Legacy (2022) Movie Script

[upbeat piano music]
When I let you hold my gaze
I insist it's a
phase, nothing more
But now I find with
the passing of time
That there is a
fine line to explore
Sweet escape from
reality's maze
Are you leading
me into the haze
And though I know
this can't be love
You're not mine,
it's not fine at all
I'm on the
outside looking in
I'm waiting for the
shock waves to begin
Won't you let me
hold you for one time
Oh darling I could
make you mine
Yes I know it's
a tortuous game
And temptation's the
name, what could I gain?
When your eyes pierce
through my skin
I'm a victim of sin,
you have me locked in
The sweetest taste
of a devil's embrace
How I fear I get
lost in the chase
And though I know
this can't be love
You're not mine,
it's not fine at all
I'm on the
outside looking in
I'm waiting for the
shock waves to begin
Won't you let me
hold you for one time
Oh darling I could
make you mine
- I'm telling you, mate,
there's so many birds on there
and they're all
as bear as, yeah?
So, obviously I'm
on there, yeah,
and I'm a shy retiring
type as you know,
but listen, this
bird come round,
I'm in there like
swimwear and ...
Who the fuck are you? What
you doing in my house?
- Mr. Saviour would like
a word with you, sir.
- Well Rob can come around here
and talk to me
himself, can't he?
- That's really
nice of you, Philip,
I thought you was avoiding me.
- What, no, why
would I avoid you?
We've been business
partners for years.
- Yeah, we have.
But you think it's
acceptable to steal from me?
- Rob, listen,
you're using my venue
to launder all this cash and
you're using it all the time.
Look, I'm entitled here to do
what I think is reasonable,
but I've got expenses innit.
Waiting for the
shock waves to begin
I wanna hold
you for one time
Come on, Rob, you need to
be fair about this, yeah?
- Fair? That's a good word that.
[Philip shouting]
I'll give you fair.
Now, where's the
keys to the shop?
- Keys, they're in the
study on the side board.
- Being in business
with me has boundaries.
Do you understand?
Now you've lost your shop.
- Yeah.
- I don't want you
to lose anymore.
All right, Philip,
I'll be seeing you
soon, all right?
- Yeah, all right.
[upbeat dramatic music]
- You should come
over more often.
Girls are never
this well behaved.
- I don't believe
that for a second.
Still doing gymnastics?
- Yeah, but not as
often as we used to.
- Oh, why is that?
- Well, because they want
to be doing horse riding
or ballet or whatever else it is
on the agenda for that week.
- Oh I see.
- I wish we could do everything.
- I'm sure your dad will fit
time in to do everything.
- Can we go
go-karting, Uncle Rob?
Daddy said you're amazing at it.
- I used to be good
at it, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, of course we'll go.
Me and your dad will
sort something out
and we'll all go together.
- Yes.
- Can we go watch TV?
- Yes, go on.
I'll give you a shout
when your uncle's leaving.
- They're good kids, you know.
- Yes they are, they
mean the world to me.
- Do they ever ask
about their mum?
- Not for about a year now.
- Good, 'cause they don't
need her, them girls.
- We both know your
feelings on Kate, Dad.
- He is right, though.
- Of course I'm fucking right.
I'm always fucking right.
[men laughing]
- No plans for kids yourself?
- You're joking, ain't you?
I'm a 35-year-old child myself.
But I put some of my
legacy away for the girls.
Don't worry about that.
- Worried, what have
I got to worry about?
I've got nothing to worry about.
- Damn right there's
nothing to worry about.
Right, I'm off,
business to attend to.
- Girls, your uncle's leaving.
- See you later, girls.
Dad, lift's leaving
if you want it.
[gentle music]
- Take care, brother.
- Take care.
[gentle music]
- Business still good, boy?
- Yeah, I ain't totally
fucked it up yet.
- That ain't what I meant.
- Come on,
we both know you wanted Mason
to take the family business.
- It's your business now, son.
I just gave you the foundations
of it and that's all.
You're doing pretty
well I heard.
- Oh, cheers.
- You're a bit touchy recently.
What's the matter with you?
- Nah, it's just people
starting to take advantage,
you know?
Starting to piss me off.
- Yeah, well you gotta
let them people know
if they want to try
and fuck with you,
they're the ones who's
gonna end up being fucked.
- Yeah, I know.
- allright?
- I know, I'm on it.
- You get that video I
sent you of the old bill?
- Yeah, I'm meeting him
after I've dropped you off.
- Superb, that should
keep him off your back
for a little while that.
- How'd you get that anyway?
That's some nasty shit.
- I figure the less you know
about that sort of shit,
the better for you.
- Fair enough.
[engine rumbling]
[dark music]
[footsteps padding]
- Give me a beer.
[dark music]
Put it on his tab.
- That's strange.
He's already opened
one up in your name.
[dark music]
- So have you done the research?
- Yeah.
Not guaranteed, though,
is it? It's all hearsay.
- Trust me, I know.
- And how can you be so sure?
- I did his books and his
dad's books for many years.
I know how the money came in,
how they laundered it and
how they spread it amongst
different accounts
to make it look like
legitimate investments.
- Look, if this guy's
got 25 mil, stashed away,
it's not just gonna be under
his mattress now, is it?
Now if we want that money,
we've gotta get close.
- Well, there is no we here.
He knows me too well, I
can't get close to this.
- So, I'll just take all the
risk myself then, shall I?
And why are you
suddenly just hell-bent
on screwing him over?
- Well let's just say,
for a crooked accountant,
the pension package
isn't exactly lucrative.
- So you want me to steal
his money and give it to you?
- I only want what I'm owed.
You get to keep all the
money apart from one mil.
That's my finder's fee,
completely worthwhile.
- Worth it?
You know what this guy does
to people who cross him?
- He's not that violent
anymore. He has mellowed.
- Mellowed?
One guy stole 40 grand from him,
he smashed his shin bones
in half with a metal bar
then chopped the end
of his fingers off.
- Listen.
- No, no, no.
- The next poor unfortunate
guy robbed his brother's house,
chopped his feet off,
kept him alive for three days
and then set a fire to him.
Doesn't sound very mellow to me.
- Well that's his
weakness, his family.
- It's almost like
you're talking Swahili.
You want me to go
after his family now,
after what I just told you?
- Look, they take all
the money they make
from less scrupulous businesses,
wash it clean through around
40 to 50 legitimate businesses
and then spread the money
into new accounts
around the world.
The account detail,
digital passcodes,
and signatures are all in Rob's
business or house somewhere.
We find them, we are golden.
Set for life.
Now, I'm not asking you
to go after his family.
I'm saying find a way
to get close to Rob.
- This is nuts, you're nuts.
- He only has two henchmen.
- Henchmen? Is he a fucking
Bond villain now, as well?
- Well, whatever they
are, Korbin and Pete,
both extremely violent
and fiercely loyal.
Then there's Joe,
he runs the pub.
And Freddie, his
driver and cleanup man.
The rest of the people
are not well known to Rob.
So he'll be looking for
more people he can trust.
Get yourself into
the inner circle
and we may find a way of
getting our hands on his cash.
- So how would you
propose that I get close?
- Well, he owns and
spends a lot of time
in The Pig and Truffle.
- The pub on Simington Street?
- Yeah.
Start drinking in there.
He will soon make
your acquaintance.
Joe, the bartender,
he's a proper sort,
so be careful of him.
Where are you going?
- Going to get my head tested
for even thinking about this.
- Good luck.
- Luck? I need a
fucking miracle.
He's picking up the tab, yeah?
- Fine by me.
[dark music]
[dramatic music]
- I'm here to see Rob Savior.
- Over there.
[bucket clattering]
Weapons in the bucket.
- What?
- It's a no weapon zone.
I don't want claret
spilling in my boozer.
Weapons in the bucket.
[dramatic music]
[gun clattering]
- Satisfied?
- What can I get you?
- I'm not here to drink.
- You wanna stay?
You have a drink.
- Water.
- I'll get you a
beer. Take a seat.
[dramatic music]
[chair scraping]
- Ah, Captain.
Good to see ya.
- You wanted to see
me in a public place.
No privacy?
- Oh, it's private in here mate.
Give us five minutes
lads, will ya?
[chairs scraping]
[footsteps fading]
- You boys don't normally
drink in here, do ya?
- No, first time.
- Oh, I don't think
you guys seem to notice
the lack of people in here
might be your cue to fuck off.
- Well, can we at least
finish our drinks first?
- Again, my cue to just
tell you to fuck off, now.
- Definitely ain't fucking
coming back here again.
- [Korbin] You won't be
anyway, mate, don't worry.
- Out of courtesy,
I should tell you that
your operation is over.
We've gathered enough
evidence, witnesses,
and with a little
creative accounting.
I can have all your
businesses shut down
and you thrown in jail.
So, whatever the reason was
that you summoned me here,
it ain't working, big boy.
You're done.
- Well, sounds like you
got me bang to rights.
- Dear, oh dear.
- What a name you'll
make for yourself?
Get a promotion.
Maybe even get knighthood.
- Okay, you have two
choices the way I see it.
You can hand yourself
in and cooperate.
Or do I have to send a team
round to your family home
3:00 AM, have you dragged out,
embarrassed in front of
your friends and neighbors?
Because quite frankly
I'm happy either way.
- I've got a third
option for you,
which I sincerely
hope you consider.
- Okay.
- Make you richer
and me protected.
Then we can do away with
all this hostility bollocks.
- Well, I guess
in that case then,
I will have to
add you attempting
to bribe the police captain.
- It's not bribery,
common sense.
See, there are three reasons
you should take
me up on my offer.
One, I know where you live.
With your two daughters,
Ellie and Rose.
And your beautiful wife,
Mary, like the virgin.
Well, if you have me arrested,
I can't guarantee
their protection.
[chair slamming]
[table rocking]
Sit down.
[soft upbeat music]
Some fucking respect or
I'll slit your throat.
Now, take a look at the screen.
I've got something to show you.
[upbeat music]
Now see, you come in here
and swing your dick around
and now it's shrunk to
the size of a raisin.
- This cannot get out.
- I'm a man of my word.
You help me, I'll protect you.
- And what is that you
want for this protection?
- All I want is for you to
just turn a blind eye to me.
- You're a total fucking
asshole, you know that?
- I've been called worse.
Do we have a deal?
[chair squeaking]
- Fuck you.
[upbeat music]
[gun clicking]
[upbeat music]
- What do you mean a
different direction?
We had a deal.
[door opening]
Fine, fuck you.
[phone slamming]
- Problems?
- Find out everything
you can on Rob Saviour.
This is the third deal I lost
because of that fucking mug.
- Let's fucking sort
him out, shall we?
- We need to do our
homework, though,
'cause we don't know what
we're getting ourselves into.
- All right, I'll
do some digging.
- Put the kettle on.
- Fucking servant as well am I?
[fist thudding]
[Davey grunting]
- Davey, how are you?
- You taking the piss?
- Cor, they've roughed
you up, haven't they?
I'm sorry, Davey, it's not
how I like to do business.
Untie him, will you?
- You sure, boss?
- Where the fuck's
he gonna run to?
- Good point.
- That's better.
Go on, stand up, walk
around if you want.
- I'm okay, thanks.
[gravel crunching]
- Now, you understand
my dilemma.
I've had 470K going missing.
And I've been informed
that you know where it is.
It's not good to lose
that kind of money.
Now where is it?
[dramatic music]
- Clearly your
sources are wrong.
- Yeah, maybe.
I trust him more than
I fucking trust you.
- You said yourself,
you searched everywhere.
- We did.
- I don't have it.
- Searched your business,
your home, your car, nothing.
[Davey screaming]
- Just stop, just
stop, stop please.
I told you everything I know.
- Don't make this any
worse than it needs to be.
Not good for business to
lose that kind of cash.
Now where is it?
- I told you all I know!
- See them boys there?
They're loyal and vicious.
Korbin, for example,
he'd quite happily rape and
strangle women to death.
Married blondes, he likes.
He draws the line at
kids, makes him sick.
Now, that little
sick fuck there,
he'll quite happily
rape a 12-year-old girl
on the way home from school.
Hang on a minute, your girl's
12 years old, ain't she?
- No, no, no. Please, please.
No, no, Rob, no, please.
[soft dramatic music]
[Davey crying]
- Tell me where it is,
or I jam this dagger
up in your kneecap.
- No harm will come to them?
- You have my word.
- And me?
- Don't fucking push it.
- Okay, okay.
- Okay what?
- I've got your money.
It's in the seats.
- What? What fucking seats?
- The car.
It's in the lining of the seats.
[Davey grunting]
- In the lining of the seats?
We checked the fucking
car, didn't we, boys?
- [Korbin] Yes, boss, Pete did.
- Well, I didn't check
inside the lining
of one in the back of the car.
- What you searched the
fucking only way you can see.
- Well, yeah.
The boot, under the seats.
- The little muggy prick
stole 470K away from me
and you think he's gonna put
it on the fucking dashboard?
- I suppose not.
- I'm sorry you've
gotta see this, Davey.
- [Davey] Sorry about what?
[Pete screaming]
- Korbin, take him and go search
the car properly this time.
- Yes, boss.
[soft dramatic music]
- My family?
- Davey, my little weasel
of a friend, come with me.
[Davey grunting]
If the money's there
and all accounted for,
no harm will come to 'em.
- Oh, thank you.
- You, on the other hand.
- Oh, come on, man.
We've known each
other for years.
I didn't know that
money was yours.
- Grow some balls, man.
You knew what you were doing.
- Oh come, come on,
let me work for you.
I'll pay off my debt.
- Come here.
Is it there?
- Give us two minutes.
- That's really
clever how you hid it
in them seats like that.
- I've got a lot of skills
I could bring to
your organization.
- Found it!
- I should fucking hope so,
I told you where it was.
You fucking waste of space.
And while you're down there,
count it and put it
in the duffel bags
and take it back to the office.
- Do you want us
to count it here?
- Yes, I fucking do.
- See, I told you the truth.
It's gotta count for something.
- Yeah, after I made some
serious threats to your family
and put a hole in your foot.
- Yeah, but still, you've
got all your money back.
We're okay, aren't we?
- Not fucking nearly.
- No, no, no, wait,
wait! Don't kill me!
Don't kill me!
- That drop won't kill you.
It'll break your
ankle or your legs.
- No, no, no, no,
don't, I need my legs.
- Well, I suggest you land
on another fucking
part of your body then.
[Davey screaming]
[body thudding]
Told ya.
[footsteps fading]
[soft dramatic music]
- Steady on, I'm unarmed.
It's a reciprocal
meeting, Daniel.
- You have been reading word
of the day toilet paper again.
What are you going on about?
- A meeting that
benefits us both, Daniel.
- Look, knock that
shit off, it's Jackson.
- Oh, it's just that
your criminal record
has you named as Daniel Jackson.
[Daniel sighing]
- So.
[lighter clicking]
What d'you want?
- Well, I want your criminal
record to simply disappear
and I can make that happen.
- Yeah, for a
pretty penny, I bet.
- You could say that.
I want you to take care
of an issue for me.
- What kind of an issue?
- First problem, I
need a pest removing.
[Daniel sniffing]
- So, are you fucking drunk?
The captain of the Met
Police wants a criminal
to murder someone for him.
Wipe the record clean.
You've had too much cocaine
in your corn flakes, pal.
- I can assure you this is a
completely legitimate offer.
- Ah, who is it?
- I'll send the
file in the week.
- Ah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
I want to know who it is first.
- Why does that matter?
You go into the house,
you pull the trigger.
I make sure you're
not implicated.
You get paid and you
get your record clean.
- 100% clean, no comeback on me.
- I will even give you
the date and the time
so you can go in
and get out clean.
- This is fucked up.
- You have no idea.
Keep your phone on.
Well, piss off then.
- Ah, right.
- You really are
fucking thick, aint ya?
[soft dramatic music]
- It's not a hard decision, Dad.
- It's a very important
part of the game.
- Dad?
- Yes, Petra?
- Do you miss Mum?
- What?
Of course. Why'd you ask?
- Some kids at
school were talking
about us not having a mum
and it just got me thinking.
- Kids? What kids?
What're they saying?
- Nothing like that.
Just, we were chatting
about parents.
Daddy, what happened to Mummy?
- She went to heaven a
long time ago, Princess.
- I can almost remember her.
- I think you
probably remember more
of what we've told ya than
you're actual memory, Darling.
- How did it happen?
- Very suddenly.
- Petra is right, it was
suddenly, but very peacefully.
It was a blood clot.
- What's a blood clot?
- That's a very good question.
Um, I'm not a
hundred percent sure,
but I believe it stops the
blood going to the brain.
So it stops the brain
functioning correctly.
- Sometimes my teacher
says Timmy Nolan's
brain doesn't function properly.
- That's probably 'cause
he's not listening.
- He never listens.
- What was she like, Dad?
- Your mum?
Oh, she was an amazing woman.
Lovely, caring,
absolutely beautiful.
She wouldn't be
having any of this.
Not at this time, before bed.
No way.
But she did the good
stuff that made you two
like as great as
you are, you know?
- She sounds amazing.
- She really was.
Now, come on, let's finish this
and let's get to bed, okay?
- Can we have a cooked
breakfast tomorrow?
- If you're gonna help me, yeah.
[soft upbeat music]
[upbeat dramatic music]
- That's no way to treat a lady.
- [Pete] No weapons. She's fine.
- Shall I get rid of her boss?
- No, this is all right.
Probably got bigger bollocks
than all of us anyway,
to approach me at this table.
- Thank you very much.
- So what'd you want?
- I have a business
proposition for you.
- No, you don't
- What?
- You have a business
proposition that benefits you
and you need my help to get it.
Now, if you don't leave this
table, I'll have you escorted.
- What, you'll have your
monkeys do it for you?
- All right, you
got 30 seconds, go.
- Okay, listen,
you control all of the
importing and the exporting
of the drugs in this city, Rob.
I want in, I can
expand this business.
- You want me to help
you grow your business?
- Well, yeah, of course
it will help you.
- I don't need an
extra something.
My businesses run
all by their self.
- Come on Rob, we could make
a really good team together.
- Time's up.
- [Shannon] We can make
a really good team, Rob.
We could take over the city.
- I run this city. I don't
need anyone else's help.
- You really are a
arrogant prick, aren't you?
You'll regret this.
- Fuck off.
[Shannon shouting]
[upbeat dramatic music]
- Philip, Rob would
like a word with you.
- Well, tell him to come and
have a word with me, then.
- You want me to ask
him to come to your home
to discuss your shortcomings?
- Oh, well, now that
you put it like that.
[upbeat dramatic music]
[car door slamming]
- Comfy there, Phil?
You ain't got your seatbelt on.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
And you?
- Well, I'm all right,
but why are you lookin' at me
like you wanna dry hump my leg?
- Let's just say
I'm looking forward
to seeing you get
what you deserve.
- Fuck you.
I deserve to be treated
better than this.
Yeah, that's what I deserve.
- You deserve what the boss
says you fucking deserve!
- Hey, boys, you keep
the noise down, please.
Giving me the fucking asshole.
[soft dramatic music]
- Mate, my beer is flat.
- No, it isn't.
Beer's never flat, mate.
- Come on, mate,
this is flat as fuck.
- I've already told ya,
it isn't flat, yeah?
So, here's your choice,
drink it or leave.
- Listen, mate.
[head slamming]
- Fucking dick.
[soft dramatic music]
Korbin, escort the gentleman
off the premises, please.
He's clearly had
too much to drink.
[soft dramatic music]
- Some people, eh?
Some people, eh?
- We heard you the first
time, just not interested.
- What, uh, what
are you watching?
- What, are your eyes broken?
- No, no, I mean is it
a rerun, is it live or?
- Well, what'd you want?
Clearly not here to
watch the football.
- Glad you asked, 'cause
I would like a job.
- Talk to Joe. He
owns the place.
- It's not a bar job I'm after.
- You've come into a bar asking
for a job, not for a bar?
- I wanna work for you.
- You don't know what I do.
- I know you're a man
I'd like to work for.
- Based on?
- Reputation, research.
- That sounds like
snooping to me.
Tell you what, I'll
give you a job.
Get in them toilets, get 'em
nice and spotless for me,
after a few months I'll
promote you to full cleaner.
How's that sound?
- No, no, you listen-
- No, you fucking listen.
I've got people around
me that I want and need.
But I don't fucking
want or need you.
Now, thanks for the
interest. Now fuck off.
- I guess I'll be going then.
[soft dramatic music]
- Ah, from one
fuckwit to another.
- Look, Rob, I don't appreciate
being dragged across town.
- I don't give a
fucking pig's dirty ass
what you fucking want.
Let me show you some facts.
[soft dramatic music]
The restaurant you run for me.
Takes 40K a week.
By the time it
reaches the accounts,
there's only 35 in there.
So I just wanna know,
where's 5K going a week?
- What? You, you go
through the accounting?
- Yeah, I go through
the fucking accounts.
[soft dramatic music]
- Look, look, look, look.
I'm sorry, honestly.
This is all laundered
cash, innit?
Yeah, the businesses take
enough cash, so you know,
we thought to take a
little hit, isn't it?
I've got expenses.
- What, do I not pay you enough?
- No, no no no, it's not like
that, Rob. It's not like that.
Sweet, it's all sweet.
- I don't like disloyal people.
[Philip screaming]
[dramatic music]
I've got a reputation to
uphold. Nothing personal.
[Rob roaring]
[upbeat dramatic music]
- Yes, we had a deal.
That still stands.
But I can't turn a blind
eye to everything, okay.
[knocking on door]
Ah, Kim, how can I help you?
- So, listen.
We are pretty sure
Rob Saviour is behind
Davey being in hospital.
If we link the two together,
we can put a case together.
- Let's not put all our eggs
in that basket, though, yeah?
- But, sir.
- Look, I know that Rob is a
good suspect on this one. I do.
But there may be other
options to consider.
- With all due respect, sir.
- Look, all I'm asking
is that we consider
other options.
- This is nailed on.
With everything else
that he's involved in,
we could put this guy
away for a long time.
- Kim, you've put a really
good strong case together.
You have. And I
appreciate that, okay.
But you know how long I've
been after this fucking family.
It's gotta be
airtight, watertight.
We can't make any mistakes.
We just can't be
so single-minded
that we don't consider somebody
else for this, that's all.
- Of course.
- Anything else?
- No, sir.
- Uncle Rob, your
house is so cool.
- Not as cool as yours.
- I love it when we come over.
- Me too.
Can we watch a movie in
the cinema room tonight?
- Of course you can.
As long as your dad
said it's all right.
- Of course. I get
to choose, though.
- Dad, you choose lame films.
- Charming.
- Whatever your dad
picks, we'll watch it.
- Threes.
- Go fish.
- Oh.
- You, fucking insane.
And this is some
kinda fucking joke!
- Sh, calm down, yeah.
- You're outta your little skull
if you think I'm doing this.
- You got the paperwork then?
- Yes, but I'm out!
- This isn't Dragon's
Den, Sunshine.
You're already in.
- Not a chance.
- Listen, Princess, everything's
in motion now, okay?
This is gonna be the easiest
payday you've ever had.
- 20K.
- What?
- 20K. Record wiped,
and new identity.
- You've been watching
too many FBI cop shows.
It doesn't work like that.
- He's a fucking madman.
I can't go after him!
- Okay.
Okay, I know you're scared.
10K, and the record wiped.
Come on, that's
life-changing for you.
- Fuck.
- You've got this, okay?
- This isn't right.
Something aint right!
- Tuesday next week.
The rest of the details are
in the pack I dropped in.
Make sure it's done.
- If you fuck me ...
- You'll what, huh? You'll what?
You'll do exactly
what I tell you to do
when I tell you to do it!
I'm giving you a
life-changing opportunity here
to change your life, you
ungrateful little prick.
Now then, get it done
and we can both go
our separate ways.
Both of us, much happier.
[bird cawing]
[upbeat music]
Head is spinning fast,
wanna lose control
I'll be on the scene,
crash, not a soul
The night may take us now
Just leave the lights on
- I need your help on this.
- I'm not getting involved.
You know how Dad gets.
Plus, I've gotta
protect the girls.
- I'll protect the girls.
- [chuckles] Like
you did me wife?
- That's out of order.
That was her doing. You know it.
- I know, I know,
but it's that life.
I don't want nothing
to do with it.
- Look, mate, it's just
one bar and a restaurant.
I need someone I can trust.
- You said you wasn't
gonna ask again, Rob.
- I know, but you're the
best man for the job.
- No, it's not happening.
Looks like you got
a couple of fans.
- You fancy her?
- Gotta grow up sometime, bruv.
[woman whispering]
[soft music and singing]
- I'll grow up another time.
[soft music and singing]
Come on then.
Head is spinning fast,
wanna lose control
I'll be on the secret
now, that's all
The night may take us now
Just leave the lights on
- Okay, so listen,
here's the plan.
He is a creature of habit.
Every Wednesday morning, he
goes to his local restaurant
to have breakfast.
He heads in through
the back way,
I assume to take
care of some business
and then he heads into
the main cafe area
to have a hearty breakfast.
He then goes to his local
pub to meet up with his crew.
That gives us two
minutes to snatch him,
take him and bring the fucker
to the warehouse and kill him.
We take his businesses,
his money and his crew.
- [Thug] You sure we can
pull this off or what?
- Yes, we will stick to the
plan and we will be fine.
There are more of us
than him at this point.
By the time that he
gets to the warehouse,
no one will know anything
and no one will tie it to us.
That little prick
has loads of enemies.
- So we go this Wednesday?
- You're damn right.
Don't be afraid to rough
him up a little bit
if needs be, yeah?
- Sounds like my
kinda fucking job.
[soft dramatic music]
[upbeat music]
[Rob whistling]
- Fuck me, I think I need to
get a better security system.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Did you kill my cleaner?
They're hard to
come by these days.
- I'd be more concerned about
what's gonna happen to you.
- The girl?
It's a shame. I liked her.
- Yeah, and I said
shut the fuck up.
[deodorant spraying]
- Don't know you, do I?
Wondering why you're here
with a gun in my face.
- Someone wants you dead,
so they sent me here
to do the job for 'em.
- What you?
Why would they do that then?
- Because I'm a hired killer.
- You're not. You're a
soppy prick with a gun.
And a toy gun at that.
- Oh, I assure you, this
aint no fucking toy gun.
- If you was a pro,
I'd be dead by now.
You'd have a silencer,
and you'd have done me
as soon as I got
outta the shower.
- Yeah, well, they wanted
me to give you a message
before I put a bullet in you.
- Oh, this'll be good.
Was it in crayon?
- You know, I'm
beginning to understand
why they want you dead.
- Before you do that, can you
send him a message for me?
- [scoffs] What is it?
Last man's dead wish.
- [chuckles] Yeah,
something like that, yeah.
- Go on. Spit it out.
- Well tell them,
I hope they kept the
receipt when they hired you.
[gun firing]
[body thudding]
[doors closing]
I need my carpet
cleaning at my place.
No, nothing major. Just
a few blood stains.
Might need a bit
of paint and all.
Today, Freddie.
[door opening]
[knocking on door]
- Come in.
- Sir, I thought you'd
want to see this.
- Kim?
Thank you, Officer.
- Welcome, sir.
- [Kim] Yes, sir.
- I think we have a new angle
on our friend, Mr. Saviour.
- Really, sir?
- Yeah.
Speak to the arresting officers,
get as much
information as you can,
and get them on our side.
We need help with
every job of this.
- Okay, sir.
- Yes.
- Hello, Davey.
[Davey groaning]
- I've had a pretty
rough couple of weeks.
Can we catch up tomorrow?
- Come on.
Let's go.
- Can I go and have
a shower first?
- My orders are to take you
straight to Mr. Saviour.
[Davey groaning]
- I guess we're going to see
Mr. Savior then aren't we?
[Davey sighing]
- Come on, in you get.
- Yeah, all right.
All right, all right.
- Mind your pinkies.
- So you're happy
this is kosher, yeah?
- It's watertight, Mr. Saviour.
If there are any issues, you
will be heavily compensated.
- It's not about
the money, though.
I can't lose face on this.
- I know.
I have added a clause about
a quick close in there.
There is very
little wiggle room.
If you're not happy, don't
sign it, Mr. Saviour.
I will pass on your apologies.
- No, I just gotta go for it.
Thanks for your hard
work and diligence
on this, Miss Kincaid.
- You're welcome.
I'll get these papers handed in,
and we should complete
the deal soon.
- Good work.
Fancy a drink
after to celebrate?
- Mr. Saviour, I'm
your solicitor,
not one of your
whores for the night.
But I do appreciate the
invite. Have a good afternoon.
- Fuck me she's a
bit touchy, aint she?
- Mm. Yeah.
- So what does Rob
want with me then?
He's already thrown
me off a roof.
- I thought you wanted
to work for him.
- I did, but then he threw
me off a fucking roof.
- Don't be so sensitive.
Just means he likes you.
- Hello, Davey.
Nice of you to join us.
Just had this little prick come
to my house try and kill me.
Daniel Jackson,
according to that.
- Seriously? I thought I was
looking for another chap.
This chap right here.
Franklin Joseph.
- He was the one from the bar,
but he aint the one that
just tried to kill me.
- I guess you're just
too popular, boss.
- Don't you have a
fucking mess to clean up?
- Well, Franklin
Joseph, not affiliated
with anyone we know, doesn't
have a criminal record.
Not the sort of person
we'd associate, you know,
trying to get us.
- What's he want?
- Listen, Rob, I just wanna
get back to my family.
- I wanna know what he wants
and why the sudden interest.
- Kids'll be
wondering where I am.
- Once we know that,
we can move forward.
- Rob?
- I don't give a fuck!
You work for me now.
You go home when I
fucking say you go home,
or you won't have a
family to go home to.
How's that?
- Okay.
- I can't hear ya.
- Okay!
- Fucking gratitude.
Give him a job, and all he
does is fucking sulk about it.
Fuck off home.
Come back Thursday,
three o'clock.
- What for?
- Fucking work.
- What work?
- Swear to God, Davey,
I'm gonna beat the fucking
living daylights outta you
with your own shoe in a minute.
Now fuck off.
Take the gun with you,
and I'll fucking tell
you what to do with it.
Go on.
[crutch thumping]
- I'll do some digging. You
know, find out what I can.
But, to be honest with you,
he seems really legit to me.
- Cheers.
Who's this Daniel
Jackson joker then?
- Well, this guy's a
different kettle of fish.
I mean, he's done arson.
Been in the slammer
at least twice.
- He said someone
paid him to kill me?
- Okay, well, just
relax. Leave it with me.
I'll do some digging,
do some research
on some known
associates, et cetera.
Just, leave it
with me. I'm on it.
- Cheers.
[soft suspenseful music]
- So, where are we?
What do we know?
- He's a petty criminal
and drug dealer, sir.
- Do we know how he got here?
- Well, it looks like he
was driven through there.
And dumped. But there's
no CCTV on the roads.
- Another drug deal
gone to shit, yeah?
- Probably.
Anything else we need to know?
- [Kim] Is everything okay, sir?
- No, nothing.
- [Kim] Do you recognize him?
- What?
No, I mean, just,
that's horrible, right?
I mean, this city.
- You okay, boss?
- Yeah, yeah. I'm good.
Let's get the scene wrapped.
Anything of interest
on the body?
- We found a gun, and
it's been sent off
for ballistics and testing
right now, so we'll see.
- Okay.
[suspenseful music]
- I'm worried about you,
sir. You look terrible.
- No, I'm fine, really.
I'm more worried
about your driving.
- I know I shouldn't complain,
but it really upsets me.
- No one likes to
be made fun of.
- How was I supposed
to know that?
- Just forget it. It will
all be forgotten by tomorrow.
- I suppose so.
How was your day?
- Another day of GCSE revision.
Life can't get any better.
- Then we're in big trouble.
- We'll be fine. I'm excited
for another games night.
- Can't wait. What
are we doing tonight?
- Swimming for you
and ballet for me.
- I don't wanna ...
[engine idling]
- Girls, how are we?
- Uncle Freddie!
- Have you come to
pick us up? How come?
- There's a bit of a chill
in the air, isn't it?
I promised your dad I'd
give you a lift home.
- [Petra] No, there isn't.
- Maybe, but there's two
hot chocolates in the back
of the car, and they'll
go cold if you walk.
[engine idling]
[car dinging]
[doors closing]
[wind blowing]
- [Franklin] Hey, Rob.
- [Rob] Fuck sake.
- [Franklin] Rob, just wait.
- [Rob] Joseph, right?
- Franklin Joseph, yeah yeah.
I think we got off on the
wrong foot the other day.
- Really? I don't think so.
- Look, Rob, I don't
wanna go down a road
we can't come back from,
you know what I mean?
- What are you going on
about, you fucking idiot?
- Look, I need some cash
and you got plenty of it.
- You want my cash?
- Call it an insurance policy.
- An insurance for what?
- Say it stops your
brother and your nieces
getting in any nasty accidents.
- Are you seriously
threatening my family?
- Call it harmless
blackmail, Rob, yeah.
Meet you on Saturday,
by the bridge.
Plenty of people around there.
- I'll save you the
time on Saturday.
Don't bother turning up. You
aint getting a fucking penny.
Now fuck off.
- Fuck off, man,
I'll break your legs.
- You'll regret that, Rob!
- I've heard that a lot lately.
Keep an eye on him, will ya?
- No worries, boss.
Leave it with me.
[upbeat suspenseful music]
- So working my magic
here, gents, it would seem
that the gentleman
who tried to kill you
was a drug dealer, a thief,
and he's been in the
joint a couple of times.
- What would he
wanna kill me for?
- Beats me, you're
such a lovely geezer.
- [Rob] Shut up.
- Well using some fancy
facial recognition,
I have found some images which
you might find interesting.
- Yeah, go on.
[upbeat dramatic music]
The little fucking rat.
- Who is he?
- The fucking cop.
The police captain.
The pervert.
- Well there is further news
on our friend Joseph Franklin.
- Don't worry about him.
He is a fucking idiot.
- I wouldn't be so sure, boss.
He has been spotted on CCTV.
He's been spotted
near Mason's house,
and he's been spotted
at your nieces' house.
- Fucking what?
[upbeat dramatic music]
[phone ringing]
- Rob?
- Kill him today.
- Do what?
- I'll send you the details.
- Today?
- It's fucking today,
not fucking tomorrow.
If he goes anywhere near my
family, I will destroy yours.
- Right.
Come on, girls, let's go
see your mum. Come on.
[upbeat music]
- Daddy?
- Yeah?
- What's for dinner?
- Pizza.
- The good police captain. I
wanna sort a meet next week.
- Consider it done.
- That's two little
ducks taken care of.
Are you ready?
- Yeah, no drama, boss.
- We got it.
- I don't want no
fucking hiccups.
[upbeat music]
[fist striking]
[Rob groaning]
- Ease up a bit, pal. She
wants him in one piece.
- He's a big boy.
He can take it.
- Just make sure he
can talk by the time
the boss gets here, yeah?
- Maybe we should slice
up this little fucker now.
- Well, I like
the sound of that.
- Yeah, go on. Fucking A.
- Max, she's here!
- Now just sit there like a
nice little boy, all right?
- You just wouldn't listen
to my proposal, would you?
You had to be the
stupid, pigheaded Rob
everyone warned me you were.
We could have achieved great
things if we had joined forces.
- I don't need any help
from a little slut like you
who's trying to tell
me how to run things.
- Now, you got nothing,
not even a funeral.
- I'll be here long
after you love.
- I doubt that.
I have you by your balls, Rob.
I have your men, your businesses
and now I even have you.
- If you let me go, I
won't kill your family,
your friends, your
business associates.
Fuck it, I'll even
throw your cat in there.
You fucking fuck bag.
- Show some respect. Let me
finish this shit off right now!
- Did one of my lads hit
you too hard there, Rob?
I'm not sure you know
what's happening.
I have you bound by the
hands, bleeding heavily.
I have a gun and a knife,
and I'm about to kill you.
- I'll take that as a no then.
- Are you fucking crazy?
Take him over there
and string him up.
[soft dramatic music]
Fucking hero, you are.
Get up. I don't want you
on your knees when I--
- You think I didn't have
your boys, you little prick?
- Come on, Rob. You're
not gonna do this.
- Your boys told me your
plan a long time ago.
- Fucking traitors!
So what now?
- Just thinking about it.
- I could, I could--
[gun firing]
[soft dramatic music]
- Fuck me she don't half go on.
- How the fuck did
you put up with her?
Were you loyal to her?
All right, fuck off.
- You sure, boss?
- He knows what's
happening if he comes back.
[soft dramatic music]
You work for me now.
[soft dramatic music]
Clean this shit up, boys.
[door closing]
- Don't worry, your barkeep
disarmed me outside.
This a bad time?
- No, I wanted to
see you. Sit down.
- What happened?
- Oh, you know,
creative differences.
- So,
why did you wanna see me?
- I got a big problem.
That little prick Jackson
you tried to kill me with.
- Whoa, wait.
- No more lies or deceit.
Just listen.
- Listening.
- I got a big delivery coming
in the country next few weeks.
And I just don't need no
prying eyes or ears about.
You do that for me, and
me and you are even.
- So I do this for you,
and this is all over?
- Yeah, I'll forgive you
for trying to kill me.
- Do you blame me?
- Seems to be everyone's
favorite hobby at the minute.
- Let's hope no
one succeeds then.
- Maxwell will send
you the details.
- I do hope that's not
causing you too much pain.
[soft music]
Fucking pricks.
- Yeah. They got lots of money.
Yeah, everything's in
motion. Don't you worry.
[soft dramatic music]
The money'll be there.
We'll get it sorted.
Right. See ya later.
[soft dramatic music]
- Hey, you okay, pal?
Take it easy.
- I'm so sorry.
- No no, take whatever you
want. Wallet, watch, whatever.
- This is not robbery.
- Looks a bit like a robbery.
- Shut up. I have to do this!
- You aint gotta do anything.
- No, he'll kill my family.
I'm trying to protect my family.
Surely you understand that.
- Of course I understand that.
You want to do what's right
for you and your family.
This isn't gonna end
well for anybody.
Have you ever taken a life?
- Shut up.
- Take it easy.
This is gonna be ingrained
in your brain forever.
You'll see my face every
day when you wake up.
My family will hold
you accountable
for the rest of your life.
- What about my family?
Rob'll kill them all!
He's a fucking monster.
- He is a monster. You're not.
I'm not.
Just put the gun down.
- No no.
[Davey groaning]
- Why the fuck does
Rob want me dead?
- You went to his kids'
school. You went to his house.
You threatened his family, man!
- It's just a threat.
It's nothing but intel
to fucking blackmail him.
- He thinks you're a threat.
- I wasn't a threat. I am now.
- What are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna destroy
everything he loves.
- And me?
- Take your family, get the
fuck outta this country.
Don't ever come back.
[soft dramatic music]
[footsteps running]
- There he is, the
man him fucking self.
- Oh, leave off, Dad.
- I'm only messing.
- He only wants your approval.
- He's got my approval.
He's doing fine.
Just not as good as you would
if you took some fucking
interest in it, man.
- Look, we've been through this.
I got the girls to
think about aint I.
- I know, I know.
- You're not changing me
mind on this, Dad, sorry.
- I know.
- Oi oi.
- Hello, Rob, how you doing?
Let's get you a drink?
- No, I can't stay long.
I got Petra's birthday
presents in the car.
- Okay. I'll give
you a hand, yeah?
- Sweet, yeah.
- Dad all right? He
didn't say a word.
- Yeah, just having
one of his moments.
- Things all right?
- Yeah, just old and
senile, you know?
- As long as he's all right.
Let's get these
fucking presents, eh?
- Yeah yeah, sweet.
- Come on.
[upbeat music]
- You want the
weapons in the bucket?
- Won't be necessary today.
I'm sure you won't be staying.
- Is Rob around?
- No.
- Good.
Let's talk Joseph.
- Nothing I wanna say to you.
- Not even if I mention Enzo?
- Enzo, what's he
got to do with this?
- Enzo's been involved
in an altercation.
The evidence points to him
or someone else
being the culprit.
I really don't want
it to go against him.
- What are you talking about?
- Someone has to do some
serious jail time for this.
And you are in a
position to choose.
Your son or somebody else.
Somebody more deserving perhaps.
- So you, you're dodgy as fuck.
- Hey, your boss started
this war, not me.
- So what do you want?
- Well, I'm in a position
to clear Enzo completely.
As long as you cooperate.
- At what cost?
- You think I want money?
- No, but you obviously
want payment of some kind.
- Not here.
Meet me at the embankment
tomorrow, sunrise.
- Why not just talk here?
- Because I prefer, more
neutral surroundings.
[soft dramatic music]
See you tomorrow, Joseph.
[door closing]
[soft dramatic music]
- You do know who my
family is, don't you?
- Yeah, I fucking do.
You tell him to pay
the fucking money,
or someone's gonna
get seriously hurt.
- You mean to tell me
you know who my family is
and you have the bollocks to
come into my fucking house?
[dramatic music]
[fists striking]
- Dad?
- It's okay, doll.
- It's okay, don't worry.
Just go back to bed.
It's okay.
[fist striking]
- Fuck.
[soft dramatic music]
[legs thudding]
[soft dramatic music]
Girls, it's fine.
He just needs our help.
Okay, come on. Come and help me.
- Dad?
- Come and help me.
- Dad?
- Come on, put the gun down.
Put the gun down. It's okay.
- No, no!
- It's okay, it's
okay, it's okay.
It's okay, he's
gonna be all right.
He's gonna be all right.
[gun firing]
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
[soft dramatic music]
What the fuck have I done?
James, James.
Come on.
Come on.
[Franklin breathing hard]
James, James.
Don't care what
time it is, James.
You need to speak, you need
to speak to the family.
Just, a horrible accident.
No, I need you.
I need you to speak to Rob.
James, James?
Oh it's this funny
thing called life
I make no sense of it
Sometimes I think
that's all I feel
Why don't you
give me a sign?
Like you see in me, I'm sure
It's such a promised mind
All in life that
leads me to your door
While the world still
spins your life begins
But that's just the
way it's gotta be
Give me a sign
About the things
that we don't know
Sometimes I want
to feel the pain
Because it makes
me feel alive
Well it's the only thing
we know'll carry on
When we're long gone
Why don't you
give me a sign?
Like you see in me the
trail along the shore
That's not your
problem tonight
All in life that
leads me to your door
While the world still
spins your life begins
- Mum, are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine. I think
Daddy just pulled up.
- Has he?
- Yeah.
[door opening]
- Did you get my message?
We need to get going.
- I don't understand. Why?
- Look, it's complicated.
I'll explain, I promise.
I just wanna get us going.
- I've packed all my stuff,
Daddy. It's by the door.
- Where are we going, Dad?
- It's an adventure,
sweetheart. Go and get your bag.
Go on Sophia, go and help her.
- Davey, stop. Look at me.
You're scaring me.
You're scaring the kids.
- I know you're
scared. I am too.
Just ...
Some really nasty
people involved in this.
I don't want any
of us getting hurt.
- You put your family in danger?
- Not exactly, but I
just don't know how
this is gonna pan out, I don't
know how it's gonna play.
[sighs] And if I don't
know what's gonna happen,
I'd rather not know while
we're in a different country.
- Okay.
I've got my stuff
already in the car.
- Kids, let's go!
Thank you. I love you.
- Ah, Joe. You came?
- Didn't have a
choice really, did I?
- No.
No you didn't.
- So what do you want?
- I want this to be over, Joe.
- Want what to be over?
- This war between Rob and I.
- That's nothing to do with me.
- No, but Rob trusts you.
- Yeah he does. And
for good reason.
I'm not betraying him
for you, or anyone.
- Come on, Joe. I
wouldn't have you do that.
- So what do you want?
- You run that pub, right?
- You know I do.
[birds singing]
- I want you to leave
the back door open.
- What? Why?
- So that we can
get in and set up.
We are taking Rob down, Joe.
- Fuck.
- With or without your help.
You can either leave
the back door open
and you and your lad
live in peace and quiet.
you can live with the
collateral damage.
And with your lad in jail.
I mean, you are lucky I'm
even giving you a choice.
- Lucky?
Yeah, it feels like it.
- Do we have a deal?
- Can't do this to him.
I can't betray him.
He's been too good to me.
He's just lost his
brother and his nieces.
Have some compassion.
- See, I thought you were
smarter than that, Joe. I did.
But, I understand and
respect your loyalty.
Just hope your son
has a good lawyer.
[Joe sighing]
- Okay.
- Good lad.
- When?
- Tuesday evening.
Rob has meetings every
Wednesday morning, right?
Oh and, uh, make
yourself scarce.
10:30 sharp.
You really don't wanna
be involved in this.
Oh, and uh, not a word
to your boss, yeah?
[upbeat music]
- What happened, mate?
- Rob, calm down,
it was an accident.
[gun firing]
- What the fuck, huh?
[gun striking]
[upbeat dramatic music]
[soft dramatic music]
Now there's a dark
cloud in my mind
The power to seduce me
Moments that
vanish in the haze
Have the power
to come find me
- May I join you, boss?
- Joe, you're one of me oldest
pals. You don't need to ask.
[birds singing]
- So how you doing?
- Everything's falling apart.
Mason. The girls.
I'm fucked.
- So why don't
you just get away?
- There's too many
loose ends here.
Can't just leave.
- Why not just go to your old
fella's place in Portugal?
Let this lot blow over.
- People can't get
away with this.
They need to pay.
- Mason woulda just wanted
you to be safe and happy.
- I brought this on
him. Can't you see that?
Shoulda just given
him some payoff money,
and that'd been it.
But now I gotta deal with it.
- You can't blame yourself
for someone else's actions.
- Anyway, what can I do for you?
- Nothing, I just
wanna see you're okay.
- That's it?
- Yeah, that's it. Chin up, eh?
See you later.
[soft piano music]
Faces projected in my dreams
Make me feel as
if I know them
Faces that seem
to look like you
Are longing to embrace me
You will take me
in your embrace
[soft piano music]
Such a bittersweet taste
Such a perfect waste
You're hiding in the
back of my conscience
- [Rob] They said it was
a gas explosion of sorts.
I miss them so much.
- Must be so hard.
- [Rob] Really hard.
Thanks for coming.
- My pleasure. They
were such lovely girls.
It's such a shame.
- [Rob] A horrible shame.
Look [coughs], I've
gotta sort some bits out.
- Of course, yeah.
See you soon, Rob.
[soft piano music
and vocalizing]
- You aint eaten, Dad.
- I aint eating.
- You gotta eat, Dad.
Don't fucking call me that.
- What? What are you on about?
- Don't you fucking call me Dad!
It's down to you that them
two little girls are dead.
- Look, we're all
shaken up here,
but I don't think it's fair
to put the blame on me.
- Well I do.
You might as well have signed
their fucking death warrant,
you fucking arrogant
little prick.
- Look, Dad, you wanna
chat, we'll chat later.
You clearly got things
to get off your chest.
- I don't wanna chat with you.
I don't want you to
talk to me ever again!
I'm going to fucking
Portugal, right.
You made a proper job of
fucking up this little family,
and I knew you would!
Right, you never fail
to let me down, do you?
Do you?
Such a bittersweet taste
Such a perfect waste
- Dad?
- It was always
gonna end in tears.
Turned his back on
the family business.
- Did I hear that right, Pete?
- What?
No, Rob.
- You said it was all
fucking Mason's fault?
- All I was saying is,
family means everything.
[head slamming]
When I hear you call
When I hear you call
[fists striking]
[Pete groaning]
[soft dramatic music]
- You like talking, didn't you?
[Pete groaning]
Don't fucking move.
[glass smashing]
- Right.
Thanks for this, guys, okay?
Whatever you do, stay
fucking safe in there.
This guy will not take
prisoners, you understand?
- Of course.
- Shoot like you mean it.
But having said that,
we want him alive.
[soft dramatic music]
Let's fucking bring him in.
- Fuck it, brov.
- Okay, lock and
load. Let's do this.
[guns clicking]
[door opening]
[dramatic music]
- Don't fucking move!
[upbeat dramatic music]
[guns firing]
[Rob groaning]
- Cease fire!
Rob, it's game over. Come on.
- You fucked me,
fucking scumbag.
- Come on, don't end like this.
- Ambushing me like
that, you fucking pig.
- You blackmailed me,
you fucking little oik.
Come on now.
Let's go.
- If I stand up, you and your
boys are gonna execute me.
- We're the police,
not the mafia.
You come peacefully,
you won't get hurt.
- Put your guns down.
- You toss yours over first.
[gun clattering]
- I'm done.
- And the others.
- Don't have any, I swear.
I dropped it when you shot me.
- Okay.
Hands above your head.
- I hate to repeat myself,
but when your boyfriend shot
me, he done me in the shoulder.
- Rob, show me your hands clear.
- This hurts.
- Show me clear hands.
- I need help.
Hold fire.
- Help, I need a medic.
Please, I need a medic.
- Hands, now.
- [Officer] I have
a clear shot, sir.
- Rob, drop, come on.
[gun firing]
Cease fire. Cease fire!
I fucking told you to
hold your fucking fire!
I had this situation
under control!
- He had a gun, sir.
He was about to fire.
- Get out.
Everybody out, now!
- Sir?
- Just get out,
come on. Get out.
Fucking skedaddle.
Leave the scene.
I'll take it from here.
[soft dramatic music]
- Want me all to
yourself, do you?
- You are one stubborn
prick, you know that?
- I didn't get this
far being weak.
- And for what?
To die here, alone?
- I'm not alone, am I?
I'm with my favorite
police captain.
[Rob breathing hard]
[glass thudding]
[soft dramatic music]
- Why do so many people
wanna kill you, Rob?
- Maybe I'm just lucky.
- So, is it true?
The money, as much as they say?
- More than.
- Where is it?
- Tell me, Captain,
what's a man like you gonna
do with over 30 million?
Along with your measly salary?
- 30 million?
- More than.
- That must have taken
some serious infrastructure
and planning.
- A lifetime.
Guess this is what
it's all come down to.
[Rob groaning]
- So what happens
to it after you die?
- Never even thought about it.
Didn't think about
dying this soon.
- I need to hand it in, Rob.
Where is it?
- Are you really gonna
turn in 30 million?
- Got no choice.
[Rob groaning]
- This is what everyone's
been trying to kill me for.
- What is it?
- Account details.
Digital signatures.
To all 17 accounts.
Plus crypto bits and bobs.
It's about 30 million on
that drive. Make your choice.
- Fuck, Rob.
- Don't let them
try and save me.
- What?
- Finish it.
[Rob breathing hard]
[glass clinking]
[gun loading]
[Rob breathing hard]
- There's one round.
Your name on it.
[gun firing]
[keys striking]
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
- Paul.
Yes, sir.
See you soon.
[upbeat music]
When life gets you down and
there's no one to save you
You better know I'll
be there to hold you up
Don't you ever worry,
everything will fall in place
Don't you feel so down,
I'll show you love
When nothing holds you
down, let me help you up
I know it's dark inside
Let me be your light
I know I will come by
Everything's so nice
You better fly up in the sky
Living up your
life, lean on me
When you need someone
to trust, lean on me
[singing in foreign language]
I'm a believer
There's magic in the
air, can't you see that?
[singing in foreign language]
Let nothing hold you down
Let me help you up
I know it's dark inside
Let me be your light
I feel the vibe,
everything's so nice
You better fly up in the sky
Living up your
life, lean on me
When you need someone
to trust, lean on me
[singing in foreign language]
Lean on me
Oh, oh
Lean on me
[singing in foreign language]