Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation (2022) Movie Script

Okay, this is it, everyone.
We're here to have some fun! Come on!
LANDO: Welcome aboard the Halcyon,
the most luxurious star cruiser
in the galaxy.
I'm Lando Calrissian, newly-appointed
ambassador of the Chandrila Star Line,
where your journey is our privilege.
Hey, look, guys! It's Lando! Hey, Lando!
That's a holo-vid, Finn.
Isn't it great?
No Stormtroopers. No TIE Fighters.
No threat of galactic annihilation.
It'll be an adventure.
A vacation adventure!
It's a nice idea, buddy, but...
Do heroes even take vacations?
Just look at
all these activities. (LAUGHS)
Poe, you love your activities, buddy.
I do. I do love activities.
Okay, first we take a private bridge tour,
followed by a holo-sabacc tournament,
then a quick bite
in the Crown of Corellia Dining Room.
But eat fast, because after that,
it's a brisk walk around the sun deck.
Poe, it's a vacation.
When do we, you know, relax?
I can schedule
five minutes of relaxing time
in between shuffleboard and
the engineering room experience.
- "Engineering room experience"?
That's the spirit, Poe.
And here, to catch some rays, Rey.
I could use a little R and R and R.
Rest, relaxation, and reading.
Relaxing. With a Jedi text?
You relax your way, I relax mine.
- Mmm. This is pretty nice.
- They even have a spa.
Oil baths for everyone.
Finally, we are on holiday.
- It's not that kind of holiday.
- Let it go.
Yeah, but it's... Letting it go.
See? It's gonna be great. We need this.
Especially since it's the last time
we'll all be together.
Anyway, uh, I'll go check us in.
Okay, people, time's wasting.
Let's get a move on.
Where are you going?
REY: To the sun deck.
I'd try to talk you out of it,
but we're already behind schedule.
Okay, Rose and Rey, you're on deck seven,
room three-o-one...
Rey? Rose? Where'd everyone go?
Whole point was to do this all together.
Attention, passengers.
The Halcyon is now departing Chandrila.
You're about to go on a vacation
unlike any you've experienced.
Strap in, baby.
Hello, I am BV-RJ, human-cyborg libations.
May I offer you a beverage?
What do you recommend for someone
whose friends ditched him?
BV-RJ: Better friends?
I have just the drink. The Yerdua drop.
This trip sure isn't going like I'd hoped.
MAN: They rarely do.
Right? I, uh... Whoa! What is in this?
Who are you?
Obi-Wan Kenobi. Hello, there.
Obi-Wan Kenobi?
From the Battle of Geonosis?
And the attack on Felucia?
And the Siege of Ryloth?
And... I'm kind of a Clone Wars expert.
It is an honor, sir. General.
Sir General. General Kenobi.
No need to stand on ceremony, young Finn.
Call me Obi-Wan.
We're on vacation after all.
Rey once told me that past Jedi may
appear to help guide us in times of need.
Is that why you're here?
What is it? Is it another Death Star?
A Second Order? Is the Emperor
coming back again... again?
No, I sensed a Jedi in need of counsel.
Oh. Uh...
Rey's somewhere on the ship.
But I'm not sure where.
I'm talking about you.
Me? Oh, I'm good. Ha!
My friends are gone, but I'm hanging out
in an empty lounge with a Jedi ghost.
Okay, I'm not good.
My friends are gone and I'm hanging out
in an empty lounge with a Jedi ghost.
It is a vacation, Finn.
They're enjoying themselves.
You must learn to enjoy yourself.
Wait, wait, wait.
What do you know about vacations?
You're telling me the great
Obi-Wan Kenobi took a vacation? Ha!
Well, from a certain point of view.
It was back on Tatooine.
Ooh! You look like you came out on the
losing end of a Bantha-milking contest.
You don't know the half of it.
Cup of caf?
Jawa Juice. Lots of ice.
And if anyone asks,
I've been here all day.
STORMTROOPER: There she is.
Show us your identification, Rebel spy.
Me? Oh, I'm no spy.
I'm on vacation with my husband.
STORMTROOPER 1: Vacation? In Mos Eisley?
Mos definitely.
STORMTROOPER 1: Hmm. Identification.
Oh. Identification. Where would I...
Dank farrik.
Honey, did I leave our identification
at the Great Pit of Carkoon?
Which, by the way,
is at best just an okay pit.
I'd stay out of it.
She'd forget her own head
if it weren't already snapped on.
STORMTROOPER 1: Identification. Now.
You don't need to see her identification.
We don't need to see her identification.
She's not the spy you're looking for.
She's not the spy we're looking for.
She will enjoy her trip.
STORMTROOPER 1: Enjoy your trip.
- Whoa. Thank you.
- Ben. My pleasure.
Sorry I can't stay and chat, Ben.
I'm kind of in a rush.
Seriously, don't get involved.
Wait, uh, Miss...
Valeria. Colvett Valeria.
Perhaps you could use
some assistance on your spy mission.
Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
And your secret is safe with me, Jedi.
So, are you coming or what?
My Rebel cell intercepted
a shipment of coaxium,
but we were ambushed in Hutt Space.
Now Jabba is selling it
back to the Empire.
It's all going down at
Jabba's annual birthday barbecue,
the one day a year
he opens his palace to everyone.
Clever. Doing the deal in plain sight
eliminates the fear
of a double-cross by either side.
Hmm. They won't feel so clever
after we steal it back.
What's your plan?
- Play it cool.
Just a married couple on vacation
having fun at a birthday barbecue.
I'll look for the coaxium, you keep watch.
And try to blend in.
Right. (CLEARS THROAT) Okay.
Here I am, blending in.
Ben, haven't you ever been to a party?
Or just relaxed?
Have some food. Mingle.
Maybe you'll overhear something useful.
Hmm, that's a... Mingle.
How'd the mingling go?
I moved on to eating.
Have you located the coaxium?
I think so. But it's surrounded by
those Imperials and Jabba's goons.
Somehow, I have to get to it
without them noticing.
- Well, that sounds rather difficult.
- You don't know the half of it.
Turns out, I've had run-ins
with some of these folks in the past.
Them, and them, and them.
So, pretty much everyone but that Jawa.
Oh, no, him too.
I need to create a diversion.
And how exactly are you going to do that?
Oh, I'm not. You are.
Gamorrean Girls in the key of D.
You're going to sing.
- Me? Sing?
- Uh-huh.
- No, no, no. I don't sing. Sing?
(SINGING) Gamorrean girls dance all night
- Uh...
(SINGING) From the sands of Tatooine
To the hills of Canto Bight?
Come on, Ben. You gotta sell it.
Use the Force... of your personality.
Yes, um...
(SINGING) Gamorrean guys
get out on the floor
It's time to get down
And go wild like a boar
Gamorrean girls and Gamorrean guys
There you go. Keep it up.
Gamorrean girls and Gamorrean guys
Fly like a ship
through the star-filled skies
Gamorrean guys and Gamorrean girls
Moving like you're grooving
Till you're out of this world
Rodians to the floor! Come on, Rodians!
Now the Jawas to the floor!
JAWA: Utini!
Gamorrean girls and Gamorrean guys
Utini indeedy.
Stormtroopers, report to your post.
Hey. It's the guy from the cantina.
The dance floor is now your post
What, what
The dance floor is now your post
Ha, ha!
Yeah! Let me hear the Outer Rim scream!
- A twin sun scream!
Shall we proceed with the exchange?
The Empire is willing to
compensate you for this coaxium
in a way that will make
a fine birthday gift.
Oh, Bounty hunters, Imperials,
you can't hide either!
He's right. I can't hide... my moves!
- I don't dance.
Fine. But only because it's your birthday.
(SINGING) Go, Jabba! Go, Jabba!
To the dance floor! Shake that tail!
When I say, "Nee Jabba,"
you say, "Nobata."
- Nee Jabba.
- Nobata!
- Nee Jabba!
- Nobata!
Psst! Ben! Ben! I got it!
Let's get out of here!
What? (LAUGHS) My wife, everyone. Yes!
We're a married couple
having fun on vacation!
- MAN: They make a lovely couple.
- MAN 2: Yeah, you are!
- Wrap it up.
- Thank you! Thank you, all!
We need to go right now.
- Huh? (CACKLES)
Halt, you Rebel scu...
Thanks, Ben.
It appears we'll need
a new form of transport.
There! Jabba's birthday skiff!
Next stop, Mos Eisley Spaceport.
- A wretched hive of scum and villainy!
Go! Go! Go!
Faster! Faster!
VALERIA: It's maxed out!
Some birthday present.
If he hits that coaxium, we're cooked.
Take him out.
We've lost the cannon.
VALERIA: Do something, Ben!
BOBA: They got away. I'm coming back.
BOBA: Yes, fine, I'll pick up more ice!
Well, that's all of it.
You sure you won't come with me?
The Rebellion needs
all the help we can get.
Oh, I'm getting too old
for that sort of thing.
You still got moves, old man.
And I'm not just talking
about the Jedi stuff.
Admit it, you had fun back there,
singing and dancing.
Indeed, I did.
But I have duties here.
Thank you for being
such a great fake husband, Ben.
May the Force be with you, Colvett.
Beggar's Canyon, here I come!
(SINGING) Gamorrean girls dance all night
From the sands of Tatooine
to the hills of Canto Bight
So, even on your time off
you just ended up doing Jedi stuff?
I hate to break it to you,
but that was not a vacation.
It was for me.
I had fun in the moment, Finn.
And I advise you to do the same.
Because in my experience, one never
knows how long a moment will last.
"Fun in the moment."
Well, that's not gonna happen
if I'm just sitting here.
LANDO: Welcome to our climate simulator,
where you can bask
in that warm artificial sun.
But bring plenty of lotion,
because the burn is real.
Rey! I finally found you!
You'll never guess what happened!
I was in the lounge by myself,
and then Obi-Wan Kenobi,
like, appeared to me and...
Hey. Does that mean I'm now an official
Jedi or... Rey? Rey?
Porgs. So many porgs
looking at me with their big porgy eyes.
We'll catch up later. It's cool.
We are now approaching Scarif,
our first port of call.
The newly restored beaches
are the perfect place
for your friends and family
to hang out and hang ten.
Complimentary shuttles
depart in two minutes.
C-3PO: Master Finn!
Threepio! Where you been?
C-3PO: Receiving the most glorious
oil bath.
I had carbon scoring in ports
I didn't even know I had.
Have you seen the others?
- Finn! There you are.
- Hey! I was just looking for everyone.
- Where's Poe?
- We had to ditch him.
He's been running us ragged
with his nonstop activities.
He even booked a tour of the trash
compactor. The trash compactor!
Hurry. Yeah, we gotta hide, before he...
POE: There you all are!
He finds us.
POE: Pardon me, excuse me.
Sorry about that.
Make way for the general, right?
Seriously, please move. Excuse me.
Guys, you bailed on the
Taste Around the Galaxy dining experience.
Rose, Chewie, you're gonna love
these galactic cream puffs.
Scatter! He can't get us all.
C-3PO: Wait for us!
LANDO: Shuttles are now departing.
Go have more fun!
Hey, hey! Whoa! It's okay.
I don't care what we do,
I just want to do it together.
Let's get out of here.
(SIGHS) "Have fun in the moment, Finn."
And here I am, in the moment,
having fun. Alone.
Who are you?
Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin Skywalker.
This day just gets weirder and weirder.
Let me guess, you sensed a Jedi in
trouble and wanna help.
That's why the SkyGuy is here,
to get in with Finn.
So, what's up?
I planned a trip
to hang out with my friends,
but from the moment we took off,
everything went wrong.
First, I lose them, then I find them,
then I lose them again,
and Obi-Wan Kenobi says
I have to have fun in the moment,
but here I am alone. Again.
Uh, hold up. Obi-Wan said, "Have fun"?
Really? Obi-Wan? Kenobi?
Uh-huh. But I can't even do that.
Sand, right? It gets everywhere.
(SIGHS) What was I thinking?
Maybe Rose was right.
Heroes don't take vacations.
Evil sure doesn't.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
You sure about that?
Right now, I'm not sure
about anything, okay?
Except I have sand
in places sand shouldn't be.
All right. Finn, we gotta put those
emotions in carbonite and chill, man.
What if I told you
evil does take a vacation.
In fact, I knew this guy who was,
like, the worst of the worst.
And even he took one.
- DARTH VADER: Happy Empire Day!
- Meh.
But this is a celebration
of the order we brought to the galaxy.
- Uh, "We"?
- (SIGHS) You.
Sure, it's a celebration.
For them. Down there having fun,
shaking their stupid sparklers,
stuffing their faces with ronto wraps.
(YELLS) I want to zap each
and every last one of you!
(SIGHS) But what do I get?
The same thing every day.
Wake up, have a light breakfast,
and then, nothing.
No Jedi, nothing left to conquer,
nothing to do.
Just endless bureaucratic nonsense.
I'm lucky if I even get my zaps in.
(GASPS) Oh, look, the Senate is squabbling
over taxation of outlying trade routes.
- What else is new?
You know the drill.
Smash it, squash it, crush it.
Now, off you go, Tommy Two-Horns.
You know, sometimes, I wish
I could just leave all of this behind.
No one to bother you.
Not a care in the galaxy.
DARTH VADER: Not a care in the galaxy.
That's it!
We're going to get you away from it all.
And I know just the place.
What did I tell you? Scarif has
the nicest beaches in the galaxy.
Perfect spot to enjoy paradise.
Yeah, the helmet and armor
really scream "paradise."
Get rubbing. Rubbity, rubbity. And don't
forget my shoulders. They really burn.
Look, nothing but empty beach. No one to
bother you, no demands on your time.
- It's so...
- Boring.
Hey, that sounds... not boring.
VIC: All right, put down
those lightsabers, it's time to
Force your way onto the dance floor!
'Cause of, you know, the Force.
Here we go!
(SINGING) Come on out in the sun now
Come on out and have fun now
Fly over to a place In space
So far, far away
Ugh. Out of my way. You! Gah!
Get out. Ow!
Do you have any idea who I am?
I ought to zippity-zap that smile
right off their face.
You know, I thought you said the beach
was empty. It's fully operational.
Ugh. Good thing we got away
from crowded Coruscant.
Oh, look, even more singing and dancing.
Some Empire Day this turned out to be.
We traveled halfway
across the galaxy for this?
Well, I blame myself, really.
You think I'd learn
not to put you in charge of anything.
Ugh. Smells like a beached
Mon Calamari out here.
That does it! I did this for you!
You think I want to be out in this sun?
It's like a swamp in this armor!
- You were right. Let's go home.
- Fine.
- Gonna be a long trip.
- Especially the way you fly.
-Gonna blow up the beach
We're Vic Vankoh and the Bith Boys.
Now, who's ready for the big
beach game competition?
(SCOFFS) Not me.
The winners receive two passes
to our All-You-Can-Scarif-Down buffet!
- Oh, big deal.
- And will be declared Rulers Of The Beach!
Ruler? Lord Vader, prepare for battle.
I'm open, I'm open.
Over here. Oh, oh, oh! Pass it to me.
Ha! Up top. Down low.
On the flip side. (FARTS)
Everybody, limbo!
(GASPS) It burns.
Who's next?
The winners of every single contest
and Rulers of the Beach are...
I never got your names.
It's Sheev. Sheev Palpa... Palpa...
Sky... Welker... Junior?
And your friend looks awfully familiar.
Who? Him? He's no one.
The Rulers of the Beach!
That's right! Ruler of the Beach!
Me! Unlimited power!
- What is this abomination?
- A participation trophy.
You know, we were going for,
you know, a laidback vibe,
'cause here on Scarif, everyone's a ruler.
Vic, Vic, Vic, Vic, Vic, Vic.
If everyone is a ruler, then no one is.
And if no one is a ruler,
then you have chaos! Zappity-zappity!
Hey! It's the Emperor!
Hey! It's Darth Vader!
No time for buffets.
You've got work to do. Lots of work.
Work? But we're on vacation.
Ah, that's the thing. This little trip
has made me realize something.
When you do what you love,
every day is a vacation.
Now, you're going to build
an Imperial base right here on Scarif.
What's left of this stage
is a perfect place for barracks.
The data vault
will fill in that lovely dune.
Oh, and, of course,
we'll put a shield gate over here,
but the master switch way over there.
So, Scarif just went from resort
to Imperial base back to resort.
That's a bit of an up-and-back.
But there's an important lesson.
The Emperor was impossible to please?
- Well, yeah, but, no.
- Sand and armor don't mix?
- Close.
- Don't give in to the dark side?
Eventually. But most importantly,
you gotta find your bliss.
Do what you love.
What do you love to do, Finn?
What do I love?
Figure that out,
and you'll be made in the shade.
"Do what you love." Wait. Did you just
give me a life lesson from the Emperor?
"Enjoy your vacation while you can."
"Do what you'd love."
Where are they?
At Chandrila Star Line, we want your
experience to be like my cape collection,
ultra-luxurious and always in style.
We hope you and yours
are enjoying your vacation together.
Zip it, Lando.
Vacation... Cation together.
Ation together.
LEIA: Surprising how hard
that can be sometimes.
FINN: Leia?
That's General Organa to you.
Right, sorry, General.
Finn, I'm teasing. You seem a little lost.
I'm working through some stuff.
Like how to have fun in the moment
like Master Kenobi told me.
Obi-Wan Kenobi said to have fun?
Really? Obi-Wan? Kenobi?
And then, Anakin Skywalker
told me to do what I love.
I've spent more time today
with ghosts than my friends.
No offense, General. And I'm starting
to regret even taking this trip.
Finn, we all need to get away
every now and then. I certainly did.
You? The war hero? The Resistance General?
You're those things, too.
Then why am I having such a hard time?
Because sometimes a vacation is about
more than just having fun. A lot more.
Let me tell you about a trip
Han and I once took.
We had planned a final family trip
on our way to take our son
to begin his Jedi training.
TOUR DROID: Once a mining colony
during the Imperial era,
Mimban is now home to many
historical attractions, including this.
The galaxy's fourth largest ball of mud.
This is where Chewie and I first met.
Isn't this great, Ben?
Great? When a bunch of Stormtroopers
threw you in a pit for him to eat you?
- Yeah. Good times.
TOUR DROID: Now, please, follow me to see
the galaxy's third largest ball of mud.
Hey, what do you think, pal?
Pretty cool, huh?
You want a T-shirt?
(SIGHS) No offense, Dad, but when you said
we were gonna make a "fun stop,"
I assumed it would actually be fun.
Who doesn't think this is fun?
C-3PO: (GASPING) I'm... I'm stuck!
Does Ben realize how lucky he is?
I never had family vacations growing up.
Or a family.
Oh, he's getting older, Han.
He doesn't wanna slosh around
in his father's memories.
He wants his own adventures.
His own adventures.
Chewie, set a course for Endor.
Han, what did I say about not making Ben
slosh around in your memories?
I'm not. It's this fancy new resort.
It'll be fun family bonding.
What do you say, Son?
Dad! You know what would be really fun?
If I flew us there.
Fly the Falcon?
Uh, maybe someday when you're older.
Oh, you never let me do anything.
You flew at his age.
Speeders and swoops.
And I crashed. A lot. He isn't ready.
Is it possible that you're not ready?
I'm ready. I'm so ready.
Not ready for what?
To let him go.
All right. Endor, here we come.
Not quite what I had in mind.
But we'll make the best of it.
Hey, maybe we can
take a ride together, buddy.
(SCOFFS) Can't we just go to Uncle Luke's?
Ben's right, Han.
This place is seriously rundown.
We prefer the term
"Ewok rustic," Your Highness.
Welcome to the Lake Villages of Endor.
I'm Wick Cooper.
Intergalactic bon vivant and proprietor.
But, please, call me Mr. Cooper.
And let me say how thrilled we are
to have the esteemed Organa-Solos
as our guests. Luxury awaits.
C-3PO: Oh, my!
- And I see you've found Lake Ewok.
- Your eyes okay, kid?
You look like you've been staring into
a twin sun solar eclipse.
I... Um...
This is my daughter, Sidero.
Say hello to our guests, princess.
Dad, don't call me...
Princess Leia Organa! What an honor.
Hi, Sidero. This is Han, and Chewbacca.
- (R2-D2 BEEPS)
- Whoa! R2-D2?
And I am C-3PO, human...
You didn't tell me
they were staying with us.
This is so cool!
Oh, and can I have some credits?
I'm meeting Mahlnor
at the Admiral Snack Bar.
- It's a... It's a...
- I'm not saying it.
It's a snack! (LAUGHS)
Of course, my little porgie-pie.
Hey, why don't you show Ben the beach?
Uh, me? Go with her?
Whoa! He speaks. Come on, kid.
What about the speeder-bike?
He may have other interests.
Maybe later. Have fun.
Now, to the reception desk, milady.
And, my guy.
I can't believe your mom
is the Leia Organa.
She is so wizard!
Your life must be so exciting.
Have you flown the Millennium Falcon?
Of course he has. Haven't you, Ben?
Uh, actually...
You ladies see me out there?
I just set a new Lake Ewok speed record.
(SCOFFS) Who's the mouse droid?
Lay off, Rad. This is Ben Solo.
He was just about to tell us what it's
like to fly the Millennium Falcon.
Pff! This little womp rat?
He couldn't even reach the controls,
much less fly.
I fly the Falcon all the time.
Just because your last name is Solo,
it doesn't mean you're a pilot.
Oh, yeah? I'll prove it.
Solo? More like "so low."
Get it? "So low." Low. 'Cause he's short.
So low. So good.
And this the nav computer.
Hyperdrive systems status...
Please, don't sit in my dad's seat.
And you can't touch his dice.
And you definitely can't touch the...
- Strap in, moof-milkers!
- Controls!
Oh, yeah!
This is an awfully long walk
to get to the reception desk.
Oh, it's not much further.
I have to say, when I saw your names
on the guest list, I was intrigued.
You're right, Chewie. We haven't
seen one Ewok since we got here.
Count your blessings. Ewoks, ugh!
They may seem cute and cuddly,
but they're actually
vicious little monsters.
In fact, that's what I wanted
to talk to you about! (YELPS)
Blast it! Oh, you see? Monsters.
But you're not gonna push me
around anymore, you little creeps.
Look who's on my side now.
Yeah-huh. That's right. Leia Organa
and Han Solo. Heroes of the Rebellion.
Besties with Wick Cooper.
- Hey, we know these fuzzballs.
Wicket? Wicket!
C-3PO: Whoa, whoa!
I am once again a golden god.
You may proceed with the worshipping.
What's going on, Wick?
Yeah. I'm starting to think
this isn't the reception desk.
I might have had an ulterior motive
bringing you out here.
You know, it seems the locals haven't
been exactly quote-unquote thrilled
with my resort, and, you know,
they're trying to muscle me out.
You know, the ush, throwing rocks,
log-rolling the tents,
threatening to eat my guests.
So, I thought if someone
of your stature talked to them,
that maybe they would back off.
And now that I see you are all friends...
I don't know. Real estate disputes
aren't exactly our area of expertise.
Besides, it was their moon first.
I know, but a guy gets a little unlucky,
makes a bad deal?
Gets out over his skiffs?
- I kind of relate.
Your Highness? I hate to be pushy,
but could we move this along?
I hope Ben's vacation
is going better than ours.
Oh, yeah!
Oh, this isn't wizard at all.
I wanna go home.
Do something, Ben.
WICK: What did he say?
Sorry, I'm not fluent in varmint.
C-3PO: I'm a little rusty
in their dialect,
but I believe he called you
a "slimy, sludge-swilling scoundrel."
How dare you, sir? You're the ones who
invite people to a barbecue to eat them.
You're only proving my point!
Good news. Problem solved. The Ewoks
agree to back off on one condition.
- Absolutely anything.
- If you go into business together.
I would be happy to bring them on.
Wick and Wicket's.
It has a nice ring to it.
Aah! Fine, yeah, yeah. Wicket and Wick's.
- What? What's the matter?
- Our son is in trouble.
How do you know?
I know.
Bring it down, Rad!
I think you said, "Bring it up." Engaging.
- Hello?
- Put my son on!
- It's for you.
- Ben, are you okay? What was that?
Why did you fly us into an asteroid field?
I didn't mean to!
C-3PO: Asteroid field?
There are no known asteroid fields
around Endor. Must be...
BOTH: Death Star debris.
HAN: Don't worry.
We're gonna get you home safe.
- How?
- I don't know.
Han, it's time to let go.
Ben, you're going to fly the Falcon.
I am?
C-3PO: Sir, the chances of a child
successfully navigating a debris field
are approximately 5,738,000 to...
Never tell my son the odds.
You got this, Ben.
- Out of my way, mouse droid.
Okay, first, put all power
to the front deflector shields.
Those switches up there.
And next, you might be able to blast
some of the debris away.
Can you get someone on the laser cannons?
On it.
Okay. Now what?
You're a Solo. Now, you fly.
Mahlnor, you're up!
MAHLNOR: I got it!
Great, kid. Don't get cocky.
SIDERO: Look out, Ben!
HAN: I couldn't have done it
any better myself.
Are they, uh, definitely okay?
(SIGHS IN RELIEF) Absolutely.
Then, could somebody cut me down?
Because the blood is rushing to my head.
C-3PO: Artoo, thank the stars
you are safe.
Oh, cool, a barbecue!
Oh, my sweet little girl. (KISSING)
Oh, Daddy is so glad his brave little
porgie-worgie pie is okay.
- Dad, everyone's watching.
- I don't care.
Thanks, Chewie. (LAUGHS)
Ben! You were amazing up there
with the lasers, and the blasting.
And the turning in the... Oh, my gosh.
Oh, it was nothing.
See you around, Ben.
- Best vacation ever!
- (R2-D2 BEEPS)
I'll miss you, too, Chewie.
You're going to love lightsaber training.
Try not to lose a hand.
It's kind of a thing in our family.
- Okay, Mom.
- We love you so much.
You flew the Falcon
through a debris field,
saved the day, and got your first kiss.
I'm just saying,
the trip wasn't all bad, right?
- I guess not.
- Well, I guess this is it.
- Yeah.
- You listen to your Uncle Luke.
I will.
Son? I love you.
I know.
- FINN: Was it hard?
- Was what hard?
Saying goodbye.
It was the hardest. But it was also time.
Why do you ask?
'Cause I'm starting to realize that
I don't know if I can do it.
We're all about to go our separate ways.
Rey is headed to the Unknown Regions
to search for Jedi temples.
Poe's training new X-Wing pilots.
Rose is off to lead relief missions,
and I'm gonna scour the galaxy
for others like me.
Others who are strong in the Force.
Who knows when
we'll all be together again?
Perhaps that's why this trip
has been so difficult.
- For all of you.
- All of us?
Is it possible that none of you
are ready to say goodbye?
Finn, a wise Jedi once told me,
"No one's ever really gone."
Thank you, General.
- C-3PO: Oh, there is Master Finn.
- We've been looking all over for you.
- FINN: And I've been looking for you.
- We're sorry, buddy.
For what?
You arranged this amazing vacation
for us to be together,
but we all went off
and did our own things.
That's okay. I realized I planned this
trip because I was avoiding something.
Saying goodbye.
He's right.
- I've been feeling it, too.
- This trip is the end.
But a trip isn't about the destination.
It's about the journey. Enjoying
the moments for as long as they last.
Oh, no. Don't you do it.
Don't go mushy on me.
Remember how we first met?
That's the only name they ever gave me.
Well, I ain't using it. I'm gonna
call you Finn. Is that all right?
You gave me a name, Poe.
Oh, you did it. You went mushy on me.
And, Rey, remember
the marketplace on Jakku?
Follow me.
You gave me purpose, Rey.
And, Rose, you gave me hope.
Why would you stop me?
I saved you. That's how we win.
Saving what we love.
I've been told that you have to
do what you love.
Well, I've loved fighting alongside
all of you. I'm gonna miss that.
I didn't want to admit it to myself,
but I never wanted those feelings to end.
That's why I planned this trip.
But with the memories we've shared,
well, no one's ever really gone.
Hey! The trip's just getting started.
Oh! I know what we should do now.
- Better not be a trash compactor.
- Group hug? Come on.
C-3PO: This is really
quite pleasant. Chewbacca!
- No, Chewie. That hug's perfect.
We hope you are enjoying your adventure
aboard the Halcyon.
Although every trip must eventually end,
the memories never do.
So, we thank you, for joining us,
and may the Force be with you.