Lay The Favorite (2012) Movie Script

- Unbelievable.
- I can't hold it much longer.
You've almost got the record.
Come on, 20 more seconds.
Hold on tight...
I think I'm about to pass out!
I can't!
Mm... Oh, my God!
This is so good!
I put a little Cointreau in.
- Mm.
- That's the secret.
Mm. I have to
go in a minute,
- do you want to dance?
- Yeah.
Just blows me away
Unskinny bop, bop
All night and day
Unskinny bop, bop, bop
She just loves to play
Unskinny bop Nothing more to say
You look at me so funny
Love bite got you acting oh so strange
You got too many
bees in your honey...
You're a fucking hot one, ain't ya?
Oh, I'm OK.
Check us out.
Can you... put that away?
You're scaring me.
Well, you should be scared.
It's a healthy reaction
to a big ass gun like this.
I'm going to go now, time's up.
I guess you've got to go.
I enjoyed your company!
I hope you come back!
Get me out of here.
OK, Otis, we're going.
We are going, right now.
Come on, honey.
- Hi, Dad.
- Beth! Bethanna...
- Hey.
- Hello.
- OK, what's up?
- I need to do something else.
What's wrong with the pet sitting?
I never knew anyone who could
make so much off that.
Yeah, the money's good,
but the pets are not always that nice.
I'm burned out.
Take it from me, now is not the
time to put down a good job.
You still haven't found anything?
No, nobody's buying cars.
Hell, they're barely making them.
Well, it's more than just my job.
I need like a big change.
I have to, I don't know...
I want stimulation.
And I want good money.
And I want a change of
scenery that's interesting.
OK... OK, let me think if I
know anybody over at the mall.
Yeah, it's not going to do it.
I want to move to Las Vegas
and be a cocktail waitress.
Beth Anne...
that is a great idea!
Wow! Yeah, Oh...
Caesars Palace.
- That's where you got to get in!
- Caesars would be amazing!
- I think the hot plate works.
- I'll take it.
Go! Go...
Oh, so close.
Go! Yes... Oh! Oh.
Please... Go on!
Hey. I advise you to
stop playing this thing.
Why? Am I in trouble
or something?
No, no. It's just...
You seem like a nice girl,
and flip's for retards.
Oh... OK.
- Thank you.
- No problem. Have a nice evening.
Hey, wait.
Do you know where I could find
a job as a cocktail waitress?
I think you pretty much have to grab the tray
the exact second one of these
golden girls kicks the bucket.
This is a union town.
Take it easy.
Why don't you strip?
It's good money.
Yeah, I don't think I want to do that.
You've done it before, right?
Why do you say that?
- 'Cause it's kind of obvious.
- It is? Really?
Just to us girls in the club.
I just want to do something
exciting and different.
- I came here to...
- Yeah, change everything.
Hey, Holly, what about Dink?
- What's Dink?
- Doesn't he need anybody?
Well, that's kind of...
You know, I kind of need to know someone
before I send them to Dink.
It requires a great deal of trustworthiness.
Oh, my God, you guys...
I am super trustworthy.
All right.
- Hi.
- Hi. Are you Dink?
I am Dink, yes.
You must be Beth. Come in.
So, how much do you know about gambling?
Uh, I played some
Flip-It the other night...
How'd you do?
I was told it was for retards,
but I got really into it.
I might not trust you with my money.
You're going to rob me and
go play Flip-It all night.
No, no, I'm not.
Come on, I need this Louisiana
game to stay under...
- Not for a little.
- So, you're a bookie.
Absolutely not.
Bookmaking's illegal.
I'm a gambler.
Everything I do here
is completely legal in the state of Nevada.
So, do you play poker or blackjack?
Some poker... blackjack,
not really gambling.
It's just no skill, no odds.
Just a racket for the casinos to make money.
Well, my dad played a lot of blackjack.
Sorry to hear that.
Ah, this San Francisco line is way too high.
Look at something.
You see that little patch
of yellow skin right there?
- Nope.
- Well, maybe not in this light.
Anyway, I make my lines. Then
I compare them to the books.
- To the books?
- Sports books.
A sports book is where you go to
make a bet on a sporting game.
You can do that here in Vegas,
or you can do it online overseas,
but I gotta do it here.
So, I gotta send guys that run and take the
money down there and make the bets for me.
Maybe that's something you could
do, if you come down here to work.
I can't believe you can't see
this little yellow mark.
So, I specialize in horse racing,
hockey and baseball, but
we bet on all sports here.
- Can I?
- NFL, NBA, the PGA,
NCAA Football, NCAA Basketball,
tennis, the WNBA,
Little League World Series,
the National Spelling Bee Competition,
the Miss America Beauty Pageant,
the... Coney Island
Hot Dog Eating Contest.
Pretty much anything, always odds can be made.
That is a lot of stuff.
Yes, but all I have to do is make 55
percent, and I am very, very happy.
It's about time!
- You're both late.
- Construction!
- Hi...
- Beth, say hi to Frankie and Scott.
Hey, do not fall in love with me.
- OK.
- - Don't believe a word he says.
Frankie is a much better person than he seems.
Scott, on the other hand, is the sensible one.
If you ever need me for something and I'm busy?
I'm going to bet this seven horse.
First time starter.
Could be a total zero.
- New York's moving big time.
- Call Jazz.
I wish you guys weren't late...
Ivy sixth race...
OK, here's what just happened in New York.
They're moving their line, so now we're
trying to move our lines accordingly
to adjust for a couple of outs that
haven't moved their lines yet.
- You understand?
- Uh-uh.
The rules at Dink Inc.
are responsibility
to come on time is job is number one.
Number two, keep your head around the numbers.
You've got to learn the numbers.
Very important to get the numbers down.
Rule number three, do not steal.
Most people fail at one of those.
- Is that a guinea pig?
- That is my hamster, Jyrki.
I named him Jyrki Lumme
after the defenseman from Vancouver Canucks.
- Oh.
- And that is my wife, Tulip.
She's on a cruise in the Bahamas right now.
Dinky, Dinky. This nag you
bet on is coming up fast!
- Go, go, go...
- - Wow, wow, wow...
Come on! Come on...
You won!
- You won!
- Genius.
Just like that. Wow.
I have to pay attention to this now.
Um, meet me at the sports book at the Rio.
Eight AM sharp, OK?
Do you need some money?
- No.
- Everybody needs money.
Take it. OK? Bye.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, take it easy.
You're lucky if Dinky hires you.
He's a good guy to work for.
He buys his crew breakfast and lunch.
And how does a girl like you
get along with Dinky's wife?
I haven't met her yet.
- Is that right?
- - Hey, Dinky!
There she is! I thought I
scared you off yesterday.
Hey, I know you.
It's the Flip-It girl.
Oh, no. You're not
still playing Flip-It?
- No.
- Just do me a favor, go into the counter...
Belmont, race two. 50 dollars
quinella on the five and seven.
- And keep this for yourself.
- Oh no, I'll do it for free.
- I need to learn.
- Take the money.
He's on a roll.
You're struggling.
Take the money. Come on,
I'll walk you up there.
...when someone
gives you their money,
it's a... a sign of trust.
You understand that, don't you?
Yeah, I understand.
Belmont, race two.
Fifty dollar quinella
for the five and the seven.
I'm good with numbers.
All these sports,
hockey, racing, football, basketball, whatever.
Over there on the board are the lines
the casino is offering. The odds.
You can bet on anything.
Who wins, who wins by how much.
The team with the best finish.
Anything. Look, see?
Someone's laying a lot of money,
so the casino's changing the odds.
I make my money by working
out where they're wrong.
God, that was so exciting! And the
money, you won so much money!
I had a bad day yesterday.
The money's not that important.
Oh, well, that's what people
with money love to say.
You are good with numbers.
Yeah, I'm pretty good with letters, too.
- What?
- Say a word.
- Lose.
- No, a long one.
Double A, double I, L, N, O with U.
- I don't get it.
- It's the letters of Louisiana,
put in alphabetical order.
- I know, it's weird, right?
- Do it again.
Well, give me a word.
- Suicide.
- C, D, E, double I, S, U.
That was amazing.
So, after Ohio, I moved back to Florida again,
where my dad lives. And I got
a job in a Thai restaurant,
but when I broke up with
their son, they fired me.
- OK.
- OK.
OK, so after I got fired,
I had to find another job.
And I found one in the paper.
And, it was...
...private dancing.
You know, going to clients houses and stripping.
- Basically.
- OK.
And then also I had a pornographic website,
which was pictures of me naked,
Photoshopped to look like I was giving oral sex
to my twin and stuff.
Eventually, a few other girls joined it, too.
Nobody knows about that.
- Nobody.
- You're a gonif.
Gonif. Yiddish for a
small time loveable thief.
You'll do very well in this business.
Well, you don't think it's
something I should be ashamed of?
No, no. You're a kid.
You're just doing kid things.
I mean, it's dangerous.
Not that happy about that.
If my parents ever found out,
they would feel like they
have no idea who I really am.
I freebased a couple of times.
I never told my mom.
I was a bookie, back in New York.
Harmless, but illegal.
As it turns out, I took some
bets from this guy in Detroit.
I never met him, turns out he's a mob guy.
When they bust him, they go
through his phone records.
- They end up busting me.
- Did you go to jail?
No, a felony conviction, but I
was only in a halfway house.
But my mom was devastated.
At least she never thought
she had no idea who I am.
- OK?
- OK.
- OK, then.
- Oh, OK. Bye.
OK, bye.
All right, see you in the morning.
- Don't be late.
- Wait! Are you hiring me?
- Still want the job?
- Yes! I want the job.
Then yes, I'm hiring you.
Hours are from 8 to 5,
you get four hours off for lunch, 10 to 2,
Monday through Saturday,
Sundays we go all day, 8 to 4.
You get paid 20 dollars an hour...
- Really?
- ...Bonuses, vacations.
- Yes. And three meals.
- Really?
Oh, my God, yes, really.
- OK.
- - All right, I'll call you back in 10.
Oh shit, shit's popping off!
Let's get ready to rumble!
OK, there's my Minnesota, minus six.
Are you ready for this, sweet thing?
- No, I don't get it.
- You don't get what?
This! All of it! How to do it.
You should fire me.
- No.
- Dink, Dink, Dink. Let me fire her.
I'm not going to fire you, OK?
I've just been talking to you too
much and you're mired in theory.
OK, here's what we're gonna do.
You are gonna make this bet.
Just use your phone,
pick it up. OK?
- We're gonna call...
- Try Top of the World, they're slow.
That's your speed dial for Top of the
World, you're going to call them.
It's a sports book in Costa Rica.
Ask about Minnesota game, 224.
You lay the minus six, but two dimes.
OK, hi. Six, four, six,
double D.
Uh, game 224, Minnesota.
OK, I'll take the six with Minnesota.
- No, no, don't...
- What? What...
Don't say take. You're doing great.
You're doing great, OK?
Minnesota is the favorite, you don't
take the favorite, you lay the favorite.
OK, so we're going to lay two dimes.
Hi. Actually, can I lay
the six for two dime?
Uh-huh. Six, four,
six, double D.
Watch, now watch this.
Wait... Wait...
You see that?
Wait for it.
- And, boom.
- What?
- You just changed that line.
- I did?
Our $2000 bet just moved those odds.
And that's what we did, OK?
You just made your first bet.
- For $2000?
- $2000.
The way the numbers keep changing on the screen.
You just make it into what you want it to be.
I don't know, it's the first place that's ever
made any sense of how my brain works.
Well, next thing you know he'll be
taking you to Magic's for game day.
We're going there on Sunday.
He asked the guys.
They couldn't come.
- Hey, you're not...
- What?
Are you?
God, no.
All right.
'Cause I wouldn't if I were you.
If you last long enough to meet Tulip,
- you'll know what I mean.
- Well, I'm not.
The thought never entered my mind.
Dominic kicks...
- Hey, Dink!
- - Dinky!
Everybody meet Beth.
Dink Inc's newest employee
and Flip-It aficionado.
Say hi to everybody.
I don't think your friends like me.
They like you.
They like you.
They can just barely tolerate women.
- Forgot about that.
- I got too much on the under.
- Anybody want a piece of this?
- I'll take two dimes.
- Done.
- How the fuck you got two dimes to bet on the game
when you ain't paid me back the
money from Saratoga, you fat fuck.
Dinky! I'm back!
- Uh-oh.
- Who is that?
Rosie, the bookmaker from New York.
I thought that was illegal.
It is. Last year,
he went on a big broke.
I mean, I can't believe he'd
show his face here, broke.
Still owes me 70 grand.
Aren't you mad at him?
No, it's not that kind of thing.
I believe this is yours.
Me handing over to you, now that is a switch.
Are you trying to tell me
I didn't beat you on Charlotte?
- Fair and square, Dink.
- Fair and square.
Wow. Can you put
this in your bag?
I just don't have enough room in
my pockets for all that money.
Did you know this man is one of my heroes?
When I was 16 I wanted to
be Dink when I grew up.
A real classic thing...
What the fuck is that?
Is that a fucking ticker?
Holy shit! They still
have that service?
What is there a fucking mouse on
a treadmill inside that thing?
It gives you the latest
scores from when? 1997?
Still works for me.
I just won $114,000!
Oh, fuck you, Rosie.
Dinky, I had to change my phone number.
This is my recent contact info.
My name is Troy Roseland,
you get to call me Rosie.
- Hi, I'm Beth.
- She works for me.
It's great seeing you, Dink.
Oh, hi... I'm Beth.
- You're Beth.
- Mm-hm.
Did you have a nice time on your boating trip?
Yes, yes. Beautiful.
- So, who've you worked for?
- Oh, you mean where have I...
Have you ever worked for a gambler?
No, no... but I'm loving
working for your husband.
He's so great, honest, wonderful.
- Wonderful boss.
- So, who've you called so far for rundowns?
- Oh...
- That is the first thing you do
when you get to the office.
Um, minus two.
- There's nothing for me.
- No, Knox's line was better.
- I'll call him back.
- Forget it. We missed it.
We're already on the other side.
I'm down $50,000 today.
You! Park it!
No more scores.
And that goes for you, too!
You stay put! I mean, both of
youse just stay put, you hear me?
Oh, no...
Oh, touchdown, Dinky.
Twenty-nine seconds...
Oh, perfect!
- Tulip! You're a jinx!
- No, I'm not.
Either you're a jinx, or God hates me.
You tell me which one it is.
Would you turn that thing off?
I'm gonna go broke this winter,
we're gonna have to sell a house.
- You say that every winter.
- Yeah, this year I know. We are gonna go broke.
And it's gonna sneak up on
us quietly, very quietly!
You know what?
I didn't come here for this.
I'm going to fit in some Pilates before golf.
I didn't come here for this.
I know something that'll make you feel better.
- A bullet?
- No.
Chinese poker.
I haven't been doing very good lately.
Oh, come on. You're just
having a little moment.
A slump. It's called a slump
and it's not getting any better.
And it doesn't help to have a wife who's a jinx.
I deal with it as best I can.
Oh, this is good, this is good.
We need this field goal.
Hughes did very good in the first half.
Sit right here.
Oh, I did very well just now.
So, why didn't you go into the
stock market or something?
- It seems like the same thing.
- Stock market's a racket,
and I'd rather bet on professional wrestling.
So, why don't you have your
own sports book somewhere?
The operators in Costa Rica sound
so nice and happy on the phone.
I bet it's beautiful down there.
I went down to San Jose one time.
It's not what you think when
you think of Costa Rica.
Very grim, very sad.
But you'd make so much money from your own book.
Sure, yeah, but then I'd
have to live in San Jose.
You know, I could be a lot richer in general
if I'd made most of my decisions based on money.
My hugest defect.
No! No! That's what
makes you so... great.
I'm not so great.
- You what now?
- It was just hands!
With Dink? Are you
out of your mind?
God, I'm sorry I ever told you.
That's what you're sorry for?
Do you think I should confess my love
and see if he'll leave Tulip
and run away with me?
Do you have some kind of
fucked up thing with your dad?
No! God, my dad
was my best friend.
- We did everything together.
- Can you do me a favor?
Can you make sure Tulip never finds
out it was me who brought you around?
- Yes! Go!
- - Go, Berto!
I can't believe you picked this Berto fight.
Oh, come on!
He is a stallion.
How could anyone lay odds on him
being out by the fifth round.
Plus, he trains around the corner from my motel.
You could be my new downtown sports consultant.
Sure, if you want me to.
You have no fucking reason
to be out so late with her!
Tulip, every night you go
to bed at nine o'clock.
Now, just because I have a new friend,
you're going to call me
up and... tell me...
You're making yourself crazy!
Come on, you're missing the
best part. Hang up on her.
Did I just hear that little cunt?!
Tulip, you're forcing yourself...
Fuck you, Dink!
I have to go home now.
She's losing her mind.
Just don't tell me who wins this fight, OK?
No, come on. No, no, no. Come on.
Stay for one more round.
One more round.
She'll live.
Plus, I'm making you money.
I owe this guy Leon down in Costa Rica, $80,000.
You're going to take this over to
a guy named Rudy at the Paris.
Take this to him and I'll be even with Leon.
It's $80,000. Count it.
...And then
race fourteen...
No, no, make Frankie do the run.
We need Beth on the phones.
Oh what? Now Beth's better
than me on the phones?
Well, you said that, not me.
Now go fuck yourself, OK?
I never liked you.
It's OK, Dink.
I'll make the run.
Oh, for God's sake.
Stop sniffing money.
Jesus, I can't take this.
I'm gonna go work out a little later,
and then I'm going to go home and get a massage.
Uh, after you make this drop, you wanna
meet me over at Caesars parking lot?
Go get something to eat?
Uh-huh, sure.
I love you.
So, what?
Never stopped anybody.
We had a deal.
We had a deal.
I can't believe I have to say this.
All I was supposed to do is take care of you.
And you take care of me.
That's why I picked you.
That was our deal.
I can't believe you made me say this.
Look at this! Spring training
in lovely Scottsdale, Arizona.
Let's go!
- Beth.
- Mm-hm?
I have to fire you.
No crying.
This has been fun, but it's just not good.
It's just not good. Tulip says
you're coming between us.
And she's right. So, do yourself a
favor and just take the money...
Why don't you do yourself a favor,
and get rid of your miserable fucking wife.
OK, out of the car.
You are so fun, you love to have fun.
You do!
And you're wonderful,
and she doesn't want you to have fun.
That's not true.
Look, come on.
Just stop crying.
Get out.
Get out of the car.
- OK!
- I'm a married man.
Why are you so afraid of losing her?
She's not afraid of losing you...
It doesn't always help when someone
thinks you're the greatest,
and you don't think you're the greatest.
Bye Beth.
Watch your toes.
There you go baby
Here and now Well you
Left me here So I could
Sit and cry
Golly gee...
Come on, open up.
I guess it doesn't matter anymore
Do you remember, baby
Last September, how you
Held me tight Each and every night
Oh baby, how you drove me crazy
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore
Anyway, to hell with Dink.
- Fuck him.
- - Fuck him!
I mean, when you're in love with somebody
you overlook certain things
but there would've been
a lot to overlook with Dink.
I mean, Tulip definitely earns her money.
You don't clip nose hair for money.
You clip nose hair for love.
Tulip loves him, girl.
- You want to hit the head?
- No, I'll wait here.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know
that this game is for retards.
- Really?
- Yeah, it always looks like it's just about to fall,
but it never does, that's the hook.
Huh. It's so well-designed.
Back on the horse?
Go Beth.
No, I was just saving him
from Flip-It.
But he was cute, right?
It was nice to talk to somebody
for a minute, who's not...
Yeah, I know.
- One of us?
- Yeah, who're you texting?
My shrink. He's got a tip
about a game tomorrow.
Hey, your boyfriend's looking over here.
The Flip-It guy.
The rooms here got Toblerone
candy in the minibar.
- Bring me back one in the morning.
- Stop it, shut up.
I just have to make sure
that you got home OK.
- Wait.
- Going down.
You should definitely, definitely
take me to your room right now.
Should we just talk about this for one second?
- Why?
- Well, you are a little drunk.
Yeah, but it just makes me more
articulate about my feelings.
And right now, I have a huge amount
of sexual tension built up inside of me,
and I think you're very, very
handsome and really nice, and...
Can we be done talking now?
- Wait, are you single?
- Oh, yeah.
Come on, Ten!
Come on, Ten! Come on, baby!
Come on! Go!
Go! Go! Oh yeah!
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Back to one!
Way to go, Dinky!
Way to come back from Santa Anita!
- Yeah!
- Yes!
I didn't bet it.
No, but you picked the ten to win.
But then I didn't bet it.
Just get back to your phones,
and stay out of my fucking bets.
The fucker!
One-point-two remaining.
They need to go the length of the floor.
Oh, no!
Now I'm down 172.
And just for the last five days, Scotty.
And nobody takes it seriously!
Where's Frankie?
We gotta make these runs!
He's at Celine Dion.
On a Saturday? During the
NCAA Basketball playoffs?
That's when he's going to Celine Dion?
During the NCAA Basketball tournament?
Well, you told him last week he could go.
It's the only show he could get orchestra seats.
How many time does this guy
gotta go see Celine Dion?
Dink, maybe I should just make the run myself.
Scotty, will you shut up?
No, we need somebody here
by 11, at least, or today is a wash.
And this day was the only way I
had of making up for this week.
So, Jesus fucking Christ, God!
- Flagstaff Aaron.
- He's working for Dave the Rave.
- Call Holly.
- Uh...
I don't think it's a good idea
to send Holly out with this kind of money,
I think it actually may be a bad idea.
Look, Dink.
I can do the run really fast, get back here...
No, no.
These lines are changing.
I need you on the phone.
Just get Holly over here.
- This is baby oil.
- Yeah?
Why don't you use sun screen.
Because it screens the sun.
OK Holly, this is the $9,000
for the horses at Bally's.
- All right.
- Take this $31,000 over to the Golden Nugget
and call me once you get over there.
Gimme the line on Kentucky and
I'll tell you where to put it.
- OK.
- All right, hurry please.
- Unleashing a furious late kick...
- Get up.
...up on the outside, the tenth
lead in the shadow of The Liar.
- Mr. Jazz...
- Good?
So that's plus 80, right?
What line did Holly give
you on the Kentucky game?
She hasn't called yet.
What? What are you
talking about?
She hasn't called. I've
been trying her for an hour
and she's going straight to voice mail.
You haven't talked to Holly for an hour,
and you're just telling me right now?
Call her back, Scotty.
- Call her back!
- Yeah, all right.
And I hope you're precious Celine Dion
chokes on a wire coat hanger tonight.
Nothing. Sorry, man.
Still voice mail.
Dave the Rave's at Bally's.
I've been here since, like 11.
I ain't seen her, Dinky.
She was here.
She was watching the game.
She bet Toronto?!
Magic, is that what you just said?
- Oh God, oh God, oh God.
- I got her.
Oh, God...
Fucking asshole.
Come on, take it.
No, you didn't, no, you didn't!
You did not get robbed, Holly!
What you did was take $40,000 of my money,
and go and make a bet for yourself on Toronto.
That is what you did.
My shrink said it was a sure thing.
Just come back to the office.
I'm never coming to the office.
Jesus, Dink.
I should just fucking off myself, I should!
Don't do that, don't do that.
Just please,
come back to the office, Holly, and we'll
work out some kind of payment plan.
- Don't say it.
- I didn't say anything.
I could hear you thinkin' it.
Me? I wouldn't send Holly out with
money like that. She's just not...
- It's not like me or Frankie.
- Or Beth.
Yeah, you have to stay
here and watch the phones.
So, you...
...and Celine Dion,
and Beth are all fired.
So get out!
Get out!
Get the fuck out!
Get the fuck out!
God damn it!
- No way.
- Tulip, please.
Do you think I would even ask
for something like this,
unless I really needed it desperately?
And what do I get?
Whatever you want.
OK, I'll get Otis,
and everything else goes in a laundry bag.
I'll be right back.
And you can really do this?
Just pick up and leave town?
Yes. That's what's so great about
living in a motel and getting fired.
If I didn't do this I'd be crazy.
I can hear the logic rattling
around in there somewhere.
Uh-huh. Your trip back is going to be
a lot more fun then your trip out.
Of that, I am completely assured.
Hi. What are you doing?
I was about to check out.
Good. This place is a dump.
- Where are you moving to?
- New York City.
When'd you decide that?
About two hours ago.
I need you back.
- You were really mean to me.
- I know, I know.
I'm sorry, it couldn't be helped.
But the way we were,
it just... wasn't going right.
We had to snap out of it,
but I need you back. Now.
And what about Tulip.
We worked it out.
We came to terms that we could agree upon.
Unromantic terms.
For me and you, yeah.
So, why do you want me back?
How could you even ask that?
Beth, you are terrific with numbers.
You're great on the phone.
People love talking to you.
You keep your cool.
I trust you.
And you bring me good luck.
Beth, you are crucial to Dink, Inc.
Isn't that enough?
- Hi...
- Is that a loan shark?
'Cause you could use me as a human shield,
but I'm not sure I could take him.
He's not a loan shark.
I know.
Pretty sure that's the famous Dink.
Not exactly what I was picturing.
So, where's Otis?
Take this.
Put it on shuffle.
I thought you were over it.
I'm over him, but not over it.
I kind of thought it was the same thing.
Yeah, I did too. But I just
found out that it's not.
I'm sorry, Jeremy.
- Call me sometime?
- I will.
I, I will.
Adios, muchacha.
- Is she mad at me?
- No.
Not allowed to be.
What do you mean, that was part of the deal
for me coming back to work?
She can't be mad at me?
Yeah, sort of.
So, what does she get in the deal?
Jesus, how do you know these things?
Shopping spree?
I wish. Face lift.
- Whoa!
- Whoa.
I must really mean a lot to you.
I missed you.
Say you missed me, too.
I missed you, too.
We're friends, right?
I got to stop by and drop off
Jyrki's hamster food at the house.
Go upstairs and say hi.
It's important.
- OK.
- Be nice.
Do not fuck my husband.
He says you're good luck.
He told me he doesn't
really think you're a jinx.
The bag of frozen peas in the cooler.
Stick it on my face.
- Did you miss me, sweet stuff?
- Yes.
Hey, kid. Welcome
back, welcome back.
Five dimes on Miss Israel
and she can't make the top 10?
It's so good that you're back,
because things have just not been...
Hey! What the fuck
are you doing here?
Uh... I live here.
That's what the fuck I'm doing here.
- Where should I be?
- I don't know.
Taking your clothes off somewhere
until you pay Dink back?
Dink and I will work it out.
What? So you're just cool with
stealing his money from him?
And you're just cool trying
to steal him from Tulip?
Hey, that's not the same thing.
Oh, you got that right.
Come on, Beth.
It's all good.
We all got away from some kind
of fucking bullshit some place.
And we all came here because
this is where you get a break.
But sometimes, you got to give one, too.
Take a penny, leave a penny.
Know what I mean?
I mean, you want to hold
people to a higher standard?
I'd first take a look in the mirror.
Next thing I'd do is move some place else.
You stay here?
You're one of us.
Have a great day, honey.
I spent the whole day,
the whole day with a 103 fever!
Now, then KC, I gotta lose on a fumble?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me right now?!
Sunday! All day Sunday.
Sunday night I wanted to
kill myself, I swear to God.
And then I gotta take this game.
We are officially on damage
control conditions right now...
- I, I...
- You what?!
You what? You what? You were
supposed to bring me luck.
- Me?
- That's what you were supposed to bring back.
Like the cat that came back, but you didn't.
- You just brought me bad luck.
- Come on, it was one bet.
Just one bet?
Oh, is that what it was?
- Yeah, it was just one bet!
- What do you know about gaming?
Do you think you understand how this works?
How my business works?
You don't. Get out!
Just get out! Get, get out!
Help her out. You, too. Get out!
You, too. Scott!
Get out! Get out! Hurry up!
Get your fucking bag!
Get out! Get out! Scott, go!
Please! Get out!
My God, what was that?
He's been firing everybody every couple of days.
- Only lasts an hour or two.
- Why is he being like this?
- It's like he's not Dink.
- That is Dink. That is Dink losing.
Bad, like he'd be heading towards broke if
he doesn't pull out of this debt spiral.
Well, what do we do?
How do we help him?
There's nothing we can do for him.
What do you mean? What are we
going to do if he goes broke?
Go and work for somebody else.
Take it easy, Beth.
- Take it easy?
- This happens at some point
and lots of points to everybody.
You should know that by now.
- This is gambling.
- Call this gambling for a reason.
Yeah, I just...
I didn't think...
Didn't think what?
That it'd happen to Dink?
Yeah, it happens to the good guys, too.
Maybe more, even.
- If anything, you come back.
- Hell yeah.
And that's the best feeling in the world, man.
- Let's grab a date shake.
- All right.
You're buying, you cheap bastard.
You were supposed to bring it back.
Bring what back?
Your luck?
I can't do that.
It's not my responsibility.
So, you're just going to leave
me now that I'm falling apart?
Well, I can't stay here when
you're like this. It's too...
You are a very selfish person.
Hey, what do you want me to do?
What do you want me to do?
Take it. I accept
your resignation.
It's been nice knowing you.
Bye, Beth.
Hey Dink, you sure you want to
be giving away money right now?
Just get out.
If you want to quit,
that's fine. OK?
Just don't go do one of your
stupid hustles for money.
- Mm-hm.
- Just go do something.
Are you done?
Cashing them all in, yeah?
Well, hello.
Um, hi.
It's Beth. From Las Vegas.
Yeah, I know who Beth is.
If I came to New York...
...would you hang out with me?
I mean, there are people
with MBAs waiting tables
at the Olive Garden. What is
someone going to hire me to do?
How did you finagle getting your job?
Well, it wasn't exactly
a finagling kind of thing.
Well then, what was it?
It's what I've always done.
I went to journalism school,
I interned and I got a job.
- Ugh.
- What ugh?
I don't understand why
that sounds so crazy to you.
It's not crazy. I just
wish that I had a path,
like you do, you know?
You're lucky.
Look, you just got out of a shitty situation.
- You got fired...
- I didn't get fired.
- You quit.
- I don't know what happened.
I gotta say,
I don't want to be around
him if he can be like that.
I don't want to see him like that.
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry for what?
For bitching and moaning.
I'll find something to do.
Six months ago, all I wanted to
do was be a cocktail waitress.
And now you want something more.
That's a good thing, right?
Yes, definitely.
You're so...
great, Jeremy.
Let's just focus on you and me...
...having a
really good time.
I fucking love that plan.
Up top!
- Yes!
- - Good shot!
Hey, good game, man.
You're like Spud Webb out there.
- You play ball?
- Uh-huh.
Junior college, I had a
scholarship but I lost it.
You play for St. John's?
Yep, class of '87.
They're playing tonight.
Man, I'd lay some big money on that
game if I could find that action.
- They are a lock.
- Really? You like to bet?
On anything that moves.
Hi, I'm Beth.
Dave Greenberg.
I am not religious,
and I don't want to speculate
on what kind of chosen person I am,
or what kind of power center is inside of me.
But the truth is the truth,
I needed you and you came.
- OK...
- This is temporary right here.
I have a much more permanent,
more epic situation that is in the works.
But I'm not at liberty to discuss it right now.
So, for God's sakes, do not ask me about it.
So, now, Beth. How do you
suggest I re-imagine my vortex
in a way that indispensably, includes you.
Well, I'm good on the phone
and I like going on pay and collects...
Hey. Yo, Gids.
Why not? I'll give you
six points. Later, fool.
Pay and collect, some phone, I like it.
I like where this is going.
Yes. How's 40 an hour to start?
Oh, great. Didn't you
just make a bet?
- Yes.
- So, aren't you going to write it down?
I can see there's something
that you're thinking,
- but you're not saying.
- Yeah.
Well, there's this guy I know,
and he likes to bet like crazy
and he can't find any action,
and he has friends that want to get down, too.
And I thought, maybe,
I could put them onto you? And, um,
they seem ready to bet, like, a, a lot.
- Fun, great. You agent it.
- Me, really?
This'll be a nice thing on the side for you.
Whatever he loses, I'll give you 25 percent,
but these guys are your responsibility.
Oh, my God, this is great.
Beth, dude. Your initiative,
it is impressive.
- Yes.
- You started working for me,
before you started working for me.
That is unprecedented.
You're like a hungry woman lying on the prowl,
but you listen to things,
and you smell everything.
Look at this line here on Boston.
I'm going to salvage this, right now.
Rosie, 651.
Take me 200k Boston...
...Rosie, 651.
Right motherfucking now!
Thank you. Bang!
So, anyway... What?
Well, you just made a bet for $200,000
in the middle of our conversation.
- And is there a problem?
- No, but you do not bet like Dink.
Listen, I mean no disrespect.
Dink is a famous classic.
He is a hero of mine.
He is the '57 Chevy of gambling.
But, all modesty aside, I am the Ferrari.
Or if Ferrari made a super fast tank
with laser blasters sticking out.
I would be that of gambling!
We are done for today.
This should be in the vicinity of $6,000.
Assigning bonus, some clothes, some food.
I don't want you with the stress.
And it's so exciting. Do you have
any idea how big Rosie's bets are?
It's New York, where gambling is illegal,
and bookmaking is a felony.
You know, because of you
I'm finally good at something.
but I can't do it in Las Vegas
because you banned me.
Rosie is taking action across state
lines, which of course he is doing,
then you are opening yourself up to a
conspiracy and that's a slam dunk for RICO.
Does that sound familiar? Does
that sound like anybody you know?
- You're jealous of Rosie.
- Beth! When you go to jail
it will not be my fault. OK?
You sound like your mother.
- Goodbye.
- Oh, come on!
Hi, Dave.
So, how about that Philly game last night?
You must be happy to see me, huh?
- What?
- - Thanks a lot.
What? Dave you're actually making
us look kind of suspicious.
Well, excuse me, Miss Mata Hari, for not wanting
to receive illegal cash in front of cops.
My car's over here.
Come on.
Dave Greenberg's a prick.
And he never loses.
I like it when they keep winning.
That means when they lose, they lose huge.
Rosie, do you ever worry about
getting caught by the police or the FBI?
Eh, never happens.
We're too cautious.
- You're not cautious.
- Well, we're semi-cautious.
No, you're not. Rosie, you play
Guitar Hero with the delivery guys
while you take bets on the phone.
You left our "who owes who what" cheats
in the booth at the Sizzler.
Everybody knows you're a bookie.
I do not like having these
kinds of conversations.
And Beth, I think you know that.
And besides, as far as
what is legal or not legal,
it's about to become a moot point,
but I will not talk about that.
Because that, that is a secret!
Tell me...
OK, the Curacao thing is getting very real.
My license, it just came through down there.
I have an investor that may cover the setup.
My sports book shall be called, ASAP!
All Serious Action Players!
Completely legal.
- Oh, that's incredible.
- Look at the eight horse.
Where the heck did she come from?
She's going to mess up my Perfecta.
Curacao, that's a beautiful
island in the Caribbean, right?
- Beautiful, legit island.
- Oh... Oh, God.
- Come on...
- You got it...
- You got it, you got it...
- Yes!
- There it goes!
- Yes! Yes!
Oh, yes!
- Yes! Yes!
- How did you do that?
How'd you pick the eight horse to win?
She looked like absolute shit to me.
That was like so surreal and
yesterday it was Cleveland.
- You're back. You are back.
- Two weeks ago, she looked like a mess.
But I thought she was starting to get
her head around the whole thing.
Ruby Lane, Ruby Lane.
Ruby Lane...
What does Dink think?
Well, I'm not really talking to Dink right now.
Beth, you made a lot of money
in the last couple of months.
- Why don't you just stay here with me?
- And do what?
Continue to have the completely fantastic
time we've been having together.
Look, Jeremy, I don't think you realize what
a huge deal this Curacao thing is for me.
I mean, I'm going to actually
be in charge of something.
Something that's going to
take you someplace else.
Yeah, but I'll come back.
I'll miss you.
- So, what about...
- Otis. I know.
I have to find somewhere for him to stay.
I'll take care of Otis. I don't
want him to stay with strangers.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Oh, my God, that would be great.
He loves you.
- You know that, right?
- And I love him.
Otis, you lucky dog.
Now my only problem is finding
someone to do my pay and collects.
Hey. You could do that too.
- Me?
- Yeah.
You can keep my cut and
feed Otis, and we're even.
It's easy money.
I'll talk you through the whole thing.
Hi, Dave.
This is Jeremy...
So, what's your number?
I'm gonna have a plain burger.
No bun, no sauce, no nothing on it.
I know.
It had some barbecue sauce on it last time,
and I really don't want
to go through that again.
So, a very plain burger and
nothing else, and a regular Coke.
- Got it.
- Thanks.
- Stomach?
- Oh, yeah.
Why? What's on your mind?
You're doing so good.
Yeah, yeah. I'm just a
little worried about Beth.
She's working for that maniac Rosie in New York.
I blew up at her and now
she's not calling me back.
Look, I wasn't going to say
anything, but do you notice
when Beth is around, you
were doing a lot of losing.
And now that she's gone,
you're doing really good.
Hey, if anyone's the jinx, it's Beth.
But I owe her.
Owe her for what?
I owe her for messing everything up.
I usually just think about how
much money I could've made
if I'd just focused a little
bit more when I was younger.
And I usually give myself a hard time about it.
But now, I'm looking at all the
things I've got to do instead.
I got to be with you.
And it's not like I don't appreciate you
on a daily basis, because I do.
But for the first time, since our wedding,
I look at my situation, and I'm looking
at it from an oddsmaker's perspective.
And I am a really lucky guy.
And to be honest, a big part
of that is because of Beth.
Hey, how you doin'?
I wanted to say hi.
And tell you that, um, I hope you don't think
that we're in some kind of fight,
because I don't think that.
And, just wanted to call...
...and see
how you're doing.
Um, give me a shout if you have a minute.
And I also wanted you to know that I'm not mad
that you're working for Rosie in New York.
So, that's about it.
Call me, I'm at the office,
and hope you're OK and having fun.
OK, bye.
Hello, ASAP?
- Hello, sport?
- Hello, ASAP?
Can you turn the music off!
Hey, there are phones ringing
and you're playing video games
and... what? Doing coke?!
Oh, my God, what are they doing here?
All the plumbing at their place is backing up.
What, so you just move them out
of the brothel and into here?
If you think about it for two seconds, Beth,
you'll see this saves time
and money for everybody.
Hey! Where've
you been for four days?
Bethy, I have been in love.
What is wrong with me?
Why is it that all of my dreams come true?
Look at this line here on Cleveland.
This is terrible.
Who made this line?
Bob made it. Look, Rosie,
when you disappear,
these fucking assholes you brought
down here just make shitty lines,
do coke, have sex with 17 year
olds, and steal from you.
Easy. Beth,
these are my friends.
Rosie, this was your big move.
The only important thing you've
ever done in your whole life,
and you're letting it fucking disintegrate!
What is wrong with you?!
Beth, you are the gum that
holds this all together.
You put up with a lot, and you
deserve respect for that.
I'm giving a raise to $5,000
a week, effective last week.
But just do not tell anybody.
All right, check on Motown!
Check on the Cuban! Somebody
call HBC and give 20 dimes to...
Fuck! We're getting
buried on this game!
Did you know that Otis runs in his sleep?
Jeremy, how are you?
I miss you.
- You miss me?
- Of course I do.
Could you tell me something normal?
Sure, like what?
I don't know, about
your day? Anything?
Have you checked Greenberg's bets lately?
He and his friends are losing finally.
And big time, like 75 grand worth.
Really? That's nice.
I can't get any of those
guys on the phone, though.
You're their only action,
and they're idiot addicts.
They'll call.
I gotta go.
Rosie's friends are destroying the place.
Don't worry about Greenberg.
...Minus 13. No, leave it
just at 7 and a half flat.
Rosie, can you turn it down?!
I can't Beth. This song
is the rhythm of victory!
Don't let the rhythm not get you and move!
Beth, Dave Greenberg here.
We got a problem.
I, uh... got into some trouble
a couple of years ago.
It's a long story, but my
parole officer called me in.
And he wants to know about you
and who's running your office.
Now, don't worry I didn't give you up,
but this is a fucking mess.
He's got all the numbers from my phone,
including yours and Jeremy's.
So, if he calls...
just play dumb.
But whatever you do, don't call me.
I'll call you.
It's not a big deal. The
Seattle game's about to start.
Why don't you go upstairs?
My life is over, even if I don't go to jail.
If I get arrested on a felony charge,
I am done forever as a journalist.
I'm 98 percent sure that
Dave Greenberg is lying.
He just doesn't want to pay, or he can't pay.
If Dave Greenberg has a parole
officer, it does seem plausible
that he would want to know who Dave's
bookie is, and that Dave would tell him.
Look! I'm going to...
I'm going to call Dink.
Wait, what? You're
going to call Dink?
You said you haven't been talking to him.
I haven't.
But I'll just... call him.
- I'll call you back.
- No, no! No.
Do not call me back.
I am at a payphone.
Do not call my phone from Curacao,
the gambling mecca of the Caribbean!
No, no. It's not,
not a big deal.
That's just Rosie saying that,
so you'll forget about it and go back to work.
Look, I'm sorry that I abandoned you.
Now will you please calm down and talk to me...
I appreciate your apology.
But I want you to know this is
a very serious situation, OK?
You had a felon, paroled, the FBI...
I've seen go down just like this in the past,
and I'm not just talking
about my circumstances, OK?
This is a very big problem.
How is it down there?
What, what the heck's going on?
I'm earning $5,000 a week.
Beth, you never cared about money.
I thought you went down there
because it's paradise?
Is it paradise?
- No.
- Don't cry.
Don't cry, just...
Listen to me, Beth. You are the
book in this New York thing.
You have got to take care of your people.
Your decisions are no longer
just about you anymore.
- You have to handle this.
- But I don't know how to handle it.
Yes you do, or you will.
Hold on one second.
Hey Beth?
Look, it's Dink's mom's birthday on Thursday.
She was going to come out to Vegas, but she...
she hates flying.
So, if we come out to New York, she doesn't
have to come out here for her birthday, which...
- ...she'd love, right honey?
- Yeah.
We could meet you there.
You'd... You'd help me?
Yes, we'll help you help Jeremy.
Hey, you know when you don't need
to be taken care of anymore?
It's when you decide to start
taking care of someone else.
You still there Beth?
Beth, you're being crazy.
It's $75,000 this idiot Greenberg owes me.
Who cares? I need you here.
I forgive you the Greenberg.
A clean slate, you owe me nothing.
- But you have to stay.
- It's not about the money.
Well, what's it about?
Jeremy the non-boyfriend?
Jeremy may be in huge trouble because of me.
He chose to do something not completely
legal in the state of New York.
You didn't force him to do that!
Yeah, well he did it for me!
Come on, Beth! People do
things for themselves.
Yeah, what about saints?
And famously selfless people?
They do things so people
think that they're saints
or selfless people. People who
do things for themselves,
being nice, that's just another racket!
Now, listen to me, Beth. I forgive the $75,000.
As long as you stay.
- What does that mean?
- It means if you stay,
you're Beth. My Beth.
And all is forgiven.
But if you leave, well, then you're just another
New York agent on the hook
for her losers losses.
Fuck you, Rosie!
No, actually, Beth.
Fuck you!
All of your pay is in the ASAP account.
Which means, I have it!
It's like, what is it?
Is it $60,000, give or take?
So you're just going to steal my money from me?
Of course not. I'm
going to hold on to it
as collateral, for your loser's losses.
You wanna go to New York?
Give me my Greenberg money!
Then you get your Beth money!
You know, I am going to deal with it.
And then I'm going to come back to you,
and then I am going to...
...stab you in the groin
artery with a steak knife
and watch TV while you bleed out,
you fucking horrible person!
- Come on, let's go.
- Whoa, Beth! I think everyone is saying things here
that they don't mean!
Except for me!
Beth, you are being very selfish!
- Safe flight, ma'am.
- Thank you.
- Watch your step.
- Got it, honey.
- Hey.
- We're on the red-eye.
Does she know where the guy lives?
Do you know where Dave Greenberg lives?
I don't know, but he has to watch New
Jersey games at his cousin's bar.
They play tomorrow night.
He'll be there.
We'll see you at the airport, Beth.
All right.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Bethy.
There's 8,000 David Greenbergs in Long Island.
That's the name he's listed
under, if he's listed at all.
Why? Why would you
put all your money
into an account that Rosie controls?
No shit, why?
Well, because it was
earning 11 percent interest.
Wow. Well,
that's a good reason.
- You must be Dink.
- Yeah. Jeremy, have a seat.
He's cute.
I'm sure you have a lot on
your mind right now, but...
- ...try not to worry.
- Why are you doing this?
We're just here visiting family.
You already got a felony conviction,
if this thing doesn't go down
nicely and you're anywhere near by,
you're going to go to prison for
a lot longer than we would.
Well, then let's just stop.
Let's just give up, right now.
Anyway, we can't even find Dave Greenberg...
I know Greenberg is.
- What?
- You do? Let me see, let me see.
How did you...
I have access to a government website at work,
and I can get in a lot of
trouble for showing you this,
but that's Greenberg. It's everything.
It's his home address,
property records, employment records,
phone numbers, family, everything.
I can never lay a hand on this douche, because
of my personal relationship with God,
but I know two guys about four stops from here
who'll come and threaten to
saw his feet off for $900.
- Yes.
- If you're seriously considering doing something
like that, I'm going to take the file and leave.
- Why, is he some kind of cop?
- No, he's a reporter.
Greenberg has a felony conviction.
And he's on parole.
That's very bad.
We can't go anywhere near this guy.
And if he's working with the Feds,
we can't even walk on his lawn
without getting in trouble.
Thank you very much.
You can keep the change.
We have to go back to the hotel.
You've got to call this guy on the phone.
It's the only choice we have.
Come on.
You are going to have to
talk hard to these people.
- Yeah, I know.
- And you don't appreciate the parole officer,
don't call me, I'll call you bullshit.
- I know.
- And whether or not his phone is tapped,
or not, tell him you could care less...
I know, I know.
Where are you going?
Will you make sure that I stay assertive?
Sure. I didn't expect Jeremy
to be such a normal guy.
I know, he's my first.
Do you think that's why I brought
him on the brink of federal prison?
Look, between Frankie and Dink,
it'll get handled, OK?
I'm the only one who can
deal with Dave Greenberg.
It's Beth.
Beth, you're calling me at home.
You know, we're having my
son's birthday party here.
What you're doing is the most scumbag
fucking thing you can do in this business.
You and your buddies win five weeks in a row,
and get paid the exact amount on time,
and now, the first time you lose,
you turn your cell phones off?!
I'll call you back in five minutes.
Four minutes!
Get off the money thing.
Get back on the Fed thing,
it's the only thing we really care about.
He's scared.
I can taste it.
I'm going to make him more
scared of me than the Feds.
I got this.
- Dave.
- Beth.
My phone line are still tapped,
I'm calling you from the neighbors.
Dave, stop lying to me right now.
I don't believe a word that's
coming out of your mouth.
You owe me $75,000.
Hey, I owe you $10,000.
Whatever the other guys lost,
whatever they're not paying you,
I am not responsible. If you want,
I'll give you their numbers.
Oh, I have all the numbers I need, Dave.
I have your boss's phone number,
I have your sister's phone number,
I have your wife's parents
numbers in Great Neck.
And if you don't stop fucking with me,
I will call each one of them and
tell them what a degenerate you are.
Christ, where do you get off
calling me a degenerate?
Dave, Dave, do you think I'm just some idiot
running around the street all day, handing
out thousands of dollars in credit limits?
Is that what you fucking think I am?!
You don't think that I work for someone?
Someone who can find out anything about you,
do anything to you.
Do you really want to play that guy?
Dave, it's because of me that
you can still walk right now.
Beth, I told you. I have a
parole officer that is on...
Even if you do have a parole officer,
he is not my problem.
I don't think you get what's going on here.
Dave, listen to me. Look me
in the eye over the phone.
You're an adult.
And you make decisions.
And those decisions have consequences,
for you and for people around you.
When you put your money down,
you cannot pick and choose which of
your bets count and which ones don't.
'Cause all of your bets are yours.
All of them.
Win or lose.
You, you're right.
You're right, but I can't...
I can't pay.
I don't have the money.
He's crying.
I feel bad.
No. Go, go, go...
Dave, be completely honest
with me about the Fed thing
and the parole officer, right now...
...and I will knock
$10,000 off the debt.
This is a one time only offer.
I have a parole officer.
That's the truth.
But he doesn't know anything about you.
That Fed thing, that's bullshit.
That's what I thought.
OK. So, now we're done with the
games and you only owe me $65,000.
So, how are we going to work this out?
Do I have to call all your
relatives or have somebody come
and punch a fucking sunroof into your head?!
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
The only way you're going to get your money,
is if you reopen my account.
I want to take New Jersey tonight to win
for $20,000. It is a lock.
Now, if I win,
that's $40,000, and you can have all of it.
Take it or leave it.
- What?
- Please hold.
What are you doing? Just let it go.
It's Rosie's money.
No, no, no. Look, if I
don't get Rosie his money,
he won't give me my money.
If I hang up now, I lose everything.
If Dave loses, I still lose everything.
But if Dave wins...
I see your logic, but New Jersey?
- New Jersey...
- Wait, if Dave wins will Rosie give me my money?
Yeah, Rosie's a scumbag, he's not a thief.
OK, I'll do it.
If I can put you down for $40,000,
that way you win 80, and we're even.
If I win, that makes me up 15.
I don't think you're very good at math.
Oh no, I'm good at math.
And I'm even better at dealing with degenerates.
That $15,000 goes to me for putting
up with your amateur bullshit.
And you're in the clear.
Take it or leave it.
I'll take it.
New Jersey.
New Jersey, desperately trying to hang on
for the upset win over Los Angeles.
New Jersey has to play better defense.
For New Jersey they have
played hard all night long!
Now their lead down to one, and it is gone...
I can't believe it, you're kidding me!
I can't take this.
Again, a lack of defense transition.
You've got to slow down the basketball.
Los Angeles with a
What are you doing?
Come back and watch!
This is the part I just can't watch.
I'd rather sit alone in a dark room
for three hours with the phone off
- after a game.
- Yeah, when you have money on it.
You have money on this game?
- Mm-hm.
- You bet against me?
No. Bet $70,000 on New Jersey
to win the game out right.
- Who with?
- Rosie.
- Oh, my God...
- My God...
Why would you do that?
I don't know.
You can't bet sentimentally.
You taught me that.
Here you see Reedmore in the act,
get stripped and put him at the free throw line
and two main free throws, can
win this game for New Jersey.
Reedmore just got fouled!
Come on! Come on, come on!
Come on!
Making the play late in the game.
Come on, we've got to watch this now.
Come on, come on.
Look, he's gonna get this in.
Sucks. I just want you to be
prepared if he doesn't...
- Watch, watch...
- ...make it.
...and at least try
and force overtime.
Reedmore's first...
New Jersey, they've had such a difficult year...
OK, OK, now make the second one.
- I'm going to go sit down.
- No. Dink, you stay here.
They're going to make both.
You've got to protect yourself.
No, I know he's going to make it.
- I know.
- Can't think like that.
Because I deserve this.
- Can't think like that.
- Dink. I have to think like that.
The chance to put them on
his shoulders and win it.
To cap off this miraculous upset,
New Jersey playing from in front.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
We're doomed.
One, two, three...
Well I heard about the girl
you've been dancing with
All over the neighborhood
Tell me why didn't you ask me baby
Or didn't you think I could
Well I know that your
partner won't stop aside
I've seen her with the jerk all night
Why didn't you ask me baby
I would've shown you how to do it right
Yeah, do it right
- Ah ha...
- # Do it right
Yeah Do it right
- Ahh...
- # Twisting
Shakin', shakin', shakin', shakin' baby
Here we go loop de loop
Shake it up baby
Here we go loop de lie
Bend over let me see you
shake a tail feather
Bend over let me see you
shake a tail feather
Come on let me see you shake a tail feather
Come on let me see you shake a tail feather
Come on Shake it now baby
Come on
Shake it up baby
Oh, do the Bird
Let me see you do the Monkey
Do the Watusi
Oh, the Boney Maroney
Oh, do the Swim
Yeah, let me see you do the Swim
Oh, Mashed Potato
Yeah, let me see you do the Swim
Oh yeah, come on
Shake it, shake it, shake it, baby
Oh yeah, shake it
Let me see you shake it, baby
Ohh Twist it
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby
Oh, twist it
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby
Oh, twist it
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby
Oh, twist it
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby
Yeah, ohhh