Lesson Plan (2022) Movie Script

Skyrocketed, over 14%.
We have been working on that, man.
[peeping sound]
-I put the work in a what will work
-Work work
-I put the work in a what will work
-Work work
Oh, golden boy is here!
-What's up!
-Your hands, Jiu-Jitsu.
Check out my jacket. Brand new.
It's windproof but breathable
so you don't sweat too much.
-Pretty cool, don't you think?
-The boss is waiting.
I put the work in a what will work
What's up?
Boss, have you seen my new ride?
V8, 500 horses.
Wanna go for a ride?
Some other time, maybe.
So? Is working for me paying off?
[laughing] For that, I can't complain.
Is this my merch?
It is but why are you
so twitchy like that?
I'm not but we can
have a word if you like.
In fact, I would.
-[hip hop music continues]
-[exhales sharply]
Apparently we have a snitch, on my nose.
Who is he? I'll fuck him up, boss.
He's one of my best men.
An ambitious, smart son of a bitch.
He really likes sports wear.
He's classy though.
-[suspenseful beat]
Boss, what are you saying?
Damian Nowicki.
Pigs also like to call you Jiu-Jitsu.
We speak well of the dead or not at all.
I prefer the second one.
-[gun cocks]
-[dramatic music playing]
-I'll kill you, pig!
-No, you can try again.
[rap music continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
[man screaming]
-[tires screech]
-[body thuds]
[tense music plays]
-[knife slashing sound]
-[Damian pants]
You're under arrest.
[boss snickering]
I already found out where you live, right?
You and your pretty wife.
[Damian panting]
A very beautiful woman.
[car engine revving]
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
[school bell ringing]
[indistinct chattering]
-Let's go.
-Hey, what's up?
That's my guess.
[lecturer] Good morning, everyone.
Let's waste no time.
Roll call. Those not raising
a hand are considered absent.
-[a male voice laughing]
-[lecturer] Paula?
Paula's here. Lyosha?
-I'm here.
-He's here.
Game skipping class.
I don't understand what's going on.
This is his second consecutive absence.
I believe he does not
really care anymore, sir.
Em, Mr. Makowiecki, well, he's using dope.
Big time.
-And I'm not talking about weed.
Was he under the bridge with the others?
We did what we could to help him.
Harry, Kamil and I.
I told him how bad that stuff is.
[Emilia] But we can't reach him anymore.
He got totally zonked.
[mobile phone ringing]
[Kamil] His mom is calling.
Pick up the call.
[mobile phone continues ringing]
[indistinct chattering on TV]
[indistinct chattering on TV continues]
[indistinct chattering on TV continues]
[mobile phone ringing]
Hey, I can't pick up the phone right now.
Leave a message.
Hi there, brother. [sniffling]
Would you call me back or
open the door for an old friend?
I know you're at home, man.
I heard your footsteps and your TV was on.
[sighs deeply]
Look, I know this is weird,
we haven't seen each other for a while.
Listen, drop by
for dinner for or something.
We have a problem on our hands.
I really need your help, brother.
Jasiek wasn't
the first victim in our school, though.
That's just the tip
of the iceberg, I think.
Security searches on the kids.
They usually find fentanil, desomorphine,
also, um, some kind of speed-like drug.
Some gang selling it.
[huffs] And they do it in the open.
Do you have a gang in school?
It's just a bunch of kids.
Bunch of the seniors.
Don't worry, we'll clean up tomorrow.
I better get going.
Please check in a little more often.
I'll do my best.
[door closes]
[Szymon] The question is,
who is the supplier?
I also don't believe the teens
could put together such an operation.
It's too complicated, and expensive.
You need a lot of money, access to a lab
and an understanding of the process.
Clarify, are you running an investigation?
I think I know where they do it.
And when I find the stuff,
I'll find out who it belongs to.
Ela is right. Leave it to the people
who know how to deal with these things.
You're that people, right?
Are you going to help me?
I mean, seriously.
I can't. I'm sorry. I'm busy.
[continues laughing]
C'mon, doing what exactly? Getting wasted?
Leave it, bro.
You won't change anything anyways.
[utensils clank]
[sighs] How could I help you
if I can't even help myself?
Every time
I think of you, you get a little smaller
[comic sound from TV]
The sun's getting lower
And the shadows getting taller
Light gets caught
In the tree top branches
Released to the fire
When the tree becomes ashes
Hills glow gold
As the rays of the sun go
High above
The water see the cloud sit solo
The whale can dive
To the bottom of the ocean
-Give that back.
-What? This?
Come and get it. C'mon guys.
-[inhales deeply]
Not a good idea.
So far away
-So far away
-[men grunting, yelling]
When I get there
It's gonna be a better day
So far away
-So far away
-[men grunting, punching]
I'll get there tomorrow
If I leave yesterday
I told you to give it back.
[man1 yelling]
[yelling continues]
[Damian] You really need
to cool down, bro.
[man1 yells, whimpers, coughs]
Where was I?
-Of course, my whiskey.
-[man1 wheezing in background]
Can you explain what happened?
I was doing some shopping.
[man1 wheezing in background]
-I think you've had enough, you know.
It's your liver and I'm not your mother.
-[music continues]
-[man coughs]
[tense music playing]
All clear.
[tense music continues]
[breaking news intro music plays]
[female voice on TV]
And now the local news
The police has found the body
of an alleged manufacturer of fentanyl.
This highly addictive drug
has become a general plague
in Polish schools in the last few months.
According to unconfirmed reports,
the person responsible
for manufacturing the drug
committed suicide in his own lab.
The most striking point
is that the drug has been
-seemingly manufactured by Szymon M.
who, until his death was a history teacher
at Jan Sobieski High School.
It is assumed that his decision to take
his own life may have been motivated by
the death of one of his students,
who, according to our report has--
[dramatic music playing]
-[splashing sound]
-[dog barking in distance]
Are you heading to Szymon M's house?
Did you two know each other?
Did you know about his criminal activity?
How could a teacher
handle the fact that he was poisoning
and destroying the lives of his students?
What're your thoughts on that?
[PA announces indistinctly
in the background]
They think that Szymon
-they're wrong.
-I know
-[shushing] Shh.
It's cool to have a dealer dad, huh?
[boy grunting]
Leave him alone, man. Let him go.
-[boy grunting]
-He just attacked a police officer.
-He didn't attack anyone.
The boy is in shock.
Let him go. His dad just died.
[boy screams]
Just leave him alone.
[boy panting]
The briefcase is for you.
Will it work?
Unless someone starts digging
around the whole thing.
Just relax.
We've never met and I wasn't here.
[footsteps retreating]
-[door closes]
-[country guitar music playing]
[children chattering indistinctly]
-Welcome. I guess you're here for the job?
-Yeah, that's correct.
The Headmaster will see you immediately.
Do you happen to know
if there are many applicants?
[laughing] Are you kidding, sir?
[laughing] Oh, my God.
You're hilarious. Many applicants.
It's a miracle
that anyone applied for the job at all.
[whispering] There are vacancies
in other schools. Better ones.
That means such a young,
handsome man has better options.
[door opens]
-The applicant? So soon?
-I guess so.
-Amazing. Welcome. Leszek Zamoyski.
-Damian Nowicki. Pleasure.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
I take it Ms. Krysia has been telling
you good things about the school.
As you may know, some people
say bad things about our school.
Unfortunately, I can't prove them wrong.
There's some truth in every rumor,
but let's not get carried away.
[sighs deeply]
Is everything okay?
As I was saying, the problem is real
We've been experiencing
problems with narcotics but
the manufacturer of this "shit",
as they call it, is already dead, so
the issue will die out.
And I've just hired a security agency.
Perhaps you've heard of them.
Chmielski and his crew.
The best in the business.
They were recommended to us.
So you're gonna be safe here.
Oh, and here's my deputy, Agata Kierska.
She's a master of languages,
our Polish teacher.
Oh, just call me Agata.
Damian, a pleasure.
Damian will be teaching history.
Hey, you've decided to come despite--
Please don't scare him.
So, Headmaster, when can I start?
That's the spirit. We're on it, Damian.
You start tomorrow.
We'll put up a new schedule.
Welcome aboard and go Hussars!
Of course!
-[students chattering indistinctly]
-like the other dude, huh?
[woman1] Hey, I tried to call you but um
-[woman2] [yelps] Hey!
-[woman1] I thought, maybe I can drop by?
At your place?
What do you say, Jaro?
These are for you.
-There you go. At least those are alive.
-[woman laughs]
Put that back.
And you are?
C'mon, the boy deserves
some respect. Don't do that.
-Did you hear that?
-[crowd laugh]
You wanna join us, man?
[female voice laughs]
[snickering in the background]
Calm down, guys.
Hey, calm down. The principal's office!
Let's go.
-[teacher] Are you done?
-Put that back, so you won't join him.
Chmielski, you have no sense of humor.
-And who might you be?
-[Agata] Damian?
-A journalist or something?
-[Damian] Hi.
This is our new history teacher.
Good morning.
Come on. I'll show you around.
It was nice meeting you, professor!
[students laughing]
[Agata] Jasiek was a really nice boy.
he couldn't cope with his problems.
Then it turned out it was
Szymon who manufactured it.
The history teacher you're replacing.
You're going to teach his son, Kamil.
He's still going to be absent today.
It might be a while
before he's able to come back to school.
Hey, I'd like you to meet Damian Nowicki.
He's our new history teacher.
-Edyta Mazur.
You're very brave.
You like challenges, huh? Witek.
Damian, hi.
-Let's go.
Stefan, come. This is Damian.
He's replacing Szymon.
[stuttering] Hello
Please hold it, if you don't mind.
[stuttering] B blow me.
-[Agata] Wojtek!
-[stuttering] Co c'mon.
W we'll see if you'll co
continue mamarking after the quiz, man.
N nice to meet you.
-See what it's like around here?
-Nothing unusual.
-[Agata laughing]
-Well I w won't be so sure about that.
[Agata] Follow me,
I'll show you your classroom.
FFine. See you.
[school bell ringing]
[rap music playing]
Check my grades, too!
Sure, watch me. What's up?
Hey look, it says here that we are one
of the worst high schools in Poland.
Awesome. Have you guys heard? Great job!
We're on path, right?
-You'll get it after class.
-But how?
-This is my phone.
-I'm so sorry.
Yeah and sometimes
Damn, they found a substitute this fast?
[Damian] Yes, they did.
My name is Damian Nowicki and
I'm going to be your history teacher .
Can you hold this?
By any chance, are you a drug lord, too?
Like our previous teacher.
Hey, Kamil will kill you for saying that.
Dude, Makowiecki was not a drug lord.
Give me a break.
Where did you leave off
with your previous teacher?
Have you read the
-Sigismund the Old.
-Like your dad.
-Which century is it? Anyone?
-16th century, sir.
Leave it! I told you I can't!
We will never know.
Hello! Gentlemen? Is everything all right?
Of course, professor.
Everything's cool.
Really? Does your friend feel the same?
What does my friend say?
Everything is okay, sir.
We're just fooling around. He's my buddy.
-How old is your mate?
Should you be in this class?
He should have been a long gone.
-Three years ago he dropped out.
-Zip it now!
I'm gonna sit here with you for a while.
I love history class.
-I don't want you here! Get out!
-Throw me out.
Are you serious?
-[Agata] Could you please walk him out?
-[security] C'mon, Frog!
Didn't you hear?
I don't want to see your face here again.
How about at home?
[Frogface snickering]
Check if he's got anything on him
and take him to the police station.
-Of course, boss.
-[Frogface] See you at home, Ms. Kierska!
[squeaky wheel sound]
[Zamoyski] You're still here?
Well, I'm not familiar
with this textbook. I'm just
making some notes before the lessons.
-May I?
And what do you think?
I mean too much illustrations and
young people like this sort of thing,
so the book is pretty workable. We'll see.
[sighs] How was your first day?
I heard about
your incident with our former student.
[sighs deeply]
Well, what can I tell you, Damian?!
kids today don't respect authority.
I'll let you work. Have a good one.
[footstep sounds]
-[tense music playing]
My beautiful teacher?
Are you looking for this?
A classic rookie mistake.
The staff uses
the underground parking lot.
Come, I'll give you a ride.
[tense music playing]
Such a nice Polish teacher,
alone at night? [yells] Bam!
[Agatha panting]
Ms. Agata, I must admit,
it wasn't very nice of you.
-You have to relax. You better cooperate.
-[Agata screams]
Shut it!
-Help! Help me!
-Will you shut up!
-[Damian] Hey stop!
-[Agata sobbing] Stop!
The lady said a polite goodbye
to you earlier today, didn't she?
So what? Will you beat me up?
A measly history teacher?
You're about to be history.
[dramatic music playing]
[punching sounds, grunting]
[man1 yells in pain] Ooh!
[Agata] Watch out!
[punching, grunting]
[punching, grunting]
[knife slashing]
[Agata yelps]
-[Agata sobbing]
-[Damian shushing]
[Damian] It's okay. Shh.
-It's okay.
-[Agatha crying]
That was so cool.
[Agata sighs]
Where did you learn to do that?
It's just a hobby.
You don't like to talk
much about yourself, huh?
Thank you. That should be enough.
-Stand in front of me.
-[Agata huffs]
I'll show you how to break
free in situations like that.
He held you something like this, right?
Okay, grab me here with both hands.
You can go ahead
and hit the person in the stomach.
If that doesn't work,
raise your elbow and hit him in the face.
Now, hold this hand,
try bending your knees,
and twist it behind my back. That's it.
Then you push
and you run. Is it clear?
-Okay see you.
-[Agata] Damian!
Is there any way I can repay you?
Yeah, could you give me a ride home?
They slashed my tires.
[Agata laughs]
[Frogface] No, please! No!
-[tense music playing]
Bring him here.
-[man1] Shut up!
-[Frogface] Please! Please guys, no!
No! No!
[screaming in pain]
[man2 snickering] I hate this guy, no.
[yelling] Jaro! My friend!
[sobbing] I don't have any cash left.
Man, I had no option.
I had some stuff left
and I thought I'd sell it, man.
-[Frogface panting]
-[Jaro] Shh!
"My friend"?
[bike engine revs]
It's not me. He wants an explanation.
[bike engine shuts]
[tense music playing]
[Frogface] Jaro!
We can work this out, man!
No! He's gonna kill me, Jaro!
[yells] Shut up!
[sobbing] Please, boss.
No, boss, please don't kill me!
Please boss,
I swear it'll never happen again!
I beg you!
You almost got busted today.
I didn't have anything on me!
I'm not that stupid! I just wanted to
make some extra money! Boss,
it won't happen again, I promise!
Please, let me go, boss!
Spare my life. I'm begging you!
[sobbing] It won't happen again.
Please, let me go!
You'll serve as an example.
-No! No!
-Let Mammoth do it!
-Let him prove his worth.
-[Frogface sobbing]
-[Mammoth] What do I do?
It's now or never.
-Do it!
-[Jaro] You can do it!
-[Frogface] Let me go. I beg you!
-[man2 laughing]
-[Jaro] Mammoth!
[Jaro] Mammoth!
-[bone breaking sound]
-[Frogface yelling]
Nicely done, man.
-[hip hop music playing]
-[Frogface sobbing in the background]
-You really want to be one of us?
-I do.
-Will you follow orders?
-I will.
[Frogface shriek uncontrollably]
Bigger than bigger than bigger than you,
Come against me any man gets
Still the man, been the man
Still too hot for your kind
Bigger than bigger than
Bigger than you
[man1] I will. I know.
Excuse me sir,
where are you taking my car?
-Give me a sec. Someone is here.
To repair the tires.
-Sorry, who called you?
-The principal.
[Stefan stuttering] T that was brutal!
If I could just defend myself like that.
[woman laughs] Wow!
Oh, the man of the hour.
The man of the hour.
[Damian] Good morning everyone
[Witek] That was amazing, please.
Umm my car was towed away.
Do you know something about it?
Don't worry about it. You'll have it back,
good as new before classes are over.
It's the least I can do to thank
you for saving our lovely Agata.
Something had to be done, right?
To the battle, go, hussars!
-[Stefan] R r rewind!
You sorted them out quite easily.
Who the hell are you?
[female voice laughs in background]
Hey, p partners!
[school bell ringing]
[Damian] Jeez.
-You're like Chuck Norris. Almost.
Let's get back to
the Jagiellonian dynasty.
Macaque! Macaque, get back to your seat!
[Macaque cackles]
How about explaining this for us first?
What did I say about cell phones in class?
Are you a murderer, professor?
I might become one
if you don't pull up your grades.
Could you fight in an MMA match?
[Macaque] What was that?
Some kind of karate?
Do you work out everyday?
-How long did it take you to develop this?
Taekwondo? Aikido? Or maybe Krav maga?
A good warrior finds
inspiration in all styles.
He tries to be adaptable to his opponent
and adjust to the circumstances.
He's like water that takes
the shape of a container.
-Do you know who said that?
-Bruce Lee?
-Well done.
-[Macaque] Internet!
How about a real fight. Huh?
More specifically, a street brawl.
And why would you want to be in a brawl?
What do you mean "why"? [laughs]
I need to defend myself.
It's all that I want to do.
-[Damian] And how is it going?
-[Harry] Generally speaking, pretty well.
Show me what you can do.
If you win, there's no final exam.
[hip hop music playing]
-[students cheering] Harry! Harry!
-[female voice] Let's go!
-Are you ready? Oh, my!
-[Harry grunts]
-[student1 cheering] Bring it on!
-[student2] You can do it!
Come on, come on, come on! I want an A!
-Here, behind you. Come on.
-[student3] Keep your eyes on him.
[Harry grunting]
[Damain] Jeez.
Get him, Harry!
[students cheering] Come on! Focus!
[Harry grunting]
-Go hussar!
-[Damian] Fight more with the man in you.
-Come on!
Come on, Harry! You can do it!
Come on.
[Harry yelps]
[students cheering] Come on, come on.
Come on! Come on! Keep it up!
He's our new History teacher
[student cheering] Come on! Now!
-[student] Come on!
-[Damian] You've had enough?
[panting] Good, get up please.
He's got spirit! Good job!
Sharpen your technique and you'll be fine.
-Now I'm gonna teach you some History.
-Easy I almost threw it in!
-Dude, I'm impressed
Kamil, he was framed. I know about it.
Oh, really? And now you know.
Kamil, I wanna prove it.
[yelling] He came to you
for your help and turned him down!
And now you're showing off?
When he needed you the most,
where the fuck were you?
-I agree with you.
-You refused to help him!
If it wasn't for you, he'd still be alive!
It's all your fault, you asshole!
-[yelling] I know!
-[soft music playing]
Everyday I torture myself
with that thought!
You know you remind me so much of him.
He hated losing. Just like you. [laughs]
We'd go and play pool together
every single week.
He used to get so fucking pissed,
so I had to learn how to play like crap.
You know what I mean.
You played with him.
Yeah, I was.
But we kept going back to that place.
For over a year.
He would have to win or he
wouldn't have mustered up the
the courage to ask the bartender out.
Until one night,
he finally did it. [laughs]
Damian, I know how my parents met.
You see?
His persistence was what made you.
And that's the reason he went there.
He wanted that shit to be over.
Why did you come here?
Hmm. I know you're not a historian.
You know me pretty well
But if possible, try not to share
this information with anyone.
Your father was innocent.
I'm gonna prove it.
My father is dead. It's too late for that.
But you and your friends are alive.
That's the reason nobody can find out what
I'm doing here, Kamil. Will you help me?
How can I help you if
I can't even help myself? Hmm?
[door slams shut]
[tire sounds sturdy]
Zamoyski did his best, huh?
Well, it seems so, yeah.
And, um, how was your day?
I heard you've gained quite a following
and captured the kids' attention.
Yeah. Unfortunately,
it was not in history.
You'll get there, eventually.
I doubt it.
Are you up for a beer? The bar is nearby.
We can check some essays. Chat about them.
I've been waiting for so long
[cutlery clinking sound]
-Who's next?
-It's Emilia's.
She wrote about her father,
who's bringing her up all by himself.
It says here,
"He helped me when
I got addicted to fentanyl.
He never gave up on me,
even when I yelled and cursed at him
and acted horribly".
And then she talks about
how thankful she actually is,
how hard he works for her.
What does he do?
He has a shop or something.
I think he makes keys,
sharpens knives, repairs watches.
And things like that.
[indistinct chattering in the background]
So how's your hand?
-It's good.
-Let me see.
As they say,
"It'll heal before the wedding." [laughs]
Are you planning to get married? [laughs]
[Agata laughing] No, thanks.
No, come on.
I'm gonna get us another beer.
[man] Hey, you two.
Hey, you dykes!
Do you have a problem here gentlemen?
-Why don't we talk about it? Hmm?
What's with you? You little piece of shit.
-[man grunting]
-Seems like that's what you had as dinner.
-[lively music playing]
[men grunting]
[men grunting]
[men grunting]
[men grunting]
Someone needs to lose a few pounds.
[man screams, panting]
[crowd clapping]
[crowd continues clapping]
Keep your hands higher.
That's it.
-[man yells, grunts]
-[voice whistles in crowd]
[crowd cheering, clapping]
I told you to keep them higher.
[Agata laughing]
-Watch out!
-[Agata continues laughing]
Did you have the essays with you?
Do you think you'll
be objective in your condition?
No, I guess you're right.
Honestly, I think
someone might get a B
instead of a C plus. [laughing]
Yeah, that would be a disaster.
No, seriously, you may be right.
I should sober up a bit.
-I have to drink my tea.
-[soft music playing]
Are you inviting me?
Are you a tea person?
[Agata laughing]
[Agata moaning]
[Agata laughing]
Wait, want some wine?
[Damian laughs]
-I'll get some.
[kissing sound]
We're not locking the door?
[Agata] What for? I'm very safe with you.
[soft music continues]
[Karolina] I'm very safe with you.
[snickering] You and your wife.
-[thunder rumbling]
[soft music continues]
-Ouch! Let me go!
-[Damian] Why?
You don't know what you're doing.
You better not mess with us!
Oh, yeah? And what do
you think I'm doing now?
You don't fit in with them.
You actually own a brain that works.
They're using you but if stuff goes down,
they'll leave you on your own. Trust me.
-Get the fuck out!
-I've tried to do that already.
Where do they get their stuff
and who produces it?
Dude, don't you get it?
I can't tell you anything!
Fuck you.
[soft music continues]
[indistinct chattering]
Hi Justyna.
What's up?
-Nothing. I'm fine.
-Are you?
-Are you buying?
-So, what's the deal?
Open your hands now.
What's your problem?
Do you miss being high?
I can help you out with. For just a smile.
[indistinct yelling in background]
Justyna, hear me out.
You might think dope won't hurt because
the first week it feels awesome,
until you can't quit it.
And then this moron, turns into the ruler
and most important person in your life.
Please cut the crap!
Do you want that?
Emilia do you have a problem?
No, I'm just talking to Justyna.
Oh, why so emotional?
[indistinct chattering in background]
Nobody here
is forcing anyone to do anything.
-Am I right, Bigos?
-That's right.
You drive people into addiction,
and nobody is forcing
anyone to do anything? Really?
Why don't you go take a walk?
Or get some rest.
And keep it healthy, right?
Piss off, man.
[man sniffing]
Get your hands off me!
-"Get your hands off me!" I said.
-[Kamil] Hey!
-[man1 laughing]
-[Agata] Get off!
-[Kamil] Leave her alone!
-[man1] Shut up!
[Jared] Are you talking to me?
Stay out of this. You're the only
thing your mom has left.
[Jaro] Go!
Who's next now?
[Kamil coughing]
[Kamil coughing]
Does anyone else have a problem here?
You may speak now!
[huffs] That's what I thought.
Macaque, give me the ball!
And shut up!
[school bell ringing]
[whispering] I'm very sorry. He's coming.
[indistinct chattering]
Did Zamoyski tell you
about the new class register?
Yeah, we're switching
to an online version.
If you need any help, go to Witek Mrz,
He's the IT specialist.
He'll explain in detail.
See you around.
[door bangs shut]
Are you ready for a dose of history?
Why hasn't the whiteboard been cleaned?
Where's the student on duty?
Where's Harry?
You're late.
Are you gonna tell me what happened?
Nothing relevant, sir.
It is relevant, Harry.
Tell me who did that.
-I stumbled and fell.
Over what? A gang?
Do you want me to find out on my own?
Easy for you to say
they're not beating you up.
-You outnumber them.
-So what? We suck!
If you believe that you should, yeah. Hmm?
But let's say that this problem
makes you uncomfortable,
do you want to be better at fighting back?
First of all you have
to stop thinking like that.
Are you a history teacher or a life coach?
[soft music playing]
They need to see that you're
not afraid of them.
[Emilia] What a great piece of advice.
They're way stronger.
But you're smarter, aren't you?
And faster.
You just need to prepare.
[light music playing]
You need to adapt,
and be water. Hmm?
[Damian] Yeah.
-[Damian] Be water.
-Can you somehow help us with that?
[light music continues]
Of course.
but I do have one condition.
Is this supposed to be your dojo?
Pretty much. Isn't it obvious?
We'll put mats right here
and a couple of benches along the wall.
A dressing room in the back.
All we need is right here.
[Marcaque] You have quite an imagination.
And we'll start training
in about two years.
I don't mean to disappoint you,
but its not quite what I signed up for.
What the hell is that?
Are we renovating
Jarek's gang to death or what?
I'm sorry sir, but it's lame.
No one is forcing anybody to be here.
It's got potential.
When do we start?
[hip hop music playing]
Just take your time
to ask yourself one question.
Hello! Franek!
[Damian] This will be on the test!
[indistinct chattering]
Tell me what you're living for
Think about it.
What you living for? Yeah yeah
Yeah what you living for?
Yeah tell me what you living for
Jimmy Jam what you living for?
Yeah yeah I'm on a riverine. Ooh!
One life. Gonna live it right.
Yeah. So what you living for? What you
Living for? Tell me what you living for
Through all the struggles
And the pain I still remain on top
Living my life like
You better tune this game up
Keeping my head high
Who is gonna stand up to
Gonna move on, stay strong
When I stumble and fall
And truer than that
In fact, I'ma rise above
Cause when the people bringing
Heat I'll be giving them back yo yo
Tell them I'm gonna reach for the sky.
I teach 'em wise. I got more to give
Cause there enough and it can't hold me
I stand my ground. It's more than this
[banging sound]
[hip hop music playing]
Open your life so I can see
The way the sky falls down on me
Still know I'm gonna be okay
I'll be okay. I'll be okay.
[Damian] I can see what you're doing!
I'll fly away. Fly away. Fly away
Cause I know
What I'm looking for. Or should I
Don't be scared to face tomorrow
Should know it's alright
You can start to live your life
Then you know what you're living for
The cash, the class
The money, the fashion
The boss the morning to the dusk
The money to the dove
The peace, the hope, the faith. You
Better think about it before it's late
The sex, the cash, the class
-Hey, somebody's down!
Come on!
I know what I'm living for
[siren blaring]
[dog barking]
[hip hop music playing]
[engine revving]
[female voice laughing]
[female voice yells in excitement]
[female voice] No, change it. This one.
In three. [laughs]
-How are you?
Do you wanna
[hip hop music continues]
[Mammoth] Hey, get me a beer.
Hey, you took the wrong girl.
Wait. Where are you going?
[Jaro] We're unlucky when
it comes to history teachers.
Szymon was a pain
in the ass, but this guy is
A hemorrhoid? [laughing]
Not good for business.
[Jaro] That's why Jock
and Bigos are not here with us
Nowicki found them both,
threw their merch in and called the pigs.
They'll get a lawyer and
keep their mouths shut.
We lost money, though.
A great deal of money.
-Somebody's gonna take care of it.
-[bike engine revving]
-[bike engine continues revving]
-Arigato Sensei.
-[Damian laughs]
-Hey, wait up, guys!
-See you later. Bye.
Very well done.
[yells] Stay alert.
[door closes]
[punching sound]
[punching sound continues]
-[tense music playing]
-[metal clanks]
Gentlemen, wipe your shoes
before you step on the mat.
[all laughing]
Is the warm-up complete?
Can we proceed with the training?
[panting, grimacing]
[tense music playing]
[man laughing]
Let me guess. You fell in the shower.
You missed a great party.
But you can drop by next time.
[school bell ringing]
[students clamoring]
Nowicki doesn't look too bad.
But your people on the other hand
He's not just a teacher.
There are more effective
ways to destroy a person.
[Jaro] Good morning!
What do you want here?
[Jaro sighs deeply]
I'll like to have this watch repaired.
[woman laughs]
I'm sorry but I'm busy. Got too much work.
-[woman mumbles]
-[Jaro sighs]
I wonder why they get surprised
when small businesses are going down.
Please, leave.
You're not welcome here.
You're criminals and thugs.
You're the ones who got
Emilka hooked on that stuff.
Do you believe so?
I mean, it seems
like she was enjoying herself.
[others laughing]
Leave now. I'm calling the police!
[Emilia] Leave him alone!
Dad! Dad, please wait a second!
Please wait!
Let me talk to them.
I'll be in the back room.
[woman] Ciao!
What do you want?
To have my watch fixed.
Take a look at it.
It's sad.
It ticked and ticked
but suddenly it stopped.
[woman laughs]
This is Makowiecki's watch.
-Do you love your daddy?
[Emilia yelps]
Now, you're going to listen.
No, the leverage is pretty good. They
failed to calculate the load properly.
Turned out a little physics
explains all that.
-Oh, excuse me
-they would lift it up just fine.
Oh look at you, Professor
Emilia just came to talk to us to report
report that you
that you
molested her when you were
left alone in that dojo of yours
It's beyond my imagination.
What do you have to say?
[sobbing] Don't pretend you didn't do it
I pushed you away
But you forced
your disgusting hands on me.
I'll have to ask you to leave
the school grounds, You're suspended,
until the matter is sorted out.
And security will lead you out.
[tense music playing]
[Kamil] What the hell happened?
[indistinct chatter]
[Kamil] I really don't understand it.
[Harry] Hey, hey.
[Harry] Kamil stop!
I trusted you!
I trusted you! Do you hear me?
-Kamil, calm down.
-I fucking trusted you!
And you
[Kamil spits]
[Damian] This is a mistake.
Come on, speak up!
That's what you do best.
[Harry] C'mon, bro relax.
[woman laughing]
-We're gonna miss you! History teacher!
-For you!
[soft music playing]
Chilling, huh?
I had to.
They came to the shop
and showed me Makowiecki's watch.
They told me they'll kill my father
if I didn't do it.
So anyway
Do you want to destroy
your life because of me?
This is all my fault.
Give it back.
[clicks tongue]
No, I won't.
-[Emilia's dad] Emilka!
-[knocking on the door]
I'm dead.
[knocking on the door]
[Emilia's dad] Get down here
Get out! And leave my daughter alone!
First you try to destroy her,
and now you come to tempt her in her home?
-Sir, I'm not
-What's wrong with you?
Get out of here!
-[door shuts]
-Oh, baby
-[Emilia moans]
-[Emilia'd dad panting]
My little girl, why?
-[metal clanking]
-[machine beeping]
[machine beeping]
[Frogface wheezing]
Good evening, professor.
Here to finish the job?
Go for it.
[Frogface chuckling]
I've got better things
to do on a Friday night.
So why did you come here?
To kiss you so you become a prince.
You worked for Chmielski.
I wanna know how they get the drugs in.
Have you seen me?
Do I look good?
[Frogface chuckles]
I just wanted to sell
an extra gram on the side.
-How touching.
-[screaming in pain]
Now look.
[stifled screaming]
-Can you see that?
-[Frogface moans]
The eyes of the prey.
Of a hunted animal.
[Frogface yelps]
Are you willing to suffer
for the rest of your life?
And you think you can fix that?
How do they get the drugs into the school?
[machine beeping]
You have no idea.
They actually don't get them in.
[knocking on the door]
We have nothing to talk about.
I know what you think about me,
-but can you just hear me out?
-Do you?
If you did you wouldn't have
come here in the first place.
Do you have any other talent
besides beat people up?
Get out if you don't
want me to call the cops.
I found out where the drugs are made.
I'm calling.
-[door opens]
-[tense music playing]
[metal clinks]
[tense music tempo increases]
[tense music continues]
[door opens]
[object sound]
[tense music playing]
[mobile phone beeps]
[wheels squeaking]
[tense music continues]
C'mon stupid phone!
[man1] Hey!
What are you doing here?
-We're gonna called the police.
-Unless you wanna be beaten.
I'm getting used to it.
[heaves, grunts]
I love the beatings.
-[dramatic music playing]
-[man2 grunting]
-[shock baton crackles]
-[man1 yelling]
Let's see if you have the balls, fucker!
-[shock baton crackles]
-[man2 whimpering]
[man3 yells]
That was fun.
At least hear what I have to say.
I took your keys.
I had to. But listen to me.
The drugs are produced
in the school. Idziorek makes them.
-[dramatic beat]
-[Damian sighing]
The gang cooperates with,
um, catering company, Foodie Max.
What? Foodie Max? That's total nonsense.
[door opens]
And what is this? You can't see anything.
That's why I told you I
had no hard evidence.
It's also why I came to you,
and not the cops.
I was hoping you'd believe me.
Here's your honey lemon tea, sir.
-Ms. Krysia?
Could you tell Stefan Idziorek
and security to come here?
I've already done so just in case.
-[Damian sighs]
-[door closes]
Mr. Nowicki
here is claiming you work with
this gang
to manufacture that thing fentyl stuff.
[Stefan stuttering] F fentanyl.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Thank you.
He claims that he saw you
loading and transporting
freshly-made drugs from the school
Chemistry lab to a Foodie Max van.
[Damian] I know what I saw.
Clearly it was you.
I'm talking to you.
[tense music playing]
B yes, I was here.
[stuttering] Because I h had to
cclean up all the stuff, everything em--
[security] I helped Mr. Idziorek.
It's already been reported
to the Security office.
We were both there.
E exactly.
[tense music continues]
Damian, we're all pretty much exhausted
from this whole drug situation but
maybe you got carried away.
Ma Makowiecki
Yeah, that's right.
Szymon Makowiecki produced them.
Stop lying.
I know you set him up.
Heavy words for a perv.
Hey! Calm down now.
Gentlemen, lead this man out.
There's no need.
[tense music continues]
-[door closes]
-[Agata sighs]
Someone came to see you, honey.
[Agata] Hey.
[Emilia sniffling]
I'm so embarrassed.
There's no reason for that.
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's Nowicki who who should feel that way.
[Emilia breathes in deeply]
You're the victim, Emilia.
Am I right?
[tense music playing]
Do you have any other talents
besides beating people up?
It's too late boy
Szymon Makowiecki produced them.
He came for you for help
and you turned him down.
[Kamil] If it wasn't for you,
he'd still be alive!
[Szymon] We've got a problem on our hands.
I need your help, brother.
[tense music playing]
-[knocking on door]
-[doorbell dings]
[knocking on door]
[Damian sighs]
[Agata] Damian?
I just came from talking to Emilia.
[dog barking]
Please forgive me.
You must be very mad at me.
Yeah, just a little.
-[Agata sighs]
What is that?
The cheapest whisky. Disgusting, huh?
I love it though.
[Agata] Surveillance from school?
[Damian] Yes, but it's edited.
There's no evidence.
They're very good.
What was your job
before you joined our team?
I was a cop.
I was actually working on a drug ring.
But at the time,
I had the support of the state behind me.
At least that's what I was counting on.
Someone failed to secure the database
and so they managed to find Karolina.
[Damian] My wife.
I rushed to her but it was too late.
And the gang?
Turned to ashes.
So what? If there are people
like Chmielski and Idziorek?
So is that the reason
you ended up in our school?
Szymon was my best friend.
I applied for the position to find out
who did it and take revenge. [laughs]
But I had no success.
And after the way the way I got fired,
no one will ever trust me again, anyway.
-[Agata moans]
-[kissing sound]
-[Damian] C'mon!
-[siren wailing in distance]
-Damian [laughing]
-[Damian laughing]
-[singing indistinctly]
-[siren wailing in distance]
[huffs, sniffles]
They threatened
to kill my family! [snorting]
Who did?
-[stuttering] I j just c cook!
-For who? Chmielski?
[sniffling, panting]
I do it j just for me
And m my Monika!
Finally I got to be somebody!
-[engine revving]
I'll take matters into my own hands.
Thank you very much.
Monika, I, I'm sorry.
I really don't know what to say.
It's a horrible tragedy.
Stefan has worked with us for years.
He was a great teacher.
He was a real passionate chemist.
And more so, a teacher
like him is irreplaceable.
-If there's anything I can do
-Thank you.
I think that maybe,
it's time we start emptying
Szymon's locker. Despite what he did,
his widow deserves a little respect.
Would you be so kind
and hand his things over to Ela?
-I'd appreciate it.
-Yes, of course.
Excuse me sir,
you have a visitor. It's important.
-Emilka, hi.
-[Emilia] Hmm.
How are you? How are you feeling?
Coming back to school?
[Emilia clears throat]
Um, I'd like to ask you if you could
please reinstate Mr. Nowicki to teach.
Um, after what he did to you? You sure?
I'm sorry but Damian
didn't do anything wrong.
-I'm very sorry.
-So what was this all about?
I don't know
They came, they broke
into the shop and threatened my dad.
[crying] Then they forced me to lie.
Please, have a seat.
[somber music playing]
[door creaks open]
We forgot to do one more thing.
To grease the door.
Emilia told us about everything.
We screwed up big time.
[mobile phone ringing]
Hey! This isn't a race track!
[Kamil] Emi!
[machine beeping]
What happened?
She's suffering from internal bleeding.
But fortunately, they managed to stop it.
And now I'm afraid,
she's in a postoperative coma.
It's my fault.
Don't say that. It wasn't your fault.
-I'll kill them! I swear!
-Stay focused.
[Damian] Stay with her,
she needs you now. I'll take care of it.
Damian, can we have a word?
[machine beeping]
I tried to avoid it but Kamil's right.
We've got to find the stuff
in the warehouse.
How are we supposed to do that?
You're crazy to search area as huge--
Fair enough but I've got this.
-Take a look.
-[Damian] What is it?
[Agata] I found it in Szymon's locker.
[Damian] Turn right after entering
Food Max cartons,
row H. Dairy products.
[rain pattering]
[tense music playing]
How long do we have to wait?
[tense music continues]
[Damian hisses]
Oh, no. Please no!
[man panting]
[Damian hushing] Shh!
[man wheezing]
[Damian sighs]
He's taking a nap. Why are you here?
I wanna help.
-[Agata panting]
I'm your supervisor, you know.
[sniffling] You have to do what I say.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Agata whispers] Okay.
[Damian whispers] Agata!
-[Chmeilski] Good evening.
-[Damain gasps]
Ms. Kierska, what a pleasure to see you.
Good evening, professor.
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, afraid I have
to hire a new Polish teacher.
Do you know how hard it is to find
somebody to work in this school?
You couldn't sit still.
It's like having two small
kittens in my basement
and I forgot to close the door.
[men laugh]
I have Szymon's notes
[Agata] Why are you doing this?
As simply as I really did my best.
I mean it. This school
was supposed to be world-class.
Sobieski's Hussars. Go, hussars to battle!
[men laughing]
Better staff. Amazing scholarships.
And all that. And where did we end up?
Nowhere. And you know why?
Because they preferred fucking and drugs.
I'm only giving those kids
at the school what they want.
[Agata sighs]
This is also a success.
I will take you down.
Ah Szymon used to say the same--
-Calm down!
-Leave me alone!
-Oh. here you go.
-Leave it!
I proudly wear the souvenir he left.
[dramatic beat]
Crap, it doesn't move now.
Never mind. Your time has come.
[tense music playing]
And who the fuck are you?
[men laughing]
[tense music continues]
[Agata screams]
-[panting, grunting]
-[dramatic music playing]
[Mammoth] Come on!
Get up!
[Jared] Mammoth.
What are you looking for, huh?
[screaming, grunting]
I'm from Ukraine,
[speaking Ukrainian] mi dorohy druzhe.
Come and tell me now.
Gonzo! Bring him to the mirror!
[Jared screaming]
-[Jared groaning]
-This one's for Emilia, moron.
[tense music playing]
[both panting]
-[panting continues]
-[dramatic music plays]
-You hit like a woman.
-You clearly know different women.
-[electric snapping sound]
Your cable a bit too short?
[dramatic music continues]
Bring it on!
Shaolin? Special forces?
Where are you from?
Rabka Zdrj.
-What's that?
-A crme resort town you'll never know.
[panting, grunting]
He seems a bit shocked.
[Kamil pants]
Wait. Stay here.
[tense music playing]
[Agata sobbing]
[Zamoyski] Damian,
you still don't understand, do you?
Do you realize that
it's your fault that girl is in a coma?
It's your fault Idziorek is dead.
Do you really want her
to be the next one? Back off, man!
[Agata sobbing]
To think you were my favorite
when I hired you.
Oh, really?
I thought I was the only applicant.
-Oh, yeah, that is still true.
-[Agata panting]
[Agata grunting]
[Damian grunts]
[Agata panting]
Did I do well? Did you see that?
[Agata speaking indistinctly]
[indistinct conversation]
[Zaymoski spitting]
-[Damian] Ah!
-[Agata screams]
[Agata sobs]
You are nothing compared to me!
Do you understand?
You're so insignificant now!
[tractor beeping]
-[Chmeilski yelps]
-[tractor continues beeping]
[lively music playing]
[siren blaring]
I know you're a superstar. Super nova
Shining. You can see from super far
I may already know
You're about to hit the bottle on
-Fuck you!
-Come here!
Oh don't tell me
What it feels like to have no fear
-In all I'm doing here in real life
-Move it!
-Real time right now
-[man] I don't know.
All day long
I know it's special.
And I know you know it feels right
You're the reason it will last
Forever. You're the star starring back
-[Medic] Stop twitching!
-Okay, okay, okay.
-How did you manage to deal with Tytus?
-[Medic] Stop talking!
Aah. And you and the girls
really gave those idiots a hard time.
They had it tough.
Thanks for the lead
There ain't nothing standing in your way
There ain't no obstacle
I know you're the chosen one. Numbers
Don't matter when you're the only one
Time don't matter
You can do it all day long
I know you want to show the world
That's where you're coming from
He would have liked you to have it. Kamil.
[Mrs. Makowiecki] Thank goodness.
You're the reason it will last forever
You're the star that's
Starring back up in the mirror
That's so special
When you stand out from the rest
When you know that you're
You know that you're
You're the reason it will last forever
You're the star that's
Starring back up in the mirror
That's so special
When you stand out from the rest
When you know that you're
Know that you're the best
Subtitle translation by: Regina Njoku