Lewis Capaldi: How I'm Feeling Now (2023) Movie Script

This is a singer-songwriter
whose debut album
sold over ten million copies worldwide.
Someone who's sold
over a million concert tickets
and gone from pubs to clubs to arenas
and enormous festival crowds
in just a few years.
And he's done so
while remaining resolutely himself.
So please welcome to the stage,
Lewis Capaldi.
I think I've never been more
insecure in my life than I am now.
The success of the first one
made me feel more insecure
and sort of self-conscious
about my own abilities.
Do you spend a lot of time
thinking about that?
Oh, yeah, big time.
I'm thinking about it now.
You're really anxious.
I find it difficult to watch you.
It's one of these things.
- But it's not.
- It is.
- What can I do?
- Yeah.
But you're in pain because of that.
I feel like I'm in a race
against the clock
to get my mental health in order.
What's the date today, what's the date?
The 26th, Thursday, 26th December, 2018.
The day I became a celeb.
That famous
that I've now got my own private shitter.
That I let other people use.
Hello, ladies!
This here says,
"He looks so fucking cool."
I guess so, mate. Thank you.
I guess fucking so.
From here on, I will climb
through the celeb hierarchy.
I'll start, naturally, on the C-list.
I hope you're enjoying yourselves.
Very nice to be here.
Sure enough, I'll climb up through the Bs...
- I don't know who Lewis Capaldi is.
- Hope he's watching.
I feel like I fucking know you.
I've seen your face everywhere.
...then through the As...
No hiding place now.
I'm a fucking celeb.
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being
Someone you loved
Number one in fucking America.
Get in!
And now making his US television debut...
- The fabulous...
- ...Lewis Capaldi!
What a superstar!
Clubs. Yes, guys.
I shall wear the finest garments.
Fits perfect, like a glove.
I will dine in the finest restaurants,
in the finest cities.
And when all is said and done,
I shall lay at the bottom of a pit...
...a shadow of the man I once was.
But I will rise. I will rise.
Is it worth it?
Making you feel like this?
There's nothing further
from the Grammys than Whitburn.
Small towns, loads of pubs.
That's it.
I always saw myself as someone
who would not live
in their hometown and stuff.
But that's not fuckin' such a bad thing.
It's just like the antithesis of, like,
all the fucking mad shit.
Ordinary is such a remarkable thing.
Do you know what I mean?
There's something
to be said for that... beauty
in, like, an everyday life.
I do love the fact
that I am a Scottish person.
And I like the patter that people have.
- That's you.
- Cheers, cheers.
I do like the mindset of,
like, realists.
Look at that.
Everyone just stays
on that level of,
"Let's give this a go
and we'll probably fuck it up,
but we'll have a good time."
Do you know what I mean?
I've kind of learned how much
that I actually do love where I'm from.
I feel like I'm home,
and everything's just the same as always.
That's quite a nice feeling.
I mean, obviously, I've kind of picked
the wrong career now if I wanted that.
Anonymity is not, um,
something that I'm as familiar with.
There's that woman
in the optician's pointing.
Weird she can see us from that distance
despite being in an optician's.
You don't need to be there.
You're cured.
That's the test, look out of the window,
if you manage to spot Lewis Capaldi,
your glasses are working.
Thank you.
There you go. See.
This ain't The Osbournes.
God's sake!
- Hello?
- Who goes there?
It's I, Lewis Capaldi, the ugly bastard.
- What's happening?
- Fuck all, Greg.
Okay. Wanted to let you know
where we are with the US Airplay campaign
that you have been working so hard on.
So, "Before You Go," right now,
it's firmly in the number one position.
It's the longest journey to number one
in the history
of the Billboard Airplay Chart.
Fucking hell.
And the Mediabase Airplay Chart as well.
Thank you so much, Greg.
And Lewis,
stop bringing us fucking slow, sad songs.
It's too fucking hard.
I'll speed it up
for the next album, honestly.
See ya, Greg. Thank you so much, mate.
- All right, bye.
- Right. Bye-bye.
There you go. Fucking hell.
A global pandemic
is only in the top three weird things
that have happened to me
in the last three years.
Thank you so much for everything
you've done for me
over the last wee while.
My life has been fucking incredible,
so thank you so much
for everything you've done.
Look at how far they go.
I hadn't been away from home.
The first time I went to America
was because my music had taken us there.
In the last two years,
people have become really nice to me.
But it's just coincidental.
Running a disco next door.
Let's do it!
Making the first album,
touring the album, recording it...
Just don't get the cock in.
I think it was as close
to dreams coming true
as you could possibly get.
But as soon as your first album does well,
it's like, "Can he do it again, though?"
So there's that tension all the time.
You can only be the next big thing
for, like, a year.
The clock's ticking.
You get your whole life
to write your first album
and then a year or six months
or something to write your second.
I'm in my parents' shed.
This is where I've been doing
most of the second album from.
This is not how I expected to be doing
a second album. Do you know what I mean?
If we're in doing a bit of recording,
everything's fine,
and I just go,
"Right, this isn't going very well."
"I'm off for a wank."
You know? It's like...
It seems like a very...
It's just a much, much simpler thing.
Maybe not a wank,
I do live with my parents.
But that's a dangerous situation
to be... to be masturbating in.
You empty the dishwasher.
On you go.
- I did it the other day.
- You did.
- You don't volunteer.
- I did it, I volunteered to do it.
I did it out of my own accord.
You do that in here.
It just all seems very bizarre.
It's as if you're watching
a movie or something.
It's very, very strange.
He still wanders about in his pants
and he comes up,
"I've not got any clean underwear,
you need to give me some."
- You do that a lot.
- Come on.
Everybody's gotta eat that
and you're sticking your manky fork in it.
Sometimes you think he's very adult,
and then other times you think,
"You've still got
a lot of growing up to do."
How you need to phone your mother
to come and pick you up
from your one-night stand?
That's not a story that needs to be told.
I'm glad you brought that up.
Wee Luigi,
he's got a heart of gold.
He's what you see, he's just a nice kid.
There's no airs and graces about him.
Why are you pretending that you cook?
- I do this all the time.
- Does he, Mum?
- Of course I do.
- No.
I don't want this to change him.
I think that would be really bad.
It wouldn't be worth it,
if he becomes a different person
from the person he is just now.
Frank's a bit sad, is he not?
- I can't believe you're taking him.
- Mum wants me to.
- No.
- She does.
- "Get that cunt out of this house."
- That's me she's talking about.
No, she says, "little prick,"
when she's talking about you.
So you do get it from me then?
A friend of mine who's a musician
told me that fame doesn't change you,
it changes everyone around you.
Dad brings my name up
every time he's on the phone,
and it's like,
"My son has lots of Instagram followers."
"Do you know who I am?"
I just use that as a superpower,
to get what I want.
- You bring it up a lot with people.
- But not as much as I used to.
I've kind of mellowed.
- I'm getting used to it now.
- He's bad for it.
And a bit... And like,
didn't he get a discount off that hot tub?
No, I would've got a discount
off the hot tub if you'd sat next to it.
Not only would I have got a discount,
I'd have got a sauna, free.
But would you sit next to it?
And the hot tub
was actually called "Lewis."
There you go, so...
And all I wanted you to do is
plant a cheek next to the hot tub.
No, he wouldn't do it.
There you go.
This haircut as well, mullet.
That's come back in a big way.
That's a belter.
Oh, fucking hell.
- That's an absolute belter.
- Jesus.
These are all
brand-new baby ones, look.
I can't see them.
I was born in Rottenrow Hospital, Glasgow,
on 7th October, 1996.
Twenty-five years ago it is, this year.
By all accounts, easy business.
Straight out, no bother.
I asked my mum.
She had had three kids before.
Oh, fuck, yeah.
My dad was supposed to get a vasectomy.
The snip.
For those who don't know,
a vasectomy is when you get
your tubes cut.
Can you still cum?
Mum was like, "No need for a vasectomy,
I'm pregnant."
I got a new CD player!
Three was a bit odd.
And Lewis came along.
Yeah. Completed the family.
Oh my God.
- What's that, Lewis?
- What is it?
- You got a new guitar.
- My oldest brother, Warren.
We are going to rock!
He was the person
that kind of got me into playing music.
He wanted to play guitar,
I wanted to play guitar.
You can use that
with your new tuner?
Lewis would always go in his room,
sit for hours practicing
and then come down.
We'd all be excited, go in the kitchen,
he'd say, "I've learned this."
I was perched outside
In the pouring rain
Trying to make myself a sail
Then I'll float to you, my darlin'
With the evening on my tail
Although not the most honest
Means of travel
It gets me there nonetheless...
We'd all have to tiptoe
when he's singing.
You can probably
hear us all in the background
as we're bumping past him
a lot of the time.
My name is Lewis Capaldi.
And lay you down on your rug
Just give me some candy...
When I was younger, that was
your first audience, parents.
I've got loads of fond memories,
like playing them songs
when I just was doing it on guitar.
And now obviously
when I have songs that I've finished,
I fire them off to them on WhatsApp, or...
Yeah, it's still something I do
to this day.
Hello. It is The Gap Unplugged.
- Lewis, how are you doing?
- I'm all right.
The youngest person
we have ever had on The Gap.
- What age are you?
- 12.
How long
have you been playing guitar?
Since nine.
When do you think you'll be ready
to start gigging across Scotland?
Uh... whenever.
Not in the scene much.
I was just the driver,
happy to go along for the ride.
My dad used to take me
to all these fucking gigs.
Drive me to Glasgow, Edinburgh.
Jab doors.
"My kid's a singer," people going,
"Fuck, aye," all that kind of stuff.
I think he was 12 or 13.
We lied about his age obviously.
Next week we're playing
at The Garage Attic in Glasgow.
I would rock up. Literally, the person
would go...
Two speakers on the big stands.
A tiny, wee mixing board.
I would sound fucking shite.
I go...
"Hi, I'm Lewis Capaldi,"
'cause that's how it sounded
through that speaker.
"I'm Lewis Capaldi and this song is,"
whatever the song was.
The place is fucking, like,
everyone's talking to each other.
No one's listening to you.
No one's turned round and looked at you.
We might have two people.
I would just do that for years and years.
And play these fucking shite pubs
where no one gave a fuck.
Ten past seven at the minute, p.m.,
where I am in Scotland.
And, uh, I'm going to do a session,
it's going to be lovely.
How I write, is I basically sit here...
...at a piano...
At a piano and then bust through
a bunch of ideas,
put them all on my iPad here.
Then I just kind of bank them all
and blast through them.
And when it comes to doing a session,
I pick what ones I'm taking out.
So, like, if you see,
I just label it "cool,"
because, uh,
that's obviously what my music is.
Do you know, in documentaries
where people go,
"I've got a song."
and they play a scratchy version of it
and then you cut forward like a year?
And I'm like, "Mm, I hope it does well."
Then it just, you know,
in documentaries where it skips forward
and the crowd's going mental,
and they're all singing the song
and it's a hit.
It'd be good
if one of those, um, did that.
If that has happened
with any of these songs,
we'll skip forward to that now
in three, two, one...
Still here.
It happened for none of them then.
Thank you.
Can't even begin to explain
It's such an unfamiliar pain
Well, it comes and it goes
And it leaves me alone in the dirt
Nice to hear you
back on the guitar.
- Welcome home.
- Thanks, brother.
- You always come back.
- Nice to have you back.
I swear, yeah.
Second number one record in America?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's great.
That's about you, you're bona fide now.
- You got an idea or something?
- I've got a couple, yeah.
So it was, er...
- This one.
- I'm not picking out some words.
Oh, yeah, I mean,
I'm just kind of like, yeah... Moaning.
I like that, I do like that,
that kind of verse, bit of like...
Can't even begin to explain
This all-too-well familiar pain...
- It's good, interesting place to start.
- Yeah.
It comes and it goes
And it leaves me alone in the end
Um... And I did have another bit there.
I love that,
"This all-too-familiar pain," that's cool.
- This flow is nice.
- Yeah.
'Cause it's only the beat of my heart
All this way till the end to my start
If you wait till the end
If you tell me, tell me
Tell me you'll leave me again
- Good? Yeah.
- Whoo! Yeah.
Yeah, it's cool.
More to give
...more to give
I have nothing left to lose
'Cause if I do it all just to keep it...
If the words in a song
make me feel anything,
it's probably a good thread to follow,
whether it's a happy song
or a sad song or whatever.
If it evokes enough of an emotion
that it stirs up something in me,
that's the thing to follow.
And nothing more I could give
Went down with this sinking ship now
Don't think I'll make it through
Fuck off,
it's hard to get that on fucking key.
Our salvation's...
I wasn't a fucking poet.
I didn't have a journal.
I still don't have a journal.
I don't read.
It's not cool not to read, I wish I did,
but I don't have the attention span.
I have the attention span
to play songs on stage for people.
There's no better feeling than having
that rush, do you know what I mean?
Fuck you
The reason I started writing
music was so I could play it live.
With the last album,
the first thing we brought out
was the song called "Bruises."
We didn't really think
it was that big of a song.
King Tut's in January, 2017.
I had to perform, like,
a bunch of new songs,
"Bruises" was that song.
I've been told, I've been told
To get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises
That you left behind
Oh, my Lord, oh, my Lord
I need you by my side
There must be something in the water
'Cause every day, it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under...
Maybe I, maybe I'm just being blinded
By the brighter side
Of what we had because it's over
Well, there must be
Something in the tide...
And then it kind of went viral.
There must be something in the water
Every day, it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my...
And you see the smile on his face
when the crowd sang back.
There must be something in the water
'Cause every day, it's getting colder...
We knew that's what he was gonna do
for the rest of his life.
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
So you must have heard it before.
Spotify picked it up and put it at
number one on New Music Friday in America
and yeah, it just flew.
Out of focus
Didn't take a second to notice...
This is the Radio 1 playlist
for next week.
That's my fucking name right there.
Fucking hell.
This is my bedroom.
I just love the big city.
"Completely hypnotized."
"What a beautiful voice
and what a handsome boy."
Fucking yes!
"Distinctive features." Maybe my eyes...
I got chubby fucking cheeks.
When people meet you,
are they more interested
in your music or your Instagram?
People come up to me
in the street like,
"I love your Instagram, man,"
and I'm like, "I'm a singer, too."
I didn't really know
what I was getting into
when I was posting those videos.
That's me having a poo.
So I went out last night,
just having a dance and stuff.
People started getting their phones out.
Why are they all
so interested in what we're doing?
And then I remembered
it's 'cause I'm fucking famous.
One, two, three...
Let's go.
Got to know how to pony...
Like Bony Maronie
Mash potato...
The friends I hang out with now
are friends that I had in school.
Michael is a gravedigger.
Conor is a roofer-turned-DJ,
and Niall
is a student recruitment officer.
Dec Duff works with welding things,
an engineer of some form.
I don't know what an engineer does,
so... that's why I said welding.
Aiden Halliday plays piano for me
and is a musical director.
Aidan Beattie plays bass in my band.
So, two of them are... hitched to my wagon.
Can I see that watch?
If you talk about
being grounded and stuff,
trying to keep your feet on the ground
when you don't know where the fucking
ground is for a lot of the time.
But your relationship with your friends
is the main thing.
Really good for making sure
you're not a cunt.
I've definitely noticed you've realized
you can pay someone for anything.
- That's not a bad thing.
- It's free drink.
Aye, free drink.
And skipping queues.
- That's what it is.
- Great, no queuing. No queues.
What you really wanna ask was, Joe,
"Has Niall changed
since I've become famous?"
And the answer is a big, fat fucking yes.
You know I feel all right!
Ha, I feel pretty good, y'all
Uh, huh!
Na na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na...
- Thanks, mate, cheers.
- Thanks, mate.
Just get a bit pissed at dinner
and go try to write a song,
- is that what we're doing?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Is that lager?
Sometimes cider.
"Finchy, lager..."
"Different drinks for different needs."
Don't you need to like, nail it?
- Awesome.
- Yeah.
I'm a professional,
so I'll probably nail it the first time.
Whatever, mate.
- Just do it line by line.
- Come on then. Let's rock.
I found...
You know what I mean?
One, two, three!
I found...
It's so low, man.
- Let's bloody rock.
- A bit of rock and roll, that's my rule.
- How are you?
- I'm good. How are you?
Pretty good. Um...
Thinking about timelines.
Like, realistically we want, you know,
a song out at the top of next year
at some stage.
No, totally.
And then the actual writing,
what are you thinking, time-wise?
- You know?
- Um, yeah, we need to do more...
Should we do the fucking
mad blitz of cuts in London?
I mean, literally, whenever,
like, whenever you want. Like...
You see a man with my pizza?
- We did it.
- Come on, it's closing!
- Yes!
- Yeah!
If you want pizza, all you have to do,
and this is crucial,
is be famous.
I feel like I'm on EastEnders.
I feel it awkward that you can't feel it
through your pain.
What do you want to do today?
That's the million dollar question.
Million dollar, sad boy question.
You've got 120 sad songs to pick from.
- Yeah.
This is it.
Do I cry every night?
A bit too depressing
to start the chorus with,
"Do I cry every night?"
- Are you fine? You sure? Yeah.
- Did you listen to the first record?
I'm happy to be led by you.
The beauty is,
you were left alone on the first one.
Yeah. At times,
it was a bit nerve-racking
because it was, like,
I don't know how to make an album.
But it turns out if you just
write songs you like and release it.
Hey, Lewis, what you gonna sing?
I don't know
I'm feeling a bit dizzy.
Sorry you're feeling rough, mate.
I'm not confident
in my abilities as a songwriter.
And I think it's got worse,
the more successful I've got.
"Someone You Loved"
was really fucking big.
If you wanna talk about
a turning point, that's it.
Things just blew up.
Now, the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being
Someone you loved
Six weeks at the top.
It's been streamed
over one billion times.
- Smash hit single, "Someone You Loved."
- "Someone You Loved."
- Lewis...
- My friend, Lewis Capaldi.
Now, the day bleeds
Into nightfall
America's sweetheart!
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug...
The award
for the Song of the Year goes to...
Lewis Capaldi!
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being
Someone you loved...
Uh... hello.
Hello. Eh...
My name is Lewis.
Eh... Thanks very...
Thanks very much, uh, for this.
Eh, contrary to popular belief,
a lot of people think this song
is about my ex-girlfriend,
who you can now see every night
on Love Island, but...
But it's actually about my grandmother
who has sadly, sadly,
sadly passed away a few years ago.
Eh, and I hope to God
that ITV don't contact her
to be on a reality dating TV show.
But, yeah, no, thank you so much,
this has been the best,
the best year of my life. Eh...
Thanks to everyone like you, to the label.
Thanks to my mum and dad for,
I don't know, making love, uh,
and, um, and yeah,
thanks to my grandmother for,
uh, dying? Sorry.
I'll see you later. Bye-bye.
Thanks so much. Thanks.
Big celebrity bash tonight
at the BRIT Awards.
It's going to be electric.
So obviously,
I felt like I had to push the boat out...
and buy a new pair of Vans.
Won some awards at the last one...
which was nice.
I performed at the last one.
And this time, I'm just...
there, quite literally.
Which is quite sad.
I wonder what
Elton John's going to sing today.
He sent me quite a lovely email.
Have I told you about this email?
I was having beers with Ed Sheeran.
And I was telling him
about my impostor syndrome situation.
Elton sent me an email saying,
"Dear Lewis,
I was talking to Ed yesterday
and we talked about you."
"He said you were feeling
like an impostor."
That's in full capital letters.
"You are totally your own man."
"Your album
is still riding high all over the world."
"And it's your first album!"
That's also in capital letters.
"You write beautiful songs
that resonate with millions."
"You are great live, a wonderful singer."
"You are also very funny and original.
I mean this sincerely."
"Stop it now, please,
or I will come up to Suffolk
and bring out the latent homo in you."
"Buckets of love, Elton."
No, I mean, it's nice to hear this stuff,
but I obviously
still feel a bit like an impostor.
I don't think it's ever gonna go away,
the whole thing of "Why am I?
I shouldn't be here."
I'll go here today and be like,
"What the fuck am I doing here?"
For sure.
Impostor syndrome,
I think you can have that at any level.
That bleeds into every single decision
you make and everything you do.
It's always just seemed alien,
people that turn up
and see me live and see me playing.
I love the fact that people do
give a fuck and listen to my music.
I just don't get it, I don't get
why people would turn up and see it,
but I'm eternally grateful and I fucking...
I can't thank people enough,
but I just don't...
I... I love you,
but I will never understand you.
That's what I'm trying
to say to you all at home. Um...
Yeah, I just don't get it.
Yeah, I just don't. I don't know.
I waste almost half of my time
Feeling like I'm falling
Even further behind
I know I'm so good at seeming
What? Like you're doing
better than you actually are or something?
If I didn't always have a good time
Always falling
Always falling behind
I know I'm so good at seeming
Like everything and nothing is right
I'm just an actor.
I'm just an actor, I'm just a...
That's cool.
I'm a pretender...
- "I'm a pretender."
- That's cool. Yeah. I like that.
I'm hiding the real me,
so that you see, like, a stronger side.
- You're painting a picture of who I am.
- Yeah.
I'm the pretender, what can I tell ya?
Designed to deceive
Just tell me who you want me to be
That's cool, "Designed to deceive."
- Yeah.
- That's a Capaldi lyric.
Come on. That's gotta be.
I feel like everything I do is a lie
And all the words
Just further pull the wool over eyes
I know I'm no good at being
Who I am away from the light
I'm the pretender, what can I tell ya?
Designed to deceive
So tell me who you want me to be
Cunts at my school, like,
quite small-towny.
I know loads of folk who are
married, who were in my year at school,
and who have kids from my old school.
I always remember
25 was the age I put on, like,
"I'll have things.
I'll have my career set."
- "I'll know what I'm doing at 25."
- I've never thought about that.
You hoped you figured out
what you wanted by then.
And it's not as simple as that.
- You still don't have it figured out.
- Goalpost's always changing.
You don't ever enjoy something 'cause
you're like, "Fuck, the next thing..."
It is that thing where
you're always looking forward
and never looking at
what you've actually done.
I spent almost all of my time
Feeling like I'm falling
Even further behind
And I know I'm so good at seeming
Like I'm not on the edge of a knife
I feel like everything I do is a lie
And all the words
Just further pull the wool over eyes
I know I'm no good at being
Who I am away from the light
I'm the pretender, what can I tell ya?
And I'm an impostor
My head is a mender
I'm the pretender, what can I tell ya?
Designed to deceive
So tell me who you want me to be
It's shite.
- Yeah.
- Well, that's it. Is that it?
There's another one,
but it's shite.
I wouldn't say
it's one of your better ones.
I feel as if
the stuff that you've written before,
the writing was better than that.
Obviously, in my professional opinion.
- I like the one that...
- By the way...
You've opened a can of worms here.
Saying you won't really... I really...
They've never...
They weren't musical ever in their lives.
What's that one?
- I'm not saying I'm musical.
- No, but...
- You seem annoyed.
- No. I'm not annoyed at all.
You used to ask me your opinion.
- And I would give you it.
- But... No.
You don't have to be musical to know
if you like a song.
I'm not saying you do.
You're getting too defensive.
What I'm saying is, it's funny now,
when I first started playing them songs,
"That's good. That's bad."
And now it's, "And the lyrics here,
I would maybe change those lyrics."
What do I know? What the fuck do I know?
That's a good point.
But is the music
the real Lewis, though?
- Good question, Mummy.
- No?
Guess you'll never know.
Hi! Hello!
Lewis, what's going on
with writing, then?
- Who you been working with?
- Eh...
I'm starting to get to that time
where we have to start mixing it up
and being in with more people.
Yeah, I think,
yeah, it's been slow.
- We're not gonna lie. It's been slow.
- We'll see how we get on.
Listen, if it's shite, it's shite,
it's you guys' job to make it successful.
Have you had a word on live?
Any gigs and that,
when are you gonna do them?
Everyone's, you know,
pretty pessimistic.
You're writing
and it feels aimless,
"What the fuck
am I actually, like, writing for
if we don't know
if we're going to play fucking gigs?"
It just feels like right now,
but the thing is, hopefully,
it all starts to open back up.
- Much love.
- See you soon!
I think they thought
they would hear some music.
Fucking hell.
Oh, come on now.
These are making me want
to go find a trampoline somewhere...
and suplex my friends.
Mmm. The good old days.
Right, I keep my johnnies.
Keep them right
by my WWE wrestling trading cards.
My parents are moving, so I'm moving
all my shit out of the house.
They've lived here for 15 years,
so it's pretty heavy.
I don't live here anymore, so who cares?
Me and my pals used to come in here
and get pissed all the time.
And there wasn't
any plaques or anything on the wall
when I was coming in and I was
trying to write songs and stuff, and, um...
Yeah, it's weird to, then, over the years,
actually have it fill up with plaques.
"Someone You Loved," actually,
I started writing...
I wrote it here.
So... so, yeah. Big, eh... Big room.
I still think about it sometimes
when I think of being back at school
and being like,
"Oh, I didn't know
that this was going to be
this sort of path
your life's gonna go down,
is this fucking mad..."
"Mad thing."
This is the first one I got.
My manager gave me. My first EPs.
I'm pretty sure this is the equivalent
of 1.5 million units sold
and I'm sure he made that up completely.
This feeling of getting older,
like I'm an adult.
This is fucking shit.
And to not have your childhood home
where you grew up, it's a bit...
That's also a weird thing.
I don't know why,
but when I think of that,
I feel really odd.
I get a knot in my stomach.
Not being here anymore,
feels like kind of one of the last... things
about my life beforehand that's not there.
Feels like a safety net kind of thing.
And us this not being here anymore,
that feels a bit strange.
It's very definite.
This house
is, like... someone else's house now.
All done.
Okay, someone else will come pick these up
and get rid of this, obviously.
I'll pay the man for that.
"My God. He's so normal. Puts on his..."
"Look at him, hanging up his own washing."
I don't know what they sniff for smells.
You got a really tight shot.
I think they're clean.
I've been away doing this other thing
and from a personal standpoint,
I'm probably in the exact same position
as I was in three years ago,
because I haven't
matured at all in the last three years.
Put these here.
I'm moving in with my pal, Niall.
I've never lived with someone else before.
Half the BRIT just fell off.
And the rest of my pals,
are happily shacked up with their lovers.
And I am not, so,
I needed someone who could,
eh, just pacify me for a bit.
Home is something that's becoming
increasingly harder to, like,
stay connected to.
Did you look through
this list of songs you've written?
This is literally
54 songs you've written.
- I feel like I've written more.
- This is, like, full songs.
Can't even begin to explain
This all-too-well familiar pain
It comes and it goes
But it gets in my bones all the same
So what do we think?
Is it a hit single as it is, do we think?
What a fucking question, Ryan.
But those are the questions.
That's what we've got to fucking answer.
It doesn't feel as, like, widely appealing
as "Someone You Loved."
Yeah. Do you want
to listen to "How This Ends"?
Let's do it.
Yeah, I like this.
The refrain
is going to be incredible.
I don't hear it as a single.
- The song is amazing.
- It is really good.
- And it's really emotional.
- It is.
- It'll make people cry.
- Yeah.
Which is the aim of the game.
- Of course.
- What else is there?
Listen to
"Haven't You Ever Been In Love Before?"
Let's do it.
And she said this
"Haven't you ever
Been in love before?"
So what we thinking then, on that?
"Haven't you ever
Been in love before?"
It's maybe... It's quite like,
I was getting kinda used to being
Someone you loved
And fucking what?
That's what I was saying.
Just making sure. That's a good thing?
- That's a good thing.
- Cool.
Not to be condescending to people,
people love stuff that sounds the same.
What's your thought, Aiden?
Folk want something
a bit exciting coming back.
Do they?
Do they just want
the fucking same, but better, or the same?
The thing is, if the song's fucking great.
Does it matter?
Maybe it doesn't.
Which is... Which is why we're...
- Fuckers. It's a real pain.
- It is.
- Fucking pain in the arse.
- I've put all my eggs in one basket.
I know you have as well,
but if I fuck it up...
Well, you say that
as if it's not my name on it.
You're talking about that basket.
This is definitely
an all-in-one-basket situation,
so that's what makes it
even more like, if I fuck it up...
Obviously, still do
good live business and stuff.
He's saying that,
"I put all my eggs in one basket,"
as if I'm not here.
And I'm not the person called
Lewis Capaldi, whose name's on everything.
Do we have a big single?
I don't know. I don't know.
Are these as good as
"Someone You Loved" and "Before You Go"?
Any point releasing a single
not as good as "Someone You Loved"?
Then you could just
never release a song ever again.
Of course there's pressure.
There's pressure on you
to manage it correctly.
Yeah. Which I'm terrified of.
Okay, well, you worry about that
and I'll worry about writing.
Let's do it.
- Lovely.
- Safe, bro.
Smashing, I'll just go knock out
a "Someone You Loved" for you now.
- Hello.
- Did you just get here?
Turn out the dogs in the garden.
Sat in separate rooms, is it?
Young love's dream.
Shows you how much
my parents love each other.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Two different living rooms.
So they don't
have to spend time with each other.
I'm not allowed in her room.
- Hello.
- He's quick, isn't he?
You're twitching again.
I am. I twitch every day,
every single day of my life.
I thought you were
going to do something about it.
- What would...
- Chiropractor.
- Chiropractor doesn't help it.
- So what helps?
- Fuck all.
- So you gotta keep that twitch?
See if you google "anxious twitches."
You will find shoulder shrugging
as the top one.
- How do you get rid of it?
- Don't know.
I can't tell you.
I get it when I'm in traffic,
it flares up.
Do you get it
when you're in training?
- You get it in training.
- When I get proper exhausted
and in a big thingy, it gets really bad.
- So maybe stop training?
- No.
Because that's...
That triggers it, so I should stop.
- You're not supposed to mention it.
- How?
Why am I not supposed to mention it?
Because you draw attention to it.
So you just kid on it's not there?
And you don't deal with it?
- Yes?
- I deal with it.
- How are you dealing with it?
- It comes and goes.
It's part of life, brother.
Get used to it.
Stop. You make it worse
when you mention it.
We know he does it, so you just ignore it.
I don't know I can ignore it.
Why? So that you can
draw attention and make it worse?
It's going to get worse.
Because it's getting closer and closer
to this having to be finished.
I don't know.
I think there's more pressure
on him than we thought it was.
He's going to be worried
that it's not going to be as good
as people are expecting.
And then he's let everybody down,
I suppose.
But you can only do what you can do.
I know you think he's quite laid-back.
We think you're quite laid-back
on most things,
- but clearly not.
- What?
- You come across as...
- The album coming.
...somebody that's quite laid-back.
I suppose you could always
say, "He had a good run."
I could say that, for sure.
That'll do.
I've ordered new shoes,
which should come today, I think.
I am going to Los Angeles,
the City of Angels,
to do a big chunk of writing.
Um... Which is exciting.
Ideally, I would like to
come back with, like,
an album's worth of really good songs.
Writing with all these amazing people
that we didn't write with,
the first album,
because we weren't as successful.
It's nervy as well
because I've been a bit twitchy
and a bit panicky at points,
so that's a bit of a...
It's definitely something that's crossed
my mind that I'll be over there alone.
Oh, God.
That's done.
It's packed.
And then like a plane going...
And then we're in LA.
That'll be the next bit.
Oh, yeah
Let me see y'all, come on
I wanna see y'all standin' right now
'Cause we can do it
Yeah, yeah, come on, hey
Hey, world
Tell me how you been?
Yesterday we straight killed
Number one in the building
Let's wake up today...
This is a good buzz.
Anticipation fills the air.
Yesterday we straight killed
Number one in the building
Let's wake up today
And show 'em what we do
Good Lord woke up feeling blessed
Felt all the stress lift off my chest...
This is it.
This is living.
Like, praise be
Let me get a hallelujah
But still being bad
Like good girl, give it to me
Oh, yes, I'm dressed to impress
Walking through the aisles...
These are my yogas. My yoga notes.
"Down Dog. Warrior One."
"Triangle, twisted triangle. Side angle."
"Improves digestion,
metabolism, circulation and sex drive."
Gonna be an absolute fuck machine
by the time this is done.
Have you guys worked yet?
- Dan and I did a song on my first-ever EP.
- Oh!
When I heard "Bruises"
I remember being like,
"I need to work with this person."
"I don't know who this is,
but this song is crazy."
- So good.
- Yeah.
Do you have
a bunch of shows lined up?
So we've got, um, festivals, tours booked
fucking all over, we'll see how we get on.
I do love it, but it's, like...
I think it's quite daunting now,
the thought of it,
do you know what I mean?
Because of COVID, or just because...
This is the longest I've ever been
in my life without playing a live show.
You'll feel like that
until your first one, you're on stage,
and you're like, "I'm so fucking happy."
Fingers crossed, but yeah. It'll be good.
I'm chuffed, but it's like,
I can't think past the album just now,
- you know what I mean?
- I get that.
- I like that.
- Yeah.
'Cause the end one isn't going to be...
You can go rogue on the end one.
Yeah, but I like it because...
Give me good news down in the...
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I don't know if good...
Does "Good News" feel strong enough of a...
I can't tell.
I wouldn't really put it
where we're putting it.
- You wouldn't put it there?
- I'd put it right at the end.
And it would be like
that would be the thing at the end,
but you'd have to... And the lyric would be...
I'm also not tied to that concept.
I'm trying to figure out
what the emotional angle
to "Good News" would be.
Yeah, totally.
'Cause that's what's
so strong about your songs,
is they're always like,
they're just fucking emotional.
Like, how to make that term
feel like that.
I'm not tied to that as well.
The way I write songs is I sit at a piano
for four hours and I hate myself.
It feels like this is fucking hard
and I'm shit at writing songs.
My twitch that I have
gets worse when I sit down to play piano.
Physically painful.
And I get really short of breath
and it's like...
My back fucking kills me
when I go to do it.
Which is quite... frightful.
I'm just trying to work out...
what I'm going to do.
Everyone at Spotify
calls you Lulu now.
- Sorry 'cause I started that.
- Well.
They sent... like, you got
a billions plaque for "Before You Go."
- That got sent to you?
- Yeah.
And so Spotify emails me
and they're like,
"We got Lulu's billionaire's plaque."
They should've put that on the name.
I forward to Ryan and go, "I'm sorry,
I have the entire team calling him Lulu,
and I'm okay with it."
Can we hear anything?
- I can't play it now.
- It's still a work in progress.
- And he's right to...
- Hey!
- I mean, it's undeniable.
- Yeah. Thank you.
Can we, like, try to work out like...
how to come back?
- You don't wanna just put a song out.
- It's gotta be a moment.
What've you been up to,
outside of writing before you got here?
Does it feel good to get off
the island or no?
- Eh... It's definitely weird.
- Yeah?
It feels pure, like, not real.
I've got a twitch now.
Never had a twitch before.
- I do this.
- You've always done that.
- I feel like...
- Thanks, guys. Um...
- It's worse now.
- Part of the personality.
Need to go sort that out.
Do you think
it's because of pent-up energy?
No, I think it's anxiety,
but I don't know where it's coming from.
Once I sort this out,
I'll be good to go, but it's like...
- You see a therapist at all?
- No.
I've been going for a year.
Changed my life.
I think it's worth finding someone now
you can stick with through...
Totally. Sure.
Can I just be clear,
are we actually firing the pyro?
- Yes...
- Is that cue in ten?
- Okay, firing.
- The cue numbers have gone.
It came on way too early.
We need to get the timing of that right.
Doesn't look that big, does it?
Good gig last night.
I can't remember anything
because I was so, uh, scared.
Um, but hopefully a good gig tonight.
Is this okay?
All the way through the whole
arena tour, you could just see him.
Every time he played a gig,
it was a struggle.
And then it came to a head at Wembley.
It ain't no wonder why we lose control
When we're always a heart attack away...
Fuck me.
Sorry, I'm just going to have to stop
for two seconds. Is that okay? Sorry.
My back is fucking killing me.
And he fucking... He stopped singing.
So I bolted, ran down the stairs.
And I'm fucking... The crowd's all quiet.
I'm shouting "Luigi! Come on!
Keep going, keep going."
I'm breaking... I'm breaking my heart.
But you see him.
And that's... That's fucking... It's bad.
This twitch became out of control.
And it was awful.
It was absolutely horrific.
I started to get in my head about,
you know,
these pressures
about things are being like,
"Fuck, there's like,
skin in the game now."
Rather than just me singing
my silly little songs.
Other people are depending on me.
Is it worth it?
Making you feel like this?
This next year, if all goes well,
it's going to be even bigger,
so it's even more pressure
and you think, "How is he going to..."
"How will he get through it?"
What's happening?
- Fuck all. What's happening with you?
- Fuck all.
- Who else would you like to write with?
- I took Thursday and Friday off.
I could go home now.
You could just come out and you're like,
"All right, I could do a month,
two months,
three months, a year, whatever."
Already I'm like, "Fuck! I could go home."
I will speak to you tomorrow probably.
- Okey dokey.
- Love you. Bye.
I never thought about failing before,
it's something I've thought
about the last couple of weeks.
A lot more. I don't know
if that's maybe playing into
me not wanting to write songs.
My own confidence
in my own abilities being lower now,
despite the fact that we've just
done something quite incredible.
It still stems from that sort of...
"I won't be able to write any good stuff."
"Let's go to LA where all the best writers
and producers are, and write with them."
"And maybe they will come up
with some magic or whatever."
It just doesn't work like that.
Some days, I think, "This album's gonna,
fucking be ready to go, gonna be class,"
and other days I'm like, "Fuck, this is..."
"...a million miles off." So...
I'm not really sure.
Do I even know what I like?
I think we put so much focus
on making this album a more cohesive...
altogether body of work,
that it would be nice
if people listened to it in that way.
Is the music the real Lewis?
I feel like I'm in a race
against the clock
to get my mental health in order.
If the phone rings
at a certain time,
then I know what the issue is.
When I have a panic attack...
it feels like I'm going insane.
Completely disconnected from reality.
I can't breathe.
Like, I can't feel my breath going in.
It's fucking... it's wild.
I get dizzy, I feel
something happening in my head
and I'm sweating.
My whole body starts to do
what my shoulder does.
Like, pure convulsing.
And the big thing for me with it
is like that thing of,
"I'm always going to feel like this now.
This is me. I'm like permode."
And, yeah, I'm just like,
"Oh, fuck, I'm... This is it."
Either I feel like I'm going to be stuck
like that forever or I'm going to die.
His heart's pounding really, really fast.
He sometimes feels
as if his vision's going.
His pulse is racing.
He's just...
He feels like he's dying.
He says, "I feel as if I'm dying."
It's not Lewis speaking.
Panicking to the extent
he can't breathe correctly.
And she's calm, gets him breathing
and talking through, kind of like,
for hours, up to seven hours.
Although that helps, uh,
it's not as good as having somebody
physically there with you.
If something happens to you,
there's nobody there to help.
It was such a big change to his life.
You just think you're going to be
a bit overwhelmed at times with stuff,
so just try and relax.
You're absolutely fine.
But because
he's such a hypochondriac, everything,
Lewis always thinks that
there's this big catastrophe going on,
that he's maybe got
a brain tumor or something.
He told me the whole way
through primary school
that he had a brain tumor.
I've always been,
I've always had hypochondria,
I've been obsessed with, like, "Fuck!"
Like if something's wrong with me,
I'm like, "Fuck, I'm dying."
I went to a therapist, she was like,
"Do you not think that's maybe got
something to do with the fact
that your grandmother and your aunt
both died when you were, like,
three and four,
within a year of one another
in a short space of time?"
"So you're surrounded by this."
You're immediately faced
with this thing, "People die."
What is it?
Well, Lewis, it's obvious you're gonna get
a Game Boy.
Pat was Carol's sister.
She committed suicide. Uh...
I was there,
I saw a lot of things and stuff.
We were outside the flat the night
my dad went upstairs and found her.
You feel so guilty
that you didn't manage to stop it.
But I think you could drive yourself
absolutely insane with it,
you need to get to the point and think,
"Well... you can't stop somebody
doing something."
Do you know what I mean?
You can try and help.
Give them as much support as you can.
But unless they want to help themselves,
there's not much you can do about it.
Because if you don't think, stop,
get rid of...
I still feel guilty about it.
I still feel as if, um...
I need to stop.
What's happened?
I was talking about Pat.
I fell by the wayside
Like everyone else
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you
But I was just kidding myself
Our every moment
I start to replace
'Cause now that they're gone
All I hear are the words
That I needed to say...
"Before You Go"
is a song about my aunt.
I'm coming at it
from an observer's standpoint.
But I've never, like, discussed
what that must feel like for her,
hearing that tune.
My sister had had problems
for a long time, so...
Was there something I could've said...
I don't know.
It was a hard time, but the song
just seems to kind of capture
the whole feeling, know what I mean?
It's like, uh, the questions that Carol
definitely asks herself on a daily basis.
Was there something
I could've said
To make it all stop hurting?
Kills me how your mind
Can make you feel so worthless
Before you go
People make it to 40
and not have a fucking relative die.
So I think something that's like
trickled into my subconscious
is that our time here is, like, finite.
That feeds into my anxieties about
my own health and my own mortality.
Before you go
Would we be better off by now
If I'd have let my walls come down?
Maybe, I guess we'll never know
You know, you know
Before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known
You had a storm to weather
You think,
"Where is all this coming from?"
All these deep, meaningful words
that he manages to get into a song?
He sees humanity, that darkness,
and he understands it,
and he can vocalize it.
Before you go
I mean, I think everybody's complicated.
They've got things
that they keep to themselves,
and that's just Lewis.
He's not just the comedian
that we all think he is.
And that's where the conflict
possibly is as well,
because the darkness
comes over the happy chappy guy
and manifests itself in all the tics,
the anxiety and all the other things
that he's kind of surrounded in.
But definitely it makes me reflect a lot
on how I've got to go forward in kind of
dealing with my boy.
Hello, everybody.
This is a singer-songwriter
whose debut album
sold over ten million copies worldwide.
Someone who's sold
over a million concert tickets
and gone from pubs to clubs to arenas
and enormous festival crowds
in just a few years.
And he's done so
while remaining resolutely himself.
So please welcome to the stage,
Lewis Capaldi!
How are ya?
I am fucking warm.
Life all right?
Well, living one day to the next
before my eventual demise.
Do you know what I mean?
The expectation is... is huge.
The success of the first one
made me feel more insecure
and sort of self-conscious
about my own abilities.
If I have a song that does well,
you're like, "Yes!"
"Oh, let's get an album that does well."
"Yeah. Okay, cool, next one."
"Let's have another single
that does well."
"Fuck, okay, cool."
Then it's, "Let's do another album,
hopefully that does well."
It's been a looming thing.
This sort of pressure.
I think I've never been more insecure
in my life than I am now.
You spend a lot of time
thinking about that?
Oh, yeah, big time,
I'm thinking about it now.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much,
give it up for Lewis Capaldi!
Nice one. Thank you.
- Are you all right?
- I was so warm.
- Anxious as well.
- I'm just...
You were great,
but it's obviously very difficult.
I find it difficult to watch you.
Just one of those,
one of these things.
- It's not.
- It is.
- You can't just...
- What can I do?
But you're in pain because of that.
Oh, that's good.
Okay. Cool, let's do it.
It's been a while. How you feeling?
Like we're saying you turn someone's
world upside down,
you change your life,
loads of cunts know who they are.
It's for singing songs.
For me, it seems like
a completely normal reaction to this.
If you're put in this situation,
you're going to have something like this,
especially if you're already
quite an anxious person,
which I guess I was.
I didn't ever have the pressure
that came to make me go,
like, full-blown, but we're there now.
So... I just need to deal with it.
Oh, yes!
What do you think, Lewis?
When he was younger
he used to blink all the time.
Thought it was 'cause he was
in front of the TV too long,
staring at it.
He would occasionally make this wee noise.
"Mm, mm-hmm."
But then it went away.
He did that when he was about five or six,
then it all came back.
The twitch.
There's no control over it.
To watch, it's fucking horrible.
He used to get these comments
on everything as well.
"Oh, he's been taking Charlie
or whatever it is. And drugs."
And that's when we had to
make a stand, to say,
"We need to find what this is,
what's happening here."
This twitch became out of control,
I didn't know what it was at the time.
I've since learned that I have Tourette's.
Right, that makes complete sense now,
when I look back.
I got told I had Tourette's a week ago.
Know how many people
I've told I have Tourette's since?
It's outrageous.
People think I'm bragging.
But it's just good to like,
"I've got this thing by the way."
"This is what it makes me do."
Do you know what I mean?
If I know I'm not... I know I'm not dying.
They had given him a plan
of how they could treat it.
So... it's a relief.
- Come in. Come and take a seat.
- Thanks very much.
Their thing to me was like,
"I think it's just if you can decrease
your baseline anxiety
by as much as possible,
you'll see a marked improvement
in any tics
or twitches or whatever."
All the way back. Toes in.
- Come up a little higher.
- Jesus.
Jesus on the cross.
You can see a difference from
this muscle to the muscle on this side.
There's a treatment therapy
that they can give for it.
Tilt your neck back.
There's a therapy
where they try and change your tic.
- Two, one. Awesome.
- Cool.
Take... take five breaths
when you go in with maximum air.
I've got a therapist.
Just finding one
is a fucking pain in the ring.
One gave me homework which I was like,
"You're adding more anxiety in my life."
I was doing the homework
out in my car outside her house
just before I went in,
I was like, "This is awful."
I'm on these fucking pills, Sertraline,
they're not doing anything
except for I can't get a fucking hard-on
to save my life.
And they gave me the shits for six weeks,
so that was great.
Right, come here.
I know what the steps are
to get better.
The onus is on me to do it.
I can't expect anybody else
to click their fingers, and it's done.
And I know that in myself, I can.
I can do it.
- It's nice stuff.
- Yeah, that's nice.
- Cheers, mate. Thank you.
- Thanks.
It's class.
We're hardcore Peloton addicts now.
You do, you just feel good afterwards,
just fucking dripping with sweat,
I feel like I've just done something
with my worthless day.
I started exercising
really only properly last week.
I'd say I shifted like a stone initially
and now I'm back up, like...
six pounds.
So about half a stone down. Whoo-hoo.
This lady's been cooking me food,
which is nice,
but it's just,
I wish there was more of it.
She keeps putting... I don't like cheese.
She keeps putting cheese in it.
I mean, this actually looks
pretty fucking gross.
We'll give it a go?
I mean, yesterday I had a McDonald's, so...
- We did, um...
- But you worked out?
I did, I worked out twice yesterday.
Once in the morning, once at night.
So, I don't think that's...
I don't think that's the point.
I think you don't do that,
then go, "I've exercised twice,
I'll have a McDonald's."
But, um...
I was a bit hungover,
so I had two McDonald's, so...
Okay. So I actually had
two McDonald's yesterday.
It was class.
A welcome break.
There you have it.
Chicken masala with cashew nuts
that I don't like
in under two minutes.
Started to see a therapist lady,
she's been great.
So I speak to her once a week
at the moment.
I'm doing stuff even when I feel good,
rather than just waiting
until I feel like shit.
There are still days
when it's a pain in the arse.
But for the most part,
it's a much more manageable thing.
Working on a song called
"Forget Me," which I like a lot.
It seems everything has been a bit more
of a considered approach
rather than just, um,
"We'll change stuff
for the sake of changing it,"
and actually thinking about, um, the song
and what it may need.
Let's rock.
I wish I looked cooler doing that.
I look like a wee boy
jumping down from a high chair.
- Praise Lewis Capaldi.
- This is...
What's going on here?
All right, let's do some work.
I'll do the vocal
on "Forget Me" now, I think.
Hello, hello, hello
- You all right?
- Let's just go for it.
Days ache and nights are long
Two years and still, you're not gone
Guess I'm still holding on
Drag my name through the dirt
Somehow it doesn't hurt though
Guess you're still holding on
"Forget Me" feels
like a funny way to come back.
With like a song where the main lyric is,
"I'm not ready to find out
you know how to forget me."
For someone who's been away
for three years and the rest of it,
it does speak to my ego slightly.
I'm not ready to let you forget me
To let you forget me, to let you for...
I'm not ready to let you forget me
To let you forget me, to let you for...
Oh-oh I'm not ready to let you forget me
To let you forget me, to let you for...
- What the fuck!
- He's done it.
This fucking sounds amazing.
- It does.
- That's really good.
- The vocal sounds fucking great.
- I'm really chuffed about that.
Music is something
I really care about.
One of the few things I care about enough
to put that much pressure on myself.
If it's only you
putting pressure on yourself,
it's only you who can, like... stop.
What I wanna do is a tune
that's totally fucking different,
like that,
that no one's going to think that's you.
I do think that's going to have
that vibe of like,
"What, that's Lewis?"
Which is pretty cool.
I think that "Forget Me"
will be the first single.
Having that done is just
a big weight off my shoulders.
It's a buzz and a half, it's class.
Me thinking someone else
has the answers to my problems,
and I can't expect anybody
else to do the album for me.
I need to take responsibility.
Yep. That works.
Two bars good for you
or do you want a bit more?
I feel like we're doing quite
a lot of laundry-related filming in this.
Hello. How you doing?
I'm gonna come and sing with you.
Been a tough day.
Hello, all. I'm Lewis.
Thanks very much for coming
and doing this.
I'm proud of the album.
I do fucking think it's great.
It alleviates a lot of the stress.
Thank you so much.
Honestly, it means the world,
it sounds fucking incredible, so...
I'm about to lock the US tour.
What we should do is make smart decisions
and not play too many shows.
Definitely not four shows in a row,
even with two in a row,
you want two days off afterwards.
If we're gonna do this,
we're doing all the things again
and we're doing it properly.
Work at the same pace now,
if you want to do two weeks on
two weeks off.
That feels good.
Cheers, nice work. See ya later.
And you.
My heart can't fall apart anymore
If you knew would I
Knew you'd be terrified
Haven't you ever been in love before?
- That is fucking brilliant.
- Yeah, that is good.
It's that...
Haven't you ever been in love before?
That's the catchiest melody
I've ever heard.
- It's a feel-good chorus.
- Ever!
Even though it's a heartbreak,
it's very "up."
It's gonna be a good album.
But I feel like...
I do feel like we're in a good place.
The last two years
have been a bit all over the shop.
The fact that the album reflects that
in some ways could be a good thing.
I listen to the album
and I'm like, "I really like this."
- He's back.
- I'm back.
Lewis Capaldi is back.
But you're properly... This is it now?
- You're back?
- I'm back.
But I just want to put into perspective
what's about to happen.
You're back with new music.
Your first album came out in May 2019.
- True.
- That's a long time ago.
- It is a long time.
- A lot has happened in the world.
There's been a pandemic, a war.
And still, "Lewis Capaldi
has got a new single out,"
is the worst thing that could
potentially be said to the British public.
But, um, it's good to be back.
This is highly anticipated.
It's... Your first album was
the biggest selling album in the UK
in 2019 and 2020.
- I'm nervous.
- Why?
You just said it was highly anticipated.
But there's a lot of love coming your way.
- Yeah.
- Right, hit the space bar.
Has that worked?
- Michael! Michael!
- Michael!
That is a bad omen. That is a bad omen.
- Launch.
- Hit it!
Nights are long
Two years and still, you're not gone
Guess I'm still holding on
Drag my name through the dirt
Somehow it doesn't hurt though
Guess you're still holding on
You told your friends you want me dead
And said that I did everything wrong
And you're not wrong
He's one
of the biggest selling artists
of the past few years, Lewis Capaldi.
- That's good.
- I mean, not good.
- It's not good?
- There's a war on, Jonathan.
I know.
- Lewis Capaldi.
- Yes.
It's the Capital Breakfast Show,
I'm Lewis, joined by Roman Kemp,
Sonny Jay and Sian Welby.
How are we doing, guys? Good morning.
Good morning.
This feels very Kurt Cobain.
That '90s grunge.
Would you like a room?
- Would I what?
- Like a room?
I thought you said a rim.
I was like, "Jeez."
Uh, the time now...
Looking forward
to finding out who's number one,
rooting for Capaldi.
Yeah, we are, come on!
Which means we have a brand new
number one on the official chart.
David Guetta featuring Bebe Rexha
up against Lewis Capaldi's
brand new single "Forget Me."
Congratulations, Lewis,
you are number one!
Lewis, straight in with "Forget Me."
Congratulations, you are number one
with "Forget Me."
Thank you, brother.
...nights are long
Two years and still, you're not gone
There we go. Cheers, all.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
'Cause I'm not ready
To find out you know how to forget me
We're back. We're back.
Some vitamins.
Vitamin D, two, 10,000 IUs.
Just here.
And B12.
- Yeah, baby, hit it.
- Amazing.
And B12 helps transportation of oxygen.
- It's gonna pick you up a little.
- Lovely.
Right now, I find it very hard
to see a way back to playing on stage.
This thing I did every single day,
I can't believe I ever did that.
Having this feeling... It feels like
you're starting all over again.
It's quite large.
I kind of wrestle
with the magnitude of things.
It's now become this bigger thing
and it means stuff to other people.
There's a lot of pressure.
It's the third one
you need to worry about.
- Fucking nervous.
- If the second one's shite...
He's not selling another one.
Okay. Should I be changed?
- Do you want me to change?
- Yeah.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, shit. Not another one.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- Are you okay?
I'm nervous.
You're not nervous.
- It's a documentary about you?
- Yeah.
- When the cameras...
- It's called This is Me.
Is it? Yeah.
It's me riding around on scooters
in The O2.
I've been singing the best
I've ever sang, got so much more energy.
It's almost been
like a big sigh of relief.
We're doing all the right things
to get to a point where I can
handle it all.
Band to stage.
All right. Ready. Three, two, one.
We're still seeing him as Lewis.
And then there's this other Lewis
who stands up onstage
and sings to thousands of people.
If he can go through all this,
even the things that he's struggling with
will make him stronger as well.
I'm extremely proud of him.
Hopefully we'll be enough
to keep him going until he finds
the one.
Very proud. Very proud of him.
As far as I'm concerned,
his health is more important
to me than anything else.
You kind of look out for him,
even though he doesn't want it.
The only reason I started
writing music was so I could play it live.
I'd really like it to become
like a full-on career thing
that I can do till I'm, you know...
I mean, I won't live till,
fucking, whatever age Mick Jagger is,
but I just want to do the people
around me proud
and myself proud.
Going out on a stage
in front of 50,000 people.
It just feels right.
Will you forgive me if I'm coming off
A little bit obtuse?
Well, it's been a minute now
Since I have had to tell the truth
I know I can, I won't
Suppose I thought that by this moment
I would have it figured out
But instead I tend to spend my days
Consumed by seeds of doubt
I know I can, I won't
Oh, darling, it goes on
And on, and on
Always, forever
Till I'm barely holding on
End of my tether
And I know it won't be long
It won't be long till it's gone
So here's to my beautiful life
That seems to leave me so unsatisfied
No sense of self, but self-obsessed
I'm always trapped inside
My fucking head
On, and on, and on
On, and on, and on
On, and on, and on
On, and on, and on
Said thought I'd be happier somehow
If you were wondering
How I'm feeling now
I try to tell myself my best days
Are the ones that lie ahead
But I'm always looking back on things
I wish I'd never said
I know I can, I won't
Oh, darling, it goes on
And on, and on
Always, forever
Till I'm barely holding on
End of my tether
And I know it won't be long
It won't be long till it's gone
So here's to my beautiful life
That seems to leave me so unsatisfied
No sense of self, but self-obsessed
I'm always trapped inside
My fucking head
On, and on, and on
On, and on, and on
On, and on, and on
On, and on, and on
Said thought I'd be happier somehow
If you were wondering
How I'm feeling now
Oh, I won't lie
I'm a mess, yeah
But I'll get there
No, I won't lie
I'm a mess, yeah
But I'll get there
So here's to my beautiful life