Lights, Camera, Christmas! (2022) Movie Script

Hello, everyone!
My name is Caleb Turner.
I am the producer of
"My Favorite Santa"
and please, please all remember
that the movie premier is next
Friday, only on Dazzle Plus,
so tell everybody you know.
I am thrilled to introduce
some extremely special people
who want to come out here
and answer some
of your questions,
so enough of me talking.
Let's get right to it.
First and foremost,
the lovely and talented
writer and director,
Jill Turner.
And now, please,
let's say hello to our beautiful
leading lady.
The fabulous, Mariah Marquez.
And last but certainly
not least.
You know him as the King
of Christmas movies,
please give a warm welcome
to the one, the only,
Brad Baxter.
Okay. So, it is now
question time.
If you have anything
you would like to ask,
just raise your hand
and we will call upon
as many of you as we can.
Right here.
And yes, madam,
you have a question?
You don't have a question.
Oh, thank you.
This might be a silly
first question,
but I really loved all
the costumes in this movie.
They just jumped
right off the screen.
Is there any story behind those?
No, wait, Nancy Devine,
is that you?
Guilty as charged.
Oh, my god.
Put your hand down.
Hi Caleb.
Well, um... that
would actually be a question
for our costume designer,
also known as your daughter.
Kerry, I see you there.
Come on up here and say hello.
Come on, everybody.
Come on, get up here, Kerry.
Come on. Yeah.
Alright. There you go.
- Ugh!
- Oooh!
She's ok. She's ok.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Kerry Devine,
our costumer extraordinaire.
Thank you very much.
There you go.
- Oh!
- Take that.
Ok. The question is for you, Kerry.
And I'm sure that you must have
quite the story to tell.
Yeah. Well, actually for me
it was all just a,
uh, a happy accident.
Last November,
"My Favorite Santa" was shot
in my hometown
of Twelve Oaks, Colorado.
It certainly changed the town
and it definitely changed me.
Little help from
my assistant manager?
Sorry, honey.
I am so excited about this movie
filming here
I can hardly stand it.
Mm, me?
I can't stand it at all.
Do you know how many people
would give anything
to have a big Christmas movie
filmed in their hometown?
Not to mention one starring
Brad Baxter.
Which one is he again?
He is only the King
of Christmas movies.
"The Christmas Clock"?
"Hello, Christmas"?
- "Chattanooga Christmas"?
- No.
"There's No Christmas Like
Snow Christmas"?
Kerry, you live with me,
how come none of these movies
even ring a bell?
Well, they all sort of
blend together.
But, if you're happy, I'm happy.
Well, you should be,
because the entire cast and crew
are staying right around
the corner.
This could mean a lot of
new customers.
I love you, Mom, I do,
but it will take a miracle
for me to pay back
all this back rent.
Honey, I know it has been
a rough patch
but something will turn up.
You'll see.
Something just turned up.
Collection notice.
Look at this little cute town, huh?
But where are all of
my adoring fans, huh?
On a Tuesday at noon?
Unless they declared
your arrival a state holiday,
I'd say work, school and lunch.
Ok, well um, a little fanfare
would have been nice, you know?
Get on Twitter.
Count your followers and that
should tide you over.
It's a good idea.
Hey, hey, hey!
There he is, my guy!
I want to introduce you
to Mayor Dennis Lee.
Because of his superb outreach
and partnership,
we are the first movie ever
to shoot here in Twelve Oaks.
- What?
- Mayor, this is the Brad Baxter.
Wow. What a pleasure,
Mr. Baxter.
A superstar like yourself
in our little town
really puts us on the map.
I can't thank you enough.
Oh, please, call me Brad.
The Mayor's really rolling out
the red carpet for us
on this one.
How 'bout a couple photos?
What about right here?
- Sure.
- I can take a snap.
- Yep, let's do it.
- Alright.
Here we go, here we go.
And there we go.
- Ok. Let me see.
- What?
Yeah, I wanna check it out.
Oh, ok, yeah, yeah,
check that out.
Oooh, hm. I don't know.
The Mayor looks like
a handsome devil
but I look like I ate
something sour
so we're just gonna delete
that one and take it again.
Ok. Let's, let's try
that again.
Is that ok with you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, totally, yeah.
Here we go.
Ready, one, two, three.
Let me see.
Ok, yeah, there you go.
Ah, there it is. Huh?
Look at us!
I love it. Thank you.
Oh, wait a minute.
What is this?
Oh! I gotta take this.
So, we're gonna do one of those.
Oh, ok.
And, uh, Mayor, so great
to meet you.
Thank you for having us.
I'll see you later?
Yes. You too, Brad.
And we'll see you
at the tree lighting ceremony
tomorrow night?
Yes, yep. Ok.
Ok. Ok. We'll talk.
Wait, what? Lucy, Lucy? Hello?
Are you there?
Aaargh! No.
Oh, hi, excuse me.
Hi, sorry.
Hey. Uh, hey, can I borrow your
phone for like two seconds?
My phone died.
I was on a really important
phone call.
- Uh...
- Hi...
- Uh, sure.
- Great, thank you so much.
I'll just... Thank you.
I'll be quick.
Lucy, Brad.
Nah, no, sorry I ran out
of juice.
Anyways, just start over.
Tell me again.
What exactly was the offer?
Ok, great.
Well then, no, thank you, Lucy
and alright.
We'll, uh, I can't wait to hear.
We'll talk soon.
Ok. Bye.
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
My phone?
Can I have my phone back, please.
Oh, I'm sorry.
My head was still in that call.
You know how it is
when your agent calls.
Throws you a curveball,
just makes me crazy.
Oh, by the way, you missed
a few phone calls
and like three texts, so.
I'll see you around town,
I hope?
What is all of this?
I was inspired by all
the Christmas spirit.
What do you think?
I... I think it's a little early
for Nancy's famous explosion
of Christmas decorations.
It's not even Thanksgiving.
Oh, right. I forgot.
I live with Kerry Killjoy.
Mom, I need a plan
for the store.
I've got 60 days and counting.
Oh, honey, about that.
I have decided to dip
into my savings
and get you squared away
on the rent.
No, no.
And then we can pay off
some of the bills too.
Mom, Dad left you that money
for your future.
For your life.
Honey, you are my life.
Don't you think your father
would have wanted me
to help you out
when you needed it?
Well, yeah, but if this business
is gonna survive,
it needs to be self-sufficient, ok?
I need to be self-sufficient.
Do you want to grab a ribbon
and forget your troubles?
No. I want to grab some food
and emotionally eat.
How the apple fell so far
from the Christmas tree
I will never know.
What am I doing?
Oh, let's check this place out.
- I'll be right here.
- Oh, my...
Hi, can I help you
find anything?
Oh, you.
The phone thief.
The phone thief?
You are the one I borrowed
a phone from when mine died.
I see you charged it.
I did.
It's not every day you get
to help out a famous dude,
you know what I'm saying?
Do you need a hint?
Hi, I'm Mariah Marquez.
And this goofball is
the great Brad Baxter.
We're acting together in
""My Favorite Santa"".
Mm. Mmhm.
I love your store by the way.
This is so great.
Oh, um. Well, let me know
if you need anything.
So, you are the King
of Christmas movies.
You do know who I am.
- No.
- Hmm.
My mother's mentioned it.
Oh, yeah.
Mothers love me.
It's always so great
to make a new fan.
- Uh...
- Kerry?
- I'll be over here.
- Ok.
This dress is so fabulous.
It is classy and kicky.
That one is new.
I, um... I made it.
And a few other ones over here.
Just... yeah.
So, you sell clothes
and design them?
Well, yeah, it's... something
I do on the side.
You have a real gift.
Uh, Brad?
Kerry here designed and made
all these clothes.
Amazing huh?
Wow. That's very cool.
Did you know
before I was an actor,
I used to design and make
my own furniture?
I just wouldn't have pegged you
as a tool belt
and power saw type.
Oh yeah, yeah.
Before I was the King
of Christmas,
they called me the Prince
of Pine.
Unofficially, of course.
Just a nickname.
And that is our cue to leave,
but I will be back.
I promise.
Brought some extra decorations.
Might as well cheer up
this place too.
Guess who you just missed.
Please tell me our landlord.
Brad... Baxter
and Mariah Marquez.
You're kidding me.
Brad Baxter and Mariah Marquez
were right here
in our little store?
Yeah. She seemed nice.
He was a little full of himself.
Oh! Maybe I can still
catch them!
Which way did he go?
Oh, sorry.
Uh... uh...
What do you mean she took
another gig?
Well, no, you're her agent,
can't you do something?
No, no, no, no.
We can't match that amount.
Not even close.
Well not as sorry as I am.
Thanks for nothing.
You look like you just lost
your best friend.
Worse. Our costumer.
She took a gig on the new
Matt Damon film.
Three months in Spain.
Three times the pay.
Our first fitting's
in two hours.
Is everything gonna be ok?
I may have an idea.
Mariah said that?
Oh yeah, she raved
about your store and you.
Love the Christmas decorations,
by the way.
It's never too early
for Christmas, right?
Sorry, what exactly...
do you need?
Um... Everything.
Yeah, that way I'll have a ton
of clothes on hand
until I get a new costumer.
The whole store?
Is that a yes?
That's it.
Oh, a tiny favor.
Could you come over to set?
Just in case there's any
questions about the clothes
as we put them on the racks.
- To the movie set?
- Mmhm.
Kerry... this young man just
bought out our entire store.
I think you know
what that means.
Yes, of course, I could do that.
Great. I'll see you outside.
I knew something would turn up.
You didn't say it was gonna
be a miracle.
A Christmas miracle.
I am so sorry, I forgot to ask.
What's your return policy?
Oh. Sorry.
You must be Kerry.
Here's the script.
Scene breakdown,
shooting schedule, maps.
Everything you'll need.
For what, sorry?
Caleb said you would handle
the first costume fitting.
You design your own clothes, right?
Well yeah, but...
You read the scene, match
clothes, make 'em fit, the end.
There's no one else to do it and
you would be doing me a solid.
Come on.
This will be the scene
that you'll be fitting.
It's the first scene
up tomorrow.
Things are a little crazy
right now.
Just do the best you can, ok?
Go for Jamie.
No. No, no, no, no, don't-
- I'll get him right now.
- Don't...
Ok. Read the scene.
Match the clothes
and make them feel...
- Oh!
- Oh!
We meet again.
Brad. Hi.
It's, uh, Kerry, right?
Word is we have a new costumer.
That's temporary.
Very, very temporary.
Well, I am in your
capable hands.
Make me look great.
I know, it's a tough job but
somebody's gotta do it, right?
Ha, ha, ha!
There it is!
Oh, uh, right.
I actually haven't,
uh, read the scene yet
so I don't know...
It's ok.
It's cold, snowy.
"Silent Night" plays softly
in the background.
I'm trying to convince
this amazing woman
that she's the one for me.
She's flattered, but surprised.
After all, we have
only just met.
We gaze into each other's eyes
because there's no stopping love
during the holiday time.
We kiss. It's magic.
Snow falls all around us.
And scene!
I mean, they don't call me
the King of Christmas movies
for nothing.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I'm sure they don't.
- Mm.
- Hm.
Well, let's find you
something to wear
to fall in love in the snow.
That sounds perf'.
I'll see you back at my trailer.
She's available?
No, no, no, not in five months,
I need her in five minutes.
Could you just hold
for a second?
Jamie, please remind Jill
that she needs to be at the tree
lighting ceremony tonight?
We all need to be there.
Don't forget about the tree
lighting ceremony tonight.
You can tell my ex-husband
that I will be there
but not because he asked.
She'll be there, but
Yeah, thank you, Jamie.
I heard.
Oh, Jamie, please remind Caleb
to go easy on the coffee.
He knows what it does
to his stress level.
Uh, Jamie, please thank Jill
for her concern
but we both know it's not
the coffee causing me stress.
Listen, honeymoons
are overrated.
She can go on her honeymoon-
Jill, wait!
In three weeks after
we wrap the film.
Why are you so serious?
You do know this is
the fun part.
I have never done this before
and I want to get it right.
Oh, please.
I saw your work at your store.
- You're really good.
- Mmhm.
Don't sell yourself short.
I never do.
Woah! Rule number one.
Never cover the money maker.
Oh! Right.
See? Isn't that better?
Let's see.
I have an idea.
I like ideas.
Hear me out.
Oh no.
That is enormous.
Imagine, okay, when you go in
for your kiss,
you can hardly do it
because your enormous parka
is in the way,
but somehow, you know,
you manage to do it.
It's stupid.
- No, no, no, no, no, no!
- It is.
That... that is a really
great idea.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Let's try it on then.
- Alright.
Here we go, do this.
Give me your arm.
Ok, here we go.
Really, sort of, sorry.
Suck... it... in.
Oh, that's funny.
This is good. This is good.
Good job.
Oh, honey!
Mom! What are you
doing here?
I found these darling Christmas
sweaters in the storeroom
and I thought you might
need 'em.
Who let you in?
Oh, that sweet security guard.
Kerry, who is your friend?
Uh... this is my mother.
Your mother?
Is this... this is the same
mother that you told me about?
Yep. You only have one.
Did you tell him about me?
Hi, I'm Brad, Brad Baxter.
- Nancy.
- It's nice to meet you.
Nancy Devine.
Can I say that I am
an enormous fan?
Yes, you can.
You can say it all you want
and the louder and more often
the better.
Uh-oh, bad times, boss?
Every costumer I've tried
in this industry
is either busy
or an extortionist.
Oh, hi.
- Do you work for me?
- Uh, no.
This is my mother.
Oh, nice to meet you.
Wait, how did the fitting go?
Oh, yeah, I think it was...
ok, I think?
It was not "ok."
It was... terrific!
In fact you should hire her
until you find someone.
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
I have a... a store to run
and I am very not qualified.
Woah, woah... what did I say
about selling yourself short?
She's a natural, totally
gets me, by the way,
and she came up with
this great comedy bit.
- Ok, great.
- Yeah.
Well, you know I would only
need you for the one day,
well, maybe two...
maybe three.
Anyways, I'll pay your day rate
up front.
- She'll do it.
- No. What?
I don't even know.
I don't have one of those.
The... a day rate. I...
Well honey, you will now.
Can I talk to you for a second?
Yeah, take your time.
What are you even doing?
Honey, I know this
is overwhelming
but you need money... now.
Ok, ok.
Kerry. You can do this.
Come on. Come on.
Uh, ok. I'll do it.
But don't say that
I didn't warn you.
I, I will not say that... ever. Ok.
Sisters. Right?
I'm wondering, how did you
end up choosing where to shoot?
Oh, I can take that one.
Two words, tax incentives.
Sorry, it's a producer joke.
Uh... No, Twelve Oaks is
a charming, beautiful place
and they have a lovely tradition
where they close down
their city centre
for their Christmas tree
lighting ceremony.
Hey, everybody!
I'm Mayor Dennis Lee and
welcome to our early
Christmas tree lighting ceremony
in honor of our special
Hollywood visitors.
So, without further ado,
I'd like you to meet the stars
of "My Favorite Santa" who will
be lighting this fantastic tree,
Brad Baxter and Mariah Marquez.
Yes! Alright!
Wow! Thank you!
Listen, Mariah and I are
so honored to be here
with all of you to light
this beautiful, amazing tree.
Three, two, one!
And what would a tree lighting
be without snow?
So, let it snow!
Oh, you're having a baby?
That's, um... when?
Oh, that's six weeks from now.
We'll have you outta here
in three.
No, no, no.
No, no, no
It's not that close.
I mean it's just, oh...
Ok, ok. No, I understand.
Yeah, thank you.
Sorry, I didn't mean
to overhear.
Still no luck finding anyone?
Yeah, yeah, batting
less than zero.
Which, I don't even know
how that's possible.
Hey, I gotta tell you,
I love the reindeer scarf
that you put Brad in.
The whole outfit looks
amazing, so...
- Great.
- Oh, this is...
- Hi, I'm Jill.
- Jill. Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Thank you so much for
jumping in last minute.
Even if it wasn't cleared
with me first by the producer.
One thing.
I'm just wondering
if you could switch out
that reindeer scarf
for something a little bit
brighter, more colorful?
Um, Jamie, could you tell Jill
that I happen to love
the reindeer scarf?
Jill, Caleb loves the scarf.
Remind Caleb that he once
valued and trusted my opinion,
making me a more
confident filmmaker,
so I am now confidently
overruling him.
So- I heard.
Thank you again, so much.
Yes. Yeah, yeah.
I am so sorry about that.
It's a very long story
with a short fuse.
Anyway, first day, huh?
So, good luck, ok?
Oh, I gotta get this.
But if you're hungry,
get some breakfast, ok?
Because we're not shooting
for like another hour.
Yeah? Hello? Susan?
Susan, tell me you're available!
Everyone's talking about
how you saved the day.
Oh, hi.
Really? They are?
Um, well somebody
should save me.
I probably shouldn't have
said that.
Just have fun and enjoy
all this good food.
So, I assume you've seen
the Jill and Caleb comedy hour?
Yeah, Caleb said it was
a long story.
I'll give you the short version.
Hey, guys.
So, Caleb and Jill used to be
a team and they were huge.
Twenty Christmas movies
in 10 years.
So, when they decided to get
a divorce a few years ago...
Control issues, trust,
the usual.
They stopped getting work.
Until, Dazzle Plus calls
wanting to get into
the Christmas movie game
with "My Favorite Santa".
An old script of Jill's
that Caleb was still attached
to produce.
Dazzle Plus says hey, listen,
you come in on budget,
deliver a hit,
we'll guarantee you
a six-picture Christmas
movie deal.
If they can find a way
to work together.
Without actually
working together.
Wow. No wonder Jamie
has her hands full.
Oh yeah, after this shoot,
she deserves a purple heart.
Sad thing is, they used to be
so good together.
Always on the same page to
finish each other's sentences.
A real unit.
I mean, it was like, wow.
I want what they have.
Oh. Make that a Nobel
Peace Prize.
After all, isn't Christmas
the best time to fall in love?
I'm not sure I've ever
heard that exactly,
but if you really are Santa,
I guess you would know.
Oh, I am.
And I do.
And cut. Love it.
That's lunch, everyone.
- Wardrobe.
- Oh.
- Get the coats.
- Yeah.
- I think so, right.
- How'd we do?
I know my mic's stuck
in here somewhere.
- Woah! You see the jacket gag.
- That was good.
It totally worked.
You know this was Kerry's idea?
No, really?
I loved that!
I was thinking...
Uh, Jamie, could you
just tell Jill
um, thank you for
the great morning.
Oh... Well, uh, Jill,
Caleb says
thank you for a great
first morning.
Tell Caleb that he is welcome
and thank him for bringing
in the good snow team.
The shot looked amazing.
Yeah, it did.
Ok, uh, good.
Kerry? Kerry!
I got you something.
Mom, what are you doing here?!
You can't keep showing up
like this.
Who's running the store?
Oh, you mean the empty store?
Don't worry.
I left a sign.
"Be back soon!
Unless Brad Baxter proposes"
Nice. What...
Anyway, I just wanted to see
how you're doing around
all the movie people.
- Oh, what's for lunch?
- No. Don't.
You know I checked out
Main Street on the way here.
Everything is absolutely magnificent.
- All that snow!
- Mmmhmm.
What is it made of actually?
I wondered...
It's mostly foam,
there's a little crushed ice
and some potato flakes.
Hello, Brad.
Hi... Nancy! Are you joining us
for lunch?
- No!
- Is it ok?
For you? Of course.
Grab a box.
Have you really never seen
any of my movies?
- Did my mother tell you that?
- Maybe.
Don't take it personally.
Well, they're my movies.
How else am I supposed
to take it?
Ha! Oh, please!
You're Brad Baxter.
What do you care what I think?
You seem cool and smart
and talented and authentic
and I want you to like me.
Like everybody else does.
- Uh-huh.
- Mmmhmm.
It's not showbiz all the time.
Well who says I don't like you?
Yes! So you do like me!
Ok. Back to 100.
Alright. Nancy, you want
to join me over here?
- Yes.
- Yes!
- Kerry, you coming?
- Nope.
Ok. We'll be over here.
In case you want to.
Hi, wow.
I can't believe you actually
have a white picket fence.
Can I come in?
Um, Kerry, I'd like
to hire you full time.
You mean there's absolutely
no one else you can find?
Oh, no. I've tried.
There's not a costumer
to be had anywhere.
Yeah. It's uh, it's a problem
this close to the holidays.
I mean, thank you for thinking
that I'm capable of...
Kerry, trust me.
We have done a lot of hiring
in our day and you can do it.
That would mean you would have
to run Retro Fit.
Full time... by yourself.
Kerry, if you don't take
this job
I am gonna change the locks on
the store and close it for good.
- So do it!
- Oh.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Both of you.
I just, oh... that's...
I needed that so much.
Uh... ok.
And now we return
to "Three Times the Christmas".
- For Jill.
- Oh, actn
A lot of people have been asking
how such a hip Santa
came to pass.
Was that how you had
originally envisioned
the style of the character?
Well, yes and no.
See, while we were shooting
we got a kind of unexpected
request from Dazzle.
So, we have a costume crisis.
What is it?
Dazzle hates Brad's
Santa costume.
They said that it's classic
but boring.
They want something different.
Well, I mean, it's a Santa suit,
so how different can it get?
Well, think something bolder.
More stylized. Elevated.
And sorry, but we are still
shooting after lunch.
You got this, Kerry.

Am I not the coolest Santa
or what?
Kerry, it's sensational.
A total game changer!
Yeah, it's terrific,
but Dazzle's never gonna go
for this.
What? You said
they wanted different.
This... is different.
It is the perfect combination
of old and new.
And traditional and chic.
And I, for one,
think I look great.
Not to make this about me.
I completely agree with you.
I say we send some photos
to Dazzle.
Thank you.
Ok. We tell them that we love
this, see what comes back.
Thank you.
I think we need to take
a stand on this.
Ok, Jamie, can you
tell Jill that...
I agree.
And I do value her opinion.
That's really...
Uh... yeah.
But hey, whatever happens,
I meant what I said.
This costume is next level.
You, Kerry Devine,
are going places.
Well, I watched one of your
Christmas movies last night.
You did?
Yeah. Christmas uh, Three...
- Ah, "Three Times Christmas".
- That's it.
Yes. I did some great stuff
in that.
What'd you think?
I thought you, Brad Baxter,
are going places.
- I'm okay.
- It's uh, Christmas tree.
Oh, Kerry, Dazzle thinks
you're a genius!
They're all in on
the Santa suit.
- Really?
- Yes!
That's fantastic!
It is! Awesome!
Yeah. Ok.
Oh, um, I also have some
less than great news.
Now that we know what
costumes we need for the film,
I'm probably going to have
to return about half
of what I bought from you.
Oh, so you're gonna need
about half the money back?
Yes. Great.
You know what?
Hey, you guys, stop there.
What about a consolation prize.
Christmas tree, huh?
We'll load it up with
all the trimmings, ok?
So, uh, keep up the great work.
You're doing awesome.
Ok, we'll see you soon.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I was just-
Baking Christmas cookies
in November?
While watching a
Brad Baxter movie.
I was just trying to see if I
could remember Dad's recipe
and that, that's research.
Oh. Well, I haven't had
one of these since...
when your dad made 'em
that last Christmas.
Yeah. Should have
never taken that trip.
Honey, you have to let that go.
You had no way of knowing
he was gonna get sick.
Oh, delicious!
Just like Dad's.
Burnt on the bottom.
- A Christmas Cook Off.
- Mm.
I just adore this movie.
Do they always do that little,
that chk-chk thing?
Honey, you have so much
to catch up on.
To my favorite Santa.
Aw, well to my favorite
leading lady.
Aw, thanks B.B.
Just don't tell any of
my other costars.
Your secret's safe with me.
See, I can always trust you.
Um, any other secrets
I should be keeping?
Like any special feelings
you might be having
about a certain costumer?
I see the way you look at her.
And she is lovely.
Well, you know I have my rules.
No on set romances.
Rules are made to be broken.
She is nice.
She's like adorable
but down to earth, you know?
Kind of shy but self-effacing.
She's like strong...
Not that you've been
paying attention.
Ok. I see what you did there.
Look, I get it.
I would just say, take it
one step at a time, ok?
Just came to say good night.
Oh, I was just, um...
Your dad and I never
should have let you quit
after one semester.
If you couldn't even get into
their little freshman fashion
show you'd probably quit too.
It didn't exactly scream
"I belong."
I just wish you hadn't gotten
so discouraged.
I mean, look at all these.
You were so much better
than you thought.
- Sleep well, honey.
- Ok, you too.
Rite scene?
Gosh, they were all
so great to play.
But if I had to choose one,
I'd um, hm...
I think I'd go with
the bakery scene
that was about halfway
through the film.
It gets to me just thinking
about it.
Do you know how I know?
Because you're Santa Claus?
Because with the right person
by your side,
anything is possible.
And cut!
Gorgeous. Gorgeous.
That's a keeper.
Excuse me.
So the Christmas hats
are on their way.
Funny thing, they actually
have them in green and red.
So you can choose.
Oh, sorry.
Uh, Jamie, can you please
ask Caleb
why he was upset at the end
of the bakery scene today?
I was just remembering
when you wrote that line.
"When you have the right person
on your side,"
"anything's possible."
Caleb, it's a really old script.
It's like 100 years ago.
It's six.
You wrote it about our marriage, Jill.
About our success, about
what we had when we had it.
Because of each other.
I wrote it about a guy
who claims to be Santa
and a baker who has lost
her belief in Christmas.
But the words were based on us.
We used to be crazy
about each other, Jill.
Yeah, and now we're just crazy.
Or at least acting that way.
I mean this whole...
Look at us, talking without
an interpreter for once.
Yeah, finally.
Talking through Jamie was
the stupidest idea ever.
I'm pretty sure
that was your idea.
Well, they can't all be gems.
I, um, I need to go and prep
for tomorrow, so.
Good night, Caleb.
Good night, Jill.
Gee, I am pretty sure
I remember someone saying
about Christmas.
"I just don't like
to overdo it."
Well, Caleb offered me
all of this stuff
and I didn't want
to be rude, so...
Honey, I am so happy
things are going so well
for you on the movie.
And, you get to hang out
with Brad Baxter all day.
That's a nice bonus.
Mom, he's a movie star.
We have very different worlds.
Honey, when are you gonna
believe anything is possible?
Would you hand me that
crystal star, please?
Isn't that pretty?
Shoots in London? Woah.
And you sure they asked for me?
It's, no, it's awesome.
I'm... Heck yes, please
tell them I'm interested
and that's superb.
Thank you, Lucy.
Ok, yeah.
I look forward to it.
Oh, hey.
You, uh, heading home
or pulling an all-nighter?
Ha! Home, after I press
these costumes for tomorrow.
Yeah? Big plans this weekend?
Oh, uh, yeah.
My mom and I, we're gonna make
our famous fried chicken
and then, if I'm feeling
really wild,
I'm gonna wash my hair.
You know...
I just never get
a good home-cooked meal
when I'm on the road.
It's just really something
I miss.
Oh, I mean,
you're welcome to join.
I'm in. What time?
Hi. I, uh, didn't know what
to bring, so I brought it all.
- Ok, come in.
- Ok.
You really know how to decorate.
Wow, this meal was incredible.
I can't believe you made
a full Christmas dinner.
Oh, it was just a little
something we threw together.
Yeah, no biggie, just...
You should see what she does
for actual Christmas.
Oh, I bet.
Oh, I am told that I go
over the top.
I'm just a little crazy
for Christmas.
Well, they don't call it
the most wonderful time
of the year for nothing.
Every Christmas morning,
wherever I am,
first thing I have to watch.
"It's a Wonderful Life".
- Really?
- Yes. Every Christmas.
You know, I think it was when
my dad first showed me as a kid.
It was pretty special.
"What do you want,
Mary? You want the moon?"
"Just say the word and
I'll throw a lasso around it"
"and pull it down."
Yeah? No? Nothing?
- Bravo!
- Thank you.
Oh, my goodness!
You have to do the remake.
Oh, god.
Brad Baxter as George Bailey.
Now, who wouldn't want
to see that?
Uh, me.
For starters, and apparently
your daughter.
Just kidding. I'm kidding.
No, talk about being set up
to fail.
No, I have been there and...
That was a low point.
Story for another time.
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
We wish you
a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
It is so nice to hear
this piano again.
It's been quite a few years.
My late husband, Dean,
was the only person
that could play the piano
in this household, right?
Ah. Oh wow.
That must have been really hard
losing him.
On both of you.
It was, but Kerry was my rock.
I couldn't have done it
without her.
He was a very sweet, kind,
generous man.
And an even better cook than me.
If you can believe that.
I don't know.
What about you, Brad?
What are your parents like?
My parents are, uh,
they're amazing.
They, they're kind and funny
and hard-working
and still ridiculously in love
after like 40 years.
Yeah. I just... I hope to one
day be as happy as they are.
Um, I don't mean to be nosy,
but aside from the rumors,
have you ever been close?
What's the matter with you?
No, no, no.
It's ok, it's ok. Really.
Well, uh, I thought
I was, Nancy,
a few times, actually.
- But not close enough, I guess.
- Hmm.
But you know what?
I'm a blue skies kind of guy,
so, I live in hope.
Ok, hey, let's see who knows...
"All I Want for Christmas
is You"?
I, uh, no.
- I do.
- Come on over.
Ok. I want you to go,
do, do, do, ok?
Do, do, do, do...
Yes. Ready?
Here we go.
Thank you to you and your mom.
That was my best night out
in ages.
Wow. Your life is as boring
as mine.
Ok. I don't know if
I would go that far.
I mean, I am still the King
of Christmas.
Right, yes.
Speaking of which,
this Brad has been
nice getting to know
compared to the showbiz.
Enjoy your day off.
I'll see you on set.
Good night.
Good night.
Costume lady.
Ok, folks, spill some tea.
Any on set romances
we should know about?
Oh, uh...
Cowards! Come on!
Uh, well look, the truth is,
movie sets aren't exactly
the hive of romantic activity
that people think.
This came for you.
Uh... what is it?
Well, it's not gonna
open itself.
To Kerry Devine, Costume Ninja.
This note will
entitle the holder
to an unforgettable dinner
with a not so secret admirer.
RSVP to Brad Baxter ASAP.
Is Santa inviting me to dinner?
Would you settle for the actor
that plays Santa?
It depends on what it is.
Well, see he had such a great
time with you and your mom,
that he just really wants
to return the favor.
You'd like to invite my mom
to dinner?
Well, I'm crazy about your mom.
But would really love
some quality time
alone with her daughter.
Um, she accepts.

Thank you, sir.
Oh, yeah.
I recognize this.
From the village.
How? All the way
from New York?
How did you do this?
Well, let's just say
I know people.
Yeah, it must be good
to be Brad Baxter.
It is right now.
Ah, but there's more.
And I know what you're thinking.
That you can never have too much
Christmas, right?
I am starting to believe that.
You have to try this pizza.
Ok, I've been dying.
Here we go.
It's the best in the world.
Just dig in, just go for it.
Ok, here we go.
Oh, my gosh!
Is that not the best?
Ok, so tell me.
Did you always want to be
an actor?
Hm. Ha.
No, actually, uh-uh.
I sort of... I sort of
just stepped in it.
Uh, I tagged along with a buddy
to an audition, years ago,
and he didn't get the part.
And I did.
Just for sitting there.
They said that I looked
the part.
Whatever that means.
And I had no idea
what I was doing.
To tell you the truth,
I still don't really know
what I'm doing.
You and me both.
So that was end of the Prince
of Pine career?
Oh yeah. It was, it was a great
loss to the furniture ecosystem.
The other night you mentioned
something about um...
a low point?
Mm. Mmhmm.
I was just curious.
You don't have to talk about it
if you don't want to.
- No, no, no. Mmmm.
- Sorry.
No. I was offered this part
in this edgy little low budget
indie film,
but I backed out when I was
offered more money
for another movie.
I grew up poor.
So anytime I was offered more
money for anything I took it.
Um, but anyways,
"Sunrise Highway"
goes on to become
this critics' darling.
- "Sunrise Highway"?
- Yeah.
- You gave up "Sunrise Highway"?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- Yeah, thank you.
No, I'm sorry!
- No, it's ok.
- Oh, that's awful.
Trust me, I'm grateful
for my career,
but... I'm also human.
You know, sometimes I wonder
what my career would look like
had I just taken a risk,
you know?
Mm. Mmhm. I do.
I get it.
I was in fashion school.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- In New York.
- A-ha! Ok.
Uh, and I dropped out.
Mm. I wasn't good enough.
I couldn't cut it.
What? You're so talented.
But you can't go backwards,
you can only move forwards.
I think you just have
to climb the mountain.
You know?
Spread your wings
and take a leap.
All that... stuff.
Well, it's funny
you should say that.
I was just offered
a starring role
in this new edgy indie thriller
called "Ryan's Game".
Do you like it?
Do you want to do it?
I do, yes, it's...
I mean, it's risky.
I don't know.
Is it right for me?
I mean, it could be, but...
You should do
what makes you happy.
I should do what makes me happy.
Dance with me.
Chestnuts roasting
on an open fire
Come on.
Jack frost nipping
at your nose.

Yuletide carols being sung
by the choir
And folks dressed up
like Eskimos
Everybody knows the turkey
and some mistletoe
Help to make
the season bright
Tiny tots with their eyes
all aglow
Will find it hard
to sleep tonight
They know that Santa
is on his way
He's loaded lots of toys
and goodies on his sleigh...
Oh, hi Caleb.
Oh hey, um, these seats
are free, if you dare.
After you.
Um, it's just a late night menu
but the burger's pretty good.
Would you look at that?
I'm getting a call from my dad,
sorry, one sec.
Would you like a fry?
They're crinkle cut.
Your favorite.
Thank you.
Look at us.
With all these super
important things
that we can talk about now.
Caleb, what you said the other
day about that line...
"With the right person
on your side..."
"Anything is possible."
Because for a long time
it was possible.
I mean, it's like when
I wrote that script.
It was a really
joyous experience.
We were in a good place and
it just flowed right out of me.
We let a lot of stupid things
get in the way, Jill.
I know.
And I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
What'd I miss?
I think it's called a ceasefire.
This is amazing.
All the decorations make
everything look so magical.
It's a huge draw for the fans,
you know?
All part of the Christmas fantasy.
You part of that fantasy?
I am just an actor,
playing a role.
But, if I can make
my audiences happy,
bring a little joy
to their lives?
Then I'm happy.
You know what would
make me really happy?
Name it.
You better run.
It's not even real!
Mmhm. You think?
Oh. But it was so fun watching
you try.
You know... there is one good
thing you can do in this snow.
Oh boy.
Come here. You gotta
help me up.
I think I'm stuck.
This is Kerry.
Um, I... Yes, I would
love that.
Ker, what are you doing here?
Shouldn't you be on the set?
Uh, I forgot the garment bag.
I need to head back.
- Um.
- Ok.
I didn't tell you this
because I didn't actually think
it was gonna happen,
but I applied for this random
fashion design job online
and um, I got an interview.
Day after tomorrow.
On Zoom.
In New York.
New York!
Don't worry, they're not
hiring me right away
but I guess they kind of liked
my designs.
Oh, honey, this is fantastic.
I'm so proud of you.
You're finally following
your dream.
Whatever you decide,
whatever happens,
I'm behind you 100 percent.
Thank you.
New York!
Nick, no one's asking you
to leave town.
Especially before Christmas.
You'd be making a big mistake.
No. I can't stay in a place
where no one believes in me.
We believe in you.
I believe in you.
As, as a person, as Nick.
We just don't believe
you're Santa Claus.
Is this working?
I just, I don't know
if this is working.
I mean, I feel like she is going
to lose the man she loves
and I just... I feel like she's
not feeling how major that is.
Well, maybe it's less about
what she's saying
and more about what
she's not saying?
You know, what is she
not realizing here.
What do you think?
I was just thinking
this scene it's,
um, it's like with my dad.
I didn't get to spend
our last Christmas with him
and I've regretted it
ever since.
I should have cherished
the moment, but...
We didn't know.
I always thought there was gonna
be another Christmas.
But, Evie does know
that this is the end.
And she's gonna let
Nick go anyway,
so I think to answer
Brad's question,
what she needs to be realizing,
what she needs to be feeling
is that she's going to regret it
for a long, long time.
All set.
Thank you.
I think I have my motivation.
We believe in you.
I believe in you.
As a person.
As Nick.
We just don't believe
you're Santa Claus.
What do you believe, then, Evie?
I believe in the truth.
But, I also believe that
I'd regret letting you go.
For a long, long time.
And cut!
Wow. Beautiful work.
Thank you, by the way,
for sharing that story
about your dad earlier.
I'm sure you really miss him.
Well, not to play amateur shrink
or anything,
but um, do you think missing
your dad
this last holiday season
sort of put you off Christmas
a little bit?
Ok. Not so amateur after all.
Oh. Uh, I'm sorry.
- Oh.
- It's my agent.
Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.
Just, real quick.
Hi, Lucy, yeah.
I know that they need
an answer, yeah.
Oh, now? Um...
Um, well, yeah, no, I have been
thinking about it a lot
and you can go ahead
and tell them yes.
Yeah, you can tell them
a big, fat, appreciative yes!
I know! You're right.
It's gonna be amazing.
Alright, well then
I guess, yeah,
no, we'll talk tomorrow.
Ok. Alright, bye.
So you're taking it.
I'm gonna take... I'm taking it.
I'm gonna take it, yeah.
It starts right after
my next Christmas movie
and, oh, in none other
than London.
Come with me.
To London?
I'm gonna need a costumer,
I'm gonna need to look great.
I trust you.
It would be a blast.
Come with me.
- I appreciate the offer.
- Ok.
I do. I'm flattered, I am.
I, uh, I just... I have maybe
some good news myself.
Ok, what?
Well, I have an interview tomorrow
for a women's design label
in New York, as a designer.
Uh, that's not good news,
that's phenomenal news.
That's like life-changing news.
I want to talk about London...
No, no, no, no, you know what?
Don't even say a word.
Don't even.
I don't want you to think
about it.
I want you to go on
that interview, ok?
See what happens with that.
And just know, I'll be in London
with a job.
Waiting for you.
We have five extremely
creative, talented,
exciting candidates.
Why should I choose you?
I have seen the world of fashion
from both the design perspective
and the retail end
which has given me a unique
insight into how buyers think
and what actually goes
into a purchase.
Tell me about your movie work.
So how was it?
Uh, ok. I think.
Maybe better than ok.
Apparently, I have a one
in five chance,
so, I guess, I'll be hearing
from her in the next few days.
Who knows?
You may have a decision
of your own to make.
The Big Apple or Big Ben?
What's the craziest thing
that went wrong
while making the movie?
- Ooh.
- Oh.
Uh, the craziest thing?
Well, that would have to be...
Definitely when
the crew showed up
for the Santa's workshop scenes.
Hey, coming through,
folks. Coming through.
Excuse me, guys.
Uh, excuse me, hi.
I'm a... I'm a producer.
What's happening?
A small fire.
A short in the breaker panel.
It's all contained.
Ok, ok, good.
So, we can go in now?
No sir, premises are off-limits.
But we're shooting a movie.
Not gonna happen.
Not today. Sorry.
We have a problem.
Alright team, bottom line is
unfortunately we have lost
our location for the day.
So, we can either rejig the script
or we can change the schedule,
but something has got
to give here.
Well, you know Mariah and I
can't extend.
We're both jumping
into other movies.
Yes, Brad, I know we need
to finish this on time.
But, the question is how.
I just checked on the vintage
clock shop,
the Gold Rush museum
and the old bottle factory.
They're a no go,
I'm sorry, guys.
I've run out of strings to pull.
Caleb, I don't have to tell you,
these are our opening scenes.
We have no movie without them.
I know, Jill.
I'm trying, but we need
a new location today
and we need it addressed today.
So, any suggestions? Anyone?
Ok, this might sound crazy...
I can't believe it but this
might actually work.
Kerry, we'll get everything
back into place
in time for you
to open tomorrow.
Don't worry about it,
just do what you gotta do.

Oh, I can help.
This is looking good.

If I can convince just
one person
that I am actually Santa Claus,
then Christmas can go on
as scheduled.
You elves hold the fort
while I'm gone.
And cut!
That was great you guys.
So much fun.
Well, we did it.
You know what today
reminded me of?
Your worst nightmare?
Well, old times.
Some eleventh-hour disaster
would hit
and it'd be sink or swim.
And we would always swim.
'Cause you'd always figure out
how to make it work.
With you leading the way.
Man, we were good.
We still are.
Thanks for figuring how
to get by
without that third scene.
We wouldn't have made the day
if you hadn't, so...
Yeah, ok.
You know, costume lady.
I'm beginning to think
you're our lucky star.
Starting to feel pretty
lucky myself.
I kind of think every movie set
needs a Kerry.
Yeah? Even the one
in London?
Well, whatever you decide,
I'm serious.
I think you're born for this.
It could be the perfect career.
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Just gonna steal...
What is it, honey?
I got it!
Lucy, it's Brad.
We gotta talk.
Hey, Mom.
Kerry, did you read
the article I sent you?
No. Uh, I'm sorry.
I've just been crazy busy.
It's been trending
for the last hour.
Brad has backed out
on "Ryan's Game".
What? No.
He didn't mention anything
to me.
Well, is he there?
Go see him.
Uh, yeah, he... he is here.
Just a sec.
Honey, what have you decided
about New York?
Are you...
Oh, hi.
Did you, uh, back out of
"Ryan's Game"?
Ah, yeah.
I was gonna talk to you
about this, but it was...
I was offered the job
in New York.
You were!
That's so wonderful!
Yeah, it would have been.
It would have been.
But I turned it down.
To come work with me in London.
Oh, Kerry. I am so sorry.
I just completely...
- Forgot about me.
- No, no, no, no, no...
- Brad, Jill needs you on set.
- Give me a second.
Copy that, we're on the move.
Can we please talk
about this later?
- Brad.
- Ok?
It's like it never crossed
his mind,
you know, to consider how
him quitting the movie
would affect anyone else.
I know, honey.
It doesn't exactly say
"I'll be there for you."
No, no.
You know what it does say, though?
That at heart he's still
just "showbiz Brad".
And I'm just...
Kerry from Twelve Oaks.
Honey, maybe for you this...
this friendship was just
a lovely, unexpected bonus.
Part of the wonderful unexpected
experience of doing this film.
And perhaps that's just where
the story ends.
Except in the movie version,
you know, I, um...
I'd get the guy and the gig.
Honey, what if that position
hasn't been filled yet?
What if you got ahold of Stella-
And, and said you changed
your mind?
No. I would look like a flake.
I should have jumped
at the chance.
Ok, so why didn't you?
He told me I was born
to work in movies.
And I thought, maybe he's right.
Like I had found
something that I was good at.
Like, somewhere that I belonged.
I don't know.
Stupid. I should have never...
You have so much to offer.
There are other movies,
you know.
If you want to design in
New York, you can do that too.
No. I'm gonna go back
to Retro Fit.
I'm gonna pay off the debt
and uh...
uh, mission accomplished.
I should have never left.
I should have never given up.
You are the only one
for me, Evie.
I just hope that I'm still
the only one for you.
You are. Completely.
And coming back for me
from such a long way
tells me everything
I need to know.
I believe you now, Nick.
I really and truly do.
I guess the reindeer and sleigh
outside didn't hurt.
I promise you, Nick,
you'll always be...
my favorite Santa.
Hold and cut.
That's picture wrap.
Congratulations everybody.
Hotel bar 8:00PM tonight
on us, ok?
Oh, thank you for everything.
- Kerry, thank you so much.
- Thank you.
See you later.
Well, I know I'm
probably biased,
but I'd say we made our best
movie yet.
Well, I like to think we learned
a little something
along the way.
Oh, thank you.
Hey, costume lady.
Hi. Brad.
Cheers, to a great shoot.
I want to thank you
for your effort
and creative genius on this.
It was...
Uh... it has been a wild ride.
Alright, everyone.
Jill and I just wanted to make
a little toast to all of you.
Our crew, thank you so much
for your hard work on this film.
It means everything to us.
And we also know that you've had
a front row seat
for these past few weeks to
the Caleb and Jill comedy hour.
Yes, Mariah, we know
you call it that,
but we love you anyway.
We just wanted to say we are
so sorry and apologetic
if we drove anyone
a little too crazy
with our on-set antics.
But making this movie
made us realize
that we could do so much better
together than we do apart.
Yeah, not only as
filmmakers but as a couple.
So, we have made a decision
to give love a second chance.
So wish us luck, please!
Cheers, everyone, thank you.
Didn't see that coming.
I thought actors were supposed
to be observant.
Kerry, I think you might have
overestimated me.
I'll remember that the next time
a movie star comes through town.
Merry Christmas.
Sorry, Brad.
Maybe some rules aren't made
to be broken.
So, what has everyone been up
to since the end of the shoot?
Well, Jill and I just finished
our first of six new films
for Dazzle Plus.
Yes, it's a sequel that I wrote
and directed,
called, appropriately enough,
"My Favorite Santa Too".
That's T-O-O.
Starring none other than me as
your first female Santa Claus.
Woohoo! Give it up.
Hey Brad, no part for you in it?
Uh, well there was
but I had a conflict.
I was in London shooting an
indie thriller, "Ryan's Game".
It's super dark,
total departure from me.
Uh, which is why I turned it
down at first,
but fortunately their production
got delayed
and they came back to me
and this time I said yes.
And it comes out in March.
Thank you.
What made you change your mind?
Someone a whole lot wiser than
me told me that I just needed
to climb the mountain and spread
my wings and take a leap.
Um... what about you, Kerry?
What have you been up to since
we stopped shooting?
Thank you.
Don't you two look happy.
Love always conquers all,
wouldn't you say?
I'd say it has a little
something to do with it, yeah.
Ah, Mayor Lee.
Thank you so much
for everything.
I think this might be one of
our best locations yet.
Oh, 100 percent.
Now, that we're on the map,
let's stay on the map?
- Eh.
- Eh?
Well, if we get to make
a "My Favorite Santa Too".
We'll be back, I promise.
Well, if we get to make
a "My Favorite Santa Too",
we'll be back. I promise.
- Got you!
- Gonna hold you to that.
Sounds good, Mayor, thanks.
- Thank you guys.
- Ok.
I love it here.
if you ever find yourselves
back in Twelve Oaks
and need a costumer...
I'm your girl.
Better yet, how 'bout you move
to LA? Huh?
We can keep you very busy.
For a very long time.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I don't... I, I don't know
what to say.
Well just... just
think about it.
Take your time
and let us know, ok?
Nancy. Thank you.
- Oh my.
- For everything.
- Really think about it, ok?
- Mmmhmm.
My lifesaver.
- Thanks for everything.
- Mmmhmm.
- We'll be in touch.
- Ok.
- Ok.
- Alright.
- Alright, guys.
- Bye-bye.
My mom and I, we closed up
the store and I moved to LA
to start costume designing
for Caleb and Jill.
My first assignment,
"My Favorite Santa Too".
Which, ironically was shot back
in my hometown of Twelve Oaks.
I am so proud of you, honey,
and your father would have been
proud of you too.
The best is yet to come,
I just know it.
Well, I wouldn't be
standing here
if it wasn't your belief in me,
so thank you.
Honey, I'm just so glad
that we got to share
this amazing event together.
I must have 1,000 photos to put
on my Christmas movie page.
I am sure you do.
How 'bout one more?
Well, I thought you'd never ask.
- Would you mind?
- Oh, of course.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
You both look beautiful.
Well, I think it's time
for a refill.
Excuse me.
- Uh, so, London?
- Yes.
- I did it.
- Hm.
I really want you to know that
what I said in there I meant.
You were the one that
inspired me to take that part.
Oh... well.
I, uh... I wouldn't have worked
on "My Favorite Santa"
if it wasn't for you
chiming in, so.
We're even.
It turns out I'm not exactly
the showbiz after-party
kind of guy anymore, so um...
I'll see you around.
Bye, Brad.
Kerry, um...
I am so sorry. Ok?
I backed out of that role
'cause of me.
I was selfish.
I was thinking about me
and my brand and my image
and showbiz Brad.
You know, I have spent
most of my life believing
I wasn't enough and you came in
and you changed that.
And part of me wants to
thank you.
You made me real.
I never felt so real in my life
and it terrified me.
So, I did what I do
and I ran and I hid.
I was the coward.
That's on me.
But I am so sorry
that I hurt you.
So I am really happy
that you're doing well.
I think I'm going
to call it a night.
I left you once before and
I am not leaving you again.
Please, give me a chance
to show you...
You just did.
A lot of people
are looking at us.
- You want to get out of here?
- Mmmhmm.
Come with me.
Come on.
Let's go.
Who's your favorite Santa now?
The real one.