Letters to God (2010) Movie Script

Good day, Mr. Finley.
Good day, Ms. Miller.
You out, boy?
Got him, Mr. Finley.
- Morning, Mrs. Baker.
- Morning.
Hello, Mr. Perryfield.
I am sorry I'm a little late.
It's about time.
I was about to go inside.
There's a storm coming,
and my hip's killing me.
I'm sorry to hear that, sir.
Now, you don't think
I'm gonna sit around all day
waiting for you
when the cold comes, do you?
No, sir.
Be careful with that top step there.
It gives a little.
(Boy) Here goes.
Ah. Yuck!
(Mr. Finley)
And good morning to you!
(Woman) Good morning, Mr. Finley!
Good morning, Sheila. Beautiful day, isn't it?
- Sure is.
- How's Jimmy?
- He's doing real good.
- Good.
You take care now, huh?
All right. You, too.
(Door closes)
About this Brady McDaniels,
he's already missed several days
this month. I can't keep covering.
Hey, Mr. Mullins,
go look up the word "fragile".
Uh, "Les"?
When did I become "Les"?
Sorry, uh, Lester...
Mr. Stevens.
Boss, the guy's a screw-up.
It's like he's asking to get canned.
How many days this month?
Hey, Cathy. Congratulations, girl.
Thanks, Mr. S.
- Four.
- Four? That's not so bad.
It's only the 12th.
Look, Carl...
I just think there's something there
worth saving.
I thought you were gone already.
I need someone good, Lester.
This has been my route for ten years.
I've been voted Best Postal Carrier
seven years and counting.
I know, Walter,
but it's slim pickings right now.
What about that new kid Trevor?
Oh, he's slow as mud through a straw.
- Kay.
- Kay's got a month left on maternity leave.
And before you ask,
Pete just got his knee scoped.
Look, Walter, it's your time now.
You've always wanted an extended leave.
You've earned it.
Go, enjoy.
I'll find the right fit.
But there are a few things you should know. 237,
the old man...
Cornelius Perryfield...
checks the box every day
at the same time.
Good-bye, Walter.
It's one trip out, and if the mail's not there,
he'll call and complain.
And the Bakers' dog, 231,
he'll take a chunk out of you if you don't...
Go now.
All right.
One more thing.
Oh, Lord have mercy.
Take a look at these.
244 Laurel Lane.
Can't just shred 'em,
but they keep coming.
It's like...
finding a kitten on your back porch.
You can't just walk away.
I'll take care of them, Walter.
Go on home.
I'm staying in town,
so call me if you need anything.
Get a life, Finley!
No. Get a wife.
Oh. Ah! Ooh!
No, no, no, no.
Ohh, no. No, no, no.
Oh, another gourmet dish?
Yeah, something like that, Mom.
Ohh. Ohh.
nobody expects you to be Supermom.
Yeah, well, lucky for that.
Gosh, I just wanted to make a nice meal for my
kids before I went back to work, and I...
you've got enough on your plate.
- Here, let me have these. Come on.
- Ohh.
Mom, listen, I really appreciate
you dropping everything to come here,
but it's not fair to put it all on you. I...
Yeah, my schedule was so busy!
Tea with the Queen and all.
Honey, that's what moms are for.
Maddy, you need this job.
I'll tell you when it gets to be too much.
Hot! Hot, Mom! That's hot!
I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry.
Ah! I gotta go.
Thank you! I love you!
Right back at you.
Honey, was that meatloaf?
(Boy) I'm busy. Come back later.
Busy, huh?
Have you finished your homework?
It's not due till Friday.
What's your excuse
gonna be on Thursday?
I don't know. I'll think of something.
Nobody likes a smart aleck, Ben.
And your room is a wreck.
Clean it, please. Oh, and stay home while I'm
gone so Granna doesn't have to worry.
Sure thing, Mom. Like I'm gonna ride
my bicycle around town and just tear it up.
Bed before 11:00. Help Granna
and check in on your brother, all right?
(Kids shouting on television)
Okay. Good.
Aw, dude, he lost it.
Okay, Jimmy's got it. Jimmy's got it.
Oh, man, he lost it to them.
Okay, he's stolen it back.
Yes! Yes!
(Continues indistinctly)
Hey, Tybo.
Wait, wait. I'm just about to...
and score!
Sometimes I think
that gorgeous smile of yours
is about the only thing that keeps me going.
(Sighs) You tired?
A little.
- Stomach?
- Good to go.
- That's my boy. How about your...
- Mom. I'm good.
Okay, okay.
I gotta go. Mwah.
Listen, you can call me any time.
You know.
- Yeah, I know.
- Granna will help with the meds, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Uhh! Do you even know
how much I love you?
I love you...
this much.
- That isn't very much.
- Oh, but it is.
Because my love for you starts here
and goes all the way around the world,
and it ends up right back here.
Ohh! Whoa? What's this?
That's how much I love you.
(Sighs) Anyway...
Granna's doing something for dinner.
I sort of... messed it up.
Really? You?
Yeah. Stop it.
I'm not that hungry anyways.
Oh, sweetie.
Please try to eat something.
I just don't like to get sick
when you're not home.
I know.
I gotta go.
I love you. I'll see you in the morning.
- I'll be here.
- Okay.
(Turns TV on)
(Woman) Computers. That's the third time
I've had to reboot this thing.
Heh-heh. Mm-hm.
Hello, gals.
Well, looky here!
- Hey, girl.
- Hi.
Glad to have you back.
Sure is an improvement over some folk.
That's funny.
Just what I was thinking.
Well, I can see things
haven't changed around here.
How's Tyler?
He's good. Yeah. You know,
as good as a little boy can be after having brain
surgery and 30 treatments of radiation.
But he's home.
For now. So...
So, what does the doctor say?
The same. "Medulloblastoma
is a rare and aggressive brain cancer.
"Don't get your hopes up."
Yeah, like I can control that.
But you know what?
The good news is, my mom is staying
for a while until things settle down.
- Oh, that's great.
- Yeah.
Can you give me a report on my patients,
Yeah, let me...
Okay, so, Mrs. Riley is in 406.
That little boy Matthew is in 402.
And Mr. Samuels is back again in 410.
- Uh, Granna?
- Mm-hm?
You sure you're okay with doing this?
Oh, piece of cake.
Your mom taught me how to do it.
Um, are you sure
you know how to do this, Granna?
Cool it. You're making me nervous.
(Ben) Tyler! Mom's on the phone!
(Sighs) He's up here and he's busy!
Now slow. Make sure you don't
get an air bubble in my heart.
Yes, sir.
- Tyler? What's wrong?
- Tyler, Mom wants to talk to you.
- Aaaaah!
- Tyler!
- Oh!
- Tyler!
Aah! Tyler!
- Aaaah!
- Tyler!
Oh, for heaven's sake!
That's really not funny.
You're a jerk, man.
- I'm sorry, Granna. (Laughs)
- Silly.
- (Maddy) Mom!
- Maddy?
Mom, is Tyler okay?
Everything's fine. Everything's okay.
- You don't have to come home.
- Mom, everything's fine here.
Just stay at work.
(Chuckles) Right.
Oh, fool me once.
- (Retches)
- Oh, Maddy, I've got to call you back.
Okay. Call me back.
Hey. Is he okay?
Yeah, he's okay.
Are you okay?
No. This whole thing stinks.
Well, I get that.
When I'm struggling with something,
it really helps me to pray about it.
(Scoffs) Pray? Yeah.
What are we supposed
to pray for, exactly?
Dear God...
don't take Tyler.
You have Dad.
Isn't that enough?
Oh, Ben.
Prayer is just telling God what's in your heart
and asking Him to help you with it.
Well, maybe I don't want to tell God
what's in my heart.
I'm afraid to ask God to help Tyler.
I mean, what if He doesn't?
No, I can't.
Come on. Come on.
Dear Heavenly Father...
(Tyler) "Dear God...
"how many people are in heaven?
"Must be a lot.
"I know two, and I'm only eight."
(Granna) We are struggling, Lord.
We're scared,
and we need your guidance.
(Tyler) "I learned a new word today.
"Medu... lloblastoma...
or something.
"My mom says I'll be sick for a while,
"but it'll be okay."
"Why am I sick, God?
"The medicine stinks.
"But I don't have to take
my spelling test this week,
"so that's good."
"Can you see the stars from heaven?
"My dad said You made them all.
"I'm really glad to be
home from the hospital.
"But most of all,
"I really just wish
my mom would laugh.
"I miss that the most."
(Granna) In Jesus' name we pray.
Do I have to fill out a form or something?
Spoken like a true government worker.
So, you're having trouble
quieting those demons tonight?
You having trouble remembering
you're just the bartender?
if you keep pushing people away...
Save it. You're not my C.O. Anymore.
All right.
Oh, and, Jack... Jimmy Buffett called.
He wants his shirt back.
( Michael Gleason: Throw Me a Line)
- (Dog barking)
- (Police siren)
Haunted heart
Tortured soul
I don't know
What it means to be free
I don't know
What it means to be me
(Baby crying)
Wounded pride
Cuts so deep
I don't know
How to make it all right
I don't know
How to make it through the night
Somebody throw me a line
'Cause I'm hanging by a thread
Hanging by a thread
And it's...
it's just a matter of time
Till it comes undone
(Police siren)
- (Ringing continues)
- Oh!
(Lester) McDaniels,
have you lost your mind?
I leave you a message
to get your keister in here early,
and not only are you not here early,
you're not even here on time again.
If you're not in my office in 30 minutes...
There's a line a mile long
of people who want this job.
McDaniels, are you listening to me?
(Knock on window)
(Knocking continues)
It's about time.
I've been waiting for an hour.
My grandpa told me you were back.
My mom wouldn't let me come over till later.
I figured this was later.
Are you better?
I'm working on it.
Let me look at you.
Hmm. You don't look so bad.
I'm much better.
I think I'm going back to school even.
Oh! Thank goodness.
If I have to eat lunch one more day
with Ashley Turner, I'll just die!
I mean, it's horrible.
She smells like liverwurst.
- Ugh!
- (Laughs)
(Sighs) Well, here. I got you this.
Sweet! Thanks.
(Maddy) Ben, get up!
Quick! My mom's coming.
Hey, Tybo, you're awake.
Yep, I'm awake.
Just sitting here...
being awake.
Oh. Is that a new hat?
- You mean this thing?
- Mm-hm.
Mom. So, uh...
So, I'm going back to school today. Right?
You think you're up to it?
- I think so.
- I don't know.
What do you think, Sam?
I think he's ready.
- Way to be stealth, Sam!
- (Laughs) Hi, Miss Maddy.
- Hi, sweetheart. How are you?
- I'm fine.
- My grandpa told me Tyler was back.
- How is your grandpa?
- He's good.
- Good.
- And grumpy.
- (Laughs)
Okay. Good and grumpy, then.
If you're going to school,
you ought to start getting ready.
- Yes!
- Yes!
Front door, please.
Sure, Miss Maddy.
Thank you, young lady.
See you on the bus, Ty.
Oh, no. I've got to check him in,
so he'll see you there later.
Oh, come on. A walking route?
You know, one foot in front of the other,
point A to point B,
deliver the mail in between.
If it's all the same to you,
I'd ratherjust keep working the line.
I can't do a walking route.
Oh, you can and you will.
Uh, here's the keys.
The truck is in 27 outside,
loaded and ready.
Here's your line of travel.
Heh. Follow the mail,
and you can't get lost.
Nancy's got your uniform out back.
You're already two hours behind,
so I'd step on it.
(Knock on door)
You ready?
- Mom?
- Mm-hm?
Do you think the kids at school
will make fun of me?
Some will.
Only because they don't know
what else to say.
What should I do if they do?
Wait. I know.
I'll do what Jesus would do.
You don't have to go, you know.
No. I have to go.
Sam needs me.
Ashley Turner smells like liverwurst.
I am so proud of you.
Mmm! You're gonna have a great day.
I'm in hell.
Good dog. Right?
Good dog.
Stay. Stay! Stay!
Let go!
(Barking continues)
Whew! Whew.
- (Barks)
- Aah!
Ohh! Okay.
Bad dog. Bad dog!
Can I catch his disease?
You know, if he spits on me or something?
No, you knucklehead.
He has cancer, not cooties.
Samantha, we don't call people names.
No, Alex, cancer is not contagious.
And Tyler's been through a lot.
He's missed over two months of school.
He's probably gonna be
a little scared at first,
so let's all welcome him back to class
with big smiles and hugs...
and kind words, Alex?
- If that's possible.
- Whatever.
Okay. While we're waiting
for him to get all signed in,
everybody put away your notebooks,
and let's get ready for lunch.
(Teacher) Tyler, welcome back.
(Kids) Hi, Tyler!
Mrs. Doherty, we were just getting ready
to go to lunch.
(School bell rings)
Okay, class, line up.
Line leaders?
Everybody, line up behind Amy.
- We are so glad to see Tyler.
- Oh, thank you.
- Is there anything I should look out for?
- Um, no.
He might get tired. If he does, just call me.
I'll come right back and pick him up.
- Okay. I'll keep an eye on him.
- Thank you.
Oh, oh, you know what?
He still has a central medicine line,
so just make sure
he doesn't get submerged in water.
- (Laughs)
- Sorry, that's silly.
You can stay if you'd like.
No, no. No, I'm fine. Thank you.
(Overlapping chatter)
He'll be fine.
(Kids chattering)
(Tyler) I'm going back
so they can give me medicine from a bag
- for a few days every month.
- (Boy) How does that make you feel?
Makes me feel sick.
They do that for a while.
Then I get my cells back,
and then I'm done.
Did they call you "Baldy"?
Heh. Is that why you wear
that funny hat?
I'm warning you, Alex.
I bet that radiation stuff hurts, huh?
Especially on a little wimp like you.
Nah. But they made me lay real still,
like, for five minutes a day,
while this big machine points
at my head and my back.
That's it?
Is that it?
Is that it? No.
There's a big laser beam,
like in Star Wars,
that shoots out and kills all the cancer cells.
Right, Ty?
Well, yeah, I guess.
Huh. Told you.
- So... does that make you sick?
- Not as sick as your liverwurst makes me.
Well, not too sick.
But I heard my doctor tell my mom
that I probably won't grow
like I'm supposed to because of it.
Heh. So, you're gonna stay
looking like an alien?
That's it!
(Kids laughing)
(Tyler) "Dear God...
"my first day back at school
was very exciting.
"I forgot to tell Sam
to do what Jesus would do.
"We all ended up in the principal's office
"to sort things out."
"My mom came for me and Sam.
"I'm not sure who she was
more worried about.
"On the way home,
Mom tried to be very firm.
"But when Sam told her
how mashed potatoes
"were stuck up Alex's nose,
"she laughed and laughed.
"Now I know
You're getting my letters.
"Because only You could figure out a way
to make her laugh."
"We got home just when
the mailman was at her house.
"I guess all the excitement got to me,
because I threw up on his shoes."
"My mom couldn't believe it.
"All she could do was laugh."
"All in all, God,
"it was a very good day."
(Chuckles) How was...
How was my day?
Well, uh, let's see.
I almost got eaten by a horse,
and some old man tried to chase me
off his porch with a cane.
Oh, and then a kid barfed on my shoes.
That's what smells.
Boss, we've already had four complaints
in one day, which is very good.
- Might be a Post Office record.
- Four is not so bad.
Oh, and one possible lawsuit.
Do you know a guy
by the name of Cornelius Perryfield?
Letters to God.
These are from the kid
who threw up on my shoes.
- What am I supposed to do with these?
- It's yourjourney, Brady. You decide.
If you'd been here on time, there'd have been a
dead letter bin about right here.
But since it's well after 6:00, they've moved that
bin over to the warehouse.
So, you might want to just gather
your little letters and walk 'em over.
Thank you so much.
(Clicks tongue)
Ready, Jack. Ready.
Isn't that what you say? Ready or steady?
Well, I'm ready.
Ah, I think you've had enough.
All right.
I'll just take my business elsewhere.
You are a royal pain anyway.
Brady. Give me your keys,
I'll pour you one more.
I don't see you taking
anyone else's keys around here.
I don't see anybody else
staggering around.
You can stay or you can go,
but either way I'm gonna take your keys.
Hold these for a minute.
What are these?
some kid on my route.
I don't know what to do.
How are you gonna deliver these, man?
Doesn't seem right to shred 'em.
I don't know.
Letters to God?
Maybe you should take 'em
to church with you on Sunday.
Yeah. Yeah, that's...
that's what I'll do.
(Man) Can I help you?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
A little warning next time.
Sir. Mr. Reverend.
I mean...
No. Please, call me Andy.
Andy, sure.
And you are?
Uh, Brady.
And I was just dropping those off.
I wasn't stealing anything, I swear.
I'm sorry.
That's a bad choice of words.
I just...
I just came in...
just because...
it's just that I think...
this sick kid on my route
is writing these...
these letters to... God.
And I thought you could
at least read them,
and send him, uh,
a gift basket or something.
That's very kind of you,
going out of your way
to make sure that Tyler's
letters are protected.
You know him?
Oh, yes. Yeah, we love that family.
They've been members here for...
quite a while.
With all that's happened, it's been...
difficult for them.
But we certainly
keep them in our prayers
and check on them often.
You know, it seems to me that
God put these letters in your hands
for a reason.
So, maybe you should hold on to them.
No, I wouldn't...
I don't know what to do with them.
I, uh...
Well, first thing you're gonna do
is go home and sleep it off.
And then...
listen to God.
Let God tell you what to do with them.
After all, they are written to Him.
And you know
you're always welcome here.
This is a great place to find answers.
Hey, can I, uh...
- can I pray for you?
- No, no. Really, I'm good.
- That's not necessary.
- It's, uh... It's what I do.
Thank You, Lord, for Brady.
Thank You for making him caretaker
of these letters,
and for his heart.
Your plans are always good.
Lord, I believe You have a plan
and a purpose in this.
Help Brady discover that plan,
because, Lord,
I know you're about to do something...
Something more wonderful
than we can possibly imagine.
In Jesus' name I pray.
- Amen.
- Hmm.
Well, sir...
how does it feel
to be on a mission for God?
Shouldn't you be in school?
No. My mom thought
I should take it easy today.
Is your mom home?
- No. At work.
- Oh.
But my Granna's here.
I'm sorry about your shoes yesterday.
Ah, it's all right.
Cujo down the street pretty much ruined them
before you got to them, so...
You mean Rooster?
Oh, he's a big teddy bear.
You just gotta know what he likes.
- Rooster?
- Rooster, the dog.
What is it, honey?
Oh, hello.
Brady McDaniels.
- I'm filling in for Mr. Finley.
- Oh, yes.
And, uh,
this is from down the street. Uh...
(Laughs) That would be Linda Baker.
She's such a dear.
Eight months pregnant
and her soldier husband's away
and still she's thinking about other people.
Honey, it's time for you to come in now.
Can I wait for Sam? She's gonna
be home from school any minute.
Well, all right,
but just don't overdo it.
- Nice to meet you, young man.
- Likewise.
(Bus approaches)
- Here you go.
- Oh.
Here you go.
Excuse me!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where's the fire?
- Tell me everything.
So, Alex and I had to write 500 times,
"I will not fight."
But Alex had to write another 500 times,
"I will not make fun of people."
(Both laugh)
People are always gonna make fun of me.
Come on. I think I know
something that could help.
Every day?
You've got to drink that stuff every day?
Barf yourself, Mr. Doherty.
The doctor says drink it, I drink it.
Like it or not.
- (Whispering) That explains it.
- Explains what?
I'd be grouchy, too...
if I had to drink that.
Grandpa, we need your help.
Can't. I'm busy.
Grandpa, please?
It's big-time.
Hmm. Okay. Make it quick.
So, you say they're
picking on you at school.
Well, one kid, really. Alex.
Don't let it bother you.
They're jealous, that's all.
Because all my hair fell out?
And my eyebrows are almost gone?
They're jealous
because you've been chosen
for the role of your lifetime.
You've been handpicked by God.
You don't believe me?
maybe we'd better ask Baron Dedushka.
Are you in there?
Good news, Dedushka... he's here!
(Both laughing)
Ooh-la-la! Ooh-la-la!
You're him!
You must be the famous Tyler.
Why am I the famous one?
Because God has chosen you...
the strongest, the wisest,
the smartest...
to receive the honor.
Like a gold star at school, Mr. Perryfield?
No, not Perryfield. Dedushka.
And Dedushka mean not that kind of honor.
The honor of being chosen
as one of God's warriors.
I want to be a warrior.
Oh, well...
Samantha, I talked to the principal.
He said you need a little less warrior
and a little more... peacemaker.
Samantha the peacemaker.
It doesn't sound as good as warrior,
but I'll give it a try.
(Perryfield) Okay, good.
Now, where was I?
I'm a warrior.
Ah, yes, you are God's warrior,
which means you can ride forth victoriously
in truth, humility, and righteousness.
Dedushka is honored to know you.
Now, come here, Tyler.
Tyler, come here.
Even though you're sick,
when people see how
strong and brave you are,
why, it makes them take
a look at their own lives.
And so,
maybe that's why they make fun of you
like Alex.
But, Tyler, there is a glorious truth.
God is truth.
And it's yourjob, Tyler,
to point them toward Him.
And if they turn to Him,
they find the truth.
Wouldn't that be a wonderful victory?
Tyler, do you understand?
I think so.
I don't.
I don't feel so brave because of...
(Perryfield) Ah.
I have an idea.
(Sam) Grandpa, can I see?
Samantha, be still.
Now, you hold still.
We're almost done.
All right.
(Sam) Grandpa, can I see?
Samantha, be patient.
- How do you feel?
- They feel great.
- Good. Now raise them up.
- Right.
Now your right one.
(Laughing) Your left one.
We're done.
- Yes!
- All right!
Just a moment.
How are they?
They're awesome!
They're fantastic!
They're awesomely fantastic.
- I want to see! I want to see!
- Here you go.
Awesome. (Laughs)
All right.
Now, will you get out of here?
Dedushka is tired.
Thanks, Grandpa.
All right.
- Oh, you're home early.
- Yep.
Made your favorite.
That's Ty's favorite.
Well, now, don't tell me.
Don't tell me. Let me guess.
Yours is... carrot cake.
- Uh, marble?
- Nope.
- Black Forest.
- No.
Oh, gosh.
Premature senility.
I've always been afraid of it.
It's okay. Forget it.
It's all good.
Ah-ah-ah-ah. Come here.
Sit down. Stir.
Why don't you tell me what's on your mind?
Well, that about covers it.
I just feel weird, you know?
About Ty and what he's going through.
All the attention he gets.
I mean, I know that sounds
totally stupid and selfish.
I just hate that he's sick.
Oh, sweetheart,
we all hate that he's sick.
Sometimes I think it's worse for us
than it is for him.
So go easy on yourself.
I just want normal, Granna.
Do you know how many times I've asked Mom
just to take me to get my license?
- No.
- Well, you can't count that high.
Oh, Ben.
We can't do anything
because we don't have any money
and Tyler's always sick
or he's in the hospital.
Well, shall we accept good from God
and not trouble?
It just seems like all we're getting is trouble.
(Maddy) Hey.
Ben, did you take the trash to the curb?
- Honey, we were talking.
- That's not gonna get the trash to the curb.
Talking doesn't even matter to her anymore.
All she does is bark orders.
- Ben, don't talk to me like that.
- Fine, I'll just stop talking altogether.
- I'm practically invisible anyways.
- Benjamin!
I'm sick of all this. I just wish...
It's all about Tyler.
Benjamin, I am warning you...
All of our time, all of our money, everything.
I just... I just hate him!
Tyler, wait!
Maddy, let Ben handle this, honey.
Come over here and sit down.
- Ohh.
- Come on, sweetheart.
I can't do this.
Oh, sweetie. Yes, you can.
(Sighs) He didn't mean it.
Were those eyebrows?
(Laughs) Yes! They were.
(Both laughing)
Go away, or I'll jump.
(Sighs) No, you won't.
How do you know?
Well, because it took me a week
to get you out here in the first place.
Come on, sit.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry
and that I didn't mean any of those things
that I said back there.
What do you see when you look at me?
Ty, don't be like that.
I'm serious.
I know you're mad at me because I'm sick.
Ty, I'm not mad at you because you're sick.
And I don't hate you.
I guess I just miss you.
I miss all the fun times we had,
and I guess I'm just afraid that...
that we might not have
any of those ever again.
You're such a dweeb.
You're such a toad.
I want you to write a letter to God.
I want you to tell Him how you feel.
I'm sure that He can help you and Mom.
Not to sound mean, but...
Ty, that's really lame.
It's not lame.
It's my favorite way to talk to God.
It's like texting your best friend.
You're right.
- Okay.
- All right.
Here's your pad.
All right.
I'm a warrior, you know.
Heh. A warrior, huh? I think you're
gonna have to be with those eyebrows.
(Sighs) So, uh...
is Sam your girlfriend?
Yuck! No way!
Okay. Sorry I asked.
Well, she's my best...
like a boy... kind of friend.
Hmm, right. Enough said.
You have any kids?
(Sighs) I have a boy.
Uh... a little bit younger than you.
He lives with his mom, though,
so I don't...
I don't see him much.
Oh. That's too bad.
Aw, cool.
- Like that?
- Yeah.
Heh. Hey, maybe you can
show me that move.
Okay, come on.
Nice! Not bad.
So... are you on a team?
I haven't played since I got sick.
I want to, though.
Hey. Buddy, go wash up for dinner.
- Okay.
- Hi.
Thanks for the game.
You got it, tiger.
Hey! Be quick!
Uh, Brady.
I'm Madelyn Doherty.
But everyone calls me Maddy.
Anyway, it's, uh...
it's not serious, is it?
I mean, he's gonna be okay, right?
We hope so.
- Good.
- Yeah.
- He's a good kid.
- Thank you.
Um, Brady?
Your... bag.
Oh. Heh! Okay.
- Gonna need that.
- Yeah.
Um, my... my mail?
Oh. Right.
Yes. Uh...
- Here. Sorry.
- (Laughs)
It's mostly bills anyway.
Yeah. "Urgent".
- (Telephone rings)
- Oh. More bills.
Um, hey, listen, thank you
for taking some time with Tyler.
I really appreciate that.
(Ben) Mom! Phone!
I'm coming!
Okay. We'll see you.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
- Hey, buddy.
- Hi, Mom.
Whatcha doin'?
I'm writing a letter to Alex.
Alex? From school?
You see, I just want him to know
that I'm not mad at him, and that I
can understand why he makes fun of me.
Mr. Perryfield said that I'm God's warrior,
and that I can make him feel things that...
he doesn't want to feel.
But that's good.
Because maybe...
he'll turn to God for the answers.
Well, Mr. Perryfield is a very smart man.
So... what's up?
Well, sweetheart...
um, it's time to go back
and finish your medicine.
Yeah, really.
(Police radio)
Roger. Unit 72 responding. D.U.I. Suspect.
We have a minor boy in the back seat.
D.U.I. Suspect being booked.
(Cell door closes)
(Jack) Your son was in the back seat?
This is different, Brady. I don't...
I don't think I can help you out of this one.
(Jack) Brady?
You coming in? The game's on.
Oh. Um...
I'll... I'll see you later, Jack.
... with sweet satisfaction
And caused you to sing
Have you tried Jesus?
For life's deepest problem
The full redemption
From bondage to sin
You'll never regret that
You've opened your heart's door
In willing surrender
And let Him come in
That was just beautiful.
That was beautiful, choir.
Gary, thank you.
Thank you, Pastor.
- I'll see you guys Sunday morning, all right?
- We'll be here.
(Overlapping chatter)
(Lester) Hey, Brady, wait up.
Why don't you and I, uh...
go walk and talk a little bit?
You mind if we sit a while?
My mailman's knee is flaring up on me.
Oh, sure. Sure.
You need some water or something?
Just sit for a while.
You know, you're in the right place
if you have something to work out.
I'm afraid it's too late for me.
Nah. Never too late
when you put it in His hands.
It's just that lately...
No. What am I saying?
It's not lately.
It's been going on for a couple of years.
It feels like...
just about everything I touch...
turns to dust.
Everything feels like it's slipping
through my fingers.
I can't hold on to anything.
Hold out your hands.
Come on.
Now put them together.
Intertwine your fingers.
Now nothing can slip through.
I think you're right where
you're supposed to be.
I don't know where that is.
I'd say you're right in
the palm of God's hands.
(Sobs) I'm losing my son.
(Maddy sobs) I can't lose him, Mom.
I know, honey.
It's so hard.
I'll never make it through this.
Yes, you will.
We all will.
I mean, with Patrick, it was so sudden.
You know, I didn't...
I didn't even have time to react.
You know? I just...
kept moving forward because of the boys.
You know, I've always been the one
who tells everyone else to be strong, and...
have faith.
But look at me, I'm a mess.
Honey, you're the strongest person I know.
And you're a great mom.
You're not alone, dear.
God has never left you,
and he never will.
Yeah, I know.
"Stay strong, Maddy."
"Trust God, Maddy."
"Whatever His will, Maddy."
Well, you know what?
I don't agree with His will, Mom!
I have a little boy in there who's dying.
Do you think he cares about God's will?
Well, he seems to.
He writes letters to him every day.
I don't want to hear that, okay?
I don't think God cares about any of this.
Oh, Maddy, that's so far from the truth.
Remember about the mustard seed?
God said...
I just wish everyone would stop
quoting the Bible to me!
It's not curing my son!
Um... C-4.
Miss. C-7? (Laughs)
Hey, Sam, your grandpa wants you home.
See you, Ty.
See you.
Sorry you have to go back
to the hospital, Tyler.
Wait. I have something for you.
Can you give this to Alex?
You wrote a letter to Alex?
Yes. Just so he knows I'm not mad.
Okay. But if he makes fun of this,
I'm gonna punch him.
Samantha, you're the...
I know.
I'm the peacemaker.
See you.
(Machine beeping)
Okay, Ty. Here we go.
Mom, do you want to hold the line
so it warms the cells up?
Okay, baby.
It's okay, sweetheart.
I'm right here.
- (Granna) What are you doing on this floor?
- Just helping out.
- He's my favorite patient, you know.
- He's awful cute, isn't he?
Well, your relief is here.
Hey, Mom.
Are you sure?
Sure I'm sure.
Okay. Mmm.
- I'll keep an eye on him.
- Okay, thank you.
A few hours?
Take all the time you need.
Thank you.
( Anne Marie: Everything is Beautiful)
(Maddy) Ben?
You home?
I would not be here tonight
If I had to choose
It's always the bigger things in life
That seem to choose you
You can say what you want
Believe what you will believe
We miss you.
But tell God He can't have him.
... need to see
When I'm buried in the questions
I can't find the answers
I close my eyes and listen
Till I remember
Everything was beautiful
Nothing seemed to matter
Every day was just another day
To dream...
(Ben) "Dear God...
"I'm writing this...
"only because my brother asked me to.
"I've lost everything...
"all the big stuff, like my dad.
"And now with Ty being sick...
"I mean, all the normal stuff
"like going to concerts
and having cookouts...
"Can't Tylerjust get better?
"I don't think he deserves this.
"I know Mom loves me,
"but sometimes
she just doesn't have the time.
"I think she wishes it was me sick
"and not Tyler.
"Who can blame her?"
Everything is beautiful
Everything is beautiful...
- Here
- Is it Tyler?
We're going to get your license.
- What?!
- Yep.
Let's go, let's go.
I'm a busy woman.
(Teacher) I don't know when he'll be back,
but I do know he's back in the hospital.
But I think it would be nice
if we all did something special for Tyler,
to let him know that
we're thinking about him.
Any ideas?
We could get him a soccer ball.
When I had my tonsils out, I got one.
That's a good one. Sally?
How about making him a card,
and everyone can sign it?
(Teacher) Okay.
- Miss Emily?
- Yes, Alex?
I have an idea.
(Knock on door)
- Is this where they keep the soccer stars?
- Hi. Great surprise.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Kaboom. Huh?
And... I've got two more surprises for you.
Ohh! Sweetie!
You look so pretty!
Thank you.
Hi, Tyler.
(Alex) "Dear Mr. God,
it's me... Alex Wheaten.
"I'm writing You because
"I made fun of a kid at my school.
"He has cancer.
"His name is Tyler.
Do You know him?
"Well, he says You do."
Mom, can I show them the play area?
Yeah, of course.
(Alex) "I'm feeling bad,
"and I thought if You told him I was sorry,
"then that would be really cool.
"He told me he was going to heaven
to be with You if he died.
"And it got me thinking...
what if I died?
"Will I go to heaven?"
Here's the thing.
I know you have to love God
and be sorry for your sins.
Pray and open your heart to Jesus.
Come on, let's try it.
You know, we can all hold hands.
Try it, come on.
I'll pray, and...
you pray in your heart.
Got it.
Dear God...
help Alex find the door in his heart
and let You in.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
(Granna) Okay, kids, time to go.
"I'm not sure about the holding hands part,
"but the rest of it was pretty cool.
"Love, Alex."
Is everything all right?
young man...
you are out of here.
(All cheering)
- (Nurses, clapping)
- No more chemo!
No more chemo!
(All cheering)
All right!
(Overlapping chatter and cheers)
- Maddy.
- Yeah?
I have to be frank with you.
This tumor was very...
Aggressive. Yeah, I know.
But he's finished with chemo.
That means he's in remission, right?
Loosely. What does that mean exactly?
Well, the MRI still shows spots on his brain.
And I'm not sure if these cells
are dead or alive or merely scar tissue.
We'll just have to keep a close eye.
For now, let's focus on the good news.
(Sam laughs)
- All right.
- There we go.
- Hi, Mr. Perryfield.
- Hi, Sam.
- Hi.
- Who's winning?
I am, obviously.
(Both chuckle)
So, is Tyler home and well?
Tyler? Home?
I think everyone out here is getting stir crazy,
Tyler keeps getting stronger.
We should do something fun, like...
like a welcome home party for Tyler.
Oh, how about a costume party?
Costume parties are fun.
I win! (Chuckles)
- Hey!
- I win.
- No!
- (Laughs)
Thank you.
( Rascal Flatts: My Wish)
I hope the days come easy
And the moments pass slow...
Oh. I got fairy dust all over you.
(Elvis voice) Thank you.
Thank you very much.
(Laughs) Give me that.
Oh, I'm so glad you came.
Oh, that's not fair.
What? We're dressed as nurses.
Oh. It's still not fair.
(All laughing)
Where's Tyler?
Um... over there.
I see a tall Russian guy.
Oh! (Laughter)
My wish for you
Is that this life becomes
All that you want it to
Your dreams stay big,
your worries stay small
You never need to carry
more than you can hold
And while you're out there
Gettin' where you're gettin' to
I hope you know somebody loves you
And wants the same things, too
Yeah, this
Is my-y-y-y wish
This is my wish
For you
I hope you know somebody loves you
For you
May all your dreams stay big
For you
(Guitar solo)
(Song fades out)
Howdy, sir.
How do, ma'am?
Thank you.
Ohh. This was such a great idea.
Mr. Perryfield, it was all him.
(Laughs) Okay, so, I have to ask.
Where did you get the costume?
(Laughs) Oh. You mean my trusty steed?
(Laughs) Does he bite?
No, he's a good horsey.
I've actually had this for a couple of years.
My son just turned three
when I came back from Iraq,
and my wife...
now my ex-wife...
she told me that
his favorite barnyard animal was a...
So, I go out and I buy this outfit,
thinking I'd be this big hero in his eyes.
And you freaked him out.
- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
- (Laughs)
Wouldn't come near me for a week,
screaming for hours.
How's Ben dealing with all this?
Ben is 16.
We'll just wait till tomorrow.
He's just been through so much
these past few years, you know?
With his father passing and...
Tyler's cancer. It's...
It's just been way too much.
And I...
I was making it worse.
I'm pretty good
at making things worse myself.
So, what turned it around?
It took Ben's letter to God
to show me what I wasn't seeing.
(Moaning and shouting)
Is that what I think it is?
I think that's what you think it is.
Okay. Uh, now, you know how
to deliver babies, right?
Because me... I only deliver mail.
And, um, I'm just getting the hang of it.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
(All shouting at once)
Stay calm, everyone.
Let's get her to the car.
- Okay.
- Take deep breaths.
We're gonna have a baby!
It's gonna be amazing.
Okay, breathe.
Breathe through the pain.
Breathe, breathe.
I'll call your mother.
And, uh, well, we'll be praying.
We'll be praying.
(Laughs) Oh!
(Car drives off)
Thanks for a great party!
- Mom?
- Mm-hm.
Tonight was very fun.
Yes, it was.
So much fun.
(Laughs) Do you want to put those eyebrows
in your treasure box?
No. I'd rather wear them.
They're my warrior brows.
(Laughs) Okay, then.
I love you.
Go to sleep, okay?
- Mom?
- Hmm?
Do you think that Mrs. Baker's baby
was born to replace me?
why in the world would you think
something like that?
Well, Alex told me that
Ashley Turner's sister told her
that when somebody dies,
somebody's born to replace them.
(Sighs) Tyler...
I don't really think it works that way.
But Ashley Turner's sister is 13.
Oh. She's 13.
Heh. Well, with all due respect
to Ashley Turner's sister,
only God knows for sure
how these things work.
Well, if Ashley Turner's sister is right,
I would want Mrs. Baker's baby
to replace me.
He's very cute.
Nobody could replace you.
I love you.
- Mom?
- Hmm?
You know that God picked you.
He picked you to be my mom.
Oh, and McDaniels gets the save!
Amazing! How are you doing, guys?
Hey, Tyler? Phone.
It's Coach Dave.
Yeah. Really?
Okay, just hold on a second, okay?
- Mom.
- Hmm? Hmm?
Coach Dave wants to know...
he called to see if I can play
in the game next week.
Oh, Tyler, honey,
I don't think you're strong enough, sweetie.
- But I am. I am. I am!
- Yeah, I mean, I think he's strong enough.
- See?
- Right.
What's the worst that can happen?
He gets tired and has to sit down.
See? See? See?
Oh, honey, I just don't...
I reallyjust don't think it's a good idea.
- Please? Please?
- Please?
Okay, we'll compromise.
Tyler will dress up,
and only if he's feeling really up to it,
then he'll play a little,
and if he's not feeling so hot,
then he'll help coach.
Come on, Maddy.
You gotta let him play.
He's a natural.
(Laughs) Okay!
- Oh, yeah!
- Yeah!
(Fans cheering and shouting)
(Coach) Let's go, defense!
Come on, defense!
Come on, y'all!
Come on, get that ball!
(Cheering continues)
(Overlapping cheering continues)
(All) Ohh!
(Overlapping chatter continues)
Coach, put me in.
Ty, are you sure you're okay?
Yeah, I'm sure. I mean,
I've only played four minutes in the game.
we are one ahead with two minutes to go.
Okay? You've got to stop everything.
Hey, hey.
- Be careful.
- Okay.
Get 'em!
(Whistle blows)
All right, tiger! Whoo!
(All shouting)
(Whistle blows)
We won!
(All cheering)
(Cheering continues)
Whoo! That's my boy!
(Echoing) Tyler!
(Voices echoing)
We have to get him to the car!
Get a doctor!
Go and get a doctor!
Call an ambulance!
(Machine beeping)
Please don't tell me that.
(Sighs) No.
Just get away, please.
I knew something wasn't right.
I wanted him to rest.
Why would you encourage him to play?!
How could you do this?
Oh, please just leave.
(Sobbing) Please.
Just get out of here, please.
How could you do this to our son?!
We never want to see you again!
Do you hear me? Never! It's over!
( Aaron Barnhart: Water's Edge)
There's no message in this bottle
At least not one
That I care to hear
Why do I need to see the bottle?
Before I want to come up for air
Take me now
To the water's edge
In the deepest ocean
I can learn to love again
I'll be washed clean beneath the waves
And start again
We'll start again
I will hear your call
This time I will not let you fall
We'll start again
No need to apologize
I can look into your eyes
And start again
We'll start again
(Tyler) "Dear God, I feel yucky today.
"But Sam really wants to climb trees.
"I already threw up three times this morning.
"Sam's gonna need another friend,
you know."
"And, God...
please help me to tell Ben
"that I broke his guitar string.
"I didn't want to tell him,
"but I think he knows.
"Help Ben forgive me.
"He's the best brother in the whole world."
"God, do You think You can
find somebody for Mom?
"She's been so lonely
since Dad went to heaven.
"Could You send someone
that could make her happy?"
"I know it must be hard on Mrs. Baker,
"because babies cry a lot.
"She misses her husband, too.
"But she still finds time to make us stuff.
"Don't tell Mom,
but Mrs. Baker's fried chicken
"is way better."
"I think I'll be seeing You soon.
"I'm not feeling better like I used to.
"Before I die,
"can You help my friend Mr. Brady?
"He's so cool, and he has a boy.
"But I don't think they see each other.
"Could You tell Mr. Brady's heart
"it's going to be okay?"
Take me down
To the water's edge
In Your deepest ocean
I can learn to love again
I'll be washed clean...
Hey! Hey!
(lndistinct chatter)
And this one.
This one's yours.
I gotta go.
This time I will not let you fall
We'll start again...
Hey, Mr. Perryfield.
I can look into your eyes
And start
We'll start again...
(lndistinct chatter)
So, take me down
To the water's edge
In your deepest ocean
I can learn to love again
I'll be washed clean beneath the waves
And start again
(Song ends)
Ty? Sam's here.
Hey, Sam.
I want to show you something.
We had them made.
Blue for your favorite color,
and gold for all the kids who have cancer.
They even say "Believe".
I love them.
Thank you, sweetheart.
You're such a good girl.
I wrote a letter to God.
It's about you.
I didn't know what postage to put on, so...
Grandpa said
I could come over here and ask.
I just put one stamp on.
That seems to work.
Um, I'm watching cartoons.
I like cartoons.
Brady, I am so sorry.
No, no, no. No.
Um, I just want you to know that...
Finley is gonna be taking back his route.
I feel really lucky
to have gotten to know your family.
Did Tyler ever...
I want to show you something.
- Come on.
- Okay.
(Brady) I don't know.
You sure this thing's gonna hold us?
You got it.
All right.
You can see everything from up here.
You feel closer to God.
I understand now
that he wasn't just writing letters.
He was praying.
Brady, um...
I was wrong to treat you that way,
and I'm sorry that I took it out on you.
No, don't...
don't give that another thought.
You know, I should be apologizing to you.
I got something for you.
I think he'd want you to read it.
I... I can't read this right now.
Just hold on to it.
We just need to...
be a normal family again, you know?
No more hospitals,
no more I.V.'s,
no more sickness.
We just need to laugh again.
Like old times.
(Man on P.A.) Ladies and gentlemen,
tonight's talent show
at Give Kids the World
will be hosted by Wintley Phipps.
(Pamela) Hi, Tyler. Hi, Ben.
Hi, Miss Pamela.
Another hot fudge breakfast?
Yeah. 30 in a row, and I'm gonna
have banana splits for lunch.
Sounds great.
Oh. I need you to mail this.
Oh, I'll take care of that.
Wow, this doesn't seem
like an ordinary letter.
I might have to find
a special mailbox to put it in.
- No. Any mailbox works.
- Oh, okay.
Are y'all coming to the talent show tonight?
Yeah. Ben's singing.
What? No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
- He definitely is.
- No, I'm not.
I'm not singing in front of all those people.
(Tyler) Stop it! Yes, you are!
(Phipps) Now, everyone, I want you to welcome
to the Give Kids the World stage...
Tyler Doherty and his brother Ben.
(Applause and cheering)
Tyler, we're so very proud of you.
God bless you.
Thank you.
My brother Ben has been
working on this song for a while.
I hope you enjoy it.
(Guitar playing)
I look at your smiling face
You're so weak
And yet you have such strength
You take
A glance around this place
You make the best of everything
You give me hope
In spite of everything
You show me love
Even with so much pain
So, I'll take this life
And live like I
Was given another try
We laugh
We cry
Sometimes we're broken
and we don't know why
When I'm tired
And I lose my way
You help me find faith, oh!
You give me hope
In spite of everything
You show me love
Even with so much pain
So, I'll take this life
And live like I...
Was given another try
Just give me another try
You give me hope
In spite of everything
You show me love
Even with so much pain
I'll take this life
And live like I
Was given another try
I love you, bro.
I love you.
That was awesome, guys.
You did a really great jo...
Hey, hey. Can I, um... I, uh...
Thanks. Hi, buddy.
Um, excuse me. Hi.
Sorry to interrupt. I'm...
Uh... (Laughs)
I'm not very good at this stuff. Um...
My name is Brady McDaniels, and, um...
I've been Tyler's mailman
for the last couple of months.
And I just wanted to tell you...
what a...
what a gift Tyler's been...
to me and to everyone he's touched...
with his letters to God.
I read a bunch of them.
I'm not sure if I was supposed to.
But, uh...
I think I was.
Because I see now...
that there's more to this life
than I could see.
He gave me hope that...
that someone like me...
could actually feel faith in something.
Faith in God.
Now these...
These are all letters to God.
This bag here...
this is from...
this is from your school.
Hundreds of letters to God.
You did this, Tyler.
You not only helped me,
but you helped...
helped all of these people
find the truth.
Thanks, Tyler.
( Wintley Phipps: Amazing Grace)
Sweetheart, I love you so much.
Hey, tiger.
I know for a fact that God's
been reading your letters.
And He cannot wait to see you.
It's okay.
You can let go.
(Phipps) When we've...
Been there
Ten thousand years
Bright shining
As the sun...
"Dear Heavenly Father...
"You sure knew what You were doing
"when You picked my daughter
"to be Tyler's mother.
"Thank You for giving us all
a glimpse of eternity
"through his life."
(Brady) "Dear God...
"it took Tyler's faith and his letters
"to convince me to believe in You.
"Thank You for giving Your Son,
"and for giving me back mine."
(Sam) "Dear God...
"Tyler was the best friend ever.
"I didn't get to tell him,
"but when we prayed with Alex,
"I asked You to come into my heart, too.
"I know now...
"that I have forever-lasting life."
Brady, safety starts here.
- We need safety training...
- I'm concerned about your coffee intake.
Hey, hey, Simmons!
Handle with care.
- Thank you.
- I'm telling you...
God. Letters to God.
What am I supposed to do with these?
I'll take care of this one.
Thanks. I gotta go.
Good luck.
Follow me.
Okay, so we've got systems and protocols
and processes already set in place.
I've got it all mapped out.
I dedicate this mailbox to my best friend,
Tyler Doherty.
He taught us the true meaning of faith.
And his life was a letter to God.
(Applause and cheering)
(Tyler) "Dear God, I think we did it.
"You told me not to be afraid,
"and I wasn't.
"I just want everybody to believe.
"Love, Tyler."
Dear Mr. God
I'm writing You today
Because it seems like lately
I've forgotten how to pray
I know I don't
Need this pen
But everybody likes to get
A letter now and then
I'm sorry for not writing more
'Cause I need You
But it's hard to see
Why anyone as big as You
Needs anything from me
I know You're there
So, how You been?
I'm all right, but I can't lie
Sometimes I feel like giving in
You're all I've got
Dear Mr. God
Sometimes I wish You lived next door
So over coffee You could tell me
What You started all this for
I guess You saw
That sunrise yesterday
Thanks for the reminder
That You've never gone away
It gives me hope
Telling You what You already know
I need You
But it's hard to see
Why anyone as big as You
Needs anything from me
I know You're there
So, how You been?
I'm all right, but I can't lie
Sometimes I feel like giving in
(Guitar solo)
Dear Mr. God
Tell me, do You ever cry
If we forget to thank You
For the good things in our lives?
I know I can't
Always understand
Why You do the things You do
But I know in the end
I made it through
If I stand
Next to You
So, here I am
Dear Mr. God
I'm writing You today
Because it seems
like lately
I've forgotten how to pray
(Song ends)
( Addison Road: Hope Now)
If everything comes down to love
Then just what am I afraid of?
When I call out Your name
Something inside awakes
In my soul
How quickly I forget
I'm Yours
I'm not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life
Everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
Your love sets me free
When my life is like a storm
Rising waters
All I want is the shore
You say I'll be okay
And make it through the rain
You are
My shelter from the storm
And everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
When the world has broken me down
Your love sets me free, yeah
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da
I am not my own
I've been carried by You
All my life
And everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
So, when the world has broken me down
Yeah, Your love sets me free
And everything rides on hope now
Everything rides on faith somehow
So, when the world
has broken me down
Your love sets me free
You've become my heart's desire
I will sing Your praises higher
'Cause Your love sets me free
Your love sets me free
Your love
sets me free
Your love sets me free
Your love sets
me free
(Song ends)
( J.R. Richards: A Beautiful End)
We say good-bye on this day
A potter's field angel lay
The sunlight fills from your grace
And so much love gives this place
The feel of warmth inside
I hear the words of your life
An angel gone
Moved on
It's a beautiful end to a...
Beautiful life
A beautiful night to a...
Beautiful day
It's a beautiful end to a...
Beautiful life
A beautiful soul
Gone this day
The flame
A candle burns in your stead
And roses line white and red
You rose up high above
When we felt a strength
Pass through us then
Your body failed your bones
But not the love of your soul
Your love
Goes on
And on
It's a beautiful end to a...
Beautiful life
A beautiful night to a...
Beautiful day
It's a beautiful end to a...
Beautiful life
A beautiful soul
Gone this day
Rest here, angel, rest
Make us strong
And calm all the oceans
It's a beautiful end to a...
Beautiful life
A beautiful night to a...
Beautiful day
It's a beautiful end to a...
Beautiful life
November said
Rest, angel, rest
Rest, angel, rest
(Song fades out)