Level, The (Asylum) (2009) Movie Script

He's lying.
You think?
Everything that comes out
of his mouth is a lie.
Well, what do you wanna do?
What the fuck you mean
"what I wanna do?"...
Go cut off his fingers!
Hang on,
I think I can make him talk.
Who gives a shit?
I found the lighter.
Fine, you wanna make him talk,
knock yourself out.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,
the only reason your not
being chopped up...
into little pieces
right now is...
because I convinced my man
over there, you'd tell the truth.
So come on do me a solid, huh?...
The truth will set you free.
You think
I don't know that, man?
I've known that ever
since my Grandmother...
was whipping it out of me...
when I was growing up
on the south side.
I been in this business
long enough...
I done seen enough mother fuckers
get there ass smoked to know...
that at the end of the day
the truth is all that matters.
Now I don't know
if you actually give a shit...
about somebody making
some crank in some school bus,
or if you're just trying to
figure out why everybody's dead.
All I can do is tell you
what happened.
Packed everything?
You took long enough.
Look, Eddie, I know you think...
I am some sort of
back stabbing whore...
you can trust me.
I gotta tell you something, Lexy,
I don't believe in a lot of shit...
I believe in God,
I believe in strength...
...I don't know why but I trust you.
I believe you.
I gotta tell you something, ok...
I lied.
You know what we want to hear.
Why you talking about some hooker
that gets her head blown off?
Cut his fucking fingers off!
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa,
Hold the fuck up...
you know none of this shit
would have happened...
if Junior hadn't called us in the
first place, let me start over.
Yo, guess who this is...
You're on caller I.D. Junior.
Ahhh, yo, I didn't think
your ass could read, Son!
Yo, check this out since you're
feeling so fucking smart today...
Inspector fucking Gadget,
where the fuck is my dad?
I haven't seen him.
What you mean you
haven't seen him?
He was supposed to call me,
like an hour ago!
Oh, Oh! You know what?
Come to think of it...
I still haven't seen him.
That's really funny,
for a fucking retard.
Tell you what, find my dad...
or I'm gonna make you
clean my bathroom.
You know I changed
that punks diaper once.
What's he want man?
Supposed to meet
his dad an hour ago.
He didn't show.
Here you are sir.
Is this chicken?
Yes, sir that's chicken parmesan.
Why would you bring it
to my table?
Because that is
what you ordered sir.
You're telling me
I don't know what I ordered.
Be easy...
The whole ride over here,
Eddie, what did I talk about?
Veal Parmesan...
Veal Parmesan!
Now you're telling me
I ordered chicken.
It says here that
you ordered chicken, sir.
Oh really?
I will get you your veal.
Don't you know you're not
supposed to yell at the waiter,
until after you get your food.
For all you know
he's probably back...
there rubbing out
some special sauce for...
your veal parm right now...
So the boss is missing huh?
Maybe I should call his driver,
what's his name?
Hey Chester what's up man?
It's Eddie.
What do you want? What?
What the fuck you mean "What?"
Where's the Old Man at man?
Listen, this is bullshit!
I already told Junior
I don't know where he is.
What's up?
I don't know.
Maybe we should check it out.
Yeah, let's get outta here, man.
You know,
I really don't hate working.
It pays the bills so I can take
the kids to the game on Sunday.
Deal a little.
Collect a little.
If Junior was asking me
to make the fucking coffee,
I'd be cool with that.
Yeah, but he didn't ask you
to get coffee, did he Eddie?
He asked me and Rock to
look for his dad.
Our boss.
The Mother Fucking King
shit of Youngstown.
And from the nervous tone
in Chester's voice...
I knew this was gonna be bad.
Eddie, you coming?
Fucking Junior.
He thinks he can
just treat everyone like shit.
The only thing that punk ever did
was squirt out his daddy's nut.
Life's a lottery baby.
You and me bought losing tickets.
What're you doing?
I'm putting in hollow points.
I still have jackets in there
from when I was at the range.
.45 with hollow points,
blow your head right off.
What you got?
I got a gun.
It's got bullets in it.
Jesus, look at this dump man.
What the hell is Al paying,
minimum wage?
Look at this shit hole.
No! Ahh, Damn it!
Where's Al, Chester?
How the fuck
should I know where he is?
He gave me the day off alright.
You know what...
Where the fuck is Al?!
All right, all right I'll tell you
whatever you wanna know...
just put the gun down alright.
Hey, take it easy man.
Let's give the man a chance.
That's what I'm giving him,
a chance to save his ass.
All right.
I drove Al out to this shack out
in the woods all right.
He said something about
somebody cooking up...
some meth without his say so.
He goes inside and
the whole fucking thing explodes.
You saying Al's dead?
There wasn't nothing
I could fucking do about it,
you think I knew the place
was booby-trapped?
What's up punk?
Where's my fucking Dad huh?
Where is my Dad...
Ahh, Jesus!
If something happened to the Big A,
shit's gonna hit the fan.
Let's you and me
stay on the level.
The last thing we need,
is for Junior to think...
that we are into whatever shady
shit's going on here alright?
Fuck! God Dammit!
He was just about to tell us
when you got here.
Tell Junior what you told us.
Bikers? You ain't said shit
about no bikers.
That's what I was trying to
tell you, I tried to save him...
Who the fuck are these guys?
I only sent him in there to
protect him alright.
I'd take a bullet for that guy.
So what happened to
these bikers?
Well, when it exploded
they took off.
Come on man!
Look I know how it sounds,
it sounds crazy.
I swear to God
it's the truth alright.
This guy is lying.
Oh completely!
That chicken shit ain't gonna
stand up to no bikers.
I think he and those bikers
set my dad up.
Before we kill him
I wanna fuck him up.
I want to cut him up and
I want to fucking hurt him...
but we can't do it here...
because the neighbors are
gonna complain about the noise.
What Noise?
The blood curdling screams, Eddie.
Hold on. Wait a second.
We don't even know
if there is a meth lab.
Dude, what are you saying?
I'm saying lets
check the story out first.
You're so smart Eddie.
Somebody takes down the king;
they're gonna kill the soldiers.
Shit you know
that better than anyone.
It's just the kind of situation
where a lot of people get killed.
And I ain't one to be one of them.
But for Junior that shit was personal.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Hey, Junior.
Take it easy, hey easy!
Blood's getting
all over the seats.
Hey Man I know.
I like Junior.
But he's a hot head.
He's a hot head and
somebody killed his pops.
He flipped the fuck out,
what would you do?
Alright Chester,
where's this frigging lab?
Head north on Route 26.
Holy Shit!
Mother fucker might
have been telling the truth.
See, just like I told you.
I wasn't lying.
He had me stop right here.
And he get up out the car.
And he goes walking up along
here around the far side.
And I stayed here at
the car and then,
all the bikers come in
from behind us, right there.
Someone killed my fucking dad.
Someone is gonna fucking
pay for this shit.
Someone is gonna
fucking pay for this!
Where the fuck is Chester at?
Why the fuck isn't he
in here right now?
Psst, Eddie.
Come on man you got to help me.
They are going to kill me.
You got to help me
get out of here.
Eddie come on man!
Come here Chester.
No Eddie I can't die like this.
No! No!
Eddie! Eddie! No!
Eddie! No! No!
Come on!
Ahh, no!
Get the fuck out of there!
Come Here!
I thought you were my friend Eddie.
Fucking Asshole!
Got me running around the woods
like a fucking moron.
Get the gas can.
You're gonna burn him here?
No. We'll burn him over there.
No! No!
I'm sick of your bullshit Chester.
Ahh, don't burn me!
You got your lighter Eddie?
Tell us how those bikers
set up my dad.
I drove your dad out to
that meth lab in the woods.
When we got there,
there was a gang of bikers there.
Chester, do something!
You OK?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Wow! You heard that Rock?
That's some real shit homie.
Real shit.
I was gonna save him...
Tell me something,
what kind of gun did Al have?
A... Shotgun.
Pump action?
No, wait.
I wasn't thinking
it wasn't a pump action it
was a double barrel shotgun.
Al stopped carrying a gun after
he did that year for gun possession.
- Burn him Eddie.
- Stop, Stop, Stop!
Listen dude just tell us
how the bikers set up my dad, Ok.
I lied about the gun.
He never had a gun.
I tried to save him I swear.
Here's what happened.
Keep your head clear
I'm gonna get you outta this.
Fuck You!
We got a problem.
Looks like this place
is wired to explode.
I'm fucking outta here.
You'll be alright Al,
just stay in there.
Don't you let go Al,
you stay with me.
Son's of Bitches!
And that's...
that's what happened.
So now we know.
Oh come on, you believe that shit?
Yeah I do believe that shit.
Obviously Chester
is not Chuck Norris but yeah,
I believe his story.
About what?
- About the bikers setting my dad up.
- I don't know man.
I mean what type of meth dealer
just starts killing people.
I don't know what you guys
want me to tell you man.
We were driving in the car.
He gets a phone call.
He tells me 'she said
to go out Route'...
He had a girl friend named Lexy.
Dude, what girl friend?
She must have set him up!
That's who you want to talk to.
That's fucking bullshit.
What the fuck?
You saying you know something
about my fucking family, huh?
Exotic... dark... dark...
Don't listen to him Momma,
god rest your sacred heart.
Hear me out. Hear me out.
You know it sounds to me like
he's finally telling the truth.
It sounds to me like he's not
telling the fucking truth,
and I don't see how you can't
fucking see that Rock.
- So, why don't you shut the fuck up...
- Please you gotta believe me...
- this is true.
- 'cause I'm in charge here.
And you shut the fuck up!
You shut the fuck up!
- Fuck! Mother fucking Shit!
- Eddie, you gotta believe me...
Everybody here...
- this really happened.
- just shot the fuck up.
Lexy must have
set him up alright.
I mean she was shady alright.
No! Oh My...
Junior. It's not my place to criticize,
but why the hell you just did that?
I think he was just getting ready
to tell us something.
Dude if my dad's dead then
that makes me the boss.
Why don't you get that bullet back
so the cops don't trace it to my gun.
It's still in his head.
Just throw your gun in the river.
I'm not throwing my fucking gun
in the river I like this gun.
Just fucking do it.
Why did he just do that,
I mean if you were Junior...
wouldn't you want to know
who is coming after you.
I've been telling you,
kid's a fucking dope.
I'm not dressed for this shit.
Yo, it's his phone man.
What's that chick's name again?
Yeah. Lexy?
Yeah, Uh-huh?
Hold on one second, ok baby?
Yo, Rock you don't hear me
on this fucking phone, man?
You don't see me
breaking this head?
I'm sorry about that baby, yeah,
look I'm a friend of Al's.
He wanted me to
invite you to this party, but...
- He did?
- But I kinda forgot your address.
Well, just ask Al.
Yeah, Yeah,
I don't wanna call him back,
- because you know how he is.
- Yeah well, whatever.
I'm at the party house.
Do you know where that is?
- Yeah.
- I'm with the rest of the girls.
Yeah. Yeah I know right
where that's at, yeah.
Alright, I'll see you in a minute.
Ok. Bye.
Rock, something's wrong
with you man.
- What's up, Eddie?
- Sup, man.
Yo did you get that bullet?
Rocky's on it.
where're we going right now?
Lexy's house.
Gonna follow up on what
Chester told us about.
Dude we already decided
that was a dead end,
we're not going there right now.
Check this out,
whoever killed your pops,
is probably coming after us.
I know but I just said we're
not going there right now
so we're not going there.
What the hell's
a matter with you?
Don't you want to know
who killed your father?
What man? Go do your job.
This seem sketchy to you?
A little.
Check this out, man... you take
that side, I'm gonna go this way.
Listen to me there
is a package on its way,
and do not sign for it.
Hey, Where's your friend?
Hey, look I found this creep
outside playing with himself.
It is Lexy right?
See that's an AK-47
you got there.
That's bad news for me baby.
Cause all I got is this here 22.
Thing is, I still got bullets.
So Lexy, do you wanna
come out peaceful and talk?
Or do you wanna
get into a gun fight?
What, you thought you were
gonna get away with it? Huh?
Get off me!
She killed the Old Man.
What the Old Man's dead?
Don't act all surprised.
Yeah, what the hell you
shot at us for then?
Cause you were coming to
kill me!
Who told you we were
coming to kill ya? Huh?
I asked you a question bitch.
Who told you we were
trying to kill you? Huh? Who...
Fuck! Mother Fucker
Open the God Damn Door!
How can you fucking
do this to me?
What the fuck man?
Get her the fuck outta here.
He's the one that set you up, ok.
He's the one that
said there is a package...
to be delivered
and not to sign for it,
and that means kill whatever
motherfucker comes to my door.
Open the door you fucking pussy!
Get outta the car Junior.
Dude, I'm not getting out
of the fucking car.
I will shoot you right in the face.
Dude, what the fuck?
You don't need to pull
your fucking gun out alright.
What the fuck bitch? Get off!...
You are such
a fucking piece of shit.
What do you know about
a meth lab out on Route 26?
Hold on a second,
ok just fucking hold on a second,
because I am not about to killed
over some bullshit Junior's doing.
Dude, she's fucking
totally lying right now.
Wait a second. What bullshit?
It was Junior's fucking meth lab.
What Bitch?!
You said that you loved me!...
You said that you loved me.
Bullshit, like I would fucking
say that shit to this fucking...
Whoa whoa Whoa!
What're you doing?
I'm gonna kill him.
Al's dead.
That means he's the boss.
I don't know about you Eddie,
but when a man tries to kill me
he crosses a line.
We can't whack this dude...
until we find out
what the fuck is going on. Ok?
Get in the car whore.
Ahh! Help me!
What the hell is that Rock?
Someone help me!
Shut up.
Someone fucking help me.
Seemed like the more we found out,
the less we knew.
Now I never thought Junior
would kill his own pops,
but he lied to us.
You can't blame Rocky
for freaking out.
Hey Man, Rocky's a soldier.
Soldier's kill.
Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa.
I said I'm gonna tell you
what you wanna know, man.
I said I'm gonna tell you
what you want to know...
No, no! Don't, don't!
I didn't set up Al, ok?
I might have been fucking his son,
but that doesn't mean
I wanted to kill him.
I thought that Junior loved me.
An 'I love you' from Junior
and fifty cents might
buy you a cup of coffee.
Where are we going?
Yeah where are we going?
The Asylum.
Look, one way or another
I'm gonna get to the truth.
And the Asylum is
the fucking ministry of truth.
Ouch, Ow you fucker!
Hold the fuck up,
this is Armani, Hold up.
Lexy Get your ass out the car.
This is Bullshit Rocky!
Fuck You.
You want to do this hard way Junior,
it's ok with me.
Lexy get her side.
- Fuck off Rock.
- Take a seat.
Sit the fuck down.
Moans in agony.
It's ok.
Don't bother sweetie,
windows nailed shut.
Just have a seat.
You ain't such
a big shot now are ya?
Let's take a breath
for a second, ok?
Where the fuck
are we going with this?
Well let's start with the truth.
This could be part of something
much bigger than we think.
If he set up his dad,
who is he working with?
Ok. What do you want to do?
Do what I did in the army.
When I'm done with him
he going to tell us
whatever we want.
Now get that barrel
fill it up with water.
I'll show you
a little trick I learned.
You set us up Junior, Why?
Because I didn't want you
to know I was boning Lexy.
Now let me out of here
before I have you killed.
Hold it Junior.
Here is what happened,
you set your dad up,
then you tried to set us up
because we were on to you.
Dude, fuck you man.
I fucking loved my dad.
Oh, that's why you were
fucking his girl?
So that's what this is about huh?
Your jealous cause my dad gave birth
to a player and he made you a clown.
You didn't know that did you?
That's what he calls you...
his fucking little clown.
You guys are making the biggest
fucking mistakes of your lives.
With him gone you inherit
the entire operation.
You had every reason
to whack him...
Who else is in on this?
Who else was in on what?
Who else Junior?
I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about...
God Dammit if you fucking
hit me one more time. Fuck.
Now that felt good.
Eddie, please help me.
Who else was in on this?
Nobody. It was my lab, ok.
Now we're getting somewhere.
And your dad found out
so you killed him.
No, no.
It was booby-trapped...
but I didn't think
he'd be the one going in it.
It was Lexy and me.
We were just trying to
make extra cash on the side.
Ok that sounds reasonable, right?
Let's let the kid go, man.
Let him go?
You're usually so smart Eddie.
We can't just kill the kid.
I didn't say kill the kid.
Did you hear me say anything
about kill the kid.
Eddie, go check his story with Lexy.
I'm telling you Junior,
if you are lying to me
you're going in that fucking barrel.
Open the fucking door!
God dammit!
Did you kill him?
Relax, Lexy.
Nobody's killing nobody. Alright?
You want to smoke?
What did he say?
Did he try and blame it all on me
because it was his fucking idea.
He said that you and him
set up the meth lab on the side...
to make a few extra bucks.
Said you booby trapped it
but you never expected Al
to go in there.
Yeah that's right.
I mean that's exactly
what happened.
She said the same thing Junior said.
It was their meth lab...
Great, get me the fuck outta here.
That only leaves ones lose end.
What's that?
The bikers
Chester was talking about.
Dude he was fucking lying.
Yeah? Prove it.
Whoa Whoa, Rock
don't do this man.
Look, maybe he is telling the truth
and maybe he's setting us up again.
Suppose we let him go and
he is working with the bikers.
Then we're frigging dead.
I'm not gonna take his word for it.
I'm gonna ask you
one more time Junior.
Who are those guys?
I told you a million times already,
I swear to god
there were no other guys.
Alright, whatever you guys are
gonna do, just don't do it.
Ok please, I swear I'm gonna
keep you guys on. I promise.
It's not you
I'm worried about Junior,
it's the guys I don't know
that got me twisted.
Grab him Eddie.
No! No! No!
No! No! No!
Now what?
We wait.
How long we gonna keep him
in here?
Everybody's different.
You going to
Sonny's wedding next week?
Sonny's wedding.
He is getting married next week.
Shut the fuck up and do this man.
Come on.
That a boy.
You know, you're too tense Eddie.
Alright it's been a minute man,
come on.
It ain't a matter of minutes.
It's a matter of
how long he can hold out.
You know I'm beginning to wonder
if you got the heart for this Eddie.
Hey look we should
get him out right now, ok.
Nah, I think he
is playing Opossum.
Come on, let's get him out.
Come on.
Yeah alright.
Shit I think he's dead Rock.
Nah. Hold his feet up.
You know, it really pains me
to keep doing this to you Junior.
But if you don't start telling me
who those bikers are,
I'm just gonna keep dunking you.
Ah fuck!
Ah shit.
Please just don't
dunk me anymore.
Ok, I swear to god
I'm gonna tell you...
what ever you guys wanna hear.
So who are these bikers?
Lexy told me about them.
See, what did I tell you?
It was her idea from the start.
Baby I don't know why you
can't just meet with them...
and see what they have to say.
Because, they're just trying to
make money in Youngstown.
And as far as I'm concerned
it's a closed city.
My pops runs it and
he doesn't want any partners.
Baby, your daddy is old.
He ain't gonna be
around forever and then what?
You really think you got
enough juice to keep it together.
Yeah I do think
I have enough juice.
Why don't you ride
my fucking jimmy.
I don't think so.
Spanky says it's a whole new world.
Yo, what the fuck did you just say,
did you just fucking say Spanky.
So you fucking met
with these guys.
Yeah I just want to hear
what they had to say.
There's no harm in that right?
Actually there is
fucking harm in that.
Now I got to clean up this mess.
I'm sorry I didn't know.
I don't know why you fucking
do this to me every fucking time.
It's like you don't understand...
that everything I fucking
do I do for you.
You what's up control it's K.
Yo we got a situation.
Yo get the fuck of me rat.
Yeah you best come correct.
Yo are you Spanky?
Al's kid.
Get'em out.
Alright everyone get the fuck out.
Party's over. Get out.
Sit down.
Somebody get this boy a beer.
Lexy has said some pretty
good things about you.
Says you want to
make some money.
Who doesn't want to make money?
Your old man.
He's more interested in
playing cops and robbers.
That's what you think huh?
Well don't be fooled
cause he likes money.
Let Isis christen this for you.
I'm going to have a war
with your daddy. Here's the deal.
You help me kill your old man,
and I let you live.
Maybe I'll throw you
in a few scraps.
You want a fucking war?
Do you want a fucking war
then bring it.
I am ready to die mother fucker,
how about you.
You ready to get
your friend here killed to?
Dude this is fucking bullshit, man.
What the fuck are we doing here?
Yo I need you to stay with me bro.
I'm gonna get us out of
this shit so just relax.
Have you seen this shit?
They're gonna cut
my fucking dick off.
Yo why you acting like
a little bitch right now?
Huh? Why you acting like a bitch?
Yo, Yo! I don't even know this dude,
man, dude I'm shit...
Shit you guys had me
so fucking scared.
I knew you were a faggot
when you didn't drink that beer.
Life is about getting your dick wet
in as much poontang as possible.
Is that your sister's name
you fucking hillbilly?
You had your chance. You blew it.
Right now Lexy's
setting up your old man.
He'll be dead in five minutes.
Baby, what are you taking to?
You'll see.
It's a goddamn school bus. Come on.
I ain't going in there. Come on...
Come on.
There's a surprise...
- Oh yeah?
- Uh huh.
So you can see
why I shot Chester...
and you can see
why I set Lexy up...
so she'd get killed not
the other way around.
The only reason
I lied to you guys was...
because I didn't want you to think
I had something to do with it.
I love my dad.
Welcome to some shit
called reality.
To bad you're not a bitch,
or I'd let you suck
your way out of this.
And you just broke the ropes
and kicked every body's ass?
When you got to throw down
you got to buck up.
Do me a favor. Break those.
Right now?
Yeah, yeah.
I believe your story and all,
it's just so bad ass
I got to see you do it.
These ones are stronger.
Rock. Go easy man...
Shouldn't you be checking the girls.
You got to help her.
She is going to the doctor as soon as
I find out what the hell is going on.
You know what?
I don't know
what the fuck is going on.
Nah, that's not what Junior said.
What did he tell you?
Man that was a great story Junior.
You just took on all those guys,
you didn't even have a gun?
You know I know karate and shit,
so I just fucking took
one from the bikers.
How many was it?
Probably like ten.
Eight. Probably eight.
It was probably like eight.
Show me some of that shit.
Show you some of what shit?
That karate...
Yeah yeah.
Show me some of your moves.
Come on Rock, I don't wanna fucking
show you some moves and shit.
Come on show me some karate.
If you show me some karate
I'll believe you.
Rock, I don't want to
fucking mess you up,
you don't understand?
If I believe you I'll let you go.
Try some of that shit on me.
Ok. Just back up ok?
Ahh, fuck.
So what you believed him?
I don't know.
Listen you seem like a smart guy.
Get us outta here
and I can save you.
Save me from what?
The Horde.
Are you fucking stupid?
I set up Al. OK?
I met with spanky we made a plan
and I set him up...
Baby what're you taking me to?
You'll see.
It's a goddamn school bus. Come on.
I ain't going in there. Come on...
Come on.
There's a surprise...
- Oh yeah?
- Uh huh.
This is a meth lab,
you wanna fuck in a meth lab?
Yeah baby it turns me on.
Look it's dirty, let's go
to a motel. Come on, Jacuzzi.
You have gotta be kidding me.
You say you want it nasty,
you say you want it dirty.
I go to all the trouble
to find this place...
and this is how you repay me.
You know what, fuck you.
Lexy?! Lexy, wait a minute.
Hey you wanna fuck in a meth lab.
Come on,
let's fuck in a meth lab.
Yeah that's right, Oh Baby!
That's what I'm talking about.
Come in here.
Sit down.
Oh Yeah!
Shut up.
Where you going?
Come here.
What are you doing?
Come on take that jacket off.
Sorry Al
Sorry for what? Come on.
Put that down.
What the fuck you doing?
It was either you are me.
You are me?
You fucking bitch!
After what I've done for you,
you sell me out.
Lexy, come on I was kidding.
Chester! Chester!
Chester! Chester!
Why do you think?
Spanky told me to.
Man the horde
is a special kind of evil.
They've been killing their way up
north for the last six months.
Anyone who gets in their way.
I'm not just talking about
gangsters here, ok,
they will take out whole
fucking families.
Women, Children,
it doesn't matter.
You think Spanky is going to
stop just because Al is dead.
He is taking out his whole crew.
And that means you.
It's not too late. I can save you.
I know Spanky, I can get you in.
Whoa whoa whoa.
You saying junior
was telling the truth?
Al is dead.
You don't owe him anything.
Ok just get me out of here...
and I will make sure
that Spanky takes care of you.
Yo Rocky! Yo rock.
Yo the kid was telling
the truth, man.
Hey man,
Junior was telling the truth.
Lexy set up the old man.
No shit?
Yeah man
she just told me everything.
She did it just the way...
Forget it Eddie.
He stopped twitching
three minutes ago.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Eddie he has been out to long.
Look I need more juice man,
rev up the engine for me ok?
Rocky, rev up the fucking engine!
He's alive.
Holy Shit!
Nah, he's been out to long,
he's a fucking retard.
You sick bastard.
You just fucked up Junior.
He was gonna run
his dad's business?
- Don't make me laugh.
- You know Eddie,
when the world gives you lemons
it's time to make lemonade.
Think about it. The boss is dead.
Junior's dead.
And nobody knows
about it except us.
If we play our cards we could be
at the top of the food chain.
Are you fucking deaf?
The Horde, they're already here!
They're real.
Without the organization
we are on our own - we are fucked!
You say that broad upstairs
knows where they hang?
Let's have her set up a meeting
between us and Spanky.
Then, when we know he's
there with his top guys, we burn it.
I mean we jam the doors shut,
torch it with everyone inside.
Anybody that runs out,
we shoot them.
You are out of
your fucking mind Rock.
Oh, come on Eddie.
This is our moment to shine,
our moment in the sun
where we get everything
that's coming to us without
big Al taking forty percent.
Are you with me or against me?
Yeah, I'm with you.
So I'm going to take care of Lexy
and then we'll boogie.
That a boy. Hey Hey hey.
You know,
if you like her so much
you should just fuck her
before you kill her.
I tell you what give me five
and then we going to
boogie out of here. OK?
But use your knife.
That's my gun Rock.
Yeah I know. But I want you to
use your knife.
Mother fucker I just told you
that I was with you.
Use your knife.
Yeah. Ok. It's like that.
Alright. Give me a few minutes
I'll be right back.
Let's go.
Listen you said you could
get me in with the Horde right?
Yeah, I mean you haven't
done anything to cut them.
I'm just trying not to
get killed, ok?
Yeah well me too.
Let's go, come on.
Wait, I'm not leaving without her.
Look, I'm not fucking
leaving without her.
- I'm going to get a car.
- I'll meet you out front.
Have her down stairs,
you understand me?
Some wounds run deep Junior.
They never heal.
They just keep festering and festering
like a scab you can't help picking at.
I don't know if killing you is going to
make me feel any better.
But sometimes you just
want to grab hold of that scab
and rip the mother fucker off!
You know that
did make me feel better.
Yo, Eddie.
Just go.
Eddie You done yet?
You know if she ain't dead yet,
I wouldn't mind sloppy seconds.
Where did they go whore?
What are you gonna do?
Kill me?
Packed everything?
You took long enough.
Look, Eddie, I know you think I'm
some sort of back stabbing whore, but...
it's not what you think,
you can trust me.
You trying to play me?
I gotta tell you something ok...
All that stuff I said about
Spanky and the Horde,
and setting up Al. I lied.
That was a dumb shit move
coming back here Eddie.
You sick Mother fucker.
Come on out,
I'm not gonna kill you.
Crazy bastard.
I'm gonna fucking kill you Rock.
That's just the pussy talking.
The bitch has got your head
so wound you can't see the reality.
What reality?
Our reality.
The one we choose.
Not the one we got because
we were born poor and dumb.
I'm talking about the one we create
where we're the masters of our world.
Leave me alone.
What are three elements of life?
Money, Pussy, Power.
That's all within our grasp.
We just need to show
some fucking resolve.
Then Rock, go ahead and do it.
Nobody is stopping you,
go on and take on the Horde,
but do it your damn self.
I need you to shoot the Horde
when they run out the backdoor.
Wait a sec.
Yeah... No, everybody...
everything's fine.
Yes sir.
Where are you?
Jail. They're processing me
out right now.
If you run into that fucking coward
Chester tell him I want to talk to him.
What happened?
You wanna talk bullshit,
listen to this.
Lexy asked me if I was getting
into the crank making business.
I said you must be fucking crazy.
I'm a business man, just cause
I sell it doesn't mean I make it.
It's a job for niggers and hicks.
Then she said the girls heard
one of your boys set up a lab.
I said "Really"? Where?
So I've been sitting here
for the past 24 hours...
answering these stupid questions.
Well, that sucks.
Where's Lexy?
I can't find anybody.
Uh... we're at the house now.
Yeah why don't you
just meet us there?
Yeah ok, bye.
There's no Horde?
No. Junior lied to us.
That little fucking punk
why would he do that?
He just made all that shit up.
He knew we would take the bait.
And he set us up
so we would fall on our faces.
Al. Al. I know
what this looks like alright.
But I tried to stop him.
I tried to stop Rock,
I was trying to save you son.
Alright? I saved you.
Rock was going to kill you.
Why did you tell them
to meet us here?
We have to kill Al.
Don't act like
we don't have to kill him.
We just killed his son.
You killed his fucking son.
Oh that's the way
you're going to play me?
After all we've been through together
that's the way you're going to be?
Fine, we might as well part ways.
Part ways?
Yeah, you go clean yourself up
and go do whatever you're gonna do.
I'll take care of Al.
Take my gun mother fucker huh?
Fuck you Eddie,
I got this shotgun pointed
right at your head.
So let's go.
Let's die, right here right now,
you wanna die?
Actually, not really.
Why don't we just put
the guns down and walk away?
Put the guns down
and walk away?
Yeah, count of three.
Ok. Bet.
Tell you what, take my 22.
out your back pocket first.
Oh yeah. Sure.
Count of three.
See you around.
Yeah, we'll do lunch.
Fuck You!
Fuck You! Mother Fucker!
Come on let's die mother fucker.
Story checks out.
Found the bodies.
Aw shit.
Eddie this has all been
one big misunderstanding.
I just wish, I wish
I could have stopped him sooner.
This mother fucker went crazy.
He just started killing everybody.
Look at me,
I've been beating on you.
Want a smoke Eddie?
Guess where I found this Eddie?
You know what? Don't guess.
Let me tell you a story.
Now you just told me
all this shit.
But you still haven't
answered the big question.
Whose meth lab was it?
That was your meth lab,
wasn't it Eddie.
You let my son take
the rap for something you did.
They all took the wrap for
something you did.
That makes you
the biggest liar of them all.
All your little
bullshit story proves...
is that when you
torture people, they lie.
Just like you.
Why don't you just tell me
something I don't know?
Get that smug look off
your fucking face, Al.
You lucked out
and found my lighter.
You think you know
what's going on?
Fuck it I'll come clean.
I don't really give a shit Eddie.
There is no truth, just reality.
I lost interest in the truth
the moment I started beating on you.
The reality is, my boy is dead.
Are you getting ready to cry?
Are you? Hey, hey dog, don't cry
for that motherfucker because, WOW!
Your son went out like a bitch.
I swear to God.
That's your seed?
Al? That's the type of
man you produce.
A man that cries like
a twelve year old girl...
that just had her fucking period.
You know what Al,
you can ignore me
as much as you want,
you can act like you don't
give a shit about what I'm saying.
That shit don't matter.
What matters is this Al:
You will remember me.
You will remember me for
the rest of your greasy haired,
guinea, wop, mother fucking life.
Because I am the Moolian
that killed your son.
Die slow mother fucker.
You know what?
You got a big mouth.
That's where
I'm gonna start first.
With your mouth because...
I'm getting sick
and tired of hearing your shit.
I want to cut your tongue out.
So you just got to ask yourself
one thing Eddie.
If I'm gonna cut your tongue out,
what is it I wanna hear from you?
Do your worst.
Do your fucking worst.
You know what I wanna
hear from you?
I wanna hear you suffer.
Fuck you!
Fuck you mother fucker.
Make it work. Make it work.
Make it work. Do it!