Let It Snow (2020) Movie Script

Every year. The same song,
over and over again.
And you know they're gonna be
playing it on repeat at the hotel.
You know what? I'm switching it.
Okay there,
Miss I Hate Christmas Music.
that's better.
- Top secret mission for you.
- Mmm, that so?
Yes. Your mission...
- You ready?
- Mm?
Take the wheel
while I take a nap!
No, no, no, no, no!
Are you crazy?
Don't do it!
Have you seen the fall?
- Yeah.
- You're crazy.
Why don't you
just run off a cliff?
Just got about
35 minutes more to go...
and it'll be just us,
snow, two boards,
and freedom!
Look at all the snow.
- I know, right?
- Uh-huh.
It's gonna be sick
on the Black Ridge.
I heard it's like
standing on top of the world.
I mean, I promised you
an awesome vacation
and an awesome
vacation you shall receive.
Seems pretty empty.
I hope there aren't tricycle
riding twins in there.
Oh, don't worry.
All work and no play has
made this Max a very dull boy
who wouldn't dream of coming to
beat you to death with an axe.
Oh, really?
Well... that is
so very kind of you.
In return, I hope
not to turn into...
A rotting old woman
while I take a bath.
Good afternoon.
to Georgia Ski Hotel.
I hope you had
a pleasant journey here.
Yeah, it was great.
Awesome views.
Yeah, it's
something else here.
Yes, "something else"
is specialty here in Georgia.
What's the name
for your reservation?
- Max Spellman.
- Give me your ID, please.
Skiing or snowboarding?
We're freeriders.
I've actually
even competed a few times.
What, bragging already?
Nah. If anything,
you're the impressive one.
You know, two years ago
she never set foot on a board,
and now she's
a regular snow demon.
Would you like me
to order a pass for you?
Ah, it's okay.
We've got other plans, actually.
Yeah, the Black Ridge.
He's been going on
about it forever.
Then I am sorry
to inform you
that the Black Ridge
is inaccessible.
We came all the way
from America.
Isn't there a way
to get there?
Snowmobiles used to
take people there,
but they finally
fenced off area last month.
What about a helicopter?
I don't think someone
would be willing to fly there.
Please. This is
an important trip for us.
I got something special
planned on the Black Ridge.
There something
you could do to help?
People disappear there.
Experienced riders.
We won't get arrested if we
go snowboard there, will we?
There are other places
you can go.
More beautiful and...
less dangerous
than the Black Ridge.
That's exactly
what we're after.
I hope you enjoy your stay,
and that you find what you're
looking for on other slopes.
- So... the receptionist, huh?
- Nice lady.
Yeah, sure. And creepy as hell.
Come on. She's probably just this
unsatisfied, likely single woman
who happens to hate every happy
couple that arrives at her hotel.
Or she is...
secretly a masked murderer
who sucks the souls
out of her male victims
and kills them
with her creepy eyes.
After you.
Ah! Nice.
Pretty great, huh?
I mean...
it's beyond great.
A portal
to another world.
I feel...
like they're watching me
from up there. You know?
Hmm... Your Mom and
They loved
each other so much.
Reminds me of us.
I wish I could
have met them.
- Mm.
- I know they'd want you to be happy.
I will be.
And I know,
from up there,
they're really
looking down on you
and just wishing,
you know, just wishing...
that you wouldn't smoke
that cigarette
because smoking is
so bad for you,
and it's really,
really gross.
Dick! I'm having a serious
moment of introspection here.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
- And I'm here for you.
- Mm, yeah?
You know our adventure
is just beginning.
The mighty Max,
defeated on his holiday
by his own fearsome laptop.
Well... I have
a lurking suspicion
that whatever email
you're writing
isn't going to be
quite as satisfying
as what I have
in store for us.
What would you do if I asked
you to marry me right now?
I'm gonna go
stretch my legs, okay?
Present from our hotel
to the young couple.
Oh, wow.
That's so nice.
Thank you.
you scared me.
I just wanted
to tell you something.
You shouldn't go
to the Black Ridge.
Five days ago,
a man disappeared there.
He and his wife
were staying here, with us...
and now the rescue group
just called.
Found his body.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Thanks for your concern.
We'll definitely
think about it.
Good night.
Thank you for the wine.
Hey, something weird
just happened.
Can you get up
and take a look at it?
- I'm sleeping, babe...
- Please.
The receptionist
just brought us some wine.
- Oh... nice.
- Yeah, but then she... drew a cross.
A cross?
- Can't see anything.
- What?
It was just here.
big day tomorrow.
Let's get some shut-eye.
Wow, the Christmas mood
sure died fast.
Still got
the damn music though.
Maybe the Grinch came by
and stole everything?
Friend of yours,
I presume?
Hi, good morning!
Thank you so much
for that gift last night.
It was really nice.
Appreciate it.
- Helicopter is already here.
- Ah! Great! Cool.
Well, see you. Come on.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It's as we feared.
Let's get you more coffee.
- Whoa! What happened?
- Nobody knows.
Yes. Strange death.
Like someone killed him and
left him on the Black Ridge.
Really though, it looks like he
just had a bad fall and froze.
Maybe... Maybe not.
Don't worry.
Stay safe
and Merry Christmas!
Well... that was fun.
Let's go.
Not the best advertising
for a trip, huh?
You okay?
Are you sure
this is a good idea?
What do you mean?
I don't know.
Something about all this...
feels a little off.
Maybe we should
do something else?
- Mia...
- Hmm?
I get it.
I know what you're feeling.
It's natural. I mean,
after you see somebody fall,
or catch a bad break,
you feel off.
Hell, it'd be weird
if you didn't.
Listen... that guy...
was an idiot. All right?
He went up in a place way
beyond his ability by himself.
But you and I,
we're smart, right?
We got each other,
and we got experience on tough slopes.
I'm a little outclassed by you
in that regard.
No, you're a natural.
Pretending to fall in front of you
in your beginner
snowboarding class
was the best decision
I ever made.
You tripped
and you know it.
I promise, baby,
this trip's gonna be
If you say so.
It's gonna be sick,
so sick!
Good morning.
American, you're late.
Yes, sorry.
Sorry about the delay.
How's the snow
looking, huh?
Snow is always beautiful.
Yeah. Hey, why don't you
take the front?
I'll be right there.
Hey, so listen.
We're gonna...
I know we said,
we're going to Penzel?
But we're going to need to change
that and go to the Black Ridge.
Very dangerous.
I-I don't understand what the
big deal is about this mountain.
Why can't we just...
go there.
We came all the way
from America.
I feel there's something
I can do for your troubles.
the understanding.
Okay, great.
Let's go.
What's that cross
over there?
Several years ago,
two freeriders hit a young girl.
They left her to die
in the snow.
Her parents put a cross
over there in her memory.
She was the daughter
of an emergency rescuer.
Some people say the ghost of the
girl now lives on Black Ridge
and kills tourists.
Especially freeriders,
like you.
Maybe we should
watch out for ghosts then?
What? I'm just kidding.
I don't believe
in ghost stories.
But a lot of people
do disappear there.
There. That's the Black
Ridge, on the left.
You realize any normal person
would think we're crazy, right?
Being normal
is boring. Shall we?
- You ready for this?
- Yeah!
Okay, let's do this!
You know,
I think I'm in love. Over.
With this damn mountain
or a particular
special someone? Over.
You know
damn well it's you. Over.
I love you, too. Idiot.
I'm gonna take
some pictures. Over.
Okay, I'll meet you
down in the valley.
Max! There is a heavy fog.
Where are you? Over.
Max, where are you? Over.
- Hello?
- Max?
Come on.
Come on, Max.
Yo! This is Max Spellman.
Leave me them deets.
Damn it.
It's gotta be a joke.
It's gotta be a joke.
It's gotta be a joke.
This Christmas,
we're going on a romantic trip.
We are?
Yeah. I thought
I'd surprise you.
We're going to Georgia.
Are we... are we visiting your
No, no, no, not the state.
The country in Europe.
Oh, what's in Georgia?
Well, like,
only the best snow,
the greatest slopes
for snowboarding.
- And gorgeous mountain views.
- Mm.
It'll be perfect.
- Perfect for what?
- For us.
There you are!
I thought we lost each other!
You won't believe the weird
thing that just happened to me.
Max, is this
one of your jokes?
This is not funny!
Are you okay?
Max! Max!
Hey! Where is he?!
- I had a dream.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
- What about?
Um... It was us,
and we were in a big house,
and you were cooking your
very famous sloppy joes.
Mmm... You're
making me hungry.
- You're always hungry.
- Oh, only for you.
And you were cooking,
and then I came in,
and I was carrying this
beautiful little girl.
Our girl.
And she had your
stupid cheeky smile.
That sounds nice.
Thank you.
Where am I?
Do you speak English?
I'm sorry,
I don't understand.
Bad place.
Please, you have to...
you have to help me
find my boyfriend.
I'll pay you.
My boyfriend.
He was with me.
He was wearing a green suit.
And someone took him.
Grabbed him
and... tied him up.
Please, help me.
What is it?
She is beautiful.
But the fire
is so delightful
And since
we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow,
let it snow
Oh, the fire
is slowly dying
And my dear
we're still goodbye-ing
Your granddaughter?
Let it snow, let it snow, let
it snow
I'm sorry.
My parents died
three years ago.
I know you can't
understand me.
But I miss them.
I help you.
Is anyone here?
Max... Max...
Is that you?
Mia... Mia.
Max, where are you?
I'm coming, baby.
Where are you, Max?
Oh, the weather outside
is frightful
But the fire
is so delightful
And since
we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let
it snow
Max, baby,
just tell me where you are.
Max, please, just tell me
where you are.
I'm gonna find you.
Max, I'm not giving up,
if you just tell me.
What do you want from us?!
Where are you?
What do you want from us?
What would you do if I
asked you to marry me right now?
Why are you
looking at me like that?
I want us to be together.
We are together.
No, I mean...
Well, you know,
that's a very long time.
I want a family, Max.
Are you ready for that?
Do you copy?
I'm going to find you.
Hang in there.
I want a family, Max.
Are you ready for that?
With you...
I think I'm ready
for everything.
My love...
Why did you leave me?
We're together now.
We'll have a family.
Let's go home.
the weather outside is frightful
But the fire
is so delightful
And since
we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let
it snow
Bravo! Bravo, bravo, bravo!
Let it snow, let it snow,
let it snow