Leila's Brothers (2022) Movie Script

That's it for today.
Turn everything off!
Change your clothes.
The buses are waiting.
Get a move on!
Are you deaf? I said turn it off.
Hurry up!
The factory's closing
while we wait for raw materials.
You will be paid.
We'll contact you next week
about your wages.
Go back to the dorms!
Get out of your uniforms,
take all your things
and get on the buses.
If you dawdle,
you won't find a ride out tonight.
We're closing!
Get up, hurry!
Move it!
And don't even think about going to HR.
Don't cause trouble for yourselves.
The factory
could press charges against you.
You could be arrested
and lose your pay.
Have a seat.
Hello, Bayram.
Thank you.
- Sit down, please.
- No, thank you.
- Excuse me.
- It's okay.
I'm not imposing anything on anyone.
Personally, I'm still mourning.
You're free to do
what you think is right.
Bayram, you know that
as long as you're in mourning,
we'll all wear black.
Say a prayer for the deceased!
May Gholam rest in peace,
my dear Bayram.
May God protect you.
- A small gift.
- You shouldn't have.
Gholam was my cousin,
but he was like a father to me.
That's very kind, really,
but you shouldn't have.
If I may, I'd also like
to trim your hair and beard
to take you out of mourning.
Are you suddenly a barber?
Go sit down and let us convince him.
- This way.
- Come sit.
Come have a seat.
Make yourself comfortable.
as long as you wear black
the family will, too.
Alright, trim your hair and beards
and stop wearing black.
With all due respect,
Gholam was our patriarch,
we're waiting for you
to name his successor.
But I'm still mourning.
It's been a year!
Succession obeys its own rules.
You'll read his will when I see fit.
His will?
You haven't opened it yet?
Of course I have.
And no one knows anything?
My father asked
for one year deferment.
And now?
I'm not ready yet.
Dad, four couples
are waiting to plan their weddings.
You're not speaking for yourself?
Everyone's saying it.
Come here, Dad.
I understand him.
He's tired of waiting.
We all thought your son
would get married after the 40th day,
and that the others would follow.
Honestly, if you let these poor kids
get on with their lives,
no one will think less of you.
Please, Bayram.
Let us say a prayer!
The bastards are the ones who flee,
counting on their colleagues
to fight for their wages.
Just use the trimmer.
I'll let you know.
I'll call you back.
Name the successor today
and get it over with.
Are you pressing for Ghardashali?
He offered to plan
your son's wedding.
My son has a father.
Excuse me, Bayram.
deserves to be patriarch.
But I'm the eldest.
Say, Ghardashali?
Is he the eldest?
- Who?
- Esmail.
That piker shirks weddings
to avoid giving gifts.
He's after free lunches.
That's no way to speak in public.
He hasn't even helped his own children.
What a patriarch he'd make!
Show some decency.
Who's older, you or him?
Me, obviously.
God is my witness,
I don't expect to be Gholam's successor.
Be my guest.
We're all behind you!
I was six when you were born,
My mother nursed you.
It's not only about age.
I was just saying I'm the eldest.
While Ghardashali
was Gholam's friend in his last moments.
Well said!
If Gholam is satisfied,
we'll all be satisfied!
A film by Saeed Roustaee
Did you know it was my crib?
It was mine.
Yes, it was all of ours.
You still in there, Dad?
I can't help it. It hurts.
you've used up all the city's water.
Take me to see a doctor, Alireza.
Take him where?
Ignore him, he's fine.
Where's my car key? Dad!
You didn't pay me yesterday.
I was at the garage all day.
Where's the second key?
If you touch it,
I'll call the police on you!
Do what you did to Parviz.
Go ahead and take me to court.
Shut the water off, I don't have any!
Let's take the elevator.
I can't breathe in that thing!
Is it a boy?
I swear it is.
You swear nonsense.
Swear on Manouchehr's life!
On Farhad's life, it's a boy.
That means it's a girl.
Don't bug them
about naming him Gholam.
Butt out.
You're the one who's butting in.
For Gholam's memorial,
I was the first to be dressed in white
and have my beard trimmed.
It's expected of me.
Come meet the baby, will you?
Where's Manouchehr?
The sissy
can't handle the smell of hospitals.
Finally, someone who's not empty-handed!
Hello, my sweethearts!
Good to see you.
You're lucky this one's a boy.
Yep. He'd keep harassing me otherwise.
Let me kiss my grandchild.
You can't kiss a newborn's face.
It's not a boy.
'Course it is, check.
Have her undress him then.
He'll catch cold.
For every one of those five girls,
they told me it was a boy.
After 2 years, I'd suddenly see them
wearing skirts and earrings.
This time, they won't fool me.
Undress him!
It's not easy to unwrap.
Don't delude me, evil woman!
Calm down, sir.
You're in a hospital.
Please leave.
Forgive him.
You're embarrassing us.
Leila, show him
before he has a heart attack.
Come look.
Hold on.
There we are.
What a joy.
It's a boy!
It's a boy.
See that?
Didn't he have enough boys?
He's your humble servant.
Look at those lashes.
He's so handsome...
Don't pout, eat.
I'll take you to a doctor tomorrow.
Damn that Brock Lesnar!
The only guy who can beat Undertaker
is Lesnar.
- It's all phony.
- It is not.
Hardy jumps from a 30-ft ladder
onto Big Show's face.
Is that phony?
She forgets our names,
but she knows the wrestlers' by heart!
That's your fault.
Orton's gonna crush Lesnar, Mom.
He's no Shawn Michaels.
I have the same build as Orton,
don't I?
Stop it, you orangutan!
Put your clothes back on!
Are they dressed?
Sister-in-law, it's my back again.
Take the baby.
I'm so sorry.
Don't do the dishes.
Get married and that pain'll go away.
you can't just eat and do nothing.
We should deal with the dishes.
- I'm still eating.
- I mean in general.
You ruminate like a cow.
That's enough.
Do you mean me or Parviz?
Wait till we clear the dishes.
In two minutes,
he'll have his pants down.
Dad, blow for the baby.
He's in a hurry to go home.
Because he knows what he's done.
What's the matter with you?
May he have a long and happy life.
Tell me,
what's the name
on the birth certificate?
The name you asked for.
- What name is that?
- Gholam.
- Show me his record.
- We don't have it.
What is this then?
I picked it up today.
Parviz didn't know.
Read it and tell me
what they named the kid.
It's Gholam.
What is it to us?
are they telling me the truth?
Yes. It's Gholam.
Where does it say Gholam?
Point the word out to me.
Right here.
Give me my bank card.
I don't want you to have it.
It's not Gholam!
Get out, you dirty liars!
I knew the bastards wouldn't listen.
Get out, you thief!
Think of your heart.
You're scaring the girls.
- Get lost, all of you.
- They're gone.
You, come here.
What's gotten into you, Dad?
Have you lost your mind?
He steals my pension
and he steals from my home.
Leila put it in my bag.
Raheleh is breastfeeding, Dad!
After a year, my wife
finally comes to dinner. Thank you.
Get over here.
Stop it, Dad.
He doesn't want to name his son Gholam!
Go to hell, both of you!
You could've named
one of your four sons Gholam!
Gholam was still alive then.
It isn't done, fool.
Screw your traditions!
Bayram can name
his own grandkid Gholam.
We'd preempt him!
What for?
To hold our heads up high.
Did being named after your father
bring me luck?
Why would I have to name my son
after your half-wit cousin?
You're eligible
for unemployment benefits.
Stay home every day
from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
We run inspections.
If you're absent,
your benefits will be suspended.
Excuse me, miss, I filled this out.
Sign here.
First floor, employment department.
When do I look for a job?
There are a lot of layoffs these days.
We're very strict.
To keep your benefits,
follow the rules listed here.
Miss, this letter came for me.
Booth number 7, income department.
There's a seat here.
I'll go get a number.
Have a seat, Dad.
- Wait in line.
- It's just a form.
Internal medicine, Jourablou.
It's packed...
It's a state hospital. Could be worse.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Dad, we're right here.
Could you please not ask Mom and Dad
how they're feeling?
I've worked hard weening them off
asking for a doctor every day.
You show up, and here we go again.
So they're afraid of you?
Worse, they hate me.
But they're sick...
You have no idea, Alireza.
At their age, they need checkups.
Every doctor in town knows us.
I'm only here for four days.
Why are you saying that?
Things are tense, so you run for it?
I have to go back to work.
You can't lie to me
the way you lie to the others.
You're out of a job,
like your brothers.
You're unemployed.
You only have to spend one night at home
for me to know
everything about you.
You were fired.
You get fired
when you do something wrong.
The owner was crooked,
the factory went bankrupt.
They laid us off. We weren't fired.
Then stop pretending
you're on vacation.
Tell them you can't take them
to the doctor's every day
because you have to be home
to not lose your benefits.
Sit down.
Who else knows I lost my job?
Mom was thanking God
she had a son who'd have a pension.
Since she found out, she's lost.
How did she find out?
I told her.
I'll find a job quickly.
I don't like being idle.
A job won't change things.
We have to do something.
start a juicy business
and involve your brothers
to help them out of poverty.
Don't pressure me.
Why would that be my responsibility?
I tried, but I couldn't pull it off.
Why not ask Manouchehr?
You have three other brothers.
Manouchehr is one of the things
I'm worried about!
If we do nothing,
he'll get caught with all his scheming.
I was counting on you to back me,
to take my side,
and act with discernment.
Parviz can't carry his weight.
He's always looking for a place to sit.
Farhad thinks with his abs.
Pretend I never came.
I can't, you're here.
My presence wouldn't change anything.
My salary
is what keeps us from starving.
Sorry, can we swap seats?
What about my wages?
Your income, mine and dad's pension
is still not enough.
They've stagnated all their lives.
Not "they," we!
We're not stagnating,
we're regressing.
Regressing from where?
What did we have to lose?
Our youth.
Which is slipping away.
Let's try to not end up
old and beggarly.
don't listen to Mom and Dad.
By night, they sleep.
By day,
they think about sleeping soundly.
Everyone's miserable at home.
They hate each other.
It breaks my heart
to see them take their anger
out on each other.
Start a business with them.
Even though
I hate seeing my brothers jobless,
I was happy you were fired.
I was finally going to be able
to ask you
not to abandon your brothers.
They're on their own.
They're lost and broke.
Don't leave them like this.
If you leave again,
what will become of them?
Tell them to get their act together.
I have. They can't.
Why not?
They don't know
how to start a business.
And I do?
If somebody does, it's you.
Suppose we did. Who'd work?
Those lazy bums?
They're not lazy. They're working.
But they have meanly jobs.
Alright, but they're morons.
They're not morons.
Poverty makes you lose your confidence
and look stupid.
I don't like conflict, sis.
It stresses me out when everyone yells.
I want to work out of town
and come back on occasion.
I'm begging you, don't involve me.
They're your family.
I gave up a year of back wages,
to get away
from the ruckus at the factory.
I hate my family's hysteria.
Insecure jobs make people hysterical.
The harder you work, the poorer you are.
Poverty is hard to shake off.
The more you swallow,
the more there is.
All of that is why I left.
So you're saying
you came back
only to stay if things were rosy.
And if they weren't...
Don't cry, Leila.
Can't you start something
that's actually a real job?
So when you fill out a form,
under "occupation"
you can put something down?
Yes, I told him about it.
It's settled.
Why do you neglect yourself so much?
You weren't this fat last time.
I don't get much exercise
with this damn job.
He started drinking.
Shut up. It's my thyroid.
Doctor says
drinking doesn't help the thyroid.
Our place is small, the kids are noisy.
Sometimes I drink to get to sleep.
- Where you going?
- To the bathroom.
Let it dry.
I really need to go.
- Got any cash?
- Yes.
Go ahead.
White tiles need constant cleaning.
Why'd you ask us to come?
They want to turn the bathroom
into a bunch of shops.
He's right. It's being green-lit.
What's it to us?
I thought you should see it.
Alireza, we have to act quickly.
The other shop owners
will soon get their claws into it.
To become wealthy,
you have to be in the know.
Where'd you hear it?
Nowhere. It's my flare.
Stop it.
I overheard your financial manager here.
I asked if we could buy
a small shop with a loan.
- Price per square foot?
- 15 to 20 million.
We can't afford it.
I can barely afford a square foot.
The others are worse off.
Give it a chance.
Maybe we can pull it off.
My boss likes me.
Even without a deposit, we can't.
Are you a naysayer
like Manouchehr now?
Fine. Where would we find the money?
Alright, never mind.
You're not letting them think.
Buying a shop requires money,
not thought.
This scale is off.
If you want it, it'll work.
Suppose I did.
You have to actually want it!
Is it all on me?
I'm all for it.
That's why I'm here.
I asked you to come. I want it.
If we're just talking, I do too.
We all want it deep down.
Same here. Me too.
Where you going?
Last time, I paid for two visits.
I don't remember that.
How much?
What did you do?
I used the bathroom for a minute.
You took longer than a minute.
Gimme 500.
Do you have change this time?
No. I won't charge you next time.
What if you forget again?
You'll remind me, jog my memory.
If he files a complaint,
I'll have no other job for you.
Wake him up,
so he can sleep in his bed.
Since he got his pacemaker,
he often sleeps like that.
He says that if he lies down,
he feels like he's dying.
Go listen.
Look, son.
If I don't bandage myself,
it tingles all night.
Shouldn't we see a doctor?
Sure. I'll see to it tomorrow.
We have a lot to do tomorrow.
Don't make promises.
Here, Mom, take your pills.
And use your ointment
against the tingling.
Don't, he just fell asleep.
Take your pills.
He'll take them tomorrow.
If he doesn't take them,
he'll be sick tomorrow.
Mom loves the big guys.
Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Big Show.
That's why she loves Parviz so much.
With her bandages,
she could all knock 'em all out.
Don't get in front of the TV.
I called Manouchehr about the shop.
He says that our problem is the deposit,
but that he's got a plan.
Is it seducing old, depressed,
rich women?
"Sugar mommy!"
He set up an appointment
for tomorrow night.
He'll explain everything.
He was ashamed
to say we were his brothers.
Why do business with us now?
Good evening.
Why are you here?
Why shouldn't I be?
Wait at my place.
It's a man's thing, sis.
Then he can't come.
Should I open my mouth
to dump on you?
He shits from his mouth?
That's disgusting!
Just asking.
Go upstairs and rest
until we get back.
I can't go up all those stairs.
Take the elevator,
it's in perfect working order.
I'd rather die than get in that thing.
It takes Parviz up easy.
You weigh less.
Here's the remote.
Don't sign anything
until we all discuss it.
We're late, hurry.
How you doing, brother?
Good, thanks.
Don't drive off the cliff!
Why on earth would anyone pay money
to buy an apartment in this shithole?
Wait till I get the deed. You'll see.
You don't have a deed?
Not until the gas is hooked up.
Good God, there's no gas?
His unit has two windowless
40 sq. ft bedrooms.
He doesn't even have access
to the staircase.
Is that true?
He's full of shit.
It used to be two stories,
two owners.
The downstairs guy
illegally built a basement.
So the upstairs guy
built a revenge apartment on the roof.
The downstairs guy
blocked off the staircase
and we fitted an elevator outside.
Who'd buy a place like that?
You can brag about your brother
who lives uptown.
Uptown ended way before this back alley.
This is a shantytown, you moron.
Blockhead saw it.
I have a majestic view.
Sure, majestic until someone
builds right in front of it.
Or city hall tears it down.
Look at those cars!
Uptown, he says.
You're something else, Manouchehr.
Let's go.
Prepare to be blown away.
Thanks, Mahmoud.
Great tea!
Help yourself.
I'll leave the tray here.
Mahmoud has a super job here.
You're welcome.
High income, low hassle.
He's making this offer
as a favor to me.
Now that we're roommates,
I love him like a brother.
He lives at your place?
No, I live at his.
Six months ago, I was homeless.
You set all this up in six months?
I didn't set it up, but I run it now.
Does it belong to you or not?
It belongs to whoever works here.
I'm sorry, what's the job exactly?
Let me explain...
May I?
This is a car leasing company.
The factory delivers a Kia Pride
in thirty days for 23 million.
Mahmoud delivers it in three months,
but for 20 million.
Wait, Manouchehr.
Do you get the cars from the factory
or a middleman?
We never actually deliver the cars.
I'm sorry, you take people's money
and disappear?
- Come on, brother...
- It's OK.
A fraudster leaves the cash
under his mattress.
I have ten bank accounts.
Manouchehr knows this.
You take the money
and never deliver the car. How?
What's his name?
Ali, it's not complicated.
Listen and you'll understand.
Before me, my brother-in-law was here.
My brother-in-law presold 1,000 cars
and left with the money.
I took over the office.
First, I presold a 1,000 Prides
to pay off my brother-in-law's debt,
to the same people,
before they filed a complaint.
I presold another 1,000 Prides
and pocketed the money.
So if you take over this office:
First you pay off my debt,
then you pocket the money
from the next 1,000 presales.
And pass the buck to the next guy.
Who will do the same.
First, pay off your debt.
Then, pocket the money.
- So on and so forth.
- It's a cycle.
I get it.
I'm sorry,
so you're looking for a successor?
For someone to take over the office.
Mahmoud is looking for someone
to replace him.
That's all you do from this huge office?
1,000 times 20 million
is 20 billion tomans.
In current dollars...
- What's the exchange rate?
- 5,000.
That's 4 million dollars.
We'll be millionaires in dollars!
Don't people file complaints?
Not for two-month delays.
Suppose a handful do.
We buy a couple of Prides,
end of story.
Not necessary!
Throw them back their 20,
and they're happy.
In my opinion, it's very low risk.
I left my wife and kids
with 80 million in debt
and came to Tehran
to sit on that couch.
When they pitched it to me,
I was apprehensive.
But now,
my house back home is so big
my wife calls the cops
to find the kids.
My three offices are proof it works.
But you're living in my brother's hovel?
Question of opportunity.
An uptown address,
cheaper than the south, is a no-brainer.
I've seen Mahmoud's advancement
with my own two eyes.
It's impressive.
Are your permits in order?
If they weren't, we couldn't advertise.
How much would it cost
for us to take over?
The rent and advertising costs
are my gift for a year.
But one of you has to sign,
accept responsibility.
Seriously, what more could we ask for?
It's a golden opportunity.
He has a point, Alireza.
And what do we do?
Legally speaking,
if I put the company in my name,
I need a board of directors
of at least four people.
I would be the chairman.
You the CEO.
We thought Parviz
could be vice-chairman.
- At your service.
- Thank you.
And Farhad
could be an ordinary board member.
That's what I had in mind.
Thanks to Mahmoud's advice, of course.
My pleasure.
One more!
On the count of three, laugh.
One, two, three, laugh!
It's a keeper.
I'll say it again:
Kick your roommate out.
If he goes down, you go down.
As soon as I pay off my debt,
I will.
A mere glimpse of your schemes
terrifies me.
I should've gone alone.
Had I known you would freak out
and contaminate the others,
I would've kept you out of it.
Call a spade a spade. He's weak.
Rejecting your scams
makes him weak and scared?
In 8 years at the factory,
he hasn't taken 8 weeks off.
If his ex hadn't married the neighbor,
he would've stayed.
What's that got to do with anything?
Save your breath, Leila.
Instead of telling us what not to do,
tell us what to do.
Do anything
except what Manouchehr suggests.
Like the shop, for example.
There you go.
With what money?
Said like that,
none of us will find any.
How should I say it?
Do you only get excited
if it's illegal?
I'm hard enough on myself.
Get off my case.
Don't listen to your moronic brother.
Tell me how much you have.
If it's to start a business,
I have about 20 million to contribute.
Farhad, what about you?
If I stop driving and sell the car,
20 million.
I swear I have nothing,
except 5 million in debt.
And the money I gave you
last month?
In front of everyone?
With that 4 million
I paid off another debt.
How about you, Leila?
I have 8 million,
and half a gold coin from work.
What about you, mastermind?
800 million.
Nothing, of course! Zilch.
I don't want this.
You want us to leave, is that it?
He wants to have dinner
with his roommate.
I can't eat at home
when I'm not in my house clothes.
How cute.
Go change, instead of being a grump.
For once you have us over.
It's not foolish
to think you could sell your home.
I think it's foolish.
Don't be offended.
How much is it worth?
Best case scenario, 120 million.
But there are a lot of obstacles.
- What obstacles?
- Lots.
- Like what?
- Like the deed.
My roommate, my debt.
Want more?
It's a good time to buy.
It's an investment
that will always retain its value.
Prices keep shooting up.
I examined
all your crummy suggestions
before settling on the deal
I offered you tonight.
You did not.
You've been daydreaming.
What're you driving at?
Don't count on my apartment.
What if we help you
remove the obstacles?
If you don't put this down
to me being stupid,
I still harbor the tiny hope
of getting my wife back.
Then what would I do?
We'd rent you another place.
I'd rather live in a slum
than be a tenant.
Didn't you forge my passport
to go hang out in Thailand?
You don't need your wife.
He doesn't want to give it to us.
Leave him alone.
Are you playing good guy again?
We're a bunch of asses
who never learned
not to meddle in people's lives.
If you don't want to be a tenant,
sell this place,
we can demolish the house
and build apartments.
the house is falling apart on all sides.
We can't use it to build anything.
We're in an urban decay area,
we don't pay taxes.
We can build four stories,
with no elevator,
and have a 590 sq. ft unit each.
And with an elevator, Mr. Architect?
With an elevator and standard staircase,
430 sq. ft each.
Four units for the four of you.
Just bury me and the parents
underneath it all.
Know what? I'll live in the parking lot
with my kids, OK?
Hold on...
What if we take out a loan?
We won't get one on the house.
Get them out, please.
They're pissing me off.
The walls could've collapsed.
We'd all be dead.
Thank God,
you're here, fit as a fiddle
in augmented reality
right before my eyes.
Now that you're so elegant,
can you eat?
Elegance is fifteen people
all talking with their mouths full.
How can you let your family
live in that house?
You don't care about the family.
You just wanna be a homeowner.
Can you build a house
with no money?
If we have the money,
we might as well buy the shop.
He sells his apartment,
we buy the shop...
I got it. You're repeating yourself.
Fine, I'll shut up.
I'll think about it.
If it's yes, I'll tell you.
If I say nothing, it's no.
Don't eat that,
it's past the use-by date.
It's still good to eat.
You won't give us the apartment
or my passport?
- I'm talking to you.
- Planning to use it?
Did you hear him?
Stop, give me that.
The combination?
I'll ask him.
What the hell are you doing?
Are you out of your mind?
- He'll give it back.
- What's he doing?
If we don't get this dump,
he doesn't get my passport!
What're you doing?
Leave my attach case alone!
Gimme that!
What're you doing with my ID?
It's not in there!
I'll give it to you!
You idiot! Let him give it to you!
Gimme two seconds!
Give me back my documents!
Let him open it for you!
Give it back!
Stop it!
Give it back, you big bully!
Why're you smashing it?
What're you doing?
Don't do that!
Does he eat them or sell them?
Why'd he do that?
Can you type this up?
Quiet, she's coming.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
I presented your case to the board,
using Ms. Jourablou's request
in the hope of getting
the answer I wanted.
In short,
you need to put up 40% of the price
and obtain a 4-year loan
to buy the shop.
That gives us...
Our deposit
would have to be 176 million.
Mr. Elias
will see the details with you.
When is the delivery date?
In 7 months.
Construction starts in 3.
Are your documents in order?
No, we need some time to...
It won't take long.
Can we have a few days?
You handle it, Ms. Jourablou.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Have a look around,
see if you like it.
I'm going to walk around, too.
Come look at the fancy shops.
Without a loan,
we'll never get anywhere.
Pitch in your apartment.
Farhad, come here.
Give my apartment a rest.
It wouldn't solve your problem.
- We did the numbers.
- Yeah, but there's a hitch.
I can only get 50,000 for my place.
By pooling our money,
we only have 100, and we need 180.
What's the hitch?
I have debts, nothing serious.
What's wrong? You don't look well.
Mehrnaz took a third of the apartment
for alimony.
- For alimony?
- Yes.
You divorced?
Two months ago.
All done?
I'm gonna gobble you up.
- Parviz?
- Yes.
How are you?
Good to see you.
How are things?
Hello, young ladies.
Look how beautiful they are.
You OK?
Sorry, went down the wrong way.
You never stop by.
I'm busy, as you see.
God be with you.
Is your father home?
My father?
You want to see him?
He must be home.
Put them here.
You should come inside, Esmail.
We'll be outside.
- Is the barbecue ready?
- Yes.
- Brew some tea.
- Alright.
Get everyone out,
we need some time alone.
Will do.
Ehsan, sister, go on.
I'll finish up.
Why does your family
keep saying we hooked you on opium?
It's jealousy.
We get along, so people talk.
Not one of your sons
came to Gholam's memorial.
I'm sorry.
That's all you can say.
Jafar, bring the card.
Listen, Cousin...
A lot of people would love
to be named patriarch of the family.
At my son's wedding,
Gholam's only grandson,
we'll officially name a successor.
Who would you choose?
Ghardashali, of course.
He's a gambler.
His bad reputation
ultimately rubbed off on my father.
True, but we have no choice.
In his will, my father named you.
You're the eldest
and you've always been loyal.
That lot you gave him,
he talked about it all the time.
It was my duty.
Which is why
you deserve to be patriarch.
Everyone will kowtow to you.
I mean no disrespect,
but do you have the shoulders
to sit in Gholam's place?
I assure you I don't.
You'll have to.
Give me a straight answer:
yes or no?
Yes, of course.
You feel up to it?
I'm no great like you,
but I can emulate you.
At the wedding,
you'll give the biggest gift.
Do you have the means?
I would do anything for you.
You know the rules?
The gift can only be cash or...
Gold coins.
Do you have the money?
- I'll find it.
- No.
You have it or you'll find it?
I have it.
You have to sign before a notary.
With pleasure.
I'm counting on that money.
If you don't have it,
I'll ask someone else.
On my Gholam's life I have it.
Your Gholam?
Parviz just had a boy.
We named him Gholam
in honor of your father.
I've always said it,
you're the most decent man
in this family.
the list of gifts patriarchs have given
over the past 20 years.
It goes up with each new wedding.
I don't know what I've done
to deserve such an honor.
You deserve it, Cousin.
You deserve it.
I should be kissing
the ground you walk on.
Why repeat
what your shrew of a daughter says?
How can you become patriarch?
With the money she confiscated.
How much is that?
Enough to become patriarch.
You had the foresight to save up?
Wouldn't you like us
to be patriarch and matriarch?
Have everyone stand up
when we walk in a room?
Will I be treated with great pomp
at Bayram's son's wedding?
Of course!
The day of the wedding,
they'll deliver our outfits.
You'll be sitting next to the bride,
and I'll sit next to the groom.
The bride will ask for your permission
to say "I do."
What if she doesn't and humiliates me?
She can't, it's the law.
I can't see those people
treating us that well.
That's nothing.
When I die, the announcement will read:
"Patriarch of the Jourablou Clan."
And for you, it'll read,
"Wife of the Patriarch
of the Jourablou Clan."
They didn't even use to say hello.
Why would they make you this offer?
First of all, I'm the eldest.
Second of all,
it was in Gholam's will.
He named you in his will?
I'm telling you!
Teach your children
to respect the family.
You know what will change for us,
if I become patriarch.
And what it'll change for the others!
Dad's decided to impress Bayram
at his son's wedding.
Promising. Just what we needed!
What're you and your husband
up to again?
- Isn't my husband your father?
- That's for you to say.
Dad, what's up?
We're invited to the wedding.
I'm being named patriarch.
We're screwed. He's loving this.
Don't you like being respected?
Nobody dislikes it.
But isn't this sudden respect
Do you know Gholam
paid the mortgage on this house?
How can you tell such huge lies
to your own detriment?
The more they disdain you,
the more you idolize them.
What have they ever done for you?
They made a junkie of you at 70
to steal your inheritance!
Don't be ridiculous.
For two acres of arid land...
That're worth 100 million today!
Gholam and Bayram
spent ten times more on me by the sea.
You want to talk me out of it?
What kind of a phone call was that?
I'm going out of my mind.
Dad's invited to the wedding
as patriarch,
so he's giving the first gift,
the most expensive one.
- He can just give a small one.
- He can't.
The patriarch's gift
has to be the biggest.
If he gives a small one,
the others will be tiny.
Think of the hosts.
when I got married,
I was humiliated
by those asshole cousins of his.
Shame on you.
What about the coins Gholam gave you?
How can you say that in front of us?
Gholam didn't even want to come
to his wedding!
Dad had to buy 5 coins on credit.
Gholam deigned to come gift them
as if he were generous.
That wedding
was the worst night of my life!
We expected 300 guests,
there weren't 50.
At 1 a.m., people were leaving
and I was still hoping
your relatives would show up.
I have a list of the gifts exchanged
these past 20 years.
This notebook
holds proof of their ploys.
How much was Gholam's last gift?
For his granddaughter, 30.
This time, Bayram,
the groom's father, is giving 35.
So they expect Dad to pay 40!
40 what?
40 gold coins?
Everything's bogus,
the bride's name, the gifts...
Why should we give them real gold?
You're losing your marbles.
There were one or two missteps.
Bayram doesn't have enough
to throw a wedding.
That's why he's come to you.
He came out of respect
for our traditions.
I am both the eldest
and the chosen one.
Stop bothering me.
Dig your head out of the sand.
You know the first gift's a set up.
No millionaire gives as big a gift
as our dirt-poor patriarch.
How did he get you
to shut up about this?
Her? She thinks she's a queen now.
Tell me, my queen!
Haven't you spent your life
talking behind his family's back?
You've always wanted
to cut off all ties.
They've changed, that's all!
They've always benefited
from mistreating people.
They'll never change!
At every wedding,
Gholam would take a dozen coins,
pocket 5
and give the rest as a gift.
And everyone was happy to see him.
He knows what he's saying!
Ask them to lend you 40 coins
and give them back
while passing for the highest bidder.
What're you doing?
Are you running away?
Don't be so hard. Think of his heart.
Step aside.
Alireza, son...
Let them talk.
Can we have an answer?
If they wanted to foot the bill,
they wouldn't have opened the door.
You know and you're going?
It won't work with Bayram,
but it will with future weddings.
The rest of my life,
I'll pocket a percentage
and give them the rest.
Everyone knows it's a scam
but they gladly take part in it?
Yes, it's a cycle.
They know they'll have their turn.
It's always been.
With all the weddings planned,
if Dad's smart, he'll make some dough.
You're dumb enough
to think he's smart?
Of course I'm smart.
I'm just as good as they are.
I took the bus to work for 37 years.
Proof you're not so smart.
You slaved away your whole life.
You were never a freeloader.
Every time they show up in our lives,
they bring trouble.
We can't give you the money.
We're starting a business.
- Whose money were you counting on?
- Mine!
- What do you have?
- Gold coins!
- How many?
- 40!
You tell them!
He's delirious. It's withdrawal.
Go get your hit.
What's he talking about, Leila?
It's true.
That's why I called you.
How many does he have?
40 coins.
Where'd you get them?
I had them.
You had 40 coins and we didn't know?
You'd have taken them.
You've watched us struggle
without saying anything?
It was my nest egg, for a rainy day.
Every day is a rainy day!
Leila, how much more
do we need for the shop?
60 million.
- Manouchehr?
- That's correct.
Parviz, Farhad...
See, Dad?
With your coins,
we could buy that shop.
You all talk, but you don't listen!
And that way, we'd all have jobs.
All our problems would be solved.
We could start our own families.
And you would be our patriarch.
All with a single shop.
These coins aren't for a shop.
They're for a wedding
I'm the patriarch of.
Leave me alone!
If you're not happy, get out!
- Excuse me?
- Give me that!
What do I do?
They're mine!
Don't ask him!
Hand them over!
Here. Do you hear yourself?
Ghardashali would give anything
to be in my shoes.
Because he's dumb!
I'm dumber than he is!
Money comes and goes.
Your dad dreams of being honored
for once in his life.
your four sons are unemployed.
They dream of having stable jobs.
your sons have no money,
no health insurance,
and no hope
of one day having a pension.
Look at me.
Daddy dearest,
you know what I'm afraid of?
Don't take this badly.
I'm afraid that,
if we give them 40 coins,
they'll say the coins were theirs.
Everyone will believe them.
You know why?
Because we don't look like we can give
40 coins or 50 million.
We're just too poor.
He's right.
We'd be better off
renting out our suits,
than giving a gift that's so pricey
we'll be suspected and ridiculed.
I don't want to argue with you.
But they're leading you
up the garden path.
That path is a street.
An avenue.
A boulevard,
a royal boulevard.
Oh, my goodness!
Get him up.
Alireza, Farhad...
Calm down.
Is he breathing?
Daddy dearest.
Wait over there.
The IV will be finished 30 minutes.
The IV will be finished in 30 minutes.
Did you know Dad's never been
by the sea?
He said he went with Gholam...
A pack of lies.
They never took him.
When you can't feed your family,
you don't go on weekend getaways!
He makes up memories
with his cousins
to prove that they love him.
For that bastard Bayram's wedding,
Dad dry-cleaned his suit
a month in advance.
He checked the mail every day
for the invite.
It never came.
He never went.
But he's shared a thousand memories
of that wedding.
He even says I was there,
and uses me as a witness.
Being their guest of honor
means the world to him.
So leave him alone.
Let him do what he wants.
He tried so hard to get their attention
that he got their pity.
Not even.
When that bastard Gholam was alive,
he wouldn't give him time of day.
Now they expect us to believe
he named him in his will?
I don't think there is a will.
And if there is, it means
we're letting a dead man
dictate our lives.
What's gotten into you?
What're you doing?
The dishes can wait.
I'm cleaning your father's piss.
That's what you get
for sneaking a smoke.
Who're you talking to?
Don't you mind
seeing your sister smoke?
Didn't your brothers mind
seeing you 6 months pregnant
at your wedding?
aren't you going to scold that hussy?
You're the one who was pregnant,
not her.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Don't worry.
Things can get worse than this here.
Then you forget.
For me?
I don't smoke.
Take it.
Smoke rarely and quit when you can.
You alright?
I'm OK.
Are you sure?
Are you lying?
Don't worry.
Only when you hit rock bottom
do you learn how to get up.
Good thing you don't smoke.
You think Oshin's still alive?
Wanna get in touch?
If it wasn't for that TV show,
we'd never have known
we had to endure our miserable lives.
We don't endure them,
we improve them.
Even Oshin, with her thrift store,
improved their lives.
My brothers are a bunch of losers.
Even a thrift store's too much to ask.
I still don't understand
how we sank so low.
It's not at all the future
I envisioned as a kid.
I've learned that growing up
means slowly but surely
giving up on what you want.
Did you know that all the rich people
know each other?
I see it at work.
There aren't many of them.
Poor people don't know each other,
they recognize each other.
I don't know. Maybe.
You had a suitor who disappeared...
- Majid.
- Yeah.
Did you know he got divorced?
So what?
Do you still like him?
I'd forgotten he existed.
Thank God.
He just married his second wife.
Third time's the charm.
He'll come after me next.
Practice makes perfect.
Why'd he disappear all of a sudden?
Dad told him I had an illness.
Who told you?
Majid did.
After his divorce.
You're still in touch?
He called me once
to suggest we get together.
I said no.
Why would Dad say such a thing?
He wanted me to marry
someone from his family.
Did you want to?
I never got a chance to give my opinion.
What do you mean?
Dad tried to charm them
into sending a suitor to marry me.
None of them wanted me.
What can I do
to help pull us out of this?
Have a magic lantern?
Suppose I did.
Give me a sister.
An older one, that I can lean on.
Take Manouchehr back to his school days,
when he was so smart.
Is that all?
Make us forget this period
with the wave of a magic wand.
Me or the magic lantern?
If only you could.
If I could...
I'd buy a shop for each of us.
And I'd make Dad our patriarch.
Luckily, your wishes can come true.
We stop Dad from going to the wedding
and we buy the shop.
Have you lost your mind?
He just got out of the hospital.
He passed out for real, this time.
I don't believe it.
You want him to give them the coins
at the wedding?
I want nothing.
I'm saying they're his to give.
It's either the wedding or the shop.
It's his life or his death.
Another fight like that one
and he's sure to have a heart attack.
And you'll take care of him.
Drop it, Leila.
I can't drop it.
And you have no right to!
I agree that it's a poor decision.
But poor decision-making
is what he does.
He's like a stubborn kid.
That's all we have in this family.
Even the old folks are stubborn kids.
If we pressure him, he'll die.
Is that your final word?
It was also my first.
We're all free to do as we please.
We're all responsible for our own lives.
No one has the right to whine their way
into other people's lives.
Are you saying that for me?
Am I whining for myself?
I asked you to stay to help me.
If I stick around,
you'll have to listen to me.
If you act like the others I'll leave.
Heat up my lunch.
I've got a ride, I'm late.
You were out Saturday.
I was looking for work.
You'll lose your benefits next time.
Yes, sir.
Let me see your ID.
Ali! Careful not to fall again.
Hurry up, Mommy. It's started.
Come on!
Dad, get outta there!
What's that?
Bayram sent it for Dad.
There's no water again!
Mom, Leila, shut off the water.
We're all waiting to use the shower.
Beautiful! Is that for me?
It sure is.
The shirt I promised you.
Super XL!
Thanks very much, little brother!
These shoes go well with that suit.
Thank you, Manouchehr.
Don't mention it.
These watches are fake,
but they work.
- Here, Parviz. Take one.
- Thanks.
Solid gold brothers!
- Manou-junk?
- Yes.
Can I take this?
I've worn it once.
I don't mind. I like it.
Take it.
Parviz, I took out the insoles,
they should fit.
Thank you.
Look at that peachy complexion!
Peach or tomato?
Neither peach nor tomato.
That's my little duckling.
I'm going to eat that little duckling.
You're handsome, Daddy dearest.
A true newlywed.
If you say so.
I hope that this year,
we can all go together
to the beautiful beaches in Pattaya.
I'm counting on you.
- Got the coins from Leila?
- She's gift-wrapping the box.
Make sure she wraps it beautifully.
She will.
Dad, Bayram sent you this.
Alireza, can I go next?
Yeah, don't take 3 hours.
I'll make it quick.
A suit paid for by Bayram
is something else.
Look how handsome they are!
May God keep you.
Stop it, Mom. That's Parviz's meal.
Let me take your picture.
Mom, go stand next to him.
Manouchehr, next to Alireza.
Farhad, on this side. You're taller.
I am. Line up.
Parviz, step forward.
Come on, line up properly.
I am being careful.
Look at me.
Very nice.
More to the left.
I don't want the bathroom door.
One... Smile.
My sweethearts, you're gorgeous.
All done?
Dad's all dressed up.
Take a picture of him alone.
Take one of us two first.
Parviz, out of the way.
I want him alone.
Why? They look nice together.
He doesn't have a nice portrait.
Contradicting me again?
What do you want a portrait for?
Go on then.
We never know what might happen.
It's for his funeral.
Dad, come stand over here.
Farhad, sit to pee!
Don't, it's a bad omen.
Don't take it.
Death comes when it's ready.
Take one of me, too.
Give us a break.
We can't use your picture.
We'll have to use a flower!
Leila, take it.
Tonight's photo is different.
Dad, should I hold it for you?
Give it to Bayram when it's gift time.
Thank you. If it weren't for you,
the others wouldn't have let me go.
Love you, Dad.
Hello, congratulations.
I wish them the best.
Hello. How are you?
Ladies, on the 2nd via the elevator.
Gentlemen, stairs to the 1st.
Hello. How are you?
Hello, welcome!
What a pleasure to see you!
Welcome to this marvelous evening.
I want to hear your applause!
Ladies up there, too!
What an honor for me to name
the late Gholam Jourablou's
successor tonight.
Thank you!
What a great atmosphere!
Keep it up!
No slowing down now!
We're in for a long night!
Thank you.
What a night!
And now the time has come
to name the patriarch.
On this day, in this hour,
in this glorious second,
the name of the patriarch
of the family born
of the dynasty of the Jourablou clan,
as wished by Gholam,
is now going to be officially announced.
And the name is Mr...
Esmail Jourablou!
Bring the house down with your applause!
I want to hear you
until the end of the night!
Again and again, make more noise!
Encourage him now!
Until the end of the night!
I want to hear
each and every one of you!
Let's congratulate him!
You're not whistling loud enough!
Congratulations, my boy.
Thank you very much.
One, two, three, four...
As we wait for the band to tune up,
it is a great honor for me
to invite Mr. Jourablou and the groom
out on the dance floor.
Are you ready?
I can't hear you!
Thank you!
The family patriarch is fabulous!
The band: One, two, three, four!
Leila, wait!
Why're you doing this?
It's a lifetime of disgrace.
My brothers are unemployed.
Give me the coins.
You're scaring me.
What're you afraid of?
Your brothers will be overjoyed.
If they find out what you've done,
they'll kill you.
I told you
to let Dad come to this wedding.
He is at the wedding!
This is worse than if he wasn't.
I didn't want him to come.
It's his money!
It's his children's due!
You're wasting your time.
I don't have the coins here!
Stop being such a chicken.
Go back,
get a grip
and set your brothers up for life.
I won't go anywhere without the coins.
Bayram just wants us
to pay for his son's wedding!
That's what was planned.
It's none of our business.
It's my business!
I won't give them to you.
What am I going to say?
Nothing. Go back, that's all.
They won't have a choice.
Let's give them the coins
and take them back later.
We'll beg them,
threaten them, curse them,
you name it.
They fear nothing
because they believe in nothing.
Go! Don't make it worse
for our brothers.
You want me to go
watch them be ridiculed?
Dad is the patriarch now.
Everyone has to obey him.
Have him announce
that he's canceling the gift tradition.
Dad cares about them more than us.
He would never ruin their wedding.
Go back,
look Bayram in the eye
and tell him
to pay for our gift himself.
What if he refuses?
He'll be forced to deal with it.
Don't be afraid.
Be firm.
He'll eat out of your hand, you'll see.
I can't! I'm coming with you.
Go back!
Any gift under 500,
round it up with this.
- And double the coins.
- Yes, sir.
- How much?
- Half a coin.
One coin for Mr. Bapiri.
Thank you.
Give 500 to Hassan.
- How're you?
- Why're you here?
What's all this?
Same as for any wedding.
We inflate the smaller gifts
to create hype.
We need you to do it for us, as well.
You're kidding?
I'm not.
Step out so we can talk.
What's going on?
You need to help us out.
We invited you to help us out.
- We don't have the coins.
- What?
We need coins.
You're kidding me?
You give them coins.
Not at all.
They give them back in the other room.
Over here. I can't hear you.
- Tell me.
- We don't have them.
I just talked to your dad.
- And?
- He said you had 40 coins.
I swear I don't have a cent.
This is not the time.
Let me count.
I swear there are no coins.
I insisted your dad accept
only if he could afford it.
I didn't force him.
No, you melted his heart.
Give me 35.
I'll have them announce 40.
Do us a favor,
give the entire amount in our name.
Let me talk to him.
My dad can't find out.
Help us.
What about my reputation?
Your gift was paying for the venue.
You could've gone elsewhere.
And marry my only son
in a parking lot like you?
What do you want to do?
That's the way things stand.
There's no turning back.
You idiot,
there's no turning back for you.
You're marrying your son,
and my dad is the patriarch.
Ghardashali is here with 50 coins.
In his pocket?
In his checkbook.
Know what that is?
Ghardashali's pathetic.
Less than you.
He's not ruining the wedding.
My father is the patriarch.
I can have him cancel
the wedding gifts.
Are you threatening me?
Suppose I am.
When your father accepted,
he signed a contract
saying he'd give 40 coins.
I'll do you the favor
of not pressing charges.
Now, keep a low profile, eat your dinner
and go back to your hovel.
He's 80 and sick.
You can't do this to him.
You whining little shit,
threatening me when you think you can,
begging when you can't!
Everything they say about you people
is true.
You're a bunch of lazy, retarded bums!
Don't ruin your son's wedding.
Who wants to ruin my son's wedding?
Esmail-the-beggar's son?
My brothers
won't listen to you like I have.
Go tell your brothers
to spoil the party.
Do it!
I've been begging you for an hour.
Shut your mouth.
Go tell them to ruin the party.
Who were you counting on to spoil it?
Your degenerate brothers
or your imbecile father?
I can tie both my legs and an arm
and still beat the four of you.
Want me to kick your father
off that stage,
make you get on all fours
and sit Ghardashali on your backs?
Want that?
If any of you bat an eyelid tonight,
I'll make mincemeat of you all
and feed you to my son for his wedding.
DJ! Switch it off!
The time has come
to present the gifts,
but with a minor change.
Luckily, nowadays,
we can talk our differences through.
at the request of our patriarch,
Mr. Esmail Jourablou,
the first gift will be presented
by Mr. Ghardashali Jourablou.
Esmail, our guest of honor,
will keep us company with his sons.
And now...
let me present,
on this day, at this hour,
in this glorious second,
the family patriarch
and successor
to the late Gholam Jourablou,
Mr. Ghardashali Jourablou!
I congratulate you
for all the applause and energy.
The first gift,
offered by the family patriarch,
Mr. Ghardashali Jourablou.
70 million tomans.
The equivalent of 50 gold coins.
Blessed he be!
Thank you!
Well done!
Why are you locking the door?
Wait, Esmail.
Don't lock the door.
Come back, please.
I'll make you some nice tea.
Take your opium, you'll feel better.
Come here.
In two days, the price of coins
has gone up by 200,000.
- How much did you sell them?
- 1.4 million.
What time do we get up?
Leila, wake me up at 7.
You were all in on it?
Manouchehr's sleeping here
because he sold his apartment.
Farhad sold his car,
and is picking up the money at 8 a.m.
At 10, we're signing for the shop.
Without telling me?
Why'd you drag me into this?
Without you,
it wouldn't have worked.
But you did it all yourselves.
With your help.
I got played.
If I'd had a say,
you wouldn't have bought the shop.
Alireza, you handled it perfectly.
Hats off to you.
I would've had a heart attack.
- Right?
- Yup.
Why didn't you say anything?
We did and you refused.
We didn't insist.
What's troubling you?
You did a good job.
What job?
You think I'm an idiot?
He's right.
You weren't supposed to be in on it.
We did the thinking,
you performed.
And you did good.
You were thinking for me?
You should tell us
whose name
goes on the paperwork tomorrow.
The deed
will be issued in that name.
Dad's, of course,
so we can look him in the eye again.
So he can sell the shop out of spite?
Or give it to Bayram.
Leila signs.
"Leila & Bros." sounds nice.
It's not my shop.
One of you has to sign.
Like who?
Take a vote.
Farhad thinks with his pecs,
so not him.
Parviz is overweight
and might have a heart attack any time.
Not him either.
And you're a thief.
You'll end up in jail.
- So not me.
- That leaves Alireza.
I vote for Alireza.
I abstain.
- Who do you vote for?
- I'm not saying.
- You have to.
- And you?
I won't vote.
But you're not voting for me, right?
Not anymore.
Why not?
'Cause you're a coward.
That's why you're shouting.
We spare you
and you get excited.
I made you stay
to save you
from your shitty lives.
But you just don't see it.
Who got us into deep shit tonight?
How dare you defend
your asshole father.
Have you no shame?
You humiliated that poor,
naive, old man so badly,
till his death he won't forget
what he went through tonight.
All you see is him?
What about them?
Because of you
there's no affection left between them.
They're forced to live together.
That's not my doing.
They're here. They know the parents
better than you do.
They don't show up every 8 years
in a hurry to leave again.
Mom and Dad may be senile now,
but tonight, I saw it with my own eyes.
I saw that you're behind
everyone's misfortune here.
Sign all three pages of this copy,
as well.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Thank you for everything.
This is your copy.
Mr. Property Owner!
- Thank you, sir.
- Can you hand me an envelope?
Here you go.
Congratulations to you!
See you tonight.
Already here?
You should've waited a few days.
He hasn't come out yet?
Mom says he hasn't eaten
or taken his pills.
Hasn't even gone to the bathroom.
Maybe something's happened?
No, I can hear his lighter.
Thank you for this, Ali.
Don't make things worse, Mom.
What you did to your father last night,
no one would do to their worst enemy.
Soon, you won't know
how to thank us for last night.
We didn't do anything wrong.
We bought a shop
in one of the best malls of Tehran.
Dad, it's the mall where I work.
It's legit.
We didn't buy it just with your coins.
We pitched in everything we had.
Come see it tomorrow.
If you don't like it...
Stop talking nonsense.
Whatever next? Go back inside.
Parviz, he's fine. Go inside.
Dad, don't listen to them.
I'm the one who signed.
I have the deed.
Let's go tomorrow.
If you like it, it's yours.
And if you don't like it,
I swear I'll cancel the sale.
I'll buy back your coins
and give them to you.
But first, come see the place.
This way, Dad.
Our shop will be here.
Right here.
This is it.
Wait, Dad. Let me explain.
Buying this shop
is a very good decision.
I'm telling you this,
and I swear I wasn't in the know
at the wedding.
Business is so good here,
that they're replacing the toilets
with eight shops.
We'll have the best one.
Our shop will be 6.5 by 10 feet.
The shopfront will be 10 feet wide.
It'll start exactly here.
One, two, three...
All the way to the back.
All that...
And in this direction, 6.5 feet
to the hallway we came in from.
You saw it.
Next to a couple of the best shops.
It's an excellent location.
It's a popular spot.
They gave it to us
because Leila and Parviz work here.
Dad, try to forget what you're hearing
and seeing here today.
In three months, you'll love it.
Come spend a day with me, you'll see.
The four of us will work hard.
We're gonna make a buck.
Much good may it do you.
I'll see you in court.
Why in court, Dad?
Think of it as a buildable lot.
Don't you trust my economic instinct?
Didn't you save those coins
for your kids' future?
The future is now.
I don't want kids like you.
Alireza, I trusted you.
It was the worst mistake of my life.
You removed my crown
to buy bathroom stalls?
Give me my coins back right now!
Leila works here. This is awkward.
I won't listen!
I mortgaged the house.
If I don't return them,
you'll all be homeless.
A mortgage?
I got a mortgage to buy the coins.
You're humiliating me again.
You shouldn't have had kids!
And stop shouting, you old fool.
People are staring!
Shut up!
- I had you...
- Cool it.
I fed and raised you.
Now go fuck yourselves!
Why should I support you
in your forties?
- Why?
- Calm down.
My gold coins.
He's going to pass out.
He's passing out!
Call an ambulance!
Dad, I'm sorry.
We need sugar.
Call an ambulance.
Some water, please.
Gimme that!
I'm exhausted.
I can't do this anymore.
I can't...
Prices are rocketing.
It could even get worse than this.
Then before it gets out of hand,
we should return the shop
and buy his coins back.
You'll have to kill me
to return that shop.
Do you know
why he's panicking like this?
He put a mortgage on the house
to buy the coins.
Says who?
- He couldn't.
- He did.
If he hadn't, he wouldn't be here.
Leila didn't see the scene
he made at the mall.
It was payback for being dethroned.
He's the one in the hospital.
Leila's plan aside,
I never would've thought
Bayram would do this to Dad.
Me neither. It's hard to believe.
Leila couldn't have guessed
he'd go so far.
You think if Leila had known
Bayram would kick Dad off stage,
she wouldn't have taken the coins?
We return them
or we lose the house.
We'll return them, of course.
Thanks to the shop.
We're going to lose him.
If anything happens to him,
you won't see me again.
Too bad.
You think he'll surrender?
He'll resist until it kills him.
Let him die.
For once in his life,
he found money at the right time.
And instead of letting Bayram
extort him,
we put it to good use.
You call your dirty tricks good use?
Pretend we got a loan.
He's going to die.
He lost face.
His house is at stake.
He can't breathe.
Imagine he'd given it to Bayram.
He wouldn't be in intensive care.
And we wouldn't have a shop.
Dad cursed that shop.
It'll never turn a profit.
I've been this guy's son for 50 years.
Half a century.
When he digs in his heels,
he goes all the way.
Alireza's right.
He won't let up until he drops dead.
By the time
the shop's up and running,
we'll have lost our house
and everything.
At what cost
will we start a business?
There's a huge waiting list
for that shop.
At what cost
will we lose this opportunity?
At the cost of our roof.
At the cost of our father's life.
But to you, that's worth nothing.
Nothing to add?
Nothing you'll like hearing.
Doesn't matter. Say it anyway.
For the shop to turn a profit,
we'll need time and capital.
We have neither.
That shop is a good investment,
even if it stays closed.
Even if we were to lose the house,
which we won't.
If he'd given the coins to Bayram,
how would he have returned them?
We'll do the same.
He didn't think about
how he'd pay them back.
He just wanted to be
up on that stage.
We're capable of anything
in this family.
If we lose the house,
we'll be homeless.
The potential of that shop
is beyond compare.
With it,
all of you will become homeowners.
We're doing this for us.
We also invested our money.
So our opinion should count, too.
Let's take a vote.
A vote?
have you brainwashed them
into returning the shop?
Will you accept the consequences
or share the blame?
You'll remember this night
for the rest of your lives.
You'll regret
making this absurd decision
and not listening to me.
You are ruining
the biggest opportunity of your lives.
You're sentencing yourselves
to eternal poverty, here and now.
Are you sure?
Cancel it.
I'd like 40 gold coins.
2.5 million each.
You mean 1.5 million?
We just sold them for 1.4.
No, man. It's 2.5 now.
But why?
The US wants to abandon
the nuclear deal. Excuse me.
They want to. They haven't yet.
We'll see.
Can you buzz us out?
They won't do it.
We want 40 coins.
3 million each.
That makes 120 million.
It was 100 million across the street.
2.5 each.
Tomorrow, it'll be 150.
Can I ask you a question?
For 40 coins, should we wait or buy?
- Wait. Prices might come down.
- Will they?
We came earlier.
For 40 coins
can you give us a discount?
The site was just updated.
It's now 3 million.
But we were just here.
What can I say?
Right now, online,
40 coins are going for 200 million.
Before it was 100 million.
We don't know what's going on.
It's nuts. 5 million per coin?
No way, it's a bubble.
Next week
it should go back down to 1.
See, even he says so.
What do we do, Manouchehr?
We buy before it goes higher.
If no one buys,
they'll have to bring prices down.
The bubble will pop.
Mr. Economist,
it's a stainless-steel bubble.
It won't pop.
Taxi driver analysis.
I say we don't buy.
It's up to you.
How many can you buy
with all the money?
About 30.
Buy them, then.
Manouchehr says it'll come back down.
I've lived in this country for 70 years,
I've never seen prices come down.
They have to want them to.
May God help my children.
I'm afraid if we buy at 5 mil,
the next day it'll go down to 1.
Thank you sir, bye.
Hello, sir.
We want some gold coins.
How many?
320 million.
One gold coin costs 8 million?
The dollar just went
from 3,000 to 19,000. It's normal.
You agree that it's a bubble?
The dollar's set to cross
the 30,000 mark.
Yesterday, a coin cost 6.
After Trump's speech,
it went up to 7.
After his tweet, 8.
Thank you, sir.
You're welcome. Have a nice day.
Is a tweet a bomb?
No, but even a bomb shouldn't do this.
Let's go, Dad.
A gold coin now costs 14 million.
The US dollar is at 28,000.
Stop it, that's enough.
Damn whoever's responsible for this.
You sold the car for 19 million, Farhad?
Now it's worth 100 million.
Still think it's a bubble?
If you had that shop,
it would be worth
at least six times as much now.
If that's the case, go get it back.
What did you say, Dad?
They'll never agree.
No harm in asking.
The US dollar
crossed the 30,000 mark.
We can return three of Dad's coins.
Is that supposed to be funny?
You don't give a shit.
Check out the car.
That's not a car, it's a tank.
You'll get a stiff neck!
They're gone.
If we'd taken over your friend's office,
we'd each have one of those cars.
And one of those girls.
All that fat
is interfering with your brain.
If we'd taken over,
we'd owe a thousand times 120 mil!
I think just the opposite.
That's all you do, think the opposite.
Prides were going for 20 million,
now they're 116.
I presold 915 Prides.
Know what 915 times 116 million
comes to?
106 billion 140 million tomans!
And not one customer
accepts their original 20.
We had two months to deliver.
I have ten days left.
I have 10 days
to either deliver 915 cars
or come up
with 106 billion and 140 million.
If prices stop going up.
Well done.
So what do we do?
My calculations were perfect.
If prices hadn't shot up, we'd be rich.
What's the solution now?
I say we sue the guy.
I signed a contract.
What do you think?
Then turn yourself in
and settle this.
What if I can't settle it?
What if I get 20 years?
Is your roommate at that office?
No, I'm managing it.
Where is he now?
I don't know.
He's gone.
I looked for him.
He's nowhere to be found.
Then you have to leave the country.
People run away
with the money they embezzle.
With us,
someone else enjoys the money.
We get to run away.
He's a loser.
If he goes abroad, he'll die of hunger.
Do you even have a passport?
Not a problem. Farhad's passport
still has my picture on it.
I just have to not get caught
at the airport.
I wasn't gonna leave it handy.
I know you're upset.
I ruined all your documents.
Keep it if you want,
but I swear this is the last time.
Not to mention it's risky.
If I get caught, I could get life.
You're leaving for good?
- He can't stay.
- What can I do?
He has to go for good.
If he leaves like this,
we won't see him again.
How can he leave?
Now's not the time, Farhad.
What do you need your passport for?
I don't mean my passport.
I mean how can he not get caught?
Piss me off and I won't hand it over.
I never did anything with it.
Send money if you can.
If you can't, don't come back
and don't call too often.
If you do, tell us you're doing great,
with a good job and good money.
It'd be nice if we could be reassured
about you at least.
What if they arrest him at the airport?
You guys are right, I'm a coward.
You may not believe this,
but I'm even afraid of good things.
When all is well,
I wait for something bad to happen.
Even Maryam,
I couldn't keep her
because she was too good.
At the factory, I chose a girl
who didn't suit me from the get-go.
And I finally broke up with her
for those reasons.
I don't like imperfection,
and perfection scares me.
What's that mean?
I was afraid of the shop.
I'm even afraid of happiness.
You were taught what to think
and not how to think.
Give him something he likes, at least.
- You know him.
- No time to be picky.
Don't get worked up,
I'll pack it myself.
This is how you help him leave?
You're the one
who put him out on the street.
Who? Me?
Who else?
Isn't attack the best form of defense?
What're you saying, Mom?
She's worse than her brothers.
If she cared at all,
she'd die of shame.
Don't start, Dad.
Don't, Leila. I'll do it.
You don't know how to pack.
Go upstairs before it degenerates.
What wench did your mother use
as a model to make you?
- She looked in the mirror.
- Shut up.
We'd have been better off
if you'd been sterile.
Why me?
My sons were living their lives
and earning their crust.
She's the one who should be sterile,
she caused their misfortune.
That's enough, Mom.
If we start finger-pointing,
we're all in for it.
They already started.
If you're jobless, whose fault is it?
If Manouchehr is fleeing,
whose fault is it?
If we're humiliated,
if we're made fun of
by friend and foe?
Why can't the two of you just die?
Thank God,
it's you pain is killing every day.
That's enough.
I wouldn't be like this
if I wasn't your maid.
I gave birth to a lady.
You chose to become a maid.
You bitch, you love only yourself.
You hate all women.
Don't make me laugh.
You know why they're up shit creek?
Because they were raised
by you two morons.
You favor your husband over your sons,
and your sons over your daughter.
You've left your daughter to inherit
nothing but misery.
I had to go into debt at my age
and I'm still keeping a grip.
Into debt?
Will you ever stop lying?
Haven't you had your revenge?
Isn't this the deed to the house?
Didn't you make them
return the shop for this?
Where did you leave it?
Why is it hidden here?
He's had a secret account for 20 years.
He bought the coins with his own money.
Mom, who put them out on the street?
Who, Dad?
Me or you, who meddled in our affairs
until we were all miserable?
You didn't pay for his studies.
You didn't let him
marry the girl he loved.
Is no one going to stop this brat?
Brats are children
who haven't had an upbringing.
Who haven't been encouraged
when they do good.
Or punished when they do wrong.
Punishment was reserved for children.
But sometimes adults need punishing
for them to stop
wrecking people's lives.
What have you done?
What've you done, Leila?
Leila, what the hell did you just do?
Leila! How could you? Stay here.
I'm gonna kill you!
Come apologize.
Curse her!
Leila, may God curse you.
Here you go.
- Is that it?
- Yes, sir.
Your phone, sir.
They're no longer authorized.
The factory owes you 12 months of wages.
But the factory has closed.
Management has worked hard
to pay you 3 months of those wages.
And the rest?
The point is that's all you'll get.
I lost my benefits.
I need the full amount.
We can only pay 3 months.
And you have to sign a statement
saying our debt's been settled.
You'll be paid in cash.
You owe us a year's worth of wages,
and you're offering 3 months
after 90% depreciation?
Don't harp on.
I explained it already.
Whoever's interested can line up.
Where you going?
I want what I'm owed.
What I worked for.
You'll lose even this.
It's up to you.
Not on the floor.
Take these plates and silverware.
Thank you.
You girls look lovely!
Here's my gift, sweetie.
- Thank you, Uncle.
- Happy birthday!
Look at those beautiful dresses.
Let's see
who can blow one up fastest.
There's a present for the winner.
Uncle, did you lose?
He got scared. He's running away.
Daddy dearest...
Come in.
Welcome, my little angels.
Here they are!
Come in.
Come in, my lovelies.
Uncle, come dance!
Come on, stand up.
written and directed by Saeed Roustaee