Legion of Super-Heroes (2023) Movie Script

(Kara panting)
Hah. I'm still winning.
I'd give up now because you are never
going to beat--
-You sure?
-How's it feel to lose to your daughter?
-(panel beeps)
It's not over yet.
I can't hear you from first place.
I said...
Wait, what's that?
Cheating! That's cheating.
(Alura) Can't hear you
from first place.
-(panel beeps)
General Alura Zor El,
High Defender of Krypton, has lost!
(Alura) Park Computer,
activate bench.
Kara Zor El, beloved daughter
and crowd favorite has won!
Park Computer, water.
Didn't anyone teach you not to gloat?
I mean, the woman in charge
of that lesson also cheats, so...
Your form has gotten better.
You've been practicing.
Every morning.
You're welcome to tag along.
I'm a gracious winner.
I could give you pointers.
Believe me, if I could join you instead
of dealing with
the Science Council every morning,
I would.
And the Guild and--
I know, I know.
You've got all of Argo City to oversee
and no time to do it in.
It's just...
it'd be nice to see you more,
you know?
If it's important to you,
then I'll make time.
You come first.
-Always, my Kara.
Besides, I'm not the only one
about to be busy.
Please tell me this isn't a ploy
to get me to watch
Uncle Jor El's new baby again.
I swear, that kid puts
everything in his mouth.
I... Is this...
Does this mean my application
to the Guild's been...
Kara Zor El, you have officially
been assigned to the Military Guild.
Welcome to the ranks, cadet.
You've more than earned this.
(distant rumbling)
What is that?
(Alura) No!
Not now.
(Kara gasps)
(rumbling approaching)
Come on!
Computer, begin activation sequence,
code "In-Ze."
-What's going on?
-Jor El warned me this was coming.
He told the Science Council
that they had to act,
but they wouldn't listen.
They never listen!
It's too late for Krypton,
but not for Argo City.
I've been building hyper-sleep escape
pods based off Jor El's prototype.
The Council was against him,
so I've had to do this in secret.
It's why I've been
gone so much. I just...
I just thought we'd have
more time to finish.
We can get everybody out?
Well, that's great, right?
(alarm buzzing)
(female electronic voice)
Activation failure.
Activation failure. Activation failure.
-Activation failure.
-(Alura) No!
Work, damn you, work!
(sighs) I tried, Jory...
I just needed more time to finish them.
(sighs) I tried.
(female electronic voice)
Activation success.
I am so proud of you.
Every day, I am in awe of the strong,
kind, wonderful person you've become.
And I am so lucky to be your mother.
-(Kara gasps)
Find your cousin and know
that I will always love you, Kara.
(gasps) What are you doing?
Mom! No, please!
Mom, please don't do this!
What are you doing? Mom!
(explosions booming)
(big explosion)
(music playing)
Okay. You can do this, Kara.
Mall Computer, map.
Mall Computer, map.
Map! Map!
How do you locate uniforms
in the supply depot?
(clears throat) Oh.
Great. Yes, thanks.
(sighs) Mall, bring up--
(laughs) What a weirdo.
Can you believe that?
Talk about anger issues.
(both laugh)
(distant rumbling)
-(people gasping)
-(man) What was that? Oh, no!
Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday!
(man screams)
Destroyed Metropolis on a Tuesday!
Killed Superman right now.
Where are you, Superman?
Grundy wants to play!
You do know
Grundy and Monday don't rhyme, right?
Also, I'm going to take you down.
(scoffs) You're not Superman.
I'm Supergirl.
Remember the name,
'cause you're-- (yelps)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
You're no Superman.
You're not anything, girlie!
(batarang beeps)
(growling under breath)
(Grundy grunting)
(Kara groans)
(Grundy groaning softly)
I'm fine, Kal.
We need to talk.
(man) Hey!
No need to worry, citizen of Metropolis.
-Solomon Grundy has been--
-My apartment building!
It-- You--
Look what you've done!
Uh, I saved it. You're welcome.
You destroyed it!
Just have your robot servants
build you a better place.
Or government-issued robots.
Construction robots?
Regular robots.
Any robots?
What kind of weird hellscape
are you from?
Krypton is...
Was great.
Not like your backwards planet.
Uh, you live in homes made
out of aluminum and hot sand.
(man) Not anymore, thanks to you!
-Your cousin is a problem.
-(Kara) You should be thanking me!
-I just saved you!
-You said we could trust her.
We can.
She's only been here a couple of months.
She's doing her best.
It's not good enough.
What's that supposed to mean?
You were so happy to meet someone
alive from Krypton,
you didn't stop to think about
the consequences
for the rest of us mere humans.
In the short time she's been here,
she's destroyed buildings
and failed to control her powers.
Worse, she doesn't care.
With her abilities,
that makes her a threat.
I don't like what you're implying.
(Grundy continues groaning softly)
Sorry, got held up in Star City
and didn't get the call
until a second ago.
Hey, where's Superman?
Taking care of a problem.
I'm more worried about this.
Grundy was using it in his rampage.
Wait, Solomon Grundy?
The guy who thinks
Grundy and Monday rhyme?
There's no way he could build
something this complex.
(Grundy groaning softly)
You know, this is where I used to go
whenever I had a bad day.
I'd sit here as a kid
and look at the stars, and...
little by little, my problems
would just seem less overwhelming.
Were any of your problems,
"Batman is kicking me off the planet?"
Not exactly, but I'm pretty sure that's
just because I didn't know him then.
Kara, I can't imagine
what you're going through.
Having to adjust
to a new planet, new powers,
getting knocked off course,
and arriving decades
after you were supposed to.
Finding out your baby cousin
isn't so little anymore.
All I'm asking is that
you be more careful,
and to give Earth a chance.
Kal, I'm trying.
I swear.
It's just all so primitive and weird
and wrong and different here.
I know it's not Krypton.
But it could be home, if you let it.
No, it can't!
Krypton is my home.
It doesn't matter that it's gone.
It will always be my home.
Kara, I know you're upset.
You can't possibly know how I feel!
(sighs) Batman's right.
I don't belong here.
With Krypton gone, with mom gone...
I don't belong anywhere.
So, kick me out. I don't care.
Or we could try something different.
Trust me?
(device droning)
(device booming, echoing)
Come on!
Wait! Where are we going?
(device droning)
(Kara) Whoa.
Where are we?
Earth, in the 31st century.
Kara Zor El,
welcome to the Legion of Super-Heroes.
(man munching)
(man gasps)
(guards scream)
(man whimpering)
Please, take the badge. Just...
You can get in. Just don't kill me.
-(trilling noise)
(soldier grunts)
(electricity crackles)
No guns.
(soldiers grunting)
(soldiers groaning softly)
(Batman) Why are you here?
Who are you?
(soldiers choking)
The Circle remains unbroken.
Batman to any Justice League members,
there's been an attack at STAR Labs.
Do you copy?
No. I don't know what they were after.
(Kara) Okay, new question.
Uh, how are we in the 31st century?
Also, why?
Also, what?
We came here with the Time Bubble.
It's extremely rare technology
that allows travel between
two fixed points in time
and only those points in time.
At least that's how Saturn Girl
explained it to me.
She's one of the founders
of the Legion of Super Heroes.
Think of them
as the future's Justice League.
They're a group of heroes who banded
together to fight crime inspired by...
Well, me.
They contacted me through
the Time Bubble
after we formed the League.
We've been in sporadic
contact ever since.
Which brings us to why we're here.
They run a training program
for potential new Legionnaires.
The Legion Academy.
I thought, if you wanted,
you could train here.
It's not Krypton,
but it's a little closer
than Earth of the 21st century.
(Kara) I don't know, Kal.
If you want to go back,
it's your decision.
I'll support you either way.
(man) Superman.
Oh, wow. It is so great to meet you.
I'm Mon El, one of the other trainees
at Legion Academy.
Mon El?
Wait, you're Kryptonian?
Daxamite, actually, from Planet Daxam.
But I hope you don't mind
me saying this.
I love Krypton.
That's why I changed my name.
I've been a fan ever since I was a kid.
The scientific wonders,
the emphasis on conformity, order.
The robots.
The robots.
Maybe not so much the Kryptonite,
but in every other way,
Krypton was incredible.
I know we've just met,
but I really hope you decide
to come train
with us here at the Academy.
I will.
-It seemed like you weren't sure.
-I am now.
We could still go back and train
on the farm together.
Nope. I'm good.
Lift tractors?
Bye, Kal. Sorry, you can't stay.
(Time Bubble drones, booms)
Want the tour?
This is the Legion Academy.
It's where our training takes place.
The Cube is the fight simulation room.
It's also connected to the Legion's
holographic library...
I'm sure you'll be able to find
your way around.
And that's pretty much the tour.
Except the dorms...
Girls are there, boys are there.
And the window we use to sneak out
after curfew is there.
What's that one?
(Mon El) That's the vault.
It's where the Legion keeps
all the weapons
they've taken from their enemies.
(device whirrs)
It's protected by an insane
security system,
and it's never been broken into
in the entire history of the Legion.
The system's on a hair trigger,
and it's completely off-limits
to us Academy members.
So, in other words,
avoid the death lasers.
-This is Dawnstar.
-Your roommate.
I am so glad to meet
someone else who can fly.
We can pair up in training
and practice cool power combos.
Ooh, and team up for missions.
Sorry. I'm all, "Blah, hi, Dawnstar."
It's just nice to meet a new friend.
Well, that's everything,
except meeting the rest
of the Academy trainees and...
He's got a weapon. Get back!
I don't know
how you survived the bullet,
but I am not going
to let you hurt anyone else.
I don't know what you're talking about.
But given your unhinged actions,
I'm regarding you as a threat.
(Kara grunts)
You tried to kill Superman, my cousin.
(Kara grunts)
Believe me,
if I had tried to kill Superman,
I would have succeeded.
I am the universe's
only 12th-level intellect.
I invented this force field using
kinetic-reactive photonic energy.
(growls, grunts)
Which means, the more
you punch it, the more solid it gets.
(Kara grunting)
Great. Thanks for the tip.
Okay. That's it.
(grunting, straining)
Fight, fight...
(all) Fight, fight, fight,
fight, fight, fight, fight,
fight, fight, fight, fight.
(man) Stop!
What the ever-loving hell
is going on here?
Reckless endangerment
and damage to a classroom.
What do you have to say for yourselves?
(Kara) He's Brainiac.
Why are we all just sitting here?
As I attempted to tell you,
I am not Brainiac.
You pulled a weapon on us.
I was going to make repairs on the laser
for a project
and you jump to conclusions.
Not surprising for a lesser mind.
How is this not a villain?
Kara, he's not Brainiac.
This is Brainiac 5.
Scientists on Planet Colu
got their hands on the organic parts
of the original Brainiac cyborg
and then used that to make
him and his family.
That is a gross oversimplification
of the cloning process.
-RNA mutation alone has allowed me
to surpass my clone siblings.
he's a bright young man,
and he's enrolled in Legion Academy,
just like you.
By "bright young man,"
she means I possess
a 12th-level intelligence
as measured by the scientific
minds of Colu.
Since we don't have time to sufficiently
describe me,
that will have to do.
(scoffs) I've got
some words to describe you.
Unless those words are "genius,"
they're probably incorrect.
Hey, knuckleheads, you're in trouble.
The rest of the Legion
are off on a mission,
leaving the three of us in charge,
and you just made our jobs
that much more difficult.
We are truly disappointed.
Since this is your first offense,
we're letting you off with a warning.
But in the future, try to act more like
the heroes you wish to become.
What is President Saturn Girl thinking,
letting that kid in?
Superman vouched for Supergirl.
I'm talking about Brainiac 5.
Why is he here?
Every single Brainiac clone
ever has gone evil.
Brainiac 2
was an intergalactic assassin.
Brainiac 3 tried to overthrow
the United Planets with mind control.
Brainiac 4
is just a straight up serial killer.
This is what they do.
The Brainiacs show up,
attempt some evil plot, then disappear.
(scoffs) It's only a matter of time
before this kid does the same.
Look, Timber Wolf, we agree with you,
but we were outvoted.
Were we?
I haven't spoken to a single other
Legionnaire who voted to let him in.
I think there's
something fishy going on here.
We've got bigger problems
than your conspiracy theories right now.
We still have no idea
where the rest of the Legion is.
Last check-in, Saturn Girl
and the others were on their way
to deal with the terrorist attacks
on Planet Durla.
Then, suddenly, boom, radio silence.
Oh. They're still not answering comms?
They're not even showing up on the map.
It's like they disappeared from the face
of the universe.
We've been having computer troubles
over the past 24 hours.
The issue could be on our end.
We can't discount
anything at this point.
Shadow Lass, Chemical King,
look into our system.
It could just be Bouncing Boy
pulling pranks
with the comm arrays again.
But if not, we need to be prepared.
(Shadow Lass) And above all,
don't tell the Academy kids.
The less who know, the better.
It has to be tonight.
That was epic!
Did they kick you out?
(laughs) Uh, she
wouldn't be here if they did.
Everyone, give her room.
this is the rest of the Legion Academy.
Seriously, that fight was nuts.
I'm Bouncing Boy, Planet Earth.
Now, if I said to you,
I've got a bunch of Naltorian frogs,
would you be down to help me release
them in the science lab?
-Come on. It'd be great.
Invisible Kid, also from Planet Earth.
Whoa! (chuckles)
Can you turn other things
invisible too?
(Invisible Kid) Yes.
Well, actually, no,
but I'm really close to figuring it out.
Okay. I love the hair.
Oh, yeah, hate the cape.
We can work with the boots.
Triplicate Girl. Planet Cargg.
Okay, so, this is Phantom Girl.
She's shy.
(object squeaking)
Proty, our class pet.
(Proty) Hello.
And Arms Fall off Boy.
And sometimes they even stay on.
That's... really cool.
No. We suck.
Hey, that's not true.
I'll have you know my psychic
pathfinding powers are unique.
Yes, so are mine.
That doesn't mean they're good.
There's only one open Legion spot.
And everyone knows
Mon El is gonna get it.
We're never going to make
it into the Legion.
Face it.
We're waiting-list material at best.
Not even the Legion of Substitute Heroes
would have us.
Hey, you don't know
what's going to happen.
I think everyone
has the potential to be heroes,
even people like Brainiac 5.
But maybe, for the safety
of the rest of the buildings,
you should just avoid him.
(Chemical King) The Legion
does more than simply fight.
-We are the once called in...
-Or maybe you can't. (chuckles)
...when there are disasters,
diplomatic incidents
or when people are in need of rescue.
To be considered for the Legion,
you need to train your mind.
So, who can solve
this hyperdrive equation?
(device trilling)
That is clearly incorrect.
(Shadow Lass) The Legion does
more than simply solve problems.
We are the front lines,
stopping terrorists,
administering justice,
and preventing war.
To be considered for the Legion,
you need to train your body.
Training Room, fight simulation Beta.
(female electronic voice) Acknowledged.
Flight simulation Beta
will commence now.
Got it!
(Kara) Oh, no.
Too slow.
(Brainiac 5) No.
You need a stabilizer
so the AI system doesn't malfunction.
No, you don't, because it's already
in the programming.
I am literally
the descendant of a cyborg.
Logically, you should
be listening to me.
I'm from Krypton. We invented robotics.
And I'm from Colu, we perfected them.
I'm right!
You are objectively in the wrong.
Okay. Maybe it did need a stabilizer.
We need to shut it down.
-If you damage the psionic processor--
-Way ahead of you.
(clears throat)
Just give me some space to move.
Engage the motion targeting system.
Everyone stay perfectly still.
Got it.
Impressive thinking.
In truth,
I almost forgot this was all your fault.
(Kara) My fault?
Listen, you green skinned, overgrown,
poor excuse for a cyborg.
-Where do you get off telling me--
-Nope, I'm done.
You're done. Training over.
-You two are out.
Disappointment doesn't even
begin to cover your actions.
We will deal with you in the morning.
Until then...
Hey, don't beat yourself up.
Honestly, you are not the first person
to get into a fight with Brainiac 5.
-Are you serious?
Mr. "I'm more logical than thou?"
He's a jerk who thinks
he's better than everyone.
No one wants him around.
Not even Timber Wolf
and the other Legionnaires.
I mean, he just doesn't belong here.
Supergirl. You coming?
Like I said, we've got to go before all
the good seats are taken.
Where are you?
(chuckles) Please come back before I
have to tell Dawnstar I lost you again.
Here, Proty, Proty, Proty.
You good little, uh, thing.
You know what? I'm cold and tired.
Let's give ourselves one more minute,
then figure out a way
to blame Bouncing Boy for this.
(Proty squeaking)
(sighs in relief) There you are.
(continues squeaking)
What the heck?
(Kara) Hey, Brainiac 5. Look, I'm...
I was kind of a jerk to you.
I mean, you were a bigger jerk to me.
Brainiac 5.
I think we got off on the wrong foot,
but I think we're more
alike than you know and...
(groans) Why is this so hard?
Brainiac 5, I'm sorry.
Can we start over?
What are you doing?
Go away. This doesn't concern you.
Because it looks
like you're trying to--
-I don't--
-(Proty squeaking)
(Kara) Proty?
What are you doing out?
Is she...
She... she can't be.
I'm too late.
(hissing noises)
(Brainiac 5 shouts)
You won't be needing this.
Stay back, Supergirl.
Brainiac 5 is not who he pretends to be.
He planted a virus
in our computer system.
It's why we haven't been able to reach
the rest of the Legion.
And no one voted
to let him join the Academy.
He hacked in and changed the tally.
All for this.
To break into the vault and steal
the weapons inside for some sick plot.
We moved as fast as we could
once we knew, but...
Poor Triplicate Girl paid the price
for our stupidity
in trusting a Brainiac.
Yes, I hacked your computers,
but I did not kill Triplicate Girl.
This is the work of the Dark Circle.
They've been planning
to infiltrate the Legion-- (grunts)
You expect us to believe that?
You have to! I would never hurt--
You're just another clone gone bad.
We'll be at the holding cells.
Put HQ on lockdown.
We'll break the news in the morning.
Wait. This doesn't make any sense.
Why would Brainiac 5 go to the vault,
kill Triplicate Girl and then walk away,
only to come back
just in time to get caught?
She clearly surprised
him the first time.
He stupidly panicked,
then came back to finish the job.
Exactly. That's stupid,
and Brainiac 5 isn't stupid.
What if he wasn't lying?
I feel like I've heard the name
Dark Circle before. It's...
familiar somehow.
Brainiac 5 is evil.
You were right.
Go back to the dorms.
It's over now.
(Proty squeaking)
Training Room, access library databanks.
Bring up any information
you have on the Dark Circle.
(female electronic voice)
Accessing files on the Dark Circle.
Searching. Searching.
(Kara gasps)
(female electronic voice)
The Dark Circle. A terrorist cult.
The Dark Circle has gone by many names
over the centuries.
The Black Zero. The Ouroboros.
The Beginning. The End.
But they are always identified
by the same symbol.
Who are they?
(female electronic voice)
Fanatics, pursuing an unknown goal.
Over the centuries,
they emerge to wreak havoc,
blowing up buildings,
providing weapons of advanced origin
to other terrorist groups.
There are even reports of them
appearing as observers.
Then they vanish. No trace to be found.
Leader, unknown. Origins, unknown.
End of file.
Powering down.
(gasps, panting)
-(door trills)
I've seen them, the Dark Circle,
in the past and also here, now.
You said I'm too late.
Too late for what?
What's going on?
I'm not going anywhere, so talk.
(inhales, sighs)
You're relentless. You know that, right?
Created by the god-like
Controllers of Oa,
the Miracle Machine allows
a user to bend reality to their will.
Its original purpose disappeared
with the Controllers.
Since then,
it has been used as a weapon
of mass destruction.
The Legion managed
to get their hands on it,
and placed it in the vault.
I overheard my family making plans
to break into the vault
and steal the Machine
for the Circle's leader.
I couldn't let that happen.
So, logically,
there was only one thing to do.
Enroll myself in the Academy
and take the Machine before they did.
Wouldn't the logical thing have been
to just tell the Legion?
Ah, yes, let's try that.
"Hi, I'm the grandson of one of Earth's
greatest villains.
My family is psychotic,
and I need you to let me take a weapon
of mass destruction."
Why would they believe me?
No one ever does.
I'm sure you assume I'm lying too, so...
You know, just go.
Come on. If the Dark Circle is here,
we don't have very much time.
What are you doing?
I'm helping you break into the vault
and get the Machine.
If they had it,
they'd have used it by now.
I think we can still beat them.
No, I mean, why?
Because I believe you.
Timber Wolf
and the others will be patrolling.
How are we going to get past them
without my belt?
And this is humiliating.
This is fun!
I had a nightmare like this once.
If you don't stop complaining,
I'll start flying upside down.
All right, the coast is clear.
Supergirl, I...
Logically, you have no reason
to help me,
but you are.
So, for my previous actions,
-I'm sorry--
-(man) Shh.
Are you trying to get caught?
Keep it down.
Mon El?
I heard Timber Wolf
and the others talking
as I was heading back to the dorms.
I know everything and I want to help.
I trust Supergirl.
If she thinks you're innocent,
then I do too.
That's great!
We could definitely use help.
Right, Brainy?
Yeah. Great.
Of course!
So, what are we doing?
Breaking the universe's most unbreakable
security system.
(device whirrs)
-What is this?
-This is the security code.
The vault has a two-step process.
First, the laser grid, then this.
Break the code and a door will open
into the exact chamber we want.
But we only have a short
window of time.
How short?
If I don't break this in the next
30 seconds, they kill us.
Can you do it?
I'm Brainiac 5.
The universe's
only 12th-level intelligence.
I can do anything.
The code is a holographic neural overlay
designed to cook the user's brain,
unless they can decrypt while keeping
a mental lock on their objective.
This is...
going to take longer than I thought.
How much longer?
More than 30 seconds.
Keep working on the code.
I'll take out the robots.
Whatever you do, don't destroy them.
The instant one breaks,
it'll trigger a purge
of the entire room.
Brainy, I'm not great
at gently fighting things.
(strains) Just try!
Not to rush you, but hurry it up.
I'm trying.
The code keeps resetting. (pants)
Got it!
That's it.
Whoo! (laughs)
We did it!
We did it.
(Mon El) We certainly did.
Brainiac 5 broke the code...
(Kara gasps)
and the Circle remains unbroken.
(Kara groaning)
(strains) What are you doing?
For the universe's
only 12th-level intellect,
you sure are dumb, aren't you?
-(device trills)
-I'm in the Dark Circle.
(Timber Wolf yelling, grunting)
(Chemical King grunts)
(Brainiac 5 choking)
I'd stop moving so much if I were you.
It spreads the Kryptonite
from the dagger faster.
Why? (groans)
(Mon El) Of all people,
you should understand.
Your culture was the greatest
the universe had ever seen.
Orderly. Uniform. Pure.
But this world we live in,
this world is rotten.
The Legion is the heart of the rot,
encouraging losers like Triplicate Girl
and Bouncing Boy.
They delude misfits into thinking
they can be heroes,
when they're just freaks.
(Kara grunts)
(Mon El) Now, the Dark Circle
will take over.
-(Kara grunts softly)
-(Mon El) We, who are superior,
-will lead the way...
-(Kara yells)
elevating the world to heights
not seen since the Kryptonian empire.
The Legion has fallen.
The time of freaks has ended.
As for you two,
our leader would like a word.
(Kara groaning)
Hold on, Kara.
Just hold on.
Be silent in the presence
of the Beginning and the End.
Hello, grandson.
No, impossible.
You're dead.
You died in the 21st century!
The Kryptonite bullet
went through my brain, yes,
but there was enough left
to rebuild around the damage.
And a genius like myself never
goes without a backup plan.
I created the Dark Circle
a 1,000 years past
to carry out my vision for a new world.
It was the Circle who stole my brain
out of my old body.
It was they who regrew it,
tending to me over the centuries.
But all would be for naught
if it weren't for you.
What do you mean?
Did you think you just
happened to overhear
our plans to take the Miracle Machine?
The other clones
were mere 10th-level intelligences.
There was only one being in the universe
who could break the security code.
We used you to get the Machine.
You said my clone siblings
were 10th-level.
Where are they?
Right here.
By the time my brain finished regrowing,
my old body was useless.
The Circle cloned me,
and I picked the best parts
from each to build a new one.
They weren't pleased
when they found out.
You lied to us.
Stay away!
Stay away from me!
No! No! God, no!
But, logically,
what other purpose could you serve?
The fools thought
they were being groomed
as the next leader of the Dark Circle.
For hubris alone, they deserve death.
I am the most advanced
mind that has ever existed.
Thus, logically, I must be the one
to purge the universe of chaos and rot.
For those who are superior
will lead the way
to a pure and orderly future.
The only one strong enough
to stop me was Supergirl.
So, we watched her
and found her weakness.
Kryptonite. (strains)
And your drive to help
those more pathetic than yourself.
You're a monster.
I am a hero.
There are threats on the horizon
only I can counter.
When I bend reality to my will,
all will laud me as their savior.
Once Supergirl is dead,
I will incorporate you into my body.
The son will become the father,
and the Circle will remain unbroken.
Find them.
I will begin to attune
myself to the Machine.
(Kara groaning)
It's going to be okay.
I just need to get the Kryptonite
out of your wound, all right?
(grunts, groaning)
No! I'm working on something,
but you've got to stay awake.
Trying to.
Keep talking.
(continues groaning)
Talking to people is not my strong suit.
Could I list
chemical compositions instead?
(Kara breathing heavily)
-No, no, no. Kara!
Stay with me.
I'm sorry.
I was wrong about everything.
I'm supposed to be smart and logical,
but my plan to stop the Dark Circle
wasn't logical.
It was me trying
to prove to everyone that I...
I'm not my family.
I'm not just another evil clone.
But I'm not. I messed it up.
I'm not like you.
You're so confident,
and brilliant,
and strong, and...
And beautiful.
And I can't think straight
when you smile at me.
(device beeps, trills)
(door opening)
(Kara gasps)
-Well, there you two are.
Good work, PG.
-Triplicate Girl?
-You're alive.
Yeah, no thanks to Mon El!
You know that son of a bitch killed me?
You know, I saw him meeting up
with those people in masks.
I peeled off an extra me
right before I got to the vault
and he killed my third self.
So, I need you nerds
to come up with a plan
to save the day
so I can kill him right back.
Did I mention, I'm going to kill him?
(Invisible Kid) Yeah, only about,
like, a million times.
Invisible Kid?
(Invisible Kid) In the flesh.
Phantom Girl found Triplicate Girl
right before the attack.
I managed to turn invisible and escape.
And the three of us
have been hiding ever since.
And your clothes are...
On! The clothes are on!
I turned all of me invisible this time.
See, I told you.
I told you I almost had it.
So, the teachers are knocked out,
the rest of the Academy
members are trapped,
and I am just itching
to give Mon El a little--
What happened to,
"We're waiting-list material?"
(chuckles) No. Screw that. I'm pissed.
Now, we're kicking-ass material.
(Phantom Girl) The Legion is gone.
It's up to us.
So, let's go be heroes.
You've got an idea, don't you?
I have the beginnings of a plan,
yes, but...
we'll need all the Academy
members to pull it off.
(Triplicate Girl) Yeah. Uh, excuse me.
Is the plan to flirt forever?
Because we're kind
of in a time crunch here, lovebirds.
Oh, that's not I... I mean...
We... I...
(Phantom Girl) It's okay.
What do you need us to do?
I can't find a trace
of the Legion anywhere.
Then let me.
Still nothing...
Quadrant Beta, orbiting the black star
by Planet Winath.
Encrypting message,
compensating for cosmic interference
from the black hole, and the SOS is...
-(gasps) Yes!
-Yeah! All right!
Now, the hard part.
(Mon El) Keep searching.
Brainiac has almost finished
syncing to the Machine.
We can't let them ruin this now.
(Kara) You mean us?
Get them!
(Mon El grunting)
(Brainiac 5 grunts)
Nice try.
(knuckles crunch)
Move away from the Machine, Brainiac.
It's over.
(Brainiac) No.
It is just beginning.
I see it.
The shape of all things.
An endless circle,
which I break and form anew.
(both shouting, groaning)
(Brainiac) Those deluded enough
to think themselves my equal will fall.
(both groan)
(Brainiac) As will those
strong enough to ever pose a threat.
And any world that could ever disrupt
the dominance of Brainiac!
I thought I was brilliant before,
but I was nothing.
Now, I am the Supreme Being!
You just happen to be the one
holding the Machine.
I always thought
us clones surpassed you.
You were copies of greatness.
I am the mastermind of reality.
I am the leader of the Dark Circle.
I am--
The greatest mind
the universe has ever known!
I am greater than what came before me.
I am a 10th-level intellect
and you are nothing.
No! You serve me.
Your wills are no match for mine!
You are obsolete.
As long as the Miracle Machine
is in this reality,
it will obey the will
of its last user.
And that will be me, not you.
No, it will be me.
I am the heir to the Dark Circle!
I alone will rule this new reality.
No, I will.
(Brainiacs straining, grunting)
You will destroy us, you idiots!
(straining) There can only be...
one leader.
who's it going to be?
It's not stopping.
Brainiac 4 was right.
The Machine won't stop
until reality unravels.
How is this the only thing
I'm not able to break?
I... I could bring her back.
I could bring Krypton back.
But it won't stop reality from breaking.
(Kara sighs)
I miss you...
every single day.
(sobbing) I wish things were different.
But Krypton is gone.
And I'm needed here.
I have to let you go now...
and save the world.
I just hope I've made you proud.
(voice echoing)
Always, my Kara, always.
The Miracle Machine
will continue to destroy everything
as long as it's in this reality.
-Let's will it into a different one.
(Kara grunts, sighs)
(sniffles) Thank you.
For what?
(soldiers grunting)
(soldier grunts, screams)
I got ya, Triplicate Girl!
Thanks, Bouncy.
(soldier grunts)
It's Duplicate Girl now.
(soldiers grunting)
I like the new name.
What about "Duo Damsel?"
Ya know, alliteration's kinda cool.
Never mind.
Wait. We're picking new names?
Then from now on,
I am Arms Fall off Man!
Oh. All right. I love it!
(soldier) I thought you said
they were useless!
They... they were.
Retreat! Everyone, fall back!
Oh, no, you don't. PG, here!
(Phantom Girl grunts)
(soldier grunts)
(Kara) Hey, guys.
Save any for us?
(explosions booming)
(both grunting)
There's still time to change your mind.
There will always be a place
in the Dark Circle
for those with true power.
You and I could lead it.
And bring back the pride of Krypton.
Oh, Mon El, you're just wrong.
(both grunting)
(Triplicate Girl) Hey there, Mon El.
Where are you going?
(Kara) That's the last of them
for the holding cells.
All that's left to do is wait for--
I vote they all
get in as full Legionnaires.
(all cheering, laughing)
(door beeps)
I'm sorry we couldn't bring
Krypton back.
Or your mother.
If you want,
I could start researching
a way to replicate the Machine.
I mean, logically,
it would be a terrible idea but--
It's okay.
Earth's not so bad. It's...
definitely got a couple of good points.
In the name of research,
we better add to those points.
Genius idea.
(music playing)
And then Duplicate Girl shot him!
And then she shot him again.
In retrospect, I think it was a mistake
to let her keep that gun.
But Saturn Girl was still thrilled!
That's great, Kara.
Seems like being
a Legionnaire really suits you.
Oh, and Brainy's been making tons
of upgrades on Legion HQ,
including rigging up the Time Bubbles
so we can talk more.
Here, hold on.
(Brainiac 5) What are you... Kara.
Kal, I'd like you to meet Brainiac 5,
the universe's only 12th-level intellect
and my boyfriend.
-(Brainiac 5 chuckles nervously)
It's... it's an honor to meet you.
I mean, talk...
Uh... (clears throat)
I'm happy to meet you, Brainiac 5.
Uh, but if you two will excuse me,
I've got to get back to being...
-Of course.
-Bye, Kal.
Talk soon.
You didn't tell her?
How am I supposed to ask
her to come back to the 21st century
when we still don't know
what's happening?
(both yelling)