Leave (2022) Movie Script

[ Phone line clicks, beeps ]
What's your emergency?
[Tense music playing]
There's a baby.
You said baby? Is it okay?
WOMAN: There's a baby.
Joshua Hill Cemetery.
-[ Baby crying ]
-Please hurry. It's crying.
-OPERATOR: Is it your baby?
-It's crying.
-[ Crying continues ]
-[ Line clicks ]
[Music continues]
[Baby cries]
[Crying continues]
Hey, hey, hey.
Shh, shh.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
-Hey, hey, hey.
[Crying stops]
[Crying resumes]
Oh, no.
[Crying echoes]
[Mid-tempo music plays]
[Thunder crashes]
[Down-tempo music plays]
[In distance] Hey!
You better get going.
It's a seven-hour drive.
What are you doing
down there?
Uh, just picking up a book
for the trip.
You're driving
the whole way there, right?
Yeah, it's, uh,
just for stops on the road.
So, Georgetown.
Of course.
Go, go, go.
Okay. Okay.
-Oh, thanks.
Gonna miss you.
But it's gonna be great.
Hey, I'm proud of you,
First one in the family
to go to college.
That's really something.
-Mom --
-I love you, Dad.
I love you, too.
Give me a call me
when you settle in.
Hey, uh, and drive safe.
Will do.
-Bye. And no boys, right?
-[Engine starts]
In 500 yards,
take Exit 40 toward
Logan International Airport.
[Tense music plays]
WOMAN: [Laughs]
I can't seem...
[Tense music continues]
MAN: Okay, so there's
a bit of an issue.
Uh, says here your arrival date
was yesterday,
and you're listed
as a no-show.
We rebooked your room
this morning.
-27th, right?
-It's the 28th.
Let me see if I can, uh...
[Cellphone vibrating]
[ Line clicks, beeps ]
received today at 1:59 a.m.
[ Beep ]
RAYLAN: Hey, Hunter. It's Dad.
What's happening?
Just checking in, you know,
see how you're doing.
I haven't heard from you.
Just a little worried,
you know?
Anyway, hope your drive
went well.
Um, you're probably
busy making friends
and settling into your dorm.
Remember, no boys.
[ Chuckles ]
Um, don't be a stranger.
Call me.
I love you, kid.
[Door unlocks]
[Door creaks open]
[Tense music plays]
[Music continues]
[Hard rock music playing]
[Cheers and applause]
[Song ends]
[ Audrey Horne's "Weightless"
plays ]
I'm coming after you
For what belongs to me
I'm gonna get it
I'm gonna find you
I hear you laugh at me
That stinging loud sound
It's ringing in my ears,
shaking up all my fears
[Indistinct conversations]
-Do you want a beer?
-I already got one.
So when I'm coming down
I'll take it all with me
Are you looking for someone?
Just having a drink.
Nice performance.
[ Hard rock music continues ]
Just one more sweet taste
Sweet taste of revenge
[Suspenseful music playing]
[Horn honks]
[Tense music plays]
[Fire alarm ringing
in distance]
[Voice growling
[Tense music plays]
What do you want?
I'm calling the cops!
I can't understand you.
Why are you
following Cecilia?
Because I'm her daughter!
I think so.
I've been getting threats
from my fans.
So when I saw you
took the bottle,
I thought it was you.
I'm sorry.
Why didn't you just
come talk to me?
People lie.
I'm not your mother.
That can't be.
I don't have children.
I was never able to.
But you have to be.
September 22, 2002.
I was abandoned at a cemetery
in Oakville, Massachusetts.
I was wrapped in this.
Your band was on tour
in my town that night.
I-I took a DNA test that says
I'm 99% Scandinavian.
What did he just say?
That you're
Anna and Kristian's daughter.
This is all I could find.
So that's Kristian, your father.
And that's your mom, Anna.
Kristian was our bass player,
and he insisted on
bringing Anna on the tour,
knowing that she would have to
give birth along the way.
We all said it was crazy,
but they wouldn't listen.
At one point,
they had a really big fight.
And Anna took the baby --
you -- and disappeared.
Where are they now?
Please tell me.
I wish I had better news
for you.
After Anna left,
Kristian lost his mind
and claimed
that she killed the baby.
So he left tour,
went looking for her,
went back to Norway, found her,
and the baby was missing.
So he abducted her and drove her
up to the local church
where she grew up...
...and left her inside.
Set fire to the building.
Can I have a glass of water?
Why did he think
she killed the baby?
She wasn't treated very well,
you know,
and I think she got back at him
the only way she knew --
to threaten self-harm
and harm to the baby.
Were troubled souls,
both of them.
More than I realized.
What happened to him?
He got 21 years for murder.
Later diagnosed
with schizophrenia
and moved
to a mental institution.
He served his time
but chose to stay.
He couldn't cope
with the outside world.
Is he still there?
After all I told you,
you still want to go see him?
HUNTER: I need to know why I was
left in a fucking cemetery.
-How old are you?
-Journalism student.
I'm doing a paper
on Norwegian black metal.
Is he even allowed
to have visitors?
Of course he's allowed
to have visitors.
This isn't a prison.
It's a care facility.
Kristian needs to approve
his own visitors,
so I have to go
and check with him first.
You stay here, okay?
[Door opens]
Hi, I'm Kristian.
I'm Hunter.
Really nice to meet you.
So, student from America.
Don't get many visitors.
So, I'm, um...
You're nervous.
Yeah, maybe a-a little.
I'm just new
to this whole interview thing.
I won't bite.
I promise.
So, what do you want
to talk about?
So I'm doing a paper
on Norwegian black metal,
and, uh...
Sorry, it's just you...
You look familiar.
Uh, have I met you before?
Where would that have been?
[Clears throat]
So you were saying?
Yes, I'm -- I'm doing a story
on black metal,
and your part in it
is pretty important.
I hope you're here
to talk about music
and not about the other stuff.
Well, I was hoping
to get a sense
of the whole story, you know?
What happened to your arm?
KRISTIAN: Just some shit
I went through in the past.
What kind of shit?
Look, I've been
in a dark place, okay?
That's all I want
to say about that.
During the trial,
you said something
about a girlfriend, Anna.
You said that she'd killed
your child.
I thought this was going to be
about music.
As I said, I'm trying to get
a sense of whole picture here.
Sure you are.
We had a baby
and she killed it.
-How do you know that?
-She told me.
-She told you that she --
-Listen --
And then went crazy
when she had the baby.
She cried when she realized
it was a girl,
talking all kinds of nonsense.
And then one day
she disappeared with it
and called me later
from the airport,
telling me
that she'd taken care of it.
"Taken care of it."
Meaning "killed it"?
-She didn't want it.
Why not?
Please tell me.
How old are you?
Who are you? Who are you?
Who are you?
Tell me who you are!
Tell me who you are!
What did she think
was wrong with the baby?
Was my mom like that too?
She was a sweetheart.
Kind of quiet.
Her family was wealthy
and religious,
so of course she loved
hanging out with the band.
Was she sane?
Yeah, she had
her ups and downs.
Didn't exactly win
the genetic lottery, did I?
You seem fine to me.
She left me
in a cemetery.
Why would someone do that?
W-Why the blanket?
Why the symbols?
Is there something wrong
with me?
No, Hunter,
there is nothing wrong with you.
-What about this?
-What about it?
Why was I left
with a satanic cross?
That's a wolf's cross.
It's from Norse mythology.
It's quite
a common symbol here.
It's, uh --
you know, back in the days,
you could pick up one of those
almost anywhere.
I'm sure your mother
wanted you to have it.
Did she talk to anyone else?
Besides Kristian,
I mean.
Anyone who I could talk to?
She kind of kept to herself.
Wrote in a diary.
-A diary?
-She wrote in it all the time.
Any idea where it could be?
If it's anywhere,
I guess it would have to be
with her family.
Where do they live?
Do you believe in ghosts?
CECELIA: I'm undecided.
Why do you ask?
HUNTER: I feel like
something wants me leave.
Maybe it's your intuition.
[Down-tempo music playing]
[Door opens]
-Do you speak English?
-I do, a little, yes.
Do you know Anna Norheim?
She died many years ago.
She was my mother.
WOMAN: If Anna is your mother,
then I'm your -- your aunt.
-So you're her sister?
No, my husband is her uncle.
So you're married
to her father's brother,
so you're her aunt.
Who lives here now?
Well, in this house, it's only
me and my husband, Olav,
Torstein lives in the manor.
He was the father.
-My grandfather?
And that's it?
There's three of you?
Well, my -- my son, Stian,
lives a little bit from here.
The rest moved away.
My grandmother too?
No, she died.
I mean, those who live
have moved away.
It's so good
to have you here.
You know, Torstein, he --
after Anna died,
he changed a lot.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Nice to meet you.
[Chuckles] I -- I can't
Nice to meet you.
Men, you know?
Do you maybe have
some of my mom's old things?
You'll have to ask Torstein
for permission.
He will be home later.
He doesn't like
to have guests unannounced.
HUNTER: Guess I'll return
tomorrow, then.
No, no.
You can sleep here.
No, that's very nice,
but I think it's better --
Please. It will be so nice
to have you here.
You can have Stian's old room.
Maybe a hotel?
No, please stay.
I insist.
[Conversing in Norwegian
in distance]
[Door closes]
[Ominous music playing]
[Key clatters]
[Ghostly voice speaks
[Voice growls indistinctly]
[Conversing in Norwegian
in distance]
-WOMAN: Good morning!
This is my son, Stian.
-STIAN: Hi there.
-It's nice to meet you.
-You too.
So did you have
a good night's sleep?
Ah, were either of you
up late last night?
No. Why?
Something weird happen?
No, nothing.
Is Torstein back yet?
He will see you this morning.
He didn't want to wake you.
-So can I go see him?
-Yeah, sure.
[Rings doorbell]
[ Mid-tempo piano music
playing ]
Excuse me.
My -- My name is Hunter.
I don't --
I don't know how to say it.
It sounds kind of crazy,
but I'm...
I know.
I can see her face in yours.
Have they told you
who I am?
You're my grandfather.
[Music stops]
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Thank you.
I wanted to find you.
But I...
I didn't know where to look.
I never imagined you would be
in -- in America.
You were
put in a good family?
Yeah, it's --
it's just me and my dad now.
But he's a good guy.
It's good.
And what does he think
about you coming here?
I didn't tell him yet.
You lied?
No, I...
He wouldn't understand.
He'd probably try
to talk me out of it.
And it would be a whole thing.
I did want to
hurt his feelings.
Let me show you something.
So nobody knows
about your trip?
What about
your adoptive mother?
She died.
Was this recent?
A few months ago.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Well, here we are.
Where are we?
Your mother's room.
Anna's room.
Just look around.
I love skiing too.
Just take your time. I...
I'll be downstairs.
This is so nice.
I just want to...
So you grew up
with two brothers?
Um, Barry and Marcus.
They moved out
when I was young,
so they live
with their own families now.
Well, they're not really
your brothers, are they?
Your parents must have been
so happy to have a little girl.
You know, you -- You remind me
of your mother.
-I do?
-She was a quiet girl, too.
-I'm not that quiet.
[Chuckles] Well, you didn't
interrupt grace,
unlike some.
You know, boys get away
with everything, don't they?
We girls, we have
to stick together.
My mom would have preferred it
if I was a girl.
Oh, I never said that,
did I?
Well, girls rock anyway.
Where are you going
to college?
Why not Harvard?
Or Yale?
Because I got a scholarship,
and Georgetown is
a really good university.
Yeah, it's one of the best.
You should be proud.
-Thank you.
Torstein only accepts
the best.
You did send me
to a boarding school in Zurich.
And what a waste of money.
Well, I'm supposed
to be there now.
Just took a little detour.
Please, please, try the meat.
It's -- It's really good.
-[Laughs] Yeah?
-What is it?
It's deer.
It's a -- It's a family recipe.
And it was Anna's favorite.
She would sit in that chair
at every meal.
It was her seat.
Now it's yours.
It took you
a long time to find us.
I'm sorry my --
No, no, no.
You found us.
That's what's important.
Please, go ahead.
While it's warm.
You know [Clears throat]
we had a daughter too.
She was Stian's big sister,
but we lost her.
Just a few years before
Torstein lost your mother.
Oh, she and Anna
were like sisters.
I'm -- I'm really sorry.
It's a long time ago.
But you never forget, so...
I think I have to retire now.
[Birds squawking]
Our family has lived on
this land for five generations.
And this garden...
I've tended it
since I was a boy.
Ridding it of weeds.
It's -- It's really beautiful.
Does it feel familiar?
I don't know.
I think we have inside us
a kind of contact
or, um...
-Connection, yes.
Connection to our past
and where we are from.
Even if
we haven't been there.
Why do you think
she left me in the cemetery?
Maybe because
it's a holy place,
she -- she thought
you'd be safe there.
Do you think I can maybe look
through some of her old stuff?
Like her diary,
for instance?
Her diary?
Yeah, a friend of Kristian
told me that she kept one.
You -- You spoke to one of
those musicians?
What was he like?
It was the singer.
Uh, she was super nice.
She showed me all the pictures
and helped me connect the dots.
Oh. I never expected kindness
from one of them.
But the Lord works
in mysterious ways.
Are you a person of God,
Um, sure.
You honor and obey
your father?
I guess so.
You know what I'm speaking of?
The Fourth Commandment.
Very good, very good.
Honor thy father.
And mother.
So, about the diary,
do you know where it is?
I-I don't think she kept one.
Not as far as I know.
Did you keep a-any other things
from her, like anything at all?
Just the things in her room.
I -- I got rid of the rest.
It was too painful.
My little girl,
to see her fall in
with the wrong sort.
Do you mind if I...
Do you mind if
I maybe look for it?
I can't -- I can't go through
all that again.
Would you leave it alone?
Kindly, would you, please?
Yeah, sure.
I'm sorry.
[Engine revving]
-There she is.
The daughter of my Satanist
cousin and the psycho killer.
-Think that's funny?
-A little bit.
[Engine stops]
Did you know my mom?
Yeah. Kind of.
Do you know
if she kept a diary?
I don't know.
I was six when she died, so...
She might have had one.
Any idea where it is?
I would guess
the attic at Torstein's.
[Horn honks]
So you want to search
the big house?
Well, he didn't want me to.
Well, what Torstein doesn't know
won't hurt him, right?
Are you sure?
Get in.
[Engine starts]
Did Torstein give you
the whole "obey" speech?
The Fourth Commandment.
Are you a Christian too?
Look, I-I just want
my mom's diary.
-I just do.
It's not like
you're the only Norheim
to be totally fucked
in the head.
What do you mean?
STIAN: My family has
kind of a dark past.
So, my grandmother, she was
this total domineering bitch.
She died when my father
and Torstein were young.
She fell down the stairs
and broke her neck.
My aunt, she had some serious
mental problems, though.
Slit her wrists in the bathtub
before I was born.
My older sister, she...
...ran away,
disappeared when I was four.
And no one
has seen her since.
And then there's your mother.
She became
a black-metal groupie.
She was burned alive...
...inside this old church.
It's right down the road.
You asshole.
They were all women.
I guess that makes you
the last living Norheim girl.
[ Rock music ringtone ]
I got to go.
-Yeah, no worries.
Torstein usually leaves
the front door open anyway.
Good luck.
You've been very helpful.
[Door handle rattles]
[Thunder crashes]
[Clock ticking]
[Floorboards creak]
[Vehicle approaching]
[Door creaks]
[Door slams]
[Door handle rattles]
[Doors slamming]
[Indistinct whispering]
TORSTEIN: Are you okay?
Give that to me.
Give it to me, please.
-Wait, no. I need that.
-Please leave.
-But --
-I can't abide the thief now.
-No, no, look.
I'm sorry I stole it,
but I need my mom's diary.
If I can just borrow it
for a few days.
It's been rotting away
in the attic for two decades.
Come on, you give a shit.
You're no longer welcome here.
You should go.
[Wind whistling]
Listen, you've both
been really nice.
I need a favor.
I found my mom's diary.
Torstein took it.
Can you talk to him?
Ask him to let me borrow it?
It's very hard to get
Torstein to do something
if it doesn't want to.
I get it. He's the boss.
Can you try?
Fine. Whatever.
So I'll be on my way then.
Thanks for your hospitality.
-I'm so sorry.
[Door closes]
So you live here?
Mm. Home sweet home.
It's nice.
After my parents pissed away
my inheritance,
Torstein gave them
the old servants house.
When I moved out,
I got the boat.
Which was always supposed
to be mine anyway.
Just like everything else.
Then you turned up.
I'm Just wondering if you're
okay, that's all.
-Yeah, I'm fine.
-You sure?
'Cause you look
kind of fucked up.
Like a proper
[speaks indistinctly] girl.
Can you please stop?
Been a crap day.
No shit. Banished from the
family in less than 48 hours.
It's impressive.
So you really want
that diary, huh?
I do.
You know, Torstein has
this youth group
between 6:00 and 9:00 tonight
at the local chapel.
The house will be empty.
I could take you if you want.
Why are you helping me?
Maybe I feel a bit bad.
I shouldn't have left you alone
back then.
Thank you.
Let's go.
[Lock clicks]
Benefits of a boarding school
Keep lights off.
Stay away from the windows.
Check the library.
Find anything?
Stian. Stian!
I found it.
-What are you doing?
Put that back.
It's fine.
Pretend you didn't see it.
I'm so stupid.
That's why you came here,
isn't it?
What's the big deal?
He thinks you're a thief anyway.
I said I'm just taking pictures.
Put the fucking money back.
STIAN: Then they get nothing
out of this.
No inheritance, no quick cash,
no nothing.
What are we going to do
about that?
I should be getting something
out of this.
We get back, and I'll pay you.
How about that?
[Laughs] That's too boring,
come on.
-Stop it.
-Stop what?
-Is this bothering you?
Hey, relax. I'm -- I'm joking.
I told you the stop.
Yeah, and I can't help myself.
I'll get it some other time.
[Camera shutter clicks]
What are you doing?
Everything here is mine.
Including you.
Where are you going, huh?
You want this, don't you?
Look at me. Look at me.
-Fuck you!
Bitch! Look at me.
Look at me.
[Footsteps approaching]
[Speaking indistinctly]
[Door creaks]
[Engine starts]
[Dial tone]
Hi. It's Hunter.
I screwed up.
I could really use
someone to talk to.
Please call me back.
Hi. This is Raylan White.
I can't get to the phone
at the moment,
but if you leave the message,
I'll get back to you
as soon as possible.
You know what to do.
Hi, Dad. Um...
I-I just wanted to call.
You're probably still asleep.
I'm not at Georgetown.
I'm in Norway.
Bet you didn't see that coming.
So Mom told me the truth.
She told me how you
found me and...
Look, I'm sorry I lied.
I-I-I guess I thought
it was okay
because your mom lied
to me first.
But it's not okay.
I just -- I'm confused.
I don't know who I am.
And now I've done something
incredibly stupid,
and I just want to come home.
There's this darkness.
Something from my past.
You didn't check
if he was alive?
I freaked out and ran.
Who are you calling?
I'm calling an ex who's
a doctor at the emergency.
Is Stian alive?
Yep, he's gonna be fine.
He's got a concussion, and you
gave him a minor skull fracture.
But you know what?
I think he got off easy.
-Can you translate?
-You found it.
And skip to the final weeks.
Is something wrong?
This isn't your mother's diary.
I'm sorry, but, um...
Look, the writer mentions her.
Anna sits outside.
I'm sorry.
Need a moment.
CECILIA: Hunter, are you okay?
Sure. Whatever.
CECILIA: I'm sorry you didn't
get the answers you wanted.
Doesn't matter. Done here.
CECILIA: You're going home.
Taking a plane tomorrow.
Getting out before the Norheims
or anyone else
can track me down.
Maybe that's for the best.
Just one thing.
Have you considered
telling Kristian the truth?
I can't find the words.
I mean...
You're alive.
Look at you.
You're so beautiful.
What about Anna?
Listen. It was wrong of me
to think she hurt you.
That's why you killed her,
wasn't it?
But I didn't.
Don't lie to me.
You threatened her in public.
They found your driver's license
at the crime scene.
I can't explain that.
What do you think happened?
Whatever I talk about it,
people call me crazy.
Try me.
I think it's at that place
he's from.
There's evil there.
-Evil like what?
-I don't know.
She never told me her...
I never listened.
Well, I went there to
look for her diary.
Couldn't find it.
Didn't happen to take it,
did you?
You went there?
Were you okay?
Did anything --
The diary. Ever read it?
Many boyfriends do.
Why are you so curious
about that diary?
Because I need to know
why she left me.
What about me was so bad?
You said she didn't want me.
What exactly did she say?
If I leave now, it will be
the last time you ever see me.
You owe me the truth.
Anna didn't want you
because you were a girl.
We're done.
-I am leaving.
-No. Leave!
It's your name.
And named you after her cousin,
the one that went missing.
I loved your mother.
I didn't kill her, I swear.
I know.
No, I...
-Where are you going?
-Back to the Norheim estate.
-Because I need to know
how she died.
Don't go there.
You can't trust those people.
Something is wrong. Liv!
Something is wrong!
Let go of me!
[Dramatic music plays]
It's me. It's Hunter.
It's Liv.
Do you recognize this?
Liv gave it to me.
-And I gave it to her.
-It's me.
It's me.
Yeah, it's me.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You have to run, Liv.
Quickly, go, go.
Where's the key?
Where's the key?
I don't know.
Please. We got to get out
of here. Please.
Please. We got to
get out of here.
[Indistinct whispering]
[Breathing heavily]
[Woman screams]
[Speaking indistinctly]
[Indistinct whispering]
I'm so sorry this
happened to you.
[Cellphone buzzing]
TORSTEIN: I know who you are.
I shouldn't have seen it
right away.
Drinking those
[speaks indistinctly]
Strutting around
like some harlot.
Help! Help!
No one can hear you.
Help! Help!
Don't touch me.
Touch you?
Get your filthy head
out of the gutter.
That is not what I do.
If you want to corrupt a man,
there's nothing more effective
than the female form.
And it's still just
in our family.
Everywhere I turn, I see...
I see the same fault.
The serpent cursed this world
with lustfulness
and the debauchery.
And as a man of Christ,
I cannot abide --
HUNTER: You're not a Christian!
You're just a goddamn murderer.
No. Hunter.
I can save you from evil.
Like I have with your mother.
No matter how long it takes,
I will catch you.
Please trust me.
[Whispering indistinctly]
It won't work.
Tried it so many times before.
And the devil that was deceived
and was cast into the lake
of fire and brimstone,
where the beast
and the false prophet were.
What are you doing?
And there...
they shall be tormented.
Day and night, all time hence.
This is a cleansing fire.
-Please don't.
-Accept it.
Accept it.
This is an accepting fire!
Accept it!
Go away, Satan.
I am a child of God.
[Man screaming]
[Tape tears]
KRISTIAN: Get out, get out.
[Speaking indistinctly]
HUNTER: We have to go.
We have to go now.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, please. Come on!
No, no, no. Come on, please.
Just leave me.
I'll get help.
-Where is she?
-She ran.
[High-pitched ringing]
You fucking coward.
You fucking coward.
You are calling me a coward?
What is that silly thing?
I'm so sorry, Liv. I'm sorry.
I abandoned you.
I couldn't take you back here.
I waited in the woods till
that policeman came.
I waited.
I understand.
[Indistinct talking in distance]
[Footsteps approaching]
Hi, Dad.
RAYLAN: You found out.
[Soft music playing]
[Hard rock music playing]
Here I am
A man
Disguised to the unknown
I move
Covering my tracks
Break my bones
and suck my soul
I'm coming strong on you
one and all
Lay me down in a pool
of rain
You'll get what
you deserve, my friend
I'm strong, so let it rain
I will never break down
I will never fade
Days like this
I walk
Silently weightless
Through where
You are
I know
You've seen my reflections
Break my bones
and suck my soul
I'm coming strong on you
one and all
Lay me down in a pool
of rain
You'll get what
you deserve, my friend
I'm strong, so let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
I'm strong
So let it rain
I will never break down
I will never fade