evenly
- from the side-
- Ah.
Oh, I got you.
You know, this
might actually be fun
if it wasn't for a search party.
I know.
Let's uh...
Oh, I gotta go help him,
you don't wanna see this.
So I'll see you at
the dance rehearsal?
Yeah, I'll see you later.
Ah, oh god.
Oh, ah, ah.
- Max?
- Hey.
Are you okay?
Ah, don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
- Where have you been?
- It burns.
I just lost track of time.
Dude, where's the paddleboard?
Oh, I parked it for you.
Come on, babe.
Parked it?
Out there.
Come on, man.
- Oh my gosh.
- I'm killing it, babe.
- I was killing it, man.
- Oh my gosh.
I don't know what happened.
- Oh, it hurts.
- It's everywhere.
Oh, it hurts so bad.
My gosh.
Oh god, do you want a drink?
- No.
- Oh, that's all right.
So what's with
the binoculars, then?
They're for bird watching.
Bird watching?
What kind of birds are
we talking about here?
Like seagulls?
'Cause, you know, they're pretty
easy to spot without those.
Do you wanna play darts?
Yeah, let's do it.
Okay, so I'm watching
my friend's boyfriend.
So you're into him?
Ew, no.
Absolutely not.
It's just he's wrong for
her in, like, every way.
But she doesn't see it,
so I'm just trying to prove it.
What, like a
private investigator?
Kind of.
So how's your investigation
going, detective?
Well, it was going really well,
until I got interrupted
by a very distracting guy.
And my target, I
think, is lost at sea.
Wait, lost at sea?
Oh, don't worry about it.
He's kind of like a cockroach,
he'll come crawling back.
You've got to be kidding me.
Right on cue.
You should get
a stretch in, bro.
I don't know, dude,
my body's always ready for it.
You, guys, I don't think this
dance is what you think it is.
What are you talking about?
If I didn't know any better,
I would think you were trying
to get out of dance lessons.
No, I just had to fire
off a couple of emails.
- Ah.
- I wouldn't abandon you.
Good, 'cause if I'm
gonna humiliate myself,
I'm taking you down with me.
I promised I'd
make you look good.
Okay, guys, let's gather around.
Hello, everybody.
My name is Santino and I am
your wedding dance instructor.
Now, we don't have
much time to rehearse,
but this is a fun dance that
I just know you'll all crush.
There are a few sections,
but for now, let's
start with the tango.
Becca and Rob, let's demo this.
And five, six, seven, eight.
Okay, let's get into pairs,
I need to see what
I'm dealing with.
Come on, let's go.
This is clearly not
their first time doing this.
She's definitely
been practicing.
Like, for a while.
They expect us to learn this
in 24 hours, that's impossible.
Oh, come on.
Nobody puts baby in a corner.
Get out there.
Okay, I don't know
what that means, but-
Yeah, okay, and
then we go like this.
- Like this?
- Yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- Right, like that.
- Okay.
Then step back.
- Yeah. Oh.
- Oh god, I'm so sorry.
- Are you okay? All right
- It's okay, it's okay.
Yeah up, and then this way.
- Yep.
- Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
Oh, and they...
- Is that a dip?
- I don't...
How do I do this?
Ooh, ooh.
- Oh, I don't know how-
- Oh, the dip, okay.
Great job, Becca
and Rob, great job.
And as for the rest of you,
why don't we just
start with the basics?
So that's him, huh?
He doesn't look
like such a bad guy.
Well, looks can be deceiving.
I mean, he's just, like,
sitting there by
himself drinking,
I don't think we're
gonna see much.
You're right,
he's here to drink.
I have an idea.
Hey, I didn't mean to
suggest anything.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
This is gonna be a
little weird but...
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Like this?
Yeah, you're getting good.
- I'm getting good?
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, woo, okay, yep.
- You getting dizzy?
- A little bit.
Hey, I didn't order this.
From your secret
admirer, come find me.
Much obliged.
I said, much obliged.
Really, hmm?
No one wants to take
credit for this, huh?
I mean, I appreciate
the gesture, right?
But it's getting a bit
rude now, all right?
Go on, try it.
You gave it to me, right?
Right, next time you
order somebody a drink,
just own up to it, all right?
'Cause I know it was you, love.
- Oh, no.
- You've got that look
- in your eye.
- I...
I can't do this.
Okay, no, no, no, no.
All right, bye!
So how do you know Max?
We went to school together.
Oh, a lot of people
do it like that.
He's an interesting guy.
Well, what about you?
Did you bring a plus one?
No, I had a girlfriend,
but we broke up
about a month ago.
So I guess I'm still processing,
but I am so glad that I met you,
because you are making
this so much more bearable.
Okay, fabulous.
Let's take a short break,
go powder your noses,
and then we'll come back
and run it one more time.
Powder my nose?
Hey, everything okay?
Yeah, it's just I really
have some work I need to do.
Do you mind if we miss
this final run through?
You mean, I wouldn't have
to dance anymore today?
Yeah, I'm cool with that.
Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay, see you.
Hey, babe, how
was the rest of your day?
It sucked.
Ah, what happened?
You know, some people just
can't own up to their actions.
Sounds serious.
I don't wanna talk about it.
Well, I didn't have
a great day either.
You know the Walker case?
One of Dr. Jones' patients
that was recruited for his
new practice dropped out.
She wouldn't tell me
why, she won't testify,
but I'm sure Walker got to her.
You know, I wanna believe
that law can be
practiced ethically,
but I can't personally
support the hospital's case.
I mean, they're
just this big bully
and this doctor's just trying
to take care of his patients.
I mean, I know this case
is important, but...
Sweetie, it's not too
late to cancel the florist.
I can make arrangements
just as pretty, see?
Dad, where did
you even get these?
We're paying guests,
this should be complimentary
for the beautiful bride.
Dad, I can't deal
with this right now.
Can you please put these
back where you found them?
And do not cancel the florist.
Stop it.
Hey, how are you?
So good.
I'm so in love with this
place, with the weather-
With your fiance?
Of course, I was
building to that.
Oh, sorry.
Do you know what
I'm not in love with?
What's that?
Having a bridesmaid
preoccupied with work.
It's just this case.
You know I'm under
a lot of pressure,
but I'm here for you.
You're the best.
Try a little harder.
You're kidding me?
I was working on that.
No, man, I
wouldn't miss your wedding
for the world.
I know, I know.
I just assumed your work
stuff might get in the way.
You know, Becca would
have killed us both
if you messed with her plan.
Oh, no way.
Look, this case is tough,
but it's gonna wind up
in my client's favor.
It's just this new lawyer
is putting up way more of a
fight than I thought she would.
Well, if anyone can
get the job done, it's you.
Thanks man.
No problem.
Hey, y'all ready to get Rob-ed.
Oh my gosh, are you okay?
Yeah, I can't really
answer that, it really hurts.
I'm so sorry.
You hurt your foot?
Any updates in
the investigation?
I think I was looking for
something that wasn't there.
Max might've broke his toes,
though, so there's that.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.
I thought you're onto something.
Yeah, me too.
Dear hotel guests,
my name's Becca,
and I'm lucky enough to be
your bride for the week-
Ma'am, you can't
use the telephone
for personal announcements.
If you're a part of
Becca and Rob's wedding,
the rehearsal'll be starting
outside in 15 minutes.
I hope you're
enjoying your stay.
You seem a bit stressed.
Sorry, it's just this
case I'm working on.
Guys, it's your turn.
Well, it's a beautiful day,
and maybe you should
just take some time off
and enjoy it, you know?
Plus, if I don't have
someone to talk to,
I'm gonna go crazy from boredom.
Well, I hate to break it to you,
but we're about to split up.
You think you're gonna
be okay by yourself?
I'll do my best.
At this point in the ceremony,
the bride will enter
with her father.
Thanks, dad.
And now, we'll go over the vows.
Becca, you make
me wanna be better.
I wanna live life truly and
deeply now that you're in it.
You know the guy that
Sonni's partnered with?
DJ, I think?
Yeah, but, like, who is he?
He's Rob's friend
from, like, way back.
He's a lawyer now.
When we go hours without
talking because of work
and I come home
stressed, which is often.
You always bring
me back to happy.
And I wanna be happy together
for the rest of our lives.
I love you.
Sorry, I just love
weddings so much,
getting a little choked
up already.
Robert, Rolo.
I knew the minute
that we met each other
in that coffee shop, my life
would never be the same.
You always keep me laughing
and you keep me guessing.
All right, that will be
the end of the ceremony.
At this point,
we will follow the bride and
groom back down the aisle.
So was this all
part of your strategy?
What are you talking about?
You know exactly what
I'm talking about, Derrick.
Wait, what?
You're Derrick Walker.
Yeah, I know.
So why did you tell
me your name was DJ?
'Cause that's what I go by,
at least when I'm not working.
Wait, what's going on?
You and I are going to
court in less than a week.
What are you...
You're Allison Williams.
Like you just figured it out.
But you said your
name was Sonni.
That's what I go by.
Well, I wish I could say
this was some grand plan that
I came up with, but it's not.
Yet, this doesn't feel random.
Did you have your
friend put us together
so you could get close to me?
Are you kidding me?
With your reputation,
I don't wanna be
anywhere near you.
Oh, how convenient?
Yeah it is.
Hey, are you doing okay?
No, I'm confused,
and I thought Derrick
was a nice guy,
but I guess I'm no
judge of character.
I'm gonna go talk to
Max, maybe he's the one.
But... You just said you're no
judge of character, okay?
Yeah, but, I mean,
if he's the one,
I wanna start now.
Good luck with that.
So, honey, I'm really
happy to be here with you.
Yeah, and that's why
you're spending all your time
with some other dude.
He's my partner for the wedding,
I have to spend time with him.
Yeah, still, I don't like him.
I don't like him either.
You know who I do like?
So if we were to get married,
what would it be like?
Babe, you know I'm
not ready, like...
I know, just hypothetically?
Well, hypothetically,
first of all, like, it
will be huge, right?
Massive, okay?
Probably the biggest anyone
in the office has ever seen.
I always wanted something
a little more private,
just, you know, my
closest friends.
Nah, I wanna make sure
we make the society section
of the paper, you know?
Like, really good
PR for the firm.
Yeah, good PR.
Look, babe, can we have this
conversation another time?
If your dad is doing the DJing,
why can't I sing
at your wedding?
I mean, you can't sing, for one.
Excuse me.
Mom, you're not
singing at the wedding.
- Just-
- No.
Okay, well, what
about another...
Becca, I can't even-
I am so sorry, I didn't realize.
Why don't we just
switch partners?
It's too late,
and you guys match up perfectly
as a couple for photos,
you know how much
that means to me.
Do you understand how
awkward this is for me?
Do you expect to-
Sonni, just one more day.
Thank you for putting my
special day ahead of this.
It means a lot.
Do you want another brownie?
You can have Rob's,
he doesn't eat it.
I just think Becca
is the most beautiful
bride I've ever seen.
That's so true, she's gorgeous.
Okay, just a little.
It's worth it.
Okay, these earrings.
I'm just shaking.
I'm the one that
should be shaking, mom.
Ooh, sorry.
Hey, pretty people.
Oh, no, no,
don't wanna smudge the makeup.
Only air kisses until
- Oh
- after the ceremony
- Hey.
- Hi, Sweetie.
Sorry, I didn't see your
text till this morning.
You okay?
What's going on?
It wasn't important.
Just that... think all
this wedding stuff
is starting to get to
me, I couldn't sleep.
Still wanna talk about it?
No, let's just get
through this day.
Do you mind?
Can I just play a little?
I mean, you already
look amazing,
but I think a little more
drama for the photos, huh?
I usually try to avoid drama.
Trust me.
So what was so important
you missed my text?
Not much, just getting
better acquainted with Brian.
Sarah has a boyfriend.
Well, I wouldn't say that yet.
But you like him?
Yeah, kind of.
Well, I'm happy for
you, you deserve it.
Now, take a look
at my masterpiece.
What have you done?
You don't like?
Are you kidding?
It's amazing, I look so pretty.
Listen to me,
you are so much more than
pretty, you are beautiful,
but you're also kind and
funny and super smart.
And forgive me for saying it,
but you deserve to be
treated like a princess.
Don't forget that.
Thanks, I might've needed that.
I have to get dressed.
Thanks, daddy, love you.
Dearly beloved.
We're gathered here today
to join Rob and Becca
in holy matrimony.
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
You may kiss your bride.
We did it.
Nice, oh.
if a good wedding doesn't
renew your faith in humanity,
I don't know what will, right?
Don't, just leave me alone.
I don't wanna spar
with you here.
Wow, that's not the Allison
Williams that I heard about.
I heard she was
fierce, a fighter.
I've been trying to figure
out how to beat her in court.
I never expected
her to be a quitter.
And what about that girl,
Sonni, I met in the park?
I'd really like
to see her again.
What about that guy, DJ?
It seems like it doesn't exist.
Okay, people, let's give
a big round of applause
for these two love birds
as they dance their first
dance as a married couple.
She stole my heart
She stole my soul
She makes me laugh
She makes me smile
She's my life
She drives me wild
You'll need to say a prayer
She's just shaking what
the good Lord gave her
One, two, three, four
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till you
can't shake it
All right
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till you
can't shake it
All right
You can welcome the day
during the night time
And you can get in the
game or sit the side lines
There's a right time
And you're the right find
I'm not crazy, girl
I'm thinking
with my wife mind
I prefer to dive in
So climb in
I'm all in
We might win
Rock the boat
Let her sink or swim
Let the freak within
Let you peek within
Which are the secrets
That you're stopping
me from peeking in
When the week is grim
Grab your girls and
all your friends
We can hit the spot again
Just watching when
we're walking in
Ladies on the floor
make it go low
And I wanna see you
go till you can't go
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Let me see you shake it
Let me see you shake it
Let me see you shake it
Shook ah shook ah, shake it
Let me see you shake it
Let me see you shake it
Let me see you shake it
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till you
can't shake it
All right
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till
you can't shake
Shake it till you
can't shake it
All night
Well, I can see why this'd
be such a tough case for you,
going against someone
so experienced.
Wow, so surprising.
I'm meeting an attorney with
an inflated sense of ego.
Not nearly as surprising
as meeting a newbie
who's dating a partner's son
to become junior partner.
That's not what...
Careful, your
ambition is showing.
You have no idea what
you're talking about.
You cannot be
serious about this guy.
Why do you care?
See you in court.
All right, now,
everybody get
on the dance floor.
Let's have some fun here,
let's show 'em what you got.
Girl, that was amazing.
Sonni, I want you to
officially meet Brian.
Hi, Brian.
Okay, I just have a quick
little questionnaire
for you to fill out.
You know, basic information,
criminal history, et cetera.
I need to make sure you're
worthy of this lady.
Dude, She's totally kidding.
Sorry, I have
a weird sense of humor.
Which is why we're
such good friends.
Yeah, I knew Sarah was funny,
but she didn't
tell me about you.
Well, here's to the end
of your bridesmaid duties.
Cheers to that.
This is not the weekend
I was expecting.
Mm, I'll bet.
Just try not to let this
Derrick thing ruin it.
It's not just that,
I was hoping to have
more time with Max.
Yeah, where is old Max, anyway?
He said he needed
to go somewhere quiet
to make a work call.
Wow, I'm surprised he didn't
have you make that call.
Look, this is the guy that
I may end up marrying someday,
I would really appreciate it
if you at least tolerate him.
I know, I know,
But until that day comes,
I'm watching your back.
Probably not
necessary, but thank you.
I'm gonna go try to drag
him back to the party.
Max, are you here?
Oh my gosh, I was
looking for you.
We're about to do
the bouquet toss.
Actually, I'm just
looking for Max,
have you seen him?
Not for a while.
He was outside earlier.
Okay, I'll check out there.
Not until after, please?
Pretty please?
Come on, it's my special day
and I need my girls there
to be in the photos.
It'll only take a minute.
Fine, anything for you.
Why are we doing this?
- Ah, Becca, you know?
- Okay, yeah.
Give me a drum roll people.
- Yay.
- Yay.
Yeah, that's the way, Sonni.
Isn't this amazing?
You're gonna be the
next happy bride.
Well, not as happy as me.
Oh, look.
Okay, now go find Max and
tell him the good news.
Sorry, guys, you
snooze, you lose.
Where is he?
You really think I'm pretty?
Yeah, prettiest girl here, babe.
Babe, babe, wait, come on.
Okay, people, who's
ready for the cake?
Sonni, you ready for the cake?
Am I right?
Babe, wait, wait, wait, come on,
just let me explain, all right?
Don't you dare
try to explain this.
After everything
I've done for you,
taking care of you,
done all your work and
you got all the credit.
He's only carrying you
because he feels sorry for you.
Isn't that right, babe?
Look, babe, I'm pretty
sure you don't wanna get
in the middle of this.
If I were you, I'd get far
away from me as possible.
I have obviously never
been a fan of yours,
but I never thought
you'd stoop this low.
It's not my fault if
she can't keep her man.
Whoa, babe, babe.
All right, stop, all right?
You're causing a bit
of a scene, all right?
Just tone it down a bit, okay?
Come on, Sonni.
This guy doesn't deserve
any more of your time.
Just get out of here, Max.
You know what?
I think that's up to Allison.
Babe, like, what do you want?
I think I'm not your babe.
We're done, we're so done.
Whatever, I'm out of here.
You good, Sonni?
Okay, people,
we've got three more hours
in this place, let's boogie.
Poor girl.
What a rough way for a
relationship to end, huh?
You know I'm here for
you if you need me, okay?
Yeah, I know.
I mean, shouldn't somebody
go after her or something?
I don't think so.
I mean, if she doesn't even
want her best friend with her,
then she doesn't want
anyone else to follow her.
Sometimes a girl just
needs a good cry.
Now, where were we?
I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.
What, why?
Well, because we,
and by that I mean I,
have a policy against people
being so sad in my bar,
it's bad for business.
I've had a really hard night,
actually a rough weekend.
It can't be that bad, can it?
I just broke up
with my boyfriend.
I caught him cheating
at a wedding.
Was it your wedding?
Well, then it's still
could've been worse.
It does get worse.
I work for his parents,
so I'm never gonna
make partner now.
Whatever, I hated that job.
Why did you hate that job?
Because you have to destroy
good people sometimes,
just made me sick.
It can't always
be about winning.
Please tell me
there's more to life?
Well, it sounds
like you need a drink,
and the good news
is you're in a bar.
That's the thing,
I had to get out of there
and I left my wallet.
So please don't kick me out.
Honey, you are having a
seriously epic bad night.
I'll tell you what,
I won't give you my
shoulder to cry on,
because I like this
shirt too much,
but drinks are on the
house, what do you want?
Can you make a lemon drop?
Yes I can.
Can I ask you a life question?
Oh, a life question,
Lord, Lord, Lord,
they don't pay me enough.
I'm kidding, go ahead, ask.
How do you know if
you've met the one?
Well, how does anybody know?
I mean, until
you're old and gray
and holding hands in
your rocking chairs,
you just never know.
I really wanted
Max to be the one.
Did he make you feel important?
Actually, no.
What did you feel like
when you were with him?
Did you feel insecure?
Maybe he didn't compliment
you too much or ever?
Told you your legs
were too skinny
and your butt was too fat.
Oh, wait, I'm sorry,
that's my story.
I never said that.
Nobody's talking to you.
Here you go, one lemon drop.
Tastes like candy.
Is it good?
Even better than
the last one I had.
How often did he...
I bet he never said
you were beautiful.
No, he never said that,
but, I mean, I didn't
need him to say.
Look, I just met you
and I can already
tell you're way better
than whoever this guy is,
whatever that mess is.
You listen to me,
you are young and
you are beautiful,
and I know there's a
fierce love out there
for you somewhere.
Well, there is this
guy that I just met,
it's the first
time in a long time
that I thought someone
could be the one.
We had this amazing chemistry,
but he just wasn't
who I thought he was.
I mean, come to think of it,
he was the complete
opposite of Max.
He was caring and considerate
and charming and...
Oh, don't cry.
Please do not cry,
because I will start crying
and I'm allergic to tears.
I'm sorry, it's just...
I told you those
things have a kick.
How much of that did you hear?
Did you mean it?
Every word.
You know, you are not at all
like the Allison
Williams I expected.
You're definitely
not the Derrick Walker
I heard about either.
Maybe I am, I mean,
I could've been.
To be honest with you,
that's not the guy
I wanna be anymore,
I just wanna be the
guy who's with you.
Well, that's a
little complicated
since we're going
to court next week.
I've recused
myself from the case.
On what grounds?
Conflict of interest.
You don't have to,
I'm probably gonna be unemployed
after tomorrow morning.
Do you think we
could just start over?
I mean, both of us.
Maybe we should just
go back to the reception.
Are you kidding me?
After the fireworks you set off,
trust me, there's
nothing to see there.
It doesn't mean we can't
still dance, though.
There isn't a dance floor here.
Trust me, we'll make it work.
So I think this is an
excellent way to start over.
It's not bad.
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm being
so rude, I'm Derrick.
My friends call me DJ.
Hi, DJ.
My name is Allison
and I go by Sonni.
It's nice to meet you.
The pleasure's all mine.
So, Sonni, I know we just met,
but there is something that
I've been wanting to do
ever since I first saw you.
What's that?
Ah, fabulous.
Come see, come see.
- Thanks.
- Nice.
This is so exciting.
This building is perfect.
Yeah, we're gonna have to
change that sign, though.
Allison Sonni Williams,
will you marry me?
Of course.
See, I like your style
I like the way you live
I like the way you smile
You're designed for me
No place I'd rather be
We fit perfectly
You captivate
No time to wait
I can see it clear
Maybe we can
start right here
Let me get to
know you better
Love the way you live
And so much more to know
Rooms to come
We can put it all together
'Cause we've
got this feeling
And it feels like home
Rooms to come
You make it easy
You make it bright
Got me believing
It feels so right
Woo-ooh, woo-ooh, ooh, ooh
Woo-ooh, woo-ooh, ooh, ooh
No need to wait
We can get it now
And if you wanna
You can come around
So sit down with me
You captivate
No time to wait
I can see it clear
Maybe we can
start right here
Let me get to
know you better
Love the way you live
and so much more to know
Rooms to come
We can put all together
'Cause we've
got this feeling
And it feels like home
Rooms to come
Rooms to come
Rooms to come
Let me get to
know you better
Love the way you live
And so much more to know
Rooms to come
We can put it all together
'Cause we've got this feeling
and it feels like home
Rooms to come