Lego Monkie Kid: Revenge of the Spider Queen (2021) Movie Script

Monkie Kid!
Familiar tales
New adventures
Monkie Kid!
The powers of the king
Rest in his hands
When evil surrounds him
He'll rise up against them
And show them
Who's the Monkie Kid
His staff out in his grasp
His friends watching
His back
'Cause he's the
Monkie Kid!
You call this
a training session?
I've barely broken a sweat!
Battle's no place
to be arrogant.
You've got to stay humble.
Says you?
Ha! Who's got to be
humble now?
Still you.
Oh, boy.
Okay! Class commencing.
How did I win?
Uh... You buried me
under a rock slide?
Yes! But! Why were you standing
in the way of a rock slide?
'Cause you put me there!
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
I got you where I wanted you
by putting myself
where you wanted me.
It's called... Misdirection!
- Seems like a shady lesson.
- Too soon, buddy.
Ugh! I'm never gonna be
as good as you.
Pft, not with that attitude!
Class dismissed.
Yes! I better hit it.
I was supposed to meet Mei
and the others for the festiv...
How long have you been
preparing this?
Come on, it's News Year's, bud.
Let's watch the fireworks.
Oh, uh, love to!
But I really should get back
to my...
Woo-hoo! Happy New Year!
Hmm, I feel like
this would be easier
if I had fingers.
Thank you!
Great happiness and prosperity
this Lunar New Year!
Mei, Is it just me,
or does Pigsy seem...
more stressed than normal?
Isn't MK meant to be
working today?
Yes, Tang, he is!
Where is that punk?
'Cause he's sure ain't here!
He's training
with the Monkey King.
He said...
New Year, New MK!
I'm gonna take my training
to a whole new level!
Gimme that!
"New year, new MK"?
Keep going like this,
he's gonna be newly unemployed!
I mean it!
If MK don't get here soon...
Good cheer and happy new year!
Look at all these delicious
little goodies!
I got enough to share!
Ooh! Thanks, Sandy!
So, uh... Where's MK?
Would you guys please
screw around somewhere else?
I got a business to run!
So, if you ain't gonna help,
go bother
some other noodle shop!
Yeah, keep laughing!
Just wait till you see
what I've got cooking.
Then, you'll have something
to celebrate!
Only one hair left...
This little piece
of that Monkie Kid
holds all the power I need!
You finished tinkering yet?
I have constructed
what you asked for.
The "delivery systems"
are operational.
So long as the venom
works this time...
The venom will work.
No. No, no!
I am the queen!
I am meant to rule this world,
not hide beneath it!
It can't be over...
It doesn't have to be.
W-Who said that? Show yourself!
My apologies. I just...
thought I might be of service.
Service, huh?
Who are you?
I am merely someone
who thinks
the great Spider Queen
has been absent
from her throne for too long.
I believe that once you rise,
a thing even the celestial host
could not achieve
will be inevitable...
The final Destruction
of the Monkey King.
Well, don't you have
a sweet way of talking?
Monkey King
tore me from my throne,
took everything I had.
What makes you think
it's so easy?
I thought maybe we could use...
My, my, my...
I haven't seen one of these
for a while.
May I?
Well, well, well, looks like
you have your uses after all.
Let's give it a spin?
Wait! No!
I helped you!
You need me!
My Queen.
Now, that's more like it.
Okay, little miss mystery.
What's the catch.
I simply wish to see you fulfill
your destiny, My Queen.
Well, all right then.
Oh, man!
MK's really missing out
on all these awesome floats!
There's the dragon!
There's the Monkey!
- Yeah! And there's the spider!
- Spider?
Pfft! There's no spider
in the zodiac.
It's probably just
an eight-legged rooster, or a...
Spider Queen!
Oh, would you look at that.
Everyone here to celebrate...
the year of the spider!
Go let them know
their Queen is back.
Happy New Year!
Over a millennia and fireworks
are still the best thing
humans have invented!
Mmm. Uh...
Am I eating hair right now?
It's better not to think
about it.
What happened to the fireworks?
The city!
The fireworks!
Oh, uh, also people
getting hurt, I guess.
All right,
I'll go take care of business.
Wh... what?
Nobody messes
with my New Year's.
Let's go!
Huh, guess Spider Queen
finally crawled out
of her cesspit.
Spiders! No!
Get them away from me!
Get them away!
Get off, MK!
Wait! What are you...
If you can't handle
a little spider...
how are you meant
to help with that?
I'll handle this one, bud.
- You just hang tight.
- Wait, I... I can still hel...
Oh, Monkey King!
Well, isn't this
a nice surprise?
Finally come out of hiding
just to see me?
Didn't know you were
so desperate for attention,
Spider Princess.
- It's Spider "Queen", sub human.
- Whatever.
Thought I'd have to deal
with the kid
before I got to you.
But since you're here...
I can destroy you first.
Give it up, Princess.
You're too easy to read!
Come for me.
Monkey King!
As easy as a fly...
Oh, no, a web!
You seriously think
this can keep me...
What is this?
Finally. After all these years,
you're mine!
on your victory, My Queen.
My "special" webs
will continue to steal
Monkey King's power,
until he's nothing more
than a dried up husk!
Nothing and no one
will be able to stop me!
Oh, no...
Your food might've
permanently damaged
my taste buds!
Why would you ever
sell anything this hot?
Dear customer,
the spice level was no mistake!
I, Red Son, have devised
the perfect culinary experience!
If you direct your attention
down at this chart here,
it clearly ranks the spice level
from "Very Hot" to "Inferno"!
You ordered Very Hot. So...
- But it's the lowest one!
- Oh!
So, I guess I'm meant to make
barbecue for peasants!
With little, unworthy,
disappointing taste buds
that shame their fathers?
Is that it? Huh?
Look, I want to speak
to the manager.
Fine! Fine! It's your funeral!
Uh, I... I actually didn't need
tastebuds anyway.
So, thank you for your service
and have a prosperous
and fulfilling New Year.
Ugh, Father!
You can't just scare away
every customer that complains.
This is our chance
at something great!
I am the Demon Bull King.
What would you have me be?
The King of street food?
Well... yes?
I mean, after your recent
humiliating defeat,
I thought a fresh start
was exactly what we needed.
Just you and me
working together,
father and son!
No evil plans, no...
talking bones...
Heh, sorry, fresh wound.
I may have failed
as a conqueror,
but I will not be made a fool!
Um... Father!
Sorry, Father. I will come back!
What is this?
Who dares?
Why, me, of course...
Argh... I have truly fallen
if one such as you can best me.
The "would-be" Queen of Spiders.
Ain't nothing "would-be"
about it.
I am the Spider Queen!
And you?
Nothing but a battery
for my mech.
Look around, handsome.
You're not the only prize
I snapped up.
Every one of them is just dying
to give me their power.
- Princess Iron Fan?
- Aww, Don't worry.
Haven't found your wifey.
I did manage to track down
an old friend of yours.
'Sup Bull King? You too, huh?
Monkey King!
My Queen!
I have news regarding Red...
My Queen,
I have news regarding Red Son.
Useless offspring.
Mm-hmm, go on.
He actually... Er, got away.
I didn't doubt him for a second.
You will never catch him!
Urgh! Find him! Now!
Yes, My Queen.
My Queen,
what of
the Monkey King's protege?
Perhaps he should join
his master?
Yeah, and the boy, too.
I can't have
these problematic children
running around
causing me problems!
Ahh! Let's go, let's go,
let's go!
What about MK?
The kid's with Monkey King,
he's safer than anyone.
Try turning us into spiders
when we're in the middle
of the O... cean!
Ugh... Sandy?
- Uh, we gotta get going soon!
- Come on, come on!
Don't do this to me!
I don't usually
have this problem!
We're all gonna die.
Target acquired.
Now, now, my pets...
Be patient!
Daddy's gonna have his fun.
- Uh, Sandy?
- Get us out of here!
Uh, working on it!
Uh... Uhm... Here?
Uh! There!
What's the rush?
It's not so bad,
if you go quietly.
The transition
will be almost painless!
We can handle one
of her lackeys!
Two of her lackeys?
Oh, boy...
Guys! You're okay!
I thought you'd been turned
into gross spider thingies!
They're everywhere!
I can still feel them
crawling all over me!
Kid, focus!
Yep, working on it!
We've found
the Monkey King's apprentice
exactly where you said he'd be.
Oh, no.
Sandy! It's now or never,
old buddy!
Ah! Found it!
Uh... Sandy?
Give it a minute!
He can't escape!
Come on! Whoa!
So, what do you guys think?
Been saving her for a rainy day.
Real cool, Sandy.
It's awesome for taking in...
the horrifying vistas.
Spider Queen captured
Monkey King.
- What!
- That's not possible!
Her and this weird...
skeleton thing. She got him!
And I... I... didn't...
I didn't even try to help...
He lost and then...
It's okay, MK.
We got this. We can beat her.
She beat the Monkey King, Mei!
We don't got this!
I'm sorry. I just...
I don't know what to do.
Kid, no one ever does.
Not really.
But we're going
to figure this out.
That's right, little man...
Just as soon as
we deal with that!
- Red Son?
- What?
- Get him!
- No!
Get off me, you filthy peasants!
What are you doing here,
Red Son?
Yeah, spill!
You one of the Spider Queen's
henchmen now, huh?
Not that any
of you would care...
but my father was captured
by that eight-legged freak!
So, if you'll excuse me,
I'll just steal this ship
and be on my way.
Wait, what? That's not...
Will you let me steal your ship
so I can go save my father,
and also the world,
from this spider menace?
Are you serious?
- You can't steal the ship!
- Hmm, he's pretty convincing...
Well, I can't use mine,
it's busted!
But one thing I do have...
is this.
Spider Queen's venom.
It's turned everyone
into her slaves,
but I can make an antidote.
However, I'll need supplies.
And the only place
to get them is...
No, you noodle brain!
The Celestial Realm!
The Celestial Realm?
The realm of heavenly deities
and immortal beings?
So, if you get to Spa...
uh, the Celestial Realm,
you can fix... all of this?
Kid, you're not really
considering this, are you?
- Well... Uh...
- What?
MK, are you serious?
It's Red...
He's literally a demon!
Oh! Pretty rich
coming from Pig Man
and the blue thing!
- Don't you dare talk...
- Hey! What'd I do?
About my friends
like that!
Not even gonna start
on you, dragon girl!
- Let's help him.
- Huh?
What other choice do we have?
Look, the spider Queen
won't see this coming.
It's the best plan we've got.
So, I say...
let's help a demon
rob the Celestial Realm!
So, how exactly does this work?
Ugh, if I tried
to explain mystical
inter-dimensional travel
to a bunch of peasants,
it'd melt your brains!
We don't have any other option.
We have to trust him.
Great speech, noodle boy!
Super motivational!
Uh, we are sure mortals
can travel
to the Celestial Realm, yes?
Of course, they can!
I did say it'd melt your brains.
The Celestial Realm.
So, some special pills,
a fancy peach, and a furnace?
Where we gonna find
these things?
Red Boy doesn't know!
Wa... I know they're somewhere!
I'm a demon! It's not like
I've been here before!
Well, in the legend,
Monkey King stole...
Stole? That's not
the Monkey King I know!
Borrowed the peaches
of immortality
from the heavenly orchard.
So, unless they did
the sensible thing
and moved them,
they'll still be there!
The pills of the great master,
Lao Tsu.
Monkey King stole...
Borrowed some of those too.
They must be
in Lao Tsu's alchemy lab!
And what about the furnace?
I can't make anything
without that.
It could be there in the lab,
but my guess is it will be...
In the Jade Emperor's
throne room!
- Wait what?
- Huh?
All right, then!
I'll be off to grab that peach.
- Toodles!
- What? Hey!
Like we'd just let you
wander off on your own!
You just wait here
like an obedient little pup...
I'm keeping you
where I can see you.
I'll go for the pills. Er...
They're just
regular looking pills, right?
Round, kinda shaped
like... pills?
You know, like normal pills?
I'll better come too.
And I'll get the furnace.
On your own?
I dunno if that's good idea.
The throne room's
too well guarded!
- Huh?
- You guys get the items,
and get back here
as fast as you can.
I'll stay here
and knock some sense
into the engines!
I'm helping!
What you got there, Mo?
Some kinda ominously beeping
spider-themed tracker?
I'm sure it's fine.
Guess this is the Throne room.
I knew this place
was gonna be big but...
There it is!
Well, that was easy!
Uh... eh...
Nice, giant... monster dogs?
Huh? Wait!
No, no, no, no, no!
So, heard you helped MK
beat your dad.
That was one time!
My father,
the great Demon Bull King...
not himself.
But in no other instance
would I ever assist
that sorry excuse for a hero!
But you're totally assisting
right now!
You are a hero!
Red Son! Red Son,
hero of the city!
Saving Dads!
Saving the World!
Saving spicy barbecue
one bite at a time.
Buy two, get one free.
Would you give me that!
Let's just get this peach and...
Mei and Red Son,
Heroes on a quest!
Okay, le-go!
I just decided...
She's next on my hit list.
Every item in this room
is brimming with untold,
dangerous power!
Tang! Stop screwing around!
Hmm. Lao Tsu's pills.
If I know anything about
the legends,
they won't be easy to find.
Is this them?
That's them!
Great! Let's get going.
What's the rush, little piglet?
There was no way
I could do this.
I can't do anything on my own.
Monkey King! I knew you'd...
Oh, perfect, perfect!
Just who I need!
Useless MK!
What have you got to say, huh?
That's not how mirrors work.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm going crazy! Yep!
Ugh! Stop that! Listen!
Every time we get in trouble,
we turn to Monkey King,
or our friends or someone!
They tell us a story
and we find that smidge
of motivation we need.
now, we're on our own!
It's just... you.
Hey! Remember
when you went crazy
racing for a fake one
of these things?
I remember when
you wrecked my car!
Eh, we wreck a lot of stuff.
Oh. Well, that was easy.
Well, well.
You and your little girlfriend
are coming with me.
- His...
- Girlfriend?
- Flaming fist of dignity!
- Aw!
You got me in my favorite eye!
Hey! Get back here
with that stone fruit!!
Let me down!
There's no time!
Here, Piggy, Piggy...
Oh, We gotta do something.
Huh? Hmm.
There you are!
Ho-ho! You're going down.
Ahh, I... I thought it was going
to turn him
into a little ducky!
Come on!
Let's get outta here!
Do you know, uh...
Monkey King was trapped
in here once, too?
Yeah, difference is...
he was thrown in.
And I... jumped!
But know what he did?
He stuck it out.
Found a way out.
Ended up getting
his golden eyes of truth, too!
Well, I'm not the Monkey King,
You're right.
You're the Monkie Kid!
You've gotta figure out
your own way to win.
So, do it.
Monkie Kid!
Ah! Sorry!
Uh, I'll bring it back
when we're done
saving the world!
Honest! Promise!
Totally going to do it! K-bye!
Pigsy! Tangy! You got the pills!
Uh-huh, we also have spiders!
They followed us here!
Oh, where are the others?
Start the engines!
It's time to go!
What about MK?
Start... the... drone!
What are you doing?
I could have made it!
Aww, Sure you could, buddy.
The queen ain't going to be
happy about this.
Uh... Nice monster doggy?
No, no, no, no, no. No!
So, uh...
what now?
We find a place to lie low,
make the antidote,
and save everyone.
Ugh, you're back
to your disgustingly,
enthusiastic self.
What happened?
I got a new power.
The power...
Of self-reflection!
- Ooh...
- Whoa!
So, where we headed?
Set a course...
for Flower Fruit Mountain!
What do you think, Big Guy?
Enjoying the party?
She would never have subdued me
had you not given her
the power she needed!
Or it's just that
she captured me first...
'cause I'm her favorite!
My Queen, it seems the demon boy
and the Monkey King's protege
are working together.
So? What can they do?
This city is mine!
Perhaps you should...
I don't need you coming in here
being a party pooper.
You know what we need to do?
Ring in the year
of the spider in style!
As you wish...
I, Red Son, will bind the powers
of the celestial artifacts
with the Spider Queen's
own venom,
save my father, and reforge
the world as I see fit.
- Red Son, that was amazing.
- Such a good hero speech.
Villain speech!
And perhaps my best of all time!
Okay! So what do we do now, guy?
We do nothing!
I add the ingredients
in a precise order
you wouldn't understand.
Uh, there's only two
more ingredients, Red Boy.
- And I already chucked them in.
- What?
You're welcome!
Ooh, I think it worked!
All right!
Time to take the fight
back to the Spider Queen
and end this nightmare
once and for all!
How? Those spider people
aren't just going to line up
for a sip.
And even if they did,
are we forgetting
about Spider Queen?
She defeated the Monkey King!
How are you...
We'll find a way. We always do.
Well, I might have an idea.
Oh, yeah!
With this...
We might have a chance!
Oh! Here comes the spider float!
And the Spider dancers!
This is how you rule the world.
What is that?
I don't know...
It's not on the approved
parade schedule!
If it isn't Spider Queen,
throwing herself a party.
Prepare to meet your doom!
- Now, that's a hero speech!
- Wow, MK,
you're handling
your spider phobia so well!
I'm internalizing
a lot of stuff right now.
Release the antidote!
What? No!
- Oh, my freedom!
- I'm free!
It's working! Let's finish this!
Your reign of horror is...
Oh, Monkie Boy!
You're nothing
without your master.
There's nothing
that can stop me.
It's a shame really...
You being trapped here,
there's no one to protect
poor little Princess Iron Fan...
My wife doesn't need protecting!
She will
decimate all in her way!
Oh, yeah?
How about your half-baked son?
Spider Queen's
gonna eat him alive!
All because you were too weak!
Ha! It worked! Excellent! Whoa...
I was just getting you angry
so you could...
I know
what you were doing, Simian!
Wait, where are you going?
To find my half-baked so...
I've honestly missed that guy.
So, you thought
you had all the pieces
right where you wanted them?
There are so many moves
I have yet to play.
You should have stayed buried.
I will rip the memory of you
from this world...
After all I've won and lost
and won again,
you think I was really gonna let
some boy take it from me?
Bye-bye, problem child...
My powers?
I am no one's slave!
All of you together
can't beat me!
I am the queen!
Oh, yeah?
Well, I'm the king!
Turns out I'm not so good
with spiders either...
If I can't rule this world...
no one can!
I'll level this whole city!
All right, kiddo,
it's now or never!
Here... comes...
Thank you, the...
the Bull, the... uh,
Demon Bull... King?
Mister Bull King? Sir?
Ha! Now, those
are New Year's fireworks!
We should really get better
at not smooshing the city.
Er, priorities...
You did really good today, bud.
- Are you okay? After...
- It's fine, bud.
It's dealt with.
Wanna tell your friends
to take it down a bit?
Monkey King!
I... I'm your biggest fan!
Hey, Daddy Bull King!
Your baby Red Boy
did real good hero work today!
Argh! No, no! For the last time,
I am not a hero!
- Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
- Father, let's...
never tell Mother anything
that happened today?
Come along, son.
S... Son?
Oh, where did Monkey King go?
Well, don't mind if I do!
Happy New Year's, Monkey King.
- Ooh! Yummy!
- Wait, no! Don't eat that!
Tastes like hair.
Where were you?
What happened to my destiny?
Your destiny has not been
changed or diminished.
Your enemies have done
exactly what we needed.
And now, My Queen...
the real game can begin!