Legacy Peak (2022) Movie Script

You want a receipt with that?
No, thank you.
But thank you very much,
and have a Merry Christmas.
Oh, alright.
Oh, yes, got any coconut bars?
Coconut bars.
I got those.
Let's see.
And how about fruit?
Apples, bananas, anything like that?
Fruit snacks?
Ten percent juice.
I'll take three of those.
Oh. Oh, yes.
This is for adults,
but I think kids will like 'em too, right?
Yes, of course, they will.
Everyone likes coloring books.
They gotta like that.
Alright, you two stay here.
I'm gonna find him.
So cool.
The planes.
I can't believe we get to fly in one.
Hey, you!
Need a hand there, Santa?
Well, if it isn't Mrs. Clause.
Are the kids excited?
Ben is. I wish I could fly out with you.
Yeah, me too.
But this will give you that quiet time
to finish your presentation.
Well, you'll have your hands full now.
You know, I bet he'll bring junk food.
For the plane and for the cabin.
So that's why I have to go.
To make sure you're checking
your blood sugar.
Yeah, I've read every book
I could possibly read
about parenting blended families.
And I've boiled it down
to a four-point behavioral matrix.
I've never seen a plan
that kids can't break all to pieces.
Four days from now,
when you catch up with me
and the kids at the cabin,
they're gonna beg you to say yes.
Even Sam?
Specially Sam.
Oh, and what about my dad?
Oh, he'll regretfully admit
that I'll make a fine son-in-law.
Oh, so you have a ring hidden here
and an elaborate schedule
that tells you when we'll get engaged?
Well, there is an ideal sequence
of events.
Family dinner's
at 5:45 Christmas night and...
I hope you can relax
and just get to know the kids.
Maybe be a little spontaneous.
Oh, spontaneity is on the matrix.
You arrive Christmas Eve night,
open up gifts,
and then maybe,
just maybe, there's a ring.
Is that so?
I hear your dad set up a tent
about a mile from the cabin
to keep me away from his daughter.
Yeah, he's such a sweet thing.
I mean, I told him that I ran
a background check on you
after our second date, but...
Smart call.
I'm gonna get the kids.
Hey, buddy.
You ready for an adventure?
Mom said no adventures allowed.
Oh, well, okay. You can call shotgun.
It's small, isn't it?
Well, the 747 is in the shop.
Don't worry, she's perfectly safe.
- Can I fly it?
- No.
When you're 16, sure.
Why can't we just drive up?
Jason promised Ben a flight.
There's nothing to worry about.
This plane is perfectly safe.
If something's safe,
you don't have to say it all the time.
Where do I put this?
You don't have to do this, you know.
Go to Grandpa's cabin.
I wanna be with you guys for Christmas.
There's no cell service,
not even a landline.
- Well, I brought a book.
- We'll be living like animals.
Well, I hear it has electricity
and running water.
So do thunder clouds
but you wouldn't live in one.
Thanks for the warning, kid.
Mom just texted from last place
they get reception.
They'll be at the cabin in an hour or so.
Well, that's great.
We'll be right behind them.
The weather's clear all the way
to the landing strip.
Ben's glucometer. Sam will help.
Alright, no problem.
Let's pray before we go.
Father God, we're flying closer to you.
Just keep an eye on us
and keep us safe in your arms.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Bye, Mom.
You sure it's okay
to surprise your folks like this?
The only thing my dad likes
better than surprises
are terrible jokes.
Besides, here's your chance
to win his approval.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Alright, guys.
This is gonna be super fun.
Three-hour flight.
Plenty of time
to get to know each other.
Alright, we ready?
Aye-aye, captain.
Co-pilot Ben, check out the list.
- Altimeter?
- Set.
- Directional gyro.
- Set.
Instrumented radius?
Checked and set.
Seatbelt and shoulder harnesses?
You are clear for takeoff, captain.
Passenger Sam.
More like hostage.
That's Legacy Peak there.
We're more than halfway to the cabin.
Sweet, what's that river?
- That...
- I just saw a wolf.
You did not.
I did.
Well, we're pretty high for that.
Can we go closer to the mountain?
Well, it's off the flight plan, Ben.
It's never a good idea.
Come on, what's the worst
that could happen?
Please, Jason. Please.
And besides, I thought I was co-pilot.
Spontaneity. Okay, bud.
The wolf was right about... there.
That's a moose.
There was a wolf. There was.
We can get a little closer.
See what else is out there.
Oh, there, it went into the woods.
You're the only one
that ever sees it though.
There are wolves in the area.
Ben, look, there's a big flock of birds.
- Jason, what's happening?
- Bird strike.
Oil pressure's dropping.
We're overheating.
I gotta put her down.
Hand me the map.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
November 3-27, Juliet Kilo.
We are attempting an emergency landing.
We're ten miles west-north-west
of Legacy Peak.
Heading two-niner-two.
Radio is dead.
There's a clearing here I can land in.
Hold on, kids. Hold on.
Thank you, Jesus.
This is more or less what I expected
when I got on the plane.
Ben? Ben, you alright?
I think I scratched my wrist.
No, no, no.
What's wrong?
Seems our radio wasn't bird proof.
Well, can you fix it?
I hope so.
Come on.
My phone's busted.
Well, the air intake is clogged.
- Right.
- It seems to be some sort of oil leak.
Ben, I found the first aid kit.
Let me see your wrist.
Oh, sorry.
I should have told you where to find that.
A good babysitter would have
checked for injuries.
Don't worry. I'm Red Cross certified.
Is it okay to fly
with a cracked windshield?
Well, that'll be cold, but...
- it's better than walkin'.
- This might hurt.
Cabin's probably
a three-day hike from here.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Or maybe in here.
Here. Wrap your wrist, okay?
It doesn't have to work long,
but just long enough.
- How do you put this on?
- Just wrap it.
If everything's okay when I start it,
y'all load up. We'll be on our way.
Told you.
Well, that's not great.
Can you fix it?
If we were at the hangar, I could.
What are we gonna do?
Ben, where's your jacket?
In Mom's car. Why?
We're never gonna get home.
Alright, we need to talk.
Family meeting.
Ben, stop.
That's what we call it at home.
Family meeting.
Here's the deal.
So, we need to set up,
so rescuers will be able to find us.
Make a shelter, start a fire,
ration our food.
That sort of thing.
How long?
Well, your grandparents,
they weren't expecting us
to come this early.
Best case scenario,
they start looking for us in four days,
and find us in six.
So, they won't even know
to be looking for us.
Look, I'm gonna get you two set up,
hike to the ranger station for help.
Hiking alone and fast,
I'll be back in about a day and half.
When I babysit the Thompson triplets,
you can't leave them alone
in the living room.
How about wild animals?
What if the fire goes out?
What if there's a serial killer?
Don't worry, Sam.
Serial killers are a city thing.
Out here would be ax murderers.
Look, if we make a plan and stick to it,
everything's gonna be fine.
I'm telling you we can't be left
alone here and you're not listening.
I am listening.
But staying here together
is not the best plan.
Sam, why don't you try
to find us some dry wood?
Ben and I, we can sort supplies.
I just said you're not listening
and now you're sending me alone
to the woods?
Fine. I'll go get the wood.
And when I come back,
I'll sort the supplies.
- I mean, I can go get the...
- No!
Flashlight. That's good.
Maybe there's another airplane
in one of those presents.
There's so many.
Yeah. He's trying to buy us off.
Well, it's working.
Let me see that.
- Knife.
- Cool.
It's not even his.
It's some guy named Matt.
And maybe his birthday, 3-17.
17? Let me look.
It's a Bible verse, genius.
It must be from his dad.
You can't take that, that's his.
Mine now.
What if he was gonna give it to me
as a Christmas present?
- Yeah, okay.
- Ooh, and I can make a spear out of it.
Ben, you put that back!
You can't read that.
- That's private.
- Oh, come on, Sam.
What if there's a list
of what our presents are?
It's like a list for everything in here.
Plane checklist, Christmas schedule,
how to color-coordinate socks.
Things to do, things to remember.
That's weird.
Oh, here's one about us.
Plan for Ben and Sam.
What does it say?
Let's see.
Gain trust through time together.
Buy them gifts to show affection.
Get them to want the engagement.
- Wait.
- Hey!
What's this?
Give me that.
Are you and Mom getting married?
No. I mean...
yes. That's the plan.
You're asking her on Christmas.
In four days?
Did you read my notebook?
You have to get us to like you first.
I mean, Ben already likes me.
So, all of this trip, the nice guy act,
the getting to know us,
that's all part of your checklist?
It's not like that.
Is 'connect with the kids'
on your checklist or not?
Sam, give me the ring.
No. You're not ready for this.
Please. It was my mom's ring.
How did you get it back from Jessica?
Who's Jessica?
- No one.
- His fiance.
- What?
- Former fiance.
We broke it off years ago.
Mom told me all about it.
He broke it off the day of the wedding.
That is so not cool.
It's the other way around actually.
She broke it off with me.
- It's complicated.
- Because kids were not part of your plan.
Sort of. I mean, that was part of it.
Ben! Wait!
I'm gonna hold on to this.
You can have it when you get back
from the ranger station.
That way you actually have a reason
to come back for us.
I need your help.
I tried to plan the perfect trip.
And I wanted to give these kids
something I never had.
Seemed like everything
was coming together.
But instead...
Sam, I'm doing my best here.
You're not even reaching
competent babysitter levels.
Let alone replacement dad.
Nothing is going to get you to that level.
Well, I'm not trying to replace anyone.
I understand how you feel.
You have no idea how I feel.
I was 12 when Mom opened that door
to two strangers in uniform.
I didn't even get to say goodbye.
Or tell him I love him.
Or say thanks for being
a really great dad.
And now...
And now,
I have to look after Mom.
And I gotta take care of Ben.
Make sure no one ever hurts them again.
What about you?
Who takes care of you, Sam?
I do.
Rise and shine, campers.
Alright, kids.
I've been doing some thinking.
If we stay here, it could be weeks
till someone finds us.
It's just way too long.
So, you're leaving us?
Actually, you were right, Sam.
We'll go together.
Is there coffee?
At the ranger station? Yeah.
There's a three-day-old pot
of coffee so strong,
it'll pick you up and carry you home.
What's that for?
In case someone does find the plane,
they'll know where we went.
Come here.
So, we're heading down
the mountain a bit today
then we'll trek through
the forest here. Alright?
And tonight, we'll make it to Legacy Lake.
Alright, we'll camp there
and follow the river
to the ranger station.
Be there by tomorrow afternoon.
This thing is ancient. 1990?
Did people even know how to make maps?
Alright, that's the ranger station, right?
And that's the cabin right here,
more or less.
And we're right about here, I think.
Which means what, Ben? Which way?
This way.
That's right.
So, it's just one more night
in the wilderness.
Yeah, that's not so bad.
We'll take an early break tonight,
fish at the lake,
- and then build a lean-to shelter.
- Sweet.
But first, it's time for presents.
- Come.
- No way.
Yes! Oh, yes!
Here, open this.
A sled? No way.
Your mom said there's a sledding hill
near the cabin.
Plus, we can tote our supplies in it.
Say thank you.
Thanks. More.
Well, let your sister open hers.
Your mom said that you like to go fishing.
- Yeah. Thanks.
- Oh, yeah. She loves to fish.
She went all the time with our dad.
She didn't mention that.
And these were supposed to be
for Christmas night.
I got one for your mom too.
A jacket! And I actually need one.
Team Wild?
It's his last name, duh.
I love it. Thank you.
I think the one I have on
is probably warmer.
- For the hike.
- Yeah.
Yeah, sure.
Of course.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
How is there a pathway out here
in the middle of nowhere?
It's a game trail.
Lots of wildlife come through here.
Like an animal highway?
Like, look at this for instance.
Is that a hoof print?
What about this one?
Well, that's a dog, I think.
You mean a wolf.
No way a dog would be this far out.
Grandpa's dog wanders all over.
Never goes where he's supposed to.
That's why he's named Jonah.
Dog and wolf prints are
basically the same.
Well, even if we come across
a pack of wolves,
they're not gonna be interested in us.
They like nice big elk.
Not two scrawny kids
and an extremely muscular young man
like myself.
Besides, we'll be at the ranger station
this time tomorrow. Come on.
Hey, I got something for you.
Guys, come here.
- My gosh.
- Hold on.
Can you believe that?
The bigger one, the doe,
that's the momma.
The two little ones,
one of them is a girl,
and the one with little nubs
on his head, that's the boy.
Should we eat them?
We won't need venison
in the next few hours.
So, where's the buck?
The bucks don't stay with the fawns.
No dad?
That's sad.
They'll be fine, Ben.
Doe knows how to keep 'em safe.
She knows exactly what to do.
There she is.
It's pretty.
Sam, we'll get you a hole in the ice,
so you can catch us a fish.
Ben, you and I will set up a shelter.
I can handle camp.
You guys go get the fish.
No problem.
This looks like a good spot.
Don't tell your mom
we went out on an adventure.
This was...
I'll go for a while.
No way! Look.
Thanks for helpin'.
No problem.
Hey, guys, what's up?
Who's with the fishing pole?
I don't know. I got bored.
I got it.
Nice. Nice.
Sam, come quick. I caught a fish!
Keep your line tight.
Come on.
Keep your line tight.
- Look, there he is.
- I see it.
It's beautiful.
Way to go, Ben.
Alright, let's take him back to camp.
It even has beds.
Hopefully, it'll keep us warm.
I love this. Let's live here.
Actually, I'm hungry.
Let's clean that fish.
- Ben, give me the knife that you found.
- Okay.
Knife? What knife?
This knife.
Where did you get that?
Where did you get this knife?
In the plane.
I mean, where else?
Look, you guys can't just take
other people's stuff.
You can't!
Bunch of kids.
That was unexpected.
Come on, Jason.
That knife,
it was a gift when I was growing up.
It's just... it's one of the only things
I have from that time.
My mom's ring and that knife.
So, what is this anyway?
'What's this, ' she says.
You kids have been deprived.
Deprived, I say.
It's like a pan or something.
Hey, what's the deal?
Buying chocolate bars
with almonds in them?
Well, I didn't know
what you guys would like.
So, I just bought one of everything.
You bought five of everything.
What about fruits?
Or is it just candy and beef jerky?
Fruit snacks?
It's ten percent juice.
Corn syrup is not a fruit.
What's even happening?
It's popcorn.
Popcorn with no microwave?
This is the best vacation ever.
You wanna know something funny?
I was so worried about
what to bring this week,
that I bought coloring books.
Crayons. Mr. Prepared.
Shut up. For Ben?
Ben, you, me.
I grabbed everything that was close.
I don't believe you.
Hand them over right now.
Oh, no cellphone changes a woman.
Hey, you guys wanna see something cool
my youth pastor taught me?
Sam, hand me your least favorite crayon.
Here you go.
Good choice.
Just like that.
Here we go.
Heat it up a little bit.
Right in the wax.
Oh, you're waterproofing the matches.
That's exactly right.
I told my youth pastor,
I said, 'Why didn't you
just buy waterproof?'
He said, 'Why buy
when you can just make 'em?'
Okay, that was definitely a wolf.
Don't worry.
They won't come close to the fire.
I wanna tell you the story
about how I got my knife.
You know, my mom died
when I was young, right?
So, your mom gave you the knife?
- No.
- Let him tell the story.
When my dad left,
they sent me to a foster home.
So, your foster family gave you the knife?
No, I...
Well, I didn't stay there long.
Maybe three weeks.
I wasn't an easy kid.
I would wake up, screaming a lot at night.
Well, I acted out.
And they didn't know what to do with me.
They was good people.
How many foster homes
did you go through?
I don't know. Maybe 20.
Wait, is this still about the knife?
So, when I was 17,
this lady took me in
and she took me to her church.
Youth pastor heard my story.
I told him I didn't have a dad.
Not really.
Two weeks later, he gave me that knife.
Read me Bible verses
of how God takes care of orphans.
And that verse,
'This is my beloved Son
whom I am well pleased.'
Youth pastor said...
God has been watching out
for me the whole time.
And he is my father
even when there's no one else.
It was the first time
I really felt like I had a dad.
For a little bit anyway.
Sorry I took your knife.
No, it's okay. You didn't know.
Sorry I yelled at you.
We're almost there, guys.
- There it is, guys.
- We're here.
The ranger station.
Shouldn't there be some signs of life?
Like, smoke, cars, people?
I can't believe it.
Hey, Jason.
Hold on, just give me a minute.
Alright, we'll split up.
Look for anything useful.
Maps, food, radios, anything.
Can of chili and a can of pineapples.
I found this.
Sam, anything useful?
This letter. Shuttered for budget cuts.
Oh, yeah. And these.
It's another two-day hike from here
to your grandparents' cabin.
That's if we push hard,
but with this key...
Oh, Sam! Yes! This is amazing. You did it.
Oh, man.
It looks like an antique.
Oh, Benjamin,
we old folks like to refer
to this as vintage.
Hop off.
What are you doing?
No gas.
Benjamin, hand me one of them gas cans.
Sam, can you grab that funnel?
- What are you doing?
- Gotta give it some gas.
Old fuel oxidizes.
It gets gummy.
So, if we pour it through this cloth,
it can filter some of it out.
Oh. Come on, baby. Yes, yes.
That's it.
Try the keys.
Keys, check.
Start it! Start it!
This old pup, it's a kickstart.
So, it doesn't work?
Hold on.
The carburetor's fouled.
I can have this thing
cleaned up and running
in a couple of hours.
- Hours?
- Yeah.
Are you serious?
- We can be headed to the cabin by mornin'.
- Oh, my God. Yes.
See that? Carburetor's clean.
Now we just put it back together
in the order we took it apart.
Hey, how come you have all those lists?
Like, all the time?
That lady I was telling you about,
my last foster mom,
she taught me I was striking out at people
'cause I was too overwhelmed.
she said if I made a list,
those big things broken down
into small pieces,
it would help, you know?
Like, which pieces go where.
All that.
Yeah, but like how come
me and Sam are in your notebook?
Are we just pieces to you?
No. Not at all. It's just...
Well, I don't... I don't know
what to do with you and Sam.
That's all.
But I don't want to be a part
of an engine, you know?
It doesn't feel right.
Ben! Dinner's ready.
Why don't you get something to eat?
I'll finish this up.
What's for dinner?
Lukewarm chili and cold pineapples.
My favorite.
Jason, wolf!
Y'all stay inside!
Come on.
The wolf can't get in, right? Right?
- What are we gonna do?
- Check if the wolf is still there.
The wolf just went around the corner.
Jason, we're gonna run across!
No, wait. The ATV is almost done.
The station's on fire!
What? No, no, no, no.
Get behind me.
Come on.
Get on! Get on! Back up!
Ben, on it.
Back up! Get back! Get back! Get back!
- Ben, no.
- We gotta go. Come on, Jason.
Watch and learn.
Ben, please. You don't even know
how to drive this thing.
Alright, Ben, look.
Watch out for those rocks.
I think we lost him.
Hey, Ben! Ben, you gotta slow down,
alright? Pump the brake.
- I don't know what that means.
- Just be careful.
Keep your eyes on the road, alright?
This is so cool.
Mom would have never let me keep driving.
Yeah, because she's
an actual responsible parent.
You're not in charge of me, Sam.
- I can reach the brake too, genius.
- Sam, wait!
Come on.
We need some dry branches.
Get some twigs, pine needles, whatever.
We gotta get you warm.
I got sticks.
Right here.
They're wet.
The waterproof ones.
The crayon matches.
Oh, yes.
Come on. Come on.
I need your phone.
- There's no cell reception.
- Give me your phone now!
Wait, wait!
Give me the matches.
- What?
- The matches.
First, dry the matches in your hair.
I saw it on TikTok.
It will work. It has to.
You did it. Yes!
And you keep it going.
- Alright.
- I'll get more branches.
Ben, you okay?
You think Sam's okay?
She's sleepin'. She's keepin' warm.
I know this is a big deal,
but do you think
I can borrow your knife?
I wanted to make a spear.
Ben, there's a lot of responsibility
when it comes to having a knife.
I was the one
who started the fire for Sam.
I know, pal. And that was great.
But I'm feeling a little nervous
about giving you a knife
before I know you can be careful.
Doesn't your dumb checklist
say something about
how to learn to trust each other?
Look, I'm exhausted
and we're gonna need
to find food come morning.
So how about we start
with something small?
Can I trust you to keep watch for an hour?
Of course, you can.
Jason. Jason.
Give me a minute.
I'm going a little ways down the river.
Try and see if I can find food for Sam.
I won't go far.
It's my knife, Ben.
You can't drive the ATV, Ben.
Ben, don't smash my phone with a rock.
When I come back with the food,
I better hear a thank you, Ben.
Hey, Ben,
maybe you should be in charge
for the rest of the way to the cabin.
Did you hear that?
Where's Ben?
Ben? Ben?
Flashlight's gone.
- Get your jacket on.
- Okay.
- Let's go find him.
- Alright.
So, camp was...
this way.
Jason, tracks.
He couldn't have gone far.
I mean, how long was I asleep?
An hour? Maybe two?
Benjamin Joseph Free, stop playing!
Let's go.
Sam! Jason!
You there?
Hang on, buddy.
Looks like he come through these trees.
He was lying down here.
Oh, my God! Benjamin!
Sam, over here. Look.
He probably took it off.
He gets hot easily and he's an idiot.
We're gonna find him, Sam.
Don't lie.
I promise.
Of course, Dad will come home
from his tour of duty.
Why do adults think that we don't know
when you are lying?
Look, I promise. I won't stop until we do.
He doesn't have a coat.
His blood sugar is low.
He's probably passed out.
If we can find him,
it will most likely
just be his body, Jason.
Look, Sam. We can't stop lookin'.
We can't give up.
Hey, what would your mom say?
What would Mom say?
Is that why you're searching?
You're afraid
my mother will break up with you
if you lose my brother?
I'm so sorry for messing up
your perfect little checklist.
Here is what I think about
your stupid little plan.
Right now, all that matters
is that we find your brother.
Not the checklist,
not the ring.
And not whether I'm gonna marry
your mother, alright?
We gotta find Ben.
Now come on.
We're coming, buddy. Ben!
Ben, we're coming, pal.
It's been too long.
He's covered in snow by now.
Look, we search as long as we can.
Did you hear that?
- What?
- Listen.
Sam, are you there?
This way.
Hi? That's all you have to say?
You scared the crap out of me.
Don't do that ever again.
- Hey!
- Oh, my God.
Oh, no, your knife.
Ben, time for a shot.
My glucometer, it's broken.
Your sugar's obviously low.
You need some glucogen.
when was the last time
you saw your dad?
- Ben!
- What?
No, it's okay.
When my mom died,
he walked out.
He said he never wanted
to see me again.
I was probably about eight.
Our dad died when I was eight. Sam was 12.
Your mom says...
she says your dad was
a really amazing guy.
Wish I had a dad like that.
Why didn't you want kids?
You were afraid.
My whole life, I was told I didn't fit in.
My dad, the whole string
of foster families.
Jessica, when she...
she called off the engagement.
I always wondered
if I had what it takes.
Our dad was a really good dad.
He didn't always save the day,
but he was there.
He wasn't perfect, but...
he loved us.
Jason, a good dad does what he can...
even if it's not enough.
- What?!
- Time to get up.
What? What is happening?
Come on, time for breakfast.
Alright, close your eyes.
Close my eyes?
Just close 'em.
Stay right there.
Merry Christmas Eve.
What's with the socks?
It's stockings.
One for each of you.
Sam said I couldn't open mine
until you woke up.
Yeah, I saved one of those coconut ones.
Found it in my backpack this morning.
Coconut is way better
than nothing. Thanks.
Go on.
Go on.
I know you and your family don't do gifts
until Christmas Day.
But in our family, we do Christmas Eve.
Oh, God!
Don't get all mushy on me.
But I saw you throw it in the river.
You saw me throw the box into the river.
breakfast is served.
Apples, they're pretty sour.
There were still a few hanging on a tree.
Sorry, I know you hate yellow,
but Ben insisted on the red one.
Those are terrible.
Even the squirrels don't want these.
So, what were we supposed
to be doing this morning?
According to your notebook?
Let's see.
I had planned pancakes, eggs and bacon,
assuming your grandparents let me cook.
Ah, I love pancakes. And bacon.
Eggs are also good.
Oh, and I bet Grandma would make cookies.
I love her cookies so much.
Thank you.
Last night you said
you didn't think I was ready
to be a part of this family.
This means a lot.
Parenting lesson number one,
kids don't always mean
what they say in a blizzard
when they're upset
and their brother is missing.
So, is there a plan
or a five-point outline?
Let's say we just stick together
and see what comes. How about that?
I like that.
Fine by me.
First, let's start off with a prayer.
Most loving Father, thank you.
Help us find our way...
and thank you for watching over Ben
when I couldn't.
Is that you, boy?
Oh. Hey.
Oh, my gosh, Jonah. This is Grandpa's dog.
Jonah, what happened to you, boy?
It looks like he got in a fight.
They're following us.
They must be actually hunting us
if they've come this far.
What are we gonna do?
We can't be far from the cabin
if Jonah's here.
It's okay, Jonah.
Look, let's get our things,
move quickly. Come on.
Come on, boy, let's go.
Jason, what do we do now?
Cross here.
That's it. That's it. Stay focused.
One step at a time.
That's it, nice and easy.
And stay focused. Easy. Watch it.
Jason, help!
Ben, I got you.
Come on.
You good?
Nice and easy. Alright.
Come on.
Come on.
I got you.
Jonah, where are you going?
We climb. We'll cut some time off.
- The wolves have to take a different path.
- I can't climb that.
You can do it.
Alright, just leave the pack. Let's go.
Sam, come on.
Good job, Sam.
Ben, make sure you got a good hand hold.
Yes, sir.
I got you.
That's it, that's it.
That's it.
That bought us some time, right?
Few minutes, maybe.
We gotta keep moving. Come on.
Get across this log.
Jason, we have to hurry up.
Your grandpa's cabin is on the ridge
just behind this one.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna stay here
and hold back the wolves.
You kids have gotta run, okay? Fast.
Jason, you don't get it, do you?
We stick together, no matter what.
Look, you kids gotta run, okay? Now, go.
Hurry, get behind this boulder, alright?
Father God, you have
to keep these kids safe.
I've done everything I can.
I can see 'em.
Come on, just a little bit closer.
They can tell we want 'em to keep coming.
Come on.
- Ben!
- Come on. There.
Hey, over here!
Jason! Jason, heads up.
Samantha, Ben, come on.
- Grandpa.
- Jonah!
What are you three doing
way out here anyway?
We wanted to come and surprise you.
Well, color me surprised.
Oh, you're awake.
Pine needle tea.
It tastes terrible.
Yeah. No one likes it.
Grandma made these.
How did you find us all the way out here?
Well, Jonah showed up. Wouldn't let me be.
Barking, whimpering, howlin'.
He never stays
where he's supposed to.
But when that dog's
got something important to say,
you know it.
With the storm coming and all,
I brought some supplies.
I'm glad I did.
I thought we should let you rest
before we made the rest of our journey.
Are you gonna have one?
Yeah, can I?
I can't believe you tried
to take that wolf with your bare hands.
- I had to protect the kids.
- Jonah!
I'm told you have plans
for my daughter and her kids.
Yes, sir.
If everyone agrees to them.
I feel like I've been
making plans for myself
for way too long now.
You know,
I had some doubts about you.
Noelle told me your story.
That girl sure has a way
of seeing people true.
Sir, to be honest,
I don't know if I'm ready.
Can I join you?
Son, a father...
A father stands in the gap.
Kids on one side, wolves on the other.
He says whatever comes,
nothing gets to those kids.
He doesn't have to win,
but he's gotta stand there.
Gives his life if that's what it comes to.
I saw you do that today.
I'm gonna mess up.
Oh, of course you will.
But you know what? You'll be family, kid.
I'll be here to give you fatherly advice
when you need it.
Whether you want it or not.
Well, snow's letting up.
We should get those kids and head on home.
- Can you give me a minute?
- Yes, sir.
Making a new plan
to convince Mom to marry you?
Actually, I'm making
a different kind of list.
I've got some things I need to say.
To both of you.
Ben, starting with you.
Look, I know I ate more cookies
than everyone else.
But I blame my blood sugar thing.
Ben, I love how you do
whatever comes to your head.
You're kind and you're willing to help
even if it gets you into trouble.
I love how you look after your sister.
And I'm an excellent ATV driver.
And... I want you to have this.
But that's your special knife.
There's a story in the Bible.
Sky opens up,
and the voice from heaven,
God the father says, 'This is my son,
'my beloved son.'
This was before Jesus did anything.
He hasn't healed anyone. No miracles.
Hadn't died for anyone's sins.
And God said, 'I love him
because of who he is.
'Not because of what he's done.'
This knife, it's a reminder...
that whatever happens...
I love you 'cause you're Ben.
Sam, I love how you tell the truth...
even when it hurts.
I love how protective you are
of your mom and your brother.
There's so much life in you.
You gave me the best Christmas gift.
You'll never be part of a project
or a checklist to me.
I just wanna be in your life.
No matter what happens.
Come on, Jonah.
- Nice speech. But you forgot something.
- Oh, yeah, what's that?
Come on, Jonah.
Where's my beloved daughter knife?
Parenting lesson number two,
can't play favorites with the kids.
Well, I'll get you one.
Ah, I'll be 16 soon.
You can just paint it
on the side of the new car
you and Mom get me.
And I'm gonna need a new pole
if we're gonna go fishing.
Alright, come on, kids.
Let's get a move on.
It's gettin' dark.
Hold on a minute.
I got one more fatherhood test
to make sure you're completely ready.
Alright, let's hear it.
How is my hand like a lemon pie?
- What?
- How is my hand like a lemon pie?
I don't know.
It's got my ring on it.
Grandpa, not that joke again.
Meringue. My ring.
It's got meringue on it.
Dad jokes are a key skill
for any father to cultivate.
I got a whole book of 'em
back at the cabin.
Let's go, troops.
Come on.
You seriously need to stop with that joke.
Cabin's just over the rise.
Come on, Jonah. Mom!
What are you all doing out in the cold?
You still have the ring?
What do you think she's gonna say?
Let's go find out.