Let's Get Physical (2022) Movie Script

alright, everyone,
who's ready to sweat?
Five, six...
Five, six, seven, eight...
okay, ladies,
this time is for you.
Be in the moment.
And love yourself!
Alright, nana.
You're looking good.
I can't wait
to see you in a bikini.
Oh, my bikini days are over,
but with these moves...
My sex life is on fire.
don't hate the player,
hate the game, ladies.
April, stay with me, alright?
We only have a few more minutes.
And pull up.
right on time.
and lift.
Sadie smith,
you're under arrest.
what's going on?
is this really necessary?
It's okay, nana.
I've got this.
Well, I am calling the mayor
right away.
What's going on?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You did this?
I tried to warn you.
girl, you know
I needed to get away
from that desert heat.
Talk about drying up
and turning into dust.
You know, at least here,
I can start over,
maybe free these people
from these kooky lives.
I don't know.
Anyway, I'm pulling up.
Wish me luck.
thank you for agreeing
to show me the space.
is it everything
you expected?
It's more.
The light, the energy.
Are you okay
if I put up mirrors?
Yeah. I don't see why not.
You're a yoga teacher?
Not really.
I teach fitness classes
for the mind and body.
A little dancing,
a little pilates,
and a few spicy pole moves
sprinkled on top.
As in pole dancing?
Don't knock it till you try it.
Why luton, new hampshire?
Well, it checked all of
my small-business boxes.
Affluent area.
Absolutely no competition.
You're a savvy entrepreneur.
We need more of you
in this town.
You're gonna love it here.
Do you want to see
the office?
-Let's go.
And it has
a separate entrance
from the parking area
in the back.
Are you okay if I install
some security cameras back here?
Sure. This is
a quiet area, though.
We don't get much crime.
I'm not just
a real-estate agent,
I'm also a very proud mayor.
Does the office share a wall
with the place next door?
Yeah, just one.
It's a small hair salon
on the other side.
Oh, but if you're playing
loud music--
oh, I offer massage
and wellness coaching back here.
It shouldn't be an issue.
Yeah. You seem a little tense.
You should come see me.
On the house, of course,
mr. Mayor.
Call me anytime.
I could use the clients.
Well, you picked the right guy.
I know everyone.
That's what I thought.
You good with covering
both the spaces?
Yes. I have
several income streams.
I'm also looking for
an apartment.
Are you interested
in a real-estate hat trick?
And if I could put
my mayor hat on,
I run a business mixer
every month.
It's coming up on the 10th.
You should come.
I think I'll check it out.
Yeah, check you out.
You know--
check it out.
I don't know
why I said that.
Welcome to luton.
I'm glad you liked it.
It was a pleasure meeting you.
thank you.
You're welcome,
and I'll look into--
good morning!
Morning, mayor kemp.
Do you see her?
See who? See who?
Is it beth's plastic surgery?
Beth had plastic surgery?
Well, she said it was
a breast reduction,
but it was definitely
a full-body lipo.
No doubt.
Looks like you're getting
a new neighbor.
She runs her own business
and she looks like
she's barely 18.
You know what,
I really need to start
using moisturizer.
I will get you
that sunscreen.
You know, I keep inviting you
to my cosmetic parties.
You know, I can't afford
your bougie skin care.
Oh, the mayor!
A moment?
It looks like you've got
a new tenant next door.
High street has a new
health and wellness studio
called dazzle & spin.
Sadie runs it
and specializes in pole-ates.
Some exercise dance thing.
She is awfully attractive.
Is she?
-I hadn't noticed.
So is she married? Kids?
I'm not sure.
carol, this isn't
an article for your newspaper.
Where is she living?
A b&b. She's still
looking for a place.
Well, you know that
my sister-in-law marcia
is moving out of
the garage apartment
this weekend,
so, I don't know, maybe sadie
will want to take a look.
Do you think
that's safe for you?
You don't even know her.
She seems nice.
I'll mention the apartment.
Have a good day, ladies.
I do not think pole-ates
is the right match for our town.
Has mr. Quinn
asked you out yet, carol?
No. And don't change
the subject.
Look, I rely on you
to be my eyes and ears
in this town,
so don't fail me now.
You wanna grab lunch after?
Yeah, but not
that burger place on elm.
I yelled at them on Tuesday.
They undercook the meat.
Ben could have died.
hi! We just opened.
It's a really great fitness--
Hey there!
Hi. We just opened.
It's a great--
hi. Hi. Welcome.
Dazzle & spin.
hi. We just opened.
Dazzle & spin.
You wanna give it a try?
hi. Hi there. I'm--
oh! You're sadie.
And I'm rude.
You have a really nice
place here, rude.
I can't believe I haven't
come over to introduce myself.
I'm April.
Nice meeting you.
I was just wondering
if you would pass out
some flyers for me?
Yeah. Happy to.
Half the town
spins in my chair, so.
I noticed.
I heard that you might still
be looking for a place to live,
because my sister-in-law
just moved out of
our garage apartment.
Oh! I would love to see it.
Yeah, I'm staying at
this bed and breakfast
until I find a place,
but the innkeeper--
she has these, like, dolls--
yeah. She brings them in here.
I trim their hair.
-She brings them in.
-That's really creepy.
Okay, so I need
to get out of there.
-Mm-hmm. You do.
Hi! Come on in.
I'm sadie.
I'm nana.
Nice to meet you.
-Yeah. Welcome.
To dazzle & spin.
How do you drive these things?
Oh, boy.
I think it's just
you and me today.
Okay, let's stretch
our hips out.
nana, you are
my only student.
Why is it so hard
to start a new business
in this town?
The personalities in luton
definitely don't make it easier.
These are not wild folk.
Not yet anyway.
Ooh, I like the spirit.
Here, I'm going to help you.
Are you going
to the small business
meeting later?
You should.
In my experience,
personal connections
are better than
any form of advertising.
Are you gonna go?
Do I look like
the sort of person
who would miss an opportunity
for free wine?
Certainly not.
What makes her think
that's an appropriate dress
to wear to a networking event
at a church?
People certainly
won't forget her.
Brian. Who is
this lovely creature?
Sadie, this is jim rogers--
car dealership owner.
Wait. How does a lion greet
a new animal in the field?
I don't know.
Pleased to eat you!
Hello, everyone!
Let's get started.
We have a new face.
What? She could be a client.
Could you have been
more obvious?
I mean, really?
Why don't you tell us
about your business?
Thank you for inviting me.
Hi, everyone.
I'm sadie
and I own the new
health and fitness center,
dazzle & spin,
on high street.
She teaches pole dancing.
What are you doing here?
Do you own a business
I'm not aware of?
I cover
newsworthy events, nana.
Sadie's talking.
Carol is right.
I teach a combination
of dance and pole-ates--
which is guaranteed
to make you sweat.
I'm feeling
pretty warm already.
I also offer massage
and wellness coaching
for my clients who want
a different kind of sweat.
So here are my cards.
The first class is free.
Hope to see you there.
Thank you for that assist.
Of course.
I love carol,
but she can be
very carol sometimes.
I wanted to let you know
that the apartment is ready.
Oh, that's great!
Sadie, sadie.
This is minister preston.
Hi. I'm sadie.
-Nice to meet you.
-You too.
In addition to sharing
this glorious space with us,
he also runs the luton gala.
It's the most important
community charitable event
of the year.
It's a small gathering
for a good cause.
But it's
a great networking event.
I'm all in.
That's great!
How can I help?
hey, I'm home.
you're home early.
How did the business mixer go?
Let me guess,
they burned the sexy new girl
at the stake?
Not yet.
no. Sexy new girl
is our new tenant.
And they didn't use a stake,
they used my stripper pole.
Oh, that's good to hear.
please forgive my brother.
You're going to love
the new apartment.
You guys hungry?
Yes, please.
-Yes, please.
Yes. Make mine a double.
I'm trying to convince
your wife to try a lesson.
Are you gonna do it?
Do you think that I should?
Tread carefully, marty.
There are a lot of knives
in the kitchen.
No, I think you're perfect
just the way you are.
I agree.
April is spicy as is.
But, you know, these lessons
are not about need.
It's just about
wanting more in life.
If you change your mind,
I have a lonely pole.
You can try it out.
That's what marty said to me
on our first date.
alright, I'll try it one time.
spin down.
Move with your butt.
-You try.
-No. No, no, no.
Around the pole.
You're gonna milk it.
Down and arch your back.
-Walking around.
-Yes. Oh, yes.
remember to hook your ankles.
Hook my ankles.
Do I take a run at it?
-And we go up!
wait, wait, go slow!
yeah, you just grabbed my butt.
My face hurts--
my face hurts
from smiling so much.
I do need to get you
some more clients, though.
I can't be your only client.
That would be incredible.
Well, people in my chair
are a very captive audience, so.
Oh, my goodness.
This was really fun.
I needed this.
Yeah. I needed this, too.
Let's do it again.
-One more time?
-One more time.
Come on!
Ow. I can't even stand up.
You were so close.
My muscles have atrophied.
This will work.
Pick you up later, I guess.
Oh, he's coming over.
Don't be weird...
Don't be weird.
Don't be weird...
Ms. Martin, always a pleasure.
Oh, mr. Quinn!
I thought I told you,
you can call me carol.
Funny, I never knew that was
your first name until now.
Nor did I.
I really enjoyed the gazette
this morning.
You know, without
those recipes in the back,
I'd be eating
the same thing all week.
Oh, that's so sweet of you.
A lot of those are from
my grandmother's recipe book.
I should head inside.
Good luck with those numbers.
Oh, my god.
one more time.
Come on, guys.
Hip, hip, hip, hip.
And head!
And to the other side.
And head.
wait a second!
Carol! Carol!
I'm so sorry.
Do we have an appointment?
No, but what are you
doing in there?
It's so fun.
You have to try this.
Yeah, well,
that's never happening.
You know, it sure seems
business is picking up for her.
How did so many women
hear about her studio?
Did a little birdy tell them?
I'm not just
your eyes and ears, carol.
I am my own person,
and I happen to like her,
so, yes, I may have mentioned it
to a few people.
And before, you know,
you hear this from anybody else,
she's living
in the garage apartment.
Don't you think that's
a bit of a temptation for marty?
No, carol, I do not.
Why would that be an issue?
You don't know her.
Honey, I'm worried about you.
I'm going to head back there--
and you should come with me.
It's fun.
She's fun!
I don't sweat in public, April.
you're incredible.
You're pretty
incredible yourself.
You run a thriving
real-estate business,
you find time to be mayor,
and you advocate
for small businesses like mine.
Well, your success
is my success.
I'm going to tell everyone
about tonight.
That means a lot to me.
god, you have
the hands of an angel.
Well, they can take you
to heaven, mr. Mayor.
I mean, if you want.
Turn over.
Well, is there anything else
I can do
to make you happy, brian?
Hot stones?
I offer a variety
of extra services upon request.
What do people
normally request?
I think you know.
hi, petey.
Oh, hey, April.
Hey, sadie.
Any chance your mom
would consider
donating a gift certificate
to the luton gala?
My mom?
Well, I'd have to call her.
She's away on a retreat?
Wow, it smells amazing in here.
What is that
and how do I get it?
These are my famous muffins.
Wow. These are incredible.
How come I've never
tried these before?
I usually
just make them for my mom.
these are so good!
-You have to sell these.
Or better yet,
put them out on a cart,
so the smell
will waft across high street.
You'd be sold out every day.
And, listen,
I know these things.
I'm a muffin specialist.
so am I.
because I bake muffins.
See you later, muffin man.
- oh, yeah. See ya.
-They're good.
Bye, April.
Bye, sadie.
The coconut is on the house.
Thank you!
so, how's the new place?
It's okay.
I thought it would be nice
to live alone,
but mostly, it just gives you
a lot more time to think.
And that's a bad thing?
Is there anything
you need to talk about?
Well, I really hate dating.
I mean, it's like
I keep checking boxes
on things everyone thinks
I'm supposed to do,
but none of it's
making me happy.
Well, I think a lot of people
can relate to that,
and you certainly don't have
to have all of the answers--
especially at once, right?
What do you say you come over
tonight for dinner?
Because we sure miss having you.
No, no, I'm fine.
More importantly,
what are you planning
for marty's birthday?
No idea.
Can I have a 20?
I don't know how April
and everyone
has gotten so taken
with this woman.
Why does it bother you so much?
My hair is suffering, ben.
You're jealous
that your one friend
made a new friend?
I have excellent instincts
and I am very--
mom, your instincts
are telling you
to be crazy judgmental?
She's literally a stranger.
I have known women like her
my whole life.
Women who have gotten by
on their looks
while the rest of us have toiled
to be taken seriously.
Grandpa told me
he gave you the gazette
as a graduation present.
I've seen succession.
You haven't had
to toil that much.
Get out.
dazzle & spin
fitness and massage.
Yes, I do have an opening
for tonight.
May I ask who referred you?
Do you have
any special requests?
Is this what you had in mind?
Yes, I can absolutely
accommodate that.
you've outdone yourself!
I've only just begun.
You're gonna have
more auction items
than you know what to do with.
Do you attend
religious services?
Oh, not really.
Movement is
my spiritual practice.
Well, however
you connect to god.
Well, I'll drop off
the other auction items
this week, okay?
Maybe I could pick them up
from you instead?
Any time.
how can I make you
feel good?
- ben?
Is everything okay in there?
I'm fine, mom.
I'm good.
Everything's good.
it's okay.
Take your time.
Tell me why you're here.
I haven't been with a woman
in a long time.
My wife died eight years ago.
I'm so sorry.
We don't have to do anything,
we can just talk.
She was great.
She would have been
first in line for your classes.
She wasn't close-minded.
Like a lot of people
around here can be.
Do you mind if we dance?
-She sounds really great.
She was.
...She didn't walk into rooms,
she floated.
I used to bring her
fresh flowers every week.
That's really sweet.
What woman doesn't love flowers?
Yeah, well...
Sometimes, it feels...
Like a part of me
died with her.
You're not dead, mr. Quinn.
And I think she'd want you
to really live.
mr. Quinn.
Excuse me.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
These are for you.
Oh, how lovely!
What is the occasion?
Carol martin,
will you go on a date with me?
Gerald, I would like that
very much.
I'll pick you up Saturday.
I have good news!
Gerald asked me.
When is the big date?
A whole week to imagine
all the horrible ways
it will go wrong.
Oh, carol,
don't think that way.
I'm sure it will go wrong
in entirely unexpected ways.
Thank you for the confidence.
I've missed you.
I've missed you, too.
You know, I was thinking,
maybe I was too quick
to judge sadie.
Is this a trap?
There's nothing wrong
with a woman taking control
of her sexuality--
even if she does flaunt it
a bit too much--
but it's not like
she's doing anything illegal.
I should get to know
sadie better.
You have great taste in friends.
Maybe I'll like her.
I'm really happy with
the planning committee's work
and I want to thank you all
for jumping in
and helping to make this
one of the best
gala events ever.
And if there's
no further business,
we can just--
I have something.
If we have time.
Sadie. Sure, come on up.
Okay. Thanks.
Thank you.
What if we thought bigger?
-Bigger. Yes.
Every year, we donate
the silent-auction sales
to the same
community children's fund.
But what if we could raise
more money
and donate to more charities?
I don't know.
Small is the way we've done it
since the beginning.
and it works beautifully,
but let's build upon it.
Like, for instance,
we could do a 50/50 raffle.
Sadie is right.
Bigger is better.
Count me in for some free
ad space in the gazette.
Thank you again.
This has been perfect.
Can I just say...
How great it is
that you've moved here?
Not just for the friendship,
but also because
you like the same quality
of tv that I do.
And you've turned this town
into a straight-up beyonce song.
What is that about?
Sexual liberation will do that.
Where did you come from?
My clients in the salon--
they can't stop talking about
their sex life.
That's the plan!
The revolution, you know,
it starts
one small town at a time.
That's the plan?
To move from town to town
like some sort of, like,
pole-dancing mary poppins?
I don't like that title.
-Mary poppins.
what's with the camera?
Oh, I just record
some dance moves.
sorry to interrupt
ladies' night.
I need you back home.
Oh, yes, go.
-Do you mind if I go?
-Yes, please.
Have fun, guys.
see you later.
oh, my god.
Everything okay over there?
Yeah, why?
Were you in the office?
I heard some weird noises.
Oh, yeah,
I was giving a massage,
but it was just a loud client.
Oh! Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha.
I was just--
you know, I was worried
about you for a second.
Oh, you never need
be worried about me.
Remember, I have those
security cameras, too.
I forgot.
Maybe I should get some?
Oh, no, that's not necessary.
It covers both the doors.
I'll let you know if I ever
see anything suspicious.
Oh, that's so nice of you.
Um, do you wanna hang out
later tonight?
It's marty's birthday
coming up
and I don't know
what to get him.
I know exactly what to get him.
I didn't expect
to be so emotional.
I've never done this before.
Well, that's a shame.
You're good at it.
But it's wrong.
I'm failing my parish.
I'm failing god.
It's not wrong
to crave human connection,
it's normal.
People look to me for guidance.
And I'm human, too.
We all succumb to temptation.
Well, maybe this will give you
a better understanding
of your parish.
And you're familiar
with my parishioners?
I know them fairly well.
It doesn't change anything.
hey, sadie.
You're here early again.
that was awesome.
See you next week.
You're sleeping with jim?
He's married!
We know his wife.
I like his wife.
How could you do this?
I wasn't expecting you
so early.
Do you want to maybe
get some breakfast?
What is this?
What kind of massages
are you doing here?
All kinds.
Okay, were you giving jim,
like, a massage, you know,
before, like, it got--
Did jim come on to you?
We're two consenting adults,
Maybe we should get
some pancakes for breakfast.
Pancakes? Pancakes?
I'm a little hungry.
I mean, I like pancakes.
Pancakes are normal.
You know what you're getting.
Like a massage.
Right? But then you add...
-On the side.
And then they pay you for it.
The whole breakfast.
And all the sides?
You're a prostitute?
I help people connect
to themselves and their partners
in new ways.
It's a business,
but it's also a service.
-Like a therapist?
Like a sex therapist.
Like a licensed sex therapist?
I wanted to tell you,
I just didn't want
to put you in a bad spot.
It's a little late.
Are you mad
because I'm doing it
or are you mad
because I didn't tell you?
Um, both!
Well, my business is separate
from our friendship,
and it's really not
that big of a deal
unless you make it so.
I mean, sex work is work.
You're a prostitute?
I consider myself
a creative entrepreneur,
but if we're assigning labels,
then, yes, I'm a prostitute.
A prostitute.
-Is everything okay?
-No. Yes. Yeah.
Yeah, I don't know.
That was a rollercoaster.
I need some advice.
-From me?
I'm just not usually
your go-to for advice.
This is new.
And scary.
So, if you had a friend
who was doing something illegal,
would you turn them in?
I guess it depends.
Are they hurting people?
Kind of?
I mean, it would hurt
if they found out.
Then I'd probably let it slide.
That's your advice?
You see?
That's why
I said I was scared.
No, I'm being serious.
You're a good person.
If your heart tells you
something is wrong
and you ignore it,
it's just going to keep
getting louder and louder,
and then you'll know
what you have to do.
But until then,
maybe just accept
that people do things
that we don't approve of,
but we love them anyway.
So, like, how many people
have you done it with?
I think five
has been the most.
Oh, okay.
So you only have,
like, five customers?
Oh, no, we were counting
different things.
So you've done it
with five people at once?
You can say sex.
That's not a bad word.
And until we let go
of this puritanical way
of thinking,
society is never
going to evolve.
I mean, we can get onboard
with only fans,
but this is a problem?
Well, this is illegal.
It shouldn't be.
Okay, so who's
your typical customer?
Middle-aged, old, white dudes.
Have you seen this town?
Do you ever get attached
to these dudes?
I mean, sex is
sort of intimate, right?
It's not that intimate for me.
I just close
that part of myself off.
I mean, what happens
if you start to like somebody?
Do you have
romantic relationships?
Boyfriends? Girlfriends?
I've tried.
It doesn't really
work out so well.
People get jealous, so.
Well, it must be very hard
to open yourself up
you know, after you've been
so closed off for so long.
Relationships are overrated.
Are friendships overrated?
You know, you can't keep lying
and expect people to trust you.
I mean, that's not really
how friendships work.
Well, I wouldn't know.
I've been alone most of my life.
Well, not anymore.
There's no more secrets.
I promise.
what do you want to see?
Who do you want me to be?
Is everything okay?
Mr. Quinn said you skipped out
on mathletes.
I'm fine, mom.
Just tired.
Are you sick?
Honey, what are you
doing in there?
Don't come in!
I'm just doing my homework!
Leave me alone!
I'm just going
to have a shower.
I'll do anything you want.
There you go.
Thanks, daphne.
I haven't seen you in a while.
You must be busy.
I have to show you
both something.
Gird your loins.
Check this out.
I'll do anything you want.
She is selling videos
of herself,
doing things to herself.
Okay. Well, let's just take--
take a deep breath here
and try and figure out
why she might do
something like this.
I am not calming down, April!
My son saw her cookie!
I understand why you're upset.
I am upset about ben,
but I am also upset
on April's behalf.
Here. Look.
Look at the windows
in the background.
it's my apartment.
She is filming porn
at your house.
Look, I don't love
that she is filming
at my apartment,
but, I mean, is it illegal?
It's not.
Okay, well, times are tough,
maybe this is
none of our business
what she does to make money.
None of our business
that she is filming
secret sex tapes in your rental?
I mean, clearly,
I'm gonna have to get
a cleaning lady.
how are you making jokes?
This isn't funny.
I'm worried about you and marty?
These are tapes of her alone--
what if she is filming
with other people?
What if she's bringing strangers
on to your property?
I've looked into
her background.
She's never been arrested
or anything.
But she is a former stripper.
I can look into
her background, too.
Stripping is not illegal.
I mean,
if ben saw this,
it will only be
a matter of time
before the rest
of the town does, right?
Let's just explain to her
that this is not okay--
for her reputation and for us.
Oh, sure, April.
Why don't we just
take her out to brunch, too?
Over mimosas,
I can just ask her
to stop exposing her vagina
to my underaged son.
Oh, my god, carol.
You know, I...
I don't want ben thinking
that porn is
what's normal and sexy.
I was never afraid to have
sex talks with him,
but this--
this is different.
This is intense role-playing--
and it's someone he knows--
and it's just--
it's not right.
It's not right,
but what sadie did
is not illegal.
Give me a break.
Maybe I will write about her
in the paper.
I will talk to her
and ask her to stop filming.
Yeah. Fine.
Watch your back.
Who knows what she might do
with your husband.
She clearly lacks boundaries.
squeeze those buns, ladies.
Up, and keep going! Up!
We need to talk.
Um, I'll be right back, ladies.
What is it?
You told me there were
no more secrets!
I wasn't hiding the videos,
so I didn't think
that was a secret.
You said you didn't want
to hurt anyone, right?
Well, carol's teenage son
has been buying your tapes.
I bet that didn't go over well.
And then she got
daphne involved.
I mean, you don't want
to get caught here, do you?
Just take them down.
I can't do that.
That would be allowing
someone to shame me
into hiding who I am.
Well, then do it for me.
Look, I am--
I'm trying real hard here
to accept all of this,
so meet me halfway.
If it means that much to you,
I'll take them down.
But I've got
to get back to class.
Poor lynn.
Lynn! Oh, god!
Where'd you come from?
Have time for a quickie?
I'm totally booked solid.
Please? For an old friend?
A fellow cheer captain?
Wow, you're really pulling out
all the stops, huh?
I'll tell you what, lynn,
why don't you come back
You can literally have
any appointment you want.
How about just a little zhuzh?
I'm going to the dealership.
I'm going to talk to jim
about the matching grant
for the gala.
I'm wearing my power suit
and I need hair to match.
Okay. A real quick one.
So that sadie's a real
kick in the pants, huh?
Oh, yeah.
I love how
she's challenging us all
to think outside the box.
Me too.
what is that?
Um, sadie teaches classes
in her office.
Right now, so they're probably
doing jumping jacks,
and squats, and planks,
and whatnot.
Too funny.
I thought it sounded like sex.
Shows where my head's at.
This is probably tmi,
but jim has just been
voracious in bed lately.
He wants it four or five times
a week now.
We weren't doing it
four or five times a year
I don't know what changed,
but I wish I could bottle it!
Lucky you!
play sex dong--song!
Sex. Play song. Dong!
Oh, my god.
My friend, mary,
says sadie's classes
have made her multi-orgasmic.
Has that ever happened to you?
Stop music.
-Oh, my god.
I'm thinking
I should start taking classes.
Maybe sadie can teach
this old dog some new tricks.
Is it hot in here?
It's hot in here.
You know what, you're set.
You look good.
Can I use your ladies' room?
Um, you know what, no. No.
It's all backed up.
Who's done your highlights?
She did a good job.
Wait. Is that jim?
No, no, no.
He's at work, I'm sure.
No, it is jim.
I wonder what he's doing here.
I mean, no offense,
this isn't exactly
a happening area.
Your salon,
There's the flower shop.
Nana's. You're right.
It's our anniversary
coming up.
I don't wanna spoil
the surprise.
Thank you for the hair.
-What do I owe you?
-It's on me.
Truly, your hair
has never looked better.
Go, bulldogs.
-Sisters for life.
-Go, bulldogs.
Holy shit.
that was funny.
what are you doing here?
It's family dinner night.
Marcia couldn't make it,
and you were working late,
so sadie cooked.
Oh, how nice.
She made this really good
spicy chicken dish.
She's a really good cook.
Oh, thank you!
I saved you some.
You want some?
I'm good.
I'll get another bottle.
-Good idea.
is everything okay?
Hey. It's me.
Yeah, so, um,
I think you're right.
Although I was
too scared to admit it,
I think there is
something off about her.
You know?
My gut says...
That her massage clients
are paying her for sex.
I don't know
how much she charges, carol.
Why would I know that?
Well, how much do you--
She made spicy chicken.
I knew it.
I was right.
An illegal prostitution ring
right under our noses.
It isn't exactly a ring, carol.
Has sadie confessed
what she's doing?
Uh, no.
Have you seen money
exchange hands?
I mean,
I've heard them talking.
And, you know,
I may have heard sex noises.
Let's not
jump to conclusions, okay?
I mean...
Infidelity is not a crime--
and April is hearing
all of this through a wall.
We need more than that
to get a warrant.
Well, April could put in
a hidden camera--
-no, no.
-That's not happening.
Look, I'm not on the clock...
But we can start
by building a paper trail.
To track them
coming and going.
-Wait. Is that wine?
Seriously, we can't drink wine
in this park.
Well, what are you gonna do?
Call the police?
It's yummy.
look, I don't want
to get involved in this case.
I have told you
what little I know,
and that is the extent of it.
well, fine.
Then I will kick things off
by making a formal complaint
about my underaged son
purchasing her porn videos.
The way I should have
from the beginning.
Isn't there a way
of getting her to stop
without having her arrested?
I just-- I think
that she is a good person.
I know it.
She genuinely feels like
she's helping these men.
But the law doesn't distinguish
between good law breakers
and bad.
You did the right thing
coming forward.
you did.
I did.
all right, ladies.
Take your left leg,
hook your knee,
whip over,
whip your head back up.
That's it!
All right, try it again,
try it again.
Nice job with that head whip.
That was sexy.
No one can change your life
but you.
Let's see, lynn.
Oh, yes!
I love that head whip!
That was beautiful.
I used to be a cheerleader
with April in high school.
Well, that makes sense
why you two can move
your bodies so well.
Let's give your husbands
something to talk about tonight.
Is everything okay?
this is too much.
Let's regroup, everybody.
Come on, from the top.
You want some more wine?
Sorry, what?
You're quiet today.
Yeah, I'm--
I'm just thinking.
Are you worried about, sadie?
Sadie? Why would I be worried
about sadie?
Because of her videos.
You know about those?
Yeah, guys like to gossip, too,
you know?
Have you seen them?
No, as a general rule,
I don't like to look at
any of your friends' vaginas.
Oh. Good to know.
Is that the criminal activity
that you were worried about?
Because porn isn't illegal.
I mean, sadie's cute,
but she's not exactly
a criminal mastermind.
You think she's cute?
Not as cute as you.
Come here.
Hey, girl, what are you--
Just come in
and close the door.
Sadie told me
she's taking money for sex.
-So you lied--
-she directly confided in me.
And, yes, I did lie.
Yes, I did. Sorry.
And why the sudden
change of heart?
Jim rogers
has been hanging around
the office a lot,
and let's just say...
He's not quiet.
-Oh, god.
And you saw him pay for sex?
Would you touch jim for free?
Hell no.
There you go.
I saw stacks of cash.
I mean, it just
needs to be stopped, right?
She needs to be stopped.
And you're willing
to make an official statement?
I mean, what's official?
No. I don't know.
So, when is the raid happening?
Alright, you didn't
hear this from me, okay,
tomorrow morning.
No, I--
I thought I was going
to be doing
recipes and obituaries
for the rest of my life,
and then this prostitute
comes to town.
And she hasn't exactly
been covert
about her activities.
April said there's
a boatload of evidence
in her back room.
I feel so lucky.
Thank you, sadie.
why are you staring at me?
I thought you were asleep.
I was.
Marty, are we okay?
Like, you would tell me
if we weren't, right?
Now I'm up.
What is this about?
I just can't sleep.
Okay, you'll pay for that.
what's up with you?
Oh, it just feels good
to be right sometimes.
Let's go!
yeah, me too.
Thank you so much.
Gerald! Hi!
I am so sorry
I keep rescheduling our date.
I just wanted to make sure
you hadn't forgotten me.
Are you kidding?
That could never happen.
I have been so swamped
with this story,
but it's finally wrapping up.
Anyways, how's Friday?
What did you have in mind?
I found this salvage guy
who fixed up
an old printing press
from the 1850s.
I thought you might get
a real kick out of it.
We could pack a picnic
and spend the day?
Oh, that sounds incredible.
-I hope so.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I've got to go.
I never asked.
What's the story about?
Oh, I can't say,
but it's super juicy.
Make sure you buy
the paper tomorrow.
I didn't see you there.
Wow, that was incredible.
Why do all of that
when you can do this?
Girls like me
are a dime a dozen in vegas.
You have to pivot to survive.
People in this town--
they talk.
you're kidding?
They talk a lot.
I just--
I think
you need to leave town.
-Just trust me.
What are you talking about?
Class is starting.
Come on.
Okay, are we ready, ladies?
- hello.
- good morning.
Doing your own deliveries today?
Oh, I was
just in the neighborhood.
Ooh! It's warm.
This cart was such a good idea!
Oh, I can't take
any of the credit.
That was sadie's idea.
Of course, it was.
Looking spicy, ladies!
Really isolate those muscles,
move those hips,
stir that sugar!
Alright, let's go!
Nana, looking good!
I can't wait
to see you in a bikini.
Oh, honey,
my bikini days are over,
but with these moves,
my sex life is on fire.
There we go.
-Oh, petey, sweetie?
Could I trouble you
for a little coconut milk?
Of course.
Thank you.
April, stay with me, alright?
Just a few more minutes.
Lift, and kick!
Remember, this is
for you, ladies, no one else.
Right on time.
and lift, kick!
Sadie smith,
you're under arrest.
Is this really necessary?
It's okay, nana.
I've got this.
Well, I am calling
the mayor right away.
What's going on?
Sorry. I'm...
I'm... I'm so sorry.
You did this?
I tried to warn you.
I thought we were friends.
thank you, officers.
Alright, let's get photos going
and evidence bags
and boxes up here.
my favorite criminals
collect their own evidence.
We're gathering a database
of all her clients.
Good news is,
she was
quite the record-keeper.
Look at this.
Over 95 clients.
We've got her clean
on prostitution charges.
And once we confirm,
the johns will need
to be charged with engaging.
Chief, a lot of them
are married
or prominent citizens.
Those names are gonna ruffle
a lot of feathers in town.
The law's the law,
right, officer?
Yes, sir.
Hello, officer spicy.
Care to comment on my article?
It turns out
sadie kept a very detailed
list of her clients.
Is this christmas?
I don't think you understand.
They're going to charge
the clients, too.
So get me the list.
You know, just because
you have the names
doesn't mean
you need to print them.
Well, that sounds like
a cover-up.
Not at all.
I'm just thinking about
the lives of our friends,
our colleagues.
It's a small town.
They made their beds,
then they got in their beds
and had sex with a prostitute.
It's a $200 fine
and then it's over.
But if you print those names,
you can ruin their lives.
If I don't print those names,
someone else will.
Keep telling yourself
that, carol.
You paid my bail?
Everyone's going to hate you.
Oh, sugar.
Thank you.
I mean, I have lived in places
where they did not wear
a prada chastity belt
to go to the grocery store.
I mean, everything you did,
you didn't do it alone.
It was their husbands
and their fathers
and their sons--
and the butchers,
the baker,
the candlestick maker.
And the tax guys.
That's true.
Been there, screwed that.
they need to take
a long, hard look
at themselves
before they judge you.
That's true.
I need to talk
to April, though.
I have nowhere to go.
Oh, you'll stay with me.
What did I do
to deserve you?
-Come on, come on.
-Thank you.
you're welcome, dear.
allow me.
Best table in the house.
What's the occasion?
I think you need to take
your mind off everything.
Do you think
everyone here knows?
Are you okay?
You know what, I need to go
to the ladies' room.
Can you order for me?
I heard
an entire law firm in boston
passed around her number.
Talk about team building.
who knew our fitness instructor
was working so hard?
Shame, though,
they were good workouts.
Your husband didn't...
You know?
Jim? No way.
He's always busy at work.
Besides, I would kill him--
With a frying pan.
Hey, April!
Can you believe it?
That really was sex
we were hearing!
Did you ever suspect?
No. Not to that extent.
I know you guys were friendly,
so if you ever want to talk,
please give me a call.
Thank you.
Good morning,
I'm tricia murata
with lqrp morning news.
I'm here with carol martin
of the luton gazette.
Thank you.
Thank you, tricia.
Last night,
the luton police department
released the first batch
of 21 names
from the client list
of sadie simpson...
...The pole-dancing prostitute.
It's worth reminding everyone
that these are pending charges.
All mentioned names have
the presumption of innocence.
I expect people will be hurt
by this publication...
...And to avoid confusion
or false identifications...
...Because the people of luton
look after each other.
How does it feel
to be making the names
of alleged johns public, though?
Well, if you've done the crime,
you do the time.
so you're not
talking to me anymore?
You realize that everyone
hates me now, right?
Or do you just not care?
Of course, I care.
My friends
won't even talk to me.
Some of their dads
were on that list.
I am sorry
they are taking
their fathers' mistakes
out on you.
If you know it was
just a mistake,
then why did you have to ruin
their lives like this?
I am not responsible
for the choice--
ben! Ben!
I can't talk right now.
You have
to let me explain.
No need.
I understand how sex
with a stranger works.
Okay. Wow.
Well, if it makes you
feel any better,
you'll be happy to know
that they've asked me
to resign.
It was not my intent
for you to lose your job.
What exactly was your intent?
Don't make me the bad guy.
There is no excuse
for what you did--
and with her, of all people?
It's so easy
to judge someone else, isn't it?
I was lonely.
And, yes, maybe I paid sadie
for a little human contact,
but that does not make me
a bad person, carol.
Don't you think
I get lonely?
I'm not made of stone.
Coulda fooled me.
I wasn't expecting you.
There's been a lot of tears
in this salon today.
Um, could you just
excuse us for a second?
What's going on?
The next set of names
are about to be released.
Marty's name is on the list.
We're going
to have to charge him.
I'm so sorry.
How could you do this?
April, it's not
what you think.
So things were only better
between us
because you were having
sex with sadie here.
April, no,
you don't understand.
In our bed.
That's why you weren't
on the security tapes,
isn't it?
Do you really think
that I would do that?
You let me--
you let me run around
like a fool,
knowing that you were
on that list.
Did you want
to get caught, marty?
I don't understand.
-I don't understand.
-Listen, listen.
All I need you to know
is that I love you.
Oh, bullshit. Bullshit.
Get out of the house.
You know what, that's fine,
I'll leave.
April, please listen to me.
I can explain.
if sadie's ledgers are correct,
she made upwards
of $100,000 cash.
But her tax returns
only claimed $18,232.00.
This is bad.
This is
mandatory jail time.
The release of the names
has really turned luton
People in my line of work
are threatened and blackmailed
all the time.
Having those records
is an important
insurance policy.
An unfortunate one
for the rest of us.
It's part of the business.
The truth is
my clients
upended their own lives.
They are responsible
for the consequences
as much as I am.
So they simply
fell to temptation?
I didn't force anyone.
You misunderstand me.
Jesus didn't judge
mary magdalene.
I'm not blaming you.
I think I'd feel better
if you did.
People may regret
that their loved ones
found out about
their indiscretions.
But I don't believe they regret
the time they spent with you.
I know I don't.
I pray that I will be able
to continue on
with this community.
But I await my judgement
with an open heart.
When my name comes up in print,
rest assured, I will blame
no one but myself.
I didn't put your name
on the records.
-Can I get a coffee?
Do you think I'm a kid?
You knew what sadie was doing
and you didn't tell me.
Uh... So?
So, I would have liked
to have been her client
or something.
So you're angry
because you didn't get
a chance to sleep with her?
Obviously. Yes.
Thank you.
Has this whole town
gone crazy?
April, it's tricia
from lqrp.
I just want to talk to you.
well, I'm embarrassed to say
that prior to this,
I considered her a friend,
but what she has done
to this community
is both amoral
and indefensible.
Sadie smith is a parasite.
And she came to this town
and used us all
for her financial
and sexual gratification.
How are you holding up?
I'm, like, two seconds away
from a nervous breakdown.
Sounds about right.
These are serious charges.
I have a recommendation.
You're not going to like it.
The d.A. Has offered
a plea deal,
and I think you should take it.
Are you kidding?
No one got hurt.
Everyone was
a consenting adult.
The prostitution aside,
the state's going to want
their pound of flesh
for the tax evasion--
no matter how strong
our defense.
So I go to jail
and then everyone else
goes back to
their safe, little lives
like nothing
ever happened, right?
how could you do this to me?
The cops ransacked
your apartment,
I packed up
whatever was left
and put it on the curb.
And then I ran over it
with my car.
You were my best friend.
You're questioning
my friendship
after you slept
with my husband?
You think that
I would do that to you?
Or to marty?
I think that
you are broken inside!
I think you cannot have
a real relationship,
or kids,
or connections with people.
Because I tried--
and look what it's gotten me.
The only thing you tried
was to steal my husband.
Because you were jealous
of my relationship with marty?
No. No, no, no.
You knew exactly who I was
and you loved it.
It felt dangerous
and it felt fun
to be my friend.
You were never
a victim, April.
None of this made it okay!
You used us--
and I defended you,
I defended you--
you turned me in!
It was bullshit!
You're just like
everyone else in this fake town
with your fake smiles
and your fake friendships.
Accusing us of being fake--
that's rich.
You used us.
You collected us one by one
to support and protect
your business--
I don't know--
if you can call it that!
You were my friend, April.
Not anymore.
You're just a whore
who breezed into town
and destroyed everyone's lives.
I hope you rot in jail.
Let's just deal with
the elephant in the room here.
Sadie rolled into town,
she dazzled
and spinned us into submission,
and then she slept with our men.
Well, now she's off to prison.
She got what she deserved.
How could she
look me in the eye
after sleeping with my husband?
And she charged you
for classes.
That's messed up.
I just feel so stupid.
You know?
I mean, I--
I promoted her business,
thinking that
she cared about us,
cared about our town.
good riddance.
I think it's best
if we all just
get on with our lives.
Let our town get back to normal.
There is no normal after this.
Oh, you are all crybabies!
Your partners and husbands
sought sexual gratification
with someone
totally out of their league.
Most men would.
And from what I heard,
you got the benefit
of the lessons.
Even if it came
with a heap of trouble.
Damn whiners.
I'm gonna miss that class.
Should we even go through
with this gala?
I'm really not in the mood.
This isn't how I expected
things to turn out, sadie.
How did you expect things
to turn out
when you were referring
all of your friends to me?
You all had an itch,
you were happy to scratch it.
You're right.
And I have to step down
from office.
Do you see
what's happening here, brian?
My name and face
is all over the news.
I am trending online.
I will forever be known
as the "pole-dancing slut
from luton".
You get a misdemeanor
and a $100 fine.
I am facing felony charges
and the possibility of prison.
That's kind of
a double standard,
don't you think?
I think we all need to take
a long look in the mirror.
-Marty didn't do anything wrong.
-Just stop, marcia, please.
April, listen.
M. Macintosh
was the name on that list.
Me. Marcia macintosh.
I slept with sadie.
Wait a minute. What?
You mean you're--
gay. Yeah.
Evidently, I had to hire
a prostitute to be sure.
Worst coming-out story ever.
Did sadie pressure you?
The opposite.
It was unlike anything
I'd ever experienced.
I felt more me than I ever had.
And I'm glad I did it.
I'm glad I could.
Wow. Marcia, that's wonderful.
Marty knows
and he's known for a while.
He was just giving me the space
to tell you myself,
and I failed him.
I got nervous.
There was all that press.
Everyone in town
pointing fingers.
Then the police
were charging people.
I mean...
I messed up.
No, listen.
I jumped to conclusions.
I was in full rage mode.
I said horrible things
to marty and to sadie.
I mean...
This is a mess.
I love you.
Thank you for telling me.
I love you.
I missed you
and I'm happy for you.
Thank you.
Marcia came into the salon.
It was killing me
not being able to tell you.
Well, it was killing me
thinking you cheated.
It's weird
how quickly you assumed
I paid to sleep
with a prostitute.
You know we don't have
that kind of cash.
I don't know.
We've been so close recently.
I guess I just lost my mind
thinking that it was
another lie.
I'm sorry.
See, you thought
that our sex life was better
because sadie was teaching me
new tricks.
But it was you.
Your confidence.
The new way that you were
embracing your sexuality.
Can we talk about
that birthday dance?
That's what was turning me on.
She wasn't inspiring me,
it was you.
I love you.
Have you decided
what you're going to do?
Honestly, I thought
I could make
a fresh start here in luton.
But I've hurt people.
I've ruined lives.
I want to take the plea.
It's time we all move on
with our lives.
what a mess.
My re-election bid is over.
I don't think we can ever
show our face again
in this town,
I mean--
you're telling me.
Lynn's throwing me out
and I'm staying at the inn.
Maybe she just needs some time
to process all of this.
We all do.
No offense, rev,
but I don't think
time is what she needs.
Let's just get
these tables put away
and then run away and hide
till the end of time, okay?
I don't think
we should cancel the gala.
You don't think we've suffered
enough in public?
Boo-hoo, brian.
Your names end up
in the gazette,
and you guys think
you're the only ones
dealing with the consequences?
Sadie's in prison.
You guys were all too happy
to pass along her name
to your little buddies
when you didn't think
you'd be punished, right?
I mean, not you, petey.
Not you.
And not one of you
showed an ounce of discretion.
Especially not you, jim.
Especially not you.
Look, sadie changed this town.
For the better.
Yes, she made some mistakes--
big mistakes--
but didn't we all?
She brought an energy to luton
that, honestly,
I don't think
we even knew we were missing.
And then we brought it back
into our homes,
our jobs,
our beds--
again, not you, petey.
What are you doing with this?
It was magical.
And I don't want to go back
to the way we used to be.
Don't cancel the gala.
I mean...
This gala is
a million times better
than previous years.
Thank you so much
for participating
in the 50/50, nana.
Oh, sadie would be so proud.
You're right.
Good luck.
Oh, I have an idea
for a great headline
for the newspaper.
We already
have one for tomorrow.
"pole dancing prostitute
spins into jail!"
why don't you consider
"brave townspeople survive
thrashing by local media."
I did what any good
newspaper reporter
would have done.
I uncovered the truth.
I knew your grandfather.
He would be
so disappointed in you
that you couldn't tell
the difference
between news and gossip.
I did what was right
for this town.
To save the legacy.
She was changing everything.
And tempting all the men.
Oh, and...
I know all about you
and mr. Quinn.
That is what makes this
so much sadder.
Oh, my goodness.
They always gotta
shoot the messenger, don't they?
Come on, nancy drew,
let's go hit the photo booth.
Okay, but no props.
Thanks, man. Cheers.
How dare you
show your face here?
Lynn, I am so sorry.
I really mucked up everything.
"mucked up everything"?
Jim, you utterly betrayed me
and then carol went
and published it
for the whole town to see.
And what I hate most
is I still love you.
If we can find
a way through this,
we could probably
find our way through anything,
I'm really not ready.
when's the last time
we didn't try and sneak out
on this place
as soon as possible?
It looks like
a sexy mary poppins really did
come through luton.
Mary poppins?
I mean, look,
things are different.
Some things are the same.
I mean, carol's still carol.
Yes, she is.
I mean, I'm not thrilled
that it took
a pole-dancing class prostitute
to spin things around,
I'm not saying it was all bad.
keep practicing
those samba moves, okay?
I thought
you might need a ride.
Sadie, I'm so sorry.
I said awful things.
And I turned you in.
You did think
I slept with your husband.
And you never betrayed
marcia's secret.
It's amazing. Why?
Secrets are sort of my thing.
You mean more than this drama--
to me and to a lot of people.
You changed our lives.
Some more than others,
Listen, I was in a lot of pain.
I was lonely.
I just didn't realize how much
until I met you.
And for the record,
I would never sleep with marty.
Oh, I know--
and he couldn't afford you
So, what are your plans?
Are you going to stay in luton?
I don't think it's a good idea.
Yeah, probably not.
I'm really going to miss you.
Me too.
I do have to get a few things.
Would you maybe give me a ride?
Oh, absolutely. Yeah.
Just have to make a quick stop.
Oh, yeah. Okay.
you look good.
Prison was good for you.
Gotta make it work,
you know?
It's good enough.
-What's happening?
Why'd you bring me here?
we heard you were leaving town,
but we really wanted
to get in just one more class.
Who's ready to sweat
one last time?