Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist (2023) Movie Script

"With God,
all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26
Over the years, I've shared
that verse more times
than I could ever count.
But now for the first time,
I know it's true.
You see, six months ago,
something impossible
did happen down there.
One instant of time,
millions of people
just disappeared
without a trace.
Poof, gone,
just like that.
Well, if that's not impossible,
-then I don't know what is.
-[people clamoring]
Its cleanup efforts continue
in the aftermath
of the vanishings.
Single most catastrophic event
in all of human history.
And security forces work
to stem worldwide violence.
There's still more questions
than answers.
Today, people still say
the vanishings came
without a warning
or any kind of explanation.
But that's just not true.
-[people clamoring]
There were plenty of warnings
and explanations.
But there were also
plenty of closed minds.
While the President insists
that the greatest threat
to our country
is those clinging
to the conspiracy theory
that somehow God
had something to do
with the vanishings.
And we all know
that a closed mind
is not an easy thing
to pry open.
But even after watching
all those people
just vanished into thin air,
most people
still had no interest
in the fact that all of it
was written down
thousands of years ago
in that dusty old book
on the shelf.
It's been six months
since tens of millions of people
suddenly disappeared.
And as far as we're concerned,
none of them
had been seen since.
So, they hid
from the truth mostly,
dreaming up any answer
they could think of,
as long as it didn't involve
God, of course.
Solar flares, secret weapons,
-Little Green Men.
-[woman whimpering, sobbing]
Nothing was too crazy
for a world
determined not to see the truth.
And, of course, one thing
you can always count on
when disaster strikes.
There are those
whose first thought
is how to seize the opportunity.
For Jonathan Stonagal,
while he seemed to have
his plan in place
before those empty clothes
that even hit the ground.
Now you understand,
Mr. Stonagal,
if it were up to me,
I wouldn't be questioning
any of this.
[Jonathan scoffs]
It is up to UN, all of it.
The board can't interfere
with what I'm doing
without unanimous consent.
You're not here to tell me
that you're turning
your back on me now.
Are you, Ed?
I've turned hundreds
into thousands,
thousands into millions,
millions into billions.
And still,
the bean counters think
that they know what's best.
We're losing millions
of dollars everyday now
with all of your new projects
and investments.
And even the biggest
social media platform in history
buying up every media company
you can get your hands on.
You don't need to be
the only source
of news and information.
And now, $400 million
to build a temple
in the Middle East?
-It's a nice temple.
-[intercom beeps]
Sir, your two o'clock is here.
I suggest you go
and give serious thought
as to what side of the table
you wanna be sitting on.
Something big is coming.
Trust me.
You wanna make sure
you're on the right team.
Does people grapple
with a new reality
Trying to accept the fact
that they may never see
those missing loved ones again.
Faith in our leaders is gone.
And frustration and anger
is in an all-time high.
Not only have violent crimes
risen dramatically,
but suicides are soaring
out of control.
But according
to mental health experts,
there is an explanation
to what's going on.
We're going to get into that
with one of them
right after the break.
[GWN music playing]
Tonight on GWN...
I have to admit,
I was never a big fan
of Rayford Steele.
His wife, Irene,
had tried for years
to get him to join us
at New Hope.
But I guess church
just wasn't his thing.
When she did manage
to drag him there,
he'd either read
the sports news on his phone
or grab a quick nap
thinking everyone would believe
he's praying.
Irene had warned him
about the Rapture
over and over again.
Or at least
that's how it seemed to him.
I just can't control.
This is Pampam 257.
We have an emergency.
I repeat, we have an emergency.
JFK Control, listen to me.
We've lost passengers.
People have literally
disappeared from the plane
at 30,000 feet.
So, when half the passengers
on his transatlantic flight
vanished that night,
he knew right away
what had happened.
He may not have fully understood
what it meant,
but Irene had told him
what would happen.
And it did.
And so, at least Ray knew
one thing for sure.
He desperately wanted
to believe that Irene was right.
I miss you and Rayme so much.
It's been hard.
I just keep thinking
about the things I said and did.
Well, you know much I love you.
I just wish I could see you
one more time.
But I know I can't.
Yeah, I know I can't.
The world's obsession
with the vanishings
is still in full force.
And since we have no answers
from our supposed leaders,
that's not really a surprise.
And while the immediate panic
and acute terror
may have passed,
I don't think anyone can say
that the world
is not a completely
different place now.
In the past six months,
we've seen a dramatic,
even shocking increase
in virtually every metric
of human depravity.
Compared to the same time
last year?
Murders are up
by more than 300%,
and suicides
are up nearly 1,000%.
The violent crime, assault,
rape, robbery,
vandalism, looting, rioting,
they're all shattering records.
And mental health experts
are telling us
that the worst is yet to come.
I have with me tonight,
Dr. Ruby Kincaid,
who is leading
the multinational investigation
into what many are now calling,
"a pandemic of evil."
Doctor, thank you so much
for being here with us tonight.
So, I guess we should just get
right to the heart
of the matter.
What's going on?
In the case of the vanishings,
there's simply
no historical knowledge
-to draw on.
-[indistinct chatter]
So, people are triggered
into a prolonged
fight or flight reaction.
Uh, there is anger, fear,
mistrust, retaliation.
Those are powerful emotions,
and they need an outlet.
So, do you think world leaders
and our own government as well
should be doing a better job
at helping us understand
exactly what's happening?
I mean, I know we have no idea
where those people went,
but telling everyone
to stay at home,
stop asking so many questions.
I mean,
that can't likely be helping.
Uh, I think the root cause
is not the lack
of clear information,
but the abundance
of misinformation.
Our leaders need to do more
to stop people
from coming up
with conspiracy theories.
So, ignorance is bliss?
Uh, protecting people
from dangerous ideas
isn't making them ignorant.
We need to make it our priority
to keep people safe.
Keep them safe from
what exactly?
Another wave of vanishings.
[surprised chuckle] What?
Hold on.
A second wave of vanishings?
Well, we have been feeding
all of the data
we've managed to gather
about the vanishings
into a database.
We were then able
to use sophisticated
computer algorithms
to create predictive models.
And those models suggest
that a second wave
is not only possible,
it's almost certain.
So, computers figured this out.
That's right.
Do you yourself, personally,
believe more people
are gonna disappear?
Or do you think
that people are just better off
scared right now, you know,
to keep them more compliant?
I mean, we have a problem,
where people are so terrified
and confused
that they're becoming violent
and self-destructive.
And you think coming on here
and scaring them even more
is gonna somehow
make things better?
Are you saying that you know
for a fact
that it's not going
to happen again?
Not at all. Not at all.
I have no idea.
And I'm starting
to suspect that...
But at least
I'm not sitting here
pretending like I do.
I am talking about science here.
And some of the world's
top scientists
have studied the data
very carefully.
-And it suggests--
-Where did it come from?
-I'm sorry?
-The data?
Where did it come from?
All of the data
has been verified
by the United Nations.
It's all publicly available
in the UN's Vanishing
Accountability Project.
I'm asking you, where did they
get their information from?
I just told you
all of the data has--
Cut it now.
Buck, wrap it up.
I'm sorry, but I guess
that is all the time
we have for tonight.
Thank you for coming on.
But I do want to encourage
our viewers,
keep demanding facts.
Don't just blindly accept
whatever the so-called experts
are telling us.
And I wouldn't be too quick
to sign up
for a vanishing's vaccine
I'm Cameron Williams.
Up next is Victoria Jordan.
We'll see you in a minute.
And we are out.
-Who killed that?
-[indistinct chatter]
We were not out of time.
[indistinct announcement]
Wow, Captain Steele.
-It's good to see you.
-CHLOE: Ooh.
Captain, you're aware
that we do not encourage
unkempt hair for our pilots.
Are you not?
Unkempt? I just showered
last week.
And these pants,
those aren't standard issue,
are they?
Oh, and the next time we meet,
I want to see a shine
on those feet.
I'll see what I can do.
You look great, Dad.
Hey, and look, look,
at least it still fit.
So, are you thinking of getting
into the pilot seat?
Yeah. Well, I was thinking
maybe I could do
a couple of runs for FedEx,
you know?
So, I'm going to be gone
for days on end.
You know, I was hated
being away so much,
you know, from you
and Rayme and mom so...
-Plus, no passengers.
Plus, no passengers.
Okay, Captain.
I'm hungry.
Did you make me breakfast?
-Did you make me breakfast?
-RAY: Well, no.
What do you mean? You're the one
who's up before me.
All right.
-Where's Ivy?
-IVY: I'm right here.
I can't believe you changed
the B-roll
without asking me first.
I didn't touch it
after you proved it.
I thought
you're in the control room.
I was. No one came in.
Don't get Connor fired.
He's just a kid.
You think I'm mad at Connor?
What is he going to do?
Say no to Plank?
-I would have.
Well, I'm sure
that's why he didn't ask you.
Well, maybe it's because
there's only one guy here
that knows how to swap
the footage in a live broadcast
without setting
for the control room.
Did you really think
I would change your B-roll
in a live show
without your approval?
Of course not.
Buck's relentless reporting
brought GWN
its highest ratings ever.
But it seemed the closer
he got to the truth,
the more his own network
pushed back.
Mr. Williams, I am so sorry.
Ivy had no idea that the B-roll
was gonna be charged.
Connor, it's fine.
I'm sure you weren't really
in a position
to argue with Mr. Plank, right?
Thank you
for understanding, sir.
-Be gentle.
You know me better than that.
Okay, Steve, I know
you have shareholders
to appease,
but I have a contract.
-And a pretty good one at that.
And it means I don't have
to give primetime exposure
to crackpot
conspiracy theorists like her.
You're a reporter, Buck.
Sometimes that means going
outside of your comfort zone
and interviewing people
that you don't always
agree with.
I'm happy to talk to anybody
with a news or the story.
It was fearmongering, Plank.
Plain and simple.
Computers say more people
are gonna vanish.
Well, maybe she should spend
her time trying to find people
who already disappeared.
Are you done?
What was up
with that B-roll horror show?
Oh, I thought you'd be pleased.
I had our editors
and the new kid
dig up something
a little more sensational.
Plank, you showed a video
of terrified
and desperate people
jumping off of buildings.
It's not sensational.
It's just sick.
And using Connor?
I mean, the kid has only been
here a few months.
You're already teaching him
the art of fake news?
Come on, wake up, Buck!
Our military and our police
were decimated
with the vanishings.
Scared people stay
in their homes.
They lock themselves inside.
And that's what we need
right now.
Don't you think
that locking people
in their homes is gonna add
to the problem?
We grieve by sharing.
We have a lot of people
that need to deal with the fact
that they lost everything
that matters.
-Their wives--
-[door bangs]
-Yes, Erica.
-Did you see the UN story?
They're pushing
for the Romanian president
to be the new Secretary General.
So, it's just strange
he didn't even ask
to be appointed.
Did they overtake the UN
by force?
No, he hasn't even made
a statement.
Oh, then it's not news.
So, please,
go and find me some news.
Buck, the last thing
we need right now
are the streets overrun
with unstable and potentially
violent people.
So, until the authorities
can get their arms,
their fat arms
around this thing
it is our duty to do
what we can.
If you think that somehow
it's your civic duty
to terrify people,
I can't stop you.
But it's the last time
you're gonna do it on my show.
Oh, well, then maybe
it's time to think
about cancelling your show.
Yeah, I think we both know
that's not gonna happen.
Try me.
[birds chirping]
It seems that Chloe Steele
spent most of her time haunted,
tortured by the memory
of her little brother,
vanishing right from her arms
as she hugged him.
How could she have done things
How could she have saved him
from whatever it was?
She was terrified
that he was lost forever.
And that somehow,
it was her fault.
It's always been my position
that we should take advantage
of every crisis
to make the world
a better place.
With each disaster,
storm, or war,
comes the opportunity
for all of us to do better.
As our climate gets hotter,
as we become more
as pandemics race
across the globe,
something is coming.
Some crisis will strike
all of us.
And we should welcome
whatever it is with open arms.
Because only then
will the world finally
come together and create
a truly global union.
A single world government
founded on peace and unity.
[cellphone ringing]
Buck, what's going on?
Hey, remember that guy, Davos,
last year talking about
opportunity and catastrophe?
Well, that was almost
all of them.
True. Well, this guy's name
is Cothran.
He owns Dominator Analytics.
And I think he may be--
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
let's not do this
over the phone.
Let's just say
it's a rabbit hole.
I do love a good rabbit.
I'm on my way.
Please. Pleas no.
Please let me go.
Please let me in. Let me...
No. Let me in!
Chloe, wake up.
-CHLOE: [speaks indistinctly]
-Hey, hey, wake up.
-[breathes heavily]
-Are you... are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
That must have been
quite a dream.
It was just really real.
You know, like,
it was like a nightmare,
but it's like I was losing him
all over again.
We all have different ways
of dealing with things
that we don't understand.
But I think it's time
to focus on the future.
As hard as it is,
we have to stop looking back.
Well, then where am I
supposed to look?
Because back is where
we lost them.
I know. I know.
You're not the only one
who needs to find
a new approach.
We have both been hiding
for too long.
Mom and Rayme,
they're counting on us
to do the right thing.
What do you mean
they were counting on us?
No. No.
I mean, they are counting on us.
And what makes you so sure?
Because mom told us.
What, because mom said so?
That didn't even work
when I was 12.
Besides, mom's Rapture theories
are already been proven wrong.
So, do you think Mom was stupid
or just gullible?
What? I never said that.
Then don't you think
that we owe her
the courtesy of considering
the fact that she told us
it was going to happen?
Sure, it was easy to dismiss it
before it happened.
But doesn't it seem strange
that it's still so easy
to dismiss it now?
Even though we saw it
with our own eyes?
-[keyboard clicking]
-[computer beeping]
-[knock on door]
[indistinct chatter]
Unless you're gonna at least
try to stop acting
like a crazy
conspiracy theorist.
Well, who are you calling
a conspiracy theorist?
Oh, so you're just admitting
to being crazy?
Yes. I'm quite comfortable
with that.
-[indistinct chatter]
-Shut the door.
[door squeaks, closes]
Here. So Cothran,
and his Dominator Analytics
provides virtually
all the raw data,
the UN compiled all of it;
surveys, research studies,
These guys do it all.
And they've got
the market cornered.
So, you're saying
they can just stand up
and tell the world anything
they want?
And they'd be able
to back it up with fake stats?
-What about the vanishings?
All those reports
about the year's total mass
not changing that day,
statistics about how many people
disappeared, who they were,
how they might have been
different from the rest of us.
All of it came
through Dominator.
Well, at least we know
what Cothran's agenda is.
He's at crisis to get us
to accept changes
that we wouldn't have otherwise.
When you have complete control
over the narrative
like that guy does,
I mean, you can turn anything
-into a crisis.
-That's all true.
But Cothran is not the guy
calling the shots.
-He's just another suit.
-So, who's calling the shots?
These are interconnected
Fifteen television networks,
120 individual stations,
almost 300 newspapers.
Remember newspapers?
Let's see,
two Hollywood Film Studios,
14 of the top 20 magazines.
Believe it or not,
the two biggest
pharmaceutical companies
in the world.
That's why we got rich of COVID.
Look, here's one
you might find interesting.
-He's your boss.
-GWN? No, that's not right.
GWN is owned
by the Dornan family.
Oh, and have you ever met
the Dornans?
That's because
there is no Dornan family,
never was.
Jack Dornan never married.
He didn't have a family.
He's been dead for 30 years.
All of these companies
are run directly or indirectly
by one man.
Jonathan Stonagal.
-What? The Eden guy?
-One in the same.
He's been pushing
something called
the Great Reset for years,
a true New World Order
I've been having a hard time
getting his message out.
I mean what?
Even though it already
has five billion users.
-No, it's 6.5 now.
What's amazing is that
he tripled his wealth
during the COVID pandemic.
And he tripled it again
in the aftermath
of the vanishings.
Let's go.
-So? Where were you?
Where were you
when it happened?
Oh, I was in a plane halfway
across the Atlantic.
Ah, I was right.
-About what?
That you would have a cooler
story than I do.
[indistinct chatter]
Best and worst day of my life.
-Way out of your league.
-[Buck chuckles]
Never let a crisis go to waste.
So tell me, that her
boyfriend disappeared?
What? How depraved
do you think I am?
No, he didn't disappear.
He was hit by a driverless bus.
[both chuckles]
Hang on a second.
Come here.
Hold this and keep an eye out.
Oh, it's heavy. Made of lead?
Not made of. No.
But coated with.
The Fed's devices
that can download
your entire hard drive
from ten feet away.
-Ever heard of a safe?
It's in the office
filing cabinet
bolted to the floor.
Let's go.
You know, one day,
I'm gonna stumble
into the wrong minefield
and the Feds are gonna clean up
my office, including the safe.
What are they gonna find?
A hard drive
full of encrypted files.
And if they keep out
long enough,
they'll crack the encryption
and get the grand prize.
Which is what?
Thirty seasons of the Simpsons.
BUCK: [chuckles]
That's gonna tick them off.
Or maybe not. It's Blu-ray.
Chloe couldn't help
but wonder if her dad was right.
What if mom and Rayme were lost
because of something
in that book?
All she could do was wish
her mom had never opened
that stupid Bible
in the first place.
[cellphone ringing]
...Somehow I can hear you
You will take away my mind
Buck and Chloe met on the day
of the Rapture.
Buck had been a passenger
on that flight piloted by Ray.
Many romantics would say
it was fate
that brought Buck and Chloe
-Oh. Hey.
But I now know that there was
a far greater force at work.
-They needed to be together.
-[camera shutter clicks]
God had a plan.
I know it's not just
about Plank, though.
It's the whole network,
the whole business, really.
I honestly don't wanna do it
Are you kidding?
You have the biggest audience
in cable news.
Yeah. Well, that would be
a good thing
if I didn't have to put
air quotes from the word "news."
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, look at these people,
They know who you are.
They trust you.
They trust you even
if they've never met you.
See, that's the problem.
They trust me
to tell them the truth.
But news is no longer
about truth.
It's about a message and facts.
It don't even matter anymore.
I go on that show
every single night
and lie to them
as if we're too afraid
they can't handle the truth.
-Hey. Yeah.
-[camera shutter clicks]
I used to love my job.
I was an investigative
journalist for ten years.
You know what I did?
I investigated things
that needed to be investigated.
And then I actually told people
about what I found.
Poof. [laughs]
-And now?
-Now, I'm more like an actor.
I do my lines.
And depending on whatever story
we decide to report,
I try to convince the world
that things are way, way better
or far, far worse
than they actually are.
I just feel like my audience
is smarter than that, you know?
They're not a bunch
of religious wackos
who are only looking
for easy answers
and don't require facts
or two seconds
of their own thought.
Wackos like my mom?
Chloe, no, I'm--
I didn't mean that.
I just--I'm trying to process--
-[alarm blaring in distance]
-[cell phone ringing]
-Are you seeing this?
-BUCK: What is it?
No, I can't believe it.
Second wave? Here we go.
I think I need to get
to the studio.
-Are you okay?
Okay. I'll call you later.
Let's go.
Although there are plenty
of rumors and internet chatter,
tracking down eyewitnesses
has actually been harder
than we expected.
One notable witness
was apparently Senator,
Arthur Brandon.
But while he has issued
a statement,
he has so far been unwilling
to speak to the media.
In fact, we've been having
a hard time tracking down anyone
who's actually witnessed
the new vanishing.
It's like, everybody knows
there was a second wave,
but nobody's actually seen it
So, Anna, while we wait
for our coverage
of the UN press conference,
what do you think about
all this?
I believe him.
He's a senator,
and he's a good man.
Why would one of our own
government officials
make something like that up?
Just to scare us?
It's ridiculous.
Well, just like last time.
I mean, there weren't any
reports of unusual activity
in the skies
around the Earth's orbit.
So, are you still sticking
with the UFO theory?
Of course.
What else could have done
something like this?
Many of the scientists
I spoke to
Seem to think
that this is not the first time
these vanishings have happened
on this planet.
Certainly, the first time
any of us noticed.
We're talking millions
of years ago,
long before people
were recording history.
In fact, it's probably
why there are gaping holes
in the fossil record
showing the totality
of human evolution.
Well, maybe the UFOs have been
here many times.
But then why has nobody
seen them?
You just said
there was no one here
to report the visits
millions of years ago.
Okay. Reverend Pinkus,
what do you think?
I mean, you originally stated
that the vanishings
were the Christian Rapture.
-I mean, is that so right?
-That's true.
It was actually a bit scary.
But so many Christians
are still here,
and including hundreds
from my own church.
There's no way that it could
have been the Rapture.
Now, that doesn't mean
that God didn't have his hand
in it, though.
The Bible does teach
that God will send
a powerful delusion
in the last days.
And I personally believe
that this whole vanishing thing
is part of that.
Well, let's all try our best
not to add to those delusions.
What about you, Buck?
What do you think?
Well, the way I see it,
there's only one explanation
that doesn't require an appeal
to an imaginary power,
or unseen force.
It's simply a new technology.
I mean, you think we'd stop
being so surprised
at what the human race
is capable of creating
at this point.
We all watched people disappear
on "Star Trek" growing up,
communicators, translators,
Androids, robots,
they're all realities now.
So, why not
the transporter beam?
So, you're saying
this is a man-made weapon?
I never said it was a weapon.
I said technology.
Arthur C. Clarke once said
that any sufficiently
advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic.
What I'd take away from that is
we don't need to look for magic
just because we don't understand
how something works.
[indistinct radio chatter
over headphone]
I just got report
that we are about to begin
our coverage
of the UN press conference.
Less than a year ago,
if someone had told me
that millions of people
were just gonna disappear,
I, like you,
would have said they were crazy.
Fast forward to today,
and the unimaginable
has become real.
And with the news
that the vanishings
were not simply
a one-time event,
we should all be reminded
that we have no choice
but to face
this unprecedented threat
Not as individual nation states
divided by rivers or mountains
or thousands of years of war,
but as one people
united at last.
-[journalists applaud]
-[indistinct chatter]
Fellow citizens of the world,
welcome to the future.
Welcome to a new reality.
A great reset, where we move
from a tribal mentality
to united and unstoppable force
ready to face any challenge
there is no greater power
in the universe
than a unified human race.
[journalists applaud]
As you already know,
the second wave of vanishings,
even though the extent
is not yet known,
has thrown
the financial markets
back into chaos.
And while the major
stock exchanges quickly closed,
the losses
were already catastrophic
from panic selling
in every country in the world.
The World Monetary Fund
has also issued a formal warning
that more than 100 countries
will likely be bankrupt
within 60 days.
And within a year,
more than 90%
of the world's citizens
will be living in poverty.
Fortunately, we have a solution.
[journalists applaud]
And there it was,
surreal moment to say the least.
One of the most powerful men
on the planet
Standing in front
of the world
and promising
a one world economy,
a one world currency,
and a path
to peace and prosperity.
Exactly the system the Bible
told this was coming.
And unsurprisingly, the people,
and especially the news media,
just gobbled it up.
under emergency conditions
and with a nearly
unanimous consent,
the United Nations has voted
to approve and mandate
the electronic
payment technology known as OTM.
Created by Israeli
Nobel Prize winner,
Dr. Chaim Rosenzweig.
Now, the reason
I'm part of this announcement
is that Eden, the largest
social media platform ever,
has agreed to make
all our resources
available to the UN
free of charge
in order to ensure
that we can implement
Eden Pay worldwide
in a matter of weeks.
[journalists applaud, cheer]
Let me introduce the inventor
on The Mark
Digital Technologies,
Dr. Chaim Rosenzweig.
Buck, you'll be the
first interview.
Stand by.
Ready studio
in three, two, one.
Dr. Rosenzweig, so good
to see you again.
Mr. Stonagal, thank you so much
for taking the time
to be with us tonight.
Now, this is a lot bigger news
than I think most people
actually realize.
I mean, Mr. Stonagal,
you must have jumped through
a lot of hoops to get this
to where it is at the UN,
Well, there are some very
smart people
and extremely powerful
positions around the world.
And they see the need
and wisely recognize Eden Pay
as the best solution.
Now, you said that you had
essentially unanimous support
from the UN membership.
Can I assume
that essentially unanimous
is different from unanimous?
Well, a few of the members
have questions.
And that's to be expected.
Fortunately, none that
we can't answer.
Do you mind telling us
who the holdouts are?
All nations have formally
agreed with two exceptions;
Romania and Israel.
Dr. Rosenzweig,
I'm a little confused by that.
Why would Israel
be holding out?
I mean, isn't Eden built
on Israeli technology?
Israel has not signed
the agreement yet
because there are deal terms
to be negotiated.
Are those financial terms?
Oh, no, no,
nothing of that sort.
There are other issues involved,
including ongoing peace talks.
We want to ensure
that Eden ushers in an era
of peace for Israel,
and indeed for the entire world.
So, we actually have peace
in the Middle East as a dealter.
Wow. [chuckles]
No. No. No way.
Could you just get the victim
to come on camera and--
No. All right, then we'll go
with the fake Jesus guy
and make sure you get him
on camera taking credit
for the new vanishings.
Look, I got to go.
I've got to walk the dog.
What's it to you? Goodbye.
Tough day
at the ministry of truth?
[groans] Can't you tell that
I'm not in the mood?
I hate to be the one
to break it to you, Steve,
but you always look like that.
So... [grunts] ...to recap,
two days, after I have a guest
come on my show
and predict
a second wave of vanishings,
we have a second wave
of vanishings.
It wasn't a prediction.
She was simply reporting
what the model said.
Computer spit out data,
people make predictions.
Anyways, long story short,
I decided to look
into her claims
a little more carefully,
like I would have done
before the show
had I actually known
that you were gonna have her on.
But thank you for that,
by the way.
She's an interesting lady.
I'll give you that.
She works closely with a man
named Joshua Todd-Cothran,
who have actually heard
give his message on
how he wants to introduce
a new world order.
These people are obsessed
with the idea
of having a one world government
that somehow will solve
all poverty and wars.
How dare they?
Road to hell is paved
with good intentions, Steve.
So, their plan
for several years now
has been to create
an infrastructure
for global order by it,
and this is the important part,
by waiting
for a global catastrophe.
And then they're gonna use
all the fear and uncertainty
in the world to get people
to accept changes
they never would have accepted
before the crisis.
There is nothing new there.
And it certainly isn't news.
Well, I'm not finished yet,
And then I have Dr. Kincaid
come on my show
and said she has computer models
that are pointing towards
a second wave of vanishing.
So, she was right.
I guess you owe her an apology.
Yeah. You think so.
I'm not entirely convinced
anyone vanishes this time
You see I was able to find
the source of the data
that was
used to make that prediction.
Ninety percent of it
came from one firm,
Dominator Analytics,
owned by Joshua Todd-Cothran.
So, we have a guy
who thinks we need to scare
the hell out of people
now scaring the hell
out of people.
Buck, you don't have facts.
You're spitballing.
He's not alone.
He's got a partner.
Jonathan Stonagal.
[chuckles] Yeah.
So, these guys
whose fundamental mandate
is to terrify people
not only announce a second wave
in advance and then use their
own stats to back it up,
but are now telling us
that they're gonna take over
the World Bank.
And we don't have a choice,
except to just go with it.
Bottom line.
I think
these new vanishing counts
That we so proudly display
on all the screens
during every broadcast
are probably fake.
-Is that it?
-No, definitely not.
I haven't even started
digging yet.
You're not going to.
Buck, I know.
You've got
your beloved fan base.
Yeah, you give them something
to chew on.
But you say it every day
of the week.
We are not
in the conspiracy business.
Okay, Plank,
this isn't a conspiracy.
This is the biggest news story
since the vanishings themselves.
No, no, that is not
the big news story.
The big news story is that
the world is suffering
and we are teetering
on the brink of mass insanity.
You start questioning the facts,
the only facts,
the few facts
that we actually have,
and you just make
everything worse.
Okay Plank, listen to me.
No, you know what,
you listen to me.
You drag this line of nonsense
into the public eye.
You and I, we're both finished
in the news business forever.
I don't wanna hear another word
on this.
You don't share any of it
with the staff.
This conversation is over.
Are we clear?
You're wrong about this one.
Are we clear?
[door opens, closes]
[indistinct chatter
in distance]
[deep sigh]
Oh, finally.
[soft grunt]
Oh, come on. This is crazy.
I'm glad Ray didn't find
what he was looking for
on Irene's phone.
God's hand was on him,
and he ended up right
where he needed to be.
Jesus told us in the last days,
the world would hate Christians.
The first rocks
through the window
at New Hope came only about
an hour after the Rapture.
So, why do people
who don't even believe in God
suddenly hate him so much?
Because they have no one else
to blame it on.
[birds chirping]
[Pastor Bruce grunting]
Sometimes the hate exploded
into violence.
And you know what?
Maybe I deserved it.
If Ray hadn't shown up that day,
who knows if I would have found
my way?
Pastor Barnes?
I may have given up on God,
but I'm humbled to know
that God hadn't given up on me.
How is it going, Ray?
[indistinct chatter]
[birds cawing in distance]
[sirens wailing in distance]
[breathes heavily]
-No! No! No!
-Let go!
-[thief grunts]
[breathes heavily]
But even in total darkness,
God can find a way
to light the path,
even with the faintest glint.
[wind howling]
It's the only thing
I could find.
-What happened here?
-A bunch of hooligans.
Who can blame them?
They're scared.
-So, are you okay?
-Yes, just my jaw.
So, what do I owe
this pleasure?
It's not like you've ever been
a big fan of this place.
Shouldn't I be the one
who's surprised
-to see you here?
-I supposed so.
What is it, Ray?
[scoffs] Was it the Rapture?
Yes. Yes, it was.
Are you sure?
I mean, are you really sure?
You know
what finally convinced me?
When I saw it happen.
-So, Irene and Rayme?
-They're fine, Ray.
They're in heaven for eternity.
-But then...
-Go ahead, Ray. You can ask.
Why are you still here?
Because I asked God
to leave me behind.
I'm not done living my life
down here.
So, I didn't want to leave
too soon.
Is that good enough for you?
It would be if it were true.
[doorbell dings]
[birds chirping]
-Hi, Dr. White.
-I just--
What? Oh my.
Oh! Goodness,
what happened to you?
-Come inside.
-Thank you.
Come on upstairs.
Well, this looks pretty angry.
But it's fairly shallow.
No stitches required.
I'll just give it a good rinse
and apply
some topical antibiotic,
which should also help
with the pain.
-Thanks, Dr. White.
-Aw. Amanda.
-[Fern coughing]
Hi, Fern.
Chloe, this is Fern.
Fern, this is Irene's daughter.
Mmm. [chuckles]
Honey, I'm on borrowed time.
So, I'm just gonna say it.
You messed up big.
Ray wanted to talk
about prophecy.
And who could blame him?
His wife told him the Rapture
was going to happen.
And it did.
So, of course, he was curious.
Me, on the other hand,
I guess I was just still
pouting and feeling sorry
for myself.
But Ray managed to drag me
into his little Bible study
with what he would later admit
was an intentional mistake.
It's not six years, it's seven.
Tribulation doesn't start
when the Rapture happens.
The seven-year clock
doesn't start counting down
till there's a signing
of a seven-year peace agreement
between Israel
and their enemies.
And you know what else
you find out on that day?
Who the Antichrist is.
He's the one that confirms
the treaty.
Until then,
his identity is anybody's guess.
So then,
who is this Antichrist?
-I mean, is it Satan?
Not exactly.
The Antichrist
is Satan's counterfeit, Jesus.
He was sent here
to lie and deceive.
He'd say one thing
and then he'll--
you know what, forget it.
I can't do this.
What do you mean?
Who am I to tell you
what to believe?
You know this stuff.
I never believed it.
None of it.
I talked about God all the time.
I guess I was just
one of those false teachers
that the Bible says
who show up in the last days.
We both made mistakes.
So, how about we unmake them?
All right.
Look, I think
we both believe this now.
We missed our chance.
But so did everyone else
who's still here.
They need to know the truth.
Look around, no one comes here.
No one's been here in months.
They don't want the truth.
One of them might.
That should be enough.
You're right.
Start with this.
My name is Vernon Billings,
and I'm the lead pastor
at the New Hope Church.
I'm recording this as a message
for all those left behind
after the return of Christ
in the air
to call his church home
in the Rapture.
For all of you
who lost loved ones,
among the millions
that vanished,
please, be assured,
they are fine.
You have my word on that.
Are you trying to scare me?
-Perhaps, Chloe--
-Perhaps, Chloe, what?
Needs everything sugar-coated
for her?
I think that's what got her
here in the first place.
-I'm sorry?
-FERN: You should be.
Don't you act all tough with me,
Chloe Steele.
I had a mama
who worshipped to drink
and throw me out on
the street at 12.
-Okay, what exactly did I do?
-FERN: Do?
Oh, I'm so glad
you asked that question.
Your mom was a friend of mine.
And she made it her mission
to ensure that we all know
the answer to the question
that everybody is asking now.
I just never thought
I would see the daughter
of Irene Steele left behind.
I see.
So, if you both listened
to my mom,
then why are you still here?
[Fern laughs]
Oh, child. You in it now.
The Apostle Paul
wrote to the church at Corinth,
"Behold, I tell you a mystery.
We shall not all sleep,
but shall be changed in a moment
in the twinkling of an eye."
if you are watching this
after the Rapture,
then you are either in
or soon to be in.
A seven-year period
of darkness, tribulation,
And terror like the world
has never seen.
Please, I beg you, abandon
your self-centered ideals.
No matter what you have to face
on Earth, it's not too late.
You can still spend eternity
in heaven.
Turn to the Bible.
Turn to God, not because
you have no other choice,
but because
this is the right choice.
Turn to God. I beg you.
Take this opportunity
and embrace these words.
Get on your knees and thank God
for this second chance.
Ray knew
that studying Bible prophecy
was not enough.
Heck, I was living proof
of that.
I knew that stuff inside out.
I could have written a book
about the Rapture.
And yet, there I was.
The gift of salvation is free.
You can't earn it.
You can't deserve it.
You just have to ask
and receive.
I'd have laughed if you told me
that one day Rayford Steele
would be leading me
to the altar.
Thank you, Jesus.
I want you to repeat
these words,
and to think about each word
as you say it.
Lord Jesus,
I know I am a sinner.
Lord Jesus,
I know I'm a sinner.
But I also know
that you have offered me
the gift of your forgiveness.
But I also know
that you have offered me
the gift of your forgiveness.
You gave your life for me,
and then rose from the dead
on the third day.
You gave your life for me,
and then rose from the dead
on the third day.
I gratefully accept
your offer of salvation.
I gratefully accept your offer
of salvation.
Please, Lord,
come into my heart
as my Lord and Savior.
Please, Lord,
come into my heart
as my Lord and Savior.
Thank you, Jesus.
Well, what about
the main server?
-Any luck?
- No way.
Not without password.
Well, we'll keep trying anyway.
Come on, come on, come on.
-[computer beeps]
-Aha. [exhales]
Shoot, shoot, shoot,
shoot, shoot.
[dial tone ringing]
Hey, Chloe, where are you?
I didn't even know
your mother's place
is still running.
Oh, no, no, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I just wanted to do a talk
about something.
I know you might not be ready
for this.
But I saw something today.
And I really want you
to see it too.
Well, what if it is about God?
I mean, what does--
Chloe, please.
[sighs] Okay, yeah, fine.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Yeah, I love you too.
Don't you think
your dad would wanna know
you got hurt?
I need a doctor. Not a priest.
Girl, you need to honor
thy Father.
[cellphone beeps]
[cellphone beeps]
[soft grunt]
And what is this?
What do you want?
Yes. [chuckles]
[doorbell rings]
-Hi, Ray.
How are you?
[stutters] I'm good.
So, please-- I'm sorry,
why don't you come on in inside?
I'm so glad to see
that you're all right.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, I'm better than
all right.
-It's been good.
-RAY: Yeah. Oh.
I just really wanted to see you.
You know, I've been thinking
so much about you
and I've been thinking about us.
Yeah. You know,
I meant to call but--
It's okay.
You don't owe me an apology.
Can I get you a drink,
or something?
I would love one. Thanks.
-What can I get you?
-Whatever you have.
I left the airline.
Really? To do what?
I got a job at the UN.
I'm gonna be working
with the Romanian Ambassador,
Nicolae Carpathia.
-Wow. That sounds great.
-[Hattie laughs]
I mean, it could be great
for both of us.
You know, the UN is having
trouble getting negotiators
and diplomatic teams out
fast enough,
and they're short on pilots.
Oh, I'm not looking for a job.
-But thanks.
I mean, they're paying so well.
You'll help the world get back
on its feet.
Not to mention
you'll have an amazing co-worker
with a lot of benefits.
I can't.
I've got to stop living
in the past, Ray.
You have to stop worrying
about the vanishings
Those weren't vanishings.
It was a Rapture
just like I told you.
The plane the night
that it happened.
It wasn't the Rapture.
The Rapture was debunked
on the first day.
And there's been more
vanishing since then.
Do you know anyone
who's gone in the second wave?
Not personally.
It's because the Raptures
weren't debunked.
And someone on TV told you
that they were debunked
and you just accepted it.
What almost happened between us,
it doesn't--
it doesn't matter now.
Well, did I ever matter?
Okay, that's not what I meant.
I've accepted Jesus Christ
as my Lord and Savior.
And just trust me on this.
You cannot find the truth
without him.
You know?
I really should have suspected
that you take
the coward's way out.
You know you didn't feel guilty
when your wife was here.
But now, you feel guilty
that she's gone?
And so, you're running to God
for forgiveness?
I mean, who cares who you hurt
along the way, right?
If I hurt you?
And I'm sorry, I really am.
But accepting Christ
is not cowardly.
It's far from it.
What was cowardly was being
too afraid of the truth
to even want to hear it.
Goodbye, Ray.
[dial tone ringing]
I got in.
Yeah, and it's insane.
I mean, it's gonna
take some time.
But this thing is huge.
I mean,
the biggest single program
I've ever seen
maybe 100 million lines of code.
So, what are you saying?
I'm saying
that this is more than
some kind of electronic pay app.
How'd you get in?
Let's just say
someone on the inside
thinks the world needs
to see this.
And so do you.
[crowd cheering]
Well, Megan, as you can see,
this place is going
absolutely crazy
as we anticipate the arrival
of the United Nations
peace phenom, Nikolai Carpathia.
This is the kind of reception
you might have expected
for a movie star.
But for a politician,
I haven't seen
anything like this since Obama.
I mean, listen to that crowd.
After all the incredible work
he did in Romania
after the vanishings,
the world is looking
for someone they can trust
to get us all back on track.
And I'm not sure
there's been a world leader
who has earned that trust
more than this man.
Nicolae! Nicolae! Nicolae!
Anyone see you come in?
I took the stairs.
What did you find?
I got a look inside
the Eden Pay platform.
And it's a whole lot more
than a glorified bank card.
In fact, the whole financial
part is maybe ten percent.
-What's the rest of it?
-A combination of things.
Surveillance, tracking,
biometric reporting,
social credit.
I mean, they may be planning
to start with the money.
But whoever has control
over this system has control
over the whole world
and everyone in it.
When you said social credit,
which means they're gonna force
you to either conform
or be kicked out of the system.
Yeah. And if you lose access
to Eden Pay,
then you can't even buy food.
They're gonna pretend like
it's not mandatory.
Act like we actually
have a choice
to download the app,
or starve to death.
Pretty powerful
marketing campaign.
Yeah. My guy on the inside,
says he is the smoking gun
that connects all this
and a whole lot more
directly to Stonagal.
And he's willing
to hand it over.
Do you trust him?
He says I have to agree to make
the whole thing public.
He even wants to do
a media interview
to document the evidence.
So, it seems like
he's on our team.
He's our only lead.
I say we go for it.
I don't think you should go.
Think about it.
If this is the FBI or CIA,
or whatever,
If this is a setup
for my hacking,
then they've got both of us
and the story dies right there.
Let me go.
I'll bring a camera man.
We'll tape the interview
and then you run it.
What if you'd get arrested?
Well, then you still have
all this.
there'll still be enough
to blow the lid off
to Eden hoax.
Okay. Yeah, let's do it.
[keyboard clicking]
[indistinct chatter]
Where is he?
Closed-door meeting
since I got in.
I haven't heard him yell once.
Something is up.
Got the images with the one
where I'm interviewing
It's going global.
I swear
she's trying to take my job.
Yeah, obviously.
Okay. So, I found
a treasure trove of evidence
to bury this guy.
And I mean, I'm talking atomic
level bombshells here.
Whoa. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
Have Sam run and search
through the archives,
anything related
to Dominator Analytics
have a start back
about two years or so.
And then take a look
at those file,
and you see
what I'm talking about.
I'm on it.
[indistinct chatter]
We have a couple over times...
...the world of nations
and states.
The divided world.
But in the heart of it all,
we're still the world.
One world, one people,
one future.
That's not just
a hopeful mantra.
That is the only way forward.
And the only way
to ensure the survival,
not only of our species,
but of this incredible planet
that grew and evolved
against incredible odds
in this marvelous place
that we call home.
Progress is not something
that happens gradually.
It becomes invisible starts,
sometimes for the better,
sometimes for the worse.
So, it is absolutely critical
that we utilize
the opportunities
that existential crisis offers.
It's Erica Miller.
Get me someone
from Dominator Analytics.
...word crisis is represented
by two characters
taken separately.
Those two characters mean
danger and opportunity.
I don't think
I could be more clear, Buck.
I said I was speculating.
So, I brought you back proof
this time.
And this? This isn't proof.
Well, there's a lot more.
-It's coming.
-And your source?
-You know I can't do that.
But I know him and I trust him.
Oh, but you don't trust me.
I know who it is.
It's that crazy professor, huh,
who thinks that 9/11
was a false flag operation?
You know what,
it's your choice, Steve.
But I'm greenlighting this story
with or without you.
It's not that simple.
This isn't just about me.
So, then call corporate.
Talk to the VP of censorship.
See what they say.
Let's see if they really care
about the narrative.
Or if they care more
about having the biggest
cable audience on news TV.
It's what you said
the numbers, right?
I mean, ratings, advertisers.
[chuckles] Come on, man.
[indistinct chatter]
[cellphone vibrates]
Hey, Dad.
Hey, Chloe,
are you still at the hospice?
I need you to come see me.
There's something
I want to show you.
I can't come home
right now, Dad.
No, I'm not at home.
I'm at New Hope.
You're at the church right now.
Yeah. Well, I found something.
It's the answers.
Pastor Barnes is here.
Well, maybe that should
tell you something
if the pastor is still here.
No, no,
it's not what you think.
Look, if you could just give
him a chance and he--
Look, I'm kind of tied up
here right now.
And I'm really not in the mood
for church.
So, I'll talk to you later.
Say hi to Pastor Barnes from me.
Yeah, but--
Amanda, get my chair
and pull the band around.
There's an emergency.
Fern? What is it?
I wanna be baptized
at your church.
I heard rumors Pastor Barnes
is available.
-All right. All right.
Okay. You know what,
if you're too scared to find out
what's actually going on,
then I'll just do it
without your help.
-No, you won't.
What do you mean,
"No, I won't"?
What I mean is,
you will not pursue it.
Period. As in you're done.
Your show has been cancelled
effective immediately.
Are you seriously threatening
to cancel
the number one rated news show
at GWN
because I want to cover a story.
It's not a threat.
It's already done.
And believe me, like I said,
this is way beyond me.
This is corporate.
We have had a surge
of complaints
about your divisiveness.
You've become a symbol
of mistrust, of division
for the people.
And it's one conspiracy
after the other.
Conspiracy, conspiracy.
Your buyout is being papered.
It'll be delivered
to you tomorrow.
In the meantime,
I suggest that you go home
and get some rest.
And these fine gentlemen
will show you out.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[door opens]
Oh. Hey, Ray.
These flyers are great.
There's boxes of them
back there.
Pastor Billings
had those printed a while ago.
-I had nothing to do with that.
But it explained everything
that's going on
in the world right now.
We should be handing these out
to everyone.
No, no.
Then we'll do a service.
No to a service.
Yeah. You and I know
what's going on,
what's really going on here.
We can't just sit here
and do nothing.
-Hi, Dad.
-Hey, Chloe.
It's good to see you.
-Pastor Bruce Barnes?
-Yes, I'm Bruce.
Well, I hope
you don't mind, Pastor.
But we have some questions
for you.
Well, come on in.
I hope I have some answers.
[wind howling]
DIRK: [stutters]
I may have something.
There are three dates and times
in this line of code.
Okay. The first is the day
everyone vanished.
The second is yesterday,
the date of the new vanishing.
And the third is two days
from now.
-So, what does that mean?
-I don't know.
But the code itself
was written three days
before the new vanishings.
So, they knew beforehand.
How's that...
how's that even possible?
Well, I don't know.
Either they knew something
that the rest of us didn't,
or they were involved
in the vanishings.
Here's a third option.
What if the new vanishings
never happened?
The numbers are pretty high
for it to be rumors.
No. I know it sounds crazy,
but I don't know anybody
who knows anybody
who disappeared. Do you?
Yeah, sure.
It's all over the news.
But it's always somewhere else.
Let's try something more, right?
-Go back into the Eden system.
Type these three names.
Michael Parker, Josh Walker,
and Aaron Hewitt.
So, who are these?
Uh, they disappeared
in the second vanishing.
There are several documents
with all three names in them.
This is an email that was part
of an internal memo
sent in the IT department.
Wait, this memo was sent
before the second vanishings
were reported?
Over a week ago.
That's it. That's our answer.
It was faked.
My guess is these people
never even existed.
We need to see your guy,
and I'm coming with you.
This might be my last chance
to talk to him
before word gets out
and I lost my show.
Wait, you lost your show?
My guy should be here.
[indistinct chatter]
Thanks for doing this, man.
Yeah, thanks for thinking of me.
Of course.
Hey, look, I want to make sure
that we do a real-time upload
of the interview to the cloud.
Make sure
we don't lose anything, okay?
Dirk, Connor. Connor, Dirk.
-DIRK: Hi.
-Hey, Connor.
Nice to meet you, yeah.
You have everything you need?
Yeah, let me just double-check
this box,
make sure I have
the right cable.
I have eyes on the vehicle.
Both targets confirmed.
Yes, sir.
We have a couple more bags.
Would you mind putting
the seats down?
-You got it.
-So, you're through?
[bomb beeping]
It's a bomb! Run! Run!
What about all the evidence
debunking the Rapture theory?
Lots of Christians still here.
Lots of non-Christians gone.
And don't forget this,
this didn't happen
in the twinkling of an eye.
In fact,
it's still happening now.
-They're lying.
-Who's lying?
Anyone who tells you this
wasn't in the Rapture.
That's who.
When the disciples asked Jesus
on the Mount of Olives
what life would be like
in the last days,
his first words were,
"Take heed
that no man deceive you."
So, how do we know
who we can trust?
Trust God.
Trust Jesus.
Trust the Bible.
And for literally,
everyone else,
take what they're saying to you
and weighed against the word.
And then you pray, pray,
pray for God's help
not to be led astray.
So, if this is the Rapture,
then what happens
to the rest of us
who didn't make the cut?
Well, hopefully,
we survive tribulation.
That's what the Rapture
was all about.
Jesus taken his church
to heaven to protect them
from what is to come.
And what is that exactly?
Well, we don't want to go
into the gory details.
-Let's just--
-No, I want to know.
When it is all over,
half the world will be dead.
So, I don't know whether
I'd be more afraid of God
or the Antichrist.
God, definitely.
You can hide
from the Antichrist.
What about all the people
who claim that the Rapture
isn't even in the Bible?
Can you show me where it is?
First Thessalonians,
Chapter Four.
"For the Lord shall descend
from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel,
and the dead in Christ
shall rise first.
Then we,
which are alive and remain,
shall be gathered up with them
in the clouds
to meet our Lord in the air.
And so shall ever be
with the Lord."
Sounds good to me.
I can't wait to see
my dearly departed, George,
waiting for me.
-I'll be back tonight.
-Where are you going?
Just have an old friend
I need to check on.
[door shuts]
Well, I don't understand.
Why wouldn't you support
the Eden Project?
First off,
I love the technology.
I mean, you've done
a brilliant job.
It's incredibly intuitive.
Any man or woman almost
anywhere in the world
will master it almost
from the first touch.
Much appreciated, Nicolae.
And you, Jonathan,
for your foresight
and financial backing
to make it happen.
Without you, none of this
would have been possible.
Chaim, if you could give us
a minute, please.
Of course.
I know it all sounds
a little scary.
A little scary?
Then what would a lot scary
found like?
So, when does all this happen?
I mean, are stars gonna fall
from the sky the moment
the peace treaty is signed?
No, we still have a little time.
The judgment won't start
until the midpoint
Of the Seven Years
of Tribulation,
then the Antichrist
will declare himself as God.
I know these political fellas
have pretty high opinions
of themselves.
But claiming to be God seemed
like a stretch even for them.
-You would think so.
-FERN: Mm-hmm.
But the entire world
will buy into it.
They will fall down
and worship him.
Buck may have lost
one of his oldest friends
that day.
But he knew there was no time
to waste feeling bad about it.
First of all,
nobody gets in here.
The stakes were much higher
than one man's death.
And Buck knew that
he had to get Dirk's computer
before the FBI found it
and buried it
in a warehouse somewhere.
You know the one.
When he arrived
at the university,
They were still cleaning out
Dirk's office
and probably trying to crack
that safe.
Had almost managed to give Buck
a smile. Almost.
Right now though,
all that matters
was getting that laptop
and making sure Dirk's death
was not going to be in vain.
[elevator dings]
MAN 1:
Track his buddy.
He's in this building somewhere.
-There he is.
-MAN 2: We got him.
[elevator dings]
[breathes heavily]
Out of the, Hercules.
[both grunts]
The dumpster?
MAN 1:
Just in case.
Let's get out of here.
Let him get away.
[Chloe grunting, coughing]
[dumpster squeaking]
[indistinct chatter]
I love the platform.
It's just too dangerous.
But, Nicolae--
I trust you both
and I'm completely convinced
that the platform will provide
the hope that you say it well.
And you had me
at a disadvantage, friend.
Why the hesitation?
You're a good man, Jonathan.
I know this.
And believe me,
I'm a very good judge
of character.
And if I wasn't
completely convinced
that your motives were pure,
I would have never considered
any of this.
Well, I appreciate the trust.
What if this were to fall
in the wrong hands?
What do you mean?
Something were to happen to
do you have a successor
in place?
Now I understand.
You'll be pleased to know
that I've already chosen
a successor.
And no one can persuade me
otherwise, not even you.
My choice is final.
And might I ask,
who would that be?
Well, you, of course.
[glasses clink]
[Buck pants]
You have one new voice message.
-First message.
-[tone beeps]
Mr. Williams, there's something
going on here.
Erica Miller is dead.
They say she OD'd
or something had drowned her
in her bathtub.
But I know that's not true.
This place
is swarming with Feds.
They're clearing out
her office.
The Feds
don't investigate accidents.
Ivy thinks Erica stole her files
and was digging into Stonagal
and Dominator Analytics.
And now, Mr. Plank--
well, he has the whole team
drumming up a story
that Dr. Burton
was a suicide bomber.
Look, I'm guessing
this is gonna get me fired.
But I feel like
I have to say something.
Everything that's happening
in the world right now
was predicted in the Bible.
That's where you'll find
the answers.
-Hey, Ray.
Could we talk for a minute?
Yeah. Of course. [chuckles]
So you and I,
we're both married
to true believers.
Can I ask you, what stopped you
from hearing it?
Well, you know, I made
a lot of mistakes in my life.
But blaming Irene's faith
for my own bad decisions
is the biggest one
because she was right.
But you couldn't have
known that then.
I would have if I'd listened.
It's easier to see that now.
Well, you know, not for most
people, it seems.
So, Irene did her job.
Yeah, she did. She did.
I knew it was the Rapture.
But I still didn't learn
my lesson.
And what lesson is that?
Oh, trying to find someone else
to blame, you know?
It's never gonna lead you
to find the truth.
I spent once blaming her
for not trying harder.
But I know
if she had tried harder,
I would have just walked out.
And you're absolutely right.
Irene did do her job.
And now, it's up to me
to show her
that her words
weren't wasted on me.
So, your turn.
Oh... [chuckles] Same story.
Different excuses.
I was just never able
to get there.
Get there.
To the cross.
I just could never let go
of my doubt.
So, what was I supposed to do?
Go up there
and kneel before God
and lie to him?
And tell him that I believed
when I knew deep in my heart
that I wasn't sure?
Well, far be it for me
to lecture anybody about faith.
But I do know this.
Faith isn't about
having no doubt.
That's not faith.
That's knowledge.
Faith is about taking that walk
to the cross in spite of it.
do you no longer
have any doubt?
Well, I saw some flaws.
I think that's human nature.
You know, when I first got down
on my knees
and asked for forgiveness,
I thought that I would,
you know,
I have to meet Jesus halfway.
But I was scared that--
I'm scared that I couldn't even
get there halfway.
I'd say I remember that we had
this picture of Jesus
that we hung at home.
It was up there forever.
And it said, "Behold,
I stand at the door, and knock."
I never knew what it meant,
but I do now.
He's knocking at your door
right now.
You don't have
to meet him halfway.
You just have to open a door.
[sobs, chuckles]
[Chloe grunting]
When you told me
to meet you here,
You didn't mentioned
we'd be digging someone up.
Are you sure
you want to do this?
I don't want to. I need to.
I understand.
I just-- digging up a grave
like this is just a little--
What, crazy?
I was gonna say extreme.
Well, I can say the same thing
about Stonagal.
At least the grave I'm digging
isn't my own.
Chloe, I know what you hope
to find in here.
But what if it's just--
Then at least I'll know.
Okay. Okay.
Are you ready?
Chloe got what she needed
that night, proof.
Not just proof of the Rapture,
but something much bigger.
Proof that the Bible was right,
that God was real,
that Jesus was real.
It was undeniable.
And she truly believed
that she had been gifted
with a miracle.
That Buck was there
to see it with her.
Even you have to admit,
this is getting pretty hard
to deny.
Those who are gone,
they knew the truth.
Brothers, sisters,
we can no longer hide
from the truth.
We must commit here and now
to accepting the truth,
and accepting our role
and sharing it
with as many people as we can.
We have lied to ourselves
for too long.
Join me.
Join us.
The road I travel
is the road I chose
That new ways I never find
Hey, aren't you ready?
Look, I can't get saved
as a favor to you.
This is the only way.
You should go.
I have to make a quick call.
I'll be back.
[Indistinct chatter]
Let us pray.
Lord, we thank You.
We know that we are rebuilding
our church, Lord,
and we ask for Your guidance
as we go forward.
We accept You into our hearts,
And we are graciously thankful
for Your presence with us today.
[indistinct chatter]
[dial tone ringing]
Hi. It's Cameron Williams.
Buck, how are you my friend?
Yeah. Look, I'm fine.
I don't have a lot of time.
-Are you alone?
I'm calling to warn you.
I have clear evidence
that Jonathan Stonagal
is not who he appears to be.
I'm doing some digging
on the guy.
He's been killing people
for asking too many questions.
He's taking the entire
Eden Pay Project
and piggyback all kinds of
extras into it.
Spyware, for lack
of better terms.
-But how?
-Trust me. He's done it.
And as far
as the recent vanishings,
all faked by Stonagal.
I have proof that he's been
using you and Nicolae
for his own ends.
I don't know what to say.
Look, I'm gonna come to you
I'll bring the evidence.
But I need you to tell Nicolae
and I need you to do it now.
[knock on door]
Nicolae, I just had
a very disturbing call
from Cameron Williams.
He says he has proof
that Stonagal is setting us up,
and that he has killed people
in the process.
Do you trust him?
Cameron Williams?
I have known him for years.
He's always been
completely honest.
[indistinct whispers]
Then we have to bring him in.
I need to confront
both of them in person.
I'll call an emergency meeting
of the Security Council
I'm sorry, I was so stubborn.
I guess now we both know
how mom has to fall.
I just got off the phone
with Chaim Rosenzweig.
We're going to confront
with everything Dirk found.
Hopefully, stop him
from turning the world
into a dystopian nightmare.
-I'll see you soon.
-Wait, Buck, wait.
You really should take
a look at this first.
All right, I've seen
all this stuff before.
It's just heads and horns
and beasts could mean anything.
No offense to the rest of you.
I just don't happen to believe
our future is preordained.
So, please,
let me just finish--
Just let you ignore it?
Because it doesn't fit
your narrative?
No Chloe I--
2THES2, that was the password
Dirk used to get into Eden.
Okay, I'm listening.
Okay. So, according to this,
we should be expecting
a Jewish Temple,
which would replace
the Dome of the Rock,
which would pretty much
seem impossible
if it wasn't
for this peace treaty
that gives Israel
the UN's protection.
And such a treaty
would also seem highly unlikely
if it wasn't for this guy.
So, you actually think
Jonathan Stonagal
is the Antichrist?
Well, if I had to guess right
now, I'd say yes.
Or what if that's what
he wants you to guess?
But why?
What if he's trying to get
the entire world
to think he's here to save it?
I mean, you're the one who said
everyone is gonna worship
this guy.
Well, what about
Nicolae Carpathia?
I mean, certainly,
he gets good crowds
behind him.
No, Nicolae could care less
about having people love him.
So, why would he pretend
to be the--
Buck, we're not talking
about anyone
pretending to be the Antichrist.
We're talking about someone
being the Antichrist.
Now, I can't make you
believe anything.
No one can.
But don't turn this
into a conspiracy
just because you want
to avoid the truth.
Okay. Okay, I have seen
what's inside
the Eden Pay Project.
And believe me,
it's not a pretty picture.
If this guy gets in control
of the entire world's
money supply.
I mean, think about
what that would mean.
Well, I can tell you exactly
what that's going to mean.
He causes all
both small and great,
rich and poor, free and slave
to receive a mark
on their right hand
or in their foreheads.
And that no one may buy or sell
except one who has the mark.
[cellphone vibrates]
Chaim just talked to Nicolae.
We're going to meet first thing
in the morning.
I have a lot of work to do.
I got to go. Bye.
Pray for me.
That boy is gonna need
a whole lot more than prayer.
Are you even listening
to a word they said?
You can't go there.
I heard the same thing you did.
Well, it doesn't look
that way to me.
Chloe, you found
what you're looking for.
And I'm so happy that you did.
But that was your answer.
Not mine. I'm still looking.
That wasn't my answer.
That was the answer.
-I understand.
-No, I don't think you do.
I know. I have to go.
I'll be very careful.
I promise.
Okay. Just...
at least take this.
I love you, Chloe Steele.
I love you, too.
[indistinct chatter]
[deep exhale]
I'm sorry to drop all this
on you at the last minute.
I just--
These are high stakes, Buck.
I understand that.
And so does Nicolae.
We have to do it properly.
And we will.
God is with Israel, remember?
Yeah. I just hope the peace
accord with Israel
can still happen
without Stonagal.
If God wants it to happen now,
it will happen now.
But this is not just about
the peace treaty.
I have long dreamed
of finally having the Temple
rebuilt on the Temple Mount.
And when Stonagal agreed
to finance it,
it was the happiest day
of my life.
Well, what about
the Dome of the Rock?
Are the Arabs really just gonna
let you tear it down?
No. Of course not.
Stonagal's team located
the foundations
of the original temple.
It's beside the dome,
not under it.
-So, we can have both.
And peace in the Middle East.
Arabs and Jews worshiping
side by side in harmony.
And even though
the initial peace treaty
will only be seven years,
I think-- what's wrong, Buck?
-Did you just say seven years?
I just need a minute.
-[breathes heavily]
-[indistinct chatter]
It's all real. It's all real.
I didn't want to believe
in you, God.
But I was wrong,
and I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me, Jesus.
I just know that I need you.
And I do believe...
I love you, dear Jesus.
[breathes heavily]
Show me what to do.
Jesus promised
that where two or three
gather in my name,
there I am with them.
We gathered and we prayed.
And I felt his presence
for the very first time.
Hey, Connor, it's me, Buck.
I got your message.
I just wanted to let you know
you were right.
I found the truth
in the only place
-it can be found.
-Oh thank you, Jesus.
I'm gonna need your help
with something.
[indistinct chatter]
Good, you have my message.
Buck still had his focus
clearly on his journalistic duty
to expose Stonagal's lies.
But he also knew
there was a very real chance
that no matter what evidence
he brought to the table,
old Steve Plank
would never let that news
see the light of day.
Connor was Buck's insurance
policy against being censored.
And he hoped their faith
would be enough to keep them
from being deceived
by Stonagal,
even if he was working
for the devil himself.
-Hi. I'm--
-Mr. Cameron Williams.
Good morning.
Please see a member
of the security team
on your way in.
-They'll show you the way.
-Thank you.
Ephesians Chapter 6 tells us
to put on the full armor of God
so that you can take your stand
against the devil schemes.
Well, Buck may not have
known it.
But when he walked into the room
that day, he was ready.
Ready like he had never
been before.
He hit them with everything
he and Dirk had uncovered,
exposing beyond the shadow
of a doubt
Stonagal's evil plan
to deceive the world.
As soon as he was finished,
he felt a huge flood of relief.
He had managed to get the truth
to the people
who needed to hear it.
To enslave...
Or so it seemed.
So as you can clearly see
this diabolical plan,
not only take over
the money supply,
but to enslave the world
in a technocratic nightmare.
It was all set up
at the highest levels.
-MAN: What is he talking about?
-Thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
Mr. Williams' investigation
has put the pieces together
showing all of us
that Jonathan has plotted, lied,
and murdered,
not only to gain control
of Eden currency,
but the entire global
financial network.
[indistinct chatter]
That's ridiculous.
What's going on here?
That is the question.
The question each of us
has been asking.
What is really going on?
Mr. Williams, for example,
he has employed his skills
to draw certain conclusions
about you.
But in fact, if he thinks
about it hard enough,
he'll have to ask himself
who was on the inside
that gave him access
to what exactly.
A highly convenient file
full of evidence
implicating Jonathan
of all he's been accused of
here today.
I half expected you to see
right through that.
And, Chaim, your fervent dream
to bring peace to Israel
has been granted,
if only you understood the cost.
And, Jonathan,
this goes much deeper for you,
doesn't it?
Beyond your endless thirst
for more control
and material gain,
you really see yourself
as a great man
rebuilding the world
in your own image.
You certainly needed no help
for me to see that.
You have paved the way.
That is your contribution
to history.
[scoffs] This is preposterous.
You can't just come in here
make these baseless allegations.
And think you can take
what I built, what is mine?
How do you think
you're gonna do that, Nicolae?
Let me tell you
what is about to happen.
An assassin masquerading
as a security guard
Will draw his gun
intent on killing Mr. Stonagal
and myself.
And a hail of gunfire,
Mr. Cothran and Stonagal
will be fatally wounded.
I'll barely escape with my life.
Thanks to security guards
who quickly returned fire.
You're insane.
What makes you think
you can get away with this?
By... simply killing you.
You see, Jonathan,
there will be peace.
But not with you.
-NICOLAE: Your time is over.
But mine has just begun.
And now, now I am devastated
by the loss.
Yet, forced...
to take up the mantle
of his leadership.
MAN 3:
Oh, my God!
MAN 4:
We need to get some help.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[people clamoring]
Chaim, are you okay?
It was awful.
One of the security guards
started firing.
Hey, did you see what happened?
Yes. Poor Nicolae.
I mean, who want to kill him?
[indistinct chatter]
Mr. Williams, this is crazy.
Did you see it?
I think I know
what really happened.
Come with me.
[cellphone vibrating]
Buck, are you okay?
Hey, what's going on?
Yeah, yeah, okay.
[van engine starts]
[indistinct chatter]
Ladies and gentlemen,
my name is Nicolae Carpathia.
And I come to you tonight
with a heavy heart.
Good afternoon.
My name is Cameron Williams.
I'm here to tell you a story.
Story about lies
from the media, murder,
story about the only truth
that matters.
Nicolae Carpathia
is the new Secretary General
of the UN.
Right now, he's making a speech.
Well, I'm here to tell you.
It's all lies.
Looks like Cameron Williams
finally found the truth.
He's gotta be on this floor.
He told you that the vanishings
came with no warning,
with no explanation.
That there was a second wave
of vanishing.
And worst of all, he told you
that the Rapture
had been debunked.
Take a picture of your screen
right now--
Turn it off!
And no matter what you may hear,
it's not too late to let
Jesus Christ set you free.
I'm proof of that.
When Buck's broadcast
went out to the world,
it felt like a huge victory.
But the Bible warned us
it wouldn't be as easy
as just telling everyone
the truth.
But I've always thought,
and now I believe
that even if a single soul
is saved,
then your efforts
have not been in vain.
Right now though,
the impact of Buck's message
would have to be analyzed later.
He knew some people were bound
to disagree
with what he had to say.
-[indistinct chatter]
Get those there. Thanks.
[plane engine whirring]
Buck! Buck! Run!
-Are you guys okay?
-CHLOE: Yeah.
[tyres screeching]
We made it just in time.
You've got to stop
doing this to me.
-Everyone okay?
-CHLOE: Yeah.
All good.
They were all so anxious
and even excited
to start sharing the word
with the world.
It was wonderful to see.
But they'd only been
studying prophecy
for a few days.
The reality
of the final seven years
before the return of Christ
hadn't started sinking in
just yet.
Jesus told us these last years
would be worse than anything
the world had ever seen.
Right, here's a good spot,
all right?
God gave us an exemption
if we wanted it.
But for those of us
who chose not to take it,
those of us
who were left behind,
well, we'll just have to see
what happens.
[indistinct chatter]
I know there's nothing
we can do
to stop what's been prophesied
from happening.
But that doesn't mean
we just give up.
Not even close.
There are souls to be saved.
And as long as there are,
our mission is clear.
[indistinct chatter]
Look what it says.
-Are you reading this?
-PASSERBY 1: That's incredible.
Oh, my goodness.
Raise me up
on eagle's wings
Give my soul
Your bigger dreams
Breathe Your life into me
A battle cry is in my lungs
Singing out
"Your kingdom come"
Fall in us,
pour out Your love
I stand here at Your feet
I'm laying down the fear
in me
And as Your child,
claiming peace
Oh give this heart,
Your victory
I stand here
I stand here
My weary bones
they come alive
With the sound of You
Restoring hope
in my anxious spirit
Forever new
Raise me up
on eagle's wings
Give my soul
Your bigger dreams
Breathe Your life into me
A battle cry is in my lungs
Singing out
"Your kingdom come"
Fall in us,
pour out Your love
I stand here at Your feet
I'm laying down the fear
in me
And as Your child,
claiming peace
Oh give this heart,
Your victory
I stand here
I stand here
Away from brokenness
into your promises, Lord
I'm standing,
I'm standing here
Away from brokenness
into your promises, Lord
I'm standing,
I'm standing here
I stand here at Your feet
I'm laying down the fear
in me
And as Your child,
claiming peace
Oh give this heart,
Your victory
I stand here
I stand here
I stand here
Oh Lord, I stand here