Life Upside Down (2023) Movie Script

-Oh, they hung it right here.
So this is the one.
Yes, this is the one
that I wanted to show you.
-You like it, the colors?
-Yeah, it's good.
-It's like winter, the --
Kind of like
a summer/winter-type thing.
Hey, Jonathan.
This is fantastic.
-Oh, thank you so much.
-Oh, hey, Clarissa.
-Hi. Congratulations.
Hi. Thank you.
You know, Clarissa helped
with the show.
She did research, you know,
when she wasn't teaching.
-It wasn't easy,
because Jonathan is
a perfectionist.
-That's why I buy his paintings.
-Oh, George, yeah.
-Yeah, the whole show
is just really great.
-Thank you so much. Yeah.
-Really impressive stuff.
Can I ask you about...
-Hey, Paul,
you see something you like?
-Yeah, I like this.
-The political piece.
-Is it?
-Yeah. I mean, no.
I mean, if you think it is,
You like it?
-Is it sold?
I see a red dot.
-Oh, yeah, no, red dots,
they come right off.
You know, I can do that,
if you like it.
-I'll check out the rest
of the show.
Hey, Paul --
-So we can next week, yes.
-Your friend Paul -- so great.
-I know.
-He's so loaded.
-I know. So?
-They're looking
at the Berg painting.
That's the one
I told you about.
-Oh, no. The Berg painting?
The pointillist pastiche.
I don't love it. Do you?
-No, but other people do.
People like Paul --
with money.
-Do you like it?
-I love it.
-It reminds me of candy.
I know nothing about art,
but it's supposed to emote,
and this reminds me
of childhood.
-This one here is elegant.
I think it is truly beautiful.
-Yeah, I'm looking at something
far more objectively beautiful.
I don't say this often,
but I think you saved me.
I mean, before we met,
I was so depressed.
That first time we made love,
you brought me back to life.
-I can't get enough of you.
-He's really just -- he works
tirelessly on this gallery.
-Yes, he does.
We hardly ever see him at home.
-Well, he's got to put the work
in to get the work back, right?
-Yeah, I guess so.
I don't think that's a Faulkner,
though, is it?
-No, that is definitely
not a Faulkner.
-Okay. Sometimes I get
them mixed up a little bit.
Would you --
would you like some wine?
-I would love some wine.
-White. Okay.
-Chardonnay or...
-Just anything dry.
Also, they've got
some strawberries, too.
-No, I'm going to pass
on the strawberries.
-Okay. Oh.
-Sue, honey, you said
you weren't coming tonight.
-Well, the floor workers
finished early, so...
By the way,
I have these wood samples
that I need you to look at.
-Wood samples?
Can we talk about something else
at my art-gallery opening?
-Like what?
-Like art? I don't know.
-Excuse me. Here you go.
Mr. Wigglesworth,
this is a great show tonight.
-Thank you, James. Thank you.
We will talk about
the books on Monday.
-Yeah, I wanted to tell you that
we really should actually talk.
We really should.
-Yeah. Don't worry.
I'm going to sell everything.
-What was it I said a teacher
should say to their students
when they don't know
the answer?
A teacher. What should --
-Oh, yes.
"Be that as it may."
-"Be that --
be that as it may."
-Still use it with my political
science students today.
-What a surprise.
-She went out to get groceries,
-Yeah? What did you tell her
this time?
-I told her I was on a business
call for the next hour.
-I like it when you lie
to her for me.
It makes me feel so important.
-I can lie to you, too,
if it gets you off.
-Never, ever lie to me,
or I'll cut your balls off.
-What are you there,
putting camouflage on?
-Oh, I thought
it was hand sanit--
I mean, moisturizer.
Oh, my gosh. Shit.
You know what? I'm losing
my goddamn mind here.
Seriously, I miss you.
I miss you.
Where the fuck are you?
-I know. Me, too.
I mean, I'm stuck here with her.
She drives me nuts.
You know what?
I think she likes it.
You know, she's, like,
so copacetic and easy.
-I'm sorry. Can we just not talk
about her for, like, a minute?
-Easy, easy.
You know, we haven't had sex
in three years,
so we're like strangers.
-Okay, well, there's nothing,
I guess,
for me to be jealous of,
so that's good.
Speaking of sex...
-I'm feeling very horny.
-Well, that's
why I called you.
I love being this close to you.
-I really miss having sex.
Do you want to do it?
We got an hour.
-Remember that one time
at the gallery?
I had that chocolate sauce
from the cart,
and I put it on your mouth
and I put it on...
-Where'd you put it,
the chocolate sauce?
-Then I licked it off,
and I loved it.
-Oh, yeah.
-You're so sexy.
-Well, we can add
strawberry and whipped cream.
-What else do you like?
-Oh, let's talk about
the black leather gloves.
-Black leather gloves?
-Oh, I love
black leather gloves.
-Secret lover.
-Oh, God, yeah.
Oh, I love this.
Oh, I love this.
-What else is on the list?
-What list, hon?
-It's Erica at the gallery,
and she's telling me
about the list of paintings
that are sitting there
and we can't sell.
-Oh, okay.
-Catch you with
the strawberry cream, babe.
Hey, Trexa, play the news.
-COVID-19 is leaving schools
and businesses empty,
has isolated many from friends
and loved ones,
as the country and the world
face a pandemic of
a "once in a lifetime" scale.
Dr. Sanders, please give us
your take on all of this.
-Good morning.
And I stand on the corner
of Wilshire
and Westwood Boulevard,
normally one of
the busiest intersections...
-Vegan cookies.
-My favorites. Mmm.
Oh, yum. Yum, yum, yum.
-...there are still
more questions than answers
to this strange pandemic,
and we promise
to keep you updated
as they become available.
-Mmm. Delicious.
See? Love can exist.
Love has legs.
Love can endure.
Why have you got to always
put everything up on top
of the refrigerator,
and they fall on my head?
It's like you're trying
to kill me.
-Don't worry.
I'll take care of it.
There you go.
There you go. All safe.
Yes, there's shortages
like I've never seen before,
not in our lifetime.
I've heard everything
from frozen vegetables
to computer chips,
bicycles, baby formula,
video-game consoles,
if you want something
while you're stuck at home.
And, of course,
the old toilet-paper rush.
Are most restaurants
shut down?
You know,
pretty much in our city --
in our city, all the
restaurants have shifted
to takeout or delivery,
and it's really depriva--
-Playing rainstorm
for relaxation.
-It helps to have this on.
-Do you like it?
-I wonder when I'll be able to
continue my nutrition training.
-One of those simple questions
one cannot give an answer to
at this particular moment.
-Hi. Bit late for you,
isn't it?
-Yeah, well, I'm lucky
I have friends that work late.
-Oh, what's the matter?
-It just occurred to me today
that this whole situation
could go on for
a very long time
and I am stuck here alone
and Jonathan is over there
with his wife.
-Look, Jonathan is married.
What difference
would it make anyway?
You wouldn't be able
to see him anyway.
-Yes, he's married, but
he's not in love with his wife.
-Do you believe that?
Come on. Come on.
You're smarter than that.
-Well, you might understand.
Intellect does not always align
with the heart.
And when I met Jonathan,
he told me he was
in an open relationship,
which was a little weird.
But turns out he opened it
without telling his wife.
-Well, I think you should find
a better situation for yourself,
one that's based on loyalty
and mutual trust,
love, you know,
and constant physical contact.
Like mine with Rita.
I mean, she's --
she's of course, different.
Well, that's an understatement.
-Well, be that as it may...
I personally love
this strange moment
this forced domesticity.
-I think he would leave her,
except for the fact
that they have two kids,
he can't really afford
a divorce,
and she suffers
from chronic asthma.
I know what this sounds like.
I sound like a terrible person.
I feel like a terrible person.
I feel very, very guilty.
But right now,
I feel ferociously jealous.
It's like double jeopardy,
you know?
I'm just...
-Well, what can I say?
Stay safe and sane.
-Okay. Good night.
-Clean-up reactivated.
Is the fridge working?
How's your family
doing in Europe?
I hear it's a mess there.
Hey, Trexa
-Between if and when to wear
the mask, how to greet friends,
or whether you should
see friends at all,
there's a lot unknown
about COVID-19,
and since coronavirus
isn't going away anytime soon,
I wanted to learn
how to navigate
these potentially awkward
social interactions.
I caught up with Bloomberg's
Annie Valentine
to ask her all about
-This is how we make pasta
in Italy,
and, guys, this is
the best pasta recipe ever.
-This machine is so cool.
-Can you turn that TV down?
-Honey, I'm going
to start making pasta.
-Well, because that is
the definition
of a strategic situation.
Now, we are in
a strategic situation
where what I want is different
from what you want.
We have differences in goals,
and we can't
independently control our --
-Professor, are their
main strategies adopted?
-All we need to know is that
game theory will help us
a situation of this kind to
avoid infinite regress.
I can see that you are
all shuffling your papers.
I take that as a cue
I've run over time.
Okay, well, I look forward
to seeing you all on Monday,
and please don't forget
your assignments.
See you soon.
-Hey, why is it so
messy in here?
I brought you a snack.
-Stop bringing me cookies.
I'm trying to lose weight,
not gain.
I'm going back to work,
you know.
I don't want to be fat.
-The ability to get
what you want from others.
You can do it in three ways.
You can do it with coercion.
-Hey, babe.
-I'm going to go lie down,
watch some MMA women.
-Mixed martial arts.
Maybe you should watch some,
you know, History Channel or --
-Why? Why do you always want me
to do something different?
You always want to improve me.
-Oh, no, no.
I love you.
I love you
just the way you are.
-I'm not sure about the latter,
but how's the chapter
coming along?
-Oh, good, good.
Do you like this?
"Only the dead
have seen the end of war."
-It's very poetic.
-I don't know about poetic.
-Where did it come from?
-From here.
No, it's -- it's Plato.
-All I care about is my gallery,
okay, keeping it open.
If it goes down, I'm going to
take a lot of people with me.
If it closes --
-Okay, well,
let's talk about that.
-Are you okay? What is going on?
-You know, since when do
I have to tell you
everything that's happening?
-You are really stressed.
-I'm sorry.
-No worries.
Let's continue tomorrow.
-I'm going out to get
something for the twins.
-Wear your mask and your gloves,
-You're high-risk.
-I know.
-Hey, Paul, it's me, Jonathan.
Hey, how's it going?
-Oh, great. You?
-Well, if I had two-mill cash
and a couple of Tahitian girls
massaging me, I'd be great.
-That's funny.
-Thought it was kind of
demented, but...
no pressure here.
Are you considering
that Berg painting?
-Well, I'm not sure.
Rita loves it.
but could you hold on
to it for a few days for us?
-Yeah, yeah, we can --
we can hold it.
-Nate and Julie are in Paris.
It's terrible.
-I'm just planting vegetables.
Seriously, the basic economy.
I am so freaked out.
-Oui oui.
-I'm just -- I'm so glad I have
my Buddhist meditation practice.
Every day at 7:00,
I'm sitting down and meditating
with Gowenka and a bunch
of other meditators.
-Okay, that's good, now.
That's fantastic.
-Yeah, I'm surrendering
to my yoga practice.
Oh, ow! Oh, shit.
-Clarissa, what happened?
You've fallen? Oh, my God.
Keep on walking.
-Keep on walking.
-Keep on walking? Walking?
-That's it.
-Okay. I'm walking.
-What is it you want
in the depth of your ignorance?
-That's offensive.
-Well, I have to defend my point
with all my might.
-To erase one paragraph?
-Yes. Yes.
I think that's utterly idiotic.
-Well, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, but it's
just plain stupid.
-Come on.
-Look, if you want the book
to be this way or that way,
then why don't you
just write it yourselves?
please come here.
Let me admire your beauty.
I feel your warmth.
-Professor Hasselberg.
-Dr. Camden from
Heaven Meadows.
Your mother isn't doing well.
-What do you mean
she's not doing well?
-She has a high fever...
-What does that mean?
-And difficulty breathing.
-Okay, I'll be right over.
-No, I'm sorry, but we can't
have visitors right now.
-This is a special case.
-We have to be very strict.
-That's just stupid, isn't it?
-We shall keep you informed.
Will you be home?
-Is that a joke?
-I understand
how difficult this is.
-Call me as soon
as you know something.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-What is it? What happened?
-Mother is sick.
They don't know what it is,
but they say that
she's having problems breathing.
I'm very concerned.
It's not their mother.
Why should they care?
I'm not sure about this stupid
Heaven Meadows place.
I want her out of there.
Is it okay if she comes
to live with us, baby?
Your mom here with us?
-Oh, great. Thank you.
You're the best.
I'm going to go for my run.
-There's nothing happening.
We have paintings
that are supposed to be
on consignment,
but nobody is buying
anything right now.
I'm supposed to help you
with your business,
help take care of the records.
It's not looking good.
We need to change something,
and we need to do it fast.
-I have one big sale
that's still outstanding.
I mean, I don't know
if it's going to come through.
-That would be great.
But, listen to me, please.
Nothing is happening.
There are no new sales.
People are staying in their
homes because they have to.
There's no new money coming in,
and we have to figure out
a way to take care
of this financially.
-Yeah, you know, I know
it's a very stressful time
and I know you care.
We just need to know
when we're going to get paid.
-Are we losing our jobs?
-You're all going to get paid.
-You can't do that,
Mr. Wigglesworth.
-How would you like it
if I didn't pay you?
These people, they just
left college, most of them.
They got nothing.
-Well, what's wrong, handsome?
-I'm under a Damocles sword
and it's coming down fast.
-Is there anything
I can do to help?
-A blowjob?
Mr. Marlowe, if you would please
allow me to resume
my Zoom call
with the employees.
Thank you.
-Oh, shit.
-Hey. Where are you?
-I'm in the garage.
Sorry about earlier.
-Oh, okay, great.
Why don't you FaceTime me?
I've got a little surprise
for you.
-Are you naked?
-I am sorry.
-How are you doing?
You sound a little bit
stressed out.
I think I'm going
to lose the gallery.
-Oh, my God.
-If I lose it,
I don't know what I'm...
-Oh, my God.
-Okay, thanks.
None of that is going to
sell any paintings.
Hey, maybe I could come by,
like, around 4:00,
and just see you
from a distance.
I want to comfort you, too.
-I'm sorry.
I didn't hear the last part.
-I was saying, can I come by?
Just -- I'll just see you
from outside the window.
-Yeah, yeah, yes, yes, yes.
That would be totally awesome.
I'll be right here.
-Around 4:00 or so.
I'll just --
I'll just park outside
and just wave to you.
-Of course. Yes.
-Yeah. Coming.
-Did you find it?
-I told her I was getting
something for the pool.
-Hey, show me your tits.
-Are you kidding?
There's a guy outside
circulating around.
It's creeping me out.
-Show me one tit?
It's half the risk.
-Yeah, coming.
Alright, I'll see you at 4:00.
I'm going to honk.
-For your first lesson,
We're talking about
how to generate more speed
with less effort.
So a great drill
that I show players
to get the hang of this is
I get them to set up.
-I'm back.
-Hi. Well, that was a long run.
-Same as always.
-Yeah, that plus 38 minutes.
-Oh, well, I'm here now.
-Look, I'm sorry.
I don't mean to nag.
-I'm going to make
some skewers for dinner.
-Oh, really?
What, lamb and beef?
-No, no caveman food.
-Oh, tofu. Again.
Darling, would you check
this out for me?
I was just toying with this idea
for my book, right?
Listen to this.
"Two things are infinite --
the universe
and human stupidity,
and I'm not sure
about the universe."
I'd like to start my book
from that very thought
and apply it
to political analysis,
because stupidity is such
a great threat to humanity,
it's a threat to the world,
and it's underestimated,
the dangerous stupidity
of those in power.
What do you think?
-I think it's wonderful.
Whose idea was it?
-Darling, could you just
put that down a little bit?
-Hey. What do you think of
this bread?
I made it with no yeast.
-It's a little concave.
-Yes. Yes.
-We know it's delicious.
So it's minimal ingredients,
mainly store-bought.
-How was the gallery?
-Empty, dusty, and depressing.
-I made some fresh pasta.
You going to taste it?
-I'm not hungry.
Mr. Marlowe, I'm sorry.
I couldn't come by.
I got very busy at the gallery.
I'll drop your artwork
off later.
-I mean, really?
I've been sitting here
for two hours.
You couldn't let me know
a little earlier?
-I figure, you know,
you'll still be where you are
right now.
No one's going anywhere.
Well, that's gracious.
-Mr. Marlowe,
thanks for checking in,
and I'll see you a little later
when I can.
-Many states,
including Florida,
Texas, and Georgia,
are fighting back today
against federal mandates
imposing the wearing of masks
and social distancing,
claiming that these rules
are unconstitutional.
-That's just so stupid.
- Where are you going?
- I don't know.
-What is the logical basis,
evidence, for you saying
the U.N. is useless?
In what context?
-Okay, so a country
like the United States
is able to take advantage
of smaller countries
by destabilizing economies,
undermining governments,
and selling arms to countries
that will inevitably
disrupt harmony and union,
but the U.N.
does nothing to stop this,
then one of the things --
-Look, I'm sorry, Arthur,
I didn't mean to cut you off,
but you're taking up
a lot of space right now,
and I'd like to hear
from some of the other students
in this class.
We can talk about your opinions
later in-depth after class.
-If I may say...
-I'm sorry. Catherine.
-Since its inception, the
United Nations has performed
numerous humanitarian,
and peacekeeping undertakings,
providing food
to 90 million people
in over 75 countries,
supporting racial issues.
-I'm sorry. It's our dean
calling with an emergency.
I'll be right back.
-I am down.
I am, like, abyss-like down.
I just --
I just need some encouragement.
-I'm in the middle of my class.
I'm still mad about yesterday.
Okay, you're the kind of person
that can just do
whatever you put your mind to.
You are practically a genius.
But, most importantly,
I really care about you.
I got to go now. Bye.
Catherine, you were saying
that the United Nations
is an intergovernmental
that aims to maintain
international peace
and security, harmonizing
the actions of nations.
-That's bullshit,
and you know it.
Stop teaching us bullshit.
-Yeah, yeah, I understand.
And I'll keep an eye out
for any paintings of chickens.
Yeah. Chicken. Keyword.
Yeah, thanks. Bye.
Sorry. Sorry.
-Hi, Jonathan.
How are you?
-Hi, Paul.
Listen, I'm calling you because,
you know, the Berg painting,
the one that Rita loves?
I'll be willing to give you
a pandemic discount.
-Well, I think we should hang on
to the cash
that we have right now.
So should you, my friend.
-You're a smart man.
You're wonderful friend Paul is
not coming through on anything.
He's totally out.
-Oh, well, he is wonderful
because he introduced us.
You know what's coming up,
-Bankruptcy. Homelessness.
I wish I had a bigger car
to live in.
-No, it's my birthday.
-Fridge parts. Oh, finally.
-I know. Yeah.
Next week, right?
You're 45.
-No, it's my 40th,
and it's tomorrow.
You don't have to add
five years.
-I was just teasing you.
I remember.
-And I got you something.
Yep, you're going to love it.
-What am I going to love?
-You'll see.
It's a surprise.
-You know what would be
a really nice surprise
is if you can show up for my
Zoom birthday party tomorrow.
Paul's going to be there.
Tony's going to be there.
I understand you're probably
having dinner with the family,
but if you could just
slip out for five minutes...
-That would be dangerous
and exciting.
I would love it.
What's up?
-So, I heard
it's your "B" day tomorrow.
Well, I think
we should celebrate.
-You know, I was just
going to lay low.
-Well, think about it.
-Alright, thanks.
-Okay, let me know
about the fridge.
-Sure. Thank you.
-Okay. Bye.
Listen to them clap, Rita.
Clapping for the nurses
and the first responders.
-Hey, listen, I was thinking
we may be able to sell
that Berg painting to Waterman.
You know, that rich friend
of my dad's?
I don't mind.
I can call him.
-You'd do that for me?
-Of course I would.
-Who's texting you at this hour?
-It's an artist,
Barry Marlowe.
He's kind of a pain in the ass.
He says he loves me, but
I think he wants
something from me.
You never asked me for anything,
have you?
-That you stay healthy.
-I'm sorry, babe.
I'm so tired tonight.
I can't.
-Oh, it's -- it's fine.
We have tomorrow,
tomorrow, and tomorrow.
And the next day.
-The number of confirmed cases
of COVID-19 in the U.S.
now tops 83,000,
more than have been recorded
in China or Italy
and continue to grow.
Over 1,100 people here
have died
from the coronavirus
so far.
With vaccines still in
development, and no...ready,
the CDC and
top medical experts say
that masks
and social distancing
are the only way to curb
the wave of infections.
-Whenever we put the clamps
down and shut everything down,
we do it for two reasons.
-You're up early.
-Yeah, I got up at 4:00.
I couldn't sleep.
-I know.
-I can't tell what's paid
and what's not paid.
-See, there's a little "P"
on the back.
-Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday,
dear Clarissa
Happy Birthday to you
-Oh, hang on, hang on.
Oh, hang on. Gloves.
One sec. Coming.
-Happy birthday to the most
vibrant woman that I know.
-Thank you, Paul.
-So what's your plan today?
-I don't know.
Jonathan is supposed to be
showing some sign of life,
but he's not here.
-So, you know when you have
one of those real assholes
for a student?
This time he's saying that
the U.N. is completely defunct
because it doesn't do anything
to support its mandate.
-He's right. He's right.
He's absolutely right.
International organizations
are obsolete
in concept and in function.
-So this is your new opinion?
-Oh, come on.
Everything goes back
to the very root
of all problems,
and that is that
the majority of the people
are just plain stupid.
Oh, and, by the way,
Rita says, "Happy 40th."
-Oh, good. So she can count.
That's great.
-Listen to me, please.
You hired me to help
take care of your money.
I'm your accountant.
The overall picture's
not bright.
Money's not coming in.
You're two months overdue,
as you know, on your rent,
and nothing is being sold.
-So what do are saying?
I just have to close down?
Take advantage of this moment
to close everything
down permanently.
You know, you're lucky.
Everybody else --
-I'm lucky? I should
consider myself lucky?
-James, how about being
a little more tactful?
We're talking
about his life here.
-Thank you, Sue.
-That's okay, honey.
- Hello?!
-What? Sorry.
-Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
I'm just calling to thank you
for this
amazing birthday gift.
-Happy Birthday, Cherry Slush.
Yeah, you know,
people are taking up hobbies
and trying to cook,
so I figured you might...
Can I just tell you
what happened,
just spread the pain
around a bit?
-Sure, but when
are you coming by?
-I think
that would be torture.
I mean, we can't hug,
we can't kiss,
we can't make love.
I can't do that to my wife.
She's had asthma her whole life.
Blah, blah, blah.
But, you know,
sometimes I feel sorry for her.
I mean, sometimes
really sorry for her.
-Jonathan, every time we speak,
it feels like we're just going
around and around and around.
-Yeah, I thought you liked
going around with me.
Around and around
and around and around.
-Honey! Listen to this!
"Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved
by understanding."
Or Frankenstein.
"True peace is not just
the absence of conflict,
but the presence of justice."
"Therefore, wherever you
find peace, you find harmony."
Yes. Hello? Speaking.
What do you mean
she's worse?
Well, how much worse?
Yes, I know that
you do not allow guests.
I've been informed of that.
-That would be amazing.
-That's another thing
that could be done.
Hi, hon, I was just
asking Harry...
-...if we could use
his dumpster tomorrow
when the gardener comes.
-Honey, I just spoke
to Heaven Meadows,
and they said that
they don't think
Mom will survive.
-Anyway, thank you for the
birthday flowers, by the way.
They're lovely.
-Right. You're welcome.
My friends just told me
that his wife had died,
and it was a relief.
-When you're younger...
-...yum, yum, yum. But...
-Hang on. There's...
There's something...
-What's going on?
-Oh, nothing.
-Oh, yes, there is.
-Hey. Made you some tea.
Why don't you try again?
Playing always cheers you up.
-I can't.
Tell me something.
Is Harry a little lonely
after his wife left?
-Why are you asking me?
I had no idea.
-Well, I think I'm going
a little insane, you know?
I'm worried about Mom.
-It's okay. Don't worry.
-Cheers. Cheers.
-Hey, Happy Birthday, love.
-Happy Birthday.
-So, hey guys, looks like
we've got a special guest.
Say hi to everyone, Mom.
-How nice.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Alright, we're wrapping it up,
but I'll give you a call later.
-Good to see you.
-Where is Jonathan?
-Hey, where is Jonathan?
-Where's Jon?
-Sometimes nothing
is better than something.
-Be that as it may,
it's getting very late,
and we should probably
wrap it up.
But thank you all so much
for coming.
You really made my day.
Wherever you are in the world.
Thank you. Thank you.
-Alright, bye, everyone.
-Good night, good night.
-Oh, my gosh.
-Brought you a cake.
-I got you this
chocolate, black --
-No way. That's so sweet.
That's my favorite.
Okay. Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-Oh, yum.
-40, right?
-Do you want to come in?
-Yes, sure.
-You haven't been anywhere,
have you?
-No, no. I've been, like,
glued to your guesthouse.
-Okay, so it's safe.
-Sure. Your dad's right here.
It's Ricky.
-Hey, kid.
How's things in Chicago?
Well, it's boring everywhere.
Listen, just get yourself
a plane ticket
and come home right now,
whatever it costs.
-Oh, I just told Margo
the same thing.
-Yeah, I do.
Take care, kid.
Hey, honey.
-There's something
I want to run by you.
You're a great mom.
-You're just noticing this now?
-You're funny, too.
-Are you okay?
-Do I not seem okay?
-I've actually always been
fascinated by your culture.
When I studied
the Greek-Persian Wars,
I always rooted for you guys.
-Well, the Persians,
they were great empire,
one of the greatest.
I really thank you.
Let's make a toast.
May life be safe, peaceful
for the entire planet
and all its creatures.
-Oh, my God.
How did you know that?
-The World Health Organization
remains concerned
about the spreading
of COVID-19,
particularly in
the developing countries.
-Call from Heaven Meadows.
-Professor Hasselberg?
-Yes. Speaking.
-Dr. Camden
from Heaven Meadows.
So pleased to let you know
that your mother has improved.
-Oh, that's wonderful news.
-No more fever, and her
breathing is back to normal.
-Oh, that's just wonderful.
That's great.
Please keep me in the loop.
-Of course. Will do.
-Thank you. Thank you.
-Bye-bye now.
-End of call.
-The doctors don't have
enough equipment,
-especially in the rural areas.
where are
those gluten-free muffins?
The ones that you buy
all the time.
-Honey, I have some great news
from Heavenly Meadows.
-What's up?
-Hi. I've been looking for you.
I can't hear you.
-It's a helicopter. I'm outside.
I-I am sorry about yesterday,
I-I really miss you.
Maybe -- Maybe you could
make some pasta
with that thing I got you.
We could have dinner
in your garden,
you know, like,
at a safe distance.
-Is this your idea
of an apology?
-No, it's not an apology.
It's just --
It's just a suggestion.
I miss you.
-You do?
-I do. I do.
I miss talking to you.
I miss having sex with you.
I wish we could
have sex right now.
-You know what?
I'm not in the mood.
And newsflash,
I'm not your toy.
-I know.
Listen, Cherry Slush,
I got a lot on my mind.
I wish you'd cut me some slack.
You don't even ask me
what I'm thinking anymore.
You used to love
to hear me ramble on for hours.
-Why don't you deal
with your dog
and we can talk about this
-Is everything okay?
You sound different.
Are you hiding
something from me?
-Not yet.
-Not yet.
-I think I'd better
get back in my house.
-Yeah. It's probably
the right thing to do.
-I'll probably Zoom
you tomorrow.
I almost forgot
I am late for my run.
-Oh, enjoy it.
-That is a beautiful piece
of classical you're playing.
-It's not classical. It's jazz.
-I can never get it
right with you.
-Of course you can get it right.
You always get it right.
You get it right all the time.
-Honey, you dropped something.
-Listen, the gallery,
it's just a space.
A space with blank walls.
You are the gallery.
Everyone knows that.
-Thank you.
Thanks for saying that.
-All we have to do
is pick ourselves back up
and keep moving forward.
I have seen you reinvent
yourself so many times.
-You have?
-Yes, of course.
Don't beat yourself up.
This pandemic has been hard
for everyone, not just us.
The twins, Margo and Ricky,
they love you.
I still love you.
-We've got a good gauge.
-Just come home.
-Most countries have decided
to temporarily close
educational institutions.
learning hasn't stopped.
Instead, it's now completely
taking place online
as schools and universities
provide remote...
-This thing's crazy.
-That's it, like that,
and then you can do it.
-God, I can't even hit it yet.
Hang on. They're tangled.
-They got tangled.
-Oh, God. That dog.
-Where are you going?
-I have to pee.
-Hey, listen, when this is all
over and we can travel again,
I'm going to sell
that Ed Ruscha drawing
that he made for me
and take us somewhere special.
-Really? Where?
A remote island in Polynesia.
-Oh, wow.
Yeah, I'd love that.
Where did you get that idea?
-What's fascinating to consider
is that
the American Constitution
has been deeply influenced
by the Persian Empire.
Yeah. Do you know anything
about the Cyrus Cylinder?
-No, but that's fascinating.
-It was the first
Human Bill of Rights.
It's an ancient artifact
that Jefferson
was fascinated by as well.
-I'm proud of you.
Yes, proud of you, yes.
-You don't think it's silly?
-No, no, it's not silly
or stupid at all.
-Is everything okay over there?
-I guess I feel strange.
I'm not sure what I feel
I just feel very much
inside my head.
And I feel, like, a paranoia,
But I'm --
I'm sure it's -- it's okay.
-What do you mean?
Paranoid about what?
-I don't know
what it actually is.
I don't know. Forget it.
Forget it. I just --
I just wanted to hear your --
your voice for comfort.
Alright. Well,
shall we talk tomorrow?
-Alright. Good night.
-Okay. Good night.
-If I was to grip this club
really tight
to do this drill,
it'd look a lot more this way,
and there'd be
a lot less speed in that
than there will be with the one
I'm nice and light.
So here's a question.
How do you then apply this
to your golf swing?
Well, there's always
a progression
that you want to work through.
The first thing
I'd you have to do
is exactly the same drill
I've just shown you.
I want you to set up
nice and light in the grip.
You want to let
the club move back
and then the hips start down
while the club
is still going back,
really feeling
that change of direction
and the club moving quicker.
As you do this, don't be afraid
to move the club
as fast as you can
as long as you stay in balance.
-What are you doing? Are you --
Are you okay?
-I can't look at any art
right now.
it's going to get better.
There will be other galleries.
-May we all know love and peace.
May we all understand
love and peace.
-Hi, Jonathan. This is Paul.
How are you doing?
I think I want to get
that Berg painting
and surprise Rita.
-Oh, wow.
Oh, this is an incredible
piece of news, Paul.
-Well, yes,
that's what I've decided.
-Awesome. I --
I will deliver it
to your house tomorrow,
and I'll leave it
outside the gate.
Okay? So don't worry
about that.
-No, no, no, no.
You don't need
to bring yourself.
-No, no, I insist.
-There's a bit
of a sad atmosphere
around the house right now.
And one of the reasons
I'm buying the painting is
because I thought it would
cheer things up a little bit.
-Yeah, well, you know,
we're all in the same boat.
-Yes, well, it's probably
all this staying at home.
You know, it gets
depressing after a while.
-Yeah. Well, look, I will
deliver it tomorrow, okay?
-Okay, great. At the same
discounted price, right?
-Same price. Pandemic discount.
Just for you. Same price.
-Thank you.
-Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. I love you.
I love you.
-You okay if I go
for my run now?
-See you in about an hour.
-Uh-huh. Enjoy it.
-Love you.
-Love you.
-Hey, Jonathan.
-You got it?
-Yep. Thank you.
It's right out here,
right inside the gate.
-Thank you for dropping it off
before Monday.
-I just wanted to make sure.
-Yeah, I got it.
-Bye, Paul.
-I don't understand why
this has to be a Zoom call.
There's only two of us.
-I said I'd Zoom you,
and here I am.
You're a real man of your word.
-Most of the time, I guess.
-I was being sarcastic.
Listen, your friend Paul.
Okay? He bought the painting.
He saved my ass.
That's great news.
-Well, that's good.
Very happy for you.
-It's been so long
since we've been together.
Seven weeks.
Maybe I could come by.
Just see you through the window,
-Well, maybe
maybe is not good enough.
-Well, possibly?
-You know, that's not even
funny, Jonathan.
-I'll be right there.
-I got to go. My wife's coming.
-Great. That's just great.
- I forgot how good you feel.
Come here.
I'm sorry. I think I got lost
there for a while.
-Well, you're here now.
That's all that matters.
-You must be fucking kidding.
-Hi. Hi.
I was just trying to call you.
What happened?
-I just heard Jonathan
screwing his wife, and --
-I just caught Rita
kissing Harry, the neighbor.
-Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Paul, I'm -- I'm so sorry.
I just --
I feel like I'm in no position
to give you any advice.
-Me neither.
I didn't see this coming.
Maybe we're just being
overly simplistic,
and we just couldn't admit it
to ourselves.
We failed.
We did the wrong thing.
We're just living in
some kind of illusion
rather than a reality.
It just hurts.
It's just that simple.
-We're not going to get stuck
in this, my friend.
I myself am moving on.
-Well, I'm proud of you.
-Alright. Bye-bye.
-I'm here for you.
Take care.
-You too. Bye.
Maybe it's got something to do
with COVID or something.
Maybe -- Maybe you're stuck in
this fucking house all day long.
That's your problem.
-You betray me every day.
You betray me
with your intellect.
-Yes, but there is a great
difference, isn't there?
You're having an affair.
-Still a mistress.
-With a guy next door.
How the fuck can you
compare that to my work?
-You'll love me
if I do the right thing.
If I do what you say.
You're always so critical
and so controlling.
Real love is to be at peace
with flawed love.
There is no perfect love.
-You know,
that's -- that's good.
-Thank you.
You don't usually hear it
because you're always
in your own head
and everyone else is stupid.
-No, but I'm the stupid one
I'm stupider
than the people I call stupid.
-You know what?
I got to go.
I'll be right back.
I've just got to clean out
the closet.
-Where -- Where are you going?
Something wrong with the food?
-No, I loved it.
-Kind of bust this out,
you'll notice.
Butter these pieces right here.
-I really like those.
-You will get messy.
-Maybe we should
redo the kitchen.
-This is a messy job.
-And line it up.
-Mr. Marlowe?
-So I hear you've been
having sex with your wife.
-Fine, Mr. Marlowe.
What are you saying with that?
-I heard you having sex
with your wife, you moron.
You left the Goddamn Zoom on.
She sounds quite nice,
by the way.
Quite relaxed.
Especially someone who,
according to you,
hasn't had a shag in some time.
-Well, you knew my situation
when we were introduced, sir.
-Let the tiles sit overnight.
-You always said I had an eye.
I think I've finally started
trusting it again.
-Well, you painted a very
different picture of yourself.
-You did, too.
You know,
I don't think I can live up
to your hopes and dreams.
It's too much.
When you look at a painting
too long,
you can stop seeing it.
I think I've had the time
to focus again
and I just
underestimated its value.
-...or pink for
the pitchers of water.
-You're supposed to be
with your family.
And this is just a mistake.
I just wish that I could see it
a little bit earlier.
-...our shine off of
our beautiful metallic tile...
-That's it, then?
-Now it's time
to start grouting.
-Yeah. That's it.
-...into the cracks until
it is in there nice and tight.
-Look, take care, Mr. Marlowe.
-After about 30 minutes,
it'll start drying...
-You too.
Take care.
-I'll turn off my phone now.
-Now we get to do
our first full piece.
Uninhibited, no weird cuts,
-You know, I made this for you.
-I think the same of you.
-Let's dance.