Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996) Movie Script

You can't take the Chyron chip
rom me!
It's my idea, my design,
my patent.
Trace you have to defend your
patent for the Chyron chip...
The investors have financed the
development of the chip
By law, if they can't be repaid,
the patent belongs to them.
You can't give it to them!
They will pollute the vision of
everything my chip stands for
Here is an opening!
It has fire marks on it!
Break it in!
This way.
We got a live one over here
- Get the gurney out.
Pull gurney out.
We have to repair that shattered
maxillary fracture.
We're gonna lose him. We're
gonna fix that damn artery
We're losing the vital signs,
get me RD forty.
Heart stopped.
He need to defibrillate.
- Clear!
- One, two, three!
Patient is a male.
Late twenties...
multiple amputee, smoke lesions
on the lungs...
and third degree burns over
eighteen per cent of his body.
Transferred from County?
They amputated both of his legs
and reconstructed his face.
- Well, what's the veredict?
- It's hard to tell...
so many different pathways
through the interface
only one way to find out.
Hello, can you hear me?
Peter Peter pumpkin eater?
- What does it mean?
- It means he can hear us.
What is your name?
- Peter Peter pumpkin eater.
Maybe his name is Peter.
I'll try this. "Had a wife, but
couldn't keep her".
Jobe... Hello, Jobe.
Jobe, tell me about yourself.
Empty space. It is all just
empty space inside...
like it is been erased.
Try to visualize all the people
and places that you have met.
Just relax and let the images
come to you.
- Jobe! Hey, Jobe!
- Hi, Peter.
- Look what I've got.
Is that the new Cosmic Man?
- Yeah, it is great!
- Thanks, buddy.
Happy birthday, Jobe. Make a wish
Excuse me... Jobe. I am Jonathon
Walker. I run this place...
I own the patent to the Chyron
chip and you can build it.
Jobe, there is nothing
to be afraid of...
Virtual Reality will rehabilitate
your mind your body...
You'll be alright, I promise...
just concentrate. Okay?
We'll try some music.
Access granted.
LOS ANGELES. The future.
Hey, Matt... Matt!
- Come here. Have you seen Peter?
No, sorry...
Get down on your knees, repent!
Man destroys man.
Before the end. Get down and pray
for forgiveness before...
Thank you. Your videophone access
code is approved.
Yeah! That was awesome!
Here, let me see... Cool! Here.
- Crap!
Man are you okey?
Are you crazy, Peter?
You know it can't hurt me.
- How long, Travis?
- Right now. Did you get it?
Just shoulder sifted it
on the way over.
You are a saint. Thank you.
Come on, let's go inside...
I've got his password
you got the access code...
Man, we are set.
What's up, Travis?
How about a taste of remote
presence, my friends?
All hooked up and ready to go.
All right.
Et's use the Cybercycle disc.
- No way, I am flying.
- Me too.
I am waitin' for this all day.
Please enter videophone
access code...
trapdoor access
to Cyberscape granted...
ten, nine, eight, seven...
six, five, four, three...
two, one...
Trapdoor opened. Enter now.
- Peter, what's happening?
- What's going on?
Who is doing this?
Shawn, the Cybercycles.
Harvey, put in the
Cybercycle disc...
Harvey, can you hear me? Put in
the Cybercycle disc now!
No one jacks-out until we find
who is doing this!
You are alive! How can that be?
There isn't time, Peter.
Need your help. I am diyng.
What do you mean dying?
The Cyberspace is dying and
so am I right along with it...
I am trapped here, Peter.
You have to help me.
- I do not get it.
- I need you to find Trace.
- What?
Doctor Benjamin Trace.
When the Cyberspace dies,
so do I.
What if he won't jack-in?
I'm building his chip Chyron,
I need the Egypt link.
- Peter?
- Peter!
I do not think he's breathing.
- What do we do?
- Let's try CPR.
- Hurry up, we have no time.
One, two, three, four, five...
Breath! Breath, Peter!
One, two, three, four, five.
It is not working.
One, two, three, four...
Come on, get up. Are you OK?
If you knew you were in danger,
you should have jacket-out!
It was the most exciting tele-
presence I've ever lived.
I want to talk to Halloway person
to person, okay?
I don't want any other nonsense.
We are running out of time.
Well, Senator Greenspan. How
wonderful to see you again...
Welcome to the
Virtual Light Institute.
My head of research and
development, Doc. Cori Platt...
and this is Jennifer.
Please come with me, Senator.
Senators, Virtual Light...
until now, no one has had
he ability to create...
an entire computer network based
ithin Virtual Reality...
I'll render all other
systems obsolete.
Virtual Reality has evolved from
a simulation to an actual place.
Watch your head, those
monitors'll kill you...
So, it is like a whole
new world out there.
Full of interesting possibilities
I understand.
I love a man that does his
homework. Do not you, Doctor?
Well, Senator, what is holding us
back is final...
congressional approval
of our license.
This must be the Chyron chip
that everybody is talking about.
The key to my
Virtual Light Uplink.
Since the information
has left people feeling isolated
from their fellow man...
the Virtual Light Institute will
bring cultures together...
in one continuous
Virtual Enviroment.
And this is our main
control room...
hub of all our operations here at
Virtual Light.
I am still a little unclear as to
ow this fits together.
Well, I am sure Doctor Platt will
enlighten you. Jennifer, please.
The outer circle represents
the real world...
the inner one, Virtual Reality...
the spokes are the different
pathways between the two...
the Chyron chip will open up
these pathways simultaneously...
so a network based inside VR
can be accessed by everyone.
So, next miracle...
When you hook into the library of
my Virtual city...
you hook into every library in
the world...
the chip will bring everything
on line for everyone.
Well, yes, it is very pretty,
onathon, but I think...
we'd be placing quite a
concentration of power in your lap
My lap is your lap, Senator.
- Twinkie?
How did it go?
Walker makes me feel like the
star poodle on his dog show.
- At least you get top billing.
- Walker always gets top billing.
The Chyron chip and designing
the Virtual City.
I do not mind.
I care about how other people see
you, how they perceive you.
That's your world, Dr. Platt, not
mine. My world is in here...
out there people look at me and
they see half a person...
but in here, they see what
I want them to see...
- how I really am.
- I don't see half a person.
- That's your world.
- Good night, Jobe
What do you want?
You sure don't look like the
ather of Virtual Reality to me.
- What?
- You are Dr. Benjamin Trace, right?
- He's dead.
- Dead?
That's not what they said in the
Internet. They said he was here.
The Benjamin Trace you want
is resting in peace.
I suggest you get on that cool
bike of yours and go on home.
Don't know what Jobe was thinking
he's just as crazy as this guy.
Trippy fool invented some kind of
Chyron chip.
- What did you say?
Chyron chip?
Come inside.
- So, what's your name, kid?
- Peter... Doc.
Call me Trace. Well, Peter, it's
all in here. All the answers
- in the water, in the air...
- The reason I came is because.
My friend Jobe is dying. You're
he only one who could save him.
You seem a bit young to know
anything about the Chyron chip.
- Well, Jobe told me about it.
- Who is Jobe?
He was our lawnmower man back
when my mom was still alive...
he was my best friend, but now
he's stuck in Virtual Reality.
- What does he know about it?
- He is building it.
- He is building it?
- That's what he said. I need you
I don't live that life anymore.
That technology just consumes you
I need your help. You can
find me at the 3rd st. Station.
Tunnel eleven,
if you change your mind.
Doctor Benjamin Trace.
Only he can stop this.
- What if he won't jack-in?
Tell him I'm building his chip.
- My dog does not stink.
- Yes, it does, Shawn...
- the funck is burning my eyes.
- It does not stink!
I looked at him and I almost
went blind. Harvey used...
to be a poodle. He looks like
a Chihuahua on steroids.
Who is it?
You know this guy, Peter?
Back off. This is the guy Jobe
old me about!
- You all live down here?
- This is just our summer cottage.
- I love your ventilation system.
Listen, this guy can help us.
Adults have betrayed me my whole
life. You know that, Peter.
Look, Travis, you don't have to
trust him. You must trust Peter.
So, you are the Einstein of VR?
I'll take that
as a compliment, Travis...
You know, Einstein made a few
mistakes himself.
- What are these?
- Man, you must be a dinosaur!
The electroplates on the sides?
They hit your temple and tap into
certain neurons, giving you full
neuro-sensory involvement.
- You can actually feel?
- Exactly...
See, that's why we have to save
Jobe, though. Because he's real
in there. He dies in there,
he is going to die out there.
Are you sure Jobe need saving?
What are you trying to say? Jobe
wouldn't lie to me.
You said you couldn't trust
any adults
He's not like you. I mean, he's
like a kid. He was until...
- Until what?
- Until my next door nieghbor did
some experiments with him in VR
and turned him from a simpleton
into a genius. We are wasting
time. You can ask him yourself.
- Ready!
Let's hook it up. Let's do it.
- Doc, here is your stuff.
No, I do not want to go into VR
- Why not?
I'm not ready yet. It is scary.
- I might get lost or something.
- Fine, I'll go in.
Back door access to Cyberspace
granted, please stand by.
Welcome to my world, Peter.
Did you bring the good Doctor?
- No, he's watching.
- Jack-in, jack-off.
Scared of the boogy man, doctor?
You can at least humor me with
a point of view, can not you?
It is a pleasure to finally meet
you. I feel like we're almost
I am blushing... family.
- I do not think so, Jobe.
- Don't be sure."Incest", the game...
the whole family can play.
My brother is my Daddy.
Doc, we are both unwanted,
under appreciated and...
ahead of our time. And the only
difference is your time was then.
- My time is now.
- It's a short ride. Enjoy it.
I plan to enjoy it for a long
time. I've found the secret to...
- inmortality in the Chyron chip.
- Where is the Chyron chip?
Come with me, won't you?
There she is... Miss Chyron chip!
It is taken years of work, but
our Chyron chip is a reality.
Look what I am doing, Doctor.
Sn't it amazing?
You do not look like you are in
danger. What do you want?
Egypt. Do not hold back on
me. It is a hidden "nano-routine"
encoded into the design of
he Chyron chip.
- I'm not going to help you.
- You share Egypt with me and I'II...
share with you technological
knowledge beyond your dreams.
This is your worl too, Doctor.
Your work helped create it.
My work is to build it. Now,
tell me. What does Egypt mean?
I'm not going to tell you.
You don't understand its power
I do, Doctor. And in 3 days I'll
be in every system in the world
Tell me what Egypt means, doctor,
before I get really pissed off!
Get out of here, Peter!
It is getting out of control!
Something is wrong. I've
neverseen Jobe like that before.
Stop it! I can stop it!
I thought you said the trains
didn't run through these tunnels.
They do not!
Oh, my God, It is heading
right for us!
Get out of here!
But this is our home!
Dispatch, do something!
Implement emergency procedures
Dispatch shut all systems down.
Come on! Jade, Peter, hurry up!
The game is afoot.
Closed track. Code red.
The caboose is loose.
Shawn, let's go, come on!
I can not leave Harvey here!
Come on, Trace, get out of there!
Let's get out of here, it is
going to blow!
Now, let's deal with the
true believers.
Show me all the contributors to
fundamental world religions over.
The past five years.
And each user thinks that
they have total privacy.
Every time anyone logs onto
Virtual Light Uplink...
we'll know everything about them.
Show me all hypocriticaldemocrats
making over 300,000 a year.
That train was no accident,
was it?
Not a chance.
Man, now we have lost our home
and the Cyberspace.
I bet Jobe did it, so he could
build this his city.
Like this world didn't suck
enough already.
I think that's just a taste of
what he could do if.
It can not get any worse.
W What's with this Egyptthing,
Doesn't he need it from you?
If Jobe's worried about Egypt,
it means he's about to use it
to its full hideous potential.
Which is?
Enter every system in the world
and take over through VR.
So is there any way
to stop him or...
should we just start digging
ourown graves?
We've got to stael him the Chyron
chip before he figures out Egypt.
Federal Library?
If we could use their computers
we'll find the chip.
That's right, Peter, let's go.
Initiate image regeneration.
You have to help me.
Isn't that just like a recording?
We have to strip away the layers
within the program to discover
who the software that Jobe used
to enter VR was licensed to.
We have a problem.
I can not get past the memory
lock to isolate the chain.
Simple. Just enhance
the memoryindex.
What have we got hare?
Actualize data.
Here we go...
Execute worm function.
Redimensionalize variables.
All we have to do now is access
Datatronic Systems.
I am right with you, Doc...
there is our registered
wner. Platt.
I am accessing phone
listings, now.
We have forty three Platts.
See if you have a Cori Platt.
No Cori, but we have 3 C.
Platts. One is a PhD.
Trace, pull over.
Aren't we going to Dr.
Platt's apartment?
First we have to get tracker so
she can lead us to the chip.
It is locked.
- How are they going to do this?
- No problem. My brother can...
handle it. He is great at this
kind of stuff.
It is unlocked. Let's go shopping.
Well, the extra day I got
Greenspan to stay was useless...
that liberal idiot is on his way
back to Washington right now...
to recommend that they rescind
our license to go on line.
If we lose that license,
we aredead.
Accesing LAX Reservations file.
Passenger Robert Greenspan.
Flight three-seven-zero-one.
Access number three seven zero
one flight navigation computer.
Access denied.
Access granted.
Reset system. Auto pilot descent
from thirty thousand feet.
Warming. Altitude 15,000 feet.
We have lost the instrument panel
Activate auto pilot.
Auto pilot activated.
Descent rate increasing.
Override auto pilot.
I can not!
Contact approach. Declare an
Oh, my God!
Open top secret files.
Request data transcripts.
Jobe, Virtual Light.
You are awfully nosey,
aren't you, Guillermo?
Hi, you haven't forgotten me?
No for lack of trying.
How have you been?
Fine, Ben. What do you want?
I need to talk to you. About Jobe
- He's not what you think he is.
Neither were you.
He's very dangerous, Cori.
Hardly. And what makes you think
you can just show up here...
and entertain a conversation
with me?
- You have right to be angry
- I am not angry. I am leaving!
Let's go.
You look terrific. More beautiful
than I remember.
Has Jobe used up all the memory
in your system?
Every printed word, thought and
deed in human history...
couldn't begin to fill up the
type of memory we are using.
Because of my Chyron chip.
I heard you deserted that
project just like you did us.
I am sorry you lost
the patent.
I do not want pity, Cori.
I want the chip.
And you want me to help you
get it. Forget it.
You should know what Jobe
is up to.
Do not patronize me, Trace.
I'm not your student anymore.
He tried to kill me, Cori...
you musn't not let go him go
on line. Check his data file...
you'll be surprised of what
you find there.
- How are we doing?
- Cool. The tracker is working.
That's where we have to break
into to get the chip?
Do you have any ideas?
We could have Jade tap into the
County engineering and pull up...
the blue prints on that place.
That's good idea.
You are cleverer than you look.
- Where is David?
- I don't know. He was just here.
Take that down to the mail room.
Arthur, it looks like you have
been going at it for hours.
Walker's orders.
You don't do anything on this
project withuot my authorization.
Can I speak with you for a moment?
I do take my responsabilities
just as seriously as you do.
You do your job, a
nd let me do mine.
What exactly is your job?
We've got a problem.
All available memory capacity on
the I ten eighty six S is gone.
That's imposible.
I know that.
What's is going on? I didn't
authorize this equipment.
- What happened to the memory?
- I forgot.
- Walker's behind schedule.
- We are not behind the schedule.
He is losing memory and he wants
Jobe working around the clock on
the Virtual Light
I'm not going to discuss this
with you.
He's going on line tomorrow.
Mr. Walker... Mr. Walker...
I think you have made a mistake,
No. I think you have made
a mistake.
Why wasn't I notified that you
intend to put Jobe on line?
We'II, you are just a scientist.
I am a businessman.
And Jobe is a human being.
And every day that VR
goes unfinished is costing me
millions in potential revenue.
He's showing signs of
instabilities. I am worried.
Well, the man is at a distinct
You've been profiting off this
man's misery for years...
how many times have you postponed
his prosthetics legs?
I couldn't have him getting up
and walking out on us now...
could I? Why do not we discuss
this after Jobe goes on line?
Requets file, Jobe.
Access denied. Code 7.
Override code seven,
Access granted. Please wait.
File 248, Jobe empty.
Contest erased.
Whose authorization?
Jonathon Walker.
Cooper, you finish the security
and go tosection twenty-four.
- Dr. Platt!
Henry! You startled me.
Just making my rounds.
Is everything okay?
I was just dropping off some
production charts for the week.
- Good night, Henry.
Good night.
- Are you all right?
Yes, we'll be just fine.
Wait! Let me...
Me again. I was right, wasn't I?
Jobe is expanding his memory base
Get out of the car.
Good, I caught you.
A guard reported seeing you in my
office this evening.
You could have come up with a
better excuse
Jobe is going on line tomorrow,
so I wanted to deliver...
- them to you myself.
- I see. Well. Good.
Be sure you get some rest.
We have a big day tomorrow.
You are working for Jonathon
Walker? He stole my patent.
He didn't exactly steal it.
He was one of the investors that
took me to court.
Get out of the car!
I was right about the memory base
I am right about Jobe.
I don't think you or Walker
understand the power...
Get out.
I thought you were better than
this, Cori.
You stole a gun?
No, man. It is a camera,
check it out.
Alright. Let's do it.
Execute virtual surveillance
system loop.
Your attention, please.
A coolant test will be run...
on levels eight through ten at OH
three hundred hours. Thank you.
Lieutenant Martin to Security...
Sub level four.
You have to understand, with those
tubes you have to be heli-arch...
about three inches wide. Guess
you do not realize is that...
an alumnium tubing about
eight millimeters thick.
That is a special laser alarm.
Sensitive to anything above 0C.
Come. I have an idea.
It's Doctor Platt. I seemto have
left my key card in the lab.
Yes, Doctor. I'm sorry, we didn't
know it was you.
Thank you.
You ready?
I don't think so. This isn't one
of your best ideas.
I wouldn't trust anybody else.
You can do it.
Grab it! Grab it!
What are you doing?
He will kill them!
What is going on?
- By the way, who are you?
- Security.
Sealing sector four.
Sector four secured.
You want the chip?
Put your guns down...
Put them down or I will smash it.
Put them down now!
Slide them forward.
You have the card?
What now? Here!
- Where?
- Go on. Go.
Why did I let you back
into my life?
You find me irresistible.
You got the chip?
Good work.
You are bleeding.
Let us get out of there.
- What is that?
- Just some dirt.
Bring it to me!
Get that dirt, you idiots!
Take off your shirt.
What do you have in mind?
I need to stop this bleeding and
I'm not going to use my shirt.
Do I know you, guys?
- I owe you an apology, Cori.
- You could say that.
- Do you mind?
- Not at all.
Okay, so apologize.
I am sorry, Cori. I really am.
I did not want to see anybody.
I was too ambitious, I was naive
That too.
Thanks for the medical attention.
You are welcome for the medical
Race you to the top of the hill.
Pretty neat, huh?
It's incredible...
They were able to bypass the
capability protection registers?
It makes me wonder if I could
have ever finished it myself.
The chip was supposed to make
things better for them.
Ironic. Still maybe it could.
What did he do here?
That's where Jobe merged the
nano-matching hardware.
He couldn't have. There is no
There isn't.
Something's wrong.
It should be there.
So you lost the chip.
You idiot.
Do you honestly think I'd entrust
something that important to you?
People want a show...
and now that Jobe has solved the
link, the chip can be activated.
Now, get out of my sight.
Any progress?
Jobe is tracking down the intruders
And you are a genious.
Yes, I know. I think it is time
we call the President.
Try to get Virtual Light Europe.
- Where?
- Anywhere.
Uplink, England, Virtual Light...
Greetings, Mr. President.
And thank you for joining us
in this momentous occasion.
I am happy to be here.
I was shocked to hear about
Greenspan's dreadful accident...
I know how much he wanted to be
a part of what we are doing here.
But, "la vie continue"...
We will be joined by hundreds of
others prominent people...
who'll be jacking-in from all
over the country...
so, if you are ready, don your
and we can begin.
- I am...
- Just relax.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Welcome to Virtual Light...
We stand in the face of a new age...
The future is one world...
one thought, one mind...
The future is now!
Twelve hours to Global interface.
It is all taken care of.
The foreign marketplace will be
secure only when they place...
their money in your hands.
Excellent work, Jobe.
- It is already started to happen
What's that supposed to mean?
It means that Jobe must have
figured a way around Egypt.
And he's using the chip
to enter...
every system around the world,
replacing it with himself
It takes about twelve hours for
the interface to complete.
Once complete it is irreversible.
Walker is going to stop him.
Are you crazy? Who do you think
is doing this with him?
Walker is a businessman and Jobe
is bad for business.
Come on!
What a surprise. I did not expect
to hear from you so soon, Doctor.
You have to stop Jobe before
it's too late.
Too late? What happened to your
sense of loyalty, Cori?
You wouldn't know the meaning of
the word, Walker.
Is that Doctor Benjamin Trace?
Listen, Walker, you have to take
Jobe off line immediately.
I would love to accommodate you,
Doctor, I really would.
But that is not an opinion
I can exercise right now.
Listen to me, you stupid bastard!
If you do not take him off line
you will have no options.
Are you threatening me, Doctor?
No, I'm not. Jobe is.
Jobe is a loyal employee.
I 'd trust him with my life.
You better, because you just
gave it to him.
Time to get rid of some pesky
little roaches.
Stop. Back two sectors.
They check in, but they do not
check out.
Systems override.
Still no response. Control,
I need help, I have a Mayday!
Control, you need to reply.
We are Alpha six!
Doctor, we have company.
Reference present position.
We are going in after him.
You have to help me.
Override the system!
Let's get out of here.
I lost frequency.
Help me out of here!
Two hours to Global Interface.
Give me access to all
credit accounts.
I am sorry,
your account is overdrawn.
This card is no longer valid.
ATM machins...
Department of Water and Power.
Reports of city wide civil
disturbances have been verified.
As the police department has gone
on full tactical alert.
But with automated system
failures occurring throughout...
the city, response is expected
to be slower than usual.
Already the violence has taken...
several lives and few see an end
to thecontinuing chaos.
Officials are reporting an
outbreak of looting and random...
myhem throughout the city,
nation and globe.
He has finished this city.
That's why he waited, so he could
offer an alternative.
People need hope.
If he can destroy our world,
we will have to turn to him...
a new Messiah in Cyberspace.
But you can not live
in Cyberspace.
Jobe can.
He can achieve global interface,
we won't have any choice.
- Egypt.
- Where they built the first dam.
- The chip is a dam.
Come to me all who have burdens.
I will set you free.
And you will no longer be the
children of a lost generation.
It is time to take control
of the system!
There shall be no more authority
to oppress you.
We can all be the authority.
Jack into a new world order.
Follow Jobe...
Follow Jobe...
Escape the violence and greed
that threatens to consume you.
Come be one with your
fellow man.
This is true spirituality.
There shall be no more authority
to oppress you.
World economic markets have been
taken some of the worst collapses
in the history.
Jonathon, I have some bad news
and I have some bad news.
Where are you going?
Come back here!
Stay here!
You can not go anywhere!
Come on!
Jobe, what the hell is going on?
We have lost control. AII the lab
files are disappearing!
Are you messing with me?
Answer me.
That is an order.
You have no power to give orders.
In 100 years your petty financial
empire will not mean anything...
but I'll still be here.
You son of a bitch!
Without me you are nothing but
a deaf and dumb cripple.
I made you and I can unmake you.
Twenty minutes to
Global Interface...
You can't disconnect him.
Virtual Jobe will remain inside.
You can either heavily sedate him
or take him out.
If you want to take me out...
just ask.
Open the door, goddammit!
Alright. If that is the way
you want to play it.
Prime alert. Security breach.
Code Red. Code Red.
All personnel will evacuate
the building immediately
There are three terrorists
on the premises...
fully armed and dangerous moving
down corridor 6D.
Shoot on sight.
Repeat, shoot to kill.
That son of a bitch.
- Sir, there were terrorist here.
- We are the terrorists you idiot!
Give me that gun.
There are three terrorists on the
Shoot on sight.
Repeat, shoot to kill.
Fifteen minutes to
Global Interface.
Give yourselves to me.
Your re-birth in the womb of
Cyberspace is a chance for a new
beginning. To live in Eden...
without hunger, without famine...
without temptation!
Ten minutes to Global Interface.
We have got ten minutes, Cori,
you better watch the monitors...
Pull the real chip at the exact
moment you destroy the Virtual.
Check it out, man.
Let us look!
If we can just jack in to that
dome unnoticed...
No. Jobe knows all about
anyone who jacks into the dome.
We have to find another way in.
These are the routes for the
information superhighway...
that lead directly into the dome.
You do not have to jack in, Doc.
You have a problem jacking
into VR?
No, I will be fine. I am not
going to run away this time.
Listen, guys...
We are going to follow the
superhighway through the city...
to where it goes underground all
the way into the dome.
We'll take this access route
follow that up inside and
comes the tricky bit. We have to
get by Jobe and smash the chip.
How are we going to get
through the city?
Well, how about a little
bike ride?
Okay, let's do it.
Destroying the chip won't stop.
What do you really have in mind?
The chip gave Jobe the power
to go on line.
It contains a dam function to
prevent the use of absolute power
We destroy the chip, we destroy
the dam and expose Jobe.
I am going to make him angry
enough to destroy himself.
Trace, we have to go!
If you can not, get out, I don't
want you disappearing on me again
You shall wait no more. The
Prophecy has already been fulled.
For I have seen the Heavens and
a voice of the throne saving...
There will be chaos in
the streets!
And in the final days, the
material world will fade away...
and only Cyberspace will remain.
In the womb of Cyberspace is a
chance for a new begining...
to live in Eden without hunger...
without famine. With me...
you will find refuge.
We came to save to you, Jobe.
In here, I am the savior.
I will crush you!
You are just
thelawnmower man, Jobe.
The lawnmower man is dead!
By the way...
I don't have to worry about Egypt
anymore. I simply built around it
You destroyed Peter's world.
I am going to destroy yours.
Six... five...
...four... three...
...two... one...
You are a fool, Trace. I don't
need the Chyron chip anymore.
I have become the chip.
You've betrayed, Peter, Jobe.
You have sold your soul
for nothing.
You don't even have enough power
to destroy me.
Is that all you have got, Jobe?
Is that all you have got?
Is that the best you can do?
What's... happening... to me?
Egypt, Jobe. Egypt!
Jobe, come here! Make a wish.
Make a wish.
We are back!
Hey, my pal. Well done.
I need to see Jobe.
Okay. Let us go.
There he is.
Be careful.
Probable pathways to interface...
forty thousand... eighty four...
He's regressing.
Well, isn't that touching?
I want the chip. You can keep the
rest, for what is worth.
We will give you the chip,
give us the kid.
I really dislike repeating myself
Give him the chip.
By the way, Doctor Platt,
you are fired.
I though I lost you, man.
Let's go home.