Lethally Blonde (2024) Movie Script

[gentle music]
[music intensifies]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[dramatic music]
Stay away from me!
[Emma screaming]
[suspenseful music]
Please, please, I just don't
wanna belong anymore, please.
[suspenseful music]
I'm so scared. I'm so scared.
[suspenseful music]
Please leave me alone.
Please, just leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
[suspenseful music]
[Emma screaming]
[heavy thud]
[water splashing]
[suspenseful music]
[Emma screams]
[gentle music]
What are you doing over here?
Just reminiscing.
This garden was always
my favorite place.
I got the reporter
gig. I'm gonna cover
in General Campus News.
Honey, that's wonderful.
I'm telling you,
that's your ticket
to some big scholarships.
Next year, you won't
even need a college loan.
Isn't this fun?
Just you and I, we're
together at the same college?
Let's go check it out.
[lively music]
It's so good to
finally meet you.
I hope you find your
years here as rewarding
as your mom did.
The bull?
It's still here. [laughs]
The bull?
That's where your
dad and I first met.
It was the day after I
moved here from South Africa
and I was a nervous wreck.
New school, new country, but
he made me feel right at home.
Oh, if you could only
see us both here today.
I understand his passing
last year was very sudden?
Our clinic is beyond
lucky to have someone
of your caliber on its staff.
Please, I'm head physician
of a student health center,
which is basically a fancy way
of saying I hand out free
condoms and treat STDs.
[Dyan chuckles]
Jennie, if you ever need
anything, just call.
I'm not just your
college advisor,
I am also your friend,
and that goes for you too.
Oh, thank you Dyan.
I'll see you soon.
[lively music]
Can we wait out here a minute?
This isn't like high school.
College students
are more mature.
They won't bully
you or make fun or...
I know that. I am not worried.
We don't get many
chances in our life
to completely start over.
College isn't just about books,
it's about experiences
and trying new things.
In fact, I may just quit my
job and enroll here myself.
Ah, is that a smile?
I saw it, too late,
that was a smile.
[lively music]
Oh, this isn't so bad.
Are you kidding me?
It's a dump.
You must be Jennie.
I'm Tobi.
Excuse the towel.
The showers only have hot
water in the afternoon.
So. Cute shoes,
what size are you?
- Size 8.
- Me too.
I always wanted a pal who
wore the same size as me.
This way, we can
double our wardrobe.
I mean, if you want to.
That sounds great.
Well, if you need anything,
I'll be at the
clinic until eight.
The clinic?
Are you the new doctor?
Ah, started today.
Oh, thank God.
The old guy who used to run
that place was so judgmental.
You visit the clinic a lot?
Only when I get the crabs.
Kidding. [laughs]
I'm not a skank.
I promise, I won't be a bad
influence on your daughter.
Well, maybe a little bad.
Well, have fun girls.
So I take it you're
one of those girls
whose mom is their best friend?
Not really.
Actually, I was closer
to my dad before he died.
Who's this?
[somber music]
I guess she's not
your friend anymore?
You'd have to ask Emma.
She was my former roommate
and I thought my best friend
until she ghosted me like I
lent her money or something.
You kinda look like her.
I mean, like before she
dyed her hair blonde.
Where do you think she went?
Who knows?
She probably dropped out.
Happens to a lot of freshmen.
Foxworth is notorious for
weeding out the dumdums.
How tough are we talking?
You'll see. Good luck.
[fly buzzing]
[Professor Vandever] All
right everybody, listen up.
The moment you've all been
waiting for, your test results.
Yes, don't look too excited.
All right, as I pass these out,
please finish up the
experiments, okay?
And if you forgot
how to do that,
you are gonna take the pipette
with the potassium iodide.
Then you're gonna put
that in the solution,
record those results, okay?
Shouldn't be too difficult.
You have any
problems, let me know.
Good work.
Someone didn't
follow instructions.
Easy there, fire starter.
You're in the big leagues now.
[bell ringing]
Oh, look at that, everybody.
Class is over,
but make sure you do your
homework over the weekend
'cause I will be
checking it on Monday.
All right?
Sound good? Great.
I hear Professor Vandever
is dating a student.
She asked him to give her an A
and he ended up giving
her some D instead.
Do you get it?
What's wrong?
No big deal.
I used to suck at school, too.
That was before Athena.
Who's she? A tutor?
Athena's not a woman.
Well, actually,
it's a lot of women.
Athena's like a sorority
that's not a sorority.
You should come
check it out tonight.
I can bring a guest.
Yay. Yes.
Well, Francine isn't a
writer, she never was.
Hey, listen up.
Jay, I want you to cover
the governor's visit.
Jennie, I want you to
interview the female umpire
speaking at Market Hall tonight.
Remember, be good, be careful,
be different, get the story.
That's all.
Teri, I can't do
a story tonight.
I have another engagement.
What could be more important
than doing your
job with the paper?
I'm going to the study group
thing with my roommate.
If I don't do better in
chemistry, I'll flunk out.
Study group wouldn't happen
to be with Athena, would it?
I'll reassign your story
and let you go to Athena
if you ask the girls
there about Emma.
The girl that lived in
your dorm before you?
She was a good friend of mine
and then she got involved
with Athena and no one
has seen her since.
[suspenseful music]
What are you talking about?
That's not the story.
[excited music]
[Tobi] I almost tripped today,
and I almost broke my neck
and it almost like, looks
like I have a hickey.
Do you think I have a hickey?
- [Jennie] I don't see anything.
- [Tobi] Okay, good.
Because that would be
the worst thing ever.
I mean, not the worst
thing, but like, anyway.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Okay, we need to focus.
Do you have a date later?
No. Why?
You always get this dressed
up to come study here?
Just wait until
you see the inside.
[classical music]
Are you here for
the study group?
Come on in.
[classical music]
Study group, party, same thing.
Come on over and meet Susan.
Tobi, what are you doing here?
How are your exams going?
I have all A's and one B.
That's not all A's,
but I'll let you off
the hook this time.
Wow, you have the most
amazing eyes I've ever seen.
I'm jealous.
You must be Susan.
My name's not Susan, I'm Lynda.
Lynda is our fearless leader.
And also a senior at Foxworth.
For the third time.
Who needs the real world
when you can stay in college?
I'm Susan.
You two have to get
a massage from Rico.
He's the best.
Sure, but when do we study?
Books later.
But first, we relax, we
pig out and we dance.
Help us beat our likes.
How many likes do
we have to beat?
1.2 million.
[lively music]
Five, six, seven, eight.
[lively music]
[Jennie] I'm gonna find a bathroom.
- [Susan] There's 17.
[foreboding music]
[Norma sobbing]
Anyone here?
[Norma sobbing]
[tense music]
Are you hurt?
I just wanna help.
[dramatic music]
There you are.
We're gonna play croquet
and need one more player.
Wanna join?
By the way, what are
you doing in my office?
I was looking for a bathroom
when I heard someone
crying in here.
The bathroom's right there.
[suspenseful music]
Must have missed it.
I swore I heard somebody.
The only one who will
be crying is Lynda
when we kick her butt.
Besides, there's no one here.
Everyone's downstairs.
Come on.
[foreboding music]
Shh, it's not good to
make yourself so upset.
Did you send him the text?
I'm still working on it.
[foreboding music]
Give me that.
"TJ, I love you so much,"
but my classwork is
too much right now
"for me to have a boyfriend."
That's not what I
told you to write.
Why do I have to
break up with him?
We've been dating
since high school.
I'm in love with him.
TJ, it's over.
The only reason I dated you
was because I felt
sorry for you.
You're bad in bed,
and I fell in love with someone
else and he's really big.
No, don't say that.
It's the only way to guarantee
he doesn't take you back.
No self-respecting Athena sister
is in a serious relationship
while she's in college.
Do you wanna stay
in the group or not?
So send him the text.
Then clean yourself
up and come outside.
And spit out that stupid gum.
[Norma sobbing]
[sent message sound]
[foreboding music]
[Tobi] Go Jennie, go Jennie.
You can do it.
Yay, get it girl.
Did I win?
Did I really win?
[girls chattering]
[Tobi] You for sure were.
[bright music]
[somber music]
[Lynda] Jennie, what happened?
What's wrong?
Did one of the
girls do something?
No, everyone's been wonderful.
I didn't know it could be
like this, to feel popular.
High school was
rough, wasn't it?
This is the first time
I've heard girls laughing
and didn't assume they
were making fun of me.
I really like it here.
Can I come back?
Only official members
get to visit the house
more than once.
Some even live here, like me.
Tobi's going through
her initiation trials.
Then I wanna be initiated, too.
One step at a time.
You have to submit a
pledge application.
But now we have to study,
which is what everyone
thinks we do here anyways.
[girls laughing]
I have a question.
[dramatic music]
What happened to Emma?
We miss Emma terribly.
It hurt us when she left
without telling us why.
Why ruin the day by bringing up
such an unpleasant subject?
The editor of the college
paper wanted me to ask.
Teri has a long history
of not liking our group
ever since she didn't
get in two years ago.
Which explains why she's on
a rampage to shut us down.
Sorry, I didn't know.
[Susan] Okay, well
now that you do know,
don't ask about her again.
Are you trying to embarrass me?
It was a simple question.
Why is everyone
getting so defensive?
They're not defensive.
They're just...
Come on, let's go study.
I can't go in there now that
I've pissed everyone off.
There's no way I could focus
on the schoolwork right now.
Here, take one of these.
A little Adderall will
help rein in your focus.
Take the edge off a bit.
Come on.
Let's go. Come on.
Follow me.
Guys, we're coming back.
We're coming to study.
[Lynda] Come on, hurry up.
[tense music]
[girls chattering]
[Tobi] Coming!
Why do they need
to know my salary?
And why all this medical history
dating back to
your great grandma?
Athena's very selective.
They only let in two
new members a year.
That's ready.
Oh, and tell Mr. Peterson
if he doesn't wanna take
his medication orally,
I'm sure we can
find another way.
Well, what does Dyan think?
Mom, it's a good group.
I checked Athena out,
they're all legit.
Dr. Applegate, James
needs your signature.
[rock music]
Sorry, I didn't mean
to interrupt you.
Oh, don't be.
Jennie, this is Corey,
my med student assistant.
How are you liking Foxworth?
My first year here
felt like murder.
I, I better get back to class.
Jennie, wait.
I'll fill out the application.
I'm glad you're making an
effort to find new friends.
If you're looking
to meet people,
I got tickets to
the game on Sunday.
Maybe we can grab dinner after?
Did I say something wrong?
No, she's just shy.
Maybe this will help fix that.
[hypnotizing music]
[Lynda] Congratulations,
you're approved
to pledge the Athena sisterhood.
Your initiation
consists of three tasks.
First, you must steal a
frog from the campus garden.
Next, steal the 2010 prized
Foxworth championship belt.
It's sacred.
It's the only year
they won anything.
And finally...
Sneak into the Gamma house,
take a diamond bracelet set
from the president's bedroom
and place it in P.O. Box 1212.
Unlock the box with
the provided keys.
You got off easy.
I had to snatch a
pair of Louis Vuitton.
They made you steal, too?
It's a prank.
Each year, the Gamma
girls steal something
from the Athena house, too.
I mean, the test
isn't about stealing.
It's to show that
you won't get caught.
This makes me nervous.
[anxious music]
So get un-nervous.
[excited music]
[Gamma President] Just
give me a sec, Beck.
[tense music]
Just need to grab my jacket.
[tense music]
[text message chime]
[Lynda] Good work.
Two more tests and your
initiation is complete.
[tense music]
The cafeteria
story's going great.
No, dummy.
About Emma, did you ask the
Athena sisters about her?
They're worried about her, too.
Sure they are.
I want you to do
a story on them.
There's really nothing
to write about.
They help each other
study and have parties.
No, they have expensive parties
at a very expensive house.
How do they get
the money for that?
And they act like a sorority,
but they're not even part
of the college Greek system.
Sounds like you want me to
dig up a bunch of dirt on them
because they wouldn't
let you in their group.
- [Officer] Teri Rainmaker?
- Yeah, that's me.
- You're under arrest.
- What? What for?
For stolen property found
in your post office box.
I didn't steal anything.
[Officer] You have the
right to remain silent.
[Teri] Jennie, I
didn't steal anything.
Anything you say can be used
against you in the court of law.
You have the right
to an attorney.
[Teri] You're arresting me
for something I didn't do.
[Officer] Yeah, yeah, You
can say that to a lawyer.
[Teri] This is absurd.
[phone ringing]
They just arrested Teri.
[Lynda] It was an
honest mistake.
They must have switched the
PO boxes without telling us.
Oh, well, the most
important thing
is you passed your test
with flying colors.
Teri's in jail
because of what I did.
Her dad will bail her out.
Besides, it's good for
Teri to sweat a little bit.
She's been a pain
in all our butts
with her constant questions.
You targeted Teri on purpose.
You used me to get back at her.
I didn't know such thing.
Then, let's go to the
police and tell them
what really happened.
I'm not throwing
myself on the sword
for someone like Teri.
Then, you don't need someone
like me in the sisterhood.
I'll pull some strings
with the Gamma girls
to make sure the charges
against Teri are dropped.
Thank you.
On one condition.
What do I have to do?
You have such pretty hands.
What do you say
we get a manicure?
The test is getting
my nails done?
I know a great place we can
all go to. Only costs $20.
Oh, I'm low on
cash at the moment.
[anxious music]
That's Damien Dolan Kinger.
He's on the board of directors.
He's totally loaded
and a complete freak.
He likes to hang around campus
and talk to the
pretty freshman girls.
It's your second
initiation challenge
based on the principle
of believing.
If you believe in yourself,
anyone will do anything you ask.
Go on, ask him for $20.
I can't just ask him for money.
All he can do is say no.
And I'll make sure all
the charges against
Come on.
It's only fun if it's
a little dangerous.
Hi, how are you?
I hate to ask this.
I lost my purse and phone.
I need $20 to get a taxi home.
[Susan] Oh my God.
It worked.
I just made up a little story
and he gave me his money.
How do you feel?
Strangely powerful.
[girls giggling]
[Corey] I'm glad you came.
How's it been like
working with my mom?
It's been great.
Yeah, actually, yeah.
She's been teaching
me quite a bit.
So what's going on with you?
So Athena's been
good for my grades.
They teach these
great mnemonic devices
like rhymes? And I'm acing
chemistry because of...
I'm boring you, aren't I?
No, no.
In fact, I am surprised you
called me up to go out tonight.
When we first met,
you couldn't get away
from me fast enough.
I've learned you never
get what you want
unless you ask for it.
I like that attitude.
So, what else do you
wanna ask me for?
[romantic music]
[tense music]
[Jennie screaming]
[Corey] Whoa, whoa!
Oh my God!
[dramatic music]
Lynda said the Athena sisterhood
is setting up a memorial
service in Emma's name.
Even though she was
never a real member.
That's wonderful.
Emma's lucky to have so
many people care about her.
I should have cared more.
If I had been nicer, maybe she
wouldn't have killed herself.
Oh, wait a minute.
We don't know for sure
that's what happened.
What else could it be?
[Professor Vandever]
All right, everybody.
I graded your papers,
some very nice work here
and there's also some
very sloppy work here.
At least you're
kind of improving.
Take another one of these.
The key to success
is consistency.
[foreboding music]
Hi sweetheart.
[dramatic music]
[Jennie] Darn it,
Mom, you scared me.
Here are the pamphlets you
wanted for your STD story.
Can I take you for lunch?
Can't. Story's due
at three o'clock.
Everything okay?
I can't imagine what
it must've been like
finding that dead girl's body.
You know, I used to see
stuff like that all the time
when I work in the ER in Vegas.
But to find it here at what
I thought was a quiet campus.
Look, I know you've
had your own battles
with depression
and bad thoughts.
I like college better than
I ever thought I would.
Girls at Athena actually make
me feel, I don't know, cool.
Is that corny?
No, it's wonderful.
I am so glad it's working out.
Okay, I'll let you
get back to work.
Let me know if you need
more help with your story.
Teri, you're back.
The Gammas must have
dropped all the charges.
How did you know about that?
Is that the story I
asked you to write
about the Athena sisters?
No, it's about student STDs.
Screw the STDs.
The Athena story is
your top priority.
- No.
- No?
I have a conflict of interest
now that I'm a new recruit.
So go undercover.
If you're so suspicious of
Athena, go ask them yourself.
You know how secretive they are.
Nobody can even get near that
house unless they're invited.
I have an idea.
[foreboding music]
[door knocking]
[Lynda] Coming.
We were just going
over your final test.
I brought along Teri so we
could finally clear the air
of all the tension
between her and the group.
Her application was
denied two years ago.
No redos accepted-
I don't wanna be recruited.
I wanna find out what
really happened to Emma.
Go into my office.
I'm sure if you
all just talked out
whatever's bothering you...
Jennie, what did I just ask you?
[classical music]
I don't mean to cause trouble,
but Emma was a friend of mine.
And she was like a sister to me.
Then why was she
so scared of you?
She told me that you were
making her do things...
If you wanted to insult me,
you could have just
done it over the phone.
What are you keeping secret?
You're not even a real sorority.
You don't want answers.
You just wanna beat someone
up because Emma's gone.
Well, I feel the same way.
Can we make peace for her sake?
[classical music]
[foreboding music]
Why did you bring Teri here?
I'm sorry.
It, it won't happen again.
I'm sorry, too.
I knew it was a bad idea
to bring Teri here and I knew
it was going to upset you,
I knew it was going
to make you mad
and I just wanna say,
I am so excited to...
Shut up, Tobi.
Shut up, Norma.
So what can I do to
make it up to you all?
I think a verbal warning is...
Don't do that
because you like her.
It's not fair.
If we don't do this,
we'll all get in trouble.
You ladies are scaring me.
What, gonna spank
me or something?
No. [laughs]
They wouldn't do
that, would you?
Of course not.
Now, go over to the table
and lay your hands out.
You better do what she says.
Let me see your nails.
Your manicure still
looks brand new.
Susan, cut off Jennie's nails.
Are you kidding me?
When any of us break the
rules, myself included,
we have to go through
what the sisterhood's
founders call a chastisement.
It's not like we're
cutting off your head.
It's not like you
have to break up
with the person you've been
in love with since you were 15
and planning on marrying
and now are gonna regret it
for the rest of your life.
Okay, funny joke.
It's because you
think this is a joke
that we have to do this.
If you don't like
how we do things,
then you can walk out the door.
Jennie, please don't go.
[tense music]
It'll be over quick.
It's just the rules
we have to follow.
Don't worry, they'll grow back.
Now, go lay your hands
out on the table.
[anxious music]
Close your eyes.
It'll be easier that way.
At least it was when they did
it to me during my initiation.
[Jennie yelping]
[Jennie screaming]
[anxious music]
[Susan] I shouldn't
have cut so deep.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
[Lynda] I'm glad
you decided to stay.
[Tobi] I was afraid you
weren't gonna like us anymore.
Of course I like you.
I never wanna
disappoint you again.
It just seems kind of
severe, what you did.
[Susan] Well, now, you'll
never mess up like that again
will you? So it works.
[Lynda] Anything
else bothering you?
[Tobi] Go on, Jennie.
Tell them about who else
is giving you a bad time.
Professor Vandever.
He's totally not
grading Jennie fair.
He comes down so hard on her.
So let's kill him.
[foreboding music]
I was just teasing.
Norma may be onto something.
[foreboding music]
Wait, do you actually
want us to kill him?
[Lynda] No, dingdong.
But rumor has it, he's
changed grades for students
who help him change his
sheets, if you catch my drift.
[Jennie] Seriously?
That's disgusting.
We have to stop him.
How can we just sit back and
let men take advantage of us?
How do you propose
we do that exactly?
Hush, Norma.
I bet Jennie can
think of something.
I knew you had some
fire inside of you,
we just had to light it.
I think your final initiation
test should be exactly that.
Bringing Professor
Vandever to justice.
Tobi will help you since
she still has to pass
her last test.
[Tobi] Well, I
already have a camera.
Simply sneak this
into his bedroom.
Aimed at his bed, of course.
It'll be just like when
you snuck into Gamma.
That was just a prank.
This is actual
breaking and entering.
So don't break in.
Knock on his door
and get invited in.
Tobi, why don't you
take Jennie home?
Yeah, let's go.
[foreboding music]
She's cute.
Yeah, she's cute.
Shut up, Norma.
[foreboding music]
[alarm blaring]
[Norma] Why is that so loud?
[Lynda] It's the alarm, Norma.
It's Teri.
- [Norma] Who is it?
- [Lynda] That Teri girl.
- [Susan] Where is she?
- [Lynda] I don't know.
Just find her.
Look around the corner.
[alarm blaring]
I can't believe
Jennie brought her.
[alarm blaring]
[tense music]
[suspenseful music]
[a loud thud]
[Teri grunts]
Can you hear me?
You're at Foxworth
College Clinic.
You were found on
Sheffield Road.
You fell.
Corey, give her five more CCs.
We need more liquid Demerol.
Just relax.
We're gonna put
you in a rehab tub,
gonna help with the pain.
Just relax.
There we go.
[somber music]
[doorbell rings]
[laughs] What?
Professor Vandever?
You live here?
Oh my God.
This is wild, and it's
actually super convenient
because we were just
in the neighborhood
and we could actually
really use your help.
This is crazy.
[Jennie] So crazy.
My car broke down and
our cell phones died.
Can we use your phone
to call a tow truck?
- Have you guys been drinking?
- No.
We'll be super quick.
All right, look, I got
a phone in the back
and I might have a card
for a tow truck somewhere.
So come on in.
[suspenseful music]
Can I use your bathroom?
Yeah, it's upstairs
next to my bedroom.
So. You have like
such a big house.
[Professor Vandever] Thank you.
[Tobi] This is like crazy.
Do you have any pets?
Any girlfriends?
Anything I should know about
before walking into, you know.
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
Jennie, what were you
doing in my bedroom?
I'm looking for the bathroom.
You said it's in
your bedroom, right?
No, I said it's right
next to my bedroom.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Oh and I got that card for you.
Y'all good?
[suspenseful music]
Teri's all set in the tub.
Want me to bag those up for you?
[anxious music]
[tense music]
[Teri gasps]
[water splashes]
Help me!
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
- Did you see him?
- Who?
[Teri] The person
who attacked me!
Corey and I are
the only ones here.
No one else has
been in the clinic.
But they were here.
They tried to kill
me, I almost drowned.
You were hallucinating.
It's a reaction to the
medication, you're fine.
It wasn't a hallucination,
it was real.
She tried to kill me.
Let's get you to bed.
You're fine, you're fine.
You're safe here.
Okay, we're gonna
get you to bed.
[Lynda] My light is your light.
We are one in the same.
My light is your light.
We are one in the same.
[Lynda] Sisters today, sisters
tomorrow, sisters forever.
Sisters today, sisters
tomorrow, sisters forever.
- [Lynda] Athena forever.
- [Girls] Athena forever.
Athena forever. Athena forever.
Athena forever.
Athena forever.
[girls cheering]
I still can't believe
you picked me.
No one's ever picked
me for anything before.
We have to fix this attitude
you have about yourself.
Look in the mirror.
Tell me what you see.
I'd rather not.
I see someone who has no idea
how bold and brave she is.
A young woman just
waiting for someone
to give her permission to
have fun and explore the world
and explore men.
You could be very, very sexy.
You're not the hairy
caterpillar anymore.
Stop hiding in your cocoon.
It's time to be a butterfly.
Hang tight, I'll be
with you in a second.
Can I help you?
Corey, it's me,
Jennie. Wow.
I didn't think you
could look like that.
Not that you weren't
pretty before.
Is my mother around?
Yeah, in her office.
By the way, if you're not
doing anything Sunday,
I thought we could go out again.
I had a really good
time the other night.
Well, before we
found the dead body.
Corey, these can't
wait for a messenger.
Is my daughter in there?
It was time for a change.
Can we have lunch today?
Oh honey, I'm swamped today.
Please? It's important.
Then let's have
some lunch. Corey?
[Corey] I'll hold down the fort.
- See you.
- Bye, Jennie.
- Be back soon.
- See you.
[Elissa] Okay, out with it.
How did you afford
this new look?
Take out a credit card
without telling me?
No, I borrowed these from Lynda,
the president of Athena.
Last night, I was
officially made a sister.
Oh honey, that's wonderful.
And they want me to move
in, so I thought maybe,
no, I'm not gonna feel
bad about asking for this.
I deserve this.
I need you to give me 5,000
a month, plus an allowance
for clothing and social events.
[Elissa laughing]
You're actually serious?
Athena wants me move into
their house, but it's not free.
And now that I'm
officially a sister,
I need to change my wardrobe
and represent them well.
They have a
reputation to uphold.
One, you already have a
place to live, at the dorms.
I don't wanna live
there anymore.
They only let in two
new girls a year.
This is a big deal.
With a big price tag.
Tobi's family had no problem.
Then have Tobi's
family pay your rent.
And while they're at it,
see if they can throw
a few bucks my way, too.
[Jennie] It's not just
money for rent I need.
I need money for
clothes, makeup.
Don't you like the way I look?
[Elissa] You go to
college to study,
not to walk the runway.
But you told me that college
isn't just about books.
It's about experiences,
making new friends.
You can do all that and
still stick to a budget.
Find another group of
girls to hang out with.
If you won't give me the money,
then take it out of my trust.
Absolutely not.
Your father left you that money
for tuition and
emergencies, not eyeshadow.
But it's my money.
Which you can blow
when you're 21.
You liked it when
I had no friends.
When everyone made fun of me.
'Cause then you could control
everything that I did.
If you need to buy some new
things, I can spare $100.
[scoffs] I can't buy
anything with this.
Jennie, how dare you.
Get back here, young lady.
[somber music]
[Jennie] What are you
supposed to do with $100?
It's not like she doesn't have
the money, she's a doctor.
Believe me, my grandfather
wasn't thrilled
when I asked him
for money either,
but he ended up
doing what I wanted.
How'd you convince him?
Do you really wanna know?
No, I can't. You'll hate me.
I will not.
[police siren wails]
[croquet ball clacks]
There's a cop.
What on earth happened to you?
Like you don't know.
I'm pressing charges against you
for pushing me down
the hill last night.
Push you?
First of all, I didn't.
And second of all,
why would I want to?
To keep me quiet about this.
Did you break into my office?
Why are you keeping track of
all these rich guys, Lynda?
I want that question
answered, too.
Actually, I'm talking
to you, Ms. Rainmaker.
How'd you get that list?
I want a restraining
order put on this woman.
These are potential donors.
It's not against all law
to ask people for money.
But she chased after
me and somebody broke
into the clinic last
night and tried to...
Get back in my car,
I'll drive you home.
Do you want me to cuff you?
Sorry for the interruption.
No apology necessary,
Officer Jones.
It's Rick.
It's obvious her physical
condition is having an effect
on her mental capacities.
Would you like to
come in for coffee?
Another time.
Good day.
[suspenseful music]
Out of the way.
[Jennie] Why did you trick me?
Excuse me?
You used me to get
into the Athena house
and when you're caught,
you accuse Lynda
and the others of hurting you.
Because they did hurt me.
Whatever agenda you
have against Athena,
leave me out of it.
It's childish to still
hold onto that grudge
just because you
couldn't get in.
I don't give a crap
about getting in.
I don't think anyone should get
into that group, including you.
I tried to warn Emma
before she got in.
If you cross them or do
anything they don't like,
you will pay for
it, just like I did.
I don't have time for
your conspiracy theories.
I have two articles due
tomorrow I haven't even started.
I can barely focus as it is.
Did you start taking those pills
before or after you
got into Athena?
How's that any of your business?
What else are they
making you do?
No one's making me do anything.
I'm not as naive as you think.
[suspenseful music]
For your sake, I hope not.
[Susan] Holy guacamole.
Lynda, get in here.
[Lynda] Here.
[Professor Vandever] You're
doing some extra credit
right now.
Look who got a case of
the Friday night friskies.
We're gonna make a fortune.
We don't even know that
Jennie will go for it.
She better go for it.
Otherwise, the sovereign
will come down on us.
[excited music]
[Lynda] I told you to be
clear with him, Norma.
It's over.
[Norma] I'm sorry, but I was...
It's not my fault he said no.
Then whose fault is it? Mine?
Please, I promise
I could do better.
Just give me another chance.
Get out.
I can't even look at
your face right now.
You really
disappointed me today.
I said go.
And how many times do I have
to tell you to stop chewing
that dumb gum in front of me?
Makes you look immature, Norma.
Norma? Is everything okay?
What's wrong with Norma?
It's my fault.
I pushed her to do more
than she was ready for.
Not every pledge is an
overachiever like you.
Not so sure about that anymore.
What's troubling you?
Is it your grades?
I thought they were improving.
They are, kinda.
The Adderall's helping
me study better,
but I ran all out.
Can I have a couple more?
I'm not a pharmacy.
Why don't you ask your
mom for a prescription?
She would never do that.
She won't even
give me money to...
I don't think I can afford
to be a part of Athena.
Why don't you ask someone else?
There's no one else.
Didn't you just ask a stranger
for money the other day?
That was different,
you dared me.
Then I have another
dare for you.
Your trap worked.
Is that Professor Vandever?
And one of his students.
Her name is Lisa Singer.
Until recently, she
was flunking out.
Now, she's suddenly
headed for the honor roll.
We have to show
this to the dean.
And waste an opportunity
to improve your grades
and your finances?
What do you want me to do?
Sleep with him, too?
Of course not.
We're not a brothel.
Now think.
You have proof that could
destroy this man's career.
Vandever needs to
pay for his actions,
and I can think of no one better
to benefit from that than you.
You suggesting I blackmail him?
If we go to the dean, he'll
get off without a slap.
But if you go to Vandever
and demand some personal
justice on behalf
of all of the past
and future students
he may take advantage
of, that's progress.
That's empowerment.
Can't we just go
to the authorities?
And have them arrest you
for being a peeping Tom?
The choice is yours.
Leave Athena and stay in the
dorms or move in here with us.
It's all up to you.
[foreboding music]
[Professor Vandever] You're
doing some extra credit
right now.
[Lisa laughing]
[Professor Vandever] You
can't actually be serious.
I mean, how'd you even get that?
Oh my God.
Your car was never
broken down, was it?
It's not right to sleep with
your students, Professor.
Oh, but it is right for
you to blackmail me?
I mean, boy did I misjudge you.
Did you know that
Lisa's my girlfriend?
She's not even my student.
She's a music major.
I wonder what the
dean would think.
Oh, let's go ask him.
You know?
No, stop, stop.
What do I have to
do to make sure
you don't show
anybody that video?
[foreboding music]
I don't have this kinda money.
I'll take payments.
Or you can go to the court
and pay a fine there.
Why are you doing this to me?
To give me assurance
that you'll think twice
before taking advantage of
another student in your class.
Aren't you the moral one?
Deposit the money by
the end of the day
or I will go to the dean.
Who put you up to this, Jennie?
Hey, word of advice?
Stop while you still can.
'Cause next guy you do this to
might not bend and
roll over for you.
[somber music]
I can't believe I just did that.
So did he agree to
give you the money?
This is a library,
not a hoe down.
Can we please try and keep
the chatter at a minimum?
Sorry, Miss Inman.
See? Justice after all.
Why don't I feel good about it?
Tobi, what am I doing?
So don't worry.
The next time you do it, you
won't feel anything at all
Who says there'll
be a next time?
Come on.
Jennie, I swear I'm not
invading your space.
I just thought we could...
Are you with campus services?
I'm Farusha, you can
just take these boxes.
No, am I mixed up
or is this Jennie
Applegate's dorm room?
It used to be, but
Jennie and Tobi
both moved out this morning.
Do you know where they went?
A place called the
Andrea, Arianna?
- Athena?
- Sure.
So she did find a way
to afford it after all.
Glad I could help.
Oh, another date with Corey?
Things must really
be getting serious.
I still can't get over
how much he's into me.
Of course, he's into you.
Now that you're the real you
and not afraid to be yourself.
Authenticity is nature's
strongest aphrodisiac.
Jennie, do you
have any Adderall?
I have a really
big test on Monday
and a lot of studying to do.
I get all my Adderall from you.
Okay, well I wouldn't
have done that
if I didn't think
you'd give some back.
You never told me that.
Well, I didn't think I had to.
It's kind of like
sisterhood code.
Tobi's right.
She helped you out and you
should return the favor.
Just get some from your mom.
I already told you she won't
give me a prescription.
Okay, but have you
even asked her?
Every time I ask her
anything these days,
we end up fighting.
Well find another way.
We've all been there for you.
It's a two-way street, Jennie.
I think your date's here.
[somber music]
I'll go grab some cash, okay?
[suspenseful music]
- You ready?
- Yeah.
[suspenseful music]
[chains rattle]
[lock opens]
[chains rattle]
[lock clicks]
Okay, this all looks great.
Would you finish up
doing rounds for me?
- Will do.
- Thanks, Corey.
Well, you look like
you're right at home here.
Oh, Dyan, thanks
for coming down.
I know you're busy.
Not at all.
I love seeing you
in your element.
Besides, it's a welcome change
from the usual student drama
I get on a Tuesday afternoon.
Oh, don't worry.
I've got loads of
drama to unload.
Got a minute?
That good, huh?
Actually, that bad.
Someone broke in and
raided the pharmacy.
Price to pay for working
on a college campus.
Certainly no one's
blaming you for that.
Let's sit down,
let's talk about it.
Actually, I wanted
to talk about Jennie.
Have you noticed a
change in her lately?
Yes, isn't it marvelous?
I was just going over her
transcripts in my office.
She's up for a scholarship.
I'm drafting out a
recommendation to the governor
for her summer internship.
- The governor?
- Didn't she tell you?
Oh, she doesn't tell
me anything anymore.
She won't return my calls.
She moved out
without telling me.
So she's asserting
her independence.
You should be happy.
She's embraced some initiative.
Oh, I come down so hard on her.
Oh, you can beat
yourself up all you want,
but the facts speak otherwise.
Jennie is thriving in
all of her classes,
and it's not because of
her new friends at Athena.
It's because of...
Because of you, too.
So you really think she's okay?
Oh, honey, are any
of us really okay?
[gentle music]
[girls chattering]
[pills clatter]
- Is that Xanax?
- Wow, Jennie.
When you pay someone back,
you do it with interest.
Oh my God.
You got Vicodin and Ritalin?
Careful what you mix together.
Oh, please, Tobi's a pro.
Don't worry about that.
What are you doing?
Um, studying.
Kinda redundant to study for
Professor Vandever's class.
You already know
you'll get an A.
I should still make an effort.
[Lynda] Study this instead.
I think it's time for you to
expand your dating pool a bit.
I'm already dating Corey.
He's more of a guy
that you pre-game with,
not the end goal.
All these guys are old
enough to be my father.
Which means it'll be that much
easier to land one of them.
Mm, not interested.
That doesn't change the fact
that you need to spend
less time with Corey.
When's your next date with him?
We're going to a
concert tomorrow.
Norma, do you want to go to a
concert tomorrow with Corey?
- Sure.
- Jennie?
Tell Corey that you won't be
able to make it tomorrow night,
but that Norma will
go in your place.
You can't just order
me to break a date.
Corey's about to
become my boyfriend.
There's no "my" anything.
Athena sisters share everything.
Also, I think it's time to
do something about this hair.
You'd look stunning as a blonde.
[dramatic music]
Oh, Tobi!
Oh my God!
[Lynda] Why's she doing that?
Someone help! Help!
[dramatic music]
[Elissa] Tobi, can you hear me?
[heart monitor beeps]
Corey, I need that
Lorazepam now.
[tense music]
Girls, be honest.
What kind of drugs
did your friend take?
I think she took some Adderall.
We don't know that.
One minute, she just fine,
the next she was down.
[Elissa] Tobi, can you hear me?
[Corey] Infusion
of propofol next?
Give the Lorazepam
another minute to work.
And do an IV of electrolytes
so I can run a basic
metabolic panel.
It's gonna be okay.
Girls, get out so we can work.
I said get out.
- Wait, I think she...
- You heard your mom.
Let's go
Move, Corey.
Move, move, move.
There, one, two, three.
There we go.
There we go.
Nice and easy.
Thank you for calling,
Dr. Applegate.
We're all a nervous wreck.
I'm so glad Tobi's
condition is stabilized.
I'll tell Jennie
that you called.
Okay. Have a good night.
So Tobi's okay?
I told you we didn't need to
tell your mom about the pills.
I made sure Jennie didn't say
anything, just like you asked.
Wait, this was your idea?
Norma, just as you pass
one test, you fail another.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means you're on probation.
That's not fair.
No one said life was fair.
Your own worst
enemy is yourself.
I mean, if you would
just listen to me.
I don't wanna listen
to you anymore.
Maybe I'm sick of the
lying and the pranks
and the games where you always
change the rules to make sure
that I'm always losing.
If it was too easy,
everyone could get in.
Maybe I don't wanna be in
the sisterhood anymore.
Maybe I hate it here.
I'm leaving!
Wait, Norma!
Let's talk about this!
Susan, stop Norma
from doing anything
before it's too late!
Too late for what?
Jennie, the reason that I
asked Norma to make sure
you kept your mouth shut
wasn't just to protect you.
Your mother could lose her
job if the college found out
that her own daughter
stole drugs from her.
I've been such a fool.
It's okay. I forgive you.
I don't forgive you or myself.
I joined this group because
I wanted help with my grades,
so I can make some new friends.
We are your friends,
best friends.
Norma's right.
I don't think I could
stay here anymore either.
Jennie, you're in too deep.
We all are. You
can't just leave.
Of course I can.
This isn't prison.
Trust me. You wanna stay.
We have the best house,
the best clothes.
I mean, every woman
wants to live here.
Let go.
But you worked so
hard to get in.
It's gonna be that
much harder to get out.
You're scaring me.
Good, you should be scared.
I'm scared, too.
Norma, stop.
Don't do this.
This is what I'm talking about.
Everyone telling me what
to do, what to wear,
how to do my hair, what
to put in my mouth.
Where's my gum anyway?
You're one of my best friends.
And we can still be friends.
I can't be here anymore.
Some of us don't have a choice.
Everyone has a choice.
Just walk out.
I can't.
And neither can you.
Watch me.
[tense music]
[Norma coughs]
[dramatic music]
[bubblegum pops]
[Norma screaming]
[splattering crash]
- Do you hear that?
- No.
[girls screaming]
[tense music]
Oh my God!
[Susan] I told her not to leave.
I told her not to chew gum.
I tried to stop her.
I told her not to go. [sobbing]
[Lynda] Now do you believe me?
[tense music]
Is that the memorial piece
about the latest Athena pledge,
who dropped dead, literally?
Her name was Norma and
she didn't just drop dead.
It was a terrible accident.
Have some respect.
Oh, I respect her.
Any 19-year-old
who is investigated
for credit card fraud
is aces with me.
Is financial manipulation
a test that every
pledge has to pass?
Because Emma did the same.
Not with credit cards.
She was cashing bad checks
with her mom's name.
I don't catch the connection.
Almost every woman who goes
through the initiation process
at Athena is pinged for
money-related crimes.
Nice watch.
Are those real diamonds?
Have they made you do
anything illegal for money?
It'll be okay.
No, it won't.
I can't believe I
let it get this far.
I didn't know I had
it in me to do this.
It's not who I really am.
That's the MO of
organizations like Athena.
They suck you in and they
don't let you back out.
But you can leave, Jennie.
You owe it to you
and all the others
to tell everyone
what they've done.
How? By going to the cops?
No, we need to do something
that will guarantee
to expose them.
An article printed right here
on campus showing everyone
what Athena is really all about.
It's not some witch cult.
It's just a stupid study group...
Who gaslights their members
into committing terrible crimes?
Meet me halfway.
Let me interview
you anonymously.
Don't let Lynda and
those others bully you.
They're not, that's the thing.
I have a feeling they're just
as trapped as there as I.
Then isn't it time
to set everyone free?
Isn't that why you even work
at the paper to tell the truth?
Then I'll write it without you.
What do you want to know first?
[dramatic music]
Dr. Applegate, you scared me.
How are you feeling?
My stomach's almost
back to normal.
Are those flowers for me?
They're actually for
everyone at the house.
My sympathies about
the girl who died.
- Ah, yeah.
- It's just awful.
Well, thanks.
Can I say hi to Jennie?
Jennie's in class.
- Is she okay?
- Don't you talk to her?
Honestly, I haven't
seen or spoken
to Jennie since she
brought you into my clinic.
Well, she's just
been really busy.
Could I come in?
I'd like to see where
my daughter's living.
[dramatic music]
- No.
- No?
We can't let anyone
in who isn't a member.
Not my rules, theirs
Sounds awfully strict.
Membership has its privileges.
You sure everything's okay?
Am I acting like it's not?
Yes, as a matter
of fact, you are.
You know, I'm actually really
not feeling good anymore,
so I think I better go.
But thank you for this.
Have a good night.
[suspenseful music]
[Teri] What do you think?
It's good, Teri.
But the photo's aren't right.
I think it should be a collage.
Or maybe I go old school
in the dark room and
blend it together,
develop other photos over them.
Whatever you do,
it's gonna be great.
I better head home.
After that article comes out,
I may not have a
place to call home.
Then you can stay with me.
You don't have to put me up.
I know I don't, but I want to.
Jennie, you did good today.
No matter what the fallout is,
Emma and Norma would be proud.
[tense music]
[suspenseful music]
What do you want? [screaming]
Hey, stranger.
It's just me.
What's so funny?
I think I'm losing my mind.
Well, then you're doing
freshman year right.
Hey, you wanna grab
a bite with me?
What's that for?
I just need something
to hold onto.
You know, I'm worried about
what they're doing to you.
You don't need to worry.
My days with Athena
are almost over.
[suspenseful music]
[tense music]
[door rattles]
I'm in here.
[alarm blaring]
Somebody help me!
Help! [coughing]
[suspenseful music]
Why? I'm just..
It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Honey, I heard about your
friend, I'm so sorry.
The journalism room
caught on fire last night.
Teri Rainmaker's body was
found in the dark room.
Do you really think it
was just an accident?
Of course it was.
Tobi, could I have
some time alone
with my daughter so I can help?
Let's go to the clinic and talk.
I'm not talking to anyone.
I should have just
cut my mouth shut.
What? Jennie?
These are the pills stolen
from the clinic, aren't they?
Are you accusing your
daughter of stealing?
I don't know, should I be?
No wonder she doesn't
wanna talk to you.
Come on, Jennie. Let's go.
[Elissa] We're not finished here.
- Yes we are.
Don't worry, Doctor.
Jennie has her sisters
to look out for her now.
Jennie, don't do this.
- Come on.
- Jennie.
[suspenseful music]
Dr. Applegate,
pleasure to meet you.
Same here.
I usually don't meet with
the museum donors in person,
but you did mention
a substantial amount.
I'm afraid I told a fib.
This isn't about a
donation to the museum.
It's about your
granddaughter, Tobi.
I don't have a granddaughter.
But you were listed as
her emergency contact
when she came into my clinic.
She nearly died of
a drug overdose.
And she survived?
You seem disappointed.
The Tobi I know and
loved died a year ago.
But you wouldn't understand.
Yes, yes, I would.
See, Tobi is very good friends
with my daughter, and she's
gotten involved in something
that's completely
taken over her life.
I'm sorry.
I can't help you.
Well, you may be able
to give up on Tobi,
I can't give up on my daughter.
You might be the only person
who can tell me what
I'm really up against.
[Luther] Come with me.
[suspenseful music]
Hey, you're Jennie
Applegate, right?
Why do you wanna know?
Recognize me from the video
in the professor's house?
What am I supposed
to do about it now?
[a slap]
[Jennie yelps]
You make me sick.
[Dyan] Jennie, are you okay?
That woman hit you.
That was an assault.
We need to report it.
No, no, don't report it.
Why not?
Beause what I've been
doing is so much worse.
We'll go back to my office,
we'll talk about it.
Who's that girl?
Oh, just to go back to your jog.
I got this.
- Are you okay?
- I got this.
[suspenseful music]
[Luther] I tried to
raise Tobi as properly
and as lovingly as I could
after her father
and his wife died.
But I wasn't prepared for
how emotional she would be.
She was so depressed
before she went to college.
And I was worried she
was going to drop out.
It was so difficult
for her to meet people.
I had the same fears
about Jennie before...
Before she joined Athena?
I caught her stealing art from
the museum and selling it.
When I confronted
her, she threatened
to the donors and
their daughters.
But how could she do that?
She found photos on my phone.
Now, come on, Doctor.
Don't be so naive.
This is the 21st century.
Single men who use dating
apps are bound to have
a couple of naked
pictures on their phone.
I won't be shamed for having
a strong libido at my age.
Okay, so the blackmail
couldn't work
if you told people the truth.
The truth? [laughs]
Nobody cares about
the truth anymore.
I don't know what
world you live in,
but the one I live in, all
that's needed is a rumor,
a microaggression
to implode a career.
I paid her off, I had to.
I couldn't risk it.
Now all I am to her
is a bank account.
Do you think Athena
made Tobi do this?
Like they're making my
daughter steal drugs?
I won't get involved.
But Mr. Pipkin.
I have nothing more to say.
Actually, I do.
Stay away.
Don't engage.
If Athena can make
a person extort
and manipulate their own
grandfather for a few bucks,
think of what they can
make those other girls do.
You poor thing.
You didn't stand a
chance against them.
[Jennie] Girls like that
never accepted me before.
I just wanted to impress them.
How could I be so stupid?
Oh, it's natural
to want to be part
of a clique at your
age, to belong.
Did they make you
do anything else?
I need to know
everything, Jennie.
Otherwise, I can't help you.
That's all.
I swear.
May I speak with
Detective Metis?
Are you sending me to jail?
Julie, hi, it's Dyan
Palis over at Foxworth.
I need you or one of your
officers to meet me at,
what's the address of the house?
52 Sheffield Road.
52 Sheffield Road.
A student is moving out
of the residence there
and well, I'd feel better if
we had a police escort in case
things get sticky.
10 minutes?
[Jennie] I can't go back there.
You need to move all of
your personal effects
from that house.
God knows what they'll
use against you
once we press formal
charges against them.
So you believe me?
I've suspected
those Athena girls
have been up to something
for a long time,
but not one student
has been brave enough
to come forward
about their tactics.
Until you.
My car's out front, I'll drive.
Dyan, it's Elissa
calling about Jennie.
Look, I just spoke to
Tobi Pinkin's grandfather,
and I think Athena has
made her and Jennie
and God knows how
many other girls
commit all kinds of crimes.
Call me so we can figure
out the best way to fix this
before these girls
get into more trouble.
[tense music]
Dyan, thanks for coming.
Of course, Jennie.
Anything for you.
Where's the police officer?
Don't worry, they're coming.
Jennie, aren't you
supposed to be in class?
And who's your guest?
Let's not, shall we?
Jennie will be leaving
your premises today
and there will be a police
officer here momentarily
to provide an escort,
but I don't think that
will be necessary, do you?
Far be it from me to hold
someone here against their will.
If Jennie no longer
wants to stay here,
then we don't want
her here either.
Go on and collect your things.
[suspenseful music]
Don't worry, no
one will hurt you.
[tense music]
Do you need a bigger bag?
No, we have everything
under control.
Can I at least get an
explanation from Jennie...
No, you can't.
But you can explain
a few things to me.
Jennie, I'll be just
right in the hall.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[Jennie screams]
[phone rings]
Dr. Applegate, you
need anything else?
Oh, I'm fine, Corey,
you can go on home.
Is everything okay?
I haven't heard back
from Jennie or Dyan.
Could she be at
the Athena house?
I don't know, but I'm
gonna go check it out.
Have a good night.
No, wait, I'm coming with you.
You're not the only one
worried about Jennie.
I'll drive you.
[Corey] Doesn't look
like anyone's home.
[Elissa] I don't buy that.
Dyan always returns my calls.
And her car's out front, so.
[knock on the door]
It's locked.
[Corey] Ah, I don't
think anyone's home.
[Elissa] Dyan's car's
still out front.
There. Help me.
[tense music]
[Corey] I got it.
[Elissa] Got it?
You check upstairs,
I'll go in the back.
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
Jennie, it's Corey.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[heavy thud]
[muffled screaming]
Jennie? Jennie!
Jennie, are you okay?
Who did this?
Oh no.
I'm gonna get you home.
I'm gonna get you outta here.
I'm gonna get you outta
here, don't worry.
Are you okay? Yeah.
[dramatic music]
[Jennie screaming]
[Elissa] What are you doing?
No, no, no, please.
Shut up, Jennie, I'm
doing this for you.
I'm doing this for all of them!
You don't wanna ruin
your whole life.
- [Lynda] I can do this.
- Please, Lynda, please.
I can do this.
[Elissa] You don't
want to, please.
[Lynda] I can do this.
[Lynda screaming]
[Lynda sobbing]
Get out of here! Go!
Get out, go! Get out of here!
[dramatic music]
[Jennie and Elissa screaming]
[tense music]
[Lynda sobbing]
I, I couldn't do it.
I tried, but it's
just I can't do it.
Killing someone, it's
just, it's too much to ask.
It's just too much to ask.
I'm sorry. [sobbing]
[dramatic music]
[Jennie and Elissa screaming]
[Jennie] Oh my God.
Oh my God.
That's what happens when
a sister fails a test.
I'd given Lynda more
than enough chances.
She was a lost cause.
Better to put a coward
out of her misery.
Dyan, what are you doing?
I've always belonged to them.
Corey, help us.
You disappoint me.
Crying out to a man to save
you from the wicked witch,
but no one's coming to help you.
I took care of him
just like I took care
of the others who tried
to give away our secrets.
I named this
sisterhood after Athena
because she isn't just
the goddess of wisdom.
She's also the goddess of war.
I can't be the only one
who gets my hands dirty.
It's time for you
all to step it up.
So come on, give
them your best shot.
What are you all waiting for?
Kill them.
What are you all waiting for?
What are you all waiting for?
What are you all waiting for?
Nobody move or I will kill her.
Ignore them, ladies.
We have them
outnumbered, be brave.
The first time you put
someone down is the hardest.
Just do it.
[somber music]
Fine. Run.
I'm not going down
without taking
every last one of you with me.
You hear me?
And that goes for
you too, Jennie.
You hear me?
Yeah, I heard you.
[dramatic music]
[Elissa] Oh. Honey.
[gentle music]
[Elissa] Let's get out of here.
Let's go.
Honey, I thought you were doing
community service
at the girls' home.
I am.
I'm happy to be able to help
other girls find their power.
And it's super rewarding.
My probation officer gave me
permission to show you this.
[Elissa] Wow.
My first byline.
[Corey] "Leader of
college scam syndicate"
sentenced to life in prison."
Oh, I am so proud of you.
Not just for the article,
but for being brave
enough to testify.
I owed it to Teri.
Through all this,
she actually taught me
to be a better writer.
I think she'd be very proud too.
Hey, if you have time, you
wanna grab something to eat?
It's okay with your mom.
Of course. Go have fun, guys.
Jennie, I love you.
I love you, too.
[Elissa] Be safe.
Oh, I have to use the bathroom.
Over there.
I know where it is.
[College Girl] It was so
funny when you told her
to take off that lipstick.
I can't believe she thinks
she's going to get in.
[girls laughing]
[girl crying]
[suspenseful music]
- [Jennie] Hi.
- Hey.
Are those girls giving
you a hard time?
Yeah, they want me to
change everything but.
I just wanna fit in.
You don't have to change
who you are to fit in.
Screw them, just leave.
They won't let me.
I have an idea.
[rock music]