Lego Friends: The Next Chapter: New Beginnings (2023) Movie Script

Trust me, Principal Hale,
everything is coming together.
Argh! If you'd just listen!
I am listening,
but you're doing it wrong!
Sorry for the cold open,
but it's easier this way.
That's me, Aliya.
Baking isn't really my thing. And...
Ouch! That really hurt!
That's Leo.
He's soccer obsessed.
He's actually got
mad cooking and baking skills,
but he doesn't want us
to know that just yet.
-That's Autumn.
She's obsessed with all animals.
Wait, does she even know
what's happening right now?
Of course,
there are a pig and a puppy.
That's Milo and Popsy. More on them later.
Anyhow, we're in trouble.
Oh, hey, do you know where the--
Like really big trouble.
Only three days
into my first year of high school,
and my life is pretty much ruined.
Whoa! I thought I was in a pickle.
As you can see, Principal Hale,
everything is under control.
Fix this!
Not helpful.
Did anyone see a pig?
I know what you're thinking.
How can such a smart, talented girl
have so thoroughly ruined
her entire academic career
in less than a week?
Well, like my favorite
astrophysicist once said,
"If you wanna know
how the big bang started,
you gotta wind back the clock."
Me again.
Well, past me.
Hopeful, optimistic.
Gotta admit, my naivete is kinda adorable.
The world was my oyster
and I was gonna... open it?
Hmm... Oysters aren't really
my thing either.
All of my favorite role models
were head girls at their high schools.
I wanted to be head girl so badly!
Oh! My word of the day!
Hmm... "Sonder"!
"The realization that everyone around you
is living a life as difficult
and complex as your own."
Well, if that isn't foreshadowing,
I don't know what is.
Leo! Again, we're not friends yet.
But he's a total unit in the kitchen.
I mean, look at this kid!
What a machine!
He also has a heart of gold,
but I don't know that yet, either.
You know what,
I'm gonna let Leo speak for himself.
This is the most important
week of the year.
New city, new school, new friends.
Well, hopefully, new friends.
I know how to make new friends, right?
Don't get me wrong,
it's cool to know your way
around the kitchen.
Desayuno, todos!
But the best way to make friends?
Is being an amazing athlete!
You got this!
Let's go!
Which brings us to Autumn.
Again, not my friend... yet.
But we've got to figure out
a way to work together.
Otherwise, none of us will succeed.
Which is so frustrating!
She's just as strong-willed as I am,
but our goals are totally opposite.
But I have a feeling
we're going to be great friends...
She'll tell you what's going on.
Oh! Too many animals!
We definitely don't have
enough room here at the stables.
How am I going to find homes
for so many cuties?
How's my piggie pig?
I have yummy, yummy treats.
Hey now! Those aren't for you!
Okay. How can I resist?
Aw. I love you too!
For the tenth time, we've got to go!
You don't want to be late
for your first day of school!
Coming, Mom!
Today's your lucky day, Popsy!
I'm gonna find a new home for you first!
Excuse me, coming through!
Hey! Over here, I'm open!
You trying out for the team?
Por Supuesto!
Eh, maybe.
Wow! You're good.
Let's go!
Have a great first day!
Thanks, Mom!
I'm gonna guess you didn't know
he was in the car.
Actually, um...
Milo, great job listening to me!
I told him to hop in the car.
You know, to keep you company
on your way home!
Is he not the best pig?
-They need homes, Autumn.
They all need homes.
Hello, willkommen, bienvenue,
ola, welcome students
from all around the world.
to Heartlake International High School
where your differences
make the difference.
This one's for you.
Here's yours.
For you.
Here you go.
She was at my last school,
and now, she's the Principal here!
Isn't she amazing?
Yep. Amazing.
This week, we will be preparing
for the Welcome to School Festival,
which will happen at the end of this week.
Games, food, entertainment...
everyone ready?
Open your assignments!
Social Media?
That's cool.
Lights, tech, and video?
Wait, does that mean costumes too?
I guess I can do that?
Ooh! Promo art! Score!
Gee, that's not exactly my thing...
Unless it's treats for you!
Baking? S, por favor!
Maybe I can switch?
Aliya! I was excited to see
you were enrolled at Heartlake High!
And I was excited to see
you're the Principal!
Oh! Um...
I'm trying out for head girl!
You would make an excellent head girl!
We'll be evaluating the candidates
based on how well you do your assignments
for the Welcome to School Festival.
Oh, uh... great!
No problem. Baking... Easy-peasy!
I could take care
of this whole list in my sleep,
with my eyes closed, all by myself.
I have no doubt,
but this is about teamwork.
The best leaders value their teammates.
I got this!
I'm open!
I'm good, thanks!
No prob... Whoa!
Right! That's what I meant!
Teamwork is my life!
"Teamwork is my life?"
Focus on becoming head girl!
You can do this!
I just got crushed by lollipops.
Me too.
I don't know how she does it,
but she's always number one.
Look, there she is!
Are you Nova?
How are you always number one?
Oh! Actually, I'm always number one.
Uh, no, I'm always number one.
Nova's so cool!
There's no way she'd ever beat Nova.
Hmm, we'll see about that.
Yo, Leo!
Did you get your group assignment?
Mine's awesome.
Stage building for the festival!
Oh, cool! I wonder who's singing?
Beats me, but I'll have front row seats!
What were you assigned to?
-I got bak--
-I'm on seat duty!
Not the best but way better than baking!
Can you imagine?
Oh, that's the worst.
I think I'd rather die!
I know... right?
Who'd ever wanna bake?
I'm happy I'm on, uh...
Uh, uh... Air Quality.
I don't even know what that is,
but it sounds awesome!
See you at tryouts!
"Air quality"? Wow.
Nobody needs to know.
Soccer is what matters.
Soccer means friends.
Hm, yeah. Soccer means friends.
Soccer means friends.
Soccer means friends.
Oh, Popsy. He looks nice.
What about him?
Is that bacon?
Oh! What if Milo saw that?
Popsy, look at her!
Sorry about that.
Oh! Too much perfume!
Oh, we have to get to class.
But don't worry, we'll try again later.
That's her. She's the one!
Nice find, Popsy!
As it's the first days,
everything is still not in its place,
but I'm sure you will manage.
Ah! Here they are!
- Oh!
- We were just filling Aliya in.
Baking is the biggest job
for the Welcome to School Festival,
which is why I've entrusted it
to the three of you.
Aliya was an amazing mentor
at our old school.
I know she can lead you all
to great success.
You each have great talents to offer.
We won't let you down.
Excellent! Well, I'll leave you
in Brad's capable hands!
Okay, so, yeah.
You got this.
And if you have any questions...
...figure it out for yourselves.
So, hey!
We're on the same team!
Okay... So, yeah...
I'm Aliya and you're... Leo?
Uh, yeah.
And... Autumn?
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Who knew she was allergic?
We can't get stuck in this kitchen.
We have to find you a new home.
This is no big deal.
I can do this whole job in my sleep.
This is about team work.
The best leaders value their teammates.
Right, teamwork!
Value your teammates.
Okay, Autumn and Leo, here's the list.
What would you like to do?
- Uh, what's this one?
- Supplies!
Figure out what we need, make a big list,
and cart it all here before the festival.
Uh, wait.
The kitchen supplies
aren't in... the kitchen?
New school.
Everything's still in boxes.
New, used, donated,
there's a lot to sort through.
It's all in the cellar.
Where's the cellar?
Oh, it's that way.
Super easy to find.
First, you take a left,
turn at the gym, count about 50 steps...
They need homes, Autumn.
- They all need homes.
- Easy-peasy.
Are you with us?
Yeah, totally! I'll take that!
Okay... I thought I was going to do that,
but now I'm not, so...
Here, take my brand new-notebook.
-Yep. You'll love it!
Look, you can write down
all the supplies we need.
Then you can check them off
once you've put them on the cart.
You can even make it color coded!
Thanks! That's really nice of you.
Okay, Leo,
what would you like to do?
Baking or shopping?
Uh... Uh...
Anything but baking!
If you say so.
Then you can pick up the fruit.
The order's been placed at Isaac's.
According to what I've heard,
the vendor keeps really weird hours.
Yeah, I got it.
Um, okay!
I guess that leaves me with...
Baking... Ugh.
Even though I'm, like,
the worst baker in the world!
Ah! Uh!
Uh... Brad!
Brad! Brad!
- Brad!
- Ah!
Oh! Watch it!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
-I found you!
-How did you?
Phew! You're a tough one to track down!
The truth is I, um...
I don't know how to bake!
I was hoping you might have some pointers?
Anything to help me?
That's why we have a library.
Better yet, the internet.
Ever hear of that?
Oh, thanks, Brad!
That's a great idea!
A library!
The internet, books, videos!
Of course!
Thanks again, Brad,
-I knew I could count on you!
-Yeah, whatever.
What are you staring at? Huh?
Uh... That's my doughnut.
Wow, Niko, that was amazing!
You were like lightning!
Leo, you're up!
Trying out for right wing.
Uh... Yeah, Niko, great work!
Hey, Coach?
Mind if I try out for left wing
instead of right wing?
For real?
Aren't you a righty?
Well, let's see what you can do!
Haha! Well done!
Oh, man, we are stacked!
With Niko on right wing and Leo on left--
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there!
I've got a lot to think about.
A lot.
I'll announce the team Friday
before the festival.
Meet me here first thing
and don't be late!
Alright, that's all I can do for now.
Now, I need to pull my weight
for the festival.
Hey, Leo!
That was some playing out there.
I can't believe we have to wait two days!
Tell me about it!
Anyhow, we're headed to the diner.
-Joining us?
-Oh! Uh...
Sounds awesome!
Let's go!
I need more names, Popsy!
We have a lot of furry friends
to find homes for.
Ooh! Muffin!
That would make a good kitten's name!
Aw, why not?
Ah! Muffins! Baking!
The festival!
Psst! Hey, kid!
Do you know where the cellar is?
My name is Olly.
To the right. It's just down the hallway
at the bottom of the stairs.
Thanks, Olly!
Hey! What gives?
That's not
how you get to the cellar.
All right,
recipes from three different countries.
An international school
needs international baked goods,
am I right?
No, no, no! Too complicated!
- Hmm.
- Hi!
Hmm! This one!
Simple and delicious!
Pick me! Pick me!
How could she miss it?
Huh! Yes!
This is the one you need.
Pick me. Pick me.
Milo? Milo!
Huh? Aw.
Coloque, coloquar... "place"!
Ooh, what if we added,
like, a dragon over here
and made the school look like a castle?
But maybe not have a princess in distress?
Yeah! Good idea!
Let's put the dress on the dragon.
Okay, the bus leaves right after school.
I'll get there in plenty of time
before they close.
- S!
- This is gonna work!
Hey, Leo. Whatcha doin'?
Wait, is that a playbook map?
This guy's dedicated!
Dedicated, that's me.
Look, Aditi and Matilde.
They're desperate to adopt twin kittens,
but haven't been able to find any.
They're helpful, loving, and, huh,
training to be the world's fastest
rollerblading pizza delivery team.
Wow. That's oddly specific.
Hey, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Cookies and Cream!
"Dear Aditi and Matilde,
I have the perfect kittens for you."
Ah. Well done.
That was quick!
"Autumn, thank you so much!
We are in love!"
Leo! You beat us here!
Oh! Uh...
I wanted to get here early
to grab us a table.
Now, that's what I call a team player!
I was aiming for the right,
but the goalkeeper saw me,
but at the last minute,
I shot on the left side...
According to what I've heard,
the vendor keeps really weird hours.
That would be a cool play for us.
All of us!
Yeah, that would be great.
Right, Leo?
Be right back, guys.
Uh... Bio brake.
Uh... Uh...
You're not such a bad
team player, after all.
Who said you can't be everything
to everyone?
Huh? Shh!
- Oh!
- Hi!
Ah... Oh!
- Hey, Autumn!
- Oh!
Um... Hey, Aliya!
I, um... just wanted to see
how the planning was going?
Um, okay.
Has the notebook been helpful?
Yeah! I found homes for two of--
Uh... I found the homes
of two of the most difficult
kitchen items to meow--
Uh, I mean move!
Are you... okay?
No! I mean, yes!
I'm so okay!
Yeah, super okay!
I'm, like, super-duper fine!
-So cute!
- Everything is peachy.
- Bye!
Can I sneak a peek
at what you've found?
Did you use color codes?
Need any help?
- Uh...
- Sorry!
Not trying to tell you how to do things.
I'm sure you already know.
Uh, anyhow... see you later!
Good leaders let others make choices!
Just hoping
it's not a complete disaster.
Come on, Aliya. Autumn's got it.
Uh... Popsy? Where are you?
I think we need
to speak to Principal Hale.
How's it going?
Did you get everything you need for--
For air quality?
Yep, totally!
Air quality?
What even is that?
Hey, Niko, can you give us a sec?
What is going on?
Have you done anything for the festival?
Of course, I have! Lots of things!
Um... like what, exactly?
I've been trying
to get to the vendors cada da!
Everyday! Y t?
What have you been so busy doing?
Looking for the perfect recipe.
With the cookbooks you chose?
If you thought I chose bad cookbooks,
why didn't you tell me?
Leo! Team's waiting!
Uh... I gotta go.
Thanks, Aliya. Bye!
That's it?
I thought she was on baking?
She's just nice.
Tries to help everyone.
- Uh-huh?
- Mmh...
Mmh... Mm-hmm.
Sorry about your pants!
Maybe I could... wash them for you?
I'd like to give you the opportunity
to explain what's going on.
Why exactly have you been
bringing animals into school?
Um, how many do you know about...?
So, the thing is, I love animals.
As much as they love me.
And they just find me somehow,
when they need me!
I have to help them.
Lately, a lot of animals have needed me,
and now I have way too many
to find homes for,
and it's really stressful,
and I don't know
how to do school, and baking,
and animal rescue all at the same time!
And I made so many new friends,
and I see how stressed they are,
and I think, "Wouldn't they just be
so much happier with a new pet?"
Pets can be great therapy, you know?
I see.
I could probably
use a little right now.
Hey! Open up!
Tomorrow's my last chance.
They're burned!
Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
No one can eat these!
I'll never make head girl
if I'm this bad at baking!
This is about teamwork.
Right! My team!
Maybe there's still time!
Thank you!
Whoa! Ah! Huh!
No time to lose. Ah!
How are you all today?
You're more rested than I am!
Toughest first week of school ever!
I'm just happy it's over.
Do you have everything you need
for the Welcome to School Festival?
Mom! It's Saturday!
It's Friday!
Oh, no!
Oh, no, no, no!
Today's Friday, isn't it?
Ah! Popsy! Milo! Let's go!
I'm gonna need all the help I can get!
Coming, Mom!
Uh! Sorry! Sorry!
Uh, little late, here!
It's been a long first week.
It was difficult,
but I'm ready to announce
the starting lineup.
Whether you made the cut or not,
you all did great.
Has anyone seen Leo?
He's not usually late.
Psst. Hey, you!
Are you going to the kitchen?
Yeah. Why?
Can you please take these
and put them away in the kitchen?
Please, please, please.
Hmm, yeah.
Thank you!
I owe you one. Big time!
Ooh! Banana!
- Oh!
- Sorry!
-Coach, I--
One of the most important things
about being on a team
is being there for the team.
Where were you?
Huh? Aww.
Ooh, ice cream.
Mmm. It's good.
Oh, running out of time here!
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Where is everything?
Autumn! I'm so happy to see you!
I need the mixing bowls, the mixer,
and measuring cups, and butter,
food coloring, and sugar for icing.
Where's the cart?
I don't know. What cart?
The cart.
The one with all the supplies
that you've been tracking
in the notebook I gave you!
- Oh!
- Huh?
Oh, not this too!
How could brand-new boxes
of fruit just disappear?
Did either of you do anything?
This is going to make me look terrible
in front of the principal!
You did this on purpose!
Ugh! How could you say that?
Why would I do any of this on purpose?
Maybe this is your fault!
Yeah! This isn't just about you!
I can't believe it.
Nothing is going my way!
It's not just about you, either!
You didn't tell me what to do!
You signed up to get all the supplies!
I told you where to go and what to get!
I did everything right!
It's not my fault!
Got up early, got to the store,
raced to school!
But I still missed the team,
and someone lost my boxes!
And you pretty much know
what happens next.
We don't have to relive everything.
Fix this!
What a disaster!
At least my muffins
aren't as hard as rocks anymore.
Oh, my Aliya! These are truly...
Now, this is what I call a disaster.
You can say that again.
We're doomed.
I'm doomed!
This never would've happened
if I wasn't smuggling animals into school.
You were smuggling animals into school?
You brought a pig?
- Yeah.
- But why?
To help them find homes.
Autumn! This book is fantastic!
I can't believe how many people
you observed, interviewed.
They're matched up perfectly!
Except for Coco.
You're setting her up
with a kid in my science class
who farts a lot.
I'm sorry I kept getting distracted.
I didn't know how to tell you.
I messed everything up.
Not more than I did!
I was just thinking about myself.
But you, you were thinking
about helping others!
We all made mistakes.
I'm sorry that I didn't tell you
that I've never baked before.
And I should have told you
how much I love baking.
So, you do like baking!
I knew it!
Cooking and baking are my life.
Right next to soccer.
Autumn, are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
I think it's time to fix this.
On the count of three.
One, two, three!
Go team!
Thanks for coming, guys! You're the best.
We can use all the help we can get.
That's what friends do!
They help each other out.
And what could be cooler than baking?
Oh, my bad!
I know that's not what you call it.
Air quality!
Let's get this party started!
Right. Tyler, I know you like dancing.
Take this mop. That's your dance partner.
Mathias, you're a great goalie.
Grab your mitts
and make the countertops shine.
Niko, I know you like
using those feet of yours!
I'll tee up the trash bags.
Just try not to kick them too hard!
And, Leo, Seor,
Baker Extraordinaire.
It's time for you
to show us what you're made of.
I know the perfect recipe.
Delicious and fast!
- Hey! I found my boxes!
- Hey, Milo!
Come on, Milo!
Welcome to the Heartlake
High School Festival!
It's... showtime.
Alright! Who's ready for hotcakes?
Where are the muffins?
The cookies?
Milo, stop that!
Mmm... Hmm!
These are delicious!
Where'd you learn to do this?
Mi abuelita!
Open up!
You get a hotcake.
You get a hotcake.
You get a hotcake.
Hey, Coach! Care for a hotcake?
I care more about you being on time.
But... now I understand a little more
about how busy you've been.
Should I go long?
Oh, impressive!
For the record, you made the team
before I knew you could cook.
Wait! I made the team? I made the team!
This is fantastic!
What did I tell you?
Amazing, right?
Who wants a hotcake?
Me, me, me!
Did anyone see a pig?
Milo, where are you?
This is Dr. Marlon.
Oh, I know all about you, Autumn.
You've been helping
a lot of animals this week.
I've been thinking about
creating a dog adoption center.
And I think you'd be perfect
at helping build it.
Oh! I'd love to help!
Ooh, this is amazing!
Thank you so much!
Popsy thanks you too.
-Happy to help.
And if you can't find a new home
for this little one,
I might just have to keep her for myself.
Did you hear that, Popsy?
So, how was the first week of school?
Well, it turned out amazing,
but it was pretty rocky there for a while.
We made a lot of mistakes.
It was pretty stressful, that's for sure,
which brings me to my next surprise.
Puppy love for everyone!
Congratulations on making it
through the first week of school!
I made this for the puppy.
I hope you like it.
Oh, thank you.
So, I guess you saw Popsy.
I was trying to keep her secret.
Well, that didn't work.
Come here, girl.
Aw! It's so cute.
I think you did
a great job this week, Aliya.
Mistakes are opportunities to learn.
That made the difference today.
That's what Heartlake High is all about.
And that's why I'm making you head girl.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You won't be disappointed,
I promise you that.
Congrats on head girl.
You'll never beat me on the leaderboards,
but I think we can both share
number one in the metaverse.
Aliya, I'm ready
for your first baking lesson
whenever you are.
I'm all ears.
It's just a costume!
I didn't even know pigs liked pickles!
And so it begins.