Lies Between Friends (2022) Movie Script

(indistinct chatter, l (indist)
(soft music)
- Woohoo! Yeah...
(indistinct chatter)
- We're already good.
Get in on this.
- Yeah, it's a rush.
- Oh, I...
No, I would--
- no, no, no.
You are not allowed to say
You blew your whole paycheque
on the booze
Or you gotta watch
your budget or whatever.
I told you, you never have
to worry about money with me.
What's mine is yours, man.
- I'll owe you.
- But I'll never collect.
Ever tell you how
this guy's coding
Is gonna make us both famous?
Do it.
It'll kick in in a few minutes.
- Okay.
(upbeat music)
(muffled laughing)
What's wrong with her?
Is she okay?
- She's fine.
Right, babe?
Anna? Anna.
(sinister music)
- Call 911.
- Oh my... Oh my god.
- Ollie, call 911!
Anna?! Anna! Anna!
Anna, please wake up. Anna!
Anna, anna, wake up, please.
Please, anna.
- Please dad, you're not
listening to me.
Dad, anna is dead.
Screw your campaign,
you really think I care
About some senate seat
right now?
Do you understand
that my life is over?
School, my career, steve's...
It's all over.
Please, dad. I'm really scared
right now, just help me.
Please. I'll call you back.
- She got the pills from me.
(dramatic music)
- Steve?
(clock ticking)
(sombre music)
(woman): Oliver wasmund,
the wealthy entrepreneur
And son of late senator
james wasmund,
Is at it again and this time,
he's launching a new company
Meant to help consumers take
charge of their own finances.
Oliver is founder and ceo...
- Oh, hey.
It's your old college roommate,
right? It's ollie something?
- That's him.
- He's done really well
for himself.
- Sure has.
But I bet you're gonna
do even better some day.
- Dad.
- What? It's true.
Smartest person I know.
Did you hear back
from seattle tech yet?
- Actually, yes.
I got in.
- What?
- Can start winter quarter.
- Oh my god, that's amazing!
Why didn't you tell me?
- I don't know, I guess I just,
I don't really know like...
How I'm gonna pay for it.
- Um, well. We'll figure it out.
Mm. Didn't you apply
for a scholarship or...
Did those come through?
- Yeah, yeah. They did.
But it doesn't cover housing.
Seattle's so expensive.
- Well, you can stay here
as long as you like.
- School's like two hours away.
Besides, I can't live
in your place forever.
It's too bad I don't know anyone
who lives in seattle.
- Ollie lives in seattle.
- Ollie?
- Yeah.
Maybe I can give him a call.
- Um, when was the last time
you even talked to him?
- Ooh, oh, it's been a while.
- That's okay, I'll figure
something else out.
I'm sure they have like a...
Lottery or public housing,
or something.
- Hey, maybe he knows
of an affordable place.
Or heck, maybe he even
has a room.
- I mean, are you sure
you don't mind asking?
- You're my daughter,
I'd do anything for you.
Besides, he'd probably like
to see an old friend.
He owes me.
Used to do all his coding
for his huge company he sold.
- Thanks, dad.
It's really nice of you.
Dad, it's 9 am.
- It was from last night.
- You have any job
interviews today?
- No.
I could send my resume
out today, okay?
- Thanks, dad.
I love you.
- I love you too.
(soft music)
(mysterious music)
(child yelling excitedly)
- hey, charlie!
Ow. Charlie! Can you go get
ready for school, please?
Sophie, you're not even dressed
yet, go change.
You're gonna make dad
late for work.
- No, I thought it was
your day to take 'em.
- No, I have to prep
for my interview.
- Well, I got a meeting at 8:30.
- We talked about this, hon.
(phone ringing)
ugh. Hello.
Hi, steve, let me see
if he's here.
(whispering): No, no.
Oh, shoot, you know what?
You just missed him,
I'm seeing him pull out
the driveway right now.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, work has been crazy
for him lately.
I will tell him you called.
Again. Okay. Bye.
That's the third time this week.
You ever gonna call him back?
Who is this guy exactly?
- He's like an old
college roommate,
I haven't seen the guy
in like 20 years.
Maybe I should
just block his number.
- A little drastic, why don't
you just see what he wants?
- Yeah, you're right. Listen,
I'm sorry about this morning,
But I cannot miss this meeting.
Are you okay to take 'em?
- Yes. I'll prep for my meeting
in the car.
- You're the best. I love you.
- Love you.
- Okay, hey. Good luck.
- Thanks.
So, I'm just thinking,
fresh flowers, of course.
We can hold it outside
and we can even do a theme
If that interests you.
- This looks perfect.
You've planned some really
high-profile events.
- Well, yeah.
These aren't my photos,
They're just inspiration, but...
- Can I see your portfolio?
- Well, I don't actually have
a portfolio yet.
I'm just starting
my own business.
- Okay. Well, diane never
mentioned that
When she recommended you.
- Well, I could show you
some kids' birthday parties
If you're interested.
They're on my phone.
- Right. Well, we're really
looking for someone
With more experience.
- Got it. Okay--
- the timeline's so tight.
Vips are involved.
You understand?
- Yes. I do. Totally. Of course.
- We just got
an acquisition offer.
60 million.
- Nice! Not bad for
a few years work.
- Maybe we can finally
start spending some time
With our families.
- Yeah, what's that like?
Ah. 60 mil, huh?
- Pretty good.
- Pretty good. I think we can do
better. 100 mil.
- It'll take more time.
We'd have to double
our revenues.
Take another round of funding.
(phone beeping)
- Let's do it. Excuse me.
Yeah, this is ollie.
(woman): I have steve bowser
for you.
- You know what? Just send him
through to voicemail. Thanks.
- Okay.
- Okay. Where were we?
(school bell ringing)
- Loser.
- Hey. Sophie, you okay?
Those girls being mean
to you again?
- I'm fine. Let's go.
- Okay.
- Claire. Hey, claire.
Can I walk with you?
- Hey, pam. Yes, of course.
- So, how'd your big
interview go?
- Oh, terribly. I mean,
no one will hire me
Without a portfolio.
But how am I supposed
to get a portfolio
If no one will hire me?
- You know, one of my good
friends is looking
For a wedding planner.
She works in finance, I think
her budget's pretty high.
- Yeah?
- Want me to talk to her?
- I mean, that would be amazing.
Thank you.
- So, with r&d spending,
user acquisition
And partnerships,
we're gonna need
An additional two million
in capital.
- I'll call the vc,
set up the pitch.
- Great. Thanks, aaron.
(phone beeping)
hey, this is ollie.
(woman): Steve bowser's
here for you.
- Oh, you know what,
Just keep sending him
to voicemail, thanks.
- No, I mean, he's here.
He wants to see you.
- What, like, in person?
- Very much in person,
he's kind of making a scene.
Should I call security or...
- No, I'll...
I'll be right there.
- He knows me, I swear!
Just give me an elevator pass
and I can find his office.
- Steve! It's okay, it's okay.
- See? Told you I knew him.
There you are.
Hard man to get a hold of.
- Yeah.
- How's it goin'?
- You know.
- Did you get my calls?
You never called back.
- Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
It's been crazy busy
around here,
It's the end of quarter,
but come on,
Let's grab a seat.
We'll catch up.
- Sure.
- Yeah. So, how've you been?
- I'm good.
How's the wife and family?
- well, you know.
Rolling right along.
So, you drove here all the way
from aberdeen?
- Well, you weren't returning
my calls,
So I figured I'd just
come to you.
Company's on google. Big picture
Of you on the website.
- Hm. So...
What did you need
to talk to me about, steve?
- Look, I know it's been a long
time but my daughter, emily,
She got into seattle tech.
Top school in the state.
Can you believe it?
- Wow, that's great.
- Yeah.
Only thing is her scholarship
doesn't cover housing.
And things are a little tough
for me right now financially.
- Okay.
- Do you know of
any affordable places?
Maybe a friend's got
a spare room
Or a guest house or something?
- You know, I haven't really
heard of anything like that.
Has she checked online or...
- Yeah. Yeah, she has.
(clears throat)
I don't suppose you'd have
any room, would you?
- You know what, man? It's not
really a good time right now.
I got two young kids at home,
Claire's starting
a new business--
- Oh, emily wouldn't be
a bother.
She'll even help babysit,
I promise.
She's great with kids.
She'll earn her keep.
I promise.
Here. See? Look at that.
Face of an angel.
She means the world to me.
Ever since my wife died,
it's just been the two of us.
- She seems great. And I'm sorry
to hear about your wife.
I didn't know.
- Thanks.
So, what do you say?
you do kinda owe me.
- Okay, I'll tell you what.
Why don't I run it by claire,
See what she says?
- I knew you'd say yes!
Thank you, ollie,
you're gonna love her.
She's into technology,
just like you.
- Alright, I still need
to run it by claire.
- Thank you.
- I mean...
It's a little weird.
You barely mentioned the guy,
Now you want his daughter
to come live with us?
- We were really good friends
back in college.
I just thought it'd be
a nice gesture.
- Well, if you were so close,
how come you lost touch?
- Well, he sort of lost his way
after school,
Never really found
his footing professionally.
We just kind of drifted apart.
- Hm.
- But his daughter sounds great.
Really smart and...
I don't think she's had a lot
of opportunities,
And I really don't think
she has any other options.
And we do have that big
guest house
That's just sitting out there
But, you know, you're right.
It's a distraction.
I'll call steve and tell him
that, you know, we can't do it.
- Well, no, wait a minute.
I didn't say no.
- So, is that a yes?
- Well, let's meet her first.
- Deal.
- Alright.
- Hm.
(classical music)
- You must be emily.
- So nice to meet you.
- Please, come on in.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Excuse me.
- Oh, sorry.
- So, seattle tech's a hard
school to get into. Congrats.
What are you studying?
- Computer engineering.
Sort of obsessed
with technology.
- Well that's impressive.
- And I heard you're starting
your own business?
That's so admirable! I'd love
to do that too some day.
- Yeah, well,
it's just early stages, so...
- Oh.
- Hey, guys, guys!
Come on here. I want you
to meet somebody.
This is emily. Emily's dad went
to college with your dad.
This is sophie
and this is charlie.
- Oh, hi there.
- Hey!
- He gets a little shy
with new people.
- Oh, that's okay, I am too.
Um, I hope it's okay,
I brought you guys
a little something.
- Aw, thank you, emily.
- You didn't need to do that.
- Oh, it's nothing.
- Cool!
- What?
- What do you say, guys?
- Thanks!
- I love kids. If this whole
thing doesn't work out,
Please keep me in mind if
you ever need a baby sitter.
- Thank you.
Um, we would love to have you
come stay with us.
- Really? Are you sure?
- Yes. Absolutely.
- I'd be our pleasure.
(birds chirping)
- Why don't I come with ya?
I can drive.
- Well, I have my own car,
It doesn't really make sense
for you to drive separately.
- Okay, well, ride with you
and take the bus back.
- Dad, that's not necessary,
but thank you.
- You sure? I can help you
unpack, make it more homey.
Besides, I want to check out the
security system to make sure--
- Dad, I'm gonna be fine.
- I know.
I'm just gonna miss you,
that's all.
- I'll visit on weekends.
- You better.
- And, hey. I'll miss you too.
(soft music)
- Okay. Okay.
- okay.
- Alright.
Here we go.
- Alright!
- call me when you get there.
- Okay, I will.
Okay. Bye!
- Bye.
- You will have total
privacy here.
Your own key, your own kitchen,
of course.
But you're welcome to use
the main house,
You know, for anything.
Laundry, really whatever.
- This is incredible.
Thank you so much
for letting me stay here.
- Oh, of course. Yeah.
Please, don't hesitate to ask me
if you need anything,
We want you to be comfortable.
- Yeah, I'm sure that won't
be a problem.
- oh, okay.
Well this also works
in the main house.
And I will let you unpack.
(joyful music)
(birds chirping)
- Hey. Guess who just landed
their first client?
- What? Oh, babe,
that's amazing!
I'm so proud of you. Come on,
tell me, tell me all about it.
- Well, it's for a wedding,
for pam's friend.
She has access to some really
exclusive vendors.
- Nice. So, how much are
they paying you?
- Well, I had to take a reduced
fee because, you know,
I don't have a lot
of experience.
But that's pretty typical
when you're starting out.
- Right.
- What?
- Well, it's just, I mean,
I've started a few businesses
over the years
And I never had to work
at a reduced rate.
Aren't you devaluing your work?
- Well, this is
a different business
Than the work that you do.
You know, it's about exposure
And building a name
for yourself.
- I just think you're being
taken advantage of, sweetheart.
I mean, shouldn't you demand
to be paid what you're worth?
- Do you know how many
25 year old women
Would walk all over each other
for this job?
You think I wanna work
for next to nothing?
No, it's embarrassing.
Ugh. I never should have quit.
- Hey, no. Listen to me.
You hated being a lawyer, okay?
The long hours,
the lack of creativity--
- It is really hard,
starting over.
- I know, you're right,
I'm sorry.
I have no idea
what I'm talking about.
We don't even need the money.
Besides, I just,
I just want you to be happy.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Hey. Um, I gotta run.
I've got a meeting.
But we'll talk more
about this later. Okay?
- sorry.
- Excuse me.
(sophie): Mom!
Charlie took my walkie-talkie!
- Why don't you take
the day off?
go to a museum. Have a bath.
I know you don't get much time
to yourself.
I'll take the kids to school,
pick 'em up.
- Oh, no, you do not have
to do that. I'm fine.
- No, seriously.
Like, winter quarter
Doesn't start 'til Monday.
I have nothing to do.
I'd love to help.
- A bath does sound nice.
And I do have some errands
I could run.
But are you sure about this?
- Yeah, totally.
Like, you'd be helping
me feel useful.
- Okay. Okay.
Thank you, emily.
That is really sweet of you.
- Great.
(children chattering)
Do you like your school?
- It's okay.
- It's just okay?
- Just okay.
- Bye, emily.
- See her backpack? So lame.
- Have fun.
See you in a few hours.
(phone ringing)
- Hello. Hi. Is everything
alright with claire?
I noticed you dropped
the kids off.
- Uh, yeah. She's fine.
I'm just babysitting today.
I just moved in with the family,
I'm emily.
- Pam. Pleasure. I'm a teacher
here and claire's friend.
Claire didn't mention she was
getting help.
Are you an au pair?
- Um, yeah, something like that.
I go to school nearby,
seattle tech.
- No way, my husband
works there. He's in marketing.
- Oh, no way. Small world.
- Well, I'm sure I'll be seeing
a lot more of you.
We're neighbours.
Well, I better get to class.
It was great meeting you.
- You too.
(mysterious music)
Hey, you dropped...
(car honks)
Bye, claire.
(sinister music)
(mysterious music)
(dramatic music)
(soft music)
(car pulling up)
Oh, hey ollie.
- Hey.
- You're home early.
- Yeah, I forgot
my gym bag and...
There it is.
Is everything okay
with your kitchen?
- Huh?
- In the guest house?
Do you have everything
you need?
- Oh, yeah, it's great.
I just... I couldn't find
A cutting board.
Got one.
- Right. I'll have claire
order you one.
- Thanks. Uh, apple?
- Sure. Okay. Thanks.
I'll see ya later.
- See ya.
(birds chirping)
Hey, um...
I wanted to talk to you
about those girls from school.
They bullying you?
- I don't know.
- You can talk to me, you know?
Like, I'll keep
our conversations private.
- Mom already asked me
about them.
I begged her not
to call their moms.
- Oh.
You know, I had a bully once.
- You did?
- Mm-hmm.
Allison. When I was eight.
Beat me up once.
- What'd you do?
- Uh, let's just say sometimes,
You gotta give bullies
a taste of their own medicine,
You know what I mean?
- I should be mean to them?
- No, absolutely not.
Um, why don't you just let me
handle this, okay?
I promise I won't like,
call anyone's mom.
- Okay.
- Hello?
- Hi.
- Hi. Uh, where are the kids?
- They're in bed.
- Really?
Well, it's only 8 o'clock.
- Yeah. I ran them pretty good
this afternoon.
They were exhausted.
- Did you do all of this?
- I did. I hope it's okay,
I'm still like,
learning to cook.
- No, it's incredible.
But I'm afraid it's just gonna
be you and me. Ollie called.
He's gonna stay late at work.
- Oh. Save him a plate?
- Sometimes it just feels
like his career
Is the only one that
matters, you know?
Like, I used to be
a high-powered lawyer.
And now, I'm just a housewife
with a hobby.
I mean, I know
This sounds silly, but ever
since I was a little girl,
All I ever wanted to do
was plan events.
Anyway, boring
married people stuff.
I think I've had too much
to drink, I'm sorry.
- No, not at all, no.
It's like...
Sometimes you just need to vent.
- Okay, but I wanna talk
about you.
How's your dad?
- Uh, honestly? Not great.
He's always had
a drinking problem.
You know, ever since
the incident,
With ollie's girlfriend
in college.
- Right. Yeah.
- But it's been really
bad lately.
And work hasn't exactly
been going well either.
Not that it ever has.
- What does your dad do?
- Oh, he's always kind of
starting companies.
Yeah, failed ones.
Not like your husband's.
Like, my dad can't even
Get past the pitching stage.
Like, ollie sold
flair technologies for what?
Like 200 million? Right?
It's like, no wonder you guys
have such a gorgeous house.
- Yeah, something like that.
- No, truly. It's incredible.
Like, I've never been around
such nice things.
It's a little overwhelming.
- Well, we're just really glad
you're comfortable.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I got you something.
- Really?
- Yeah! Just a little something
to thank you for today.
- Oh!
(soft music)
Oh, I love it! Thank you!
- Aw, you're so welcome.
(birds chirping)
- You seem well rested.
- Yeah, well, thanks to emily.
She's been a huge help
with the kids.
Even cooking dinner.
I mean, I finally have
A little extra time to myself.
She's amazing.
- That's great, hon.
- You know, it's pretty
What she's accomplished
given her upbringing.
Did you know steve's
an alcoholic?
- No, that's awful.
I mean, I knew he ran
Into some problems
after college, but--
- Yeah, you know,
she mentioned an incident
With an old girlfriend of yours.
What's the deal there?
- Oh, she...
She knows about that.
- Knows about what?
- This... This girl
I was dating, she...
She overdosed on some pills
that steve bought.
He got in some trouble
with the police, it was a...
It was a bad situation.
- Was she okay?
- She died, actually.
- Ollie. That's horrible.
I can't believe you've never
told me that.
- Well, it's not an easy subject
to talk about.
- Was... So, steve was some kind
of drug dealer?
- No, no, no. It was just like
a one time thing,
A tragic mistake.
We were just kids.
- You were adults.
- Hey.
You okay?
- Yeah, I'm just trying
to process all this.
- You're right, I'm sorry,
I didn't know
what I was thinking.
I should have told you.
- Um. I got a call
with a vendor.
(clears throat)
(dramatic music)
(indistinct chatter)
- Bye, emily.
- Have a good day.
Hey, charlie. Come here
for a second.
I need you to do me a favour,
See that lady over there?
I need you to ask her about
the pythagorean theorem.
(mysterious music)
- Excuse me. I wanted to talk
to you about the--
- What are you asking me?
Speak up.
- I wanted to talk to you
About the "pytharagum" theorem.
- the pythagorean theorem?
- Uh, yeah.
- Well, that is a very good
question, little man.
I see. Well. I know it's greek.
That's for sure.
And it has to do with science
and gravity.
- Hey, bud. Ready to go in?
- Yeah.
- Sorry about that, I'm emily.
- Ellen. Pleasure.
(sinister music)
- Yes. Police?
Um, one of the mothers
at peach tree academy
Has been driving
erratically all morning.
I don't know, I think she's on
drugs or something.
Okay, come quick, she's about
to start her car.
It's a...
It's a black luxury suv.
Yeah, you can't miss it.
(engine starting)
(police siren)
(indistinct chatter)
- What?
What is he doing?
- You're under arrest.
- I've never seen that before...
(ominous music)
- Hello?
- Hey mom.
- Oh, hey, babe.
Um, where's emily?
- I don't know? Maybe upstairs.
- Oh yeah?
(mysterious music)
- Oh god.
- What are you doing?
- You scared me.
Um, sophie wanted
to play dress-up,
I was just seeing if you had
any costume jewellery.
- Sophie has her own
costume jewellery.
- Oh, great. Um, where is it?
- It's in her room. In a
jewellery box, on the dresser.
- I'll go look. Thanks.
- So what, you think
that she stole something?
- I mean, nothing was
missing, but...
I felt really violated.
- I'm sure it was just
an innocent mistake.
She probably did think that
There was costume jewellery
up there.
- Maybe.
But I'm starting to wonder
though if it was a bad idea
Having her come stay with us.
She seemed to know a lot of
details about your ex-company,
Flair technologies.
I mean, financial details.
Stuff that wasn't public.
- Well, steve knew
some of that stuff.
He probably told her.
- So is steve sketchy?
- What?
- Yeah. I mean, after everything
you told me
About the drugs and the girl...
Like, could they be running
some kind of con on us?
- No. No. I mean, yeah,
he's got some problems,
But who wouldn't after
everything he's been through?
He's like the nicest guy in the
world. He's totally harmless.
- Well, he's still responsible
For that girl's death though,
- No, that was an accident.
He doesn't have a bad bone
in his body.
Besides, emily's doing great,
she doesn't need to con anybody.
- That's true.
- Okay. What should we
watch here?
Sharks or zombies?
- Sharks, I guess.
- Maybe we'll get some
zombie sharks if we're lucky.
(tv): Three easy payments
of 109.99.
(mysterious music)
(birds chirping)
(door opening)
- hey. Emily.
I'm just gonna take
the kids to school today.
- Oh. Okay. You sure?
I don't mind.
- Yeah. I'm sure.
- Great.
- Oh. And emily, I think
we're just gonna do dinner
As a family tonight,
if that's okay.
- Oh, yeah. Of course.
I've got tons
of homework anyway.
- Okay, good.
(dramatic music)
(school bell ringing)
Okay, guys.
(indistinct chatter)
Bye, charlie.
Bye, sophie.
(clears throat)
oh, hey, pam.
- Did you hear?
Olivia's mom got arrested.
- What?
(sinister music)
(dramatic music)
(indistinct whispering)
(birds chirping)
- claire, sorry to bother you.
I have something I think
you might be interested in.
I saw a job posting at my school
for an event planner.
I submitted you
an interview tomorrow.
It pays a lot.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah. I mean, I had to fib
a little
About your experience,
but whatever.
Um, here's the details.
I should have asked you first,
but the deadline was right away.
- Wow.
Emily, thank you.
- Of course.
And hey, I'm really sorry
about the whole jewellery thing.
Like, I really was just looking
For something for sophie.
- No, it's okay. I understand.
- Oh, and I was thinking.
I know you said you wanted
To have dinner as a family,
but why don't you
And ollie go out? I can babysit.
- Oh, um, I don't know.
- I've heard great things
about that new french spot.
Cafe bleu.
- Oh, that place?
That's impossible to get into.
We would never get
a reservation this late.
- Well, a girl in my class
works there.
Maybe she could help.
- You think?
- It's worth a shot.
- Okay, why not?
- Yeah! Okay.
- Okay, yeah. Thank
you so much, emily.
- Of course.
- Wow. I have an interview.
This is incredible.
I can't believe
emily got us in here.
- You know, I'm surprised
you're letting her babysit
After the whole
jewellery incident.
- Yeah, I should not have jumped
to conclusions on that.
I feel bad for misjudging her.
- Well, we all make
mistakes, right?
Me especially.
- It's a little embarrassing
how long it's been
Since we've been on a date.
- That's my fault.
I'm sorry that I've been working
so much lately.
And listen, I know we never
really finished
Our conversation the other day.
I'm sorry I never told you
about the girl who died.
It was a very painful time
for me and I guess
It's just hard
to talk about, but...
It's no excuse.
I should have told you.
And I promise I'm gonna be
better about work.
- Really? 'cause it's charlie's
Karate performance
tomorrow night.
He would be so sad
if you missed it.
- I wouldn't miss it
for the world.
- Good. You don't have any other
secrets you're hiding, right?
- Uh, of course not.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- This looks so good.
- It does, right?
- So, tell me about seattle.
How's it going
with ollie and claire?
- Amazing. You would not believe
how nice their house is.
It's crazy he made so much money
Off the sale
of that one company.
- You know I helped come up
with the idea of that company?
- Um, sorry, I thought
you just did some coding?
- Well, we were batting around
ideas back in college
And that was one of them.
- Why weren't you
compensated then?
- Well, I was paid
for the coding.
- If it was your idea,
You should have been
the co-founder.
- Well, I had all those legal
problems and we didn't want
To give the company a bad look--
- And he never made it
right with you?
- I mean, he bought me place.
- Dad, he lives in
a 10-million-dollar mansion!
- Well, I was lucky he hired
me at all, given I was a felon.
- Lucky? You let him walk
all over you!
- Enough!
I'm not bitter
about how things turned out,
You shouldn't be either.
- Is that why you're already
on your third beer at lunch?
- For your information,
I am celebrating.
- What are you celebrating?
- I came up with
this brilliant new app idea.
I'm gonna pitch it to ollie.
- Really?
You... You have a pitch set up?
- Well, not yet,
but the idea just came to me.
I'm gonna call him first thing
tomorrow morning.
- Oh.
- Just you wait.
This could be my big break.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Just got off the call.
The vc's in.
- With a full ask?
- It'll be in
the account on Monday.
- Nice! Okay, get mina to hire
some more engineers, asap.
- On it.
- Nice work.
(phone rings)
- First new message.
- Hey, ollie, bud. It's steve.
So, I've been noodling
on this big start-up idea
And I think
you'd be really into it.
It's got the potential
to make millions. I know it.
I can come in, pitch it.
It'll be like old times.
- Oh, boy.
- Okay. Think cats.
- Okay.
- Do you have a cat?
- No.
- Okay, well, I have cats.
And believe me, while they're
a pain to clean up after,
They can enhance our life
in ways we cannot even imagine.
- Okay.
- So, it's like a game, right?
Like, animal crossing.
But entirely with cats.
They make car payments.
- Car payments?
(mysterious music)
- Oh my god.
"we would like to offer you
the position of event planner
For seattle tech's annual
alumni fundraiser."
Oh my god!
- Well, thanks for coming in,
We're gonna think about it
and then we'll get back to you.
Oh, hey, don't forget
your poster.
- Oh, I'll leave that for you.
- Right.
- Say hi to emily for me.
- I will.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- I'm so sorry about that,
I'll let him down gently.
- I love it.
- You what?
- My daughter loves this stuff.
Won't take care
of her real pets,
But give her one in an app
and she's mother of the year.
- Is that right?
- Might be worth the gamble.
You know how much money
unicorn village made last year?
- That's... That's a good point.
(light music)
- You think he'd let
us take it for cheap?
- Probably, I...
(crickets chirping)
- To your new job!
- And to you
who helped me get it.
- Mom?
- Hmm?
- Where's dad?
He's gonna miss
my performance again.
- Alright, well,
we still have a minute,
he'll be here, sweetheart.
Where is he?
Sophie, honey, you're
in your pajamas?
- I don't have anything to wear.
- Okay, I will help you.
Charlie, you got to get
your shoes on.
You two, upstairs and I'll meet
you there, okay?
(steps climbing)
(mysterious music)
- Hello! Hey, I'm home,
sorry I'm late,
But I'm all dressed
and ready to roll...
- Hey.
- Where is everybody?
- Oh, they're just getting
sophie out of her pajamas.
- Oh.
- Do you want one?
- Yes, yeah, great.
I'm just gonna check this email
real quick here.
Ugh, these work emails,
they just never stop,
They keep coming, day and night.
- Well, no rest
for the wicked, right?
- yeah, I guess.
Oh, hey. Your dad came
in to pitch, today.
- Oh, right. How'd that go?
- It went...
It went good, we're gonna
really think about it.
- That's great.
I mean, it's the least
you could do, right?
I mean, technically,
he was the cofounder
of flair technologies.
I mean, we sort of...
Batted around a few ideas,
but that's different
From actually executing it.
- Well, this will be a good
opportunity to make things
right, won't it?
- Right, uh...
Yeah, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna go see
if claire needs a hand.
- Let me know if
you need anything.
(sombre music)
- Hey. You ready? We gotta go,
we're gonna be late.
- Oh, I shouldn't have had
champagne on an empty stomach.
- Oh, I'm sure you'll feel
better by the time we get there.
We got to go.
- Oh, god.
- What's wrong?
- I think I'm gonna be sick.
- Oh.
Honey? You okay?
Alright, let's get
you all cozied up.
- Oh, I'm so sorry,
I don't know what happened.
(mysterious music)
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I made some tea and here's
some plain crackers.
- Thank you, emily,
that's really helpful.
- Do you want me to take
them to the performance?
- Oh, could you?
I can't leave
him alone here like this.
- Of course.
- Oh, I feel awful,
charlie's been looking
forward to this for ages.
He's gonna be devastated.
- I'll take a video for you.
I hope he feels better.
- Thank you.
- Oh, god.
(door slams)
(soft music)
- Can you guess what it is?
- A teddy bear.
- Thanks, emily.
- Hey. How are you feeling?
- Ah, a little better, thanks.
- Hey, bud, how was karate?
I can't wait to go
to the next one.
- Whatever,
emily can just take me.
- What, hey...
- Emily, you were a real life
saver last night.
- Oh, it's nothing.
- No, seriously,
if you hadn't been here,
Charlie would have missed
his performance altogether.
I don't know how to thank you.
- Oh, please.
You would have done
the same for me.
- Oh!
- Really.
(mysterious music)
- Oh, god. What a nightmare.
At least no-one else got sick.
- Yeah, emily really saved
the day.
- She turned out to be really
something, huh?
- Oh, I honestly
do not know what I would
Do without her at this point.
- You know, I was thinking.
- Hmm.
- Wouldn't it be great
if emily was featured
In the recruiting brochure
for seattle tech? Hmm?
She's incredible.
And from what you've told me,
She has a really
inspirational story.
- I think that's a great idea.
- I'll pitch paul on her.
- Yes, great. I'll give
you her contact info.
- Wonderful.
I got to get to class.
I'm so glad ollie's
feeling better.
- thank you.
- I don't want to go!
They hate me.
- It's gonna be okay.
You can't stay home
from school again.
Just ignore those girls.
I love you.
- This is all your fault!
- Loser!
(sombre music)
- It was just
so unlike her. Cruel.
I honestly don't even know
what to say to her.
- Well, I'll talk
to her tomorrow.
But hey, um...
There's something that
I wanted to talk to you about.
- What's up?
- It's emily.
I think she may have poisoned
me or something last night.
- what?
- No, I'm serious,
She made this
really weird comment,
And then she gave me
the champagne and then,
I mean, you saw what happened.
- Well, what did she say?
- She implied that I owed it
to steve to buy his pitch
Because he should have been
a cofounder of flair
- Well, should he have?
- We did come up with
the idea together,
But then the whole thing
with the overdose happened
And he had all
these legal problems.
It just wasn't
a good look to investors
To have him involved,
so he agreed to back out.
- I see, that is
a sticky situation.
- Yeah, there's...
There's more.
- What?
- Claire, I haven't been...
Completely honest with
you about everything.
- What is it?
- Um... I don't even...
(melancholic music)
I never told this
to anyone in my life.
I don't want to have
any secrets between us, okay?
I love you.
- Ollie. Tell me.
- I was the one
that gave anna the drugs.
- What?
- I was just a stupid kid,
I bought them
off some random guy,
We all took them and then,
steve and I were totally fine,
And then, the police showed up,
and when they questioned us,
Steve just volunteered
and I didn't stop him.
I just let him take the fall.
- Oh. Ollie.
- All the legal stuff happened
and steve went to jail...
My parents, like, freaked
And they didn't want
me to see him anymore
And I had... Investors
breathing down my neck...
I feel terrible. I mean,
maybe I should go to the cops,
Admit that it was me,
confess it all?
- Now, just wait a minute, okay?
Let's just think about this,
you know,
Before you do anything rash...
- Isn't that
the right thing to do?
- Yes, yes, of course,
it is the right thing to do
And... You should probably
own up to it.
I mean, will it really make
that much of a difference now?
I mean, it's not gonna erase
The last 20 years
of steve's life.
It's gonna make our lives worse.
I mean, think about the kids.
- I know, it's...
I just feel so guilty...
I've been shoving it down
all these years
And then, I see steve again,
I see how his life turned out.
He was my best friend, I...
How could it do that to him?
- Shh, it's okay. It's okay.
Does emily know?
- I don't think so.
- Okay, let's keep it that way.
Okay? For now.
And you should
do right by steve.
You got to buy his pitch,
give him a good deal.
Do everything you can
to make that a success,
Because he deserves it.
And as for emily, I mean...
Maybe we ask her to move out?
We can buy her an apartment.
We will do right by them, ollie.
It's just that right now,
we need time, you know?
We need space and time
to figure out what to do.
- I'm so lucky to have you,
I love you so much.
- Oh, I love you too, come here.
(dramatic music)
(clock ticking)
What is this? Is this for me?
- Yup. We already ate.
And I should get going
If I'm gonna get
the kids to school on time.
- Oh, thank you
for taking the kids!
- I mean,
they are mine too, right?
- Thanks, babe.
- Bye.
- Oh, hey, where's emily?
- Oh, you know what,
I haven't seen her.
See you.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye, hon.
(crickets chirping)
(sombre music)
- Hey. Well, if this isn't
the best surprise?
Everything okay?
- You took the fall
for that jerk?
- What are you talking about?
- Ollie! The drugs were his?
- Technically, I--
- He should have been arrested!
He should have been
the one to go to jail
And have his career prospects
- Hey, now, emily--
- I'm gonna kill him.
- Emily, calm down.
Emily calm down!
I took the drugs too, after all.
- Why are you still
defending him?
Why did you even do it?
- Because he was my best friend.
And he had more
to lose than I did.
He had money and family
and I didn't have anything.
Ollie was my family!
He paid for my entire college
with his trust fund.
- His trust fund.
Oh, what a sacrifice!
God, you're
such a pushover, dad!
Okay, best friends
don't let their best friends
Go to jail for them, alright?
They don't cut their
best friends out of
million-dollar deals!
He disappeared!
He left you to become
an alcoholic.
He left you to
just wither and die!
- Emily just, please,
put the knife down!
- I'll go to the cops with this.
No, I'll go to the newspapers.
That snob thinks he can take
me out, walk all over my dad?
I'll ruin him!
- Emily, please don't,
he bought my pitch!
We signed the papers
this morning.
- He did?
- Yeah, look,
he gave me a great deal.
Please, emily,
don't blow this for me.
- That's not enough.
Dad, he still owes
You millions for flair.
He ruined your life
and he needs to pay!
- Emily, just give me the knife!
(dramatic music)
- Dad?
(clock ticking)
I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.
Oh, god, please! Dad!
No, no!
(dramatic music)
I'm so sorry!
(crickets chirping)
(sombre music)
(birds chirping)
Is everything okay?
You guys seem serious.
- Oh yeah, no, it's fine.
Um, we just wanted
to talk with you,
Because ollie and I have been
discussing everything
And as you know, we've got
a lot going on right now...
- A lot, we've been really,
very busy.
- Yeah, so we were thinking
that it might be best if...
(knocking at door)
Who is that?
- Uh, I don't know.
(mysterious music)
(dramatic music)
- I can't believe he's dead!
I just can't believe it.
- I'm so sorry, emily.
- It's okay, it's okay.
I'll go with you,
we'll do it together, okay?
(sobbing, panting)
(soft music)
- I can't even go into
the home I grew up in.
- Oh, I'm sure you'll be able
to get in soon, okay?
Did your dad have pets?
- Cats.
They must have run off.
- Oh... Well, we can try
and look for them, alright?
I'll put up flyers.
- I can't believe I'm an orphan!
- Emily...
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.
(indistinct, sobbing)
- He didn't have a life
I can't even afford
a funeral for him!
- It's okay, we will cover
the costs, whatever it is.
- Thanks, claire.
I don't know what
I'd do without you guys.
- No, of course.
You're family to us.
- Your kids are lucky
to have such an amazing mom.
It's too bad you can't adopt me.
- Okay, come here.
(soft music)
It's okay.
- We just bought his pitch,
things were looking up for him.
- It's tragic.
- Yeah.
Terrible way to go,
and now, emily's got no family.
- You know, she said something,
She made a really weird comment
at steve's place today.
She said she wished
we'd adopt her.
- Really?
- Hmm.
- Yikes.
- What are we
gonna do about her?
I mean, it's a little heartless
to kick her out now, right?
- I don't know, is it?
- I mean, her dad
was just murdered.
She has no other support system.
- I just...
I really don't want her here.
There's something off about her.
- Well, let's at least give her
a couple more weeks, you know?
So, she can find
her footing a little bit.
- Okay, but I'm gonna
watch her like a hawk.
I don't trust her.
- I mean, it's two weeks.
How much damage can she do?
(indistinct conversation)
(engine starts)
(dramatic music)
- Sorry, actually, I have to go.
(dramatic music)
(phone buzzing)
- Hey, pam. Sorry I missed
your calls.
My phone was on silent.
What's going on?
- I saw emily earlier today
at a local jeweller.
It looked like she was pawning
some of your things.
- That is strange.
- I'm sure I'm overreacting,
I debated even calling,
But I could've sworn
it was your necklace.
- Well, I'm going to look now.
(suspenseful music)
I don't know. Yeah.
Well, if it were me,
We already had one strange
jewelry incident with her.
Everything seems to be here.
You know, maybe
it was something else.
- Oh, good. Thank god.
Ha, I must be going crazy.
I am so sorry for butting in.
She was probably
just getting something
of her dad's appraised.
- No, no, I appreciate
you calling.
I mean, you never know, right?
Thanks, pam.
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
I'm just gonna
run a few errands.
Yeah, it gets her excited
about us taking them for
dinner and movie tonight.
Okay, don't work too hard.
Love you.
(door creaking)
(crickets chirping)
(mysterious music)
(keys clacking)
(dramatic music)
- Holy...
(birds chirping)
- Hey. Hey, how are you feeling?
You should take
it easy today, okay?
Um... I've got a meeting
with a fundraiser,
But ollie will take
the kids to school.
- Right, are you sure?
I don't...
- Oh...
Come here.
- Sorry.
- No, no, no. You need
to focus on you, okay?
But will you be okay alone?
- Yeah.
Of course.
- Everything alright?
- Yeah.
- Have either
of you seen my phone?
I can't seem
to find it anywhere.
- Is that it, right there?
- Hm?
That's weird,
I must have forgot
to plug it in last night.
(knocking on door)
- Hey, ollie.
Can we come in?
- Of course, yeah.
What's this?
You brought legal.
What's going on,
you guys look serious.
- We need to talk
about the money.
- What money?
- The two million.
You moved it to
your personal account.
- I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Hang on, I'll just...
(dramatic music)
what the hell?
Okay, no, I didn't
take anything.
Alright, let me show you.
Here's my personal account...
There was... It was transferred
into my account,
And then it got transferred
to another account.
I... I have no idea
what this is.
I... This wasn't me.
Okay? I don't even know
What this account is, it's...
- I think you're gonna need
to get a lawyer, ollie.
- What...
- Come on.
- Aaron, I...
(dramatic music)
Claire, hey.
Have you been on my computer?
- What? Of course not.
- It was her.
- What are you talking about?
- It was her!
- Ollie?
- No, no, no. I must
have left it on, or maybe
she guessed the password.
- What are you talking about?
- She stole money
from my company.
She framed me!
- What? Is that even possible?
Wait, what is this?
- Huh? It's...
- "I had the best time
with you the other night,
It's time to be honest
with claire.
I'll be dreaming of you,
my love."
What is this?
- I... I don't know
what that is.
- That's pam!
Pam, my good friend pam?
- Okay, you know, it's fake!
It's emily, okay, it's...
- Is this pam's scarf?
- Oh, I have no... I don't even
know what it is.
I have no idea how that got--
- Let me see your phone.
- Yes, of course.
There's nothing on it.
(suspenseful music)
Wait, okay, I don't remember
downloading that.
- Oh my god.
- That's not...
I did not write that!
- This is really happening.
- No, no, claire, look!
She planted that, okay?
It's... It's emily!
Claire, come on,
you gotta believe me, okay?
Ask pam. None of this is true.
- Just leave, ollie, please.
- Claire, listen to me.
I had nothing to do with this!
- I cannot stand to even look
at your face right now,
So just leave, please!
- Fine! Fine, fine. I'll go.
But it wasn't me, okay?
You have to know that.
- Get out!
(sad music)
- I know what you did.
You think you're winning this,
but you're not.
- I have no idea what
you're talking about.
(dramatic music)
I'm so sorry, claire.
Men are pigs.
- I didn't think ollie was.
I didn't think he would do this!
- In case it wasn't obvious,
I definitely didn't have
anything to do with any of that.
- No, I know.
Um, there is something
I need to tell you, though.
Something I feel guilty about.
- What is it?
- I saw them together.
Ollie and pam, a few weeks ago.
- You did?
- Yeah, I demanded ollie tell
you the night of the karate
Performance, but...
He threatened me.
He said that if I told you,
he'd make up stories about me
And get you to throw me out.
- Of course he did.
(indistinct sobbing)
- But... She said
you'd never believe me
And she'd make sure
you didn't trust me.
But I should have told you,
I just... I didn't...
...Know what to do and then...
My dad died and...
I got distracted.
- No, no, emily, it is okay.
None of this is your fault.
- What are you gonna do?
- I don't know.
(phone buzzing)
- Claire, honey, listen to me.
I know, I know this looks bad.
But you have to believe me.
Emily is psychotic.
She's trying to ruin our lives.
It's like some sort of twisted
revenge game for her.
I think... Claire, I think
she even hurt steve.
And look, I know I could
be a better husband.
I work too much, I put
my career ahead of yours.
I don't help out with
the kids as much as I should,
But... I love you.
And I would never
cheat on you, ever.
I could never steal money
from my company,
Just please, before you
do anything drastic,
Just look into emily,
please honey.
For the kids' sake.
(mysterious music)
- Hey, how are you feeling?
- Oh, I'm fine, I'm sorry I
sobbed your ear off last night.
- No, you needed that.
Um, I'm here for you.
Just want you to know that.
- I appreciate that.
- Of course.
- That's a cute bag.
- Oh.
- Is that a valentine?
- Oh, it's fake.
I got it downtown.
- A really good fake.
- I know, right?
(suspenseful music)
(phone rings)
- Seattle tech administration
office, how can I help you?
- Hi. Yes, I'm caring
for a student that goes there
And she recently lost
both her parents.
So, I just wanted to see
how she's doing in school.
- I'm sorry,
we can't release grades
Without the student's
- Oh. Right, I understand.
You know what, can I just go
ahead and pay her tuition
For the next quarter?
I'd love to surprise her.
- Sure thing.
What's the student's name?
- It's emily bowser.
- Um, I'm not coming up
with an emily bowser.
Would it be under
a different name?
- No, I don't think so.
- There's only one bowser
in the system. Benjamin?
- No.
- Sorry, I don't know
what to tell you,
She doesn't go here.
- Yeah, weird. Okay,
thanks anyway.
(car engine starts)
(dramatic music)
(crickets chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(sombre music)
(glass crackling)
No life insurance, huh?
(sombre music)
- If this isn't
the best surprise.
Everything okay?
(accelerating feed)
- He should have been
the one to go to jail
And have his career
prospects ruined!
- Emily, calm down...
(dramatic music)
- And he needs to pay!
- Just give me the knife!
- I'm so sorry!
(suspenseful music)
- Uh...
(number dialling, phone ringing)
- Claire, hey.
You got my message--
- Ollie, ollie, ollie.
You were right.
I just saw steve's
pet cam footage.
She killed him.
- What?
- She murdered her father,
You have to call the--
- surprise.
- What?
(muffled screaming)
- Hello, claire?
Hello, claire!
(dramatic music)
(soft music)
- She wakes.
Want a snack?
- You're a monster.
- I didn't mean to kill him.
You think I don't feel
like crap about that?
- What are you gonna do with me?
- Uh, not sure yet.
- You're gonna kill me?
- Oh, yeah. Of course.
I have to now, sorry.
I just meant I didn't know
how I was going to do it yet.
(dramatic music)
Drink this.
- Yeah, pam,
I'll explain later, okay?
Thank you for watching the kids.
Yeah, I'll call
when I can, thanks.
(phone rings)
(car engine starts)
- Emily.
Before you hurt me, you need to
think about charlie and sophie.
- Oh, poor sophie and charlie,
who go to private school
And take karate lessons.
Do you know what I would've
given for a life like that?
Instead, I grew up begging
for free lunch at school.
All because ollie couldn't take
accountability for his mistakes.
- That was wrong
of him and I am sorry.
- You know, I actually
got into seattle tech.
Against the odds, I studied
hard and I made it in.
No-one vouched for me.
No-one bribed my way in,
it was all me.
- Why didn't you go?
- I couldn't afford it, claire.
It's like you people
have no concept
Of how the world works
when you don't have money.
- I thought you got
a scholarship.
- Well, I didn't, okay?
I just, like...
Told my dad that so he wouldn't
Feel bad about not being able
to afford it.
- Emily, we would
have paid for you.
- Yeah right.
You would have paid
for some kid you never met?
The daughter of the guy ollie's
Desperately trying
to forget about?
It's all good, though.
Got my own money now.
Thanks to your husband.
He really should think of
a more secure password, claire.
(phone buzzing)
(dramatic music)
Oh, it's ollie!
- Ollie...
No. No, no!
(phone ringing)
(beep! Beep!)
- I know exactly
how I'm gonna kill you.
- How?
- Relax, I'm not gonna stab you.
Obvious much?
(knife clinking)
You gotta admit,
it was kind of hilarious
When I poisoned ollie, right?
Open wide.
- No...
- No, claire! What's happening?
Too much to drink?
You know, it's just so sad.
Like, none of us
Would have ever
suspected you were so
upset about your separation
You'd give yourself
alcohol poisoning.
Choking on vomit is such
an unpleasant way to go.
You really shouldn't
have told him what
you saw on tape, claire.
Now, I have to kill him, too.
Your kids are gonna be orphans.
Like me.
(dramatic music)
- What the...
let me in!
You won't get away with this!
- I think I will, actually.
I have a knife.
I have a baseball bat.
Where is that thing?
- Why, you bitch!
- Claire!
You alright?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
I'm so sorry.
You were right about everything.
I'm so sorry
I didn't believe you.
I love you so much.
(dramatic music)
- Okay. I love you too.
(softly sobbing)
- See you later,
have a good day.
- Bye mom, love you.
- Ah, I love you too,
(soft music)
(indistinct conversations)
- Hey.
- Hey, sophie.
Thanks for sitting with me.
- Claire.
- Pam, ugh!
I am so happy to see you.
I am so sorry
for all those weird texts.
Can I take you to coffee
and explain?
- I'd love that.
This weekend?
- Yes, perfect.
You know, I'm running late
for a meeting, but talk soon?
- Yeah.
- Alright.
- So, we'll remodel the space
to have an area for therapy work
And an area for
the patients to live.
And I just wanted to thank you
all for your support
And thanks for coming today.
(indistinct chatter)
- Babe,
This is perfect.
The steve bowser
recovery centre.
I think he would have loved it.
- Yeah, I think so too.
This was a...
Great idea you had.
- Thanks.
- And his cat app
is really taking off.
- Oh yeah, I believe that,
because I can't get
sophie off of it.
- We're gonna put all
the proceeds right back
into the foundation.
- It's amazing.
So, have you heard
anything about emily?
- I don't think she's gonna be
released for a very long time.
- Ah. Hopefully, she gets
the help she needs.
- Yeah, hopefully.
- You think you can
get away for lunch?
- You know what,
that sounds great.
Maybe I'll take the rest
of the afternoon off.
- Wow, look at you!
(soft music)
(dramatic music)