Lifemark (2022) Movie Script

[Nate] Don't think about it,
just jump!
-Don't tell me
not to think about it!
-Don't think. Jump!
-What's this thing gonna do?
-Uh, it's gonna follow along
as you do. Now go!
[Sam] Oooh!
-Aww, nice!
Guys, check this out.
It's a pretty nice tracking
shot, don't you think?
-[Sam] Pretty good.
-[Nate] I like it. I think, uh,
I think we could do
a little bit better.
Im'ma be honest,
David could do some
Hey, that was,
that was, uh, good
but the next one
could be better.
So, get back up there
and do something different
like a flip or like
-I'll start
taking your directions
when you actually
get in the water.
-Dude, I'm the cameraman.
I can't get wet.
[Sam] How much was the drone?
-Millie here was 800 bucks.
But I still owe 500 dollars.
-Millennium Falcon.
-You're kidding.
-I'm not.
-Dude, you can make 500 bucks
at the speech competition
at school.
-Huh, I'm a video blogger.
I don't do live speeches
to impress small crowds.
-You don't do speeches
to impress any crowds.
-Look, all right, this next
one's gotta go viral, okay?
-[Sam] Okay.
-So I need somebody
do a belly flop off the cliff, and I nee
David, how about you?
-Dude, I'm already
starting to get a headache.
Um I tell you what,
how about you get a shot
of all three of us
jumping at the same time?
How's that sound?
-All right, all right.
That, that'll work.
All right,
get back over there,
let me get Millie
all situated here.
All right, Millie,
let's do this.
Are you guys set?
-All right, here we go.
Three, two, one
[joyful whooping]
-Ha-ha-ha! Sweet!
No! No, no, I wasn't rolling.
Ah, guys, can we do that again?
Let's pick it back up
from the top.
[all] Happy birthday,
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
-Keep going,
you can do it.
[clapping and cheering]
-Hey, open up your present
before we cut the cake.
-[G] Oh, wait.
We want you to guess.
It's not French fries.
-Mm, let me see.
It's a new phone.
-No, it's not a trombone.
Trombone wouldn't fit
in that little bag.
-No, sweetie,
that's not what he said.
-He doesn't even play
the trombone.
-It's true.
-You're right.
-[Susan] It's a very good point. -You're
-You're gonna love it.
We all pitched in.
-Train tickets? No way!
-You've always
loved trains, so
-They're good for a round trip anywhere
-Sweet! Thank you.
Thank you, this is awesome!
-So, you know, maybe a trip
this summer before college?
-Just not during
our camping trip.
-I wouldn't miss that
for the world.
-David, what are your plans
after you graduate?
-You know,
the wrestling championship's
coming up and uh,
if all goes well
-It will.
-I mean, I heard
that there's scouts coming.
You know, I'm not sure
if I'm good enough
for a scholarship but
-Listen, scholarship
or no scholarship,
we will make sure
you can go to college.
-You know, if it,
if it doesn't work out,
I can always join Nate and
get famous making online videos.
-Where is Nate?
I thought he was coming.
-I don't know. He said
he was gonna try and make it.
-God has something
special for you, David.
I'm sure of that.
-I'm pretty sure
that's just something
that parents like to say.
-We'll see.
["Riding High" by NEEDTOBREATHE]
I've been living like
A firework breaking the sky
But never hitting the ground
I've been living like
A jet plane watching me go
Before hearing the sound
We might die trying babe
We gonna we gonna
We gonna go out high
We might die trying babe
We gonna we gonna
We gonna go out high
-I can't keep up
with you today, babe.
You okay?
-Today is David's 18th birthday.
-Oh, wow.
Does that mean you guys
can talk now?
-Well, he's legally old enough
to reach out to me,
if he wants to.
-Would he know how?
-Shawn, I haven't
updated my records
since he was a baby.
Then I moved, married you.
-You wanna talk to him?
-I don't think
he'd want to talk to me.
Probably hates me
for what I did.
-Well, there's only one way
to find out.
[school bell rings]
-Dude, I swear
I was gonna be there.
But my sister got in this epic
fight with her boyfriend,
I had to film it
from the window.
It went on and on,
and I couldn't leave.
-You filmed it?
-Yeah, she doesn't know that,
but I'm editing it
for my channel.
-No! No, you can't
do that, Nate.
-Okay, I might let her see it.
But she was throwing
bricks at his car.
What was I supposed to do?
She hit it twice,
you know, I'm
-Oh, David. Can I speak
with you for a second?
Just David. Nate,
you can head to class.
-Well, is it important,
'cause I kinda wanna hear.
-Okay, all right, cool.
I'm just saying,
he's gonna tell me as soon as
he leaves the room, so
-Look, I want you to think
about something, all right?
I'm overseeing
the speech competition,
and I think you should
consider entering.
-Um, why?
I mean, I'm not really good
in front of crowds.
-Well, two reasons, you know.
Your classmates got a lot of
respect for you, okay?
And I think you can speak on
a theme that we've been given.
-What's that?
-The value of family.
-You mean,
because I'm adopted.
-And that's an important
perspective, right?
So far, no one's
focusing on that.
-Yeah, but I mean,
not a lot of people know
that I'm
-I, I know.
I just believe that you could
do a great job, okay?
And there's even a cash prize.
-Yeah, no,
I heard about that.
-Hey, look,
just think about it. Okay?
-All right.
-All right. Up top.
Get to class.
-All right.
-All right.
-Nate makes bids, and
Um, hey, can you
hang on just a second?
Dude! Dude, dude, dude,
okay, I know I'm not
supposed to know everything
but tell me everything.
-No, it's nothing.
It's just about
the speech competition.
-Oh, why did he wanna
talk to you about that?
[David groaning in pain]
-Got another headache?
-Yeah. Yeah, I'm sick of them.
-Yeah, dude,
I'm telling you,
it's the science lab.
That thing smells
like death on a cracker.
-Hey, Emily, what's up?
-It's Elizabeth.
-What? Dude,
I was gonna ask her to prom.
-Ooh, how about
learning her name first?
-[Coach blows whistle]
Careful, watch the throw.
[students cheering]
-You've got this, David.
[Coach] Watch his shoulder!
He's coming again!
[Jimmy] Get the knee up, David.
Get your knee up.
Yes, yes.
-[Coach] Come on!
[Jimmy] Flip him, flip him.
Yes. Yes!
Now pin him.
[Coach] Hold him! Hold him!
[Jimmy] Yeah! Yes!
-That's my boy right there!
[crowd] David, David, David!
-David, that's so awesome!
-David, you told me
he was gonna take you.
-I've never beaten him before.
-That was awesome.
-Dude, this is the best moment
of your entire life.
-How do you say
we go out to dinner?
You pick the place,
and we celebrate?
-Oh, yes.
-Guys, I
-Okay, so tell our fans
how you're feeling.
You just won a big match
and you're feeling great
-[Susan] Oh, my God!
-[Jimmy] David!
-[Susan] David?
[Nate] David! Help!
[thumping heartbeats]
[Doctor] So, do you have
any medical conditions
in your family history?
-Well, David is adopted.
-I see.
-And we don't have much
medical information about them.
-I understand.
Well, what we're
dealing with here
is excessive pressure
on the brain.
It's called Chiari malformation,
where part of the skull
pushes on the brain
and forces the tissue
into the spinal canal.
It's congenital.
It develops as you grow.
That's why your headaches
have been getting worse.
what you need to know is,
it won't go away
unless we open it up
and relieve the pressure.
-Open it up?
How much, how much time
do we have to make a decision?
-I don't think
we need to wait any longer.
We have everything ready
for surgery tomorrow morning.
What, what are the risks?
-If I were you, I'd do it
before it gets any worse.
-David, you okay with surgery?
-I can't take
these headaches anymore.
-If all goes well,
and I believe it will,
then you won't have to.
Well, I'll let my team
know then. All right.
-Thank you.
Hey, this is all
going to work out.
God knew this was
going to happen.
-I know. But like,
why is He letting this
happen to me?
I mean, Dad, my team
is counting on me
to compete in the finals,
and what about college?
[Susan] Honey, I'm so sorry.
If I could, I would
make it all go away.
-I just don't understand.
-You know what?
I was angry with God
for a long time after
John and Michael died.
But, if that hadn't happened,
I wouldn't have had you.
And I cannot imagine my life
without you in it.
-David, you're strong,
and you're gonna be fine,
with or without wrestling.
[birds tweeting]
-John would be three now.
Michael would be five.
What if we contacted
the adoption agency
one more time?
-I know I should be happy
when a birth mom changes
her mind and keeps her baby.
my heart just
can't take it again.
I'm sorry.
-I understand.
[car engine revving]
-Hi. I can't go home.
-I know. I know.
You stay here.
I'll go home and get our stuff.
-Are we doing the right thing?
-Yes. Yes.
-Okay. Okay.
-He is gonna be all right.
-[sobbing] Okay. Okay.
-All right.
I'll be right back.
-There's the man,
the legend.
How are you feeling,
Captain America?
-Hey, buddy.
Feeling pretty weak.
-Hey, you know,
Cap was weak and puny
before he transformed.
-How's our superhero feeling?
-I am, I'm no superhero.
-Can I help you?
-Oh, yeah, can I get
some more of this?
-Are you family?
-Oh, I'm more than family.
-[Susan] Hi, you're awake!
-Hi, Mom.
[Nate] They can vouch for me.
-We've never seen this man
in our entire life.
-He's fine.
Just keep security nearby.
-Well, David's doing great.
I'll, uh, be back in a few
minutes to change his meds.
[Susan] Thank you.
-Hey, we brought pasta!
-Oh, I love pasta.
-[David] Thank you,
thank you, thank you.
-How're you feeling?
-I'm good.
-Well, we talked
to the doctors.
And they relieved the pressure,
and he said that you shouldn't have any
-Okay. Thanks, God.
-Yeah, a lot of people
have been praying for you.
the doctor also said
no more wrestling.
-I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
God got you through this.
That's not a little thing.
I don't think we should
take that for granted.
[David] No way.
[Susan] It was just
the anesthesia talking.
[David] I don't remember
saying any of that.
[Susan] Oh, you weren't
just talking.
You were singing your heart out.
[David] No. Dad,
was I seriously singing?
-Hey, guys,
listen to this.
[Abagail] Hello, Mr. Colton.
This is Abagail
over at Kirsh & Clark.
I just wanted to call and
inform you that Melissa Cates,
David's birth mother,
has updated her records.
Now that David is of legal age,
he has the right
to contact his birth parents
if he is interested.
You're welcome to call back
if you'd like more information.
Feel free to let us know,
and have a great day.
I, um, she's right.
You're old enough now.
-David, what do you think?
-I don't know.
-We need to
talk about this.
I mean, do you think you might
wanna meet your birth mom?
-I don't know, okay?
It's a lot to think about.
-Yeah. Well, you don't have to do anythi
It's okay.
-Dad, I don't even know
if I want her back in my life.
I don't even know her.
I mean, so is meeting her--
-Yeah, I, I'm, I'm not
pushing you to do that, honey.
-No, no, there's no,
there's no rush at all.
Just because she called
doesn't mean we have to
We have time.
We have time to decide,
we're not gonna
jump into the van
and go meet her.
-That's right.
But you know what
I was thinking?
We might want to respond
in some way, right?
So maybe a letter for an update?
-Okay. I mean, fine.
You can send her one
if you want to.
I'm gonna shower
and go to bed.
-Still no headaches, right?
[David] No headaches.
We cannot rush him.
-I know, I'm sorry.
But I got to thinking.
You know,
wouldn't it be kinda cool
for her to see him
all grown up? You know?
I mean, she took
a really big risk on us.
-She'd be so proud of him.
-She would be.
-Yeah. Yeah.
-Um, I'm gonna go to the store.
I, I gotta get some diapers
and some wipes
and couple other things.
Um, for the Millers'
baby shower.
-On Saturday.
it kinda reminds me.
Uh, they don't have a crib yet,
and I was thinking, you know,
that maybe we could
give them ours?
[somber music]
Can we take a little time
to think about that?
-Uh, of course.
Yeah, because uh, I would only
want to do that, you know,
if you wanted to do that, so
Okay, I'm gonna go to the store.
And um, thank you
for doing the dishes.
-Love you.
[Susan] I love you.
[door closes]
[somber music]
-Yes, uh, my name
is Jimmy Colton,
and I'd like to resubmit our
letter and application, please.
-[David] Hey.
-Hey, can I
show you something?
[David] Yeah, sure.
Who's this?
-You remember
asking to see that
when you were about eight?
-Dad, is that Brian and Melissa?
We stopped for lunch
on the way home from church.
And out of the blue,
you asked us
if you could meet
your birth mother.
And so, Mom, uh, asked
what you would say to her
if you could meet her.
And you said, "I would say,
hi, my name is David".
-And then you asked us
if we had a picture of them,
so when we got home,
I showed that to you.
And you looked at it
for a minute, and you said,
"Wow, they look like
nice people".
And you gave it back to me.
-How old were they?
-[inhales] I think
she was 18 and he was 17.
She was pregnant
when she graduated.
Think about that.
Imagine how scared
she must have been.
And then, deciding to
place you for adoption
must have been the hardest
decision of her entire life.
But I'm so glad she did it.
God gave you to
me and Mom as a gift.
And you'll always be our son.
[gentle uplifting music]
-Is this how
you want your baby to live?
[Melissa] Our baby.
We could move back in
with my dad.
-[inhales] Well then,
you're gonna have to tell him.
And you already know he's not
going to let you keep it.
We got this place
to get away from him
and now you wanna go back?
Melissa, we haven't
even eaten today.
[birds chirping]
-What are you doing?
You're gotta put it
through the eye.
-I got it. I know
how to bait my own hook.
Look, I can't be
a father right now.
I can't.
Maybe one day, but I
We gotta finish school.
I gotta get a job.
-I can't just
turn this off, Brian.
It may feel like you can
because you're not the one
carrying it,
but I can't do that.
-I just wanna do
what's best for us, Melissa.
I just wanna do
what's best for the baby.
[soft music]
[Brian] I honestly had no idea
that this many people
wanted to adopt.
-Look at this couple.
-Um, no. He looks weird.
-No, he doesn't.
Okay, yeah, he does.
[exhales deeply]
-What are we even looking for?
-People like us.
At least people that like
what we like.
Like, better people than us,
but people that would like us
if they knew us.
[Brian] You're weird.
-No, I'm not.
-Yeah, you are.
-Well, you're living with me,
so what does that make you?
[Brian] "Dear Mother,
as honored as I was
"to win the prestigious title, Miss Sout
"now all I want
is the title, Mommy.
And that's where you come in."
This is Ugh.
-Listen to this.
"We like to go
camping and fishing,
and we love outdoor activities."
"And we've lost two boys
to Aicardi syndrome
"at a very early age
"We don't care
if it's a boy or a girl,
we just want to be parents."
-Do you wanna put them
on the wall?
-Yes, but I kinda
want to ask them a question.
-What do you wanna ask?
-I wonder if I can call.
-I don't think you can do that.
-No, I can,
through the agency, yeah.
-You really
want to call them?
[phone ringing]
-Hello? Yes.
Um, okay.
Just a moment.
it's the adoption agency.
There's a birth mother
on the line
with a question for you.
-For me?
-I resubmitted our application.
-You did?
Is she she's on the phone
right now?
[Melissa] Hi, is this Susan?
-Um, I just wanted
to ask you a question.
-Um, you said on your letter
that you like to go fishing,
and I just wanna know
how you bait your hook?
When, when we go fishing,
uh, we use the,
the Cocahoe Minnow,
and you have to put the hook
through the eye of the minnow.
That's the way
I've always baited my hook.
-Um, that's really good.
Then I want you
to be the mother.
-What? What?
What did she say?
-She wants me to be the mom.
That's, that's wonderful!
-I didn't know
you were gonna do that, Jimmy.
-Oh, no.
Honey, just listen.
-I'm, I'm sorry. I
I'm just not ready to let go.
-And I can't go through
another loss.
-Just can't do it.
-Sit down, sit down.
Listen to me.
Sit down, sit down.
-She might call
and change her mind.
-No, but we don't know that.
She, she just called
and said she chose you.
-Yeah. Yeah.
-We wanna trust God, right?
No matter what happens.
We want what's best
for the child
and what's best
for the birth mother.
And, and even if she decides
to keep the baby, can
can we just
take this step together
and trust God with it?
-I just don't
-Okay, just one step at a time.
-Just one step. Okay.
Okay, just one step.
[Jimmy] [whispers]
One step at a time.
-[takes a deep breath] Hmm.
[chuckles happily]
[uplifting music]
-Okay, listen, I didn't say
I was gonna do it.
You know, I'm just
thinking about doing it.
-Bro, look,
I'm really proud of you.
-All right. Okay.
-And I know
you love your family,
but you've never really
seemed okay with being adopted.
I mean, you've basically
tried to hide it.
-I have not tried to hide it.
-Yes, you have.
-Not talking about it doesn't mean I've
-Look at me.
Are you okay with people knowing that yo
Mostly. Not really.
-See, I don't know why.
You have a great family.
You know,
most people would kill
to have a family
like yours or mine.
I didn't say
you could take my car.
I said that I would
meet you at my car.
Come on, give me my keys,
I'm late for work!
Hey, David.
-Hey, did Mom drive you?
-Craig did.
You're back together with Craig?
[Reese] Mind your own business, Nate!
And take that video down now
before anyone else sees it.
-You posted it?
-Well, we'll catch up
later, all right?
Catch me up then.
Uh, I'm gonna need a ride home.
-You drove me here.
-That's not good.
[David] Mr. Russell.
-Hey, David. What's up?
-Um Listen, I was, uh
thinking more about
that whole speech thing.
-Yeah, and?
-I'm thinking I might,
uh, try it.
-Really? That's, uh
That's great.
What made you change your mind?
-I guess I just needed
some perspective.
I can certainly understand that.
[mellow music]
[door bangs shut]
-[inhales deeply]
[enchanting music]
[baby gurgles]
God, if you're there,
please protect him
and watch over him.
[Anna] It's not just the home
we walk into,
or the meals we share.
It's the knowledge that,
whatever comes,
hardship or celebration,
the ones we love
will be there
to share those moments,
to amplify the joys,
and to help carry the burdens.
It's God's beautiful design,
of this gift we call family.
Thank you.
[audience applause]
[Mr. Russell] Thank you, Anna.
Our last speaker this evening
is also a senior,
who decided to enter
just two days ago.
Please welcome, David Colton.
[audience applause]
-Uh I've always wondered
if my biological parents
think about me.
And I guess, maybe,
it bothers me
when people know
that I'm, uh adopted.
But it really
shouldn't bother me. Um
Because no matter
the circumstances,
I now have a family
who chose to adopt me,
and who loves me.
And yet, for some reason,
I struggle
to be content with that.
I guess, maybe I didn't
want to feel different,
or less valued.
But I think
a lot of those thoughts
are only in my head, and
they aren't actually reality.
And when I step back
and look at my life
from a wider perspective,
I see how much a gift
my parents really are,
and that adoption
has brought us together
in a unique and beautiful way.
And because I'm absolutely sure
that their lives
would be a lot more boring without me th
[audience chuckling]
-Um, so, so, the more
I live my life,
the more I believe that
there's really no reason
to feel differently.
We don't all take the same path.
But I'm thankful for the family
that God's given me.
When I think of family,
I think of home.
And I wouldn't trade that
for the world.
Thank you.
[audience applause]
-[boys whooping]
[sighs heavily]
-The judges have made
their decisions.
-I think I handled
wrestling better.
-The winning speech,
and the 500-dollar cash prize
goes to
Sandra Benham.
[audience applause]
-Ah, I may have read this
in the wrong order.
This year's runner up--
-There's a runner up?
And a check for 250 dollars
goes to David Colton.
[audience applause]
-Oh, David!
[upbeat party music]
-Yo, David!
-What's up, man?
-Swooping in
and taking the win.
-What's up, guys?
I did not expect
to win anything.
-Honestly, same, but
you beat us, so there's that.
-That's true, yeah.
-I'm sorry.
-Oh, snacks.
-At least Anna
didn't win again this year.
I mean, she always--
-Shh, shh, dude, look.
Great job on your speech.
[Sam] Rough.
-Oh, we got Dana and Macy
go in the house.
Let's go. It's game time,
it's game time.
Excuse us, gentlemen,
we're on it. Let's get it.
-Hey, so get this.
You know the graduation video?
-The one with the baby faces
and the names and all their
information and stuff?
I get to do it this year.
I told the school
I'd charge 500 bucks,
and they went for it.
Hashtag debt free,
you know what I mean?
-Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, dude. Um
-What's up?
"David, this is Melissa.
"I don't care
for social networking,
"so please forgive me.
"please let your parents know
that I'm reaching out to you.
"I'm willing to tell you
anything you want to know.
"I do not want to hide anything.
"All I can say is, wow,
"they raised
the most wonderful boy
I've ever laid eyes on."
That is mushy.
-Dude, is that your birth mom?
-I'm gonna go
call my parents.
-Yeah, dude, step out.
[sighs deeply]
Hey, hey, hey, uh,
you there, what
I'm Nate, let's talk
about something. I'm, uh
Yeah, I I know.
Melissa, Melissa, listen. Melissa.
I know that he is 18,
but why now?
No. No, no,
I'm not trying to say
that there's a perfect time
for something like this.
I'm, I'm just
Yeah. No, I get it.
I get it.
And you are free to talk to him
if that is what you wanna do.
Yeah, listen, I gotta go.
Thanks. Thanks for the call.
[somber music]
-Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Are you serious?
-What are you thinking?
Come on, answer me!
What are you thinking?
-I wanna go home, Brian.
-Well, well, do you wanna
have a kid in high school?
Is that what you want?
-Can we please just go home?
-Is that,
is that what you want?
-What are you gonna do?
What are you going to do?
-I don't know.
[Brian] You don't know.
-Well, she was
a ball of energy tonight.
We should have
put her down at eight
before she caught
her second wind.
-Hey, uh
What are you thinking?
You hadn't said one word
this entire night.
-I, uh
There's something
I need to tell you.
-It's something I should have told you a
But uh
-Brian, what is it?
-I have a son.
-A son?
With um with Melissa?
I was still in high school.
And I've just had a hard time
telling anyone.
I'm so sorry.
I should have told you.
Look at me.
I am here for you,
no matter what.
-Okay. Okay.
-I think it's a good
first response
as long as you're sure you don't
want it to go any further.
-Yeah, but Dad, I don't know
how far I want this to go.
I mean, I don't even know her.
A part of me wants to know
what my life would've been like.
But my only problem is,
thinking it might be best
not to get involved at all, so
-Yeah, would, would be safer
to just leave it alone.
You know, just
Just let them live their life.
Then again, it could be
really healing for Melissa
to hear from you, and,
and see what an amazing man
you've become.
Did you look up Brian?
Yeah, no, I did. Um
But I mean, he never posts
really anything, so
-Hmm. Well, maybe
if you respond to Melissa,
you could reach out to him too.
Either way,
we'll support you.
[notification beeps]
-Oh, Nate is coming over
a little later to interview me.
-Interview you?
-Oh, he wants to
film this whole thing
and make it
like a documentary.
It's Nate.
-Should be interesting.
All right, David. Later.
[keyboard keys clacking]
-Stars! Airplane!
I see an airplane.
#Um, you might
want to look at this.
I can respond if you want.
-Okay, good.
-I always wondered why
they put me up for adoption.
I guess I just put it
out of my mind
because I didn't
want to be different.
-You didn't
want to be an idiot?
-I didn't want to be different.
-Okay, good,
that's a lot better.
Let's go with that.
But next time, give me more.
-More what?
-I don't know, more emotion, something e
Look, dude, I need to
feel it in your words.
I need to see it
in those eyes, okay?
What are you talking about?
-You have the emotion
of a rock.
I need you to pull me in
a little bit.
Talk about not fitting in,
and I don't know,
just, just don't hold
anything back, all right?
Give it all to me.
-[Nate] Okay.
-Are you ready?
And Action.
-I didn't want to be different!
I just wanted to fit in!
[Nate] Dude, are you kidding me?
-What is wrong with me
right now?
-Okay, all right,
that's a cut. That's a cut.
-I'm I'm, I'm so emotional
right now. [giggling]
[Nate] Such a diva.
[David] I'm so emotional.
[notification beeps]
Oh, it's Brian's wife.
My birth father's wife.
-Oh, okay, hold on.
Let me, let me get this.
Right, okay, you ready? Go.
-"Um This is a lot
for Brian to process.
"He wants to take it slow.
I'm sorry if this isn't
what you were hoping for."
-How does that make you feel?
-He doesn't want to talk, so
-Oh, I'm sorry.
He doesn't wanna talk to me!
-Okay. Are you serious?
[David] Does that work?
-Are you guys okay?
-Oh, I'm trying to get
some amount of emotion
out of this heart of stone.
-Oh, bless you, honey.
-Thanks, Mom.
-[notification beeps]
-No way!
[Susan] What is it?
-I just got a message
back from Melissa.
-What did she say?
[David] She wants to meet.
-Wow. Wow!
-Okay, wait. I
I didn't think
we'd meet in person.
-Does does that make you
feel uncomfortable?
[David] Mom, camera is on.
-Oh. I'm sorry, okay.
I'll just
I'll leave you guys to it.
-Bye, Mrs. C.
-[Susan] Bye.
-Dude, why does it taste
so much better at your house?
Okay, what happened there,
I liked that.
We're gonna pull it around.
Let's do this.
And action.
-I just wish he'd
open up to me more, you know?
-Do you think maybe
you're just prying too much?
-I'm not trying to pry.
It's just that
is he even going about this
the right way?
-Honey, do you think
there is a certain way
that he should be
going about this?
-[sighs] All right.
You know what it is?
I, I've been
picturing this moment
ever since
he was a little guy.
And, and now we're here.
And I just thought we would
I don't know,
take this journey together.
Instead, he's upstairs
on his computer.
And unless he tells me
what he's doing,
I really don't know
what he's doing.
-David's gotta want to
do this for himself.
He's not gonna do it at all
if he feels pushed.
-You're right, you're right.
[phone rings]
-Hello? Yes.
I have a son?
I have a son!
Sure, um I
Yes, we, we can leave
right away.
Okay, thank you.
[G] Congratulations!
-Uh, we have to
leave right now.
Uh, the suitcases.
I'm gonna get the suitcases.
[G] I'll take care
of the kitchen.
-I forgot to install
the car seat.
I've gotta get the car seat.
[Paw Paw] Car's not there.
Susan has it.
-Susan! I
I forgot to call Susan!
-Where do you keep
your dish cloths?
-Uh, they're in the drawer.
-I've got the car seat
and the suitcase.
-Thanks, uh
Just put them by the door.
No, not that drawer.
That's, that's Susan's
-Hey, she's in.
She's pulling in.
-Okay. All right,
everybody, stay calm.
Stay calm, all right?
I will tell her.
[G] Oh, this is so exciting.
-Well, I did not find
our favorite ice cream,
but I did find
our favorite cookies.
-We got the call.
We have a son.
-We have a son?
Are you sure?
-I'm sure.
-Jimmy, are you sure?
-The birth mother
already signed the papers.
-A son.
-Let's go get him!
-[G] Go!
We'll look after the house.
You just go.
[Susan] Okay.
[mellow music]
He feels perfect.
[melodic music]
He feels perfect.
[melodic music]
Okay, here's David Colton.
You're home.
You see, you're home.
[Jimmy] Hi, buddy!
[Susan] Can you smile?
-Maybe you don't
wanna bite Daddy.
-All right,
you want some of the goodness?
Here you go.
-[Susan] He seems ready.
[melodic music]
[birds chirping]
[Jimmy] [indistinct]
Get him on the line.
[all whooping in joy]
[Jimmy] There we go.
Yeah! Here we go.
[all whooping in joy]
[Jimmy] Come on, what are you
doing over there?
[all whooping in joy]
[Jimmy] [laughs] Hey.
-[Paw Paw whooping in joy]
All right, all right.
How do y'all like that?
-It's great.
It's great. Wow.
Caught more than me.
[Paw Paw]
We got a bunch of them.
You know what, this is
the greatest, right?
[G] [laughing] That's how
you like it.
[Paw Paw] Yeah, now,
pull the burnt part off,
put the rest of it
back down in there
and get some more brown on it.
[G] Well, that's how you got
your fingers all sticky.
[Paw Paw] Well, of course I do.
[David] Hey, so, um
Melissa said
she and her husband
actually don't live that far
from Brian and Azure.
[fire crackling]
[Susan] Did Brian give a reason
for not being ready to talk?
No, he didn't.
Um, I guess it's just
a lot for him to process.
-How is Melissa?
-She's nice. Um
I mean, she's a little
paranoid of social media.
[Jimmy] Yeah,
I can understand that.
I don't really like it either.
-I mean, we've, you know,
we've written back and forth several tim
I mean,
she still wants to meet.
And, uh
I'm thinking about it.
[fire crackling]
-Do you know
what'd you say to her?
[fire crackling]
-"Thank you".
[Paw Paw] I'd thank her, too.
She gave us our grandson.
-Yeah, she did.
-[Paw Paw] Yeah.
[dart landing on tree]
-Beat ya!
-You owe me a back-rub.
That's two out of three.
-I can count.
Still, just one more.
-[dart bouncing off]
-All right,
what's the deal?
-You're throwing it
like a baseball.
-Best three out of five.
-I knew
you were gonna say that.
You can't change the rules.
I won.
[Shawn] So how's David?
I don't know.
I mean, he's cordial.
But I say a lot,
he says a little.
-Well, that can't be
surprising to you.
-I know I talk too much.
[dart landing on tree]
But I just
[exhaling loudly]
It'd be nice
to actually see him.
[dart landing on tree]
-Why don't you
ask God for it?
-Oh, I have.
Like, a lot. [sighing]
[somber music]
[bright music]
Can you grill
the chicken too, please?
[phone ringing]
-Just hit speaker.
[Shawn] Hello?
[Mandy] Hi, I'm looking
for Melissa Cates.
-I'm here.
[Mandy] This is Mandy
from Kirsh and Clark.
We've, uh, received a message
from David Colton.
He said that you guys have been
talking over the internet,
and he's open to
meeting in person.
But, of course,
that would have to be
acceptable to both parties.
-Oh, um, yes.
Yes, we are.
We'd be happy to meet in person.
Where do we need to go?
[Mandy] Well, apparently,
he's willing to come to you.
-He is?
[Mandy] Yes, ma'am.
How would you
like us to respond?
[hopeful music]
-Right, uh, tell us
what you're doing,
what you're about to go do?
-Okay, so, uh,
I wrote my parents
and my grandparents letters
because there's a few things
I wanted to tell them
before I go and meet
my birth mom.
Uh, before Mom and Dad and I
go to Indiana,
I wanted to share something
with you, guys.
When the idea of going to visit
my birth mom first came up,
I thought it would make things
But a part of me wanted to
fill this missing
piece of the puzzle.
-Hon, do you feel that
something has been missing
from your life?
-I, I guess
I shouldn't say
"missing piece of the puzzle". I
It's more about
asking the question of
what my life
would have been like.
And, just simply
thanking Melissa
for the choice that she made.
-Honey, puzzles
are a big part of life, right?
And if you want to fill in
a piece that you don't have,
we're all for it.
-I think that this trip
might even be a discovery
of how big that piece is.
[Susan] Hmm.
-And not just for you,
but for, for all of us.
-I guess I just wanted to
share something
with the most significant
people in my life.
-[David] So uh [clears throat]
I wrote you these.
-Oh, here you go.
-[melodic music]
-[papers rustling]
[Susan] "I'm not sure
how either of you feels
"when you think about
Melissa and Brian,
"and how I'm not
your birth son,
"and that bothers me sometimes.
"I hope the fact
that they're my birth parents
"never deters you from realizing that th
"are my true parents.
"And I hope that I never
do anything to make it seem
like I don't know that."
that never bothers me a bit.
[Susan] It's irrelevant.
Oh, David, I love you.
-I'm gonna treasure this.
-We both will.
-I just don't want
anyone to feel replaced.
-I already know you love us.
Now I just have proof.
[all laugh]
[funky music]
-You don't have to
film everything, you know.
[Nate] I'm not.
Just almost everything.
Now, tell me
what you're thinking.
-I'm thinking you don't
have to film everything.
-Dude, this is why I came.
Trust my genius.
It's all part of it.
"David Steps Out,
and Finds Himself Within".
-What does that mean?
-Well, it's the title
of the movie.
-That's dumb.
-Okay, what about,
"Journey of Uncertainty"?
-That's worse.
-"Questie with My Bestie"?
You'll thank me one day.
Hey, where are we
meeting your parents?
[David] Uh, at the hotel.
I can't believe they decided
to drive this far.
-Yeah, that's commitment.
-[door creaks open]
-Well, you're their only kid,
Ah, luxury!
I call top bunk!
[funky music]
-Okay, I'm heading
over there.
I'll be back in about an hour.
You really should tell him
before he gets here.
-I know.
I know.
[door closing]
[funky music]
[phone dinging]
-Oh, wow!
-It's Melissa.
I need to tell you something that I have
-Well, what is it?
-Oh, I don't know.
It says she's still typing.
-Dude, what if she won
the lottery and she's loaded?
She won the lottery
and she's loaded,
and when we get there,
there's gonna be
like a massive house.
-Or maybe she feels bad
that she's loaded,
and she didn't tell you.
-So when you get there,
she's gonna give you a portion
and then you're
gonna be loaded too!
-She stopped typing.
[Melissa sighing]
-What did she say?
-She hasn't sent anything.
-Okay. All right, look.
The minute you get
the text back,
I need you to read it out
and with a big reaction, okay?
-She's still typing!
-What's the rush?
-I gotta go
to the bathroom.
-[David] Then go!
-I can't miss your reaction.
Okay, don't read it
until I get back, okay?
-[phone dinging]
-Oh, wow!
[exhaling in disbelief]
Oh, wow.
Oh, wow.
[Nate] Did you respond?
Did she read it?
Did you respond?
You have a sister.
You have a
You have a sister?
-[Nate] Dude!
This is crazy!
This is like
This is like
Luke, I am your father!
-I'm pretty sure
it's not the same thing.
-This is huge!
What's her name?
Is it
Is it Leia? Is it Rey?
[David] Her name's Courtney,
and she's 12.
[Nate] This is incredible!
Oh, okay, this is good.
All right.
[clears throat] Sorry.
Let's do this.
Really focus in on me.
Give me a good reaction
like you just got the text
for the first time.
You ready? Okay?
And Go.
-I have a sister.
-Can you pull tears?
[bright music]
[Susan] [into phone] What?
Are you serious?
-What? What is it?
-Melissa just told David
that he has a 12-year-old
[laughs] I can't believe it!
[laughing in disbelief]
[bright music]
[bright music]
-Hey, what's up, Mrs. C?
-Hi. Is David ready?
-Uh, he's still powdering
his nose so he can--
-[David] No, I'm not!
Hey, Mom.
Oh, that's nice.
I like that.
[David] Yeah.
-[sighing] So, did you ever hear from Br
-Uh, no.
Not at this point,
I'm not really expecting to.
-Ah, did you
did you have enough breakfast
this morning?
No, I'm good. I'm good.
You know, I'm a little
nervous, but uh
-I'm okay.
-You all right?
-Who, me?
Oh, yeah, pfft, I'm good.
I'm real good.
-All right.
-Yeah. Um
So, so Dad's down in the lobby,
and I'm gonna go meet him.
And you just come down
in like ten minutes,
is that good?
-Okay. Okay.
Hey, hey, Mom?
[melodic music]
-Look, I'm
I know I don't say it enough
but, uh
I love you.
You are and always
will be my mom.
Thank you.
Um I think I really
needed to hear that today.
I love you.
[melodic music]
-David, what makes you
most nervous?
I guess, just to see
what they're like, to see um
What traits I may have
gotten from them.
plays a very big part.
-Yeah, yeah,
I gotta know where I get
all my good looks from, so
[Nate chuckles]
-I think
we're almost there.
[birds chirping]
[mellow music]
[Susan] She's gonna be out
right now.
[David] I love you.
It's good to meet you.
-Hey, can I have a hug too?
Hi. I love you.
I love you.
Thank you.
it's good to see you.
-You too.
I want you to meet someone.
-Hi, Courtney.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you too.
-Hi, I'm David.
-Shawn Cates.
Good to meet you, David.
-Nice to meet you too, man.
-Hey, Shawn Cates.
-Jimmy Colton.
Pleasure to meet you.
[Shawn] Good to meet you.
-Hi, how are you?
-[Shawn] Good.
-Good to see you.
-Nice to meet you.
Everybody, come inside.
-Nice to meet you.
Yeah, you guys, make yourself
at home. Have a seat.
[Susan] Thank you.
Happy tears.
-I know.
I've been crying all day. [sniffles]
I'm sorry.
I wanna say so much,
and I don't even know
where to start.
-I, I'll I'll start. Um
well, first off,
I just wanted to say
thank you.
Thank you for making
the choice that you did
almost 19 years ago,
to uh let me be adopted.
I mean, you allowed me to
have the life that I have now.
And actually I, um
I was wondering if
I could hear your story,
and why you made
the choice that you did.
[Melissa] Okay.
Um it was a confusing time.
Scary, you know?
Your adoption was hard and easy,
all at the same time.
I mean, going through
those "Dear Mother" letters
was overwhelming.
-How many letters
did you read through?
-I don't even know. A lot.
But I just knew, when I got
your parents' letter, I knew.
I wanted your mom
to be down to earth.
Basically, someone like me
what I could have been.
To do the things
I wanted to do with you,
but I knew I couldn't.
I wanted you to have a mom
to be there for you,
and she couldn't be afraid
to get her hands dirty.
-Do you remember calling me?
-I do. I do.
-My hands were shaking.
I didn't know what to expect.
-When I was getting
further and further
into your story
into your parents' story,
it just grabbed me.
Your parents
seemed to be genuine.
They seemed to have
genuine faith.
So, were you mad at me?
-Did you ever think
that I didn't want you?
-Uh, I would understand
if you did.
-Uh, no. No, I'm
I think I just wondered
if you ever thought about me.
That was my only concern.
Listen I'm so grateful
for my life.
I had a hard time
telling people
that I was adopted because
I hadn't really realized
what that meant yet.
But I'm glad
that I'm adopted.
-I thought about you
every day.
When you know your baby's
not coming home with you
I'd be lying if I said
I wasn't jealous.
There's about every emotion
you could feel.
But I knew you were
going to the right place.
-Thank you.
I've had a great life.
[Melissa] I know you have.
-That's because of you.
You gave that to me.
-Thank you.
[phone ringing]
[Jimmy] That was Brian.
He's agreed to meet with you.
-Wow. Really?
-He just asked if we could
let him know sometime today.
[upbeat music]
[David exhales deeply]
[Susan laughs]
[upbeat music]
-Hey, David, I wanted to
ask you something.
-Yeah, sure.
What's up?
-Don't mind me,
I'm just filming everything.
By the way, this is gold.
-So, I'm kind of a tomboy,
and like a little adventure.
Shawn does too, as long as
it doesn't include heights.
I've seen your
cliff jumping videos,
and I wondered if you would
do something with me.
-Yeah, what's up?
-Would you go skydiving
with me while you're here?
No one will go with me.
-Yeah, are,
are you kidding?
I've I've always
wanted to go,
and no one will ever take me!
Mom, Dad, can we?
-Uh, we'll, we'll watch
from the ground.
I'm in.
-Let's do it!
Let's go tomorrow.
-[Melissa] Let's go tomorrow.
-[David] Let's do it!
Hey, did you get
some good stuff?
-Hah, incredible.
This was the best day
I've ever photographed.
-You know, I guess
since you're the official
that means you have to like,
film everything, right?
-Yeah. Duh.
Then you're coming
skydiving with us.
-Ha! No, no.
No, no.
Nate is not jumping.
That won't happen.
Never. Ever.
-[mischievous music]
-[Nate screaming]
No, no, no.
-Jump, Nate!
Just jump!
-I don't wanna jump.
Why are you my friend?
Why are you my friend?
[both laugh]
[Nate screaming]
-Hey, let's do it!
See you there!
Whoo! Whoo-hoo!
-[instructor] Ready?
-Yeah, let's do it!
Yeah, all right!
-Melissa's got
a little adventure in her.
-She sure does.
-David seems to be
pretty even-keeled.
Yeah! Whoo!
-This Nate fella
-Oh my God,
is this right?
Oh my God,
is this right?
-He looks
a little dramatic.
-Please! Please!
[Jimmy] Maybe a touch.
[Melissa] I love this!
[funky music]
[David] Whoo!
All right!
[Melissa] Yeah!
Wasn't that a rush?
-It was a rush.
-Did you like it?
-I did! It's amazing!
-Yeah! We did it.
-Wow! Wow, wow, wow, wow.
[Nate screaming]
Did you survive over there?
So not worth it!
So not worth it.
[both laughing]
[Nate] I'm just gonna
take a minute.
You guys, go ahead.
Lord Jesus, thank you for bringing me ba
-Hey, I don't know
how much time you have
before you leave,
but after you meet with Brian,
can I show you one more thing?
-Yeah, sure. Um
How about this, uh,
Saturday morning?
Does that work?
[Nate] We're going to
dinner still, right?
-So you're not gonna
tell me what it is?
-Not yet.
[somber music]
-More than ever.
-He said we can
just go around the back.
-All right.
-Take a moment,
and slow it down.
[somber music]
-Presley, baby, come here.
[Brian] Hey.
-What's up, Brian?
-What's up?
Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Uh, don't let the
camera guy weird you out.
Um This is uh Nate.
-Nice to meet you.
-My best friend.
He wanted to help us
remember all of this.
-Yeah, well,
I'll do my best to ignore you.
The guy with the camera.
[all chuckling]
-Well, come on, sit.
-[David] Sure, uh Hi.
-[Azure] Hi.
-Yeah, Azure.
[David] Thank you. Thank you.
-[Brian] Hey.
-[Jimmy] Brian.
Nice to meet you.
-Glad y'all came out.
Come on, just, uh
Just grab a spot.
-[Susan] Nice to meet you.
-You too.
Please, um
-Hey, uh I just wanna say
thank you, uh
for letting us stop by.
Very kind of you.
-Yeah, yeah,
you're welcome.
-You know, I've, I've been
carrying this secret with me
for almost two decades now. So
Didn't tell my wife
until a couple weeks ago.
Yeah, and that was a relief.
You know, my
my mom was adopted.
Yeah, her mom couldn't
raise her and
You know,
she hated her for it,
so I always figured
that you'd hate me too.
-No. I-I-I don't
hate you at all.
-It's good to hear.
Um you know, that's why
I had such a hard time,
uh choosing adoption.
Because of that.
But now that
I look back at it, I
you know, the other option
that we considered was worse.
Much worse.
And I'm sorry.
It's kinda foolish
to think about now.
I, I I actually wanted
to, to thank you.
I mean, you're part
of the reason I have
all of this, you know.
Thank you.
[melodic music]
[Jimmy] So, Presley
is five years old?
-Yeah. [chuckles]
Yeah, I guess, uh
I guess she would be
David's half-sister, huh?
-Thank you.
For raising him in a way
that I know I never could.
I, um I'm certain
that he's gonna go much farther
than I ever did.
[mellow music]
-No, no, Reese, you
No, you have to tell
Mom and Dad.
No, you don't know that.
Just Just calm down, okay? Listen
I, I know. I know but
Okay. All right.
I-I-I get it, yeah.
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
[David] Whoa!
Hey. You good, man?
-No, I'm not.
-Hey, hey, hey.
What's up?
-My sister
She got back
with her idiot boyfriend.
And she's pregnant.
-[sighs] Dude
-You can't tell anybody,
all right?
-No, I won't. All right?
-[scoffs] Why, dude?
She said she was done with him!
[sighs heavily]
[rumble of traffic]
-[David] Dad, there's Melissa.
-[Jimmy] Okay. Oh, where?
[David] Right over there.
[car doors open]
Thanks for meeting me here.
-Yeah, of course.
Uh So, where are we?
-Nineteen years ago,
when I found out
that I was pregnant
Brian and I
drove here together.
This fence was lined
with protesters.
I came here to have an abortion.
When I got out,
they put a blanket over my head
and a radio beside each ear
to drown out all the noise.
-We're gonna put this
over your head to protect you.
[protestors shouting]
[Melissa] [voice-over]
As I was walking in,
even with all the noise
[protester 1] You're not alone,
don't do it.
[Melissa] [voice-over] I could
still hear their voices.
I heard this woman say
[protester 1] Your baby has
ten fingers and ten toes.
Please, please,
don't kill it!
-"Your baby has ten fingers
and ten toes.
Please don't kill it."
[exhaling] So we get inside.
And they make you pay immediately.
[sobs and exhales]
So I go back,
I had my gown on.
I sat down on a cold table.
There was a tray with
all these tools on it.
And the door opens,
and the doctor walks in,
puts on a new pair of gloves,
sat down
on a little silver chair
and scooted across the room.
Told me to put my feet
in the stirrups.
I laid back, turned my head.
And I heard the words,
"Get up, there's still time".
Right when he went to touch me,
I said, "I can't do this."
He just backed up,
ripped his gloves off,
threw them in the trash
and left.
He didn't say a word to me.
So I got up and left.
They don't protect you
when you leave.
They protect you
when you come in.
So all those people
they thought I did it.
[dramatic music]
Those few seconds
You wouldn't be standing here.
I would have killed you.
[both sobbing]
-I'm so sorry.
-Don't be.
You let me live.
You've nothing to be sorry for.
[both laughing]
-Thank you,
thank you, thank you.
[rumble of train]
-I don't know
what I'm gonna tell her.
-Tell who?
I just
You know, she's
probably thinking
the same thing that Melissa did.
Dude, her
her baby could be somebody's
best friend one day.
[David] Hey.
Could I talk to her?
She's pretty stubborn, dude.
Hey What about
Parker Avenue?
"I almost died
on Parker Avenue."
-Ooh, it's a little morbid.
-[Nate chuckles]
How about,
"I Lived on Parker Avenue?"
Mmm? Get it?
-All right, okay.
I like it.
I might use it. Maybe.
[somber music]
-So, now you have a full sister and a ha
-Um Yeah.
Isn't that kinda weird?
-Yeah, it is weird.
But, you know,
it's also kinda awesome.
You know, I-I-I just assumed
I was an only child.
[David] So what now?
Will you still see
your biological family?
-The Coltons are my family.
But, you know,
if everyone's okay with it,
we'll definitely
keep up with each other.
-I, uh
I'm not sure
it's always like that.
-Yeah, maybe not.
But I can tell you that
I'm so glad
she got off that table.
I'm so glad
that I'm I'm here.
I was at that abortion clinic
19 years ago, in her womb.
And she let me live.
You know, I can only
thank God for that.
There's already so much death.
You could give life.
Life that is already
inside of you.
If you and Craig
aren't ready,
there are many, many
men and women out there
who are ready to be parents.
Just like mine.
Would you at least
think about it?
[hopeful music]
[Melissa] "Melissa, this is to
mark the day you chose life."
I'm proud of you.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
["Remain" by Royal Tailor]
I know you're feeling
Weighted down
It's all on your shoulders
I know the dreams
In your head
Don't look any closer
But I'm gonna make you
Hold on
Just a little bit longer
'Cause I'll be there
When you feel like
You're going under
I'm gonna be there for you
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
The sky could fall
The ground could shake
The stars burn out
And seasons change
The time will pass
And beauty fade
But all my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain
When there's
A secret to tell
It's locked
And I'll keep it close
And when you're
Walking through fire
I'll take you
To streets of gold
Yeah I'm gonna
Make you stronger
Hold on
Just a little bit longer
'Cause I'll be there
When you feel like
You're going under
I'm gonna be there for you
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
The sky could fall
The ground could shake
The stars burn out
And seasons change
The time will pass
And beauty fade
But all my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain
And when the world
All around you
Feels out of place
You can't seem to
Find a familiar face
I'm here to remind you
My love remains
And you know
The sky could fall
The ground could shake
The stars burn out
And seasons change
The time will pass
And beauty fade
But all my love will remain
The sky could fall
The ground could shake
The stars burn out
And seasons change
The time will pass
And beauty fade
But all my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain
The sky could fall
The ground could shake
The stars burn out
And seasons change
The time will pass
And beauty fade
But all my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain
All my love will remain