Lethal Legacy (2023) Movie Script

No, no, I'm
telling you, something is off.
Yeah, I-I've been over these
numbers a thousand times.
I didn't authorize
these transactions.
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
Call a meeting in the morning.
I want everyone there.
I think I know
who's behind this.
I, Richard Washington,
being of sound mind and body...
not acting under duress
or any influence,
hereby make, publish and declare
this document, my last will
and testament.
And hereby revoke any and all
wills heretofore
made by me.
I hereby bequeath the
entirety of all my property,
both real and personal,
including all shares
and interests of
Washington Incorporated
to my last living relative,
my brother's daughter,
Anna Washington.
- I should have known.
- What the hell!
- Who is Anna?
- So, what does this mean?
You know exactly
what this means.
- Means we have a new boss.
- Like hell we do.
I've poured my soul
into this company
and I'll be damned if I let some
greenhorn come and take it over.
James, let's talk about this...
Janet, there's nothing
left to talk about.
Brian, you get this
overruled immediately.
I don't care what
you have to do.
I can't. He listed me
as the executor of the estate.
It's a conflict of interest.
Then find someone else.
Who the hell is Anna?
And this is our final piece,
titled Facing Future,
from the Heartstring collection
by Pamela Celestine,
my former art teacher.
She inspired me
to become an artist.
This piece along with all of the
other work you've seen today,
including some of
my original work,
is available for purchase
by digital download.
Just scan the QR code
under any piece in the gallery.
And that concludes
our digital exhibition.
Oh, and before you go,
just please remember,
all contributions help
keep this gallery in operation!
Thanks for coming.
Hey, girl. Sorry I'm late.
Where's everybody at?
They're gone.
The exhibition just ended.
- They buy anything?
- Not this time.
Why did I spend all this money
on refreshments?
I know.
Thank you for grabbing those.
I promise I'll pay you back.
Don't worry about it,
tax write off.
- Another notice?
- Thirty days.
Kendra, I'm gonna have
to sell this gallery,
I can't afford to keep it open.
Anna, I told you stop doing
this donations at the door crap
and start charging an admission.
This ain't community theater!
What you need to do
is set up some strobe lights,
a pole,
then let ya girl show off
these dance moves,
that, or we need to
set up an OnlyFans
for you and them
pretty ass feet!
- No.
- That's your money maker.
Hell, no!
I had a few meetings
with some high rollers
who want to sponsor the gallery.
All we have to do
are two Instagram posts...
No, no.
I told you, I'm not interested...
Anna, these corporations
are all about looking good
on social media,
and what better way
than to sponsor a
thriving black-owned business?
You better take
these white guilt checks!
Kendra, look around.
What is thriving here?
I don't want to get in bed
with big business.
Yes, I want to be
taken seriously,
as an artist and
an entrepreneur, but
I want to do it my way.
You better act fast.
Money doesn't just come
calling like...
- Damn. Again?
- Who is it?
I don't know, but it's the third
time today they've called me.
That could be money.
Or it could be a stalker.
- You ain't got no stalk...
- Hey.
I've been called for worse.
You gonna answer that?
You're the one
that's been calling?
- You are Anna Washington?
- She is.
I have some sensitive
information I need
to discuss with you.
I don't know what
Richard was thinking.
He was thinking
about his legacy.
And I think we should
give her a chance.
You and I both know
we should be the ones
deciding the future
of this company.
Oh, so now it's we?
- Yes, we.
- Oh!
And why are you okay with him
giving this company
to a family member
no one knew existed?
I knew she existed,
and maybe that's why he wanted
Anna to take his place.
Since both he and
his brother are gone,
it just feels right that...
No, save it, Janet.
Richard's brother was
tanking this company.
And if Richard hadn't
let him go when he did,
Washington Inc. would be
bankrupt right now.
And if Anna is anything
like her father,
you and I might find
ourselves in early retirement.
James, she lost both of her
parents at a young age,
and was left with nothing.
And now she's lost her
last living relative.
Bitch, you have a whole ass rich
uncle you never told me about?
My uncle and I haven't
spoken in years.
He and my father had a falling
out, and after my father died,
we never reconnected. So,
I pretty much didn't have
any family at all.
Except you, friend.
Aww. Girl.
Me and you, step apart.
Okay, girl, this is cute
and all, but let's talk about
this payday!
This is next level!
I thought this only
happened in movies!
See, this is why your ass needs
to be answering your phone!
I told you it was money calling!
Maybe I can speak me up
a damn sugar daddy...
- Of course, I do wish you could.
- Listen, I am alive.
Thank you.
I got you... this time.
But you can pay me back
when you get paid.
Speaking of, you are going
to accept everything, right?
I'm still thinking about it.
What's there to think about,
It's not just the money
and the house,
he's leaving me the
controlling interest of
one of the biggest tech
companies in the country.
I don't know if I'm ready
for something like that.
So just take the money, girl!
It ain't that deep.
When are you supposed to see
the attorney again?
I'm supposed to meet Brian
at the mansion tomorrow.
Anna, I'm sure your uncle
still cared about you.
Why else would he leave you
I don't know.
And why didn't he leave anything
for his business partners?
I say let's find out.
You coming with me?
Girl. We made it!
- Wait.
- For what?
A marching band? Come on.
Damn, hurry up.
Well, hold on.
We're here a bit early.
Let me call Brian
and make sure
he knows were here.
Oh! Oooh, it's open.
- Come on.
- Kendra, wait.
Kendra, stop. What are you...
Maybe he's not here.
- He knows we're coming, right?
- Yeah.
Damn, this place is huge.
Don't touch anything.
Girl, shut up.
Look. Come here.
Look at this.
That's a 14th century porcelain.
- It's... priceless.
- Priceless.
- Careful.
- You need to cut that out.
You're gonna mess around
and somebody's gonna
shoot yo ass one day!
My apologies, ladies.
Let's talk inside the office.
So, just sign here, and here
for the house and all assets.
And sign here for your shares
of Washington Inc.
If it's too much,
you can always sell your shares
to the remaining partners.
Or designate an acting CEO
until you've made your decision.
But she still keeps the house
and the money, right?
Of course.
Once signed, we'll begin
the transfer process
later this week.
You better sign that paper
before I sign it for you.
Ooh, bitch, we rich!
Would you like to discuss the
transfer of shares now or later?
Truthfully, I don't think
I'm fit to be a CEO, but...
this is my family's legacy
and I don't want to just...
give it away without giving it
some real consideration.
Take all the time you need.
Until then, you can expect
the funds to be wired
within the next 72 hours.
Congratulations, Ms. Washington.
You just secured a bag.
Now, boy, who taught you that?
By the way, Brian,
how did my uncle die?
Let's see...
Ah, the county medical examiner
ruled it a heart attack.
Possibly induced by an overdose.
Actually, he died
in this very room.
Oh. Good. You're still here.
I hope you don't mind
I let myself in.
Hi, Anna.
It has been a long time.
I'm sorry. We've met?
Well, we haven't seen each other
since you were a little girl,
before your father passed away.
I'm Janet, chief content officer
of Washington Inc.
As I'm so sorry for your loss.
If there's anything we can do
to make you more comfortable,
don't hesitate to reach out.
- Thank you, Janet.
- Yeah.
I wanted to personally welcome
you to your new home
and to your new position with
at the company your uncle
and I worked hard to build.
- And my father.
- Of course.
And I haven't decided if
I'm taking the position or not.
Well, in any case,
I think it'd be a good to
acquaint you with the company
and its lenders
so you can make
an informed decision.
Actually, most of them will be
at the Empowerment Event
this weekend,
which you should
definitely attend.
What is that?
It's an event your uncle
hosted every year.
We do business updates,
scholarship giveaways.
It's always a wonderful time.
And this year,
we will be honoring
Richard's memory.
- Sounds beautiful.
- And fancy.
It always is.
You know what, actually,
it would be lovely if
you spoke on Richard's behalf.
Uh, I'll think about it.
In the meantime, there's someone
here I'd like you to meet.
Anna, this is Darren.
Nice to meet you,
Ms. Washington.
Please, call me Anna.
Darren was Richard's assistant
and house manager.
Now... he's yours.
Hey. I'm Kendra. Hi.
Ooh, you work out, don't you?
Okay, so, Darren,
you wouldn't mind
showing these ladies
around and make sure
Anna has everything she needs
to be ready
to board meeting next week.
Anna, it was a pleasure
seeing you again.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
Hi. I'm still here.
Now that everyone has met,
I'll leave you ladies in
Darren's hands.
I'd love to take you on a tour
of the house, if you'd like?
Why, yes, we'd absolutely
love that.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
All right,
I'm gonna head out and
file the paperwork
and get the transfers ready.
And I think
that's about everything.
Well... almost everything.
Who the hell is this?
Victoria Washington,
meet Anna Washington.
Your niece.
Hey, auntie.
I didn't know my uncle
was married.
I bet you didn't.
Typical distant relative
trying to rush in to
collect a quick check.
When was the last time
you talked to Richard?
You didn't even come
his funeral.
I didn't know...
You don't deserve
any of this money.
Victoria! Let go. Now.
You okay?
Let's just go.
Okay, that's all of it.
Everything is so... extravagant.
You'll get used to it.
I'm going to tell the chef
to start dinner.
If you need anything, give me
a holler. I'll be close by.
How you feeling?
Honestly? Disconnected.
There's not one touch
of personality in here.
And you know what else I've
noticed? Not one family photo.
I don't know, this place
just kind of...
reminds me what my relationship
with my uncle became.
Distant and unfamiliar.
Don't overthink things, Anna.
I'm sure you meant
something to him,
even if it doesn't feel like it.
Look at everything he left you.
Hey, I'm gonna give you
a minute.
I'm sure there's a hot tub
around here somewhere.
- Let's go.
- Girl.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
I'm Emily, the housekeeper.
- Oh. Hi. I'm...
- Anna, Anna. I know.
I was the one who buzzed you
and your friend in.
I just wanted to make sure
everything was tidy for you.
I figured you'd use this room,
so I put Richard's things away.
They're boxed up downstairs
if you want go through anything.
And, for what it's worth,
I'm sorry for your loss.
Richard was a wonderful man.
Thank you, Emily.
You painted that, didn't you?
When I was five.
I'm amazed he kept it
all these years.
Well, I'll leave you to it then.
Hey, uh...
There's no way he died
from an overdose, right?
What did you just say?
Brian said my uncle died
from a heart attack, but that
it was caused by a drug use.
Anna, I've worked for your uncle
for over ten years.
He enjoyed his whiskey,
but he didn't use drugs.
So, there's a chance he didn't
die from an overdose?
Dr. Jones speaking.
Sorry for calling so late.
My name is Anna Washington.
I have some questions
about an autopsy.
How can I help you,
Ms. Washington?
Yes, I received
the autopsy report
for my uncle,
Richard Washington.
Oh! Yes, I heard about
his passing.
- So tragic.
- Yes.
I have some questions
about the report.
I was wondering if you
might be available.
Do you want a
second autopsy performed?
Uh, not exactly.
Tell you what,
I'll run a couple of more test,
then be in touch.
That would be great.
Thank you so much.
Didn't want to interrupt
your call, I'm sorry.
Dinner is ready.
Okay. Thanks.
Bitch, you know you
rich when you can't pronounce
what's on the plate, but you
know food about to be bomb.
What's wrong?
- It's... nothing.
- Hi, ladies.
I was about to head home,
but wanted to check in.
Is there anything else you need?
You're leaving? Why don't you
stay and have dinner with us?
- I'm sorry?
- Dinner. Food. Have some.
Yeah, we ain't eatin' all
this by ourselves.
- You too!
- Mhm-hm.
Well, if you insist.
A brother is hungry.
Okay, wait, wait.
Five years working for my uncle.
How was that?
Some of the best years
of my life.
Richard was very good to me.
Were you two close?
I mean, we weren't best friends
or anything, but...
I'm really gonna miss him.
So, now what?
You spent five years dedicating
your life to someone else.
Where do you go from here?
I want a chance
to prove my worth.
Maybe become a partner.
I just want to be taken
more seriously.
Me too! But, as an artist.
I was about to be nominated for
a content creator position,
but that plan is gone now
along with Richard.
Why is that?
My uncle. James.
The CFO of Washington Inc...
and your number two.
Your uncle's the CFO?
Yeah, I don't know why, but
he never supported me.
If anything,
he only held me back.
It'd be your own people.
Okay, wait, so,
there is something
I want to ask
that's been bugging me.
- What's that?
- Why didn't my uncle
leave anything to James or Janet
or anyone else?
Probably because he knows
what they're capable of.
And what exactly is that?
What the hell
are you still doing here?
Enjoying my food, niece?
You know you're not supposed to
eat out here.
None of the staff is.
I asked him to join us.
And he knew better
than to accept.
You know, it's funny, Darren.
She's taking my money
and my house
and she's taking your
opportunity for a promotion.
And all she had to do
was show up.
- I'm sorry, Darren.
- She's right.
I should go.
But thank you for dinner.
Will you ladies
be staying overnight?
No. We should
probably get going.
Thank you so much for dinner.
And please help yourselves
to whatever's left.
Wait! What?
Why are we leaving?
Because of your fake auntie?
No, I'm just ready to go home.
- This is your home now.
- No. It's not.
Let's go, Ken.
Hey, girl. I got your text.
What's going on?
The money transferred to
my account this morning!
I now officially own
this gallery. Paid in full!
Oh, and one more thing...
Little something for you.
Are you for real?
It's the least I could do.
Thank you for always
being there for me.
Being your friend
finally paid up!
Girl, shut up!
- Thank you, girl.
- Of course.
What's wrong?
I don't know, Ken,
I have mixed feelings.
A part of me just
feels like I would
give all of this back
if I could have just
fixed the relationship
with my uncle instead.
Anna, this is what
your uncle wanted!
We should be celebrating him,
celebrating life!
Come on.
You're right. You're right.
- We should celebrate.
- Mhm-hm.
And I know just the thing.
Oh, we gonna have some fun.
Very nice, little more shading.
Right there. Yeah.
Ooh, girl, I'm ready to party.
- Hey, girl.
- Hey.
So... When you said we should
celebrate, I was picturing
a pool party, something,
ratchet, but this?
This is...
This is perfect.
Yeah, I'm gonna go change.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Looks like
you're settling in nicely.
Yeah! I figured why
not do something fun?
- Hey, about the other night...
- Don't worry about it.
You have to have thick skin in
this business.
Plus, I get inspiration from
seeing other's success, too.
Okay, well, today, let's just
put that all behind us.
Please, grab a canvas!
Teaching is kind of my jam.
Actually, I think we could
use a different subject, Anna.
We could?
Yeah! I mean, still life is fun,
but I think we could use
a live model.
- Oh, yes.
- Yes.
Uh, Darren...
would you mind modeling for us?
Uh, okay.
Yeah, go on and lose
the shirt, player.
Here we go.
Damn, girl.
That thing is thangin'!
- Ooh! Listen...
- You are so bad.
Phew! Nice job.
And thanks for modeling earlier.
Sorry to put you on the
spot like that.
But you'd actually make
a pretty good model.
You think I'm good enough
to be on GQ?
Okay, I ain't say all that.
What in the hell...
Here we go again.
What do you think
that you're doing?
Excuse me?
You heard me!
- What do think we doing?
- I'm not talking to you!
You need to pack all this stuff
and get these people
out of my house.
- Your house?
- Your house?
That's right.
Last I checked, my uncle left
this house to me.
Well, check again, honey.
I'm taking your ass to court,
and when I do,
you'll be crawling back to
the slums where you belong.
You need to lower that finger
if you wanna keep it.
Are you threatening me?
Victoria, please don't do this.
Shut up. You and your worthless
boy toy here
need to get all
these people out of
my house before I come back or...
Or what?
How about this?
You don't come back
and you pack all your shit
and get out of my house.
And I'll have your papers
served in the morning.
- Okay.
- Yeah, okay.
That's my girl!
Okay? Hmm.
- Bye.
- Wow! That...
I am so sorry
about that, everyone.
Please let's get back to it.
Yo, that's the first time
I've ever seen Victoria
rendered speechless.
I have to be honest, I kind of
surprised myself with that one.
That's the attitude
you need to be a CEO.
If that's what I decide to be.
What's stopping you?
I don't want to be
a corporate shark,
and I'm the least qualified
person to be CEO, so...
But then I see women like
Rosalind Brewer
and Thasunda Duckett,
CEOs of Fortune 500 companies,
I guess why not me?
Maybe this time next year,
your name would be
right there with them.
You think so?
- Expecting an important call?
- Kind of.
I'm waiting for Dr. Jones
to call me back.
The overdose thing?
I overheard your call
the other day.
I'm glad you're looking into it.
It was...
hard for me to believe, too.
I cannot believe that bastard
didn't leave me anything!
How am I supposed
to support myself?
This is ridiculous, Brian.
- You have got to calm down.
- Do not tell me to calm down.
I'll fix this.
I have an idea,
but these things take time.
I got you.
You promise?
I promise.
Exactly what drugs were
in his system when he died?
I couldn't get
a definitive answer,
which is why the state listed
his death as an overdose.
Well, did you see anything
that could have caused
a heart attack?
Maybe. While there were
small amounts of drugs found,
it wasn't clear if the heart
attack was induced by drug use
or if it was natural.
Is there any way to check again?
I ran the report twice.
Look, Dr. Jones.
He was my last blood relative
and I just really want to get
closure on what happened to him.
I'll check with the lab
to see if there are any samples
left from the autopsy.
If so, I'll run another test
and email you the results.
I really appreciate it.
- Going down?
- No.
I need to lock up the office.
- Thank you again.
- No problem.
Somebody! Help!
Okay. What do you think?
Eh. I've never been
to anything like this before,
I don't know
what we should wear, Ken.
Have you decided what you're
gonna do about the CEO gig yet?
I think...
the position
should go to someone
a bit more capable than I am.
That's an interesting choice.
Why, thank you, darling.
It's Avant Garde.
More like Savage X Fenty!
What's all this?
Come take a look.
These are beautiful!
Where did they come from?
From me.
Listen, I know how hard
it can be
trying to find the right dress.
Thank you, Janet.
This is so generous.
Do not thank me.
I'll see you in a few hours.
Don't be late.
- Okay?
- Yes.
- Okay, girl, me first.
- Okay, all right, all right.
- Wow!
- Hey, girl, thank you.
Yes, thank you.
I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
What do you think?
I think you're amazing.
I guess we should get going.
Definitely. Okay.
Such a flower in the night
Got me blooming
in temptation
You are the flashing light
But it's all hallucination
Time is frozen
And there's only
you and me...
Girl, it smells
like money in here.
Lemme go find me a sugar daddy.
Well, have fun!
And don't break nothing!
I'm finna break
the bank, sweetie!
So, most of the people here
are board members
or top executives
from either Washington Inc.
Or one of our company partners.
- Got it.
- Darren, good evening.
You must be Anna.
You look lovely.
Thank you. And you are?
James Buchanan, CFO.
- Number two, right?
- Right.
Anna, I hear
you'll be delivering
a rousing speech
for us this evening.
- I might say a few words...
- Terrific. I can't wait.
Darren, why don't you make
yourself useful
and introduce Anna
to our partners.
That's what I was doing.
Just don't screw it up
this time.
- Hm.
- Anna.
my nemesis is Victoria,
and yours is your uncle.
What a tangled web.
Come on, let me show you around.
- Nice to meet you.
- My pleasure.
- Hi, I'm Anna.
- Nice to meet you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
You good?
So many people...
They're about to
start dinner soon.
Great, I'm starving.
Oh, look. There's Janet.
Darren! Anna!
You look absolutely stunning.
Thank you. And thank you so much
for this dress.
It fits perfectly.
Yes, it does.
May I see the whole...
Yes, it does, honey.
It's perfect.
- Thank you.
- Yes. You're welcome.
Okay, let's talk more.
What you working with?
What you working with?
I see your friend
is enjoying herself.
Yeah, that's my girl over there.
We livin' large
and takin' charge, baby.
We finna take over
this thang, okay?
Started from the bottom,
now we here!
Tell me, is that, um,
is that dress from
the collection that I sent over?
So what do you intend
to do about her?
I'm not sure, yet.
You think shell
announce her decision
about her being
CEO next tonight?
If she's smart, she will.
She actually had the nerve
to show up.
Richard always made poor choices
when it came to the women
he kept around.
That's funny. Looks like your
nephew has the same problem.
My nephew is none
of your concern.
What you should
be worried about is,
how insignificant your life is
now that Richard's gone.
Could I have everyone's
attention, please?
Tonight, we are here
to celebrate
the memory of
Richard Washington...
and continue the legacy
of what he started here
at Washington Inc.
Leo Tolstoy once said that,
everyone believes in changing
the world, but no one...
believes in changing themselves.
Richard always believed
in change.
In fact, he challenged
every one of us
around him to keep growing,
and keep changing.
And here at Washington Inc.,
we will...
keep growing, we will keep
changing too.
Yes, we will.
Thank you, James.
Um, I really wanna thank...
all of you
for joining us tonight.
Um, it is especially hard
with the loss of
our dear friend and leader.
Richard was a forward...
Who's that?
Oh, that's one of
the dudes I'm shortlisting
on my sugar daddy hunt.
A little quiet, but he cool.
Would you join us, please?
Thank you.
- You got this.
- Okay.
Good evening, everyone.
My name is Anna Washington, and,
as most of you know,
I'm Richard's niece...
and the daughter
of William Washington,
who co-founded this
company with my uncle.
My father often spoke about
the importance of legacy.
He told me...
the most important thing
you leave behind
are the memories left with those
whose lives you've touched.
Washington Inc.
Has been improving
and touching millions
of lives all over the world
for more than 20 years now,
with a history of leading
the advancement of technology
through continued innovation.
As James said,
my uncle wanted
this company to grow.
And nothing represents growth
more than a new CEO.
I want to ensure that the
next leader of Washington Inc.
Will continue my uncle's legacy
of helping others
reach their full potential.
And so with that,
I'm announcing that the new CEO
of Washington Inc. will be...
Yo, that was dope.
Did you plan that?
No. In fact, I need some air.
Okay, bathroom's
right over there.
If this is just a sneaky
link thing, that's fine.
Just let me know, so were
both on the same page.
Oh, it's good sex,
let's not complicate things.
It was hard enough
keeping it from Richard.
What makes you think
he didn't know?
Who are you?
Just hold on a second,
hold on a sec...
- Hey, hey, hey...
- Stop! Get off me!
- Listen to me.
- Help! Help!
Shh! Look.
This is important, okay?
These people aren't
who you think they are.
What-what do you mean?
You cannot trust them.
All right? Don't trust them.
Hey! What the hell
is going on here?
I'm telling you the truth,
don't trust them.
You can't trust these people.
- Don't trust them...
- Get him out of here.
Don't trust them.
I'm telling you.
Watch your back!
They can't be trusted!
Who is that man?
That man is Carl Lee. Your uncle
fired him before he died.
He's probably trying to
shake you for a check.
You're gonna come across
a lot of crazies like him.
Just be careful.
You're swimming with
the sharks, now.
Come on.
May I help you?
Anna, there's a
detective here to see you.
Ms. Washington,
sorry for the intrusion.
My name is Detective Briggs.
Okay. How can I help you?
A few days ago,
you went to see Dr. Lori Jones,
is that correct?
That's correct.
And what did you see her about?
I had some questions about
my uncle's autopsy report.
Why, did something happen?
Ms. Jones was murdered.
And you were the last person
to see her alive, that is..
In addition,
all of the information
regarding your uncle's death
was stolen or erased
from her computers.
Ms. Washington,
did you happen to notice anyone
suspicious that evening?
Anything out of place?
No. Nothing that stood out.
Well, if you think of something,
give me a call, please.
- Girl, what are you reading?
- Sinful Confessions.
Girl, Bernie just walked into
the courtroom
but Victor said that he didn't
know if she gon' tell the truth,
so, Brookes might deny her
Kendra, Kendra.
Remember I told you about
that doctor I went to see?
Well, apparently she was killed.
Killed? Damn!
Yeah. That was a detective
at the door.
Was he cute?
Just checking.
What's that face saying?
You don't think
it's odd that she got killed
right after I asked her to check
my uncle's results again?
Well, I do.
It screams cover up.
It's almost like...
there's something someone
doesn't want me to see.
Okay, what does this have to do
with the CEO gig?
I don't know.
But I think it might
be a good way to find out
what they're trying to hide.
Okay, so now you're a CEO
and Nancy Drew?
It's not too late
to turn around.
What do you mean?
Call the suit
and split the shares
with your girl
and Darren's uncle.
If someone is really out here
murkin' for your seat,
just sell the bag.
You can always buy a new one.
My uncle didn't give up on me,
so I won't give up on him.
I know. That's right.
Get 'em, girl, I'm with you.
I support you. You got this.
It's pretty simple.
Did you... One second.
I'll be right back.
- Hi, good morning.
- Good morning!
Here is...
your badge.
And your key card.
Try not to lose that.
They take forever to issue.
Got it.
Welcome to Washington Inc!
Come on, let me take you
on a tour.
That won't be necessary.
I'll take it from here.
Thank you, Darren.
Oh. Um, all right.
Call me if you need anything.
Okay, come, Anna.
Let me show you around.
So, these are
the executive offices.
James's office is over there.
My office is right there.
And this...
is your office.
This was Richard's
home away from home.
He literally spent more time
here than his actual house.
We'll have another one
made for you.
So, how are you feeling? Hm?
Well, last week, I was on the
verge of filing for bankruptcy,
and all of sudden, I'm a CEO
of a major company.
I don't know, I enjoy a come up
as much as the next girl,
but this is...
- A lot.
- A lot.
Darren was telling me that
James owned his own company
before merging with
Washington Inc.
What is he doing here?
Between us?
He didn't have a choice.
His company was sinking
and he had to save face, so...
Richard approached him
with an offer
that made sense at the time.
Listen, I know James's
is an odd fit,
but he really is
a good business man.
And Richard was doing him
a favor.
Your uncle was a good man.
I'm sorry to interrupt,
Anna, you have a meeting
in five minutes.
Well, then I better get going,
we don't want to make the CEO
late on her first day, do we?
Listen. You'll be fine.
See you in there.
Thanks, Darren.
All right. The board is already
in the conference room.
You don't have much time.
James is ready to start.
This should be a quick
and easy meeting.
James is going
to discuss projections
and financials for
the upcoming quarter.
That's it.
Don't worry.
You got this.
- Good morning.
- Yeah.
So, what will we
be discussing today?
Uh, yes. Uh, well, I know
were talking...
for the upcoming semester...
That's right!
And, uh...
it looks like, were doing well!
And we are gonna
keep doing well!
And so...
I don't see any reason
why anyone should worry.
- Amen!
- Not amen.
James, why don't you lead
for this meeting
just to give Anna enough time
to get used to our formats.
If everyone could open up
their prospectus...
to the second quarter,
page two please.
Anna, a word before you go.
Your uncle had huge plans
for this company.
And as we all know, this type of
work isn't meant for everyone.
So, if it's too much,
I can get Brian
to transfer your shares
over to Janet and I right now.
You really should walk away
before you embarrass
yourself any further.
I know.
I'm not cut out for this.
That's not what I was
going to say at all.
Let me take you under my wing
and show you the ropes.
I wanna help you reach
your full potential.
Thank you, Janet.
I appreciate that.
Take a look at myself
Lost my mind no help
Still trying to find myself
Still tryna' build
my wealth
Got a little money
in the bank
Got a little gas
in the tank
Got a li'l man in my face
he hip
I know that's right everybody
want a li'l piece of the pie
Can't hand no slice only got
enough for my ride
Don't need no hype
Put myself on
I'm doing just fine
My life ain't little
Come around 'cause
you can't have time
Can't have time
My life ain't little
Come around 'cause
you can't have time
You should really
lock this door.
Darren! What are you doing here?
I've been trying to reach you.
Kendra said you didn't
come home after work
and suggested
I come check on you.
I was worried.
I've been very
distracted lately.
Everything is happening so fast.
I can tell your uncle hates
seeing me sitting in that chair.
Maybe he deserves to be
there more than me.
I didn't mean to worry you.
It's okay.
I'm just glad you're all right.
So... what's all this?
Oh, um...
Just a project I'm working on,
but I was about to head out.
You heading back to the mansion?
I'm not sure.
As big as that house is,
I still feel suffocated.
I could use a drink.
You wanna join me?
Where to?
It's not the
way you handle me
Crazy how you get away
You just entice me
with the things you say
Trying to stay strong
- They are great.
- Yeah.
Hypnotizing my heart
with your love
You mentioned that James
doesn't trust you.
Why do you think that is?
It's always been that way.
Feels like he hates me
You gonna tell me
why you have pictures of
board members
all along your wall?
Don't tell me you're
drawing caricatures.
This is gonna sound ridiculous.
Try me.
Remember that call
you heard me on
with the doctor?
Well, we met the next day...
she was found murdered
shortly after.
Now maybe I'm overthinking it,
but it just feels like
there's something
someone is trying to cover up.
What do you think
there is to cover up?
That's what I'm hoping to
find out.
My uncle's put a
lot of trust in me.
And I...
I really don't wanna
mess this up.
I think you're gonna do great.
Giving into you again
Ohh back of one mistake
My hand, this could be like...
- Ahh...
- Oh, my gosh!
- Really good night.
- Yeah.
Thank you for joining me
Thank you for the invite.
I, I should head home.
You wanna get outta here?
What you got in mind?
Help me breathe your air
Kisses on my waist
now you wanna taste
Oh ho
Oh ho
I'm tired of making it
I want you oh ho
Oh ho
Boy you better show me
something else
Tonight I wanna break up
break up
Hey, please don't scream, okay?
I just wanna talk to you.
That's all.
Make it fast.
I'm sorry about the party, okay?
I didn't mean to scare you.
But there's something
you need to know.
I was hired by your uncle
to do an internal investigation.
I found out that Brian,
the attorney,
was involved in
illegal transactions
using your uncle's name.
I tried to give
this information to Richard
but he died before I could.
I was told you were fired
by my uncle.
Richard didn't fire me.
James did.
Here, let me show you something.
"I think Richard is on to us.
We need to do something. Fast."
What the hell is this?
It's an email exchange between
Brian and an unknown account.
Where's the rest of it?
You expect me to
just believe this
out of nowhere?
No. That's why
I'm giving you this.
On that flash drive is proof
that Brian is
working with someone
that has access to everything,
including what you just read.
I was caught downloading
this information and fired
before I could get all the files
and email exchanges.
There's a server manager
that I programmed
to automatically download
the remaining information.
All you have to do is plug that
into any computer directly
connected to the network.
How do I know I can trust you?
You can't.
Trust the evidence.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Everything is fine.
Damn! Homie has receipts
on everybody.
Look at this.
More emails.
And a list of transactions
in Richard's name
a few weeks before he died.
A lot of the transactions
were processed
to an offshore account.
But there's no name attached to
the accounts. Just numbers.
Hm. Check this out.
Looks like he also has a history
of taking down companies.
This is from ten years ago,
when your uncle's company
took over your boys.
No, he didn't take it over,
it was a merger.
Not according to this.
Evidence supports
that Washington Inc.
Absorbed all controlling
interests of TechNinth,
thereby forcing the CEO,
James Buchanan,
to merge all remaining shares
with Washington Inc.
Since then,
Buchanan now serves on
the board of directors
for Washington Inc.
And there's a photo of him
and the homeboy.
That doesn't make any sense.
Why wouldn't Janet tell me
about that?
I just didn't want to paint
your uncle in a negative light.
Richard absorbed as many
small businesses as he could.
James, unfortunately,
became one of the casualties.
But what I didn't know was that
Richard and James made a surety
agreement behind my back,
which ultimately meant
that James would take
a position higher than mine.
Um, Richard
intended to fix this,
Uh, here we are.
Let me assure though,
I'm still doing everything
in my power
to make sure
this company stays afloat.
What made you look into this?
Well, I wasn't looking into
James's company.
I was investigating
some other information
I came across that he just
so happened to be connected to.
He was making illegal
transactions in my uncle's name.
And I think he's been embezzling
from the company.
And there's a chance James might
be working with Brian, but...
Okay. These are
major accusation, Anna,
that have to be addressed.
Do you have any other evidence
to prove this theory?
No. But I do know there's enough
information to make a case.
So, what do we do next?
Ah, not we, Anna.
Being a leader means having to
make difficult decisions.
By the way...
Where did you
get this information
and can you trust them?
Well, I got it from Carl Lee.
That guy that chased me
down at the party.
And you are sure
you can trust him?
But I have to trust
my instincts.
I can't believe you told her.
I'm calling a meeting tomorrow
and everything will be fine.
I told you not to trust anyone.
I trusted you. I trust Janet.
Before Richard hired me,
he knew something was happening
and days after I handed him
the information,
I was fired and he...
he died.
It'd be really convenient
if he just died on his own,
wouldn't it?
- What are you gonna do?
- Smoke him out.
Once Brian realizes
I'm on to him,
he's gonna run to his contact,
and when he does,
I'm putting an end
to all of this.
Hi, everyone.
What's going on?
Don't bother sitting.
This won't take long.
What's this?
Look familiar?
These are various transactions
under some of my accounts...
that I didn't authorize.
What's going on here?
Money laundering
is a federal offense.
You put this entire company
in jeopardy with your actions.
Brian, I'm terminating your
position with Washington Inc.,
effective immediately.
Money laundering?
That's crazy.
James? Janet?
You're making a huge mistake.
No, you made the mistake
thinking we wouldn't find out.
You can't fire him without
an HR investigation.
I'm more worried
about the feds than a lawsuit.
And last I checked,
HR works for me.
Where did you get
this information?
It doesn't matter, James.
Aren't you the CFO?
You should have caught this.
You should be grateful I stopped
this company from going under
due to your negligence.
Your father was impulsive
like this, too.
And look where that got him.
Do you think I made
the right decision?
It's not about right or wrong.
You trusted your intuition,
did what's best for the company,
and that's all that matters.
Your uncle would be proud.
Who does that bitch
think she is, firing you?
And for what?
Doesn't matter,
because it's not true.
Well, whatever you've
got up your sleeve,
now's the time to use it.
I definitely won't be letting
them get away with this.
Everything fell apart since
that bum ass came to town.
We need to finish her.
All right, I'm sorry, okay?
Is there anything I can do
to make it better?
As much as I would love to take
this office for one last ride,
I really need to pack up
and be out of here.
Well, um...
how about I stop by
your place and...
throw on something sexy?
That sounds great.
All right.
I'm getting my ass out of here.
What are you doing here?
Came to rub it in, huh?
What the hell!
No, please...
I'm gonna need to ask
you all some questions.
I'll assume your company has
a representative I can speak to?
An attorney maybe?
Oh, okay.
Um, well,
can any of you tell me
if there was
any suspicious activity
here in the last 24 hours?
Well, his last day of employment
here was yesterday.
He was here cleaning out
his office,
so there wasn't
anyone else here.
That we know of, anyway.
Okay. Well, when
you've designated a replacement,
have them reach out to me.
I'll be in touch.
- You!
- Victoria, not now...
No! This is your fault!
That was for Brian.
- Hey.
- Get off me!
Come on. No. No.
You wanna press charges?
No. I just want to go home.
I'm sure you do.
Hell of a first month
on the job, huh?
Let's get outta here.
So, looking at the numbers here
and you have to see if...
Hey, Anna.
James wants to see you.
- I'll be right back.
- Yeah.
Hi, everyone. What's going on?
Anna, I'm going to ask
you this one time.
Who was the source
of your information?
Something tells me you already
know the answer to that.
Anna, I tried to
give you a shot. I really did.
But you've proven to be
even more reckless
than your father and your uncle.
Excuse me.
Also because of your actions
this corporation is
under criminal investigation
and now, because of you,
a man is dead.
James, the evidence...
Came from a man that tried
to blackmail this company
with information that we
previously determined was false
after an internal investigation.
That's who you were getting
your evidence from.
This doesn't make any sense.
He said he was working...
He wasn't working
for your uncle, Anna.
He was working with him.
Anna, before Richard died,
he was under investigation.
We suspected he had been moving
shares to overseas accounts,
but we couldn't prove
anything yet.
Yes, we had our own suspicions
we were going to remove him
as CEO
until we could conclude
our investigation.
- You're lying.
- I wish I were.
When Richard died,
we decided to keep it quiet.
I never wanted you to
find out like this.
Anna, your actions have
put us all in danger
and there's no telling
what other consequences
will come from this, so,
Anna, we, the board,
have voted and decided
that due to the impact
of your actions...
you are hereby
ordered to step down
as CEO of Washington Inc.
Effective immediately.
- Wait, what?
- You can't do that.
We can. And we have.
Anna, I'm-I'm so sorry.
I had to say something.
It's no wonder my uncle
didn't leave you anything.
You really can't be trusted.
Neither of you.
- Hello?
- Girl.
Turn on the news.
In other news, authorities
have arrested 32-year-old
Victoria Washington,
widow of recently deceased
Washington Inc. CEO,
Richard Washington,
as a suspect in the killing
of Brian Lancaster,
whose body was discovered
inside the corporate offices
of Washington Inc.
After the murder weapon was
discovered in her vehicle...
See! I knew
that bitch was crazy.
Just hours before his murder,
Lancaster had been fired
by Washington Inc.'s
newcomer CEO, Anna Washington...
Hm, they could have
used a better picture of you.
- Kendra, I gotta go.
- Wait, girl...
No, ah!
Every time this game.
Come on, come on, come on.
Forget it. I'm going over there.
What do we got?
Ms. Washington, you and I
are overdue for a talk.
Once again, I have a dead body
and you're the last
person seen with them.
What are you saying?
I'm saying,
unless you can provide
some solid answers and alibis,
I'm gonna have to take
you down to the station
for additional questioning.
Why would I need alibis?
Am I a suspect?
Not yet, but you're
a person of interest.
Like I mentioned
in my statement,
I found Carl like this.
So what other questions
would you have to ask me?
For starters, why do people
at your company
keep ending up dead?
And why you seem to be
at the center of it.
Anna, I need to know.
Is there anyone else you think
could be in danger?
Hey, Anna. It's me.
Um, I feel really horrible
about what happened earlier.
I just, I want you to know
I understand
how you feel and, um...
hope this doesn't change
things between us.
I mean, I'd actually still like
to be there for you
if you'll let me.
So, just, um, give me
a call when you can.
And then he told me
to not leave town!
What? Girl, bye!
Carl was on to something and...
I'm still convinced
Brian wasn't working alone.
But whoever he was working with
killed him and possibly killed
my uncle to cover this up
and I could be next.
But we can get all the proof
we need with this.
Are you sure about this?
Well, no, but...
I'm sure my uncle was set up.
And this is the only way
to find out.
Girl, why I always gotta be
caught up
in your Shelby Woo mess?
Where we going?
I know you lyin'!
I'll be in and out! I promise!
We both know that's a damn lie.
How do you plan on getting in?
They are not gonna deactivate
until tomorrow morning.
Shh, it's Darren!
Don't answer it,
don't answer it. No!
- Hey, you.
- Hey!
I just saw the news
and wanted to check on you.
Aw, you're sweet.
I'm fine, really.
You sure?
I can come over later,
if you want.
Um, sure. That would be great.
Are you home right now?
I-I have to go.
Kendra's calling me.
Okay, we don't have a
lot of time. It's now or never.
Anna, this is crazy.
You don't work here no more.
This is breaking the law
and you're trespassing.
When you got to jail, I can
still live in the mansion,
Just checking. I had to ask.
Okay, bye.
Hurry up!
Bitch, run!
Come on!
Come here, come!
Go, go, go, go!
- Here we go! I'm going.
- Go, go, go!
Okay. Now, let's find out
who's name
is linked to all those
transactions we saw before.
This too much! How do you narrow
it down to the one person?
There has to be a database that
matches a name to one of these.
Can you search by name?
Look, transaction
records from Brian,
but they don't match
the IP address of his computer.
Which means these emails didn't
originate from his account.
That means the attorney was...
So, Brian was set up?
By who?
I-I-I don't understand...
Run that back!
Ain't nobody that clean!
No. James is clear.
What about your girl?
There's no way.
Damn. Guess not.
So, who's left?
Maybe someone else on the board?
You never know when you're
dealin' with the opps.
It could be anyone.
I'll give these files to
Detective Briggs in the morning
and let him figure it out.
That's a good idea.
Well, this has been fun.
I'm going to bed.
Yeah, I guess I should
go to bed, too.
- Hey!
- Hey.
Everything good?
Yeah. Why?
Just checking.
I called you, but...
it went to voicemail.
Yeah, my-my phone died.
Let's go to bed.
Come on.
Let's go.
Goodnight, Darren.
What's going on?
I don't have time to explain.
I need you
to call the police and
meet us out front. Hurry.
Kendra, wake up!
- The hell! What's wrong, girl?
- Shh!
- We have to get outta here!
- And go where?
Girl, ain't nothin' open
but legs and liquor stores!
- It's Darren!
- What about him?
- He's the one!
- You sure?
Yes! Get dressed
and I'll explain.
Come along.
- What about Emily?
- She's meeting us outside.
Um. You sure about that?
- Anna, wait...
- Let go of me.
Aww, damn!
Oh! Oh!
You dropped something...
at the office.
James? Where's Kendra?
You just couldn't be... happy,
could you?
A big house,
millions of dollars, and you
didn't have to lift a finger.
But you just had to have more.
I tried to keep you safe.
I didn't want you to end up
like your uncle.
How could you do this...
to me?
You did this to yourself.
I was just following orders.
Following orders? From who?
From me.
- Janet?
- Yeah.
And your uncle made a lot of
promises he didn't keep.
Especially the ones
he made to me.
So I got rid of him, by putting
Oleander in his whiskey.
And that's why it didn't show up
in the autopsy report
you were looking for.
And-and framing him,
that was even easier,
using Brian's cloned IP address
to generate
the overseas transactions.
Ah, it was perfect.
But once Darren told me
you were still investigating
I realized that
I had to move fast,
even if that meant a few...
casualties in the process.
But you did help a sister out
once you fired Brian,
made him just a easy target!
And here we are.
However, you did good...
by bringing us
all of the evidence,
so the police will never
be able to trace it back to us,
And for that, we thank you.
Hm, and when it's all said
and done...
you'll be the obvious...
I mean, you...
killed your business partner
and his last blood relative
in a fit of rage
so you could run the company.
You know, the headlines
will eat that up, right?
And as for you...
Once you are out of the way,
then I'll take over
Washington Inc. as CEO...
and your uncle's legacy
will be ruined forever.
It's a shame, really.
'Cause I like you, Anna.
I do.
I like both of you.
Thanks for everything, D.
But I'm gonna, I'm gonna
take it from here.
Janet, no!
Shut up!
Just pull it, Anna.
This is your moment.
Do it for your uncle.
Freeze! Freeze!
Let me go!
Thank you so much.
- What's this?
- Evidence.
They were draining the company.
Moving money overseas and trying
to frame my uncle and Brian.
Money laundering, too?
Where'd you get this?
Carl Lee gave it to me.
Before he... you know.
You just made my job
a lot easier.
Thank you, I'll be in touch.
What'd you have on me
on that thing?
Ha! Surprisingly, nothing.
Losing my company
was one of the hardest things
that I've ever done.
Hundreds lost their jobs...
but your uncle made sure
all of us were taken care of.
We didn't always see eye to eye.
But I respected him
And I hope he knew that.
Thank you for clearing his name.
I'll speak with the board
first thing to make sure...
that you are reinstated.
Thank you.
I was so scared
you were dead, Ken.
Bitch, me too!
But I came back like the
Undertaker on y'all's ass!
While y'all were talkin',
I was able to call the cops
and get them here.
I guess that means ya girl
Victoria is off the hook.
Wish I could see her face
when they let her out.
The next time yo ass gets rich,
I'm staying home.
No, you know you lying.
Besides, I don't have any more
family you have to worry about.
Good. Keep it that way.
Hm, girl, look at his fine ass.
I-I-I gotta go.
Ah, Ken...
Gotta move in a
different direction
Every day I'mma
get some protection
Every day I wake up
as a blessing
When you bring my money
I want extra
I see real when
I see my reflection
With you two messing
You don't know I'm making
you guessing
I'm cashing my checks in
Do like the Nutty Professor
Ain't gonna
let nobody stop me
Ain't gonna
let nobody stop me
Ain't gonna
let nobody stop me
Ain't gonna
let nobody stop me