Leonor Will Never Die (2022) Movie Script

This is absurd!
Who the fuck are you?
Stop all of this!
I'm the mayor here.
And my job is to get
rid of vermin like you.
Who are you?
Now you hit him.
Hit him hard!
Hey you!
What are you doing there?
You'll never be real.
Why are you nosing around?
Do you want to go first?
Mayor, someone got inside!
We don't know -Then go find out! Stupid!
I'm from Manila Electric.
Sir, I went in. It was open.
- Huh? What's this?
- Leonor Reyes, isn't that correct?
Sir, that's a disconnection notice
for your electricity.
We've paid this.
Maybe you got the wrong address.
46-A Bright street.
46A Bright street.
46A Bright street,
as it says on your gate.
Unpaid for three months.
Maybe you can let this slide, Sir?
My mother's been quite forgetful lately.
Is she Leonor Reyes, the director?
She's my mother's favorite!
- "The Darkness From The Hidden Sun"
- Yes, you must be new here.
I just started last week. I can't
believe Leonor Reyes lives here.
Thank your mother because
I'll let you off the hook this time.
- Make sure you pay tomorrow.
- Yes, I'll take care of it.
It's my favorite song, come on.
What do you mean?
When did you pay?
The other week,
when you told me to.
When exactly?
Why are you looking
at me that way?
I paid the bill after
going to the market.
I bought raisins.
I even saw Valentin.
- And what about it?
- What about it?
Ma, this is a disconnection notice.
It's already been three months.
You're unbelievable!
Hand it over, then!
I don't understand Mama anymore.
She knows every new show,
but can't remember to pay the electricity.
You don't understand.
This is why I'm struggling
to sort out my work permit and visa.
I'll tell her eventually
Shoot, mom heard us.
I'm selling this good-quality television.
Very cheap price, sir.
Good morning!
Never forget, if you vote me,
all your dreams will come true.
Carry on.
Papa, how are you?
I like your new design.
Just a second, almost done.
This is your uncle's friend's
grandkid's design.
They said I needed branding.
I'm selling this television, very cheap.
Do you want it?
Thanks, but I don't watch
much television anymore
because I'm watching over all of you.
So, how's your mother?
She's probably sleeping at the moment.
Did you two talk about it already?
About your plans when you leave?
But I've been giving hints.
Don't surprise your mother.
She might run away again.
you should get some sleep.
The problem is I can't sleep.
I'm like this the whole night.
That's because you think too much.
My TV is already priced dirt cheap
and you still ask for a discount?
You're working so hard!
You know the mayor,
he loves his buildings.
Maybe next time,
you'll be tearing down our house.
Don't worry, I won't let that happen.
How are you and
your mother holding up?
I'm sorry about your brother,
he was a kind man.
We're getting by.
Just be careful, okay?
You never know who
the next target will be.
My God, they accuse everyone
of being a drug addict.
Like Via's son.
They say he fell asleep
then fell off a cliff.
But truth be told,
he was a victim,
just like your brother.
Son of a bitch!
Fucking bird, fuck!
The drug addicts will easily get away
from me because this gun's so slow.
Even guns get tired, sir.
I will buy a new gun!
Emery, hand me my baby.
Miss, where are you going?
Miss, where are you going?
Dude! You must surrender!
How are you, Junior?
I liked your recommendation last time.
It's packed with fight scenes.
But I also cried because of Edong.
I thought he died,
but he ends up killing everyone else.
What's new?
Let me see.
Hey, this is new!
Where is your mother?
Sorry, it's dark.
What's your excuse now, Ma?
It was closed when I got there.
So many excuses.
What is this, Ma?
You're wasting money on films again?
If not your own movies,
you're watching all that action trash.
Why bother telling me you'll pay
if you won't actually do it?
You're not famous anymore, Ma.
You don't have a personal assistant
who will do these things for you.
You've made this so difficult, Ma.
That's why I want to leave this house.
What happens when you're all alone?
Why don't you find something
more meaningful to do
instead of just wasting your day?
I'm having such a hard time, Ma.
You know that I'm going
to live there with you, right?
I just can't leave Mama like this.
I don't even know what to do anymore.
Sorry, I haven't
fixed my working visa yet.
All right.
It's been a decade already, Ma.
You have all the scars to finish this.
You know what,
I dreamt about you.
What was it about?
I don't remember so well.
I just know we were
riding on a giant snail.
Your father was in between the antenna,
standing upright in the middle.
We were near the tail end with Rudie.
We were amazed by the surroundings.
It was like the waves, clouds,
and leaves had a life of
their own, blown by the wind.
And we were going along with their flow.
We kept on traveling and
time felt especially slow.
I couldn't give you an answer.
I have no idea where we're going.
I woke up crying.
Maybe I just missed you.
I checked on Papa the other day,
would you believe.
I never thought he'd still
be famous at his age.
We had an action star become president,
what more a community leader?
Have you talked to Rudie?
He's the one who won't leave.
I can manage on my own,
and he knows that.
He built his own wall.
Nobody put him there.
I don't know what he's afraid of.
Finish up.
Mama's home alone.
I thought something bad happened.
No, I need to finish this, or else
we'll get in big trouble with the mayor.
I say he's the one who'll
get into trouble with me.
So brave.
"All you do is work and
work..." -Everything's work.
"How will you find a
wife if you keep that up?
I have no time for love, Brother."
I have no time for love, Brother.
- "Conrado gets his cigarettes,
- Finish up. I'll wait here.
"And walks away to take a break
"taking a couple of drags while waiting.
"He stares at the moonlight until
a fast approaching vehicle appears.
"Inside are two masked men.
"One man gets out and
immediately shoots Conrado.
"Ronwaldo hears this and he drops his tools
"and runs towards his wounded brother.
"The masked men plants the gun and a
small packet of drugs beside Conrado.
"Here's the scene, Conrado
is fighting for his life
"when Ronwaldo catches up to him.
"Who did this to you?
Did you recognize him?"
Who did this to you?
"Trembling in anger."
- Brother!
- Take care of our mother.
Take care of yourself.
"He uttered as blood
dripped from his mouth,
"and before his last breath, Ronwaldo
took the gun that killed his brother.
"And with eyes, trembling in anger,
"staring at the evils of the world
of which he is ready to fight.
"Ronwaldo is fuming with rage as he
takes the gun that killed his brother.
"He aims into the horizon.
"He points it at the face of all evil.
"He pounds it.
"Ronwaldo immediately takes the gun,
and squeezes it as hard as he can."
Tinay, we're not in a movie!
Why are you even selling
this television? It's mine!
And who bought it?
You did! But it's mine now.
Will those soap operas feed you?
No, but I'd rather starve!
Give it to me!
You're going mad!
Move over!
If Conrado were alive,
he would beat Jako in a heartbeat.
Of course, he's the stronger brother.
You don't stand a chance
against my dragon!
I hope Ronwaldo wins
for his mother's sake.
It's a pity that he is left
to carry all the burden.
No one can beat my dragon!
What now?
Has your strength forsaken you?
Only I can beat my own strength!
Drink up!
This is all mine now!
A young man impregnates his boyfriend.
Graciano Galino has been
pregnant for five months
what his mother
thought was flatulence...
Son, just tell me.
You wouldn't come back
if it wasn't important.
Is it Rudie?
Pa, Mama wants to do something.
What has your mother been telling you?
She knows that when
Rudie leaves, I'll be here.
Yeah, I know that.
I was just wondering
if you'll be able to handle it?
I don't understand you.
It's Rudie.
I am Gary Galino, 32 years old,
and I'm here with my mother.
Your son is pregnant, he really is.
I'm quite happy to be expecting and...
Rudie, you see,
sometimes, we are awake,
other times, asleep.
But sometimes, you can be in between both.
That is called conscious
sleep or hypnagogia.
That's the state your mother is in now.
Right now, we don't know how to wake
her up, or if she will wake at all.
At least we're sure she's alive.
How do we wake her up, Doc?
You can't wake up someone
who is not asleep.
The best thing to do now
is to treat her as if nothing happened.
I'll finish that later.
Treat her like nothing happened?
I don't understand, Doc.
Let me explain.
I've two patients before
who were also writers.
But because they have
imaginative minds
they found ways
of how to wake themselves up.
One of them died,
but it's because nobody talked to her.
Talk to her.
You should focus on your mother. But
take care of yourself, all right?
I'm okay, don't worry.
Let's fix this when your mom gets better.
Are you crying?
I swear, I'm okay.
Are you still there?
Just leave Isabella alone.
You can't force her to love a demon.
Just leave Isabella alone!
You can't force her to love a demon!
Just leave Isabella alone!
You can't force her to love a demon!
Just leave Isabella alone.
You can't force her to love a demon.
Just leave Isabella alone!
You can't force her to love a demon!
What did I ever do to deserve this?
Your brother was a good man.
God knows this.
Others just don't value life.
What did the police say?
They're still investigating.
I promise you, mother...
I will find those who killed him.
I will extinguish them from existence.
Come on,
lighten up and have a drink.
Why did we have to meet here, anyway?
Wait for it.
I promise you'll have a good time.
We'll have a taste
of Majestika's magic!
Even if we're penniless
As long as we're alive and together
Loving each other
Ease your worries
I'm all yours now
There's no one else, my love
My heart belongs to you
I've been looking for someone...
You motherfucker,
leaving me for this?!
- Come with me.
- Let go of me!
What is your problem?
I knew you were a slut.
You will never get away from me!
Let's go!
You're so embarrassing.
We're over, let me go!
You have no idea the life
you are turning your back on.
You have no right over me.
I'm not some couch you can just use
when you're tired of standing.
Shut up. Just come.
Hey, dude.
Let her go.
Is it him?
I don't know him.
- Let s go, the car's outside.
- Let her go, dude.
You do not own everyone.
Did you know that it only took one
bullet to put down your brother?
You really are your father's son!
"All eyes are on Ricardo. Boss,
should I take care of this?
"Waiting for his next moves.
"A heated confrontation
with a fiery stare down.
"Ricardo lets out a punch, followed
by a second, then a third hit.
"Ronwaldo fights right back.
"The bar crowd erupts in chaos.
Broken bottles, dismantled
tables and chairs.
"Ricardo takes out his gun and with
no hesitation makes it rain bullets.
"All cower in fear, even Ricardo's men.
Ronwaldo tumbles across the room
and seizes Isabella in an instant."
Miss, just follow me.
We need to hide.
Don't worry.
You're safe with me.
You don't know Ricardo.
He has many allies.
Be quiet.
They're gone.
Where did they go?
Come on, we need to find them.
The boss will kill us.
I need to go home.
They'll look for you there.
Come with me.
Hold on, who are you?
Why should I trust you?
Have you ever seen God?
But you believe in Him, right?
There are things that simply
just don't need an explanation.
Why should I believe?
Just trust me.
Isabella is my real name.
It's my first time inside a motel.
I bet you're a regular.
I'm not like your desperate boyfriend.
You're probably right.
Tomorrow morning
just come home with me.
I'm sure they'll be
looking for you in your home.
You're all the same type of crazy.
Who are you?
Who sent you?
Wait, no, wait.
Ronwaldo, stop!
Let go of the old lady!
- I can explain, just hold on!
- What do you mean old lady?!
This is a cunning disguise!
- You don t understand!
- You're with Ricardo, aren't you?
Come on, Ronwaldo!
Have pity on the old lady!
Nothing has changed
from how I wrote you.
Grandma is probably crazy.
It's like she knows us so well.
How come she doesn't
know her way home?
Her mind seems sharp and healthy.
I don't know.
But I feel at ease with her.
Let's hope she hears from her son.
Rudie is probably sleeping.
We should just head
back to your home,
Lolita will be worried
and it's almost dawn.
What did you say?
How do you know my mother?
Where do you live again?
By the mango tree, right?
You have a lot to explain,
but let's look for your son first.
But we need to hide from Ricardo.
Grandma, what's going on?
Is there anything
you're not telling us?
I'm already telling you now.
Where were you?
Joji was short on men earlier,
yet here you are,
just having a soft-drink.
Don't you dare touch Grandma!
Oh right, this is another fight scene.
- Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Let's go Isabella.
- Let's go Isabella.
- Ronwaldo!
- Ronwaldo!
- You're just like your coward brother!
- You're just like your coward brother!
- That's why you always get in trouble.
- That's why you always get in trouble.
Do you really believe Mama would
wake up if we make her movie?
I know nothing about certainties, Rudie.
Life itself has its own life.
We both know that Mama
won't wake up anymore.
It was really hard
when Ronwaldo died.
He was my son, too.
We were both grieving.
Mama said she isn't
really mad at you.
I know.
It's just what happens when two
complicated people get together.
So you think we can get
producers interested in this?
I don't know.
It's been too long.
There's so much
new material out there
and a lot of new directors.
But this is what mama wants.
Besides, if the material is good,
it will still hold up, no matter
how many years have passed.
You really are your mother's son.
Let's try Sally Sy.
- Producer?
- Yes.
She likes action.
You know, she's such a strong woman.
She'll survive this.
The script is amazing,
but you need a star.
Wait, dear.
You will play Ronwaldo.
Michael, Michael, Michael,
you will be Ricardo.
Script please.
Faster, please.
Are we okay? Okay.
Leonor, listen close.
Go hide in the back, in the shed,
behind the garbage can.
Block the gate,
don't leave that spot!
I'll take care of this.
Ronwaldo! Show yourself,
you beast. Open this door!
Isabella's not here.
Don't be a dumb-ass!
You're the reason we're here.
Aren't you excited
to see Isabella again?
Go ahead and pull!
You want me to pull now?
I'm pulling the trigger!
Let's see who's hard-on is harder.
Just leave Isabella alone!
You can't force her to love a demon.
A demon? Really?
- Yes.
- Okay. then.
Your mom gets shot!
That's not an action star.
That's all for now,
let's move on.
Go back to your shoot.
Let's talk again later.
Someone has to finish that script.
Make-up, final check!
ID, get ready.
We know the scene now?
Yes. Copy.
All right, we're about to roll.
Quiet on the set!
Sir, please leave.
We're doing a take.
Quiet on the set!
We're about to roll a take.
Camera! ID!
I messed up.
What is it this time?
I forgot to pay the electricity bill.
As usual, here we go again!
I'll pay tomorrow, I swear.
- Be sure of that.
- If I do forget, I'll cook for...
Lights off!
- Do you see what I mean?
- They're ruthless.
Can you manage in the dark?
- Cut!
- Let's eat.
How was that?
Nice, good take!
Don't you think it's lacking?
Okay, next sequence and set up!
Are you really listening to me, Ma?
It's best that I leave you two alone.
Look at those bags under your eyes.
Get some rest.
Ma, are you really listening?
I'm done reading.
You really are crazy.
Why so many chickens in a scene?
Does that mean anything?
All that punching, shooting,
arguing, and fighting.
Why, Ma?
Is this why you didn't bring me to the set?
Where did it all come from?
I can't see through you, Ma.
You'd rather talk to the script characters.
Just give me a sign, Ma.
And I'll do what you want.
Wake up, Ma.
I won't leave anymore.
For Leonor!
For Valentin!
Rudie is here.
Let's take a photo!
Let's go to the other side.
Okay, take our picture.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, Rudie, over here.
Okay, Uncle Mon, come closer.
Uncle Raul, a little closer.
Get closer.
Okay, we're good.
What is it?
What does...
What does...
What does it feel like
being see through?
To be dead?
I do feel.
I feel so much.
But fuck it,
there's nothing I can do.
Because ever since...
ever since you left...
everything has been like this.
That's enough.
I talked to Mama about that long ago.
I already told her to let me go.
So you think you're so special?
It's better being dead, right?
Nothing to worry about.
Nothing to take care of.
Unlike Mama,
who makes everything her burden.
Fuck it, Rudie!
What do you expect to happen?
You're a coward, dumb-ass!
You have a life.
And so does Mama.
And you really want
to blame your mother?
You don't know
the sacrifices she made for you.
You lived with her for three decades.
Three decades.
I don't even know
who her favorite actor is.
- Fernando Poe
- Fernando Poe, Jr.
I've loved three women in my life.
But my heart still belongs to Leonor.
In your heart?
The truth is you left her! You both did.
You're both full of excuses.
We'll all be leaving,
one way or another.
You fuckers are already grown-ups.
You know, Ronwaldo...
even if Rudie and I
are in the same house
it's as if we're not.
Not like us.
I'm certain Rudie is worried sick
looking for you right now.
If I was gone...
would you look for me?
I just met you now, Grandma...
but I know that you are a loving person.
I know everything you know.
You're such a deep person.
You are too.
Can I stay longer?
Just know this, Grandma...
Just call me Leonor.
Leonor, you are welcome
to stay here as long as you want.
I'm here for you.
I have a question for you.
What bird flies only at night?
There's no such thing
as a happy caged bird.
I'm no bird, I'm worker ant
toiling all the time.
Carry it properly.
It's filled to the brim!
What are you doing here?
Where is Ronwaldo?
Leave now.
Ronwaldo is not here.
Are you fucking with us?
- We said, we are looking for Ronwaldo.
- Again, he is not here!
Are you looking for me?
Where is Isabella?
Where did you hide Isabella?
I don't know.
You think you're hard?
He already said he doesn't know.
Are you stupid?
We're busy, so stop pestering us!
Shut your mouth!
Leave now!
You talk way too much!
Soar high.
Stop! Ronwaldo!
- We're begging you!
- Please stop!
Fuck you, Ronwaldo!
Who's the hardest one now?
Let's try the photos.
Ma, this is the only
family photo with everyone,
Papa, Ronwaldo, me, and you.
You told me this is
the only photo you have left.
- Doc, what's happening? What's wrong?
- Sir! Nurse! Sir!
I told you countless times
not to switch channels?
You stubborn little brat.
Go home and cook.
Make yourself useful.
How did you meet Gardo?
I was a worker in the Mayor's estate.
I planted crops with my family.
But when my family left
to move to the city,
Gardo told me that he liked me.
I haven't seen clouds
in such a long time.
Gardo's house has no windows.
That plane that will take us out of here.
What do you mean?
We have to flee
or else Ricardo will find us.
Where did that come from?
From Leonor, she knows us
and what will happen to us.
I wonder where that old
lady really came from.
I'm not sure whether to believe her.
3:00 pm tomorrow,
we'll meet by the alley.
I'll be the one who'll
tell Gardo about this.
There was a time when
you had to work three jobs.
You barely slept...
just so there'd be food on the table.
That boy Ronwaldo...
will do everything
to defend the weak.
It was so hard...
for me to lose Conrado.
He did no wrong.
The world has become a scary place.
We're humans, right?
If you were really human,
why would you need
to kill your fellow human being?
I apologize,
I didn't mean to hurt you.
But I understand, you know.
I also lost my son.
His name was also Ronwaldo.
My two sons have different fathers.
I would always carry them,
Rudie and Ronwaldo.
I brought them to work.
I'm a writer for films.
They were there
playing on the film set.
The next scene was up.
A shoot out.
But during rehearsal...
the prop gun turned out to be real.
Ronwaldo was shot.
I didn't know what to do.
It was like a film.
It felt unreal.
She's here, get ready.
- Don't resist!
- Come with us, quick!
Shut up, just follow!
Get in.
Get in!
What do you want to happen?
Ma, what do you think?
Should I sell the script or...
should I wait for you to wake up first?
Is it okay if someone else
finishes the script for you?
How will he live on his own when
I'm still the one cooking for him.
- Rudie doesn't want to leave you.
- Then he should talk to me!
You know him.
He's a weirdo.
And she has this hero
who's out to save them all,
even if all odds are against him.
You know, in her last film,
Leonor tried to change things.
The Macho formula, the
fist fights and shoot outs,
It was there but...
Look, it's my idol!
I'll vote for him.
He's a good guy.
Hey, bastard, give that back!
Thief! Thief! Help me!
Thief! He got the script!
Show me that ugly face of yours!
- Ma, I need to hide you.
- What will we do?
Don't move.
I told you to come out here!
Leonor, listen close!
Go hide in the back,
in the shed behind the garbage can.
Block the gate,
don't leave that spot!
I'll take care of this.
Ronwaldo! You won't answer, huh?
Isabella isn't here!
Don't play dumb!
You're the reason we're here.
Aren't you happy you'll see her again?
Go ahead and shoot!
You want me to shoot now?
I'm pulling the trigger!
Let's see who's hard-on is harder!
Just leave Isabella alone!
You can't force her to love a demon!
A demon? Really?
Forgive me, lady.
Did you find what you're looking for?
What more do you want?
Ronwaldo mercilessly hammers
a nail right into Gardo's eye,
until Gardo finally dies.
Gardo's goons start walking around.
They notice a door is open.
But they don't notice,
that I am hiding.
Hello, Jo.
How are you?
I'm glad you called.
She's doing okay.
Responding sometimes.
I'm doing okay here.
How about you?
What are you doing?
Making myself happy.
Attention. One of our patients
named Leonor Reyes is missing.
Average height, shoulder-length hair,
with the name "Ronwaldo"
tattooed on her wrist.
If you have seen Leonor...
- How is he, Doc?
- kindly inform us. Thank you.
It's alive.
It's a miracle, son.
Sir, any updates on your mother?
She wouldn't just leave for no reason.
I already told you...
Just look for her.
Sorry, that's as much help as I can give.
Please help me! Please help me!
What happened?
Please come with me.
I need to go after them.
I'm no longer
speaking to you as a doctor.
What she did is normal.
If you're trapped,
aren't you going to try to escape?
Doc, I don't know what to do.
Let her live her life.
Grandma, I'm only going by your word.
Where are we going exactly?
I'll explain later.
Just trust me for now.
How do I know you're not the bad guy?
Why would they even abduct your son?
Watch the road.
"A noose.
"A noose is tied around his neck.
He is standing on a few blocks of cement."
Stop this!
- You're all sickening!
- "Ronwaldo is about to be..."
- Sickening?
- "...hanged"
What do you want?
That I smash your head with this?
Or at Ronwaldo's?
I know that what you
really want is this...
Ronwaldo's tough!
I will never listen to you.
I'm not your puppy!
A puppy?
I like a lady with spunk.
Let's just see
how much spunk you have.
When I crush these cement blocks,
it's the end for your darling.
Grandma, you sure about this?
Just believe in me.
You know, I wouldn't be helping you
if you didn't look like my mother.
There are still good people like you.
Grandma, someone's there.
I told you.
Did you hear that?
Who's there?
Don't go out.
It's dangerous!
Come out!
Just stay here.
Who are you?
Lopez, check there.
Alonsabe, check the other wing.
We aren't sure if she did escape,
and there's the possibility
that she was kidnapped.
What the fuck, sir? Why would
somebody kidnap an elderly woman?
Sir, that anger of yours
isn't very helpful.
I can assure you that we're
doing the best that we can. Okay?
Relax, just relax, okay?
Where did you last see her?
I was here before she disappeared.
We were in the room.
Does she have Friendster or Multiply?
She doesn't know how
to use the internet, sir.
What happened?
That's my mother!
That's your mom?
To your right, your right!
Duck down! Down!
- Did you hear that?
- Let's go there.
Ma, can you hear?
You can hear me!
Wasn't she hit by a TV?
Maybe that's why she's there!
There's someone behind her!
Ma, can you hear me?
Ma, can you hear me?
You can hear me!
Wait, hold on!
Wait, stop!
Just wait a minute!
Mayor, someone got inside!
What? Who?
We don't know.
Then go find out! Stupid!
Now it's your turn to hit him.
It's your turn to go
and hit him hard.
Look, Mayor, she does not
want to hurt her lover!
This is so exciting.
Here, hit him!
Hit him!
Emery, where are you going?
What are you doing here? Get out.
Let Ronwaldo go!
Get out of here, it's dangerous!
Who are you?
Is this what you really want?
Ma! Ma!
- Rudie?
- Ma!
- Rudie!
- Ma!
Ma, there's still so much
I want to tell you.
I know. It's okay.
Do what you have to.
This is your world.
It's time for us to soar.
"Leonor stays hidden as she
approaches the commotion
"to confront the Mayor.
"She pauses right before she charges in.
"The only thing she wants
now is to save her friend.
"What else does she want to happen?
"Leonor hears herself talk.
"Leonor will surge through this warehouse
"and grab the Mayor's gun.
"She is ready to sacrifice all
her strength and her own life
"just to save Ronwal...
"Leonor stays hidden as she approaches
the commotion to confront the Mayor.
Leonor knows it's just one
more step before it all ends."
Now it's your turn to hit him!
It's your turn
to go and hit him hard.
- No?
- Mayor, she doesn't want to hit him!
Fine, I'll do it!
This is absurd!
Who the fuck are you?
Stop all of this.
I'm the Mayor here.
And my job is to get rid
of vermin like you.
I can't change you.
Because someone made without a heart
will never be a real person.
Why are you nosing around, Grandma?
You want to die first?
The captives have escaped!
You're all out!
You're all out!
You're done for!
Don't! Don't!
Ronwaldo, that's enough!
Leonor, forgive me!
Forgive me, please, forgive me!
Please forgive me.
Leonor, forgive me!
Remember, you write your own lives.
Forgive me, Grandma!
I think this is the end,
because she got to do what she wanted.
And I think that she was able to
write the version of her narrative
that she wanted to write
before she passed away.
Though it seems tragic,
there's a redeeming factor.
I don't know. Do you think it will work?
I'm not even sure if this
is the right structure.
Because in reality, no one edits our lives.
We just just keep on writing
and tend to keep restructuring.
But were you able to watch
the final cut recently?
I'm not sure if you remember the script.
Now it's a bit...
The initial reason that I thought why it...
Birds of the same feather.
If I could ask that?
So, you got your title?
But, if you think about the
ending... So, are we finished?
I honestly don't know.
It just feels like we'll never
stop working on this film.
It keeps on constantly changing.
I wonder though,
what the outcome would be
if we add this scene.
We remove so much of the earlier scenes
that were supposed to have
involved the editors.
Do you remember those?
- Yeah.
- There should have been voices.
In this scene, we're supposed
to be talking about the cut.
The dialogue is supposed
to go something like,
I would say,
"What would you do if suddenly...
"So right while we're
having a conversation,
"and suddenly, Ronwaldo enters
the frame and joins us.
And he still looks like how we last
saw him in the warehouse?"
I'd believe it.
Imagine at this very moment
Ronwaldo joins our conversation.
How would you feel?
I think it is just right so we can
ask him how to end this film.
Oh my God, you're right.
He's like "you keep debating."
- I think that's the ending.
- "I'll just step out instead."
Isn't that one of our options
for the ending?
We can have him enter frame here.
Is he going to
appear here anytime soon?
Like on those gag shows?
Your phone will ring.
Hello, Rudie!
So have you seen our cut?
Yeah, I saw it. I'm just not
quite sure if the ending is right.
I know this is how we planned it, and
this is how it is in Mama's script
and even for the shoot.
And it made sense that I hit my head
to get inside the film and save Mama.
Everything works. They
add up towards the ending.
But I know that...
I'm sure she wouldn't want to end it there,
the moment she passed away.
What do you think? What can we do about it?
What might work? New edit? Voice-over?
That's hard. We don't have any budget
left and we don't have much time.
But I'll leave this to you, since
you know what your mother wants best.
So, what does she want?
Well, she loves to sing.
I'm like soil during dry season
And you're like the sun
giving light in the garden of my life
I want to be with you
Like the wind, I can't stay put
Like fire, my heart's ablaze only for you
Your love is true
They can take everything else
But you and me, nobody else can have
The stars in your eyes
Sparkle in the skies
You're my one and only true...
No one can tell me who is right for me
You respect me and never abuse me
You love me as I am
They can take everything else
But you and I nobody else can have
The stars in your eyes
Sparkle in the skies
I'm only happy with you
because we are free when we are together
No one can stop our love
Our love is strong and true
You're my one and only true
You're my one and only true
You're my one and only true
You're my one and only true
You're my one and only true
You're my one and only true.